#kim pilyoung
weakhero-diaries · 8 months
Weak Hero Musings (9): On Jihoon's and Pilyoung's Human Decency
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During Baekjin (Donald)'s funeral service episodes, several characters surprised me with their human decency. I already posted about Dongha, so now I'll talk about Jihoon and Pilyoung (Phillip).
Jihoon stayed with Seokhyeon (Kingsley) and Hakho (Jake). To wear that one-striped yellow armband means that he shared Seokhyeon and Hakho's physical and mental burden, as the deceased Baekjin's brother. Which was why he was seen exhausted outside of that charnel house. It wasn't just the gloomy atmosphere, he must've lived very roughly in preparing the funeral for days. But he didn't complain of it, and he stayed.
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To be fair to Jihoon, I knew that there's something good in him because he genuinely cared about Jeongyeon (Jack) and sincerely trusted Goseon. Contrary to what strangers might think about him, he didn't care that much about money. But I thought that his own strength was the only thing that really mattered to him.
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Or was it because of this mindset that he was willing to lend his strength to Hakho and Seokhyeon? "I'm strong enough to help you both a little bit?" Was that it? Isn't that still decent and kind, anyway?
Then there was Pilyoung (Phillip), the guy who started out as a showy opportunist. He'd come a long way, spending more and more time alone even though outside of the school he was still wearing that façade of the popular scary thug who had eased his way into building networks. Probably because, unbeknownst to himself, Pilyoung no longer cared for the privilege of things, just for things that mattered.
This gradual growth was what led him to coming alone to Baekjin's funeral. Pilyoung couldn't make it because of his emotional turmoil, but the fact that he was willing to go there in spite of past events, and without any rewards, is a testament that all that Pilyoung was missing about the Union was the feeling of camaraderie with Baekjin (and the others).
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The fact that Pilyoung spent time personally grieving for Baekjin while also wondering about Sieun's absence is an indication of tremendous emotional growth to me. It's so satisfying to see that in a character and a human being.
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weakherodiaries · 8 months
Pilyoung (Phillip)
Whenever I say that Taeoh (Teddy)'s and recent Jimmy (Jihoon)'s development are my faves, I seem to forget Pilyoung's. This dude's development is so ahead of the curve. He, unbeknowst to himself, had been steadily gaining the respect of his former enemies: the thing that he used to look for in the past.
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bidokja · 1 year
Weak Hero Character Names
For those who don't know, the Weak Hero webtoon anglicized a bunch of the characters' first names from Korean to English. They don't do this for newly introduced characters anymore AFAIK, but all the names they anglicized initially have been kept that way.
Since I've gotten a few people asking about the names, so I decided to compile a list of their original Korean names. You can find amost of these on their character profiles on the Weak Hero fandom page, but I figured people would appreciate having a quick reference that is all in one place. Hopefully this helps people learn/connect their original names.
Remember, this is not a full character list, it's for finding the Korean names of the characters that had their names anglicized.
The format will be:
Anglicized Name -> Korean Name (common alternative romanizations will be in parenthesis)
Eunjang High
Alex Go -> Go Hyeontak (Hyun-tak)
Ben Park -> Park Humin (Hoo-min)
Colton Choi -> Choi Hyoman (Hyo-man)
Eugene Gale -> Seo Juntae (Jun-tae)
Gerard Jin -> Jin Gayul (Ga-yool)
Gray Yeon -> Yeon Sieun (Shi-eun)
Phillip Kim -> Kim Pilyoung (Pil-young)
Rowan Im -> Im Juyang (Ju-yang)
Teddy Jin -> Jin Taeoh (Tae-oh)
Daehyeon High
Dean Kwon -> Kwon Hyeokjin (Hyuk-jin)
Jake Ji -> Ji Hakho (Hak-ho | Hagho)
Timothy Park -> Park Taegi (Tae-gi)*
Ganghak High
Jared Sun -> Seon Jongwon (Sun Jong-Wan)
Toby Kim -> Kim Dosik (Do-sik)
Wolf Keum -> Keum Seongje (Sung-je)
Hyeongshin High
Forrest Lee -> Lee Sehan (Se-han)
Myles Joo -> Joo Seungjin (Seung-jin)
Robin Ha -> Ha Minjo (Min-jo)
Sam "Grape" Lee -> Lee Gongsam (Gong-sam)
Yeo-il High
Donald Na -> Na Baekjin (Baek-jin)
Kingsley Kwan -> Kwan Seokhyeon (Suk-hyun)
Yoosun High
Harper "Helmet" Ha -> Ha Huicheol (Hee-chul)
Hugo Yoon -> Yun Hoyeong (Yoon Ho-young)
Jack Kang -> Kang Jeongyeon (Jung-yun)
Jimmy Bae -> Bae Jihun (Ji-hun)
Other Recurring/Relevant Characters
Bryce Oh -> Oh Beomseok (Beom-sok)
Julia Chae -> Chae Yujin (Yoo-jin)
Kenny Ji -> Ji Gwangseok (Gwang-seok)
Lala Lee -> Lee Minji (Min-ji)
Lily Nam -> Nam Jeongah (Jung-ah)
Oswald Yang -> Yang Seonghun (Sung-hoon)*
Sean Shin -> Shin Jeongseob (Jung-sub)*
Stephen Ahn -> Ahn Suho (Su-ho)
Wesley Song -> Song Baekkyu (Beak-gyu)
(* These names weren't on the wiki, so I looked at raws.)
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yuriwangfingermedia · 4 years
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一孕傻三年? 研究揭秘分娩後的大腦真相 一孕傻三年這是真的嗎?根據《科學日報》,有一項大腦測式發現,產後一年以上母親的注意力與未生育過的女性相比,媽媽們的表現同樣出色甚至更好,代表兩者的注意力沒有太大的差別。丹佛大學心理學副教授Pilyoung Kim對此表示,從神經科學的角度來看,女性大腦的某些部分在分娩後可會能生長,特別是為了支持她們作為父母的新角色。 生產完初期生理變化 短期健忘但不會持續變傻 生活中經常聽到以「媽媽腦」來形容母親健忘或注意力減弱的狀態,不過當母親後一定會變傻嗎?根據《科學日報》,美國普渡大學人類學系博士生Valerie Tucker Miller探討女性分娩之後注意力、記憶力、心理活動是否會發生變化。他指出,過去大多數的研究測試對象多為早期生產完階段的女性,當女性有孩子時,本來就會經歷一連串激素和睡眠不足的階段,從而影響大腦中的注意力和記憶,可能會出現健忘和注意力下降的現象,這是很正常的,但這些改變不會永遠持續下去。 生產後與未生育女性 兩者反應時間一樣出色 為了能瞭解女性產後大腦的長期影響,該研究的作者Valerie Tucker Miller分別招募了平均產後一年以上的60位母親和70位未生育的女性進行注意力網路測試(ANT),結果顯示,生產過女性的反應表現與未生育過的女性相比,媽媽們表現同樣出色甚至更好,表示生育與非生育女性在注意力上並沒有太太的差異。 此外,該研究還使用七分量表來作評估測試,發現不管母親身份如何,女性對注意力功能的感知與其測試的注意力得分有著密切的關係,反而與母親身分無關。該研究共同作者、普渡大學人類學助理教授Amanda Veile對此則說,這意味著女性對自己的認知狀態有著精準的認識,她們對自己感知到的注意力功能應該得到重視。 分娩後大腦
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blockheadbrands · 4 years
Colorado Cannabis Stores Will Begin Posting Warning Signs About THC Risks During Pregnancy
Thomas Edward of High Times Reports:
Cannabis has not been proven to be safe for babies that are still in the womb.
Legal weed has been available in Colorado for years, but the law will add a new component in 2020.
Starting January 1, cannabis stores in the state will be required to post warning signs urging caution to pregnant customers about the risks of marijuana to newborns. 
The law is a sign of weed’s ubiquity; what was once a taboo in a number circles is now an everyday routine for many, including those who are with child. Weed has long been considered as verboten to children as other drugs, including alcohol. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that doctors should encourage pregnant women to discontinue marijuana use. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says plainly: “No amount of marijuana has been proven safe to use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.”
But the prevalence and changing attitudes toward marijuana has prompted some to wonder if that is indeed the case.
Researchers at the University of Denver are trying to bring clarity to that question. The school announced in October that Pilyoung Kim, a psychology professor at the University of Denver, is leading a team that is studying the effects of cannabis on pregnant mothers and their babies. 
Kim said she was inspired to get to the bottom of the matter when she was working on a separate research project on poverty and pregnancy. While working on that study, Kim was confronted with a recurring question: “It’s OK to use cannabis while you’re pregnant, right?”
“We were baffled about what to say to these women,” Kim said in a press release. “There is a limited understanding of the effect of cannabis use on themselves and their babies if they are exposed to cannabis inside the womb.”
Some cannabis shops in Colorado have hailed pot as a useful remedy for pregnant women. A study last year on recommendations given to pregnant women at dispensaries in Colorado, one of the first states to legalize recreational pot, found that 69 percent offered the products as a remedy for morning sickness, and that 36 percent said marijuana is safe to use during pregnancy.
In order to help the nearly 800 Colorado businesses comply with the new law ahead of January 1, the nonprofit Smart Colorado has sent out warning signs to all of the stores throughout the state.
“We determined that the state was not providing signage to help Colorado’s marijuana businesses comply with the new law requiring the warning signs so we took the initiative to mail out signs at no cost to the dispensaries,” said Henny Lasley, executive director of Smart Colorado, as quoted by news station KKCO. “It’s important that these fact-based warning messages be prominently placed to counter widespread misinformation that puts the littlest Coloradans at risk.” 
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robbiemeadow · 7 years
Dating Your Wife with Kids Under Five
“She is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen,” you thought when you first laid eyes on that gorgeous woman you now call your wife. She is beautiful, smart, and sophisticated. You pursued her like she was royalty: picking her up for dates, holding doors open, bringing flowers, cooking dinners, the ring, the beautiful wedding. Finally, she became yours.
Fast forward to today. She is still the love of your life, but dating her is like running through an obstacle course, and the babies you had together are both delightful and a terror.
You lean in for a kiss, but you get pushed away by the envious one year old in your wife’s arm. You hug her and the toddler clings to your leg because they also want a hug. You try to have a conversation and every thirty seconds you get interrupted with someone wanting milk, apple juice, crackers, cheerios, and of course the inevitable diaper change. You make plans to go out for dinner and one of the kids gets sick. Perhaps, at last, you decide on an at-home date and she falls asleep during the first thirty minutes of the movie.
But despite this, you, the husband, are her rock star and best friend. Your affirmation and support means the world to her, now more than ever as you raise your children together. In their book And Baby Makes Three, Drs. John and Julie Gottman write that “the greatest gift you can give your baby is a happy and strong relationship between the two of you.”
However, with kids around, maintaining that happy and strong relationship isn’t that easy with all the new changes in your lives.
Research shows that your wife’s brain is changing in pregnancy and motherhood. A study published by Dr. Pilyoung Kim in 2010 shows that her brain is actually growing! Specifically, the gray matter in the prefrontal cortex, parietal lobes, and midbrain areas increases, which is associated with a mother’s positive perception of her baby.
A more recent study completed by Dr. Elseline Hoekzema, published in 2016, indicates that the gray matter in areas associated with social cognition (where we store, process, and use information about other people) decreases, creating a “pruning” effect that results in a mother’s focused attunement to her baby.
Furthermore, hormones released when a mother is with her baby, such as dopamine and oxytocin, create an “in love” feeling that keeps her motivated to return and take care of the tiny human who keeps stealing her sleep. While one study suggests that there is diminishing ability in memorizing words (not recognition or working memory), the majority of difficulty concentrating may be attributed to her lack of sleep and increase in responsibilities.
That being said, she may be more forgetful and absent-minded with certain aspects of life, but she is also a mental genius when it comes to your children’s needs, schedules, and even keeping up with the dirty diapers.
But it is up to both of you to continue to devote time to each other and maintain your relationship. Dating is a great way to keep the love alive, and it is essentially spending quality time together, doing something you both enjoy while simply catching up on what’s going on in each other’s lives. Dating will not just keep you both close to each other, but its positive effects will model a strong and healthy relationship for your children, thus creating a happy home.
The amazing thing about parenting is that you are both doing it together. So, naturally, the first ideas for plans are things you can do with your kids. You can go to a petting zoo, have a backyard campout, or build Lego castles together.
However, spending time together, just the two of you, is just as important as playing with the kids, and going on an actual date together (or having an at-home date) is a great way to maintain the fun and closeness of your relationship. Once the kids are in bed:
Hire a sitter and go out for a dinner date. Over dinner, you could talk about your love maps and explore each other’s worlds, or ask each other about highs and lows of parenting, marriage, and how you can support each other.
Make a pizza together and watch your favorite show on Netflix.
Write each other a poem. (No ideas? Try this.)
Create a bucket list.
Give each other a massage.
Watch a TED talk, then discuss it.
Get a deck of Salsa Cards and talk about how you can spice up your sex life. Then try it.
Make a time capsule that reflects the current moment in your family.
Cook a recipe you’ve never made before.
It can be difficult to make time for yourself and for each other when you have children, but it’s also a great time to grow together in a new way. Make sure to continue building your friendship and keep going on dates, which can be fun, romantic, and will keep your relationship strong. It is, after all, the best gift you can give your children, and also each other.
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  The post Dating Your Wife with Kids Under Five appeared first on The Gottman Institute.
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weakhero-diaries · 8 months
Weak Hero: Eps 264-265 Reaction
TW: Depression, Trauma, Grief
"Sometimes I count up to ten just to see when... when will I see the sun? In my mind I've just begun... " - 'GONE', Thirteen Senses
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During Baekjin (Donald)'s funeral, everyone in the Union was devastated. But the most devastated was Seokhyeon (Kingsley), who found it hard to accept that he really had to prepare the funeral (oh my god how unfair this world was to these kids).
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Whereas Dongha was in tears, while Seongmok, Sehan (Forrest) and Jongyeon (Jack) were too stunned to process the tragedy, Hakho (Jake)'s kindness shone the most during the funeral. In a quick understanding of the human vulnerabilities of the once-omniscient Baekjin and the immovable Seokhyeon, he managed to support Seokhyeon like a friend (and no longer just a fellow executive of the Union) would.
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In the meantime, Jihoon (Jimmy) was coping with his belated realization that, true to his name, all he had ever wanted was to be acknowledged by someone as strong as Baekjin (Jihoon's name means "The Will for A Merit/Recognition").
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To every Union members's surprise and indignation, Humin (Ben) showed up at the funeral, against his friends' advice. Always being genuine and generous (this is also true to the part of his name that means "genuinely generous") , he was paying respects even to his bitterest enemies.
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Being perceptive of the role that Sieun (Gray), and Humin & co.'s in trying to get help for Baekjin that night, Hakho later talked to Humin outside the charnel house. He even asked Humin how Sieun fared, and unfortunately he hadn't showed up to school, and so hadn't Juntae, according to a flashback to Taeoh (Teddy), Juyang (Rowan), Gayool (Gerard) as they talked at school. (WHAT...)
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From a hill behind the charnel house, we saw Hwangho and Seongje (Wolf), paying their last respects, or rather, saying a badass goodbye, to Baekjin.
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Elsewhere in the city, Sieun woke up and washed his face. But his own reflection taunted him, calling him the seed of all misfortunes since he had caused Juntae, Suho (Stephen) and even Baekjin so much unhappiness. (YOU'RE NOT THE SEED OF MISFORTUNE. YOU NEVER WERE, SIEUN. THIS IS ONLY YOUR OWN DEPRESSION TALKING!)
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Sieun couldn't forget Baekjin's last distraught face and words, as he was standing alone and wounded on that road before the tragedy happened. All that Sieun wanted was for the memories to stop but they wouldn't. He tossed and turned in his sleep, beset by the nightmares.
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Meanwhile, to Jihoon's frustration, there were already talks from Seokhyeon that the remaining finances of the Union would be evenly distributed, meaning that no further activities would be made in the name of the Union. He understood however, that everyone was still in shock, although he wondered why "that bastard" Hakho spent so much time with Seokhyeon.
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Hakho told Seokhyon straightforwardly that it was Baekjin's last wish to dissolve the Union, but to Seokhyeon, it was only right to respect Baekjin by maintaining the Union and only temporarily halting its activities. He refused to accept that this was where Baekjin ended up. (Learn to let go, kid, it's not good for your health).
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It wasn't just the Union members' moods that was somber. It turns out that Humin, Hyuntak (Alex/Gogo) and Pilyoung (Phillip) went to the funeral, too.
Hyuntak and Pilyoung didn't go into the funeral house because Hyuntak was only worried about Humin, while Pilyoung was too overwhelmed by his own emotions.
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The other Eunjang kids were gloomy too, especially class 1-5 whose two students still hadn't returned to school. Juntae had regained his consciousness (YESSS) but Sieun went off radar completely. So Humin decided to come to Sieun's house after visiting Juntae at the hospital, and the others agreed. (The fact that only Gayool knew Sieun's address broke my heart, Sieun had never really opened up to his new friends. And Humin, you're such a precious human being).
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Hyoman (Colton) & co. found Pilyoung, and thought that he looked cooler than Humin, standing alone. But Pilyoung was actually privately grieving Baekjin's death and worrying about Sieun, as he realized that what he was missing was not the Union itself but the sense of companionship. Only Hyuntak knew about this as he found Pilyoung crying in a Dorim street alley the other day. (My goodness I love these small details. ALSO PILYOUNG YOU DECENT KID YOU).
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Somewhere far at Donghae Beach Rest Area, a Byeoksan Middle alumni (EDIT: Jihwan a.k.a Jeremy. Also, REMEMBER that he went to Suho and Sieun's middle school) spotted someone that he thought he knew...
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WHO WAS IT? Was it Suho? Oh my god.
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blockheadbrands · 5 years
University of Denver to Study Neurological Effects of Cannabis Use During Pregnancy
Thomas Edward of High Times Reports:
More research is being done on the subject of cannabis and pregnancy.
Alcohol and pregnancy definitely don’t mix, but is it cool for expecting mothers to toke? Researchers at the University of Denver are trying to bring clarity to that question.
Pilyoung Kim, a psychology professor at the school, is leading a team that is studying the effects of cannabis on pregnant mothers and their babies. 
Kim said she was inspired to get to the bottom of the matter when she was working on a separate research project on poverty and pregnancy. While working on that study, Kim was confronted with a recurring question: “It’s OK to use cannabis while you’re pregnant, right?”
“We were baffled about what to say to these women,” Kim said in a press release. “There is a limited understanding of the effect of cannabis use on themselves and their babies if they are exposed to cannabis inside the womb.”
The research could potentially rupture another taboo over marijuana, which has been normalized (and legalized) throughout much of the United States. More than 30 states have legalized medical cannabis, and a growing number of cities and states are doing the same for recreational use. And marijuana has been marketed to pregnant women to help relieve morning sickness. A study last year on recommendations given to pregnant women at dispensaries in Colorado, one of the first states to legalize recreational pot, found that 69 percent offered the products as a remedy for morning sickness, and that 36 percent said marijuana is safe to use during pregnancy. 
Conversely, Kim’s research could lend support to the longstanding wisdom that expecting mothers should avoid marijuana. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that doctors should encourage pregnant women to discontinue marijuana use. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says plainly: “No amount of marijuana has been proven safe to use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.” 
The Methods of the Study
Whatever the ultimate findings, Kim and her team are conducting the study by observing two groups of pregnant women: one that uses cannabis and one that doesn’t. From there, they’ll collect data during the pregnancy; after the baby is born, both the mother and child will undergo  an MRI to determine any impacts related to brain structure and function development.
“We feel there’s a little bit of a mission with this study, more so than some other research projects,” Kim said. “This is going to be really beneficial for moms in this situation. They are motivated to do their best for their baby, and they have a right to access all the right kind of information.”
Kim is one year into the study, which is being funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
“We are trying to do this research with an open mind, so the participants know that we would like to find scientific information that could be helpful to them one way or the other,” Kim said. “There’s a really important role science can play here. It’s to really inform the public so they are empowered to make a decision for themselves.”
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