#kinda goes unsaid that you also need good character development but thats another beast lol
absurd-revolting · 28 days
im putting my entire soul and bussy behind the following writing advice:
learn about a bunch of different ways that stories are traditionally structured (optional but i'll always encourage it)
eventually have it strike you like lightning from the heavens that traditional plot structures all follow the character development of the protagonist, which means that
it is absolutely possible to pace your plot in a way that strays from traditional storytelling but still feels like a natural and satisfying progression for your readers, as long as you structure it roughly along the path of whatever the fuck is happening with your protagonist
sounds like a small obvious thing but this can save you from a lot of headaches if you've been struggling to cram your plot into a traditional model where it might not even belong in the first place. try to isolate the character development of your protagonist, and make that your primary guide instead
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