pondsphuwin · 2 years
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day 3 - favorite couple: kinn x porsche
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kinnxporsche · 2 years
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It’s the way they both smile.
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thatgirl4815 · 2 years
Warm Milk (meta)
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This probably goes without saying, but I think there are several connecting threads between the appearance of warm milk this episode. There are a few telling moments in the dialogue that hint at its symbolism and the animosity between Porsche and Tawan. 
Before I get into it, I also want to mention the innuendo of warm milk and what it *ahem* suggests sexually (shoutout to @atlasshrugd​ because I honestly didn’t even form this connection when I watched). In this meta, I tend to look at warm milk a bit more abstractly, but I think this sexual connection still works with the idea of fighting for Kinn’s affection that shows up as a result of Tawan’s appearance.
Ok, now onto 2 specific scenes…
Warm Milk Scene #1
P: “Where is Ken?”
T: “He’s sleeping. I don’t wanna wake him up. I couldn’t sleep so I had to get some warm milk. You couldn’t sleep too, Porsche?”
P: “...”
T: “Porsche, what are you afraid of? Do you think I would fool Kinn, or are you afraid of something else?”
P: *drinks milk* “Tastes good.”
There’s not a whole lot going on in the conversation itself, but there are a few key takeaways. Tawan puts on this front of comfortability, swirling the milk around with his spoon, leaning up against the counter as if he was invited here rather than simply seeking refuge here. He’s cool and calm, looking up frequently, while Porsche keeps his gaze down with a stoic, reserved expression. 
What does this have to do with warm milk? Well, nothing too obvious--though warm milk is often associated with comfort; it’s connotations are positive. It coincides with how Tawan is outwardly portraying himself, as if he’s meant to be here. I, personally, would not venture to get myself a drink alone while basically being held captive at my ex-boyfriend’s mafia mansion, but obviously we know that Tawan has a game plan. It’s suavity at it’s finest. It’s interesting to me also how this contrasts the Tawan we saw at the beginning of the episode. We know he’s a skilled manipulator because he’s able to quickly shift between feeble & groveling and confident & controlled.
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Aside from body language, Tawan contributes to this persona through the way he phrases his responses. Tawan dominates the conversation with Porsche hardly saying a word. This is telling in and of itself, but I also noticed how Tawan calls Porsche by name twice here. Generally, calling someone by their name in a conversation gives emphasis. It can also be a way of targeting someone, demanding a response by narrowing the focus on them. After these name drops, Tawan goes in for the kill by asking some pretty intensive questions. He’s  still speaking cryptically, but at the same time, he’s addressing the tension between them and Porsche’s owns insecurities. His agenda is like Vegas’s: to create a wall between Kinn and Porsche. But unlike Vegas, he has the advantage of a past relationship with Kinn. The end result is the same, but unlike Vegas, Tawan does not try to rip Kinn apart--but rather, make himself seem revered in Kinn’s eyes.
“Do you think I would fool Kinn, or are you afraid of something else?”
This line catches my attention most, because it’s the first time Kinn is mentioned in the conversation. I’ve rewatched this scene several times, and I think it’s possible to interpret this line in a few different ways. I think what Tawan is really saying here is: Are you really worried that I am going to betray Kinn again, or are you worried that I will take him away from you? If this is really what he’s saying here, then he’s subtly creating a line between what a bodyguard should feel for their boss (not wanting them to get betrayed) and what someone wants for/expects from their significant other (trust).
Porsche, of course, does not play into the game. This is part of the reason why I said in another post (here) that I think Kinn and Porsche handle Tawan’s reappearance relatively well, considering. He manages to weasel his way in between them, and he thinks he succeeds, but I would argue that this is all part of Kinn’s plan in the end. Yes, I think there are still some pretty weighty trust issues between Kinn and Porsche, but I don’t think Kinn really believes that Porsche is the mole. If Tawan thinks that--and truly believes his manipulation is working--then it is easier to take him down/expose his true intentions later on. Then again, we know that Kinn’s judgment goes astray when it comes to Porsche (likely because he’s had such a strained relationship with feelings due to Tawan and his father), so it’s impossible to say for certain. A lot of this episode is made up of subtext, especially between Kinn and Porsche; they share many long looks that portray an array of emotions. It’s just difficult to pinpoint what they are both thinking (but that’s a conversation for another post). 
Warm Milk Scene #2
Porsche and Tawan’s roles have been switched in this last scene between them. Tawan thinks he’s won. Porsche, conversely, keeps his head down, mirroring his reaction during the first warm milk scene. Thankfully, Porsche doesn’t say anything during this scene, which is arguably a sign of defeat, but I can’t help but find it somewhat empowering. He’s not giving Tawan the satisfaction of hearing how broken he is by being locked up by Kinn.
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Two of the most important aspects of this scene are familiarity and role reversal. They guide the dialogue and the expressions between characters.
T: “How is it? Quiet and peaceful, huh? Here’s some hot milk. Drink it. So you’ll get a good sleep.”
One of the interesting things about manipulation, as we’ve seen with both Vegas and Tawan, is how they’re able to present kindly facades. For Tawan especially, this involves feigned concern for Porsche’s well-being. Again, the subtext speaks much more than the characters’s actually do (which honestly goes for the entire show). 
Tawan hints here how he knows the situation Porsche is in, which is a blow for a few reasons. For Porsche, this cuts deep because it is insinuating that he is just the same as Tawan, a betrayer and a sneaky liar. It implies that Kinn sees him the same way he sees his ex, which is understandably one of Porsche’s, and Kinn’s, biggest fears. 
The warm milk comes into play to showcase Tawan’s familiarity with Porsche’s situation here, a reference which no-doubt tortures Porsche immensely. When it comes to body language, Tawan noticeably reaches out to lay a hand on Porsche’s shoulder through the bars; he even offers a little squeeze. Once again, he is confirming his satisfaction with what he sees as winning the battle. Porsche is behind bars while Tawan is out and (mostly) free. Tawan seems to interpret this turn of events as Kinn choosing him which--given Kinn’s attitude towards him--is a stretch. But Tawan is cocky nonetheless, because he’s gotten his foot in the door. Unlike the first ‘Warm Milk’ scene, Kinn has actually done something against Porsche now. Like the first ‘Warm Milk’ scene, Porsche does not engage (though in this case, his posture--slumped on the ground, closed eyes, head down--and silence are all huge signs of defeat). 
Tawan makes a kissy face to top it all off, taunting him, before walking out. Only when he leaves does Porsche open his eyes, looking dejected and even a bit confused. Although the circumstances are quite different, I connect this scene to the bathroom scene a lot in Ep5.
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‘Warm Milk’ & Tawan (Symbolism)
Symbolically, Tawan is like warm milk in that 1) he tries to offer a sense of familiarity to Kinn and use it to manipulate him and 2) he offers false comfort. Warm sour milk would be a better metaphor in this case, but the fact that it’s only “warm milk” hints at Tawan’s well-crafted facade. He wants people to believe he is a certain way, when we see that he is really the exact opposite. Might be a little extensive for this metaphor, but I think it’s worth considering and I just get really hung up on details like this for some reason.
**Tawan looks and seems comforting, but once you actually take a sip of him, you recoil at the sourness.**
~ ~ ~
Another long meta from me. For more KP meta, see this post! And as always, do let me know your thoughts and how you interpreted this episode. A lot of things are very much up-for-interpretation, so I’m curious to know how others saw the ‘warm milk’ thing (or if I’m just reading into it wayyyy too far). 
Until next time...<3
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everyforkedroad · 2 years
Genre romance, bias, and Kinnporsche
I know I'm asking for it, but I feel like I have to get this off my chest.
The bias against the romance genre is one of the constant elements across all media that I consume and Kinnporsche: The Series is no exception. Kinn and Porsche are given a classic romance arc, complete with a meet cute, the end of act crisis, incoming black moment and resolution. And yet, despite the series being marketed as a mafia romance people are still out here complaining about...the romance? Like, did they not get the memo that they are watching...a high concept romance between Kinn and Porsche set in a mafia world? Do they realize romance has conventions like any other genre that need to be followed? If viewers came for the mafia stuff and were disappointed by the lack of gore, angst and trauma wrt the main couple, and are rebelling against the fluff that KP has been serving up, it might simply be that they are shopping in the wrong genre.
I realize a lot of the blame for the disparity between expectation and what the show delivered is also the fault of the novel, which did a piss-poor job of, well, basically everything except for the plot (which, together with the sex scenes, is why I suspect it became so popular despite its numerous and egregious defects). However, the show does a phenomenal job of taking the best elements of the novel and leaving the chaff on the cutting room floor.
Even with this fact in mind, the novel itself is presented as a romance and though it has some moments of grit, it doesn't make it any less of a romance. As such, the romantic elements, including the fluff and showing the couple being in love, are strong because that's kind of the point. It's a convention of the genre to show the reader/viewer why the two love interests should be together. The only way to do that is to show them in full, unabashed love. And that's going to include fluff, sex, and even the kind of rom-com humor that is, coincidentally, also a part of Thai storytelling conventions as well.
We should be grateful because Kinnporsche actually does something very clever, reserving the classic romance arc for KinnxPorsche, while serving up dark romance with VegasPete (very well done, I might add) and even giving us a little traditional BL/yaoi fix with KimxChay. There really is something for everyone, and they manage to make it work.
So when I see people complain about the fluffier elements of Kinnporsche, all I can think is, how do you say you hate romance without saying you hate romance?
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superlocktvd · 2 years
KinnPorsche | Press Conference
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The amount of happiness that is radiating on the faces of the KinnPorsche Cast makes all the decisions by BoC worth it. The cast relishes each other presence and since KinnPorsche season 2 hasn’t been confirmed it’s like, they had to find a way to stick together. They might not be the best for that there is at least for some (I saw some tweets), but God forbid if somebody comes at them I gonna go absolutely Feral.
Build on saxophone is divine, Ping looks so much in his element on Drums, Mile and Bas on Guitars on stage in from of so many people, Jeff and Barcode singing, even Apo-how he finds confidence, Bible with his moves and all the other cast cheering them on and contributing every way they can.
Mile and Apo sharing smiles and moments, especially when they have told how difficult it is for them to verbally tell how thankful they are for each other. The cast being absolute supportive of each other is indeed so nice to see. 
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loveandbeloved816 · 2 years
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out of anyone, it’s porsche who deserves a rich mafia boyfriend who can take him on exclusive helicopter rides for his birthday, absolutely
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asylumwise · 2 years
Yes I really like fics with A/B/O dynamics, but I prefer those who don't fixate on the biological aspect of it all. The mindless ruts and feral sex (though I don't mind it). Instead, give me all the fics with the endlessly romantic mating rituals, the long courtship with rules and gifts and dating. Culminating in the almost cathartic love-making with the claiming mark. Or, you know, a combination of both 😁
Now, it's easy to see why Kinn is always the Alpha and Porsche the Omega or Alpha-to-be-won-over. I love it and I've read some VERY good fics for both. Shoutout to Iffervescent and Aby01 for some of the best fics I've ever read!
But you know what I'd like to read? The other way around. Kinn as a powerful Omega, head of a mafia clan, who locks eyes with cute bartender Alpha Porsche and they both just know. They can almost smell their compability.
And then Porsche is like, "How? How do I court this man who already has everything? How do I show the third richest man in Bangkok that I can provide for him?"
Cue angst and Porchay having to enter courting negotiations with Tankhun.
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asthrapolaris · 2 years
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KinnPorsche aesthetic
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I can't even look at bread anymore.
How dare they.
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auseyre · 1 month
Despite the rather, er... interesting shenanigans with food in KP, the true showcase is Pete and food as a theme throughout the series. For Pete, food is a mark of comfort, connection, and love. He is completely devoted to his job and following the rules.
In fact, the only bodyguard rule we see Pete break involves food and, specifically, food his grandmother sends him. He connects to Porsche by sharing it with him, before even sharing his name, marking the beginning of their friendship.
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Pete doesn’t complain about the bodyguard food, because while it’s not appetizing, it is healthy, which is important to help him stay in shape for his job. Eating that healthy food is a mark of his connection to and love of his job, his purpose.
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When Vegas is holding him prisoner, at first he refuses to eat(i.e. connect to Vegas) He gets beaten for it, but that still doesn’t make him concede. He’s imprisoned and starving and still, food means so much to him that he won’t give in. Literally, this guy shrugged off torture, but an unappetizing meal? That’s a bridge too far. Metaphorically, this is him rejecting what Vegas is offering him right now(being treated like a pet, eating off the floor).  
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Even after Vegas bandages him up and gives him medicine, he rejects the food. (You treated my wounds but I’m still leary. Is this really a change? Because it still looks like the old crap)
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It’s not until Vegas makes the noodles for Pete, hot, fresh served to him in bed, that they really make the first connection.
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Food is not only the way that Vegas and Pete really connect for the first time. It’s the way that Vegas sees Pete for the first time. 
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Once he understands how important food is to Pete, not just sustenance but more, he happily goes out of his way to offer Pete that. That’s why it’s particularly egregious that Gun knocks the food onto the floor. He’s not only disrespecting and dismissing Vegas’ efforts, he’s literally dirtying and destroying the connection between Vegas and Pete. 
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Pete and Vegas separately try to recreate the comfort of the connection between them with food, but they can’t.
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By the pool, Pete deliberately uses that connection to try and pull Vegas off the ledge and back to him.
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When Pete says “I’m hungry,” he means, I need connection, I need comfort, I need love. 
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And when Vegas asks if someone else can give him that, his response says no. No. Only Vegas can give him that. 
And finally, the epilogue begins with Pete coming back to the hospital with food for Macau, building new connections of comfort and love.
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The show does such a beautiful job of character-building for these characters. They never feel like an afterthought in the KinnxPorsche show.
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insomniacpreacher · 2 years
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KinnxPorsche & VegasxPete 's hospital cuddles
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pondsphuwin · 2 years
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lhasa de sela // love came here
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kinnxporsche · 2 years
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I would not be able to breathe if someone looked at me like that.
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subtextsays · 2 years
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KinnPorsche Week 2022
Day 3 - KinnxPorsche
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davincsoo · 1 year
Not me writing a ghost!kinnxporsche fic where kinn gets a body after having been a ghost for years and years and then Porsche watching as kinn enjoys his new body (and maybe even Porsche enjoying kinns new body ;])
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myezblog · 2 years
Joke in name of an episode..
What a total waste of an episode..
What crap was this..
Seeing bug eating and bread eating and vegetable cutting..
(ok can excuse veggie eating because that atleast gives airtime to Us and JJ)..
But this is what we are wasting precious minutes on BOC? Instead of driving the story.. if you bloody don’t have a solid thing to show for KinnXPorsche.. show other characters..
there are plenty of characters.. give me Tankhun and his crazy. .. if nothing else..
So disappointing!
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