#kongo's brother
momentary-moss · 9 months
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Shh, it's going to be okay
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mieowkoid09 · 5 months
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He’s literally here for the vibes
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talonssurfacinganmask · 6 months
Random Headcanon time!
(Or a general AU idea)
Some implied Spoilers below
Kongo is made of an secret 7th Meteorite that crashed on earth before the ones that destroyed most of the planet’s countries’ land, the Human Scientists found it and brought to the whatever UN lab thing (if that even still exists before they almost go Ka-boom Ka-Blam! Era) or wherever Doctor Ayumu was and found brought to the lab.
His old and maybe first body was a ball like or Circular shaped kinda like his brother where he’s a Cube
Making him had trial and errors because he kind a always get broken because of his power or the Scientists weren’t always careful when testing him(and always accidentally get kicked like a soccer ball rolling around), However Ayumu decided that he needed a new body(Based off of Kongo saying he had been switched in that flashback in Phos) because of this so she worked on a new body for him /w synthetic lonsdaleite because of his powers somehow relays on a small piece of lonsdaleite from the meteorite he made from.
And then. It was finally completed the body we all know that Kongo has.
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splickedylit · 4 months
every time a character is introduced with a big/arched/hooked/crooked nose and then slowly loses it to artstyle creep as the series goes on, an angel loses its wings and by an angel losing its wings I mean me, on the floor, softly weeping
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cebwitch · 3 months
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Things are happening again
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i think ichikawa is (maybe?) trying to make a point abt generational trauma. as kongo was just made as a praying machine, that was all he was. that was his purpose.
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kongo made jobs for the gems before, but he made them think that those jobs were all they were, their purpose was their only (defining) trait. the societies refused to change, this is much like in real life.
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both brongo (brother+kongo) and phos were "useless" in the eyes of their societies,
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brongo was forgotten abt most of the time and phos was only seen as an inconvenience in the eyes of the gem society. phos breaks this pattern by not wanting to do harm like this to the rocks and not doing so. and i think this is also how brongo the goober and phos bond in general, but thats just my opinion. also this is copy and pasted from my yt comment!!!!!!!!!
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Oh? What’s this? Another chance to write about a polyship with the Kongo brothers? Don’t mind if I do, hahaha! I adore this polyship so much and, using the same prompt as the previous one, had such a blast writing these headcanons! I hope you all enjoy!
Who is the one who would go up to a random elder in a coffeeshop and ask them about their life?
I feel like Unsui has a real respect for his elders and, in a lot of cases, is actually more at ease talking to people older than him than he is talking to people his own age. And he genuinely likes to hear about older people’s lives and tries to find wisdom and life lessons that he can bring into his own life from their stories.
Who hates checking out books because checking them out means interacting, and that is always awkward?
While definitely more of the introvert, Unsui has no problem with small, routine interactions like this and he checks out books fairly frequently since he likes to read. Agon doesn’t often read so he doesn’t even have a library card. He gets someone to buy him a book if he ever does feel the urge to read something in particular. So that means it is you with this issue, if anyone. And if you do have this issue, Unsui is so supportive of you and helps you deal with it. He has no problem with checking out your books for you, provided you agree to go with him to the library, both to spend time with him and to take baby steps into being more comfortable with small, routine interactions of that sort.
Who is the one to use toilet paper as tissues and carries it around all day?
I feel like Agon has all kinds of proper handkerchiefs, probably fancy ass monogramed ones and that his brother even sticks travel packs of tissues in his bag, but the asshole will either openly cough or sneeze or will just use toilet paper. He doesn’t keep it with him all day though but just kind of chucks it away.
Who is the one who carries around $100 just in case there is some apocalypse and they need to buy gear?
Agon always has cash on him, but not for an apocalypse. It’s for him to spend it if he wants something. Unsui carries a fair amount of cash in case of emergencies, probably in his shoe, but uses it only for emergencies. So, if it’s for this particular reason, it’s gotta be you or nobody, dear reader.
Who is the one who points with their chin?
Agon isn’t the most respectful person, as I’m sure you’re all aware and he does this and it bothers the shit of his brother, honestly. Unsui hates it but grits his teeth and bites his tongue and Agon won’t react well if you try to chastise him for it either.
Who is the one who takes pictures of their food and Instagrams it?
Agon had a phase like this, where his Instagram was all his meals, his new clothes, the things he bought or were gifted, just projecting this really fancy brand for himself. It continued for a couple months until he got bored with Instagram completely. He only uses it now for the pictures and messages with the hot women he follows.
Who is the one who reads fanfiction daily?
This would have to be you, dear reader, and yeah, Agon probably makes fun of it sometimes because he’s kind of a jerk, no matter how much he genuinely does grow to care about you. Unsui is perfectly fine with your hobby of reading fanfiction but isn’t really all that into reading it himself, unless you insist he read something in particular.
Who is the one to write fanfiction?
If Unsui ever got into fanfiction, which I don’t think would really happen but it’s a nice thought, I do headcanon that he’d be an absolutely amazing fanfiction author, with well written and nuanced takes on the characters and solid storylines. He’d never give any hints as to who he was outside of the fanfiction and he’d keep it a really big secret, honestly, hiding it really well from anyone who knew him.
Who is the one who cosplays?
This would have to be you and probably you alone. Unsui would be a little too embarrassed about playing ‘dress up’ to cosplay with you, no matter how nicely you asked and would expect you to appreciate and respect his boundary there. You could probably get Agon to cosplay with you, but only if you promised to wear a really skimpy or sexy cosplay and probably would still have to be promised some sort of sexual favour to do it.
Who is the one who likes to quote movies, books, and songs in conversation?
Not so much books and movies, but Unsui does find himself quoting philosophers fairly regularly, often without meaning to.
Who is the one to burst out into song randomly?
Randomly? It’s definitely neither of these boys. Agon will sing or rap along to songs he likes when they’re playing and he’s really just too damn good at it while Unsui hums along to songs he likes occasionally but full out singing out of nowhere…nope, not something either of them would ever do, leaving it to be you or nobody. Note though that if you ever try to initiate a sick rap battle with Agon, he will fucking end you during it. That damn natural born luck and skill at almost everything he does, seriously.
Who is the one who secretly uses their neighbours WiFi?
Agon either steals or has someone else pay for his Wi-Fi. He’s not paying for something that he honestly thinks should be free for public use.
Who is the one who safety pins friendship bracelet strings to their clothing so they could have something to do if bored?
This would, again, have to be you, my dear reader, or nobody. That being said, if you make friendship bracelets and give one to Unsui, he will treasure it and wear it. Giving one to Agon…again, he can be a dick and he might make fun of you or call it a cheap gift and act like he hates it. He might even act like he threw it away…he didn’t though. He won’t actually wear it but he carries it around in his pocket every day, though he’d hate for you to know that.
Who is the one who played/plays an obscure instrument just to be different?
Unsui plays the xylophone…and that’s pretty damn obscure of an instrument. Pretty useless too, honestly, but it’s a skill he’s somewhat proud of nonetheless.
Who is the one who puts bajillions of stickers on their door/wall?
It’s neither of the boys, so it would have to be you. Unsui is very minimal in his décor and aesthetics while Agon throws away a lot of the stickers he gets since he’s just not into them at all.
Who is the one who likes to rewatch the same movies?
Getting repetitive but this is you, just by process of elimination. Agon doesn’t really have ‘favourite’ movies or anything. He’s seen it once and he either liked it or he hated it. He doesn’t feel the need to go back and rewatch them, not when there’s no shortage of new things he hasn’t seen before. Unsui, on the other hand, doesn’t actually watch a lot of television or movies. He enjoys them on rare occasions but it’s normally someone else picking the movie or television show and him just watching it with them. He prefers to spend his time reading, training, or things along those lines.
Who is the one who uses bootlegs to watch their favourite movies/TV shows?
Oh, it’s definitely Agon. If he can get bootlegs for free, why should he bother paying? It just seems like a logical thing, right?
Who is the one that writes on their arm to remind themselves to do something?
Neither Unsui nor Agon do this. Agon figures if it’s important, he’ll remember it and if he forgets about it, it obviously wasn’t important. Unsui uses either an app for reminders or has a planner, probably even a mixture of both, just to make sure he remembers anything he had planned. So, it’s you if anybody.
Who is the one who owns dozens of pencils but is too lazy to sharpen them?
This is Agon with pencils but not because he doesn’t sharpen them. He just often forgets to bring one with him and tends to mooch them off other people and then never return them, so he has quite a few pencils just laying around.
Who is the one who uses YouTube for their music because they don’t want to buy/download anything?
Agon actually has people who pay for his music subscriptions, usually some woman or Unsui. Unsui actually pays for a family plan, just for the reason that he knows that it will come in handy and will give both his brother and you access to music without having to steal songs or having to watch countless ads.
Who is the one who always wears the same shoes?
Agon is a fashion boy who loves himself a good pair of shoes and owns a pretty obscene amount of them, to be completely honest. Unsui also owns several pairs, just different shoes for different tasks, so it’s you or nobody!
Who is the one to do asks like this?
Honestly, Agon gets a kick out of things like this and might give it a try to kill a bored moment. Unsui doesn’t really understand the appeal and wouldn’t much like doing them. If you do them, Agon will usually do them with you though.
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konboyblues · 2 months
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homeboy really kickstarted the extinction of the human race, and did not give a single FUCK. now he's getting ready to die and go home to his mama. i don't even know if robots have souls in this manga, or if they go to heaven, but i don't think it matters. i think bc HE thinks he's gonna get to see his mama again, then it's gonna happen. bc he willed it. bc despite hating the human race, he too became more human with every act of kindness after having forged humanity's final destruction. i'd say he and phos paralleled each other perfectly. kongo's brother being the OG phos...... ichikawa, you goon
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2stepadmiral · 2 months
After arriving in Metru Nui, the Turaga began to occasionally call each of the Toa ‘brother’ or ‘sister’, partially an acknowledgment of their past lives, partially to acknowledge the success that the Toa Nuva have earned, and largely as camaraderie in the bond that they share as Toa or former Toa.
Tahu outwardly acts like it’s only right that he’d be addressed as such, trying to make others believe that he accepts it in stride, but inwardly, he is humbled by the acknowledgment. The Turaga see through his bluster and appreciate his humility.
Onua is outwardly quite humble and appreciative when it happens, but inwardly, he doesn’t quite see himself as being worthy of being addressed by such wise beings as the Turaga, who he holds in high esteem, so he usually comes off as a little bashful when he responds in kind.
The Turaga started being reluctant to call Gali ‘sister,’ largely because she reacts to the title, by pushing herself a little too hard to prove that she is worthy of the acknowledgment. She once to stayed up all night for two days while repairing an aqueduct in Ga-Metru, and when she could barely keep awake during a meeting with the Turaga, everyone immediately decided that Nokama should not call Gali sister anymore.
Kopaka typically glances at whoever called him this and slightly nods, sort of a polite acknowledgment, but those who know him best, especially Nuju, know that he is actually quite touched by the endearment, and he has to be stoic to keep up appearances. Whenua, having the best hearing, has multiple times heard Kopaka whisper ‘thank you, brother’ in response to Nuju or Vakama.
Takanuva started out being quite flustered when he was called brother by any of the elders, still being unused to being called brother even by the other Toa, but as he grew used to his powers and his responsibilities, he began to accept it in stride. He still won’t return the title, since he still uncomfortable with the idea of calling any of the Turaga by that term, but he is still moved by the respect they show him.
Lewa was delighted when they started calling him brother, But he’s also somewhat amused, often laughing when they call him that. To Lewa, it’s still difficult to imagine these wise old beings as Toa heroes, so he can’t always keep himself from laughing. Even so, he never fails to respectfully return the honorific.
The Toa Mahri have varying degrees of acceptance of the honorific. Jaller is proud to carry the title, and Hahli is eager to prove herself worthy of the honorific (though not as much as Gali). Kongo is a bit smug about it, Nuparu takes it in stride, and Hewkii tends to get sort of ‘aw, shucks’ about it. All of them are somewhat muted in their response, mostly because Nuju was the first to call them brother and sister. They all understand that Nuju calls them that as much as he does in memory of Matoro, and his regret that he never got to see his friend as a Toa and call him ‘brother’ in person. The Mahri learned the bird speak for Brother and Sister, and they always call Nuju brother right back.
And the Turaga universally agreed never to call Pohatu ‘brother’ again shortly after the first few times. After then, he began exclusively referring to the Turaga as brother or sister, always with extreme enthusiasm that the elders often find exasperating and often demanding fist bumps from any Turaga he encounters for days after. Most of them just quietly stopped calling him that, except for Onewa, who continued occasionally calling him brother when he felt he had earned it, but after Pohatu found out that Turaga Dume had been a Toa, the seven had an official meeting where they unanimously voted not to call Pohatu brother anymore. Matau still occasionally calls him that, though, because he personally thinks it’s fucking hilarious when Pohatu tries to fist bump Nuju.
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kemetic-dreams · 1 month
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Most of the enslaved Africans brought to Barbados were from the Bight of Biafra (62,000 Africans), the Gold Coast (59,000 Africans), and the Bight of Benin (45,000 Africans).[2] Other African slaves came from Central Africa (29,000 slaves), Senegambia (14,000 Africans), the Windward Coast (13,000 slaves) and from Sierra Leone (9,000 slaves).
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Africans from the Bight of Biafra were primarily Igbo, Ibibio and Efik; Africans from the Gold Coast were primarily Akan; Africans from the Bight of Benin were primarily Yoruba, Ewe and Fon; and Africans from Central Africa were primarily Kongo
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I’m originally from Igbo – US singer Rihanna opens up
Forbes’ wealthiest female singer, Rihanna, has disclosed that she is originally an Igbo woman.
Igbo is one of the dominant tribes in Nigeria, and the singer and brand influencer said her mother told her so.
Forbes recently named Rihanna a billionaire and she was officially recognised one of the wealthiest female musicians in the world.
Rihanna’s net worth is estimated at $1.7 billion while still receiving almost $1.4 billion from her beauty cosmetics l
Rihanna’s other fortune comes from her lingerie company Fenti, which is worth another $270 million, among other businesses.
Her mother is an Afro-Guyanese, while her father is a Barbadian of African and Irish descent.
She said: “My mom told me that I am originally an Igbo woman. Igbo is a tribe in Africa,” the singer said in a recent interview and has trended in Nigeria’s social media space for many hours.
Many Nigerians on social media, especially those from the Igbo tribe are now asking her to return to her roots, while others hailed her for coming out with the revelation.
Rihanna also has two brothers, Rorrey and Rajad Fenty.
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sabigawa · 5 months
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this is from like, early last year lmfao that I never got around to posting-- atla AU!
it's not really that fleshed out, I just know it would be set post atla but before lok, before republic city is the metropolis that it is in lok. So I put the original gaang to be around their 40's-50's?
the Kongo brothers are from a mixed family, with a firebending father and a non-bender, water tribe mother. Agon is a fire bender, and as in canon, a prodigy in everything he does (he even has blue flames because he sucks like that). because they grew up with a firebender as a parent, and because they lived in a predominantly fire-nation neighborhood, Agon ended up getting the most attention and praise for his bending accomplishments, and he proudly incorporates both fire-nation and water-tribe clothing styles into his day-to-day wear mainly because he likes standing out.
Unsui is a water bender. he's a hard worker and practices for hours every day, but he didn't have the guidance of a water-bender parent, and no matter how hard he worked he could never get close to Agon's skill. sometimes he looks at Agon firebending, and seeing his blue flames while he seamlessly incorporates water bending techniques into his firebending as though it's the easies thing in the world makes Unsui feel as though Agon isn't just the better bender, but the better water bender too. eventually Unsui gives up trying to compete with his twin. it gets to a point where he stops wearing water tribe colors at all as a way to stand out less as a water bender.
Hiruma is a non-bender. he seems to know every nook and cranny of every district in republic city, but no one know where he actually lives. he spends his time being a menace to society with his blackmail book, gambling, and inventing things (he doesn't patent any of his work-- he privately invented hair dye (or bleach, in this case) and uses it only for himself so that people are unnerved by his appearance. rumors that he has something to do with the spirit world follows him around, but he neither denies nor confirms). he and Agon meet one day in a shady alleyway on the rough side of town....
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mieowkoid09 · 1 year
These polls are quite fun so ima do some more
I do still wonder where that child of Welegato and Enma is- And I'm scared also-
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talonssurfacinganmask · 11 months
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Also happy birthday to my dad
Adamant’s brother and The Wreckers symbol look so silly
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splickedylit · 3 months
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Eyeshield 21 doodling time will always devolve into Kongo brothers doodling time. Playing around with twins and twin-adjacent expression differences
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buckybarnesb-tch · 8 months
Klaus Mikaelson Playlist
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Werewolf-Motionless in White
Bad Moon Rising-Mourning Ritual
Game of Survival-Ruelle
Believer-Imagine Dragons
Ribcage-Andy Black
Kill of the Night-Gin Wigmore
Bodies-Drowning Pool
Last Resort-Papa Roach
Centuries-Fall Out Boy
Start A Fire-Ryan Star
Sink or Swim-Falling in Reverse
Why Worry-Set it Off
Immortals-Fall Out Boy
Just Pretend-Bad Omens
Seven Devils-Florence + the Machine
Legends are Made-Sam Tinnesz
Don’t Threaten Me with a Good Time-P!@tD
Beaten in Lips-Beartooth
Things We Lost in the Fire-Bastille
bad guy-Billie Eilish
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing-Set it Off
You Should See Me in a Crown-Billie Eilish
Big Bad Wolf-In This Moment
Heathens-21 Pilots
I Will Not Bow-Breaking Benjamin
Killer in the Mirror-Set it Off
My Life-Billy Joel
Howl-Florence + the Machine
Evil Angel-Breaking Benjamin
Feel Invincible-Skillet
Raised By Wolves-Falling In Reverse
Throne-Bring Me the Horizon
Untouchable-Motionless in White
I Told You I Was Mean-Elle King
Like a Villain-Bad Omens
Demons-Imagine Dragons
Angel Eyes-New Years Day
Emperors New Clothes-P!@tD
Criminal-Britney Spears
Soft-Motionless in White
Popular Monster-Falling in Reverse
Messed Up-Once Monsters/Chloe Adams
Been to Hell-Hollywood Undead
Someone to You-BANNERS
Natural-Imagine Dragons
The Devil Within-Digital Daggers
Animal I Have Become-Three Days Grace
That’s What I Like-Bruno Mars
I’m So Sorry-Imagine Dragons
Fuck Away the Pain-Divide the Day
Born for Greatness-Papa Roach
Young God-Halsey
Just Like You-Falling in Reverse
Paint it Black-Ciara
The Resistance-Skillet
Hell Above-Pierce the Veil
Legacy-Motionless in White
Come with Me Now-KONGOS
Sarcasm-Get Scared
Bad Mother Fucker-MGK
Whatever it Takes-Imagine Dragons
S.O.S-The Glorious Sons
Masterpiece-Motionless in White
Human-Rag’n’Bone Man
In the End-Black Veil Brides
Dead Hearts-Stars
Monster-Reckless Love
Born for This-The Score
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