#ktaw day 4
It's now Day 4 of KTAW!! We're halfway through the week and the entries we've gotten so far have been amazing. Can't wait to see more from you all!
We have two themes, again, for tomorrow.
Our first is a skill and trait that most of the Theron family is great at - Diplomacy! Kiara has been a great example of diplomacy-centric politics ever since we have met her - evaluating the MC's ability to navigate the social season a mere 3-4 events in. Hakim, her father, is a diplomat too who uses his reach and skills to make Cordonia a better country, as does her mother Joelle. It would be great to explore what diplomacy looks like to Kiara and the Therons.
Our second theme is Nature. You can interpret this in different ways - natural surroundings, nature vs nurture, you name it!
Any content is welcome!! Just make sure your work centers Kiara, and presents a positive depiction of her. Fic, art, meta, headcanons, edits, icons, interactive media, even simple character appreciation posts!! We also accept WIPs, so if your piece isn't entirely complete by the end of the week, fret not - you can still send us the WIPs!
The themes are simply inspirations. If you bring a piece for one of the days later, it's entirely okay...just make sure you tag the posts with the day you meant it for! We will always be keeping a bonus week in case you couldn't complete the piece during the week itself, so our official deadline for pieces will be June 1st!
We'd also like all of you to know that KTAW 2024 will be open ALL YEAR ROUND. So if you're unable to finish a piece before June 1st, pls do send it whenever you're ready to (and tag us!), and it will definitely be up on our masterlist!!
Be sure to do the following when you make your posts:
1. Use the tags #kiaratheronappreciationweek and #KTAW in your posts. Make sure to tag the day as well (#KTAW Day 1, #KTAW Day 2, etc)
2. Tag @kiaratheronappreciationweek as well as hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes in your work!
Fan Community blogs are super important to our promotion of events, so we'd definitely love for you to check out some of these awesome blogs and their challenges:
@choicesficwriterscreations - Primarily fanfic and fanart (no AI allowed). Check out their rules and roster of events!
@choicesmonthlychallenge and @choicesmaychallenge24 - Any and all content welcome! This month's prompts are delightfully Greek mythology-themed!
@choicespride - Any and all content welcome, as long as it centers LGBTQ+ characters and/or themes! They will be hosting this year's pride event soon!
@choicesholidays - Any and all content welcome, as long as it is centered around one of the holidays listed! Currently, they are hosting Spring Fling!
@choicesprompts - Any and all content welcome! Currently no events, but you could check out all the cool stuff they've been up to so far!
@choicescommunityevents - Any and all art welcome as long as it is on-theme! Currently hosting the AAPI Heritage Month!
SO excited to see all your entries!!!
Happy Kiara Theron Appreciation Week, everyone!!
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KTAW Day 4: Nature
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Fae Queen of the Flowers Kiara Theron AU
Becauae she deserves a pretty dress too! ♥️
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lizzybeth1986 · 15 days
Moodboard: KTAW Day 4 - Nature
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Thought I'd make a moodboard that would be a bit of a nod to Castelserraillan's forest origins. Bellemere was a large, heavily forested area, and its castle was surrounded by thorns (the pic I used is actually of a Disney theme park version of the palace in Sleeping Beauty). They had trees such as Heart Oak, which produced woods so strong one could make weapons out of them.
We haven't seen a lot of modern-day Castelserraillan (which TRH confirmed was once Bellemere) but we can guess that it is just as naturally rich. Their sigil is the owl and due to Joelle's influence (herself being from Loire), they are also known for their fantastic vineyards!
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twinkleallnight · 1 year
Home is where my family is.
Book: TRR AU
Characters: Rashad x Kiara, Noah their son.
Word count: 2533
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry.
Rating: Mature
Warning: assassin attack, violence, hospital, sickness.
A/N: Meet Kiara and Rashad's grown up son Noah and live their story. Thanks a ton to @lizzybeth1986 for brainstorming this one. Not beta'd . Errors are all mine. Hope you enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing it.
Prompt: Day 4 of @kiaratheronappreciationweek .
Holding hands, forehead kisses and love confessions for @choicesmonthlychallenge
Prompt 1&3 for @choicesflashfics week 23
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It was a silent and gloomy morning. The weather was dull, the clouds refrained the warmth of sun rays from reaching the lap of the earth.
The young man turned his back to the window but the room was equally depressing. He ran his fingers through his thick, wavy, black hair. He pulled them back shaking his brains for some solution to the problem at hand. His mind again reached a dead end and he released his grip in frustration. His silky hair bounced back to softly kiss his temples.
His dark chocolate eyes flickered between the wall clock and the display of numbers on a monitor. He thanked God for blessing him with the knowledge of medicine. It was helping him keep a check on the vital signs. 'Few more minutes.' he counted. His eyes developed a mist when he took in the sight of the listless figure lying on the bed. The room was quiet and It may feel unoccupied lest for the constant beep of the monitor. A monitor giving a sign of the body that was alive, breathing, surviving.
He heard a soft murmur. He leapt forward to the bed. Her whimpers grew louder but they were still incoherent. He rested his hand on her shoulder to calm her down. She opened her eyes in response. Her vision was blurred after the heavy medication. She lifted her hand to touch him. Her fingers trembled. He supported her hand. She reached his wavy hair and combed her hand through them. "Rashad?"
He felt a bit disappointed. She was in delirium. "It's me, Maman. Noah. Pappy will be here anytime now."
"Hmmm." she let out a weak moan and closed her eyes. In a couple of seconds, she was again fast asleep.
Noah let out a sigh. He settled back in his chair, next to her. His thoughts took him down the memory lane when he was a little boy.
"Maman, I am your son, I am not Pappy's son, right?" He asked her innocently, sitting in her lap.
"And why does my bébé think so?" She questioned him.
"Pappy is brown. But I am darker like you."
Kiara threw her head back in laughter. "Yes Noah, you have the same colour like Maman and Pappy is brown because he has less melanin than us."
"Mill an? What is that?"
"Mon petit doctor! Melanin are tiny colour dots in our body."
"Maman, when I grow up to become a doctor I will help Pappy get more dots."
"He doesn't need more, Noah. We are all made different and we are beautiful in our own ways."
"Then how will I have something the same as Pappy?"
"You already have. You have your Pappy's beautiful hair." She raked her fingers through his fluffed side locks and pulled them back. His hair bounced back just like Rashad's did. Kiara bent down to kiss Noah's hair over his temple.
"And most important of all you have got your Pappy's big heart."
"But my heart is tiny."
"It is. But you have the power to love us all with your tiny little heart. Maman loves you for that."
Noah came back from his reverie and wiped the corner of his eyes. He chuckled then picked up his phone to message his father.
'She woke up for a few minutes.
I was next to her
but she thought it was you.'
He hit the send button and softly placed the cell phone on the table, without a sound. He then reclined on the chair to relax for sometime. 'Pappy will be here soon. Hold on, Maman.' he tried telling her, before closing his eyes.
Rashad was lost in memories of Kiara while his driver maneuvered the SUV around the bends of the road through the mountains. A smile played on his lips as he remembered their petty fights at work, when she was just an acquaintance. And he was possibly the most annoying professional colleague to her. Their first meeting for the council work was still fresh in his mind. As if it was yesterday….
Her chamber was located on the second floor right next to the staircase. A brass nameplate hung over the wooden door. As her daily ritual she stood in front of her office and read out proudly, “Kiara Theron, Minister of External Affairs.”
“If you are done gloating, we can start doing some actual work.” His husky male voice startled her. She turned to face Rashad who held a bunch of files in his hands. He forced his way through the doors of her office, ignoring her.
Kiara stomped behind him. He dumped the documents on her table with a thud and turned around. She was right in his face, furious, as she yelled at him, “Who do you think you are? Speaking rudely to me and then barging right into my office without my permission.”
He placed his finger on her tiny nose and gently pushed her back. “I prefer to talk across the table. Safe distance, you see.”
Kiara stumbled in her step before stabilizing herself. She moved across the table and pointed towards the door, “And I prefer you knock on the door before you come in and talk to me.”
He shrugged his shoulders, “Fine, I will inform His Majesty that the external affairs Minister was too busy drowning in her own glory to talk.” He picked up the files and started walking towards the door.
“Hey, wait!” He didn’t listen. “I said, STOP.”
He froze but didn’t turn back. Kiara scooted towards him. She stood between the door and Rashad. “Liam sent you?”
“Not exactly. I thought I would come to your office and make it easy for you, since it’s your first time working with my department.”
Kiara crossed her arms, “And this is how you welcome a new colleague?"
"I am sorry." He started checking his pockets. "Now where did I keep that red carpet?"
"Arghhhhh! I am done with you!"
"The pleasure is all mine." He smirked.
Just then his phone beeped. He shook his head, smiling still thinking of his wife as he opened the inbox. His brows furrowed on reading their son Noah's message. He instructed his driver to speed up and replied to Noah,
'Will be there in an hour.'
He looked out of the window again. Worry still reflecting on his face. He could feel his heartbeat racing, current events taking him back to the incident that had troubled him years ago, returning to haunt him……..
The melody playing in the background, the grandeur of the ambience, the silks and satins, the rich aroma of food and the splurging drinks. The festival of five kingdoms was in its full glory. Kiara and Rashad had collectively helped acquire great deals for the council and the members were all praises for them.
What Rashad started as a waggery at work soon turned into respect and admiration for Kiara. She was wise, intelligent, focused, determined and hard working. She was definitely the beauty with brains. Rashad would never admit it but he was not just in awe of her smartness he was smitten with her smile, her brown eyes. He was falling for her.
He was holding the drinks in his hands, Sazerac for himself and a Catena wine for her. He was making way through the crowd towards her when he heard the loud boom. The next moment he was on the floor, covering his ears, the crystal shattered into million pieces around him. There were screams between the gunfire. He could see someone scrambling to his left and hear a few footsteps running from his right.
'Kiara? Where is Kiara?' He got up and rushed to the direction where he had left her. His palpitations increased further when the scene unfolded in front of him. She was struggling, putting up a fight with someone who looked like a…. Like a killer. 'Assassin!' he thought and ran towards her. He could see the shine of the metal between them. 'dagger.' his mind registered. But before he could reach her, the damage was done. The ruthless murderer had pushed the blade into her side.
She stumbled back. "Kiara!" Rashad screamed. The assassin saw him and ran away in the opposite direction.
Rashad picked up at her falling frame. "Kiara? Kiara?"
She groaned in pain holding her side around the heel of the knife. Her eyes seemed to be rolling back.
"Ki… Kiara. Look at me. Keep your eyes open. I promise I won't let anything happen to you." He looked around, "Help! We need help here!
He lowered her to the floor. He pulled out his kerchief and untied his cravat and tucked the pieces of cloth around her wound, careful not to move the handle of the knife. He covered her with his coat. He cupped her face with one hand and felt she was going cold. He again yelled,"Help! Please!"
This time someone heard him maybe and before he could register what was happening, he was in an ambulance beside her, speeding through the Cordonian streets.
The blaring of a horn from a passing vehicle brought him back to the present. He realised he was sweating. He dabbed on his forehead and checked his watch. He looked around. They were in the Capitol already. He texted Noah and hastened to wrap his belongings in the vehicle.
The driver entered the hospital and Rashad dashed to the second floor.
He entered the room and froze. The scene before him was like deja vu. He had seen her in a hospital bed years ago. Her delicate body connected with numerous wires to the gadgets that hummed and beeped. But this time he could not tolerate it. He did not want it to be this way. His beloved wife, His Kiara, tied to the wires that claimed to predict her survival. He swallowed thickly.
Noah saw the uneasiness etched on Rashad's face. He stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on his father's shoulder. He then ushered him in, and guided him to the chair next to Kiara's bed.
Her body looked lifeless. Her eyes were sunken hollows. Her skin had lost the sheen. Her black hair made a train behind where her head lay. The silver strands in between were the proof of years spent together.
Rashad placed his hand next to hers. His fingers just touched hers. He was scared. Scared of waking her. Scared of hurting her. Scared of losing her. He felt a lump in his throat when he held her hand.
He shifted his gaze from her fingers,back to her face and suddenly felt the spin in the room. His mind whirled him to the hospital room many years ago. Kiara lying in the bed in the same way but much younger. He could feel as if it was just yesterday.
He wasn't as patient as he is now. He thought back about that time....
He was eager and restless, for her to open her eyes. He was shy to touch her but he couldn't wait anymore. So, with much hesitation, he brushed his fingers over hers and then gradually built up the courage to hold her hand.
"Kiara," he said to her sleeping form. "I am sorry, I couldn't reach you in time. I am sorry, you had to go through this pain."
He snuggled her hand between both his palms. His head hung low as he tried to speak, keeping the tears in his eyes at bay.
" I… I don't want to live in denial anymore. I like you a lot Ki…" he swallowed trying to control the overwhelming feeling. "I want to live and enjoy moments with you. I want to spoil you with gifts. I want to share with you. Please don't give up so soon. Please give me a chance. God! Please let me, once…"
He broke. His forehead rested on her hand that he held. Tears crossed the dams of his eyes to flow down freely. A hitched sob struck in his throat. He was so deep in his sorrow that he missed her fingers curling over his.
A feeble voice said, "Don't you have a better deal to offer, Mr Lawyer?" Rashad looked up with a jerk. Kiara's eyes were open only to a narrow slit. Rashad wiped his tears with one hand, holding her hand with the other. He smiled at her, "Anything you want. If there was ever anybody meant for me, it’s you.” He got up and placed a kiss on her forehead. He sat back and lifted her hand to kiss it again and again. He didn't want to hide anymore. He didn't want to miss his second chance.
"I will get the doctor." He got up to leave. Just as on cue, the door opened and in came the Theron's- Hakim,Joelle and Zeke.
"Kiki! Are you alright?" Joelle rushed to her side. They were all so worried and anxious,they didn't realise Rashad was standing there. Joelle held her hand while Hakim patted her forehead. Zeke filled in, "The security detail was so tight. They were not ready to reveal your location, whether you are at a safe house or a hospital. We came as soon as they spilled the information."
Kiara was listening,quietly. She was happy to be able to see them all. She raised her eyes to follow the receding figure of Rashad. He stopped at the door and turned back to meet her gaze. At that moment she knew that though her family was with her but where her home was, where her heart was.
Rashad was praying silently when he felt her fingers move in his hands. His lips curled up. He raised his head to meet her eyes and she smiled back. He cupped her face with one hand "Did you sleep well, mon amour?"
She gave a slight nod.
"How are you feeling now?"
Her lips parted but speaking looked like an effort. Her eyelids closed slowly and opened again. She rolled her tongue out to moisten her lips. Rashad caressed her. He was not in a hurry. He was going to be there for her. He let her take time. Finally she let out a sigh and said, "I am much better, now that you are here."
"And I am not going anywhere."
"You are a busy man."
Rashad protested, "I am staying right here till you get better and we walk you home."
"Noah?" She asked for her son. He swiftly moved across the room to be at her side.
"I am here, Maman."
She called him closer and planted a kiss on his head. He kissed her back on the cheek and gave her a side hug. She had his arm around her. She looked at Rashad and tugged at his hand.
Rashad moved closer to her, giving her a side hug from the other side.
"We have come a long way, you and I" she gave him a weak smile.
"We will be home soon." He whispered in her ear.
She glanced at both her sides, her son and her husband besides her, each holding one of her hands. "Home is where my family is." She said and closed her eyes in the warmth of her husband's embrace.
Tags: @3pawandme @alj4890 @angelasscribbles @bascmve01 @bebepac @busywoman @dcbbw @gkittylove99 @harleybeaumont @iaminlovewithtrr @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @lizzybeth1986 @lovingchoices14 @nestledonthaveone @neotericthemis @mom2000aggie @phoenixrising0308 @princess-geek @riseandshinelittleblossom @sazanes @secretaryunpaid @sfb123 @sillydg @tessa-liam @tinkie1973 @txemrn @walkerdrakewalker @yourmajesty09 @choicesficwriterscreations
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sazanes · 1 year
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Day 4 - Family/Home
“Maman read to me every night when I was little, it was magical!”
@kiaratheronappreciationweek @lizzybeth1986 @sazanes
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dcbbw · 1 year
Second Born
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This story was one of my offerings for #Kiara Theron Appreciation Week 2023, Day 4: Family/Friends/Relationships. It is later than usual (even by my standards), and I have no expectations for it to be added to any Masterlist other than mine.
The original idea was a collection of drabbles based upon a canon incident involving the Lady of House Theron that just has to affect /impact her, or at least I think it would. As is typical with my writing, the stories would be crafted with more head canon than actual canon.
I’m sticking with that premise, with one exception: instead of drabbles contained within one fic, I am breaking it out into five separate stories for two reasons: Instead of rushing through five stories, I can take my time with each one, hopefully providing more depth and context;  and it provides Kiara content at various times throughout the year (why should MC and main LIs have all the fun?).
Starting off with Second Born, a Liara story exploring Kiara’s initial reactions and responses to her brother Ezekiel renouncing the Castelsarreillan Dukeship.
Huge thanks to @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes for hosting this event and THANK YOU to all who will read this story. Your likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated more than you know!
Please excuse any and all typos, missing/extraneous words, and/or grammatical errors. MS Editor rates this fic as 99% error-free.
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Song Inspo: House Song, Searows
Word Count: 1,321
Pairings: Liam x Kiara
Rating T for Teen
House Theron, Duchy of Castelsarreillan
Kiara Theron stalked across her Great House’s grand foyer, her stiletto heels tapping sharply against silver-veined black marble. Her arms were held tightly to her side, her hands clenched into fists. Her lips were pressed into a thin line; her hair bounced in the space between her shoulder blades.
“Lady Kiara!”
The hushed shout echoed softly throughout the large space; Kiara ignored it as she disappeared into one of several formal dining rooms. As she stalked through the room, her eyes critically surveyed the dining table, properly set with Wedgewood china and Waterford crystal while it awaited occupants and lunch.
When her follower arrived, he pushed the door partly shut; it allowed them a semblance of privacy while still adhering to propriety. The room was incredibly large, rivaling that of any in the Palace; he found himself seeking Kiara out, finding her staring out a curtained French window, her eyes trained on the group still chatting on the front steps.
“Kiara,” King Liam murmured in her ear. “Love, what’s wrong?”
The Lady of House Theron stamped her foot against the cherrywood floor as she whirled to face her lover.
“YOU KNOW what’s wrong! You were there!”
She placed her palms flat against his shirt-covered chest, lightly pushing him. Liam didn’t move.
“How … how Ezekiel could announce in front of the ENTIRE royal entourage that he’s abdicating the Dukeship before telling me and our parents? And then my parents APPROVING of it!”
Liam stepped back slightly, studying his lover attentively. “I would think being named Duchess of Castelsarreillan would be cause for celebration and congratulations, not wrath and consternation.”
Kiara took a few steps away before slowly sitting in a dining chair, her lips pushed to the side as she exhaled a frustrated breath. She tilted her head up to meet the monarch’s gaze.
“I don’t want to be Duchess. I am the second-born, which means … or meant I was free to pursue my own path. Ownership of a duchy and ruling over its citizens was not a part of that!”
Liam sat in the chair next to her, the palm of his hand covering the top of hers.
“As trite and overused as the phrase is, you were bred for this. You’ve always been House Theron’s representative. At Council meetings, at galas and charity functions. Frankly, I believe all of Court had forgotten Ezekiel was next in the line of succession.”
“I was the ambassador for my house! NOT the heir apparent,” Kiara huffed, snatching her hand away before dropping her face into her palms. “I don’t want to be permanently tied to Cordonia! There’s entire world beyond our borders, and I want to see it. The only reason I’m here right now is because I agreed to an arrangement with you.”
She glanced quickly at Liam, but his expression was neutral. “That sounds horrible, but you know my heart is in travel, negotiations, and languages. Eventually, a UN ambassadorship! It always has been, and now that I have the opportunity to put my education and training to good use … I can’t because Ezekiel wants to be a VETERINARIAN!”
Tears of frustration welled in the corners of her eyes.
“Veterinary medicine is an honorable profession,” Liam replied slowly, unsure if he were adding gasoline to the fire.
“HE DOESN’T WANT TO BE A VETERINARIAN!” Kiara yelled. Her fist pounded the table. “A lifelong dream that NO ONE KNEW ABOUT, he just blurts out in front of EVERYONE?” She shook her head vigorously. “No, that was just to impress Penelope. He simply doesn’t want to be Duke!”
Liam nods slowly. “Much like Leo didn’t want to be King.”
“But why?” Kiara’s question was strangled, as if her frustration and anger were lodged in her throat, choking her. “Why do they get to do as they please? How do they get to shirk responsibility? And why is it automatically presumed that the second-born child will just be held accountable for someone else’s duty?”
Quiet as Liam pondered an answer. He cleared his throat after a few moments before speaking.
“We’re called spares for a reason. In our circles, birth order determines who is the chosen one; it doesn’t always mean that they are the correct one for the responsibility that comes with governance. The entire purpose of leadership is to push forward in a positive direction with a propensity towards betterment. For all. That requires a level of service that not many have, a selflessness that must be constantly cultivated, an objectivity.
“I wasn’t happy when Leo abdicated, but I knew I would step up. Not because I had to, but because I wanted to. Same as you, I was taught and groomed to be the representative, and much like you … I enjoyed it for the fact that it was a temporary thing. And when it became permanent, I still enjoyed it. Unlike you, I didn’t have any plans towards a future endeavor. I found myself, my purpose when Leo stepped down.”
Kiara’s eyes searched Liam’s; they were calm, clear, accepting of his situation.
“What if I don’t want to do it?” she asks softly, plaintively.
“You don’t have to. You can refuse, and upon your parents’ deaths, the duchy reverts to the Crown’s ownership, to be bestowed or sold at the ruling monarch’s discretion.”
Kiara processed Liam’s statement. Castelsarreillan had belonged to Theron lineage for centuries, multiple centuries. Back to a time there was no Cordonia, and the primitive land was filled with magic and legends. That fact raised her ire even more: It wasn’t on her to ensure that the family line retain it a century more.
And yet, now it was.
“What if … what if there are children? Future heirs to the duchy?”
Liam shakes his head. “You know as well as I do that a renunciation or refusal to assume the position offered is absolute. Of course, provisions can be made for the last of a bloodline; in this scenario, that would apply to Ezekiel only. “
“Because I’m a woman, and any children I would bear would only carry my blood and not the Theron name.” Kiara finished Liam’s thought in a tone laced with both annoyance and resignation.
Her lover shrugged his broad shoulders; the Lady lightly licked her lips at seeing how his frame perfectly fit his suit jacket. “I don’t make the rules.”
This elicited a small chuckle from Kiara. “You’re the KING! Of course you do!” She lightly swatted his upper arm; her fingertips lingered at the feel of defined muscle.
Liam flashed her a small smile before chewing on his lower lip, a tell that he was contemplating something.
“You do realize that the ascension would not be immediate. Your parents are both fairly young and in good health. The paperwork is merely a formality, securing the line of succession. You would have many years to pursue your goals and ambitions. And being a Duchess wouldn’t restrict you from having a career.”
The slam of the front entry doors alerted the pair that the others were preparing to join them. Kiara stared silently at the ivory-colored soup bowl, its edges rimmed with a 24-carat gold band.
“I know that; it’s just that it makes me feel as if I’ve run out of time. That my hopes, dreams, goals are now on some accelerated schedule, and I have to rush through my life to live with another’s life choice. And for what? If something does develop between Zeke and Penelope, he becomes a Duke regardless.”
She swallowed heavily as her fingertip idly traced the bowl’s golden ring.  
“I just can’t help but wonder if Leo and Ezekiel realize that their actions, aside from being the largest dereliction of duty, alters the trajectory of history.”
Liam leaned in closer to Kiara, smelling her hair and inhaling her scent for the briefest of moments before drawing away as chatter and footsteps drew closer.
“Or they’ve given us a chance to make history.”
Tagging: @jared2612 @ao719 @marietrinmimi @queenjilian @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac @liamxs-world @mom2000aggie @liamrhysstalker2020 @neotericthemis @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @superharriet @busywoman @gabesmommie1130 @tessa-liam @beezm @gardeningourmet @lovingchoices14 @mainstreetreader @angelasscribbles @lady-calypso @emkay512 @princessleac1 @charlotteg234 @queenrileyrose @alj4890 @yourfavaquarius111 @motorcitymademadame @queenmiarys @choicesficwriterscreations @lizzybeth1986 @sazanes​
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cassiopeiacorvus · 2 years
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Tagging: @kiaratheronappreciationweek, @lizzybeth1986, and @sazanes
HANA: What about you, Tzipporah? Do you have a favorite book?
TZIPPORAH: If I had to pick, it would be ClickIt listicles.
HANA: I've never heard of that one.
TZIPPORAH: It's not a book. I'm more of a scrolling through clickbait articles on my phone kinda girl.
HANA: Oh, you mean that website with articles like 'You'll Never Guess What This Cordonian Noble Wore To Her Cotillion'?
TZIPPORAH: That article was very informative. I didn't think Kiara was so adventurous with fashion.
HANA: ...Well, what did she wear?
TZIPPORAH: You'll have to read it to find out.
-- The Royal Romance, Book 2, Chapter 11
To tie in with today's theme, I imagined the outfit Kiara would've worn to her cotillion ball as she had her official debut into Cordonian society. Standing watch over her and representing the legacy she lives up to is, of course, the lovely Rowan Thorn.
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thecapturedafrique · 2 years
KTAW: Day 4—Origins/France
So the reason my entries for KTAW are coming in late is 100% the fault of the French lineage I created for Joëlle, which took days upon days upon DAYS of research. As such it involves a lot of real historical elements; however, if the first instance of the character’s name is bolded and does not have a link, they’ve been invented by me (Choices characters excluded). I hope you enjoy the fruits of my labor!
Tagging @kiaratheronappreciationweek and the gracious hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes!
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
On her mother’s side, Kiara is descended from Syphax and my ACoR MC Tamara, who after the events of the series traveled back to Gaul to rebuild their tribe
Tamara was from the Vidubagaud, the name I invented—which loosely translated means “wood fighters”—for the fourth pagi of the Helvetii, who in my HC later formed in part the bagaudae from which the House of Blois descends
Touraine—the traditional name of the French region from which Joëlle hails—first passed from their house in 1044 CE when Count Theobald III was forced to exchange the county for his freedom, but he did later gain Champagne
The House of Blois ended when Queen Joan I of Navarre married the king of France, and Champagne was absorbed into the royal domain
In 1326 CE as a result of her affair in France with Roger Mortimer, Joan’s daughter and English queen Isabella of France gave birth to a bastard son named Cyril just before returning to England
Cyril was left to be raised by his uncle the French king Charles IV, who came to consider the boy his own son, legitimizing him as a prince du sang (“prince of the blood”) and giving him the surname “du Blois”
The two-year-old became helpful in securing his cousin King Phillip VI’s claim to throne after Charles IV’s passing, as he was the latter’s nearest male blood relative next to King Edward III of England
Though Cyril stayed unacknowledged as a legitimate heir to the English throne, he was still a threat to his older half-brother’s reign, and thus their mother Isabella was not permitted to visit him
While he was kept out of courtly life to discourage any desire for the throne and for his own safety, Cyril was educated alongside Phillip VI’s heirs as the king’s ward
When Cyril reached 14, the War of the Breton Succession began, and he was sent to attend the University of Paris, where he studied at the College of Navarre which his grandmother had founded
Upon his graduation with a Master of Arts, Cyril came back to court and was granted the County of Champagne as an appanage (Touraine having become a royal dukedom)
Centuries later in 1533 CE, while attending the wedding of his half-sister Catherine de Medici to Prince Henry II, Alessandro de' Medici fell in love with Sabrina du Blois and eloped with her back to Florence
Their marriage was a direct violation of Alessandro’s engagement contract to the Holy Roman Emperor’s daughter, a contract which had been signed by his uncle Pope Clement VII
Seeking the support of the Papal States in his war for Italy against Spain, King Francis I annulled the marriage, only for the Pope to shortly die afterwards
Sabrina initially refused to return to France until she learned that her former husband had already had a child with his favorite mistress; unfortunately, she herself was already pregnant, and she died giving birth to their son Thibault in 1534 CE
Her father the Count Champagne sought the king’s approval to have his grandson legitimized, arguing he was conceived while their marriage was still valid, but the scorned Francis I refused
The count didn’t give up there and instead tried to ingratiate Thibault with other members of the royal family, specifically his aunt and the new queen Catherine under the guise of needing a mother’s guidance
However, though she came to adore her little nephew and took him in once his grandfather passed, it is her husband’s mistress who held sway rather than her, and thus Champagne became absorbed into the royal domain once more
Seeking to regain his title and his family’s honor, Thibault joined the navy and became a maritime captain, but he set his sights on the east rather than the west
At the age of 19, he was put in charge of the raid of the tidal island south of Pontios (the island on which Cordonia is located) in 1553 CE by his request, which was only granted as the Ottoman-French forces believed the island was uninhabited
This was an incorrect assumption, as after the Mali Empire’s capital was invaded in 1546 CE, members of the Keita Imperial Dynasty had fled to Pontios along with a good portion of their people and settled on its southern tidal island, where they built the hidden city Tawunta (“protected with a charm”)
Upon finding Tawunta, Thibault fell for both the beauty of the primeval temperate rainforest and the beauty of the mansa’s daughter Fatoumata
With Cordonia in the midst of a civil war in which Ottoman is involved, Tawunta’s mansa accepted Thibault’s proposal for Fatoumata’s hand, and thus the island became the French colony Cormery Isle
This success lead Thibault to be legitimized and made the governor of the new colony, and he was later invited to the French court along with his family by Catherine in 1563 CE, who as the Queen Mother to King Charles IX now had great authority
Her invitation was part of her attempt to revive loyalty to the crown, and Thibault impressed the court with the riches of Cormery Isle along with his beautiful wife, who is dubbed la princesse noire (“the black princess”)
Catherine was finally able to grant the County of Champagne to her nephew and former ward, and his son Ebrima (known in French as Abraham) later went to Paris to be educated
In order to help further establish the Peace of Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Lord Abraham is sent to Navarre’s royal court as a suitor for Catherine de Bourbon; she showed no interest in him, so he wound up becoming good friends with her brother Henry III instead
In the wake of the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, Abraham helped to ferry many Protestant Frenchmen to Cormery Isle and eventually assisted his friend in escaping the French court in 1576 CE
When this was discovered, Thibault’s countship and governorship were both revoked, as he stood accused of aiding and abetting his son’s crime
However, 13 years later when Henry nominally became King Henry IV of France, he granted Abraham the Duchy of Touraine for his steadfast friendship, recognizing both him and his father as princes du sang (the highest rank in court after the immediate family of the king)
Both Henry and Abraham had to battle to claim their lands, but Paris could not be taken; it was Abraham who eventually convinced Henry to convert to Catholicism with the famous phrase, “Paris vaut bien une messe,” or “Paris is well worth a Mass.”
With the new influx of French settlers along with Cormery Isle now being overseen by the older/larger French colony Auvernal, Fatoumata led most of her people to accept her son’s offer to settle in his new duchy, and thus Touraine became home to the first predominantly Black settlement in France
Though they had the king’s favor, the court did not look too fondly upon House du Blois, mostly due to jealously-fueled racism; their admiration of Fatou turned to scorn now that she was their equal/better, and her new nickname became an insult: la princesse grenouille (“the frog princess”)¹
The family continued to have the favor of the crown even after the passing of Henry IV, as Thibault’s youngest granddaughter Joëlle (the namesake of Kiara’s mother) was a favourite and beneficiary of Marie de’ Medici, the regent of France
Unfortunately, they lost much of their influence when she was unseated in 1617 CE and exiled to Loire by her son King Louis XIII, whose principal minister Cardinal Richelieu ordered all fortified castles razed in the same year slavery was made legal, thus weakening the French nobility’s ability to fight back
Working with the Duke of Brittany, the next Duke of Touraine managed to help Marie escape her exile and joined her in the second war against her son; thought they lost, they were forgiven by the king
House du Blois protested greatly against France’s expansion of their slave trade; in response to the Code Noir, they took up the fleur-de-lis² as their charge and regularly bought slaves from the colonies to be freed once they set foot on French soil
By the French Revolution, the Duchy of Touraine had been passed down to a cadet branch, the House Condé, who in pursuit of their goal to abolish slavery managed to keep their title (and their heads) by joining the Third Estate’s National Assembly
Unlike other nobles, their family did not seek out advantageous matches but rather matches within their community, and as such remained visibly Black into modern day (with Kiara’s maternal grandfather Aaron Condé being the current duke)
This nickname—coupled with how Fatou was heavily involved in rebuilding Tours following the French Wars of Religion—is why in my HC, she serves as one of the inspirations for the Disney Princess Tiana’s character.
The Code Noir stated that runaway slaves would be branded with the fleur-de-lis; it was chosen by House du Blois to openly declare their stance against slavery and because it would be considered an affront to the monarchy, as the fleur-de-lis has been historically used by French royalty.
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exbex · 15 days
the art, the science
“I thought you wanted a job, not a husband.” Coming from anyone else, the statement would have been naïve, or perhaps condescending. But it had come from Riley Zane, who didn’t inhabit the world of the Cordonian Court, but who also wasn’t as jejeune as many had dismissed her to be. From the first, there had been a shrewdness to her that Kiara found a bit unsettling, though not that surprising.
Everyone had secrets, after all. Kiara suspected that Riley’s were as nebulous as her motives. The woman had a Master’s degree in political science from Columbia University, but she had thrown her hat in to compete for a practice that she couldn’t quite hide her disdain for. Not everyone at Court could see it, but Kiara had more practice than some at reading others. Her parents had taught her that she would need such a skill, in their world and in the outside world alike.
Hiding her disdain was also something Kiara had practice in. She didn’t have the luxury of rolling her eyes at Madeleine’s directive.
“I do, but it never hurts to have both.” In truth, Kiara had no interest in a marriage that didn’t resemble her parents’ with their mutual respect and admiration. But that was a truth she kept close to her chest.
Of course, some people were remarkably oblivious to the truth.
 “Hana is much more than beautiful. She’s also kind, witty, brilliant, and quite a talented baker.”
No one else seemed to be catching on to the fondness in Riley’s gaze as she spoke about Hana, the way her eyes locked with Hana’s, and the blush on Hana’s cheeks that had nothing to do with the attention the two men were giving her.
“That is quite the endorsement, Lady Hana. Do you have any other references?”
“References?” Kiara couldn’t hide her surprise.
“A wife isn’t unlike an employee or business partner. It’s important to hear from those who know the candidate to ensure a good fit,” Rashad explained.
Well. Kiara could understand Rashad’s business-mindedness, to a point. But it struck her as rather arrogant for Rashad to eschew social graces for such bluntness.
“Indeed,” Neville nodded. “Reputation is everything at court. It’s a pleasure to encounter a lady with such a good one.”
If Riley picked up on what may have been a bit of a dig toward her (and Kiara would wager that she did) she didn’t care. “It’s very well-deserved,” she said, eyes settling on Hana again.
Well this was interesting. Riley was clearly interested in Hana, an interest that Hana likely returned, based on the interactions Kiara had observed, interactions that could easily be passed off as friendship if one wasn’t paying very close attention to body language and expression. Yet they both understood the need for Hana to make a potential match. Of course it also begged the question of what Riley was up to, if the photographs of her with Tariq told the entire story.
“You should meet my poodles!” Penelope said abruptly, distracting Kiara from her train of thought. “Dogs are the best references; they have a sense about people.”
That must be… a joke?” Rashad said, hesitating.
“Er… yeah,” she agreed. “Just a funny, silly joke…”
Kiara cringed inwardly. Penelope was eccentric, but she didn’t have the wit to leverage it to her advantage.
“Lady Kiara,” Rashad began, moving his attention away from Penelope. “I understand you plan to work in the foreign ministry? I admire your ambition.”
 Kiara put on a charming smile. Rashad wasn’t a terrible prospect, but she needed to buy herself some time, play a long game in order to decipher whether Madeleine’s promise to wield her connections for Kiara would be fulfilled. Besides, Kiara had her standards. A European man, particularly an international businessman, ought to be multilingual. “Oui, Monsieur Rashad. Ce serait un saint-graal pour moi.”
 “I’m sorry, I don’t speak French,” he replied, looking a little baffled.
Riley’s eyebrows raised long enough for Kiara to notice. Kiara could relate to her surprise. Still, Rashad wasn’t a lost cause. Probably.
“ Entschuldigung?”
Neville perked up before Rashad could respond. “Is that German? Such a beautiful language.”
Kiara wasn’t sure if he was being sincere or if he thought that would impress her, but an awkward silence ensued.
“You know, Hana is very ambitious! She masters anything she puts her mind to,” Riley said. It was a bit abrupt, but Kiara found herself grateful for the distraction.
“That is very impressive, Lady Hana,” Rashad agreed.
 “Yes, the court is a demanding place. I have learned a lot in my time here,” Hana said.
“You’re too humble, Hana. You have excelled here because you prepared,” Riley said, giving Hana the adoring look again.
 Hana smiled, nodding. “I guess I have worked hard for this.”
“Preparation is the soul of success,” Rashad noted.
 “That’s what I always say!” Riley flashed a too-wide smile.
Neville sighed. “The court certainly is dog-eat-dog. It is most impressive for anyone to survive with their character intact.”
“Dog-eat-dog?” Penelope gasped. “I’ve never heard of anything so barbaric!”
 “It’s an expression…” Neville said slowly, his brows furrowed in confusion.
 Rashad looked to Neville and lowered his voice slightly. “Maybe we should keep the conversation simple for Lady Penelope’s sake.”
“Oh…” Penelope trailed off, her lip quivering. Kiara wracked her brain for something to say that might distract her.
“So Rashad, what do you do for the ole nine to five?” Riley asked. Her stance shifted. Kiara wondered what her game was.
 “I am a partner at Sloan Enterprises, where I primarily handle legal matters.” Rashad answered.
“Un entrepreneur?” Kiara asked, cocking her head to the side. If he couldn’t decipher cognates, then she would have to write him off entirely.
Rashad regarded her carefully before nodding once. “Indeed, though my business partner is the real visionary.”
“If your partner is the brain, that must make you the looks,” Penelope flirted, smiling coyly at Rashad.
Rashad scowled.  “I’m sure you intended that as flattery, but I contribute far more to the business than my looks.”
What it must be, to be a man and be allowed to be indignant over attitudes that women faced on a daily basis. Kiara could feel her patience stretching thin, diluting to a point that it wouldn’t cover her annoyance in any language. While Penelope’s statement had been cringeworthy at best, Rashad ought to be able to read people; he had grown up in the Court, would have trained in diplomacy not only at home but wherever he studied, would have honed his skills, ought to be able to see Penelope’s awkwardness, see her eyes filling with tears.
“You seemed hesitant to mention your title when Countess Madeleine made the introductions,” Hana said, deftly drawing Rashad’s attention.
Rashad’s anger was still etched in his face, but his features began to smooth out as he responded. “Yes, well, I prefer to let my personal accomplishments speak for me, rather than my lineage.” Kiara felt some of her diplomacy returning. She could appreciate Rashad’s desire to be seen for his skills and not his surface attributes.
“And you, Lord Neville? What do you do?” Riley asked, her tone perfectly balanced with polite interest that was neither feigned nor overly eager.
“I help my father manage the affairs of Cormery Isle and my family’s estate,” he explained flatly. “It’s quite a demanding job, and it usually keeps me away from court.”
“Well, it sounds like you could use someone like Hana. Someone who can be a perfect hostess at a royal ball just as easily as she can make you laugh after a long day of work.” Riley was hyping Hana up to absurd levels. Kiara wondered if she was being purposeful as a result of jealousy, or if she was calculating a future in which she was ensuring a stable future for Hana that might include a discreet affair. Kiara could appreciate the pragmatism, though it was a bit depressing to think about such a cynical possibility.
Neville’s look toward Hana was appreciative. “If Lady Hana is all you say, a proposal may be imminent!”
 “A good partner is even more valuable than a good assistant,” Rashad agreed.
“I couldn’t agree more!” Hana gave a dazzling smile, raising her glass as the two men clinked their glasses with her.
How romantic.
“Gentlemen, I hate to interrupt, but there is someone else I would like to introduce you to,” Madeleine smoothly interrupted as she sauntered up to the group.
“Of course,” Rashad said, moving away from the group. “Ladies, it has been a pleasure. Especially you, Lady Hana.”
Neville bowed again, his eyes on Hana. “Until we meet again.”
“Enjoy the picnic!” Riley chirped, waving goodbye to the men as they followed Madeleine.
“I don’t think that went very well for me,” Penelope mumbled, staring into her lemonade.
 “There will be other suitors, Penelope,” Kiara gave her arm a light squeeze. Penelope was a pedestrian in a world of automobiles; fragile, but she had more adeptness than she appeared. Surely she would find another pedestrian. Someone kind.
Hana looked at Riley. “What did you think of the guys?”
“They seemed…stable.”
“Stable?” Hana chuckled. “That’s… romantic.”
Kiara regarded the way the two women looked at one another. No, Hana wasn’t yearning for stability.
Penelope giggled girlishly. “I think they’re hot!”
“I don’t know,” Hana mused. “Didn’t they seem kind of… boring?”
Well that sealed it. Hana had found herself, Kiara would wager, a bit of a mystery in Riley. The woman almost certainly had secrets. No wonder she had been able to infiltrate the Court. The thought made Kiara slightly uneasy. Hana struck her as being something akin to a fawn, and Riley a wolf.
Tantalizing scents wafted through the air. Penelope turned as a waiter walked by with a tray. “Mmmmm! Smells like my grandmother’s curry chicken. I have to try it!”
Kiara felt her stomach rumble. ��Oh, grab me some!” She followed Penelope.
The chicken was well-seasoned and perfectly cooked, a welcome distraction from the mysteries and politics of Court. Kiara knew it was all par for the course, but it so often lacked the finesse, the communication of diplomacy, which had always struck her as more of a dance than a game of chess.
“She wears it well.”
Kiara was shaken from her musings. “Sorry?”
Penelope dabbed at her lips with her napkin. “Riley. It’s a bold choice, to wear trousers. And an off the rack blouse. But she looks good. Charming. She knows how to choose clothing, I suppose is what I’m saying.”
Kiara thought about the outfits Riley wore, how they were fitted but overall rather conservative, about how she was dressed practically today, about how her usually pinned up hair was styled today in a single braid off to the side. It was calculated, purposeful. Riley was an interesting person, could be an ally, in better circumstances, had the potential to be a formidable opponent.
“Confidence,” Kiara said. “Riley has a great deal of confidence.” And cleverness. Kiara wondered how much Riley had unveiled of her cleverness, wondered what she hoped to accomplish. Perhaps she had similar goals. She had shown skill in negotiation today, after all. But as ever, the question of whether it was worth it came to the forefront.
Kiara blinked. She supposed she could ask herself the same question. Surely there were other avenues to her career goals. She had also trained at a top university, after all. Then again, she lacked a certain freedom, due to her family’s position as one of the Great Houses. It was a privilege that was saddled, always, with a precise need for delicate balance and tact.
Kiara suppressed a sigh and sipped her lemonade. Diplomacy was an art, one she enjoyed. But it was also a science, and with all sciences, it came with the tedium of observation, the holding of breath as one waited to see if the results would confirm the hypothesis.
@lizzybeth1986 @sazanes @kiaratheronappreciationweek
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sazanes · 2 years
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Day 4 - Origins/France
When we meet Joëlle we see who Kiara was inspired by 🥰 she has a lot of her mother 😍
I think Kiara is a lot like her mom and dad at the same time 😅 and @lizzybeth1986 I used Kiara's hair reference from Eleanor's Kitchen chapter 😘
@kiaratheronappreciationweek @lizzybeth1986 @sazanes
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We are now down to our last two days for this week! We will also be keeping a bonus week for everyone who couldn't finish their content in time, so you can definitely try and finish it by 3rd March so we can feature you in our masterlist and thank you video!
Today's theme is all about Home and Family! We all know that Kiara's family happens to be the most sorted, most well-adjusted family in the TRR/H series - they also feature some of the most talented and ambitious people! This is an opportunity to explore either Kiara's relationships with family, or to think about her home, Castelserraillan. This wonderful province is known for a variety of things: their vineyards, their love of the French language, their cultural richness, their passion for reading and literature, their long history with archery. It would be great to explore Kiara's home as well!
Any and all content is welcome - as long as Kiara is the focus of the content and it depicts her positively. Fics, art, edits, moodboards, meta, interactive media, headcanons, playlists, even screenshots featuring her best scenes! We also accept WIPs so if you don't think you will have the full content ready by the end of the bonus week, you can still share a snippet of it with us!
The theme is not strictly tied to a day. If you would like to post something on a later day, you definitely can...just tag the post for the day it was meant for (eg. #KTAW Day 1, #KTAW Day 2 etc)
Be sure to do the following when creating your content:
1. Use the tags #kiaratheronappreciationweek and #KTAW for your posts, along with the day you have planned the content for.
2. Tag @kiaratheronappreciationweek in your posts, as well as the co-hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes.
Fan-content blogs have been a great inspiration and support to us, and we would definitely like all of you to show them some love by participating in their events:
@choicesficwriterscreations - Primarily fanfic. Check out their roster for weekly and monthly events here!
@choicesmonthlychallenge and @choices-february2023 - Any and all content welcome. Check out their prompts for February!
@choicespride - Any and all content welcome as long as the characters or themes are LGBTQ related
@drake-walker-appreciation and @maxwell-beaumont-appreciation are hosting events soon.
Happy Kiara Theron Appreciation Week!!
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lizzybeth1986 · 2 years
Headcanon: The Thorne Family - Origins | Family | France
For Day 4, I've decided to go in slight HC territory on what I believe Kiara's family and background is like. Some of these influences will eventually factor in how I will eventually write her in Petals and Thornes. I'm still trying to figure a lot of things out, so much of this is subject to change. At the end, I'll probably also throw in a bit about my HCs for Kiki's visits to France.
Lineage - TCATF & TRM era
• As many people have imagined and canon itself have confirmed, the Therons are descendants of the Thorn warrior clan, famed for their archery skills and the incredible Heart Oak wood that is as durable and strong as metal.
• As magic itself fades from the Cordonian landscape, the same trees lose this specific quality, but their durability remains, ensuring that their high-end furniture becomes one of Castelserraillan's most valuable export (credit to @mand-delemonde for this hc!!)
• So in my HC Rowan "betrays" Kenna (tho is it really a betrayal when Rowan was upfront all day every day about how much she loathed tyrant!Kenna) but also outwits her, steals a boat and escapes never to be seen by Kenna again. This is primarily because Leon and Kenna made some extraordinarily bad judgements regarding Thorngate before the Battle of the Bay, which led Rowan to correctly deduce that Kenna allowed her success with regaining Stormholt to get to her head, and pretty much tried to lord over the people of Bellemere and suck out their resources for her battles. A lot of Stormholt historians wrote this from Kenna and later Zenobia's perspective, but over a period of time more historians accepted the view that what Stormholt wanted out of Bellemere would have set the latter back by at least a century. (Credit to @cassiopeiacorvus and @thecapturedafrique for this one!)
• This is primarily why Castel is initially a kingdom and not entirely part of Cordonia, and therefore no descendants of Thorngate feature in any of the texts on Cordonia's Renaissance era. (This has given a lot of Cordonian historians pause before, considering that modern day Castel's culture is literally a love letter to that era!)
• However there is one connection that eventually results in the place integrating with Cordonia and becoming a prime duchy. Both Artemisia Fierro* and Sofonisba Vescovi* who were once from prominent noble families, willingly have their houses fade into obscurity once King Fabien is crowned and Lisabetta (MC) becomes his Queen. The two travel incognito to this kingdom, become scholars and write a series of books. A descendant of Sofonisba's marries into the family and at least 70 years later, Castel officially becomes part of Cordonia.
• The two scholars kept in close touch with King Fabien, even though their hideout was to a place that Cordonians deemed hostile. To ensure his friends stayed safe, he made sure there was no enmity between his throne and them, which resulted in the people of Castel perhaps having more regard for him than any other ruler of Cordonia, even today.
• Castelserraillan ironically becomes THE place if you want to get a comprehensive and accurate study of the Renaissance in Cordonia.
Present Day
• Duke Hakim Thorne is the son of Beatrice Thorne - the former Duchess - and Mehdi Hakmoun, a Gnawa musician from Fes in Morocco. It was love at first sight for both of them, and Beatrice fought much familial opposition to marry Mehdi. He became well loved in Castel and in fact music became a far more respected art form when he became Duke through Beatrice. They welcomed their firstborn Hakim, and his sister Hala a few years later.
• Hala moved to Marrakesh - where some of the family had resettled - at some point, being very fond of her father's side of the family. She often visits Castel and all the cousins keep in close touch. It is for them that Kiara hosts a henna ceremony before her wedding.
• Castel already had French influences before Hakim's marriage to Joëlle, and influences from the Maghreb before his mother Beatrice's wedding to Mehdi, but these marriages further cemented the love for those languages (French and Arabic).
• Castel is known for several things - the hub for LGBTQ communities, the literature and art capital of Cordonia, their incredible warm weather variety wines, just to name a few.
France Headcanons
• Joëlle Moreau was born and brought up in Orlèans near the Loire, in north-central France. She has an older sister named Jeanette, named partially for Joan d'Arc whose courage and martyrdom put Loire on the world map. Jeanette has her eldest daughter Celèste and twins Céline and Cédric.
• It is unfortunately Cédric's wedding that Kiara had to skip, because she needed to attend King Liam and Lady Esther's wedding at the same time. But the family knew it was a national event that she couldn't avoid, and were especially proud of her bravery at the boutique when the news was reported.
• Celeste and Kiara have always been very close, and still keep in touch regularly. Kiara is godmother to her second child Hélène.
• The cousins love cycling and Kiara makes it a point to come down to France in July for the Tour de France.
• Kiara's favourite poet is Guillaume Appollinaire
• When visiting Loire, Kiara and Joëlle's favourite chateau to visit is Le château royal d’Amboise and Clos-Lucé which houses Leonardo Da Vinci's tomb and where he stayed for a while.
• Kiara loves Pinot Noir and goat cheeses, both of which are in plenty in Centre-Loire
• While in Paris, Kiara loves to wear mostly black. She knows how to snazz it up with chic accessories
• Whenever she can, she tries to make the two hr drive from Paris to Orlèans when she visits France.
*Artemisia Fierro is the name for my Hunter in TRM. My playthrough has the f!Asian Hunter. She was named for the artist Artemesia Gentileschi.
* Sofonisba Vescovi is the name for my Kayden in TRM. My playthrough has the f!Black Kayden. She was named for the artist Sofonisba Anguissola.
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We're halfway through KTAW! So far we have explored Kiara's family, and her skills and interests. It's now time to discuss her in terms of her origins and the places she calls home.
There are two themes for Day 4: Origins and France.
Origins could refer to a lot of things - you could speak of ancestry, or of her personal history (ie the origins of some of her interests). Why, you could even connect her to Rowan Thorn, who TRH established as her ancestor!
France goes very much without saying, given that French is the language Kiara is most comfortable with besides English, and is a regional language in her duchy. But we also find out in TRR3 that her mother comes from Loire in France. It would be great to explore her connections to this country!
As always, any and all content is welcome. Whether it is hcs, fics, art, edits or even your favourite scenes! We also accept WIPs so if you're not able to complete a work in time, do consider sharing a snippet! While we do have themes for certain days there is no set rule that content for a day should only be sent on that day - you can always send it on a later day, and tag it with the day you intended it for (#ktaw day 1, #ktaw day 2).
Be sure to do the following while making your content:
1. Use the tags #kiaratheronappreciationweek and #ktaw in your posts.
2. Tag @kiaratheronappreciationweek in your posts as well as co-hosts, @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes
Optionally, these are some prompts you can use if you so wish!
@choicesficwriterscreations - Primarily for fanfic. Has a weekly roster of events here.
@choicesmonthlychallenge - Any and all content welcome. Currently running events: PICKtober and Naughty and Nice.
@choicesprompts - The blog is currently on hiatus till January, but is still accepting entries for their past prompts.
Happy Kiara Theron Appreciation Week, everyone!
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lizzybeth1986 · 1 year
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: None. Kiara & OC (Céleste, her cousin).
Rating: G
Summary: There is a lot on little Kiara's mind as she goes biking with her cousin Céleste. Can Céleste help her?
Word Count: 3, 191 words
Tagging @kiaratheronappreciationweek for Day 4: Family, @choicesficwriterscreations for FotW, and @choicesmonthlychallenge for the prompt Warm Hugs
A/N: This fic takes place two months after Queen Eleanor's death. Joëlle and Kiara (7 years old) are in Orleans, Loire with Joëlle's sister Jeanette. Jeanette has an older daughter, Céleste (9) and twins Céline and Cédric (6). Kiara is closer to Céleste, Ezekiel is closer to Céline, and Cédric is actually quite close to both siblings and to their cousins in Morocco (Hakim's side of the family). This fic also has a lot of connections to Ch 3 of Eleanor's Kitchen, which shows Joëlle and Queen Eleanor as best friends.
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It will be a fine summer morning at the main square of Place du Martroi, Kiara's cousin promises her. Just the perfect time, and weather, to gear up for an hour-long bike ride. Maman can spend some time alone with Tatie Jeanette, and seek some of her much-needed solace at the cathedral nearby. And they can spend fifteen minutes cycling around Kiara's favourite thing to see in Orléans: the Jeanne d'Arc statue.
The Maid of Orléans sits mounted on her horse, sword in hand, proud and determined. Her bronze frame, stained a rusty blue-green from centuries of heat and dust and oxidisation, is cast into an alluring interplay of light and shadow against the morning sun. Joan of Arc, a heroine of France, the woman her aunt Jeanette was named in honor of. Kiara remembers a similar statue - of Captain Guard Val Greaves - at the Capitol square...not too far from the royal palace...
...Kiara instantly loses her smile. Then she shakes her head and tries to concentrate on something else.
"Cette statue gravement endommagée au cours de la duexieme guerre mondiale a eté restaurée en 1950 grâce a la générosité des habitants de la Nouvelle Orléans." She reads the plaque at the foot of the statue slowly, mentally substituting some of the all-too-familiar words into another language, as she always does. It's not easy - some of them are too big for her...like "inhabitants" and "generosity"...but she thinks she can understand the essence of it.
There was a Second World War, the war ruined the statue, and people from New Orleans helped make it look better than before. She knows already - from a map of the United States of America in her father's study desk - that New Orleans is a city there, near the Mississippi river. Baba told her lots of people speak French there too, but a different kind of French.
She tries to remember the bigger words she read on the plaque, but already they're slipping from her memory. Zeke would laugh and call this an exercise in futility, if he were here instead of at Orphys with Baba, Céline, Cédric and Tonton Henri - after all, weren't you raised on both French and English, Kiki? Haven't you been doing this your whole life? It can't be that challenging for you anymore.
But Kiara no longer deals with languages for just the challenge. Now she does it for the sheer joy of playing around with words that mean similar things in different places.
Céleste brushes away a stray leaf that has landed on her head, covering one of her tightly-coiled, intricately-braided cornrows. For perhaps the fiftieth time, Kiara admires the back of her cousin's head, where the braids form the shape of a heart near the nape of her neck. Silently she makes a promise to ask Maman to try it out once on her. When Maman feels more herself again.
Kiara traces a nervous finger over her own braids. They're perfect now - tiny coiled cornrows on her scalp, thicker braids raised high by hairbands that looked like a cluster of grapes, a side parting that took Kiara time to get used to but that she cannot help but admire now. But oh, how much Maman must have suffered today to get it right.
One slip of her hand. Then two. A braid hanging looser than usual, a thin cornrow looking slightly thicker and uneven, a stray curly strand winding out of an arrangement so meticulously planned and designed. It was so unlike Maman, who could do more intricate styles than this blindfolded and with her arms behind her back. The unfamiliar, puzzled frown between Maman's eyes was now threatening to become permanent.
By the sixth mistake she let out a rough growl, fisted her hands and paced agitated to the other end of the room, leaving an entire section of Kiara's hair half-done. When Kiara turned to look, Maman's back was facing her but her shoulders were shaking.
Tatie Jeanette, who had just completed her final touches on Céleste's cornrows, moved over to Maman, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Take a few minutes off, Joli," she said gently, "Renée has made some chamomile-spiced apple tea. That's your favourite now, right? It's in the kitchen. Still hot. It should calm your nerves. Go."
Kiara froze, wondering if her aunt had made a mistake by mentioning the tea was apple-flavoured. The last time Maman had such a drink was the last time she was with...with...
She winced. A very vague image of the late Queen as Kiara remembered her - raven-haired, gentle, smiling, a faint rose smell emanating from her wherever she went - floated at the fringes of her memory. She was grateful she didn't have a memory of what that face looked like in death. It was already painful, watching her funeral procession from a distance that day, Princes Leo and Liam walking behind her coffin, heads bent, steps measured. The older prince's jaw was tight and his eyes reddened and blazing...but the image that would forever stay with her, was the blankness on the face of the boy she often called her playmate. Every time she thought about his dark, unfocused gaze, an odd chill slithered through her spine.
If this was how she felt about that funeral, she can't imagine just how painful it must have been for Maman. Biding her goodbyes at the coffin, her voice at the Mass trembling midway through the late Queen's favourite hymn. After the adults from the Great Houses poured earth from their hands towards the lowered coffin at burial, Baba tightened his hands around Maman's shoulder, her sobs muffled in his jacket.
"It's going to take a while for Maman to go back to being Maman again," he'd whispered in Kiara's hair just before their flight to France, "But she'll get there. I promise you."
She'd felt less nervous when Baba said that. It was now two weeks since that flight, but on more days than not, Kiara didn't feel so sure.
When Maman took longer than usual to return, it was Céleste who saw the look on her face and convinced her to check on her in the kitchen.
"But what do I say?" Kiara whispered worriedly. These days everything she'd tried to say to comfort her seemed to have the opposite effect. Oh, Maman was very lovely about it, running an affectionate hand through her hair and smiling down at her, but the smile never seemed to reach her eyes like it always did.
Céleste shrugged. "Who said you had to say anything?"
Easy for Céleste to say. Everybody always said her oldest cousin gave the best hugs in the family. Soft, light ones for the kids younger than them, tentative ones for adults she didn't know, the tightest ones reserved for her parents. Kiara on the other hand always felt her body too awkward for good hugs. All knees and elbows poking at softer flesh. She felt uncomfortable giving them, and the leaving of an embrace always felt so odd on both sides. It was why she was so fond of talking her way through comforting people.
Only, this was a time where that kind of comfort didn't seem to change anything.
Thankfully, Maman's shoulders were no longer shaking when Kiara's feet padded their way to the kitchen. Her arms were gripping the counter, shoulders slumped, tired. The teacup was still full, all the steam in it long gone.
Kiara gulped. "It's okay, Maman," she said softly, "we don't have to go out today. It's always nice to have one whole day to just rest and do nothing, no, Maman?"
Again that look. Again that soft hand on her head. Again that smile that didn't reach Maman's eyes.
Kiara had struggled through 5 languages so far in her young life. Each time she failed to get things right, her chest felt tight and her shoulders heavy. But all that suddenly felt like nothing to the failure she experienced now.
Maman did Kiara's braids. Perfectly, meticulously, not a single strand out of place. But Kiara felt none of the victory they always experienced when Maman nailed a hairdo. In place of the joy and anticipation they both always had while braiding her hair, was a steely determination, a mechanical sequence of movement. As if Maman was thinking of something else and wanted not to, really badly.
"T'es prête?" Céleste says, her foot on the pedal of her cycle, waiting for her cousin to join her on their hour-long ride to Parc Floral de la Source. It's not where Céleste would have liked to take her, but it's still a beautiful place and she's sure her cousin would love the butterflies there.
"Yeah," Kiara says softly, "I'm ready." She runs back to her own cycle, bought two years ago the moment she'd seen Céleste on a bicycle, so connected to the act of riding it that the vehicle almost seemed like an extension of her. This beauty, bought by her aunt, is black and silver and deceptively fragile-looking, but very sturdy. Just like herself, Kiara would like to believe.
The sun is kind to them today. Its light streams silently through the trees and glistens over the Loire river, so it turns molten gold from the limpid blue of the early morning. The Loire à Vèlo path is a sandy white expanse of road, empty except for the few cyclists dotting the horizon.
Kiara presses her feet to the pedals as hard as she can, the light breeze turning into a sharp burst of wind when she picks up speed. The spaces in her scalp feel the cool kiss of fresh air as she struggles to catch up with Céleste.
She envies her older cousin for her speed and ability on a bike, but not too much. They all have their passions, after all. Céleste never had the knack for languages that Kiara did, or the love for animals that Zeke did, or even the raw artistry that her baby sister Céline was already beginning to show at age 6 - but by God did she work her magic if you gave her a bicycle!
It was the first birthday present she'd ever asked her parents for, and there was never a day you'd see her without it. Already the family was in awe of how she managed to cycle the entire Loire à Vèlo route last year, at the tender age of 8.
Already she had her answer ready for every school exam paper that had the question: "Qu'est-ce que tu veux faire quand tu seras grande ?". When I grow older, I will be tête de la course at Le Tour de France.
Tête de la course. The head of the race.
It's never going to be a matter of can, or maybe, or even should. Not for Céleste. It's a matter she has already had settled in her head. She will never imagine her future another way.
Kiara presses down on the pedals, even harder, enjoying this little race with her cousin. Even if it's one she's sure to lose.
Royal blue. Butter yellow. Purple at the center with orange fringes. The butterfly enclosure at Parc Floral de la Source has papillons in colours Kiara can't even begin to imagine.
Yet somehow, it is the black-veined, white-speckled, flame orange Monarch butterfly that most fascinates her. Kiara is almost tempted to touch its wings, to see if she'd find her fingers stained in fiery-hued dust as she'd always dreamed would happen. But she won't. She doesn't want to scare the poor thing away.
Lots of butterflies come to our garden. Come sometime in the morning, you'll see loads.
Kiara jerks her hand away as if stung. She isn't sure why these words, in the gentle tones of the young prince who used play tag and soccer with her, would give her a feeling of unease, rather than the usual mild fondness. Maybe because it has been almost a year since she last visited the palace gardens; perhaps because - if her parents' urgent whispers in the study were anything to go by - it is doubtful she would ever get to visit it again.
The last she saw of it, Her Majesty's (Call me Tatie Eleanor! she would hiss if Kiara ever tried to be formal around her) plans to create a hedge maze in the gardens had just begun to take form. There was very little to show of it back then, and Maman had whispered to her when they drove home that it would be roughly five to seven years before the maze looked anything like "Ellie's plans".
"Will it be fun?" she'd asked Maman when they'd reached half of the way back to Castelserraillan.
"Oh, very!" Maman said, a big grin on her face. "Ask your auntie Eleanor next time if you don't believe me. She used to spend all her time playing in garden mazes when she was a child."
Kiara frowned a little, suddenly remembering something.
"I thought Tatie Eleanor got the idea from that visit to Château de Villandry we took with her, two years ago!"
"That too!" Maman responded, grinning. "She loved visiting that place so much because it reminded her of her childhood." Her smile was now sweet, and a tiny bit conspirational. "We gave her that, ma fée."
Shivering, Kiara follows Céleste's lead outside to the open space that holds the spicy, woody, slightly-vanilla scent of purple irises.
Their housekeeper Renée packed them an enormous, sumptuous lunch before they left home; the cycling and the walking have made Céleste and Kiara ravenous enough to devour almost every spare morsel. Except, of course, one solitary baguette, which Céleste insists they keep so they can feed the flamingoes.
The birds make noises that sound like a cross between a loud honk and a piercing screech, scrambling to lay their claim on the pieces Céleste tosses their way. Kiara laughs, her fingers absently sweeping over the calm waters of the little Loiret tributary.
"I really wanted us to go to Château de Villandry today," Céleste's tone is that of a slight whine. "You always loved running through the garden labyrinth there."
Absently, Kiara pouts and throws another piece of the baguette to the birds.
"It's okay if we don't," her voice is almost a whisper, so soft Céleste has to strain to hear it. "This place was quite lovely!" If there is a false brightness she notices in her cousin's tone, Céleste doesn't allow herself to dwell on it.
They sit like that for a while - exactly how long Kiara can't recall - but when they're about to leave she calls out to her cousin. "Where would Maman and Tatie Jeanette be now?"
"Waiting for us at the canal," Céleste murmurs. She stops as she notices Kiara tense. "Don't look so scared, Kiki. Tatie Joli won't be sad forever."
Almost immediately, Céleste bites her tongue in a tacit apology. She's never been one to be very good with her words, and oftentimes - like this one - they come out sounding all wrong.
"Oh well," Kiara says, sighing, "It's not like anything I say will help. The more I talk, the sadder she gets. Maybe I should just..."
"Just what?"
"I don't know. Stop talking?"
The two girls are silent as they make their way back to where they'd kept their bicycles. It's only when they're about to mount that Kiara thinks to ask her.
"How do you know what kind of hugs your Maman wants?"
Céleste gives her a funny little look, like she's about to say I thought you'd never ask. But she shrugs instead.
"I don't always know, really. Sometimes I just try it and see if it works. Sometimes Maman doesn't want to listen to anything... sometimes she just wants someone to hold her tight. She lets me know."
"And if she doesn't like it?"
Céleste smiles. "I try something else. At some point I'll find something she likes!"
That's what I do with Maman too. Kiara thinks. But with words. Never with touch.
Kiara doesn't say a word after that. Not when they mount on their cycles, not when they exit the park, not when they reunite with their mothers at the canal, not even when they're back at the foot of the Jeanne d'Arc statue. Maman and Tatie Jeanette take turns to stare oddly at how unnaturally silent she seems, but Céleste's hand lightly touching her elbow reassures her. Lets her know that she doesn't need to talk until she feels like it.
Before they head to Tatie Jeanette's house, Céleste turns to her mother. "What about Château de Villandry next weekend, Maman? Kiki always liked the maze gar-"
She stops abruptly, noting with regret Kiara's panicked gaze and the terrified shake of her head.
Her voice is lower, more incoherent than a mumble. Her hands are folded in front of her, the perfect picture of a contrite child. "... we'll find another Château to visit, Maman. Sorry."
Too late. Maman holds it together, somehow, for a few minutes, before she excuses herself to her sister's study.
"I'll make you both a mug each of chocolat chaud... you'll like that!" Tatie Jeanette's voice seems falsely bright.
It is now Céleste who says nothing, as she gives Kiki one last, tight hug before she retreats to her room. Strangely, that action calms her a little.
Maman isn't at the desk of Tatie Jeanette's study, or even seated on one of the sofas or chairs. She is a crumpled figure on the floor, her body enfolding into itself, trying to look as invisible as possible even if she knows there is no one else in the room.
Kiara almost opens her mouth to speak, then snaps it shut. She stares at the lonely, defeated figure of her mother, remembering every scrape of knee that she had patted and every tiny arm-bruise she had given a little kiss to. Wordlessly.
Wordlessly, Kiara bends to her mother's eye-level. Lightly, tentatively, she wraps her arms around Maman's shoulder, keeping a small distance between their bodies.
After what feels like an age but must have been only two minutes, she feels something shift. Her mother angles her body more towards the circle of Kiara's arms, allowing them to tighten. Slowly, ever so slowly, Maman's hands make their way to the center of her spine, burrowing her daughter closer into her space. Against her cheek, Maman's own feels a little wet. But her body is more relaxed, the stress lines on her face receding.
Before this, Kiara had juggled with many possibilities to show comfort. Bringing up Queen Eleanor's name, never mentioning Queen Eleanor's name. Trying to talk more about this tragedy, trying to talk about literally everything else. Nothing had worked so far before this. Who knew that silence and touch could accomplish in 20 seconds what all the hours of talking couldn't?
Maman's hand rubs rhythmically along Kiara's back. Whether it's to return the gesture of comfort, or as an apology for not being the kind of mother she wanted to be for Kiara these days...Kiara has no idea.
What she does know, is that she hopes they get more chances. To share silence. To share comfort. To share - mother and daughter - the blanket-heavy warmth of these wordless embraces.
Two bits of foreshadowing here:
1. New Orleans: this was a bit of foreshadowing I included, because my TRR MC Esther hails from New Orleans.
2. The Monarch butterfly is the sigil of Krysanthe, the duchy that eventually Hana becomes the Duchess of.
Translations and additional notes:
1. Tonton - Like Tatie for aunt, Tonton is a nickname used to address your uncle.
2. Huge thanks to @thecapturedafrique for her suggestion of the girls wearing cornrows in summer! She'd also recommended styles, two of which I'd zeroed in on for Céleste and Kiara. The first one is Céleste's, the second Kiara's:
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3. T'es prête? - Are you ready? (when said to a girl/woman)
4. "Qu'est-ce que tu veux faire quand tu seras grande ?" - What do you want to be when you grow up?
5. Tête de la course - Head of the race.
6. Papillon - Butterfly
Places mentioned in France:
The fic is largely set in Orléans, a city that's situated close to the Loire River.
Place du Martroi: The Martroi square is the main square of the city of Orleans, where stands the equestrian statue of Joan of Arc carried out in 1855 by Denis Foyatier.
Loire à Vèlo: La Loire à Vélo is a unique, 800km cycle route. It forms the western section of the EuroVelo 6 route (linking Black Sea to Atlantic) (basically you get a great view of the river through this cycling route).
Parc Floral de la Source: a French garden situated to the south of the River Loire, in the La Source neighbourhood of the town of Orléans, in the département of Loiret. The source of the Loiret tributary can be found at the center of this park.
Château de Villandry: The Château de Villandry is a grand country house located in Villandry, in the département of Indre-et-Loire, France. It is especially known for its beautiful gardens and has an intricate labyrinth/maze garden arrangement too.
Orphys: This is a country in the Cordonia universe which is home to the princesses Lerato and Lesidi.
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(this incredible poster is the handiwork of our lovely host @sazanes!!)
Welcome to our third Kiara Theron Appreciation Week! That time of the year when we get together and celebrate this wonderful character (though to be honest, every day is a great day to celebrate Kiara).
This year, we will be holding this event around May 21st, which is World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development! Basically, a day specially meant to celebrate all cultures and diversities. And which estate is best known for its rich culture, art and literature? Castelserraillan, of course!
Here are our themes for this year:
Day 1 - May 21st - Culture/Festivals
Day 2 - May 22nd - Character Appreciation/Throwback
Day 3 - May 23rd - Languages/Wine
Day 4 - May 24th - Diplomacy/Nature
Day 5 - May 25th - Family/Friendships/Romance
Any content is welcome - art, fanfic, edits, essays, moodboards, interactive media, headcanons...even short appreciation posts and screencaps! Our only requirement is that the content should be Kiara-focused and depict her positively.
Each day has a theme, and some will have two. For those days, you can choose whichever theme you prefer or you can even combine them! It isn't completely necessary to post the content exactly on the day it's meant for...just make sure you tag it with the day and theme even if you're submitting it on a later day.
We also will be accepting pieces after the event is over, and all year round until the next KTAW! So even if you have your post ready much later, please don't hesitate to tag us! 🤗
Blogs to Tag: @hanaleeappreciationweek, and hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes
Tags to Use: #kiaratheronappreciationweek, #KTAW, #KTAW 2024
There are some incredible fan-community blogs that work tirelessly both to promote creative fandom works and make the experience fun for their writers! Do check them out!!
@choicesficwriterscreations, @choicesmonthlychallenge, @choicespride, @choicesflashfics, @choicesholidays, @choicesprompts, @wordwarriors, @choicescommunityevents
If you know any others who would like to be tagged, please let me know! Here are the amazing works sent in for 2023 and '22 if you'd like to get more inspired!
KTAW 2022 | KTAW 2023
Can't wait to see all our fellow Kiara fans next month!!
✅✅signal boosts are always appreciated!✅✅
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KTAW 2023 - Masterlist
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(this beautiful poster is the work of our host @sazanes!)
Art and Literature
Quote Edit by @storyofmychoices
The Stolen Interview by @twinkleallnight
Funny How People Are A Bit Like Wine by @sazanes
Batalla del Vino by @lizzybeth1986
Kiara's Eclectic Playlist by @sazanes
Loving a Polyglot by @twinkleallnight
Headcanons: Kiara the Polyglot by @lizzybeth1986
The Languages Kiara Knows by @mand-delemonde
Kiara Strikes A Pose On Travel by @cassiopeiacorvus
Beach Extravaganza by @sazanes
Around the (Stamping) World by @twinkleallnight
Moodboard and Character Appreciation by @angelasscribbles
Wordlessly by @lizzybeth1986
Second Born by @dcbbw
Ours by @mand-delemonde
Bedtime Reading with Maman by @sazanes
Home Is Where My Family Is by @twinkleallnight
First Waltz: Hana x Kiara by @sazanes
Boxing with God (WIP)/KTAW WIPs (synopses) by @dcbbw
Kiara x Hana: Winter Romance by @lizzybeth1986
Fashion Faux Pas by @lizzybeth1986
Once Upon A Time: Rashad, Kiara and Noah by @twinkleallnight
If Only...For the Night by @bebepac
Once again, we thank everyone who was part of this week, especially to our wonderful contributors who gave their heart and soul to these amazing pieces we have here. We're so incredibly proud of the content we got, and we urge everyone to check each and every piece on this masterlist. The range of topics here and the number of ways Kiara and her background were explored is unbelievable.
Even though the week is over, we are still open for content. If you'd like to send some that you'd intended for KTAW 2023, do tag us! Here are the list of themes! And here is last year's masterlist: KTAW 2022!
Check out every piece listed here... they're all such beautiful explorations of Kiara as a character, and please do pass on lots of love to our wonderful contributors who made this week so vibrant!!
See you all in 2024!
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