#kura please do this i love hearing about you TT
astralsweetness · 5 years
Get To Know Me Tag
I was tagged by @pinkchubbiebunnie and kjhgfdf it warms my heart, I’ve met some truly wonderful people through Tumblr and I’m glad we’ve managed to stay in touch ♡
Birthday: March 16th (I was going to be a St. Patrick’s Day baby, but the doctor wanted to go on vacation so if he induced labor in my mother and did a shitty job with the actual delivery)
Zodiac: Pisces | Metal Dragon
Height: 5″4 TT I’ve always wanted to be 5″6, but alas
Last Song I Listened To: What Kind of Future by Jihoon from Seventeen, it’s so good and I am STILL AWAITING A STUDIO VERSION, PLEDIS
Hobbies: Ahh, this is tough. I suffer from anhedonia badly, so while before I would have said writing, nothing really catches my interest anymore. Does sleeping count? Probably not.. hm. Dragon Age stuff?
Favorite color: Pastel pink! Funny story about this - I grew up in such a weird household that for literal years I was afraid to say I liked the color pink because it was a ‘girly’ color, and I’d been told my whole life that since I grew up in the country I shouldn’t be super girly. Admitting I liked pink was legitimately more stressful to me than admitting I was pansexual
Last Movie I watched: Ahhh I don’t watch movies very often at all ggfhd I think the last one I watched was Bandersnatch? That was months ago, wow
Favorite Book: Oh, this is hard, as I haven’t read in a very long time for various reasons. Prooobably.. the Grisha Trilogy? I can’t remember the separate books themselves, but I fell in love with that universe and it’s the first thing that came to mind
Dream Job: A translator! I love languages. I thought I was set on the path towards this for a little while, but my entire support system has veto’d this so things are up in the air rn ahahahai’mterrified
Meaning behind my URL: Unfortunately not an interesting story here - I’ve gone by Luna since I was like, seven, and I was originally just going to write Seventeen stuff lol if changing names wasn’t so hard, I’d def have changed mine by now
Tagging @re-sugance, @reifromrfa, @mysticmikalla, and @arrancxr if they’d like to do this ♡
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