#leafy speaks
leaffiii · 9 months
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Birthday present from my boyf came early 🥺 ❤️💕💕 featuring my son for scale
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leafywritingwhump · 1 year
Riding on the bus w/my jacket w/magnets and I keep sticking to the bus.
And all I can think is hey. Magnet whump. Magnets as restraints?? Strong enough magnets as torture?? I feel like if I stew in this longer I'll come up with something.
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leafie-draws · 7 months
I think the biggest downside to having animal ears and a tail would be trying to mask your discomfort in public like imagine trying to play it cool in customer service but your tail keeps bristling
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leafryoworks · 6 months
Everytime I feel like I'm about dislocate a bone or more specificly my ribs , I would go 'Ah , my crumbs !' instead of my bones .
What am I ? The Gingerbreadman ?
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phoebelovingcare · 8 months
free my girl she did do that i just miss her s o somuch pleas
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kingflups · 18 days
I don't know if I want to dye my hair fire colors again, green fade out, or just fucking buzz if for pride. Hmmmmmmm
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crescentfool · 9 months
silly facts about me: for about five months now, every time i leave my room and i see my mom sitting in the living room at her, i briefly do a little dinosaur impersonation motion like this. it's become a habit that i started doing as a joke because i thought it was funny.
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and somehow!!! only a few days ago!! did my mom ever think to say, "you shouldn't be doing that to your wrists" and only then it dawned on me, "huh, yeah, i really shouldn't."
and now i haven't been doing it anymore because the idea of having to explain to someone, "i fucked up my wrists because i would pretend to be yosukesaurus every time i walked into the living room" is too embarassing LMFAO. and also i don't want to fuck up my wrists. fun fact over.
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larsofthe-stars · 6 months
Deltarune delusion gang!!!!!!
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Hihi moots @gremsnleir @jingledbells @leafyable @smolldust
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dork-master · 11 months
I started feeling bad and lonely, and then I remembered Lightbulb, Fan, Paintbrush, and Testtube exist all together and they are all dating (canon to me)
and then from there I felt normal again :]
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doctorguilty · 2 months
# ive never seen a whole bay leaf served in a dish before seth what are you eating
y'know like if you buy a premade food like stew and the bay leaf gets left in by accident or sometimes I've seen it left as like a garnish, or you make something at home with bay leaves so they're just in there and you're serving yourself, blinks at you cutely
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leafywritingwhump · 2 years
y'all I was drafting a lil thing that was supposed to be a one-shot because I've been dead on here.
I should've known better.
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leafie-draws · 6 months
I hate! how every game that lets you play as a pokemon always has a human element to it! like either you were a human transformed into a pokemon or there's some trainer telling u what to do! I WANNA BE A LITTLE GUY!!!!
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stewyonmolly · 7 months
frankieeee im making soup tonight for a dinner party but idk what soup to make What is your favorite soup recipe!
OOOH GOOD QUESTION. splitting this up so awkwardly bc i said so much… also full disclosure i was vegan for 5 years until a year ago so most of the soups i make nowadays are still at least vegetarian 😔 unless you don’t eat meat in which case 😄
you can never go wrong with a classic minestrone imo which is basically a broth of your choosing with whatever vegetables you have on hand (https://ricette.giallozafferano.it/Minestrone-di-verdure.html)
but i’m also a big fan of coconut milk-based soups such as https://ohmyveggies.com/thai-pumpkin-soup-recipe/
or a good chicken soup with a hefty amount of dill ❤️
i think you can never go wrong with anything that has a root vegetable base (potatoes, pumpkin, winter squashes, etc) and i love anything i can add loads of ginger to!!
some fav soups of mine are carrot and ginger (exactly what it sounds like, i roast carrots and fresh ginger with oil salt pepper and it would be mad delish with curry powder too & blend it up with broth and you could totally add cream or milk),
pastina with chicken broth and tons of grated cheese (i follow my heart when making it there’s no recipe but it’s comfort food),
oooh you could even do a broth started with sautéed zucchini in a pan (onions, some sort of cured meat if you’re a meat eater, that type of stuff) and pasta!!!
my mom did a lot of soups growing up perché siamo napoletane and that’s peasant food so OH MY GOD LENTIL SOUP. LENTIL SOUP. carrot celery onion lentils add some fresh greens once boiling maybe some chopped tomatoes…
my mom also made this awesome mushroom soup with quinoa kale spinach and cinnamon when i was sick last year and it healed me (spiritually).
escarole soup obvs http://www.christopherpless.com/recipe/zuppa-di-scarola/ also
zuppa di ceci chickpea soup was an absolute STANDARD in my house we usually didn’t blend it (whole chickpeas https://ricette.giallozafferano.it/Zuppa-di-ceci.html) but it can totally be blended too (https://www.italianfoodforever.com/2009/11/zuppa-di-ceci-creamy-chickpea-soup/)… i could go on
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weaselmcdiesel · 2 years
In withc au, have you decided which other hermits are familiars? Do the familiars ever hangout with each other or do they stay close to their witch?
I don't know for sure yet! i only have a couple thoughts- like i want pearl to be a familiar, a dragon specifically but i dont know who she'd be partnered with? and just because i love fox etho i want him to be a familiar as well but i dont know if he really SHOULD be a familiar ^^ everyone else is up in the air atm!
there's no like, official meeting between familiars like there is between witches, but I can see familiars of witches who are friends would gossip a bunch!
Part of being a witch's familiar is that you feel a pull to your witch, gets stronger the farther you are from them and especially when they call out to you. The familiar adoption spell is a reaaaally old spell, and it was originally meant to make an animal serve its witch, so the spell is still commonly executed in the same way and prompts the animal to serve :P
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f1-birb · 6 months
WIP title game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
thank you leaf for the tag! <3 @ocontraire (and an additional tag by @maxcuntstappen thank you! and another-other tag by @sof1shticated!)
I am not going to list all of them because it's actually ridiculous how many I have and it'll take too long
1. photographer lando
2. float, sting
3. karaoke anyone?
4. android lando au
5. that is NOT a dog?!?!
6. flatheads and fucked up legs
7. i loved my friend
8. nortrell fake dating but not
9. tangled up in knots
imma leave it at 9 but there is probably like 10x that number of google docs...
I don't even know who to tag tbh so consider it an open tag to whoever wants to play
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nyxwoven · 1 year
I'm not a spiritual person but there's something about the process of gardening and preparing food with your crop that makes me feel connected to the universe more than anything before
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