#lease give us a happy ending please *cries in Simon and Marcy enjoyer*
petrigrof family headcanons
When Marcy gets sick he often stops after work to pick up a little present
Lets Marcy have too many sweets
Makes up funny songs about something like washing the dishes to make Marceline giggle
Can't use the GPS
Uses funny words instead of swears when Marceline's listening ("oh breadballs, oh breadballs, oh breadballs") (this one is implied canon)
Every once in a while will drop some insane piece of 'Simon lore' as Marcy likes to call it, particularly when she gets older, such as, "Oh yeah, I was big into wrestling when I was in highschool, I dislocated the principal's elbow," to which Marceline often asks "WHERE WAS THIS PIECE OF INFORMATION MY WHOLE LIFE???"
Ironically, in a timeline where he never found the crown, he likes to play in the snow with Marceline...
The stricter of the two
She and Simon occasionally argue late into the night--about whether or not Pluto is a planet (Simon says yes, Betty says no, Simon keeps trying to jokingly convince Marcy to side with him)
Likes to have stuff like school/activities planned out, on the calendar, etc., works best with a physical schedule
If Marcy expresses interest in something, even if Betty's never heard of it, she'll enable it to the best of her abilities and do research and just be super supportive (she hated hard metal into Marceline got into it)
Can use GPS
Simon is more inclined to keep Marceline safe, while Betty encourages independence and autonomy and learning to use freedom responsibly
Makes good hot cocoa
Cautions Marcy to be careful on the Internet a lot. It's just a fixation of hers
Taught Marceline how to punch properly
And make her own meals because again, she wants Marcy to know how to be independent if necessary
Knows she can get more sweets/later bedtime/etc. from Simon and takes full advantage of that
Doesn't actually care whether or not Pluto is a planet but constantly confirms and withdraws her opinions to mess with Simon
Falls asleep cuddling Hambo wrapped up in cozy blankets and sheets, Simon and Betty often sing lullabies (and, especially Simon, read her way more than one bedtime story)
Learns the ukulele
Likes it when Betty brushes her hair
Was bad at math at a young age and asked Simon for help; now she's doing much better but continues pretending to be terrible, again, to mess with Simon
Happy, not traumatized
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