#ler!white lily cookie
sleepysheepytea · 1 year
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I know it might be a bit early, but I can’t wait to give my gift hehe
Squealing Santa gift for @helloitsghost​
Hihi Ghost hehe I’m your secret santa!! Merry early Christmas!!
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lovelydiamond-cake · 2 years
Yo, can I ask for some headcannons for Dark Cacao? Btw, I love your headcannons, they're always so adorable!
Ya'll gotta stop complimenting me, my heart can't take it
But omg- Thank you so much!! I'm really happy you like them!!
♤Tickle Dark Cacao headcanons♤
He's such a tired old gruff, give him his son back already
Tickling in general for him.. it depends on who he's around
Like if its younger kids, small tickle fights that he always wins
His son? Oh without a doubt
With the Ancients? a switch, but ler-leaning
Hollyberry herself?
Oh they have their own tickle fights
It's supposed to be a quick brawl to test each other's strength and give each other tips but, it always takes a turn
Sensitive areas would be sides, hips, and back
Death spot has to be his neck and this very specific spot on his stomach right in the middle, between his two ribs above his bellybutton but right under his chest
Don't ask why it's so specific
And only one person knows this specific spot!!
Say it with me!!!
She's my favorite!!
Can you guess?- ok let me stop stalling-
His laugher is very deep and gruff
Quite loud but not really
Usually chuckles and wheezing but when you get places like his neck and the very specific one, that's when you get deep laughter
Scars! He has scars and those are quite sensitive as well!!
Especially the one his son gave him
Brush your hand against his scars and he like- dies
In all honesty, soft touches to his scars make him melt but tense at the same time and he just doesn't know how to feel about it he secretly doesn't know himself how to feel with soft touches especially ones that make him feel all bubbly and happy inside but he acts like he want you to stop but doesn't necessarily want you to stop but at the same time he has a imagine to keep and it's just UGHH 💘💘
Very soft but deep chuckles
Doesn't squrim a lot, usually in fear of hurting his ler, but Doesn't squrim much anyway so it works out
When you get a bad spot though, he'll start to wrestle you so be prepared
Light tickles lead to very light squirming!
Favorite Lee had to be his son
He's right there! How could he not tickle him
Called it "Endurance training" or punishment when he couldn't get the technique right
Or somedays he just sees Dark choco standing there and he just instantly blows a fat raspberry on his neck knowing he can't take it or fight back cause his reflexes aren't fast enough
Would love to tickle his fellow ancient friends (because who wouldn't??) because their smiles are just so damn sweet! But doesn't cause he's awkward, shy, and doesn't know how to start it in the first place
He has gotten them a couple times due to random tickle fights
Or random events that just led to it
So, in the end it's all good
Wouldn't say it's extremely rare for him to be the first to tickle his fellow Ancients, but I wouldn't say it's common
He likes (and is more comfortable) with tickling Hollyberry due to a couple reasons
Main ones bring they knew each other since they were young, they always end up doing so, and he could tickle her without the fear of hurting her due to his strength
He knows Hollyberry can take his strength but he isn't so sure about the rest
To him, they look so.. fragile.. and he doesn't want to risk hurting them
Usually tickles Golden Cheese to get her to shut up or stop annoying him
White lily to either get her attention, get her to stop working, or just to hear her soft laughter
Pure vanilla because he's right there and he was already smiling and someone convinced him to
Doesn't really tease, thinks he's bad at it in the first place
Unless your Dark Choco or Golden Cheese
To be fair it's not really teasing, it's kinda just comments that are still embarrassing
Let's say his lee snorted he'll make sure that you know that he knows you snort
And will try and get it out of you again
Or make you admit something
Interrogation tickles!!
You need to Interrogate someone? Get Cacao cause he's the best at it
Probably playfully pinches Second watcher's ribs when he walks by him
Squeezes Carmal arrows' side when he passes by her
Brushes his hand against Crunchy Chip's neck
Probably tickles the shit out of Affogato if he annoys him that much that day
Affogatos contain espresso in them, meaning sleep to Affogato is almost non-existent (Saying almost cause he's still ice cream-)
So when Cacao catches Affogato walking around the castle or finishing/overloading himself with work in the middle of the night, he'll (go into old dad mode) either exhaust him out by wrecking the living shit out of him or lightly tickling him til all he hears his lazy giggles
I feel like I wrote way to much for him-
but like, ideas just kept coming-!!
Imma stop there before I get carried away-
Thank you so much for asking!!
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iamalwaystiredok · 2 years
I seen the dark Chaco art and..I need white lily and pv o’ great one 🧎🧎
I like that name! (I didn't know what to do this time when it came to the position help-)
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fluffomatic · 3 years
Cookie Run tickle fic time!
Welp, Pure Vanilla Cookie was in for it now. He swore White Lily only said she wanted to cheer him up, but now he'd been cornered. Drops of sugar water dripped down his face. What would happen now?
Just when his eyes were shut, he felt something brush against his side and let a giggle slip from his mouth. "So you are...!" White Lily said, a mischevious smile already spreading across her face.
In all his years, Pure Vanilla had never experienced anything like this before. Just one little giggle, and now he was being tickled intensely and couldn't keep himself from chest-throbbing laughter. All the while, his ler was having fun teasing him. She was enjoying this a lot.
Lily eventually decided one spot was boring, and quickly moved on from Pure Vanilla's sides to his tummy and ribs. "LIHIHILEHEHEHE! STAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIHIHIT!" he screamed out, not being able to handle all the tickles.
"I won't stop!" White Lily said. "Your giggles are so cute!" She moved her fingers to get him in a cookie-cutter position, arms up and now even more vulnerable. With eight crispy fingers scribbling every which way as she constantly switched spots, Pure Vanilla was violently squirming, having dissolved into screaming laughter.
Especially when she found a sweet spot on his lower belly.
Eventually, White Lily decided it was time to give it a rest, and drew her hands away. "How do you feel?" she asked, touching his cheek gently.Eventually "Better?"
"Haaah... Yeah. Thanks."
"Good. Call me if you want more, okay~?"
And with that, she left, leaving a more energized Pure Vanilla Cookie to think about what she had said. Sure, the tickles were torturous, and disrupted the peace a little bit, but despite all that, he had to admit it...He wouldn't mind a second round.
HOLY SHIT THIS IS SO CUUUTE!! Still haven't gotten Pure Vanilla in my game yet >:(
Anywho~ Your writing is so cute! Makes me wanna do more cookie run art!
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Please do lee!pure vanilla cookie because why the heck not and how ticklish is he?
Okay so currently I'm gonna answer this with headcanons. I might make a fic of this in a separate post. My motivation to actually write is low right now.
Lee!Pure Vanilla Headcanons
On the scale from 1-10 he's like a 8, maybe an 9. White Lily is the only one above him on the scale. The other ancients are lower on the scale.
(In order from least to most ticklish: Dark Cacao, Hollyberry and Golden Cheese (they're somewhat tied), Pure Vanilla, White Lily).
It doesn't really take much to get him to laugh, just a little maneuver on any spot and he'll giggle. So he definitely takes advantage of his clothes that cover (almost) everything.
I feel like he'd be the type to try to keep his composure while being tickled and ending up failing. Like if he's getting tickled out of nowhere he'll manage to lightly poke the ler with his staff and that's it. Like he can barely fight it.
Squirmy, but not excessively so. I think Golden Cheese beats him in the squirm department.
His most ticklish spots are his sides and neck. His feet are also ticklish too (he's barefoot, so easy spot.)
Currently, only White Lily knows where he is most ticklish, and that he is ticklish in the first place. None of the other ancients do (though Golden Cheese and Hollyberry have suspicions that he is).
He tries his best to make sure the other ancients (and kind of other cookies in general) don't find out about his ticklishness. He knows that if they do, he's basically screwed.
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sleepysheepytea · 3 years
Haiiii I just recently found out that u play cookie run dndjfbdjjd Eheeeheheheheheheheheheh so is it okey if I request Ler White Lily Cookie and Lee Pure Vanilla Cookie? They're soooo cute nfdjd
It's okey if you'll decline this request or smth, Have a nice dayyyy!!! <33
-😺 anon
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:D cookieeeeeeeeeeees
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iamalwaystiredok · 2 years
Ancient Cookie Headcannons! Let's go!
♡Pure Vanilla♡
▪︎A switch, but more a lee.
▪︎Insanely ticklish, with massive giggle fits.
▪︎Ticklish everywhere, worst spots are sides, ribs, hips, and feet. (Hands are pretty ticklish too.)
▪︎Massive giggler and anything more than light tickles causes hysteric laughter.
▪︎Weak to pretty much all kinds of tickles.
▪︎Absolutely melts if you lightly tickle him and complement him while doing so.
▪︎Gets flustered if you find out about his ticklish hands.
▪︎He gets Lily, but pretty much gets tickled by everyone.
♡White Lily♡
▪︎A switch.
▪︎Is in the middle of the tickle scale.
▪︎Neck and underarms are her worst spots.
▪︎Pretty light and airy laughter. Occasional squeaks.
▪︎Not necessarily weak to anything.
▪︎When it comes to being a ler!, she's kinda merciless in the teasing department.
▪︎Lee!s get bombarded by cooing, baby talk, complements, and more.
▪︎She mainly gets PV, but has tickled everyone.
▪︎Pretty much everyone gets her, but not often.
♡Dark Cacao♡
▪︎A Ler!.
▪︎Not ticklish besides a few spots.
▪︎His ticklish spots are his neck, ears, and underarms. Ears/neck are his worst spots.
▪︎Quiet deep laughter. Heightens with raspberries.
▪︎Tends to be on guard, but not often.
▪︎Holly tends to drag him into tickle fights for fun.
▪︎He pretends to not like tickles, but is really neutral about it.
▪︎He has gotten everyone at least once.
▪︎Holly gets him a lot, and Lily occasionally gets him.
▪︎The biggest ler! out of the group.
▪︎Kinda ticklish.
▪︎Lots of loud hardy laughter.
▪︎Back of the knees and her hips are her worst spots.
▪︎Surprisingly, light tickles work the best on her and cause her to shriek.
▪︎Drags EVERYONE into tickle fights.
▪︎Finds tickles fun to both give and receive.
▪︎No one's safe.
▪︎Dark Cacao is the only one that can truly tickle her due to his strength.
▪︎Both Lily and Molten Cheese has gotten her by challenging her to the try to stay still/quiet game. If she loses, she'll take her punishment with honor. If she wins, Lily and Molten Cheese get their share of tickles.
♡Molten Cheese♡
▪︎More of a Lee! but a switch.
▪︎Averagely ticklish besides a certain spot.
▪︎Loud laughter with squeals and snorts.
▪︎Base of her wings are her worst spot.
▪︎Scratching the base of her wings causes her to go to hysterics.
▪︎Can dish it, but can't take it.
▪︎Has gotten everyone besides Dark Cacao.
▪︎Gets wrecked by Holly mostly, but sometimes Lily and Cacao.
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