#let them queer cowboys do what queer cowboys do
chickenleafs-world · 26 days
Cannot stress enough how sad I am that Boothill was made so pasty, because he’s so interesting in every aspect of his story and it would be better if some of those bits were more visible. They made his story to deliberately parallel America’s history with Native Americans, and he’s a cowboy which is a job that had mainly black and indigenous people in its heyday. It feels hollow to make the point of his story that colonialism and racism are bad, only to fall in line with those structures to whitewash him. Sure, it’s physically possible for Native Americans to pass that well (one of my closest native friends is pasty with blond hair and blue eyes) but it’s not typical, and we don’t have enough dark skinned rep in general. It comes off as lazy more than exploring the life of a mixed/passing character.
And I know it’s to be expected with Hoyo’s continued disregard for poc, but it doesn’t make it less frustrating every time they write a character to be poc then just. Don’t make the poc. HSR hasn’t added another dark skinned playable character since release and already has issues with roma representation, HI3 has… everything with Carole, and Genshin went through a whole saga of mostly pale people in the Middle East/Africa equivalent.
Please Hoyo I am begging you to for once let your bottom line be risked for poc rep the same way you’ve tried to with queer rep. If you can sneak lesbians and femboys in after being used as an example of what not to do by government censors, you can make Boothill at least a little tan. Being a Chinese company doesn’t suddenly let you off on the bear minimum. It feels like they wanna have their cake and eat it by using other cultures and histories without acknowledging the people who’s cultures and histories they are.
This isn’t coming from a hater. This is coming from a disappointed Hoyo player who has slowly come across all the ways Hoyo has fucked up in this department and who is getting tired of it. I want them to do better (even if I know they probably won’t) before I (and many other players) can no longer justify supporting them as players.
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sepublic · 6 months
Jokes aside, I’d argue Belos isn't openly homophobic because there's no point to it; There's no point in trying to 'redeem' witches and demons by changing their lifestyles if he's convinced himself they're all going to Hell anyway, so the only thing he needs to do is kill them. "Why bother teaching them anything if you can just wipe them out?"
Belos only changes aspects of witches' lives that are directly necessary to his plans; In this case, applying sigils by justifying the lack of them as 'wild magic', and then keeping magic divided with different covens so they can't easily rebel against the system that's applying sigils, thereby allowing it to keep doing that and marking as many targets as possible for the draining spell. It's really quite simple. That's why he'll refuse to replenish the Palistrom forests but then promote women like Hettie and Terra to coven heads; Because Hettie and Terra will be killed by the draining spell anyway, but Palismen won't be.
And let's be real... He's a Puritan white guy. He absolutely believes that queerness is inherently a threat to society not just on a spiritual level but a biological one, because it discourages people from making babies because they're more focused on partners of the same sex they can't reproduce with. He probably thought Boiling Isles queerness was contributing to an inevitable decline that he merely hastened and that's why he allowed it. And Belos can't be openly bigoted because people wouldn't listen to him that way.
He's also definitely racist. Belos making an 'exception' for Luz is totally meaningless because white racists make exceptions for brown and gay folk all the time, while still clinging to their beliefs. Luz just happened to be the only human around since centuries, and that's better than no humans because the lowliest one is still above the greatest demon. And he still tried to murder Luz when she didn't flatter his white savior complex, and didn't adhere to his idea of what a proper human should be.
Even if Belos didn't try to kill Luz... Genocide isn't just murdering people. It's also erasing a culture, such as when white people assimilated Native American children, forcing them to convert to Christianity and dress like white people and speak only English, under the claim that they were 'civilizing' them. So even if they were alive, it was still genocide and it was still racism in the form of the White Man's Burden.
He was a white boy raised in a colony, everyone would've taught him that the indigenous people were 'savages' and Philip not only devoted his life to exterminating an entire culture he deemed evil and demonic, but actively enjoyed it too. Why would he stop at brown humans, unlike Caleb who already unlearned one major prejudice of his. If he never learned of the Boiling Isles, he'd have gone after women in Gravesfield (which would've been misogynistic in practice regardless of Philip's intentions), and probably Native Americans too because his witch hunting games are no different than Cowboys VS Indians.
Like I dunno man these white racists do have fellow white people they care about, and are willing to make exceptions and humor brown women too. But they're still racist and will refuse to listen to those people when called out over their bigotry, and ultimately choose that. Any argument that Belos wouldn't be guilty of other human prejudices is purely wishful thinking, and fairly contradictory to his characterization and whole narrative.
And we can wax poetic about why Belos doesn't openly disparage Luz for being brown, queer, and/or a girl, but we know the real reason why; It's because Disney censors would throw a conniption over portrayals of bigotry, and the show was already shortened for 'not fitting the brand'. Look at how Texas banned critical race theory. They think discussing racism is inherently racist, kinda like Twitter users. But with the added difference that they know it's a callout of the people running corporations and the government and investors (AKA themselves) and they hate that.
This kinda gets me back to an earlier point I made; I think the fundamental disconnect fans have with the show over Belos is that Belos stans (not necessarily fans) recognize their character's backstory and motives are something gross that can't be romanticized, and that's why they work so hard to reframe the focus towards Philip's dynamic with his brother Caleb, emphasizing codependency, and religious suppression and guilt. Because they can romanticize that, but not the intentionally pathetic core of Belos' character (itself a satire of certain subgroups).
They're seething over the reminder that their sexy aesthetic will always be second-banana to a 4channer complex, and salty that the crew chose to discuss something topical instead of making a sexyman villain, because their complaints can be boiled down to tastes and preferences, not actual objective critique. That's also why they claim the finale 'retconned' Belos and stripped him of nuance, because all the show really did was just frame and acknowledge his desire to be right as cowardly and selfish, instead of flattering him with tortured abandonment angst over a brother he never cared enough for. As if we didn’t have the ghosts in the previous episode for that purpose.
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wifelinkmtg · 2 months
There's "spaghetti western" and then there's whatever the hell this Chef Boyardee shit is
Hello! and welcome back to Wifelink. We're talking about Outlaws of Thunder Junction today, Magic's second product in a row set in a version of Nevada, and let me tell you something: I am not impressed. The mechanics are uninspired, the setting is undercooked, the story is overstuffed, and to top it all off the whole thing smacks of settler-colonialism. AND they yassified Vraska, the monsters!
The mechanics we've discussed elsewhere, and I will skim over the main storyline except to say that very few of this Big Villain Heist Team-Up gets enough spotlight to justify their inclusion here beyond getting recognizable names on cards, and that Rakdos' presence on the plane alone ought to be an apocalyptic calamity. I appreciate Jace & Vraska going full blackpilled accelerationist, stealing a baby, and aiming to destroy the multiverse & start over (a novel hybrid of Raising Arizona and Doctor Strangelove,) but I also know, sure as the sun rises, that whatever happens with their villain arc will be a underwhelming let-down.
What I actually want to complain about, though, is the setting. Thunder Junction ain't real, and I don't mean it's fictional, I mean it's plywood facades on a backlot. It's the set for a cowboy film. You feel me? This ain't a plane, it's a god damned sound stage.
Lemme go over the facts: we know Thunder Junction has been settled for a bit over a year. A year! - and yet there's multiple towns, multiple railways, and an honest-to-god metropolis. Less than two years and we already have ghost towns! This is not the product of a bunch of people on various planes all individually deciding to seek a new life in the off-world colonies. All of this represents a staggering quantity of people, material, wealth, and labor, being moved between planes, directed and organized - but by whom? For what reason? How, even? The story is totally uninterested in these questions.
One of the few silver linings to the way the Phyrexian invasion storyline ended was that the Omenpaths had a lot of interesting potential! Different planes would come into direct contact with each other for the first time ever! Different technologies, different philosophies and religions, different kinds of magic colliding, coming into conflict, adapting and adjusting to each other. And after a couple of sets where the interplanar contact was limited to one or two particularly adventurous individuals, we finally get to see what interplanar contact at scale looks like here in Thunder Junction... and it just looks like a John Wayne flick. Did people not bring their culture with them? Is there a big rack of hats and boots and dusters right where people step off the Omenpath? Shuck off those old Ravnican rags, kid, get changed. You'll spoil the aesthetic. I mean, it's baffling.
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Luxurious Locomotive (art by Leon Tukker). This is one of the few man-made parts of this plane that I can look at and know where it came from: this is a Kaladeshi design. More of this sort of thing would have made Thunder Junction feel more like a real place and less like a Sergio Leone joint.
There's a side story, No Tells, by Isaac Fellman, which I quite like actually: it's about guilt and betrayal and the inevitable regrets of having moved into a queer housing co-op, and one of the things that makes it great is that we know where Yuma came from (New Capenna), we know why he left (the limitations of "be gay do crimes" as praxis under capitalism), and we know what he brought to Thunder Junction with him (cocktails, pool tables, and his co-op's emergency funds). Fellman has written nothing else for Wizards and doesn't play Magic, and even so he's done more to make Thunder Junction feel like a real place situated in a real history than the rest of the story team combined - which goes to show, one, that we should only let trans people write magic story for the next decade or so, and two, that what I'm asking for in terms of worldbuilding is not unattainable, or even that difficult.
And all of this ties into the colonialism, right? Thunder Junction is being colonized, and asking questions about who benefits, who's sponsoring this breakneck settlement of the plane, what they're after and so forth would require the story to take a good hard look at the process of colonization itself, and Wizards is flatly unwilling to engage with anything that thorny in their products. So, just as Ixalan involved a limp-wristed slant reenactment of the Spanish conquest of the Americas - but it's fine because they're the bad guys and they're technically not even trying to colonize Ixalan and they don't win anyway so no one gets hurt! - Thunder Junction is attempting to present a Disneyland version of Western colonialism. Untamed wilderness! Bringing civilization to uninhabited deserts! How cool and heroic these hard frontiersmen and -women are! I'm told they brought in Navajo cultural consultants for the Atiin, a fantasy equivalent, and I hope those folks were well compensated! The Atiin seem cool, and the one Atiin character we spend any time with is well-written, but the Atiin are not indigenous to Thunder Junction. They're not being colonized. And if there weren't anybody being colonized, I'd probably still dislike the colonial vision of a wild land inhabited only by animals, just waiting for us to shape it to our will with railways and violence, but there is in fact a native race of sapients on Thunder Junction, and these cactus folk get no voice in the story, so if they have some kind of opinion on the rapid colonization of their home and the clear-cutting of their cactus forests, we don't get to hear about it.
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Prickly Pair (art by Brian Valeza) Too much of the extremely-limited presence Thunder Junction's only indigenous sapients have on the cards is devoted to cactus-based puns like this one, which is pretty distasteful given, you know, the colonialism.
I'm talking about colonialism not because I think that replicating colonial myths in fantasy fiction is an unethical thing to do - although it is - but because you can see, right, that Thunder Junction's lack of verisimilitude is intertwined with the colonial vision of the world at play here, yeah? The story wants to have cool cowboy shootouts and train robberies and it does not want its cowboy fantasy to be complicated by uncomfortable realities, so it has to avoid all of the basic worldbuilding questions that would tell us who the colonization benefits and how they're profiting off the plane, and in the end we're left with nothing but an empty aesthetic, like a duster hanging off a scarecrow, blowing in the wind.
To be honest, under the circumstances I'm not really feeling like giving the fine women of Thunder Junction my usual more elaborate treatment, so we're going to lightning-round this shit, which is at least thematic.
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Blood Hustler (art by Anna Pavleeva)
Vampire MILF.
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Rattleback Apothecary (art by Loïc Canavaggia)
Snake MILF.
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Wrangler of the Damned (art by Michal Ivan)
Cis lesbian haircut, good with a rope.
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Obeka, Splitter of Seconds (art by Ryan Pancoast)
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 7 months
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Scout having his bi awakening because Soldier's buff as fuck without a shirt on and Demoman's physically affectionate 24/7 and Heavy could break his spine in half and Medic's whole... thing makes Scout feel afraid+aroused and Engineer keeps praising him and Sniper lets him talk his ear off (possibly giving Scout a cowboy fetish (projection? What projection?)) and only like. One guy in that whole menagerie can lead a stable normal life once the Gravel Wars are finished
I am going rabid. Anyway!
Yeah, he's such a mess around all of them, and it's really funny because the other mercs one aren't even doing anything and two, they honestly can't tell they're making Scout melt down internally because they all legitimately have always acted like that?
God, like what's he supposed to do in this situation. I think if you put any straight man in the base with the mercs, he'd come out queer.
(Pro I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel the same way about cowboys.)
ALSO, PHYSICALLY AFFECTIONATE DEMO?? Is now my favorite hc and thought so thank you for that <3
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loverboy-havocboy · 5 days
infodump at me about aliit au tattoos? please?
kissing you on the mouth about this, if i may. long post ahead, i imagine.
starting with comet:
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starry night tattoo - comet is a painter and his favorite artist/main stylistic inspiration is van gogh. i think this is one of the first real tattoos boost did after beginning his apprenticeship in keldabe
honeycomb - this is the testosterone symbol! it's also a matching tattoo with his ori'vod thorn, who was (likely) the first other transmasc he ever met and whose non profit helped pay for comet's top surgery.
art is the weapon - a reference mcr's danger days album and a quote by either frank or gerard: art is the weapon, your imagination is the ammunition, stay dirty and stay dangerous, create and destroy as you see fit. i think that speaks to comet both as an artist and as a queer person, and i think the whole pack is insane about mcr. boost probably gave him this one in high school.
trans symbol - this commemorates his first hrt injection! boost did the injection and the tattoo a week after comet turned 18.
phoenix - this is a huge part of comet's character, and is done in out of the ashes. it's a cover up that helped him let go of an abusive relationship and reminds him of what he's capable of. it's also dedicated to/inspired by @brokenphoenix99, who's been around for comet since day one.
cowboy star - sinker gave him this tattoo under boost's very careful supervision!!
flowers - suggested by phoenix when i didn't like his old chest tattoo, these accentuate his scars rather than distract from them. they're something he's very proud of, so that makes much more sense for him. the flowers represent growth, new beginnings, and him finding the comfort in himself he needed to embrace his femininity. the butterfly is for change/transition.
pack tattoos (dog, sun moon stars, swords) - i'd say all of these are probably from high school if not very soon after. the wrist tattoo was the first tattoo any of them ever got and the first boost ever did. it was a stick and poke and they were around 14-16. sinker's given name means sun ray, boost has always been caught in his orbit (yes, we're excluding earth for this metaphor) and is the more quiet/reserved, so has always been his moon. idk yet when comet chose his name or whether he was already their star at the time, but this became Their Thing. the dog is because they were so rabid/feral in high school (and because comet drew blood biting another kid in a fight) that they were dubbed a pack of wild animals/dogs. they took that and ran with it, calling themselves a pack. the swords are an all for one and one for all kind of deal.
i am creation & lightning bug - i am creation is a lyric from creature by half alive which is transgender To Me. the lightning bug was just cute and comet likes bugs.
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moths: obligatory sun and moon tattoo to symbolize him and boost. these were really fun to do, i just feel like he's a moth tattoo kind of guy, you know?
darasuum: mando'a for eternal/eternity. this is in boost's handwriting, over his heart.
snake: much like with the moths, he just gives me snake man vibes? i think he likes snakes a lot, as he's a friend to all creatures. the snake has a pattern of suns, moons, and stars.
hip star: i think comet probably did this one! either way, it's dedicated to him.
baby/doll: boost calls him babydoll sometimes. they both have other partners (mostly hook ups for boost, sinker goes on a lot more dates/has other relationships), but babydoll is something just for them. the baby tattoo spends a lot of time under collars (or boost's hands).
others: he's got a lot of random ones because he's been boost's practice body for almost a decade!
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his tattoos would need their own fucking post, and some of them can be explained by comet and sinker's, so i'm just gonna hit a few.
dinosaur: sinker did this one!
"i'm here" star: comet did this tattoo! i'm gonna say maybe in high school.
lighter: "ni partayli gar darasuum" is mando'a for "i remember you, so you are eternal", which is part of the mandalorian death remembrance. this is a memorial for his parents. they died right before the pack started high school, and he was adopted by sinker's parents, who were already his godparents.
molotov cocktail: lyric from baby, i'm an anarchist by against me.
tic tac toe board: this is for sinker to play with when he's board. sometimes boost plays with him, sometimes comet.
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tallies: coric gives him a new one every time he does something stupidly risky that lands him in medical (which gregor generally just considers victory tallies, much to the medic's chagrin).
212: for his battalion!
bicep tattoo: foxtrot squad symbol framed by the words "jatnese be jatnese", mando'a for "best of the best". i'm gonna say his whole squad probably has this one!
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crazylittlejester · 8 days
Daily brainrot and today I've got a load of headcanons I've been mulling over because they won't leave me alone.
I know we've all done a college AU at some point in our lives, but I was up at like 3 am last night debating over which academia aesthetic each Link embodies because I may have spent way too much time on the aesthetics wiki recently. Did I procrastinate for an hour to work on this? Yes. I have no regrets. YOLO and all that.
Sky -- Definitely has light academia vibes. The man does not own a single dark piece of clothing, and everything in his closet is very soft and cozy. He double majored in aviation and environmental science, but he's debating transferring over to the biology department to pursue grad studies in ornithology.
Time -- He is not in charge of his own wardrobe, okay? Malon picks out his outfits. They match. It's always something tasteful and neutral with a little bit of color, but nothing that marks him as belonging to academia. He's part of the philosophy department and a strict teacher, but the students all love him because he genuinely wants them to do well and lets them know. Most of his work is writing for philosophy journals when he isn't teaching.
Legend -- Has more of a general/miscellaneous aesthetic that leans hard into gender non-conformity. He takes his work with him everywhere and whenever someone asks about it, it goes completely over their heads because they have no idea what he's talking about. There's an ongoing bet about whether his dissertation is about linguistics, sociology, or both.
Hyrule -- I don't think there's a word for his aesthetic, he just gives off "outdoors creature" vibes so hard. He's a cryptid and rarely in the classroom because he's always out doing field work. The most human contact he has is outreach programs with the environmental science and biology departments. No one knows exactly what his grad work is supposed to be because it's incomprehensible combinations of wildlife photos half the time and the other half the time he's off the grid.
Twilight -- This is what happens when cowboys and gothic academia have a kid. It's really freaking weird, but somehow he makes it work, so nobody questions it. He technically works for the agricultural department doing research and outreach programs, but he also haunts the English department and occasionally teaches 100 level literature classes online. The freshmen like him because he rounds grades up.
Four -- An unholy combination of academia and his unique color coding system. You don't know what you're getting until he shows up. He generally wears neutral stuff, but his socks and ties are color coded, much to everyone's chagrin. He's got multiple projects going at any given time and helps out the other departments when they get stuck on details. He's really cagey about his dissertation, but he practically lives in the science & engineering building, so he can't exactly deny that he's doing something in STEM.
Wind -- He tried being fashionable, but as soon as he decided to major in oceanography he was swept away by ocean academia. The amount of blue clothing he has is frankly horrifying, and Warriors is trying to get him to branch out into less garish shades of gray and stop wearing almost exclusively rubber boots as footwear. It's a work in progress.
Warriors -- I think he'd fall under general or queer academia because he'd be fashionable in a mostly-normal-but-also-queer sort of way. Stylish, and fruity. Definitely prefers autumn/winter because that's peak scarf season. He's the kind of guy who manages to casually slip representation into any curriculum you hand him and makes it look natural. He got an assistantship with the history department because the professors love him.
Wild -- 100% chaotic academia and doesn't even have to try. Everything is a mess, but it's his mess, he knows exactly where everything is, and to be honest it's not a safety hazard, so it's fine. Besides, he dresses appropriately for department events, and he's the only grad student that Flora hasn't scared off. No one actually knows which department he belongs to, but he knows something about everything.
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coastalcassi · 2 months
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Sirius likes to dress up and go to themed pubs… sue him. This one did NOT go as planned… but god he and James are NOT mad about it.
Sirius and James go to a western bar dressed up and are PLEASANTLY surprised. You know what they say about taking someone’s cowboy hat…
Save a horse… ride a cowboy ;)
Chapter 1: I’m Gonna Getcha Good
Yippy-Ki-Yay blinks in neon red lights next to a cowboy boot on the sign overlooking the parking lot.
"Sirius... are you sure this is a western themed place? It looks like a normal pub."
"I’m telling you James! Online it said country western, line dancing, and The Rattle Snakes are performing tonight."
Sirius dismounts his vintage. motorcycle and takes off his helmet, shaking out his hair. He likes that his western outfit isn't far off from his regular leather look. Just more fringe to be honest, a black cowboy hat and red stars on his arse pockets which, to be frank, do wonders for him.
James on the other hand has gone a little more traditional cowboy. He has faded denim jeans on, a yellow button down and a red bandana tied around his neck. It suits him. He also adorns a dark brown hat and brown cowboy boots. His only stand out piece is a large gold belt buckle that had a horse in the middle framed by the words Ride a Cowboy. Cheeky son of a gun.
"I don't know Sirius..."
"Come on James! How bad can it be?!? Let's just… check it out! It's supposed to be queer friendly too! Pleeeeease?!?"
Sirius is bouncing up and down in front of James with his hands pressed together practically begging.
"Fine. Fine," James says, raising his hand in surrender.
Both boys start to walk towards the door and can hear music playing inside. As they opened the door they can hear, "Welcome to the stage.... The Rattle Snakes," followed by loud cheers and clapping.
"We're just in time James! Let's go!" Sirius pulls James in quickly behind him not wanting to miss anything.
As soon as the boys are through the door they are met by a sea of flannel and regular looking men — though there IS still an abundance of cowboy boots present.
"Oh bullocks! Siriusly?!"
James' nose twitches as he tries to suppress a smirk at him being right on the money with the dress code. It's not Sirius' fault he likes to dress up and have fun so much. James' eyes scan over the crowd as “I'm Gonna Getcha Good” starts playing over the speakers. The spot light turns on and illuminates the performers and James — the poor lamb — has his breathe knocked out of him.
"Uggggg. I'm going over to the bar. I need a drink."
"Um — yeah ok. I'll — uh — meet you there."
James had already started making his way through the crowd, up to the very front of the crowd. The tips of his boots hit the stage and he can't get any closer. There are five performers on the stage in a V shape, 2 girls and 3 boys. Truly, all of them stunning, but standing in the middle is the most gorgeous creature James has ever seen.
His skin porcelain white and perfect, his grey eyes — a storm, his lips the perfect succulent pink, all framed by gorgeous dark curls. James has to swallow — HARD!
They’re all wearing all black with accents of black rattlesnake skin. Some of them have hints of green too. James' muse adorns a black button down with fringe going down the arms and across the back, but fuck, the lower James scans the more he has to fight to keep his jaw off the floor and stay composed as a gentleman should.
That slutty little waist is doing things for James. Across his waist is a belt with a large silver star buckle. He is wearing the equivalent to black briefs, smooth black silk, with black rattlesnake skin chaps falling down to black boots with a slight heel.
Oh god — James is going to keel over.
The performer’s eyes catch onto James and he smirks walking forward. He says "Lets Go" in time with the music and it becomes clear they are performing the song playing through the speakers. The other four performers starting their dance routine.
He won't free James from his grasp, his eyes fiery, unyielding, and ready to take James as his victim. This must be how snakes lure their prey James thinks.
"Don't wantcha for the weekend,
Don't wantcha for a night,
I'm only interested if I can have you for life, yeah”
Oh god he's singing — and doing truly provocative things… dance moves. God that waist! — what is James gonna do?!?
The lead walks to the edge of the stage and grabs James' hat putting it on his head. It doesn’t match his all black ensemble, but god does James like it. He then firmly grabs and tilts James’ chin up and winks. He turns and twirls back to the group.
Bloody hell. James' thoughts are intoxicated.
“So don't try to run, honey
Love can be fun
There's no need to be alone
When you find that someone”
The lead comes back towards James and extends his hand gesturing with his chin to the floor. James takes his hand and helps him down as the rest of the performers also leave the stage and dance through the crowd.
This creature is looking and singing to James.
"I'm gonna getcha while I gotcha in sight
(I'm gonna getcha) I'm gonna getcha if it takes all night
(Yeah, you can betcha) you can betcha by the time I say, "Go"
(I'm gonna getcha) you'll never say, "No"
James' heart is gong to explode as he watches this rattlesnake sing and dance through the crowd. He may be dancing for everyone but his eyes are never leaving James. God those eyes. James realizes he's been holding his breath and not breathing… that’s definitely a problem and he is DIZZY.
The performer comes back to James and places a hand on his chest, pushing him lightly backwards as he performs. James' calfs hit the stage and next thing he knows he is sat. A black boot (with silver stars and spurs, upon closer inspection) on his knee. His hands caress the leg as he leans down to place a kiss on the knee, His eyes looking up through his thick eyelashes.
“I'm gonna getcha, it's a matter of fact
(I'm gonna getcha) I'm gonna getcha, don't you worry 'bout that
(Yeah, you can betcha) you can bet your bottom dollar in time
(I'm gonna getcha) you're gonna be mine (I'm gonna getcha)
Just like I should, I'll getcha good”
A truly smug and satisfied smile spreading across the performer's face as he continues to sing and perform. He moves to James' side and uses his shoulder to boost himself back up on the stage.
James turns to see the performers coming back to a V on the stage. The lead, sings his last line:
“Oh, I'm gonna getcha good”
and the lights cut out.
Fuck — James HAS to know him. HAS to see him again.
"A five minute set break for the next performance. Meet our performers at the bar for a drink."
James doesn't have to be told twice. He hurries, weaving through the crowd to the bar. Everyone is there — even their guitarist — except the one James is dieing to touch again…
Disappointed James finds Sirius, who is chatting at the bar. The flirt can’t help himself.
"Pads. I’m hot. Going out for some air. Ok?"
"Yeah, sure Prongs. Want me to come with you?"
"Nah, I'll be back in a minute. Enjoy your drink and company." James nods to the man clearly flirting and providing Sirius with free alcohol.
James steps out the side door to the alley and leans against the cold brick wall. His lungs fill with cool air as his heart fills with dispair. The poor romantic thought that was love at first sight. God the song… the performance… James wants to go back and relive it. Over and over. It was PERFECT.
The smell of smoke hits his nose and he recognize the brand immediately as French. It has a very distinct smell he'd know anywhere cause they're Sirius’ favorite.
James turns and low and behold.... his rattlesnake is posted against the wall, smoke playing around his mouth. A french inhale… Fuck… Can he be ANY HOTTER?!?
James walks towards him and leans against the wall. The man doesn't look up. James clears his throat, "Um… hi."
"I'm on break."
"I know," James coughs," I went to the bar to meet you but you weren't there.”
The man looks up smirking at James, "Stalking me now sweetheart."
James' face flushes deep, from his hairline down his chest and he sputters.
The performer pushes off the wall to stand straight and crosses his arms over his chest, flicking his cigarette ash. He appraises James head to toe and cocks an eyebrow. "Did you — dress up?"
James chuckles and rubs the back of his neck," Uh, yeah, my mate — he thought it was western themed, like dress up."
The rattlesnake cocks his head to the side a little. “That’s quite a statement buckle.”
James looks down and then turns beet red again as he remembers what it says. He full on runs his hand through his hair. This is truly embarrassing all around.
The man’s eyes twinkle as he laughs and James realizes he has quite sharp teeth. Fitting, being that rattlesnakes have fangs. The rattlesnake waves his hand like he's clearing smoke. "Only the performers dress up."
"Yeah... I kinda got that, and thank god for it."
The man's eyebrows rise and his eyes narrow.
Fuck... did I say that out loud?!?
"I don't like being ogled at."
"I would’ve never guessed with that getup and how you move."
It’s silent for a moment while the man purses his lips and tilts his chin up. “I'm a performer. It's my job," he turns to move away and leave.
"Fuck, I'm sorry, I didn't it that way! Sometimes I say stupid things. That didn't come out right."
His rattlesnake waves him off still walking away, "That's the understatement of the night."
“Wait! Please?"
He stops and James sighs in relief.
"What do you want?" he asks, turning around. His face looking obviously displeased, and his eyes guarded.
James moves forward, coming right in front of him and kneeling on one knee on the gravel. He takes the man's boot and places it on his bent knee again. He looks up, "Time. Time with you. Please?" He looks up pleading as he bends to kiss the star's knee once more.
He looks down at James appraising him. Different emotions flickering through his eyes too fast for James to catch. Is he positioning to strike? He smirks after a moment. "You're a right git, You know that? and crazy."
"I know."
The corners of his mouth curls up slightly, "You can buy me a drink."
James beams up at him as he removes his foot from James' knee.
"What's your name?"
James shakes his head and clears his throat TRYING to collect himself. “… in Rattlesnake skins… you look REALLY good in my hat."
Regulus smirks, “Slow down cowboy.”
James’ smile gets impossibly wider and he offers Regulus his arm to escort him back into the bar. He delights in a not quite hidden chuckle as Regulus takes it.
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we-are-inevitable · 7 months
Give me something from the restaurant au, any scene you really want to write <33
this is a little cheating because i’ve had this written for a while, but: here’s a little snip!
“Alright, great! So, that’s a number four, medium well, no mayo. For your side, do you want fries or a side salad, Sir?”
“What kind of fuckin’ question is that? It’s a burger. What kind of hippy-ass place serves a side salad with a burger?”
David Jacobs loves his job.
He does. This job, waiting tables at an expensive burger joint in the heart of Manhattan, is admittedly one of the better ones he’s had. Sure, he gets his fair share of shitty customers- like this rough and tumble wannabe cowboy, who no doubt got roped into his wife’s vacation to the Big Apple- but you get shitty customers everywhere. At every single restaurant he’s worked at, of which there are many, he’s had bad tables. Eight tops that only give him a meesely five dollars for a tip, macho guys who like pointing out that David’s ears are pierced and therefore he must be one of those queers, moms that bitch about how long food takes to get to the table even though he’s just sent the order in five minutes ago… Shitty customers are everywhere.
And David loves his job.
So, he nods, and smiles, and lets out his practiced-to-perfection laugh. “I know, right?” He says, looking the man in the eye. “Side salads at a burger restaurant? It doesn’t make any sense, but it’s policy to ask anyway. I’ll get that order in for you guys here in just a second, and it’ll be out shortly.”
The man with the bushy mustache and beer gut seems satisfied now that David has proven he’s not a hippy-ass who likes side salads, and he gives him a grunt of acknowledgement. David takes the menus, smiles at the table, and walks straight to the iPad in the corner next to the bar to send the order to the kitchen.
He’s just about to press the send button when he hears a voice to his side, high pitched and squeaky, say, “What kind of hippy-ass, liberal-ass, blue state, gay-ass restaurant serves a side salad with a burger? Do I look like one of them queers? Yeehaw, America, I wanna fuck my gun.”
David rolls his eyes as a laugh rips from his chest. He glances to the side and sees Albert there behind the bar, slinging a towel over his shoulder; Al has this cocky little smirk on his face, matching the awful southern accent he had just tried to do. So far, Albert is the first friend David has made here— he just started at this restaurant about two weeks ago, and Al latched onto him by his second day— and David is always thankful that the hostesses put him in the section closest to the bar. Albert makes the lunch rush bearable.
It takes David a second to stop giggling, but as his laughter dies down, he reaches over the bar and slaps Albert’s shoulder. “Fucking hell, I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who had to hear that. If I survive this table without shooting myself, you owe me a beer.”
“What’s his problem, anyway?” Albert asks, leaning with his palms against the cool mahogany of the bar. “Stick up his ass?”
“Wife dragged him to New York,” David responds, placing the menus from the table underneath the iPad stand, and he makes a note to let Smalls and Spot know that the menus in the back are ready to be brought up to the hostess stand. “The entire time I’m trying to take his fucking order, he’s all like, ugh, I hate this, these burgers better not be for pansies, this better be good like Texas burgers, and I’m just waiting there, like, okay, just give me your goddamn order already. I wanted to die, Albert.”
Albert snickers, then glances to the side and straightens up. “Well, don’t go dyin’ yet, Jacobs. You just got here, and I like you, so if you leave, I’ll have to kill you.” He grins again, then nods his head to the left. “Your four top on twelve looks like they’re ready for the check.”
David nods and taps the bar twice. “Thank fuck,” He says under his breath, and shoots Albert a tight, closed mouth grin. “I’ll be back to ruin your shift later.”
“Can’t wait.”
From then on, the rush takes over. Closing checks, pre-bussing tables, running food— it’s a madhouse in the restaurant for about two hours. David knew it would be. Pulitzer’s is conveniently located just a few blocks from Times Square, so the weekend rush is always awfully full of tourists, and it may suck in the moment, but David really likes it. It’s kind of fun, actually; in the few minutes of downtime he has on this job, he makes conversations with his tables, hears their stories. He gets to know them, even if he’s just a fleeting little nobody in the grand scheme of their trips.
At the steakhouse he used to serve in, he got to be part of a few proposals, which were always stressful but incredibly rewarding at the same time. Unlike a lot of his coworkers, he actually loves having little kids sat in his section, and as a professional big brother he enjoys joking around and listening to them babble on about whatever their mind deems important at that age. He talks to tourists about their travels, gives recommendations for hidden gems around the city, and makes them feel at home for the thirty to forty-five minutes he’s taking care of them for. It’s the least he can do, honestly.
And, well. The tips are always better when you add a personal touch.
That’s what this is about, right? The tips. The money. Working for pennies is bad enough, but working for tips is a game. You have to choose the right action, say the right words. Morph yourself into someone you’re not. Pretend you don’t like side salads and form an alliance with the mustachioed cowboy from Texas. Play up how many times you go to synagogue to please the Jewish grandma who comes in with the grandkids. Talk politics with republicans and hide the rainbow pin on your shirt collar.
David has experience at this. It doesn’t make him any less bitter.
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cowboyjen68 · 11 months
Heya Jen,
So I feel like if I were a dude, people wouldn't look down on my clothing choices so much. Maybe it's just because people tend to, quite frankly, give less of a shit about what men wear and how they look in general while, and by contrast, focus a lot on a womans appearance.
I'm not quite butch in my own opinion, but I do tend to wear a lot of men's clothes, and even the women's clothes I wear tend to be quite practical. I like having my own sense of style. I like what I wear, but it doesn't seem to matter to other people, I guess it just seems like I throw on any old clothes to them.
I definitely tend to get this attitude more from women and, more specifically, my aunt. She's told me that I look like I've walked right off of a farm before, and while if anything I took it as a compliment, she certainly didn't mean it that way. In the past, her comments were more harsh, so it's an improvement. At least now it's not outright homophobic, i.e """asking""" me if I want to look like a lesbian or a boy in a rather condescending tone. It's more so a "THAT'S what you're wearing?" Thing. I even get the impression my queer friends just think I don't care about my clothes at all, and while I'm no fashionista, I do like putting together what I consider nice outfits.
Also, admittedly, like most people I do some days, just throw on clean clothes, I just don't see why, regardless of how I dress, it seems more worthy of comment and criticism. I don't see men's outfits commented on or criticized half as much, if at all, and we basically wear the same things.
This is just a very long-winded way of asking if you've gotten this sort of attitude too and how you deal with it? It's not like when I was younger and pushed me to try and wear more feminine clothes, though it still irritates me though I wish it didn't.
Thanks in advance for reading this whole long thing and being an open and out older lesbian who is willing to take time out of her busy day to answer so many questions from young lesbians and queer people alike.
I was never very well tapped into the fashion of the day. In my younger years I would put on what I wanted with no regards to what others might find proper. My mom gave up after on getting me to wear matching dresses and shoes or shirt and shorts outfits. Dad was fine when I came out of my Raggedy Ann themed bedroom in red cowboy boots, jean shorts and an orange shirt (with the bottom cut off) that said "10-4 Good Buddy".
In high school the one think my mom would not let me have was a three quarter length sleeved white shirt with a rainbow. She said I would get it too dirty and my shoulders were too wide for the fit. (she was not wrong in either case). So I tended to go with sweatshirts, t shirts and jeans. I was HORRIBLE at trendy clothing because I mixed and match too many things that just did not go together. I wanted overalls but knew that they were too "manly" for me, a girl. I went to the mall and spent my hard earned money on the closest girl thing, a peach colored pair of overalls for girls that were also kind of pedal pushers. It was NOT a good look.
Whenever I tried to be trendy I would bed it to be more what I wanted but not committing to "boys" clothes and it always went sideways in the worst way.
College saw me stick with t shirt and jeans but it was the 80's and everyone wore just that. Finally, a time in fashion where fashion was the same for everyone. Utilitarian and simple, at least in small midwestern college towns.
My mom would say to my young self. "are you sure that is what you want to wear?" or "Do you want help picking out clothes?" In retrospect she was trying to save me from drawing attention or getting picked on but just eventually figured I would either learn or live with it.
I know exactly what you mean about people assuming that me wearing what I was comfortable in as an adult was me just tossing any old thing on. My first girlfriend helped me by expanding my confidence and wardrobe. Custom made suspenders, men's dress pants and white button down for men instead of women's clothing that sort of mimicked men's style. After we broke up (7 years later) I still struggled a bit but slowly learned that the important thing was I felt good in what I wore and not what others had to say about it.
Men get a pass because I think is it often assumed they just don't have the need or capacity to dress themselves beyond simple and what is on the floor. This is, of course, also an unfair stereotype. Many men lack the confidence to stop out of the easy and simple to try and dress better for public consumption so they get in a routine. AND women are assumed to always want to look good for others so when we don't fit the expectation of our culture we "just don't care".
NOW I rarely dress up because of my jobs. I wear "work clothes" most days because I know within an hour of getting dressed I will be dirty. But I am most confident and comfortable in my work clothes. When I do dress up to go out I finally am like my young self (wear what I want) with a little more awareness of what others see. I shop at estate sales and find vintage western style shirts and unique belt buckles to wear. I feel good, have my own style and i think others see my confidence because I am less concerned about what others think and just happy to be wearing what I love.
People start to see confidence over aesthetics as you become more comfortable in clothes you love.
Hope this help. You are not alone and i think many women (even some men) will understand this feeling you have.
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
You got anything for a Western AU?
Yeah, but I'm doing ABO. I'm also obligated to remind you guys that a lot of cowboys and outlaws and whatnot were POC and Queer. I'm still doing ABO and I'm also doing Alerudy, but I have headcanons for a full western AU if you guys want them. (Please, I've put too much thought into this)
Rodolfo looked up from where he was peacefully trying to read a book in his carriage to an alpha just jumping in. “Excuse me-”
His breath caught in his chest as the alpha looked at him. Then, he was giving him a sort of half grin. “Mis disculpas, Mi Señora, but I am in desperate need of assistance.” His accent was thick, clearly from Rodolfo’s home country of Mexico.
The alpha was… gorgeous, Rodolfo would admit. If Rodolfo didn’t have as many manners as he did, he may find himself fanning himself to relieve some heat. Instead, he frowned, appearing concerned. “What do you mean, señor?” He let his accent thicken, not suppressing it like he normally did, and looked around.
“You see that alpha over there? On the street corner?” The alpha murmured, pointing behind Rodolfo. 
Rodolfo turned around and looked back at the street corner, which was some distance from them, and frowned even more as he saw a very large alpha was standing there. He had a cloth tied around the bottom half of his face and he was leant up against the pillar of the saloon that was on that corner, watching them with a rather intense look on his face. 
Rodolfo shivered. “He’s frightening.” He admitted, reaching up and holding onto his hat as a breeze swept by them. He found himself shrinking back as the alpha seemed to almost glare at him. “How am I to assist you with him?”
“Well, I owe him a decent amount of money.” The alpha beside Rodolfo, who was of considerably darker complexion than the other, admitted. He had black hair and tanned skin, whereas the alpha who was watching them had paler skin with blonde hair. “Now, we might be able to hold him off if we ride to a different side of town.”
Rodolfo raised an eyebrow and glanced at the alpha beside him, amusement suddenly streaking through him. He loved games. “Oh? Well, then, let’s not waste any time.” Rodolfo laughed and turned, sitting fully in the seat. He pulled his dress up so it would rest more comfortably in the carriage and then he urged the horses to start moving, laughing softly when the alpha fell into his seat.
“You’re a quick one.” The alpha grumbled and Rodolfo only laughed more. “Well, I suppose I should be grateful all the same.”
“You should be.” Rodolfo agreed. “I’m doing you a favor, after all!” He smiled and drove the carriage closer to the library, stopping in front of it. “Well, señor, do you think this was far enough?”
“I might say it is,” the alpha nodded and then started to dismount the carriage. “I thank you very much for your assistance, Señora. May I ask the name of whom I received help from?”
Rodolfo smiled and leaned forward, about to answer, before he noticed the alpha glance to the side and frown. “Let me pause you, Señora,” the alpha shook his head and climbed back into the carriage. “He has appeared to follow us.”
Rodolfo glanced back, seeing the blonde alpha was now standing in front of the Sheriff’s office, again leaning against a post. And, again, he was staring at them. “Well, we can’t have him catching you, can we!” Rodolfo again started to drive the cart, taking them right to the edge of town, this time, and parking them by the General Store. 
“Do you think this will be far enough?” Rodolfo asked once they were stopped, though he didn’t drop the reins. “You know, you should go right inside that General Store and ask Mrs Brandy for some peach lemonade. She grows the peaches on her and her husband’s farm!”
“Oh?” The alpha laughed and started to dismount the carriage again. “Well, Señora, I think I might just have to.” He reached out a hand and Rodolfo accepted it, blushing slightly as the alpha pulled his knuckles to his lips. “May I again ask for the name of who assisted me?”
Rodolfo smiled and again he went to answer before watching in amusement as the alpha hopped right back into his carriage. “Oh? Has he returned?” He looked around, spotting the alpha right next to where they’d just been in front of the Library. “Oh no…” 
The alpha sighed. “He really is tenacious. You see, Señora.. I don’t have the money to pay him back. I worry what will happen if he gets his hands on me…” He appeared to tug at his neckline. “His name is Ghost, have you heard of him?”
Rodolfo had. Ghost was known to strike fear into the hearts of Alphas and… heat between the legs of omegas. Okay, maybe he didn’t have nearly as many manners as he pretended to. But, he also knew of Ghost’s partner, Ale. “I have… I’ve heard many tales..”
“Si, Señora. Most are true. And I’m not ready to find out which ones.” The alpha turned to Rodolfo. “So, if there is any way you can help me, Señora…”
Rodolfo looked around and then smiled. “Hmm… Well, I believe just yonder, past those trees, there’s a bit of a valley where one is hard to spot. We could drive out there and maybe he’ll get bored and give up? You don’t think he’d do anything in front of a Lady, do you?”
“Oh, no, certainly not!” The alpha laughed. “Ghost is a real gentleman. He wouldn’t do anything if you were around.”
“Well, then, I guess you best not leave my side!” Rodolfo smiled and then he started to drive the cart down the trail out of town, going beyond the trees and then down to a small valley where you could only see the tops of the buildings from town and nothing else. 
“Señora, I do not know how I could thank you enough!” The alpha took his hand and kissed it, again.
Rodolfo shook his head. “No thanks are necessary. I hate to see a kind gentleman such as yourself be injured on account of bad banking!” He teased and watched the alpha duck his head, clearly embarrassed. 
“Well, since we shouldn’t be interrupted, again,” the alpha turned to him, “what is your name, Señora?”
“Rodolfo.” Rodolfo answered, bowing his head slightly and reaching up to hold his hat at another gust of wind. 
“Well, Rodolfo, I am very interested in getting to know you better.” The alpha moved closer, leaning into Rodolfo. Then, a sweet smooth smell, like honey, with a slight hint of something spicy like cinnamon, was washing over Rodolfo, causing him to have to fight the urge to just swoon. Not yet. “Can I see you again, tomorrow?”
“Oh, no, Señor…” Rodolfo shook his head, looking up at the alpha. “I get on the road back home, tomorrow…”
“Well, what about tonight?” The alpha frowned, looking almost disappointed. “Surely you have tonight?”
“I must pack, tonight.” Rodolfo shook his head, feigning disappointment as well. “I am sorry, Señor…” He ducked his head, slightly, before allowing himself to blush as the alpha caught his chin and turned his head to look at him, again.
“Don’t look away, Señora… You have such beautiful eyes…” The alpha purred and then smiled. “Well, then, I suppose all we have is right now.” He murmured. “Tendré que conocerte tanto como pueda, ahora… Causa una buena impresión duradera…”
“You will, won’t you?” Rodolfo looked up at the alpha. “You’ll make sure to make quite the impression?” He dropped his lashes so he was looking up through them at Alejandro. “I mean… since you and your partner went through so much trouble to get me to come out here, right?”
The alpha paused and looked at him before half grinning. “Oh, I will make sure to make the best impression…” He leaned closer, his breath fanning across Rodolfo’s face. 
Rodolfo shivered and closed his eyes, reaching to put his hands on the alpha’s arms and pull him closer. “I’ll hold you to that…”
“You’re making me almost concerned. You could at least pretend to be frightened… hesitant.” The alpha joked. “You know I’m an outlaw and yet your body seems so willing to have my touch on it…”
The alphas fingers trailed down Rodolfo’s face and to his neck, trailing down and tracing over where Rodolfo’s bodice lay flush against his skin, the lace making the skin slightly sensitive. He let out a breath as the alpha touched him and then he tried to make his features appear frightened. “Oh, please, Señor… Do not hurt me… I am a lady, I am so delicate…”
“Much better…” The alpha murmured before his lips were pressing against Rodolfo’s and his body moved flush against his. His hands moved to Rodolfo’s waist and pulled him as close as possible before his mouth was moving down to Rodolfo’s neck, kissing and biting right under his jaw. 
“Oh, Alejandro… It’s been so long since you last saw me…” Rodolfo grasped tighter to Alejandro’s arms as his grip tightened against his waist. “I was frightened you would never come!”
“I am here, now,” Alejandro assured as he bit Rodolfo’s neck, though he was careful not to leave a mark. Rodolfo almost was desperate, almost told Alejandro to throw care to the wind and cover him in marks, so the world may know who he belonged to. But, it was dangerous. He couldn’t until Alejandro cleared his name. “You are as beautiful as I remember… and no less sweet…”
Rodolfo closed his eyes and bore his neck for Alejandro, closing his eyes as he felt Alejandro reach behind his body and untie his bodice, before he was sliding it down Rodolfo’s arms, his fingers trailing along the skin with it. “Moments feel like an eternity when apart from you…”
“Eons, mis estrellas…” Alejandro spoke into his skin, sending slight vibrations through it and gasping Rodolfo to shiver, slightly. “I feel as if I have spent two eternities from you…”
“I long for the day when we no longer have to part…” Rodolfo leaned back against the cart as Alejandro moved to bite over his collarbone and then he was being lifted and turned around, his dress falling further down his body. He braced himself against the cart, able to feel his own slick dripping down his thighs. 
Alejandro’s fingers were soon pressing inside his body as he started to mouth over Rodolfo’s back, tracing down his spine. “Soon, mi amor… Soon…” 
Rodolfo moaned and pushed back against Alejandro’s fingers, desperate for his touch, for his body… “Soon is not enough!” He shook his head, laying his head on his arm and closing his eyes. He whimpered as Alejandro shoved his fingers deeper inside, digging his nails into the wood of the carriage. 
Alejandro shook his head and didn’t answer, instead Rodolfo heard the rustle of fabric before Alejandro was removing his fingers and then his body was covering Rodolfo’s as he pushed into him. The pleasure shot warmth through Rodolfo’s body and he moaned loudly, not afraid of anyone hearing them out there.
“I am here, for now, mis Estrellas… Can’t that be enough?” Alejandro pleaded, panting into the skin on the back of Rodolfo’s neck. 
Rodolfo supposed it had to be and he nodded, closing his eyes. Alejandro relaxed onto him and the weight was pleasant, keeping the permanent ache of loneliness at bay for the moment. Finally, Alejandro lifted and started to move, rocking into Rodolfo.
Rodolfo moaned and closed his eyes, nuzzling into his own arm as heat covered his skin. It settled deep under it and Rodolfo panted, pushing back against Alejandro and earning a growl in response. “Your body is always so eager for mine…” Alejandro leaned down and bit his shoulder again, his pace harshening. “No matter how long we are apart…”
“It always will be.” Rodolfo promised. “For as long as we live…”
“I believe that.” Alejandro leaned back down and then he continued to make love to Rodolfo, not stopping until both of them were thoroughly exhausted. 
And then, he pulled away and cleaned Rodolfo with some sort of cloth before lacing his dress, gingerly. “This pale blue is beautiful against your tanned skin…” he complimented, sitting back down in the carriage and pulling Rodolfo close.
Rodolfo smiled and his eyes closed, sleepiness dragging at his body. “Thank you… The woman I stayed with let me have it. It was from her days as a maiden, she said. She even tailored it to fit my body better.” 
“When I have cleared my name, I must have more made for you…” Alejandro nodded. “It suits you so well.”
“Do you think I could have some rose colored dresses?” Rodolfo looked up at Alejandro, melting when his nose was delicately kissed.
“Mi amor, you can have any dress you please. You will have the finest I can buy.” Alejandro promised. “And many more.”
Rodolfo relaxed and then his smile started to fade as he realized Alejandro would likely leave, soon… Tears filled his eyes and sorrow filled his heart. “No, no, Mis Estrellas… Do not cry…” Alejandro touched his face, wiping away his tears. 
“I wish you did not have to leave…” He whispered. “My heart aches for you when you are gone… You are the only thought in my mind… What am I to do??”
Alejandro softened. “Oh, Rudy…” he leaned down and brushed their noses together before kissing Rodolfo, softly. “It will not be much longer, I promise. Ghost and I have almost found my brother and then we will force him to confess and clear my name, I promise. We are so close. It will not be much longer than a year, if I can help it.”
“A year is so long…” Rodolfo closed his eyes, unable to help as more tears welled up in his eyes. “I wish you could stay, now… I understand why you cannot but my heart cannot take much more of this distance…”
“I promise that it will not have to…” Alejandro pulled him closer. “Rest. I will not leave your side until tonight, I promise.”
Rodolfo hesitated and sniffled before nodding, curling up into Alejandro’s side and touching Alejandro’s chest. “When this is over, you still promise to marry me?”
Alejandro was silent and then he was reaching into his pocket. “It’s not much of a ring, but it was all I could get my hands on. I have a chain for it, so you can wear it on your neck.” He got out a necklace with a simple gold band on it.
Rodolfo sat up, immediately, and took the necklace before just melting. “Oh, Alejandro… It’s more than enough…” It was a promise. A physical promise. It was more than the world!
Alejandro gently took the necklace and then he put it around Rodolfo’s neck. “When this is over, we will have a grand wedding. With a grand cake and you’ll have a grand dress. I promise.” He touched Rodolfo’s chin and made him look at him. “Soon, my omega… Soon…”
Rodolfo melted and closed his eyes. “Soon…” He relaxed and laid back on Alejandro, letting himself drift off to sleep.
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@sinclairbrosbathmat @The_pluto_828
Please ask me more about this au, i'm begging you. Please.
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voltrixz · 1 year
 Why YOU should go vote for Montana/Shocker (TSSM) in @cartoon-character-competition​
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Once again, this is the first time I have managed to get Shocker into a competition which once again is a crime in itself 
And like before you guys might be familiar with Shocker or Montana (even if they are a bit less known then villains like Electro or Doc Ock) (especially for Montana)
You see in TSSM, Montana is Shocker, not Herman as he’s known in the comics. Montana and Herman are different people in the comics but here Montana is essentially Herman but cooler and more skilled.
Montana is your usual merc hired by the big bad guy (or the big man as they call him) that runs a lot of the crime in NY. In episode one he’s hired to defeat spiderman along with his partners and they’re known as the enforcers 
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(The enforcers as seen in ep 1) (From left to right: Fancy Dan, Ox and of course Montana) 
and well they’re defeated of course but Montana never gets capture and manages to run off
So when does Montana get that funny pineapple patterned suit? Well in ep 4, Market Forces, Montana is seen stealing that exact funny pineapple patterned suit and handing it over to his boss before about to go on his merry way and putting on his cowboy hat again before being stopped and told to wear the suit and stop spiderman as he still owes them (visibily pissed off at being told to not wear his hat (which is silly to me) (LET HIM WEAR HIS COWBOY HAT!!!!)but grins when being told about his new assignment)  
and so peter is led over to where shocker is by flint and alex (2 criminals who will become major villains later) 
and well shocker does what he does best, FUCK SHIT UP!!!!!!
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and whats funnier is his first line to Spiderman is “I reckon that came as a bit of a real SHOCKER eh bug” He fuckin starts off a fight with a fuckin PUN (I love him for that)(its in his subtle himbo coding) and you want to know what else? When asked who exactly Montana is by Spiderman, Montana comes up with a villain name right on the spot and well guess what he chooses? He chooses his INITAL FUCKIN PUN (still love him for that) and well he absoutely destroys spiderman and even picks him up like a wet cat 
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either spiderman weighs like nothing or shocker is just REALLY strong 
and well Montana goes off to his bar, just to enjoy a game of 8 ball with a job well done 
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(hehe look at him, just enjoying a game of pool ^^ )
that is until well obviously spiderman isnt just gonna say down so Montana is stopped by his boss (cant believe he interrupted his game of pool, you cant do this to him) and he’s sent right back to fight Spiderman 
and well you know how it goes, he’s defeated (SPIDERMAN LITERALLY DROPS AN ENITRE BUILDING ON THIS GUY LIKE??? OK????) but yeah off to jail ig
So what happens next is basically 
- Thanks to Doc Ock and his plan to form the sinister six, he breaks out of jail and joins the sinister six by orders of his boss
- is defeated once again by Spiderman and taken to jail
- doesnt join the next formation of the sinister six sadly (crying coping tossing everything)
- however he comes back with his enforcer partners, now with his partners rocking new suits too 
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(as seen here) (they’re robbing a bank btw) (cute things to do with your boyfriends: rob a bank!)
- but yeah once again defeated by spiderman and all of them are tossed to jail
- seen in big jail breakout scene but sadly does not escape 
- and who knows maybe we could have seen Shocker rejoin the sinister six or get up to new silly things (criminal activity) with his partners but erm
Tssm got cancelled as I mentioned before in my electro post so yeah (crying dying coping sobbing kicking everything tossing everything RAGHH)
but yeah shocker is cool as hell and gives me immense gender envy 
like LOOK AT HIM!!!!
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need to be him so so bad (the gender envy he gives me is INSANE)(also has made me realize hm i may be queer aroaceflux) 
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(he has a resting bitch face and its so silly to me) (yes im just using this as an opprtiunity to show you images of him)
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sigh sigh LOVE YOU SHOCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also he is gay and polyam coded as hell!!!!!! um something something why do you work in such a man dominated field? Do you want to be dominated by men? And also um that one thing of “detectives will always go: here’s my partner. erm ok???? 🏳️‍🌈???? but its just “mercs will always go: here’s my partner(s) like ok???🏳️‍🌈??? (not kidding he almost always refers to dan and ox as his partners and also just look at him, he is THE gay cowboy merc ever
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stars-n-spice · 2 months
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Max // 20 // They/Them // Aspec // Korean + Mexican 
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Welcome to @disaster-by-chance's Star Wars side blog aka the place where I yell and cry about this space opera like it’s a full time job. If there’s absolutely one thing to know about me is that I’m an absolute slut for found family and a fucking whore for Wrecker. Oh, and canonically a space cowboy as well. 
🩵 DMs are always open if you wanna chat Star Wars, make requests, or just marvel at how incredibly bad I am at carrying conversations (I promise I’m approachable)! 🩵
Or just hop into my inbox to say hello! please I need more Star Wars mutuals/friends
⚠️ I will occasionally post nsfw things (will be tagged as #nsfw and #max-night posting) but will probably only do so super late at night, but just a word of warning for minors! ⚠️
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I make Star Wars themed dividers! Mostly I’ve done Bad Batch themed ones, but those aren’t the only ones I’m open to doing. 
So if you'd also like a specific kind of divider, let me know! Just tell me the theme/character/symbols you would like, the more specific the better! Even better if you have the images you want saved and ready to go. It doesn't have to be super specific. Like if you need a divider for a fic or other, you can give me a general summary of the fic and ask me to base a divider off of that. I may ask for further elaboration or other, just so I make sure I get it right and to your liking. 
🩵 If you would like to request a divider feel free to send an ask, DM me, or fill out this form! 📝
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That all being said, here is all my stuff in one place! Thanks for visiting :D
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Link to my Caard! It’s got all the other links to my other social media platforms and whatnot. 
Like my work? Feel free to buy me a coffee :D It is very much appreciated <3
✩ STORE: [currently down]
Have you ever wanted merch to show just how much you love the copy and paste men of Star Wars? Look no further than DISASTER’S SHOP STOP for all of your clone needs! 
✩ A03:
Occasionally I write! Not as much as I would like to, but when I can and have the motivation, you can find my fics here! 
Add me on discord! disasterbychance Join my LGBTQ + POC-friendly Star Wars server! You don’t necessarily have to identify as either of those two things, but considering what a toxic space the Star Wars fandom can be, I went ahead (as a queer POC fan myself) and created this server as a safe space for fans like me :) So feel free to join! Here’s the invite! 
A collection of my different masterlists. 
Divider Masterlist The Baddies Batch Masterlist The Silly Squad Masterlist  Khea Nultez (OC) Masterlist
A collection of tags I have to help you find things better :) 
#max’s musings - me talking/rambling/venting about star wars related things #max’s masterpieces (or also #my art/#my fics) - for my art and/or fics  #max-box - for inbox answers/replies #max-night posting - for late night posts (most likely will be nsfw) #queue were the chosen one - for queue posts #tbb on the go/tbb trip pics - travel pics of my bad batch legos in places I’ve visited #clone shorts - updates/information on my clone shorts  #nsfw - pretty self-explanatory  #baddies batch - squad of TBB significant others #silly squad - The Bad Batch x The Baddies batch #guardians - ship between Hunter & Jung (OC) #scompscope - ship between Echo & Viram (OC) #starburst - ship between Wrecker & Khea (OC) #sharpshooters - ship between Crosshair & Tay (OC)
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horrorknife · 4 months
brokeback mountain still fucking me up almost 12 hours later. i cant stop thinking about it. ennis and his quiet sad cowboy life...he only wanted to survive but he wasn't really living his life, not the way he should have or wanted to. all because he was so traumatized by the murder of a gay man that he was forced to See the aftermath of. and it makes sense, of course it does. but jack wants to Live, not survive, and he wants to be true to himself enough to have a daily life with the man he loves.
ennis survives until the end because that's all he's doing. he hides himself, burrows so deep into the closet that he decides a life with jack isn't ever attainable. but jack wants to fight for it! he wants to share the closet with ennis, but ennis is too scared to even open the door.
i kept thinking, too, about how jack was more "visibly" queer than ennis was despite never publicly saying or doing anything. aguirre is openly homophobic to jack because he saw the two of them fucking around. but when he goes to texas to rodeo, it just seems like there's this underlying vibe of everyone around him Knowing he's gay. he's treated badly at the bar and we're led to believe it's because he got bucked off earlier that night, but the vibe is. Weird. the way people look at him doesn't feel right. jack's parents also seem to know what's going on if there's anything to be said about their weird behavior at the very end of the movie and his father's absolute refusal to let his ashes get spread at brokeback + how cold he is to ennis.
another interesting thing to me was that ennis doesn't open up to anyone except jack. he's quiet and straightforward but he's open with jack in a way he isn't with anyone else, not even alma (during their marriage) or his daughters. it seems like he can only be honest with Himself if it involves jack. but jack keeps everything close to his chest and really doesn't ever come out and tell ennis very much. he lies about aguirre being homophobic to him and he never tells him about the other gay guy he met. he's not open about parts of his childhood like ennis is. he's a self-contained world.
the irony of all of this, of course, is that ennis' survival method spawned from the murder of a gay man does allow him to survive while jack is brutally beaten to death for being gay. i'm just so obsessed with all of it. i know "i wish i knew how to quit you" is meme-ified to hell and back but it's such a crazy fucking line. you get it instantly. if you've ever been in any kind of situationship like that you Know what it means and how it feels. fuuuuck man. there's a lot more i could say but this is probably pretty disorganized already i just had a lot of thoughts and shit to say. tbh i have a lot More to say but this post is already long lol
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erasure-picnic · 4 months
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In honour of both Black History Month and the UK’s LGBT+ History Month, let’s shine a spotlight on a key figure in Erasure’s brilliant stage shows - Les Child!
Child has had a prolific and storied career, working as a dancer, choreographer, and innovator in the arts. He danced with several groundbreaking troupes throughout the ‘70s and 80s, and also founded some of his own–including House of Child, the UK’s first voguing group. In the ‘80s, he branched out into choreography for music videos, which brought him into pop star circles, and at the dawn of the ‘90s, he set his sights on live tours.
According to his CV on HeadNod Agency, the first tour Child ever choreographed was Erasure’s Wild! Tour (1989-1990). Child was fond of Erasure’s music, and told Private Ear in 1992 that “it makes life a lot easier when it comes to choreographing a show if you enjoy the music”. He would go on to do the choreography for The Tank, the Swan, and the Balloon (1992), Cowboy (1996-1997), and The Erasure Show (2005). Indeed, Child seems to have choreographed more tours for Erasure than for any other band or artist. He also starred in Erasure’s short film “Dr. Jekyll and Mistress Hyde” (2003), and forged an enduring friendship with Andy Bell.
Child’s work with Erasure is really special to me. His choreography is undeniably dazzling on its own, and the dancers deliver it with athleticism and aplomb. But I’d also argue that it adds to the music, making it even better. My favourite example is “Love to Hate You” from The Tank. In this performance--which Bell introduces as “the gayest of gay tangos”--two pairs grace the stage: one male-male, one female-female. By the end of the song, they’ve swapped partners multiple times. (Check out video 1 and video 2 to see this in action.) When I first saw this, I was charmed. It was unexpected, yet it seemed natural: a nod to the sexual fluidity that runs through Erasure’s music and art. I feel that Child truly got Erasure, knew what made them “them”, and made it sparkle.
SOURCES: Cover image and CV from Les Child’s page on HeadNod Agency (headnodagency.com). “Ear to the Ground”. Private Ear, Issue 11 (1992). Retrieved via a capture of the official Erasure website (Internet Archive). December 4, 2004. “Erasure - Dr Jekyll and Mistress Hyde (Directed By Vince Clarke)”. Original video from Erasure (Mute Records), 2003. Uploaded by Erasure Música y Amigos, retrieved via YouTube. “Life Drawing with Sue Tilley featuring Les Child as model and muse.” Uploaded by Sue Tilley, retrieved via YouTube, November 27, 2021. Staples, L. “From leather daddies to ‘Drag race’, dissecting the revolutionary history of the queer aesthetic.” British Vogue. July 24, 2021.
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wellofdean · 8 months
I've read a lot of your posts, but I don't how you can say that Supernatural was not queerbaiting. What do you mean by 'it was structural'? The PTB never let Dean and Cas be in love, they just strung us all along and then slammed the door in our faces? Killed the gay and then never mentioned Cas again? That is queerbaiting, plain and simple.
Hi friend. Well, this is why: there are too many things, especially starting from the arc in season 7 where Cas is working with Crowley, that simply DO NOT MAKE SENSE unless Dean is in love with Cas, and Cas is in love with Dean. I mean... what do you mean they never let them be in love? Were we watching the same show?
Like, Why does Dean look back at Cas with that injured look on his face when Cas is working with Crowley? Why does Dean forgive Cas for breaking Sam's brain almost immediately? Why does Dean take Cas's stupid trenchcoat with him through a series of stolen cars when he thinks Cas is dead after the Leviathans? Why does he look like he is going to die on the spot when he meets Emmauel and his wife? Why was Dean in Purgatory for a year, refusing to leave even though he had a way out until he found 'the angel'? Why is Cas not leaving Purgatory with him so devastatingly painful that he has to rewrite his memories to cope? Why does Dean telling Cas he needs him break Naomi's conditioning in that crypt? Why do they forgive each other irrationally again and again and again? What in the holy name of all that is totally fucking gay was Dean's confession about? Why does the narrative very explicitly parallel Cain's wife with Cas? Why does it parallel Cas and Eileen? Why can't Dean, possessed with the mark of Cain, kill Cas? Why does Cas let Dean beat him up or hold him back, like, EVER? Why did Mary fucking know the minute she met Cas? Why did Castiel, angel of the lord, let Dean dress him up like a fucking cowboy? Why does Sam always have that look on his face when they bicker? Why is losing Cas what breaks Dean down like nothing else? Why is their relationship breaking, being mended and fucking saving the world the most important emotional arc and plot element of the entire final season? Why does Dean always look like he is literally choking on his own heart whenever anything Cas is involved? Wherefore all those insane Jacting Joices?? Like, I could go on and on, but their love for each other is the backbone of SO MUCH of that story, and there is simply too much of Supernatural that doesn't make a lick of sense if Dean is not queer and in love with Cas, and Cas doesn't love Dean beyond all human understanding.
And listen: I don't care what anyone involved in the making Supernatural says about it! The text is the text, and it is profoundly, thoroughgoingly queer. They loved each other. They were each other's primary relationship, and nearly every other character on the show sees it and SAYS it.
Here's what I wish the "QUEERBAITING!!!" crowd would remember: there are a lot of queer experiences in the world to represent, and not all of them are defined by who tongue wrestles and fucks who. Not all of them are sexual at all! Not all of them are happy endings. There are a lot of queer people who don't work out their trauma and hetero conditioning until it's too late somehow, and who have to make peace with just being, or just saying it, and not having, again and again and again. There are a lot of queer people, even now, who can't look their real selves in the eye. There are queer people out there who want a thing they can't have, or think they can't have, and don't say anything at all about it. The fact that they can't say it, or can't have it doesn't make them any less fully fucking queer.
Some of us queers felt seen and represented by this story, Don't erase us just because you didn't get to see two pretty men make out.
That said, the majority of the final two episodes of Supernatural were egregious examples of narrative malpractice, and we all deserved better. Dean and Cas deserved better. I will agree with you there. But, that's not queerbaiting; it's just poor storytelling and denial. The queerness was already BAKED IN, and fully present, and I would argue it was there from the get go, that it went from a character based on a bisexual beat-era dude in a story about profound Daddy issues to the most romantic love story I have ever seen with my eyes on TV.
Seriously, SPN fandom catechism is so tired.
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mbrainspaz · 1 year
Christians going "Yeah I'm christian, go ahead and persecute me! I'm used to it!" is so sad and funny at the same time. Especially in America. You're not gonna get that from me hun. Like I'm gonna waste my energy talking to christians after I had to spend a decade deconstructing my own faith. Either you'll figure things out eventually or you'll double down until you're fully entrenched. As long as you leave non-christians alone that's your business.
I know if some burned out queer cowboy hobo had told 20 year old christian kid me what their adult life was really gonna be like...
"kiddo, I know you're a vaguely nationalist christian fundamentalist now but just wait until every aspect of your blessed social order fails you and you spend a little time homeless. Oh—you thought you couldn't be homeless if you just worked hard enough? Honeyyy. Your first 'christian' bosses won't even give you lunch breaks even though they live in mansions with their trophy wives. You got a degree so you could sell their scammy fake diet pills and live on instant potatoes with hot dog bites and sleep on the floor by the fireplace in your first drafty apartment like it was 1813. Also you have mental illnesses. Spoilers. No, you can't just power through ADHD. Yes it is a real thing. So is the family history of chronic depression your dad hasn't told you about yet. You think that's bad? Wait until he disowns you during the pandemic. Don't worry about the pandemic yet, but yeah, that's how you ended up homeless. Why didn't you just buy a house? With your christian husband? Ohhhh. Ooooof. Well let's gloss over the next few economic disasters but basically you're gonna nearly marry a guy next year until he loses his temper and destroys your trust. It's for the best though because he kinda turns into one of those right wing gun nuts a few years down the road. Dodged a bullet there! Literally lmao. Oh you... you want to know why you didn't become a missionary? So the church actually doesn't let 'single women' do mission work. Yeah... yeah it is to stop you from leading the single male missionaries astray. You kind of already knew where that was going. Don't worry, the misogyny only gets more blatant from here. Just wait until you're 25. Hey, remember how fun it was to sit with your parents in church? You get to do that for so many more years because there are no other unmarried 20-somethings in fundamentalist churches. If you leave and go to a different church your dad will disown you. He does that like 6 times though, so it does lose its sting. What were the other times? Um... okay so it was 'going to a church he didn't like,' 'being too single,' 'not praying enough' (don't ask me to explain that one, I'm still confused), 'having too many pets that might scare away the men,' and 'not voting for trump.' Oh! By the way, if you get a chance to go to a state fair and throw tomatoes at that guy in say... mid 2015, don't pass that up. You'll regret it. Especially while you're stuck living on a ranch with looney white nationalists in the aftermath of the 2020 elections. Oh shit—right! You don't even know white nationalists really exist! Wow. You've really never had to overhear a single conversation where white boomers fantasize about going downtown to do armed 'patrols' of black neighborhoods. By that point you'd realized you were very alone in a southern town that had already tried to off you in a multitude of disturbing ways. They weren't keen on the idea of you being queer either. I know you already know but you—yeah, you just assumed it would be easier to hide and go along with the status quo. Naaah. Nope. Not worth it. You only really wanted to do that so your parents would love you and that was a loss from the moment they put conditions on it. You could never have done enough to earn their love. They don't have it to give. That's on them though. Ok big question time: Do you still believe in god? Yes and no. Give it like... 14 times of people saying 'it's god's will' whenever something goes their way and another 20 of them accusing you of consorting with demons whenever you disagree. The pattern becomes pretty clear. Maybe you do still believe in god but definitely not your parents' god. And definitely not any god that would be on the side of empires and bigots. In fact, not any god that would let those powers claim him... if he had any power to stop them."
"But I do at least get a bunch of animals?"
"Oh yeah. Smeags is still alive. Right now I've got three dogs and a freaking horse that looks exactly like our favorite childhood stuffed animal."
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