traumabuddies · 5 months
through bloodshot eyes the sky is falling (it kills me when i try to push you away)
Buck/Eddie | Rated T | 6.5k
“What the hell is that even supposed to mean?” Eddie says, wholly unprepared for Buck’s answer. “It means I'm fucking in love with you!” It all happens in just a few seconds. Eddie's heart stops. Buck's voice echoes around the walls of the truck. Eddie turns to look at him with wide eyes. Eddie swerves, right over the edge. * Buck and Eddie have a fight, get in a car accident, and confess their feelings. Not exactly in that order.
read on ao3
warnings for blood and injuries (similar to what we see in canon 911)
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traumabuddies · 4 days
underneath kitchen lights (thought about kissing you)
pairing: buck/eddie | rating: t | words: 2.5k
It’s not the first time Eddie comes home to Buck already being here. It’s not even the first time he comes home to Buck cooking in his kitchen like he lives here. He doesn’t question it at this point, especially after the past two months, where Buck has been by his side as much as he could, the rock that kept him from breaking under the weight of his world crumbling. But tonight, it takes him so much by surprise that he stops in his tracks, stuck on the landing of his own house with bags hanging from both shoulders and a heart too full to comprehend. or Eddie brings Chris back from Texas. Buck is waiting for them.
read on ao3
This is part of the 911 Gotcha for Gaza event!
Written for @/captnvalkyrie on twitter, for the prompt: "Buck and Eddie’s first kiss in Eddie’s kitchen."
You can check out @911actions for more info on the event!
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traumabuddies · 1 year
"why are you limping?"
This kinda turned into "2 times Buck's limping because sex with Eddie was too good and 1 time he wishes it was the reason"
"Why are you limping?"
Damn it, Buck thinks, closing his eyes at Bobby's question and begging the heat not to crawl too high up his face. He thought he might have been able to hide it, but clearly the hitch in his step is much too obvious to miss.
Buck is just glad he's early and no one else from A shift is at the station yet, because he would have never heard the end of it.
Definitely would not have been able to fool them all.
"Nothing," he says, washing his hands to join Bobby in making lunch at the counter. They've learned that it's better to cook earlier when they have time and reheat the food later than waste time doing it when they might only have minutes to sit down for lunch.
Bobby gives him a skeptical look. "Are you sure? If you hurt yourself on your last shift, you have to tell me."
"Yeah, cap, I'm sure," Buck says, wracking his brain for an explanation. "I think I have a cramp or something, it'll pass."
"Alright, if you say so. Hand me the knife."
Bobby seems happy to let it go, and Buck thanks whatever higher power is out there as he does what he's told.
He does not want to tell his Captain that his boyfriend fucked him so good last night he can barely walk—no thank you, he'd rather die.
Walking from stand to stand at the food market is more fun than Buck remembers being, although it might be because the sun is out without it being so hot that he's gonna get sunburned.
And walking isn't the most comfortable thing to do today, but it's worth going through if it means watching Jee-Yun tug on her dad's hand to get to the strawberries quicker—she's been on a strawberry kick lately, or so her parents have said.
Speaking of which, Maddie waits for Jee and Chim to be further along before stopping him with a hand on his wrist and frowning at him.
"Okay, why are you limping?"
Oh, god, no, not again. It was one thing for Bobby to ask last time, in a professional environment where Buck could guess he wouldn't push.
It's another thing for his sister to notice, because she does like to push when she's concerned, and Buck is also never able to lie to her.
"Well, uh," he says, balancing from one foot to the other. He regrets it immediately, hissing as pain flairs up his ass. The worst aprt is, he likes it. He's going to hell. "It's nothing, I think I, uh—twisted my ankle."
"Your ankle, Buck? Seriously?" she deadpans. "If you'd twisted your ankle, you'd have texted me about it to complaining about how stupid it is."
"No, I wouldn't, because I wouldn't want you fussing."
"But you're admitting that's not what it is?"
Shit. Her cocked eyebrow is incredibly annoying.
He huffs, feels his neck grow uncomfortably hot. "Come on, Maddie, can't you just let it go—"
"Evan," she gasps silently, her eyes going wide with the laughter she lets out a second later. Buck freezes. "I should have figured, the last time I was limping like this was when Chimn and I stayed at this hotel and—"
"Ew, Maddie, gross," Buck says, swatting her hand away.
He likes to hear her laugh, always, but she's being a complete menace right now, which isn't fair. He thought that was his job.
"Fine, fine, but you didn't deny it," she says, grinning up at him.
He rolls his eyes, but he once again finds himself victim to his inability to lie to her. "Yeah, well, maybe you're right, okay? But can we stop talking about it, please?" he begs through gritted teeth.
He's not mad, or annoyed, but honestly? Kind of embarrassed.
But Maddie just lights up even more. "Why, you deserve some good things! I should send a gift basket to whoever treated you so well."
It's his time to grin at her. "Well, you know Eddie's address."
He pats her shoulder, watches in real time as her brain short-circuits with that information, and then walks away to join his niece.
"Wait, Eddie?"
The door to his apartment opens and Buck definitely doesn't startle, because he was expecting it.
He just kind of, maybe, forgot that Eddie was coming over this early, and so he jumps where he's sitting on the couch, causing what feels like every muscle in his body to lock up.
"Hey, babe," Eddie says with a blinding smile when he finally comes into view in the kitchen, where he's laying out the take out food he promised he'd come with.
"Hey," Buck says, hissing as he gets up. The pain in his lower back and tail-bone is just as bad as it was thirty minutes ago, shooting up his spine with every step.
He must not be able to hide it, or maybe he's not imagining the faces he's pulling, because Eddie is at his side in a second, concern swimming in his eyes and painting his hovering hands.
"Buck, you okay? Why are you limping?"
Buck can't help the laugh that bubbles out of him, although it's cut short when he takes a last step towards Eddie to kiss his lips with a small peck.
"What's so funny?" Eddie asks, looking at him like he's crazy—he probably is.
"Nothing, it's just that usually when people ask me that it's because you've pounded me into the mattress like you were hoping I wouldn't be able to walk," he says.
He's rewarded with Eddie's rosy cheeks, the ones that only appear when Buck is being overtly flirty or raunchy with his words. He doesn't hdie anymore the way he did at the beginning, but his cheeks? They still flush, and it's always the most enjoyable sight.
And then Eddie frowns, checking Buck over.
"Wait, I know I didn't pound you into anything last night, so unless you got a little crazy with toys, what happened?"
With a grown, Buck lets himself fall into his boyfriend, hiding his face in his neck. "Fell down the stairs," he mumbles, hoping to distract Eddie with a press of his lips.
It doesn't work. Instead, Eddie lets out a soft, sudden laugh, but his hands on his lower back are soothing, like he knows exactly where it hurts. "And how did you manage that?"
"I don't know, I was going a little fast, I guess."
"So you were running. Down the stairs, like a child?"
"Leave me alone, I'm in pain."
"Enough to go to the hospital?"
"No," Buck says quickly, wrapping his arms around Eddie.
Eddie hums. "Well then, I get to scold you for being an idiot."
Every one of Eddie's words is lace with the kind of fondness reserved for him and Christopher, something soft and caring, that says, I'm here for you.
"But I'm your idiot," Buck says.
Eddie sighs, and kisses the crown of his head in the same breath. "Of course you are."
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traumabuddies · 8 months
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late night devil put your hands on me
buddie | explicit | 13.5k
“God, look at you,” Buck groans, teeth gnawing at Eddie's neck, teasing. “Such a perfect little toy for me. Knew I was right to keep you around, so easy to use.” “Buck,” Eddie moans, his hands holding onto the door hinges and the locked handle. Buck bites down, worrying at the skin until he's sure to leave a mark. “I'm gonna come in you, mark you up from the inside.” or: Buck uses Eddie as he pleases for a whole day
Kinktober lextober prompts: Free Use + Humiliation kink requested by two anons
read on ao3!
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traumabuddies · 8 months
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singing bodies
buddie | explicit | 2.6k
“Gorgeous,” Buck says reverently, absorbing the picture Eddie is painting beneath him—trembling, mouth open on a perpetual gasp, eyes dark and glistening, skin flushed red from cheeks to navel. And between that, perfect, perky nipples tied together by clamps.
Buck gives a slight tug to the chain linking them, welcoming the pinch of arousal when Eddie lets out another broken sob. His back arches stunningly into the pain Buck is inflicting. It’s light, the clamps meant to tease more than truly hurt, but Buck has been playing with them for so long that Eddie is feeling everything tenfold.
Kinktober lextober prompts: Nipple Play + Overstimulation requested by two anons
read on ao3!
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traumabuddies · 8 months
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love me deep and keep me close
buddie | explicit | 4.2k
The thing is, Buck may be a little obsessed with Eddie’s dick. He loves sex, he loves getting fucked within an inch of his life, and he loves sucking Eddie off like it's his favourite treat. But he also just… loves holding Eddie in his mouth. He loves wrapping his lips around Eddie’s soft cock and shut down all his thoughts while Eddie watches a movie or reads a book and strokes his hair.
And Eddie indulges him as often as he can. Sometimes after sex because Buck doesn’t feel like letting go of the mood completely, sometimes before bed because his brain can’t shut up, sometimes just because he feels like it, wants to have his mouth full until Eddie can't sit still anymore. It’s one of his favorite things to do, and he would almost be embarrassed by it, except Eddie seems so eager to give him what he wants every time that it numbs all his insecurities about it.
Kinktober lextober prompt: Cock warming requested by @911onabc
read on ao3!
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traumabuddies · 8 months
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if you find it hard to swallow i can loosen up your collar
buddie | explicit | 4.1k words
He tugs on the leash to get Buck’s eyes on him, and nods towards his crotch. “Go on, then,” he says, giving another tug when Buck’s arms start to move. “And remember, pups only use their mouths.”
With that reminder, Buck leans forward, hands behind his back as he presses a kiss to the bulge in front of him. Eddie hums appreciatively, his free hand finding Buck’s hair when he starts mouthing at Eddie’s cock through the fabric. Even like this, his mouth is heavenly already, using the exact amount of pressure Eddie likes.
Still, Eddie tugs on the leash again, urging Buck to get a move on. He does, nipping at the button and making a frustrated noise when he struggles to undo it, too eager to focus properly.
Kinktober lextober prompt: pet play (puppy buck) requested by @buck2eddie
read on ao3
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traumabuddies · 1 year
hi i'm very busy but i'm taking a minute to ask for a prompt hmmm maybe "wait right here. don't move" for buddie. please and thank you. i love you <3
anything for you my love<3 spoilers for 6x18.
It takes a few hours for Buck to finally be able—allowed—to take Eddie home.
The drive isn't tense per se, but Eddie is still sour over being injured, which means he's not talking, intent on glaring at the buildings they pass by from the passenger seat.
Three fractured ribs, two bruised ones, and a hell of a bruise on his lower back. In the grand scheme of things and compared to the others, it's not too bad, but that doesn't mean he got away unscathed.
No matter what Eddie says. Well, Buck knows that Eddie knows he's hurt and in pain, but nothing short of a bullet wound will make him admit that. He's come so far when it comes to sharing his emotions, but it still takes a lot for him to ask for help driving or putting a shirt on.
He's still a proud man who doesn't want to be a burden. Buck gets it, he really does, but that doesn't mean that he likes it.
When he pulls up to Eddie's house, it's to a muttered complaint beside him. Buck ignores him, although he quickly rounds the Jeep to open Eddie's door.
"I can open my damn door, Buck," Eddie grumbles.
"Then why didn't you?"
"Can't a guy take his time?"
Buck tries his hardest not to roll his eyes. "No, because I want to get inside and take a shower to really get this dust off of me."
"Then go, I'll join you."
"In the shower?"
Eddie glares at him. "Haha, funny. Just go, man."
"Not a chance. Come on."
With less resistance than expected, he helps Eddie out of the car, and then into the house. Every pained sound that manages to escape Eddie's gritted teeth grates Buck's ears, makes him wish he could wrap Eddie in a blanket or bubble wrap so he doesn't get hurt again.
Well, if he had any say in it, he'd do that to all of his team, but right now, Eddie is the only one who is his problem. Eddie is the only one who's leaning on him as they make it to the living room, the only one Buck has to see simultaneously wince in pain and sigh in relief as he's lowered onto the couch.
"Here you go," Buck says, rubbing Eddie's shoulder, glad when Eddie lets him.
"Yeah, no worries."
Reaching into his pockets, Buck hands Eddie his phone, as well as the remote on the coffee table. Eddie takes both without a word, face stuck like the grumpy cat Buck likes to compare him with mostly because it get Eddie more annoyed.
He keeps it to himself today, but he feels his chest expand with fondness all the same, especially when Eddie wastes no time texting Chris.
"Okay," Buck says, clapping his hands together. "I'm gonna go shower for real, do you need anything?"
Eddie shrugs. "Just gonna need a blanket and some water, but I'll go get—"
"Nuh-uh, no way," Buck is quick to say, hands once again pushing down Eddie's shoulder when the idiot tries to get up. "I'll do it, wait right here."
"Buck," Eddie sighs, but the fight in him is disappearing already.
"Don't move. I got this."
He does, too, running to grab pillows and blankets from the hallway closet—the same ones he uses when he's sleeping on the couch—and then pulling two water bottles out of the fridge, as well as some snacks just in case.
Eddie watches him through all of it, something soft and slightly disbelieving that makes Buck wish he still had blood covering his face.
"Okay, should be everything," he says, making sure Eddie is comfortably laid back against the pillow and that eveyrthing else is within reach.
"Buck," Eddie says. He rolls his eyes, but he doesn't sound annoyed for the first time today. "Unless your shower takes a whole day, I'm gonna be fine."
"What if I need to take a day long shower?"
"Then you'll have some bills to pay."
"You know, you're so generous with your guests, Eddie, it's a wonder you don't have more of those."
"Oh my god, go away," Eddie says, and it's not really what it sounds like.
Buck takes a step back with a mock salute before heading towards the bathroom, only to stop where the living room meets the hallway. He claps the doorframe, turns to Eddie.
"I'll be right back."
Through the pain, Eddie's smile is genuine. "I know. You always are."
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traumabuddies · 1 year
“i've never loved anyone like i love you.”
The restaurant is objectively nice.
It's a wide open space with big windows allowing everyone to look out at the city, wide awake down below. String lights are brightening the room, enough that you can see around and not trip but not too much that the romantic atmosphere is lost.
The food is phenomenal, from the main course to dessert, the flavors pulling satisfied moans out of Eddie across from him with almost every mouthful. Buck is always thankful for anything that lets him hear those sounds.
So it's nice, and there's nothing to criticize about it, but it's—not the right choice.
When Buck had looked up places to take Eddie for their first year anniversary, it had seemed perfect. He'd wanted to make an impact, show Eddie that he appreciates him, and treat him to something a little fancy. Something that they don't usually do.
There's probably a reason why they don't usually do that kind of thing, he's realizing as he hands his card to the waiter.
They had fun, because when is it ever not the case when they're together, when they can make each other laugh and hold hands just because they can, but something about it felt a little forced. Not right.
Buck isn't sure if it's the overdressed waiting staff, or the uptight-looking other couples around them, or just the general ambiance, but he knows none of this is them.
(It's not always a bad thing, because the suits they're wearing aren't really them either, but he is definitely not complaining about the way Eddie's ass looks in those dress pants when he's walking.
The fresh air is welcome when they finally make it outside, filling his sinuses and clearing his senses from his overthinking.
Next to him, Eddie heaves out a sigh, his head tilted up. His eyes are closed, a hint of a smile curving his lips upwards.
"You okay?" Buck asks.
Eddie's smile grows, his eyes soft when he opens them to look at him. "I'm good. Thank you for dinner. I had a great time."
"Nothing," Eddie says, shifting until the tip of their shoes are bumping into each other, his hands finding Buck's chest. "Just—"
He trails off, the way he does when he's thinking about the right thing to say.
Buck waits him out, trying his best to be good and keep his own hands where it's acceptable for a sidewalk in front of a fancy hotel and restaurant.
Still, he can't help but tug at the beltloop on Eddie's pants, enjoying the way it makes Eddie's breathing hitch before his boyfriend lets outa huff and shakes his head.
"Do you wanna grab a beer?" Eddie asks, glee shining in his eyes, smile too big for his face.
A laugh bubbles out of Buck, barely escaping into the night before he leans forward, stealing a kiss that's boredering on inappropriate for the sidewalk of a fancy hotel and restaurant. He can't say he cares.
"I thought you'd never ask," he says when he leans back, a little breathless, a lot happy.
Especially when Eddie laughs again, drunk on a glass of wine or a full bottle of love. "I mean, this really was nice, thank you for doing this for us," he says earnestly. "It just—"
"Wasn't us?"
"Yeah," Eddie breathes out. When he kisses Buck this time, it's nothing more but a press of lips, but it leaves Buck just as lightheaded when Eddie pulls away, his eyes shining and light fingers tracing his face. "God, I've never loved anyone like I love you."
Buck thought he was above blushing by now, but something about the way Eddie is feels in his arms tonight is making all the blood rush to his face. It's not always how their nights end.
"Does that mean the drinks are on you?"
Eddie rolls his eyes, but the fondness is clear on his face when he grabs Buck's hand and pulls him along and up the street. "I guess they are."
(They only make it to two beers before they're stumbling out of the bar to kiss in the back alley. That's definitely more like them.)
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traumabuddies · 9 months
fuck it friday
tagged by @lover-of-mine @eddiebabygirldiaz and @wildlife4life thank youuu<3
well, i did promise i would have something from the free use fic to share, didn't i? this is only the beginning, enjoy<3
He’s just grabbed his car keys from the bowl when he hears noise behind him, padded footsteps coming from the hallway. He barely has time to register any of it before hands are grabbing his hips and pushing him against the front door. Eddie winces at the impact, and then the rest of Buck’s body is plastered against him, the hard line of his naked cock nestling itself between Eddie’s cheeks over the thin sweats. Eddie shudders. The keys drop with a clank, and then his phone with a loud bang. The hoodie follows, landing on the floor with a dull thump. His heart is doing all three, rattling around in his chest. “Buck,” Eddie whispers, unable to speak louder. Only a whimper escapes him when Buck’s grip tightens, fingers digging into soft flesh. “Why aren’t you in bed,” Buck mumbles, sounding rough from sleep. “Should be here for me.” To emphasize his point, his hips snap forward, once, twice, slow but hard, like he wishes he could fuck Eddie through his pants. Eddie makes another noise, raw, undignified, and when he tries to turn around, Buck slams his hips against the door again. “Fuck,” Eddie moans, hands grappling at the door, in search of something to hold on to. Behind him, Buck hums, nuzzling at Eddie’s neck before biting down, just once.“You’re gonna stay right here,” Buck says, one of his hands grabbing Eddie’s ass and squeezing. “And you’re gonna give my cock the good morning it deserves.”
tagging @rogerzsteven @buck2eddie @buckleyseddie @giddyupbuck @transbuck @911onabc @bucks118 @gayarthur @loserdiaz @housewifebuck
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traumabuddies · 8 months
seven sentence sunday
tagged by @giddyupbuck @daffi-990 @watchyourbuck @eddiebabygirldiaz @lover-of-mine you<3
here's some free use fic which as always is just porn so enjoy more of that 🤗
“There we go,” Buck says, wracking his nails down the front of Eddie’s body, leaving angry red welts over his chest.
Ignoring Eddie’s shuddering moans of pleasure-pain, Buck pushes a hand between his shoulder blades, leaving him bent over the countertop, the cold of it a stark contrast to the hot skin of his collarbones and shoulders.
“Do you think that dick of yours still works?” Buck asks with a lilt to his voice, just as he shoves his fingers back inside. The raw, almost dry slide sends a hot, stinging tingle up Eddie’s spine, catching in his lungs where the air should be. His grip on the edge of the counter tightens, fingers white-knuckled.
A loud slap to his hip tears a moan out of him.
“Answer me,” Buck orders.
It takes a second for Eddie’s brain to catch up. “It works,” he slurs when he remembers Buck’s question. “It works, it does.”
“Does it now?” Buck says, punctuating his question with a harsh thrust. He sounds like he's grinning. “Wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t. After all, it's not very useful, is it?”
“Please,” Eddie sobs, because Buck is right, his cock doesn’t matter unless Buck decides he has a use for it, but he so desperately needs to come, and with no cock ring and the constant pressure to his prostate, it’s getting harder and harder to hold off. 
“Yeah? Wanna see if your stupid little cock can cover you in cum the way mine can?”
The cry he lets out when a fist forms in his hair is answer enough. He’s trembling, prostate overstimulated and neck straining as Buck pulls his hair—for a terrifyingly hot second he feels like he can’t breathe, his airflow cut off and pleasure blurring his senses.
tagging @buck2eddie @buckleyseddie @bucks118 @911onabc @rogerzsteven @housewifebuck and whoever else wants to do it!
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traumabuddies · 10 months
wip wednesday
tagged by @rogerzsteven @wildlife4life @bucks118 @wikiangela @giddyupbuck @911onabc @transbuck @watchyourbuck @lover-of-mine for this and tease tidbit tuesday, thank you!!! i've been slacking up on reading the wips but i WILL catch up later you all rock
so i wouldn't usually share that because i'm afraid some people would be mean about it for some reason. BUT it's my birthday and i wanted to share some of my kinktober petplay wip because it's really fun actually. it was supposed to be crack and it can still be that if you wanna read it like that but i don't think it actually is anymore oops.
The makeshift bed of thick blankets has been laid out on the floor, exactly where Eddie usually puts it. It’s small, but big enough for Buck to fit on it when he’s laying on his side with his knees pulled up like he is now, arms wrapped around them and eyes looking up at Eddie, strikingly blue and halfway to glazed over already. He’s also fully naked, which is not lost on Eddie, and he needs to see him properly now. “Aren’t you all cozy,” Eddie says, happy when it makes Buck perk up and his eyes focus. “Sit up, stay on the bed.” It was a surprise to Eddie when they first got together, to realize that Buck did not like to be told what to do in bed. Not in a way that he hated it, and nothing ever really was a command on Eddie’s end either, but at the slightest hint of direction, Buck would start doing something completely different. Almost like he took it as a challenge, saying, “Watch me,” with everything but his words. So when he gets like this, fully pupped up and receptive to Eddie’s every word, it’s always a thrill to watch him do exactly as he's told. Right now, he rights himself up until he’s sitting on his heels, hands on his lap and back straight. He knows it puts him on display, broad chest wide shoulders vulnerable, which is exactly what Eddie wants.  He’s wearing the deep red collar today—“That one means you wanna be the best boy and take everything I give you,” he’d said when he gave it to him, which had resulted in Buck almost tripping over himself to put it on. It’s bold leather, with a silver heart for Eddie to attach the leash to, and it has a matching tail plug that Eddie’s assuming is in place too, if the remote in his hand is anything to go by. “That’s a good boy,” he says, deciding to check that he’s right by pressing on the lowest setting. On the other side of the room, Buck lets out a silent gasp. His hips buck up ever so slightly and his half hard cock gives a twitch, but his hands stay where they are, and he doesn’t move. Eddie turns it back off with an appreciative smile. “Oh, now that was very good.” He crouches where he is, excitement flashing in Buck’s eyes at the movement. “I think you might deserve a treat for that. How about a kiss?” Buck whines low in his throat, and Eddie chuckles fondly. “Alright, come here.” It only takes a few seconds for Buck to walk up to him, hands and knees used to it, and another one for Eddie to grab his face with a, “Hey, Buck,” before kissing him like he hasn’t seen him in weeks.
tagging @buck2eddie @buckleyseddie @alyxmastershipper @housewifebuck @lover-of-mine @bvckandeddie @transbuck if you want to share something!
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traumabuddies · 9 months
wip wednesday
have not been tagged today yet so i'm starting this off because i've been writing all day and i need to share so. have more free use eddie fic for your entertainment
“God, I fucking love that ass. Love that it's mine to do whatever I want with.” He pinches the skin, twisting his fingers, and Eddie's breath catches in his throat, his grip on the knife tightening until Buck lets up, going back to just grabbing. “Tell me it's mine.” “It's yours,” Eddie whispers, words tumbling out of his mouth before he can even think to do it. “You can do anything you want with it.” Buck hums, teeth nipping at his shoulder over his shirt. “That's right. It's my favorite part of you.” A pause. “That and your filthy mouth.” Suddenly, two fingers are being shoved in his mouth, fully this time until they hit the back of Eddie's throat. Eddie gags, sputtering moans around the intrusion as Buck's other hand grips his wrist. The one holding the knife. Eddie’s glad, because he’d forgotten he even had one in hand. “Yeah, might have to use that later,” Buck says, thrusting his fingers in and out slowly, teasing but deep. When Eddie makes another gargled noise and his hips rock into the counter, the fingers disappear, leaving him gasping. Buck presents his hand palm up under Eddie’s mouth. “Spit.”
tagging @buck2eddie @buckleyseddie @rogerzsteven @lover-of-mine @eddiebabygirldiaz @andrewblur @fatedking @911onabc @bucks118 @giddyupbuck
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traumabuddies · 9 months
seven sentence sunday
tagged by @giddyupbuck thank you!<3
i hadn't written in 2 weeks because i've been so tired, but yesterday i got inspired and finished my second kinktober fic! the prompt is cock warming in a hot tub, so here's seven sentences of that :)
Eddie mimics Buck’s content sigh, eyes closing for a second and baring his neck. Buck needs him so bad it’s not even funny anymore. Because he’s a mind reader, Eddie knows; he opens his eyes, and offers his hand for Buck to take. He gives a slight tug, and Buck goes blindly until he’s straddling Eddie, shivering when it exposes his nipples to the air. “Go on,” Eddie says, gripping his hip to guide him with one hand, the other holding his own cock. Loose from his orgasm and the hot water, Buck sinks onto Eddie's cock easily, going down and down until he's taking all of it, his ass flushed to Eddie’s meaty thighs. He gasps at the welcome intrusion, his body opening up like that’s all it’s been waiting for, too.
reminder that you can interact with this post if you want to be tagged when i post new fics!
tagging @rogerzsteven @buck2eddie @buckleyseddie @housewifebuck @911onabc @bucks118 @transbuck @lover-of-mine @alyxmastershipper
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traumabuddies · 10 months
wip wednesday
tagged by @alyxmastershipper @lover-of-mine @eddiediaztho @wildlife4life and @bvckandeddie thank you!!
the @911angstinautumn fic was the other fic that won the wip poll, so as the people demanded, here is a little snippet from what i wrote today!
With all the strength he can muster, which isn’t much, he tries to turn around, to sit up, anything so he can see that his brain is just overreacting. That Buck is still here with him. “Buck,” he calls. It’s a weak thing, his voice shot to death, followed by a wince and wetness building behind his eyes. Fuck, it hurts to talk. But his voice is all he has for now, so he tries again, not more than a whisper. “Can you hear me?” He remembers screaming the same words months ago, remembers the panic and the gut twisting fear when Buck didn’t reply. He would scream the same if he could now, because the fear and panic are no different. He needs to see Buck instead of the fucking cliffside taunting him. So he grabs the console with his right hand, and puts all his weight on it, ignoring the nausea when the pain explodes and spreads from his arm to the rest of his body, hot and blinding. All kinds of noises he would never admit to escape him, whimpers torn from deep within his guts as he finally pushes himself up until he’s resting back against the seat instead of the wheel. His head spins for a minute, making him dizzy enough from pain and disorientation that his vision blurs fully. He has half the thought that he might be dying after all—it’s kind of what it felt like, last time. And then his eyes open, and with his heart in his throat, he turns his head towards the other seat. He thought he was panicking before, but nothing so far has been worse than the sight that greets him.
reminder to interact with this post if you wanna be tagged when i post new fic!
tagging @rogerzsteven @buck2eddie @buckleyseddie @giddyupbuck @911onabc @bucks118 @housewifebuck
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traumabuddies · 9 months
tease tidbit tuesday
tagged by @giddyupbuck and @loserdiaz thank youuuu
more of the free use eddie fic because i'm obsessed with it :)
He’s just left the pasta aisle when his phone buzzes in his pocket. There’s a text from Buck, then another. i hope you're not holding it in i want it all leaking down your thighs when you come back The tip of Eddie’s ears turn hot. His ass clenches tighter on instinct. His head is swimming as he stares at Buck’s text, the grip of his other hand tight around the grocery bag. He doesn't know if he can do this. Buck’s made him go out after coming inside him before, but usually they’re together, and he’s wearing a plug to hold it all in. And now Buck is asking the complete opposite of him. Is asking him to let go. He’s still wondering what to do when someone bumps into him, making Eddie drop the bag. “I’m so sorry,” the man is saying, going on about why he wasn’t looking and how he’s not usually this clumsy, but Eddie’s barely hearing him. In his haste to grab the bag back from the floor, Eddie forgets about the consequences of losing his focus and bending over. The first spurt of cum leaking out of him makes him freeze, caught in the utter humiliation of the realization. He bolts with a strangled goodbye at the man, heart hammering in his chest.  It’s not that bad, he tells himself. He knows he has clothes on, that he’s not actually naked, but he feels like everyone can see right through the filthy mess of him. Like everyone knows that the guy reaching for the whole wheat bread on the top shelf got pumped full of cum twenty minutes earlier and now has it all constantly leaking out of him, staining ass and thighs and too thin sweatpants. His palms are sweating and his cheeks burning hot by the time he makes it back to the car, grimacing and yet so incredibly turned on when sitting down spreads the warm, sticky liquid everywhere.
tagging @buck2eddie @buckleyseddie @eddiebabygirldiaz @lover-of-mine @911onabc @rogerzsteven @gayarthur @fatedking @transbuck and everyone who wants to do it i can't remember urls as always
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