#life ruiners the original recipe
whatsabriard · 2 years
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Hart to Hart - 3x22 - "The Harts Strike Out"
aka the sexiest opening of the entire series.
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whatsabriard · 1 year
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Hart to Hart 1.12 - Color Jennifer Dead
Jonathan: They didn't need music in those movies. Jennifer: What movies? Jonathan: You know the ones where, uh, the boy would look at the girl right in the eyes. Jennifer: Like you're looking at me? Jonathan: Yeah, and then he'd say...I love you. Jennifer: Ahhh yes, it's all coming back to me. Jonathan: And the music would swell and they'd start to dance.
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whatsabriard · 2 years
When you’re just minding your business, drying a dog, and then you think about how, on one anniversary, Jonathan wanted to get Jennifer the biggest diamond he could find.
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It’s ok. I’m ok.
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whatsabriard · 2 years
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Hart to Hart Returns - a long weekend in the mountains.
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whatsabriard · 2 years
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Watch With Me: The Skipped Episodes
1x21 - Too Many Cooks Are Murder
Jonathan: Are you suggesting that we make all those recipes? Jennifer: Darling, right now the only thing I'm suggesting is very suggestive. Jonathan: Uh huh. Jennifer: Uh huh.
In this episode they're in bed, Jennifer is wearing some skimpy lingerie and after she makes her suggestive suggestion, Jonathan purposely leans over and turns off the light. Ya'll were JUST talking about tricks with mirrors, don't be pretending you smash in the dark. We know better.
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whatsabriard · 2 years
Watch With Me: Hart to Hart 2x11
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I'm very excited to get back to this lil project. With the thanksgiving holiday firmly in the rear view, my evenings are something of my own again. If I could just keep myself from getting distracted with other projects...
Original Airdate: February 24, 1981
Synopsis: Stanley's evening at a singles bar ends with a murder, and it's up to Jonathan and Jennifer to find out who set him up.
Why this one?: One reason, and one reason only. The scene in the singles bar. You'll know the one I'm talking about. I lose my everloving shit every time I see this episode, as if I've never experienced it before.
Jennifer: I don't know if a tequila sunrise would actually do the trick. Jonathan: Really? What's more your speed. A volcano? Jennifer: Something a little stronger. Jonathan: Earthquake? Jennifer: Ooh, that sounds stimulating. How do you. make one of those? Jonathan: A dash of undulation, shake well and then... Jennifer: The earth moves? Jonathan: Hey hey.
undulation? IN FRONT OF MY SALAD?
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This episode is about Stanley. Stanley goes to a disco. Stanley gets in trouble. And blessed be, the people in the disco are dancing like it's goddamn saturday night fever. But first.
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Jonathan's gonna have a taste of that neck. He's a neck man. It's 10pm. $5 says someone convinces someone of an executive office quickie. Anyyyway,
Stanley is a goober but it's lucky that he meets a girl who is also a goober.
The bad guys need a fall guy and you can spell it S-T-A-N-L-E-Y.
peep the bill. 2 white wines at $2.69 each. A "big spender" is buying theplace a round. Which will cost what...a hundy?
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At willow pond, J&J are watching The Thin Man ("serve the nuts") and eating boiled eggs in bed. They want to set Stanley up.
Cooking is important to a man. SOME men.
"You call apples, cheese, peanuts dinner?" You asked for the peanuts.
They're a horny duo but they absolutely love spending time together watching old movies and taking the piss out of each other. They are besties too, which makes their love so so real.
NOTE TO EVERYONE IN THE HART UNIVERSE - do not take "special drinks" made "just for you" from the strange bartender. It always ends badly.
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This is the funniest prop ever. LOL "sales".
Stanley is not good at following instructions. Jonathan is about to stuff Stanley's tie in his big fat mouth.
This is it. Everybody shut up. THIS IS THE SCENE.
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this cowboy just called jonathan dimples. WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY.
jennifer's leather pants.
i can't breathe
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the chains you guys. the chains. i'm crying.
this chick is just sitting there teasing her hair.
Jonathan lost $3500 playing poker and he just...writes a personal check for it.
In the car, Jennifer runs a brush through her hair and her curls brush perfectly out into her signature coiffure. fucking movie magic.
why did jonathan use a personal check and not bring cash. not very incognito since now the killers know he works with Stanley. Yeesh.
"HEY WAIT, DON'T TAKE MY ALIBI!" stanley screams when someone in scuba gear yanks the bartender off the dock and pulls him under the water. LOL
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But then he ends up with another body.
I just love that they have all these outfits just...in their closet. Because then we get such great outfits.
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This is just a costume porn episode. That's why I love it.
So the harts go to a fancy dinner and Max, the sneaky devil, takes the magic glasses and goes to a poker game. Where he figures out you can use the fancy glasses to cheat.
why do they put the dealer's hand on the screen? He knows what he has?
so we all know max is about to get into trouble, right?
Apparently the Harts came home from their fancy dinner and went straight to bed without realizing a car was missing and Max wasn't home.
Guess, JUST GUESS how they were occupied.
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Lookit Jonathan's FLY member's only jacket.
high speed boat and jet-ski chase.
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what even.
"I guess you'd say you're beached."
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whatsabriard · 2 years
Watch With Me: Hart to Hart 2x08
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Original Airdate: January 20, 1981
Synopsis: When Max's long-dead ex-wife suddenly reappears, kidnapping and a hot diamond necklace are not far behind.
Why this one?: We all make choices in our lives. We all have many different reasons for those choices. My reason for this choice is that I want to watch Jonathan seduce his wife while she tries to talk on the phone. I want that right now, and this is the episode that will give it to me. We are who we are.
Favorite Quote:
Jennifer: Oh, darling, we haven't even seen all the fish in the aquarium. Couldn't you be a little late? Jonathan: You mean just for the halibut? Jennifer: I'll pretend I didn't hear that.
this episode wakes with the Harts in bed, so you know it's going to be great.
there's a noise downstairs, possibly a burglar.
Jonathan keeps a gun in his bedside table.
that's probably because, even though the Hart Estate is supposed to be the Ultimate in security, everyone and their brother breaks into it. always. all the time.
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look how cute they are in their lil jammies as if they don't always end up nakey every night. a nod to the 80's sensibilities.
it's just max, dressed like the guy on the fish stick box. He's gonna go fishing and then he plains to cook and eat the fish he catches. weird.
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these two lazy humans and their lazy dog just gonna do crosswords in the bed together all day on sunday.
until they run out of newspapers and have to find another way to amuse themselves. behold.
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this scene is everything to me because Jonathan is just gonna suck on whatever he can reach and jennifer is all about it.
anyway, since Max isn't there to interrupt his ex-wife does it instead. how annoying.
I do like Max's ex-wife though. She's spicy.
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Her name is Pearl.
Pearl was before Jonathan's time, so they're really enjoying getting to know her.
"Do you remember your ex-wife, Pearl?" no jonathan. only you forget your wife.
anyway according to Max, Pearl has been dead for years.
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she wanted people to believe she was dead because she was involved in some stuff. and of course, she's still involved in some stuff.
pearl manages to get herself an invitation to stay with them because Jennifer is a TERRIFIC LADY.
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Jonathan worries that Max might get his heart broken by his ex.
the bad guys think that pearl is going to try to sell a stolen necklace to the Harts. but they want the necklace.
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pearl and max cook together but immediately start fighting.
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"Jonathan..." We can't get involved. But they go in to check anyway and find a little surprise.
Pearl hides the necklace in the house, which is definitely not going to backfire on them.
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J&J meet at Marineland for a picnic (as you do???) and they're drinking wine out of glass glasses because they're bougie.
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Max gets himself kidnapped because the bad guys want Pearl's necklace. Pearl gets away. Sort of.
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The baddies call and want the necklace in exchange for Max but Pearl is in a coma and they have no idea where she hid the necklace.
They tear up the house looking for it.
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Stanley gets info on the necklace and J&J show up to get it. Jennifer looks immaculate. Jonathan is half-dressed.
they don't have a lot of time to find the necklace so Jonathan gets the bright idea to have a fake made by Seymour. but Seymour says he can't do it, no matter how much money jonathan throws at him.
These are not words Jonathan understands.
insert ANOTHER rando suddenly pulls out a gun on them.
during the fight, jennifer does the greatest thing.
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when the gun is knocked loose, she grabs a trashcan lid and puts it over the gun. Then she STANDS on the trashcan lid. girl really.
the rando is an insurance guy who has been chasing the necklace since it was stolen.
they're talking about how insurance guy ate all their food, and they have a lightbulb moment.
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pearl hid the necklace in the fish. EW GROSS NOW IT STINKS PROBABLY.
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for someone who has been tied up for days inside an antique shop, Max just keeps getting dirtier and dirtier.
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but I guess he got a shower before the meet?
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color coordinating dummies again.
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how. how do they look at each other like that.
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whatsabriard · 2 years
Watch With Me: Hart to Hart 1x19
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Episode Title: Does She or Doesn't She?
Original Airdate: March 18, 1980
Why this one: I've kind of figured it out, I think. When the series finally came out on DVD, they released the first two seasons and then...CRICKETS. So the vast majority of my "favorite" eps come from the first two seasons because they're the ones I've seen the most. Barry and his hothead salon is no exception.
Favorite Quote: After we feather the condor's nest, what do you say we come home and feather our own. What a good idea.
Right off the bat - when Jennifer meets Peggy in the bathroom way back in "You Made Me Kill You", she tells some bullshit story about her hairdresser. The truth is her real hairdresser is Barry and he has been since forever.
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This episode opens with women gossiping with their hairdressers, which are all men.
Jennifer is getting her head done for the "Save the Condor" benefit.
Her stylist, Barry, is flirting with some girl. Jennifer is amused.
Guest star: this fabulous lady from Grease.
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Mrs Hutchins shows up, but her appointment is tomorrow at 2.
She rolls up with a gun and shoots at Barry and Jennifer hits the deck along with everyone else. There is much screaming and running and bullet holes everywhere.
Jonathan pulls up in time to hear the gunshots and he runs in to find Jennifer.
"Boy when I said come pick me up I didn't think it would be off the floor."
Jennifer is really concerned about her earring but Jonathan is like "BABE ARE YOU OK?"
Sally Hutchins, according to Barry, is a really nice lady usually. She must have had a really good reason to shoot him.
Jonathan knows Barry has a good reputation but he prefers when Jennifer does her own hair.
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While they dress they muse about how they don't really get what happened that day, and Jennifer doesn't think he was having an affair with the gun lady.
After all, he's pretty up front with his girlfriends.
Jennifer finds something in her purse that she picked up when she was looking for her earring. Jonathan thinks it's a hair dryer part.
Over at Barry's house, he's being visited by a gangster who wants to talk to him. Tells Barry to get rid of the girl.
We realize that this gangster guy was blackmailing Mrs Sally.
He reminds Barry not to call the police or the insurance company. And when Barry tries to fight back, he gets punched in the stomach for his effort.
Outside of Barry's apartment, Mrs Sally is sitting in the dark with a gun. When she sees the gangster come out, she peels out in her car.
She calls her husband but he can't talk to her. So she apologizes and drives off into the night.
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What is it with this guy and his dumb ascot?
Max has a hangover - he lost his shirt in poker.
There's a call at the gate and it's the Grease lady from the salon.
She is worried about Barry. "He seems to be in quicksand." Every time she asks him, he shuts her up.
Jonathan asks questions about Sally and Grease Lady says Barry was not having an affair with Sally. He draws the line at married women.
Max enters with the information that Mrs Sally is dead. "Poor Barry," Grease Lady says.
The Harts go to see Barry, dressed in matching outfits.
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The important part of this cap is the giant breast behind them.
Barry is not making an insurance claim and he makes a vague explanation about writing off costs as improvements.
Barry was stunned about Mrs Sally, but he doesn't seem to be too concerned. He tells the Harts to let him handle things.
Jennifer thinks Barry isn't in any position to ask for help, so Jonathan calls Max and asks him to tail Barry.
J&J go to see Mrs Sally's widower.
He seems very sad about his wife. She was very gentle and dependable. And her husband is very guilty about not talking to her the night before.
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At home, J&J are making pasta from scratch.
Jonathan says in his early days he made a buck stretch pretty far.
Max arrives home and has lots of info. A loan shark (the gangster from earlier) visited Barry and then his two goons went into the building next door.
They have an office on the second floor - in Beverly Hills!
The loan shark's goons are there every day at 9, except monday.
The building superintendent is Italian - Alfredo.
Barry's building looks familiar - I think it's a restaurant. Or was.
Anyway, J&J are trying to get into Loan Shark's office and the Harts buy their way in with homemade pasta.
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Let's be real - if these pretty people came and brought me pasta they made with their own four hands, I'd let them do whatever they wanted, too.
So the kids break into the office and guess who pulls up just as they go inside? If you said two goons, give yourself a bowl of pasta.
Micklin. The loan shark's name is Micklin.
Once inside it's a pretty empty office with a giant fish tank and a reel-to-reel recorder. If you don't know what that is, get off my lawn.
Goon #1 realizes the office is unlocked and the Harts claim to be from the humane society, checking on the health of the pirhana. But then they take off running and like all idiots in a chase, they run to the roof.
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With no other choice, they jump into the conveniently located truck full of mattresses.
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"All I can say is it's a heck of a way to get me into bed." Ya'll cannot smash on this mattress don't even think about it.
Micklin tells Barry to get the Harts to quit looking into things, but also warns him not to snitch. But he doesn't trust Barry, so he orders the phone be bugged.
The next scene starts with only dialogue, which is meant to insinuate J&J were able to hold off on smashing untl they got home. Jennifer says she loves the strength in Jonathan's hands.
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Instead, he's just giving her a back massage because she's sore from jumping off the building.
It reminds Jennifer of when they used to play touch football. "It wasn't really touch football was it. You used to tackle me all the time, even when I didn't have the ball." What did the ref say? "There was no ref, we were in the living room. "
Jonathan tells her touch football is for kids - tackle football is for adults. And she knows how he is about contact sports.
AND THEN SHE'S LIKE "CONTACT" and HE SAYS "YOU NOTICED" i'm sorry we're sitting here talking about Jonathan's Big H and *I* am the only one blushing? SHOW.
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"Its not that I really mind but...you never let me score. "
They're really about to do the damn thing when MAX BUZZES IN.
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"Two minute warning," according to Jennifer, who looks bereft. No nookie for you, princess.
Jonathan answers the intercom with his foot - because he's not letting this opportunity slide - but goddamn BARRY is there.
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Not that the Harts managed to get dressed to see him. Fewer clothes means they can get back to their game quicker.
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Anyway, Barry took a loan from Micklin and he doesn't want that to hurt the Harts. He tells them to stay out of it and you know how good this couple is at keeping their noses out of stuff.
They send you-know-who to get some dirt from Micklin the loan shark. He's going to go pretend to take out a $2k loan.
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J&J decide to find out more information about Sally from her private secretary.
The secretary spills that Sally had a flirtatious weekend with someone who isn't her husband but she really loved her husband.
In the last few weeks of her life, Sally was even more tense than usual.
"She wanted to sell a necklace, a very expensive one Mr Hutchins had given her."
Max strikes out with Micklin, who says he only deals in LARGE sums of money with substantial collateral. Max says he has plenty but it's still no deal.
On his way out, Max takes a brochure. Who makes a brochure for their loan sharking business? that's weird.
When Max tells them about his experience, he mentions the locations of Micklin's other businesses...which just happens to coincide with the locations of Barry's other salons. Beverly Hills, New York, Dallas and Palm Beach.
Since there's no internet, J&J call information in all the cities to get the addresses and locations of Barry's salons and Micklin's offices. And in every city they're next door to each other.
And Micklin's offices are open every day but monday - just like hair dressers.
And the thing Jennifer found in her purse is a bugging device.
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Women tell their deepest, darkest secrets to their hair dressers and Micklin has been using the dirt to blackmail the womens.
On confronting Barry, he confirms all of it. He got a loan so he could look fancy but he can't just pay off Micklin. He's in too deep.
So my darling, daft babies decide to set up a sting to get Micklin to blackmail Barry.
At the salon, Jennifer tells Barry that Jonathan is playing a very dangerous game with money. Jonathan is "up to his old tricks again", selling the same shares over and over again.
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Then Jennifer turns into a 1940s gun moll and says "I'd like to meet the man who is a match for my Jonathan."
Stupid Micklin rises to the bait.
At the house, J&J have brought in the police who just wants to raid Micklin's office.
It is the HARTS who remind him how police and the law work.
It's also the perfect time for Micklin to call and get the ball rolling.
"We have nothing to talk about Mr Hart. Now you will do the listening. That is, unless you want me to call the authorities. Now at 5:30 you will bring $100k in small bills to the La Brea tarpits."
So they get the money and head to La Brea but first...they decide to call Barry and tell him they're ok.
and do we remember that micklin bugged Barry's phone?
whomp whomp
Barry says he'll thank Jennifer in person and Jonathan says "yeah, but not in private" because sometimes they're just that territorial over each other. Fortunately, it's all in good fun.
a few blocks from the tar pits, Micklin calls Jonathan and tells him to come to the salon and don't call the police if they want to see Barry alive again.
Micklin wants the money and Jonathan says he'll be glad to let him have it...and swings the briefcase at Micklin so that an entire keystone cops fight breaks out. But it doesn't last very long.
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The final cut scene is Barry, Grease Lady, Jennifer and Jonathan sitting around discussing someone in the chair. It's Max.
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"This won't shatter my image, will it Mr H?"
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whatsabriard · 2 years
Watch With Me: Hart to Hart 1x01
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Episode Title: Pilot Original Air Date: 8-25-1979 Important Notes: This 2-hour Pilot episode did a great job of setting the series up, and introducing the viewer to Jennifer and Jonathan and the entity that is their powerhouse marriage. However, the show's internal canon was all over the place especially re: the early years of their marriage. So scenes discussing Jennifer's family and wedding should be taken with a grain of salt because they will all be ret-conned by the end of the series. This episode is the only time we hear the Hart's special song - Now, by the Carpenters - and the only episode missing its iconic theme song. (Mark Snow, I could kiss you on your mouth for that theme song.)
Quote of the Ep (tie): "If I rolled over right now and tried to make love to you, would you call the police?" Only if I thought you needed help.
"This is going to be your first time, isn't it?" To be fair, not exactly.
Right off the bat, they try to insinuate that Jonathan is not very involved with running Hart Industries, something that will change drastically. I mean, Deanne has been his secretary for a month and has never seen him?
"They found the missing Rembrandt" - were they trying to Thomas Crown this?
Jonathan might want to take Jennifer's mother out for her birthday - the mom that has been dead since Jennifer was a child. Oopsie.
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They call the spa where they blackmail people "The Golden Goose" lmao. Smooth.
Jennifer is doing a series of articles on the nature of macho. She does intensive research - she's known for it. GASP.
I have no idea what Max was making in the blender with raw eggs and a dash of whiskey? And Jonathan gave it to Freeway? why god.
PS Freeway's actor's name was Charlie and he was 12 when the series ended. He's a Löwchen and my ass is on a waiting list for one with a friend in San Diego who just started in the breed a few years ago.
I have to warn you. I don't watch this show for plot. That would be stupid of me and you.
A Health Farm. what a weird concept. So 70s/80s.
Jill St John dressed as a baby during "regression therapy". Future wife of Robert Wagner, too, 11 years down the road.
"Shouldn't she be in school?" Jonathan Hart is a sarcastic little bitch sometimes.
18 minutes into the episode and we get our first look at Jennifer, racing to the Golden Goose in her Mercedes convertible which apparently does not have its signature "Hart" license plate.
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"Even as a child I was all thumbs." It must have been painful for you to handle a yo-yo. Guess what. Jennifer is also a sarcastic little bitch sometimes.
Doing an enemies-to-lovers mini arc was pretty inspired. Do it tonight, bungalow 10. They wanted the viewer to believe Jennifer was an assassin.
This chick is teaching water aerobics in heels.
"Templeton, you got nerves."
He showed up for an undercover stint with his clothing custom made for his persona. That attention to detail is what makes Mr Hart better than your average mega-rich wanna-be detective.
"Apologize? You? Whatever for?" *smack*
Only the bravest men wear a white onesie. It's the confidence that pulls it off.
This lady smuggled alcohol into her room in her perfume bottles.
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"This is going to cost me money?" LOL omg
One of the first scenes RJ and Stef filmed together was the long scene in bed. They nailed it. Chemistry everywhere all over the place.
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"Your feet are cold." Compared to who, your fulsome friend? "She threw me out." No taste broad.
Like ok it's nice that they're all touchy and kissy in bed and stuff but the most important thing is that they talk. They really like each other. They're best friends. (*cough*cobert*cough*ihaveatype*cough*)
on this blog we try not to discuss natalie wood and the whole..you know...thing. but she has a cameo in this episode and it would be irresponsible not to mention it. we're like 2 years from The Incident, anyway.
Sylvia is wearing a bathing suit that has a hood? FASHION.
Stefanie Powers did her own hair and makeup for this show. So.
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"How goes our first day?" This has all been one day? Jesus.
Jennifer's at a health farm doing exercising all day and she's laying in bed doing sit-ups. Psycho.
Then again, Max brought burgers for dinner so.
In this entire ass office of books for these supposed psychiatrists and they just happen to have a book by Jennifer.
ding dong sylvia is dead.
this episode has the first, last and only time Jennifer threatens to withhold sex as a way to control Jonathan. It's also one of the very few times they bicker, which was never a good look for them. The only other time was at the end of season five when the powers that be wanted one of them to cheat on the other, those absolute FUCKERS.
"You're thinking that if you kiss me I'll get all mushy."
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"OK, what the hell. Let's stay. So we'll die together. Max will probably bury us."
An entire scene of Jennifer and Jonathan "fighting" while flirting with each other.
award winning acting work by Jennifer, who can actually cry on cue.
i want ya'll to know that this is the first of many times that Jennifer is hypnotized on this show. she's getting drowsy...very drowsy. i'm p sure jonathan is only hypnotized once.
I have seen this episode a LOT but I do not remember why jonathan is putting masking tape under his jacket. wtf is that. he also put a wad of cash in the glove box. i told you i don't pay attention to plot.
Jennifer under hypnosis is talking about how much she loves jonathan and they have that love theme playing under it. So sad that we never hear it again.
oh. he's putting the tape on the glass to cut the window and get into the office. derp.
jonathan is using a stethoscope to get into a safe-locked door. that's almost as brilliant as dr mike using an apple corer for Brian's brain surgery.
these bad guys have this whole hypnotism set-up to get their marks to drive over the cliff by the flashing yellow lights. Meaning they've done this more than once and nobody got suspicious? Everyone is just like "guess people like to die there" and went on with their business?
this entire fight scene with the amazon warrior in purple and jennifer is all "hey stop messing around and get in the car we gotta GO."
they're at a poker game in the middle east. there are camels.
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this DOG though. i love him.
at the end they're detouring into Africa about a sabotaged diamond mine, hinting that they purposely get involved in their cases. Fortunately for all of us, they end up just stumbling on them most of the time which is way more fun. and insane.
anyway, as per usual the episode ends with making out. a fine tradition.
the end.
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Important unimportant detail: Jonathan Hart Towers is also the location of the office of Remington Steele. So I firmly believe that at some point Jennifer wrote a piece about Laura Holt and her firm, specifically years later when she can spill the tea about Remington Steele not even existing and that she had to make him up to get work.
Important unimportant detail #2: my mom's friends used to jokingly call her jennifer hart in the 80s. they were not wrong.
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it tickles me beyond all that is holy.
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whatsabriard · 2 years
Watch With Me - Hart to Hart 2x
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Episode Title: What Murder?
Original Airdate: November 18, 1980
Synopsis: After witnessing a murder, Jonathan hits his head and loses his memory. As he tries to remember, he starts to suspect he may have had a mistress-- and killed her.
Why this one: Did you read that synopsis? THAT'S WHY.
Favorite Quote: "It isn't every day that a man gets to go to bed with a total stranger who just happens to be his wife."
Keep readingWelcome to season 2.
Amazon Prime has made a mess of this season. It's all out of order. The good news is, it doesn't really matter what order you watch.
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This episode enters with Jonathan driving and talking on the phone, being charming to his wife. He promises not to be late to dinner but he has a stop to make.
His stop is at the office of his friend. His friend isn't around, so Jonathan takes a peek through the telescope and sees "alpha centauri, i'd know her anywhere."
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which ok guy.
but then he sees the blonde lady get herself murdered AND he sees the face of the killer. He runs to help and runs literally right into a guy on a motorcycle and goes flippy-flying through the air.
he goes ass over teakettle and the guy on the motorcyle gets some wicked, bloody road rash.
at the dinner party, Jennifer is waiting and some friends of hers are making sort of cutting remarks about him being late because they are society hags who are jealous that she taps that on the regular.
Jonathan, meanwhile, is just chilling.
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Until he finds a note in his pocket that conveniently has a date and an address.
He finally shows up and Jennifer is relieved and Jonathan is acting weird. The hostess shows up make an off-color joke about Jennifer worrying he was meeting up with some luscious blonde. This triggers a memory for Jonathan, who is like "the fuck".
He's acting pretty weird but he does take a minute to flirt with his wife and tell her she's lovely.
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He's a true space cadet, acting noodley in front of his friends and Jennifer is like "my guy what's up? why were you so late?"
and he can't answer cuz he doesn't know.
She asks if he's feeling ok and he says he has a headache and she's ready to leave right then.
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"I'm sorry but...who are you?" DUM DUM DUUUUM - he has no memory. He doesn't know who she is. He doesn't know who he is. He doesn't know who anybody is.
Luckily, one of the other guests is a doctor and they check him out. He's got a goose egg on the back of his head.
The doctor's husband brings her medical bag and he's not creepy at all.
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So not-creepy that he triggers another flashback. HE WAS THE MAN - IN THE APARTMENT - WITH THE LUSCIOUS BLONDE. But the flash is too fleeting - jonathan cannot catch the thread and it slips through his fingers.
So Jennifer takes him home and introduces him to Freeway and Max.
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I love that they have this picture just there.
"Us. Nice looking couple."
Max is really weirded out by all this and actually thinks they're putting him on.
"Geez, Mrs H. Amnesia? I'm sorry Mr H especially for all those great things you ain't remembering." I NeeD A MNUTE.
Jonathan is tired and Jennifer wants to take him to bed, but she's also like "erm. you actually don't know me?"
back at the party, the doctor tells her murderous husband that Jonathan was talking about seeing a blonde woman get killed. Whomp whomp.
At the house, Jennifer is really struggling with the idea of her husband being a virtual stranger. She fumbles about jammies and toothbrushes but she is ready for him to sleep in their bed so she's not too wigged out.
Then the best thing happens. Jonathan, with no memory of who he is, decides now is the perfect time to seduce this perfect stranger who is also his wife.
"We're very happy." You remember? "Not really, but to tell you the truth, looking at you I don't see how it could be otherwise." Maybe you ought to remember to forget more often.
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So anyway, they have sex. Because why not?
Next morning, they find out where he left the car. So thus begins the big mystery of finding out what happened to him.
Max wonders if he broke the skin anywhere because he found blood on his suit. Oh no.
At t he car, they realize they're right by the office of their friend (who is the murderer. his name is drew)
Jonathan has some flashbacks of the apartment building across the street but Drew is like "oh I don't know anything and I don't think amnesia is contagious".
Jonathan is still very fixated on the apartment building. He remembers there was a yellow umbrella on her balcony and he finds it with Max's binoculars.
At the door of the mystery blonde's apartment, Jonathan remembers enough to pick the lock. inside he sees a bird statue that he remembers.
He also finds some blood on the carpet. Jennifer asks him who's blood it is and he says "the woman" and she's like "how do you know?"
But they're interrupted but someone else in the apartment.
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chest hair.
this guy is the blonde's brother - he can't get a hold of her.
He says she was looking for trouble - fooling around with a married guy. "Are you the rich dude that's been keeping my sister?"
The police show up and jonathan is pretty annoying with what he knows and doesn't know, pissing off the cop. He knows the blonde won't just show up. He knows she's dead.
At home, the kids are finishing up a nice dinner on the patio, wearing complimentary outfits in blue.
Jonathan wants to know if Jennifer could ever imagine that he would cheat on her.
"I don't think so."
"How would you know?"
"I'd know."
She then asks if he thinks he knew the blonde and he literally says "In the blblical sense?" In ANY sense.
Also, there was blood on his handkerchief - does he know how it got there?
But he just doesn't remember and it starts to beat him down.
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So Jennifer tells him that she loves him, and that's all he has to remember.
A the killer's house, the killer is looking through his wife's medical text books and reading up about drugs.
His wife comes in and they bicker which reveals just how bad of shape their marriage is in.
He asks that she leave the keys to her drug cabinet so she does, even though she tells him he should take just take aspirin.
she tells him that Jonathan is starting to get his memory back, which is a good sign.
She's basically lying because I was just with the Harts and he doesn't remember shit.
At the house, Jonathan is bonding with Freeway. Jennifer has to go run errands but he opts to stay home and bond with Max. While wearing his stupid little ascot.
Max reminds him about going to a basketball game recently and then tells Mr H they go back a long time, even before Jennifer.
"What about her?" he asks, even though he has already tapped that with an A++ seduction.
Max tells him that she's the best thing that ever happened to the both of them.
"42 points" jonathan says. He remembers the game and that Jennifer got thrown out for unsportsman like conduct. lmao.
the bad guy wants to meet Jonathan for drinks.
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So they got to Mining Company. Not sure if it's Pomona Valley or Orange County but either way, they didn't actually film inside because the inside decor is nautical.
Killer Drew brings Jonathan some drugs that he urges Jonathan to take with his adult beverage. Killer drew is a bad man.
He wants to know if Jonathan remembers anything.He doesn't.
Jonathan asks Killer Drew if Jonathan was the kind of guy who had a side chick.
Killer Drew, in a flood of honesty, is like NO WAY YA'LL ARE IN SO MUCH LOVE but then he's like "i guess. I don't actually know."
Jonathan starts to zone out because of the drugs and Killer Drew is very helpful getting him into his car.
The last time I was at a mining co it was after my grandpa's funeral and it was orange county. I honestly think they're in pomona but who knows. NOBODY actually cares but me.
Anyway, Jonathan is driving all crazy because he's passing out behind the wheel.
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eventually he screeches to a halt right on the edge of a cliff.
Jennifer and Max head out to look for Jonathan who has been missing for a while now.
Jonathan wakes up in his car, still having memory flashes, so he heads back to the apartment building and stops at Killer Drew's office to look through the telescope.
his memory suddenly returns and then!
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Killer Drew starts monologuing to Jennifer and tells her everything, including that Jonathan is dead cuz drew drugged him.
Meanwhile, Jonathan is running to the apartment much like he did that first time and yells at Max to call the coppers.
Killer Drew takes Jennifer to the roof. There's a pool up there!
He wants it to look like Jennifer is grief stricken to realize her husband is having an affair and leaps off the roof of the building.
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there are some really bad stunt doubles in this fight scene.
as always, Jonathan beats the bad guy's ass and they fall into the pool
when he climbs out of the pool after the fight, he calls Jennifer Darling...which. means he has his memory back! yay!
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in the closing scene, there is a lot of chest hair as the couple makes light of Jonathan's amnesia.
"maybe we should do something to arouse your memory."
they have sex again, ofc.
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whatsabriard · 2 years
Watch With Me: Hart to Hart 2x03
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Original Airdate: November 25, 1980
Synopsis: Jennifer is kidnapped by a man who wants to get some of the money from an old crime by holding his ex-partner's wife...who happens to be a dead ringer for Jennifer.
Why this one?: Jennifer In Jeopardy. Also Dominique is *chef kiss*
Favorite Quote: "Say hello to this banana brain." Hello, Banana Brain.
This entire episode was a vehicle for Stefanie Powers to fuck around, which is what makes this episode so much fun.
This episode starts with the Harts in bed.
Jonathan says he would never want to be 15 again, because at 15 he never had such exciting evenings.
Jennifer, definitely in The Mood, asks him about his mornings.
He responds by showing her the bikes he bought for them...but he doesn't remember what the news said the weather was going to be. Jennifer reminds him that they only watched through the sports. *eyebrow waggle*
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A limo passes by with a bike rack. Inside we get our first glimpse of Dominique. Her husband doesn't understand why she wants to ride a bike.
She says "some of us" still care what we look like with our clothes off.
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So right off we know that Dominique is Jennifer with an edge. This will pay off in spades for us.
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The footage of them riding the bikes is used again in a season 3 episode, dialogue and all. Which really effed me up when I was watching this hopped up on the covid.
Anyway, they decide to race for ice cream and Jennifer gets a head start. So the bad guys, who are waiting for Dominique end up kidnapping her instead.
They call her Dominique and she's like "huh?"
At the ice cream, Jonathan is waiting and is confused about what could have happened to Jennifer. So he goes off to look for her.
What he finds instead is Dominique, getting into her limo. He goes up and bangs on the window "Jennifer!"
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Dominique has full attitude and when Jonathan says he thought she was his wife she says "What an intriguing idea."
Then her husband leans over and asks Jonathan if she looks like his wife and Jonathan is like YEAH SHE DO and the husband is all "lucky guy".
Jonathan is much confuse.
A kid finds Jennifer's banged up bike lying across the sidewalk. Oh noes.
Jonathan calls the police and wants them to help him find Jennifer but they're dragging their feet and they haven't gotten any ransom calls
Jonathan is starting to go around the bend with worry.
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Some gossip columnist calls wanting to know if it's true that Jennifer is missing.
Jonathan says Jennifer's disappearance is being kept quiet and the lady goes on about the responsibility of the journalist to the reader so you know she's about to be a fucking pain in the ass.
Jennifer is trying to explain that she is not Dominique but she won't tell them who she actually is.
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apparently dominique's husband was this guy's partner in crime. This guy took the fall and went to prison and husband is living large on what they stole. He wants payback.
Bad guy decides to call Marty to gloat about having his wife but his call doesn't make much of an impression as Marty is playing backgammon with Dominique.
They go back and forth on the phone, Dominque even talks to the bad guy, and we get this amazing look.
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Anyway, the kidnappers don't believe it and are going to keep her until they get $500k in ransom.
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The next morning, gossip lady has done what she does best and Jonathan is PISSED.
He's yelling at the cop guy and the cop apologizes. Max says "not as sorry as we'll be if anything happens to Mrs H" which was absolutely meant as a threat.
the second kidnapper is a bit of a nice guy, so he goes and gets better groceries for jennifer, including a newspaper for his brother.
The dumbo leaves the keys in the door and jennifer tries to do a runner, just as they realize that she's NOT Dominique thanks to the newspaper. She's worth even more money than they thought!
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She doesn't get far - they catch her. whomp whomp. and now they know who she is. double whomp whomp.
Jonathan is piecing things together in his head and starts to think maybe they were after the lady in the limo - dominique.
Enjoy this dominique picspam.
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Jonathan goes to see Marty and wants his help. But Marty plays stupid and doesn't want to help.
But Dominique shows up at the house and wants to help! Although she looks at Jonathan like he's something to devour.
They hatch a plan to try to convince the kidnappers that they DO have Dominique, to buy time for them to get Jennifer back.
So he calls the gossip lady and wants to have dinner with her...with Jennifer.
Jonathan wants Dominique to wear some of Jennifer's clothes since the society people know everything she wears. Dominique drops that she's been married multiple times.
We also realize that she's looking to make her husband jealous. She says if he gets mad enough,he'll do anything. And when Jonathan asks what might make him mad enough...she says she'll just stay at the Hart house that night. WHOOOOO.
At dinner, Dominique looks exactly like Dominique and not at all like Jennifer but the gossip lady is pretty stupid so she believes it.
Especially since Dominique wants Jonathan to sit closer and kiss her. Which she goads him into.
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Anyway. Dominique really likes her some Jonathan.
next morning, the kidnappers are really really mad that they were played as fools.
Dominique stayed in the guest house and she's pretty salty that she didn't get to stay in Jonathan's bed.
And Marty shows up all pissy because he knew Dominique had the hots for Jonathan and there she is, looking FOINE in all white.
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her stupid husband says he oughts let her have it and Jonathan literally rolls his eyes.
so they're going to do the whole ransom exchange with marty and the kidnappers just happen to call him on his briefcase phone.
Dominique is now hot for her husband when he acts like a hoodlum.
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they meet in a junkyard to do the ransom exchange and, as always, things go sideways because the nice kidnapper decides to try to take off with the money. Everybody starts shooting at everybody.
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Jonathan even rides on the roof of a car. but then he falls off.
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Eventually he wins the fight with a tractor. I wish I was joking.
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the episode ends with them back in bed, and Jennifer is fishing for more information about his time with Dominique.
Jonathan is amused by her seeming jealousy so they kiss a few times to make sure he doesn't think Dominique kisses like her. Which makes none amount of sense but I don't care because...
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Fortunately for ALL of us, we will revisit the Jennifer Doppelgänger storyline in one of the Hart movies, Til Death Do Us Hart. In that storyline her twin is French. Something to look forward to!
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whatsabriard · 2 years
Watch With Me - Hart to Hart 2x06
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Original Airdate: January 6, 1981
Synopsis: An Egyptologist is killed just before the opening of a stagey exhibit, featuring the mummy of an ancient Egyptian prince who legend says is waiting for his princess to join him in death -- and she looks just like Jennifer.
Why this one?: Because it's about some rando who is obsessed with Jennifer- or someone who looks like Jennifer, which is the trope this show bangs out with great regularity and I'm HERE FOR IT.
Favorite Quote:
Jonathan: Anthropology. Oh yeah, that's the study of man. As a member of the species I have to tell you, you've been neglecting your studies lately. Jennifer: I have? Jonathan: Mmmhmm. Jennifer: Well, I'm sorry. Will you forgive me? Jonathan: I can try.
This episode is an absolute mess, so of course I love it.
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"Nobody with a brain goes to a museum for a floor show." So this guy is an academic. They're grouchy, ofc.
Jennifer is at this museum to-do as a reporter. She works hard for her money, eh eh eh eh.
"I have to go check on my hieroglyphics." "Oh, how symbolic of you." badum tssss.
in the 80s folks were really really obsessed with Egypt weren't they.
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and mummies. don't forget the mummies.
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jennifer is channeling Dominique!
one thing about this show is that they have outfits for every occasion.
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Jennifer almost majored in Archaeology.
Max is doesn't actually care when he's the coitus interruptus. He doesn't even blush.
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the menfolk at 3100 Willow Pond are not impressed by Mummies, though.
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Hey does everyone recognize this place from The Murder of Jonathan Hart? Oh, wait, we haven't gotten there yet. UM SPOILER ALERT?
Jonathan is feeling like a little shit during this episode. He's just nitpicking like a champ and he's really just there to flirt with his wife and look at her in her fancy outfit
he keeps making stupid comments and Jennifer is like "you're lucky you're cute because you're being such a brat rn."
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we've all seen the Brendan Frasier cinematic masterpiece, The Mummy right? because this whole plot hinges on the idea that the mummy looks at Jennifer and sees his beloved, who's name is not Anck Su Namun.
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Supposedly Jennifer looks just like this princess. I am like meh, I guess.
the angry cranky doctor is in the sarcophagus. he dead
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This guy, Assad, says everyone is missing the point, that the prince is there to reclaim his princess.
everyone looks at jennifer.
Jennifer can't sleep which means Jonathan can't sleep
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her cleavage is like...out there, so Jonathan thinks it's a great time to get busy on the couch.
this isn't a halloween episode but it could be cuz jennifer sees a mummy hanging around outside her house when Jonathan is sucking on her neck.
jonathan finds a piece of wrapping outside the house and it smells like myrrh and resin and all the things they used to preserve mummies.
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But then he come to life. R'uh r'oh.
but jennifer thinks Jonathan is just playing with her and it's NOT FUNNY.
they jackal and jonathan fight, the mummy shows up but only Jennifer sees it and Jonathan is skeptical.
"some bandaid freak is after my wife."
Assad was the jackal that Jennifer booped. This is a detail I've never paid attention to in all the many times I've watched this episode.
I'm not here for plot, kids.
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Jennifer gets a necklace (it's from Assad, but she doesn't know that) and the note says it's' going to protect her. Spoiler alert: it doesn't.
Jonathan says "we've got to find Assad"" and then he calls. spoopy magics.
Assad wants to see jennifer in person alone at his apartment.
From what I can understand, they lifted the entire crypt of the prince. Because another doctor. lady was studying the diagram of the crypt itself and found a secret passageway...in the exhibit?
she gets dead by the mummy too, btw.
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the necklace makes jennifer go sleepy and she gets herself kidnapped by Assad, who really does believe all this stuff.
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now that is an outfit.
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Assad is about to kill Jennifer when the Mummy shows up. He's like really strong and he throws Assad across the room. he's about to kill Jennifer when the sirens distract him, which is handy.
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Our man Jon does not handle jennifer being gone very well. He shakes the knocked out Assad like a rag doll.
Jennifer is in the closed Sarcophagus and the lid is HEAVY. So heavy jonathan has to use a pully to open it.
so when jonathan starts fighting with the mummy, it's CRAZY when the mummy actually shatters the heavy rock? he's like wicked strong?
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so it makes NO GODDAMN SENSE that the mummy is the museum guy????? is he on LSD? How did he break rock? How did he snap the neck of the doctor.
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and he would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids!
at home, jonathan is sort of teasing Jennifer about believing in the mummy which means he's still not over being such a little shit.
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Now who's flaunting the cleavage, J O N A T H A N.
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whatsabriard · 2 years
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Watch With Me: The Skipped Episodes
1x18 - Sixth Sense
Max: By the way. How'd you do that trick with Sarah I mean making her disappear and appear. Jennifer: Oh well it's all done with mirrors, Max. Jonathan: Yeah, Max, we know several tricks with mirrors. Jennifer: Jonathan!
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whatsabriard · 2 years
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Watch With Me: The Skipped Episodes
1x15 - Which Way, Freeway?
Jennifer: Oh come on! I've got my high heels on! Jonathan: Think of how cute you'll look bending over.
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whatsabriard · 2 years
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Watch With Me: The Skipped Episodes
1x11 - The Man With The Jade Eyes
Jonathan: What could be better than fortune cookies and milk in bed? Jennifer: I'll show you in a minute.
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whatsabriard · 2 years
Watch With Me: Hart to Hart 1x20
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Episode Title: Cruise At Your Own Risk
Original Airdate: April 8, 1980
Why this one?: The return of the White Hat that was purchased in "You Made Me Kill You" and a white suit that is just *chef kiss*. Also this episode went in HARD on the banter. It's just an all around fun episode. This is also the last first season episode I will be recapping. Onward to season 2!
Favorite Quote: Max: What's he doing here? Jennifer: He had a proposition for me. Max: At this hour?
We start off with someone on a ship, coming through the porthole, to steal some jewelry. It's a blonde lady.
Then we kick off this entire thing with Jonathan using his car phone to call Jennifer and thank her for the good morning shag. Jennifer's like "it was my pleasure" and Cheeky Jonathan says "our pleasure". OK KIDS WE GET IT. Bless them.
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Jennifer goes back to sleep because he wore her out.
Jonathan shows up at work grinning and waving at everyone.
But he shows up to a big mess at work because of the jewel thefts on the cruise ships.
Their empire line cruise ships are: The Desirée, The Josephine and the Marie-Louise.
Jonathan didn't file insurance claims on the thefts but paid for them out of pocket because he didn't want to get a reputation for being a cruise line where you get your shit stolen.
But now so much stuff has been stolen that the money is racking up.
$600,000 worth of jewels was stolen from The Desirée. You know what that means? Undercover assignment!
Jonathan tells Deanne to make reservations on The Desirée under the name of Carter Chamberlain. Carter is the last of the big spenders... and this time he'll be taking his mistress. "WHAT" Stanley yelps.
Also, Guido Della Fortuna will be on-board.
Max finds Jonathan at home - Jennifer's just barely out of bed and still in her robe. It really was a good morning, wasn't it?
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*insert favorite quote here*
you know what. what the hell even is an industrialist. I use the phrase like I know what he even is but I don't.
Max isn't sure he wants to go on a cruise because deep water.
on the way to the airport, jonathan presents jennifer with a case of "Cartier" jewels. Irving Cartier - fakes, the best money can buy.
they take the jet to Puerto Vallarta.
LOOK AT THESE SUITS. please excuse Jonathan's stupid ascot. but jennifer's cleavage goes all the way to the southern hemisphere
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Max is wearing that ascot correctly.
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hey. what even is an ascot. I use a lot of words I don't even know.
the like...activity director? of the ship says a lot of stuff about safes and stuff, but Jonathan likes to keep his valuables out where he can admire him. He looks right at Jennifer's bosom when he says that.
so does this guy, with his binoculars. They play it off like he's looking at her jewels but he's not.
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Activity director guy then introduces his wife who is ... in charge of something else on the ship. I'm not really paying attention. But it's the blonde from the intro scene - the thief! She's his wife.
Oh, I should say that J&J are using exaggerated southern accents.
In the stateroom Jonathan is checking out the safe. It would be easy to break into.
Jonathan always asks Jennifer to check his bowtie and then he makes a grab for her and she's always so shocked. His tie is always perfect, of course hes gonna cop a feel girl!
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Anyway, the cabin room doors have special keys made with special machines so they can't be duplicated.
So the only other way to get into the room is the window - the porthole. Which is small and the sheer face of the ship is out there. Not a very easy entrance but possible, as we saw in the opening.
They're still debating the ways someone could get into the room when Jennifer flashes the bling.
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"Enough honey to attract the bees." Oh who knows. They may not be able to see the honey for the flowers. "Awww, that's the cutest thing you've ever said to me, sugar. Well shall we?"
The cruise director guy asks if his wife saw the icing on Chamberlain's cupcake. He thinks her jewelry is very pricey and he wants it.
His wife reminds him that they said one hit on each ship. They're going to get caught.
Her husband is like "you know I don't like you taking these chances" but he wants her to steal them so they can retire.
he has a very strange accent.
in the bar, J&J see Max as Guido and then Cruise Director and his wife show up and they all drink together. Dom Perignon, 1963.
they discuss jennifer's necklace, because that makes sense.
at dinner, guido is meeting a new lady friend because Max has MAD game.
on the dance floor, Jonathan is dancing with the blonde wife and Jennifer is at the table with cruise director.
he tells her he's more of a hotelier brought in to smooth out the rough edges.
his wife's name is pamela. I'll try to remember that.
Part of their job is to fraternize with the passengers, but it's easier with beautiful people like the Harts. It's a line, but it's true.
Pamela asks Jonathan how they spend their days and the little shit says "just about the same way we pass our nights."
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Cruise Director wants to know what "carter" does for a living and Jennifer says he lives off of one investment - marriage. His first two wives were really rich.
jonathan notices the guy who had the binoculars on Jennifer's rack kind of skulking around.
Cruise Director invites Jonathan to shoot skeet the next day while Jennifer is going to Pamela's exercise class.
The harts dance and talk and Jonathan sends Jennifer back to the cabin, hoping the skulking dude will follow her. He advises her to let the skulker do "anything" and when she objects, he says "almost anything".
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The skulker does indeed follow her to the cabin then puts a piece of tape over the lath of the door - that will keep it from locking.
Once jennifer leaves the cabin, this dude searches the room and finds the jewels! He uses a jewelers loop to investigate a piece, finds a watch inscribed with "hart to hart" and then leaves the room and removes the tape.
The harts come back just in time to see him leaving down the hall. They follow and then there's a chase. The skulker is running but the Harts are walking, which is just weird. I guess they decide it's a boat - how far can he go?
they find the guy hiding in a lifejacket box. He's an investigator with the insurance company - they carry the cruise line's insurance.
He calls Jennifer "Mrs Hart" so he knows who they are.
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the boys are comparing peens shooting skeet.
The cruise director, Patrick that's his name, wants to bet. So Jonathan agrees.
But then he asks the guy to pull FOUR clay thingies and gets them all because he's a goddamn badass.
Patrick is like "fuuuuck".
Over at the exercise class, this bitch is doing the uneven bars, which seems dangerous on something that's moving but whatever.
The important part is she's a gymnast. World class.
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Max and his ladyfriend are at a dance class, where the instructors are wearing clothes I don't understand at all. What is this cowboy had and gold boots over leotards?
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The harts are relaxing on the deck but they're not dressed for the pool. What kind of tan...
They are still talking. about how the thieves might have gotten into the cabins.
Jennifer is like - they came through the porthole. They can't come through the keyhole or up the drain...
"The other two would be easier" I don't know...not if you're a world class gymnast.
The insurance guy comes over and hatches a plan - he wants Jennifer to wear a replica of the necklace that the couple has already stolen from the Desirée - see what happens kind of thing.
And now we've made it to my favorite scene. Jennifer is in the shower and she does NOT want to shower alone.
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Jennifer: Darling, it's wet in here. Jonathan: Do you want your raincoat? Jennifer: There's not even a lifeguard on duty! Jonathan: Don't go in the deep end. Jennifer: *screams mildly* Ahh, there's a shark's fin. Do you think it's a great white? Jonathan: Don't worry, darling, if you don't bother him he won't bother you. Jennifer: Well maybe this is a job for the captain! Jonathan: I think it's more a job for the first mate (gets into the shower and closes the curtain) Jennifer: Hi sailor. Aren't you out of uniform?
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Back in the dining/bar area Jennifer is wearing the replica necklace and Patrick notices right away.
Patrick excuses himself and the insurance guy follows him.
Max follows the guy following Patrick, but his lady-friend kind of delays him for a few minutes.
Patrick goes to check his little hidey hole for the necklace and of course it's there!
But then insurance guy smacks him on the head and takes it. double cross. after double cross.
Max and the insurance guy come back into the bar, but Patrick is still missing.
Insurance guy says Patrick gave him the slip but Patrick shows up looking beat to hell. He wants his necklace - he thinks Jonathan hit him and took it.
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Patrick says he has a gun pointed at jennifer and demands Jonathan's wallet, which of course gives away their identity.
Patrick still thinks they have the necklace - they don't and his wife confirms they haven't left the table all night.
The four of them go on walkabout through the ship, I guess to find the necklace. Max follows...
They end up in the engine room - Patrick STILL thinks they have the necklace.
Max shows up with a pipe and puts it in Patrick's back like a gun. Jonathan grabs Patrick's actual gun and Pat finally finally believes the Harts don't have his stupid necklace.
Insurance guy shows up with his own gun and takes the gun jonathan took from patrick. another double cross. Is this a triple cross?
insurance guy wants to steal the necklace himself and kill all of them. so he can retire.
enter big fight scene and chase through the engine room.
Following the gymnast, Jennifer falls in a hole and she's hanging from a rope over pitch black. I guess it's the belly of the ship? It can't be water. The gymnast tells Jennifer to hold on - she's going to scale down to save Jennifer.
Jonathan also comes to her rescue, after he subdued the baddies of course.
In the end, Max came clean to his lady-friend that he's not a wealthy italian but she loves him anyway.
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Jonathan remarks that they may have to face the reality that Max may leave the nest some day. Awww.
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