#like by that time they've both emotionally grown but they r still little weirdos
heatwave and optimus are such an underrated comedic duo. every single time they are in the same vicinity as each other everything immediately goes to shit. this is i think because they are both primus's blorbos, and in true blorbo fashion, must suffer. greatly. anyway this leads to some very fun interactions such as:
heatwave, newly appointed leader of like every rescue bot, on his first day as a secret alien on earth, immediately deciding he wants to leave right after accepting optimus's orders. and when he can't do that, he starts talking to people because he has no fear i guess.
optimus prime, leader of the cybertronian race, chosen by primus, and guy who says "nothing much, double dutch" in response to an extremely casual greeting in a very formal situation in front of his child (heatwave), presumably to embarrass said child.
heatwave, recent student of optimus's old friend who is a respected and decorated war veteran as well as a long time rescue bot, calling optimus (WHO IS FRIENDS WITH THIS GUY) just to bitch at him.
optimus prime, protector of civilians and humanity, fully prepared to watch a game show (created by blades and chase) in which a human child gets electrocuted. (there was a misunderstanding involving the term "lightning round" in trivia).
heatwave, rescue team leader, assigned to protect humans, straight up just driving off a cliff into the ocean with no warning, with his human partner who is screaming, all to win a race.
optimus prime, by now nearly a godlike figure, adopted father of all the rescue bots, also a terrible communicator, ghosting his kids for four years (get it. ghost. bc he died.) and then not explaining ever.
like literally i could go on but they are total messes and it's hilarious. where is all the content of incredibly chaotic and weird father daughter bonding for heatwave and optimus. they are so funny.
(yes i meant to type daughter bc heatwave gives off eldest daughter energy ok. no other reason for the shit he pulls.)
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