#like i know it'd be easier for emmett to be the sibling to alice and edward but idk.
philtatosbuck · 2 years
and another thing. i am tired of the whole hale twins / cullen siblings narrative. give me a story where yes, edward, alice and rosalie are the children of carlisle and esme and they bring home increasingly weird romantic partners. alice is their adopted daughter and she brings home this guy who used to drive around with a confederate flag on his car. rosalie brings home a science partner who carries around a bag of eggs. edward brings home the clumsiest girl in fucking existence who also drives an ugly ass truck. like just hear me out.
alice got adopted right before they moved to forks. she is now the younger sibling of edward and rosalie. the three of them r the new ones in school. emmett and jasper are both jocks but not on the same team, they both set out to try to recruit edward to be on their respective sports team. bella is not a jock but she is like. a teacher's assistant, she gets tasked with showing rosalie and alice around. rosalie can't stand her but alice likes her. emmett and jasper Know each other and they also both know bella in different ways; emmett likes bella she tutored him, bella on the other hand got injured in one of jasper's games before so they all loosely know each other. edward doesn't want to join either sports' team so he has to pick a different extracurricular while avoiding these 2 guys who won't leave him alone. meanwhile rosalie DOES want to join a sports team and she takes emmett's attention off of edward but this means jasper can bother him full time. 
edward avoids him so much he doesn't pay attention to where he's going and he full on knocks bella down in a crowd of people and alice and rosalie ream him for it bc ofc they do. however bella uses this to force edward to join jasper's team because she's a spiteful little creature. alice in sibling solidarity is like :) and we'll be at EVERY game! and bella's like. this is not what i wanted this is not what i planned and i just gotta say i do not understand. meanwhile rosalie is officially on emmett's team but she gets annoyed with a lot of the other guys and challenges him for captain and he's like ok what did i do but he accepts the challenge. edward and bella are both miserable but alice and jasper are having fun with their thing and they start making fun of them Together behind their backs. edward straight up tells bella its her fault she has 2 be there and bella is like ok well is it my fault you suck so bad? no. fuck off AND ESSENTIALLY... rose and emmett rivals to lovers bella and edward mutual irritations to lovers jasper and alice mutual shit starters to lovers
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