#like in the second movie its just fucking wild because they go 'oh hey brian we know you betrayed us and broke the law a million times but
garlic-sauc3 · 7 months
its thinking of brian o'conner hours tbh
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dealorism · 4 years
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Rough Night
Brian May x fem!Reader
rating: E (18+) contains: professor!Bri, a lot of teasing, a bit of dom/sub, oral (f&m receiving) word count: 6.7k summary: teasing Brian is fun until he decides to tease you back. date: 1st January 2020
* * *
The terms that you and Brian agreed upon clearly stated that no physical marks could be left on your bodies to prevent people from catching onto your arrangement. However, that doesn’t mean that Brian wouldn’t find ways to get past loopholes in your agreement to mark you as his. It was infuriating, to say the least, but also an extreme turn-on to have him so desperate to show the world that he was the one responsible for your orgasms. Last night, too, was no exception.
You are sitting in class, waiting for the lecture to start. Your throat is still sore from last night, but you have hidden it well — until now, at least. This is only the first lecture you have for the day, after all. You’ve barely spoken to anyone all morning, just giving slight nods and shaking your head when others asked you anything. You eye the bottle of warm honey water you hastily prepared this morning before grabbing it and drinking a mouthful, in a vain attempt to soothe your sore throat fast.
The lecturer is late, but you’re okay with that. After all, you did blow his mind away last night. At that, you lean back into your seat and absently rub your cheeks with your fingers as you smile, relishing the memory of his rough moans.
With an uncharacteristic loud bang of the door, Brian finally makes his grand appearance. He’s forgone his usual suit-and-tie look and instead opted for just a simple white dress shirt and black slacks. The shirt is unbuttoned too low to be proper, but you don’t see anyone complaining. His wild curls are extra wild today, like he didn’t even attempt to touch his hair at all. He sets his briefcase on his desk with an audible grunt and looks around the lecture hall. The hall isn’t big and you’re seated right in the middle, so his eyes meet yours easily and you feel your breath catch in your throat.
Brian lets his eyes linger for a second too long before resuming scanning the class. You keep your eyes on him though, letting them trace the tanned skin of his neck, down to necklace that fits snugly around the base that directly leads to his collar bones. Hey, remember that wet kiss you planted there last ni—
Your thoughts are interrupted by someone lightly bumping your shoulder, snapping you out of your trance. It’s the girl sitting beside you, and she’s smiling, with a crinkle in her eyes. “Hey, I know the professor is hot, but you should probably keep your ogling a little down,” she whispers, leaning close to you so your shoulders touch.
You instantly blush, embarrassed that you got caught. God, if only they knew what we were doing just the night before…
“All right,” Brian speaks up from the front, and you straighten up. “I apologise for being late, I ran into… some problems this morning and that interfered with my schedule a little,” he says in his smooth baritone. “Good news is that it shall be resolved in a little bit.” He smiles at that, and you feel his eyes flit to you for a fraction of a second. Then his stance shifts and his tone changes. “I’ve uploaded our material for today a couple days ago — I hope everyone brought the printout.” 
With various Yes and Hmm and Oh shit floating around the room, you reach into your bag to dig out your printout of the material. You got it printed just yesterday, after Brian made you do it, in case you forgot. You’re glad he did, because nothing is worse than having to tell him you didn’t have the printout, or ask someone to share their paper with you.
Brian allows you and your classmates several minutes to settle down before he walks around to the front of his desk and leans against the edge. He crosses his legs and scans the room. “I’m assuming nobody read it?” 
You shake your head sheepishly, along with almost all of your classmates. Who even reads class materials before the class?
Brian crosses his arms in faux anger and pretends to be offended. “How dare you defy my orders! I specifically asked you people to read it before class.” He shakes his head. “In that case, I’ll take this opportunity to appoint someone to read for us.”
You catch onto Brian’s plan the second his eyes meet yours. You widen yours in horror while he crinkles his in amusement. You try to shake your head with as little movement as possible while staring at him, silently telling him don’t do it, don’t do it don’t do it…
“How about you in the white sweatshirt?” he calls out and stares directly at you, along with all 100 of your classmates. The girl beside you sends you a wink and you feel your jaw drop. 
You can get out of this! you tell yourself. You try to smile and shake your head, waving your palm in the universal sign of how about no? 
But Brian is having none of that crap. He impatiently taps his fingers against the oak wood and stares pointedly at you. “You’re wasting everybody’s time.” Even though his tone is reprimanding, he looks amused. There’s really no way of getting out of this.
You take a deep breath, and start reading. Your voice cracks at the first syllable and you flush, but you don’t stop. The faster you read, the sooner this will be over. While reading, you look up to Brian several times to find him smirking at you, and you want nothing more than to slap him in his pretty face.
Your voice unceremoniously cracks on the last syllable and you finish with your head drooped low. You’re so embarrassed you could just dig a hole out of the floor beneath you and stay inside until you died.
“I must say,” Brian starts, and you peek at him through your eyelashes. He’s still leaning against his desk, but now with his hands dutifully clasped in front of his crotch. “I was not expecting that at all.” He chuckles. “Rough night?” he asks while smirking directly at you.
Your face heats up in record time and you want nothing more at the moment to glare and maybe chuck your shoe at him. But he’s still your professor, and the fucking reason for your rough night. 
“Yeah,” you murmur in your croaky voice. “Had one hell of a coughing fit last night,” you reply smoothly.
He nods, his eyes sparkling. “I see. I hope you recover soon.” He then carries on the class like nothing happened. The tension is so thick between the two of you that you’re surprised nobody sensed it.
Everyone leaves you peacefully alone for the rest of the day, and for that you’re grateful. You don’t think you can handle another incident like that — your quota for embarrassment has reached its painful limit. All you want to do now as you sit in your last lecture of the day is to go back to your room, finish the bag of leftover crisps and watch movies for the rest of the day. Well, that, and confronting Brian.
As you watch the professor drawl on about something you weren’t quite listening, you find yourself getting angrier as the seconds drag on. How dare he embarrass you in front of the whole class? How dare he put your arrangement at bay by such a close call? How dare he openly flirt with you that way? You must look murderous with your brows scrunched up and your lips down-turned into a scowl, but you just can’t care less at the moment. You need to find him as soon as possible.
Clicking open your phone, you realise that there is only 9 minutes left of the lecture, and this professor always releases on the dot of the scheduled time. After a second’s hesitation, you unlock your phone and press into the messaging app. Your fingers hover over the keyboard.
          Wanna talk to you
His reply is instantaneous, almost like he has nothing to do and is on his phone, waiting for your text.
          I’m free for the rest of the day.
You leave him on read.
* * *
When you knock on his door a few minutes later, he doesn’t realise it’s you. 
“Come in,” he answers, using that formal voice of his that he has for addressing colleagues and student alike. When he sees you, though, his mouth stretches into a lop-smirk and he leans back into his chair. “You.”
You don’t give him any reply as you spin around to close the door behind you, locking it conveniently. When you turn back around to face him, he’s completely taken his attention off of whatever he had been doing, instead focusing on you. You slip your bag off your shoulders onto the vacant chair in front of his desk slowly as you hold his eyes, the exact expression you give him when you put on strip shows for him.
He’s leaning comfortably against his chair, his eyes darting appreciatively up and down your body, even though you’re wearing the biggest sweatshirt and the baggiest pair of faded blue jeans you own. He looks at you like you’re dressed in the lingerie that he bought you. He’s probably already mentally undressing you.
“Professor,” you murmur in your raspy voice, taking slow, measured steps around his desk, letting your fingers drag along the smooth wood of his desk.
His eyes visibly darken at your voice. He raises his chin as you reach him, his hazel eyes almost a dark brown in the artificial office light.
There is only one available seat at the moment, so you hum and lower yourself onto his lap. Immediately, you can feel something digging into your butt and you make yourself comfortable. His jaw clenches and you see his hands noticeably tightening their grip on the armrests. 
“I want to talk,” you murmur under your breath, tracing your finger along the exposed skin of his chest. You can feel him shiver just the tiniest bit under you, but you keep your smile to yourself.
“Yeah?” he breathes. He keeps his hands firmly attached to the armrests ― he wants to see where you are going to take this.
“You asked me if I had a rough night…” you trail off, letting your finger glide across his jaw. “...and I said I had a bad coughing fit.” You look straight into his eyes, which are darker than before and gleaming. “I lied.”
“Yeah?” he breathes again, his control slipping dangerously fast. 
You nod, making sure the action involves your whole body. He lets out a harsh breath.
“I did have a rough night, but it wasn’t from a coughing fit,” you say, slowly unbuttoning his shirt. He notices with a hitch in his breath, but doesn’t try to stop you. “It was someone driving his cock down my throat.”
Brian nearly chokes on his next breath. Nearly. He jerks in his seat and his hands fly to your waist, fingers greedily squeezing and massaging.
You lean forward until your lips are right next to his ear and whisper raspily, “And I loved it.” You hear him gasp just as you bite the shell of his ear softly. His fingers dig into your skin and his erection stirs, growing harder against you. 
He’s breathing harshly into your neck, his chest moving quickly against yours.
“Baby, I―” he starts, but you cut him off with a finger to his lips.
“I know you love how I sound right now, all raspy and sore from you fucking my throat,” you say, slowly sliding off of his lap to sink onto your knees. You unbutton his shirt fully to reveal his chest and belly, the muscles taut with anticipation. “I bet it reminded you of how good it felt, didn’t it? Having your hands in my hair and pushing your cock deep into my mouth; you love how pretty my lips look wrapped around your cock? Love the sounds that it makes when you fuck my throat like you’d fuck me?”
You’re toying with his belt buckle, glancing up at him with your eyes wide. His eyes are hooded and his pupil blown as he stares down at you, his breathing ragged. He’s painfully hard now, straining against the limited space in his slacks. He must’ve been affected from the moment you spoke this morning ― Brian is uncharacteristically absorbed and isn’t as poised as he normally is. His control is held by a thin thread that will snap in any moment now.
You undo his belt and drag the zipper down, over the tent. He’d went for white boxers today, and you can clearly see the outline of his cock through the material, an unmistakable dark patch growing where the head is.
You plant the softest, but wet kiss against his clothed cock, and he groans. Dangerously close now.
You bite your lower lip and reach forward to peel his boxers down, his length springing free and slapping against his navel. It is red, swollen, and leaking. Ouch.
His cock twitches when you lean forward to ghost your lips over his length, letting your hot breath linger against the sensitive head. You glance up at him to find him with his eyes closed, his mouth slightly agape with anticipation. He is expecting you to go down on him right this instant ― his control really is gone.
You pull away and stand up. Brian immediately notices the absence of warmth and his eyes snap open with confusion, his mouth dropping even more. You smooth your hands down your sweatshirt and give him the sweetest smile you only reserve for when you want to make a bargain with the lecturers.
“Have a nice day, Professor.” You shoot him a wink and turn around to grab your bag. Brian is still comprehending what has just happened, but he is so hard, all he can think about is the feeling of your lips wrapped around himself. He can only gawk as you pull open the door and leave without  a single glance back.
* * *
You know you’re going to have hell to pay for doing Brian so dirty ― leaving him high and dry in his office ― but that sense of victory you feel for the rest of the day is almost worth it. You waltz back into your apartment with a skip in your steps, pushing open the flimsy door with more enthusiasm than you usually have touching that piece of wood. After you enter your room, you throw your bag onto your chair and start finishing up the work that are due the next day. You have a feeling you’d be busy tonight.
You lose track of time in the pile of work you have — you really have to stop procrastinating and leave yourself a mountain of immediate work. When you’re finally done, it’s already way past six in the evening, almost seven. Your stomach growls in accord.
You check your phone and the edge of your lip turns up at the text you’d receive from Brian.
          Dinner. You’re not allowed to say no.
You grin to yourself. You could tease him further, but he already sounded so tense through text, are you going to push him further?
You keep your stationery and books into your bag slowly as you wait for Brian’s response. Your heart is hammering heavily in your chest and your hands shake a little from how anxious you are.
His reply only took 5 minutes, but it sure feels like 50 years.
          Don’t test me, baby. I’m not feeling generous right now.
You can picture Brian clenching his jaw and his expression darker than usual as he types out the messages. You’re thrilled at how worked up and angry Brian is, even though you really shouldn’t be. If last night was rough, you don’t know if you can survive tonight, especially with an angry professor.
         Just kidding. Where will we meet?
          At yours. I’ll be in twenty.
You can’t help but allow yourself a sick grin as you open your wardrobe, searching for the perfect piece to put on. Your eyes, however, land on a white paper bag lying at the bottom. You’ve almost forgotten about that. You bend down to retrieve the paper bag and gingerly set it on your bed. It’s a set of white lingerie you purchased from Victoria’s Secret a few weeks ago.
It seems to you that Brian has a soft spot for white clothing, and this set of garment is sure going to drive him absolutely crazy, especially when he’s as worked up and angry as he is now. You hop into the shower to clean yourself up before changing into the white lace, barely avoiding tearing it into pieces in your haste to get it on. When everything is in place, you have never felt more beautiful. The white lace complements your skin perfectly and accentuated all your curves. You feel modelesque, almost, striking all these poses before the mirror.
Then your phone chimes with a sharp message notification, and you immediately know that it’s Brian. You quickly slip into a nondescript white sweater and a pair of shorts before almost skipping to the front door to answer it. You pull open the door to find yourself face to face with Brian, who seems so much taller than usual. He doesn’t look as angry as you thought he’d be — in fact, he looks nonchalant as he crosses the threshold of your apartment and steps inside, one hand in his pocket while the other carries the takeout bag. You shut the door behind him and follow him to the kitchen, where he is retrieving plates from the overhead cabinet easily, like he’s done it a million times. You lean against the counter and look at him work quietly, eyes lingering on the way his hands expertly empty the fried rice onto your plates.
The meal is silent and tense, but you don’t really know why. Brian doesn’t look angry, he looks passive. He looks like he does every other day — like his thoughts are spinning at 70 miles per hour in his head — but instead of smiling and talking to you about his day, or teasing you relentlessly, he’s quiet. That scares you a little, more than if he’s yelling you. You eat your rice across the table from him, your eyes darting everywhere but him. But you can feel his heavy gaze landing on you every few minutes, and every time it sends shivers down your spine.
When you’re both done, you offer to wash the plates and he lets you wordlessly. You are running the slippery plates under the tap to wash off the dish soap when you feel heat against the back of your neck. You gasp when you feel him plant a wet kiss at the base of your neck and instinctively bucked your hips backwards as you arch your back, but he places a warm hand on your waist to hold you in place.
“Let’s play a game, baby,” Brian rasps at your ear, his breath hot and ticklish against the shell of your ear. “You’re mine for the rest of the night.” He pauses to plant another wet kiss on the sensitive skin behind your ear. That elicits a moan from you and one of his hands snakes up to your mouth to pinch your bottom lip. “And that, is not allowed.”
“You heard me, baby girl,” he coos, pulling at your bottom lip and then letting go. “You’re not allowed to make any sound, unless I’m addressing you directly or it’s your safeword.” Your grip on the plate is hard as you nod. He squeezes your waist in warning. “Use your words when I address you directly.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Good girl.” He lightly scratches the exposed skin under the hem of your sweater before leaving you to finish washing the dishes.
You’re panting and out of breath as you stare at the running water. For a second you forget how washing a plate goes before your brain recovers and you quickly rinse off the soap and place the plate on the dish rack. You swallow hard, before turning around, to see Brian beckoning you to your room. You absently wipe your hands dry on your sweater as you obey his silent command immediately, your legs carrying you to your room on their own accord. 
Brian shuts and locks the door behind you, and you’re officially closed off from the world with an obviously still angry Brian. And he’s clearly seeking revenge, that you can tell will be filled with relentless teasing. You notice that the shirt he’s wearing is only buttoned half-way, revealing his tanned and taut chest, as well as that necklace with the pendant resting right on the hollow of his throat. He stalks around you like a predator would a prey, his eyes snaking up and down your body appreciatively until he reaches your bed and he sits down.
You stand in front of him, unsure of what to do and desperately turned on, until he gives you a simple command: “Strip for me.”
You are eager to obey his every command. It’s been a long tiring day and you want nothing more than to succumb to him and let him take control. You slip the sweater off and blush at the way Brian’s eyes widen a little at the white lace hugging your breasts. Your shorts are next to go and Brian leans back on his elbows, his eyes running up and down your body with an appreciative smile on his lips. You are extremely pleased by his reaction and reach behind to unhook your bra, but he stops you.
“Leave your underwear on. You look beautiful in these,” he says. You let your hands fall, and nervously toy with the hem of your panties as you wait for his next order. “C’mere,” he murmurs softly and you stop before him. He sits up straight and his hands land on your hips, his palms warm against your cool skin. His fingers massage the skin softly and he leans forward to plant a kiss on the valley between your breasts. You clench your core at that feeling, already feeling a little overwhelmed and he’s barely touched you.
“So beautiful,” he murmurs against the soft skin of your belly. “Did you wear these for me?”
You nod fervently, but his soft kisses end with a nip of his teeth. “Use your words.”
“I did, Sir,” you breathe, and you feel him continuing to press soft kisses to your skin, slowly travelling upwards. 
His lips reach your chest, kissing and licking at the swell of your breasts, but never truly giving attention where you desperately want him. You hands are clenched into tight fists beside you and your breathing is ragged, but that doesn’t seem to bother him. Brian is hell-bent on teasing the fuck out of you and this is only just the warm-up.
Slowly, his hands start travelling south until they rest on your ass. His hands knead the flesh with a low groan and without warning, he spreads your cheeks apart and you nearly gasp at the feeling. 
“So perfect for me,” he groans and press a hot kiss against your navel, just above the hem of your panties. Your bottom lip is going to bruise from how hard you are biting on it to keep the desperate whines at bay. One of his hands land on your ass cheek with a slap and you buck your hips, tipping your head back at the chilly sensation starting to spread across your bum. “Such a good girl now, yeah? You weren’t like this in the afternoon, were you?” 
When you don’t answer, he delivers another spank to your other cheek. “Answer me.”
“No, Sir,” you all but whimper. “Please.”
He continues to knead the now burning skin of your ass, his fingers slipping dangerously close to your dripping center. Your hands snake up his arms to circle around his neck, pulling him to your breasts and begging him to touch you already. But he isn’t easily swayed. Not right now.
“Such an impatient little thing. So desperate and—” he slips his finger to your damp panties, “—so wet for me.” He rubs the wet material with his index and middle finger and your legs almost give out from the minimal stimulation. “You’re so soaked, baby,” he murmurs, pulling his fingers back to find them glistening a little. 
He pulls at the hem of your panties until you are sure he can just peer down and look at your pussy, then lets go and let the thin elastic snap against your hips. 
“You’ve been so good for me, baby,” he says, and you widen your eyes at him. Is he finally done with the teasing? He reaches up behind your back and easily unhooks your bra, and you quickly wiggle out of it and he throws it across the room. His cups your breasts eagerly in his hands and his thumbs quickly start circling your nipples. You let out a sigh and push your chest forward for him. “And good girls deserve rewards, don’t they?” You are deciding whether you are expected to answer his question when he leans forward and you realise, it’s rhetorical.
His lips reach your right breast and he swirls his tongue around your sensitive nipple before he wraps his lips around it and start sucking hard. You keep your hand around your mouth to muffle any sounds that might escape. He lets his teeth graze against your nipple and then soothe it with his tongue, before releasing it to blow cool air against the wet skin. He does the same with your other breast, his fingers pinching and rolling your nipple where his mouth is not around. You feel yourself growing wetter until he releases your nipple with a wet pop and his fingers quickly go for where you’re the most desperate for him.
The first swipe of his finger against your slit elicits a groan from him, and a silent moan from you. He dips his finger in to collect some of your wetness and brings it to his face. “Fuck, you’re so wet,” he groans and slips his finger into his mouth to suck it clean. “God, you taste so good.” You can barely keep your whimpers to yourself when he hooks his fingers around the elastic and pulls the white lace down with one smooth tug. You step out of the soiled material with shaky legs and then he pulls you onto the bed before climbing on top of you. 
It feels so erotic to be naked while Brian is still fully clothed. You rub your bare pussy against the tent in his jeans and you sigh at the direct stimulation on your clit. He realises what you are doing immediately and holds your hips still with one hand. 
“Stop,” he grits out. “Don’t do that.” He leans down to kiss you for the first time tonight, and you sigh into the kiss. The kiss is fervent and desperate and full of clashings of tongues and teeth, but it is perfect. It is probably driving Brian crazy too to be teasing you for so long, and he pours all his frustrations into the kiss. He pulls away with a gasp. “I need to taste you. Now.”
He then descends down your body, pressing hot, wet kisses down where he can reach, biting and sucking until it almost hurts. Then he’s pressing the softest kisses on your thighs, slowly travelling inwards to where you’re pulsing with need. You have never been more turned on in your life, and watching Brian staring at your bare center with awe could’ve made you come on the spot. He swipes his finger up your slit just to test the waters, and your hips buck at that simple stimulation. He’d only graze your clit slightly and you’d reacted so strongly. How would you even survive with his tongue and lips—
You bite back the scream that bubbles at your throat the moment he licked his way up from your entrance to your clit, groaning to himself as he does so. He laps at your entrance, making obscene noises as he slurps and groans. You fingers find his hair and tug hard at the roots, and he grunts against your clit. Almost in revenge for that, he closes his lips around your clit and sucks hard. You tug at his hair again but this time he doesn’t mind. He continues to suck at your clit, only letting go to push the sensitive bud around with his tongue. He closes his lips around your clit again, this time swirling his tongue around it and gingerly letting his teeth graze against it. You buck your hips up in a silent cry. You just need one more of that and you’d come…
He pulls away.
Your eyes snap open like how his did this afternoon. Brian smirks wickedly at you as he shrugs off his shirt. His chest is glistening with sweat like his chin is glistening with your wetness. Your orgasm slips away just like that and your bottom lip quivers. He is evil. He stands up to unbutton his jeans and push them down along with his boxers. His cock springs free, rock hard and red and wet at the tip. 
He returns to his earlier position and blows cold air against your throbbing pussy. “You didn’t think I’d forget what you did to me this afternoon, did you?” He kisses your clit. “Got me so hard and left me alone in my office to fend for myself; that wasn’t nice.” He licks up your slit. “I had to jerk myself off in my office, where other teaching staff could catch me.” He dips his tongue into your entrance. “I couldn’t come, because I was so nervous about being caught — whether I was seen of heard.” You feel his finger lightly grazing your entrance before he pushes it inside you. He pumps it torturously slowly, twisting his finger with every thrust, grazing against your front wall every time. “Look at me.”
You peel open your eyes to look at his hungry eyes. His dark eyes smoulder in the light as he adds another finger, stretching you deliciously. You lock eyes for a few seconds before he glances down, his gaze resting on the way your lips stretch to accommodate his fingers. He adds another, now pumping three digits in and out of you. You’re panting, gripping the sheets tightly as you feel your orgasm building quickly. His thumb starts rubbing your clit tightly and you gasp, feeling yourself getting closer by the second. When you start clenching around his fingers, now knuckle deep, he pulls away completely, for the second time tonight. 
Your legs are shaking from being denied an orgasm twice in a row. 
He sits up, giving you time to recover from the brink. You clench desperately around nothing as you will your orgasm to come back. You try to rub your thighs together from some friction, but his knee keeps you from doing that. He keeps your legs spread wide open for him so he can look at you pulsing for him. He licks his fingers clean of your wetness and leans forward to kiss you, letting you taste yourself on his tongue.
He collapses beside you, leaning against the headboard. “I say you finish what you started earlier, baby,” he murmurs. You allow yourself a second to breathe before you get up and straddle his legs, your pussy throbbing with need. 
Despite how nonchalant Brian is acting, you can tell he’s desperate for stimulation. He’s achingly hard against his lower belly, red and leaking at the tip. You’re going to make this good for him. 
You ghost your lips over his length, and Brian takes in an audible breath. You lick a bold stripe from the base to his tip, and he groans loudly. He’s been so hard for so long, that just the feeling of your tongue on him feels like heaven. You do it again, tracing the prominent vein along the length of his cock until you reach the tip. You wrap your fingers around the base of his cock and gently kiss the sensitive head, licking away the precome that beaded around the slit. Then you wrap your lips around the head start sucking. His hips buck uncontrollably and pushes his cock further into your mouth to push against your palate. 
You start bobbing your head, taking him further and further down until his hits the back of your throat. He groans loudly and you pull off him with a loud pop. You breathe greedily, pumping his cock in a circular motion until he slips his hand into your hair to pull at your roots lightly, urging you to give him your mouth again. You take his cock in your mouth and let your tongue swirl around the head, sucking hard on the head before pushing him further down your throat. Your eyes start to water as you take him deeper, and you pull off of him again. 
“Such a good girl,” he groans, and he cups your cheek, wiping away the tears with his thumb. You lean down to suck him again, but he stops you and flips you around so he’s above you again. “You’ve been such a good girl, haven’t you?” he murmurs, and you whimper. He starts circling your clit with his fingers. “Use your words, baby.”
“Yes, Sir,” you croak out. “I’ve been such a good girl for you, Sir.”
“You have,” he confirms and you feel him lining himself up at your entrance. Your legs quiver in anticipation. “And good girls deserve what?”
“A reward, Sir— fuck!” He pushes into you in one swift motion and buries himself to the hilt. 
He groans into your ear. “God, you feel so good around me. Always so good, so wet and so tight around me.”
“Please,” you beg. You don’t even care that you’re not allowed to make noise anymore. It seems like Brian doesn’t care, too. Because he groans and pulls out all the way before sinking into you once again, bottoming out in one swift movement. “Fuck, you’re so deep, please, Sir.”
He starts fucking you, setting a punishing pace. With every snap of his hips, he drives his cock deep inside you and you feel your orgasm quickly building. Your room is filled with the sounds of yours and Brian’s heavy breathing, as well as the lewd noise of his cock sliding in and out of you. You wrap your legs around his waist and he reaches impossibly deeper inside you.
Brian groans when he looks down at where you are joined, mesmerised by the way his cock slides effortlessly in and out of your pussy, watching as his cock disappears into you and relishing the feeling of your walls squeezing around him.
“God, you’re so tight,” he grunts, speeding up his thrusts as you whine. You scratch your nails down his back and feel his muscles moving underneath your fingers. He feels so good inside you and he’s so fucking deep. Your orgasm is building quickly and you tighten your walls around him, to which his groans and fucks you harder. “Fuck, are you close?”
“Y-yes!” you cry out, and he buries his face between your neck and shoulder, messily kissing the sweaty skin. His fingers reach down to your joined bodies and start rubbing your clit in tight circles, sending a jolt of pleasure up your spine, pushing you closer to your release. “Oh, fuck!” 
Brian kisses you messily as his thrusts turn sloppy. “Come for me, baby,” he grunts against your lips, his fingers relentless against your clit and his cock driving deep inside you. The combined feeling of his fingers and his cock tips you over the edge. You fall, hard, as you come apart. So hard that your vision blackens at the edges for a few seconds. You clench around Brian’s cock, and he groans almost painfully.
He’s still fucking into you desperately, chasing for his own release. 
“Come for me, baby,” you whisper in his ear, and that is all he needs.
His comes, his cock jerking inside of you as he empties himself, coating you in his come. He lazily thrusts into you through his orgasm, until it’s over. You’re so oversensitive now that it is starting to hurt, so you tap Brian on his shoulder for him to stop.
He does, stilling inside of you before gently pulling out. Immediately you feel his seed trickling out messily along with your wetness and onto your sheets. But you’re so exhausted that you can’t even care less. Brian kisses you slowly and sweetly before collapsing beside you in exhaustion.
You’re both breathing hard, your body still still shaking from the mind-blowing orgasm you just had. 
Brian allows himself a few seconds before he sits up. “Are you okay?” he asks, affectionately pushing a sweaty strand of hair from your face.
You nod weakly at him, and he smiles at you. “Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?” He gets up and disappears for a moment before returning with a warm cloth. He wipes you clean, careful to avoid over-stimulating you. When he’s done, he disappears again, this time returning with two glasses of water. “Here.” He hands you a glass and you shoot him a grateful smile. You gulp the water down greedily, relishing the feeling of the water soothing your throat. Your throat is going to be even sorer tomorrow, you’re sure of that, but you can’t bring yourself to even be mad at Brian. 
Brian is busy staring at your body with a ghost of a smile on his lips. What? You look down, and you discover little hickeys dotting all over your skin, especially around your breasts. Brian shouldn’t be, but he is proud of them. These marks showed that he is the man responsible for your pleasure, that he is the man responsible for your orgasms. He leans down to kiss the marks he’d made, smiling against your skin with you reach into hair to tug at his curls.
As usual, you cuddle for a bit until you’re both dry and recovered enough before Brian leaves. You watch as Brian untangles himself from you, struggling a little to get his limbs to function as he climbs off of your bed. He bends down to retrieve his boxers to slip it on.
Your eyes widen and you gasp silently as you stare at Brian’s back. 
Long, red lines run down his back as claws of pleasure. You feel yourself blush, remembering yourself running your nails down his back as he fucks you. Just like him, you’d left marks on his body to show that he’s yours, and that feels good. His back muscles roll as he slips his shirt on and covers up the red lines. If he wears a white shirt tomorrow, those lines are going to be very visible. He turns around as he buttons his shirt up half-way, and pulls his jeans up. He smirks at you staring at him and you decide not to tell him about the lines. 
Now that he’s fully clothed, you sit up, and the sheets fall off your body, revealing your hickey-decorated breasts. He groans at the sight and you grin at him before covering yourself with the sheets.
He leans forward to kiss you sweetly on the mouth, a lingering goodbye kiss.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he murmurs with one last kiss on your forehead before he leaves.
The temperature of your room drops drastically in the wake of his absence. You gingerly climb off the bed and limp to your bathroom. Your reflection in the mirror looks completely fucked out, cheeks rosy and lips swollen, not to mention the hickeys extending from your boobs down. You’re sure your voice would be multiple times worse than it is today, but you can’t bring yourself to care. This arrangement with Brian is perfect, and you never want it to end.
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