#like maybe nightow couldve got a hiatus to think things over. idk if it was like being pushed to finish/he wanted it over with or something
guideaus · 2 years
Noo I love reading your Trigun thoughts cause I think you’re right about a lot of weird choices. I’ll try to get my words straight but I need to reread the whole ending (especially after the Overhaul finishes) because dark horse translations weird at times <3
We have all these supporting characters at the end that tell Vash that theyre there to fight with him, that they believe in his values, that hes the only one who can stop Knives. None of them are telling Vash what he needs to hear. He isn’t forgiving himself and moving forward because he thinks he deserves it, that he did his best and can move forward, but because it’s necessary to save people. And even though he decides to save Knives in the end from the earth ships… that still isnt a decision to save himself. And then he goes into recovery for months where no one would have helped him, and his brother fucked off without a word while he was asleep so no closure on THAT mess. and Vash is still to blame for things that arent his fault and surrounded by people who claim to love him but dont know him at all besides the plant feather memory thing? I dont know where I was going with this but the ending makes me sad.
I guess we could read Vash continuing on and donning his mantle at the end as a kind of self acceptance… that he was able to move past it at all. But that would make most of his turmoil over killing legato and all the people that died from Knive’s crusade off page. If Wolfwood had lived, had forgiven himself for what he felt he had to do to survive, maybe he would have been there for Vash after Vash killed Legato to set him straight. I don’t think Wolfwood living would have cheapened the story in any way—but I dont know -v- god I just want one person Vash is close to to understand him and help him accept himself. Anyways sorry for sending so much jdjfj, dont feel like u have to respond to this. I just like reading analysis from folks who dont feel like the ending was perfect/ that things couldn’t have gone any other way.
Oh, thank you, I appreciate your ask! And yeah, I could definitely do with a reread of trigun, too, lol. And don't apologize for sending me a message, i like reading what you write, i liked your one post abt elendira, too :)
I agree a lot with what you said about vash near the end of the manga. It'd be very out of character if he suddenly just said "fuck it, you all can die." after everything that's happened (that'd also play into what knvies wants), so of course he goes to try and single-handedly stop knives (and legato), even if it's all pushing himself to exhaustion, but he also kind of isn't really included himself in those he wants to save. I've thought before about if someone had to die in trigun, if vash would fit, and I don't think it would, because he had been suffering throughout the whole thing and a sacrificial moment wouldn't have done him justice considering he already has little regard for himself, and is trying so hard for everyone else.
The series after he's imprisoned has a moment where the human characters are fending for themselves, and pushing to help vash, but it's in kind of weird way... like it is understandable only wolfwood could have saved him, but i think there could've been a longer break after that arc, and then also later after vash fights legato. livio, milly, and meryl (and others i don't really remember lol... i think) help defend themselves, but then i don't think anyone really is literally helping vash after his fight? like they do wait for him to regain consciousness, lol, but he kinda gets a never-ending queue of things he needs to do, and only he can do it. i think there being some alternative to how the problems then get solved could have made it a bit better, lol. idk how i'd change knives' end actions, though, lol.
But yeah, vash is spirited away and isolated again with family #3 or whatever, then is basically thrust into basically the same situation as the start of the story, except he's now got a dead brother, and people from an entirely different planet also are blaming him... his guilt, self-loathing, etc., were not resolved, but this time he's lost all his inhuman abilities after defending these people that want him dead. i think nightow tried for that kind of cliché (?), nostalgic, "its just like the beginning!" thing, and milly/meryl were comedy relief, but being sentimental would've been more impactful. the fucking earth ppl being like "vash BAD" and then gunsmoke's people (especially meryl, milly, livio, etc.,) automatically defending him would've been nice to see instead of both gunsmoke and earth being like "lets fucking get that mf" with milly and meryl making light of it on the side, lol. like trigun ends w vash running into the sunset, and it's portrayed as a pretty/final thing, instead of recognizing that him originally doing that wasn't a good thing, he was alone, and being hunted, and blah blah
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