#like my fave trope is when a partner won't let their partner face embarrassment alone so they make a fool of themselves as well
sukibenders · 9 months
During a time where they are having an argument, decide the reason behind it for what you will, and the atmosphere tethers between bittingly playful to an more tense atmosphere, Edwina has enough and storms off before anything more damaging can be said. However, Friedrich has a different idea and follows after her because this matter can simply not be let go. A rain storm had come and past, but the ground was still wet and covered with mud. Edwina is so focused on Friedrich that she doesn't realize where she steps until she falls into a puddle of mud. In front of members of the court. She's so embarrassed, almost blindingly so that she nearly misses Friedrich fall beside her as he also slipped. Only, it's very obvious to her that he fell purposely and is now dramatically placing more mud on his clothing to appear more disgruntled than her.
His eyes meet her's and the words speak for themselves. Even when they argue, no matter how trivial it may be, he'd never let her embarrass herself and be laughed at alone when they could face it together. Even if that means being covered head to toe in mud.
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