#he also understands when to use other methods to defend her character by taking away negative attention and acting as her shield
sukibenders · 9 months
During a time where they are having an argument, decide the reason behind it for what you will, and the atmosphere tethers between bittingly playful to an more tense atmosphere, Edwina has enough and storms off before anything more damaging can be said. However, Friedrich has a different idea and follows after her because this matter can simply not be let go. A rain storm had come and past, but the ground was still wet and covered with mud. Edwina is so focused on Friedrich that she doesn't realize where she steps until she falls into a puddle of mud. In front of members of the court. She's so embarrassed, almost blindingly so that she nearly misses Friedrich fall beside her as he also slipped. Only, it's very obvious to her that he fell purposely and is now dramatically placing more mud on his clothing to appear more disgruntled than her.
His eyes meet her's and the words speak for themselves. Even when they argue, no matter how trivial it may be, he'd never let her embarrass herself and be laughed at alone when they could face it together. Even if that means being covered head to toe in mud.
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Movie Review | Performance (Roeg, 1970)
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Obviously the big selling point of the movie is that it stars Mick Jagger in a major role. I remember being really impressed with his performance here when I saw the movie as a teenager, thinking "Wow, he can actually act!" Revisiting it now, I'm not exactly blown away, but I think the performance works. The hedonistic musician character he's playing isn't exactly a stretch from his real life self, but he has a level of presence here that's totally missing in his performance in Ned Kelly (where the bulk of his performance wrested on his shitty fake beard). I understand the movie was originally conceived as a more lighthearted fair, but grew darker as it was further developed, and in that sense, it probably benefited from being released post-Altamont, when the allure of rockstar decadence had darkened and grown more sinister. This is a case where stunt casting actually works.
The whole idea of the movie is that Jagger's rockstar character is maybe not so different from a mob enforcer played by James Fox. We start off with Fox as he's intimidating the defendant of a trial into keeping is mouth shut and otherwise shaking down a number of businesses for money and taking a good deal of relish in his hands-on approach. The scene of him at work are cut with scenes of him having sadomasochistic sex with his lover and scenes from the trial, where a lawyer makes a pretty unconvincing case that his client is a legitimate businessman engaging in legitimate business practices. Then we start to splice in scenes of Jagger and co., and we learn that Jagger is actually a landlord in addition to being a former rockstar. So we have a few parallels going, between sex and violence, between criminality and business, and between gangsters and rockstars, and even between the conservative Fox (pro-business, anti-immigrant, outmoded in his methods) and the progressive Jagger (gender-bending, free loving, drug using). Characters even refer to Fox as a "performer", to ensure we get the point.
This is some pretty halfhearted horseshoe theory application, and the movie doesn't go as hard as one would think regarding Jagger's business acumen, but the movie's aggressive audiovisual conflation of these elements makes the comparisons cinematically compelling. This is co-directed by Nicolas Roeg and features that fractured, time-bending editing style he's known for, but compared to some of his other films (this was preceded by his work as DP on Richard Lester's Petulia and followed by Walkabout), the effect is more conceptually compelling than it is atmospheric or emotionally resonant. (There is however a moment where an argument seems especially heated because the editing style has primed us accordingly.)
I do think the movie miscalculates by going as extreme as it does editing-wise in the first act, because it's hammered the comparison home in such a heavy-handed manner that we're basically twiddling our thumbs until the two characters finally converge. What's left in between is a loooooooong section of Fox hanging out in Jagger's crib as he's slowly seduced into this decadent lifestyle. I don't know if this is because I'm now older and wiser (or at least crankier), but while I remember finding this cool as a teenager, it came across as pretty insufferable with a rewatch. Yes, Jagger has presence, but I also don't enjoy spending time with his character. I imagine teenage me also found Anita Pallenberg pretty sexy, but older, wiser, crankier me wishes she would shut the fuck up for more than five seconds, given the pseudo-profound nonsense she spouts without fail anytime she opens her mouth. More tolerable is Jagger's other girlfriend in the movie Michele Breton, who has less dialogue but also looks like she could be Jagger's sister, adding to the atmosphere of degeneracy. The movie drifts into a drugged out ambience, but I did not find this alluring, and certainly found it less forceful than the assaultive editing in the earlier sections. (I imagine these scenes were piloted by the other co-director Donald Cammell, whose White of the Eye I found similarly uninvolving in its psychedelic flourishes.) Perhaps it plays better if you do like the characters and consume psychedelics during your viewing. I watched it sober (get high on life!) and found it a challenge.
Maybe this isn't for me. I imagine if I find these characters and this milieu and atmosphere annoying, Fox's right bastard of a character should too, so I was never convinced that he would embrace this lifestyle the way he does here. (I think he's better in the earlier scenes of fucking people up than he is awkwardly grooving along with Jagger and co., although as far as across-the-pond gangster classics go, he lacks the brute force impact of Michael Caine in Get Carter and Bob Hoskins in The Long Good Friday.) I did enjoy the musical scene at the end, as "Memo From Turner" is a great song and we get Jagger as a slicked back gangster to boot. Jagger looks good in that getup and is pretty good in sneering mode. I suspect I would have enjoyed this a lot more had we gotten Jagger in a straight gangster film instead of this psychedelic remixing of one.
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prof-peach · 3 years
if fans wanted to include peach in stuff they write, would that be okay? and how would they write peach's personality? aside from "FIGHT ME" anyway, i think that much is a given lol. i only really write the anime characters 'cause that's what i know, but it sounds like it'd be kinda fun to try making a version of ash that fits into this blog's universe! nerf'd Obviously, but i think she'd probably appreciate how hands-on he gets when training his pokemon!
Ok, I get a lot of these messages, and I often hear folks wanting to throw peach into their stories and comics and writings, and I will always simply ask that if it’s published online publicly, to be linked to it so I can snoop and enjoy the content too. If someone asks about her in your work, let them know about the blog I guess? But literally I love that people take this stuff, these characters and stories, and make new stuff with it. No ones making money off my work here? So where’s the issue? Go for it buddy, knock yourself out, I’m all for it.
For you, and all the others out there who want to add peach, and other characters to your world building, I will give you a detailed rundown of the main lot, and how they behave, what they do, how they function. You can use that, use bits, or use none of it, I do not mind at all. If you’re creating something, you’re in control, not me.
So, peach doesn’t actually fight people as much as you’d think. She’s very aware most cannot and do not want to do that, and so she likes to keep to herself with regards to that aspect of her life, she doesn’t ask to spar with people, or even bring it up at all, but people ask her all the time, even if they clearly would lose or become hurt should she miscalculate during the fight. She looks at people like they usually create problems, and often has a somewhat reserved nature to other humans. You have to work quite hard to get anything more than formalities out of her. She will dead-pan handle people with blunt and very to-the-point statements, aid whenever possible, but very quickly get back to handling the Pokemon she so carefully tends. Her focus is clear, she’s all about hard work, her very small select family, and the Pokemon.
Her brutal, loud and brash personality only comes out with friends, family, difficult humans, OR any Pokemon. She will joke and laugh and play with Pokemon, but clam up around humans, maintaining tight body language and generally will be a little cold by regular standards. She does however have some weaknesses in this emotionless shield she puts up. When peach was young she was always angry, which swung so fast to sadness, back and forth. Her teenage years it just got worse and worse, it was crippling at points. She is to this day, full of fire and rage, even sadness, but now she has learnt to control it, to use it. When she sees that in others, it’s familiar, and she is pushed to drop the front, and be very real with the person. Underdogs I suppose, people who get bad reps, but deserve the same as everyone else. She can’t ignore it.
Once you start to pry open her personality, you’ll find she’s a lot more laid back and fun than originally appeared, you just have to work hard to find that side of her. She will meme reference, can’t dance to save her life, loves her coffee, and can be caught in quiet contemplation while gardening. This hobby is her calmest, and often is why she can stay so level headed when her quiet rage boils up again. Without time outside she will become grouchy, a little snippy, and lethargic. Will not go in the ocean for any reason other than life or death, is fine with ponds and rivers, or water at wading height. Likes the rain.
With regards to her training others, they usually have to tolerate her somewhat strict nature. She is a little....unforgiving, holds a grudge if you make a lot of mistakes, and has no tolerance for ignorance in the age of information that we all live in. In previous posts I’ve mentioned she’s only recently selected two students, after many years of testing kids who want to learn from her. Hundred tried out, only two have ever been approved. How she teaches is very fast paced, be prepared to get some scrapes and bruises, she will test your physical and emotional tolerances with intense tasks, carefully watching students like a hawk. Bad posture in your stance? She’ll be the first to tell you to sort it out. Not hearing your Pokemon partner? Right, now you spend the day without using words trying to communicate, let’s see how you like not being listened to.
This is a woman who has spent her life saying very little, and watching everything, she watches Pokemon and can see an issue from a mile off, and in battles, her observations are why she can react fast, and chose effective strategy to avoid damage and achieve results. Don’t let her body fool you, her strongest asset is analysing, watching, planning. Those skills have over the years transferred to people too. As a student, mistakes don’t go unnoticed with this professor.
Her methods are harsh but fair, and should you prove yourself, she will protect you with her life.
Because of her disinterest in kids and lots of noise, she does pass the training of students on to the other staff members whenever possible. Grey takes on the lions share of battle lessons, he is far calmer, more open and friendly, with patience for people, and an empathy that peach sometimes struggles to have. When you go through a lot of harsh training, and difficult events, it’s hard to change how you feel or think, with peach, well, she’s been through it. Most do not come out the other end in one piece, but she did, and it made her strong. You may think I mean strong like buff and big, and yeah sure she is, but I mean it mentally more than anything. Peach will not quit. She has learnt to destroy the boundaries that stop people getting hurt, gone is the fear that freezes you in your tracks, that feeling that you’ll pass out if you go one more step. She’s learnt to ignore it.
This means she’s a little forgetful at how it is to be normal, to be vulnerable and soft and squishy like students so usually are.
She has her issues, but for the most part, visitors get a laugh, a smile, a calm assertive confidence, and facts. She will indulge those who have genuine interest, or show a connection with nature, an understanding of the balance that needs to be struck for everyone to live well together.
Despite her many flaws, she’s fiercely protective, and will go above and beyond to defend the island, it’s staff, the Pokemon and the visitors. Injustice is her biggest gripe, along with littering, and she doesn’t stand by quietly if something happens that seems unfair.
You will not see her without Valka, her vulpix, close by. That Pokemon doesn’t like to be touched by strangers, at all, and will run the second someone comes at her with that intent. Peach will scold you for pushing yourself onto her, should you persistently try to get close to pet Val. They are in sync, if peach is sad, Val is sad, if Val is stressed, peach is stressed, and so on. They are inherently connected, it’s just been that long, the psychic bridge between them has been built, and reinforced over the years.
The only other Pokemon who follows her so endlessly is Booker, a teddiursa who’s pretty rough looking. He quietly trots behind, grouchy and stoic, they fight closely together a lot. He lost his mom a long time ago to poachers, and peach took him in, and changed her whole life for him. Not many people know, but Booker was the reason she left the rangers, changed career, and got so strong. Will tolerate people petting him but isn’t keen at all, grumbles a lot and tries to move away.
You may also need to know about the others, for the sake of writing, she here a few more bits that may be important to you, or others wanting to do this.
Grey is very tall, very burly, composed, tells bad dad jokes, is a bit of a goof if allowed to be. If he sees a pun, he’ll say it. Can’t help himself. Very nice guy to work with, good at keeping people calm and grounded. Pokemon are drawn to him like a moth to a flame, he gives off warm energy, and has inhuman amounts of patience. If you wrong his family however, he will snap back.
He grew up in the city, loves to swim and hike and cycle, can snowboard, is really sporty. A total brain box with held items, and boosting stats. He will explore many paths, to make sure visitors and students get the information they need, in a way that can be remembered and retained for later. Is a huge guy, but will get on the floor to play with a tiny Pokemon. Treats big “meaner” looking species like babies, very good with all pokemon.
His free time is spent either tinkering, swimming, or trimming his bonsai trees. This guy stares at screens a lot, so appreciates time away from them. Peach built him his own little greenhouse for his trees and tools, which he keeps clean and loves dearly.
His methods as a teacher are built around fun and games, he makes hard work easier to do by distracting trainers from the difficult bits, and focusing in on something more interesting or compelling.
His most commonly seen Pokemon would be a houndoom, Saxon, old battle veteran, retired now to herding and being a good boy. Very gentle, loves a pet.
Pari, now a fully fledged nurse, often oversees the labs front desk and pokecentre features, such as healing pokemon, and informing trainers who come to visit. Her skills with eggs and hatchlings is high, she’s great with younger Pokemon, and hands out good advice to trainers a lot. She’s not a fighter, never was, but can find any file, any study, any book, and any refrence you may need. A true bookworm, loves her romance novels, chat shows and upbeat celebrity gossip mags. Will cry at a lot of stuff, be it sad or happy.
She’s got a seriously upbeat personality, but if caught off guard or shocked, she gets a little flustered. Too much chaos will overwhelm her, but usually she’s on top of things. The years spent on the island have made her better at maintaining composure in emergencies. With lots of siblings, she’s very competent with others, and has a good ability to disarm cagey people with her jolly nature. Because of this, she can sometimes gain information from trainers that some of the more harsh professors may not have access to. Charming is a word for it.
Her partners are an eevee, and a happiny. They are quite sweet and well adjusted, the eevee gets a bit bouncy if you get it too excited.
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starfly-lumi · 2 years
Hey!! If your asks are open- ignore if not, could I request Noel from Witch's Heart with an s/o who has a very heavy attachment to him?? to the point they'll even defend any kind of bad behavior from him? I think that'd be pretty interesting! Have a nice day and drink stay hydrated!!!!
my child is completely fine !! ♡ ⫶ SFW
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˖꒰ sipnosis . . . noel is the sweetness person ever. everything he does and says is for your own good, and you know it. even if his last method wasn't… a normal one. ꒱♡
˖꒰ yan! noel levine x gender neutral! reader ꒱♡
˖꒰ warning(s) . . . delusional & obsessive behavior, delusional reader, unintentionally manipulation, dark content, blood, murder(?), established relationship & manipulation of memories ꒱♡
˖꒰ note . . . omg do you spy me??? i was just about to write something with a reader who doesn't mind having a yandere and is really casual about it, but i didn't know what characters i should use first. this is kinda like it?? i really liked this idea, thank you for requesting! I DIDN'T MEANT TO PUT MURDER HERE BTW BUT I JUST GET SO EXITED WITH THE IDEA AAAHHH. don't forget to also drink a lot of water and eat all your meals! also, sorry if you wanted any particularly gender for the reader. ꒱♡
˖꒰ masterlist . . . ꒱♡
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if there's someone that loves you like anyone would, then that's definitely noel. he loved you just as much as you loved him. he was always there for you when you need him.
for you, noel was more like an angel. he was too good for this world, always trying hard for the people he love, always giving everything without expecting anything back, and you loved him.
it was perfect. he was always so kind, and he was your boyfriend. no, he was way more than just your boyfriend. you two were soulmates. made just for meet the other. you will always be thankful with the destiny to let you know he exist.
i mean, how could you not like him? even if he did the worst of the things, it surely was a lie or he had a good reason for doing it. please, he wouldn't hurt a fly.
"i wish i could see the stars with you forever… i can only hope we get the chance to see them the next night, and the night after that."
you always wonder yourself why he wouldn't be out of his room until the sun was no longer there, but you never asked. maybe he just wanted to sleep more than usual!
while you were okay with him not getting out of his room (but still mad because he skip his breakfast, witch was bad for him), sirius will usually says something about it. he may mean no harm, but it still make you mad.
sometimes, he'll have to vent. you were really okay with it, even actually pleased, because it reminded you how much he trust you.
he ends up begging you to not leave him alone, in the dark. it never fails to make you feel terrible sorry for him and all he had to go through in his childhood.
but he never told you everything. just some little things that are barely something, but still a lot more that what he will normally say to anyone. he was always too scared. but you understand, as always.
he loves you so much. he doesn't even know how he can take all this love! but he's so unsure of how to show you love.
he will always say how he loved everything about you, inside and out, and start talking about how he couldn't keep himself as happy as he is right now with you. he will do anything for you, you just have to name it.
all he needs from you is a little compliment, a "good job!". it really makes him feel better about himself. he's trying really hard to save you and claire from who is always trying to kill her.
but when things go wrong, he's really fast at saying sorry. he didn't want to show you anything that make you stay away from him. he hate it when he showed you the ugly parts of him.
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"noel!" you run towards him as soon as you saw the blood in his clothes, thinking the worst. it was really late at night, and your boyfriend covered in blood wasn't your ideal night. "oh my god, a-are you okay? did something happen?! who did this?!"
he muted your name, shaking and almost crying.
"i am so, so, so sorry. pl-please, i'm sorry. i'm such a t-te-terrible lover. i'm sorry, my love, i'm sorry." he hugged you close, almost falling over you when you hold him.
"hey, no, no, no, no, no, no. you're no way a terrible lover! please, tell me if you're okay. you're covered in blood!" still hugging him, you try to look all over him to see where the blood was coming out. but when he holds you strong and careful to not hurt you, you realize that he can't be injured with this strong hold.
so, the blood isn't his.
you just stay there, like a stone, while you hear him crying.
you don't want to think anything bad about him, so you just hug him back. gently touching his hair.
it's okay, even now, he was still noel. your noel. he would never do anything bad without a reason.
it didn't matter anyways, and you knew it. when you less expect it, you will be back to your first day in the mansion. when you still thought he was nothing but a puppy who only wants you to like him.
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Gojou, education, and the question that started it all:
“What should we do with him?”
It’s easy to take this moment for granted, but it’s a remarkable teacher-student dynamic indicating how Gojou strives to offer his students an environment in which they can express their own opinions and values, rather than demanding them to sacrifice their individual conscience to serve a pre-determined set of rules.
Megumi had saved Yuji in the spur of the moment by pushing him out of the way of the cursed spirit, but there’s also the follow up to this when Megumi tells Gojou he doesn’t want Yuji to be executed. In this latter instance, Megumi is able to take part in saving Yuji a second time because his teacher encourages and allows for this formative moment to happen.
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Once again, education and the environment cultivated by adults sets the background for the devlopment of each new generation.
When Gojou was a student, he was given the command to “escort and erase” Amanai, a mere child, for the greater good. As a student, Gojou did not experience an environment in which an educator thought to ask the younger generation, ‘what do you think is the right thing to do in this situation?’. What the authorities demanded of Gojou and Geto was to sacrifice their conscience in service of the prevailing system. As a teacher, Gojou’s philosophy directly pushes back against this.
When confronted with Sukuna’s vessel, at first Gojou ostensibly frames this as a pop quiz to review what jujutsu regulations call for in this situation.
But the questions he actually keeps open for Megumi are: what do you think we should do? What are the principles by which you want to live your life? What are the risks you are willing to take when deciding who to save? These are the formative questions that resonate throughout all the rest of Megumi’s ongoing character arc and development. These dilemmas did not arise in a vacuum: they were allowed to be developed, rather than suppressed, in an educational context.
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In discovering Sukuna’s vessel, the significance of this situation as a historical moment cannot be understated: it’s a once-in-a-million chance vessel for the most powerful curse in history. Ordinarily, no adult would seriously invite a first-year student to contribute any input at all. However, this is exactly what Gojou does: he doesn’t disregard or belittle Megumi as inconsequential.
I think this is because Gojou understands the element of human relationships. He perceives how Yuji is not just “Sukuna’s vessel”, he’s a person who fought alongside Megumi and with whom Megumi now has a relationship and emotional connection to. That is why Gojou, having known what kind of personality Megumi’s had since he was a child, recognizes that Megumi is personally invested in Yuji’s fate.
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He acknowledges Megumi as someone who should be given the chance to continue learning what it means to make decisions in accordance with his values. Gojou doesn’t tell Megumi what is the right or wrong decision, but gives him the opportunity to form his own judgment.
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This is consistent with how Gojou let even first-grader Megumi decide, ‘what kind of life do you want to live? Based on what you value, what do you think is the right decision for you?’
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Again to contrast when Gojou was a student, in the absence of being supported by adults, he and Geto had made the decision together to act on their conscience and save Amanai. Again, their decision was due to the recognition that Riko is her own person, someone who has human relationships with others and individual desires. They recognized this even before meeting and forming their own friendship with her.
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By choosing together to save Amanai, Gojou and Geto were, consciously or not, expressing the desire to live in a world in which young people in the jujutsu world are treated as humans first above all else, regardless of what objectified role they must play for the greater good.
Even though they ultimately failed, it is the act of deciding together what kind of world they want to live in and want to create that Gojou wishes to carry on with Megumi and likely his students more generally. No one ever gave Gojou and Geto the opportunity to express their values, and no adult watched over them as they tried to do what they thought was right.
Now, by asking Megumi what to do with Yuji, Gojou is offering him what no one did when he was young.
It’s easy to see the persistence of the old order that Gojou has rejects. (The panels from chapter 137 would also be relevant examples to use here, but I think that chapter deserves a post of its own when considering how Yuta relates to all this with Yuji’s renewed execution order.)
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At the same time, by allowing Megumi to participate in saving Yuji, Gojou must also knows the risk of the guilt he’d feel if Sukuna ended up killing people as has now happened.
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That’s a heavy burden to place on a young person. In ordinary circumstances, one might question if it was prudent for Gojou to do so. But there are contextualizing factors to this that may support Gojou’s methods here as worth the high risk of it backfiring (as it has indeed ended up happening in Shibuya).
Importantly, the moment deciding whether to save Yuji was made jointly by Megumi and Gojou; it’s a shared responsibility. Realistically, regardless of Megumi’s answer, Gojou would have single-handedly fought the higher-ups for Yuji’s right to live just as he had successfully fought for Yuta’s life. But by inviting Megumi to be implicated with saving Yuji in a political context, Gojou offers his personal philosophy in which that fight is made together with Megumi as someone who will not always be his student, but who will one day become an ally to this mission of changing the jujutsu world.
Unfortunately, Gojou could never have anticipated being sealed away at this point and leaving his students without his protection. With Gojou out of the picture to take responsibility for Sukuna’s rampage, Megumi will take on the full emotional burden even more than he has already, and this time without his teacher present to lessen the weight of that by defending Yuji from the higher ups.
In the context of the most recent chapter 137, Yuta’s reintroduction to the story actually complicates all this a little in the scenario that his individual conscience drives him to want to execute Yuta for the sake of his friends. And even in the case that he changes his mind to support Yuji, more often than not, and even with Geto and Gojou’s attempt to save Amanai which risked Tengen becoming an enemy of humanity, individualistic motivations come with much higher risks and moral ambiguities than the conservative, traditional system that emphasizes collectivism; the former not a straightforwardly positive principle. As always, it will be interesting how these ideas continue to develop as these questions are brought to the forefront again with Yuta, and then with Megumi’s re-evaluation of his choices post-Shibuya.
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What the hell was that last act???
So first of all I want to say that I did enjoy most of the movie. It was okay. The sex scenes didn’t do anything for me though since I’m just not interested in sex at all. But while I more-or-less liked the movie, I felt that the big plot twists in the last act and the ending were badly done because… how the fuck did ANY of them manage to get away with ANY OF THAT??? Like from a legal standpoint it’s just ???
This got so much longer than I anticipated, so the rest is under the read more. And yes, there are so many spoilers. So if you haven't seen The Voyeurs yet and don't want spoilers, please avoid this.
Seb and Julia literally confess to selling their old apartment in order to spy on the people who live there and use them for their art show. Like, yes, they put that clause in the Terms of Agreement for the apartment (which literally no one ever reads) but there is still the matter of Informed Consent. Informed Consent is usually in the form of a contract Pippa and Thomas both need to read and sign, or via verbal questions and answers which is filmed so Seb and Julia would have physical proof of an agreement. This is basically telling them what footage was taken, how it will be used, and if Seb and Julia have permission to share the footage publicly. In Thomas’ case, since he’s dead, his next-of-kin will be asked. Only then are Seb and Julia legally allowed to publicly share and showcase the Pippa and Thomas’ pictures. And Seb is a professional photographer! He should know that!
Have you ever seen prank shows? Like even the ones on YouTube. Have you noticed at the end of some videos, there would be a part where the filmers would approach the person who was pranked and ask if they could use their footage in the video. That’s Informed Consent. They need to ask permission to use a person’s footage in a video or if they need to blur out the person’s face for privacy. Seb and Julia even showed a picture of a dead man for chrissakes! Remember the outcry when that YouTuber posted a video of a suicide victim in Japan???
The Japanese interviewer was right to disapprove of their methods because even though there was a clause in the Terms of Agreement, the prank (because isn’t that what that whole show they did was?) or experiment still resulted with someone killing themself (yes I know it was murder, but the world doesn't know it). They can possibly still be held liable for causing Thomas to kill himself the same way a prankster can be held liable if their victim dies from a prank because of this thing in Law called the Eggshell Rule or Eggshell Plaintiff.
What this means is that a defendant is liable for any injuries caused by the defendant’s actions, regardless of how unforeseeable or uncommon the plaintiff’s reactions to the defendant’s actions are. So for example, there is a scary prank where the prankster jumps out of the bushes and terrifies people. One of them turns out to have a heart condition, suffers a heart attack, and dies. Regardless of the victim’s frailty, the prankster can be held liable for exacerbating the condition and causing the victim’s death. Likewise in the movie, they can say that Seb and Julia, by orchestrating the whole thing and making Thomas see his girlfriend cheating on him, could have caused him to become broken-hearted and kill himself. Therefore, Seb and Julia can be liable for Thomas’ death.
And then here’s the kicker! The famous photographer and his wife, a famous model, both suddenly end up blind AFTER their big art show where they displayed Pippa’s scandal. And not by accident. No. This was obviously surgically done. And NOBODY suspected foul play?? Nobody thought about revenge?? Nobody thought it strange how their blindness was clearly done with a surgical/medical precision nor suspected the couple’s subject, Pippa, who they thoroughly humiliated, who also worked as an optometrist technician at a lab that has the machines that could cause that kind of blindness??? And they're both still alive! They can easily tell the police who did it!
It should have been way too easy for the police to know that it was foul play. Blood tests can tell that Seb and Julia had been drugged. How they were blinded can be traced to the optometry lab. Pippa would be the easiest main suspect due to her connection to them with revenge as the main motivation after they humiliated her in that art show.
And yes, I agree that what Seb and Julia did was wrong. They used Pippa and Thomas, and then murdered Thomas so they can have some juicy story to tell!
Even so, what happened to Ethical Codes in the medical field? What happened to the Hippocratic Oath? Non-maleficience rule? “Do No Harm”? Pippa should have been slammed with, idk, medical malpractice or something, after using her knowledge of the LASIK machine and using it to permanently blind people (which is an actual fear real people have about LASIK surgery), have her license revoked, be fired from her job, and possibly serve jail time. Why is she walking free all willy-nilly and still being allowed to continue stalking Seb and Julia?
I’ll admit though that maybe I’m being more harsh towards Pippa because I myself used to be a Board Certified medical professional (my license expired last year because I hadn't been working in that field for a while) and because of that, her actions angered and horrified me more.
Normally, we as an audience are made to root for the main character or hero, but I found it difficult to do so because Pippa herself is a terrible person. She's a pervert and a creep. She was obsessed with the lives of other people, stalked them, and even went as far as committing crimes in order to fuel her obsession - trespassing, breaking and entering, destruction of private property.
And my goodness this actually makes me think of a few Ben Hardy stans who are like this. Well, idk if going to Ben's school so that she can get a copy of a school film he was in can be considered a crime, but it's still fucking creepy.
Pippa’s got that Savior Complex where she tries to rescue this poor neglected wife from her horrible cheating husband (the same one she herself wants to fuck because she’s obsessed with him). And then when it all goes south, she immediately turns around and blames THOMAS of all people because “he started it”. Like, so what if he did?? He still had enough maturity to realize when they were taking it too far, and decided to stop with the stalking. He told her to stop multiple times but she was too blinded by her obsession and lust for a man that she doesn’t even know.
AND THEN!! She stalked a grieving husband (I know we know that was a lie but Pippa didn't know that) and proceeded to cheat on her boyfriend with said grieving husband. And frankly, I don’t understand why she’s so vengeful about Thomas’ death considering how easily she forgot him so that she could cheat on him. Like. Who knows, maybe he still would’ve killed himself regardless of the poisoned drink because the last thing he saw was his girlfriend cheating on him with the man she’d been obsessed with for the past idk how long. Even in the scene after Thomas died, there was a momentary grief where Pippa was all “it’s my fault Thomas died” but it was all too brief and immediately after she went back to obsessing and asking about Seb. And they want me to believe that she’d want to avenge Thomas’ death? No. I think she blinded Seb and Julia because she was angry at being called out for her obsession. For being told that she was wrong to go that far. It wasn’t about her “love” for Thomas. It was about how humiliated she was about being wrong.
Can you believe that Pippa gave this whole speech with the fable about being content with what you have and not to try to be greedy by wanting more and then she just immediately DOES THE OPPOSITE OF THE MORAL by cheating on her boyfriend because she wanted more aka Seb???
The more that I think about it, I feel like the true villain of the movie is Pippa herself. Her obsession with Seb is what started the whole thing. If she had been able to keep a healthy distance, none of that would’ve happened to begin with. There would be no fights over how far things were going. Seb would have no scandal to tell. She worsened Thomas’ insecurities of not being enough for her, making him go to great lengths just to try to please her. Poor Thomas. He truly deserved better.
Pippa also has awful friends. Instead of stamping down the creepy behavior, they’re giving tips on how to listen in on other people’s private conversations! And then later try to excuse her cheating on Thomas. And then help with her obsession AGAIN.
Acting-wise, I felt that Natasha, Ben, and Justice were incredible and I loved them. I love how conflicted Ben played Seb and how you can see it in his eyes. My favorite scene was the one where Seb and Julia had that confrontation over the wine where Seb asks if she ever felt guilty and Julia just stares right back and stares him down. Natasha was brilliant as Julie pretending to be all friendly and vulnerable with Pippa. Justice was very emotional and I love the scenes where he was horrified at how far Pippa was taking everything. For me, Sydney was the weakest one at acting. While there were some okay parts, her face can be really stiff at some points, like during the sex scenes.
Overall, I thought the movie to be quite thought-provoking especially in this day and age where people can find the most intimate details of another person’s life so easily, be that through Carrd, Instagram stories, Facebook feeds, and other social media sites. It makes you think about parasocial relationships, how people can be so obsessed about people that they’ve never even met, and how that obsession can easily grow into something dangerous that can ruin lives. Good movie, terrible last act. Too much sex for my taste, but then it wouldn’t be called an erotic movie.
Outside of the movie, I really love the chemistry between the four of them. I love watching their interviews and seeing how they interact with each other.
Last but not the least, I know this may be random but my brain likes to zoom in on the weirdest things. How on earth did Pippa manage to get Seb on top of that operating table?? No offense but Pippa is fucking tiny. Seb’s like twice her size and mostly muscle AND unconscious. Like ??? Sorry but that threw me off so much it’s ridiculous.
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roguelioness · 3 years
OC questionnaire
Tagged by @noire-pandora and @cleverblackcat - thank you! ♥
Tagging @kagetsukai, @ma-sulevin, @rosella-writes, @shannaraisles, @thevikingwoman, @redinkofshame, @wickedwitchofthewilds, @hoochieblues, @a-shakespearean-in-paris, @ejunkiet, @hoochieblues, @iarollane, @funkypoacher
Character’s name: Neria Lavellan
Role in story: Reluctant Inquisitor, even more reluctant Herald.
Physical description: Neria is short (5′4) with a slender, willowy build that only marginally improves once she has access to regular meals. She has platinum-blond hair and forest-green eyes, both of which were part of the reason she chose Ghilan’nain’s vallaslin. There’s a sprinkle of freckles across her nose and cheeks that deepens in color with increased sun exposure. She bears an assortment of scars of all shapes and sizes covering the length of her body.
MBTI/Enneagram Personality Type:
ISFJ [the Defender] -  The Defender personality type is quite unique, as many of their qualities defy the definition of their individual traits. Though sensitive, Defenders have excellent analytical abilities; though reserved, they have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships; and though they are generally a conservative type, Defenders are often receptive to change and new ideas. As with so many things, people with the Defender personality type are more than the sum of their parts, and it is the way they use these strengths that defines who they are.
Type 6 [The Loyalist] - The committed, security-oriented type. Sixes are reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. Excellent "troubleshooters," they foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become defensive, evasive, and anxious—running on stress while complaining about it. They can be cautious and indecisive, but also reactive, defiant and rebellious. They typically have problems with self-doubt and suspicion. At their Best: internally stable and self-reliant, courageously championing themselves and others.
What is their greatest fear?
Loneliness. Neria had a typical childhood, with friends she played often with, and she never felt alone. Once she she developed magic, however, she had to train to control her power and could not spend as much time with her playmates and so grew apart from them. Being appointed First made that gap wider. Even though she was well-liked by everyone in her clan, she often felt quite alone. In the Inquisition she made good friends who gave her a place where she felt like she belonged, and a lover who offered her the security she so desperately desired. Losing either would be painful; losing both would send her  spiraling into misery.
Inner motivation:
She strives to do what’s right. She went to the Conclave because the hunter who was to go was in love and wanted to get married, and it did not seem fair to her. She joined the Inquisition because the Breach needed to be closed, and Corypheus needed to be defeated. It is also why she strive to redeem Solas, even though several of her friends would rather see him killed.
Indecision. She worries often if the decisions she makes are the right ones, especially around the war table where a wrong choice can have disastrous consequences.
What is their misbelief about the world?
That humans are inherently selfish and are only concerned with their own gain.
Lesson they need to learn:
That despite doing her best she cannot control the outcome of situations.
What is the best thing in their life?
Her friends. All of them come from varied backgrounds and they have helped broaden her mind and her experiences. More importantly, they’ve given her a place where she feels truly welcome.
What is the worst thing in their life?
The shattering of her beliefs. Learning what she did at the Temple of Mythal shook her greatly. Everything that happened after - learning she was bound to a mostly-dead goddess, the truth of the vallaslin, the truth of the previous Inquisitor, the truth of the elven gods - it stripped away all of the things she had once been secure in, and leaves her incredibly uncertain and out-of-control.
What do they most often look down on people for?
Intolerance, and judging people based on what they look like. She also dislikes people who are inflexible and rigid.
What makes his/her/their heart feel alive?
The small moments. Sunrise over the Frostbacks. Wildflowers near the road. Laughter over mugs of ale. Quiet conversation around a campfire. Holding hands with a lover, fingers twined. 
What makes them feel loved, and who was the last person to make them feel that way?
Compassion and understanding. Though she misses Solas terribly she won’t say he’s the last person who offered her love because she knows there are different types of love. Her friends make her feel loved in their own ways, and she appreciates that.
Top three things they value most in life?
Knowledge, compassion, patience.
Is there an object they can’t bear to part with?
A necklace that belonged to her great-great grandmother. It’s a circular disc of halla horn onto which is carved a rune of protection, hanging from a leather cord. Her great-great-grandfather, who was the clan’s keeper at the time, made it for his wife, and it was passed down to the eldest. She offered it to Solas, but he knew how much it meant to her and instead suggested she make one like it for him - which she did.
Describe a typical outfit from top to bottom.
She tends to favor simple cuts, but develops a fondness for fabric. Highever weave, royale sea silk, imperial vestment cotton and dales loden wool are some of her favorites. She prefers tunics and pants, with some amount of embroidery, and her boots are well-crafted and sturdy.
What names or nicknames have they been called through their life?
What is their method of manipulation?
- Da’len (her parents, adults in the clan, the Keeper)
- Silver (Varric)
- Ner-bear (Dorian, though Bull uses it to annoy her)
- Fenor (Solas)
Neria doesn’t actively manipulate; most of the time she uses the way other people view her against them. She knows a great many people see her as only a knife-ear, as uneducated and unintelligent and “savage”, so she’ll play into that, all the while gaining information from them that she passes on to Leliana and Josephine.
In battle, her small size and build means she can remain hidden as she attacks. If someone does attempt to fight her they soon discover she’s not as weak as she appears to be.
Describe their daily routine.
With clan Lavellan it was more relaxed; there would always be some time spent learning, mending, aiding other people, but there was no routine set in stone.
With the Inquisition, her routine varies wildly depending on whether she’s out on the field, or at Skyhold. Even at Skyhold no two days are the same. The only things she sticks to for herself is an hour or reading in the morning (usually with tea) and dinner with Solas.
Their go-to cure for a bad day?
Hot, fragrant tea, lots of finger foods, a trashy novel.
How are they dissatisfied with their life?
Post-Inquisition she’s lost, and steadily gets more so. Everything she thought she knew turned out to be wrong, and she struggles with regaining some of that sense of self.
What would bring them true happiness or contentment?
Security. A sense of steadiness. A place that she can call her own, where she doesn’t have to be alone. 
What definitive step could they take to turn their dream into a reality?
Neria wishes she knew. She could go and create a home for herself, but she would be alone. Or she could go after Solas to demonstrate to both of them that they don’t have to be alone, but it means she can’t have a home. She doesn’t know how she can get both.
How has their fear kept them from taking this action already?
She tries her best, but between the loss of her arm and the knowledge that Solas is so much more powerful than her, she fears she won’t be able to succeed.
How do they feel they can accomplish their goal while still steering clear of the thing they are afraid of?
She very deliberately does not think about it. When she does, she thinks about what Varric once said: heroes don’t get happy endings. (She hopes, desperately, that he’s wrong).
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gospelofme · 3 years
57 Thoughts I Had While Watching Part 2 of The Bad Batch Season Finale (Spoilers ahead!!)
I do like how Part 2 picks right up where Part 1 left off. I prefer that method since it makes it feel like one connected piece. Like how Rogue One ended where A New Hope kicks off.
Ya know, I wouldn’t mind the thunderstorms.
Okay the explosions are beautifully animated. The blues, the sparks, the orange flames. And I like how they’re realistically placed. So many shows with explosions don’t have them right close to the characters, even if they’re supposed to be all around them.
This episode is kinda darkly lit. Not like Battle of Winterfell in Game of Thrones.
Okay yeah, that clone reporting the destruction…thats some sadness there.
That inner alarm has me thinking “oh shit my flight has changed gates again hasn’t it!!”
Damn, imagine being unconscious and wake up in a flooding compartment with a droid and that one kid who took your place.
Okay how strong is that knife. I kinda expect it to break in half. Wrecker would
probably try to trade with Hunter after that.
The shot of the burning buildings on the water is so beautiful too. The reflections were well done.
About AZ being like “oh hey homie, you survived being blown up but now you’re drowning. And I’m watching while this literal child tries to move metal debris off of you.”
Okay Omega using her bow like that is genius. But please wee baby don’t hit Crosshair by accident. And the way the bolts underwater were animated. 🤌🏻🤌🏻
And Crosshair being all “wtf?!”
Dang Omega is so take charge here.
Okay the sprays of water from the door is so well done. And omg they just pop outta there lmao!!!! About how Omega is caught and they just let Crosshair slide on the floor.
Haha Crosshair being like “Hunter, you fucker did you break something?!”
I really wish it wasn’t so darkly lit, but it does bring a sense of realism. The power is out, so what we’re able to see is what the characters are able to see with flashlights. Plus I’m sure this would look different on my TV than iPad.
The music is so pretty, so emotional. Oh damn poor AZ.
Oh never mind. He’s good.
Crosshair quit being a poop and follow them please.
Echo and that smell lmao.
“Blind allegiance makes you a pawn. A real leader protects his squad.”
Huh. Interesting. But isn’t blind allegiance what the clones had in the Republic? Isn’t that what Clone Force 99 had in the Republic? At least mostly. Some clones didn’t have that obviously, like Cut.
Ooohh Crosshair’s expression when Hunter knocked his shoulder. That seemed like surprise. There is something to that.
Hmmmmmm I’m with Crosshair on that. Going through a glass tunnel with cracks in it hundreds of feet below the surface would be a no from me. Also, what about water pressure? Is that not a thing there? Like wouldn’t you get a massive headache traveling through that? Or maybe not….idk.
Oh fuck Wrecker letting Crosshair know what’s what. I do like that he’s finally expressing how he feels. I’ve always thought there was more of a brotherly relationship between Wrecker and Crosshair than Crosshair had with the others. And Wrecker has a point, Crosshair didn’t even try to come back to them. Of course that really isn’t a fair statement either I guess. Wrecker should remember how he couldn’t control what he did when his chip kicked on.
And Tech jumping in and saying that Crosshair has always been “severe and unyielding” is a good way to let us know a bit more of what’s normal behavior for Crosshair. I like how he’s reminded Wrecker that some things Crosshair can’t help due to just how he is (likely a byproduct of the enhancement experiments).
“Understanding you does not mean I agree with you.” Ugh if only more people had this mindset. Also, the whole “why are you defending me?” sounds like Tech doesn’t usually leap to Crosshair’s defense (even though that’s not what he’s doing here). Which further makes me think that the brotherly relationship that usually exists between team members (like Domino squad eventually, Rex/Echo/Fives/Kix/Jesse/Hardcase/Tup) doesn’t exist here between all the guys. It’s more sporadic. Crosshair seems to get along better with Wrecker (in their own way, teasing and their droid death counts) than he does with Tech.
Also perhaps they should not stop so often…ya know, just in case the tunnel implodes.
Oh nope nope nope. No underwater tubes and sea monsters for Bethany.
AZ is so peppy. Like he sounds so positive when relaying bad news. He sounds like the kinda droid that would be like “good news is you have great cholesterol, bad news is you have cancer. But yay no diabetes!”
Oh yeah I kinda forgot Hunter wasn’t with them they first got to the private lab. And oh damn, Omega is technically older than them. The whole accelerated aging thing is just so unfair.
Well we really couldn’t expect a glass tunnel to fully survive aerial bombardment. Better start swimming fuckers!!
Damn, someone find AZ a charger! I bet Tech has one for his datapad that boy is attached too. He seems like the type to never be without a phone charger. He also seems like the type to not want to share it because no one else in the squad treats their charge cords with respect.
Dad gum Crosshair, I didn’t hear you spouting off any bright ideas. Geez, who peed in your wheaties?!
Hunter takes things too personally?! Weren’t you being all Salty McSourpus over Hunter leaving your ass on Kamino for shooting at him and the others? Were you not taking that too personally? But kudos to Hunter for reminding him the Empire peaced the fuck out and left him to die on Kamino. Although…Crosshair does sound like he’s trying not to care about that. Like it does bother him but he’s acting like he don’t give a fuck.
“The Empire will control the entire Galaxy. And I’m going to be a part of it.” Uhm, sir…you’re currently in a secret lab at the bottom of the ocean with no means of escape right now. How do you plan to be a part of the Empire from down here? Like, are you going to establish the underwater branch of the Empire and assert the Emperor’s control over the sea critters?
Ugh Omega trying so hard to bond with Crosshair. Like the parallel between this scene and the holding cell scene. And her thinking she was wrong about the chip making him behave like a dick. Oh sweet baby, you’re not wrong. He still has that thing. But he has always been a dick per Tech’s words earlier. But she’s trying so hard to show him the similarities between them.
I’ve noticed Crosshair does a lot of pushing people away. Like he’s been doing that with Hunter and Omega this whole season. Speaking harshly to them both (although I think some of the things he says to Hunter, he’s always wanted to say). But I think it’s more that he wants to avoid disappointing them, so he shoves them away to prevent that feeling. Like perhaps he thinks he isn’t worthy to be around them, that they’ll be better off without him around.
Oh fuck, look at you contributing now Mr. I Am Going To Complain About Other People’s Ideas.
Did they have to draw straws to see who got their own pod and who had to team up with who? Like,
Hunter: “Someone has to go with Tech.”
Crosshair, Wrecker: “Not it!”
Echo: “not it, fuck I wasn’t fast enough.”
Oh the wee child is getting her own pod. Okay then.
Of course Hunter and Crosshair get doubled up. I bet they argue the whole time.
Crosshair: “stop breathing all the air!!”
Hunter: “stop standing on my foot!!”
Crosshair: “well it’s not my fault you have Sasquatch feet!”
Oh damn. Well bye Omega. It was nice knowing you. Crosshair probably has your eulogy already written.
Hm, so Tech never shared his datapad charge cord with AZ. Bummer.
Awww poor AZ. He was a good droid. We’ll remember how he OMG OMEGA WHAT THE FUCK?!!???
Again is water pressure not a thing in Star Wars?
Sweetie. He’s metal. You won’t be strong enough to pull him along with you.
Oh fuck Crosshair! Oh damn the look on his face is like “Hunter, get you ugly ass face out of my shot.” Oh damn, boy has got some good eyesight, I want a piece of that.
Bruh, that’s gotta hurt. You just saved the kid they all love and they got you at blaster point. Buuuuuut at the same time you haven’t expressed the most positive attitude towards said kid either. So maybe they have a good reason to think you’d shoot her? Still. Damn. That’s gotta hurt, since if it had been the good ol’ days they’d be like “nice shot buddy!”
Hunter looks more wary than upset honestly. Like he isn’t sure why Crosshair did that, but he’s not sure if Crosshair would want him expressing gratitude either. Hunter doesn’t seem to know how to treat him any more. Crosshair belittles him and speaks harshly to him, but then saves Omega. It’s almost like old Crosshair is still in there, knowing how attached the team is to Omega. Even if he does think she’s not in the safest environment with them.
Oh…omg what is this?! I just noticed, no rain on Kamino….AND SUNSHINE?! Like is that a fucking sunrise??!!?? Oh shit you guys there is symbolism here!!! Like a new start or something impossible has happened. Like there has never been sunshine on Kamino, it’s always stormed. Always. Always and forever it has done that. But after the destruction of Tipoca City, the rains cease and the sunshine comes out. Like….omg guys. It’s pretty!!
Interesting. Omega seems sad that a place she didn’t want to ever return to is gone. But I guess that’s probably the notion that she’s essentially homeless setting in. That the only home she’s had (before Clone Force 99) is gone.
Also, I have this theory that Ghost Fives probably travels with Echo, and he’d likely be like “good! Fuck that place. Killing Tup there and all. Bitches.”
Echo: “stfu Fives, she’s sad okay.”
Honestly I’m not surprised Crosshair refused their offer to come with them. He has his pride and I feel like he doesn’t want to admit aligning with the Empire was a mistake. That he was wrong and Hunter was right. Especially after being all Pro-Empire and talking about how they’re going to be what the Galaxy needs.
“Consider us even.” GIRL he admits it! He was saving YOU!! YOU! Not the dumb droid, YOU!!!!
His face says it all when they pull away. Like he regrets not going with them, but he can’t bring himself to stay with them. He’s really conflicted right now. He has programming in his head telling him one thing and another portion of his mind reminding him that Tech, Wrecker, Hunter, and even Echo care about him. That they’re a team. He even wanted them to join the Empire so they could all get back together. He does want to be with them, but it’s going to take time to get passed the war in his head.
Oh damn, Nala Se and some Commando buddies. Yeah there’s something up with her. She seems to have gained a lot out of this. Making herself more important than Lama Su and likely more important than the other scientists from Kamino. I wonder if this was her plan all along. It’s so hard to tell what Kaminoans are thinking because they don’t express emotions facially or even vocally.
I read a post somewhere about Nala Se doing childish science experiments. Like the baking soda/vinegar volcano. And now I can’t get the image out of my head of her teaching like a high school chemistry class where you get to do those classic science fair experiments. Things exploding, clones accidentally gassing each other at a table. Someone betting someone else 5 credits to drink a solution.
@leias-left-hair-bun @halzore @escapedthesarlacc @eyecandyeoz
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haha totally epic and not really long review i spent almost an hour writing how i felt about the first episode haha no NO
S1;E1 (King Me) Review that's more of a personal rant than actual review i'm sorry help me
(warning this is a VERY long review towards how I felt towards the first episode, and there will be MANY, MANY more like this; but dont worry, not will be like this lol)
King Me was an episode that already began to show the progress towards King Julien and his efforts towards him and the kingdom. We already know what happens; But for the ones who don't or at least don't remember- Uncle King Julien, King Julien's Uncle, obviously, was foretold a prophecy from Masikura about a prophecy where if a king was wearing a crown tomorrow night, they would get eaten by the foosa. Intrigued with a plan, Uncle King Julien gives the crown to his nephew while they're unaware of what's expected to come.
We can already tell his uncle's a bit of a douche, already wanting to kill his son off from day one. But the question lies through; Was this something he's been wanting to do for sometime, or just a 'without a second thought' decision? It's unclear, but this only shows how retched this guy's family really is. It's a bit saddening to know King Julien comes from such a terrible family, honestly. We already know about how his parents are, but we'll get about them when they make their first appearance in the later episodes.
Moving on, the episode later showed Mort's first interaction with the King. It shows that Mort had always encountered Julien, but never spoke to him until now, hence why King Julien was asking Mort's name. This also shows Mort already had quite the liking towards him before his feet addiction, but we're not sure how much he liked him. Was he just a regular fanatic or something more before then? His interest towards the feet didn't really skyrocket until the later seasons (which will be very interesting to talk about, so get ready for that soon, heuha).
I enjoyed seeing the part where he defeated the foosa through an interest many saw as a negative. The one thing I definitely liked in this episode was how his negative characteristics (being a party animal) were taken in a positive light. It's obvious Julien can take something bad into something good, and he always finds his own ways into solving situations, no matter how ridiculous it may seem to most. He takes his own precaution and steps, and most of the time; They usually work! It showed his own potential as a king, and didn't want to stick to the rules that the past kings have probably enforced onto themselves and others. It's already proof enough that Uncle King Julien's method of handling things was through running away and being in fear, and it was the kind of method Julien sort of took when the foosa first attacked at his coronation.
It was well established in the start of the episode that his uncle took things through seclusion and limitation. Halfway through the episode, it was revealed that his uncle even banned his people from doing fun, exciting things (as in worry of them attracting the foosas), which is kind of a low, but it's his uncle, so it's not even a big surprise whatsoever. King Julien obviously didn't want to keep that law, so it makes sense he would well... veto it. Sometimes it makes me feel bad for the kingdom despite Maurice said 'he kept us all safe'. Regardless if he did, restricting everyone's activities for the sake of 'not attracting the foosas' seems a little numb-handed. His uncle should've thought of something better rather than forcing everyone to stay quiet most of the time and restricting most activities. He could've maybe told them how to fight, or told them how to set up warning signs for foosas'.
It's kind of stupid how Clover wasn't being the main defender since it was clearly shown she has the skills and defensive tactics to protect her kingdom. Yet again, she was just the head of security, and not the bodyguard. It's unknown how long she has been working with Uncle King Julien, but I'm sure he's known her long enough to know she could've been the perfect security to stop the foosas' back then, but it would make sense he would probably tell her to back from the foosas' since he didn't want to risk losing anyone. I mean, it was already proven from Maurice they lost half of the kingdom to the foosas' last year- which is definitely... news right there.
But what truly got me the most out of everything else in the episode was King Julien's quote to his people when he told them they would be dealing with the foosa again in the future; How if there isn't a tomorrow for them, then they should make their day extra big. It's a neat sentiment and less of a negative quote, serving more as a neutral one that reassures but gives the lemurs an understanding to what they're really dealing with in the jungle life. It's funny but strange to me on how King Julien could easily accept the fates he expects to probably deal with in the future. Maybe cause he's so used to already hearing so many lemurs get eaten by foosas; Some I bet he saw with his very own eyes.
But even so, he already gives his audience a pill that their past king probably would be too afraid to say to them, and that was honesty.
Brutal honesty. But an honesty with hope. He tells his people to make their days last, because they, and not even King Julien himself, knows when it's time to go. (cough - cough COUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHNHnhnhn)
This episode was a true testimate to what King Julien is, and serves as an absolute justice to his usual roles back in the Madagascar movies and The Penguins of Madagascar; I applaud DreamWorks for giving this lemur the show he deserves, and the justice they gave to all the other lemurs and some others from the first Madagascar movie into this show, giving them the screen time they deserve as well- it truly shows how much the company really cares for its characters, and I give them huge respect for that. These are more than just 'cash grab spin offs', these are spin-offs I bet many, many people asked and wondered for years- and there it came.
But that's my review for the first episode. It's long, but whatever. As I progress through the other episodes, the reviews will be much more exciting, wacky, and well... review-y, lol.
They'll also probably be a bit shorter since I don't want to make every review be as long and detailed, heuha. Just felt like posting the first episode review out there. Will post the second episode review soon and then after I'll be reviewing the rest of season 1 and then turning it all into a single notepad that I'll publicly share to y'all.
Am very excited to show y'all more of my own personal reviews. :>
What are y'alls personal opinion towards the first episode? lol
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squadrablog · 4 years
hiiiiiii! Could I please request f!reader and Abbacchio in a fake dating situation? Any style you'd prefer :) thanks!
Abbacchio isn’t exactly a fav, but I hope I was able to do him some justice?
Abbacchio x F! Reader
Ao3 Mirror Here.
Word Count: 2752
Warnings: You have an ex who is mildly creepy, but Abbacchio deals with him. Alcohol.
Under cut for length!
“Abbacchio,” you hissed quietly, leaning closer to your teammate’s ear. “We might have a problem.”
The two of you were currently in a crowded bar in the seedier part of town to receive intel from one of Bruno’s informants. You were both at the bar, pretending to take your time enjoying some cheap wine. It was a lively enough atmosphere and no one had paid the two of you much mind. You’d use the cover of anonymity to secure whatever it was your source had to give you.
But things never go smoothly for you, so why would they today?
“Greasy looking guy in the white button down,” you murmured. “Don’t let him see you looking.”
At his leisure Abbacchio cast a glance behind him before returning to his drink. “Enemy?” he said quietly, careful to keep his laidback appearance.
“Something like that,” you sighed. “He’s my ex.”
You heard Abbacchio give a mean chuckle beside you as he took a sip from his glass. Clearly the fact you had dated someone so dull and washed-up looking amused him. You shot him a glare. It’s not that you wanted to defend your ex, heavens no, but you didn’t need his judgement right now.
“Laugh it up, buddy.” You took a sip of your own drink as you found it harder to keep up your calm and collected demeanor. “But if he sees me then it’s over. The informant won’t come anywhere near us with him as a hanger-on.”
“I don’t see the problem. You distract him and I stay here. Isn’t that why there’s two of us?” he said matter-of-factly.
“Abbacchio, please don’t make me talk to him alone,” you begged. “He seems harmless but he’s a real creep.”
“I’ve seen you take down men twice his size with four times as much mental fortitude without batting an eye,” Abbacchio replied, raising an eyebrow at you. The last thing you wanted to do was disappoint Abbacchio, but you wished he’d show some compassion just once and back you up on this. It might not be ‘professional’ to get worked up over your ex, but Abbacchio was your friend just as much as he was your colleague, right?
Although he could really be so cold when you tried to rely on him for any sort of emotional support.
“I’m asking you as a friend, Abba,” you tried again, pouting out your lip, giving him the most doe-eyed expression you could muster. He didn’t usually care for nicknames like that, but for some reason when you used them he let you get away with it. “If he comes over here then scare him off. He’s afraid of tough guys like you.”
He looked away from you, his face still set in its business-like neutral as he turned towards a television set playing a football game with feigned interest. When he looked back at you his sunset eyes were a bit more gentle. “Fine.”
You thanked him as you peered over your shoulder again to try to locate where your ex had gone, but it seemed as if he had vanished. You relaxed your shoulders a bit until you heard a familiar voice calling out your name beside you.
“Damn, it’s been ages!” your ex’s grating voice called out as he reached in for a one armed hug, his other hand holding a glass of beer. You awkwardly reciprocated to be polite.
“Yeah, I know, haha,” you said with a forced smile. “Funny how time flies, huh?”
“Y’know, there’s not a day that goes by where I don’t think about how I was a fool to let you get away,” he said bluntly, followed by a chuckle. God, what an inappropriate conversation starter. His eyes checked you out shamelessly, making no effort to hide the action, and you had to take a deep breath to keep yourself from reacting. He raised his beer glass to gesture in your direction and flashed you a big grin. “So what are you up to nowadays?”
“Well...” you trailed off hesitantly before you felt an arm sling over your shoulder from your side.
“Aren’t you going to introduce me first, bella?” Abbacchio asked you, and as you turned to look at him you noticed an uncharacteristically sweet smile on his face. You blushed just a bit. While you had no doubts about how effective this method would be, you definitely were not thinking Abbacchio would go to playing the role of protective boyfriend for you. He really didn’t have to do that, but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little excited about the idea of being his fake girlfriend, if only for the night.
Wait, did he call you bella? He was really getting into character, wasn’t he?
“R-right!” you said, a bit more flustered than you were hoping. “Enzo, this Abbacchio! He’s my… boyfriend!” The last bit came out a bit more squeaky than you had hoped. You didn’t think you’d have so much trouble saying the word boyfriend out loud.
Your ex looked Abbacchio up and down, appraising him, before shooting you a quick (and not so subtle) look as if to say, ‘Really? This is what you’re into now? Goths?’ But soon he had his fake smile plastered back on his face.
“It’s a pleasure. So, how long have you two been going out?” he asked.
“Oh, it’s so hard to keep track, isn’t it my little snickerdoodle?” Abbacchio said, voice filled with a false doting lilt. You had to work hard to keep yourself from balking at that nickname as you turned again to look him in the eyes. While he had a professional smile on, his eyes revealed a playful smugness. If you wanted him to help you fend off your uninvited guest, he could at least have a little fun, right? You shot him a quick glare before turning back to your ex.
“Almost two years now,” you said firmly. It had been roughly two years since you and this guy had broken up, and that fact was certainly not lost on him as his smile faltered a bit. You knew that implying you hadn’t needed any time to get over him before entering a new relationship that had managed to last way longer than anything you and this creep had would be a major blow to his ego.
“Wow, really?” he said, his disappointment barely concealed. “Glad to hear it, you two.” He scratched the back of his head before gesturing out towards the pool tables. “I was going to go a few rounds, did you maybe want to come over and cheer me on? Catch up some more? You know, you always were my good luck charm.” No… you’re pretty sure he just made that up. He had never called you something like his good luck charm before right now, and you’d know because you had every annoyingly agonizing conversation you’d ever had with the man on constant repeat in your nightmares.
“I’m sorry… I’ve been so busy this week I’ve barely had any time to spend with Abba,” you said with your kindest smile as you let him down as gently as you could. You reached your hand over to lay on top of Abbacchio’s, but he immediately removed it to intertwine his fingers with yours instead.
“Darling, you really do work so hard, don’t you?” Abbacchio whispered gently in your ear, causing you to shiver a bit, while he held eye contact with your ex. “I apologize if I’m a little selfish tonight,” he continued, directed at the other man this time. “As much as I’d love to let her go for a moment, I’ve been looking forward to this date for a while. I’m sure you understand, yes?”
“Well, why don’t we ask her?” your ex insisted, as if he was saying it for your sake. Your eyebrow furrowed at that. You had already said you had barely had any time with your “boyfriend” all week and it seemed pretty clear you had already turned him down.
“I’m sorry, maybe I wasn’t clear,” you said, much firmer as you forced your smile back. “Tonight Abba has my undivided attention.” You squeezed Abbacchio’s hand, a bit tightly. You didn’t want this to go on too much longer, and you hoped Abbacchio could understand that now was the time for him to chase this guy away.
He seemed to understand you perfectly. “You’re not needed here anymore.” Abbacchio said it so bluntly, so laced with malice despite the friendly tone he said it in, and your ex actually flinched a bit. You’d almost feel sorry for him if you weren’t so satisfied by his reaction. Abbacchio still had that veneer of a casual polite demeanor, but his intentions were clear to anyone listening. You didn’t want to come across as vindictive, but you had trouble stifling your smile, so you covered your mouth with your hand.
It took your ex a moment to recover, but when he did he leaned in closer to try to quickly whisper something at you. “Look, I just want to talk alone with you. I’ve been thinking about you so much lately and there’s a lot of stuff you need to know-” You visibly recoiled, the nervousness you had when you first spotted him returning, but backing yourself up into Abbacchio’s embrace did a lot to calm you as he gave your shoulders a gentle squeeze.
He stood up from his chair and stepped in front of you, between you and your ex, and the other man’s eyes widened considerably. Sitting down Abbacchio was intimidating enough, his intense eyes and dramatic style made it clear he wasn’t someone you wanted to mess around with. But he was also very tall, which was now apparent, and with his front now facing the man his low cut garment made it clear he was toned as well.
“Why don’t you leave me and my girlfriend alone and make yourself scarce, hm?” he said, all his geniality gone, his smile dropped. This wasn’t business Abbacchio, waiting for an informant, or fake boyfriend Abbacchio, teasing with a self-satisfied smile.
This Abbacchio was genuinely mad. You were actually concerned that him losing his cool like this would jeopardize your mission by calling too much attention to yourselves.
“Abba, please,” you said, clutching his coat to get his attention. “He’s not worth it.”
Luckily you saying that seemed to be the final nail in the coffin, and your ex finally backed off. “Alright, alright, I don’t want to start anything, jeez. I’ll get out of your hair,” he muttered before walking off. To your relief he seemed to be too shaken up to stay at the bar, as you watched him head for the exit. Abbacchio made sure he was out of sight before he sat back down.
“Oh, thank you so much, Abba, thank you, thank you!” you said over and over to show your appreciation. You had even boldly taken his hand in both of yours, squeezing it as you piled on your praises.
His irritation eventually slowly faded back into a smirk as he took his hand out of yours and slung his arm around your shoulder again. “No need to thank me, cara.” Without needing to fool your ex, his smugness was a lot more apparent.
You giggled a bit involuntarily as you looked away from him. “Don’t be mean,” you mumbled. “He’s gone, you can stop.” If he called you any more pet names you might not be able to keep your blush at bay any longer.
He leaned in to whisper in your ear. “It’s a far easier cover story to keep up as opposed to being two bored bar patrons pretending to watch a football game.”
You leaned closer towards him to whisper back. “Being my boyfriend was your idea. You just want to keep it up to tease me.”
“Perhaps,” he said, giving you a smirk before he removed his hand from you and turned to go back to pretending to watch the television. “Alright, I’ll leave you be.”
‘You don’t have to,’ your mind said, but instead all you let out was a deep sigh as you lazily swirled your wine around in the bottom of your glass.
Eventually a stranger wearing the designated sign, an orange handkerchief in his coat pocket, entered and slowly made his way to the bar, sitting next to you. He reached over towards the drink menu that you had deliberately placed far to your left hand side, and picked it up before glancing down at you.
“My mistake, this is yours, isn’t it?” he chuckled, before setting it down and reaching for his own menu on his left, waving the bartender over.
Meanwhile you finished off your drink and waited a while until after the man had left to go sit at a booth on the opposite side of the bar with his order before glancing over the menu again. You deftly slipped a piece of paper inside the menu’s folds up your sleeve as you decided on what you’d finish out your night with. However, when the bartender arrived, after giving the whole thing another thoughtful glance, you concluded that you just needed some water and then your bill.
It wasn’t too long before you and Abbacchio were heading to your pickup spot to wait for Bruno to retrieve the both of you. As curious as you were about the message currently up your sleeve, you knew Abbacchio would admonish you if you tried to sneak a peek before you were safely in the car with your Capo.
“I was a bit unprofessional back there,” Abbacchio said, breaking the silence between the two of you as you waited. His lips were pursed together and his eyebrows were knit in his grumpy default expression.
“Oh, don’t worry about it. You did way more than I expected from you and I really do appreciate it,” you said, flashing him a genuine smile.
“I mean threatening the guy. If it had escalated I could have blown the whole operation,” he clarified.
“Oh, there was no way he was going to actually stand up to you,” you said with a laugh. “Still, though, you seemed like… actually angry. It was a bit out of character.”
“I was angry,” he said simply.
You scoffed, turning towards him. “What, you actually managed to get worked up over that loser despite scolding me just before about how I needed to handle him by myself?”
“It just seemed like petty personal drama to me. Like you were embarrassed by him,” he said, continuing to look away from you. “But you were actually distressed.”
“I mean… yeah, I guess I was,” you said, wrapping your arms gently around yourself as your gaze fell to the ground. “I mean, he is the worst, don’t get me wrong… but he’s also from a time in my life when everything was the worst for me. Before Bruno found me and I met all of you… I don’t want to go anywhere near my old life.”
Abbacchio gave a thoughtful hum in agreement at that. He was quiet for a bit longer before he spared a glance in your direction, noticing the way you had wrapped your arms around yourself. “Are you cold?”
“Huh? Oh… well, I guess so, now that you mention it.” You looked over at him, thinking perhaps he was going to offer you his coat. You were pretty sure he didn’t have a shirt under that thing. “But you don’t need to-” you began, before he was next to you, wrapping an arm around you to hold you close to his side. “Ah…!”
“Here, let your boyfriend take care of you,” he said, his sour expression a lot softer, but still plastered with a smirk.
“You’re just a little too entertained by all this,” you said, looking up at him and shooting him a glare.
“What, you didn’t have fun on our fake date?” His smirk looked even more smarmy.
You just huffed and turned away from him, and in response he held you a bit closer.
“We’ll just have to go on a real one then,” he said, almost to himself, but still loud enough for you to hear, although you almost doubted that you had. Before you could say anything there was a pair of headlights rounding the corner and Abbacchio was already letting go of you. “There’s our ride.”
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scoundrels-in-love · 3 years
Almost 300 years a week later, here are some of my thoughts on Dan Ah and her actions through ep 11 and 12. I will try not to repeat too much of the points I made here, or elsewhere in my rambles, but if it happens, it happens. + I won’t operate on mindset that you’ve read it.
First, I think her saying ‘apologies are meaningless, I can’t take back things I said, only make up for it’ is incredibly telling of her as person and the kind of environment she grew up in - the high society and family where apologies are dished out hollowly and never followed through with intention of changing something for the better or your behavior. Time and how you spend it is very important to her. She even says as much in her confession and I think it only outlines how much her time is the one thing she tries to have control of, and exert it (over herself as well). Considering the concept of possibly terminal illness that she suffers from, it makes sense. She doesn’t have time to be patient, no one will wait for her, including her own health. Yeong Hwa is the one immovable object that forces her to slow down and readjust her whole approach to life and it’s been... Not comfortable, necessarily, but it’s been functional, so she struggles to redefine it, especially without real example.
Second, there’s lot of parallels to be drawn between her and Mi Joo. And I ended up writing this all backwards, so I am not sure if I’ll manage to include it, but in some ways, Mi Joo’s line about ‘I value myself more than anyone else’ both in the sense that she’s the most important to herself and that no one else values her truly highly is very reminiscent of Dan Ah’s attitude and the way she admitted she isn’t in control of her life entirely o Mi Joo.
And there’s. of course, that moment when Mi Joo responded sarcastically to Seun Gyeom, later to apologize for it, which he took in a stride (much as he had said that he had never felt Dan Ah walked over him unjustly), because he does understand where they come from and how they work, on a certain level (even if he underestimated just how his father would strike and manage to hurt Mi Joo). I think Dan Ah isn’t at place where she cay say that yet, but I do believe sentiment is within her.
If someone asked what motivates Dan Ah, her answer could be similar to Mi Joo’s - fear and obsession, rather than Seun Gyeom’s regret. Fear of being controlled, of being weak and sick, obsession of having and exerting certain power and keeping yourself safe. Now, this point altogether is purely speculation on my part, of course, but that’s my read on the character, but also her anxiety has been mentioned several times and anxiety is basically that - fear, especially of things going wrong/being out of control, if we wish to trivialize it.
And although Dan Ah merely adds that whatever she had, got taken away from her, she basically used same method as Mi Joo - set her goals and opted for the best ‘fake’ that she could get, in this case her company, rather than being football player or the gallery. Both, in the same way, would rather put up walls to not lose what little they have but the men in their lives just... Bypassed them.
It’s interesting to note that similarly as Mi Joo is currently trying to sort ouf what is real and to go for, instead of relying on having a ‘fake’, so does Dan Ah - it’s likely she is planning to expose the illegitimate status of both her brothers to gain what is technically rightfully hers (hence asking her younger brother to side with her even when it will not be comfortable for him).
Third, I think the way she’s seeking out Mi Joo and her opinion is very interesting. And it does loop back to Yeong Hwa as well!
From the very start, we see that Dan Ah actually cares to listen to other people to an extent (she asks her secretary what she did wrong to upset Seun Gyeom, even if she ends the conversation how much simpler it’d be if all of us thought were similar, which is strongly undermined by all of her interactions with Mi Joo and even Yeong Hwa essentially). She is interested in experiencing being opposed and challenged in a way that is not downright demeaning as she does in her family. She finds their view on world interesting, if somewhat incomprehensible, and listens to it, processes it inwardly, even if her initial reaction might be defensive. (Also, it shows from start she’s willing to admit she doesn’t have all answers, same as she does with Yeong Hwa telling him that she doesn’t know what answer he wants - as she would need to know in business deal which is what most of her world consists of.)
But in some ways, I also think she is interested in what Seun Gyeom and Mi Joo have created and how. She basically instantly could tell Seun Gyeom is interested in Mi Joo which is implied as rare occurrence (or perhaps even the only time since she says she’s the last woman he liked and he debunks the theory), she asks several times what Mi Joo sees in Seun Gyeom that makes her so protective of him (which I think is both a way to see how deeply Mi Joo cares for him and to see more of Seun Gyeom). But also in some way, although it is her own act to let Seun Gyeom, she “loses” him to his own path and Mi Joo both. Because I do think she cares for him as a friend, perhaps only one she has.
Although she puts Seun Gyeom’s picture by the trash, it’s actually not taken out for several days and it’s definitely not because the secretary or the cleaner are neglecting their duties. Rather, same way as he didn’t throw away the honey but handed it back to Yeong Hwa, the secretary is aware she’s not really emotionally throwing him away. Because once she likes something, she never really stops, as per her own admission.
So there’s this certain feeling of loss that she can’t quite admit to herself and want to know both what Mi Joo saw and supported in Seun Gyeom and how and a yearning for something similar, because this is basically the first friendship/not work based relationship of the kind that she sees. (The same way she marvels is this how full-blood siblings are supposed to be when Eun Bi is upset about Seun Gyeom’s picture and how she defends her brother and then, Dan Ah actually ‘tattles’ on her so he can protect her, which can be covered up with excuse it was over the schedule, but was it really?)
In fact, she seems to be somewhat envious of relationship her brother has with her secretary, saying he still cares for her brother more and also the way she wanted to be included in the whole cat talk. She is upset when he doesn’t say he’s her person, but employed by the company, she protects him the way she knows how to (regarding revenge kick) and generally cares for him. She just wants someone truly and personally on her side, even though she probably has a hard time admitting it to herself which results in these odd and halfway there and nowhere attempts, especially paired with  the fact she doesn’t really know how to establish not-work-related connection on a deeper level.
I will add point fourth here, although it’s still technically third. It’s safer, far more practical and logical to stay detached. But the heart wants what it wants and it’s friendship, connection, being liked for who she is and being challenged but not seen as lesser, with someone who won’t smile because she’s his boss, although that sort of control is precious and hard fought to be had in part of her life.
Caring for something or someone is relinquishing this control, basically inviting the same result Seun Gyeom got taste of at ep of 12, the result she already experienced with her dreams of being football player crushed. Except if it involves another person, it increases the chances of being hurt by them exponentially. And it’s also worth considering that if her relationship with mother was close, she’s also already experienced abandonment and grief of losing someone dear and close. (Which, of the leads, only Mi Joo knows and even then it’s more the absence of reflection what other people around her have which hurts, but in a different way, as per my experience.)
Concept of Mi Joo’s friendship, and Yeong Hwa as a whole, become very images of these unsaid wish fulfillment because they’re not trying to be.
They’re themselves, argumentative and challenging, and teasing, despite her being ‘above them’ in power hierarchy, leveling the field by merely ignoring it, and, initially, she doesn’t even try to get Yeong Hwa sign a contract, it’s only when her own yearning for his work (and for him), and him denying her any of it becomes a problem that she ‘admits’ it was her own fault for not drawing the sort of lines she’s used to with everyone else, and even then she’s not really thrilled about him agreeing to it, because it’s not really what she wants from him, although it’s what would be the safest and make the most actual sense within her world.
Even then, as her employee, he refuses to follow her orders and tells her plainly - if she wants something, she is to be vulnerable and invest herself into it (she actually tries, by smiling because he had said it was cute) and she has to admit to herself and to him, that he has grown onto her, not as a ‘vending machine’ or ‘employee’, but person whose opinion and feelings toward her are very important to her.
Also, it’s very telling how she tells him she belongs to herself, of course, and that he, too, can still belong to himself. She wants him as individual separate from herself, but the thought that he is firmly on her side obviously makes her very happy. In some ways, it’s also upgrade from ‘my person’ claim she makes toward her secretary, a learning curve.
Fifth, I suppose. While I rewatched some scenes to make sure I wasn’t actually misremembering, I started to think of another motif that repeats through her conversations.
Dan Ah repeatedly tells him not to have expectations, sentiments, disappointments toward her. From one side, it’s to draw a clear line of employee/employer and view each other in a detached way (that she tries again and again herself, but fails to), but from other, is it that simple?
She is almost crying when she asks him if he’s really stopped liking her and from preview, we learn that no one has asked her out before, seemingly? Probably because she was too much of a boss ass bitch, but still possibly left with a certain sense of inadequacy and that ‘when I am being apologetically me and I will always be that, I am not likeable although I do not entirely understand why’, as per her wondering why people always think she’s mean when by most of her society’s standards, she is rather thoughtful.
Her want of gallery has been brought up several times, her older half brother often says her pick of artist will never be good enough, her father still sees her as a tool to marry off. She as person with her goals and dreams and what she has achieved, just isn’t good enough for people around her at large.
The moment he cares for her, the moment she inherently becomes capable of disappointing him. The moment she cares for him, the moment she becomes capable of disappointing him. And that thought, of doing that and not enough to Yeong Hwa who has sneakily smiled his way into her heart, the growing awareness she truly doesn’t know how to be in some aspects, is overwhelming and painful and she tries to shut the door to it.
Also, he tells her he likes her no matter what he does, but he hates it, which I imagine is double the punch and she tries to find a solution that would make him happy and stop hating it - the perfect answer, as she would in a business deal, but she can’t, until she commits to the truly mortifying ordeal of being known (as suggested by Mi Joo).
Sixth, I really liked that she (or the narrative) didn’t make fun of Yeong Hwa crying. In fact, she’s eyerolled about her younger brother’s temper, but not really in the present made fun of him for apparently being a ‘crybaby’ in the past. I think that in a sense shows her actual streak of empathy and maybe the fact that she’s familiar with need to cry herself and doesn’t find it ‘weak’ as most ‘tougher’ characters would. Also perhaps that she cares for her younger brother more than she has admitted to herself, similarly as she kept denying she cared for Yeong Hwa and went rather far to hurt him.
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wxlfstxrx · 4 years
sweater weather chat #5, part 2
our dear @shinymooncolor​ asked me to help write part 2 of her amazing text fic that had me screaming into my pillow at 6am. lots of hockey puns, lots of laughter, and lots of flirting oOoOooOOoo. thanks shiny for the guidance, and i hope you like it as much as i do :) characters by @lumosinlove​!
They had won. He had had his second shutout of the season. A perfect way to pay back a new sponsor. Kasey had never cared much for sucking up to the guys in suits. He had a handful of lucrative endorsements— he didn’t have to do much besides wear certain brands for press and endorse a bunch of stuff like skates, equipment, and even hair products once in a while. 
The teasing over the past few days had been near insufferable. And he still felt like kicking himself. But he’d been so frustrated and turned on and Nat knew. She knew what a single snap would do, knew he had to suffer through another two hours worth of presentations. He had tried to pay attention, he really had, but once he knew Kris was taking notes, his mind had drifted. Having his girlfriend live texting and snapping pictures of herself did not help. His phone had glitched at one point, and the texts had been sent off to the worst imaginable group of people. Even texting his mother by accident would have been better than his immature, prankster teammates. 
He stomped down the hallway, following the excited chatter and buzzing of his team. He knew the press would be interviewing him, so he stayed in character, not even wincing when Pots threw an arm around his shoulders and cheered loudly before smacking a kiss to the helmet perched on the top of his head. He did, however, squeeze back when Leo wrapped an arm around him, part congratulating and part sympathetic, and he patted his rookie mentee on the back in response. 
Coach began his victory speech as he slowly and methodically padded down, unlacing his skates and disregarding the increasing volume that arose on the back of a win. He ignored the pointed whispers of the boys next to him— Kuny and Nado were always up to something, and he wasn’t going to rise to their bait. Not this time. 
Dumo got his attention as he sat down heavily next to him, between him and his Russian stall neighbour, wrapping a sweaty arm around his shoulder and waxing poetic about his saves. He rolled his eyes, but immediately re-schooled his face as the media swarmed through the doors. They descended upon him and Cap, and he politely answered questions with pre-studied replies and polite smiles. There was a commotion and some wolf whistles and whooping, but he resolutely ignored it and continued speaking to the reporter.
“No, I’m always preparing differently, each game is new and you can never truly rely—” He stopped short, feeling his cheeks flame; even his many years of psychological training and optimisation had not prepared him for the sight of his six foot teammate dressed up in fishnet tights, some sort of leather bodice and his tattoos on full display. Their teammates were whooping and guffawing, and when Nado caught his eye, he winked exaggeratedly and blew a kiss.
“What the bloody fuck,” Kasey whispered, his jaw dropped and his face bright red.
Nado casually sauntered over to him, falling into Kuny’s stall with frankly too much grace for someone in five inch stilettos. He draped himself against Kasey’s side, and Kasey blinked, leaning back.
“Hey, handsome,” Nado smirked, curling a lock of Kasey’s long brown hair around his finger. He leaned closer, his breath tickling Kasey’s cheek. “I bet my stick would feel great in your crease, don’t you agree, sweetie?”
Bewildered, Kasey’s gaze snapped to the rest of the locker room, purposefully avoiding looking into the cameras. God, he bet the media was having a field day with this… whatever this was. All around him, his teammates and some of their partners who had come down to congratulate them on their win were bent double with laughter, with Pots right at the front gleefully recording the whole spectacle, presumably for Nat, who had not been able to make it due to a gig on the other end of the city.
Nado hooked his legs over Kasey’s on the bench, throwing his arms around him as he seductively trailed a finger down his cheek. “Or, if that’s not your cup of tea, I’m happy to let you cover my crease any time. We can work on our power plays together.”
Someone roared with laughter, and Kasey pushed Nado, who was practically seated on his lap now, off of him. The heavily tattooed man pouted, his big blue eyes glistening like the ocean on a clear summer’s day. 
“Aww, c’mon babe, don’t I look hot in leather? The boys seem to think so, and something tells me that you do too,” He smiled sweetly, and Kasey scowled at the others. Tremzy looked like he had just scored his first goal in the league, and Harzy had an arm slung around him, grinning smugly. He met Leo’s eye, and he gave him an apologetic smile and half nod, but his eyes were glittering with amusement. 
“I—” Kasey had to stop himself from cussing in front of the media, and he groaned instead, running his hands through his frazzled hair.
“Err, sorry,” The reporter— not Skeeter, this time— cut in, evidently entertained but also very confused. She turned to Nado, seeing as Kasey had buried his face in his hands, muttering under his breath. “Jackson, help me to understand the situation here. Is this some sort of new game ritual you have, or are we missing something?”
Nado smiled lazily, leaning back against the stall divider beside him and combing his fingers through his floppy brown fringe. “Ask Kuny, he’s boss.”
Realising what Nado had done, Kuny spluttered, glaring warningly back at Nado, but he simply shrugged and began to rub Kasey’s back sensually.
Kasey jumped, and he quickly whispered to Nado as the reporter headed over to a very harassed looking Kuny, the cameras trailing behind her.
“Nado, what on earth? What are you guys playing at?”
“Sorry man, I had to. ‘s my punishment for that whole… thing with Kuny’s cousin. He made me do it,” Nado grimaced for a second, then shrugged, batting his eyelashes. He looked down at himself, cocking his head and nodding in approval at the tight leather bodice around his torso. “Gotta admit I look smashing though, I might just have to get a picture of this for the gram.”
Kasey sighed, and looked over at Kuny, who was surrounded by the media and the rest of the team, in their various states of undress.
“Nado been bad. I punish him,” He replied curtly, not wanting to speak more than he had to. Talker snorted, and Sergei and Dumo both barked out a laugh which they covered up with a cough.
The reporter’s eyebrows flew up beneath her bangs. “Oooookay, seems like there’s been lots of, uh, love going around today,” She turned back to the cameras, which swung back round to face her, and she began wrapping up her interview.
Kuny awkwardly slid away, approaching Nado and Kasey as the press made their exit. He thwacked Nado upside the head, and he yelped. 
“Fuck you. You— You buttface,” Kuny growled menacingly, but everyone around them burst into another round of laughter.
Timmers wheezed, and he slapped Kuny hard on the back. “Fuck Kuny, you’re a real special one, you know that?”
“What?” He glared. “I cuss at Nado, why you laugh?”
“Nothing,” Timmers shook his head, his hazel eyes bright and shining with mirth. “Nothing, Kuny. You’re good. Stay like this forever, please.”
Pots, who was still recording, whipped the camera around to face Kasey and Nado, still seated on the bench, Kasey having forgotten about removing his gear when the press had come in. Nado instantly threw himself back onto Kasey’s lap, flicking his fringe dramatically and smiling at the camera.
“Say, Nado, why do I have a feeling you’ve got more to offer than what you’ve given us already?” Pots grins, zooming in to Nado’s wink.
“Oh, I thought you’d never ask!” He lifted the back of his hand to his forehead theatrically, his voice a high pitched whine. He didn’t even break character, Kasey had to give him that, but before he had the chance to push Nado off him again, the other boy had cupped both his cheeks in his large hands and brought their faces close together.
“You know, I think the ref should’ve given you two minutes in the box earlier,” Nado simpered, waggling his eyebrows at Kasey, who decided to fix his gaze on the long scar running across his teammate’s face rather than look into his eyes. “Because baby, you’ve got me hooked onto you.”
Kasey’s eyes flew up to meet Nado’s in a frown. “I— That wasn’t— What?”
Tremzy gasped loudly. “Blizzard, are you… blushing? From that pick up line?”
“What? No I’m not,” Kasey tried to defend himself indignantly, but Nado was grinning from ear to ear and even Loops, who had been silently watching all this while with a mysterious smile, snickered at that. 
Nado turned so he was straddling Kasey, and his hands gripped onto the dividers on either side of them, effectively caging Kasey in his stall. With nowhere else to look at, Kasey dared to roam his eyes over Nado, from his chin-length brown hair falling into a curtain around his face, to his confident smirk, down to his bare unshaved chest, still glistening with sweat from the match earlier and the stifling heat in the locker room. 
Up close, he could see the details on his tight leather corset, the three heavy straps in the front and the tight shiny material stretched out at the crotch, giving Kasey an impressive but probably very inappropriate view of Nado’s groin. He flushed even more as he realised Nado’s bare ass, save for the fishnet stockings, was planted on his lap. 
Speaking of the fishnet… Fuck. 
Nado had actually shaved his legs for this. What the hell. His long legs were spread wide open and his muscular thighs were pressed against his own, and those stilettos... His stall suddenly seemed very warm, and Kasey leaned back against the wall behind him, his head thunking against the wood loudly.
“Oh, Kasey,” He pinched Kasey’s flaming cheek with one hand, and he swatted it away, huffing in embarrassment. “Seems like the fishnet and leather are indeed to your liking, eh?”
“Fuck off,” He muttered in response, crossing his arms and turning to the side.
“Oh, but don’t you just love the way the fishnet feels against your legs?” Nado purred into his ear. “Just imagine, darling, what these legs will feel like, wrapped around your—”
Kasey stood up suddenly, his hands sliding under Nado’s ass and lifting him up. Nado shrieked and clutched onto Kasey’s broad shoulders tightly as he turned around, slamming him up against the empty wall beside his stall. He leaned in close enough so their noses were almost touching, his light brown eyes blazing, a stark contrast from his usual calm and collected front. “Yeah, Nado? You wanna go? Why imagine? I’m not afraid of spearing you. Think you can handle me, hmmm?”
He raised a brow, and Nado’s eyes widened in shock. He heard a mixture of gasps, chokes and laughter from behind him, and his lips curled up in a victorious smirk. He stepped back from the wall, walking them over to Kuny, who was seated by his stall. Kasey let go of Nado, dropping him into his roommate’s lap, and nonchalantly turned back to his stall to continue undressing. As he tugged off his leg pads and skates, he called over his shoulder to Kuny.
“Take your work wife home, won’t you, Russian God? He’s got a timeout.”
With that, he peeled off his jersey and the rest of his gear, and headed to the gym to cool down, leaving the rest of the team in chaos.
On the way out, he passed by Kuny patting Nado on the head comfortingly and telling him, “Hehe, not be bad anymore. I’m win.”
He was sure he heard Nado respond with a “Fuck, I think I need a cold shower. Now.”
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pt 3 sorting characters into hogwarts houses
Part 1    Part 2
Tl;dr: April Stevens is a Hufflepuff who projects Slytherin; at her core she is a loyalist and she values community, even though her definition of a community has become GREATLY limited due to… reasons.
so here’s the thing. April looks like a Slytherin. She talks like a Slytherin. She walks like a Slytherin. But I don’t think she actually IS a Slytherin.
Today I defend the idea that April Stevens is actually a Hufflepuff (primary, ie. her motivations/values) and a Ravenclaw secondary (methods/tactics). I absolutely love this character even tho she is a lil mean, and I think that viewing her through this framework does justice to her complexities/core of who she is.
I mention the primary/secondary sorting hats system in Part 1 so feel free to google that or read my other analyses first.
Spoilers below:
Let’s talk about April’s secondary first, which addresses the HOW of person. How they approach situations, how they problem solve.
HP canon often posits Ravenclaws as the “intelligent” character, and while April IS very smart, that’s not why I consider her a Ravenclaw.
April is a HUGE planner and collector of information. She likes to be prepared because it gives her control over a situation. She’s an excellent strategizer. She’s less comfortable with improvising without having some tools/contingency plans to draw from, so when she’s stressed, she has a tendency to fall back on the tools that she’s brought with her (in contrast to Sterling, who absolutely thrives in improvisation)
My first example is the debate tournament - as team captain, she’s in it to win it. Her strategy of choice is to prepare detailed dossiers on all the other team captains. This works well enough for her, until opponent debater Craig pulls a move she couldn’t anticipate (using his own research against her), and she falls to pieces. Still, she takes some time, gathers herself again, and pressures Sterling to use the dossier on Craig to take him down (contingency plan).
Other examples:
Asked Sterling to debate her when deciding whether to come out or not - girl RUNS on logic
April’s approach to school is very organized/planning based, she’s also kind of a major nerd OBVIOUSLY, so this is a more conventional representation of her Ravenclaw-ness
S1E1, she snatches the condom wrapper but retreats with the information probably for processing purposes. She makes a plan - use threat of exposure to blackmail Sterling into giving her the fellowship position, and doesn’t deviate from it, even when the plan fails. Sterling has to save her from that situation ultimately.
This is a little more vague, but I’m thinking about how April comes off as a rigid, somewhat inflexible character. She’s not very easily persuaded to change her behavior (this, of course, makes so much sense! When you think about being gay in the south like? Her reluctance to come out is completely understandable) which contrasts very severely against Sterling’s expressive fluidity. April is a lot more static, and part of that is because it’s difficult for her to thrive when it’s an area that she hasn’t had the opportunity to prepare/plan/study.
Now for the much more interesting and complicated part, April’s PRIMARY.
Again, the Primary is all about WHY someone does something. Their motivations and values. I argue that April Stevens is a true Hufflepuff because she places utmost importance on community.
The HP canon defining qualities of being Hufflepuff are patience and loyalty. It’s the fair and inclusive house. However, it would be reductive to suggest that all Hufflepuffs are friendly, warm individuals. They are bonded together not by their shared amity, but by their value of people and groups—community.
April’s “community” on the show is unfortunately tied to her family and the Christian community. She fears not belonging (bc homophobia) so she overcompensates by conforming aggressively (see, Straight-Straight alliance S1E1).
The episode that really sold this analysis for me was S1E7, when April and Sterling had a number of conversations about April’s dad.
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April: “My dad used to call my family a team. And I worked so hard to be the very best version of myself because Team Stevens wins. Teams Stevens is perfect, except that it’s not.”
With these words, we get some insight into why she’s so intense and high-achieving and obsessive all the time. It’s not so much because she wants to win for herself, it’s more the fact that she’s part of a team. She does her part for the team by excelling everywhere she thinks it counts, and of course her underlying gayness contributes to her NEED to be perfect. In practice, it comes off as personal ambition, which is why April seems, at least on the surface, pretty slytherin-y. In reality, it must be more about compensating for something she feels she lacks. Team Stevens can’t be perfect if they’re ostracized by the community due to their (only?) child being gay, so of course she has to keep it to herself, and she has to be the best on all other counts so no one can ever touch them.
Another example, S1E6, at the tournament April says, “You know what’s going on with my family right now; we have become the black sheep of the entire community. I needed a win!” She projects her personal problems onto external academic goals.
This framework of achievement as a prerequisite of community, flawed as it is, seemed to be working for her, at least up until her dad was arrested for attacking a prostitute. In a conversation with Sterl, back when April was trying to steal the fellowship title:
S: Why are you doing this? Is it because of what’s going on with your family?
A: What John did is his problem.
S: He’s still your dad.
A: I don’t care. He beat up a prostitute! I’m not a fan of sex workers but they deserve to be safe!
She obviously feels confused and hurt that her dad lied to her and was violent to women, which is something she cannot stand. For a while, she drops her father like a hot potato, throwing away his letters from jail and ignoring his calls. Hufflepuffs value people—fair is fair.
But she kind of still supports him at the end anyway, when he comes home (s1E10). She must be feeling so conflicted when this happens. Dad is a part of family (established community) therefore she has to support him. Dad possibly hurt someone, but then he did get cleared of his charges. April is essentially making a choice between Dad and Sterling, established community vs. possible (in fact PROBABLE) community alienation.
Hufflepuff and Slytherins are both loyalists because they both care about people—Hufflepuff because they’re people, Slytherin because they’re THEIR people. For all intents and purposes, by S1E10, Sterling is one of April’s “people.” So how does April choose? She goes with the established community, which is really to say she chooses culture and tradition.
April has spent her entire life locking away a significant part of herself for the sake of her family and more generally, her religious community. In S1E8/S1E9, April is almost convinced to come out—FOR Sterling. She probably would have gone through with it were it not for her dad showing up the next episode. April obviously has (justified) reservations about coming out because it’s honestly pretty dangerous to be out in the south, and these circumstances haven’t changed just because she found a girl that she likes. But she is reluctantly on board because Sterling would have been there to take the leap with her… at this point, April had expanded her definition of community to include Sterling, and for a moment Sterling’s optimism had broken past April’s defenses. Then her dad comes back, and April realizes that she has to make a choice even though this choice hurts them both terribly—Sterling is after all, one person, and what is one person in the face of boundless historical tradition and family values?
Hufflepuff morality tends to be influenced by external inputs, while Slytherin morality tends to come from the internal, the gut. Hufflepuffs can and will ignore their internal feelings when they contradict with the needs of the community. Slytherins are less easily swayed by external influences if they are sure they are right.
April has shrunk down her loyalties to a more manageable level (truly, a very LIMITED circle), but still prioritizes fairness and loyalty and of course, second chances. It’s partly why she’s open to reconnecting with her father. Maintaining these loyalties comes at the cost of her relationship with Sterling, but this is something April is willing to do: self-sacrifice for (greater) community.
Just to take a step back, April and Sterling’s relationship back in 5th grade is just… fascinating. In S1E6, we find out that April’s whole grudge against Sterling comes from when Sterling “gave her away” to another group at recess. An odd event that they both remember differently, and who can say what really happened? All we know is that April’s animosity comes from this perceived slight— the abandonment by someone she once trusted and considered part of her community. It’s very telling that their rivalry stems from this particular moment, the fracturing of a loyalty, as opposed anything else.
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April: “the past is the past, we’re all adults here” but alsooo April, >:’(
Another example: at the tournament, when April is trying to convince Sterling to use the dirt on Craig to secure their win.
S: I don’t know if I can stoop that low.
A: He did it to me!
April’s first instinct was a quid pro quo, you attack me, my group will attack you. Which is why she is so offended that Sterling refuses to take the shot, because in April’s mind, it’s only fair. This exchange supports the idea that April considers community first, ambition second.
I like to think that April hides her vulnerable side, her honest hopes and dreams, behind her external perfectionism and ambition. I like to think that she cares a lot, that she’s a prickly, distrustful, kind of Hufflepuff who craves validation because she thinks it’s a substitute for connection. And I would like to see her find that type of community, that she and EVERYBODY deserves: love that doesn’t contain (in her words) “a post condition that we follow their rules for love.”
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snicketstrange · 3 years
Rereading The End Chapter 11
TE Chapter 11 - In chapter 11 the schism takes place. Apparently it's something really violent and worrisome. If there were weapons in the hands of some, it is possible that there would have been deaths. Interestingly, this schism only proves that even Ish's attempts to keep the peace on the island didn't work. Even if the Baudelaires had not reached the island, the schism would have taken place. The End has proven to be one of the few ASOUE books in which the plot advances independently of the Baudelaires' presence. And this is increasingly reinforced in the speeches of the characters and Lemony, who claim that the story of the Baudelaires is not the only story in the world. In TE they are more witnesses to the events. This is a counterpoint to their performance in TPP. In TPP their presence and decisions affected the fate of many people who were in the hotel. But on the island, they're just castaways who are less willing to change than many of the characters who were already there. This time the cause of the schism is the question of whether it is worth sacrificing the fun that a non-peaceful life brings or not. Of course you could just talk about it, but it's hard to convince people of anything. This is even a religious issue. Erewhon came from a peaceful island, and ended up on another peaceful island. He wanted to venture out into the world, and take risks and have the fun of a free life as a reward. On the other hand, Alonso came had a troubled life involved in politics, and all he wanted was a quiet life. Is it worth leaving the peace promoted by a rigid religious community and venturing far away? It is interesting that the solution to the problem was well ahead of everyone: those who wanted a life full of adventure and problems should have the courage to venture out to sea and leave the island. But the real problem is that these people didn't want to leave the island. They wanted to stay on the island and make the island a place full of dangerous adventures, and drive out those who defended the distance from the dangers of the world. War was practically inevitable, as it was not just an ideological issue... It became a territorial issue: who would be able to stay on the island and establish their way of thinking there? Daniel Handler exemplifies here how civil wars start. I found it interesting that Friday is the most confusing... She says that all she wanted was a simple life with her father and mother together. She doesn't think that learning to read is making life difficult. Suddenly, the schism that seemed to have only two sides starts to fragment, each one screaming that they prefer something different. We can assume that the VFD schisms ended up generating several fragmentations, taking as an example what happened on the island. It is interesting that only Olaf calls Ishmael Ish. But let's talk about Olaf's monologue, which is just as intriguing as Ish's monologue. I will summarize the important parts of the monologue here: - Oh, Ish, I told you many years ago that I would triumph over you someday, and at last that day has arrived. My (female) associate with the weekday for a name (Monday) told me that you were still hiding out on this island. She (Monday) was trying to blackmail an old man who was involved in a political scandal. Well... that's the only part that really matters in Olaf's monologue. And the fact that Poe was once an actor. So... Who is Monday? She is a woman, who was an associate of Olaf. She knew Ish was on the island, which makes us assume she was someone who was on the island at the same time as Ish. She left the island or at the time Beatrice and Bertrand left there, making her a former supporter of Beatrice and Bertrand or she left the island at the time Thursday left the island. Another important piece of information is that Olaf swore he would triumph over Ish. This shows that Ish ended up becoming an important leader of one of the VFD factions. Olaf wanted to triumph over Ish, certainly he wanted to defeat the ideology espoused by Ish. Another important detail we have here is that, unlike the Netflix series, in which Olaf frees himself from his prison, in the book TE Olaf is released by some who believed he had enough power to dethrone Ish. This attitude certainly reflects what had happened years earlier, when one of the VFD factions decided to enlist Olaf's help in destroying the deadly MM fungus. No longer part of Olaf's monologue, but rather a dialogue in which Olaf explains the differences between him and Ish, we have a very important phrase for us to understand the VFD schism: "If you were to wash the clay off Ishmael's feet, you'd see he has the same tattoo as I do... The difference is that Ishmael is unarmed. He abandoned his weapons long ago, during the V.F.D. schism, refusing to use violence of any sort." Olaf speaks here about The VFD Schism. The use of the definite article only makes me conclude that it refers to the Great Schism. Ish is old enough to have been a part of VFD since before the Great Schism. He also has the tattoo, indicating that he had been part of the organization since before this event that took place in Kit and Dewey's childhood. Hence we have the conclusion that Ish was part of the side that refused guns of any kind. This underscores the nature of the Great Schism of VFD: one side advocated violence as a mechanism to bring peace, after all for them fire must be fought with fire. The other side, which Ish supported, argued that the world should be quiet, and refused to use violence of any kind. In ATWQ and in some parts of TBL we find texts that reflect the way of thinking of the pacifist side of VFD. And we also know that Olaf stayed on the pacifist side of VFD along with Lemony and Beatrice for a few years. But eventually Olaf became an outspoken villain, meaning Oalf stopped trying to help the world. His violent methods are not motivated by an attempt to fight fire with fire. He's greedy, and that's evident here when he wants to become king of the island. Lemony soon realized that fire sometimes needed to be fought with fire when he killed Hangfire. Kit, Beatrice and Bertrad, as adults, also surrendered to the ideology that it is sometimes necessary to kill people to bring peace. They didn't become outright villains. They just changed their views. And, after many years, we have witnessed the downfall of the main herald of total pacifism in VFD history: Ish. "Don't be so sure about that," Ishmael said, and raised an object in the air so everyone could see it... Now the weapon was adding another chapter to its secret history, and was pointing right at Count Olaf. "I had Omeros keep this weapon handy," Ishmael said, "instead of tossing it in the arboretum, because I thought you might escape from that cage, Count Olaf, just as I escaped from the cage you put me in when you set fire to my home... I'm going to do what I should have done years ago, Olaf, and slaughter you. I'm going to fire this harpoon gun right into that bulging belly of yours!" I find it interesting that Olaf denies setting fire to Ish's house. For some reason, I believe him. It is not like Olaf to deny having killed someone when his cover is no longer working. Anyway, we already know Ish shot him. And I find it very bizarre that Olaf falls down laughing, as if he has triumphed over Ish. After all, Olaf managed to turn the harbour of peace into someone violent, not only by inducing him to kill him, but also by making him responsible for the deaths of dozens of people. Olaf could have displayed the helmet containing the MM fungus, and made Ish surrender. But that wouldn't have been as complete a victory as making Ish an assassin. Of course, this at the same time induced him to unmask his hypocrisy in front of everyone on the island. Ish showed that she was a hypocrite by guarding a weapon. Ish showed he was a liar by showing that he had no foot problems. Olaf had managed to turn the Baudelaires into arsonists and now managed to turn Ish into an assassin. It is true that there is nothing to indicate that Olaf planned all this unfolding of events. However, as he fell to the ground laughing, he certainly thought about how all this just proved that he had indeed triumphed.
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Tangled Salt Marathon - You're Kidding Me
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So we’ve finally come to the last of season two’s filler episodes. Let’s see if we can knock this one out real quick. 
Summary: The front door of the mysterious seashell estate vanishes, trapping the group. They try to find another way out but find a spinning top whose magic regresses Cassandra and Lance into toddlers and Shorty into a baby.  They’ve only have an hour to find the top and reverse the effects or the changes become permanent. Unfortunately neither of Rapunzel’s or Eugene’s parenting methods keep their now childish friends on task. 
So Why Did No One Stand Watch Last Night?
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They were all sleeping right next to the entrance, and after the run in with the mirror monsters, you would think that they would have taken turns standing watch. 
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But nope, the front door vanishes when no one was looking cause they don't have any foresight. 
A Low Budget Doesn’t Excuse Filler
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Like most of season two, this is yet another episode that adds very little to the overall story. It’s slightly better than the Return of Quaid or Curses, but not by much. I put it on the same level as The Forest of No Return, as I do like the mains’ development, but there’s really no reason why such episodes exist to begin with. 
The meta reason for staying in certain places for three episodes, instead of only one or two, is because of budgetary reasons. The crew have to build new sets and models for every new location or person the cast comes across. This costs money to make, so the higher ups wanted to reuse assets. Which is understandable, but not an excuse for utilizing them poorly.  
If you need to stay in one area or have characters reappear, then you need to give story reasons for that. Ones that tie back to the overall narrative and/or the mains’ character arcs. 
The shell house and Matthews should be more important than what they are as they both have connections to the ultimate big bad of the series.Adria shouldn’t be wasted for a whole episode when she’s the only one driving the plot in season two and has limited appearances. Vardaros and its people shouldn’t be a one and done thing if you’re going to spend so much time setting them up. And there’s still one off episodes, locations, and characters who aren’t brought back and add nothing 
Not only does this make for a weaker story, it also undermines the cost saving measures that you tried to implement to begin with.  
This Isn’t Representation! 
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Get it?! 
She’s a top! 
She’s totally gay, but like not really, cause this can also be interpreted as a dominatrix joke, and there’s no other real indication of her orientation outside her like smiling at her best friend/crush/sister sometimes and keeping that rose her creepy ex-boyfriend gave her. 
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And don't give me any bullshit excuses about Disney not letting the crew make Cassandra canonly gay/bi. 
The Owl House aired just this year, the same year as Tangled’s final season. Also Globby and Carl from Big Hero Six were both confirmed to be a couple on screen a month after this episode came out. Both shows would have been in development at the same time as Tangled was. Both would have been subject to the same regulations and restrictions while writing their stories. 
It isn’t “Disney” that stopped the storyboard artists from having Cass be a confirmed lesbian, it’s Chris and Ben, the head writers themselves, who failed to write it into the story properly, if at all. 
Chris is the one who made Raps and Cass “sisters”. Chris is the one who wouldn’t tell the crew about his ‘twists’. Chris is the one who had Cass crush on Andrew, even after he tried to kill her. Chris is the one who made Cassandra ‘straight’ and has since used gay baiting to keep her fanbase in his pocket. 
Like I am really damn sick and tired of Casspunzel stans defending Chris on twitter, when he’s the very one who sunk thier ship to begin with. I’m also really fed up with certain fans trying to bully others for not accepting their “Cass is a lesbian” headcanons as fact because what the storyboarders say on twitter after the show is over with isn’t gospel and isn’t real rep. 
I don’t care if you ship Cass with Raps or headcanon her as being gay. Ships and headcanons are great and can be a lot of fun. But fuck you if you ever try to shame people for not sharing your ships/headcanons. Not only is it biophobic and acephobic to insist that there’s only ever a binary option when it comes to orientation and shipping, but it also reinforces harmful stereotypes and tropes about people in the queer community. 
Like, yes, I personally may be an introverted angry bitch who’s an LBGTQA member and activist, but that doesn’t mean that every introverted bitchy woman in media is a lesbian. What kind of message does that send people when that’s the only character archetype that’s given representation or is loudly proclaimed as ‘gay’ by the wider audience? Fuck that noise! 
I Know Humor is Subjective but...WHY?
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Why did we give the baby a beard? How does that logically work? Did anyone outside of the crew actually find this funny? 
TTS has like this one out of touch dude throwing out jokes that don’t really land with the target audience. Fans have called it ‘boomer humor’ but it’s actually ‘Gen-X’ humor. Not only because Chris and Ben are Gen Xers but because this is the type of crap my older brother would find hilarious. 
Gen Xers are between Boomers and Millennials and so their humor is this weird blend of gross out shock humor, ironic nihilism, and out of date stereotypes that are only mildly better than those of the previous generation before them. They’re the generation who gave us Beavis and Butthead, South Park, and Clerks. 
That’s not a criticism of Gen X as a generation, but rather just an acknowledgment that they’re worlds away from the neo-dada absurdism, more socially conscious, and globalized humor of Gen Z.    
So Why Is the Bad Guy Telling the Heroes How to Foil His Plans? 
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Like he not only tells them how to fix their problem and how long they got in order to do so, but he also informs them how it happened in the first place. This goes directly against his plans. Had he simply said nothing and stayed out sight, then Raps and Eugene would have been lost for the full hour and most likely not have saved everyone on time. 
I like to headcanon that Mathews is just “that asshole” that loves to taunt and tease but in a that manner that gives him plausible deniability. He also may just be bored, since he’s a ghost trapped in one place all the time. Yet that still doesn’t change the fact that he shot himself in the foot here. 
Raps and Young Cass’s Relationship Is the Same as Raps and Adult Cass’s, and That Is a Problem. 
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Condescending, manipulative, hypocritical, and bossy is the way Rapunzel treats everyone. She doesn’t understand the actual difference between a child and an adult. She only understands who she who she can and can’t boss  around. And those people that she can’t place under her thumb are labeled antagonists by the show. 
Nor does she actually care about what either kid Lance or kid Cass has to say. She’s just being proformative, and young Cass can see through that BS, which why her methods do not work. It’s not because she’s not ‘strict’ enough; it’s because she’s not being honest. 
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Meanwhile Child Cassandra is just as combative, rude, bullying, and entitled as Adult Cassandra. In season three she regresses even further and becomes more violent than before.
Unlike Rapunzel, Cassandra wasn’t trapped in a tower for 18 years with zero human contact outside of her abuser. She escaped that fate and was raised in a loving home. That doesn’t mean that there won't be scars, but I still expect her to be more mature than her seven year old self. Just because she’s whining about not being special enough at 24 instead of screaming about the floor being lava doesn’t mean that she’s still not throwing a temper tantrum.  
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Like I should not be seeing a replay/foreshadowing of their main conflict here. They aren’t children. They’re dynamic isn’t that of a mother and child. It’s not even a big sister looking out for a little sister type relationship. Its two immature women dragging innocent victims into their bitchy cat fight for dominance over the other.  
If you want me to take their issues seriously then give them real stakes to disagree over, mature behavior that I can root for, and a resolvement that doesn’t reverse any potential development that they could have had.    
Matthews Plan Makes Zero Sense
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For starters, half the group being kids isn’t enough of a reason for Rapunzel to stay at the shell house. Even if the effects of the time top became permanent, then Raps and Eugene could just leave and take the kids with them. Either to finish the road trip, or go straight back to Corona. Not that there’s any real reason to get the Dark Kingdom anyways, nor is there a ticking clock stopping Raps from trying again later if she chose to. 
Rapunzel also is not obligated to become anyone’s mother. If she took them back to Corona than Cap would undoubtedly raise Cassandra all over again, and Lance and Shorty could be adopted by someone else. Any of the pub thugs might take them or even perhaps the King and Queen since they missed out on raising their actual daughter. Though for my money I’d get Monty or Xavier to take them in. They seem the most mature and both are shown to be good with kids. 
Then again Rapunzel has been shown twice now to not give a damn about abandoning orphans, so even the ‘dump them at an orphanage’ or ‘leave them alone in the woods to fend for themselves’ isn’t entirely off the table either. I wish I was joking, but I’m not. Sadly, only Eugene’s love for Lance might be the one thing to stop her from doing just so, and even that’s iffy. 
As for the missing door from earlier, if that was all that was stopping them from leaving then the time top shenanigans were fully unnecessary altogether. 
I Actually Like Eugene and Rapunzel’s Conflict Here; I Just Wish It Was In a Better Episode. 
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Each of their viewpoints stem from their upbringing. 
Rapunzel is unique in that she was simultaneously emotionally abused and neglected while being physically spoiled. Especially once she found out that she was princess, where she was then handed nearly anything and everything she wanted. She doesn’t recognize that getting your every possible whim come true can be damaging. Nor does she have any comprehension of what living in poverty is like and how this many toys is wasteful to someone like Eugene who had so very little and stole to survive. 
She does however associate limits, boundaries, and orders with abusive behavior because she’s been denied autonomy and respect her whole life. She’s never seen what healthy parenting looks like and how rules can be applied correctly.     
To Rapunzel no orders is ‘freeing’ and ‘validation’ is all that is needed to get a child to listen to you. Which doesn’t work for her because she doesn’t understand that real communication is more than just giving a compliment now and then. 
Meanwhile Eugene lacked any sort of anchor at all. He was left to his own devices at a young age and had no one to rely on for emotional needs and, after leaving the orphanage, no one to provide physical needs either. 
It’s telling that he and Lance latched onto Quaid as the only authority figure in their life, despite Quaid never out right adopting them. He was the only sense of stability that they had who they could trust wouldn’t hurt them, despite being strict with them. 
And now that Eugene has gotten older and is reformed, he can probably understand why Quaid was so harsh on him and Lance. Quaid probably did more to try and help them turn from a life crime than even Rapunzel did. Like meeting Rapunzel was the inciting incident that inspired Eugene to make that leap, but the groundwork was already laid out for him to do so elsewhere. Things like his good communication skills, respect and empathy of others, and understanding of boundaries had to be learned from somewhere, and if not from the Sheriff of Vardaros than who? 
What I’m getting at is that, while Rapunzel rejects her parents methods but then fails to break her learned habits from them anyways, Eugene is the reverse. He’s come to embrace his mentor’s teachings, but he fails to implement them correctly because he’s not Quaid. Being authoritative isn’t his strong suit. It goes against his usual nature as the easy going person that he is and so any attempts to come across as forceful fail as they’re hollow. 
Kids know authenticity and genuineness when they see it. The children reject Rapunzel because she’s not being real with them, yet they also reject Eugene cause he’s not being honest with himself. 
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It’s a complex and mature conflict. Neither person is fully right nor wrong, and only by learning from each other and adopting both methods can they achieve their goal. 
TTS can be deep when it wants to be. There’s a good foundation here for mature themes and complex characterization. It’s just the series doesn’t ever commit to it. 
Whatever personal drama going on here about two young adults trying to cope with their past traumas and how that affects their current life and future goals is completely lost in the magical goofy antics and low stakes situation. Even the stuff about Eugene and his relationship with Quaid is reduced to nothing but a one off joke rather than being genuinely explored as a point of development.  
Imagine how much more powerful things would have been if Angry and Red were brought along on the trip. If this argument was over them and whether or not they should adopt the two girls themselves or consider other options. That would be something with real weight. Something with a choice that had actual consequences attached to it. Something that would permanently affect all involved parties. Something that wouldn’t make the two leads look like outright dicks for abandoning two children for a second damn time in a row.    
You Have 70 Feet of Magical, Indestructible Hair! Why Are You Afraid of a Bunch of Dogs!?
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You’ve fought off giant monsters, killer robots, and supernatural beings with magical powers. What do you mean you can’t hold off a pack of guard dogs while busting down a stuck door? Why is Eugene the shield for everyone and not the actual unbreakable hair that you use as a shield all the damn time? And Why did we have to rely on Shorty again to be the deus ex machina of the episode? 
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At this point the writers should have just made him Demantius instead of the monkey.   
What Happened To This New Dream? Where Did It Go In Season Three?
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Most fans who do enjoy season two happen to be big New Dream fans as this is by far and away the best season for them. I’ll admit that the series, up to this point, had me actively liking them together, despite being originally lukewarm to the pairing in the movie. 
Their conflicts were for the the most part mature and real. They learned from one another equally and had open communication when it didn't involve ‘marriage is a trap’ BS. Things, like compromising on differentiating future goals, honesty and communication, and making time for one another and extending effort into a relationship while being true to yourself are all relatable issues. 
Even today's episode featured the topic of having kids and parenting. Which is a discussion you absolutely need to have with your prospective spouse before entering into any long term commitments and signing any legal contracts. For real, I’ve seen marriages fall apart because they didn’t agree on whether or not they wanted children. 
I don’t know what went down between writing season two and season three, but things quickly took a sharp turn away from this dynamic and nosedived into a pit of uncomfortable bullying and gross sexist implications here after. 
Matthews Plan Goes Against Zhan Tiri’s Plan 
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Yeah so Matthews is one of Zhan Tiri’s disciples, but he apparently doesn’t know of her goals/plans, cause she needs Rapunzel and company to reach the moonstone, not stay stuck here. 
The meta reason for this that the Zhan Tiri’s story was altered at the last minute and the writers failed to make sure there was any sort of consistency between what they already set up and where they actually wound to actually taking the plot.  
The in universe reason is that Zhan Tiri is an impotent moron, but that’s not what the writers were going for so it’s a fail. 
I like the New Dream stuff, and Matthews is at least entertaining despite being incompetent. Everything else about the episode is ‘meh’ tho. 
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auarchivist · 3 years
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This picture can kind of fit into any one of various AU's. It showcases some of the characters I like to write and draw as well as a few original characters of mine.
((WARNING: long post incoming))
It isn't everyday that James can get everyone together in one place, so when it did finally happen he planned on making the most of it with a little photo. It took a bit of moving around, but they managed to get everyone in the shot. FRONT----    From the far north is Paula, ever the joker type she finds good humor in almost anything. When she's not out in the wilderness or at home with her faithful blue ox, Babe, she can usually be found having tea and good conversation with her closest friend, Kitty. Out of all of the youngins Kitty has taken in, Hazel is by far the fondest of the bear woman, even going as far as to call her "Auntie Paula". A title Paula seems quite happy with. When it came to the new faces of their little group, Paula was always one of the first to warm up to them, but don't let her sweet nature fool you. Personality wise, she may be a teddy bear, but she's still a bear and she's got the strength to back it up.    Up next is the ever chaotic coyote Huehuecoyotl better known as Huey. Despite what people say about him, Huey is more than just an oblivious fool. In fact, he has often surprised those that doubt him with his random moments of genius. That being said while there is a method to his madness, its still madness. He can often be found at the village of Hatfield ,where all see him as the spirit of the village, hanging out with Calamity or helping James with his research on Moguels and magic. If not, then he is more than likely stealing a scarecrow somewhere.    Zim found himself at a low point, not too long ago, after finding out his mission to conquer earth was in fact just a lie by the tallest to get rid of him. Without goal or purpose and dealing with the realization that he might actually be a bad person, he fell into a state of depression. But all that changed when his ship crashed and he met Erma and the Williams family. Now he has turned over a new leaf, and is determined to achieve greatness by aiding those he can. Despite this though, Zim is very much still the ego filled, deranged megalomaniac he has always been, but now with more noble goals in mind. Despite his shortcomings in socializing Zim has managed to make close friends with Spinel and Catra and even forming a relationship with Erma's old babysitter Felicia (how he managed that is a mystery even to him).    Felicia has been familiar with the paranormal for a few good years now. From being the Williams go to babysitter to dating a former Irken Invader. She has taken all the weirdness in her life in stride, almost unfazed by any of it. Cool and level headed under pressure, a quick thinker and a good dose of bravery has made her infamous to those she has faced on ill terms, especially among the Irkens.    The young girl Erma is certainly a unique one, being a hybrid of human and Yokai descent, people in very high places have had their eye on the little girl for a long time, and for good reason as she is a well and true powerhouse of a child with abilities straight out of a horror movie. Despite this she is very much still a child and when she's not at school or at home watching a slasher flick, or the latest episode of Warrior Unicorn Princess with Gir, she can usually be found with her friends, Hazel Hali and Kaio (last two not listed).    Frosta has certainly had an adjustment period to go through and to be perfectly honest, who can blame her?  After all, its not everyday you lose your home planet. Luckily she has not had to face this alone and has adjusted rather well. All things considered. Nowadays, she lives with glimmer out in the country mastering her ice powers and trying to make friends. Turns out being former royalty can be a blessing and a curse when it comes to socializing.    When Kitty found Hazel one cold, snowy night she had every intention of finding her a proper home elsewhere come morning. But that very night, with the fire roaring, and the child asleep by her side as she quilted, any such notions went flying out the window when morning arrived. Sense then Hazel has been living with Kitty and James slowly and surely coming out of her shell (pun intended) and has become very fond of her new found family. Its clear to those that know her well that she still has some inner demons to work through.    Spinel is the one person that could possibly hope to match Huey in terms of randomness. After Zim stopped her injector plans, with the help of the crystal gems (if you asked Zim he did it all on his own) Spinel stayed on Earth to help fix the damage to beach city and afterwards the two were practically inseparable. The Irken was surprised to learn that the Toony Gem was in fact quite the genius in her own right.  Spinel helps him with a number of his experiments when she's not helping defend the local villages or hanging out with the others. She's even become quite popular with the local children, due to her zany sense of humor and neat tricks and abilities. Which has led to her taking up a side gig as an entertainer. Couch----    Despite appearances Dr. James Algernon was, in fact, human at one point in time. When he was a young boy and the "black ick" had spread across the continent James had the good fortune of running into a young Kajortoq and since then the two had grown to be quite close (much to Paula's teasing). Of course one day old James let his curiosity get the better of him, and he came to an abrupt and brutally painful end.  On the bright side, he did prove Chupacabras were real..and that they could get rabies. For most folks that would be where their story ended, but it seems no one informed James of that fact. As he somehow managed to have his soul inhabit the body of one of angels bizarre puppet dolls, made from wood and the bones of some kind of canine. An expert in the fields of psychology, anthropology, biology, and things retaining to the occult and mystical Dr. Algernon is driven by two things, his love for those he considers family and his borderline obsession with understanding the workings of Magic, both of which have blinded his hindsight and common sense a few times in the past.      The anxious feathered snake Quetzalcoatl, better known simply as Corn, is a quiet soul. Ever sense he was a little hatchling raised by kitty, Corn has always been more at ease alone or with the people he knows well. He earned his nickname when it was discovered the serpent boy had quite the green thumb, especially when it came to growing corn. He has certainly appreciated the additional help he has gotten recently in the form of his adopted sibling figure Hazel and his kindred spirit Wrodak.  Both of which he has become rather attached too.    When Kajortoq was little she was best known for two things, having a lovely singing voice that could heal the sick and for acting way older than she actually was. Now a young adult, she is still known for those things but as of recently she has become known for being the new wielder of the Red Tezcatlipoca. This is an ancient and powerful artifact that takes the form of a burning red wood-stove poker, and can harness the power of the Earth's molten core. It is also said to embody "the virtue of Judgement". Despite her cold exterior, many who know her can vouch that beneath that is a kind, nurturing women. Which has lead her to being what some would call the "mom friend" of the group. It is not too far away from the truth either, as she is already looking after three youngins, Corn, Hazel, and Charles, and has taken Catra under her wing.    Many do not know what to make of Ozama Angeline, or Angel as she is known by her friends. The powerful spirit seems to be a genuinely sweet girl despite her appearance, But the fact that she comes from the "Mictlan Woods", a Realm notorious for being a place for the lost and unwanted souls of the dead; and filled with strange doll and puppet beings made of bone, cloth and other materials (some seemily made by Angel herself), made people a tad hesitant to trust her. But over time people have grown to accept the patchwork girl being around (for the most part).  Nowadays when she is not in Mictlan she can be found tagging along with her adopted human sibling figure, Charles and his friends.    Charles is the very definition of "Problem child" which is no surprise given that his parents were from rival villages, leading to them abandoning him to perish in the cold of winter.  He was found by Angel and Amaroq (not shown). This alone would have lead to the boy having issues, but then it just so happened that he was chosen to wield the Black Tezcatlipoca, a black mass that when left on its own, nearly covered the world in an endless sleep, before being sealed away by Xipe Totec and the three siblings (Xochiquetzal, Ixtlilton and Xochipilli). When he first started using the "black ick" he planned to simply use it to end the villager's feud, but given the fact that he's a kid dealing with the people who abandoned him just for being related to someone from another village, and he now had control over a powerful magical artifact, he got a little mad with power. If it weren't for Kitty and the others' intervention, things could have gotten much worse than it already had. Nowadays he lives both in Mictlan and with Kitty, and while it took awhile, everyone has come to accept him as a member of the group. He has even managed to make a few friends. back----    An expert in illusion magick, Wrip is a master of disguise, all with the help of the magick bottles she makes herself.  If that doesn't work, this resourceful rabbit often uses her skills in flattery and persuasiveness to get her way. A  trick that works on most, save for her significant other Vinkle.    A long time ago Vinkle was charged by the local villages to reign in the illusive rabbit, Wrip.  Whos untethered nature upset them somehow. The finer details of what transpired afterword's is unknown to all, except for them. As what they have told others has, in their words, "creative licenses" but in the end, whatever happened left the two falling for each other and forming a relationship. At first glances it would appear that Vinkle is not all that bright, given his quiet and seemly distractible nature, but in reality he is simply a man of few words and is surprisingly quite perceptive of things.    Catras life has been, to put it lightly, rough. Her childhood was spent as a soldier in training in "The Horde"  with Adora, both of witch were raised by the dark sorceress Shadow Weaver (because that's a name of someone I'd trust around kids).  It was clear to all that while Shadow Weaver loved Adora like a daughter, she merely tolerated Catra, delivering torturous punishments  on the Magicat for any discrepancies caused by either of the two. This harsh treatment would leave psychological, mental, and emotional scars on Catra.  This would lead to her falling into a downward spiral, into villainy, leading to her hurting and driving away the few people in her life that still cared about her. Now after defeating Horde Prime and the exodus to earth, Catra continues her journey of redemption and luckily for her it is not a journey she's taking alone. From Kajortoq who has taken her under her wing, to her two close friends and co-former villains, Zim and Spinel, and finally Glimmer one of the few people in Catras life that has stuck around (and to who she "secretly" feels very deeply for).    Glimmer, the former princess of Brightmoon, was once hailed as a hero of the rebellion and their battle against the Evil Horde. (Why they called themselves "The Rebellion" despite not being concurred by the horde yet is anyone's guess.) But close to the end of the war she lost her mother Queen Angella.  This set her down a dark path, where her anger and grief led her to being manipulated by Shadow weaver. The conniving sorceress convinced Glimmer to activate a powerful device that paved the way for Horde Prime to find Etheria. After his defeat and moving to earth, Glimmer now tries to fix her reputation among the other Etherians as well as redeem herself. Since coming to Earth the former Princess has had a very rocky relationship with her old friends, not only for activating the device, but also for staying with Catra who she has grown very close to (and who she secretly holds feelings for) She has also begun looking out for Frosta, who still greatly admires the sparkly princess.    Icobod, the resident Book worm/stick in the mud of the group, is extremely knowledgeable in a few magical and academic fields. He is also a rather superstitious bird and is obsessed with omens, taking even the most simple ones with the utmost seriousness. Growing up in Hollow, Ichy hid his moguel nature, spending much time in his human form, fearing scrutiny by others if they knew the truth. This lead to him growing distant, even amongst his friends. Nowadays he had grown more comfortable around others, with the resident Irken taking a liking to the "large birdman of science" as he calls him. Another thing worth mentioning is that he has a considerable crush on Wrip that he has not entirely gotten over.    The adoptive little sister of Icobod, Chalchiutlicue, or Calamity as she prefers to go by, is in many ways his polar opposite. With a laid back, free spirit nature, she enjoys spending time out in the wilderness with her friend Huey. Make no mistake though, Calamity may be laid back, but when the time is needed she is more than willing to do what she feels needs to be done. She is also one to usually follow her gut, trusting her instincts despite others input. This has actually contributed to her becoming the wielder of "Tlalocs Tuning fork" a large intricately designed tuning fork that grants the wilder the power to control water provided one sing a certain haunting lyric. When Catra first joined their group, Calamity was very wary of her, but nowadays she has found in some ways a kindred spirit in the Feline Humanoid.    The Newest member of the group, Irina is quite the brawler, seemly always having some kind of bruise or some other injury on her. Despite this the foul mouth canine has quite the cheery disposition, witch goes well with her morbid sense of humor. Her favorite hobby. it seems, is poking fun at Calamity, the only person around who seems capable of matching her wit and despite the Lizard girls statements to the contrary, she always seems happier with the Canine girl around. Nor can anyone deny the glances the two shoot each other when they think the other isn't looking.      Last but certainly not least is "Wrong Hordak", or Wrodak as usually he goes by. When the former drone was cut out of Horde Primes hivemind he was a sobbing wreck as he saw himself as impure and lacking a purpose. Later on though, he saw through Horde Primes lies and aided in his downfall. Nowadays he is happy to be of assistance wherever possible. Usually helping Corn tend to his plants, or with Zim and Jame's research into the occult.               ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kitty, Corn, Calamity, Icobod, Huey, Wrip, Vincle, angel and chareles are from "No Evil" by Betsy Lee it can be found on YouTube and I highly recommend it especially if you love fantasy and Folklore as much as I do (witch is a LOT) Catra, Glimmer, Frosta and Wrodak are from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power on Netflix by Noelle Steven Felitia and Erma are from the Comic series Erma by Brandon Santiago Zim and Gir are from Invader Zim by Jhonen Vasquez Spinel is from the Steven Universe movie and Steven Universe Future by Rebecca Sugar Hazel is from infinity train by Owen Denis
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