#prince friedrich x edwina sharma
apinchofm · 1 year
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there goes the last great european dynasty - part two of three
An unmarried Diamond would not do and luckily for Queen Charlotte, she has an available nephew and a young woman jaded by London society.
Post S2, canon divergence, fluff and arranged marriage au!!
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sukibenders · 8 months
Okay, but Mary and Kate interrogating Friedrich whilst Edwina sighs longingly would be hilarious.
Lol, this is perfect! I have so many ideas for this prompt so I'm, quite literally, restricting myself from making this so long 😭. I hope the interrogation aspect was to your liking, as well as everything else. It does have a spicy moment but it's very brief.
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In retrospect, Edwina should have been better prepared for this moment. She honestly should have. When she and Friedrich had first met, almost instantly finding some form of comfort within one another and arranging to see one another more and more, the latter hadn't exactly made it known that he was royalty let alone a prince or the nephew of the queen at that. Rather, he had concealed his identity ("simply call me Friedrich in public, and whatever your heart desires in private").
Edwina would never admit this, but she did squeal very childishly into her pillows that night after.
When the truth had been revealed albeit abruptly when Friedrich, now wearing the identity of the crown prince of Prussia, had immediately locked his gaze on to her and sought to spend most of the ball of the season hosted by Lady Danbury, who Edwina swore had, whilst watching the pair dance the night away, whispered something into Queen Charlotte's ears and had left them both wearing Cheshire cat smiles in response. Not that either would admit it.
And though Edwina had been discouraged by the reveal (she was so tired of things be kept from her, as that ended so well the last time), Friedrich, to her shock, practically fell to his knees before her when they were able to sneak away and expressed his sincerities over hurting her. "That was the last thing that I ever wanted to do," he swore, holding her hand to his chest. "Forgive me, liebling, but I wanted to stay in the moment where I was just a simple man who met a woman who claimed his heart from the start. Without the weighted of my royal status hanging over us."
The pair had been swept up in a form of passion that night, where Edwina had experienced things that had left her desiring the prince more and more (and him the same). But there was something else too. Something that she could distinctly remember dreaming over when she was a little girl, her parents and sister telling stories of how it would one day happen to her, something that she had feared wouldn't following her failed season. She was in love, and it was a beautiful thing.
But back to the situation at hand. Following their shared night together, Friedrich had promptly made his presence known at the Danbury residents with a series of flowers and gifts---for herself, her sister, her mother, and Lady Danbury. When he had confessed that he had wished to court Edwina, publicly that is but no needed to know that outside of them, Edwina couldn't help the butterflies in her stomach as they burst when his gaze fell on her.
To her surprise, however, her sister and mother shared little of the same sentiment. The bare had briefly shared a glance and it wasn't before long that Edwina knew that they would take more winning over to be impressed. Relaying some of her shared time with the prince prior hadn't helped as much either, as Mary had nearly sent Friedrich from the Danbury residents with threats of meeting at dawn had Edwina not interfered and provided a more informed explanation. And while Mary had been reassured, she very sternly (caring little for the fact that she was speaking to a prince) commented that any meetings between the pair would be chaperoned accordingly and no longer will secret meetings take place.
Edwina sighed in acceptance to the former as, with a swift shared look with Friedrich, it had been silently agreed that their secret meetings would still transpire. She could only hope that they would be successful as her mother's keen eyes would follow them everywhere, that Edwina was sure of.
Kate, while feeling some form of peace that her sister would be well taken care of, held no knowledge of who Friedrich was as a person outside of being a prince and set off to fill in as many blanks as she could. And while Friedrich had answered every one of her, many, questions with relatively diplomatic expertise, Kate still remained hardly convinced. When Friedrich had mentioned that he enjoyed horse riding and hunting, Kate gave him little time before announcing that they should set off tomorrow morning and put that notion to the test as what better way to get to know more about the man who wishes to court her sister.
When they returned, Friedrich discussed little of what he and her sister had talked about before leaving a kiss on her head and disappearing into the night, with a drawn out sigh Edwina had decided to seek Kate out.
"It's just that I don't him, Bon. It was rather of a shock to discover a man standing in Lady Danbury's home with the intent to court you. But then I find out that he is a prince as well, adding on to the fact that you too have known each other for longer-"
Edwina quickly cut in before her sister could overwhelm herself. "I know he hid his identity from me, and I will not lie and say that it did not hurt. But I understand now, Kate, as had I'd known than what the two of us have now would have been weighed down during its developing stages. This is a better alternative."
"I just wish to know more about him is all, prince or not I have to make sure that he can provide for you." Kate placed a hand on Edwina's cheek. "In more than just luxuries but for your heart as well. I know that things had been...tense for a period of time, and we have healed from it, but you will always be my sister and I cannot help but worry."
Edwina simply smiled. "And I love you for it, even more for giving me the chance to take care of this myself. While Friedrich is more than capable of caring for me with his status, I have long since come to find out that he'll care for my heart as well."
It was still evident that the prince still had work to be done in regard to winning over her family, but much to both of their surprise a series of acts would assist them in that process. First had been during a viewing at the opera where Friedrich had sat alongside Edwina with the rest of the Bridgertons, chatting ideally with her in-laws and whispering to her in French when he was sure that no one would catch. During a break in the show, Edwina had moved with Francesca and Eloise to the powder room in hopes of freshing up when she felt the sense of dread that had become all to familiar following her failed season.
Lord Charles and other men of high society muttered jeers and hardly concealed stabbing comments her way, watching her with amusement that could only be found in men who held nothing better to do than humiliate women. Edwina held her head high, doing her best to tune out their comments even as Eloise had sought to give them a peace of her mind. Edwina, however, wished to take no part.
That did not mean that Friedrich thought the same.
The matter was relatively a blur, if Edwina was being honest, as she watched from afar as Friedrich had appeared behind the group of men with a faux cheery deposition with his eyes sharp enough to cut. A bitting smile on his face did not change, but the once arrogant posture of Lord Charles and the men around him dropped and became one of embarrassment and, if Edwina looked close enough, possibly even fear?
When Friedrich left the pair and returned to Edwina's side, he gave off little input on what had just transpired. "We simply talked about how it wasn't appropriate for gentlemen talk about ladies in such a manner, and that they should refrain from doing so. Especially toward you."
Edwina knew that that wasn't the whole story but quickly halted her series of questions when she noticed her mother and sister looking over at the pair, this time with mirroring pride and approval in their eyes. It didn't take long for Edwina to find a mischievous Eloise by their side, who Edwina was sure had informed them of everything that had happened.
"Liebling?" Friedrich questioned when he did not receive a response.
Edwina sighed, reaching to loop their arms together as they moved back to their seats and prepared for the show to start again. "I think you just gained my sister's and mother's approval."
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phantomphaeton · 1 year
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Miss Edwina Sharma and Prince Friedrich
all the bright places
In the aftermath of the Bridgerton/Sharma scandal, Edwina picks up the pieces and trudges forward. A Diamond of the First Water—but the waters are murky and gray, the polish is old and dull, and while the seasons change, the world remains the same.
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edwinadaily · 7 months
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For @mrmalcolmslist
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lavellenchanted · 5 months
💖 & Fredwina
💖 rough kiss
"You're infuriating, do you know that?" The words slip from Edwina before she has even realised what she's going to say. "Is this all a game to you?"
Fredrich's eyebrows raise almost to his hairline and something flashes in his eyes, and perhaps for the first time since she met him his perfect smile slips.
"A game to me?" he repeats, disbelievingly.
It feels oddly, queasily satisfying, to think she might finally be about to get a glimpse of what lies beneath his princely mask, and despite the voice in her head screaming for her to stop she can't help but keep going. She wants to know if he can feel anger the way she does - somehow she has the idea that if someone so golden, so lovely, can burn with rage, it will make her own rage less frightening.
"Yes, you. Do you find it amusing? To play the gentleman and flirt with a girl the rest of society scorns? Is it your way of rebelling or do you just want to use me as a shield against actual, suitable matches?"
"You accuse me of using you?" He doesn't raise his voice, but there is anger simmering there. He steps forward so he's looming over her, but despite the fact that she's rarely been so aware of how tall he is and how short she is, Edwina doesn't feel afraid of him. Maybe that's why she can be so angry with him. "You, who will smile at me and dance with me, tease me and challenge me, but will shut me out as soon as I try to get close to you? Are you not playing with me, schatz?"
Edwina shakes her head, almost wanting to laugh. "How could I possibly play with you? You're a prince, I'm nothing."
"Don't talk of yourself like that," he snaps, and the fact that even in the midst of arguing with her he will defend her from herself makes her want to growl in frustration.
"I don't know what you want from me!" she bursts out.
"Really? I find that hard to believe. You're not an unintelligent woman, Edwina."
Her heart's beating wildly in her chest because perhaps she does know, but she could never believe - no matter how intently he in staring at her, no matter how much it feels like his gaze is searing her from the inside out -
"It's impossible. You're a prince," she tells him again. "You can't."
Then he does look angry, his brow furrowing into a scowl as he says sharply, "The hell I can't," before he has surged forward, clutching her face his hands, and covered her mouth with his.
It is not a soft or gentle kiss, like the sort Edwina always imagined when she read her fairytales and romances. It is raw, unrestrained, his lips almost bruising where they press down on hers - and what felt like anger suddenly feels like something much different, though it courses through her veins like fire and burns her just the same.
His arms come around and she finds herself being pushed back against the wall, locked firmly in his embrace as he continues to kiss her mercilessly, biting at her bottom lip and teasing her mouth open so that he can deepen it. Edwina's heartbeat is now a roar in her ears and it takes her a moment to realise the low moan she can hear beneath it is her own. Her breathing already ragged but she brings her arms up to wind around Fredrich's neck, her fingers raking through his hair as she seeks to bring him even closer and kisses him back with the same rough, unrestrained passion.
Because god, maybe it's foolish of her but she wants him. Has wanted him, almost since they met. She's just been afraid.
But between the slant of their mounts Fredrich is murmuring, "I don't want anything from you. I just want you," and she thinks that if he keeps kissing her maybe, just maybe, she'll start to believe him.
kiss prompts
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cateyesinlove · 20 days
🚨Bridgerton spoilers 🚨
The audacity to not write the Edwina x prince friedrich ship and have Edwina be match with someone else and not see her
I am in denial and I will take solace in my fics. That might be my one criticism in this season besides being split in two parts
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
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Friedrich and Edwina
'Do you like philosophy prince Friedrich?'
'I do, quite profoundly'
Ostensibly their courtship was as respectable and... Chaste as it ever could have been. (And nobody dared to say anything different. Especially not Infront of her older sister )
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waterlilyrose · 1 year
Re-read A Promise Made In Haste - still one of my favorites!! I was wondering if you had an image of Edwina and Friedrich's marriage? What are they like? Edwina as a princess?
Aww thanks. I'm pleased you still love it.
Edwina and Friedrich's marriage is richly happy. Edwina has developed a bit more of a shell around herself to protect her (and who can blame her?) Which she only drops for Friedrich and her children. What works is how vastly different her first and second marriage is - with Anthony, it was so polite and so cold that Edwina felt like she was acting in a play by just talking to Anthony. They never loosened up around each other. With Friedrich, it's the opposite despite him being a prince. Yes, they have to be polished and polite in public but when the doors are closed they can relax. They read together, play music (badly as Friedrich is woeful on the piano) and have little inside jokes. They can also just sit in silence and it's not awkward at all - the mark of a good relationship is being comfortable being quiet. And they argue sometimes. Kate and Mary only scolded her on occasion and Anthony didn't care enough to argue about anything - but Edwina has learnt that sometimes two people can hugely disagree and it's not the end of their love. And Friedrich loves Edwina enough to support her when she's in need and take her to task when she's being unreasonable.
They adored their children and it would scandalise the public to see a crown prince getting down on the carpet and playing dolls with his daughters.
Edwina is a great success as a princess. She's learnt to portray a perfect demeanour all her life and has always maintained a good touch with the people. She waves to the public when she passes in her carriage and they are greatly pleased when she holds her son up on a balcony and waves his little hand.
The public can tell the prince of Prussia and his princess are genuinely happy. And in a world of arranged marriages, how sweet it is to see two people just happy and in love.
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hedwig394 · 1 year
An Edwina Sharma x Prince Friedrich fic because I watched season 2 for the 100th time and I simply cannot get over the idea of Edwina and the Prince.
Timeline: After Kanthony's wedding.
Part 1 : Meeting him
Edwina's POV
"You look beautiful, didi," Edwina said to Kate, who was wearing a white dress, no, the white dress. It was the day of their wedding, and only close friends and family were invited to the wedding of the viscount.
"Thank you, Bon." Kate smiled and brushed her hand against Edwina's chin. Tears welled up in Edwina's eyes as she helped her sister get ready. Whatever had happened in the past, she had forgotten, and now she was just sad that her didi was going to move away from her.
"Edwina, dearest," Mary asked her concernedly, "Is anything bothering you?" Edwina shook her head and stood behind Kate, who looked at her worriedly. "I'm just sad that now didi won't be living with us anymore."
"Oh Bon," Kate sighed and hugged her, "You know you can visit anytime, right? And I'll write to you, every day."
"Do you promise?" Edwina asked with soft eyes. Kate nodded.
"Girls, we don't want the bride crying, do we?" Mary said and wiped Kate's eyes and Edwina's too. "God, I'm gonna miss you so much," Mary said and hugged Kate tightly. "I'll miss you too, Mama," Kate replied and smiled. "You look so beautiful, my darling," Mary said, and this time a tear fell down her cheek.
"We don't want the bride's mother crying either, Mama," Edwina said cheekily and wiped it away.
Soon, it was time. Edwina walked into the church with a bouquet of flowers in her hands and looked at Anthony standing in the front. This time, he looked truly happy. Edwina gave him a small smile, bow in front of the Queen, and stood at her appointed position. She noticed a young man sitting beside the Queen, who had blonde hair and deep brown eyes and was wearing clothes befitting a prince.
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Before she could think more about it, Mary and Kate walked in, holding hands. Anthony's face lit up with something similar to pure happiness and Edwina felt a punch in her gut. Would any man look at her and smile like that?
The wedding began, the two said their vows and they kissed. At the reception, Edwina was making sure that all guests were attended to well and also making sure that her sister wasn't crying.
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Both Kate and the viscount were overwhelmed by the members of the ton as they flocked to congratulate them. Edwina silently laughed from the corner as she saw the two of them trying not to lose their temper. Both of them weren't very patient and were likely to lose it anytime soon, so Edwina decided to intervene.
"Ladies and gentlemen, why don't all of you explore the decorations we've all worked so hard for." She said and gave one of her diamond-of-the-season smiles.
"Thank you, Miss Edwina." Anthony smiled and sighed. "We were two seconds away from being smothered by them. God, why did we even invite so many people?"
"Anthony, many of them weren't there for the wedding as it will be against social etiquette to not invite them to the reception either," Kate said to him sternly.
"Don't thank me," Edwina smiled, "It is my responsibility to make sure that you two aren't driven mad by the ton." The two laughed. Soon, Violet came up to them and the bride and the groom disappeared, leaving Edwina to look for her mother.
"Miss Sharma." Edwina looked to the side and saw the queen coming towards her. She bow down in front of her and said, "Your highness."
"Have you met my nephew?" She said and motioned to the man behind her. He bowed down in front of her. "Miss Sharma."
"This is Prince Friedrich of Prussia." The queen said proudly, looking at the prince with love in her eyes.
Well, with as much love the queen can show.
"Pleased to meet you." The prince said. Edwina smiled. "The pleasure's all mine." She was keeping calm, but she was almost lost in his kind, gentle eyes.
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meerinsel · 2 years
The Prince Who Loved me | Edwina x Friedrich fluffyAU |
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Edwina is a member of the stantwt with a giant crush on a moot of hers that uses the nick “Prince”, she is also part of a study group and one day, scrolling through the timeline, she sees a photo of her back posted by @Prince with the caption “Tips for talking to the girl I like?”
Meet the characters
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apinchofm · 1 year
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beginning again
wip, M, 10 chapters
A war-weary Prince and a cynical young lady begin a relationship. Both suffering with wounds of the past and with very different goals for this courtship; Edwina fears an open heart will lead to another broken one.
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sukibenders · 9 months
During a time where they are having an argument, decide the reason behind it for what you will, and the atmosphere tethers between bittingly playful to an more tense atmosphere, Edwina has enough and storms off before anything more damaging can be said. However, Friedrich has a different idea and follows after her because this matter can simply not be let go. A rain storm had come and past, but the ground was still wet and covered with mud. Edwina is so focused on Friedrich that she doesn't realize where she steps until she falls into a puddle of mud. In front of members of the court. She's so embarrassed, almost blindingly so that she nearly misses Friedrich fall beside her as he also slipped. Only, it's very obvious to her that he fell purposely and is now dramatically placing more mud on his clothing to appear more disgruntled than her.
His eyes meet her's and the words speak for themselves. Even when they argue, no matter how trivial it may be, he'd never let her embarrass herself and be laughed at alone when they could face it together. Even if that means being covered head to toe in mud.
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magnoliamontecristo · 2 years
O príncipe que me amava | Friedrich x Edwina fluffyAU |
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A Edwina é parte do stantwt com um crush gigante em um moot dela que usa o nick “Prince”, ela faz cursinho pré vestibular e um dia, rolando a TL, vê uma foto dela de costas postada pelo @Prince com a legenda “Dicas pra falar com a menina que eu gosto?”.
Vocês querem? Me contem nos comentários <3
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edwinadaily · 1 year
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BRIDGERTON APPRECIATION WEEK 2022 · day 3: favorite romantic pairing
PRINCE FRIEDRICH & MISS EDWINA — My sister aspire to learn from your illustrious example, Your Majesty. Your marriage, the wondrous love you share with the king. Edwina desires the very same. 
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lavellenchanted · 3 months
There always needed to be a reason, an excuse for their bodies to touch - if you are taking prompts, no worries if not x
"I thought I would find you out here."
It should, Edwina considers, be a surprise to hear Friedrich's voice behind her. To know that he noticed her absence from the ballroom and came in search of her. That he has managed to find her in the centre of the maze in Lord Kilmartin's gardens.
It's not. Somehow he always manages to find her.
"And here I am."
She turns where she's perched on the edge of the fountain that is the maze's centrepiece to look up at him. The moonlight's edged his hair and face in silver, his face is slightly cast in shadow, and it almost is a surprise to find he doesn't glow in the dark.
Since she met him, she could see that he was golden - but it's more than just the colour of his hair or his title. His goldenness is like a light within him. It's the gold of a flame, so fierce and bright it spills out everywhere; in his eyes, in his smile.
Of course, he's the flame then Edwina is the proverbial moth. And perhaps she wouldn't mind so much, if she had not already been burned once before.
"You're missing the ball," he comments, coming to sit down beside her.
Edwina lifts an eyebrow. "Your point being?"
"Someone might miss you."
"Such as?" she challenges him. They both know she only goes to balls for the sake of appearances now. She spends most of them sitting on the side without any dance partners.
One corner of his mouth curls up in a smile, and suddenly Edwina feels like she's walked into a trap. "Such as me."
Her cheeks warm, and there is too much she cannot read in his gaze so she looks away, down at the water. One of the goldfish the fountain is home too darts out from under a lily pad as she watches, and nearly brushes her fingers as it swims past.
"Well. No one else will," she says finally.
"I'm not entirely sure that's true," Friedrich replies, then lets out a quiet laugh. "Liebling, your hair, you have -"
He reaches out and she feels him pluck something from her coiffure. When he pulls his hand back she sees that it's a leaf, presumably from one of the hedges (her hair must have caught when she was walking round without her notice).
With a flick of his wrist he throws it away - but then reaches back to readjust one of her loosened curls.
Edwina's breath catches in her throat, and she's very aware of her heartbeat as his deft fingers gently tuck it back behind her ear and then just . . . linger there, tracing a line down her jaw.
He has been like this the entire Season. Finding acceptable excuses and reasons to touch her and making them last longer than is strictly proper. If she takes his arm when they walk he he will bring his free hand up to cover hers where it rests in the crook of his elbow. When they play chess and she hestitates over a move, he will guide her hand to the piece and encourage her to play it. When they met in Decker's bookshop and he was recommending something, he did not just tell her where to find it but placed a hand on her back to guide her to the shelf. When he greeted her this evening, after he kissed her hand, his thumb brushed over the back of her knuckles before he released her.
Each touch is exciting and terrifying in equal measure. And with each one Edwina has found herself wanting more and more, until she is giving him excuses to touch her; deliberately hesitating over chess moves, asking him to show her where a book is, leaving ballrooms knowing he will follow her.
"You left before I could ask you to dance," he says now, finally letting is hand drop away from her face. The loss of his touch leaves her skin feeling cold.
"You could ask me here," she suggests before she can think better of it.
Friedrich's smile inches wider, something shifting in his eyes. He knows what he's doing, how he's chipping away at her defences. Edwina isn't sure if she admires his persistence, or hates it.
Getting to his feet, he sketches a bow and stretches out a hand. "My lady, may I have this dance?"
"Yes, sir, you may," Edwina replies, placing her hand in his and trying to ignore the thrill that runs down her spine.
It's dangerous to play with fire, she reminds herself sternly. But when he pulls her close, so golden, bright and lovely, even in the darkness, she thinks it might be worth the risk of burning once again.
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lady-margaret · 2 years
imagine if they decide to both bring back the prince and introduce mr. bagwell (or whoever may be his equivalent) and basically edwina ends up being true to her book persona and picks bagwell, leaving the prince once again rejected because of someone else 😭
idk its just funny to me if that were to happen because poor prince friedrich,, he’s probably the nicest person there
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