#like sure its not a love type of marriage but it definitely doesnt look great
gifti3 · 1 month
Arranged marriage au with asmo
I need asmo to be in some type of royal otome slowburn manhwa
ramblings ramblings
the drama guys....the DRAMA! dont tell me a bunch of nonsense wouldnt happen
remember the post where i was like indifferent/passive aggressive asmo becoming curious about the MC fics are peak
similar thing is happening here! honestly i think theres some resentment coming from asmos side at first but mc is like ay....you do ur thing and i do mine
im not gonna make u do anything u dont want, i dont have any expectations from this arrangement. lets just try not to make each of our lives hell u know
lol i bet when asmo first meets MC after finding out that hes supposed to marry them he's like thinking "......ig theyre not that bad looking"😒 (he literally would have been flirting with them in any other circumstance)
hmmm mc needs to be apart of a pretty influential family i think since this is gonna be a political type marriage
and asmo,,,,i feel like he doesnt really engage in the specifics when it comes to politics or anything. it's just not something thats important to him. he has his side hobbies and business endeavors that cares about. But topics outside of those things are left up to his family
so perhaps one day, the head of the family (i wanna say lucifer but since i want the person in this role to give off more a mysterious vibe, where his word is final michael might be a better choice) is like... this specific family...theyre kinda important and we want them on our side so get married to their eldest who has rejected every other person ever but has agreed to marry and since u dont do much when it comes to political affairs im gonna have you do this whether you want to or not
and asmo is just like....HUH he tries to get lucifer to help him out here but lucifers like...yea dads not budging sorry lil bro (he doesnt say it like that but similar sentiment lmao)
now mc never really wanted to get married cause they didnt wanna have to go through the motions against their will and they like their life as is but their parents have been breathing down their neck about marriage for years now. And now that this BIG opportunity has present itself to their parents, it feels like the pressure is really on now! at first mc is like shit...idk if i can weasel my way outta this one
and then......they realized that maybe this could probably work out in their favor actually.....
mc agreed to married him cause asmo has a bit of a reputation as a partier and a playboy
with asmo they feel like things can stay as they are for the most part if they let him continue to do as he pleases (not like they could have stopped him if they wanted to lol)
everything can be the same, they can still live their own separate lives, just now they have the title of spouses!
and thats the plan, like i said before asmo comes in being a bit rude at first but it kinda changes to indifference and a little passive aggressiveness once MC is like...yo chill im not gonna shit on ur parade. i just wanna be left to my own things. you do you sir
yes thats the plan...thats supposed to be the plan and it was going as mc expected for a good while
but as we know if u put something or someone in front of asmo enough times hes gonna get curious
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wickedpact · 3 years
I ordered The Old Guard books and they have arrived today which in a small way makes up for the stress I’m having planning a wedding in 2021 (that is already planning take two because it got postponed from last year)
Do you think Joe and Nicky are actually married?
- the annoying Anon but you can call me AA if that’s better
its funny you ask bc i do have an opinion on that and the opinion is: no
im not like... sure, but i have two reasons why i dont think theyre married / why they dont think of themselves as married
  1.) if they did think of themselves as married, the answer to the question ‘what, is he your boyfriend?’ would just be 'no dickhead hes my fucking husband’
1b.) i mean, in the comics speech, joe says ‘He is not my ‘boyfriend’. He is not my 'lover', nor is he my 'partner’. He is all and more. He is my everything.”
so if joe dislikes labels like ‘partner’ or ‘lover’ because theyre not, idk, expansive enough to describe their relationship, (and he doesnt even mention 'husband’!) i cant imagine hed give a shit about marriage one way or another either. i made a post about it a while ago but theyve been together so long i doubt marriage is any more significant to them as a ~symbol of dedication~ than a couple of plastic promise rings two teenagers would buy at walmart. you know, like... theyre so beyond that
2.) im not an expert at queer history and im definitely making a lot of generalizations here that would make a historian flinch, but whenever i look at like,, historical queer media (poems, mostly, i read a lot of poetry for someone who doesnt like poetry) you dont really see gay people Yearn For Marriage like we do in more modern times; i mean, im not an expert on sappho’s writings, but she was kind of [waggles hand] mehhhh abt marriage, while also talking abt how great ‘’‘‘female companionship’’’‘ is. het marriage, and consummation, are often compared to theft and violence in her poems (albeit subtly) while the relationships between women who were...... involved were seen as erotic and comforting.
the two are never conflated, you know, she never talks about maidens marrying each other or wishing that they could, despite talking about marriage pretty frequently. m/f relationships and f/f relationships, which we would both define modernly as the same thing (just plain old love) are shown to be separate things from sappho’s perspective.
i mean, you see more recent stuff about gay people wanting to be married, but like, thats usually within the last couple hundred years. idk what the cultures joe and nicky grew up in taught on marriage, but a lot of Ye Olde people didnt expect to love the people they married (& of course these things depend on where youre from, era, class, gender, etc)
  i mean, i imagine that joe, as the heir of his family’s business, probably had to dodge arranged (economic) marriages, and nicky, well-- there are tons of ‘gay person becomes priest to avoid het marriage’ stories out there. joe and nicky honestly for a good majority of their lives probably saw marriage as an unfortunate inevitability that they luckily got to avoid. and i imagine its likely that they didnt associate love with marriage-- or at least, they saw it as a social or economic thing?
i mean, women being married off to create children and be ‘provided for’, or men getting married to create heirs and for.. sexual satisfaction (i guess).... where does what joe and nicky had comply with that kind of relationship, you know? neither of them was a woman who needed to be economically provided for, neither of them needed or wanted heirs-- just nothing about that specific type of social contract would appeal to them. they probably just saw their relationship with each other as something entirely different than the relationship of a marriage
and by the time the concept of marriage more or less began to change, they were in a relationship for so long that getting married wouldve probably be seen as silly to them
(but again like i said im probably generalizing a lot here)
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nottodaylogic · 5 years
Summary: EVEN MORE OF THE GAY LOGINCE! With a special question bECAUSE @shootingace / @ohbytheangel and I have NO. SELF. CONTROL. WHATSOEVER. Based on a post by @today-only-happens-once and dedicated, once more, to @sanders-sides-thuri :)
Pairing: Logince 
A/N: Takes place after sun., part 3/3 of the Logince Fluff series, written, again, with @shootingace :) this is the last part, super fun (and frustrating since I’ve never been to Olive Garden) to write! 
@hghrules @becca-becky @tinysidestrashcaptain 
Hope y’all like it! :D
The tile in one pocket and the box in the other seemed to almost, nonsensically, burn as Logan walked. They’d talked over this topic before, multiple times, so there was no logical reason to be nervous.
And yet.
“Date night?” he asked his boyfriend, kissing him on the cheek. Roman startled, accidentally mutilating the word he was typing. He just looked at it, betrayed. “I’ve prepared some activities,” Logan murmured.
Roman looked very excited. “Ooh, activities! I like activities!”
“I like you.”
Roman flushed, deep and red. “Aren’t you sappy today. What’s the occasion?”
“No occasion. I was simply stating a fact.” He hummed, extending his arm. “I have made reservations. Shall we leave?”
“Hold on, just let me finish this sentence.”
This meant “let me finish this scene because I have no self control and must write a lot even though there are other priorities.”
“Of course.” Logan dropped a kiss to Roman’s head and walked away swiftly to get his coat.
Ten minutes later, as he expected, Roman staggered in, haphazardly yanking his jacket on. Logan looked at his watch.
“Precisely on time.” He opened the door. “Come. Our destination awaits.”
“Where are we going?” Roman asked mischievously.
“You shall see.”
“Tell me? Pleeeeeease?”
Logan smirked, leaning in and pressing a short kiss to Roman’s lips. “Will that satisfy you for the time being?”
“Mmmm, I don’t think so.” Roman tugged Logan closer, kissing him deeply. He set his hand on the small of Logan’s back, like he was about to dip him, making Logan go breathless.
“Now will you tell?” Roman asked, pulling back.
“It’s a surprise,” Logan breathed, though he wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep it a surprise if Roman insisted on making him fall even more in love.
Roman leaned in and whispered, “rude.” He then dropped him.
Logan scrambled to his feet, thankful for his 18 Dexterity. “Hey. We don’t have to go on the date if you don’t want to.”
“No, I want to! It’s incredibly romantic, my dear. Surprises are exciting yet it’s so hard to wait!”
“As Virgil would say, ‘because you are an impatient baby’.” Logan guestuted forward, towards the car. “After you.”
Logan pulled into the parking lot. There weren’t many decent spots, but he managed to grab one.
Roman turned to him excitedly, seeing their destination. “Ooh, Olive Garden?”
“I come prepared to woo the server into giving us extra breadsticks to take home.”
“You’re the best.”
Logan blushed softly. “Thank you. Now, our reservation awaits us.”
They entered the restaurant and were seated right away, thanks to Logan planning ahead and making a reservation.
“Your server will be right with you,” the host said, showing them to their table.
Roman pulled out Logan’s chair dramatically. “Monsieur, your chair?”
Logan rolled his eyes. He sat down, pushing out Roman’s chair with his foot. “There. Now we are even.”
“You’re a nerd,” Roman said fondly.
Logan inhaled, ready to refute this claim, but instead said only: “I know.”
“Wow. And you say I have an ego.”
“It is true, why are you pointing that out?” Logan was confused and a bit flustered by how sweet Roman was being.
Roman snorted. “You’re adorable.”
“No, I am very serious. I am not adorable. Patton is the adorable one.”
“That’s true, but it doesn’t mean you’re not adorable.”
That’s when a server came up to their table, preventing Logan from protesting more. “Hey, I’m Remy, can I get you anything to get started?” He set a menu in front of the couple.
“Breadsticks,” Roman said, at the same time Logan said, “water, please.”
“Of course. Some waters and a basket of breadsticks?”
They nodded and Remy left. The two chatted about movies that they hoped to watch, the drama that Logan heard from his students, how Roman’s characters were behaving.
“I try to get them to do something! And usually, they’re pretty good with cooperating. Just, these past few days, they just… won’t.”
“Can’t you simply… make them do it?”
Roman made distressed noises. “But I can’t! It feels weird then, and out of character! Okay, okay, enough about my distress. Spill the tea that you hear from your students.”
“Alright.” Logan adjusted his glasses. “You will not believe what Lizzie told me Justin K. did…”
Roman clapped excitedly. “Ooh, that idiot Justin! What did he do this time?”
Logan told him, Roman’s grin growing, becoming more and more mischievous.
“So let me get this gay. He told this teacher, who was literally eight months pregnant, that he didn’t think women needed a maternity leave?”
“Has he ever been pregnant? Or given birth?”
Logan laughed. He loved Roman so, so, much. “Not that I know of.”
“Yeah. I know that teachers aren’t supposed to have favorites, but Justin is definitely on my ‘not a favorite’ list. Not that I have any such thing.”
“You know, I think we’re supposed to be deciding what to order right now,” Roman mentioned.
“As if you don’t get the same exact thing every time we come here.”
“You got me there.”
“That’s a meme.”
“You got me there.”
Logan stifled a laugh. “I love you.”
Roman smiled. “Love you too.”
That’s when Remy came back to take their orders. Roman ordered spaghetti and tomato soup. Logan ordered lasagna and a Greek salad. A chat and two baskets of breadsticks later, their dinner had arrived.
Logan ate his lasagna and laughed at Roman’s jokes, but the weight in his pocket—why did he bring the ring, it might get lost, he didn’t need it, this is illogical—was very present in his mind.
And worse was the nagging thought that Roman might say no. Of course, they had talked about marriage, but you could never be completely sure of an outcome.
“Something on your mind?” Roman asked, his foot brushing Logan’s.
Logan smiled. “You.”
Roman laughed. “You’re so sweet. It’s great.”
And with those words, that laugh, Logan felt himself drawn back into the moment, the fears of a future yes or no gone for the time being.
When they returned back home, Logan brought out the scrabble board.
Roman raised an eyebrow. “Not even gonna ask me if I wanna play this?”
“You’ve been bringing up how you want to play Scrabble for ten days now.”
They set it up, Logan allowed his boyfriend to pick the starting word (LADDER) (“what? It’s the only thing I can do!”), and the game began.
“Your turn,” Roman said, gesturing to the board.
Logan set down the letters R, O, M, A, and N.
“Hey, no! That doesn’t count, it’s a proper noun!”
“I’ve let you get away with many proper nouns over the years. Cut me some slack.” Logan sat back, gesturing to the board. “You go.”
Roman put down O, P, and E to write NOPE.
Logan tried not to take this as a bad omen.
He then added L, O, V to the E in NOPE, making it LOVE.
“Awww, you sap,” Roman teased, swooning. “That’s so sweet.”
They continued playing, Logan adding FOREVER and DEDICATION to Roman’s words (OCEAN and DISBELIEF)
“Is something amiss?” Roman felt his forehead, looking overly concerned for the comedic effect. “You seem to be exceedingly sentimental today.”
Logan brushed this off with a, “It was simply what I could make with my letters and the board.”
Roman eyed him curiously, but dropped the topic. “Your turn.”
Logan wordlessly set down his piece, putting it right next to ROMAN, so that it read ROMAN, will you marry me?
Roman started to protest about how “that’s not in the rules of the game, Logan!”, but then he stopped, obviously having read the piece.
His eyes snapped up, meeting Logan’s.
“You… you… Logan.” It seemed he couldn’t say anything more.
Logan slid out his chair, dropping to one knee, holding the box with the ring in front of him. “Marry me, Roman Princeton?”
“Lo… Logan, oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.” And then he was out of his chair, too, stumbling towards Logan. He leaned down, taking Logan’s face in his hands, kissing him softly. “Yes, yes, of course, yes.”
Logan let Roman pull him to his feet, his arms around Roman’s waist, holding him tight. “Roman. I love you. I love every moment we’ve spent together. I treasure every memory I share with you. And I’d like to make more memories with you. For the rest of forever.”
Roman nodded, pressing his his forehead to Logan’s shoulder. “Yes,” he choked out.
“Hey, Ro, don’t cry,” Logan whispered, rubbing Roman’s crisp, clean shirt between his fingers. “Don’t cry.”
But he would be lying if he said that he wasn’t crying a little too.
Because finally, finally, he would be marrying the love of his life.
Because… because he just loved Roman so much, loved him so much that sometimes he didn’t know what to do with all the feelings.
Because Roman was going to be his, his, forever and ever and ever.
“I love you so damn much, Roman.”
“I love you too.” Roman pulled back slightly, holding his hand out. “You going to… you going to actually put that ring on me?”
Logan laughed softly and slid the ring onto Roman’s finger, then pull Roman’s hand to his mouth, kissing the back of it. “I love you. I love you so much, Ro.”
“I know.”
Logan laughed, pulling Roman close and kissing him. “You're wonderful, Princey.”
“Mmm, I know.” Logan stared at Roman, deadpan. “Just kidding, you are too.” Roman nudged Logan’s chin with his nose then kissed his cheek. “Love you. So freaking much.”
“Dance with me?” Logan asked, the words spilling out of his mouth before he could really process what he was asking.
“Where’s the music?”
Logan tilted his head. “Sing?”
Roman snorted. “Well, we need some sort of background music, Lo. I can’t sing if I’m gonna kiss you, and I’d very much like to kiss you.”
Logan blushed, his breath catching in his chest.
“C’mon, babe,” Roman said. “Music.”
So Logan grabbed his phone, pulling up the “romantic songs for my nerd” playlist Roman had made for him.
On came As Long As You’re Mine from Wicked, and Logan pulled Roman close.
They danced and twirled and laughed together, Logan falling more and more in love. Roman was so beautiful, so loving, and Logan got to spend the rest of his live with him.
“I love you, Roman.”
“Yeah?” Roman whispered.
“Prove it.”
So Logan twirled Roman, then pulled him back, dipping him and kissing him softly.
Roman let out a soft gasp. “I love you so much,” he murmured, tangling his fingers in Logan’s hair.
“Love you too.”
Later, they lay on the bed together, staring at the ceiling, tired, content.
Roman curled up on Logan’s chest, so beautifully exhausted. “How long were you planning to propose?”
Logan thought for a moment. “A little while.”
“How long did you know you wanted to marry me?”
Running his hands through his fiancé’s hair, he responded, “Forever, probably. I just—I never imagined my future without you. And then a few weeks ago I realized that why not get married?”
Roman seemed to think this through for a moment when he asked, “Why me?”
The question took Logan by surprise. “Why you what?”
Roman looked directly into Logan’s eyes. The expression there was raw, unable to be described. “Why did you want to marry me?”
Because you’re the only person I’d ever want to marry. Because you’re the only person I’d ever want. Because you’re stellar. Because you’re funny and sweet and dramatic and unique and loving and thoughtful and romantic. Because despite loving you, I can’t find the vocabulary to express all of this. “Because I love you.”
“Aww, Lo.” Roman reached up, kissing Logan softly. “Now we get to plan a wedding.”
“But first we should go to bed.”
Roman’s eyebrows raised as he smirked, and Logan only slightly regretted his phrasing. “As you wish.”
Logan blushed, but nobody could prove it, so what did it matter?
Logan woke first in the morning, a stream of light illuminating the room. He glanced down at Roman, snoring, the ring on his finger shining.
And Logan knew that they would get to spend the rest of their lives like this.
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However, for anyone likely to deposit huge, make sure you look at the alienation restraints – much bigger table bets ordinarily really mean greater success, and theres nothing more annoying as compared to being required to delay five to six days prior to when the full spend inquire continues to be ready-made via the internet site. Additionally, make sure you e-mail the online casino or perhaps poker network associated with preference and have when the highest advance payment boundaries might be lifted; you’d very impressed one of those huge these folks could fortunately abide. Slow Put in Digesting – Down payment isn’t showing with your account Although many first deposit approaches will be quick, therefore finances will probably be deposited into your profile when you check out the dealing, certain opportunities will demand someone to wait for an revenue to plod through. Such as, in initial deposit created with a bank card will probably be decided once qualifying by your credit card business, even though a bank cord send usually takes approximately all 5 days. Whats a lot more, certain techniques harder in order to course of action for the casino’s side. These types of information and facts needs to be obtainable over the casino houses and also poker rooms webpage, though if you have doubts you must get hold of customer support. The obvious way to refrain from almost all these challenges is by using a e-wallet to generate your downpayment if it is possible, that is certainly more often than not prompt. Hopefully when you finally gamble on-line for a long time you will have any payout to spend. This unique section of our own guidebook will probably show you what you must be aware of obtaining your takings back in banking account, wherever many people should be.
Gambling-friendly nations like the British make it very easy pertaining to participants so that you can distance themself their particular winnings, seeing that e-wallet services just like Pay pal in addition to Neteller are around for their own residents. Consequently, cashing away secure, quick and normally smooth – as soon as e-wallet bank account has long been established, put ought to lose time waiting for many days in advance of your dollars arrives. Consequently, many internet sites wont hassle giving that you simply examine by way of courier (while it is usually an alternative from certain areas), you can definitely you desire you are able to typically obtain an established traditional bank power cord transfer or perhaps a American Partnership and also Moneygram funds send for those who used one of those companies when producing a first deposit.The United states of america certainly are a distinctive circumstance, when the nation has extremely tough playing polices which stand out from one state to another, yet despite the fact that contains a huge wagering top online casino bonuses https://nz-casinos.com/ruby-fortune-casino-review/ market. Consequently, American players have confined alternative with regard to available resignation opportunities, particularly because e-wallet dealings arent readily available for them all. Therefore, the most popular spend method is to acquire a great inspection through courier service, which usually requires to 10 trading days to generate. Another preferred options are the American Union or perhaps Moneygram hard cash move, although remember that this is posted only when you made an initial deposit with similar funnel. Standard bank wire transfers can be found through a lot of websites but some special casino houses as well as poker sites may possibly let you withdraw utilizing a bank card – in that case, the cash may take concerning 5 days to reach you. Withdrawal Declined – This gaming internet site will never permit you to cash out An authorized gaming website can provide an excuse las vegas bankruptcy lawyer withdrawal receives dismissed, informing you be sure that do in order to repair the matter. In such instances, the majority of betting internet sites will need you to definitely validate the account by supplying these these paperwork: proof id (car owners certificate, picture ID), evidence tackle – normally 3 clones (power bill, cellular phone charge, plastic card statement), replications of all the so-called credit/debit homemade cards which had been familiar with down payment when using the internet site as well as a accomplished along with brought in faxback style. If any of the written documents are usually losing, likelihood is the cashout might be turned down. Your disengagement obtain may quite often be refused if ever the websites workers picks up an infringement of the regulations – almost all playing websites have become strict in relation to collusion as well as other forms of disloyal, which will result in certain misconceptions. The good thing is, and if there was no wrong doings on your side, this kind of occasions may be remedied. The most beneficial course of action is to provide webpage using a thorough outline in the routines of which brought up his or her concerns. Finally, if you ever created a mistake for putting with one of any exceptional con websites that are usually in existence, taking court action will be the sole method to getting your money back. On the other hand, remember the fact that such sites be exposed to the point that folks are not mindful of their vicious intents. In this situation, obtaining a persons vision on the serious gaming companies review website could improve your possibility of buying a cost without using the problem to your court docket. Cash-out Standards – A casino web-site only will let you spend $x a week Several gambling online web-sites possess cash-out rules or maybe boundaries, which can become bothersome when you endeavoring to pull out massive levels of funds. Commonly, any reduce are going to be near to $2,Thousand every week – las vegas bankruptcy lawyer withdrawal ask is definitely higher than the particular stops, you will be paid out in $2,1,000 weekly payments. Most online casinos won't implement most of these boundaries to be able to pay dirt in addition to progressive is the winner, though if you want to come up with a frequent cashout there can be absolutely nothing that can be done to hurry on the practice excluding e-mailing the service agency and seeking to visit knowledge, that's very likely to use poker sites than it is with internet on line casinos. Slow Payments – Your wagering internet site proclaimed many people manufactured your current cost, nevertheless its also been x days/weeks/months Cashing outside will take for a longer time as compared to generating a down payment, therefore maintain this on your mind and please don't right away assume that the location is trying to help fraud everyone. Designed for first-time withdrawal symptoms, the actual bank account affirmation practice might take approximately all 5 trading days – add more ten extra nights for your web site to be able to course of action your own ask for if your bill is usually tested as well as youve got a thorough 2 weeks concerning deciding to take out as well as acquiring your money. Nevertheless, if ever the sites staff is wanting to hedge or even the transaction hasnt been finished in many than just a month, the things they say believe there's something wrong. However, if not report the specific situation to the distinguished wagering website and offer the problem a few subjection inside casino, poker or simply physical activities bet online community. Con artists usually normally prey on unaware affected individuals, so allowing people know about the systems is generally sufficient to force these to pay back. If that does not support, submitting a claim could possibly be the option. Generally, the obvious way to avoid slowly obligations or perhaps downright scams attempts could be to experience celebrated web-sites merely, as his or her standing is far as well important to enable them to engage in these vicious techniques. Q: Can I place profit an online poker internet site? Respond to: Of course. The truth is the majority of sites will need one to create funding for your playing profile previous to youll be in a position to become a member of real cash activities. Q: Am i allowed to risk a bank card on the net? Response: Certainly. Nearly all websites encourage a credit card payment, yet make sure that you greeting card has been relieved regarding worldwide orders. Computer system courses one of the few down payment techniques that you can use no matter what a person's place for house. Keep on your mind this withdrawal symptoms for you to credit ratings atm cards are restricted and only easily obtainable in a handful of internet casinos / poker sites. Q: Will i gamble with a debit card internet? Answer: Yes. A good number of websites that acknowledge charge card stores may even admit debit card obligations. Q: Must i give reports regarding this debit or credit credit card to your playing webpage regarding thank you? Solution: Your individual details are protected along with well-known gambling web-sites because the key to his or her accomplishment is due to providing a secure natural environment for avid gamers, to ensure you needs to feel at ease posting almost all expected files over the recommendation practice; question to do so may keep you from verifying your account together with cashing away. Q: Am i able to utilize money intended for internet gambling instead of a bank card? Remedy: Although many gambling online online websites don't accept cash or even loan company insert exchanges to be a check approach, quite a few high quality gambling establishments as well as poker sites will enable you to pay for your money through a Traditional western Un or perhaps Moneygram money transfer. Q: Are gambling online success described towards governing administration? Response: Virtually no. Gambling online online websites are really set on preserving this solitude of the clients, which means that simply no economical information is announced to the federal except when the corporation you want is based within a jurisdiction that will need the idea to accomplish this (which it very rarely is definitely). Yet, its important to remember that will certain gambling-related details – particularly if considering poker – can be obtained via record internet sites plus there can be nothing to prevent government officers by being able to access these kind of open public sources, though it is well worth referring to the stats companies will not recognize you from your full name – only your own handle.
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