#like they as persons and whatever artistic vision and passions and dreams they might have are secondary to capitalist greed
hwanswerland · 2 months
at the rate this is going I'm seriously debating not even going to the tour
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The Pixar shift saga continued:
All over twitter and even BlueSky, I see it, and it's quite something. Hell, people I know who barely ever talk about animation, or film or pop culture for that matter, are talking about it... Animators, artists, filmmakers, critics... All calling it out.
Namely, Pixar CCO Pete Docter's words on having Pixar - at the behest of Disney executives - move away from telling "autobiographical" stories, making films that are personal to their respective filmmakers... Hollow, corporate words that I bet he was "supposed" to say.
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The backlash is almost feverish. To the point where some are reading it as Pixar catering to white people only, given that two of those "autobiographical" films are... Let's see... TURNING RED, directed by Chinese-Canadian Domee Shi, and ELEMENTAL, directed by Korean-American Peter Sohn. SOUL as well, Docter's latest directorial endeavor, which was co-directed/written by Kemp Powers. Whether the intent is "no more autobiographical/personal stories" or "no more stories told from different cultural backgrounds", the pull quote is still NOT a good look. Hell, I'd say this looks worse than the time John Lasseter fired Brenda Chapman off of BRAVE.
And I wonder if this quote, otherwise tucked away on some cynical Bloomberg article whose writer feels that sequels will "restore Pixar's magic", getting all this scrutiny online possibly leads to... Pipe dream... A clarification at the very least? Some kind of backtracking?
Look I'm no dummy, corporations are gonna corporation. I'm pretty sure if Disney overlords are mandating it, it's gonna happen either way. Bob Iger's whole deal, after taking back the reigns from Bob Chapek (who he appointed in the first place), is this need to make the films "better". And that means interfering with the filmmakers instead of considering every other variable: High budgets, competition, a much different marketplace, how COVID wrecked everything and accelerating long-gestating problems in the industry, etc.
But the statements didn't go unnoticed, and there's some hot water brewing. Maybe an animation news site, particularly one that practically THRIVES off of this kind of drama, amplifies it. And maybe, just maybe... A little controversy erupts over it? Part of me feels that this won't go unnoticed, it already hasn't in some circles. Twitter and BlueSky and such are not real life, but I think the eruption over this quote speaks volumes. Pixar is often associated with original storytelling that's often from the filmmakers' passions and hearts, and to hear Docter essentially say "We're not going to do that anymore" has been a shock to many, myself included.
And again, if you've read my previous rants on this, I don't blame Docter. I think he's merely just saying what Iger's cronies want him to say. He said something similar a year ago after ELEMENTAL was released:
"I always felt that ELEMENTAL would speak to a lot of people, and I'm so happy it has... But we have also taken another look at the projects we're working on now. What are the kinds of films we want to be making? I really think I want to double down on what allowed us to speak to audiences to begin with."
This quote, from October of last year, went relatively unnoticed. This seems to put it into perspective better, even if it's a little more vague. This sounds more "let's play up certain commercial elements" and not "squash out the personal stuff".
I don't mind a compromise where an artistic vision shares the 90 minutes with what the bean counters call "general appeal" or whatever. Often times, that's just how the sausage is even made in animation-land, even if it makes for results we might not always like. That's literally the entirety of Disney Animation's output from the mid-'90s up until the mid-'00s. Films like HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME had things like the silly gargoyles and fart jokes, yet they were still allowed to have some really great stuff in them and really cool filmmaking that young animation fans marvel at today. It's even a thing in the praised '10s movies, too. And a lot of the non-Disneys, too. NIMONA, for example. Take away the punk edge and LGBTQIA+ perspective, and it's quite similar to a lot of Western animated movies, particularly the "mild-mannered character gets saddled with the funny and unpredictable sidekick" thing with Ballister and Nimona, and that end-of-2nd-act breakup.
Outside of the SPIDER-VERSE movies and maybe PUSS IN BOOTS 2, it's typically imperfect in the American feature animation circuit. There's almost always behind the scenes battles and compromising, and ultimately, I'm happy if we still get a film that looks like something the filmmakers had a great time making and were able to work around certain notes/mandates/etc.
This is merely speculation on my part, but what matters is that the quote that's under fire is recent. Like, days ago recent. And I wonder what'll happen from here... Things go as Iger wants them to go? Or some kind of attempt at correction?
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filthy-reckless-rp · 2 years
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♛ Spotted on the Upper East Side…
Name: Kamal Singh Pronouns: He/Him Age: 27 years old Hometown: Upper East Side, NY Occupation: Artist Social Status: Insider Faceclaim: Dev Patel
Who Is Kamal?
“Nobody will love you as much as  an artist can. On your worst days, they will find poetry in the knots of your hair.”
Be still my beating heart... If it isn’t Kamal Singh! Now, I don’t know a person alive today who hasn’t fallen for those dreamy brown eyes just a little bit. You’re just undeniably likeable, aren’t you? Notoriously unreliable but charming. Your billion dollar smile has taken you far in life (that and your parents’ money). You’re the master of spinning a story, telling a few white lies and tailoring a line to whichever pretty face in your line of vision. The bigger, the better. You never do anything in halves, it has to be all out elaborate or nothing. Your true passion lies with the arts. You’ve always dreamed of being a trained artist, going to art school and trying your talent’s luck. A part of you wants to try and make it on your own merit but the other part of you? Well, that part is much too comfortable being an Upper East Sider. I can’t wait to see how it all unfolds for you, Kamal. XOXO ---Gossip Girl
A Little Extra
Everyone on the Upper East Side and beyond knows who Kamal Singh is. Or at least a version of him. Kamal has always been a very good chameleon, adjusting his charm to the tastes of whoever is falling into his big, beautiful, brown eyes. No one tells a story like Kamal does and most of them are usually true (with a few details exaggerated for effect, of course). He’s been coddled pretty much his whole life, allowed to do and try whatever he liked. Kamal has many whims and for the most part, has indulged every single one. His parents are holding out hope that once Kamal’s gotten all his little hobbies out of his system, he’ll settle down. Get serious. Unfortunately, that’s just not for him, you know? It’s an argument that’s currently ongoing between himself and his parents now that he’s back on the Upper East Side. Spoiler: Kamal is not winning.
If there’s one person that doesn’t coddle him, it’s his best friend and most beloved, Spencer King. Kamal met Spencer at St Jude’s. Spencer was there on a scholarship and immediately took a disliking to Kamal. Now, it was no secret that Kamal wore his heart on his sleeve and he’s never been shy about admitting that he is awfully sensitive so Spencer’s attitude hurt. That didn’t stop Kamal though and after a few botched attempts, the two became friends. Spencer might have been the only real friend he’d ever had. Spencer always takes cares of Kamal and he just wants to do the same back, especially after the accident. Unfortunately, sometimes the more Kamal tries to help, the less he actually helps. He is trying though. As his own number one fan, Kamal is excited for what’s next for him. Art school? His own exhibition? He’ll continue to dare to dream while actively ignoring his parents’ very real threats of cutting him off for good. Everything will be alright... He hopes.
What Does Gossip Girl Have On Them?
When it comes to Gossip Girl, Kamal is just there to hand out the content. He can’t help that he’s so gossip worthy.
Priya Singh - the big sister! Perfect Priya has her life so together that it’s actually a little scary. He loves her but honestly, she should take a day off. Live a little, please.
Spencer King - Kamal loves Spencer more than anyone, maybe even more than himself but that, admittedly, is an unconfirmed rumour. After his last big argument with his parents, Kamal moved in with Spencer determined to make it on his own (but, y’know, still with his trust fund). Kamal is currently running Spencer’s socials and hyping him is his fave job. Is trying to encourage him to let Kamal re-decorate.
James and Michelle King - Spencer’s siblings! Kamal is determined to be both James’ and Michelle’s favourtite Singh. TBD on the progress so far.
Lili Mahdavi - when Kamal was traveling the globe, there were times his parents insisted that he have a bodyguard along for the ride. Lili did not like to party but that didn’t stop Kamal from trying to get her to loosen up. They spent a lot of time together.
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solacefruit · 4 years
Do you think Warriors would have less problems if it were written by only one author instead of a team? I mean I think there used to be three, now two people who write the books, but they get a rough outline for the books by a group of editors, if I'm not mistaken. With so many people stirring the pot, I feel like it's bound to cause issues. I wonder if Kate and Cherith could write whatever they want instead of what the editors tell them, Warriors might be a bit better
Hello there! I don’t necessarily think a smaller team would solve the core issues of Warriors, but it would probably solve some issues across the series--particularly issues of consistency. 
It’s a common joke in the fandom to point out the fact that there’s about a page of errors for every single book, ranging from incorrect names to different appearances to swapping genders, but to me that level of regular inconsistency speaks to an inattentive editor and a lack of ledger-keeping on the writers’ side. If you’re working with a team, you should really be working from the same master copy of character details--which apparently Erin Hunter does not do. 
So a smaller team might help them keep things more consistent like that, but it’s also worth mentioning that it’s not actually that hard to keep details consistent and reducing group size is a weird way to solve what is clearly an organisation and communication issue. 
But more broadly I don’t think Warriors would necessary have fewer issues if it were written by one author, because that actually depends entirely on who that author is and what is their agenda in writing the series. Plenty of solo authors manage to write terrible books and I personally have little to no faith in the skills or integrity of any of the Erin Hunter collective as artists by this point. I think they are deft and savvy money-makers on a good run, but not artists in the sense I could consider many fiction writers. 
The series is primarily made to be a formulaic and high-turnover, capitalising on a particular demographic’s uncritical enjoyment of cat stories. This is not an “evil” way to make literature, but it isn’t one that I would say is often defined by integrity, creativity, innovation, or a love of art for art’s sake, and I wouldn’t consider the state of Warriors to be a result of “mean editors censoring the authors’ voices” (or something like that) so much as it’s editors working with a writing team to hit deadlines in a rapid pace so as to keep up with demand. 
I’m obviously speaking as someone outside the writing room on this one, so I don’t have any special insight into the series and this is all speculation, but my instinct on this one isn’t authors being thwarted from completing their artistic vision or the result of too many people trying simultaneously to creatively direct the series. My sense is that the books are outlined by editors to be keeping with the successful formula as much as possible and then each writer has a word-count to meet following that outline. 
That probably sounds a little cynical, but frankly it’s good business. It doesn’t make for good stories or good writing most of the time, but when your target demographic are frankly not very good (or at least, not very critical) readers who delight in familiarity, that is rarely an issue. So pretty much what I’m saying is the premise isn’t really “Warriors would be better if written by one person” because I don’t necessarily think that’s true; the more accurate premise is “Warriors would be different if written for its own sake, rather than to capitalise on young readers.” 
Because yeah, if one person--i.e., me--wrote Warriors, it would be extremely different. But it probably also wouldn’t be popular, or maybe even published. The success and popularity Warriors currently enjoys is linked to how it’s manufactured, which means that it requires a team of writers and editors in order to be written in fast enough succession to remain relevant to a rapidly ageing reader-base. 
I don’t know what Kate and Cherith’s dreams for the series are, so I can’t speculate there, but I’m going to say I personally doubt that they’re unhappy with how it’s going so far. Sometimes writing isn’t an act of deep passion and artistic vision: for some people, it’s just a job! 
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carmenxjulia · 3 years
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Showrunner Duane Capizzi did an informal Q&A session with some fans in a CS chatroom. There are several question askers, all marked by name. Get some insider knowledge on the show, after the break!
Duane Capizzi:
Just checking things out! Feel like I'm poking my head through a door at a party I'm crashing haha.
Fun to see everyone hanging out and talking all good things Carmen
Can't stay long - I should have taken the code name "Crimson Phantom"
Crimson Phantom - I like the sound of that (if it's not already taken haha)
It's an awesome nickname! Personally I'm more of a Scarlet Santa Rosa person myself- I love that little interaction with Jules and Carmen in the special
Duane Capizzi:
Scarlet Santa Rosa! Yes, that was really cute between them. Too cute in fact.
Coach Brunt had some names for her too if i recollect
Didn't Brunt also call her Monica Santa Monica once?
Yeah in the Boston episode
Also Josie San Jose
I personally prefer Fedora the Explora
Duane Capizzi:
Josie yes hahaha
I can't believe we got away with Fedora the Explorer! I thought that would be noted but I'm glad we did. So funny!
Carmen is amazing! She "owns" whatever she wears, doesn't she?
She definitely owns Carmen Brand Outerwear
Duane Capizzi:
I'll share another tidbit though (along the lines of Carmen being a love story where everyone is in love with Carmen).
It was important for obvious reasons that the show be (among other things) about female empowerment. And we wanted to celebrate fashion of course. But it was super important to me to not fall into the "male gaze" trap. That was something I imparted to the storyboard crew and directors. It's a fine line, I know, but I think we succeeded.
You sure did. What I adore about Carmen Sandiego is how unsexualized all the characters were while still being inclusive to different body types and races
Duane Capizzi:
Well artists love to sneak things in! So it was a little rule I had
They were mostly great about it - in all the 32 episodes, I think I asked to change only two shots for that reason. Where I had to go "ahem"
"Outerwear" sounds so peculiar but I think that's what made it work. I kept changing it back and forth and sometimes I'm surprised to see/hear it in the show. For the longest time it was "Carmen Clothiers." Did I make the right decision? Sometimes you can rework things too much and lose sight - it happens!
The one shot that leaps to mind was Shadowsan carrying her fireman style at top of 202, as they were escaping through the tunnels. Her, um, fundamentals were just a little too front and center to not fall into the "male gaze" trap. Nothing awful! It was borderline. We just adjusted the angle a bit
My favorite most definitely has to be her formal wear from the "need for speed caper"
Duane Capizzi:
I'd have to think about my favorite outfit or top five. All her evening gowns of course!
Maybe "witch." We couldn't make it red because it would not have been a very good disguise (plus, you know: "Scarlet Witch" haha).
But let's not underestimate her signature hat/coat - I continue to be enamored with how we updated her look from the old trench coat thing.
Not me suddenly motivated to draw Carmen in a scarlet witch outfit
Duane Capizzi:
Then you have to draw Zack as Pietro!
(or Player? Only his fingers are speedy)
Idea: what if player (or Shadowsan) was Pietro
Duane Capizzi:
Shadowsan IS Pietro. He's so quick you never see him move.
Shadowsan's fight with Brunt where it went slowmo and he moved fast was so cool!
Duane Capizzi:
Hey, Shadowsan is quite the fashion plate too - am I right?
I love the outfits on the show. So good! So perfect! But, I'm not being very modest am I
I really love SS in the dark trench coat. So. Bad. Ass.
Any thoughts on the Fashionista memory thing?
Duane Capizzi:
Fashionista, sure! What do you want to know?
Give me a second-
Duane Capizzi:
Thank you for noting the aesthetics on the show! Much effort, passion and vision from all involved - Chromosphere, our directors, animators, composers, sound mixers - everyone gave it all they had, it was so inspiring for all involved.
Was there any significance to that specific memory- Carmen defending Julia in the Fashionista Caper- being chosen as the first memory she remembered when she went outside? Like, why that scene specifically over any others for example?
(referring to the finale)
Duane Capizzi:
Oh, that! To be honest, not from me: we were just trying to do the "swirl of confused memories" like we did with Gray earlier in the season. We wanted to show that the ACME device had jostled some old memories loose and that "the girl agent with glasses" was now taking root in Carmen's rush of memories/emotions
But that specific memory, not necessarily from my POV - it could have been any number of Julia moments, like their first meeting on the train (for instance)
The director Jos Humphrey must have picked it. It worked for me!
We all loved that it was that specific memory that was chosen out of all Julia and Carmen moments, the fact that she remembered defending her was an added emotional experience to the already emotional finale
Duane Capizzi:
Well let's talk about the original scene in 204! On the surface just a light fun episode, but so many things came together there: Shadowsan connecting with Player; SS getting his new clothes; but the key thing was switching Julia back from doing Chief's bidding back to Carmen's side. The episode was built around the moment that Carmen pulls Julia on stage with her (I'm not kidding). That was THE moment
We have MANY questions... we should probably set a limit
Duane Capizzi:
Ask away - I don't mind. Honestly, Carmen is my favorite topic! I've been living, breathing, dreaming Carmen for the last 5 years! I don't think there's much to say, I think it's all there on screen. But happy to talk about it because I love to
I have a question, what about the color theory in Carmen Sandiego? What do you think certain colors mean as in, blue, yellow, green, and red.
we have our own ideas about the colors but it would be interesting to hear from your perspective
Duane Capizzi:
Color theory! Well chromosphere color scripts every episode (!). If those haven't been shared publicly yet remind me, maybe I can get permission to do so or have them do it. They are lovely to behold.
But basically Carmen = red (duh); Vile = green; Acme = blue. That's the simple version. We started talking about that early on.
color scripts = they do thumbnail art of key scenes to share mood/emotion
we tried to NOT use red for non-Carmen scenes; and scenes where she was significant the color red would be dominant or sometimes symbolically precede her (for instance).
If you google color scripts I'm sure you will see some come up. Try Pixar color scripts for instance. There's a great Art of Pixar book with their color scripts.
Do you think Julia is blue or purple?
Duane Capizzi:
Haha, Jules definitely purple! Cute.
You've just confirmed the whole color theory these guys have been working on for a while.
Duane Capizzi:
I was actually being funny - is she actually color scripted purple in the series? Wow, my mind might be blown
Now I have a question!
Julia has great admiration and respect for Carmen. Do you think Carmen has as much respect and admiration for Julia as Julia does for her?
Duane Capizzi:
I think Julia might just be a little infatuated with Carmen (even if she hasn't fully articulated how to herself - remember, the show may be sophisticated but it's still a kids show). But mostly Julia just knows/intuits/deduces Carmen's a good guy, pretty much from the beginning. I think the two have a connection that defies space and time in some ways - look at how much they work in tandem without being in the same scenes together much of the time. I love that!
As for Carmen, of course she respects Julia: she knows Julia "gets" her, and respects Julia's smarts and mutual love of history/respect for cultures.
I love how Chase is the ultimate buzzkill for whatever might be stirring in Julia as she's watching Carmen fly away in the Pilot. She's like, "whooaa ..." Then Chase falls onto the windshield. Hilarious!
I was actually wondering if Carmen and Julia were meant to have opposing color schemes? With Julia's original outfit I mean
Duane Capizzi:
Oh, good question about Julia's original outfit: I'd have to think about that or ask Jos or Chromosphere. J's colors ARE sort of a drabber distant cousin to Carmen's, aren't they? I think mostly we just wanted "drab workaday" colors for Interpol, knowing that both of them would eventually be slicked up as ACME Agents.
Devineaux is immune to injuries it is the only reason why he has lasted so long in ACME and Interpol
Duane Capizzi:
Devineaux, one of my favorite lines: "I did not know you two kept in touch."
Am I right?
I have one question:
Will we ever know Carmen's given name? Also, if you don't mind when is her birthday in this reboot?
Duane Capizzi:
Carmen's given name: never say never! But for where our series ended, I thought it would just interfere. That's not how I wanted you to remember her. It would have just been a label and spoiled her mystique IMO
Player, however: we totally messed with you! "Mr. Bouchard."
Carmen's birthday?
Maybe month and day but not year: would hate to date the show
I also don't like naming ages in shows because it just gets weird with timelines and such. Or can be.
I made a post about this a while back— how did Carmen end up getting Julia's apartment address? did she just text her for it or straight up ask? did she find out on her own in the least stalker-y way possible? I just have so many theories- do you have any thoughts on it?
Duane Capizzi:
The apartment in the IA special? Oh that whole story was like one big dream sequence ;)
What does the wink mean? Does Julia even live in an apartment?
Does that mean Carmen dreamt she gave Julia roses or-
Duane Capizzi:
We played things faster and looser for fun there
Okay, I just saw what time it is. Yikes! Time flies when you're having fun. Well THANK YOU EVERYONE (for loving the show, for building this site, for being you.
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dzenwitch · 5 years
Gemstones & their meanings: 40 stones for magick and meditation
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Looking for stones for your magickal toolkit? Here’s a crash course in 40 of the most commonly available crystals and gemstones. Working with crystals can improve your personal energy, amp up your spellwork, and help you create the life you desire. This handy guide will help choose the right crystals for you, whatever your goals might be.
After you’ve read these crystal meanings, I encourage you to spend some time gazing at and handling your crystals. Crystals are a hands-on, eyes-on, heart-on hobby. One of the best ways to study them is to visit with them. It sounds kooky, I know—but many stones will tell you all about themselves if you take the time to listen.
Collecting crystals is a blissful and transformative experience. Here at Grove and Grotto, our own crystal work has undeniably changed our lives for the better. But I never recommend crystal magick as a substitute for medical care. If you’re seriously ill or distressed, get qualified help before rock shopping, mmmmkay?
Here they are, in alphabetical order, 40 magickal stones and their metaphysical uses:
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Sea-green Amazonite carries all sorts of positive meanings: Serenity, creativity, and brave self-expression. It is one of the best talismans for artists and performers. It clears self-doubt and inspires love of beauty. Amazonite is found in a pale celadon hue (see picture) in Brazil, China, and Africa. The bright turquoise variety is a new discovery and comes from Madagascar. 
One of the most magickal stones on Earth, Amethyst is a favorite of witches, healers, shamans and seers. Purple is a color that is seldom found in nature, and Amethyst has an exquisite vibration to match its rare hue. Amethyst is great for meditation and for managing the emotions. It calms anxiety and balances fear and excess. Amethyst gently stimulates dreams and visions, inspiring you to become your highest self. There are countless colors and shapes of Amethyst, each with slightly different properties.
A lovely stone with a lovely name, Angelite is formed by the compression of Celestite over millions of years. (Yes, it is actually condensed heaven!) Angelite is soothing and uplifting. It is a popular choice among Angelic healers, channelers, and lightworkers. Angelite can assist in making contact with ancient guides and smoothing the way toward higher states of awareness. Don’t get Angelite wet—it didn’t wait all these millennia just to turn into calcite in your jacuzzi, thanks. 
Apatite is a semi-precious gem that can be found in a wide range of colors, most often green or blue. Apatite is a stone of confidence, truth, and creativity. It is used by energy workers to help balance overactive energy centers and stimulate underactive ones. Apatite is a wonderful crystal for working with the Third Eye and Throat Chakras.  It helps awaken and develop gifts of clairvoyance, telepathy, and lucid dreaming. Apatite brings mental clarity and improved communication. It makes it easier to speak to others with authenticity and directness.
Black Onyx
Black Onyx is a glossy dark gemstone that evokes the deep and restful properties of Earth.  It is a stabilizing, balancing stone said to assist with mastery of the body's energy. Black Onyx can strengthen determination and willpower, and help bring wisdom in difficult circumstances.
Black Tourmaline
One of the premier protective stones, Black Tourmaline has long been used as a shield against evil spirits and negative energy. A Root Chakra stone, it helps in grounding and releasing stress and emotional baggage. (It is especially useful for empaths.)  Black Tourmaline is also considered a lucky stone—rub a piece of Black Tourmaline when you need a little extra boost of luck!
Blue Aventurine
Blue Aventurine is a naturally colored Quartz crystal. Sometimes called "Blue Quartz" it gets its color and shimmer from tiny inclusions of other minerals. It combines the energy-boosting properties of Quartz with the soothing quality of the color blue. In crystal magick, Blue Aventurine is used for stress relief and healing of the heart and mind. It gently enhances communication and stimulates creativity.
Blue Calcite
Blue Calcite is a calming, relaxing stone with an especially high vibration. It is used in rituals of healing and purification, or carried as an amulet to relieve pain and anxiety. Blue Calcite corresponds to the element of Water and the Throat Chakra. It gently amplifies energy and assists in recalling dreams and astral travel. Calcite is also found in yellow, green, orange, and pink varieties—but Blue Calcite is certainly the most beautiful.
Blue Goldstone
Blue Goldstone (or Blue Sandstone) is a dark blue, almost purple stone with tiny sparkles throughout. It is formed by adding copper salts to molten glass using a unique cooling process. This synthetic gem was reputedly accidentally created by Italian monks practicing alchemy, hence the name Goldstone. Despite its laboratory origins, Blue Goldstone is a very popular choice for mystical items. A piece of Blue Goldstone looks just like a midnight sky full of stars! It is an inspiring stone that encourages confidence and courage, and places one’s dreams within reach.
Carnelian is a red-orange, semiprecious stone that has been prized since ancient times for its captivating color. Its bold energy brings a rush of warmth and joy that lingers, stimulating courage and desire. Carnelian resonates with the Sacral Chakra, and is traditionally worn to inspire love and passion. Carnelian may be solid orange or have red and white bands—the banded variety is sometimes called Red Agate.
Citrine is a member of the Quartz family of minerals. Golden and sparkling like a drop of sunlight, Citrine is said to bring the solar qualities of warmth and happiness to the wearer. Because Citrine resonates with the Solar Plexus Chakra, it stimulates vitality, willpower, and personal strength. Citrine is said to be one of the only crystals that cannot hold negativity, and experience bears this out. Try to charge a piece of Citrine with crappy vibes sometime and see how long you can keep a frown on your face. Quite a lot of the Citrine on the market is heat-treated Amethyst—the two are chemically similar and are sometimes found together in a stone called Ametrine.
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is possibly the most versatile and magickal of all gemstones. Clear Quartz amplifies energy and thought, acting as a powerful aid to psychic perception. It balances and revitalizes the subtle bodies and brings all the chakras into harmony. Clear Quartz makes an excellent “memory stone” because of its ability to absorb, store, and release energy. It may be used in combination with any other stones, enhancing their effects. Clear Quartz is often used in crystal grids to direct and amplify the energy of the other stones. Special designations like Record Keeper Quartz, Lemurian Quartz, and Phantom Quartz are sometimes used. They may refer either to the shape of the crystal or the patterns of inclusions found within.
Dalmatian Stone
Dalmatian Stone (sometimes called Dalmatian Jasper) is a beige stone with black spots like a puppy dog. You might think, then, that this stone is related to the doggy world--and you would be right. Dalmatian stone is used to cultivate loyalty and enhance family bonds. An earthy stone, it helps ground and connect you to the here and now. Some people use Dalmatian Stone to boost communication with canine familiars.
Fluorite is a highly structured crystal that may be clear, green, purple, blue, yellow or a mix of these colors.  Green Fluorite is the most common. It has a fresh, clean vibe that matches its spring-green color. Fluorite offers an organized, high spiritual vibration to any person, place, or object it touches. It helps to disperse chaotic or stagnant energy. Fluorite may be used to cleanse and balance the aura, boost mental acuity, and protect the bearer on the physical and psychic levels. Green Fluorite resonates with the Heart chakra and promotes feelings of abundance and well-being.  This unearthly stone also helps interdimensional communication, especially with Nature Spirits and Fae folk.
Garnet is a stone of love, strength, glory, and devotion. Garnet has been prized since at least Egyptian times, when it was known as the "Blood of Isis." Dark red in color, Garnet is considered to be Root Chakra stone with a protective vibration. Use in crystal grids and charms for psychic shielding. Garnet is said to help balance the energy system and encourage love and loyalty.
Green Aventurine
Green Aventurine is a quartz-based stone colored by mineral inclusions. It is one of the best all-around crystals for prosperity, happiness, and well-being. The name comes from the Italian word for chance, and carrying the stone is supposed to protect a person from bad luck. Aventurine is linked to the Heart Chakra. It promotes creativity, contentedness, and feelings of abundance.
Hematite, a natural form of iron, is a strongly grounding and protective gemstone. The ancients noted it for its resemblance to blood, and the name means “blood stone.” Hematite is common in protective amulets because of its mirror-like quality—it is said to deflect any negativity deflected at the wearer. (Some also use Hematite mirrors for scrying.) Synthetic Hematite (known as Hematine or Hemalyke) is often carved into shapes for jewelry. Just about every teenager loves Hematite, and that’s probably no coincidence. It is excellent stone for anyone experiencing mental or emotional strain.
Howlite is a white stone with wispy veins of grey. (Howlite is frequently dyed to make imitation Turquoise which is how most people first encounter the stone.) This humble mineral is useful for calming an overactive or troubled mind. It aids in dispelling fear, resentment, anxiety, and anger and replaces them with gentle self-awareness. It is known as a stone of wisdom and compromise. Working with Howlite can help you learn to communicate difficult issues without causes offense. Some also use Howlite as a sleeping aid.
Labradorite is a variety of feldspar known for its iridescent optical effects, or “now-you-see-it-now-you-don’t” flashes of color. Usually green-grey, the stone has spectral shades of blue, green, and copper. In crystal lore, Labradorite brings deep spiritual insight and connection with the other realms. It stimulates mental and intuitive gifts and acts upon the entire energy body. Labradorite is also associated with Faery trickery and portal magick. High-grade Labradorite is sometimes marketed as Spectrolite.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli is a deep blue semi-precious stone that has been prized since antiquity for its rare color. It often includes tiny specks of gold-colored pyrite, which make it shimmer like a sky full of stars. Lapis Lazuli is regarded as a stone of harmony and truth. Its deep, celestial blue remains the symbol of royalty and honor, gods and power, spirit and vision. Lapis Lazuli resonates with the Third Eye chakra, expanding psychic awareness and stimulating attunement to higher wisdom.
A variety of Mica, Lepidolite is a lilac-grey stone with a subtle shimmer. In crystal healing, Lepidolite is a stone of serenity. It contains the element Lithium, a natural mood enhancer. Lepidolite is said to relieve stress, assist with healing and balancing, and gently encourage spiritual growth.
Mahogany Obsidian
Mahogany Obsidian is a little-known version of the popular volcanic stone.  It gets its brick-red color from the inclusion of small amounts of iron oxide. Originating within the depths of the Earth, Mahogany Obsidian resonates with the Root Chakra. It supports integrity and courage, even under difficult circumstances. Use Mahogany Obsidian for protection magick, ancestor work, and underworld journeying.
One of the most prized ornamental stones, Malachite is characterized by its green bands and whorls in a variety of patterns. Malachite has a long list of positive effects for the crystal user: Boosting personal energy, stimulating creativity, blocking negative emotions, and transmuting trauma into wisdom. Malachite is an ore of copper, the metal of Venus. As a Venus stone, Malachite guides you to appreciate the beauty of the natural world and engage deeply with its pleasures. Malachite is also associated with wealth—both material possessions and the spiritual wealth that comes with experiences of love.
Found in soft shades of white, pink, and bone, Moonstone is soothing to look and to hold. Moonstone is connected to the magic of the Moon, and is traditionally used as an amulet for travelers, a token of love, and a symbol of mysticism. Moonstone is said to comfort and soften the heart while it stimulates the psychic mind. Rainbow Moonstone, with its iridescent flashes, is especially prized as a stone of Lunar magick.
Moss Agate
Moss Agate, also known as Tree Agate or Dendritic Agate, is a semi-opaque stone with swirls of white and green that look like moss. All Agates are respected as healing and protective stones, but Moss Agate is a special favorite of green Witches. It is especially attractive to nature spirits and can assist you with making a deeper connection to the Earth.
Prehnite is a yellow-green stone that may be translucent or opaque. It often contains needles of black Rutile. One of the best stones for healers and wisdom-seekers, Prehnite helps you confront tough realities with patience and grace. It helps to heal the heart, removing old hurts and blockages from the energetic body. It has the power to “heal the healer” and is a valuable amulet for empaths. Prehnite supports magickal learning at a safe and sustainable pace. It unlocks gifts of empathy and clairsentience. Some users report that it aids in past-life recall.
Pyrite is a cubic mineral often called “fool’s gold” —but only a fool would neglect its magickal uses. Pyrite’s mirror-like surfaces are said to deflect negativity and ill luck when carried as a charm. Its name comes from the Greek word for “fire” —like flint, Pyrite-bearing stones can make sparks when struck together. A mineral of the Sun, Pyrite is associated with all the Apollonian qualities: Logic, success, clarity, confidence, and vitality. Pyrite’s resemblance to gold nuggets makes it an obvious choice for money-drawing magick.
Red Goldstone
Red Goldstone (or Red Sandstone) is a red-orange gem with tiny golden sparkles throughout. It is formed by adding copper salts to molten glass using a unique cooling process. It is a Root/Sacral chakra stone that encourages creativity, confidence, and drive.
Red Jasper
Red Jasper is a strongly protective and healing stone. Historically, Red Jasper has been a talisman of warriors and a token of strength. The red color comes from deposits of iron oxide. This iron resonates with the Root Chakra and with the blood, and aids a person with grounding to the stabilizing energies of the earth. Red Jasper promotes vibrancy, endurance, and stability.
Rhodonite is a pink gemstone with veins of black Manganese creating a marbled look. All mixed stones are thought to aid in reconciling and balancing opposing energies. Rhodonite is a particularly powerful healing stone for relationships. It encourages clear communication, emotional stability, and releasing of fear from the heart.
Rose Quartz
The sweetheart of the crystal world, Rose Quartz is known as the stone of unconditional love. Rose Quartz emits a calm, peaceful energy. It soothes the heart and helps one to overcome past suffering. Wear an amulet of Rose Quartz to learn to become more loving and more able to accept love from others. Rose Quartz is commonly used in love-drawing spells and charms.
Ruby Fuchsite
Ruby Fuchsite is two minerals in one—precious red Ruby and soft green Fuchsite. It is a popular mineral for healing wands and massage stones. A heart-centered stone, Ruby Fuchsite encourages personal transformation, compassion, and trust in others. Ruby Fuchsite is an excellent emotional healer. It helps with self-integration and balancing the messages of the intellect and intuition. Ruby Fuchsite instills a sense of peace and protects the user from negative emotions brought on by the words and actions of others.
Selenite is a variety of gypsum, a mineral related to Quartz.  It is known as the stone of clarity, and is renowned by crystal lovers for its high vibrational frequency and peaceful energy. Selenite resonates with the Crown chakra, helping to connect the use with higher wisdom and intuition.  It gently opens all the chakras, preparing the etheric body for energy work.  It is an excellent choice for meditation, healing work, and spiritual discovery. Selenite is quite soft—softer than most of the other crystals on this list—so don’t soak it in water or let it knock around with your other stones.
With its spotted green and black appearance, Serpentine is named for its resemblance to snakeskin. Sometimes called “New Jade,” Serpentine is found in various patterns in deposits around the world. It was known to the ancients, who used it as a talisman against snakebites and poisons. Serpentine is one of the most psychically active Earth stones, and some specimens contain deposits of Magnetite (natural magnetic stone). Serpentine encourages the unlocking of magickal secrets and observation of the spiritual planes. It is an excellent complement to wisdom-seeking and shamanic practices. Partner with Serpentine for rites of initiation, deep meditation, and working with kundalini energy. Because its powerful energy can be disruptive, Serpentine is often paired with balancing and grounding crystals.
Beautiful, swirly Sodalite is mainly blue with deposits of White Calcite mixed in. It is related to the stone Lapis Lazuli. Sodalite is an excellent stone for promoting mental clarity and self-expression. Because Sodalite’s blue hue resonates with the Throat Chakra, it is said to aid communication. Sodalite helps dispel anger, helping the user handle difficult situations with grace. It may stimulate latent psychic and creative abilities.
Snowflake Obsidian
Snowflake Obsidian is a type of natural volcanic glass, created when grey crystals form in rapidly cooling black lava. Obsidian has long been considered an especially magickal stone. It is strongly protective and cleansing. Use Obsidian to banish negative energy, and to delve deeply into inner truths. Obsidian is a gemstone but not, precisely speaking, a crystal—the molecular structure is amorphous rather than crystalline.
As its name hints, Sunstone is bursting with gentle solar energy. It brings warmth and radiance to meditative or magickal practice. It is a stone of leadership and personal power, as well as abundance and generosity. Sunstone combines the fiery power of the Sun with the grounding Earth energies, making it an excellent stone for manifesting your desires. Use Sunstone to strengthen your resolve, boost charisma, banish doubts, and inject fresh positive energy into any project or relationship. Most consider Sunstone to be a Sacral Chakra stone, but it can also awaken and soothe the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras.
Tiger’ Eye
Tiger’s Eye is a natural Quartz-based stone that comes in gold, red, and blue varieties. Gold Tiger’s Eye corresponds to the Solar Plexus Chakra. Tiger’s Eye combines the brilliant energy of the sun with the grounding properties of earth and stone.  Using Tiger’s Eye is said to improve focus, will, and personal power.  Just like the fierce animal that is its namesake, Tiger’s Eye inspires courage and grace—and the ability to act decisively without illusion.
This unique stone was first discovered in the Unakas mountains of North Carolina.  It is a granite-like stone with mottled green and pink patterns. Its other name, Epidote, means "growing together" in Greek. In crystal healing, Unakite is used to draw off negative energy from the Heart Chakra. It is said to encourage confidence and healthy balance, and to aid in resolving personal differences.
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skeletorific · 5 years
Underswap Revisited
This isn't like, an official change to how I view/write underswap for asks but it's an interesting variation that I've been thinking about
Toriel: She still lives in the Ruins. But rather than leaving to escape violence, she goes there to quietly collect human souls, because she knows Asgore won't do it. As with Tale!Asgore, she isn't cruel or sadistic. She takes no pleaure in killing children and tries to do it as painlessly as possible. Her approach is usually to guide them through the Ruins, while making sure they know what's coming. I'm thinking of Asgore's "dentist" speech. She promises the child that if they come with her, she'll protect them from the more painful death the other traps in the Ruins can give them, and she'll make them a pie of their choosing as a sort of last meal. It's macabre in it's way but it's all she can think to do. She ends up forming a bond with Frisk, however. Which makes their battle that much harder. She tries to provoke them, to fight back. If they kill her, she's grateful. She thanks them. She begs them to be careful. And if they continue to spare her....in the end she lets them past. Overwhelmed by her guilt but praying that if they can make it out....maybe things can be better.
Papyrus: former pride of the Royal Guard, Stretch was on track to potentially follow in Undyne's footsteps someday. He was smart, fast, and far, far more dangerous than he looks. A few years ago, though, something.... happened. No one knows just what. But he started to look more and more tired. He showed up for work later and later. He'd always played fast and loose with regulations and always been a bit on the lazy side but lately it was like he didn't even see a point anymore. Finally he turned in his letter of resignation without much explanation. Something about no longer feeling like he could protect people. He and Undyne still hang out. Shes trying to teach him to cook, with..... extremely mixed results. The rest of his time he spends helping/harassing his brother with his terrible jokes. Still, don't mistake his apathy for weakness. If pushed into a corner, you'll find he's retained a lot of his old skills....he's the man on the phone for most of your journey. Hope you enjoy bad puns and bitching about Hotland
Sans: wannabe Royal Scientist and absolute terror of Snowdin. Since childhood Blue has always had an uncanny knack for machines. Usually machines of a somewhat....explosive variety. Combine that with his love of stars and astronomy, and it was natural for him to want to work at the Labs. Still, he's young, inexperienced, and perhaps a bit undisciplined. Alphys likes his potential but worries he may not be ready yet (not that she'd ever say it to his face). In the meantime he develops his skills via puzzle making (and pranking the residents of Snowdin). He's exuberant, a bit of a little shit, but ultimately sweet tempered and hungry for friendship. He also has a telescope in Waterfall and a lot of odd jobs to support his equipment purchases. Rather than a battle body he wears a labcoat and glasses he doesn't need.
Grillby: the owner of Blues favorite place in Snowdin and a notorious tightfist. He attacks the player if they can't pay their tab and tries to shake them down for items. Can be pacified if you bought Sans' fried snow. He loves his daughter very much and seems to enjoy Blue's hijinks, for whatever reason
Undyne: the notoriously reclusive captain of the Royal Guard. No one ever doubts her strength. When called on she can still cause a severe ruckus. However, these days she's rarely seen outside her Waterfall home, except for her rare visits to the Lab. The Player first encounters her on the phone as she stammers out some vague threats before ambushing them is magical spears. If you follow the clues from her phonecalls, you can eventually find her house, where you learn her dark secret:..
....she actually thinks human culture is super cool. And she's worried that by doing this she's let everyone in the Underground down, including Asgore, who invested so much time in her. She still loves to fight! But killing humans....in person it's too hard. In a pacifist route, the player can even opt out of combat and offer to make tea with her and reminisce.
Alphys: sure, anime is great for flower symbolism, catgirls, and princesses with swords the size of their dead fathers. But you know what else it has?
And these giant robots are the particular specialty of the Underground royal scientists. Whether is just basic power armor, Voltron clones, or transformers, Alphys has a sexy, sexy bot for almost every occasion. Mettaton, her debut, was just a taster for her real abilities. If it's badass, mechanical, and you can attach a sexy pair of legs to it, Alphys can build it for you. However, the Royal Scientist's passions for her craft (and the destruction of humanity) masks a warm heart for her friends, and deep down she's a big ol softie.
Napstablook: sometimes fame hits when you least expect it. Napstablook is a brilliant musician who's self-produced tracks have taken the Underground by storm. However, their talent is only matched by their mystique. The ghost has just a bit of an ego, and is convinced mingling too much with others with fans will taint their artistic vision. As a result, all their songs are published under a handle (SpookedSordid, if you're curious) and they hide themselves away in the family snail farm, ever hiding from their legions of fans. Since their cousin left, they've been a bit on the lonely side, though...
Mettaton: Metta loves his cousin's music, he really does. He's also very happy that people are enjoying their work. But when you spend all your time on the outskirts of someone else's spotlight, you eventually start to worry you'll never get your own. When he found an opportunity in a young science prodigy....he took it. Disappeared one day and turned up at Mettaton, prospective new star of the Underground. Finally, his performance abilities were being appreciated! But, in time, he found that it couldn't distract from the gnawing guilt inside him. Not to mention the onset of imposter syndrome. It was by singing and dancing along to Napsta's music that he had even learned to perform in the first place. So who was he to stand here, receiving the lauds? Would people even want to be around him if they knew who his cousin was? Could Napstablook even forgive him? Was he worth all this attention? By the time the Player encounters him, he is a whole mess of insecurities, only barely hiding, and desperate for anyway out of the Underground to escape this fear. If it's not too much trouble. Is he bothering you? He's probably bothering you...
Muffet: the spider woman may look a bit on the spooky side but she's a respectable woman looking to raise money for her kin in Snowdin. Her bakery is a welcome respite, and the only thing that would ever make Stretch agree to deal with Hotland's puzzles.
Asgore: the loss of his children didn't leave him angry. It left him...scared. They were gone for mere moments before they were torn to shreds. Was the outside world really that dangerous? The coming years only reinforced this for him. Children who fall into the Underground (those who make it past his wife, that is) rarely have happy stories. Ebott really was the only safe place, wasn't it? Well....if that was true, what responsible parent would ever allow them to leave? They were safe here. No matter how much monsterkind might dream of the stars....and no matter how much the human children wanted to go home. He wasn't cruel: he let them keep their dreams. If Undyne found any humans she was under strict orders to bring them to him, ostensibly to deal with them, but really to squirrel them away in the palace until they lived out their natural lifespans. So short compared to monsters .
He would keep them safe....whether they wanted it or not. He stands as the last guardian between the barrier and the underground. And no one will be leaving.
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margotverger · 5 years
The Planets of Hannibal Lecter
As some of you might be aware, I’m very much into astrology. I’m also very much into Hannibal (obviously) as a show, so as you can imagine, it’s one of my favourite things to do to headcanon astrological stuff about these guys. However! In Hannibal’s case, a headcanon may not be necessary. Since his canon birthday is available, let’s look to see what (logically) his placements are. I actually possess an astrological book with a guide to planetary placements throughout the years, so I’ll be referencing that (the book is Joanna Martine Woolfolk’s The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need, for those who are interested). The birthday is listed here:
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As we can see, his birthday is August 7th, 1966 (I believe that’s 1966, anyway). Ironically, I was just headcanoning Will’s age and birthday and I remember the common theory/fact? that went around some time ago that showed that Will and Hannibal were 6 years apart both in showcanon and bookcanon, and I had decided on Will being born on 1972 and so I already interpreted Hannibal as being a ‘66 kid. Glad to see I was sort of on the money, haha. A lot of this information that I’ve put down for you to understand the placements is a culmination of my own knowledge, with a little help from the same book. 
Anyway! So, let’s begin. Warning: this is a long one. 
His sun sign is in Leo, meaning that his basic identity is ego-orientated, dramatic, confident (yet a fragile ego) and bold. Leo is a fixed sign, which indicates that his basic nature is that of a stubborn, perfecting nature; he finds it hard to move from things, he is not the most initiative of people (he can be more reactive) nor is he necessarily adaptable when it comes to his identity. Leos are fire signs, which are known for their emotional intensity, their passion and their ferocity. Leos are also associated with the Lion, which indicates a feline nature as well as an association with pride. Similar to Libras, they have a vain nature, but Leos I would argue are more passionate and emotionally involved, their egos are more easily wounded and they’re much more vocal about their wounded egos (Mizumono, anyone?)
His moon sign is in Taurus, meaning that his emotional instinct is indulgent, stubborn, pleasure seeking, materialistic, and romantic. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, harmony and love; however, as opposed to its other Venusian sign (Libra), Taurus is a fixed Earth sign. They seek pleasures in the material world, they are possessive and physical, they don’t just want to think and appreciate beauty from a distance; they need it. The moon actually exalts in Taurus, so this is actually a really good placement for him, the lucky bastard. 
His mercury sign is Leo. Like his sun, he is dramatic and bold in his thought process; he is prideful and prone to arrogance, while having a fragile ego that conceals his repressed insecurities. Mercury is the planet of thought and communication, of processing and ideas, of messaging and travel. With Mercury in Leo, Hannibal is naturally gifted in eloquence; he possesses a magnetic charm that allows him to control things with ease, including others. There is a tendency to prefer to play than work hard, but there is a determination to succeed and to succeed well (especially if we look to his other placements). Mercury in Leo turns a person to someone who admires theatre and performance, and often their whole life feels like a stage; they are happy when on display (think of his performance as a serial killer, his irritability when others take credit). Mercury in Leos resent tediousness.
His Venus sign is Cancer. Venus is the planet of beauty, love, aesthetics, vanity and indulgence. To a Venus in Cancer native, being loved takes precedence over many things. In fact, in some natives’ charts, it can be the most important thing of all. In Hannibal, we see that manifest; indeed, he destroys his life, he may even abandon every one of his whims, desires, higher purposes, if only to be closer to the man he loves. He is a terrible romantic, sensitive and desperate. He hides this though, as all Cancerian Venuses do; he suppresses this need to be loved and to love in return beneath a mask, because until needs (whatever needs they may be depends on the person) are satisfied, romance is not worth pursuing, because if they want love it must be perfect - similar to its polar opposite Capricorn in love. There is an insecurity in Venus in Cancer - they want to be pursued, because they want their partners to prove that they want them. Of course, Cancer is cardinal, so it is more initiative than it seems, but they may be the sort to trick their partner into thinking they’re doing the first move, when in actuality Venus in Cancer put the stepping stones in place. Consider Hannibal’s seduction of Alana, Alana’s feeling of control and equality in that relationship; consider Hannibal’s relationship with Will, how he subtly tries to establish a dependency which then hides his own future dependency on Will. Even Bedelia, he approaches, and he allows Bedelia to think she has the power, but in actuality he is always the one in control. But he is intensely at love’s mercy, and when he finds someone worthy of all of his divine love, it is sensual, demonstrative, intense, sentimental and highly loyal - in Hannibal’s case, to its darkest extreme. Should be noted that Cancer is associated with mothers and nurturing, as well as family and children, and consider Hannibal’s maternal connection to others.
His Mars sign is Cancer. Mars is the planet of aggression, passion, drive and sex. Cancer subdues Mars somewhat; I believe it may be in detriment (since Capricorn exalts in Mars). Cancer Mars people such as Hannibal have a great strength of will, but not many people are aware of it. Hannibal appears soft, easy and well-mannered to people, and not everyone is aware of his method of attack (consistency, dedication, an unending will to get what he wants). He is naturally prone to an artistic, emotive nature. In sex, he is emotional and intuitive, and views sex as an extension of an artistic pursuit. He has to have involved partners, or he will just abandon them. There is a tendency to cling to relationships that may not be emotionally satisfying, or make him unhappy. He is prone to suppressing his anger until it comes out only in volatile outbursts or nervous irritability. Very well regarded for emotional work and breadth of vision.
His Jupiter is Cancer. Jupiter is the planet of benevolence, optimisim, luck, good will and other good things. It can also be too idealistic, too blind to bad things, etc. When in Cancer, it is very happy! Hannibal then is blessed with a good disposition and a natural sense of humour when approaching everything else. We can see this manifest especially in his sense of humour in dire situations, such as when Mason kidnapped him and Will. Generally, he approaches everything with a good nature (not good actions), and is optimistic towards himself and his own luck; he is aware of it. He has a natural popularity (which we can evidently see) which is helped by his Libra rising (more on that in another post). Jupiter in Cancer often indicates luck with money and especially inheritance, which we see manifest in the case of Hannibal very well, considering his nobility and his successful practise. He has an appreciation for antiques and food. Jupiter in Cancer folk often are incredible chefs.  (Disclaimer: however, not all JiC people are cannibal serial killers). 
His Saturn is Pisces. Saturn is the planet of patience, criticism, time and difficulty; where Saturn falls in a chart can indicate struggle before achieving perfection. Pisces is a deeply mystical, spiritual sign, associated with the higher realm. So, combining these, Saturn therefore doesn’t favour material success but rather perfection in a spiritual sense. Although Hannibal does love his material goods (see his Taurus Moon for example, and his braggadocious Leo sun/Mercury), he doesn’t value them on a soul level - they merely satisfy his sense of pride and serve as a medal of his achievements. Deep down, he is rather more interested and satisfied by something deeper. Hannibal is not religious but as I’ll mention later, God does factor into his character a lot, which does give him this spiritual energy. 
Pisces is deeply imaginative, associated with dreams; Saturn in Pisces natives such as Hannibal possess vivid imaginations and capabilities to think of the strange and wonderful, which then are translated into creative work. Hannibal is no doubt a very artistic person, although his art is gruesome and vicious, his killings are considered an art form even within the canon text. Hannibal has a natural air of sympathy and understanding that stems from a good intuition, which draws people to him instinctively; Saturn is also the planet of the father, so the paternal energy combined with the empathetic nature of Pisces makes him a figure of comfort and (oftentimes) projection that others seek. We know Hannibal to be capable of incredible empathy, he merely weaponizes (and monetises) it. 
Saturn in Pisces, more than any other Saturnian position, are sensitive to the harshness and viciousness of the world. Hannibal was introduced to violence at a young age, and has always understood and seen violence. He is aware that there is an evil in everyone, and believes that evil is inherent. In his case, he wants to pull it out - it’s probably to satisfy his suspicious Virgo Pluto, and to comfort his inner traumatised child, who was taken aback by it and so, when one is aware of others’ evil because it is right in front of you, you can’t be hurt by it. There is a child-like nature to Saturn in Pisces. Try as Hannibal might, he can’t run from the traumatised child inside him. 
His Uranus is Virgo. Uranus is the planet of the eccentric, the strange and innovation. It is quite similar to Pluto in the idea that they are both transformative in nature, but Uranus tends to be a much more extravagant, lofty kind, as opposed to the karmic darkness associated with Pluto. Virgo is the sign of servitude, healing, perfectionism and criticism. With Uranus in Virgo, the power of Uranus manifests as a capability to analyse and use facts well; Uranus in Virgo natives have a natural intuition combined with potent common sense, giving them a heightened awareness of the world and a way to navigate the world intelligently. They have a need to improve the world, while seeking complete autonomy in the process of fulfilling their ideals. They reject authority. Their independence can be heavily noticed by others and registered as strange or unusual. 
Hannibal is on a mission to transform the world in his idea of perfection; he rebels against God, manifesting himself as Lucifer among the living. He is the image of rebellion, against morality, against logic, against anything and everything. Yet he does it not for the sake of chaos necessarily but for the sake of chaos as a tool of higher ability. He wants to shape the world so that others embrace their most carnal, spiritual, raw selves as creatures of cruelty and passion, similar to the image of the Christian God (who loves and in His love causes immense suffering even through His worshippers). 
TW warning for mention of (real life) cults, but very vaguely.
His Neptune is Scorpio. Neptune is an outer planet, a generational planet, and Neptune is the planet of the vague, dreams, mysticism, confusion; it is associated with the sea and so we can imagine that Neptune is a planet of depths, some completely baffling to us. Where Neptune falls in our chart shows our greatest source of creative inspiration (it is the higher octave of Venus) and aestheticism, and also our most confusing issues, where people misinterpret us or where we have a less than solid understanding/way of handling something. 
Scorpio is the sign of intensity, sex and death. With Neptune in Scorpio, Hannibal is drawn to what is hidden from public view (the darkest parts of people’s psyches), to the areas of death, sex, possibly the depraved, the taboo (his reasons from being a psychiatrist, his time as a surgeon, his serial killer-y-ness in general). Neptunian Scorpios are capable of immense innovation, invention, and are generally drawn to sciences, medicines and genetics because of what they represent. Interestingly, unrelated to Hannibal, during the Neptune in Scorpio generation (1955-1970), there was a breakdown of sexual taboos in society (the swingin’ 60s, the beginning of the free love 70s), as well as a revival in belief of the supernatural, and one of the most notorious cults committed their grandest actions of cruelty during the Neptune in Scorpio era. 
His Pluto is Virgo. Pluto is the planet of transformation, re-invention, it’s a huge karmic planet and it is a very intense one. It’s also a generational planet. In Virgo, Virgo is the sign of servitude, perfection, criticism, communication and analytical thought. So, when a person has a Virgo Pluto, they are naturally gifted with a profound capability for analysis, for being able to see deep within the layers of people. They are intensely devoted to perfection, but are suspicious and fault-seeking in the world around them. May have a paranoid nature that is concealed. With Hannibal, we can see this nature, but he hides his nature very well; the only time his Virgo attributes really come out is when he’s trying to take advantage of them so others warm up to him (i.e fussing over his imperfect past in order to get pity). However, he clearly does have a very paranoid, pessimistic view of the world - he distrusts even God. He is constantly seeking perfection and can even be prone to idealism in search of it. 
Interestingly, during this era, the civil rights movement really saw success, and the feminist movement was growing in the mid 1960s (around the time Hannibal was born). Although this was very American-centric, Hannibal was born into a time of radical change, of growth and medical advancement. Unfortunately for Hannibal, he likely didn’t see the boons of this until later, but no doubt the Virgo-Pluto energy reached his home life in some other, probably much darker manner. 
So, in summation: we can see a theme of luxury, perfectionism, intense emotion, spirituality, sensitivity, pride and creativity. Actually, Hannibal’s chart fits him very well, in my opinion, and only furthers my opinion that the fanon belief that he is some cold heartless manipulator who only feels genuine emotion for Will is completely wrong. After all, what he feels for Will is powerful (and I will write more astrological compatible stuff for them soon) but he feels love deeply, and for a multitude of things. He is just also the worst manifestation of these traits.
Also, a disclaimer: just because you have these placements, doesn’t mean you’re as bad as Hannibal or are like, evil. Hannibal is a fictional character and his fictional chart represents only the neutral state of the stars and how he manifests as a character is a representation of underdevelopment and the general evil of his nature etc etc. If you do have these placements though, tell me if you resonate with it or relate to Hannibal! 
I’ll write a post on Hannibal’s House placements as well, as well as Will’s planets and houses too. Once there’s easily accessible information about the basic nature of their charts, I’ll start writing synastry posts as well, analysing the relationship through an astrological lens.
Thank you for reading this kind of pointless character study-type thing. Mwah.
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featuristicfilm · 5 years
Once Upon A Time In... Hollywood review
(Contains spoilers !!!)
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood proves Tarantino is the ultimate artist.
When a film can be successfully marketed merely as a sequential product of a certain director, that’s when you know it has to be something. The ninth edition to the Tarantino’s repertoire reinforces his status as a one-of-a-kind, visionary filmmaker whose work exudes style, taste and true passion. This period piece combines history, dreams and, in a familiar Tarantino fashion, bursts of violence, to present a tale that intrigues and surprises, and ultimately lands with a bang!
Films that Tarantino brings to life seem to carry a certain energy, each unique and alive with heart. Now, me saying this while not having seen every single picture in his body of works might seem silly and diminishing of the power of this statement, yet no one can deny that Tarantino is all about the vision. A writer/director credit affirms that with this film, as Once Upon A Time In Hollywood arrives from a long time in the making, and from careful crafting that appears to have been approached with the utmost thought and dedication. It’s fitting, knowing that Hollywood for him hits close to home, as, well, it is exactly that. The vibrant locations and the scenery of 1969’s Los Angeles are visually as appealing and enticing as it gets, and I especially loved the use of rich and saturated colours, almost as if mirroring the culture of the ‘Golden Age of Hollywood’, to which this film heavily reverts to. Indeed, the western-style action, the old-school culture of the film landscape of the time is entrenched in the way characters act and behave, as well as the environments they appear in. And while many keep saying that this is how Tarantino creates his stories and builds his films’ worlds - by taking from already existing material, trialed elements and using them to serve his story, well, not everyone can even do that successfully. Besides, clichés are often over-exaggerated yet accurate representations. And if anything, referencing something in your own creative pursuits is a way to recognise and give credit. At least he definitely puts his own stamp on. It’s evident in this new instalment too. The film does rely on the ideas already laid out by the Old Hollywood format but Tarantino ultimately shines a new light on how narrative and characters can come together.
With that in mind, this story is a refreshing account of fiction-meets-reality. The general premise envisions two friends working in the entertainment business during the 60’s, a struggling actor Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his stunt double Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt), as they figure out how to stay relevant and keep themselves afloat. These are fleshed out characters, and their buddy relationship radiates an energy that instantly draws you in to root for them, which is all due to the stellar performances by both DiCaprio and Pitt. Tarantino has hit the nail on the head with this casting, that’s for sure. However, these characters serve more as storytelling devices, than fully realised people. Here, they are being used as models to set the scene, move the story forward. As a result, a good chunk of the movie, about two thirds of the almost three hour long film, is of expositional purpose mainly to build tension for the grand finale. And while it’s understandable why Tarantino felt the need to lay out the ground work so meticulously, some scenes just fell flat or felt unnecessary. (I caught myself fixating on anything other than the screen, like how uncomfortable the chair was, quite a few times.) Throughout and in between those slow sequences, flashes of another character - Sharon Tate (Margot Robbie), a real life person in actuality - reignite that eagerness to see how it all plays out. And by it, I mean, of course, the infamous murders of Tate and 4 other individuals inflicted on them by the Manson family in 1969. It all crashes down in the absurdly violent way by which Rick and Cliff become heroes of an alternate reality by mercilessly slaying the known accomplices. Tarantino really doesn’t hold off in showing them no remorse, and by this time the audience is fascinated and amused by this turn of events. Rightfully so, many have praised the way fantasy and imagination is used here to attempt to mediate the harsh reality it takes from and also to subvert expectations in such a daring way. A flamethrower, or a tin-can to the face to counteract the aggressors did have quite an uproar from the crowd. However, there might be some truth to others saying that the boastful need for violence for the sake of humour or satisfaction is an inconsiderate approach of such a sensitive topic. But Tarantino deliberately accentuating the violence, knowing that the audience, the ones dreadfully awaiting for what’s to come, might be shocked and relieved at the reversal, is an ability to really understand what works on a screen and what doesn’t. And all those small, almost forgotten glimpses of Tate being excited about her growing family and rising career, unaware of her terrible fate, still full of life and joy inside of her (which was the baby she was carrying) felt both sad and mournful of what should have been, and honouring and respectful enough by not being sensationalised.
In full, the film tries to balance a longing memory of the glorified haze of Hollywood attraction, depicting history and faces in a secure and safe perspective, and a shockingly horrifying reality replaced by a fairytale resolution. The scenes revolving around Rick and Cliff are about everything and anything comedy-drama style, and actually feel profound yet, unfortunately, sometimes short-lived. Margot Robbie, for what we see of her, plays Tate with a genuine, heartfelt and warm regard. Intertwining an imagined storyline with a familiar truth gave the film a unique duality which Tarantino’s vibrancy and sharp taste made into a riveting portrayal. Whatever backlash this movie received is a testament to how a bold and unwavering creative vision should be used. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood proves Tarantino is the ultimate artist because without vision, inspiration and complete belief in this project, it probably wouldn’t have even happened. Oh and also, Al Pacino is in this movie. What do you know!
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fy-winner · 5 years
WINNER for Arena Homme+ Magazine, February 2019
“It would be nice for it to be like WINNER’s 2018 - no more, no less. Though they would bring about an overwhelming amount of love with anything they would work on last year, WINNER claims that there are still wings that have yet to be spread. And that’s the reason why we shouldn’t take our eyes off of WINNER’s tomorrow.”
ARENA: It’s really a contradictory feeling. A part of us hopes WINNER’s new single would be similar to ‘REALLY REALLY,’ but we know, at the same time, that if it did sound similar, we would subconsciously find ourselves saying, “This sounds too similar.” And yet, if the vibe is completely different, we’d say, “This is kind of unfamiliar.” So how must WINNER attune themselves to such responses? Would the true solution be, then, to create music that satisfies WINNER?
MINO: You’ve got the exact answer. That’s precisely it.
SEUNGYOON: That’s why we aim to create music that we’d find fun to sing along and listen to. That’s our standard.
ARENA: Your newly announced single, ‘MILLIONS,’ shows us the kind of refreshing, boyish vibes that we’ve come to look forward to from WINNER. Would you say this has become a signature of sorts unique to WINNER?
SEUNGYOON: ‘REALLY REALLY’ holds a lot of significance for us. It was the song that allowed us to progress forward as WINNER. And since then, our team’s vibes have become bright and cheerful. When we debuted, we were working on more of a moderate, mature feeling. But from ‘REALLY REALLY,’  we thought about continuing our path acting more like kids our age - in our 20s, cheerful, happy. And because of that, I think our music sort of naturally began to adapt with those kinds of feelings.
ARENA: It’s our first time meeting, and I feel peaceful yet very positive energy from all four of you. Do you feel that the atmosphere of the team is following the kinds of songs you sing the most often nowadays?
MINO: To be honest, it’ll feel different depending on the state of our condition. All of us are more true to our moods than you might think. (Laughs) When we work though, we try to bring up our energy more in order to maintain the fun.
JINWOO: Well, all of our activities continue to be happy, so couldn’t that be positive influence on our conditions?
ARENA: If we were to consider the relationship between the four members of WINNER like one of dating, it might be equivalent to a relationship that is approaching stabilization. It seems like your relationship with one another has progressed to a point where you all feel comfortable without needing to try as hard, and silence isn’t uncomfortable. Would you say this is a correct observation?
SEUNGYOON: You’ve observed perfectly. We could sit still in silence and it wouldn’t be awkward. That’s actually even natural.
SEUNGHOON: I guess you could say we’ve passed the honeymoon phase. Haha.
ARENA: Have you all fulfilled the state of knowing without explicitly saying anything to one another? Perhaps, because the depth of your judgment and understanding of one another has deepened?
SEUNGHOON: We nevertheless still try to make sure we have the conversations that are necessary. Maybe the timing in that exact moment isn’t right, but we will eventually bring it up and work it out, trying to find a plan for a solution. So far, no one’s holding grudges of any sort. We’ve done what we can to solve them all.
MINO: We know too well that when that kind of stuff builds up, it only ends up turning into poison.
JINWOO: If before, we used to keep our mouths shut about some things with the attitude of “whatever, let’s not bother saying it,” now, our level of understanding has become so much deeper that we’re able to tolerate and understand even those kinds of matters.
ARENA: But if the four of you are to maintain a good, balanced relationship while continuing your careers, I think you must sufficiently share with one another a common goal or vision under the name of WINNER. After all, you wouldn’t be able to run forward together while thinking different things.
SEUNGHOON: The similarities and sharing always exist. Like winning awards, for example, or holding a concert with a bigger stage to meet with even more fans. If one is an idol dreaming of longevity, I think the goals are probably all similar, no?
MINO: We frequently have a lot of conversations with each other along the lines of, ‘Let’s improve the quality. In order to do that, we must do this.’
SEUNGYOON: We have the job we’ve always dreamed of. So at this point, I think the question at hand is whether or not we can become the best in this field. Doesn’t everyone in their youth dream at least once of becoming the best? I just see it as us having that promise and that mental attitude at the same time.
ARENA: Seeing your juniors appear on YG Treasure Box recently must’ve reminded you of the kind of mindset you promised yourself you would never forget when you first started out as WINNER. Some commonly call it as ‘original intentions.’
SEUNGYOON: We actually recently had the opportunity to have a conversation with some of the boy son YG Treasure Box, and we got to personally watch them practice, too. In that same time period [as a trainee], everything is in earnestness, and you’re dreaming a really huge dream. But once you debut and you promote for some time, you can hit a point where those goals you set for yourself can end up being adjusted to more ‘realistic’ standards. There’s a moment when you realize, ‘Debuting doesn’t mean you quickly become the best.’ So seeing these boys recently had me asking myself whether or not I curtailed my goals without me even realizing. It sort of became a chance for me to begin trying to chase after an even bigger dream [than the one I had before].
ARENA: Isn’t there a sense of fear that grows with knowing more? You can’t help but end up thinking more, as well.
MINO: Yes. We’re still earnest now but it’s different than before, because once you debut, you’re setting foot in this market, in this system. Like you said, as the years build up and the experiences increase, you get to know more. You find out the reality of the things you once dreamed about and saw as something that was simply ‘cool.’ You experience what it’s like to feel hollow. You learn of the emptiness that comes after a show there you’ve just stood in front of a bunch of people. So of course, there are moments when things become difficult, but it’s from these moments that we learn to lean on one another. We lead and push each other to the best of our abilities. It also ends up becoming a driving force for our careers.
ARENA: Then on the other hand, as your years of experience increase, do you find certain parts of you that you feel you must get rid of?
SEUNGHOON: You end up eliminating some of your more unpolished sides. Hmm, so it’s kind of like this: sometimes, there can be moments when you show your gloomy side, even if it’s just for a second. But because we want the general public to feel happiness watching us, we end up working to show a more positive side of us. You’re careful of your speech and actions, you control your expressions, stuff like that. I just think, maybe, as your experiences and years build post-debut, you experiment with ways to polish the raw parts of you.
SEUNGYOON: As you gain more experiences, you become more aware and there’s lots you gain. But you also lose just as much, I think. Consequently, you come to naturally accept those things, and you learn how to loosen up a bit.
MINO: You just naturally become more relaxed.
ARENA: That’s why I think one must really put in the effort to create a balance between work and life. But it seems like the weight WINNER puts on their work is extremely high. What is the reason for why you all work with such fervor?
SEUNGYOON: It honestly might be because of me. My members follow my pace when it comes to my ambitions or passion. (Laughs)
MINO: I think that that’s all the more possible because, unlike the boys on YG Treasure Box, we didn’t start out from a really young age, and we each got to spend our school days well. Many people tell us that we are doing well right now, but we are still far from reaching the goal that we’ve set for ourselves. We continue to work harder in order to fulfill more.
SEUNGHOON: Our members know that the more we work on something, the better the outcome we are able to produce.
JINWOO: We’ve tasted the feeling of what it’s like to work hard and be rewarded with the return of that result.
MINO: If you drink too much, you get a hangover in return. But if yo work hard, good happenings will be returned (Laughs)
SEUNGYOON: We started getting busy in 2017, and got even busier in 2018. Because of that, we were able to take part in more occasions and new experiences. Being able to participate in those kinds of experiences is our motivation. We know that the more we work, the more we will be presented with exciting happenings, so we can’t help but anticipate.
ARENA: Seems like everyone nowadays is living such intense lives in the midst of excitement of not only WINNER’s music but pop music as well.
SEUNGYOON: It’s an era of rapidly changing trends, so if you lose grasp of it for even a moment it’s hard to catch up again. We already have so many artists now who are younger than us - just looking at YG alone we have the Treasure Box boys waiting for debut. If we don’t keep experimenting constantly, we might fall behind or straggle, and we really don’t want that, so we work extremely hard.
MINO: At the same time, we don’t feel impetuousness. It’s our job to continuously create new music and trends, so we can’t stop.
JINWOO: To the fans who love our music and give us strength, we want to show that we are continuously progressing. I think that’s the way we are able to reciprocate the love we receive.
ARENA: There’s a saying that goes, ‘No more, no less, may it always be like Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving).’ Does WINNER hope that it’ll be just like 2018 for them - no more, no less? 
SEUNGYOON: We may or may not. We want to have the chance to spread some of the wings that we weren’t able to spread before, and we also want to expand the spheres of where we are active. We are gaining so much love from the public as WINNER, but we also wish to show more of each member’s individual domain. Just as MINO’s solo album did well recently, I hope that 2019 will be a year where the rest of the members will have the chance to expand upon their individual scopes.
[behind cover story]
Just after finishing off 2018 in good spirits and beginning to prepare for 2019, we met WINNER. As mentioned in the interview, WINNER seems like lovers who are just now entering a point of stabilization. It looked good to see them brighten up the atmosphere without even trying or being forcibly loud and rowdy. Their relationship with one another was like a ‘Chocopie,’ where you know it without having to say it. Having hit the fifth year since their debut, WINNER is a group who’s intimacy you can feel even in the way they sit still. But of course, when it came to the self photo booth, they brought out a whole year’s worth of hyper-ness that reflected the level of energy appropriate for youthful boys, and it reminded us of their true age. We could also, without a doubt, feel their hearts for one another throughout the duration of the photoshoot. Warm hearted and study, these four boys are the cover stars of the February issue of ARENA. Like collecting dragon balls, we’ve gathered a preview of all four covers here for the reader who may struggle to find them all.
trans by @softboimino
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The Princess, pt.4 (S.M.)
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Summary: After being separated, Shawn begins to question his feelings for the princess, most importantly, he begins to question hers.
Warnings: angst
Word count: 2500
The Princess Masterlist
A violent shiver shook you from your head to your toes as you walked back to your quarters with a quick pace. It was hard to focus as thoughts of your past, present and future all fought for a space in your head, while your heart just needed a break. It needed a break as it was already broken in pieces, completely dysfunctional, shards of it dragged away from you and lost forever. Not only did you lose Shawn, a man you could see yourself spending a lifetime with, but you almost lost Philip as well.
„A wise choice, my dear.“ The Queen had a smug smile on her face, Harry was utterly confused while Meghan seemed to be in shock.
„Let's not pretend I had any other choice.“ You responded sharply, your eyes narrowed at the old woman before you with disdain.
„Oh, there was...but you and I both know how that would have worked out.“ She snickered like it was all just a joke to her. Your life was just a cruel joke she herself carried out without any remorse.
„Oh yeah..I know. I know how people who are strong and brave enough to think with their own head end up...Dead in a car accident.“ You spat, using air quotes on ‘accident’. Harry's head snapped in your direction, the wheels in his head turning once he realized what you were insinuating. His mouth was open, while Meghan clung to his arm, unaware just how serious the situation was.
„Everyone out!“ The Queen ordered, her merciless gaze set on you. The room emptied within moments, but you stood your ground.
„How dare you?!“ She began, getting up to make herself seem a little more intimidating.
„I spoke the truth. We both know it...Lady D. wasn't the only one, isn't that true? My mother was your victim as well...hundreds of others.“ You held your head high, defiance oozing out of you with every breath you took, with every beat of your heart.
„You will keep you mouth shut!“ She waved her index finger at you, her lips set in a firm line.
„I will. Not for you, but for my brothers. They don't need to have this whole thing break their hearts all over again. You took their mother from them, my mother from me...now you've taken love and my choice of future. So congratulations, you've won.“ You spoke, your voice cracking at the end. She caught on to it and smiled like she enjoyed seeing you in pain.
„Mr. Mendes has been escorted out and will be leaving England tomorrow night.“ Philip's voice echoed in the empty room, hitting you straight in the heart like ricochet bullets.
„You are dismissed. Pack your things.“ The Queen told him and your heart dropped.
„What are you talking about?!“ You shouted and she turned to you with pursed lips.
„Philip here is fired for not doing his job properly.“ She replied and your jaw dropped.
„You can't do this!“ You ran to her, grabbing her arm. She yanked her arm out of your grasp and sat back on the throne.
„Mind your tone! Show some respect you spoiled brat! I can do whatever I want! I'm the Queen of England!“ She shouted.
„Perhaps, but you still need me for whatever plan you have. I will not do it without Philip by my side. I can promise you that!“ Your voice was dangerously low, confident and prideful. The Queen knew you weren't bluffing, and it seemed she was thinking about your words very carefully. Although she was not pleased, eventually she caved in.
„Fine. Philip stays, but there will be another to keep an eye on you. Wouldn't want you getting hurt or lost again, now would we?“ She had that damn smile back on her face and you knew this was the best you were going to get. With a nod, you turned around and walked out of the throne room.
That's how you found yourself hurrying back to your bedroom, just to lay your head to rest before your legs gave out. You've lost far too much today, but even with all that in mind, you would still do it again. For that small piece of paradise Shawn had showed you, an eternity in hell seemed like a fair trade. Walking into your room, Philip followed quickly.
„Princess, I must give you something.“ He spoke in a hushed tone and you turned around, your face twisted in an angry scowl, pain radiating through your body and showing in the unshed tears that clouded your vision.
„What? After today? No warning? Nothing? I trusted you!“ You yelled at him and he closed his eyes for a few moments.
„I had no choice. My loyalty is to the crown.“ He spoke and you looked at him in shock.
„Your loyalty is to me! ME! I have a damn crown!“ You slammed your hand on the table next to you, pain shooting through as you did.
„But she is the one sitting on the throne.“ He responded quietly, averting his gaze elsewhere, clearly ashamed of his actions against you.
„How long?“ You asked and he looked up. „How long have you known about the arrangement?“ You crossed your arms over your chest and he exhaled loudly.
„Since the Queen's birthday. The gentlemen was present that day.“ He replied and you swallowed thickly.
„I cannot believe you've betrayed me this way.“ Your voice was hoarse and weak, a lump in your throat constantly present since the moment you and Shawn have been discovered.
„Please take this.“ Phillip extended his arm, opened his hand and on the palm of his hand laid a small pendant. It was silver with an S on the front, a little piece of parchment sticking out from it.
„What is that?“ You took a step closer to examine it.
„Young Shawn begged me to give this to you. Apparently it's very dear to his heart and there's a little note in it too. It's meant to be a reminder of his feelings for you and a symbol of hope that you will be liberated and united once more.“ Philip explained and you took the small pendant in your hand, running your fingertips over the S, your bottom lip quivered.
„Leave.“ You ordered and Philip complied.
Plopping down on your bed, the soft mattress made it seem like you were floating on a cloud, the small pendant in your hand burning at your mind to open it. If it was dear to his heart, it was all the more important to you. It was the only thing of him you have and it was a painful reminder of all the things you'll never have. Opening the locket, a small piece of paper fell on your chest. Unwrapping it you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion once you read the content. A series of numbers. Was this a code or something else? Was it his phone number?
While you were busy figuring out the hidden message Shawn had left you, he himself was losing his mind. He paced back and forth in his hotel room, his head in his hands, his usually perfect curls were a mess. He wondered why you chose your title over him. Sure, it's not like you've know him long, but he believed you two shared a connection. A connection that was so rare it may come once in a lifetime if you're lucky enough. The kind you dream of, hope for, even tho' there's no guarantee it exists. He was confused,angry, scared, devastated and lost. There were too many emotions hitting him all at once that he could barely breathe as even the thought of you in that palace, alone, with no one on your side gave him a panic attack. He could tell you were unhappy in that place. Hell, you even told him you'd do anything to get away from there if you could, so why didn't you take that chance when it had been offered to you? His mind was plagued with thoughts of people and things he had no control over. Who were they trying to marry you off to? Were you really doing that? Better yet, how can he stop it? He needed to talk to you, at least once more..face to face. That way he'd know he tried to do something instead of just letting you go. He needed to fight, but how could he do that when he had to leave for New York in less than a day and there were a few guards in front of his door specifically told to make sure he leaves the country without contacting you. Giving that pendant and his number were the only thing he had thought of, but even that wasn't a guarantee. If Philip chose not to give it to you, he'd lose his only chance to ever talk to you.
3rd person POV
It was a torturous night for both of them. Neither Shawn, nor the princess got any sleep, both cried into their pillows, hoping the other one was safe and sound. It was a tragic turn of events, to tear apart two souls that craved each other more than life itself. Separating soul flames would never amount to any good, for the souls or the people that surround them. Such pain and anguish will take over, hollowing them out until there's nothing left but a void of darkness humanity has seen only a few times before. Yes, no one knew soul flames were real, nor that the princess had found hers, but some will soon notice how empty her eyes are despite the smile on her face.
The following morning, Shawn was escorted to the airport, and all but shoved into a plane. On the other side of the city, the princess was preparing to meet her fiance, her heart and mind elsewhere. Will there ever be some way to reunite these young flames again, or will all be lost in the fire and turned to ash and dust?
Shawn couldn't hold back tears as the plane took off. He watched the city below him become smaller and smaller until he couldn't see anything anymore. For Shawn it had felt like his body was leaving, but his heart and soul stayed behind..with her. She had such a hold on him, but didn't even realize it. Hell, even he didn't realize it. The Princess took him to different places and dimensions he had never imagined and he knew he'd never find a girl like her again. She was different, not for the obvious reasons, but her upbringing might have had something to do with it. She was brave and kind, selfless and witty, intelligent and artistic with such dreams and passion that Shawn had never seen. She had confidence written on her forehead, her ambition clear in the way she held herself, her rebellious side obvious in that mischievous glint in her eyes. Yes, she had him from the moment they met and it was clear to him that he needed her. He needed her and the thought of her with someone new made his stomach turn.
In just a few days, her face was plastered all over magazines, her smile so bright Shawn could feel his heart breaking in ways he never knew were possible. She was smiling, but that smile didn't quite reach her eyes. The man next to her seemed to be genuinely captivated by her and Shawn didn't like it. He watched the video of their brief outing, pausing as it showed her, placing his hand on the screen while his heart clenched and twisted in pain. Shawn was scared she would forget him, fall for the pompous, posh man who clearly already wanted her as much as he did. He sighed heavily, swallowing tears before slamming his laptop on the bed in frustration.
Days passed, weeks followed. Shawn was traveling and playing his music, while the princess attended her brother's wedding with her new suitor. The smile on Shawn's face was fading fast, often traded for a scowl or a straight line and no one knew why. He was often sulking in the corner, his songs always consumed with pain, he even put Mercy back on his set-list. On the other hand, the princess seemed to be glowing, happiness radiating from every pore on her flawless face and Shawn gave up on the hope of ever being near her again. She was untouchable to him and he knew it. She seemed happier without him and as selfish as it sounds, it killed him everyday to see her move on while he was stuck in the abyss, staring at the never ending darkness she had caused.
It was a stormy night, almost 6 weeks without her and Shawn was fighting yet another sleepless night. His breathing was fast and shallow, his chest rising up and down like crashing waves on the shore. He had been staring at the ceiling for hours when the silence quickly faded and his ringtone sounded. Sighing, he reached over to grab his phone and picked up without a second thought.
„Hello.“ He answered, his voice tired and laced with what seemed to be unimaginable anguish. The line was silent, just a slight pitter patter heard in the distance. Shawn furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, checking if the line was dead for a moment before putting the phone back to his ear.
„Hello?“ He repeated, but got no answer. „Who is this?“ He questioned, growing frustrated with the caller, but something told him it wasn't a stranger. He could hear soft breathing come through and he just knew.
„Y/N?“ His voice cracked as his heart picked up the pace. He jumped up and started pacing his room.
„It's okay. You don't have to say anything, just listen.“ He swallowed thickly. „I want you to know that I still....I still feel the same way, even if you don't. I'm not gonna say it unless I'm saying it to your face, but you know exactly how I feel.“ Shawn spoke, his hands were shaking in anticipation. He needed her to say anything, just to hear her beautiful voice once more. 'Please say something, please, talk to me beautiful'  he begged in his mind and almost like she heard his prayer, she came through.
„It's mutual.“ Were the last words he heard before the line went dead and Shawn was left clutching his phone in his hand at 3 am in a hotel room of an unknown city. Her voice sounded broken and torn as well, like she herself was still suffering. It sounded like a completely different person than the one in all the photos and videos that were circling the internet. Shawn had finally realized she never moved on. She still loved him and now he had some hope to cling to. Maybe it wasn't over for them yet.
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hcro · 5 years
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lily luna potter ;; biosheet
❝ and i will STAY UP through the night. and let’s be clear, won’t close my eyes. and i KNOW that i can survive. i’ll walk through fire to save my life. and i want it, i want my LIFE so bad. i’m doing everything i can. then another one bites the dust. it’s hard to lose a chosen one. you did not break me. i’m still fighting for p e a c e. well, i’ve got thick skin and an elastic heart, but your blade - it might be too sharp. i’m like a rubber band until you pull too hard. yeah, i may snap and i move fast but you won’t see me fall apart ‘cause i’ve got an ELASTIC HEART. ❞
lily { lil ◦ ee } :  the name lily is of old english origins, it was taken from the name of the plant having delicate, trumpet-shaped flowers regarded as a symbol of purity and perfection. the word is derived from the middle english lilie, which is from the old english and latin lilium (lily). alternatively, lily is used as a pet form of both lilian (lily) and lilith (of the night).
“people with this name have a deep inner desire to serve humanity and to give to others by sharing money, knowledge and experience, or creative and artistic ability. people with this name tend to be a powerful force to all whose lives they touch. they are capable, charismatic leaders who often undertake large endeavors with great success. they value truth, justice, and discipline, and may be quick-tempered with those who do not. if they fail to develop their potential, they may become impractical and rigid.” [ x ]
luna { loon ◦ a } : the name is directly derived from the latin luna (the moon), she was the roman mythological goddess of the moon and is equated with the greek selene. luna can be used as an astrological name for those born under the sign of cancer, which is ruled by the moon.
“people with this name have a deep inner desire for order and physical creativity, and want to be involved in conventional, safe activities. people with this name tend to be creative and excellent at expressing themselves. they are drawn to the arts, and often enjoy life immensely. they are often the center of attention, and enjoy careers that put them in the limelight. they tend to become involved in many different activities, and are sometimes reckless with both their energies and with money.” [ x ]
potter { pot ◦ ter } : the surname potter is an occupational name for a maker of drinking and storage vessels, from an agent derivative of middle english, middle low german pot. in the middle ages the term covered workers in metal as well as earthenware and clay.
they named you lily luna potter.
lily was after a girl with hair redder than dragon fire, just like you. your grandmother was not only an extraordinary witch but a beacon of light. lily evans-potter represented the faith that unselfish love could defeat the greatest of evils: death. she had stood for kindness, for strength, for wit, and most of all, for courage ― the fortitude to stand up to enemies and friends alike, to forge one’s own path. the right path. 
but for all of her virtue, there was a certain duality to her, and the same double-edged sword cuts through your heart. you might have her capacity for love, but you also have her overwhelming fury and ferocity. it rages within you like a unstoppable forest fire, burning so bright that anything in the vicinity will be consumed in the flames – including you. sometimes you wish you could tear your bounding heart from your body, just so you could stop this unrelenting aching in your chest, once and for all. you don’t know how to handle your passion, your spark, and you almost feel ruination is all you know. and then a thought presses at your mind, so petrifying it makes your blood runs cold: you could destroy yourself one day. the brightest flames burn out the quickest.
luna was for a woman who carries a different sort of grit than your grandma did: the boldness to always be herself without remorse, without apologies. sometimes you wonder if your godmother ever tried to change. did she ever listen when the world told her what she ought to be? since the day you were born, humanity expected nothing less than greatness from you, and you don’t remember who exactly you were before they molded you into something else. you taught yourself to be fearless and brazen and strong. but even now that you’re following in your parents’ footsteps, you’re still not enough for yourself. slowly, you’re learning not to feel shame and regret when you look into the mirror, but you find the strength to steel yourself somehow, just as luna did. in front of the flashing cameras, you paste the roguish of smiles on your face, never letting them see the cracks in your armor. people are bound to talk. you’ll give them something to talk about.
and much like your namesake luna, you treasure your friends and family with all that you have too. it was always instilled in you that nothing mattered more than your loved ones, and you took that lesson to heart, sharing with them a softness that most people have never witnessed from you. they see the girl behind the facades you wear – the bounding heart you’ve learned to keep hidden away, lest the world finally manages to break it for good.
and everyone knows what potter means. whenever you walk by, people whisper. they point. you hail from the most famous wizarding family there is, and you wear your surname like a badge of honor. you are proud to be a potter and a weasley. the accomplishments your family has amounted are extraordinary. but that’s just it, isn’t it? all your life, you’ve chased glory and praise, but when your father is the wizarding world’s savior, it is impossible to measure up to the world’s expectations of you. you’re not enough, never enough.
you take pride in your name. but you are a walking memorial of a girl, named after a martyr and a maverick. you are never only yourself; you are the names of all that came before you.
and you’ll be in their shadow for the rest of your life.
august 13, 2008
“august 13 birthday - the horoscope of the sharpshooter
your greatest challenge is: coping with your anger and impatience
the way forward is: to step outside yourself when your emotions reach boiling point. this will remind you that you alone are in charge of your feelings.
people born on august 13 zodiac are no strangers to conflict and controversy. they are sharpshooters who always aim true, and their urge to break with convention compels them to take on challenges or make waves, whatever situation they are in.
the unconventional vision, resilience and tenacity of purpose that are key characteristics of these people can earn both the admiration and the disapproval of others. this is because despite the wounding criticism of those who regard their rebellious notions as ridiculous or fanciful, they always remain faithful to their beliefs. if life doesn’t go their way, they refuse to be crushed by disappointment. and as their unusual imagination is supported by solid analytical skills, more often than not those who start out disagreeing with or disapproving of them will end up admiring their bravery, even if not agreeing with their standpoint.
as risk takers, they have all the courage, discipline and energy to attract success; what they sometimes lack is perfect timing. they need to learn when to cut their losses and move on, when to be patient, and when to pounce.
dynamic and sociable, people born on august 13 zodiac often have a wide circle of friends, and their deeply felt passions and zest for life are incredibly attractive to romantic partners. however, deep insecurities underneath the bravado may block their dreams of intimacy and true love.
on the dark size: brash, insensitive, unrealistic
at your best: ambitious, resilient, courageous” [ x ]
lily came into this world only two days after her mum’s birthday, predestining her to a lifetime of comparisons to ginny. like her mother before her, she was the youngest and only girl, born at the height of summer, with hair as red as hellfire and dark, dark eyes. but anyone who’s truly paying attention could deduce the truth: there is so much harry within lily, far more than there is ginny. it’s uncanny.
because of the proximity of the dates, she’s never had a celebration to herself, and for a girl with two borrowed names, she finds herself craving something – anything – to call her own. would there ever come a day where someone would think of her without thinking of her crippling legacy? she loves her ancestry so much that she would never dare think of breaking free, but sometimes she’s not sure if she’s truly her own person or just a crude amalgam of her family.
a cis-woman
bisexual demiromantic
somewhere deep down, lily always had an inkling that she was bisexual, but it took several years for her to come to this revelation while she navigated through her internalized fear and doubt. it certainly wasn’t her family that instilled this as they had always been so accepting and supportive, but society had ingrained compulsory heterosexuality into her, making it difficult for her to find validity in her feelings for girls. she’s still not publicly out, as she isn’t ready to face the vitriol of the media, but her close friends and family all know.
much like her mother in her youth, lily has never dated anyone for long. see, while she often experiences sexual attraction, lily hasn’t quite felt a romantic attraction to anyone in years. there have been inklings of feelings here and there, yes, but never anything truly substantial. lily worries she might never fall in love again, a thought that terrifies her. but what terrifies her even more is falling in love. she’s a contradiction in that regard–she longs for intimacy but she’s afraid to be vulnerable. a highly distrustful and guarded person, she isn’t used to letting her guard down. to lily, that’s how you get hurt.
because she’s demiromantic (although she hasn’t realized it yet), lily needs to feel a romantic attraction, there needs to be an established emotional connection, a kinship. she will never have instant romantic feelings for someone. it takes time for lily to love you–and even more time for her to accept it. falling in love, after all, is opening yourself up to someone who might not feel the same. falling in love means making sacrifices for someone who might betray you. falling in love makes you weak and takes away your control, and that is what scares lily more than almost anything. so it takes a lot of trust for her to willingly admit she’s fallen in love, trust that is very hard for someone to earn.
when lily does love though, she loves recklessly. lily is always consumed by her emotions, and love is far from the exception. for those that she loves, she would eternally condemn herself to the depths of hell without a second of thought. she will bleed and ache and suffer without complaint to protect them. she’ll even kill.
blood status
hogwarts house
there was never a doubt in her mind where she would be sorted until she let the sorting hat fall over her eyes. she expected to hear him bellow “gryffindor!” in a matter of seconds, but the hat took his sweet time, telling her that she could find a home with the snakes, if she wished to forge a separate path for herself.
not slytherin, she nearly cried out, clenching the edges of the stool so tightly that her nails sunk into the wood. clearing her throat, she whispered to the hat in a voice so imperious it could order kings to bow, “i will accept nothing less than gryffindor. that is where you will place me.”
the hat considered, lily’s heart pounding so fast it threatened to burst from her chest. “ordering around an all-knowing hat is definitely bold of you, if not incredibly foolish. have it your way then – it’ll have to be gryffindor!”
[ on pottermore, lily has been sorted into slytherin and gryffindor about an equal amount of times. at first glance, lily comes off as the quintessential gryffindor. however, much like her father, lily is someone who could have gone a different path into the snake pit, but ultimately, that was not what she wanted for herself. she exhibits the slytherin qualities of determination, resourcefulness, guile, and ambition, but she doesn’t value them nearly as much as she lauds her bravery, chivalry, and righteousness. and in fact, she scorns slytherin’s tendency towards self preservation. furthermore, lily’s black-and-white views of morality is just so very gryffindor at its heart – her quench for retribution is downright bloodthirsty and ruthless, but in her mind, it’s justice. she is perhaps the darkest and most dangerous sort of gryffindor – the way she sees the world is so skewed, but she views herself as right. whether she is a hero, villain, or something in between is up for debate; wickedness isn’t inherently a slytherin trait, just as goodness isn’t inherently a gryffindor trait. but she’s a gryffindor through and through.
i do think that she possesses many of the traits that salazar slytherin admires in a person though, as much as she tries to deny it. lily doesn’t hate all slytherins, but she remains prejudiced towards the house as a whole. it’s hypocritical and paranoid, really. for a girl so against bigotry, she treats a great deal of slytherins with disdain, perhaps loathing many of them more than they loathe her. the worst part is, she does see parts of herself in every slytherin, and it disgusts her. ]
agnostic christian
religion was never an integral part of the potter household. her memories of attending sunday morning church are few and far between, but lily still identifies as christian, celebrating christmas and easter at the burrow every year. and there is no time better than christmas time in lily’s book. she loves sitting by the crackling fire with a cup of hot cocoa—topped with whipped cream and tiny marshmallows of course. she loves the smell of the fresh pine trees. she loves decorating the house with ornaments and lights and garlands. and if she’s in a particularly good mood, she’ll even attempt to help with the cooking and the baking. (but in all honesty, if she can make it five minutes without destroying the kitchen, that’s a christmas miracle in itself.)
student functions
dueling club captain, gryffindor chaser, s.p.e.w. club member, debate club member
dueling club captain
it might come as a shock that the daughter of two renowned quidditch players would rather be president of the dueling club than the gryffindor quidditch team, but lily’s never had her sights set on pursuing quidditch as a profession. she’s always dreamed of following in her father’s footsteps and joining the auror ranks, so dueling club was the natural first step to honing her combat skills. she’s been a member since the start of her hogwarts career, but it was only this year that she was finally granted that elusive captaincy.
with the sheer strength behind her spellwork and her stellar instincts in a scrimmage, she’s considered to be a dueling prodigy of sorts and has amassed a number of trophies over the years. her marks in defense against the dark arts and charms are unparalleled among her peers because she works so immensely hard to eclipse everyone else – she hopes that some glowing recommendations will prove to them (and herself) that she has earned her spot with the aurors. it won’t be handed to her because of her family name and influence but through painstakingly hard work.
but dueling club isn’t simply a means to an end to lily. there is nothing she covets more than the glorious burn in her muscles in a seething fight – the adrenaline rush when she’s high on a win. she relishes in the pain because it’s a reminder that she’s still alive, that the ice hasn’t completely turned her numb. lily always needs to be moving or else she’ll remember everything she’s trying so hard to forget.
the staff must think of her father and dumbledore’s army when they survey her demonstrations, but little do they know she and the rest of the club have tampered with the dark arts. “is it better to outmonster the monster or to be quietly devoured?” lily doesn’t know the answer, but she thinks of her father’s cold, cold body and the spell that stole his life. she’ll only call upon such terrible magic in the direst of circumstances, but it’s best that she’s aware of exactly what she’s fighting against as far as she’s concerned.
gryffindor chaser
quidditch might be less of a priority to lily than dueling club, but she still cherishes the sport more than she could ever express aloud. she loves the smooth handle of her prized broom, given to her by her dad on her eleventh birthday, engraved with her initials. she relishes in the freedom of the rushing wind against her skin, how alive she feels when she flies. (it’s hard to feel alive these days.) quidditch is her chance to escape herself, to be unfettered from all the thoughts swirling around in her head.
when she learned how to play, she took to the quaffle, not the snitch. lily can never see herself choosing to wait when she can still move – racing around the pitch and scoring goal after goal is better than squinting in the wind, praying for something to happen. there’s nothing like the excitement of the match to get her blood rushing. she knows that when they cheer for her, it’s not because of who she is but because of the points she just scored. there’s no better feeling than that.
she’s thought about quitting – who could think of quidditch in a time like this? but it was her father who taught her how to soar through the sky, and now that he’s gone, she can’t bear to sever that connection to him. so for once, she’ll let herself be selfish.
physical appearance
red. the same red as her mother’s hair, although ginny’s has slightly faded overtime with age. lily’s has natural loose waves, but she has been known to straighten or curl it from time to time. it depends on her whims that day, really. save for one disastrous haircut when she was nine though, her hair has never been short. it’s almost impossible to style short hair after all, and lily adores playing around with different styles. her hair is most often–and unsurprisingly–the first thing people notice about her. it’s hard to miss hair that red in a crowd.
brown and almond-shaped like her mother. lily breathes passion and emotion, so it’s no surprise that despite her best efforts to conceal her emotions, her eyes are often the window to her soul; they’re so very expressive. lily will make deliberate eye contact almost always–even when lying–except in moments where she’s feeling particularly vulnerable. that is when she will look away. but the expression she makes most often? eye rolls. she’s perfected them over the years.
5’0. she’s fairly sure she’s already done growing; she’s about as tall as her mum who stopped growing around sixteen. lily isn’t insecure about her height, but she loathes being underestimated for it. she refuses to allow herself to be disregarded and thought of as a little girl merely because she’s small–as her uncle says, “size is no guarantee of power,” and lily is the utter proof of that.
98 lbs
body type
short and petite
energetic and loud—if one wishes to be heard in the weasley family, loudness is a necessity. and if she’s particularly upset, it’s not uncommon for lily’s voice to turn shrill, high pitched, and piercing. lily also tends to speak in exaggerated tones with a great deal of emphasis placed on her words, and she’s no stranger to swears either, often struggling to tone it down among her superiors. lily’s been told she’s mouthy, and it’s true; she talks a far deal, so much so that it’s hard to get a word in with her around.
lily tends to move swiftly from one place to another, never one to waste time to stop and smell the roses; she has things to do, for merlin’s sake. luckily, she was blessed with grace and coordination unlike some people (hem, hem, teddy), and her posture is decent by all accounts except her aunt fleur’s.
ears, once on each side.
various scrapes and scars. some of them are from the childhood adventures she used to drag her cousins into; one particular time she attempted to climb the tall oak tree in the burrow’s backyard, which resulted in a concussion, a broken leg, and a large scar on her arm that she covers via magic and makeup. but the vast majority are the product of raging fights and heart-palpitating duels – they are her shining battle scars. she keeps them carefully glamoured to prevent the mirage of her delicacy from shattering, but the truth is, she’s proud of them. they are a symbol of every war she’s won. everything she’s overcome.
personal style
[ tw: sexualization of a minor ]
feminine. lily has always been very comfortable in her femininity, her aunt fleur teaching her from a young age that it’s possible to be both effeminate and strong. she is a strong believer that females should be allowed to dress as they please and not be discriminated against for it, and she loathes it when people write her off as a weak little princess for her fashion choices. lily most often wears blood red lipstick and nail polish–her battle armor in the fight against feminism. most people are surprised to see that a little girl with such “girly” taste has such a mouth on her, but lily potter is no princess in distress. lily potter is the dragon standing guard.
and growing up in the weasley-potter household, she was no stranger to muggle culture, so thus her clothing choices are much more similar to that of a teenage muggle girl than a budding witch. she loves dresses and skirts and blouses and crop tops, and don’t even get her started on stilettos. she has one particular leather jacket though, given to her by her brother victoire, that she actually doesn’t mind wearing—as long as she has her stockings and leather miniskirt on. she’s almost never seen without makeup on–blush, lipstick, and mascara at the very least–and she keeps her nails sharp and painted. lily has actually assisted her uncle with the wonderwitch line at weasley’s wizard wheezes before; she helped george develop a line of long-staying lipstick and nail polish. 
her wardrobe choices are considered promiscuous by the media. her skirts are too short. too much of her cleavage shows in her tops. she exposes her midriff more than she should. but lily doesn’t dress the way that she does to attract people–she dresses the way that she does because she likes it. she won’t stand for accusations of “distracting the males around her.” it isn’t her job to dress more modestly to aid their self control. if a boy touches her without her permission or uses misogynistic slurs towards her, she will destroy them without a single thought.
the media made the mistake of sexualizing her from a young age, calling her all sorts of names like whore and slag. her clothes are a “fuck you” to rita skeeter and the journalists at witch weekly. you want to see a girl gone wild? then that’s what you’ll get, darling. (the anger seethes in her body so long that it rots her bones – one day she’ll come for them all.)
losing more family, not living up to expectations, disappointing her family and not living up to the family name, never finding love, opening up to be rejected or betrayed, the thought of being afraid itself, being powerless or limited, not being in control of herself, being perceived as weak, not being able to save the people she cares about, falling in love with the wrong person, the possibility that she’s just as terrible as the people she loathes, not making it as an auror
her fears are most often abstract rather than physical, tangible things. in fact, lily’s boggart manifests into her body on the floor, trapped in a full body bind while helplessly watching a faceless person murder the people she cares about, one by one. the deadliest foes will not make her blink but the very thought of being powerless when she needs her the strength the most? it can be crippling. when she was first faced with her boggart in her third year whilst in dada class, lily froze for several seconds, absolutely paralyzed by the image, a fact she still denies to this day. she is a potter. she is the strong one. she isn’t supposed to know fear. (oh but she does.)
[ tw: parental death ]
ending the war, becoming an auror, living up to her name, freeing herself from her family’s shadow, making the world a better place, finding a way to impose justice on those who’ve wronged her
lily longs to make her family proud of her, but even more so, she wishes to escape their shadow, to be seen as a separate entity. she wants to earn her accomplishments, not be handed them on a silver platter. she wants to make a change, a true difference. it’s idealistic of her, but that’s what she wants. if lily glimpsed into the mirror of erised before her father’s death, she would have seen herself finally free from her father’s shadow, being given the order of merlin first class, her proud family in the background. but now? if she were to look, all she would see is her father, standing right by her side.
firewhiskey, petrichor, firewood, hot chocolate, broom polish, old books, roses, treacle tart, strawberries and whipped cream, french vanilla, the sea, chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven, cinnamon, cherries, cloves
“the phoenix is a difficult patronus to come by, and if you do happen to have it, it signifies a very strong heart. these people have been through a lot in their life, and have risen from the ashes of it and become driven, daring, and a bit stubborn. they will not let anything bring them down, because they’ve been there before and never want to go back to that place. they have fire-like emotions, and can therefore be a bit tense at times. they are natural therapists, wanting to help others get out of tough places to allow them to rise as well. the most common house for a phoenix patronus is gryffindor. the most common signs are leo and taurus.” [ x ]
everything in that description is so lily to me, but because i like to be thorough, i’m going to delve in a little deeper.
the phoenix is a bird with red and gold plumage–the colors of gryffindor. and although lily does have traits from the other houses as well, she is essentially the textbook gryffindor. their scarlet body feathers glow in the darkness, and their gold tail feathers are scorching to the touch, a perfect metaphor for the flames within her.
phoenixes are said to be capable of carrying tremendously large loads, and this also screams lily to me because this is the girl who’s trying to carry the world on her shoulders. she may be failing, but merlin is she trying. and the truth is, lily can withstand a great deal before hitting her limit, her breaking point. just like a phoenix.
phoenixes are symbols of rebirth and healing; they may go up in flames every now and again, but every time, they come back from it. they come back from it just as strong as they were before. this is lily. she is the girl with the elastic heart, the girl who’s overcome so much in her small time on earth thus far. and she will do whatever it takes to heal her loved ones until her last dying breath.
the phoenix song evokes bravery in the hearts of the righteous and strikes terror into the hearts of the wicked – lily is a person who has the capacity to save the planet from the brink of devastation or set it on flames herself. but one thing is for certain: she will change the world.
lastly, the phoenix is of course the symbol of the order of the phoenix. her loyalty to the order’s values and her family is unwavering, and to me, it makes sense that her patronus would also reflect that.
[ tw: parental death ]
12 inches, cypress, dragon heartstring, hard
“cypress - cypress wands are associated with nobility. the great medieval wandmaker, geraint ollivander, wrote that he was always honoured to match a cypress wand, for he knew he was meeting a witch or wizard who would die a heroic death. fortunately, in these less blood-thirsty times, the possessors of cypress wands are rarely called upon to lay down their lives, though doubtless many of them would do so if required. wands of cypress find their soul mates among the brave, the bold and the self-sacrificing: those who are unafraid to confront the shadows in their own and others’ natures.
dragon heartstring - symbolizes power and wisdom. those who are strong, wise, compassionate, dedicated, relentless, resilient, bold, strong-minded, head-strong, powerful, ambitious, highly determined and driven (to obsessive), have strong desire and/or stubborn would have this wand core. having such a wand core suggests that you can be bossy at times, but also have a fiery disposition and have firm convictions, which will lead you down the road to leadership, as well as being devoted and selfless. this is the best core to have for hexes, the dark arts and all manner of elemental magic. it is a core predominantly found among those of house slytherin, but can also bond well with those of house ravenclaw and house gryffindor. as a rule, dragon heartstring cores produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. wands with dragon heartstring cores tend to learn more quickly than other types. in elemental magic, dragon heartstring cores are the most flexible of all the common cores, being that they work well with all manner of elemental spells, but no doubt that fire spells are among the most potent with this core type. while they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. such wands also tend to be easiest to turn to the dark arts, though they will not incline that way of their own accord. such wands are also the most prone to the ‘three cores to accidents’, being somewhat temperamental. dragon heartstring cores are a powerful wand core with a lot of magical “heft”. they are not the wand core you want for subtlety, but for sheer power, they are definitely the best. although they are the most common core among dark wizards and dark witches, they are most certainly not their most common users. dragon heartstring cores are by far the most common wand core amongst slytherins, but their power often bonds well to gryffindors and ravenclaws as well. however, they tend to overwhelm the archetypal hufflepuff personality.
hard - a wand of this flexibility is very difficult to work with and its loyalty is not won easily. hard wands are great for complex and advanced levels of magic, so beginning wizards and witches may find extra difficulty with this wand when it doesn’t perform well for simple magic. as such, this type of wand is best suited for wizards and witches who are gifted, stubborn, and never give up. owners of this wand also have a tendency to view things in absolutes; black or white. some people may find them intimidating or difficult to approach.” [ x ]
in classical antiquity, the cypress tree was a symbol of mourning, death, and the underworld, and it remains the most common cemetery tree in europe. her wand wood is not only a metaphor for lily’s name and all that her family has lost but also a poignant symbol of her underlying trauma – the early death of her childhood. the most well-known myth about the cypress tree is the tale of cyparissus and his beloved stag companion, who he accidentally murdered with his hunting javelin. his sorrow was so consuming that he begged to weep forever, transforming into a cypress tee, with the tree’s sap as his tears. as the stag is of course harry’s patronus, it all relates back to her father and her grief over him.
bad habits
becoming so intensely focused that she forgets to eat, over-straining or over-extenuating herself, being quick to anger, drinking too much, reality television, swearing, using romantic relationships and hook-ups as a means to feel better about herself, staying up too late, having too many cups of coffee per day, lying to others (and herself), seeing things too black-and-white, being too loud, over-involving herself into others’ affairs, letting her emotions completely consume her, placing blame where it does not belong (on both herself and others), deflecting with sarcasm
peonies and roses (her favorite flowers, not lilies), pop music (she likes upbeat songs she can dance to -- her favorite artists are lorde, beyonce, rihanna, sia, and marina and the diamonds and she almost exclusively listens to female artists), quidditch (she plays chaser like her mum), reality television (a guilty pleasure), the sea (when she’s around water, she feels at peace for once for it soothes the flames burning within her), coffee, hot chocolate (it reminds her of christmas, her favorite time of the year), the color red, muggle literature, family, romance movies (another guilty pleasure though she’ll never admit it), french food, dueling, honeydukes chocolate, treacle tart (it’s her favorite, much like her father), alcohol, fashion, puppies (she will not tolerate cats), warm weather, fire, dueling, nail polish (she has a plethora of colors), stilettos, and surprisingly a great deal of “nerdy” things (such as star wars, lord of the rings, and comic books) but if you try to call her a nerd she’s likely to punch you
lily cannot cook at all and has set her kitchen on fire multiple occasions.
she loves to sing but is so horrifically tone deaf that she truly shouldn’t. (her favorite genre is pop.)
her art consists of poorly colored stick figures, honestly resembling that of a child’s.
for someone so fiery, she is very averse to the winter. three minutes in the cold and she’ll be absolutely freezing—goosebumps and all.
she much prefers muggle clothes to robes.
[ tw: emotional abuse, binge drinking/developing alcoholism, ptsd ]
lily has always been brazen and intrepid and fierce, but as a child, she was just a bit softer, before the world hardened her. unfortunately, growing up under the microscope of the media, she was still left vulnerable to vitriol and sexualization, and it forced her to grow up too fast, despite her family’s best efforts to shield their little girl. this is when her insecurities truly started to grapple her, but she responded by putting on an unbreakable facade and feigning confidence. when she was in her third year, she dated someone for the first time, a fifth year named adonis. he was utterly beguiling, like a python before it swallows you whole. at first, there was the honeymoon period where she felt as though she were on top of the world – a beautiful older boy was interested in her. but it was all a cruel game to him, and over time, he pinpointed her insecurities and used them to influence and control her in a manner that was so sly it took her ages to realize it. this was all while convincing her to keep their relationship a secret, so her family would be none the wiser, which isolated her from those who truly cared about her. after about five or six months, she finally recognized something was very wrong and broke free from him, but the emotional abuse and gaslighting left its toll on her as she came to terms with it. never in her life had she felt so stupid, so foolish, and she vowed to never lose control again. this heavily contributed to her fear of falling in love. nowadays, she never lasts in a romantic relationship long, flitting from person to person. she hasn’t ever talked about what happened, but in his seventh year (her fifth), she discovered that he was isolating and manipulating another girl, and she clandestinely struck with a curse that left him permanently blind. never again would he be able to touch her – or anyone else. she can only hope the taste of her was worth it.
after she broke up with him, she also started drinking at parties to endure the fame and trauma, savoring how the firewhiskey numbed her and allowed her an temporary escape from herself. it started out innocuous, but over the years, she’s fallen deeper into alcoholism as it’s very much a coping mechanism for her. while she doesn’t truly hide her drinking, she shuts down anyone who tries to tell her she has a problem. 
she’s still a virgin. she’s fooled around before, but every time she comes close to letting someone truly see her, she thinks about how she almost slept with someone she shouldn’t have. she’s never properly dealt with the trauma from her first relationship, but as far she’s concerned, she’s perfectly fine.
her confidence is merely a mask for her insecurities about not being good enough. fake it until you make it, muggles say, and lily cannot disagree.
she pretends as if she isn’t afraid of anything—as if nothing fazes her—when in reality, she knows fear just as much as everyone else. she simply won’t admit it.
jung type
enfj. (extroversion over introversion; intuition over sense; feelings over thoughts; judging over perceiving)
“enfjs are the benevolent ‘pedagogues’ of humanity. they have tremendous charisma by which many are drawn into their nurturant tutelage and/or grand schemes. many enfjs have tremendous power to manipulate others with their phenomenal interpersonal skills and unique salesmanship. but it’s usually not meant as manipulation — enfjs generally believe in their dreams, and see themselves as helpers and enablers, which they usually are.
enfjs are global learners. they see the big picture. the enfjs focus is expansive. some can juggle an amazing number of responsibilities or projects simultaneously.many enfjs have tremendous entrepreneurial ability.
enfjs are, by definition, js, with whom we associate organization and decisiveness. but they don’t resemble the sjs or even the ntjs in organization of the environment nor occasional recalcitrance. enfjs are organized in the arena of interpersonal affairs. their offices may or may not be cluttered, but their conclusions (reached through feelings) about people and motives are drawn much more quickly and are more resilient than those of their nfp counterparts.
enfjs know and appreciate people. like most nfs, (and feelers in general), they are apt to neglect themselves and their own needs for the needs of others. they have thinner psychological boundaries than most, and are at risk for being hurt or even abused by less sensitive people. enfjs often take on more of the burdens of others than they can bear.” [ x ]
moral alignment
chaotic good.
“chaotic stands overall for freedom and adaptability, and especially chaotic good embodies that. characters of this alignment disdain bureaucratic organisations that get in the way of social improvement and place high value on personal freedom - but not just their own, but the personal freedom of others as well. since they are on the good axis, they are altruistic and intend to do what is right, regardless of what society may think of it, or whether they go against the law while doing it. think of a vigilante that’s a champion of the people, but frequently breaks the law helping people. they’re not much for planning and extensive organisation versus improvisation, and may create conflict in a team if they feel being pushed around (by, for instance, a lawful character). chaotic good characters might best work independently for that reason, or at least with someone who will respect their personal boundaries.
traits: rebellious, free-spirited, listens to their conscience, follows own moral compass, independent, kind, benevolent, believes in goodness, cares little for laws and regulations, good-natured, unpredictable, value freedom, believe people should follow their own desires, responsible, doubt their government, reckless
positives: combines a good heart with a free spirit, encourages selflessness, encourages freedom and equality, doing good is not seen as a duty, doing good is their responsibility, punishes evil and protects the innocent, keep their word, helps those in need, never kills for pleasure
negatives: disrupts the order of society, punishes those who do well for themselves, often resent authority, refuse to do good as a duty even if they end up doing it anyway on their own terms, promote society with little control from the government, occasionally breaks the law, may resort to torture when deemed necessary, may kill when deemed necessary” [ x ]
“the choleric is an extroverted, hot-tempered, quick thinking, active, practical, strong-willed and easily annoyed person. cholerics are self-confident, self-sufficient and very independent minded. they are decisive and opinionated and find it easy to make decisions for themselves as well as others. cholerics tend to leave little room for negotiating. the choleric is a visionary and seems to never run out of ideas, plans and goals, which are usually very practical. the choleric does not require as much sleep as the other temperaments so their activity seems endless. their activity almost always has a purpose because they are by nature result-oriented. they usually do not give in to the pressure of what others think unless they see that they cannot get the desired results. cholerics can be crusaders against social injustice as they love to fight for a cause. cholerics are both direct and firm when responding to others. they are slow to build relationships because results tend to be more important than people. they do not easily empathize with the feelings of others or show compassion. cholerics think big and seek positions of authority.” [ x ]
type eight (with a type seven wing).
“the powerful, dominating type:
self-confident, decisive, willful, and confrontational
generally, eights are strong, assertive, resourceful, independent, determined, action-oriented, pragmatic, competitive, straight-talking, shrewd, and insistent.
eights get into conflicts by being blunt, willful, domineering, forceful, defiant, confrontational, bad-tempered, rageful, cynical, and vengeful.
at their best, eights are honorable, heroic, empowering, generous, gentle, constructive, initiating, decisive, and inspiring.
enneagram type 8 with the 7 wing desire to appear commanding and see themselves as outspoken, innovative, intense, daring, striking, attractive and tenderhearted.
basic fear: of being harmed or controlled by others.
basic desire: to protect themselves, to be in control of their own life and destiny.
basic motivations: want to be self-reliant, to prove their strength and resist weakness, to be important in their world, to dominate the environment, and to stay in control of their situation.
stress point: type five - withdraws, avoids people, observes and thinks, consolidates plans.
security point: type two - protector of the weak, generous, helpful, charming.” [ x ]
soul type
the warrior.
the source i used for this one was another long page [ x ], so i’m just going to copy and paste the quotes that seemed particularly lily-ish.
“warriors are forceful souls; they embody qualities of strength, courage and determination. like kings, warriors are action-oriented beings, and therefore down-to-earth, single-minded and very willful. unlike kings, however, they tend to be more attracted to the cut and thrust of battle (whether real or metaphorical), preferring to just get stuck in rather than to stand back pulling all the strings.”
“warrior souls tend to see life in terms of confrontations and rising to the challenge. there are causes to serve, struggles to be overcome, battles to be won. they like to be on the front line with their trusted comrades, and strongly value both courage and loyalty. the basic drive of any warrior is to uphold something “right” and defeat something “wrong”, however those two are defined.”
“in the positive pole, persuasion, a warrior is forceful and effective without being overbearing. in other words, respectfully persuasive, courageous and protective. in the negative pole, coercion, the warrior descends into intimidation.”
her sun sign is leo.
“the lion.
fixed, fire, yang - planetary ruler: the sun. keywords: i will
leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac and rules the back, the spine, and the heart. positive traits include creativity, charisma, generosity, warmth, enthusiasm, a natural talent for leadership, and a great deal of inner power; negative traits are haughtiness, snobbery, an expectation that one is the centre of attention and should be waited on by everyone else, profligacy, lack of realism, dominance that can lead to bullying, and a refusal to change one’s mind even in the face of solid facts.
this is a natural sign for gryffindors, not least because the griffin is part lion. gryffindors born under this sign are outgoing, friendly, affectionate, and likeable. they make friends easily and are crushed when their advances are rejected. their romantic, chivalrous nature makes them perfect examples of all that is best in their house. however, they are also bossy, domineering, spendthrift, and overly dramatic (ever heard the phrase ‘drama queen?’) they have sharp tempers and need to learn to direct their anger toward only needful causes. the natural creativity and flamboyance of leo makes gryffindors born under this sign good at most everything they attempt, provided they apply themselves to learning magic rather than using magic to hog the limelight.” [ x ]
her moon sign is scorpio, a fixed water sign. the moon sign explanation i’m using [ x ] is particularly long, so i’m not going to copy and paste the whole thing, but here are some things on there that i feel really apply to lily.
“because the depth of your emotions – their strength and potential power – can be so intense, they can at times be overwhelming. early on in life, you may find yourself swinging between extremes of emotional peaks and troughs, feeling intensely and acutely every dimension of life. you are reminded not to collapse yourself into your emotions, or believe just because an emotion has intensity it must be acted upon. part of your nature requires you to allow strong feelings to unfold without being overcome by them.”
“you feel intensely, for better or for worse. this can at times make you seem vulnerable, but in truth you are likely to have much strength. your emotional nature combines sensitivity with the instinctual awareness that real growth only happens through episodes of pain and transformation.”
“there may be a tendency to try and protect this vulnerability, hiding the true depths of what you really feel. this tendency to suppress your emotions can go both ways. on the one hand, you may try to detach from uncomfortable emotions, and avoid circumstances that will really get you to feel. you may protect yourself from close encounters with others, and find emotional release through fictional or fantasy-based sources. or, you may attempt to control and dominate others with moodiness, lashing out at them before they can ‘get to you’. defense is used as a form of offense to prevent others discovering how sensitive and vulnerable you really feel.”
“at its highest level, the moon in scorpio gives you the ability to transform your own and others lives. you can act as an agent for change to become a catalyst for greater growth and awareness. you can help others shift their psychological values. the potential power contained here is enormous. you have the opportunity to be a force for change.”
lastly her ascendant sign is aries, with mars also in aries. again, the page i’m using [ x ] is long, so i’m just going to copy and paste some things that stand out to me.
“people with aries ascendants are direct and quick. their first instinct is to do, rather than think.”
“some aries rising people are competitive, but they generally put most of the pressure on themselves. these people love to come out ahead in all that they do. they get ready quickly, walk quickly, and have little patience for dilly-dallying. their temper is quick, too.”
“your ruling planet, mars, is also in aries: you are a fireball of vitality and a true warrior. become a master of yourself and conquer your own arrogance, impatience, and anger before you go out to conquer the world or burn yourself out.”  
action girl, chronic hero syndrome, determinator, good is not soft, tsundere, lady of adventure, red is heroic, fool for love, the idealist, rebellious spirit, lethal chef, go-getter girl, fiery redhead
character parallels
blossom (powerpuff girls), barbara gordon (batman comics), rose hathaway (vampire academy), buffy summers (buffy: the vampire slayer), anastasia (anastasia 1997), leia organa (star wars), mary jane watson (spiderman), nina zenik (six of crows), kim possible (kim possible), kayley (quest for camelot), sabrina spellman (chilling adventures of sabrina), arya stark (a song of ice and fire), rey (star wars)
lily is the living embodiment of fire – most of the time, she is a seething forest fire, and all she knows is destruction. but some days, she’s reduced down to a mere spark, a flicker. no matter what though, she’s always burning.
deadly sin
she is choleric and vindictive and ferocious and wicked. she knows this, and deep down, she’s utterly terrified that she might truly be a horrible person. she wasn’t always this bitter, this cruel, but she is never going to be the girl she once was. she isn’t ever coming back.
heavenly virtue
lily isn’t infallible – she’s a teenage girl after all – but she’s surprisingly selfless when it comes to the people she cares about. she’d do just about anything for them. hell, she’d sacrifice herself for any of them without hesitation if it ever came down to it. her wand wood is cypress for a reason.
st. mungo’s hospital
godric’s hallow
socioeconomic status
upper class, wealthy
a little cairn terrier named toto
lily is such a dog person – once during her first year she and hagrid tried to sneak in another three-headed puppy into hogwarts; he was a vicious little thing named buddy (because these two consider any dog their buddy, even if it could bite their head off). but minerva mcgonagall caught her in the nick of time and the poor headmistress chewed them out so loudly that the hogsmeade villagers most likely heard. and buddy was given back to his original owner. but now lily owns a little cairn terrier who means the world to her – the only boy she’s ever loved, or so she claims. his name is toto because he looks suspiciously like toto from wizard of oz, a favorite childhood movie of hers, and he was given to lily last year by her close friend, clarabel, who’s particularly talented at conjuring animals. curiously, his personality and disposition almost mirrors clarabel’s, most likely because she was the one who brought him to life. as toto isn’t technically “real” (please don’t say this to her), he does not age and could disappear at any given moment, which was the only reason why she was allowed to bring him to hogwarts. granted, it took several impassioned speeches to mcgonagall that went something along the lines of “albus is allowed to bring a ferret, but i can’t bring a dog? ferrets carry diseases, headmistress!” it’s almost remarkable how a girl this hardened can be so soft in the presence of dogs.
[ tw: parental death ]
lily adored her father to the point of idolization. from a young age, lily became convinced that he could do no wrong, that he was impervious to evil and completely invincible. he was the savior of the wizarding world. the world’s hero. her hero. she would have followed him to the end of the world. it is because of him that she has always dreamed of becoming an auror. she wanted to make him proud, and moreover, she wants to do some good in the world herself. however, her idolization of her father certainly has its negative effects; she puts him on so high of a pedestal that she can’t admit his faults, especially now. not to mention, she’s so concerned about not living up to the expectations of the potter name and is convinced she will never be able to. she will never live up to her dad. and she will spend the rest of her life not knowing how proud of her he really was.
her relationship with her mother is much healthier than her relationship with her father. although she’s always been a bit closer to harry, ginny and lily are still close to each other, and ginny is most protective over her youngest daughter because she always longed for a girl. while harry taught her how to fly, it was ginny who taught her how to play quidditch. lily inherited her natural chaser skills (among other things). lily would confide in her mother almost anything. yes, they do argue because their personalities are both so strong, but there is complete trust and respect between the two of them.
in the potter-weasley clan, family is valued over anything, and her older siblings are no exception. although they are older in age, lily is viciously protective over them. she watches out for them because she needs them—she needs albus and james. she has no clue what she’d do without her brothers around, but she never wants to find out. lily would lay down her lives for them in a heartbeat, no hesitation at all, no questions asked. because if it’s between them or her, she’d choose herself every time. they have their rows–all siblings do–but at the end of the day, she’s with them until the end of the line.
early history
i. rooting
your relatives always tell the same little anecdotes about your birth. after all those times you hear them over family dinner, birthday parties, the frequent family outings ― any time and place your parents could embarrass you, honestly ― you memorize them.
mum will always go on and on about the pain, how it felt like “a bloody watermelon was coming out of my birth canal,” and dad will always reminisce about how she cursed like a sailor at him every five minutes for “putting this goddamn demon baby in my tiny stomach” and how she threatened to strangle him later. uncle ron will always talk about how he almost fainted when you came out of mum because holy crap the blood. and of course, grandma will always reprimand them for exaggerating and reassure everyone that mum never once called you a demon.
but here’s the part that always sticks to you the most: you were the hardest, most painful birth out of the three. when your mother finally did manage to push you out, you kicked and screamed and cried, and she looked at you and faintly murmured, still weak from the pain, “that’s it. i’m done.”
and you are their final child.
✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿
the youngest and smallest daughter of a prodigious family, you grow up showered with unadulterated affection and care ― you are so loved that you could drown in its depths. there is never a single moment you doubt just how much they cherish you. it’s in every bear hug, every kiss to your forehead, every pinched cheek. they love you more than the world itself, giving you everything that they have, teaching you all that they know.
grandpa instills in you a curiosity and compassion for the mortal world, like the foolhardy little mermaid’s fascination with the shore up above. “just because they don’t share the same powers we do doesn’t mean they’re magicless,” he insists. “everyone has magic flowing inside of their veins. there are people out there who somehow manage to remember every tune on the radio, children who always know how to make their big siblings laugh, grandmas who always brew a perfect cup of tea. you don’t think there’s something magic to that? all you have to do is look, lils. you’ll see it.”
grandma tries to teach you how to cook, but you’re so quickly infuriated in the kitchen that your magic bubbles to a boil as steaming as dragon fire. before you can stop it, it bursts through the seams of your body and sets the food alight. every damn time. after aquamenti’s spluttered out for the fifteenth time amongst the thick and engulfing smoke, molly just heaves a sigh and shakes her head. “well, we’ll try again when you’re older, darling.” (why is it so much easier for you to destroy than create? sometimes you feel as though you are ruination entrapped in a tiny slip of a girl as it pounds and hollers to be set free. nurture is the gene that you failed to inherit, and it haunts you.)
but mum shows you how to wield those flames inside of you, to take the destruction and demolition thumping in your chest and weaponize it. “your family will always be here to fight for you, but it’s still important that you learn how to fend for yourself.” you learn how to fight tooth and nail. the muggle way, without the divinity of a wand. you’re the spitting image of your mother, small as they come, but size is no guarantee of power. you know that well. when you play make believe, you never demand to be the princess but the knight in shining armor, sword and shield in hand.
from your uncle ron, you learn to have courage in the presence of fear, and from aunt hermione, social justice and protest. uncle bill and aunt fleur teach you that inner beauty is as valuable, if not more, than outer beauty. uncle charlie shows you that there was no harm in a little (or a lot of) danger. uncle george and fred illustrate the indispensable power of laughter and tomfoolery ― what good’s existence if you don’t know how to live? uncle percy’s lesson is perhaps the most important, a lesson he almost understood too late: never to abandon your family. “always remember this, lily, we all love you so much no matter what.” percy stresses.
they love you.
and your dad ― he teaches you how to love them back.
ii. rising
then you’re a little ten-year-old upset that your brothers, your godbrother, and your cousins have left you. in the dust. for a castle ― a magical castle where there are ghosts and trolls and a talking hat. a talking sorting hat who somehow shoulders the responsibility of deciding your entire fucking future. (gryffindor? oh merlin, please, gryffindor.)
and most of them can’t even be bothered to pick up the quill and properly write.
but you don’t cry over these things, see? you never cry. (everyone says you’re like your mum. she never cries. dad secretly likes that about mum. dad isn’t much for tears.)
dad doesn’t mind if you cry, he says, but you don’t want to bother him. he’s a weary war hero, even if he pretends to not be for you. he’s had enough. he’s seen enough. he’s felt enough pain for a lifetime. and all is finally well for him, apparently.
you don’t want him to have to deal with your problems.
last time you ever allowed yourself to cry ― you were around five or six? there was a thunderstorm. it was the first one you remembered in your life. (yeah. you fucking cried over a thunderstorm.) no one seemed to be able to calm you down, no one but james. james came over, wet and unruly hair sticking up on all ends, and said “it’s going to be okay, lils, i’m here. no one’s going to hurt you.”
no one will hurt you while your family’s here. so what use is getting upset over anything? they will always be there. to protect you.
and anyways. you’re lily fucking potter.
you’re the chosen one’s daughter.
what the hell do you need tears for? tears are for the weak.
you should be able to bloody take care of yourself.
you should be able to bloody protect them.
✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿
growing up in such a large family, you have become accustom to chaos and pandemonium and a cacophony of hollering voices. but with so many of them gone away, it’s so disturbingly quiet when you come around the burrow.
your uncle ron takes it upon himself to teach you wizard chess.
of course, you lose at first.
but you’re not one for giving up.
also there’s something satisfying about controlling your pieces and planning your moves ― having power over something feels good.
there’s also something very desensitizing about winning a match and seeing your opponent’s piece violently ― barbarically as your aunt hermione says ― shatter to crumbs.
but maybe that’s a little twisted. getting satisfaction off of that.
aunt hermione seems to be concerned about it.
the point is though ― you get good.
you’re bold and reckless and instinctual in your moves, yes. but you get very good.
iii. blooming
[ tw: emotional abuse and alcoholism ]
you’re finally at hogwarts.
and you’re a gryffindor. thank merlin. (the hat said almost slytherin. but definitely gryffindor. you begged and told it “not slytherin.” and so it put you into gryffindor almost immediately after.
as far you’re concerned, that hat was probably rather tipsy that night. if it can talk and sing songs and make decisions, it can get drunk, okay?
and the words that it said while it was intoxicated? can’t be held accounted for.
so thus: you’re a gryffindor. through and through.
no one else needs to know anything different.)
you owl your entire family about it. they’re all proud. most of them say you could have been in any house and it would have been absolutely fine. but they’re all quite proud.
✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿
in third year, you date a boy for the first time.
he sends you love letters. meets with you outside of school. tells you not to tell anyone about him. that sends off warning signs immediately. why can’t your family know? what the fuck is going on?
“let’s keep it a secret, just for now. i don’t want anyone to screw us up, lil. i don’t think they’d like me.”
“why wouldn’t my family like you? i like you. i’d make them like you.”
“please, lil, we can tell them eventually. i’m just scared to right now. you’re the first person i’ve ever had feelings for.”
you’ve always had a very low trust for people, there’s something you love about being called lil though. so you’re wary. but you decide to listen. this time.
but this time turns into just one more time. and it cycles. you excuse things you shouldn’t, all in the name of love. he isolates you, and he knows just how to push your buttons, to pinpoint your insecurities and lash out like a snake.
it takes you months, but you finally come to your senses and see it for what it is: plain and simple abuse. you untether yourself from him.
and then you try your best to forget about it.
maybe that’s part of the reason why you enjoy firewhiskey the first time you try it, just after you turn fourteen.
it burns like it should. it makes you numb. it’s a proper escape.
and it’s pretty damn clear: love gets in the way of things. love is pointless.
also, no one’s allowed to call you lil. ever again.
iv: wilting
[ tw: parental death ]
you’re sixteen. you just turned fucking sixteen.
and your dad’s dead.
your dad’s dead and you didn’t get to say goodbye and the last fucking thing you have of him? it’s his map.
you’d protect that map with your life. even if you’d rather have him.
✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿
it’s all a blur for a while. the condolences, the flowers, the funeral, the memorial, the tears…it’s all just a blur.
you just…you don’t understand why he’s dead.
a war hero. the head of the auror department. the savior. the chosen one.
he was the best of the best.
and he’s dead.
what hope does anyone still have?
practically none.
but dad would want you to have hope.
so you do your best to have some.
your family is just so clearly a mess though. even if they’re all mostly trying to hide it.
you’re the only one in mcgonagall’s army who actually seems to give a damn about people and this hopeless fucking world that’s probably not even worth saving in the first place.
so it’s just all on you now.
because dad’s not here.
he was supposed to always be there.
but he’s not anymore.
but it’s all right. (it’s all right, it’s all right, it’s all right. you’re the hero of this story. don’t need to saved.)
you need to do something. you can’t just sit down and cry about it.
dad was always so selfless and concerned about the people he loved, but now that he’s not here? you don’t think that dad would really want you to just let his world go to hell.
when you were younger? you knew you wanted to be an auror. and he was proud of that. he helped train you. he was preparing you for this. maybe in some sick, twisted way…the universe meant for this to happen, for him to be taken away from you.
maybe he knew it too. and that’s why he tried so hard to prepare you.
the reasons don’t really matter, you don’t want to fucking talk to anyone about it. this is all just your job now.
that’s it.
iv: falling
you become harsh and hopeless, a storm that never seems to break. gone is the girl who was terrified of lightning and thunder – now you embody them, reveling in the demolition. you are untouchable, and you’re not sure if it’s a blessing or a curse.
if your father was still alive, you wonder if he would be proud.
but you know in your heart, he wouldn’t.
caring, protective, loyal, intelligent, passionate, determined, brave, outgoing, selfless, witty, cunning, chivalrous, charismatic, adventurous, capable, ambitious, bold, independent, kind, generous, loving, well-intentioned, heroic, willful, free-spirited, warm, revolutionary, compassionate, decisive, hard-working, intuitive, pro-active, family-oriented
paranoid, envious, grudge-holder, blunt, outspoken, misconstrued perceptions, over-drinks, distrustful, stubborn, argumentative, hotheaded, feels the overwhelming need to save everyone and fix everything, too emotionally driven to the point of being illogical, impatient, reckless, lack of regard for her own life, sarcastic, insecure, unyielding, inability to admit she’s wrong, worrier, perfectionist, dishonest, controlling, competitive, unpredictable, erratic, tempestuous, difficulty resisting temptation, spiteful, fearless to the point of harming herself, self-righteous, judgmental, vengeful, violent, manipulative, hypocritical
personality overview
lily is known for her liveliness and her energy. the girl can’t stand being bored, and sitting around doing nothing frustrates her more than anything. most of the gryffindors view her as fun, but her idea of fun doesn’t align with everyone. she likes excitement and adventure. she’d take a swim in the lake when it’s freezing cold outside; she’d drink until she’s completely wasted; she’d set off fireworks in the great hall with her friends; she’d even explore the forbidden forest at night if she’s bored enough.
she’s also known for her quick wit and sense of humor, always ready with a comeback. her favorite teachers call her cheeky, while her least favorite call her a troublemaker. she’ll mouth off to anyone, consequences be damned, and it’s earned her a fair amount of detention sentences over the years. she just can’t help it but sass most of the time. it’s almost a defense mechanism, a way for lily to deflect.
lily knows how to lie, and admittedly, she’s very often dishonest. but she knows how to persuade. she speaks with conviction, her voice unwavering as she spins her webs, a stellar actress. she’s not pathological, but there’s a lot she likes to keep to herself. a lot of weakness and vulnerability that she doesn’t like to share with just anyone. at times, lily is so talented at lying that she is capable of deluding herself, burying some things that she doesn’t care to admit so far in the cobwebs of her mind that the denial becomes subconscious.
she has the heart of a lion. fierce, bold, and strong, lily’s the type of person you’d want beside you in a time of crisis. she’s a textbook gryffindor, ready for a fight and nearly impossible to scare. the girl could be considered too brave; her unwavering courageousness could easily get her killed someday. things that should terrify any sane person, such as bloodthirsty death eaters or hungarian horntails, never scare her. lily is recklessly dauntless, and she’s proud of it. there is nothing she values about herself more than her bravery. if you want lily to go berserk, all you have to do is call her a coward.
lily isn’t afraid to say what she thinks or stand up to people. she’s blunt and outspoken–sometimes harsh – always feeling the need to express her opinion. to make matters worse, she’s very argumentative and steadfast on her beliefs; she could debate for hours about something. in fact, lily actually enjoys arguing and debate, sometimes even picking fights with blood elitists and slytherins merely due to boredom, provoking them for no reason other than craving combat. incredibly hot-tempered, she’s usually fighting with someone about one thing or another and isn’t afraid to resort to violence if her point isn’t coming across.
there is a softer, kinder side to lily behind all her bravado though. she isn’t exactly nice, but she is caring and selfless. and she isn’t inherently cruel. she’d never hurt someone on purpose unless they didn’t absolutely deserve it in her opinion ( though she’s been wrong before on so many occasions ). she’s passionate, loyal, and protective about the things and people that she loves. she would sacrifice her life for someone she cares about in a heartbeat. she has a weakness for heroics, feeling a need to save people and fix everything, carrying the world on her shoulders. this is, of course, unreasonable, but she believes she has to be that way because of the family she comes from. from day one, she has had expectations placed on her because she’s a potter, and rather than fight them, she feels the need to live up to them. she feels as if the world is expecting her to be a hero because her family is so respected and moral. these expectations and complexes of hers are what drives lily.
she is a perfectionist. lily is constantly pushing herself past her limits and often tries to do far more than what she is capable of. lily refuses to stop and rest, and she’ll continue to refuse until the day she dies. she stays up too late to maintain her near-perfect grades. she practices for quidditch nearly every morning. she pours over her dada textbooks for hours on end so that she’ll win every duel in dueling club. lily is competitive and feels the need to be the best because her insecurities cause her to worry that she isn’t good enough, that she’ll never be good enough. it’s self-induced pressure–no one places unrealistic expectations on the girl but herself. in actuality, people may expect lily to be brave and heroic like her parents, but no one expects her to be the best at everything, and she puts most of the pressure on herself due to her own insecurities. it’s only lily who thinks she isn’t good enough, and one of her biggest flaws is her tendency to compare herself to other people rather than seeing herself as her own person. people who are better than her are often met with green, envy rattling in her core, as much as she tries to ignore it.
even though she appears completely fearless to most, lily is actually only almost devoid of fear, not that she would ever admit she was anything less than dauntless. she rarely ever speaks of emotions of fear in front of other people, pretending that nothing fazes her. she doesn’t want anyone to know that she can be scared or weak sometimes. she’s a gryffindor and a potter, so as far as she’s concerned, she’s not allowed to be. lily is expected to be strong and fearless, just like her parents, so that’s what she claims to be whereas, in reality, she can be afraid just like any other person; she’s just good at hiding things. the thought of losing people she cares about absolutely terrifies her, especially with the war. along with that, she has always felt pressure to be great; lily has spent her whole life worrying whether or not she’s good enough due to her family’s achievements. just like her father, she’s always felt the need to be a hero. lately she’s been afraid that she isn’t doing enough to help the order, that her dad would be ashamed of her if he was still alive. that’s one of the reasons why she’ll try to push her outlandish ideas on mcgonagall’s army members even though she knows deep down that she’s suggesting suicide missions.
it’s frightening, really, how much little regard she has for her own life. her self worth is nonexistent in the scheme of things. she’ll fight nail and tooth to live but only because she wants to be there to protect her loved ones; she sees her life as second to theirs. if she thought she could help bring about the end of the war by dying, if there was even the slightest possibility of saving those she views as good, lily would do it in an instant. without thinking. because lily truly believes that her loved ones would get over it, maybe not at first but eventually. and she’s okay with that. she’d want them to move on with their loves, to stop mourning her and find happiness. for lily, there is no better way to go than to go down fighting. to go down while defending her loved ones and her beliefs.
but if she lives through the war, lily plans on becoming an auror, just like her father. it’s just what she’s always wanted to do. again, the girl has a hero complex. and her ambition is great–she wants to be the youngest auror ever accepted into their department and one day make her way up to head auror. lily believes her true calling in life is on the battlefield, protecting the innocent and bringing justice to the world.
lily is a control freak–bossy, domineering, and assertive. losing control is her greatest fear, so she’d never let anyone get the best of her. lily always needs to do something because that’s how she finds control in her own destiny. it always takes time to earn her trust because she fears betrayal and manipulating, causing her to be naturally suspicious of others’ intentions. she’ll fight like hell when others get in the way of her plans; her fear of losing control doesn’t allow her to adapt to change easily. when her father died, she felt weak and powerless, wishing she could just bring back, wishing that she could just do something, anything; her worst fear became a reality, and she swears she is never going to allow herself to feel that way again. she will never be vulnerable again. she will never lose control again. oddly enough, even though she’s been surrounded by love her entire life, she’s even afraid of falling in love for those very reasons. the thought of falling for someone who may or may not love her back, allowing herself to be that vulnerable in front of someone, has always scared her more than she would care to admit. lily needs to feel safe, and being in love with someone who could break your heart is something only fools would do in her opinion.
lily won’t admit to sadness or heartache either, not wanting others to think less of her. through sheer willpower alone, the girl has not cried since she was six though there have been moments where she wished she could allow herself to, such as her father’s funeral. when she saw her father in that casket, she felt like knives were in her ribs, and all she wanted to do was run back to her home, cry, grab a beater’s bat, and destroy all the objects in her home one by one, but her face looked stoic. when asked, lily claims that she’s completely all right about her father’s death, and most believe it. she’ll barely ever talk about him at all. it’s like she isn’t even mourning. there are subtle nuances that she is though. her smile and laugh are more demure than it was before. she’s even more fiercely protective of her family and friends now, and her weakness for heroics has also increased; she’ll go to great lengths to protect and save others with little regard for her own safety. it’s partly because she wants to make her father proud by being brave and partly because she doesn’t value herself much as a person due to her insecurities.
but ironically, even though she hides her emotions the majority of the time, she is consumed by them. they control and drive her, often even to the point of recklessness. logic falls on deaf ears to this girl, making her much more likely to make mistakes and get into trouble. she has a good brain on her shoulders and should know better than to act without thinking, but she doesn’t. lily’s impulsive, reckless, and impetuous, mostly relying on pure instinct. and she’s as stubborn as a mule as well. it’s very hard to convince her not to do something once her mind is set. and bare nerves, stubbornness, and recklessness is a dangerous combination–a mixture not usually found in those who like to live long lives. lily is aware of how foolish she can be, but she just doesn’t care. as far as she’s concerned, if something’s the right thing to do, it’s the right thing to do, regardless of the possible consequences.
but here’s the problem: she’s so often wrong. her black-and-white and self-righteous beliefs are so instilled in her that she can’t see the bigger picture. she can’t recognize that the population isn’t capable of being sorted in categories of good and evil. she doesn’t see shades of grey, judging others by their actions and beliefs regardless of the circumstances. death eaters are not seen by lily as people–only monsters incapable of human emotion. whenever she looks at a death eater, all she can see is her father’s dead face. she doesn’t know who was responsible, so instead she blames them all. she hates them all so intensely that she is blind to the fact that expectations are placed on those from traditionalist families too. and most of all, she doesn’t realize that the other side is just as capable of loving others to the point of consumption as she is. and they should be feared for that.
describe your character through a particular weather temperament or season. / could your character be described in two rival parts, and if so, what would they be? / ( +bonus: if your character could choose their own form of death, what would it be? )
i. lily luna potter was born at the height of summer, on a muggy august night, and as such, she truly embodies every aspect of the season. she’s the unrelenting sun beating down on you — she is always burning burning burning, and she’s impossible to put out. everything she chooses to do is carried out with a tremendous intensity and passion, almost as though she is pouring her entire heart into it, and perhaps she really is. (”they told me to pour my heart into everything i do. so that’s what i did, i poured and poured and poured. now they ask me why i’m so empty.”) when she’s determined to accomplish something, nothing else matters in that moment. she’s overpowering, a girl with the capability to set the whole damn world on fiendfyre if she wanted to. she’s just so much all at once — too much, really. she’s been told that by exes before, that she’s just too much for them, and lily always responds, her voice so piercing it could slit a throat, “or maybe you’re just not enough.” even when she’s cold, it’s with this ferocity that still manages to burn you to the core.
lily can’t ever be any other season than summer, but sometimes she wishes she could be. she longs for the rebirth of spring, the balance of autumn, the chill of winter. but she’ll always burn like summer.
ii. lumos – a fire-haired girl who dons robes of scarlet and gold, as striking as a beacon of light / the family legacy you swore to protect / brain and nerve and bounding heart / a deafening roar of laughter after a brilliant joke / being so incredibly drunk you’re as giddy as a toddler, the life of the party / shielding young girls as though you are the mighty huntress artemis / a magnificent silver phoenix burst from the tip of your wand, summoned by the many faces of your family / the indescribable solace found from wrapping your arms tightly around your big brother, not ever wanting to let go / the callow little girl within yourself that you couldn’t quite manage to kill, a girl who wished on shooting stars and cried during thunderstorms
nox – a meadow of wildflowers wilting away / the fury deep within your core that burns like dragon fire, threatening to consume you / a memory you’ve tried to bury deep within the crevices of your mind, a memory you’d rip from your skull if you could / swearing off love because what good is it anyway / clenched fists so tight that your red, red nails bite crescent moons on your palms / the glorious burn of your muscles during a seething fight / a thunderous cry for retribution, even if it means destroying yourself in the process / feeding into your rage because if you falter for just a moment, you’ll remember just how hollow you are / a ruinous lightning storm encased within a pint-sized girl
iii. she can’t ever picture herself dying quietly. whenever the veil inevitably comes to shroud her, she will take her sharp nails and try to tear it into shreds – she is a forest fire that refuses to snuffed. rage is all she knows, all she’s good at. her beloved cypress wand bears a reminder she carved in runic scripture: “never give up without a fight.”  and lily never will. she will struggle and struggle and struggle before they take her.
it’s not that the prospect of death petrifies her. there have been cold nights where she feels hollow and so very small, and she thinks about how she doesn’t want to die – no, she doesn’t want to die – but still she would appreciate the rest, the quietness, the peace. it had been her own father who had sat her down at age six, her very first taste with death (her great-great aunt muriel finally decided to fucking croak) and bestowed upon her the wise words of albus dumbledore just before they left for the funeral, “do not pity the dead. pity the living.” and oh, she does. lily is just sixteen years old, and she’s already so exhausted.
no, she’s not petrified of death, but rather petrified of what she’d leave behind: a family she treasures more than anything. lily doesn’t place much value in her own life. she ultimately views herself as just a person and not a very good one at that, but still she will fight until her dying breath. she will do it for them – all this struggle is for their sake. she needs to stick around to protect them.
but of course, if she could die to save someone she loved, she would do it in an instant. lily’s loyalty is hard-won, but once it’s earned, there isn’t anything she won’t do for you. so that’s how she’d choose to die, fighting but fighting for something – or someone – worth dying for. on those cold hollow nights when she’s wondering what it’s all for, she has to remind herself that it’s for them.
she might not matter, but they do.
lily luna potter – the woman, the myth, the legend. the only daughter of the chosen one, the world hailed her as a figure of hope from the moment she was born, waiting with baited breath to see what she will go on to accomplish. lily’s so beguiling she could be the sun – she never manages to dim. she’ll lull you to a stupor when she struts past, as ostentatious as ever, and you’ll be rendered gormless in her wake. she’ll leave you wondering whether she’s a dream or a nightmare, but that’s the very point, isn’t it? you laud her as your hero, thrust her with expectations she could never live up to, and when she seems to rise to the occasion, you forget. you forget that she is just a teenager, not a blinding sun or a sharp crack of lightning or a ruinous earthquake, but a girl who’s barely sixteen. a girl who’s lost more than you could ever imagine. children should never be viewed as metaphors, but from the second she came into this world, it was already too late.
               / / /
self-righteous but vindictive, girlish but bloodthirsty, idealistic but cynical, emotional but hardened, tender but acrimonious, coquettish but closed off, well-intentioned but wicked, fiery but icy, radiating but deathly – lily is a girl of contradictions and paradoxes. she possesses so many opposing traits that it’s difficult to make sense of her. with her full face of makeup and voguish outfits, she is ever so carefully put together, but it only serves to hide the storm raging underneath her skin. her countenance is a purposeful illusion – she doesn’t want you to see the red scars on her skin or the dark circles underneath her eyes. everybody is always watching her, so she must look her best. but there’s more to it, isn’t there? he always used to tell her she wore too much makeup, and since breaking up with him on the cusp of her fourth year, she has never stepped outside without a full face. it’s a permanent two-fingered salute. “fuck you, i’m beautiful.” but why does she feel so ugly and mangled?
              / / /
on some days, she burns as bright as a brush fire, incinerating everything in her path. but on others, she’s as hollowed out as a glacier cave, the coldness seeping inside her body, freezing over her heart – those days, nothing and no one can really touch her. somehow, she always fluctuates between passion and numbness, a vicious cycle she can’t seem to control. lily either feels so intensely or feels absolutely nothing at all, and she’s not quite sure which is worse. when her emotions are tearing her apart, she longs to shut them off, but once they’re gone, she’ll do anything just to feel something again. how can she be so passionate yet so hardened at the same time? sometimes she misses the bitter tang of tears, the sweet release – it’s been ten long years since she’s allowed herself to cry. but she won’t allow herself to be weak again. she’s come too far. perhaps it really is best to have a heart that’s forgotten how to beat; dead hearts can’t break.
              / / /
she’s furious and she’s bitter and she’s tired. she’s so goddamn tired. it’s always so exhausting to be her. some days, she wonders what is the point of it all. why does she keep struggling when all she wants to do is lay down her weary arms, close her eyes, and rest? but she knows she can’t. she was born to fight – that’s all she knows how to do at this point. so she will soldier on.
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archaeopter-ace · 6 years
That's- that's YOUR ART??? IT'S AMAZING!!!!!!
Awwww, thank you!!!! I’m smiling so hard right now, you have no idea. THANK YOU Honestly, I’m just so inspired by all the incredible art fans produce on this site, it makes me so happy to see the diversity in styles. And I do mean inspired in a very literal sense. Most of the art I’ve done in the past were as-realistic-as-possible ink drawings of animals or whatever, which I’m quite proud of and which garner me a lot of compliments, but always what people don’t seem to get is that that sort of drawing doesn’t feel very creative to me. There’s not a lot of imagination in copying a reference, no matter what the technical skill is. And before the Trollhunters fandom, I didn’t have the courage to dare to dream. I lacked the patience to practice the things I wasn’t all that good at or confident in (drawing people in particular, but also digital art and fanart in general). Like, I got too easily frustrated trying something new and would go back to doing familiar things. There is so much truth to the statement ‘the grass is always greener,’ because believe it or not, sometimes I’d get jealous of someone’s scribbly, smudgy OC, because *there* was an artwork with personality, with character. There was an artist who could dream something up in their head, and then put it down on paper. 
And being in this fandom, this beautiful, supportive fandom, and seeing all the lovely, lovely art from all sorts of technical skill levels but each and every piece with so much heart, it’s reignited my passion to create. To take chances and try something new. To chase my vision all the way to the finish line instead of giving up at the starting line. So to any aspiring artists out there who might not be as confident in their own work - the feeling is mutual, lol. But in all seriousness, thank you guys, for reminding someone who’d lost their way what it means to want to try
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expreszyourself · 6 years
10 Questions with Enlightened Gear
Enlightened Gear is a clothing brand created by Issa Ogunbor. It’s a quality brand which is truly taking taking over especially in the entertainment industry. It’s a clothing brand which plans on doing more than just clothing people but also to adding value to society. This is definitely a brand which we can get behind and we start off with getting to know more about Enlightened Gear with 10 questions...
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1. What is Enlightened Gear?
Enlightened Gear is a clothing line which supports the spread of knowledge, Enlightenment unity amongst people and also aims to make the world a better place for all as much as we can.
On our official logo, you will recognize 3 distinct items, which are the Owl, Triangle (Pyramid) and a Circle.
The Owl symbolizes ancient knowledge and the search for beneficial knowledge today.
The Triangle (Pyramid) symbolizes the hierarchy in life; it’s the Pyramid of Wealth and Success. It’s a reminder for us to always strive to be at the top in whatever we set out to do or achieve. The more unique a person’s ideas, the harder it becomes to replace them. It takes a lot of hard work, determination and creativity to make it to the top in whatever field or sector one finds oneself in.
The Circle represents the Eternal circle of life.  All humans are part of a larger design and we should work together in unity in order to make the world a better place for all of us.  We must all work together regardless of beliefs, race or ideology. Humanity precedes every man made divisions and its advancement should be our main priority.
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2. How long has the brand been around?
Enlightened Gear was founded February 2018, so it’s been around for just about 8 months, and so far it’s been growing at a very rapid rate. Light speed.
 3. The name seems quite inspired. What is the inspiration behind the name?
I was looking for a way to spread the message of seeking knowledge, enlightenment and advancement among people, and with my experience in the design, signage and clothes manufacturing industry; I decided starting up a brand would be my own way to achieve this goal.  I initially called my brand “Conscious Gear” but after pondering for a while, the name “Enlightened Gear” just hit me and it felt right, it encompasses what we are all about in a broader sense.
4. What items of clothing does Enlightened Gear specialize in?
For now, we focus on making T shirts, Caps and Tank Tops. In the future, we would be rolling out more unique designs and clothing items.
 5. Who is Enlightened Gear’s target market? And why?
Our main target market are those individuals who are hip and also focused on their career, business or whatever endeavour they set out on.  Artists, corporate individuals, students, go-getters, anyone passionate about self-accomplishment and advancement in general.
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6. Starting up anything is difficult. What challenges have you faced with starting up Enlightened Gear?
When starting anything substantial, one is bound to face hardships and challenges. Hardships are a test of your leadership skills and challenges make you gain experience and become stronger. Initially, there were logistical issues, getting the right and reliable suppliers, setting up the payment gateways for the online shop, designing the right templates for the website.
Enlightened Gear was also met with skepticism and subtle mockery from certain individuals who didn’t understand what it was about, and were rather ignorant and closed minded to bother trying to get a glimpse into what we stand for. I didn’t let any of that discourage me though, I kept on pushing.
7. With those challenges, how have you overcome them?
Hard work, persistence, perseverance, sacrifice, belief and vision.  As with anything in life, challenges still crop up here and there, but one must keep pushing and never give up.
8. What makes Enlightened Gear different to any other brand out there?
I would say the fact that we have a message which we propagate, and we have our ideals which we stand for makes us unique and stand out from a number of brands out there. Enlightened Gear is also bold and we dare to make our statement regardless of what people might think or say.  
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9. Adding some sort of value to the world is a quality that I believe we all have. What quality do you hope Enlightened Gear would add to the world? And how do you plan on making that happen?
I believe in our promotion of unity and understanding amongst all people living on this planet. It would be in our own little way to bring about creating a better world where people see each other as one specie rather than different groups of rivals with conflicting interests. Also, I try to promote and assist individuals in the entertainment industry and other sectors as much as I can. I believe if we all work together, we would grow together.
Enlightened Gear is also partnering with organisations whose aims are to bring about abundance in the world and try as much as possible to alleviate poverty and suffering. We are all Citizens of this Global village and everyone is entitled to a better life.
10. Where would you like to see the brand in the future?
In the nearest future, I would like to see Enlightened Gear (EG) as a household name, with retail outlets worldwide.
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Please share any word of wisdom or encouragement to anyone who could be reading this.
Pursue your dreams; don’t be scared to take risks or to fail. Never let people make you feel ashamed of who you are, or try to discourage you from achieving your goals. Being different is what makes you unique; it’s a virtue that you must be proud of. Be a lion in the midst of the sheep, and never be scared to walk the narrow dark path alone, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel!
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Website: www.enlightenedgear.org
Facebook: @EnlightenedGearSA
Instagram: @enlightenedgear
Youtube: Enlightened Gear
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dprdabin · 6 years
Korea's Rising Rap Star DPR LIVE Looks Back on 2017 and Talks New Plans: Exclusive Video & Interview
With an onslaught of addictive bangers and visually-captivating videos in 2017, DPR LIVE has ascended from an elusive, underground rapper to one of the most talked about and celebrated new voices emerging in Korea's rapidly growing hip-hop scene.
Since gaining recognition through knockout bars and a scene-stealing performance on the critically acclaimed viral hit "Eung Freestyle," DPR LIVE―real name Hong Da Bin―has excelled thanks to his chart accolades and internet co-signs.
The 25-year-old spawned two impressive EPs via his explosive debut EP Coming to You Live from March 2017 and stellar follow-up Her in December, the latter peaking at No. 8 on Billboard's World Album chart, despite no big-name features. DPR LIVE also played to sold-out crowds in Korea and London last year, scored a promotional video campaign with Nike, and racked up millions of views on YouTube, all helping him garner a legion of excited fans all across the globe.
Yet what really sets the charismatic rapper apart as one of the more interesting come-ups in 2017 is the fact that he has achieved all this as a completely independent artist -- a rarity in Korea's highly-competitive music scene.
DPR LIVE and his crew Dream Perfect Regime -- a creative collective better known as DPR -- have relentlessly hustled with nothing but talent and determination, all in the name of keeping LIVE’s budding rap career authentic and true to the crew's message. Never bowing to industry standards, the collective's focus on positioning DPR LIVE onto the mainstream radar has already paid off in a big way: The crew received their first major monetary investment in late 201, which helped fund a new Seoul studio.
While DPR LIVE has already made accomplishments most of his indie peers can only dream of, the young talent is eyeing 2018 with higher aspirations. Gaining stateside traction for his witty flow flips between Korean and English and forward-thinking ear, LIVE earned a slot on this year's massively-anticipated, sixth annual "Korea Spotlight" showcase at SXSW 2018 among some of Korean music’s biggest names -- like R&B phenom Crush, rock sensation Hyukoh and powerhouse diva Lee Hi -- all taking place on March 16 at the Belmont in Austin, Tex.
Ahead of his debut U.S. show, DPR LIVE exclusively sat down with Billboard Koreafor his first-ever, in-depth artist interview at his new studio to share his personal struggles, creative vision and goals.
Watch DPR LIVE’s recap video and read full interview below.
What were some of the challenges you faced in the industry as an indie artist without an actual label?
Oh man, where do I even start? We had a shit-ton of challenges. First of all, financing everything on our own was the hardest thing we had to overcome. We started with zero capital. No investor, no fancy equipment, no nothing. That’s why we had to start as a visual team, but that was probably the smartest move we made, to think about it now. Not only did we get a chance to showcase our talent, but it also helped to connect with other musicians and entertainment labels. It was a good way of learning the ropes of the Korean music industry; how it worked, how we needed to evolve to get to the next level, etc.
For a good two years, DPR REM [creative director] and DPR IAN [visual director] busted their asses shooting materials for other artists in order to help fund any and all of our projects during that time. And the more I think about it now, the more I’m grateful for that, you know? Cause I know it takes a lot of trust and commitment. They were sacrificing a lot, and that’s what fueled me when I was making music. I knew I not only had to do it for myself, but more importantly, for my team.
The second biggest challenge, I guess, was the fact that we were completely clueless. [Laughs.] I didn’t even know what it meant to "mix songs," or how to get distribution for my music. It was all trial and error, because none of us had any prior experience. We had no money or any real knowledge as to how this [music industry] really works― all we had was just a whole lot of untamed passion and a dream. If one approach didn’t work, we would learn from it and move onto the next one. We learned a lot in those years. That experience is what helped us launch our own company. Now, we get to run our own show and do exactly what we want to do. No one tells us what to do, what to make or how to do it. If we like it as a team, then we do it. That kind of freedom is truly incredible. Our struggles brought us closer together and I’m proud that we have accomplished this as a team.
What is your and DPR’s greatest strength and weakness?
Our greatest strength is that whatever we do, it’s organic. We also know each other so well now to the point where we can easily align our thoughts in such a quick way that it allows us to get straight to work. There’s really no buffer period or queue. We have our own system that works efficiently for all of us. But on the other hand, we can improve and learn how to expand and grow our team. We’re known to be mysterious and unpredictable, and we like that because it keeps our fans in suspense and on edge, but it makes it harder for all of us to bring in new members, because we are such a tight-knit group. However, I’m confident we’ll get into the hang of things in due time.
Last year was great year for you. What are some of the most memorable moments?
2017 has been a life-changing year for me and my team. I released two albums, moved into a brand-new, dope studio, got to travel to some awesome places and work with some amazing people. I honestly couldn't have wished for more. Although all these moments were significantly memorable, I’d have to say getting our studio was probably the most memorable moment of 2017 for DPR. Might not sound like a big deal to some, but you have to understand, we used to hold meetings ranging from coffee shops to even local karaoke rooms on a regular basis just to get some privacy at times. Now that we have a place we can all call home, with separate recording, producing and meetings rooms; it’s surreal, to be honest. Really goes to show what can be achieved.  
Any mistakes or regrets?
No, I don’t have regrets. Everything I’ve experienced was for a specific purpose, and I really believe in that. Literally everything. Although, I had a fair share of upsets and disappointments, now that I look back on it, I'm starting to see how it all came together. Each experience was meant to happen at that exact moment so that we can draw a bigger picture. I'm a huge believer in the whole "everything happens for a reason" quote and so is my team. DPR was basically founded upon that motto. We all happened to meet by chance if you think about it. A bunch of kids, who grew up in all corners of the world, somehow met up in Seoul and eventually came together to do what we do now as DPR.
Your debut EP Coming to You Live boasts guest features from some of the top names in the industry. How did you get them to collaborate?
It was a mix of good timing and mutual respect, I guess. DPR was slowly getting recognized in the industry as an up-and-coming visual team and that really helped my musical career and credibility. While I was in the studio recording demos, IAN and REM were hustling on the video side and doing whatever they could do to spread our brand name. It also helped us earn some money to finance whatever we wanted to do in-house. [Laughs.] Also, being featured on "Eung Freestyle," which was also produced and directed by my team, gave us a good boost. It helped start a lot of conversations with artists in general.
Your recent release Her has also been successful. What did you want to resonate with this project?
Her is a more genre-specific compilation of songs than my first EP. I wanted to get more personal and intimate with my listeners on themes relating to love and relationships.
Where does your musical inspiration come from?
For me, inspiration comes in many angles. I’d say half of it comes from just an array of talented musicians and their music. The internet in itself is inspiring sometimes. On the other hand, a lot my inspiration comes from my experiences in life and the things I place value on.
Why and how did you start making music?
I started making music when I was stationed in the Korean army. I went relatively early for my age, and I had a lot of free time on my hands so I would start writing whenever I had the chance. That’s where my passion slowly grew. It was a good time for me to reflect on my future;  I had a lot of thoughts/things I wanted to say. That’s where I really picked up writing song lyrics.
What goals do you have for 2018?
I can probably make a huge list of what goals I want to hit in 2018, but ultimately, I really just want my team to stay healthy, committed and passionate. That’s not only for 2018, but that’s really a lifetime goal I have.
And what's the biggest drive that motivates you?
I just want to release quality music and materials.  I hope we [DPR] never get lazy or complacent, and continue to challenge each other so that we can continuously push boundaries. It’s not easy to impress people these days, but to rise above that, and to see that stamp of approval and recognition from people is where all my adrenaline rush comes from. It drives me and my team to go beyond.
Where do you see yourself in the next few years?
Hopefully in the next few years, I’ll not only be a better artist myself but I hope to see our team grow and continue to do more exciting things together. Whether it be a visual thing, or a music thing, or something completely different, I just want to see us all succeed together. That’s really the main point.
In the end, it's not really the legacy that I leave behind, but the impact we make as a team. There aren’t that many teams like us in Korea and for that reason, it’d be really dope if we could almost set a benchmark or an example for the next up-and-coming generation of creatives to think outside the box and really learn to DIY. In the end, that’s what we did and it's been the best decision we’ve made.
© Jessica Oak @ Billboard
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darktwistydamaged · 3 years
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✨ Small minds can't comprehend big spirits. To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated, and misunderstood.
✨ "Maybe I'm a pig. Maybe I'm an ass. Maybe I'm a vermin like everybody says but I tell the truth, it's the only thing I've got going for me."
✨ "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." - #WinstonChurchill
✨ Don't tell me i'm the prettiest u've seen.Tell me I'm a warrior, tell me I'm stronger than any blows I've taken & that I wear the scars well
✨ A badass crazy, tells the truth. Soft but strong. Knows her worth. Unapologetic & honest. The type of woman u go to war beside not against.
✨ There's fire in her. If loved correctly, she will warm your entire home. If abused she will burn it down.
✨ When someone dies of cancer, we blame the disease. Suicide is a disease, dont blame the victim for losing the fight.
✨ She's a masterpiece of chaotic beauty.
✨ She's like a tornado with pretty eyes & a heartbeat. A stubborn heart, messy mind, reckless soul.
✨ We are masters of unsaid words but slaves of those we let slip out.
✨ She has been through hell, so believe me when I say, fear her when she looks into a fire and smiles.
✨ She's fire and ice, you'll fear the cold and crave the burn.
✨ She wears strength and darkness equally well. The girl has always been half goddess, half hell.
✨ She is art. What the fuck do you expect from her other than, confusion, beauty and god damn soul?
✨ Fierce soul. Brave heart. Strong mind.
✨ Sometimes hell is the person who promised you something heavenly. The devil is good at pretending to be everything you want.
✨ Like death, she was breath taking.
✨ Stop being afraid of being crazy, instead guard yourself from being "too" sane. This is the artists way.
✨ Beauty may be dangerous, but intelligence is lethal!
✨ She is both hell fire and holy water and the flavour you taste is based on how you treat her.
✨ Chaos & beauty intertwined. Whiskey in a tea cup. Angel eyes. Acid mouth. Messy mind. Reckless soul
✨ A hopeless romantic with a twisted mind and high standards.
✨ Make a plan. Set a goal. Work toward it. But every now and then, drink it in. 'Cause this is it. It might all be gone tomorrow #GreysAnatomy
✨ I will not settle for anything less than a soul deep, electrifying connection.
✨ The lips of a sinner, a devilish kiss.
✨ She has that "set the whole fucking world on fire" look in her eyes, kind of bad ass vibe to her.
✨ An acquired taste, not for the faint hearted.
✨ Nothing is ever designed to offend. You choose to get offended.
✨ Every heart is like a phoenix. It may catch aflame and burn to ashes, but it will be reborn, stronger than before.
✨ The world isn't split into good and evil. We've all got light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. #SiriusBlack
✨ Three things that can not remain hidden, the sun, the moon, and the truth. #Buddha
✨ I love you more, the more I love you.
✨ You're down, but you're not out and whatever is going on in your life, you keep fighting. #JenniferLopezTrueLove
✨ In the same way negative experiences can bring you down, having positive people around can help lift you up. #TrueLove
✨ Every ending is also a beginning. We just don't know it at the time. @shemarmoore #CriminalMinds
✨ She's a terribly real thing, in a terribly false world & this is why she is pained so often.
✨ I don't want normal and easy and simple. I want painful, difficult, devastating, life changing, extraordinary love.
✨ She never looked nice, she looked like art & art wasn't supposed to look nice, it was supposed to make you feel something.
✨ The tragedy is not to die, but to be wasted. #HannibalLecter
✨ She got her daddy's tongue & temper. Sometimes her mouth could use a filter. God shook his head the day he built her oh, but I bet he smiled
✨ U bring out the best in me. I don’t mean better manners, or a sense of maturity or whatever else this world expects of me. I mean, u make me want to climb rooftops, run wild, act inappropriately, take risks & pursue my dreams with passion & integrity - U make me feel like living
✨ I am fire. If you want something salty & sweet with no opinion, I’m not the woman for you. I spit flames often!!
✨ You have set on me, but you are not the sun.
✨ Don't let what he wants eclipse what you need. He's very dreamy, but he's not the sun. You are.
✨ Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best. - Tim Duncan
✨ I want somebody with smart intellect and a heart from hell, kisses so deep like a bottomless well.
✨ Lust is when the mind desires what the heart admires. Love is when the mind admires what the heart desires.
✨ “The world has already been too tough on her, the least she needs is tough love. Be tough when you need to be, but always be soft with her. She has thorns, but she is a flower.”
✨ She slept with wolves without fear, for the wolves knew, a lion was among them.
✨ She that dare not grasp the thorn, should never crave the rose.
✨ Hate me today, hate me tomorrow, hate me for all the things I couldn't do for you. Hate me in ways, ways hard to swallow, hate me so you can finally see whats good for you.
✨ You’re so screwed up that you make me, make sense.
✨ "If you love someone, you tell them. Even if you’re scared that it’s not the right thing. Even if you’re scared that it’ll cause problems." #GreysAnatomy
✨ "Too often, the thing you want the most is the one thing you can't have. Desire leaves us heartbroken." #GreysAnatomy
✨ A queen will always turn pain into power.
✨ "The only voice that matters is the 1 in your head. The one telling you what you probably already knew. The one that’s almost always right.”
✨ Do not hide your face. The moon is covered in craters yet still commands our attention, even in the midst of all those glittering stars. What I mean to say is, you are magnificent, for all your imperfections, simply as you are. - Beau Taplin
✨ Damaged people are dangerous because they know they can survive.
✨ The only way you can be mistreated, is by allowing yourself to be mistreated. #TrueLove Jlo
✨ Deception and perfection are wonderful traits, one will breed love and the other hate.
✨ I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow & the soul.
✨ "Each person we let ourselves care about is just one more loss somewhere down the line.." - Meredith Grey
✨ Why do we always want the ones who don't see us, instead of the ones who do?! #YoureNotYou
✨ Every time I break, I come back stronger than before 💎🔹
✨ Loving someone is just delayed pain, eventually you’re going to lose them, one way or the other. #InsidiousChapter3
✨ “She’s tough. She tries to hide it. She’s difficult. But if you make an effort, she’s worth it. She’s worth the effort.” - #McDreamy #GreysAnatomy
✨ I am not the girl the guy gets at the end of a movie. I am not a fantasy. If you want me, earn me!! #OliviaPope #Scandal
✨ It’s gonna hurt me to hate you, but loving you is worse. #CardiB 
✨ Don’t focus on what if, focus on what is. - #IrreplaceableYou
✨ “When your heart breaks, you’ve got to fight like hell to make sure you're still alive. Because you are. That pain you feel? That's life. The confusion and fear? That's there to remind you, that somewhere out there is something better, and that something is worth fighting for.”
✨ I survive because the fire inside me burns brighter than the fire around me.
✨ She feels powerfully.
✨Deeper than you’ll ever understand with a heart of endless vision for the unconditional for every aspect of the flawed soul. She’s complicated. She feels everything and nothing; the good and the bad all at once. All the time!!
✨ "And when at last you find someone to whom you feel you can pour out your soul, you stop in shock at the words you utter - they are so rusty, so ugly, so meaningless and feeble from being kept in the small cramped dark inside you so long." — Sylvia Plath
✨ If you can still find the beauty within the darkest days, sometimes, that alone is an accomplishment. When you feel like you’re drowning, like you can’t even deal anymore, stop for a moment, recollect, take a breath. Then you begin again.
✨ You like because and you love despite.
(You like someone because of all of their qualities & you love someone despite some of their qualities)
✨ A strong woman is one who feels deeply and loves fiercely. Her tears flow as abundantly as her laughter. A strong woman is both soft and powerful, she is both practical and spiritual. A strong woman in her essence is a gift to the world.
✨ All things that live, die. This is why you must find joy in the living, while the time is yours, and not fear the end. To deny this is to deny life. To fear this... is to fear life. But to embrace this... Can you embrace this?
You are stronger than you think. - #IKillGiants
✨ Being normal isn’t necessarily a virtue, it denotes a lack of courage.
✨ Like the moon, she had a side of her so dark that even stars couldn’t shine on it. She had a side of her so cold that even the sun couldn’t burn on it.
✨ Broken girls blossom into warriors
✨ A rose can never be a sunflower. A sunflower can never be a rose. All flowers are beautiful in their own way, and that’s like women too. - Miranda Kerr
✨ Inside everyone there exists a dark side. Most people rise above it but some are consumed by it until there is nothing left but pure evil
✨ Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. - #HarryPotter #PrisonerOfAzkaban
✨ Don't you ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can't be exactly who you are - #LadyGaga
✨ You either get bitter or you get better. It's that simple. You either take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person or you allow you to tear you down. The choice does not belong to fate, it belongs to you.
✨ She’s a strong cup of black coffee in a world that’s drunk on cheap wine and shallow love.
✨ “Every day you wake up and have a second chance, to do whatever you want, to be whoever you want. The only thing stopping you, is you” - #SecondAct @JLo
✨ It starts with the eyes, she's got to have those kind of eyes that can see through the bullshit to the good in someone, 20% angel, 80% devil - #DominicToretto #FastAndFurious
✨ Ignoring your instincts is like blinding your soul. #TrustYourGut
✨ Let me be clear, my love is unconditional but your presence in my life is not. The moment that you prove that your value of me does not measure up to my sense of self worth — i’ll have no problem unconditionally loving the memory of you.
✨ Intimacy is beyond kisses, cuddles & sex. It’s is crying at night about your past to someone who listens & comforts you. It’s getting a headache, taking a nap & waking up to your partner rubbing your back. Intimacy isn’t all to do with sex, it’s the small things that count
✨ The people you can joke around and have fun with that don’t fit in a box, take no shit, kick ass when needed... the fiercely badass, kindhearted, deep down sweethearts and that are kind of assholes but not full assholes. Yeah, those are my kind of people.
✨ Everything is temporary; Emotions, thoughts, people & scenery. Do not become attached, just flow with it.
✨ It's okay to put your heart on your sleeve. Okay to have that softer side - the softer side in the sense of being able to listen, to deal with fear, to not always be so dominant. 😋 @shemarmoore
✨ Just a reminder: You’re whole without someone else. You are not a fraction. You’re a complete masterpiece all by yourself; you do not need anyone else to validate your existence.
✨ To the women of the world. You’re sexual. You’re soulful. You’re emotional. You’re spiritual. You’re magic. You’re both of the light and the dark. You’re human. Don’t deny any aspect of who you are. A healthy soul is a whole soul.
✨ Be the villain you were born to be. Stop waiting for someone to come along and corrupt you. Succumb to the darkness yourself.
✨ Being dark and twisty is not a flaw, it's a strength.
✨ We're all in the same game, just different levels, dealing with the same hell, just different devils.
✨ She is the kind of dark you only see in a cemetery in October on a haunted Halloween night .
✨ #Chemistry - an attraction that can’t be quantified or explained
✨ All you can count on is now, this moment, because in a blink, everything can change - #Dexter 
✨ The smallest thing can change your life. In the blink of an eye something happens by chance, when you least expect it. - #TheLuckyOne
✨ Sometimes, finding the light means you must pass through the deepest darkness - #TheLuckyOne
✨ Sometimes things hit u all at once. You’re up one day, then down the next. Life is one big wave. All we can do is flow, adapt & transform.
✨ There are three types of people, those at the top, those at the bottom & those who fall. - #ThePlatform
✨ There are things that will happen that will make you feel powerless, that will make you feel insignificant but that’s it, they’re just feelings and sometimes you have to stop feeling & start doing. #Underwater
✨ Yeah I’m somebody’s DUFF, guess what? So are you, so is everybody. There’s always going to be somebody prettier, more talented or richer than you. That should affect how you see yourself. - #TheDuff
✨ Made wiser with heartache. Made stronger by pain.
✨You don’t have to climb a mountain to stand on top of the world.
✨Even the ugliest of places can be beautiful as long as you take the time to look.
✨It’s okay to get lost, as long as you find your way back.
✨ There is beauty in the most unexpected of places
✨There are bright places even in dark times, and if there isn’t, you can be that bright place, with infinite capacities
✨ Physical attraction is beautiful, but it’s the mental attraction that leaves you wanting, needing, craving.
✨ Jealousy - A sign of insecurity, a sign of weakness, a sign of obsession
✨ Like roses we blossom and die.
✨ I have absolutely no need to be liked or understood.
✨ I'd rather be scary than cute. Cute isn't always memorable, but nobody forgets scary
✨ Greatness, lies not in being strong but in the right using of strength. He or she is the greatest whose strength carries up the most hearts, by the attraction of his own. - #Wonder
✨ This darkness of mine cries out for light and all you did was lurk in the shadows. - 🖤
✨ Your demons, your darknesses are part of your masterpiece, your beautiful dark art
✨ What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle.
✨ “We owe it to the people that we lost, to live the lives that they can’t “ - Meredith Grey 💔
✨ You only get mad because you care. Anger is often an expression only shown towards people and things you care about the most.
✨ To live, is to suffer and to survive, you’ve got to find meaning in the suffering.
✨ She is the wolf they could not ensnare, the voice they could not silence and the fierce wild spirit they could not destroy.
✨ I’m not tearing down my walls for anyone again, you want to know what’s inside? #Climb.
✨ You're a flower. Don't compare yourself to weeds just because they grow faster. 🌷Slow growers have the most resilient roots. 🌱🌻
✨ To find me; you must first unbury me.
✨ Bury me in a dark forest, smelling of the earth, alone with the creatures forevermore.
✨ She’s part lady, she’s part wild, and she’s all fucking storm.
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