#like you know those etsy posts that are like character inspired jewelry but are not overtly tied to any fandom?
sea-buns · 1 month
the meteors. the goddamn meteors. it's one of those moments that makes you wanna get up and do some crafty shit. like suddenly i wanna develop skills and create a masterpiece y'know?
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shakespearefreak · 10 months
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New friend! Meet Virginia Wilde, from the late 1880s - early 1890s.
I've wanted Truly Me #115 for a while now, and I found a very good deal on her recently. I originally had intended to make her into Luna Lovegood (in fact, I'd already bought a fan-made Ravenclaw uniform for her), but as a trans person with trans and Jewish friends, Harry Potter has become... much more complicated for me the last few years. There's still a lot I really love about the series, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that (as long as I don't buy official merchandise etc.), but a lot of people I know are starting to see HP as a signal that someone isn't safe to be around (which, to be fair, makes a decent amount of sense, especially given Rowling's comments about the fanbase supposedly supporting her agenda). Anyways, the point to all this is to say that while I was planning to make #115 Luna, I also knew that for the comfort of those around me, I couldn't post a lot of photos of her or bring her out in public as I do my other dolls. I also was very torn on having a reminder of how betrayed I feel by Rowling in my room for me to see on a daily basis. Every time I find myself thinking of the Potterverse, it makes me happy, then immediately sad and angry when I remember how Rowling has harmed and continues to harm people like me. I was considering maybe keeping her stored away in her box part of the time.
But here's the thing... when she arrived, I took one look at her face and knew I couldn't do that; I loved her too much. So... now I had a very, very beautiful doll and no idea who she was. And I'd never, even as a child, bought an AG just because she was pretty and made up a character for her later. I definitely wanted to keep her though, so I just decided to wait until she told me who she was.
The first one I got came with a manufacturing defect, so I returned her to the seller and got a replacement. While the replacement was in transit, I racked my brain trying to decide who she should be. I had some vague ideas, but a lot of them seemed contradictory: I kept picturing her in historical gowns, but also found myself thinking of her in contemporary gothic alt fashion. In my mind, she was both a cheerful, creative artist type and an unusual “old soul” who made many people uncomfortable. Then, when the replacement arrived, I found myself thinking of her physical features: her pale skin, wide cloud-gray eyes, and flaxen hair, and tried associating her with pre-existing characters with similar attributes; and suddenly it clicked. She’s a Victorian gothic heroine; her biggest influences are Virginia Otis from “The Canterville Ghost” (which is also where her name came from: “Virginia” from the character herself, “Wilde” from the author), Edith Cushing from Crimson Peak, and Johanna Barker from Sweeney Todd.
She’s a little older than the rest of my dolls (15). Her father died shortly before her story starts, which is why her Meet Outfit is a mourning gown (I also want to get her some accessories inspired by Victorian mourning jewelry). She was quite close to her father, and became interested in the paranormal after his passing. She also loves art (especially painting). She’s quiet but cheerful, despite her more morbid interests, and friendly when you get to know her. Like Samantha, some of the dress codes of her time period frustrate her, and she surreptitiously rebels against them when she can.
I wanted her to be from 1884 originally (because of the old AG tradition of starting each story in years that end in 4), but then I had the idea of giving her a doll-sized Ouija board (which I’d found on Etsy ages ago, but never found a good use for!), and while spirit boards were used at the time, the Ouija board specifically was invented in 1890, so I’m leaning towards 1891 (I know I could use 1894, but then only a decade would separate her story from Samantha’s). I’ve been having trouble finding affordable era-appropriate doll clothing on Etsy, and I don’t know too much about the fashion from that period myself, so I’m kind of kicking myself for choosing this backstory, but now that I’ve seen it I can’t unsee it. (Any information about the time period any of you have, or any ideas for where to get outfits/furniture/accessories for her, would be more than welcome; thanks in advance!)
Since I don’t have a black Victorian-style gown (yet), for this photo I put her in the nightgown my mother made for Samantha when I was a child. I think it suits her more than it ever did Sam, so it’s hers now.
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Hi, I’m Penny and you’ve found one of my many (many) roleplay blogs! Quick run down; I have eight main blogs that I follow back from w/ a multitude of sub-blogs; 7 of these are organized by verse / setting and the main one is a hodge podge of everything else. 
@mysticandskepticmuses (catch all)
@redroomfcrged (mcu)
@adamantiumfcrged (xmcu)
@violencefcrged (expanse)
@moonefcrged (dc)
@dyadfcrged (star wars)
@prophecyfcrged (ats/btvs)
@carbonfcrged (altered carbon)
A few important things to note: my blogs are all 18+ only.  NSFW & potentially triggering material may and or will be present on any given blog at any given moment so please read the information in the blog description before following to be sure you are okay with the material present.  Each blog should have main trigger warnings listed in the description by the time I’m done.  I use tags so you can blacklist!  
My activity is slow and very, very sporadic.  Muse fluctuates, I have a slew of mental and physical health issues and I’m a mom & work from home.  If you are not comfortable with the idea of waiting weeks to months for a reply please don’t follow.  I can be super fast but it’s definitely the exception to the rule.  
Please follow any blog that you want to interact with but please also only follow if you’re actively interested (taking into account my speed).  This allows me to accurately gauge interest!  I’m not looking to just add to follower counts! I am looking for people that would like to write and plot.
My tagging system on every blog is super simple (example:   MEMES.  HEADCANON.  VERSE.  MEME CALL.  STARTER CALL.  WISHLIST. and so on) but you are free to ask me if you need help finding something specific!
I use @memesandmonologues to store my memes at - you are welcome to send stuff from there to any blog at any time.  I accept headcanon and character development prompts from everyone.  IC interactions may be selective. It may also take me months or longer to get to something you send in!
Generally, my graphics, headers, banners, promos etc. are made by me.  My icons are also made by me and you can usually find all of the bases fore free / donation at @tuppencetrinkets - hundreds of thousands of caps & icons that I share so please don’t take any of my edited icons (if I happen to actually edit them).  I might just stick w/ my bases for ease & time.
I freely admit sometimes I play favorites be it other mun, other muses, my muses, verses, settings, whatever.  Sorry, but this is for fun and I do what I want to and what I’m inspired to.  If that makes you uncomfortable or angry, I am sorry but I do wish you good luck elsewhere!
Patience is definitely key with me.  I suck at replying to ims, starters, asks, making starters, making edits, any of it, until the perfect storm of mood, health, time, brain and inspiration strikes.  If you still want to stick around, awesome.
I am 38 years old, I’m a cis female, I live in the US w/ my s/o and between 1-4 kids, many cats, dogs and a couple guinea pigs.  I have ADHD, PTSD, PMDD, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, migraines, insomnia, diabetes type 2, high blood pressure, hypothyroidism and permanent nerve damage in my spine & cysts in my wrist that needs surgery I can’t get til everything else is under control & probably stuff I’m forgetting.  Even before all the craziness this year, I home schooled one kiddo; I run a paper craft and jewelry and decoupage Etsy shop from home & in general my life is a disaster and filled with chaos.  I am generally lurking on wire (ic texting) and or discord (small rp / ic things or ooc chatting).  If you’d like either of those just let me know.  If you need to reach me on mobile I’m usually logged in on mysticandskepticmuses.  
General posts / tags you might find useful are RULES. & CHARACTER LIST.,
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