#like.. if we get to ghostville youd see hahah
cheemken ยท 3 years
one thing I love about da is that you guys didn't make Fluff the nicer one, nor did you made Angst the evil one
you two gave it more depth, that within the kingdom walls, Fluff is not the so called "kingdom of dreams" as people seemed it would be, instead, it's like every kingdom that's royally fucked up no matter what kind of mask they wear.
And Angst wasn't all just heartless monsters despite the claims that they were. Oswald was once nice, right? And so is queen Ravenna mentioned in the final chapters, seeing as she wanted to unite the two kingdoms
I especially love how it's a king of Fluff who ignited the war in da, not someone from Angst
you guys are amazing! More power to you
Yeah, the kingdoms are fucked up in their own ways, and it'd suck if we just stuck with "Angst bad, Fluff good," because I'm certain for a damn fact no kingdom, especially Fluff with how powerful they are amongst the other kingdoms, is that fucking nice.
But hey! Glad you like how we wrote the kingdoms and such! Hahaha
Have uwu
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