#litg summary
alitgblog · 9 months
what a shame that there's basically no more bromances shown in litg bc i was replaying thth2 and i just noticed the wesley, zayn, and santiago friendship and like my god they're so sad when santi leaves 🥺🥺
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
Tomorrow I finish late at work so I'm kinda sad because I still need to wait 24 hours till I can read the new episodes, but I'm strong and and going to read your sum if you do it again this week.
bestie!! get that money and when you're on break you can catch up with my summary!! I'll get them up as soon as I can in the morning 💖🥰🤗
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willkimurashat · 2 months
Just wanted to make the official post/cover thingy for the smut one-shot I wrote for One Night Only LITG challenge💕
Will/MC | 3.4k words | one-shot | explicit
Summary: Two strangers lock eyes, and the rest is history. Some may call it happenstance, but to her - it’s serendipity.
Here’s a link to ao3:)
And here’s a link to the full One Night Only collection:)
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jerzwriter · 9 months
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Thank you to @brycesgirl for the suggestion: Ethan, Kaycee, celebration from this ask. (I don't know litg, so I hope this works!) As always, I ignored the 100-word thing, but it's under 1,000 and that's huge for me! lol I hope you enjoy it.
Book: Open Heart (Post-Series) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kaycee MacClennan) Featuring: Tobias Carrick Rating: Teen Words: 869 Summary: Ethan isn't happy when Tobias announces he's leaving on a WHO mission. Kaycee humorously helps him understand why while getting a little payback to boot. In the end, is there anything to celebrate? A/N: Participating in @choicesseptemberchallenge2023 Day 22 Friendship
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“Oh, these are perfect!” Kaycee beamed as the balloon bouquet was delivered to the diagnostic team’s office. “He’ll love this!”
Ethan looked up from behind his desk and grumbled something unintelligible under his breath. Ignoring his lack of enthusiasm, Kaycee continued arranging decorations.
“You know, if you start feigning the slightest bit of excitement now, Tobias might actually believe you’re being supportive when he arrives.”
“You’re wrong,” Ethan deadpanned. “If anyone could see right through me, it would be him.”
Noting Kaycee’s raised eyebrow, he quickly corrected himself. “Next to you, of course... dear.”
“Fair attempt at a save,” she grinned. “I don’t understand why you aren’t happy for him. Being selected for this mission is a big honor and a phenomenal opportunity... not just for him, but for the team and Edenbrook, too. The positive media coverage alone has been helpful, and he hasn’t even left yet.”
“Mmmm,” he replied, barely paying attention.
“Oh, I see,” she replied sarcastically. “We’re only supposed to be enthusiastic about WHO missions if the person is using the trip because they’re too much of a wuss to face the feelings they’re developing for the love of their life. I understand now.”
It worked. She had his attention.
“Wait... what? That’s not the only reason I went on that mission!”
“Only,” she smiled triumphantly. “So, are you finally admitting that was one of the reasons?”
He could argue and try to make his point, but he merely smiled with a shake of his head.
“I’m never going to live that down, am I?”
“Hey, I accepted your proposal twice,” she winked. “I’ve obviously let it go, but I will be ribbing you for the rest of your life, so...”
“Fair enough,” he grinned.
“But Ethan, honestly, why aren’t you being more supportive of Tobias? He’ll never admit it, but it would mean so much to him.”
“Because it’s six months. That is too long to be away from the team.”
“Says who? Harper and Baz both agreed to pick up cases, and we have the new fellow beginning next month. We will be more than able to handle our caseload. Otherwise, administration wouldn’t have approved this.”
“So we have to bring a new fellow up to speed down one permanent member?”
“Dr. Ramsey, are you saying we can’t survive without Dr. Carrick?”
“What! No! Of course not!”
“Then what are you saying, my love?”
He didn’t appreciate the condescending tone, no matter how adorable she looked delivering it. But that wasn’t what was eating at him; it was his inability to come up with an answer as to what had been nagging at him ever since Tobias made his announcement.
“It’s OK, you know,” she whispered.
“What is?”
“To admit that you’re doing to miss him.”
“I did not say I’m going to miss him!”
“Of course you will!” Kaycee insisted. “There aren’t that many people who find your curmudgeonly demeanor endearing, and now one of them will be on the other side of the world for half a year... just when you’ve gotten used to having a buddy to watch Red Sox games with again.”
Ethan inhaled deeply as he leaned back, acceptance reluctantly settling in.
“I suppose I will miss the ass.”
“See!” Casey beamed. “It kind of sucks when someone you care about just takes off on a WHO mission. Of course, Tobias told us about his, but...”
“Are you finished?” Ethan interrupted.
Happy to know she hit her mark, Kaycee sat on Ethan’s lap in a fit of giggles.
“I am,” she replied with a quick peck on his cheek. “It’s OK, baby. I already talked to Bryce. He promised to make some time for you while Tobias is away.”
“You what?”
“Hush, hon. It didn’t cost me that much; you can thank me later. For now, I need you to help me set up the room. Breakfast will be arriving any minute, and I want everything to be set up before Tobias arrives.”
“Too late for that,” a voice chimed from the door.
“Tobias!” Kaycee yelled. “Why the hell are you early! I wanted this to be a surprise celebration!”
“Oh, it’s a surprise, all right,” he jeered as Ethan sighed uncomfortably.
“How much of that conversation did you hear?”
“Enough,” Tobias grinned. “Admit it, man... you love me.”
“I’ll admit no such thing!”
“Ethan....” Tobias chided, when Kaycee stepped in.
“Tobias, really? It took him how long to admit he loves me, and I do some things for him that you just... don’t.”
“Oh, for Christ’s sake,” Ethan spat as two of the people most dear to him chuckled at his expense.
“It’s OK,” Tobias said with a pat on his friend’s shoulder. “I know the truth now. So, you need help with the decorations?”
“For your celebration?” Kaycee mocked.
“Hey, if he’s not gonna help.”
Ethan stood up with a huff. “Sit down and shut up, Carrick. I’ve got this.”
Tobias quickly claimed Ethan’s seat, placing his feet up on his desk. “Man, I’m feeling the love.”
“I didn’t really plan for this,” Kaycee laughed, pointing to Ethan decorating as Tobias hogged up his seat.
“Gotta give it to you, kid,” Tobias grinned. “You really know how to celebrate.”
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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eskiix · 2 months
Coming Soon!
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LITG Roberto x MC Fic
Post-Villa, Enemies to Lovers
Louise cares too much about everything, and the only thing Roberto cares about is his career. Neither is strictly true, but that's how everyone sees them. Including each other. —-- Just when Louise thinks everyone’s moving on and leaving her behind, she’s handed the golden opportunity to fix everything by planning her best friend’s hen do. At least, that’s the idea, anyway. One week of sun, sea, cocktails, clubbing, and… the world’s most arrogant pilot.
Eeeee! I'm so excited to reveal the title and summary of this fic! This is the third (and possibly final) long fic I'm writing for my Post-Villa Universe. It's been a while coming, but Louise is at long last getting her own spin off - and with the love of my life, Roberto, no less! I've got three chapters fully written, and am hoping to post once I've got four or five in the bag. And um... these are definitely the messiest main characters I've ever come up with, but if there's one thing I love to see, it's character growth. Note - While this fic is a spin-off, you will not have to read AIDON or PBYR to understand what is happening. I'll be writing it so it can be read as a standalone.
I'll be writing from both points of view - so for Louise's chapters, I'll be posting the picture above with each chapter announcement. And for Roberto's I'll be using the one below:
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longbobmckenzie · 2 months
work for it
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Written for the LITG One Night Only Challenge, this was published last week but after everyone guessed mine correctly (I made it super obvious, ngl), I can finally reveal that the character I wrote for is, in fact, Marshall!
Selena can't resist the hot stranger at the bar... nor does she want to.
Word Count: 4,635
Rating: Explicit, obviously
If you like Marshall or just like smut, I'd love for you to check it out! And read the rest of them while you're there - there's so much talent in our little fandom, it's insane!
read work for it on AO3
* thanks to @sparxaf for graciously assisting with the poster because she's my font guru and always knows what it needs for a little boost, and @mrsbsmooth for being my enthusiastic smut consultant and whose DMs I could scream in about the lines I'd written I was excited about
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junebirdle · 10 months
Chapter 1 - Money makes the world go round
Summary: A Veterinarian and a Trainee Architect walk into a bar, celebrating their victory of Love Island Season 6. But what happens now that the show is over? Long distance certainly loves throwing wrenches in the works of a freshly blossoming relationship, but you know you can prevail. You have to. Andy x MC | Fluff, Crack, Smut, Angst | Post Villa | Mini-Series Word Count: 6,174
A/N: With the rise (and almost end) of a beautifully chaotic season 6 of LITG, I’ve been thinking about writing again after roughly 4 long years. And I’ve finally found the motivation again (with the help of the LITG discord and @rebelrayne specifically bullying encouraging me into just biting the bullet already. Thanks for that, girls). My skills might be a little rusty and this is actually my first time writing smut, it’s like Writing Virginity 2: Electric Boogaloo over here, so please forgive any stale and stilted sentences. Buckle up, buckeroos, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.
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Eeeekkk! Right, I am being brave!
Hello everyone! Despite writing FanFics in the past, I have never done anything like this. After a loonnnggg break (years), and previously writing FF.net I had some inspiration. A few months ago, I started a work on based on LITG Season 2.
It’s early days still in the story! As a warning, it’s rated on AO3 as explicit for a reason!
Welcome to a long, hot summer of love. As our MC, Eve, enters the villa, following a break up from her high school sweet heart, Lucas, she is looking for an escape, and the holiday of a lifetime. Little does she know, she might be about to meet the love of her life.
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litgreadersroom · 6 months
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Deck The Halls (With Scowls of Holly) by PearlBracelet
Author's Tumblr: @mrsbsmooth
Rating: Teen
Main relationship: Lucas/MC
Summary: A Christmas gift for the beautiful Margot, from the LITG FanFiction Discord gift exchange <3 Merry Christmas Margot!!!
Extra details: AU
One Shot, 5.75k words
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mrsbsmooth · 2 years
Season 5 - Summary (Episodes 17-25)
Hi Folks,
Part Two! I did not rip these myself, but this is my summary and my HCs, so if you're gonna copy/paste these and share them, please at least keep my name in the screenshot (sigh)
Episodes 26-29 here
Spoilers under the cut, obviously
🤍Episode 17
A chat with Dana where she tells you she's nervous
You can declare BFFs with Dana.
Alfie tells Meera she'll be fine.
Arlo gets in a Kat fight lol. Kat is being a mega bitch to everyone, going on about how secure she is.
Eddie & Finn ask for your help and you can graft on them. Doesn't change shit though
Eddie picks Dana
Finn picks Kat
Suresh picks Arlo
🤍Episode 18
Alfie picks MC (obviously)
Bye Meera, you're literally the best looking girl on this island.
Eddie tells you he wants to cool shit down with you.
Eddie literally, I shit you not, says "I don't want to waste my time with you". Backtracks and digs himself into a hole of telling you he wants to focus on Dana.
Meera is stupidly nice about leaving, but holy shit, I feel so bad for anyone who isn't pursuing Alfie rn. She is devestated. And if you're not pursuing him you have to stand there and be all "Yeah, he's just a friend."
Arlo is pissed about it, and is like "I know who I would've picked if I were Alfie." Rude...
Holy shit this girl was here for an entire one day and we are getting the world's longest farewell just goooooooo
Oh my god though, you have a choice of saying "Goodbye", "Something Sexy", or "Good Riddance". If you pick "Good Riddance" everyone gets soooo mad omg omg omg 💀💀
Dana pulls you for a chat, and she cracks on to you, but it's actually stupidly cute and she talks about her cat Georgie.
Alfie overhears and you have to choose between them. Whichever one you don't pick leaves and you have a convo with the other. Then you get to kiss the one you picked.
Bla bla bla, Arlo rubs it in your face that she's with Suresh and you can tell her to fuck off.
Alfie/Dana invites you to join them on the daybeds, and you get to make out a little, some under the clothes stuff, nothing that exciting.
I literally cannot tell if this is supposed to be a sex scene? It just talks about 'bodies bobbing up and down in the water?'
Regardless, Eddie the creeper is watching again.
🤍Episode 19
Can get a little steamy with Alfie but he turns it off and wants to take it slow.
I beg thee, a crumb? A crumb of cock? Please? Somebody?
Going back into the bedroom, and as expected, Eddie has told everyone about your shenanigans.
Suresh is having an absolute fucking tantrum about it, I am losing my shit, I love it so much.
Holy shit you can be such an incredible bitch here. Arlo accuses you of hooking up with Alfie to make Suresh jealous, and you can be like "Yeah, I am". Alfie gets soooo cut.
Dana is properly devastated about you turning her down and is sulking a bit.
Arlo and Kat being annoying and getting in a lil bitch fight again.
Breakfast date in the garden yay!
Alfie is either very cute or very awkward depending on whether or not you picked him.
Finn is literally flirting with Arlo in front of both Kat and Suresh and I am living for it. I want him, he's amazing, he's drama in a bottle.
Kiss Alfie/Dana again in front of everyone yay.
Arlo pulls you aside and tells you Suresh will. not. shut. up about you. She thinks he's angry about you and Alfie/Dana. She's annoyed about it and wants reassurance that you're not going after him.
🤍Episode 20
Beach rescue challenge!
LITEXT: Islanders, you will take it in turns to complete the obstacle course before rescuing your partner from the paddling pool. The girls will vote on which boy did it best, and the boys on which girl did it best. #WetAndWild #SexyRescue
You get a kiss at the end yay.
Eddie gets disqualified for skipping a section of the course boo.
Finn and Kat are bickering, and halfway through the course he reveals he had a sexy dream about MC involving sex in a bouncy castle. Who is this drama magnet? Oh my god, I want him.
Kat's like booo, keep your dreams to yourself. Like I'm sorry, girl, have some self respect. He has disrespected you by telling everyone. Trash man (leave him for me)
Suresh does the most unrealistic run of the course ever.
Dana launches a water balloon at him, which he catches then sexily bursts on his ripped abs.
Suresh audaciously runs down the slide and dives through the sand tunnel. He leaps the grassy obstacle, scissor kicking a flying water balloon as he does. You notice his soaked abs glisten in the sunlight.
The winner of the boys is Suresh, winner of the girls is MC. You go on a double date with your partners.
You go for a bit of a cheeky snog with Alfie/Dana.
Suresh catches you and there's a lot of sexual tension, it's kinda hot. Sneaky sneaky. He tells you he's wearing the black shirt you got him for Valentine's day on your date, and tells you to wear that black dress.
You can literally pour a smoothie over him ahahhahhahahahahaha
He's all "You know I wish I was going on the date with you, right?"
Author's note, all this sneaking around behind Arlo's back is 🔥, I am such a hypocrite.
🤍Episode 21
Suresh is flirting with you while on his date with Arlo. He specifically says certain things really loudly and then glances at you instead of her.
Ok, stop, this is actually fucking with my head.
On the date, Alfie keeps trying to make a toast, but he keeps getting distracted by your eyes. I- what- excuse me!!! Do not!!!? Give me such feelings?!? For this pixel man?!? SWOON!
Suresh is boasting about helping deliver 6 puppies, and Alfie's all "Did Suresh just say he wanted to give birth to a dog?"
I am beside myself. Alfie/Dana script is just *chefs kiss* 💀💀💀
He is completely down to be absolutely fucking with Suresh & Arlo and making it look like he's telling you really funny jokes, I am in love with him? This FTL arc is woof.
Alfie wants to like, commit to you for the rest of the summer? What does that even mean. *Gasp* does it mean I get laid?
Arlo pulls you aside and is all smug about Suresh. Gem Option where she spills some tea about what he said to her. He told Arlo that he's ready to move on from you.
You can then rub it in her face that he wore that shirt for you lol lol lol lol. You can tell her he was flirting with you, too. But she doesn't believe you.
You then tell Dana that Suresh was flirting with you on the date hehehe.
Finn wants to apologise to Kat for flirting with Arlo at breakfast so he gets you and Dana to distract her. Finn's running around with candles behind her. To stop her from turning around Dana blabs about Suresh's flirting.
Kat turns around and Finn spelled out SOZ with candles omfg who is the comedian on the writing team, I'm fucking dying of laughter here, this is the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life bar none.
Oh god. Suresh is looking at you.
Somebody on the writing team has a fucking exhibitionist kink.
You can glare at him, but Arlo catches you looking either way, and literally gets out of bed and comes over ready to confront you.
🤍Episode 22
Suresh is literally lying in bed giggling like a naughty schoolboy and you're the one getting dragged, what in the fuck?
Alfie/Dana gets mad about it though, and is like, I don't wanna talk about it.
I am so over this bullshitttttttt just let me get dicked down *sob*
🥺🥺🥺 Alfie wakes up and is like 'you know what, IDC. I'm not letting Suresh's games get in the way. He's jealous, let him stare if he wants... unless it bothers you and then I'll make him stop.' (This is almost exactly what Bruno said to Jas about Youcef in TTIS, just quietly, not accusing anyone of anything...)
Arlo is getting stupidly possessive over Suresh, why in the fuck they gotta make the black girl the villain AGAIN I swear to god.
This flirting is actually.... getting... kind of good?
Did they have a different writer for these? What the hell?
There's an extremely sexy, flirty conversation with Suresh, in the kitchen, where he's eating an Orange (Clearly meant to be a mandarin, not an orange.)
There's a very cute conversation with Alfie/Dana, where you just roll your eyes and say Suresh is being an alpha.
ALFIE_HAPPY: Don't look too alpha from here. Looking up towards the gym you spot Arlo showing off her boxing moves to Suresh. He winces in fear with every jab at his hands. Alfie laughs to himself.
Alfie/Dana confesses they're falling for you. For real.
🤍Episode 23
BFF pulls you aside and wants to know you feel about Alfie/Dana LI. They ask how you feel about Suresh's flirting, and tell you to go pull your LI and Suresh aside and figure out if it's the real deal, or just fanny flutters.
You go to the LI first, . If you stay on the daybeds it kinda stays light-hearted, but if you go to the living room it gets super melty and cute. Either way though, they tell you they're all in for you. Want to take you home and meet the family, etc. (Baby, we are half way through. We haven't even been to Casa yet, baby is gonna get their heart broken omg.)
Suresh then pulls you aside. Here we go.
Suresh fidgets, for the first time showing a flash of vulnerability. SURESH: OK. I’m just gonna come right out and say it. PLAYER: You do that. SURESH: I only coupled up with Arlo because I thought that you wanted a chance to move on.
Dear God, my sincerest apologies to anyone not romancing Suresh.
If you paid to go to the bedroom you get a slightly saucier description of the reminiscing. You reminisce about a particularly sexy encounter.
Suresh leans in to kiss you and you get to snog, hug, or swerve him.
Kat will see you, and reacts accordingly. *Shock horror, gasp, is shook*.
🤍Episode 24
Kat says she's not going to say anything
BFF pulls you aside again, spill the tea.
You get a text woohoo - Oh god, it's Truth or Dare.
This is going to be difficult to put into a Tumblr post. Bear with me.
1st - Eddie - Picks DARE
SEXY - Do a sexy dance for everyone (Does a generally unsexy dance)
SEXY - Sexily kiss one islander. (Kisses Dana)
FUNNY - Do an animal impression (Does a really bad wolf impression)
FUNNY - Do an islander impression (Does a terrible Finn impression which is actually hysterical)
2nd - Arlo - Picks TRUTH
No choice. Kat asks "When was the last time you lied?"
Arlo responds: "Just then, when I said you were smart enough to think of a good question."
3rd - Kat - Picks DARE
No choice. Dana dares Kat to suck your big toe. You can decline and she does it to Finn instead.
4th - Alfie - Picks DARE
No choice. Dana dares Alfie to act out one of his past sexual experiences. It is heavily implied that he fucked a cow. But it's revealed he just snuck into the bushes and a cow stuck its head in and scared them.
5th - Dana - Picks DARE
No choice. Suresh asks her if she's ever been in love, and she says no. If you're romancing her she says she's getting there.
6th - Suresh - Picks DARE
Have you ever been in love? He says yes. 'I told you many many times."
Would you ever cheat again? He says no. "I wouldn't do anything to risk a relationship ever again."
Would you ever get married? He says he's into the idea.
7th - MC
Pick Truth: They ask "Do you believe in love at first sight?"
Options are:
"Yes, Absolutely"
"No, Love takes time"
"I'm not sure"
Pick Dare: They say. "We dare you to show us your 'O' face, with sound effects.
You do it, and everyone is like, slack jawed, hard, wet, etc. MC is a hot fuckin' bitch. Sex noises ftw.
*Gem Option* - Another dare. Kat dares you to do a sexy belly dance balancing an object on your head. You do it successfully and everyone gets pretty excited about it but nothing actually happens other than Eddie saying it turned him on.
8th - Finn - Picks DARE
No choice. You tell him to kiss the girl he finds the most attractive. Arlo tells him to strip for her.
Finn walks up to Arlo and snogs her, throwing in a bit of a striptease.
Kat gets genuinely fucking hurt by it (as she should, wtf dude.) But everyone starts laughing telling her to chill out.
KAT: Finn making a fool out of me is a good laugh is it? KAT: Somebody being made a fool of is a joke to you guys? DANA: It’s not that Kat, it’s just that Finn can’t help but be funny. KAT: Right, well, it’s a good job I’m not the only one being made a fool of then. KAT: Ain’t that right, MC? Everyone turns to look at you. You feel your body tense awkwardly. KAT: How about you tell Alfie what a fool he is? KAT: And how you’ve been cracking on with Suresh behind his back. There is absolute silence around the firepit.
Surprise pikachu face.
Arlo storms off. Alfie/Dana storms off. Kat storms off.
OMG Finn is actually devestated he hurt Kat's feelings awwwwwww!!!!!!
He's all "I can be so stupid sometimes."
And then....
AND THEN......
After looking all over the villa, you decide to head up to the terrace in hopes of finding Alfie and explaining everything. It’s time to get some stuff off your chest. Time to set everything right. You arrive on the terrace and are stunned into silence.
You find Alfie and Kat kissing each other.
PLAYER: Alfie?! Kat?!
Note: If you're on a Dana route, she's kissing Eddie.
🤍Episode 25 - DRAMA CENTRAL
Excuse me while I go fuck myself, apparently.
You run into Finn, and he's like hahaha yeah nah, that would never happen. But Alfie's like omg I'm so sorry. After everything you just fucking spurted, about falling for us, why you little...
Finn still thinks it's a prank.
It is, just to be clear, not a fucking prank.
They really fucking just Cherrygated us.
Finn is now extremely pissed.
Kat & Alfie are both angry as fuck that MC and Finn are pissed off about it.
There's an extremely loud argument about who kissed who, with both of them claiming the other initiated it.
Somehow, regardless of what you did or didn't do with Suresh, you end up the bad guy. Alfie's all "What matters is you cracking on with that cheating ex of yours" and "Save me the details" and "I can't be around you right now" Um ex-fucking-cuse me?
Alfie storms off (Bye Felicia)
Kat blames you for everything, saying it was your idea to dare Finn to kiss someone. You can take the blame (um no.) or Blame someone else, but regardless, nothing happens.
Note: If you're on a Dana route, she kisses Eddie and admits that she initiated it.
You're hiding from everything on the roof terrace and Suresh comes to check on you, admitting that it would've hurt more because of what happened in the past between the two of you.
He reveals he came to LI to give you closure, and because he needed it as well. He was going to come on, apologise, answer questions, and then leave.
She asks what happened, and Suresh is all "I looked into your eyes, and I knew straight away I couldn't give up on you. I had to stay and take a shot at winning you back."
Suresh says he wants you back, and says you have to give him an answer tonight.
Finn pulls you aside, and says he's seeing everything in a different light. He wants you. But before you can give him an answer, the girls pull you aside for drama management
The girls force you to pick between Alfie and Suresh. But when you go to find whichever one you picked....
Girls, The boys have headed off to Casa Amor and some sexy singletons are now heading your way! #HeadsWillTurn #CasaRemorse
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caitkaminski · 2 years
Alrighty, let’s talk about ARLO as a WOC In LITG
This post WILL contain episode spoilers, but not script quotes. If you wanna read the episode summaries yourself, the lovely @mrsbsmooth did those for you.
So, Arlo’s become a victim of the classic FB trope. Let’s make a black, female character a target for fandom hatred.
Firstly, her appearance. Images got leaked before her and Meera’s arrival but we barely knew a thing about either of them. We only got that little part at the end of episode 13 in which we learn their names, their occupations and who they have their eyes on.
Now, Meera was eyed up by two boys really, Alfie and Eddie. She’s also a model.
Arlo was eyed up by Suresh but interested in Dana too. She’s also a boxer AND a possible future LI.
So, we knew so little about them and yet there was hate and not to poor Meera but to (you guessed it) Arlo.
I’d seen countless digs at Arlo’s appearance comparing her to an animal, saying her eyes are weird, she’s cross-eyed, that she looks like she’ll be a snake. But not one nasty thing about Meera. And those people need to be asking themselves why they’re so willing to tear down a black, female character before we even got to know her? It’s looking kinda fucking gross.
As said before, you can look up future episode summaries on @mrsbsmooth page. But yeah, Arlo does continue to be a bit annoying and wind us up by being possessive and controlling. That old chestnut.
So the hate’s about to go into overdrive. I ask you now, think carefully about what you’re about to type and ask yourself:
Is that meme actually funny or is it kinda racist?
Is her appearance that way due to accurate ethnic features? (and again you’re kinda being racist being mean about them)
Are you treating Arlo the same as you would a white character?
And as always, all women support all other women 👸🏼
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rebelrayne · 21 days
fic summary: collateral on AO3
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pairing : Tom Beresford-King/Female Main Character (VILLA)
summary : Ariana Navarro wasn't looking for something serious when she hooked up with a wealthy wedding attendee six months ago, but she'd have called him had she not lost his number. Tom Beresford-King has never had much luck in relationships, and that didn't change when the pretty wedding photographer he had a one night stand with didn't call him. Fate certainly had other plans when they ended up on Love Island together. Too bad Ari is coupled with a part-time comedian and a cute baker has her sights set on Tom. But sometimes, there's collateral damage when it comes to love.
genre(s) / tags : Angst, Second Chances, Missed Connections, Love Square, Love Confessions, Fluff.
warnings : Tom has (Just Right) OCD and Anxiety, Cheating
meet the characters : Tom Beresford-King | Ariana 'Ari' Navarro
posting schedule : Bi-Weekly Tuesdays (opposite of it'll cost you)
author's note : This fic was originally part of the One Night Stand Challenge for LITG but has since continued into a Villa fic. Chapter 1 happens six months before entering the Villa.
one : your turn
two : current liability
three : burst mode
other chapter names tbd
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queen-of-boops · 1 year
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We did a trope roulette in the LITG ff discord and I got sports AU + exes reunited! This (long) oneshot was the result!
Summary: Three years after Zoey broke up with him and Lucas has finally become the star footballer he always dreamed of being. But now that Zoey's back in his life, things are getting... complicated.
Read on ao3.
Pairing: Lucas/MC
Word count: 9360
Tag list: @0shewrites0 @future-mrs-suresh @kunepie
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garebearandnan · 3 months
S2 Day 13 Pt2 Have Your Cake And Eat It
SUMMARY: A Bit of Me fanfic. Challenge time. And this one’s called Master Baker. The Islanders decorate a cake. Will cracks start to show in the cakes and the couples?
Interesting fact: In the 2018 UK Love Island Series, Season 4, Day 47, the couples took part in a ‘Master Baker Challenge.’ The boys directed the girls to decorate a cake. The boys stood in front of their cake, arms tied behind their backs. Blindfolded, the girls stood behind their partners and had to reach around the boys to decorate the cakes.
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New chapter out. Read full chapter on A03 or Wattpad. Links below.
Follows canon, all gem scenes. Soem adds from actual TV show challenges and LITG, other season cake challenge.
Little Exerpt:
The islanders slow-mo down to the challenge stage, cheering and running. Bobby cheers: “Let’s get baking. Bake off, bake off. B-b-b bake off.” The boys start chanting along with him. “B-b-b bake off. B-b-b bake off.”
Hope picks up a spatula and scoops up some icing. Her hand is shaking a little. Noah's eyes widened as he watched the cake droop slightly on one side and a chunk of cake crumbled off one of the edges.  “No, no, no.” he echoed, his voice filled with worry.
Hope's mind raced for a solution. “Ooh, I know how to fix it!” she said, her voice determined.
Priya suggested, “So let’s work out the colours.” Ibrahim eyes up the bowls of icing. “Is there any purple, babe? We can make a Violet Man cake!”
Bobby shouts out, “Our cake is looking pretty glorious already. Everyone hear that? We’ve got this in the bag. The icing bag…”
In the Beach Hut, Bobby: I could do that in my sleep. This is going to be easy!
You gave a sultry laugh, causing his heart to beat faster. “You really don’t want to get icing on that.” Gary's fingers caress your abdomen, setting off goosebumps on your skin. “Or maybe you do… If you’re into that!”
In the Beach Hut, Grace: It’s difficult when you're blindfolded. All your other senses are heightened, massively.
“I’m going to just slap a bit of that icing on it.” Marisol is patting it on. “It’s all about slapping the cake.
“What? You’re going to slap that cake?” Bobby's eyes widened in alarm as Marisol enthusiastically smacked the cake. A wet splatter is quickly followed by large drops of icing raining down onto your face.
In the Beach Hut, Marisol: Spatulas, spoons, we didn't need them. I had these two babies right here. (She holds up her hands.) Like, Patrick Swayze.
As she started writing, Gary squinted, trying to read her message. "What are you writing, Grace?" He furrowed his brow, still confused. “‘SNES DUDES’?”
“It doesn’t say that.” You whisper in his ear, “It says ‘Send nudes’.”
In the Beach Hut, Gary: I reckon she really enjoyed the tieing thing.
Bobby was pleased that Lottie gently placed the fruit in a couple of places. “Oh, it looks really good, babe.” Then his partner annouced, “Let’s make ours so OTT with the decor.” She laughed, making a snorting sound.
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mskinkyafro · 2 years
Rose of the Summer
Summary: Finn and Chanté spend a stolen moment on the terrace before the couple dumping
Pairing: Finn x MC ( LITG S5 Ex in the Villa)
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Rating: G
A/N: Today’s volume was everything Finn stans wanted and his speech was swoon, heart eye worthy.  I haven’t written fanfic in a FAT minute and I just wanted an extra little fluffy scene between my MC and Finn.  This takes place within the new volume and sometime after Finn and MC have their “Football” talk. I hope you all enjoy it as well.
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The sun glistens off the picturesque sea. The gentle waves calm Chanté’s racing mind and reward her with a rare moment of peace in the villa.  Tensions and nerves are running high and almost all the islanders, in different ways, are scrambling about. Somehow, Chanté manages to avoid whatever emotional merry-go-round that Gabi, Suresh, and Lulu are riding. She snuck away from listening to Dana's frets and worries, and Alfie’s persistent one on one chats. In the distance, she can make out Johnny's not-so subtle performance of their coupling with Kat, Arlo, and Pete.
Chanté shakes her head and returns her gaze to the ocean. She takes a deep breath, exhaling the cool air. The salty seabreeze tickles her lips and the sun kisses her rich dark brown skin as it gradually sets behind the waves. In times where she has thoughts for herself, without unsolicited advice and opinions, Chanté ponders where the summer went. And how did a carefree holiday of a lifetime with hot sexy singles seem to be overrun with drama?  Now with the potential of her stay in the villa coming to an end, a thought that keeps recurring is, maybe that’s not such a bad thing.
“What’s not such a bad thing? If you’re thinking of this handsome mug…,” Finn stands in the entryway of the roof terrace. He flexes and gives his best smoldering gaze at Chanté.
“...then you’re wrong. It’s just a tad misunderstood. Can’t help if it broke a few hearts in the past,” he winks.
Chanté tenses, not expecting anyone, but relaxes at the sight of Finn.
“Well, I’m curious to gain a bit of understanding,” Chanté says, as she replaces her grim expression with a more sultry smirk.
Finn saunters toward her and sits. Chantétries to hide her shiver as Finn’s body heat radiates near her cool skin. Just him near her sends goosebumps up and down her curvy frame.
“Chilly? I’ve been told I’m Finntastic at warming the ladies up.”
Finn scootches closer and holds up his hands.
Chanté giggles, “Such a melt.”
“Big hands, you know what they say.”
Chanté raises an eyebrow.
“I actually don’t. I need to see it to believe it.”
“I can help with that.”
Finn pulls her in, his hands scooping her into his tall frame. Even at 5’10, Chanté feels petite compared to his 6’4 stature. She knows this is a dangerous position to be in, but with the high chance that she could go home, she throws caution into the wind.
“You were right…,” Chanté grazes her fingers down Finn’s chest, her eyes watching his face. He squirms at her touch. She glows at seeing his bravado falter from her effect.
“I think I understand the hype of big, strong hands,” Chanté presses closer as she feels Finn’s hands grip her tighter, his hands venturing toward her lower back.
Finn cleared his throat.  “I didn’t interrupt any thoughts in that pretty little head of yours, did I?”
“No, not really. Mainly thinking if I were to be the one to leave it wouldn’t be too bad.”
Finn stiffens at her words.
‘Why’d you think that?”
Chanté adds a bit of space between the two, but not much as she shrugs her shoulders.
“I don’t know. It’s been a whirlwind since I’ve stepped foot in the villa. Drama after drama and headache after headache. Maybe I’m not meant to be here and should cut my losses.”
She looks up and sees Finn staring, listening intently.
“Unless you think there’s a reason I should stay something…or someone worth my while.”
“I know I’m usually bantering and having a good time, just talking to have some fun. But I was serious earlier today. I have strong feelings for you, Chanté, and the thought of you walking out of the villa---
Finn falters, his face is pensive as he hesitates to speak.
“I’d rather not think about you leaving, not my Rose of Tralee.”
Chanté looks away from Finn, a blush heating up her cheeks. She looks up at the moon, which is surrounded by stars.
Finn closes their gap as they cuddle close under the night sky.
“Will you ever tell me what exactly that means?”
“It's an old Irish folktale turned song. When I was a little lad my mum would sing me to bed. Every night I’d ask her to sing to me, ‘Rose of Tralee’.”
“Do you know the words?”
“I’m not much of a singer--, '' Finn explains.
“Please. For me? I’d love to hear it,” Chanté pleads.
Finn’s eyes softened, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
In a rough, off-key voice, Finn sings softly.
“The pale moon was rising above the green mountain, The sun was declining beneath the blue sea; When I strayed with my love to the pure crystal fountain, That stands in the beautiful Vale of Tralee…”
Finn cusps Chanté’s chin and pulls her attention to his face. She lets her eyes shut as his fingers trace her lips. He leans just inches away.
Down below, the islanders' voices grow louder.
“There’s a text! Everyone come quick!”
Chanté is shaken from her stupor and attempts to pull away, realizing the messy position she’s in no matter how right it feels. Finn holds her in place, his eyes determined and genuine. Much more vulnerable than she’s ever seen.
Finn continues singing as he softly palms Chanté’s cheek.
“She was lovely and fair as the rose of the summer,Yet 'twas not her beauty alone that won me;
Oh no, 'twas the truth in her eyes ever dawning, That made me love Mary, the Rose of Tralee.”
Finn rests his forehead on Chanté’s. They stay that way for a few seconds, just enjoying the silence and comfort of one another.
Chanté murmurs quietly, “That was beautiful.”
Finn chuckles,“No need to lie, I’m no Bing Crosby.”
Chanté eyes his lips, losing the will to not press her own to his. “Who needs Bing Crosby, when I have  what I want right in front of me?”
Finn slowly  breaks away from her and stands up as he speaks.
“Each time my mum sang to me, she always said, Finny, ‘one day you’ll find your rose’. As I got older, I just dismissed it, never truly believing her.”
He sighs as he shoots Chante a sad look, torn from taking any steps further away from her. He murmurs one last thing as he leaves the terrace.
“That is until I met you.”
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eskiix · 8 months
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Playing By Your Rules - Chapter 24 - Deal
Lucas Koh X OC, LITG Post-Villa
Read on Ao3
Fic Summary: Fresh from a break up, Lucas meets Katie. Flirty and fun, but emotionally unavailable, she's stuck in bed and bored out of her mind after breaking her ankle. What better way to cure her boredom and help Lucas get over his ex than by falling into bed together? Their arrangement has three rules: No kissing If it stops being fun, it ends And - most importantly - no catching feelings
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