#little bitch boy naoya
tojicocksleeve · 8 months
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cookybandit · 10 months
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Happy late bunny day 🐰 ft the actual problematic favorite
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haeryna · 5 months
the purest shade of white ↪ okkotsu yuuta x reader ⸙͎。˚⋆ 𓋼
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summary: yuuta looks almost like an angel, you think to yourself grimly, as you shift on the balls of your feet. you haven't seen your best friend in a couple years now, not since he left for africa. too bad he's attempting to kill the kouhai that you're trying to protect.
tw: manga spoilers! anime watchers, do not read. mild angst but happy ending. starts at the beginning of ch. 139. naoya zenin is here and he is his classic asshole self. reader is in the same grade as yuuta, both in age and in terms of cursed energy. swearing because reader is a bad bitch. mildly suggestive. unironic use of "senpai" and "kouhai." slight descriptions of blood and injury, everyone is subjected to the author's attempts at writing dialogue and fight scenes. not proofread but at this point that shouldn't be a surprise. it is blatantly obvious that the writer also does not know how to end stories
notes: thank you for 100 new friends! :) poll is technically still up but i'm impatient and yuuta was winning by a pretty decent margin so here it is lol. divider by @/saradika-graphics!
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"Yuuji!" you yelp, slicing the head off a curse with a clean stroke of your katana. Purple ichor splatters to the ground as you whirl, searching for the familiar head of pink hair. "Stay close to me!"
Behind you, Choso grunts with exertion, sending out another bolt of Piercing Blood. Panting, you weave through the curses, letting their corpses fall behind you. Yuuji, where is Yuuji?
As the last body falls, you can't but let out an exasperated huff at the sheepish grin on Yuuji's face. "Don't scare me like that," you chide. "How am I supposed to protect you if I can't even find you?" Yuuji opens his mouth to protest but you shake your head. "I made a promise," you tell him, pain rippling through your heart dully. Gojo-sensei was long gone, stolen away by one of the people he had loved most in the world. Grimacing, you sheathe your katana, mindful of the blood that stains your palms, as you try to ignore the memory of his words all those months ago.
If anything happens, I need you to protect Itadori Yuuji. I know they're going to pull something on him once I'm not there to back him up.
"Senpai, what should-"
Yuuji immediately tenses as your hand flies to the grip of your katana. "I smell a rat," you mutter, nose wrinkling as you turn to face Naoya Zenin, standing atop a bridge. He bares his teeth at you in semblance of a smile. "How perceptive as always," he mocks.
"Cut the bullshit," you snap, hand still resting on the pommel. "What do you want?"
"Fushiguro Megumi," is his rather bland response, and you shift your feet into the opening steps of Flowing River.
"What do you want with Fushiguro?" Yuuji yells, and the way Naoya's face twists makes you want to vomit.
"I think I'll have him die."
Cursed energy fills your body as you leap. Naoya's resounding cackle burns through your ears as you swing, barely grazing his shoulder. Before you can push forward off your feet, a heavy presence rests on your shoulders, locking you in place. All four of you freeze. Yuuji and Choso look horrified, and Naoya looks as though he's broken out into a cold sweat. But you know this feeling, feel it settle back into your body as if it never left.
Okkotsu Yuuta steps out from the building ledge, dark eyes unreadable. Your body sings. Yuuta, Yuuta, Yuuta! His hair has grown longer, bangs sweeping over his forehead, eyebags a little darker than they used to be. You can feel Rika's presence, swirling around you in a mass of death and decay. You're used to it. You've grown to crave it, even. His eyes meet yours, and for a split second, his facade cracks. Confusion, fear, and...regret?
Yuuta leaps, slamming into concrete and sending shockwaves deep into your bones. "Who's with Itadori?" God, even his voice is different, so different from the boy who said goodbye to you so long ago. You open your mouth to speak, but Choso beats you to it, brows furrowed.
"So you're Yuuji's executioner."
Blood turns to ice in your veins, and you can tell by the pained expression Yuuta has that you aren't hiding your emotions as well as you think you are. Naoya laughs. "I was going to tell you that, but you were being too emotional like the bitch you are."
"Who're you?"
Yuuta's voice is cold, but as Naoya babbles on, you can feel the horror settle thickly into your chest. Choso and Yuuji are talking behind you but it feels like you're underwater, you're sinking, drowning, and Yuuta must have come to a conclusion because all of a sudden he's surging forward-
You move before you can even think, steel clashing against steel. "Yuuji," you say, through gritted teeth. "Run."
A horrible grating noise fills the air as you let cursed energy flow through your body, shoving Yuuta's sword away from yourself. "I won't let you kill him," you hiss, body already shifting into Jagged Bolt. Yuuta's eyes flash as you surge forward, katana in hand.
"How would you describe my cursed technique?" you had asked Gojo, mindlessly swinging your feet. Gojo hums.
"Have you ever heard of Newton's Law's of Motion?"
You had crinkled your nose at that. "No?"
"An object in motion, stays in motion. Except you are the object. And your cursed energy is the motion." You remember how Gojo's lips curved slightly. "In other words, once you start, nobody can stop you."
You're crying, you realize with a start, as you cut a line into Yuuta's chest. Moisture seeps from your eyes as you twist your forearm into a parry, katanas sparking with each strike. Belatedly, you sense that Yuuji, your foolish, stupid, loyal kouhai has stayed, trading strikes with his fists between the precise movements of your blade. Your heart drops as Yuuta reaches for the ring on his finger.
No. No!
He twists it, and Rika appears behind you. Claws sink into your shoulder and you let out a cry of pain as she flips you into the ground.
"Be nice, Rika," Yuuta chides, as you hit the concrete. Blood spurts from your mouth as you choke, fingers clawing at the ground desperately for your katana. A piece of scaffolding is practically crushing your legs; instinctively, you know that if you try to break through it, you'll tear your limbs right off.
As Rika holds Yuuji up, you lunge desperately, uncaring of what you have to sacrifice. Inumaki's arm, the way half of Nobara's face had been practically ripped out of her skull, the remains of Nanami-san, the way that you were the one to find Maki's charred body-
I can't lose anyone else.
You scream as Yuuta pierces Yuuji's chest with his katana, cursed energy building in your legs as you prepare to shoot forward. Yuuta turns, eyes filled with an unidentifiable emotion as he sees you about to tear yourself in half just to reach Yuuji.
With a wave of his hand, Rika dives for you, and everything goes dark.
Yuuta had known you were special from the day he'd first met you. That spring, when Gojo-sensei had dropped him (and Rika) into a class of unsuspecting first years, he remembers that out of the four of them, you had moved so gracefully that he hadn't processed the katana in your hand until you'd pressed it against your throat.
"Gojo-sensei," you'd hissed. "What is this?"
While Maki, Inumaki, and Panda had been subsequently bruised up by Rika, you had dodged every single one of her movements until Rika had been (barely) called back by Yuuta.
"Another Special Grade," Gojo had hummed. "Just like you, hm?"
Special Grade?
What he hadn't realized then, he realized later; you weren't just special to him, but to the entire rest of the Jujutsu World as well. Special Grade Sorcerers were rare, Maki had told him. "You only have it because of Rika," she'd scoffed, "but she deserves it."
You quickly became one of his closest friends. You were fast enough to dodge Rika's ire, even laughing whenever she tried. You'd shown Yuuta kindness that he didn't think he deserved. You broke him out of his shell enough so that when he left for Africa, he felt as though he was standing with his own strength. His first katana had been the sister blade of your own, forged from the same metal by the same hands. The way your eyes had lit up when you saw it was a memory he cherished.
Somberly, Yuuta eyes the chains encasing your wrists and ankles, each decorated with the slips of protective paper that would nullify your cursed energy. Most sorcerers required only one. You required at least twenty.
He knows you, knows the way you always take the strawberry daifuku, leaving him the red bean ones even though he knows you prefer the red bean. He knows that you push yourself hard, harder than he's ever seen anyone work. But most of all, he knows your loyalty, how once your heart finally lets someone in, you'll never let them go.
Did you miss him like he missed you?
The chains are more for your own protection. He needs you to hear him out before you attempt to end his life for a second time. Yuuta knows now that Gojo must have asked you the same thing he'd asked him; to keep Itadori Yuji safe from the whims of the higher ups. Gojo, being the forgetful bastard he was, probably didn't alert you to the fact that he'd gone to Yuuta for help as well. Crouching, Yuuta eyes your body with a sad tilt of his lips. The injuries you'd sustained were immense, and it had taken quite a bit of his own cursed energy to reverse.
Will you forgive him?
You're asleep, breath hitching every so often. Yuuta wonders what you're dreaming of, before pushing the thought away. Tenderly, he cups your face in the palm of his hand, calloused fingers stroking your cheek.
"You need to wake up now," he murmurs, as your eyes flutter open, first in dazed confusion, before sharpening into panic.
"I'll miss you!" you'd cried, as you clung to Yuuta under the shade of the large oak. You were the first person he had told about his departure to Africa, and you took it hard. Yuuta had stood frozen as the first of your tears had dripped down your cheeks. It was the first time he'd seen you cry.
"I'll be back before you know it," he'd murmured, pressing a featherlight kiss to the top of your head. You'd looked up to him, eyes teary.
"I promise," he'd said, interlocking his pinky with your own. A love like Yuuta's is a dangerous thing, you know, but in this moment you feel nothing but safe.
The first sensation you feel upon awakening is the dull ache in your (miraculously still attached) legs. The second is the warmth on your cheek. Yuuta is standing above you, hand gently resting against your face. Immediately you lunge forward, teeth bared. The rattle of chains stops you, and you swear. Of course he would have taken precautions. Yuuta looks almost hurt as you violently shake off his touch.
"Don't touch me, I swear to god I'm going to rip you apart."
Yuuta says your name sadly, but you're practically trembling with rage.
"He was just a kid, with the kind of power we wield, why the fuck would you listen to the higher ups?"
Yuuta echoes your name a bit more firmly, but you ignore him, tears building in your eyes.
"You're no better than the rest of them are you, you're just-"
Your heart stops as Yuuji pokes his head out from around the corner. They must have brought you back to Jujutsu Tech, you think distractedly. Just how long were you out?
"Yuuji!" you cry out, scanning his body for any injuries. He seems to be uninjured, but most importantly, he's alive. Tears fall down your cheeks. "Are you alright?"
Yuuji appears horrified by the sudden outburst as he hastily holds up his hands. "I'm fine, senpai, really, I'm sorry for worrying you. Okkotsu-san is actually on our side, I swear! It was a binding vow, that's why he had to actually kill me, but he did some really cool Reverse Technique shit and I'm all good now!"
Warily, you eye Yuuta, whose expression resembles that of a kicked puppy. "Okkotsu Yuuta," you say, voice hard. "Let me out of these chains right fucking now."
With a wave of his hand, the papers attached to the chains fall to the floor. Yuuta looks dejected as he looks away from you. "I'm so sor-"
Before he can finish you immediate tackle him into a hug, knocking the both of you into the floor as you bury your face into the soft slope of his neck. "You're such an idiot," you sob, unable to hide the rush of emotions going through you. "Why didn't you tell me?"
Tentatively, Yuuta wraps his arms around you, and you melt, pressing yourself closer to his body. "To be honest, I think Gojo-sensei is to blame. I think he forgot to mention to either of us that he asked us to do the exact same thing."
You let out a hiccupping laugh. "Of course he did. That forgetful asshole."
The sigh Yuuta lets out is shaky as he nuzzles the top of your head. "I'm so, so sorry," he tells you earnestly. "I must have scared you, and Rika's mad at me for making me hurt you like that. I think she likes you, even though she pretends not to."
You look up at him, really look at him, and see the look of adoration in his eyes as he stares back down at you. Thankfully Yuuji's escaped long ago, most likely understanding that you two would need privacy. "You came back," you whisper, and Yuuta's resulting smile makes your heart skip a beat.
"I promised you, didn't I?"
Before you can stop yourself, you pull Yuuta down for a searing kiss. He's so soft, and you nip at the plush of his bottom lip teasingly, pulling a whine from his throat. His large hands grip your hips, and in retaliation, you grab a fistful of his hair and tug. The breathy noise he makes goes straight between your thighs. You know he can feel your smile against his lips.
"I missed you," you breathe, pulling away. Yuuta looks dazed, lips kiss swollen, pupils so dilated that you can barely see the soft brown of his eyes.
"I love you," he blurts out, and your resulting laugh is airy as you press another chaste kiss to his lips.
"I've always loved you, Yuuta," you admit. "During Shibuya, I thought I wasn't going to make it. You were the only thing keeping me going."
The look in his eyes is fierce as he tugs you back into him, enveloping you in his arms. "You'll never have to worry about that again. You have my entire life. Where you go, I'll follow, and if I die, not even Death would be able to separate me from your side."
"Those sound a lot like wedding vows, don't you think?"
Yuuta's blush covers his entire face and you grin, pressing one last kiss to his lips. "Come on now. We have kids we need to protect."
As Yuuta leads you to where the others have convened, even under the dark circumstances you're in, the warmth of his hand clutching yours fills you with a giddiness you hadn't experienced in months. The sentiment is quickly dashed as soon as Maki opens her mouth.
"Fucking finally. Inumaki owes me 3,000 yen."
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chosopie · 2 months
cw: dub-con, pegging, spanking, orgasm denial, spitting
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A pretty boy like Naoya needs to learn to shut his mouth most of the time.
You were sent by your group to recruit Naoya Zenin in hopes to have him help with your plans to save Gojo amidst the Culling Games.
Your cursed technique? Bondage. It often came in handy, making it easier to get a hold of curses and quickly finish them off which lead to you being overworked. Every mission, you just had to be there to accompany someone.
For your current mission, they sent you alone. This meant you had room to use your own means to get Naoya on board with you guys.
“You dirty whore! Let go of me,” Naoya spat at you. He was lying on his back, with a humiliated and enraged face that amused you. His face burned red with anger, while his body struggled to move around the tight ribbons that glowed with energy.
“I told you, you need to cooperate,” you clicked your tongue.
“Like hell I’d ever listen to a lowly girl like you.”
“Lowly? I’m not the one on the ground all tied up,” you giggled and crossed your arms. “I think I get to make the conditions here.”
You approached him, pulling on his collar to bring his face close to yours. “I need you to help us.”
“You need me that bad?” He grinned, his face swelled with pride and smugness.
“Well… you were our last option.”
“When I get out of this, I’m gonna beat the shit out of you and leave you in a gnarly state. No man would ever want you after that. Girls like you deserve to be locked away in their homes,” Naoya threatened, his eyes glistened with with but beneath that facade, all you saw was a childish and insecure brat who was scared of having his ego shattered by a woman.
He truly was an annoying bitch.
Those were his last words before you discarded his pants to ride his leaking cock.
“If you hate women like me that much, then why are you so hard, Naoya,” you flashed him a smile, your face was flushed red from the pleasure of his dick hitting a particular spot in your walls over and over again as you bounced on him.
“Get off. You don’t deserve this cock,” he panted, his chest heaving as his cock continued to violently twitch inside you.
You moaned, your hands exploring his body as you continued to grind and move up and down, his slippery dick occasionally sliding out and rubbing your labia.
“Hah— let me go!” Naoya pathetically whined, his face evidently flustered. At this point, he couldn’t control himself any longer. He was full-on bucking his eager cock into you.
“Enjoying this?” He shook his head.
The way his dick reacted to your clenching pussy and how it quivered was enough to tell you about how close he was. His face contorted when you sped up, his restrained body shook with pleasure and denial. His stubborn mind knew he shouldn't be enjoying this but his body said otherwise.
Just when Naoya was about to cum, you got off him in an instant, leaving him and his cock frustrated and needy. His swollen cock was covered in your slick and his pre-cum, a white glaze all over his red tip.
"You're fucking evil," he groaned.
"You wanted to cum that bad?"
He didn't reply, whatever remained of his dignity keeping his mouth shut tight.
"Oh, I'll make you cum in another way."
You whipped out your strap and his eyes widened in shock and terror. His jaw hung open as he struggled to find the words to react to what he had just saw.
“Well, that finally got you to shut up,” you chuckled.
You fucked Naoya's tight little hole so hard, he started moaning so loud it started coming off as screams. His eyes were fully rolled back while his dick angrily twitched from the newfound pleasure. Seeing this, you couldn’t resist grabbing a hold of it. You started aggressively stroking his dick while stimulating his g-spot. There were tiny beads of cum leaking out together with his pre. He was getting close again, but you weren’t going to make him cum until you hear him agree to help your friends.
"Fuck, fuck!" He groaned and whimpered.
You spanked him, leaving his ass cheeks red and bruised.
"Please, I'm so fucking close!"
"Need to hear you say the words," you whispered to his ear while thrusting into him even harder, pushing the silicone dick further into his ass.
"What?" He panted.
How cute. You had already fucked him dumb, making him forget what the whole thing was even about.
You pulled out, "forgot already?"
Naoya whined, "Just hurry up and make me finish already."
"Say it."
"Please! I'll help you."
"Agh-" his body suddenly jolted when you pushed the silicone back in. He backed up on you, pressing his ass onto your hips until every inch of the dick complete disappears into his hole.
"You needy bitch," you spat onto his back.
You fully exerted yourself, thrusting harder and faster while your hand pumped his dick. Naoya was a moaning mess. There was drool running down his chin and his back was fully arched. He got even more louder, his dick furiously leaking onto your hand.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum! Cumming, ahhh-" Naoya mewled.
"That's it," you smirked, knowing your mission was successful.
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getosbigballsack · 1 year
𝑨 𝑯𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒍𝒚 𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚 𝑨𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓
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𝑯𝒖𝒔𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐 𝒙 𝑾𝒊𝒇𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑺𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔: 𝑶𝒌, 𝒇𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚. 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝒊𝒏 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒆'𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒊𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏.
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝑵𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒑𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕.
𝑨/𝑵: 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝑨 𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒚'𝒔 𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈. 𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚 𝒊𝒕 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒔 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝑰 𝒅𝒐. 𝑻𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈: @ssc7514 and @azestar12334
𝑾𝑪: 5.2𝒌
𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒖'𝒔 𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒚 𝑷𝒆𝒏✯
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Ever since that day when you last spoke, or let’s say when you received that text message from Satoru. Your life has been filled with nothing but hopelessness and depression. Gojo has stopped sending you messages. He has stopped calling your phone, and you missed that. You missed the fact that he cared about you so much; he’s called you ten times for the day. 
But now, all that has just upped and walked out of your life, and who is to be blamed? No one but you. You’ve lost your best friend, all because of your pride and too ashamed to tell him that you were pregnant. 
You were going through hell and back, but thanks to Shoko, you had seen some better days for most of your pregnancy. She had helped you move through thick and thin and stayed up with you during the nights when you were feeling too sick from all the ongoing stress in your life. She helped you finally, even got you a little side hustle, you know, working from home, just to earn a bit of money just so that you could provide for yourself and the baby. 
She even got started on buying you baby clothes, a new crib, and other things that you might need whenever the baby got there. You tried to tell her that she didn’t have to go so far out of her way for you, but still, she did it, and you were so grateful for her help. 
Your father would send you occasional calls and text messages to check up on you, some of which you didn’t even take the time out of your day to reply to. You didn’t have much of a reason to talk to him since he just completely left you out in the world on your own to survive with, even sending you as much as a thousand yen for food supplies. 
As for Naoya, he was just the most vile, disgusting human being to have walked the earth. After you announced your pregnancy to him, he just straight-up hated you. The school had allowed you to stay in school because, for one, you were an excellent student there. Two, you were in your final year, and three, your tummy wasn’t showing that much until graduation. 
So, while you were just happily finishing off your final year in high school, your ex-boyfriend made it his duty to make your life a living hell. Whenever he laid eyes on you inside the homeroom, cafeteria (you eat all by yourself now because your friends thought you were a joke), and sometimes the library, he made fun of you, calling you the fat preggo bitch, oversized whale, and the worst one mother of a bastard child. He would tell everyone that the child wasn’t his. He spread a whole rumor about your fucking just to have dinner on the table. 
And to make matters even worse, he was now dating your once high school best friend, Hirayama Akemi. She just added to the pain and embarrassment. She’d call you names, too, she would try to make your trip on purpose, and when you do fall, you’re lucky enough to fall on your knees. And even lucky enough not to have any injuries to both your tummy and the baby. 
Sometimes they both dared to shout whenever you were inside the home room, “Just fucking abort that thing already,” or “Ain’t nobody gonna want a single boy with a bastard child.” 
You were miserable, and you wanted to ask your father to help you out, but he gave no fucks about you, so you turned to Shoko. You cried and begged her to have a word with both Akemi and Naoya, but to no avail, they both kept on with their abuse, and Naoya made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with you and your child. 
Throughout that whole stress and abuse, you still managed to make it to the end of your final year. You knew that you just had to keep fighting; after all, you had no one but Shoko at your side, and if you wanted to have a decent life for yourself and your child, the least you could do was make it to the end of your final year. Yes, and you managed to graduate at the top of your class and are now the valedictorian. You gave one of the most heartfelt speeches; too bad your dad and Gojo weren't there to hear it. 
Truly that was the happiest day of your life. Eight months pregnant with a high school diploma to your name and a possible scholarship to go to college. You weren’t about to let your pregnancy be the end of your life. 
A few weeks had gone by since your graduation, and now you were at full term, just waiting and ready to push out your little ray of sunshine into this world. You remember the day Gojo Kei was born. Shoko had left for work that day, leaving you at home alone with just a few minor contractions. And on top of that, you had a surprise visit from your best friend, Gojo Satoru. 
It was around ten that morning, and you were just casually lounging around on the sofa watching a talk show that Gojo had appeared on. He was recognized as the youngest billionaire to have inherited his father's company while still completing his degree in Economics. You always knew that Gojo is a gifted child. He could just do anything that he put his mind to, and running a multi-millionaire company while still attending University was no exception. 
You tried your best to keep up with his success, and even though you were avoiding him, you sent him your love and support, hoping that he could feel it from wherever he was. You missed him deeply, and you just hoped that he maybe accidentally dialed your number. 
“Fuck shit…” you hissed. Your contractions were no joke. It ached all over, and you were just feeling miserable. Anyways, you tried to push the fact that you were in pain just to focus on the television when suddenly you heard a harsh knocking on Shoko’s front door. 
You were a bit startled, but still, you managed to get up from the sofa and slowly made your door. As you were about to open it, you froze in your shoes when you heard a very angry yet worried Gojo calling out for you from behind the door. “Y/N, open the door, and let’s talk.” 
“No… no, he can’t see me like this,” you panicked as you turned to walk away from the door, but Gojo’s voice once again stopped you dead in your tracks. 
“Y/N, Shoko told me that you’re home, so come on, please open the door and let’s talk,” he sounded a bit defeated, and you were feeling a lot guilty because you knew that his desperation and the sound of defeat that clouded his voice was because of you. “Y/N, please.” 
With a heavy sigh, you turned around, swallowed the thick lump in your throat, and slowly opened the door. Once the door was opened, you saw him standing there with a bouquet of lavender and white roses in his hand. He was neatly dressed in a black turtleneck sweater, grey dress pants accompanied by black boots, and a long grey coat. His fluffy white hair was longer than usual, and he also sported his famous and expensive sunglasses. 
He tilted his head to the side to peer down at you while you poked your head through the door. “Hi,” you said as you continued to open the door to reveal your pregnant self to him. 
“Hey,” he said to you back, his eyes never leaving your face even though the door was now fully open. “I missed you. Is this what we do now? I thought we told each other everything. I know your secrets; you know mine. We trust each other, don’t we? So what are you hiding?”
You held your head down in shame, hoping that his eyes would follow. 
“Come on, Y/N; I just got back from America. I didn’t even head home yet. Look up at me and tell me what is going on, oh no.” Yup, his eyes did follow, and now he was standing there, shocked, as he stared down at your pregnant belly. The roses fell from his trembling hands, “No… No Y/N. You’re pregnant. How could…” But his words got shut tight in his mouth the moment you lifted your head to look up at him with those tears of regret and shame streaming down your face. 
You could see it, the look of disappointment and shame riding on his face. Tears streamed down his face from behind his glasses. The whole confrontation with him finding out about your pregnancy was what you wanted to avoid. You didn’t want another person looking down at you with shame. 
“I need a moment,” he said as he turned around to leave and as you were about to call out to him. 
A contraction hit which caused you to scream out in pain, and not a moment later, you felt water running down your leg and onto the carpet. Gojo turned around, his eyes widening behind his glasses when he saw the puddle of water at your feet. “My water… help me.” 
Your water just broke. 
“Shit,” he said as he rushed towards you to walk you back inside of the house. 
But you stopped him, “No, take me to the hospital, please.” 
He swallowed thickly, then responded. “Ok, do you need anything, and do you want me to call anyone.” 
"The baby bag is on the couch, and just call Shoko," you said. He nodded and dashed inside to fetch the baby bag from the sofa before exiting. You locked the home with the key you kept in your bra for whatever reason before the two of you headed to his car. He helped you sit comfortably in the backseat, and then he locked the door and got inside the driver's seat then took off.
“Shoko,” you heard him say. You looked into the rearview mirror and saw that he had his phone pressed against his ear. “I’m heading to the hospital with Y/N. Uhm, why didn’t you tell me that she was pregnant?” he took a glance at you and shook his head before turning his attention back to the road. “She’s in fucking labor right now, Shoko, and I’m fucking scared and confused right now. Aren’t you going to call the baby’s father?” 
“T-Toru, he doesn’t,” you tried to speak, but then the contractions hit again. 
“Fuck, it’s ok, Y/N; we’ll be there soon,” he informed you. 
It wasn’t long, though. He got you to the hospital in about fifteen minutes, and when he got there, Shoko was already at the front desk with a wheelchair, just waiting for your arrival. She had already gone ahead to fill out your forms, and now what was left for you to do was to add your signature, which you added later when you were stripped from your clothes and dressed in a hospital gown. 
They also requested Gojo to fill out some paperwork, possibly thinking he was the father. As you were about to tell them that he wasn't and that he didn't need to fill out any papers, he already had the pen in his hand and the paper on his lap, filling out the necessary details. After he was done, you saw him hand the nurses the papers and take a seat on the chair beside the bed that you were now on. 
You recall him tilting his head to stare at your enlarged stomach, then asking, "Where's Naoya? Are you going to contact him?" You bowed your head in shame once more. You were too embarrassed to tell him that Naoya didn't want anything to do with you or your kid, who was desperate to get out. He sighed heavily, and as he was about to question you again, your contractions hit, which quickly alerted the nurses to your bedside. A doctor, the OB, was also at your bed checking your vitals and so on. 
After they finished examining your vitals and other details, the OB informed you that you were already fully dilated. They asked you how long you had been feeling contractions, and you informed them based upon the information they told you that you had been in labor for more than six hours, and your water just decided to pop when you were almost fully dilated. 
Anyways after that, they all got themselves prepared for the birth of their child, and once they were done, they asked Gojo if he wanted to stay or leave. He was confused, and didn’t know what he wanted to do. But when he looked at your face and heard you whisper, “Don’t go,” he just knew that he had to stay with you. 
The birth of Gojo Kei took a while. You were having such a hard time giving birth to your baby boy. 
During the delivery process, you remembered how hot and sweaty your body felt. The pain ripped and coursing it was through your body with every push and every breath you took. Your legs trembled and tried to snap shut whenever that uncomfortable pressure and pain started to form between your legs. You were crying, your nails digging into Gojo's hand as he held onto you, trying his best to encourage you and comfort you. “I can’t do it,” you remembered crying at one point, but thankfully Gojo was there by your side, whispering, “Come on, Y/N, one big push and it’ll be all over,” or “That’s it, take deep breaths and then push. The baby is almost here.” 
His words, along with the kind OB words of encouragement, in exactly 10 minutes, you gave birth to your beautiful baby boy Kei. 
“Oh God,” you cried when the baby finally came out, and he started crying. Happiness, joy, relief, sadness, and a whole bunch more emotions came pouring down at you all at once. 
“Here, take your baby,” the OB said to you with a smile gracing their face as they laid the baby on your chest. “It’s a boy; congratulations.” You smile while more tears continue to stream down your face. Words could not describe the overwhelming sense of feeling that you were currently experiencing as you listened to your son continue to cry. You couldn’t believe it with your own eyes, you were now a young mother of a beautiful baby boy, and it was going to be your job to nurture him, protect him, love him, and do everything else that was within your power to ensure that he grew up to be the happiest and most beautiful human to have walked this earth. 
You looked across at Gojo, who was beaming and crying as he stared at your kid. As depressed and disheartened as he may be right now. Seeing you give birth to such an innocent infant caused tears to build up in his eyes. Your son is gorgeous, and as he sat there admiring the baby, he couldn't help but think that he'd do everything for the little child in your arms. 
“He’s beautiful, Y/N,” he whispered. “You did such a good job.”
“Thank you,” you whispered as you rubbed your finger over your baby’s tiny head. “My son, my little sunshine.”
And truly, Gojo Kei is a ray of sunshine and hope in your life. 
Time Skip.
You've probably spent approximately 30 minutes with your newborn infant after birth. However, it appears that you had fallen asleep from fatigue after pulling out your breast to give your baby his first feed. 
So now, after maybe resting for an hour or two, your eyes were slowly opening and taking their time to adjust to the light inside the room. Once your eyes were fully opened, you saw Gojo sitting on a chair that was next to your bed, with your newborn baby on his naked chest. “He’s such a cutie,” you heard a voice speak slowly before a hand reached out to touch your son’s cheek. 
You looked and saw that Shoko was the one who was caressing your son’s cheek. You groaned a bit, and that caught their attention. 
"Hey!" Shoko said with a smile on her face. "Your baby is so beautiful. You did such a good job." 
"Thank you," you said, smiling at her weakly. You turned to look at Gojo, but his expression was a bit hard to read. He didn't say anything to you; he only watched as your son took a small breath as he slept peacefully on Gojo's chest. 
"They're having a bit of skin-to-skin if your wonder why he has the baby," Shoko informed you. "They said that it would be nice if the baby could do skin-to-skin with his father." 
Your eyes widened, "But he's not…." 
"Shoko?" Gojo called out before you were able to finish the sentence. She turned to look at him. "Can you leave for a moment? I need to talk with Y/N." 
"Uhh yeah, sure. I'll just let the nurse know that you've woken up," and with that said, she left you alone with Gojo. 
You swallowed a bit while you sat up on your bed. You reached out for your baby, but instead, he gave you a look that you know all too well. He knew something, and he wasn't pleased with what he had heard. 
"So, are you going to tell me what happened with Naoya? Shoko told me that you two didn't see each other anymore. What happened?" He asked. 
"It's complicated," you said, trying to end the conversation faster than it already began. 
"Come on, Y/N, don't give me that. Tell me what happened," he pressed on. You closed your eyes and sighed a bit. You knew that; eventually, you were going to have to tell him what happened between you and Naoya. 
So with that said, you told him everything. You told him how you ended up pregnant, how you found out that you were pregnant. You told him about the argument you had with your father the day you found out that you were pregnant. 
You also told him that you never ran away from home. Your father just kicked you out, and that's how you ended up at Shoko. You went on to tell him how Naoya reacted when you told him about the pregnancy and how Naoya made your life miserable after that. You told Gojo all the nasty names that Naoya called you; you told him that Naoya told you that he didn't want to father a bastard child, even though you knew that the child belonged to Naoya. 
You held nothing back; you told him everything. After you were done, you as he blinked back his tears before asking, "Why didn't you say anything? We had conversations multiple times before you decided to cut me off; why didn't you just tell me?" 
"Because I felt tired and so ashamed. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want you to shame me and abandon me like my dad did. I didn't want you to be angry at me. I didn’t want you to feel like I've disappointed you," you explained. 
He sighed, "How do you think I feel now?" You said nothing. "I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that I didn’t expect better from you, but at the same time, you're my best friend, and regardless of what happens, I will always be there to support you." 
"I'm sorry. I was scared," you whispered. "I made a mistake, and I regret it deeply." 
"Now come on, I don't wanna hear that," he said to you. "Scoot over," and you did as you were told. You watched as he slowly stood from the chair and sat down on the bed beside you. "Your son is not a mistake. He's a blessing. Just look at him; he's beautiful," and indeed, your son is truly beautiful. "Instead of regretting what you did, learn from it and grow. Do what is right this time, and just now, I'll be there with you, watching and helping you take the necessary steps you need to take to grow." 
"Satoru…" you said his name before bursting into tears. You didn’t know what to say, but God, it seems as if he knew what to say. 
"Just remember that I love you, you're my best friend, and I'll always be there for you no matter what," with that said, he lay next to you, wrapped his arm around your shoulder while keeping the baby close to his chest and then kissed your forehead. "I will always be there for you." 
"Thank you," you whispered. 
"Ah, I see you're awake," a nurse said, smiling ear to ear when she saw Gojo lying down on the bed together next to you. "Have you decided what the baby's name is?" 
"His name is Kei," you said, smiling. 
"Yeah, his name is Gojo Kei," said Gojo. You looked up at him in shock. 
"You didn't have to," you whispered. 
"But I want to."
You were discharged from the hospital the next day. They said that Kei was a healthy baby and you're happy that he is in good health. 
Gojo wanted to take you home, but he had to leave to take a shower and get some food for both you and him.
So Shoko left work early and drove you back home. She helped you inside the house and took you to the room, then went back for your baby bag. 
After that, she helped you change out of your clothes, helped you shower, and also helped you to get dressed, and then she left, saying that she had to go back to work, but Gojo should be on his way soon. 
So while you waited, you decided to wipe your baby down and then breastfeed him in hopes that he’ll fall asleep. 
A few Moments later. 
“Hey,” Gojo said as he entered the room with a bag thrown over his shoulder. He threw it on the floor and quickly walked over to your bed, and sat down beside you. “Are you hungry? I bought us some food. It’s in the kitchen.”
“Ok, thanks. I’ll go get it when I’m done,” you said to him.
“Can I hold him?” he asked. 
"Of course," you replied, and he smiled. He swiftly removed his shirt and lay on the bed with outstretched arms, waiting for you to place the baby on his chest. You giggled as you pulled Kei from your breast and laid him on Gojo’s chest. 
“He’s so tiny,” Gojo cooed as he rested his hand on the baby’s back. 
“I’ll go grab something to eat,” you said as you fixed your boob back into your clothes before standing up from the bed. Just as you were about to exit the room, Shoko came barging in with the meals in her hand. 
“I left my phone,” she said as he handed you the meals. “I love to see my nephew, but I have got to go to work for real, or they’ll fire me,” and with that said, she left. 
You closed the door and went back to bed with the meal, “Have you had anything to eat yet?” you asked him. 
"Not much, but it'll have to wait," he explained. You hummed before extracting the meal from the bag and starting to eat while Gojo observed your infant. After you finished, you left to dispose of it, then returned and lay down alongside him. 
You have a lot of ideas going through your head right now. You have so many questions for Gojo as well. You had so many topics you wanted to discuss. But first, you must maintain your cool. It was foolish to be concerned about such things when you had just had a baby. 
You started humming a melody in your head and closed your eyes to sleep. But then you felt Gojo's arm around your shoulder, drawing you closer to him. He kissed your brow, stroked your shoulder, and whispered, "Y/N?" 
"Yeah?" you said sleepily. 
“I’ve been thinking, and I was wondering if you maybe want to move in with me?” 
“What?” you asked as you opened your eyes to see him staring down at you. 
“Let’s move in together,” he repeated. 
“What? Why?” you asked while staring at him in shock. 
He swallowed thickly, took a deep breath, then answered, “I like you. I've always liked you more than what you think. Forgive me for sounding like an asshole, but the day you got together with Naoya, I was jealous because I liked you first. I made a mistake by not pursuing you when I had the chance, and now I want to make things right.” 
“Satoru… what… I,” you stuttered, but he shushed you by kissing your forehead. 
“You… I mean, we have a son now. He has my name, and I signed the birth certificate, so legally I’m his father. We can start our family and raise him together. I mean, that’s what you’ve always wanted, right? A little family,” he said while smiling down at you. 
“But I can’t let you take up a responsibility that is not yours. I’ll feel guilty if you do,” you whispered. “I can’t let you father Kei.” 
"If I don't do it, who will?" he wondered. He waited for you to respond, but after a minute or two, you remained mute. He knew you already knew no one would step up to help you care for your son. And when he said "no one," he referred to Naoya. “You and I both know that he wants nothing to do with Kei.”
“Satoru… it just feels so unfair for you to do this for me,” you said to him. And truly, it was unfair for him. But did he care about that? Absolutely fucking not. “I just can’t let you…”
“Hey, Y/n. Remember what I said yesterday? You’re my best friend. I love you, and I’ll do anything for you, and fathering Kei is nothing compared to what I’ll do for you. I meant what I said about us moving in together and starting our little family.” 
Tears began streaming down your face, and he removed his hand from your shoulder to wipe them away. “I’m scared, Satoru. I mean, what if Kei found out that you’re not his biological father? How are we going to deal with this? How is he going to react? I’m confused and scared, Satoru. I’m really scared.” 
“Hey! Y/N. Kei is only a few hours old. We can worry about all of that later when he gets older, and we’re ready to have that conversation with him. Let’s just take it one step at a time and focus on what’s important now, and that is to do our best to raise our son to be a beautiful, kind-hearted, and happy human being. Ok, let’s do that first, and anything else that comes after, we'll deal with that too,” he assured you. 
“Ok,” you whispered before snuggling into his side.
End of Flashback.
Ever since that day, your life has turned around for the better. Gojo is an amazing father to your child. He loved him as if he were his own, even though he was, legally, that is. He never once brought up the fact that Kei wasn’t his biological son to anyone who asked about Kei, and those who knew said nothing about it. 
All that mattered was that they saw that Gojo had nothing but love for your son, and that’s all that there was to it. As for your relationship with him, the week you moved into his apartment, he wasted no time asking you to be his girlfriend. You accept it, but at the same time, it feels as if you pressured him into making such decisions. But over time, you grew to understand that Gojo just does whatever feels right to him. 
And God, Gojo is such an amazing boyfriend to you. He treated you the way Naoya never treated you. He was gentle, kind, and a good listener. His touches were soft and gentle; his kisses were sweet and slow and breathtaking. And as for the sex, ugh! We’ll get back to that in a moment because a few months after he asked you to be his girlfriend, he wasted no time asking for your hand in marriage. You were probably dating him for about four months when he asked you to marry him. 
You were shocked; it took a whole week to say yes to him. It was funny because he knew you wanted to say yes, but at the time when he popped the question, you were just in a state of shock. But yeah, after the marriage proposal, you originally told him that you wanted to wait until after marriage to have sex with him. But then, dealing with PPD and, of course, he was finishing up his last year of University, you were beginning to feel a bit insecure about your body, and you were starting to worry that he may or may not want to have sex with you. 
But damn, did he prove you wrong when you told him about the issue you had. (A/N: I, Toniann, the author, may even write a whole story for this part.) 
Yup! That morning when you woke up and demanded that he had sex with you, he had to slap his hand over your mouth to keep you from waking up the baby as he continued to work your body out with his shaft. Hm! We’ll leave the smut alone for a different day, so let’s move on. 
You both got married when Gojo graduated from Uni and now you were on your way to attend a college you got accepted to to study Computer Science. Yeah, things were looking up for you. You had a beautiful wedding, and that memory of you walking down the aisle in a beautiful dress towards your husband, who dressed up nicely too, will forever live on in your memory. Funny enough, Kei was one year of age at the time, and You were 18, almost 19.
After marriage, Gojo moved his family into a beautiful modern villa. It was too big, as a matter of fact, but hey, you’re not complaining because after what happened the night you both went on your honeymoon, you knew that in due time, this house would be too small for you, him and the rest of the kinds that he is bound to give to you. 
Anyways, when Kei turned two years old, Naoya suddenly turned up out of nowhere, asking if he could see Kei and get to know him. You asked him why, only to find out that he had cancer and he may or may not survive his chemotherapy. You were unhappy that something like this had to happen, but you were more than happy to let him spend time with his son. 
Your baby was happy to meet his father, always babbling about how fun Naoya was, and it was to the point where you thought that Kei would neglect Gojo being his father, but that was far from the case. Even though Kei grew to care for Naoya and accept that he was his father, he loved Gojo more. And that was evident because Kei didn’t call Naoya daddy. He called Gojo daddy. Kei doesn't tell Naoya that he loves him. No, he tells that to Gojo. And the list continues.
Fortunately, Naoya survived his cancer treatment, and now he is doing much better. He was around and spending time with Kei now, and even paying a hefty amount for child support, even though you didn’t need it because, well, Gojo, he’s already doing a fine job at caring for Kei. 
Now here you are today, happily married to Gojo with a four-year-old son and another baby on the way. 
“Here you go, baby,” your husband said, snapping you out of your thoughts and handing you your bowl of mangoes and lime. “Kei, do you want me to feed you milk, or do you want to do it yourself.” 
“I no want you to feed me, I… big boy… I do it, self,” Kei said before taking his bottle from his father's hand, wiggling out of his hold, and running off to open his new toy. 
“What did you get him?” you asked Gojo. 
“A new toy truck, the one that he’s been asking for yesterday,” Gojo answered as he sat beside you and wrapped his arms around your shoulder. 
“You spoil him too much, you know,” you said to him while giggling. 
“Well, someone’s gotta do it,” he chuckled, and you shook your head. You both watched as Kei yanked the truck from the bag before tossing his bottle to the side to scream. “Kei, pick up your bottle and drink your milk.” 
“I don’t want more,” Kei answered, then he started to play with his truck. 
“Kei?” Gojo called out to him. 
But Kei merely shook his head before retrieving his bottle from the floor, getting up with it and his toy, and walking up to Gojo, then laying the bottle in his lap. “I said no more…”
“Ok, Ok…” Gojo chuckled before taking the bottle from his lap and resting it on the coffee table. 
“He takes after you,” you said to him. 
“Nuh huh, that’s you. He’s got your attitude,” Gojo said before leaning down to kiss your lips.
It was slow and sweet, but that sweet kiss came to an end when Kei yelled, “Uh oh.” You pulled away to see Kei covering his eyes with his hand. “Mommy and Daddy kiss again.” 
And Gojo burst out laughing. 
God, Kei’s really a true blessing in your life. 
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Thanks for reading. 
Side note: Kei is a name of Japanese origin that can be either masculine or feminine. Meaning “blessed,” “respect,” or “joyous,” this name is sure to remind the baby to appreciate all the good things in life.
@getosbigballsack 2023
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sludgge · 5 months
Naoya smut headcannons
-Naoya is not skilled at sex, all he cares about is making himself feel good, the only way you’re having a good time with him is if you take charge and fuck him instead of the other way around.
-talks all big about how good he’s gonna make you feel and how you’ll be hooked on his cock. but you don’t really get off because of how he neglects to care for you and cums fast once he’s in you.
-He’s at least very pretty. He keeps good care of himself, neat and vain all around. Neatly trimmed and clean, absolutely refuses to wear a condom though.
-his dick is slender and long. And has a pretty piercing, his nipples are pierced too. They’re just waiting for you to tug at and make him whimper.
-would never admit it but 100% wants to be topped by a bigger and stronger man. He hates to admit it but even though he exclusively tries to fuck more feminine men he can top and emasculate easily, he really wants to be the one on the bottom. Makes him weak in the knees.
-total bitch once you have him subbing, he’s bratty and arrogant but you just have to jerk him for a few minutes and he becomes a good boy for you.
-he’s whiny, whimpering a lot, and he only makes prettier and prettier noises as you overstim him. He cums fast so if you wanna really indulge he’ll just have to deal with it.
-by the time you’re done he’s a sweaty and panting mess, completely fucked out and finally shutting his pretty little mouth like he should.
In the end the only way to really deal with him is to fuck the shit out of him till he finally shuts the fuck up.
199 notes · View notes
lale-txt · 6 months
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❈ 𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐨𝐲, 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐰/ 𝐍𝐚𝐨𝐲𝐚 & 𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐛!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
“At your limit already, pretty boy?”, you coo and run a hand down his stomach, feeling him twitch inside you violently, so desperate for release. Naoya grits his teeth, his hands gripping the sheets of the futon next to your head. He’s breathing heavily, his sharp eyes finally catching your gaze. He hates losing his composure like that, especially while he’s on top of you. or: where you take the virginity of the Zen'in heir
a/n: this was supposed to be a collection with short drabbles of various characters with this prompt but somehow i got possessed by my usual Zen'in fuckery and here we are. Naoya is such an asshole, i love him dearly. shoutout to my friends who let me yap about him day in, day out, you're the best ♡
contains: ns.fw under the cut, afab!reader (no pronouns, "pussy" & "cunt" used to describe genitalia), Naoya Zen'in being his own warning, loss of virginity, mention of reader fucking Naobito (yes, his dad), dirty talk, degradation (again, it's Naoya...), breeding kink (no pregnancy mention), possessive Naoya, penetrative sex, rough making out, fingering, cum play, Naoya being a bit pathetic and whimpering too to balance it all out
word count: 1.3k
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“Well, are you gonna fuck me or…?”
“Shut up,” he growls, one hand spreading apart your thighs, the other pumping his cock. Naoya never looked prettier, with his cheeks flushed, his hair sticking to his forehead while small beads of sweat run down his neck. His brows are furrowed, the pink tip of his tongue poking out between his lips while he has his gaze fixated on your dripping cunt, exposed to him on a silver platter underneath him.
“Hng… ‘m gonna breed you,” he huffs, rubbing his cock between your folds. “Gonna stuff you so full of my cum, you’re gonna feel it dripping out of your poor hole for days.” Always such a big talker, but his voice wavers slightly, his breath flat. He’s so focused on not cuming before he even sticks it in, it’s almost adorable.
Looking back, it had been inevitable that you two ended up like this; you with your kimono hastily hiked up over your hips, your tits exposed, laying on his futon where he graciously pushed you down instead of the cold wooden floor. Naoya’s clothes laid cluttered around the room, peeled off in a rush; almost as if he was afraid you were gonna change your mind about letting him fuck you. Little did he know that you weren’t picky; you’ve found enjoyment in tasting the various fruits the Zen’ins had to offer—you made sure to moan extra loud when fucking his father the other day, hoping Naoya would hear it and fuck his fist to the sounds of it.
“Gonna make you my bitch”, he murmurs, the grip on your thighs tightening. “Gonna get you addicted to my cock till you beg me for it with your whore mouth.” You can feel the slight trembling of his hands, his other still holding his length, running the tip up and down between your folds, but not pushing in. There was something about a virgin like him being this cocky, desperately trying to gloss over his nervousness. You were sure you could feel his heart fluttering in his chest if you were to lay a hand on it. Instead you prop yourself up on your elbows to get a better view of his pitiful fumbling.
“Sure, hon’, can’t wait”, you reply sweetly and smile at him, making him dig his nails a little deeper in your flesh. He didn’t like the pet name, but he was too focused to snap back at you. Only when you reach with one hand for his cock and guide him to where you want to feel him, he takes in a sharp breath. You raise your hips slightly to welcome him into the warmth of your throbbing cunt, feeling his tip, glistening with precum, finally nudging at your entrance.
“Didn’t say you could—oh, fuck,” the Zen’in heir hisses, a small whimper falling from his mouth the moment your cunt clenches around his cock when he sinks into you. Once he’s bottomed out fully, he freezes, taking deep breaths with eyes pinned to the ceiling. So cute, you think to yourself and bite your bottom lip. Part of you wants to ruin him, wants to hear him whine and beg, wants to see him completely falling apart, too pussydrunk to function. You swallow a giggle in the back of your throat and wrap your legs around his hips to hinder him from pulling out–not that he would dare to do so. 
“At your limit already, pretty boy?”, you coo and run a hand down his stomach, feeling him twitch inside you violently, so desperate for release. Naoya grits his teeth, his hands gripping the sheets of the futon next to your head. He’s breathing heavily, his sharp eyes finally catching your gaze. He hates losing his composure like that, especially while he’s on top of you.
“Quiet,” he growls, a vein popping on his neck. “Know your place.” He rolls his hips slightly, a faint moan escaping his lips. Your walls felt too good around his cock, he could barely function. If he could, he would keep you stuffed with his cock forever, till your insides are molded after the shape of him, till his cum is leaking from your pussy with every step you take. It’s like you’ve awakened something primal in him the moment you guided him inside of you and he would not let it go to waste.
“Fuck me then,” you dare him in a voice sweet and dripping as honey, arching your back a little more. The sassy smile on your lips only provoked him more. You are not taking him seriously and he hated it. “Or do you want me to crawl back to your daddy’s cock?”
The sight that follows your words is one to remember; Naoya’s golden eyes widening before he grabs your wrists and pins them down above your head. It seems like you finally pushed the right buttons within him. He leans down until his face is so close to yours, you can feel his breath hot and heavy on your skin. Then his lips meet yours, crashing against each other in a heated kiss; he growls again when you bite down hard enough on his lips to draw blood, but he doesn’t pull away. Naoya is finally fucking you like he means it, your body being pushed deeper into the futon with every thrust of his.
“Stupid bitch,” he rumbles from deep within his chest, “Do I need to fuck some sense into you?” His hips stutter and he lets out a small whimper. He wants to cum so badly, wants to get milked by your throbbing cunt till he sees stars, but he needs to teach you a lesson, right? He was the future heir of his clan, he couldn’t tolerate this kind of behavior from someone below him. But fuck, you feel so, so good...
“From now on you’re gonna be mine,” he hisses and hides his face in the crook of your neck, taking a sharp inhale with every thrust of his hips, with every sound of his flesh slapping against yours. He’s whining and moaning, sounding utterly desperate. “Understood? Mine to breed, mine to fill, mine to—”
He can’t hold back anymore, his thrusts getting even sloppier, before he pushes himself as deep as he can inside of you, seeking the warmth of your cunt that’s been fluttering around his cock nonstop. His load is thick and hot, and he’s not pulling out, but slumps down on top of you, pinning you down with his whole body, positively exhausted and trembling. You let out a small chuckle and let your fingers run down his spine while he keeps on whimpering and moaning quietly into your neck, teeth brushing over your skin. This flavor of Zen’in sure was to your liking.
“You know, I might stick around…”, you muse while playing with his hair, your voice a little singsong. It was a bit cute how needy he got after losing his virginity a minute ago. “If you manage to make me cum as well next time…”
Naoya grunts, biting down on your neck slightly before finally pulling out of you. He sits back down on his heels, eyes pinned where his cum is dripping out of cunt, almost mesmerized by it. His eyes are glossy, his cheeks rosy and his hair an utter mess. You spread your legs a little further apart to invite him in once again, letting out a quiet moan when his long fingers shove his load back inside, his thumb nearing your poor, neglected clit.
You take that as a Yes.
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ceijoh · 2 years
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relationship: m!character x f!reader
contents/warnings:18+, spit kink (duh), degradation, impact play, choking, boys being mean :( (but it’s okay because they do it out of love and you’re horny) begging
word count: 1057
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who spits in your mouth as a way of dominance. 
hands wrapped around your throat, squeezing tightly that make you want to claw at his hand to remove it but there’s also a major part of you that wants him to just do it harder. his hand, wet, courtesy of the combination of your spit and his cum. 
“you’re a fucking slut, aren’t you?” his words were the complete opposite to the tenderness that were in his eyes. rubbing the point of his nose down against the column of your neck, nipping at various points. “my fuckin’ slut,” at the end of his sentence he squeezed your neck, earning a loud whimper from you. 
pulling away from you, he removed his hands from your neck, admiring the marks he left on you. “so fuckin’ beautiful,” he murmured under his breath. he could feel his cock twitch as his eyes roamed your body, taking in every delicious curve. 
his eyes zeroed in on your pussy, without hesitation he smacked it harshly, earning a loud whimper from you. narrowing his eyes at your actions, “shut up, this is mine,” cupping your cunt in his hand, all you could do was watch him with wide eyes. “i can do whatever the fuck i want.” moving forward as he hovered you, “open,” he demanded.
slowly he puckered his lips, gathering a good amount of saliva in his mouth. squeezing your cheeks harshly, he forced them open. “tongue,” sticking your tongue out like the good little bitch you are, he smiled fondly. “don’t even fucking think about swallowing.” patting your cheek condescendingly, watching as you struggled with your tongue out. 
reaching around behind him, he grabbed his phone, quickly taking a photo of you, he looked down as he admired the picture. turning it around to show you, “look at how beautiful my baby is,” and you sure were a sight. eyes watery, tears streaming down your face, cheeks flushed, you could see just how wet your face was. your tongue sticking out like a good obedient girl, you were beautiful.  
tossing his phone down on the floor, he gently cupped your face as he leaned down. “so fuckin’ beautiful.” 
haikyuu: akaashi, meian, iwaizumi, tsukishima, kuroo, kentaro, sakusa, daichi, ukai jr, matsukawa, futakuchi, osamu
jujutsu kaisen: toji, suguru, sukuna, naoya, nanami, hitoshi
my hero academia: endeavor, dabi
attack on titan: levi, eren, zeke
demon slayer: muzan, gyutaro, uzui, sanemi
who spits in your mouth as a way to bond with you. majority of the time it’s sexual, his hand wrapped around your throat. similar to who spits in your mouth as a way of dominance but it’s more out of love than anything. there’s actually a sixth love language; spitting into the mouth of the person you’re in love with -how romantic.
now it was a way of being close with you in a way that hugging you, or even kissing you was not on par with it. it was romantic but sexual, sexual but it didn’t mean he was buried in your guts way. it’s his way of bonding with you he claims, in reality he just wants you to be everywhere. 
nuzzling into your neck, you gently wrapped your arms around his neck. 
“open, please,” he whined as you felt him rub against you. nodding once you began unzipping your trousers, stopping you with a hand, he began to shake his head. understanding what he meant, you gently brought up his face so you could look at him and slowly opened your mouth. 
“pretty,” was the only thing he said, his eyes roaming over your face. stroking the apples of your cheeks, he slowly leant down and watched as his spit landed on your tongue. humming at the sensation, you watched as he puckered up his lips again. this time he didn’t have much grace or aim, his spit instead landing on your chin. 
moaning out his name, you pulled his head closer to your face, “babe,” 
“i got you,” running his hand down your face, “so pretty, i love you so much.”
licking from the base of your neck, you felt him clean your combined spit, at that thought you whined out, “no, want,” pushing him away. 
smiling down at you, he preened at your behaviour. “don’t worry sweet girl,” he cooed, kissing you softly once. wetting his mouth, he let the saliva sit on his tongue.  admiring you once more, he moved forward finally attaching his lips to yours. opening his mouth, he let the spit dribble down both of your chins. feeling your body move with his, he tightened his hands on your waist. 
you pushed your tongue against his, mixing your spit with his.it was wet and it was messy but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
haikyuu: ushijima, matsukawa, atsumu, tendou, aone, bokuto, hanamaki, oikawa, yamaguchi, kuroo, kenma, kita, terushima, akiteru, hinata
jujutsu kaisen: itadori, gojo, nanami, choso, noritoshi, hiromi
my hero academia: izuku, shouto, mirio
attack on titan: erwin, reiner, armin 
demon slayer: douma, tomioka, rengoku
who spits in your mouth as a way of dominance pt 2…but here’s the twist. they actually want you to spit in their mouth, mark him as yours inside and out. will become so needy and whiny, pawing at you, begging you, will just do about anything for you to pucker up your pretty lips and slowly allow the spit from your mouth to dribble into his awaiting eager ones. 
“god baby,” moaning into your mouth. “c’mon,” he whispered needily against your mouth, “please, baby. just wanna, just needya.” 
you felt his hands groping your hips, trying to find purchase anywhere he can. nipping your lips, his head fell back to the pillows, his beautiful face peering up at you. 
“what do you want, baby?” clenching your pussy against his cock, you watched as his eyes fluttered shut. “c’mon, tell me.” getting up on your knees, you felt his cock slide out, watching as he tried so heavily to focus on you. dropping down quickly, you circled your hips, moans coming out from both of your mouths. 
“want you to spit in my mouth, please,” hands moving to your chest you felt him circle and tug your nipples. “want you inside of me, want you to mark me.” 
you smiled at him, grabbing both of his hands with yours, you guided them towards your ass which he quickly squeezed as soon as his hands were around it. 
it was his elixir, his kryptonite, as he watched you pucker your beautiful lips. watching as the spit exit your mouth and drop down to his awaiting mouth, groaning as soon as it hit contact with his tongue. rolling your essence around his mouth, enjoying and relishing in the taste that was just you, he slowly swallowed. 
“more, please.” 
haikyuu: atsumu, oikawa, bokuto, kageyama, semi 
jujutsu kaisen: gojo, itadori, noritoshi, chosho
my hero academia: hawks, shigaraki, bakugo, shouta, izuku 
attack on titan: reiner, levi
demon slayer: rengoku, gyutaro
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violetsaffron5 · 2 years
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Pairing: Zenin Naoya x f!Reader
Naoya is forced to go see a therapist to help his attitude so he can find a wife.
Words: 4503
Warnings: Smut, Vaginal Sex, Spit Kink, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Face Slapping, Face-Fucking, Light Bondage, Light Dom/Sub, Edging, Degradation
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Early 2017
You’re on a beach in Malaysia; ocean waves crashing playfully against the shore as you sunbathe on the white sandy beach. Palm trees stand tall and proud, providing just enough shade, dancing ever so slightly with the soft breeze coming off the water.
“What man lets their woman have a job? Is there something wrong with your pussy?”
Birds fly overhead, dipping down to the sea to catch their next meal, feathers illuminated by the rays of the sun. Others sing the song of their people as they pass by, on their way to the next stop with the flock.
“There’s only one thing worse than a woman, and that’s a woman who can read.”
Is this son of a bitch the CEO of misogyny? Holy shit.
Whoever told you to meditate to relax when you have a horrible patient is a goddamn liar because when they open their stupid mouths, it’s ruined. You take a deep breath, steadying yourself, finally opening your eyes to find a pair of sharp, cynical brown eyes staring back at you.
If you had realized this session was going to be with Naoya fucking Zen’in, you would have noped your way out of that so fast. This is what you get for not reviewing your case files due to the recent influx of patients.
Be professional. Be professional. Be professional.
“I took many years of-”
“Therapy isn’t a real profession anyway.” The blonde douchebag interrupts, waving you off as he sprawls on the chaise in front of the window in your office.
It took him all of 30 seconds to begin pissing you off. Barging in during your last session with a client demanding his start immediately, all the while using phrases like “do you know who I am?” and “wait until my father hears about this.” You rolled your eyes so hard it’s surprising they aren’t on the floor right now.
The window he’s next to looks out to a beautiful, quiet, wooded scene. If you killed him, nobody would be able to see you bury the body, save for the animals. And they wouldn’t say anything. Most would probably come by to pick at the fleshy parts of his skin, assisting with removing evidence making it harder to identify that it was you who had murdered the heir to the Zen’in clan.
It would be easy. Incredibly so. You’re unsuspecting. There’s nothing stopping you from walking over to him and stabbing your pen right into his eye. People think of you as the quiet shy type, when in reality you choose to keep to yourself to avoid being part of the office gossip, and if you had to admit it, you’re a little tired of all the shit your patients say too, which only adds to the quiet, unsuspecting demeanor.
“I took a psych class once, so I totally understand how to analyze people.”
“It’s not my fault those women are mad. I never agreed to be exclusive.”
“I didn’t kill the men at the fair. My henchmen did.”
If you played your cards right, you could probably talk Satoru Gojo into helping you cover it up. You haven’t seen this yourself, but word around the water cooler is things are so bad between them, that when they’re here for their sessions at the same time (the rare times Gojo actually shows up on time), they have to sit in different waiting rooms.
Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath and kiss your teeth, choosing to ignore his comment like the goddamn professional you are. You didn’t get your master’s degree to be talked down to by someone with too thick eyeliner and too many piercings looking like a failed alt emo boy.
It’s probably best to ignore his snide remarks and continue with the session. The sooner it gets started, the sooner it can be over, “Naoya, wh-”
“ Master Naoya,” he interjects, clearly annoyed you’re not referring to him the way he deems worthy.
“Right….” There is no way in hell you’re referring to him as ‘Master’ in any lifetime. “Anyway. Whose idea was it for you to be here today?”
You don’t need to review his case file to know why Naoya’s in therapy. Everyone knows. In order to take over as clan head when his father passes, he needs to marry, except he can’t get anyone to agree to it, because he’s literal human trash. Hence the mandatory therapy to try and… remediate some of his issues.
“Isn’t that your “job” to know?” he uses air quotes.
You were hoping if he said it aloud, admitted it, then it would act as a sort of eye opener for him or at least a first step. Looks like that’s not the case, he’s content continuing to be a shitty person.
“This is why women are only good for breeding.” He groans, rolling his eyes.
“Holy shit. What the fuck is your problem?” You ask in disbelief and the words vomit from your lips before you can stop them.
He furrows his brows, turning his head to meet your gaze before eyeing you up and down. He makes a point to stop and stare at your tits and lips, not bothering to meet your eyes again.
“Who do you think you are, speaking to me like that?” He seethes, “a wench like you needs to be put in her place,” he looks you over once again before his lips curl into a wicked smirk. “You’re decent enough looking. I guess I’d be willing to take one for the team to teach you a lesson.”
Fuck professionalism. This guy needs knocked down a peg or ten. “If I wanted a good lay, I’d visit Gojo. Hell, I bet you wouldn’t even measure up to Toji on your best day.”
“I can fuck whores like you ten times better than either of them could,” he spits back.
“I hear Gojo’s a generous lover.” Why bring Gojo into this, specifically? Just to stir the pot. Rile him up and piss him off, just as he’s done to you. Everyone knows the stories of the infamous playboy. Huge cock. Can go all night. Has a strict ladies first policy when it comes to getting off.
“I bet you don’t even know where the clitoris is.” He’s definitely the kind of guy who only cares about only his pleasure; it would come as no surprise if he’s never gotten a woman off before.
He sneers, “every single one of my servants comes crawling back for more.”
“Weird way to say cousins.”
He stares at you, fire burning in his eyes. Anyone else would probably think he looks shocked, and maybe he is, just a little. That a lowly window has the audacity to speak to a sorcerer this way, let alone the next head to one of the big three.
Shit. Are you gonna do this? Are you gonna challenge him so he’ll prove it?
Yes. Yes you are and you can literally feel the feminism ascending out of your body as you make up your mind.
Standing, you unbutton a few buttons from the top of your blouse to accentuate the swells of your breasts and loosen the knot on your ascot, slipping it over your head as you make your way over to Naoya, sliding it down his neck and tightening maybe a little too tight.
Leaning down, warm breath tickling the shell of his ear causing goosebumps to form, you whisper, “prove it.” He wastes no time in grabbing your free hand and placing it on his erection with a pleased smirk.
Of course he’s turned on. Probably thinking you’ll easily submit to him.
As you stroke his clothed cock, he lets out a quiet, satisfied moan as your other hand pulls the ascot a little tighter, no longer worrying if it’s too constricting.
Honestly, if he died, you wouldn’t care. Satisfying for you. Humiliating for him.
“Be a good boy and open wide,” he glares, clenching his jaw in a surprisingly quiet refusal. Letting go of the ascot, you grab him by the hair, forcing his head back until he opens just wide enough for you to gather saliva and spit it in his mouth.
“Swallow.” You demand, his eyes wide with shock. Once he regains his composure, he flips you over, slamming your back against the couch.
“I’m going to fuck your goddamn brains out,” he snaps, “and you’re going to regret spitting in my mouth like a filthy slut.” Naoya grabs one end of the ascot, pulling harshly until it comes untied, tossing it aside and you watch it float to the ground next to the chaise before turning your attention back to him.
There’s tension in the air, as the two of you stare at one another, swallowing thickly before your lips crash together, the sensation immediately sends a jolt between your thighs. The kiss is aggressive and greedy; more tongue and teeth than actual kiss and part of you is still shocked you’re going through with this.
As he pulls away, he sinks his teeth into your bottom lip, hard enough to leave a bruise, still trying to prove his dominance over you. Then in a move that takes you off guard, he trails several nips and kisses down your neck and collarbone. While he does this, you lift your hips and pull your pencil skirt up, so he’s not tempted to rip it off, letting it pool at your hips. At this moment, you’re incredibly thankful you wore your lace bra and panties today, even if he doesn’t deserve to see them.
“Spread your legs,” he snarls, forcing them open on his own and slipping two fingers into your aching cunt, making you whimper and arch your back due to lack of proper preparation. He quickly pumps his fingers while angling them perfectly. You let out a quiet whine when he begins to stroke the spot inside that makes you see stars while his thumb grazes teasingly over your clit.
Guess he does know where the clitoris is after all.
“You try to act tough,” he brushes his lips against your cheek and jaw until he kisses a spot below your ear, “yet here you are, so clearly desperate for my cock like the slut you are,” he whispers before clamping down, biting, and sucking at the spot on your neck. Thrashing below him, you try to nudge his head away with your shoulder to get him to let go.
“No marks! Jesus Christ, I don’t want people to know I fucked you!”
He smirks against you, knowing he’s not going to let up, and bites down on the crook of your neck this time. Gasping, you grab him by the hair and pull him away before smacking him, hard, across the cheek as he lets out a loud moan.
“You fucking liked that?” You furrow your brows and narrow your eyes, surprised by that turn of events.
“Shut the fuck up!” He growls, his lips meeting and moving along yours again in an attempt to keep you quiet. And really, you don’t mind as it gets his misogynistic ass to keep quiet as well.
With your mouths busy, his fingers working their godforsaken magic and your hands in his hair, you’re building up for a crash. A tsunami. An unraveling of the greatest proportions… and then he removes his fingers, pulling away from you completely with a cunning grin spread across his stupidly beautiful face.
“Christ, Naoya, I didn’t even cum. How pathetic .” You spit, knowing he’s edging you on purpose for pissing him off, “you sure you can fuck better than Gojo? Because at this point I’m really doubting your skill.”
“You don-”
“Shut up and get undressed. I’ll show you how it’s done.”
He stops and stares at you incredulously, “You’re the wo-”
“I’m not going to undress you. Do you want your dick sucked or not?”
Finally, finally , he closes his mouth and begins to undress from his kimono, as you take the opportunity to remove your own clothes as well.
Once the two of you are undressed, you push him onto the chair so he’s sitting; before lowering yourself to your knees, you take a moment to admire his body.
He’s leaner than you anticipated, and unbelievably toned – similar to a gymnast. Naoya has a pretty face, there’s no denying that, but having an equally pretty cock is just unfair. Standing painfully hard against his abdomen, the tip flushed red, already leaking precum. He’s average girth, but the length is impressive alone.
Based on his ears, you anticipated some sort of genital piercing, like a Jacob’s Ladder – something he could never pull off. But instead, he has a Prince Albert, which has you practically drooling at the sight.
However, that nice surprise is immediately negated by the intricate tribal tattoos with thick swirl patterns laying along one shoulder and down the left side of his chest. On the other arm lays a single thin barbed wire tattoo in the center of his bicep.
God . How incredibly douchey.
“Look at me.” You command as you sink between his legs, “you think this is where I belong, don’t you?” Grabbing his cock with a firm grip you stroke excruciatingly slow as he emits a loud moan and squirms beneath your grasp, “on my knees, between your legs. But don’t forget,” you give a small kitten lick over his tip, “I’m choosing to do this.”
You move a hand to squeeze his balls as you slide your lips over his tip and hollow your cheeks. As you expected, his hand immediately tangles into your hair, gripping tight. You have just enough time to relax your throat before he slams your head to meet his neatly trimmed groin.
As you gag and sputter with his length at the back of your throat, spit pools and dribble from your mouth, coating the lower half of his dick you’re unable to fit in your mouth. He tightens his grip, so tight, there’s no doubt he will have several ripped off hairs laced between his fingers by the time he finally lets go. He pulls back, just enough to give you a second to catch your breath before slamming you back down, nose to groin, repeatedly. Recklessly.
Tears begin to well in the corner of your eyes as he lifts his hips to meet the back of your throat, where you’re sure he’s bound to leave bruises.
“Fuck, that’s good. This is what you were meant for.” He throws his head back, eyes closed relishing the feeling of taking control of the situation.
There isn’t a lot you can do in this compromising position, so you let your teeth graze his cock in a little act of defiance as he continues to force your head up and down. He lets out a mix of stifled moans and angry grunts at the feeling before pulling your mouth off of him, bringing your gaze to meet him.
“No teeth, bitch!” He spits before slamming your head back down his length, continuing to force you to deepthroat him with every thrust. After a few minutes, his thighs begin to shake and a strained groan leaves his lips as he bucks his hips up, causing you to choke as ropes of cum slide down your throat.
“You better swallow every last drop,” he pants, “a filthy whore like you should be grateful for getting to have Zen’in seed inside you.”
After you swallow around him, to the best of your abilities, he releases your head and you make your way to the surface gasping for air, working to recover quickly. At this point, he owes you several orgasms and you’re determined to get them.
You would lean up and kiss him right now, forcing him back on the sofa so you can ride his face, but he seems like the kind of guy who would relish the taste of his own cum – the taste of his precious Zen’in DNA. Grabbing your panties from the floor, you spit the remaining essence of him into them and toss them back down.
Standing, you place your palms on his shoulders and shove him onto the chaise, throwing one leg over his chest to straddle him.
“Why don’t you shut up, put your mouth to good use for once and try to make me cum this time.”
His eyes are bright and filled with equal parts rage and hunger as he grabs you, forcing you forward over his face. He wastes no time in pulling you down so his lips can connect with your pussy in a lewd, loud, wet kiss before slipping his tongue deep inside.
Naoya forces you down in the most awkward position; one leg folded, next to his face while the other is on the floor, helping balance yourself as you move your hips against his face, softly whining each time his nose gently grazes your clit.
He digs his nails into the fleshy part of your hips, you told him no marks earlier, and this is likely bruise; at least these can be easily hidden. While gripping tighter, he lifts you slightly to adjust himself beneath you to let his tongue trail around your clit. As you shudder, he latches on, focusing all of his attention into that one spot.
He’s not interested in exploring, like a lot of other guys, oh no. He found this spot and he’s going to stay there until you completely come undone for him. You’ll give credit where it’s due – and it is due. He’s a devil with his tongue.
He might be the devil himself, but that’s a note to take away for a different session.
As he obscenely sucks, you let out a series of high-pitched moans and continue to roll your hips on his face, your release fast approaching.
He chuckles at your neediness, the vibrations traveling through you, making your toes curl and the world comes crashing down as you bite your own lip, trying not to yell out profanities as you cum, drenching his mouth with your fluids as he laps around.
Naoya continues to hold onto your hips, preventing you from straying away as your legs shake and squeeze in around him, instinctively trying to suffocate him. He hums appreciatively of everything your body’s offered, likely boosting his already inflated ego, before loosening his grip, allowing you to move back to his chest to recover.
As he licks his lips, determined not to waste any of your essence, you scoot back further, the apex of your thighs resting on his hard dick. Teasing him, you roll your hips several times allowing yourself to grind on his length.
He groans, trying to grab your hips to lift you but you swat him away, set on maintaining your teasing, allowing the tip to brush against your entrance several times.
“Fuck! Just get on my cock already!” It was so nice when he was quiet while you were riding his face. Unfortunately now, his mouth isn’t busy doing the one good thing it could do.
Looking to the ground, you spot your discarded ascot and panties next to each other and get an idea. Leaning down, you grab the ascot first and gather his hands, swiftlet knotting the scarf around his wrists and lifting them over his head. There is an old radiator in your office next to the sofa, so you tie his hands to that.
“You stupid bitch, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He scowls.
Realistically, he could easily break out of this restraint if he wanted to, but despite his angry words, he makes no effort to move as you tug on the fabric, making sure it will hold.
“I liked it better when you didn’t talk,” you state calmly, leaning down and grabbing the spit and cum filled panties from the ground.
“You worthless brat! You’re go-” he’s cut off by the crack of your palm meeting his cheek, the sound drowned out by the deep groan he emits. You take the opportunity of his distraction to shove the defiled panties into his mouth. His eyes widen in disbelief once again as the rest of his groan is muffled.
“Much better,” you sigh with relief, knowing you won’t have to listen to him again until you decide to remove the gag. Or if he gets impatient and breaks the restraints, but that’s a thought for if it happens.
Lifting yourself, you grab his cock and place the tip at your entrance, allowing yourself to slowly sink down.
“ Fuuuuuck ,” you whine at the feeling of being stretched and filled until your plush ass meets his hips.
Naoya would probably be saying something right now about how your pussy feels so good, but instead he lets out several loud stifled sounds as his eyes roll to the back of his head. You don’t bother starting off slow, instead you chase the high you were denied from his hands earlier, ruthlessly riding his dick.
“Gonna use you like my own little fuck toy,” you grind your hips further into his, “how’s that make y-you feel, Zen’in? Hm?” You ask breathlessly, riding up and down his length, “does it make you f-feel worthless? Like less of a man?”
Looking him over, his pupils are blown, filled with lust and loathing as you roll your hips, finding the angle that provides you with the most pleasure. His cheeks are pink, extending across his nose to the tips of his ears, and down to the top of his chest. Lips are kiss swollen and black eyeliner smudged around his eye from sweat, hair sticking to his forehead.
Once you find your rhythm you decide to give another resounding slap to his other cheek, so both sides match as he grunts with pleasure. Letting your hands fall to his shoulders, he fucks into you as you drag your nails down his chest with each thrust, hard enough to leave marks, you’re sure.
Trailing your hands up your body to your breasts, you message them as your nipples harden, pinching and rolling them between your fingers. Naoya hums in delight watching intently while your slick coats his length, covering his balls.
As his cock rubs against the sensitive spot on your insides, your breath quickens and legs shake beneath you each time your clit brushes against his groin with every roll of your hips. It doesn’t take long for the waves of pleasure to course through your body.
He thrashes against the radiator forgetting his hands are tied as you cream on his cock for the first time, clamping around him so hard you might as well be trying to milk him for all he’s worth.
Which isn’t a lot, in your opinion.
“How do you like being the bitch for once?” You pant; this spurs him on to adjust his legs and pulls his arms, still connected to the radiator. He bucks his hips up several times eliciting several moans from you as his cock kisses your cervix in the most delicious way.
“Tell me, pretty boy, what is it you really want?” you question, genuinely wanting to know since he treats everyone like they’re beneath him. This is supposed to be a therapy session after all, so might as well see what you can get out of him, right?
He tries to speak, but it’s muted due to the panties so you remove them and toss them aside. He pants, trying to catch his breath as his hips piston hard and deep, punctuating each point.
“Someone to obey,” thrust , “and someone to ruin,” thrust .
You yelp with each of his thrusts, trying to make a mental note to remember his answer for a later session. You continue to erratically bounce on him, meeting each of his steady thrusts with a loud slap, skin on skin, filling your otherwise quiet workspace.
“Don’t cum,” he demands as he feels your pussy gripping around his cock.
“I’ll do whatever the fuck I want,” you shoot back, both hands on his chest as he continues to pump mercilessly into you until the coil in your stomach snaps and breaks, walls pulsating around him, vision blurred white as you cum around him.
The feeling of you clamping down causes him to bite his lip and arch his back; knowing he’s going to be cumming soon too, you quickly remove yourself from him sitting back on his thighs. His eyes widen as he looks at you like you’ve betrayed him – it’s bad enough you’re fucking him, but there’s no way in hell you’ll let him cum inside you.
You’ll never admit it to him, but he was a good fuck, maybe still not as good as Gojo would have been, but still good nonetheless, so you’ll let him cum.
“No way I’m gonna be stuck around you for years,” you explain as you grab his length, stroking vigorously until his eyes roll to the back of his head and he lets out several deep strangled moans, pulling hard on the radiator, as his precious Zen’in seed covers his chest.
After you catch your breath, you remove yourself from his legs and search for your clothes on the floor. Finding the panties that are soaked in both your spit, you toss them into the trash under your desk; you’ll need to remember to empty that before you leave, so nobody accidently sees them.
“If you take anything away from this, it should be that you don’t need to be in charge of everything. You might be surprised just how freeing that can truly be.” You try to explain as you untie his hands; he continues to lay on the chaise, catching his breath rolling out his wrists, “you can use the bathroom over there to clean yourself and get dressed. Be back in five minutes for the rest of your session.”
“Fucking psycho bitch,” he mutters to himself as he begrudgingly stands and stalks off to the bathroom with his clothes while his cum drips from his chest down to his abdomen.
You decide to ignore his comment and choose to take a deep breath instead and get dressed too. After straightening your skirt and slipping your shoes back on, you take your seat across from the chaise once again.
When Naoya returns, seven minutes later, you note, he takes his seat. Looking him over, his cheeks are still tinged pink, hair more romantically tousled than dishevel-
Nope. Good god, get those thoughts out of your brain right now. This is not going to be a thing.
Sighing, you grab the legal pad from the coffee table between the two of you and click the top of the pen, ready to write. His session is over in about 20 minutes. Let’s see how painful we can continue to make this for him.
“So, Naoya, tell me about your mother.”
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tojicocksleeve · 4 months
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your perception of itafushi. my beloved. my favorite little barbie dolls that gege loves to wind up. i miss them.
like the idea of yuuji being so jealous over megumi? the sunshine himbo…losing it at the sight of megumi smiling at this perfect little asshole who is totally hiding under an anxious mess facade. there’s no way someone could have it all and their this good guy. yuuji is waiting for the day yuuta messes up i just know it.
even with yuuji finally understands their dynamic i just know that those two have subtle competitions over megumi attention. like…it gets to the point where throwing cars at each other is the norm. (cue nanami being horrified at his legal and emotional children throwing cars at each other over a child of gojo. like yes he adores megumi. but somehow this is all gojo fault. don’t ask nanami how.)
BUT THE IDEA OF THE ZENINS BEING SO YUUJIPHOBIC? like the idea of them shuddering at the idea of megumi fucking around with the vessel of sukuna? that they had to set a bounty on him just to keep him away from their precious runaway heir? i just know mai pops out to the school just to bitch about megumi and his boyfriend being like modern day romeo and juliet.
i also love to imagine sukuna being a firm zenin hater. like he’s not even willing to eat them. he firmly believes that all of them taste like shit. especially naoya.
See I just love the idea of Yuuji being jealous over Megumi but exclusively when it comes to Okkotsu Yuuta. He’s legitimately not a jealous person. He’s never been jealous of anyone before in his life. He’s deeply secure in what he has with Megumi and knows that Megumi likes him back and that there’s no need to be worried or upset about Megumi having close relationships with other people. He wants Megumi to have close relationships outside of him.
But the universe fucking bends to give that perfect beautiful bastard everything Yuuji has ever dreamed of.
It’s a new experience for yuuji. He’s not used to experiencing jealousy. He’s literally never done it before. But there’s this impossibly gorgeous and perfect man swanning around out there getting his death sentence overturned and having his curse royalty unattach from his body in sparkling globes of light and having Nanamin legally adopt him as his actual child and having Megumi be His Boy and apparently it’s universally acknowledged* that Megumi is still Yuuta’s Boy despite Yuuji going to Herculean efforts to lock that shit down. He has assassins trying to kill him because it’s universally agreed** that his boyfriend is out of his league, apparently, and his boyfriend is still someone else’s Boy.
It does not help that when the Assassin Problem first appears yuuji wants to go to Gojo and Megumi decides he cannot take that level of humiliation and suggests going to Yuuta first. Which makes Yuuji insist that no no, he can handle a few assassins. No need to bother any impossibly beautiful upperclassman about it who are apparently better than Yuuji in every way. He’s got this on his own. Nooo problem.
Megumi stares at him for three unbroken seconds and goes to ask Yuuta for advice about it, which results in the second years going off to unilaterally threaten the Zenin clan, which none of the first years ever find out about.
Sukuna absolutely does hate the Zenin clan and it’s specifically because they did not consider him when putting a bounty on yuujis head. He’s a firm believer in knowing your worth and he knows his fucking worth. Sorcerers used to have style. They used to have respect. What the fuck is this. The Zenin are not worth dog shit on his heel. He’ll kill them all.
*universally acknowledged by everyone except Megumi, who still does not know that people call him that
** universally agreed by everyone except Todo, who thinks his brother is a beautiful beautiful man that anyone would be lucky to court and that Fushiguro is a boring child with a nonexistent ass who has inexplicably bewitched a gorgeous specimen of manhood.
#sea glass gardens#Nanami is so confused and tired#he doesn’t know how Yuuta inspired so much animosity in yuuji before they ever met#for the record Yuuta doesn’t know either#he’s constantly going through it how could anyone be jealous of his life#cannot emphasize enough Yuuta loves Megumi but does not want to kiss him#he’s not looking to take megumi from yuuji#he can be Their Boy just in different ways#the Zenin are specifically yuujiphobic#look clan heads have had plenty of dalliances on the side over the years#if megumi has certain needs to be fulfilled he can find someone in the clan as long as he marries a woman within the Zenin and produces#heirs and also as long as that person is not itadori yuuji#the ten shadows CANNOT be with the fucking vessel of sukuna#pick anyone else than the idiot pink haired possessed freak pick ANYONE ELSE#megumi is. so tired.#this is his first boyfriend okay and most of their relationship consists of going to terrible movies and blushing fire engine red while#holding hands. they are very much NOT thinking about marriage or kids or whatever and megumi cannot emphasize enough that he does NOT want#to marry and have kids with his cousin or aunt or whatever. he does not want to do that. megumi in my mind treads the line between asexual#and pansexual where he just doesn’t like people as a rule except when he does. yuuji sort of is the first person he’s really genuinely into#this is new and exciting for him and he would not admit that on pain of death but he sort of just wants to have his first boyfriend without#his fucking abusive bio family freaking the fuck out about how he needs to have incest children with his blood family like god this is the#nightmare scenario. meanwhile I think Megumi’s the first boy yuujis ever really liked. like he’s had guy celebrities he’s thought were#attractive before but megumi was his first crush on a boy and his first real relationship and he’s sort of not got a lot of time left in#life and would LOVE it if he could spend that time holding his boyfriends hand. what do you mean he has insane bio family who wants him to#marry his mean lesbian aunt. that’s fucking insane.
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bastardblvd · 8 months
Question who are all the residents of grimetown and what do they do?
so this is not a complete list of grimetown residents as we have over 60 of them at this point and i cannot remember them all but i'll take a stab at it:
the original slimeball freeloader!toji who, as the name suggests, has no career and freeloads off his partners/hookups/child/etc. known to scam and swindle. drives a flintstones-style cardboard vehicle, and by driving i mean runs everywhere.
evil landlord!sukuna who owns every building in grimetown
at the mcdonald's on the intersection of struggle street and bastard boulevard is the only employee mcdonald’s manager!aki hayakawa
dmv employee!yuuta okkotsu behind the counter with his big wet moose eyes, has longstanding beef with the aforementioned mcdonald's manager
the law and order hot cop!nanami
fake osha inspector!kishibe who can be persuaded into giving you a passing grade if you flash your tits and/or bits
rich boy!megumi, son of freeloader!toji and the bougiest bitch in all of grimetown (after his stepdaddy gojo)
tattoo artist!choso who tattoos out of his little brother's home gym
speaking of, gym owner!yuuji with his modest home gym
worst rated nail tech!nobara kugisaki
tiktok stars!denji and power (only tiktok stars as a pair, otherwise they are general slimeballs and menaces to society)
former drug dealer and now jobless!naoya who is freeloading in stepdaddy merc's residence after the new dealer in town put him out of business <3
best in the game weed dealer!recovery girl
grave digger!maki
perverted old men peepaw!jiraiya and peepaw!kishibe
their caretaker nurse!kakashi
professional car dealership noodle floaty!satoru gojo
slutty postman!getou
line cook!dabi
slimeball starbucks barista!denki
slimeball starbucks manager!bakugou
taxi driver!zoro (also a lifeguard)
line cook!sanji
tattoo artist!eren jaeger
dental hygienist!eren jaeger
slutty starbucks barista!dabi
sex shop owners!satosugu
mall cop!mai zen'in
used car salesman!kirishima
ikea warehouse employee!kirishima
daycare employee!yor forger
gas station employee!yoshida
odd jobs handyman!deku
receptionist and discord mod!inumaki
toji joe's owner!toji (like trader joe's)
hooters waitress!toji
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m1ckeyb3rry · 5 months
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Pomegranate Ink: XXVI
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Series Synopsis: Unable to heal but willing to fight, with a fiancé in Kyoto and a last name that looms over everything you do, you accept an offer to study at Tokyo Jujutsu Tech. What you did not know was that your salvation and your ruination alike would soon join you at the school, neatly wrapped in the form of a boy followed by death.
Chapter Synopsis: You reunite with the remaining students and figure out what your next steps should be.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Yuta Okkotsu × Female Reader
Chapter Word Count: 5.9k
Content Warnings: angst, misogyny, naoya zenin, forbidden relationships, canon-typical violence, character death, original characters included
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A/N: this is the most transition chapter to ever transition chapter LMAOAOA i’m so sorry but after everything w the shibuya chapter i think we need one where lowkey nothing happens. sorry i didn’t rehash tengen’s culling games speech but i was not writing all of that 💯 it’s the same as whatever was in the manga so if you want a refresher just look at the culling games wiki page or smth.
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“Y/N,” a soft voice whispered in your ear. “Wake up, Y/N. We managed to sneak you out of there, but you have to wake up now.”
The hands which held yours were burnt but otherwise familiar, the shape of the palms and the length of the fingers both things that you had long ago memorized. For a moment, you did not let your eyes open, wanting to linger in the dream you had been having, but you knew you owed it to her to do that much.
It was Maki. You knew that that was true — the girl in front of you was definitely Maki, but she was not Maki as you had ever seen her. Her hair had been lopped short, and she was wearing her round glasses from your first year instead of the rectangular frames you had grown accustomed to seeing on her. The sleeves of her uniform had been cut off, and a short cape was settled around her shoulders, but none of this was the greatest surprise: it was the scars criss-crossing up her arms, down her neck, and over her face that took you aback, as well as the bandage wound around her head and over one of her eyes.
“Maki,” you whispered. “Who—?”
Her expression was grim. “Probably the same bitch that did that to you.”
You glanced down at your own palms, and then your eyes widened as you realized that they, too, were mottled with burn scars. Hesitantly, you reached up and touched your neck, only to feel the same puckered skin around it — like a collar, but ten times as hideous. Jogo’s permanent brand on your body. An indelible reminder of what had happened to you in Shibuya, of what you had done.
“Composition shouldn’t leave scars like this,” you said, fumbling about, trying to find something to grab onto but coming up empty. “It’s too perfect, too precise. Who healed us?”
“Ieri,” Maki said. “The L/Ns were too busy dealing with Sukuna’s victims, so none of them were free to help us. It’s not a problem. We both were able to pull through, even if we look a little worse off than before.”
“Too busy…dealing with Sukuna’s victims?” you repeated hollowly.
“A lot of people were hurt in the attack,” a new voice said. It was a tall woman, with eyes like gold and pale hair cascading down her back. “I’m Yuki Tsukumo, by the way. I don’t think we’ve met formally before, though I’ve definitely heard about you.”
“That’s not the case,” you said. “That’s not why they didn’t heal Maki and I.”
You didn’t understand it. Why had your father chosen to do that? He wouldn’t even heal you and Maki? Was it not enough that he had already refused to save Tullia? You weren’t anything without her, and that, too, confused you. Why had he taken away your other half? If he wanted you to be a healer, then why had he abandoned your Composition when she needed him? If he loved you, then why had he left you to die?
“What do you mean?” Maki said. Something curled in you as you looked at your hands, the hands that had used Composition to destroy Tullia and then hadn’t even been able to draw upon it once more in order to save her. You wished you could trade your body with Maki’s. You were the one who deserved to be burnt all over. Maki didn’t. You were the one who had used Composition against Jogo instead of thinking of another method. You were the one who brought Tullia to Sukuna. You should’ve argued with your father. You should’ve threatened him, forced him into it somehow.
But what kind of threats would’ve been believable from a girl who was barely clinging to life herself? What kind of man listened to a filthy child who could not even save her best friend, the very source of her power? Of course he had not done anything. Of course he had not lifted even one finger in your aid.
“It’s my fault,” you said, your lower lip trembling as tears welled in your eyes. You needed something to hold onto. You needed something to hold on to, or else you’d probably disappear, sink underground and never come back — or maybe you’d light on fire once again, and this time you wouldn’t try to put it out. You needed something to hold on to, but there was nothing. Your hands grasped only at the empty air. “It’s my fault.”
“Y/N, Maki? You’re both here, too?” Itadori said. And even though his voice was different, his face kinder, more tired than angry, even though you knew he was your beloved junior and not anyone else, you still felt claws squeezing around your burnt throat at the sight of him.
As you watched, invisible slashes cut through Tullia’s body, thousands upon thousands of them so that her remains did not even resemble a person anymore, so that she was nothing more than a fallen heap of blood and cloth and poison sitting before you.
You couldn’t breathe. You couldn’t see anything but that ghastly image, played over and over, the moment that she burst apart imprinted on your mind. Somewhere, dimly, someone called your name, but you covered your ears. It sounded too similar to the way he said it, like you were the curse and he was your victim. Y/N L/N. He was the King of Curses, and you bore the name of the woman who sealed him. Y/N L/N.You could not stand to hear those words, not when they had only ever caused you grief. Y/N L/N. Tullia would still be alive if that was not your name.
“Y/N,” Yuta said, prying your hands from your ears and holding them together, enveloped in the warmth of his own. “Y/N, it’s alright. It’s just me.”
“Yuta?” you said. He nodded at you, the blue of his eyes so soft. How could he look at you like that? How could he see your mutilated neck, feel your scarred palms, and still stand to look at you like that? “Yuta, is that really you?”
“Yes,” he said. “I’m sorry I came so late. I’m sorry you had to do so much by yourself. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help you.”
“It’s my fault,” you said again, one tear dripping onto where your hands were joined, then another, then another. “It’s all my fault. What do they want from me? What is so important that they can kill Tullia for it? Why was I — why was I even born?”
You weren’t sure if you were talking about the L/Ns or Sukuna or both. Why were you still alive but she was dead? Why had you been spared but she hadn’t been? Sukuna hated you but killed her. The L/Ns were abandoned by you but ignored her. Everything that had happened to her had only happened because of you. The girl who had always saved you — that very association was the reason she was dead.
Yuta wrapped one arm around your waist, using the other to cradle the back of your head as you began to cry in earnest, your fingers gripping the collar of his white jacket. At some point, your legs gave out, but with just his one arm, he supported your weight, holding you against him as you sobbed, using the other to stroke your hair in a vain attempt to comfort you.
“It’s not your fault,” he whispered. “You tried to save her. You would’ve given up anything to save her. How can it be your fault that she’s dead?”
“I’m the one who used Composition against that disaster curse,” you said. “I didn’t have to do that. I didn’t have to keep going. I should’ve saved enough energy that I could’ve healed her.”
“If you hadn’t done that, then you both would’ve died,” he said. You surmised Itadori had filled him in about what had happened in Shibuya, or perhaps he had gotten an official report — you weren’t quite sure how long it had been since you had fainted, only that you had woken up beside Maki on the small sofa in the school’s basement. “There was nothing else you could’ve done. You had to at least save yourself.”
“But why am I even still alive? What am I supposed to do now?” you said before pausing, a new life entering you as you remembered something. You ripped yourself free from Yuta’s embrace, addressing the entire room. The others paused in their conversations as you regarded all of them with something resembling excitement. “Where’s Gojo?”
Nobody spoke for a minute, all trading uncomfortable looks. You waited patiently for one of them to explain; finally, Maki cleared her throat.
“Er, Y/N, didn’t you hear he was sealed?” she said.
“Of course I did, or we — I wouldn’t have gone into the station,” you said, tripping over your words. “But you all managed to unseal him, right?”
Further silence. Maki looked at the ground. She was always so blunt, but this time, she was stepping on eggshells around you, like you were prone to shattering at any instant. In fact, all of them — Itadori, Megumi, Maki, Yuki, the man with the spiky ponytails, and even Yuta — were studiously avoiding your curious gaze. You cocked your head, hoping for someone to elaborate.
“No,” Maki said finally, like she was the elected speaker of the group or something.
“No? Well, I guess it wouldn’t be that simple,” you said. “Where is the prison realm, then? We need it to figure out how to unseal him, right? Which one of you has it?”
“None of us. We don’t have it at all,” Itadori said, finally speaking up, daring to look at you with eyes that were the color of oak, not blood. The resemblance was still uncanny, but that small thing was enough that you could differentiate between him and that other, settling you slightly, though his words made you pause.
“You don’t have it?” you said, taking a step backwards. “What do you mean? Where is it?”
“They took it,” Itadori said. “The curse users. They have him.”
“Stop,” you said. Another step backwards. “Don’t make things up. I just lost my best friend. Don’t — don’t say something like that. You can’t take someone else from me, too.”
“We’ll get him back,” Yuki Tsukumo said. “I give you my word that we will. It’s just for the moment—”
“Why?” you said. “Why did none of you save him?”
Why hadn’t you saved him? That was really what you wanted to ask. Why hadn’t you been strong enough to save him? What could you even do? Too weak to save Gojo. Too weak to save Tullia. Why did it matter that you were the girl that had brought someone back to life? That was all everyone talked about, ever since that day. Y/N L/N, the girl who brought someone back to life. But besides Yuta, who exactly had you saved?
“That’s what we’re going to do,” Megumi said. “That’s why we’re here now. We’re going to get answers out of Master Tengen, and from there, we’ll do something to free him, find some way to get him out of their clutches. Will you help us?”
It was Maki who you stared at, then. How much had she suffered? How much had your poor Maki hurt when she had burned? And then to think she hadn’t even been afforded the favor of a L/N to use Composition on her! It wasn’t just for aesthetic appearances — the healing process was slower, more painful, even downright excruciating if any other Reverse Cursed Technique was used. Her entire body had been in flames, she had fought a special grade but still stubbornly clung to life, and they had not even considered her to be their priority despite the clear need she displayed.
“Yes,” you said, deciding something in that moment, interlocking your fingers with Yuta, using him as your sole pillar of support, aching at what you were giving up but knowing you had to do it. “I will help you. But I will not fight.”
“What do you mean?” Maki said immediately, furiously. She crossed the room in an instant, holding your face in her hands like she could force you to listen by doing that. “What do you mean, you won’t fight?”
“Maki,” Yuta said in immediate disapproval, shaking his head slightly. Her eye flicked to him before she reluctantly let go of you. You didn’t blame her; she of all people knew how much you wanted to fight, what it meant for you to use Dissection. Because it was not just exorcising; Dissection was your liberation, your freedom from the constraints of your clan, the constraints of who you were.
“Y/N?” she said. “How can you say something like that?”
“I’ll never use Dissection again,” you said. “My father and the higher ups…they were right. I was never meant to fight. I’m a prodigy with Composition, so that’s what I should focus on. I’m the girl who brought someone back to life, so why have I been deluding myself by thinking that I’ll ever amount to anything else? I mean, a Grade 1 sorcerer, really? I only even got that promotion because I revived Yuta.”
“That’s not true!” To your surprise, it was Megumi saying that, which was completely uncharacteristic of him. When he noticed everyone was looking at him with varying degrees of shock, his ears turned pink, and he coughed. “I mean, um. You know, you helped me out a lot that day that Itadori ate the finger and all, so I was just talking about that.”
“But the moment you understood why I was held in such high regard by the higher ups was the exchange event, when I saved you from dying to the cursed buds,” you reminded him. “It was Composition once again that truly earned your respect.”
“It’s a good idea, actually, for you to remain a healer. Like you said, you’re on a different level entirely when it comes to the Reverse Cursed Technique, so it would be illogical for us to send you out to battle and risk you when you might be the only barrier between life and death for any of us, should it come down to that,” Yuki Tsukumo said.
They planned on treating you in the same way that they treated Shoko Ieri. It was an uncomfortable thought, imagining everyone fighting on the front lines without you, but you knew you had to come to terms with it. You had tried your hand at fighting already, and all you had done was kill one of your best friends. Even then, even when you had done that, you had had to rely on Composition, so what use did Dissection even have for you anymore?
You were doing the right thing by swearing off it. It was hindering your growth as a healer; just like your father had said, you could not have Composition without Dissection, at least not anymore. Not without — not without —
“Are you sure this is what you want?” Yuta murmured, soft enough that only you could hear.
“It doesn’t matter what I want,” you said, to Maki as much as him. “This isn’t about me. There’s no reason for me to be fighting. I’m not as good as the rest of you at it. The only way I can stand beside you all is by healing. Anyways, I’m the only Composition user you can trust, so you’ll need me like this. My family…isn’t to be relied on anymore.”
“You said something along those lines earlier,” Yuki Tsukumo said. “What do you mean by it?”
“Once, I chose to fight instead of heal,” you said. “I thought I could have it all. I thought my choice was fine, because I had Tullia by my side to take the consequences with me. My father warned me that one day, it would come back to haunt me, but I didn’t understand what he meant until recently.”
Itadori’s throat bobbed. You wondered if he could see what his body was doing when Sukuna had control. Had he watched you beg for help? Had he watched you offer Sukuna everything in exchange for Tullia’s life? What did he even think of you if he had?
“Tullia didn’t die in the fight against Jogo,” you said. “She was still alive when I brought her to the healing ward. They just — they just needed to heal her a little bit. Just enough that she could’ve drank some poison and I could’ve taken over and done the rest.”
“You don’t mean…” Maki said, her face tinged green as she arrived at the conclusion before anyone else, simply due to her previous exposure to the cruel habits of the clans. Megumi, likely the smartest of the Tokyo students, was the next to understand, though his eyebrows knit together in naive confusion, the deed incomprehensible to someone as good as him.
“There was no other reason for it. They said no because it was my responsibility. I was the one who had to heal her, and I couldn’t. That’s why she died. The explanation is the same for why they didn’t show up to the exchange event — because it was my choice. Because they would no longer clean up my messes. If I wanted to have both, then I had to deal with what that meant,” you said.
The only reason Yuta did not draw his sword at that moment was because he was holding your hand. His scowl was so fearsome, though, that you understood in that second why he was a special grade sorcerer alongside Gojo and Yuki Tsukumo. Maki was no different, but there was a menacing aura around her that you had never noticed before, like her body was not meant to contain the rage she felt, or was unable to, or something like that. You had forgotten this: Tullia was not only tied to you. They loved her, too.
“They killed her,” Maki said.
“Sukuna killed her,” Itadori said.
“Sukuna dealt the final blow, but she was dead the instant the L/Ns refused to help her,” Yuta corrected. “It’s all the more reason for you not to blame yourself, Y/N. How could that be your fault at all?”
“I should’ve made this decision a long time ago,” you said. “I should’ve chosen Composition the second I proved to have the aptitude for it. That’s how it’s my fault. If I had just done as my father said in the first place, he never would’ve had to punish me like this. If I hadn’t had to use Tullia’s energy for my own Reverse Cursed Technique, then she’d still be alive.”
“What kind of a family is that?” the man with the spiky ponytails said, piping up for the first time. “It doesn’t matter how big your mistakes are. They are the ones that should be trusted to help you fix them, no matter the personal cost.”
The stubborn lump in your throat would not vanish, no matter how many times you swallowed, trying to rid yourself of it so you didn’t squeak when you spoke to the imposing man. Eventually, you gave up, deciding there was no point.
“Do you really think so?” you said.
“As an older brother, I would do anything for my siblings, as mine would do anything for me,” he said. “It’s just like that when you share blood. If those people didn’t help you when you needed it most, you probably can’t consider them your family. It doesn’t have much to do with you.”
“He’s right,” Yuta said. “The choice that the L/Ns made is a reflection on them, not you.”
“That doesn’t mean you give up fighting, either!” Maki said. “You can’t let them win like that. You can’t prove your father right. If you just decide to heal now, then he’ll think he did the proper thing in…doing what he did.”
“Whether it was the proper thing or not, the end result is the same,” you said. “I cannot watch something like that happen to anyone again. Thus, I can never use Dissection again. I will help you all in saving Gojo, that much is for certain, but not on the front lines. Not as a fighter. This is a good thing, though — it means you all don’t have to worry anymore. No matter the extent of the damage, I will heal it. I can’t promise that I won’t let anything happen to you all, but what I will say is this: if by chance something does occur, I will reverse it. It can be anything. It can even be death. I will reverse it. You can count on that.”
The man with the ponytails, who referred to himself as Itadori’s older brother and was apparently named Choso, claimed that he had a way into the mysterious vault where Master Tengen resided. You weren’t sure how much you should be trusting this random person, but the others really seemed to believe that he was someone to be relied upon, so you didn’t protest much, following after him willingly as he led you all through the maze of stairs and hallways and barrier techniques which disguised Master Tengen’s presence.
Yuta clung to you the entire time, or maybe it was the other way around — maybe you were the one clinging to him, maybe you were the one who couldn’t let go. You were afraid that if you did, he’d vanish. You were afraid that if your hand left his for a second, he’d go away somewhere and never come back. You’d lose him. You’d lose him, and that was the one thing you knew you could not handle.
He was your only certainty, your only constancy. The rest of the world could be burning, but that fact would always sit in the back of your mind: Yuta would come. He would give up anything if it meant saving you, would turn his sword upon himself if the only other place it could come to rest was in your own heart. Months could pass, but it would always be the same. He would always be the same.
“It’s empty? What kind of shrine is this?” Itadori said.
“It’s not empty,” Yuki Tsukumo said. “Tengen must be rejecting us or something. I thought they might reject me, but for them to do so for all of you is definitely out of the ordinary.”
“We should go, then. We don’t have the time to waste; if we’re too late, we won’t be able to help your sister, Megumi,” Yuta said. On the way down, they had all taken turns explaining what the situation was to you, so you were mostly caught up, but you still found it hard to take in and had spent most of the walk since just mulling it all over. None of it felt real. How had society collapsed so quickly? You all had just been playing baseball together. How had everything fallen apart in such a short time? 
“You’re leaving so soon?” It was a distinctly androgynous voice speaking, and the figure to whom it belonged resembled a human in the same way a curse might. Their arms were crossed as they regarded your group, and there was no other explanation other than this being Master Tengen, in the flesh. “Daughter of the resurrection…child of the Zenin…Michizane’s descendant…Death Painting Womb…and Sukuna’s vessel.”
Daughter of the resurrection. You tuned out Master Tengen as they spoke, figuring one of the others would give you the rundown later and not feeling particularly up to listening to that kind of thing at the moment. Once, you would’ve been fascinated to hear about the complex curse theory that he was spouting, but now, you had other things on your mind.
You had been so confident that Sukuna wanted a body from you. Not your own, of course, which would not be suited as a vessel for any curse, but what you had described to him was not an impossibility. Theoretically, you could’ve healed away any perceived imperfections in a body, turning it into the peak of human physicality and then destroying its brain so that it was receptive to takeover by Sukuna. You thought it was so clearly that which he desired from you, but you had been wrong. There was something else, something else only you could give him, but what was it? You were the prodigy of Composition, so it must have been related to that, but how?
Master Tengen had called you the daughter of the resurrection. What did that mean? Did it have something to do with what Sukuna wanted? Or had they simply heard of what you had done for Yuta? But, then, that would make you the bringer of resurrection yourself, not the daughter of it. There had to be some way that everything was connected, but you were the fool who could not see how it all came together.
“What do we do from here?” Itadori said.
“I have a few ideas. To start off, Yuki and Choso will stay here to guard Master Tengen, as previously discussed,” Megumi said.
“I’ll go to the Zenins to search the warehouse of cursed tools,” Maki added. “Since the Kamos and Zenins have completely cleared the school’s warehouse, there’s nothing for us to get from here, but luckily Megumi’s now the head of the Zenins, so there shouldn’t be a problem with me going through their warehouse and taking what I like. Though in the meanwhile, Master Tengen, if you could get me that sword…”
“From Juzo Kumiya’s workshop? Understood,” Master Tengen said.
“I appreciate it,” Maki said. “What about the rest of you?”
“I’ll go to one of the colonies right away and feel out the situation,” Yuta said. “It’ll be for the best if I gather some information before the others join, but I’ll try to go to a colony that’s further away so I don’t run the risk of having to kill one of you.”
“Sounds good,” Itadori said. “I guess we’ll just wait until you give us the signal to enter.”
“There’s nothing else we can do in the meantime,” Megumi agreed. “I suppose we can take Y/N to where Shoko, Ijichi, and the others are. That should be enough time for you to get started in the colonies, right, Okkotsu?”
The mention of your name made you snap to full attention, chasing away the fog which was clouded over your mind. Rapidly synthesizing the information which you had, thankfully, absorbed despite barely paying attention to any of it — a side effect of being Gojo’s student, maybe — you frowned in thought.
“Wait,” you said. “There’s some flaws to your plans.”
“Huh?” Itadori said. They all seemed surprised that you were speaking, which you didn’t blame them for; you had remained silent for the most part, a clear contrast to your typical self. It was easy to drown in thoughts and self-loathing, but you knew that if they wanted this plan to work, there were some other things that needed to be done, and you’d be an idiot to let your remaining friends waltz into such a dangerous situation unprepared.
“First of all, even if Megumi is the clan head, the Zenins will never respect his word as law. He’s a bastard that bears the name Fushiguro; do you really think the likes of Naoya would let you go through the warehouse just because someone like that says you can?” you said, raising your eyebrows at Maki. “I’ll go with you.”
“No way!” Maki said vehemently. “I’ll never take you to a place like that if I can help it. You don’t understand, Y/N, the Zenins make the L/Ns seem downright benevolent. You’ve never been there, so you wouldn’t know, but — but — I can’t put you in that kind of danger. Especially if you’ve sworn off Dissection.”
“I have been there, and I know the risks, but I’m not worried. Besides, there’s a piano performance I promised I’d listen to,” you said, gritting your teeth at the thought of having to see that man again but realizing it was for the best. “I can serve as a distraction for them so that they don’t even think of objecting to you going into their warehouse.”
“Are you certain? The Zenins aren’t a clan you should trifle with,” Megumi said.
“None of the clans are to be trifled with, but they’ve left us with no choice, haven’t they? And speaking of the two of you, don’t waste yourselves with meaningless tasks such as escorting me to and from places. If you really need something to do, then…hm. There is that,” you said.
“What are you thinking?” Yuta said, always more attuned to you than the others, picking up on your plan before anyone else.
“I’m not particularly fond of him, so I don’t really like the idea of it, but there is one other person we can ask for help. I’m talking about Hakari,” you said.
“Why would you suggest talking to that kind of idiot?” Maki said immediately, slapping her palm against her forehead. “He’s too busy sitting on his ass to help us.”
“Who is Hakari?” Itadori said.
“He’s one of the suspended third years,” you said. “There’s no doubt about it — he’s definitely strong. It wouldn’t hurt to ask, you know; he could really be a valuable ally if we can get him on our side.”
“Is he that tough?” Itadori said, still as clueless as ever. It was hard to remember that he had barely been a sorcerer for a few months; of course he did not understand things right away, especially things which had happened before his time or were irrelevant by the date of his enrollment.
“He’s definitely moody, but once he gets worked up, you could even say he’s stronger than me,” Yuta said.
“I wouldn’t go that far,” you said.
“Mm, nope,” Maki said.
“He definitely has the kind of unusual abilities that Gojo likes to cultivate in his students, though. It’ll be hard to convince him to help us, as he’s mostly the lazy type, but if you can, it’ll be huge,” you said.
“It beats sitting around,” Itadori said.
“Right, this way we’re actually doing something productive. I can’t believe we all forgot about Hakari,” Megumi said.
“That was a good idea, Y/N,” Yuta added. You shrugged.
“It was fine, I suppose. Obviously, I’m better at making plans than carrying them out,” you said. “Is that all? We should be off, then. Like you all said earlier, there’s no time to waste.”
You walked out the way you had come, and once you reached the doors, you looked around to make sure the others were sufficiently distracted before embracing Yuta, holding onto him for as long as you could.
“Be careful,” he said. “I don’t trust that the Zenins aren’t planning something.”
“I know they are,” you said. “I’m actually counting on it. That’s the only way we can take advantage of this situation — they think we’re a lot dumber than we are.”
“No one’s smarter than you are, or more talented,” he said. “You will be able to do this. Whatever plan you’re trying to pull off, you succeed. But tell me this one thing honestly before you go. I promise to never bring it up afterwards if you do. Are you sure you want to give up fighting?”
“Yes,” you said. You didn’t explain anymore. Yuta never demanded explanations, and anyways he didn’t need them to understand you. He smiled at that.
“To be honest, I’m a little relieved that that’s the case. Every time you went on a mission, every time you got hurt even a tiny bit, I thought I would die from the grief it caused me. For my own sake as much as yours, I am put at ease,” he said.
“Can I ask you something in return?” you said. He pressed his forehead to yours, and you closed your eyes, basking in his presence for what very well could be the last time. “Am I ruined to you?”
“What do you mean?” he said. “No. I don’t know what could’ve prompted such a question, but the answer is no.”
“The fight against Jogo and the L/Ns’ refusal to heal me has left my neck and hands like this,” you said. “Don’t you find me uglier for it?”
“I could never find you ugly,” he said. “You will always, always be beautiful to me. There isn’t anything you could do that would make you ugly.”
“I offered to make a Binding Vow with Sukuna,” you said, needing to get that off your chest. There was no one else you could tell but him, no one else who you knew would love you unconditionally enough to hear that and not hate you. Yet even with that knowledge, your heart was in your throat as you waited for him to react. “I said I’d find a new body for him, perfect it so that he could have an ideal vessel. I thought that was why he was keeping me alive, so I said I’d do it if he saved Tullia. It wasn’t what he wanted, though, so he didn’t take me up on it and ended up — you know. But I still offered.”
“I see,” he said, and then his thumbs were swiping over your cheeks, wiping away tears you had not noticed falling before his lips met your own in a brief kiss, one as sweet and ephemeral as spun sugar. “She wouldn’t have wanted that.”
“It was the only way I could imagine saving her,” you said.
“There’s no use in dwelling on it. Don’t treat her memory like this; you’ll only end up cursing her. If you only think about her death, you’ll forget about how she was in life. Even if she’s gone now, she was there at one point, and you must endeavor to focus only on that part,” he said.
“It’s hard,” you said.
“I know it is,” he said kindly. “It won’t ever be easy. But you are the Grade 1 sorcerer Y/N L/N. The one who survived a fight against a special grade. The one who won her first exchange event. The one who was the youngest to ever be promoted. Even if you never fight again, please remember that much. Even if it’s hard, know that you’ve done harder.”
“Please be safe,” you said, overwhelmed by the ferocity with which you loved him just then. “Yuta. Please be safe. Please come back.”
“Only for you,” he said. “And I’ll think of you the entire time I’m gone.”
“Why is it that we must spend most of our time together saying goodbye?” you said.
“One day, we won’t have to ever say it again,” he promised. “Not today, but one day.”
“One day,” you said. “I’ll see you then.”
“I’ll see you sooner,” he said. “I couldn’t possibly wait that long. I’ll see you the instant I’ve freed myself and the others from this wretched game. You can count on that.”
“Believe me,” you said. “I will.”
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nkogneatho · 8 months
BELOVED, PLS — the way i have a ss-comm of the little fam in the works; it's going to be so beautiful.
our first born daughter—bc karma is a bitch & someone like naoya needs to be humbled in the basest way possible—is named after me (in a way) bc technically she's a bastard child born out of wedlock sooo, if he wants the kid to have his last name, i get to choose the first name.
second born daughter—bc straight Ls for my mans & a funny li’l ha ha nod to king henry viii's dumbass—will probs get the naochi nod since naoya ofc wants his children to be made in his image lmfao jackass
third, and last—bc i am not a fuckin’ factory despite what naoya believes—born is a spoiled ass little son (just like daddy :///) with an undecided name; he's a mama's boy thru and thru tho & treats his big sisters like they're the younger siblings (in a cute, protective way). naoya's big mad about it sksksk
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lightlycareless · 1 year
OUGH CHAPTER 33,, this ones RICH theres so much here all of y/ns letters,, i wonder how hinata would feel if she actually got to read them?? not that she'd get through all of them before trying to break in there herself to get y/n out i imagine
NAOAKI,, calling y/n cute straight up now?? we're just straight into it there's no denying anything anymore. full on flirting out there-- good for them. and the GRAPE,, feeding her the grape,, im obsessed. hinata turning naoaki away bc of his resemblance to naoya-- i get why girl but also MAN you are missing out on the sweetest man in the world. n also the possibility of the zenin's getting pissy over hinata and naoaki talking to each other?? they are DERANGED for real its unbelievable.
mariya and tatsuro,,, i really do think she COULD tell hitomi i like to think she'd understand. and also backing herself into a corner w lying about to everyone i just can not imagine that ending well at ALL somewhere down the line
THE BOXES FULL OF RECORDS MY GODDD,,, naoya is going to give y/n a HEART ATTACK. its a thoughtful gesture but she is so (understandably!!) put off anything to do with him she just finds it creepy as fuck. it is so funny tho "there has to be another reason for his actions,, but what,," girl,,, hes trying to be nice for once this is not a murder attempt,,
and the idea that naoya's gonna eventually try to ask how she liked the gift oh MAN-- he's already gonna be torn up beyond belief over that last chapter ending (must be why we don't see him this time he's too busy crying) and to see her respond cold to like... what's probably the first real big thoughtful gift he's tried to get her?? devastating. obliterated.
this chapter is driving me insane and up the walls (in a good way) i am SO ready to see whats coming.. ur setting up for somethin big i know it,,,
Hello!!!! I’m glad you liked the bit of… lore I guess? I don’t know how to call it lol regarding Y/N’s letters! I only went through them briefly, in the aspect of what she must write and what not to keep a low profile, but never really showed what she was writing… and boy, was it sad.
Hinata would be very, very sad. Definitely. She’d first be upset, angry, quickly identifying that her letters are to set up a façade that everything is right, when it’s not. She’ll also be able to find some traces of Y/N being genuine whenever she speaks of the twins or her staff… perhaps. But overall, those clues end up being irrelevant to the fact that Y/N is in danger and needs to be taken out of there as soon as possible.
And her not caring for Naoaki…. Hahahahahah it made me laugh and a bit frustrated tbh, but how is she supposed to know?! yet OMG he's RIGHT THERE.
I did think on various occasions that her acting that way with him might’ve been... reckless, like it could’ve raised some red flags from him and be like “Hinata is acting weird” subsequentially, leading the clan to be further vigilant of her. However, Naoaki doesn’t know what’s up with his clan, and his priority is to help Y/N above anything else so… yeah. I wish she would’ve given him the benefit of the doubt and approached him, doing so on any other occasion I think, when she isn’t there for work and isn’t overworked either lol.
But yeah, she’s tired of all she’s been put through and couldn’t care less of engaging with other people as of right now. To Naoaki’s defense… Hinata didn’t talk to anyone else either, so there’s that 🤭
I’m still surprised the Zen’in weren’t lil bitches about it, they probably didn’t consider their interaction to be that important anyway—since their secrets are safely guarded… at least for now. Kind of. Hinata is still not out of their radar. Hmm. They’re probably thinking on how to not get involved in the crisis since they think so little of non-sorcerers lol.
Now onto Mariya…. I just love causing conflicts with her lmao. You could argue that she’s not doing anything… wrong per se, but man, lies and lack of communication can lead to some pretty terrible misunderstandings and that’s the least of the things I want happening between Y/N’s staff 😭 But essentially Mariya is afraid that speaking out loud of this situation might lead other members of the staff overhearing this, rumors begin to circulate around the house, and she loses her job 💀 It’s not that she doesn’t trust Hitomi, but she’d rather keep it hidden from everyone to avoid these risks. (also, the pain of having disappointed her is too much for her to even contemplate 😭 she cares too much for the sisters, and already gone through something like that with Y/N... no, I can't have her suffering 😭😭)
As for Naoaki… that freaking scene with the grape was like omg…………………………………………………… I wanted to go heavier on the subtle implications, but I was like no ma’am, Y/N pulled away from that one and I don’t think Naoaki would insist after seeing her reject his advancements sooooo maybe for another time 😊 This was also a way to show just how… bold the two had become after the whole Naobito/Naoya/Y/N thing went down, had this been before that, Naoaki would’ve never done something like that.
I can imagine Ranta watching the two from some undisclosed corner frantically hoping that Naoya won’t come out and see them lmao.
Finally… the mystery of whatever Naoya was shoving inside his pocket the chapter before is revealed!
Guess he was listening to what Y/N was telling him, however, for him to suddenly go out and buy them implies another motive behind them… or at least that’s what I intended to write 🤭 Naoya is trying something, to be nicer I guess, but without him taking accountability I don’t think there’s going to be any advancements soon. 😫 He’s still out there having some kind of war with Naoaki, when he should be focusing on Y/N and his marriage!!!!! Well, best wishes to him I guess lol.
Now… I won’t say much outside of that hehe because it will be expanded on the next chapter, it's a Naoya-centric one where we'll see what he was doing while this went down, as well as a bit of—
Anyways, thank you so much for tuning in for a new update!! The build up for the next chapter has me at edge, nervous… but excited too and I can’t wait to show you!!! (let the hype be appropriate) But for now, I shall take it easy, I got my birthday to enjoy (and this annoying cold out of the goddamn nowhere!!! To overcome)
Have a wonderful weekend, take care, and hope to see you soon!!!
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lokescurse · 2 years
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                  Caustic Conceit: A Naoya Zenin Playlist
Details, song list, lyric breakdown, and honourable mentions below the cut!~
A very lovely anon requested that I make a playlist for my personal favourite toxic blonde, and I just couldn’t say no. I delete my playlists on Spotify/Youtube too often for that to be a viable format so I decided to just make a graphic + a list so y’all could go through it in your own time and pick & choose what songs you liked and didn’t to add to your own playlists, if you wanted. Below are the songs listed in the graphic, some of the lyrics that secured them a place, and some honourable mention songs that I wanted to put in but ultimately decided against. They’re still very much on brand, in my opinion, though! Alright enough rambling, here ya go:
1) Headache - Motionless in White:
Some days I’m narcissistic, some days I’m in my way / Some days I try to sleep with pins and needles in my brain / Some days I feel sadistic, a portrait of my pain / Some days I live in fear that I am every fucking thing I hate!
2) Alpha Dog - Fall Out Boy:
You’re not the first or the last / But you’re possibly the prettiest whoa / He’s a fighter past his prime / He’s in the gutter wavin’ his hand / “I’m just fine!” // Alpha dog and o-o-omegalomaniac
3) I’m Not Sorry - Royal & The Serpent:
I got somethin’ to say / “Get the fuck out my way,” / Don’t know if I’ll make it ‘til tomorrow / Without losing all my marbles / I wanna kill everybody / I’m not sorry, I’m not sorry / I’m better than everybody / I’m not sorry, I’m not sorry
4) Ready to Kill - Blackbriar:
He likes a little challenge / It is his choice to let me run / With an evil laugh on his face / You can see he’s having fun // He’s on a hunt and ready to kill / He thinks it’s fun, it is his thrill / I’m chased by a murderer
5) Anxiety - Palaye Royale:
And I was born to be anything I wanted to be / Raised to be fucking mean, I’m a masterpiece / Blasphemy meet again in a world so vicious / Children crying, mothers scream, fathers drink / All you bastards scream!
6) The Sharpest Lives - My Chemical Romance:
If it looks like I’m laughing, I’m really just askin’ to leave / This alone, you’re in time for the show / You’re the one that I need, I’m the one that you loathe / You can watch me corrode like a beast in repose / ‘Cause I love all the poison, away with the boys in the band!
7) X-Amount of Words - Blue October:
You mold, you mold / Yeah, you shape to mold / Oh, you’re bold, you’re bold / But your shape is bold / You’re a symptom superficial / To what they call knowin’ ya / Minus the speed / Could you imagine the phobia? // Systematic, sympathetic / Quite pathetic, apologetic, paramedic / Your heart is prosthetic
8) I Want It All/We Will Rock You - Queen & Armageddon:
I’m a big deal, you should kneel, and crawl when you approach me / I got big bucks, big cars, I’m bigger than all the universe and its stars / I could buy your life whatever it costs / Name your price, give me what I need to get lost / I could buy the blue from the sky, I’m a rich hog / Give me it now, I’m not the guy you wanna piss off / By any means, I get what I want and I want it all
9) Brand New Numb - Motionless in White:
I’ve got a switchblade wit / That cuts like a bitch / And I think you two should meet // You’re gonna give me what I need / I’ve got blood on my hands, no guilt on my conscience / The war in your path, the sex in your violence / All of my flaws, I wear ‘em with honour / A purple heartbreak for all we’ve suffered
10) Blood! - My Chemical Romance:
I can’t control myself because I don’t know how / And they love me for it, honestly, I’ll be here for a while! // A celebrated man amongst the gurneys / They can fix me proper with a bit of luck / The doctors and the nurses, they adore me so / But it’s really quite alarming, ‘cause I’m such an awful fuck! // I’m the kind of human wreckage that you love!
Honourable mentions:
*Necessary Evil - Motionless in White ft. Jonathan Davis: “Blow out the candles, I need not a wish for I am everything / Now crawl to my boots and lick / Kneel before me! // The monster you’ve made is wearing the crown / I’ll be the king and you be the clown / I’ll take the blame and parade it around / You’ve made me the villain you can’t live without!”
*Animal Impulses - IAMX: “Wilder than lions, louder than sound / The birds and the bees are getting older now / There’s a cold breeze blowing over my soul / Shine razor eyes in delight / Shine razor eyes before you die / Shine razor eyes in this light / There’s a cold breeze blowing over my soul.”
*Why Are You So Cold? - The Haunt: “The pathways are cracking / The ceiling’s come apart / The residents inside have all begun to panic / And I think you just might have been the start // Why are you so unusual? / That’s all I have to ask / You wanna be the leader / Then you fall into the back.”
*Such Horrible Things - Creature Feature: “When I was born / I did surely scorn / My proud parents’ name / Then their lives went down the drain / Drove them insane / My birth was a curse / I bit the nurse / Oh, but I love the worst // When I was sixteen / Life was frightening / My brother was quite dull / So with laughter in my skull / Pushed him in a hole / Then buried him alive / He barely survived / Oh, but I love the cries // I’m exactly what I seem.”
*Death March - Motionless in White: “I’m still rotten to the core / So won’t somebody stop this shit? / Fuck ‘em all, I’m over it! / I indulge the hypocrisy and I devour the pain / I give in to the ecstasy but the cold dark remains / I control my own destiny and I won’t suffer in vain / My enemy will not be the end of me / It’s chaos up in my head / My demons are my best friends / Ashes, ashes, we all fall down / There’s just hate in the hole where my heart used to be.”
Alright, that’s it! Sorry there’s like....so much MIW, but hey, the vibes are there and I won’t fight them. This was a lot of fun even if it was a lot of work! I’d be happy to do this again, perhaps with other characters or “x reader” themes. If you’re enjoying this and have a similar taste to me (or are even just open about new music), feel free to drop an idea in my ask box and I’ll tell you if I think it’s doable or not.
(Also, special shout-out to a good friend of mine for helping me out and introducing me to Royal & The Serpent. You don’t follow me here but in the off chance you see this, you know who you are. 💜💙)
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