#little void bastards
multi-lefaiye · 2 years
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[Image Description: Three bust drawings of my OCs Asher King, Juno London, and Apollo Presley. Asher, in the upper left corner, has pale skin, pierced ears, and long, straight, dark hair that hangs loosely around her shoulders. Her right eye is normal with a white sclera and dark iris, but her left eye has a black sclera and white iris. Additionally, her left eye has a red symbol instead of a pupil. She has a serious expression on her face and is wearing a dark shirt as she faces forward. Juno, near the bottom right corner, is a thin person with cool-toned brown skin, bags under their eyes, and long, white hair pulled into a ponytail. Juno’s right eye is a very pale grey, while their left eye is solid gold and has bright yellow cracks seeping out from it. They’re wearing a black choker and a dark purple hoodie, facing slightly left as they smirk towards the viewer. Apollo is a lighter-skinned man in the bottom left corner with messy, shaggy red hair and pierced ears. His right eye is a dark blue, while his left eye is solid black with an abstract yellow design of a sun where his pupil should be. He wears a black button-up with swirl designs printed on it. All three characters have their names written next to them in black, as well as a year: Asher’s is 1715, Juno’s is 1899, and Apollo’s is 1984. “VOID-WALKERS” is written in all black and red in the top right corner, and the whole image has a light pink background with lighter stripes across it. End ID.]
Decided to finally draw some of my void-walkers OCs BESIDES Juno, haha!!! I still have to draw Aeneas and [Redacted Bastard Man], but here’s at least the main trio!!! or, as I introduced them when I sent this to one of the servers I’m in, here’s Juno and the bitches.
Taglist (ask to be added or removed!) @wherearetheplants @nicola-writes @skitzo-kero @aaureus @midnight-and-his-melodiverse @approximately20eggs @albatris
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runningoncaffeine · 1 year
I’m just gonna go on a fucking rant, might make zero sense but I have to get this out of my system.
Fourth wall right….let’s all gather and sit around, head bowed, hands under our chins, deep in thought about this shit right here
KDJ says that the Fourth wall makes it so that he perceives reality as separate from fiction of stuff that was mostly related to TWSA.
Yeah, makes sense.
Just think of this…we know that 4thwall protects him from the effects of ‘fiction’, grounding him in ‘reality’ and helping him make calm, sound, rational decisions. We also know that the Wall shakes and thins when faced with said ‘reality’
Now, here’s another thing we know about Dokja—he likes to see everything through a reader’s eyes, viewpoint if you will
One of the first things we find about him interacting with others is with Sangah and he immediately puts her into a story and gives her a role. He’s been doing this shit since before the scenarios and the apocalypse and all. So we can assume that he’s done this like almost all his life, being the ‘reader’ and seeing others essentially as characters—until they interact with his little bubble.
As it would happen, the people who interact with him and his bubble aren’t exactly very welcoming or nice most times but that aside, here’s what I’m rambling about
If you think about it, the first attributes and skills people get are related to what they were already good at and stuff
So fourth wall is essential a powered up version of KDJ’s dissociative tendencies. It’s a coping mechanism.
Him being a ‘reader’, not intervening in anyone’s story, only reading and forming opinions
Because the last time he played a major role and defeated the villain, the consequences weren’t pretty and he didn’t get the happy ending. Even after his mother ‘reread’ it to him, the ending wasn’t one he liked
The pre-apocalypse version of 4thwall (and his generally tragic life) kept him from being anything more than a ‘reader’ to other people’s lives
But this is not going to be satisfying at all —we know it, Dokja knows it, 4thwall knows it—Dokja craves to be something more than a ‘reader’
But his life is realism, he prefers fantasy novels. His story is a bore compared to the other ones he sees
And “it’s not too bad, being a reader”
Can’t we say that the 4th wall was protecting him from reality than fiction? In his mind, he’s always seen life as stories, whatever genre they were, they were always stories and the fourth wall kept them as stories….
*sighs heavily* yeah, this isn’t going out of my head anytime soon…just Dokja and his trauma….excellent…
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inkfamy · 1 year
Tarn didn't kill Kaon because "Kaon was worried about his dog". Tarn killed Kaon because Kaon was arguing with a direct order and asking to go back and retrieve an Autobot prisoner who was supposed to serve as a nice little internal point of pride that the DJD could and would inflict unspeakable acts on anyone who crossed them. Tarn killed Kaon because he was showing affection and sympathy for the enemy, enough to begin questioning orders, even if that enemy was no longer sapient enough to know they were meant to be being tortured.
I wonder how long that grain of irritation ground under Tarn's plate for. He enjoyed siccing the Pet on Autobot and Decepticon alike. He enjoyed keeping it around knowing what it was. Did it annoy him that Kaon began to grow attached to the Pet? Did he see Kaon fussing over the turbofox and being gentle to it and giving it treats? Was that acceptable as part of the humiliation until Kaon actually showed he truly cared?
Tarn is such a piece of shit but Kaon's death was deeper than just momentary outrage at a mech being worried about his pet, and in some ways I think that feels worse.
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mementoasts · 5 months
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elias again
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akkivee · 6 months
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like that was so unnecessary lmao
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iersei · 1 year
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happy four day to those who celebrate <3
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capn-twitchery · 2 months
some kind of irony that i can never draw twitch's eyes right. they're so determined to keep them hidden that it's breaking into the real world
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icewitcher · 6 months
Good pulls today on HSR
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I've won the 50/50 on Huohuo's banner.
And look who came on the perma banner....
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Bailu my vidhyarian child, I'm so happy to see you. Don't worry you'll get all the sweets you want.
Natasha will soon stay on Belobog forever.
(Early) good luck to those pulling for Huohuo and Argenti and for those who are in the 1.6 banner waiting room as I am skipping the 1.6 banners because Penacony is not far away.
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katzenklavierr · 1 year
I don't check the notes of those "can we get this poll to have a specific ratio" posts I simply let the spirits guide my cursor like a ouija board planchette towards the optimal choice.
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
Thinking a bit about how the void-walkers' specific deaths affect them even into their afterlife...
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justagaycryptid · 1 year
I fuckin hate christianity but tbh they kinda went off with some of that religious imagery
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lefthandedbastard · 1 year
Hearing Amanda say your name as a new patreon feels like the oddly specific experience of when I see a figure skater I know irl on the usfc instagram account except this time I think “yooooo cool mutual” instead of “that guy’s a dickhead”
Youre right that's. So specific and also so funny.
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xavalav · 1 year
if i don’t do something with my wet rat bastard imago i’m gonna explode. i need to draw him or write him or something! idk!!!!!
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variantia · 1 year
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Anonymous said : Is that a crown, Wonderweiss? You look stunning in it.
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          A crown ...?   ― Oh !
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          One hand reaches up to ghost his fingers over the object, the bone-like remnant of what was his HOLLOW MASK before it was ripped away.   It does kind of look like a tiara, doesn’t it ?   “   Aaaaah, mmmmh ... nooooooo.   Iiiiiiis ... hmmmmm ... haaaaa’d t’xplaaaain.   ”
          Well, he can’t exactly remove it, so it’s good that it suits him !   Certainly he’s the little prince of Hueco Mundo, isn’t he ?   That’s what Aizen always says.
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          “   Thaaaaaaa’k youuuuu !   ”
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kideternity · 1 month
Dude Picodevimon is literally getting tortured at the end of every episode get this fucking guy outtttaaaaa hereeeeeee 😭😭😭😭😭
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w1ngedv01d · 2 months
Somwtimes I think about my OC Azzy (aka Azriel), a shape-shifting shadowperson who could manipulate memories and used that power to keep the only person he wouldn't survive losing from ever leaving him
I think about his attempted redemption arc that failed bc to truly change he had to be willing to risk letting his Person choosing to leave of they so chose
And in his refusal to accept that possibility, he fell back in the toxic behaviors that made him feel safe
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