#lmaoooooo and then kiri instantly realizes he made up all his problems in his mind
theloveinc · 2 years
Was thinking about it a bit more and I realized… if it were to happen, I don’t think you and Kirishima actually get divorced, I think you’d just… “separate” for a while.
Probably at his insistence, too. Not that anything is wrong, really… but having a kid as a hero is super difficult, and I think Kiri probably gets caught up in the loop of not feeling like you guys are lovers anymore, just parents, and every other hero without a partner is doing so much better than him. On the charts, emotionally, etc... so he suggests taking a break in thinking that not being worried about you would make it easier to prioritize what he really thinks matters (your son and his career)…
Not realizing that things’ll go even more to shit after he sees you without your ring on when you drop off son for his first-ever custody weekend.
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