#but there u are. living apart because he wanted to be an *ss
theloveinc · 2 years
Was thinking about it a bit more and I realized… if it were to happen, I don’t think you and Kirishima actually get divorced, I think you’d just… “separate” for a while.
Probably at his insistence, too. Not that anything is wrong, really… but having a kid as a hero is super difficult, and I think Kiri probably gets caught up in the loop of not feeling like you guys are lovers anymore, just parents, and every other hero without a partner is doing so much better than him. On the charts, emotionally, etc... so he suggests taking a break in thinking that not being worried about you would make it easier to prioritize what he really thinks matters (your son and his career)…
Not realizing that things’ll go even more to shit after he sees you without your ring on when you drop off son for his first-ever custody weekend.
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pttucker · 6 months
⸢You all have done something terribly stupid. The conclusion the reader wanted was the only conclusion. Why did you try to change it?⸥ The expression of [The Fourth Wall] staring at her gave her the creeps. A negative emotion that was neither hatred or resentment, not even sadness, was now directed in her and Yoo Joonghyuk's direction. ⸢You shouldn't have been greedy. No, y o u sh oul d've be en con te nt wi th 49% Kim Dok ja⸥ Along with the voice gradually breaking apart, the surrounding time and space began to distort. ⸢D id y o u re ally thi nk y o ur gro up w as spe cial? D id yo u hon es tly bel ieve th at a pro per con clusion wo uld wa it for y o u lot wh en y o u de str oyed the laws of th is uni ver se?⸥ Even before she could reply, the surroundings grew brighter. ⸢Y o u lot ha ve me ss ed up y o ur con clu sion, and y o u wi ll no w be com e mi se ra ble⸥
Oh man, I have a baaaaad feeling about this. The system even said that they changed his ■■ ?!
Though, I do find it a bit weird that they're being called greedy for not sticking with 49% Dokja because he was literally dying??? Like, again, it'd be one thing if he was up and walking around and they did all this and screwed things up out of "greed" but it's another thing entirely when it's like "you should have been satisfied with watching what was left of your friend die."
Unless it's because Sooyoung made him realize the truth??? Like, would he have been fine if she hadn't called him an avatar??? Because even if it was first caused by Sooyoung attacking him physically, you can't expect Dokja to live the entire of the rest of his life never getting hurt.
Beyond that though, oh man, both Joonghyuk and Sooyoung being willing to take over for him as Oldest Dream (really, can you two criticize Dokja when you're trying to do the exact same thing) and neither one of them actually loving the story enough to become Oldest Dream.
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wangxianficrecs · 3 years
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Fic Finder
1. hello!!!!!! i hope things are going great for you hehe do you (anyone) happen to know the fic where the lan elders compare LXC's potential spouse to wwx and they say that wwx is the superior lan spouse; also that fic where the lan ribbon can only be removed by their spouse???? and there's a scene where WWX asks LWJ if they are really married and lwj asked him to remove his ribbon and at that moment jc and lxc came  THANK U!!!!!
1b. FOUND!  by @sul-ivanko:   the world passes by but for me there is only you by beeswaxing (M, 83k, wangxian, my post)
2. Hi! I cant find that fic again but it was about wwx taking a-yuan to shop in yiling and people mistook him as a single mother :D Thank you for running this blog!!
FOUND! by @dawnonfireinferno who says it’s Mother Knows Best by misbehavingvigilante (M, 12k, wangxian)
3.  Hello! I was wondering if you could please help me find a fic. It is not Wangxian, it is Wen Qing and Jiang Cheng- wwx ended up in the hospital, and wq is his doctor, and that is how she and jc meet. Jc and wq end up going back to her apartment, and it turns out jc is part of the mafia or something, but wq had already figured that out and accepted it. He has a zidian tattoo, and also wq drives a specific car (I forget the make and model) bc ‘it makes her feel tall’. That is all I remember, and I really hope it can be found. I thought I had put it in my bookmarks, but when I went to reread it, I couldn’t find it. Thank you!!! :) ~ @subtlybrilliant
4.  Hello! I wanted to ask if you know fic something like : when wwx came back to life in Mo village lwj on that day lost lan sizhui, he died on the night hunt. It's extremely sad but I still want to read it, but can't find on ao3.. Thanks! You are the best ❤️ ~ @lovingcupcake
FOUND!  by @mondengel, our resident angst expert:  You're So Wonderful To Think About (But So Hard To Live Without) by psychoinnocent (T, 3k, wangxian)
5.  hi! do you any post canon case fic where wangxian go on in a night hunt with the juniors but lan wangji gets severely injured & cursed which damages his golden core & he almost dies, there are mentions of wwx giving his (mxy's) core away to lwj to save him but at the end jiang cheng saves lwj, i cant find the fic anymore :(
FOUND? Could you be looking for Like A Light Gone Out by OnlyMeAndMyBones (T, 100k, wangxian)?
6.  Hello. First off, thanks for the fic recs. You do an amazing job.  [Thank you!]  I wanted help finding a fic I literally just read. I think I skipped to the latest chapter while browsing, so I have no idea about title or tags.
In the latest chapter set after Qiongqi path, WWX recovers at LP with LWJ, designs a talisman to track hundred holes curse, JC finds out about golden core transfer, NMJ/LXC/JC/LWJ/WWX overhear JGY and SS scheming so at Koi Tower and apprehend them but I can't remember if this was during wedding or one month celebration. Also WQ was at LP, too. And and and...WWX purifies resentful energy in his dantian and makes a new core i.e. he discovers a new cultivation path.  Please help 🥺🥺
FOUND!    three surgeries and a mercy kill by MarbleGlove (T, 11k, eventual wangxian, series in progress, my bookmark)
FOUND    the breaking of your soul (upon my lips) by sunsandships (M, 41k, wangxian, my bookmark)
7.  mojo, i'm almost certain i haven't seen this on the blog (i have searched and found many new fics to mark for later , thank you for all you do!) so here is a fic finder for the masses. has anyone heard of a work where jin zixuan died but then there was no pledge conference to kill wwx after because lxc refused to risk his sect against him?
FOUND!  black milk of daybreak, drunk at sundown by stiltonbasket (G, 3k, wangxian) -  @airmidcelt adds it’s lxc focused, ignore the summary.
8.  Hi! Firstly, I really love your blog! It has really kept my mood up for months ^^  [I’m so glad!]  Second thing, I'm looking for a fic. I remember it having JC storming to Cloud Recesses after getting an invitation to wangxian wedding and stopping it because no negotiations/permission. It also had LXC being very sure they'd end up staying in CR but then WWX was so happy at Lotus Pier that LWJ & him ended up staying there. ~ @ladyunderthemolehill  [Oh, I feel like I recently read this one, grr!] 
FOUND!  by @gingermenace:  Utterly Inevitable by sami (M, 20k, xicheng, wangxian)
9.  Hello Momjo!! I was looking for a fic the other day and I JUST CANT FIND IT. The basic premise was that WWX and LWJ are police detectives and they have a bet to see who can catch the most criminals in one month, the loser has to grant one thing to the winner. WWX wins and makes LWJ go on a date with him. The problem is, I found a fic that is like this (almost exactly), but isn’t. I think that the main differences were that in the one I’m looking for, it’s like 5 minutes to when the clock will end and LWJ is one higher than WWX but at the last minute WWX brings in like 10 criminals whereas in the one that I found (which isn’t the one I’m looking for) they both got a call at the same time and apprehended criminals at two different locations and WWX happened to catch one more. The other main difference was that in the one I was looking for WWX is trying to create the perfect date and he thinks that it’ll be torture for LWJ bc he’s doing it with WWX whereas in the one I found, the main idea was to make it ridiculous/humiliating. The last bit that I can remember in the one I was looking for is that WWX got hurt (majorly, like, shot or something) once and when he was in the ambulance LWJ confessed to him and WWX kept saying ‘go away’ and when WWX got better he didn’t mention it and everyone assumed that it was bc he didn’t want to think about it but he just didn’t remember it happened and so when he planned the date everyone kinda thought that WWX was being really mean bc he was showing LWJ what he couldn’t have but in fact he didn’t remember. Sorry for the super long rant. Happy Mother’s Day!! [Lol, thank you!  Also, what was the one you DID find? - 99th precinct]  ~ @amberowl123
FOUND!  @huans thinks this could be either of these:
99th precinct by bichen (T, 4k, wangxian)
critical path analysis by chinxe (T, 14k, wangxian, my post) - which @akyra-talanoa enthusiastically seconds!
10.  Hi! I'm looking for a fic, with Wangxian and Xicheng in which Jiang Cheng sends to Cloud Recess like a proposition for a dowry (kinda but with the correct Chinese terms), because he still considers WWX to be a member of the Jiang sect. So LQR and LWJ and Lan Xicheng are forced to go with the proper courting rituals. And it ends with WWX and LWJ living in LP as Jiang disciples, WWX and JC solve their problems via alcohol induces talking, and it also ends with Xicheng getting married and Xichen being married into the Jiang sect.  Thanks!!
FOUND!  @huans suggests Horizon by jupiter_james (E, 35k, xicheng, wangxian)
FOUND!  by @gingermenace:  Utterly Inevitable by sami (M, 20k, xicheng, wangxian)
11.  Hello wonderful mojo! Thank you so much for the amazing recs you bring us. My bookmarks overfloweth thanks to you. [Aww, you’re welcome!]  I have a fic finder request. I'm afraid I don't remember much, the main thing stuck in my head is jgy musing/realizing that lxc's 'dragon scale' (i.e. you touch you trigger rage) is lwj during a Jin assault on Cloud Recesses. I know it was a wangxian fic & think wx were married or at least together by the time of the assault. Plz help, it's been driving me nuts.
FOUND!  by @ladyunderthemolehill who says you want Ch. 3 in From the Future for the Past by friedchickenlord (G, 37k, wangxian)
12.  Hello, can you help me find a fic? It’s about lan wangji and wei wuxian raised baby jin ling when they found out that he was not safe in koi tower. Thank you
FOUND!  by @mythopoeticlicense who gives us Happy in these hills by deliciousblizzardshark (G, 4k, wangxian)
13.  hi! i’m looking for a fic where wwx gets drugged at a club/bar (?) and he goes to the bathroom and tries calling lwj for help, but at that time lwj and lxc are having dinner with lqr and phones aren’t allowed so lwj can’t look at his phone. but when lxc finally sees that wwx calls him, lxc goes away and answers. finally lxc gets lwj and they go to wwx and help him out. i had just read it recently and i think i forgot to bookmark it DX thx for the help!
FOUND! by @cerisea-a:  Please Let Me Take Care of You by KayCeeBabe (G, 9k, wangxian)
14.  Hi! I love your blog so much it’s great for finding new fics to read. [Hooray!]  I was hoping you could help me out next time you do a fic finder post. I can only remember one scene of it where wwx tried to bring a-yuan with him to jin lings ceremony and jzx didn’t die and he took a-yuan back to koi tower with him (maybe as a hostage?) but made wwx go back to the burial mounds. And I remember later a-yuan found lwj at the ceremony ~ @keptin--kirk
FOUND!  by @oohahhsparkly who believes you want To Ride A Stygian Tiger by Madyamisam (M, 52k, wangxian, WIP)
15.  Hi mojo thanks for the work u do for the fandom.  [You’re welcome!]  so i was searching for this fic in which everyone is alive and only wwx dies and lwj and jc have a good relationship and lwj doesn't gets whipped and the wens live in lotus prier its a multichapter fic thank you ~ @alec-karnika
FOUND!  @tora42 suggests A Bell That Tells Us to Rise and Fight by DeerstalkerDeathFrisbee (T, 121k, wangxian, my post)
16.  Hi Mojo! first of all you are a god send to this fandom and I honestly don’t know how I survived without this blog and now I don’t think i could ever go back to living without it. You’re doing such good work 🥺🥺I don’t know if you can help, but I need help finding this fic. Basically instead of it being a joke, Wei Wuxian quite literally raised A-Yuan from the ground. He was magical flower baby that WWX grew with magic. I remember it being in Jiang Cheng’s POV as WWX snuck around and eventually got to meet his plant baby nephew
FOUND!  by @oohahhsparkly who gives us:  reach WITH IN to your local dirt and you will find a Son and Boy by Faiz (T, 3k, wangxian)
17.  dear mojo, first I have been following your tumblr for a couple of weeks, and its been wonderful! Even though i diligently browsing every day through ao3, thanks to you, i am always able to find new/old additional untamed fics to enjoy!
i have been meant to ask for a fic search a while now, but never got around somehow: I am looking for a fic, that for the damn of hell, cannot find, no matter how many of my own bookmarks or arranged marriage tags and collections i have been raiding, it frustrates me to no end. I only remember this particular scene , and i dont know whether its been a long fic, a WIP, a finished story, or a short story. nothing, i am totally empty except this one scene:
LZ and WWX were running outside at cloud recesses and are totally happy and are showing it. They are seen by the other disciples , who then proceed to run to grandmaster LQR and screaming and asking for being given an arranged marriage as well, coz they see how happy our couple are.
for hell, i cant remember, if its been a time travel fic, or if for whatever reason, the other disciples all thought, that LZ and WWX were in an arranged marriage. whether its been arranged by JF or Madame Yu, or LQR, i just dont know. I just remember , it was so cute, seeing the other disciples being envious and asking for an arranged marriage, because normally well in most fics, that is depicted as undesirable (see Zixuan and JLY...)
maybe you know this one, or can post my search in the next roundof fic enquiries?
Thanks a million! ~ @enderwiggin24
FOUND!  by @moku-youbi who thinks it might be ❤️in case of fire, break glass by Jenrose (T, 65k, wangxian, my post)
18.  Thank you so much for all the fic recs, you're amazing! I have a lost fic for a fic finder whenever you get to it. It was a fic where Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian ran into each other on a nighthunt in Qishan after the Sunshot Campaign but before the Phoenix Mountain Hunt. They fought some kind of monster (I think it was toad shaped?) and defeated it, but WWX was poisoned and LWJ had to get him to safety, but WWX was delirious and spilled lots of his secrets while LWJ listened with growing horror.
FOUND!  golden as they come (but he's bleeding out) by Shializaro (T, 14k, wangxian, WIP)
19.  My ipad reset my umpteen tabs, so I lost a story. Can you help me find it even if it was LXC-centered? It was post-canon, LXC was coming out of seclusion, trying to make amends. He sees a sect member sweeping paths, she's a sex worker's kid they took in as outer disciple, how tragic that she cannot marry a Lan b/c her father is an unknown Lan. He tries to suggest her as possible wife to JC, but JC is all: in YMJ we don't practice 'separate but equal', we allow orphans to become full members.  ~ @kitsileya
FOUND!  by @gingermenace who says this scene is in the third work of Finding Balance Once More by MarbleGlove (T, 26k, wangxian, 4 works)
20.  hi there! I was suddenly reminded of this fic that I can’t seem to remember that title 😭 It’s an arranged marriage au in modern setting and wangxian both think that the other is unhappy about the arrangement. Some point near the end Wei Ying leaves the Lan mansion and Lan Zhan finds him in some sort of an abandoned building? I think there were also some dogs there too and Wei Ying got hurt before Lan Zhan managed to find him
FOUND! by @nabongies:  Home is Where the Heart is by Alipeeps (G, 10k, wangxian)
21.  I love your blog and it’s caused me to find so many new fics!!! Do you or any of your followers know of a story where Wei Ying marries into the lan sect and is treated badly. He’s married to lan zhan, who at first doesn’t like him but over time grows to care for him and realizes how bad he is being treated. However, Wei Ying slowly gives up on ever having a happy and loving marriage because of how Lan zhan acted in the beginning. The main thing I remember is that Xichen was the only one in the lan sect that was nice to Wei Ying from the start and when lan zhan confronts Wei Ying about it, Wei Ying thinks he’s accusing him of cheating and threatening to have him punished for it.
FOUND?  Perhaps you are thinking of ❤️As It Should Be by kuro (M, 37k, wangxian, my post)
FOUND! @yes-no-maybe-kinda-sorta AND @the-last-d-boy say this one is:  To Bring You Back Within My Reach by ablaiseofglory (M, 21k, wangxian)
22.  Hi mojo! I’m looking for this fic, it’s a modern au where lwj and Wei wuxian went on a field trip (or something) in the cloud recesses. I remember there was a plot point where wwx invited lwj to visit him in New York for his sister’s engagement/wedding party. Also, wwx gave lwj some presents for his graduation (I think, it might have been his birthday) that included a choker necklace and a shirt or smth? I’ve been looking for it forever, and I’m sorry if you’ve already done something on this and I missed it and am being an inconvenience. Please help!!
FOUND!  by @huans and nonny:  you've ruined my life (by not being mine) by cicer (E, 133k, wangxian)
23.  Hii ! I once read an angsty fic from Jiang Cheng's POV on how he reacts to WWX's suicide ... he realizes he wants his brother back and stuff and it really hurt my heart haha .. but I can't find it anywhere .. could you help ?
FOUND?  @whereisyourcahier believes you’d enjoy sing to the clouds in summer by stiltonbasket (G, 27k, jiang cheng & wei wuxian) even if it’s not exactly the one you’re looking for.
24.  Hello! Thank you for all you do! I am looking for two fics: 1: LWJ is a a homeowner and single parent WWX moves in next door after renting a house. LWJ acts like a total Karen about WWX's unmowed lawn (and his parenting at one point) until WQ comes along and viciously laces into his judgemental ass for it. 2. Is one where professor LWJ finds out that college student WWX has been sleeping in his office and offers to put him up at his own home.. WWX decides to thank his professor very enthusiastically. Thank you in advance!
1.  FOUND! by @the-last-d-boy:  Nuisance Next Door by Unforth (M, 5k, wangxian)
2.  FOUND! by @huans who says:  xx young teacher fucks sexy bratty homeless high-schooler xx by sweetlolixo (E, 6k, wangxian)
25.  hey mojo! thanks for all you do! i'm looking for a modern cultivators fic, where canon kinda took place in modern world, and it starts off after the 16 years. wwx lives in america w/ wen qing, mianmian, and lsz. lwj comes to the us for... something? and finds wwx. i can't really remember plot except for the fact that lwj smoked weed with wwx lmao thanks so much!!! ~ @taeil420
FOUND!  by @cerisea-a who gives us there is no shortage of blood by howodd5ever (M, 133k, wangxian)
[My ko-fi.]
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eremiie · 3 years
okay and for the matchup!!! im gonna try and make this as descriptive as possible but if u want more info pls lmk :)) also it would be cool if it was a guy and it would be REALLY cool if it wasn’t zeke (him and i just don’t click idk i hope that doesn’t mess u up:()
for physical i use she/her pronouns, i’m a about 5’6 and a little on the thicker/curvier side! idk if this is tmi or not but i’m pretty hefty in terms of 🍒 but i got NOTHING for 🍑 :(( breaks my heart aNYWAY i have long light brown hair and my two front pieces are dyed blonde/silver ish, i have blue eyes and wear glasses!! in terms of makeup i tend to do more natural stuff like basic foundation and mascara and that stuff but that’s mostly bc i suck at everything else 😭
my zodiac sign is sagittarius (november sag if that helps) and i’m an enfp!! i tend to be a little shy when i first meet people but once i warm up it’s hard to make me shut up lmao i loooooooove meeting new people and getting to know them and ngl i do tend to over share a little bit so that can be a little overwhelming but i’m pretty good at reading ppl so i know when it’s too much you know ?? i also think i’m one of the funniest ppl i know LMAO i’m always laughing at my own jokes and i love to make other ppl laugh it makes me so happy!! in terms of my type of humor it’s pretty sarcastic but i will literally laugh at anything (except things that are messed up i’m not down for DARK humor). also i’m like hella nice tbh i’m probably overly nice to a lot of ppl BUT i also stand up for myself when need be and i’m not afraid to be honest and blunt!
as for bad personality traits i can definitely be a little jealous and i tend to overthink things a lot. i am NOT a morning person if i wake up any earlier before like 10am i’m usually pretty cranky for the rest of the day which is pretty annoying lmao. i’m pretty forgetful so if someone tells me to do something they usually have to do it a few more times before it hits me. also i’m the absolute worst at math and i was pretty careless in school :/ i didn’t like get into trouble or anything but i definitely slacked off in terms of grades and caring about things like that.
i’m p sure my love languages are quality time and physical touch bc i’m a HUUUUGE sucker for hugs and hand holding and stuff like that 🥺 i also really think 1 on 1 time with a s/o is important but i for sure think it’s good to have time apart or time with like a group of friends too!!
for hobbies i love to play video games, hang out with friends, listen to music, watch movies and tv and write!! i spend way too much time playing games like minecraft and legend of zelda and i can pretty much listen to anything except for country lol i love comedy and horror movies and tbh i’m kinda a sucker for romance movies 😳 i go to target like every day and just kinda walk around and before covid i loved going out to eat with friends and going to the arcade!!! i’m for sure more of a city person than a country girl and i love spending time downtown just walking around or going to baseball games or whatever!!
for future goals tbh i’m not really sure yet ?? i’m interested in maybe being a therapist or a teacher when i’m older but like i said i don’t have any like set goals career wise. i do want to get married but i don’t really want kids unless i maybe adopt ?? (fun fact i’m TERRIFIED of pregnancy for some reason lmao is that weird). i would L O V E to travel the world someday and see all of the different cultures and places i think that would be so unbelievably fun :))
turn ons include bondage, degradation, wax, dirty talk, and idk if this has a name but having to be quiet 😳😳😳 tbh pretty much everything except for feet, blood, p!ss, and pet (those are the turn offs) but idk besides those id probably be willing to try anything at least once
i hope this wasn’t too long or not descriptive enough!!! again if u need more info pls don’t hesitate to message me and ask i’m an open book :))) thank u sm for doing this muah ur an angel <33333
i match you up with...
connie springer.
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i match you up because...
connie could care less how shy you were at first because he definitely opened you up, but not by his own will, you just felt so comfortable around him to open up in the first place. he just listens to what you have to say, it might seem like he doesn’t care but he’s really listening. you think you’re real funny? when you’re with connie you guys are both hilarious together and crack up at the stupidest stuff but it’s literally so funny because it’s with him. he appreciates that you can stand up for yourself and you’re straight forward so he doesn’t really have to jump in when you’re getting in it with other people— not that he won’t if you ask, he just isn’t a fan of drama if he isn’t watching it. connie isn’t great at reassuring you when you get jealous and start overthinking but i think there aren’t many moments when you do with him because you guys are always spending immense quality time together that is such a vibe it leaves no room for any thinking. connie doesn’t wake up early and neither do you so you don’t have to worry about waking up early when you live with him. you and connie are forgetful but you’re forgetful together— that’s not really a positive but it’s funny. you guys also both slack off in school work, which you probably both tried to fix but it didn’t work out. he enjoys that your love language is quality time becayse like i said, y’all spend a lot of it together. he doesn’t mind your affectionate but don’t expect much back in return. 
you guys play video games together all the time, in the same house but different rooms, or sitting on the floor in front of the couch together
both of you once slept in together until 3pm and decided it was too late to even start your day, so got up and then went back to bed together
you and connie constantly go places together, and always try to go new places at that as well
you guys go out to eat at fast food chains really late at night 
both of you tried to study together but y’all literally laughed like the whole entire time and got no progress done
you like watching movies with him but he always falls asleep like 15 minutes in so you take pictures of him sleeping
you guys go to walmart & target all the time to literally just look around
your runner up was eren, hope you enjoyed your matchup!
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arcadequeerz · 3 years
Jus a lil babbling about my Boy Scribbles n much more about SS Au Norman: (jus randomly thinking bout Things so u all get to see my Shit HGH)
Scribbles is very affectionate, He shows a lot of affection to friends, and those he loves very much. He often shows affection just by leaning against someone, keeping close to them. He likes to snuggle up against people- He v cuddly d:> He especially does this to Sammy, often will lean himself against Sam if their stood next to one another, or jus randomly will find wherever he is, and just. Flop on top of them and lay on him, and not Move. Sammy’s p mch used to this occurrence by now so he doesn’t mind it. Scribbles just flops onto him, laying across his lap and he just keeps doin whatever it was while using one hand to pet them.
n now onto stuff bout SS Norman cus,, I love projector man so mc h:
Norman also is the same way in the sense he’ll kind of, lean his weight against someone as a way to show affection, sorta snuggles up to you a lil- I absolutely imagine the two doing this to each other, n its like that gif of two cats rubbing up against one another. Norman also likes to hold hands- He shows a lot of his affection through touch, using his hands- loves to hold Linda and Henry’s hands- He’ll nuzzle the end of his projector against their hands in a way of a ‘kiss’ or gently boop it against their foreheads to kiss them too. Often traces hearts on their palms, or top of their hands. Norman CAN speak, but he doesn’t do so often, when he does speak his voice is very quiet and soft sounding, Barely above a whisper. N has a sort of crackle to it. He doesn’t like raising his voice, or speaking loudly- so he rarely speaks any louder(Because it can kiinda hurt to sometimes). 
Norman DOES have a mouth- His projector will split itself open sideways, and the two halves will pull apart to reveal a maw of seemingly hundreds, jagged, ink stained teeth- and several long, melty, inky tendrils. With his mouth open he drools a lot of ink- if you were to pull the projector open when his mouth isn’t, you’d just see very inky normal projector parts- No one knows how it works, not even himself. With this he’s able to eat, does this by one of the tendrils curling around whatever it is, and pulling it back into his mouth. He just- eats cans of soup whole.
N heres jus, a bit of stuff on SS Norman’s appearance cus I love he.
He sort of has a rainbow sheen to his ink- His inks solid black but when light hits it a certain way you can see a sliiight rainbowish sheen to it, sort of like oil slicks on parking lots! The projector he has for a head has deep grooves down the sides n top of it- This is from his own claws. He also has dark claw scar marks in his ink where the projector connects to his neck. Down his back back, connected to the back and underside of the projector are several long wires, some coiled together- Some of these wires have tape wrapped around certain segments, and others vary in size. 
Has the speaker on his chest, that’s where his voice comes from- Its a lil broken, giving his voice that crackle and a slight static hiss to it. Legs end in melted stumps and his hands have hooked, melted claws. His projector has a faint piecut pupil in his lens with his light, this pupil will get less noticeable when angered or if he happens to fall back into his ‘role’ as the projectionist.
Norman’s pretty tall! I cannot remember how tall I made him originally, but I thiink he’s like.. 8 ft tall? 8′5?? hE BIG Man.
Once outside the studio, living with Henry, Linda and their daughter- He takes up gardening!! He really starts to enjoy it, and it gives him something to busy himself with, and keep him occupied!! Linda is the one who gets him started in it, teaches him things and shows him stuff- I always find it so cute to imagine this big Ink monster, delicately holding a small, potted flower, jus carefully in his big ol claws- making all sorts of happy whirrs at it- He’s very proud of every plant he grows! He plants something for Henry, Linda and their daughter Minnie. He also grows something that’s kinda like..a representation of himself in a way! He keeps these plants in one place together. The small flower is for Minnie, who he cares so mch for,,his small daughter he loves very Much!!! Haven’t decided on any of the other plants juuust yet HGFDSHG Was thinking of some sort of- small tree for himself maybe?
a lil down in the AU Norman gets a small greenhouse when they all move houses- It’s not huge, but it's big enough and he loves it- Sort of becomes his room in a way, He fills it with all sorts of plants! If you can’t find him in the house, its guaranteed he’s outside in his greenhouse with his plants.
N yes,,Linda, Henry and Norman are together in my au- they both love their big projector husband VERY MUCH- And Minnie adores her inky dad very much!! 
I’ve thought of a lil scene of her putting stickers on his projector, and he’s just making low, happy whirrs as he sits, hunched over so she can reach his head. She’ll hold up a sheet of stickers and ask him which he wants- he’ll point at one and she’ll gently put it on the side of his projector.. Linda walks into the room to find him covered in stickers- and him now gently putting stickers on Minnie’s face while she laughs.
Linda is immediately jus:
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Listen- Listen I just love these 3 very Much and Norman loves his family: VEry much.
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tcthetouch · 4 years
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𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛, 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑, 𝚜𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚢 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚠𝚊𝚕𝚔 – 𝚜𝚌𝚞𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 ... 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚒𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝚍𝚘𝚐𝚜 .
『 nicole kidman. forty-eight. cis woman. she/her. 』 oh heavens, is that CORA WHITWORTH from FAIR LANE i see roaming around mapleview? minnie may’s always calling them -DECEITFUL & -MATERIALISTIC. i happen to think they’re not that bad! they’re a pretty cool FORMER MADAM, CURRENT... “ACCOUNTANT” and every time i’ve seen them, they’ve always been +NURTURING & +RESOURCEFUL. i hope i see them around again! 『 may. 21.est. she/her. 』
did her parents name her after cora taylor ? no, kae and i just decided they’re dumb enough to name all their kids ‘c’ names. did i, trying to come up with ‘c’ names, name her after cora taylor ? yes.
triggers: prostitution (anything triggering that often goes with it is either very very skimmed over or not mentioned at all), pimping, possessiveness (is that the right word to use)/implied abuse?, drugs/briefly mentioned accidental fatal overdose (but if it makes it better the dude sucked)
honestly ? the triggers may imply there were worse things that happened in cora’s life, but... no. the worst thing that happened in her life was being born to the whitworths. not because they were like... jerks. but because they named everyone ‘c’ names. THAT’S THE REAL TRAGEDY IN THIS STORY.
Also. The first half of this intro is :\ a downer :\ but the second half is * thumbs up emoji * * money emoji * like the tone change is AMAZING.
Anyway, on the topic of the Whitworths, they weren’t bad parents! But they also weren’t stupendous parents! They were just largely… not around. So where Clara filled the love she wished to get with… flowers, Cora was like “I will try to fill mine with validation from external forces and… I don’t know, maybe adventure? Probably not.
Also scorpio sun, taurus moon bc astrology?? Ugh we luv it.
So she was decent. But she was bored. She wanted to do something interesting, not just mope around in their small town with the very few subcultures they had.
When she was 18, she decided that the small town life was simply Not For Her. much like my boy stephen crane, she wanted to actually study humanity. She packed up, of all places she could’ve “studied humanity,” she chose Washington, D.C.
But… you see… when you don’t have funds, a consistent source of income, or… really anymore than $20… you’re gonna study humanity SO WELL. Like, she was so set up to really study and experience humanity!
Let it be known… her parents obviously weren’t awful enough to be like “yes, go stay with questionable figures! you reap what you sow!” - no, they just… forgot!
A few people who she did not know offered a couch for the night. It was through various experiences among these folks, along with some general strange advice, that Cora realized she could enter a silently booming industry: sex work. The people she stayed with were usually very familiar with where the nearest red light districts were, some familiar with how to best tell undercover cops from regular johns. So she took this into serious consideration. She was still young – it seemed like a viable option, right? Easy money! 
Turns out… it wasn’t! There are some strange people out there, aren’t there?
However, it did temporarily provide enough funds for Cora to rent a dingy little apartment. Until this one night when a man brought her back – but instead of proposing sex, as was obviously expected, he proposed a different idea: she join his ‘club.’ There’d be more protection, the pay would be even more lucrative, she’d have somewhere better to live within a matter of months… so, god, dear god, it didn’t take much thought for her to take him up on the offer.
Of course, he was a pimp. So… you know, things weren’t actually much better, but the clientele were richer! He didn’t lie about that part! 
After around a year of captivity being pimped, this man took further interest in her as she became one of the more popular choices amongst his girls. He simply couldn’t let the star only be had by rich clientele! Yes, he slept with plenty of his girls, but she became favored as he began treating her as more of a girlfriend (with a creepy age different) who… you know, he still pimped out!
Being ‘closer’ to him was both advantageous and detrimental. Advantageous in that she witnessed more of the business side and various clients were rejected, detrimental in that… having to spend so much time with him, he introduced her to a world that was even worse. In spite of where she’d been for so many years by that point, she never really thought of drugs or gambling or anything else the underbelly provided other than sex work. But he introduced her to that side.
I’ll go easy on this, but… drugs. Period.
After another year of what seemed like something inescapable, now made worse, the best possible thing happened: he overdosed. 
Y’all, we’re mostly out of the downer part of the intro!
With the money she’d gained being one of his stars, as well as that extra money he offered to keep her near, she knew what she had to do. Like… after a while, but we can skip that probably three-month-long gap: start her own brothel!
Using the money she’d received, she rented out a cheap empty building in one of the cheap red light districts. As far as most were concerned, what was once a bar was being converted into a nightclub. Which was, of course, a lie. A good front.
On the verge of bankruptcy by the time it was ready, she was most certainly desperate! But, lucky for her, one of the girls from her old pimp’s bordello followed her in. Soon enough, word spread amongst the community she’d once been so distant from – soon enough, her “nightclub” was filling up.
She would always have to pay thanks to the dead pimp, in a way. Had it not been for him and for how possessive he’d become, she wouldn’t have had a single clue on how to actually run it. And while she was still rocky at first, she gradually became better and better until she was on equal footing with other madams or pimps and was able to gauge clientele just as well.
In addition, had it not been for him, she wouldn’t have realized what was missing! Condoms were provided and deemed a necessity (although, to be fair, it wasn’t as though she knew everything that happened behind doors), the rooms that existed within the “nightclub” were listened to as well as possible to prevent violence (but rooms in other places? hotels, houses? nothing could be ensured, only hoped for - and hoped to be reported if anything happened so the client could be turned away), etc., etc. Ultimately, her girls were more her surrogate daughters – no matter how close or distant in age – than her paychecks.
But lmao she still took a hefty cut of their pay – a whole-ass 55% – less than what her pimp took, but still a LOT for performing no actions. And ss the brothel became more and more popular, that was SO DAMN MUCH. Just per WEEK, really!!
Everything was going so well!! For ten years, the brothel ran with minimal police interference. There were attempts at take-downs, but the brothel began to work like a well-oiled machine – true proof became rather difficult to find.
Until it wasn’t. Until they were clearly closing in. Until Cora was barely getting out by the skin of her teeth. If she and her girls were arrested… not only would they go to jail and all, but all of that money and all of that time? Wasted.
So she handed the keys over to the first girl who would take them – luckily, the girl she would never tell the others was the star (but… the others knew). Her official excuse? She was returning to North Carolina due to a family emergency (one that didn’t exist). If she just randomly fled, she’d certainly be guilty!
Catching word that Clara had wound up in Mapleview, Cora decided to lie low in the small town herself. 
And yes, I made the TikTok meme real. Yes, she’s an “accountant.”
Only not really, she doesn’t use OnlyFans. Whenever she’s “commuting” to that place accountants work… she’s in some one town or another in the mountains, scouting talent. will there be a “nightclub” in mapleview soon?? actually probably not bc it’s so small. but one nearby?? YES!! 
Old habits die hard! 
But May, she may’ve been able to live off of the madam money for a few years, but it must’ve run out by now?
You’re right! I’m currently doing more research into this, but some years ago, she bought out and now owns a nightclub in Asheville!
But May, isn’t that a little far away to be there everyday? And what about her plans? And why would she still have to say she’s an accountant if being a nightclub owner isn’t taboo?
She has hired a manager she trusts greatly and goes down there to oversee things in person perhaps only twice a week! The manager reports to her!
The manager also knows of her plans and aids her in scouting talent! And she does have dirt on the manager as a backup!
And, considering what the club will be turned into, it’s best to keep it mum!
Honestly there are some other things I want to say, but I just remembered Tumblr’s read-more feature broke :)
(consult trigger list! much lighter in this portion but jic!) born to whitworths who weren’t awful parents but also weren’t stupendous parents i think they just sometimes forgot they were parents! decided to pull a stephen crane and go “study humanity” instead of like… go to college or enter the workforce… wound up in d.c. without much money. ppl in the sus districts were like “omg stay with me! s2g nthn creepy j offering a hand!” which was mostly true! some were like “sex work is lucrative.” she was like “omg ur right.” a young cora became a streetwalker. around 21, one of the johns was like “hi im not actually a john im a pimp do u want to be pimped it’s really cool.” and she was like “omg ya.” but he was pinocchio :\ that being said i feel like i shld mention that while this particular sex work wasn’t necessarily clean, guy at least made testing a thing. some years pass and he’s like “ur great im gonna act like ur my gf and that i’m the only person in ur world but also u still have to sleep w these guys bc i do love money.” good thing about that was that she overheard some of the business talk. bad thing was that he sucked and also liked even seedier things. some years go by and seedier things kill him tho! now catch cora, late 20s or early 30s idk, being like “well with this money… oh wow i have an idea.” was like “gonna convert this cheap empty place into a brothel i mean nightclub.” was almost broke after that but one of the pimp’s girls was like “wait i’ll come along!” soon had a lot of ppl. soon became successful and was actually as humane as a brothel cld be!! evaded the police narrowly, but evaded them. they started rly closing in at one point tho so she was like “oh no family emergency in nc here my best girl i mean u, girl, u r now in charge idk how that works my pimp just died.” went to mapleview. is an “accountant” and by “accountant” i mean that tiktok meme only more extreme bc she’s being a talent scout. old habits… die hard…
if this bitch ain’t able 2 make her own way,,,, idk who is. (after moving to dc bc u kno financial status in boone wasnt awful or anything) real rags to riches story. benjamin franklin wld be so proud. she found the way to wealth.
probs sleeps on silk sheets covered in rose petals??
tbh tho?? absolute contradiction. manages 2 care a lot and also not care at all. rly depends on where the person stands. rly depends on the relatability. wld probs be a good mom but has no plans of becoming one!!!!!!!! too busy being an accountant!!!!!!
what,, is trust?? what,, is love?? (baby don’t hurt me)
i’m flying by the seat of my pants rn i suddenly got v distracted but!! maybe more will be added when tumblr FIXES ITS DAMN SELF.
connection ideas:
well we got the rest of her siblings over on the npc page and honestly w how different it seems clara and cora turned out,,,, wld be so curious 2 learn wtf everyone else is doing. r they being normal or r they also wilding??? j in different ways??? (0/2)
i’m hesitant to say someone she’s a parental figure to bc honestly,,, those exhaust me sometimes ahfdslk,,, but!! u kno what someone she’s ironically a good influence on (0/2?)
she got a mostly friendly front but bitch!! someone she’s a bad influence on!! (0/2)
some current or past flings (any gender, but keeping age in mind, past wld be like 43+ pls,,,current like 40+?) (0/?)
if anyone lived in boone, some old friends from boone (0/?)
if anyone lived in dc, some ppl she knew in dc (0/?)
also always up for brainstorming or j working off of chemistry!!
feel free to like this or hmu if you’d like to plot !
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myfight · 3 years
hello my name is Kei I'm a single mother of an 8 year and a 6 year last year we were homeless and God blessed us to get our own place now for the past few weeks our power has been off and the social services ended up coming in our life and Wanted me to let my kids stay else where into i can get our lights back on its very hard for me now I'm all they got and they all I got besides God I don't have any type of help support or anything the light bill went up because a family member I was close with used my name and SS number now I'm stuck with a big bill and me and my babies not together because I don't want the state to take them because we don’t have lights I've begged many people for help friends and family but still nothing i don’t wanna ask their dad because he abused me for 8 years while being pregnant while holding my babies as newborns now my landlord gave me into Sunday to have the money or i gotta leave i begged him but no change of heart i’m not gone be able to get my babies back with me being homeless i’m a PCA Nurse covid is why i’m not working anymore i have nobody at all but my babies and GOD at this point I'm so close to shutting down and break-in into pieces I'm trying to stay strong for my babies but its killing me without them I really need help pleaseeeeeeee help i’m begging I've always help others but when its my turn i only see backs from them turning on me people don’t know what i’m going through and been through i’m hurting crying out for help but get nothing God i need u more then ever me and m babies we all we got and being apart got me dying in the inside smh idk what else to do or who else to ask and i have into this Sunday or im homeless again with my babies who i’m living for daily fighting for daily on my own i’m a great mother and father always have and always will be i need help and fast I've begged i told people they can give the money straight to the landlord but still nothing helppppppppp pleaseeeee
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callboxkat · 5 years
A Little Nightmare (part 2)
Author’s note: Here it is! The next installment of this new story in the world of Infinitesimal. I hope you guys like it!
Again, you do not need to have read Infinitesimal to read this story!
Warnings: fear, miscommunication, illness, injury, nonsexual nudity, death mention, censored swearing
Word count: 3372
Infinitesimal Masterpost!
Joan was on their phone, looking through emails and texts for anything important. Despite trying to get some work done, most of their attention was still focused on something else entirely. They certainly felt that that distraction was understandable, though, given the circumstances. Occasionally, they couldn’t help but look up towards the coffee table and the blanket folded on top of it. The tiny person within hadn’t woken since they’d brought her home, and Joan couldn’t help but worry. They knew that the long-term success rate of CPR wasn’t exactly as high as a lot of TV shows would have its viewers believe, and Joan had no idea how long she’d been in that bucket before they arrived. They were hopeful, though. She seemed to be in good shape, other than the whole almost drowning thing. They believed she would pull through.
Joan glanced up again as a soft sound came from the table. As Joan had found out shortly after getting the tiny person settled in, she snored. It was very quiet, which didn’t surprise Joan given the woman’s size; but in the absence of their car’s engine and the roaring in their ears, they could hear it. They’d been a bit worried at first, slightly adjusting how her head rested to see if that helped, but it seemed that she just snored. They decided to view it positively. As long as she was snoring, they knew she was breathing. That was good.
If only she would wake up, so they could know she was okay.
“You’re probably pretty tired, huh?” Joan murmured into the quiet. They imagined that nearly drowning would take a lot out of a person. “That’s alright. Take as long as you need.”
A new message popped up on Joan’s phone, drawing their attention away from the borrower, or whatever she was, for the time being. They would have ignored it, but….
Talyn: What time are you picking up Marco?
Joan swore under their breath. In all the excitement, they’d nearly forgotten about him. Marco, their own dog. That just went to show how distracted they were, that they could forget that lovable furball for even a moment. They tapped on the message and typed a response.
Joan: Not sure. Later?
The reply popped up within moments.
Talyn: Are you still pulling weeds? Isn’t it dark out?
Joan glanced out the window. The sun had in fact gone down, but the sky was still fairly light.
Joan: Not much longer
Talyn: Damn, must be a lot of weeds.
Talyn: Don’t trip over a rock and die, dumb*ss.
Joan: There go my weekend plans 😥
Talyn: What a shame
Talyn: Seriously tho, I’ve got work at 7
Joan: Gross, late shift?
Talyn: Yeah. :P Come get yo dog.
A photo popped up. Marco was curled up on the floor at Talyn’s feet, looking up at the camera with his big brown eyes. His ears were pricked in a way that made Joan think that Talyn had absolutely just called the dogs name to get his attention for the photo.
Talyn: Look at him, he misses you :(
Joan sighed, glancing at the time. They couldn’t make Talyn late for work, but there were other factors to consider. One in particular, they thought as they looked to the tiny woman asleep on the table in front of them and grimaced. What if Marco tried to bother her once they brought him back here? Would she be safe? Aside from that, they really hated to leave. It would take only a short amount of time to get their dog, but enough to worry Joan. What would happen if the tiny woman woke up while they were gone?
But if Talyn decided to come here to drop off Marco… that could be bad. If Joan knew one thing about borrowers, it was that they wanted as few people to know about them as possible. Granted, that number was generally 0, but the cat was already out of the bag for Joan. Joan assumed that whatever this girl was, borrower or not, probably wanted the same secrecy, given that they had thought that tiny people were nothing but a fairy tale only a few hours ago.
They thought for a moment, fingers tapping uncertainly on their phone case.
Joan: Ok, five min
And so, reluctantly, Joan got ready to leave.
They made sure that the curtains and blinds on the windows were firmly shut, preventing anyone from peeking in and spotting the tiny person—one of the drawbacks of living in a first floor apartment was that this was a distinct possibility. Thankfully, people were generally not that creepy, but it would be just Joan’s luck for today to be the one time some weirdo decided to snoop around. And, as they had established, they were not taking chances.
“Sorry,” Joan said, looking towards the coffee table as they put on their jacket and grabbed their keys. “I’ll be back soon.”
The tiny woman, of course, didn’t answer. The only response they received was another soft snore.
“Okay,” Joan sighed, turning away.
They triple checked the lock as they left the apartment, glad that there was virtually no chance that anyone else would go barging in while they weren’t home. They lived alone; and they were, in fact, the landlord of this building. So, no one had a key to this apartment but them, which was honestly very reassuring.
Satisfied, or as close to satisfied as they would get, Joan hurried out of the building, planning to return as soon as possible.
Remy drifted into consciousness slowly.
She knew that she was warm, that it was dark, and that she was lying down on her side with something soft wrapped around her. It might have been nice, had it not been for the fact that her chest felt like someone had yeeted a brick at it, or the fact that she felt so weak that she was pretty sure she couldn’t get up even if she wanted to.
Her eyesight came gradually into focus, and her gaze fell on her own hands, curled in front of her on the fuzzy, dark blue surface of the… what? A blanket? She didn’t know what else it would have been. But why was she wrapped in a blanket? Remy loved herself a good blanket burrito, but she had no idea where she was or how she’d gotten there.
She turned her head, feeling dizzy at the motion, and tried to look around. It looked like there was some sort of ceiling far above her, but it was hard to tell in the darkness. Was she in a house? What the heck?
Remy thought back, trying to piece things together. She’d been looking for a new home, she knew, because those pricks in her old house had called an exterminator. She remembered being outside, the storm, and the tomatoes…. She swallowed against her rough throat. She’d been trying to get down from the work bench, she remembered. And… her dumb foot had slipped. And then… she’d fallen.
Remy narrowed her eyes. Why wasn’t she dead? She should have drowned in that bucket. She had drowned in that bucket, hadn’t she? She remembered the time passing, passing, passing, her attempts to stay afloat growing weaker and weaker until it simply became too difficult. She remembered feeling terrified as her head started to dip below the water, the exhaustion overpowering her, her heavy, waterlogged clothes only helping to pull her down faster.
So… why had she just woken up here? And why did her chest hurt so bad? None of this made any sense.
“Am I dead?” she wondered aloud. Her voice was so rough and quiet that if she hadn’t known it was her own, she wouldn’t have recognized it.
Unsurprisingly, no one answered her.
Remy coughed, then hissed at the fresh stab of pain this caused.
No… she didn’t think she was dead. Maybe heaven, or whatever, if there even was such a thing, really was like being wrapped up in a warm blanket in the dark, but Remy felt too much like crap for that to make sense. Any reasonable afterlife would have given her a cup of coffee by now, too. Decent coffee. And if hell was real and she was there, Remy was pretty sure it would be much worse than this. No, she was definitely still alive.
Remy thought harder, trying to focus her sluggish brain.
Oh. Oh. Sh*t.
That human. She remembered now. A human had been there… saying something… And Remy had said something back? She remembered being scared. She’d wanted to know what the human was doing there. She remembered feeling weirdly detached, like the didn’t care what happened, which was so not like her. But she couldn’t recall any more detail than that.
The human must have taken her, she realized, working her fingers into the fibers of the warm blanket. That wasn’t good. She should probably do something about that.
Remy breathed, in and out, then started to move.  “Come on, girl, get off your butt,” she urged herself in that painfully hoarse voice. She struggled to push herself up on shaking limbs, but they wouldn’t hold her, and she collapsed back down almost immediately. Her breath left her in a rush.
“…After a nap,” she conceded.
“Good boy,” Joan said, closing the bedroom door with a click. “Sorry, bud. It’s just for a little while.”
The corgi on the other side of the door barked once unhappily. His clawed paws tapped anxiously on the wooden floor as he paced back and forth.
“I know, I know,” Joan sighed. “I want to let you run around, too, but I can’t right now. Good boy. We’ll play later. Go lay down.”
Marco whined in response, but Joan could already hear him laying down beside the door. They could clearly picture the pout that the dog was undoubtedly directing at Joan through the wood.
Marco was a good dog. He was three years old, and Joan had owned him for only two of those, but he was already pretty well-trained. He also had a very low prey drive, and was so short that he had trouble even reaching the edges of the coffee table. So, really, the totally-not-a-borrower was probably completely safe even if they did let the dog roam freely. But Joan wasn’t taking any chances.
Besides, she’d probably freak out if she woke up to a comparatively gigantic, unknown dog in her face. Joan knew they would, in her place. She had no way of knowing that Marco wouldn’t hurt her, and Joan couldn’t 100% guarantee that she would have no reason to be afraid.
Even without the dog around, she’d probably be freaked out enough already when she saw Joan there, alone. They winced at the thought.
There was always the chance that things would go smoothly… right?
Whatever would happen, Joan decided to just settle themself back into their chair and wait. There wasn’t much else left to do. The tiny person wrapped in the blanket was still asleep, snoring softly, and Joan wasn’t sure how much longer it would be before she woke. It looked like she might have moved while Joan was gone, but they couldn’t be sure. She really was very small, and it wasn’t as if they’d taken note of her exact position before they left. Plus, she was almost completely covered by the blanket.
Joan reached forward and poked at the clothes that they had laid out off to the side. They had dried by now, thankfully.
They retracted their hand, intending to go back to checking emails on their phone and to trying not to think too much about their unexpected companion; but a soft groan came from the table. Joan paused, their eyebrows lifting.
The tiny woman shifted in the blanket, her eyelids fluttering.
Joan opened their mouth as if to speak, then closed it again. They figured they should probably stay quiet.
Her eyes opened. Joan leaned back, hoping to let the tiny woman gain her bearings without their interference.
She blinked, her eyes travelling slowly around the room. Then, she sighed, almost in a resigned sort of way. Like she was thinking, “Oh, great. I really am here.” Perhaps she had woken up while Joan was gone after all.
She pushed herself up on an elbow, wincing, and looked down at herself.
“What the hell,” she muttered, probably noticing she wasn’t wearing any clothes. Joan winced again.
The faint movement drew her attention, and she seemed to see Joan for the first time. Her eyes went wide; and she froze, her hand gripping the blanket tightly.
“Um…. Hi,” Joan said awkwardly.
It was like the noise unfroze her. She shrieked, scrambling backwards on all fours with the blanket still clutched around herself. Her movements were stiff and sluggish, like she still hadn’t fully recovered from her ordeal. But the alarm on her face was clear to see.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright,” Joan said. “I’m not gonna hurt ya, promise.”
The woman stopped, breathing hard, then slowly turned to stare up at them, her skeptical expression hard enough to scratch diamond. A long moment of silence passed. It was only seconds, but to Joan, it felt like hours. Finally, she cleared her throat. “Maybe I’m wrong,” she said, her voice hoarse, “but to me, it kiiinda seems like you already hurt me, b*tchboy.”
Joan blinked, taken a little off-guard by her words, then found their voice again. “I’m sorry,” they said, willing her to hear the honesty in their words. “I had to do that. You were drowning; it was that or let you die.” They rubbed a hand through their hair. “And, uh… I’m actually not a boy. I’m Joan. They/them pronouns.”
The tiny woman blinked, looking them up and down. “Still a b*tch, though,” she muttered.
Joan laughed, more out of surprise than amusement, not noticing how she tensed. “Maybe,” they agreed, before leaning forward marginally. “Really, though,” they continued more seriously. “Those bruises on your chest? They’re from CPR. You weren’t breathing when I found you.”
The tiny woman stared for a second, unconsciously putting a hand to her chest.
“You’re okay now, though,” Joan said. They hoped. “And—look, I’ve got your clothes right here.” They reached forward to grab them, and the woman flinched back. Joan froze. “Oh… sorry.”
A beat passed, and then Joan slowly reached for the clothes again. They brought them nearer to the tiny woman and set them beside her. She didn’t flinch away this time, which they counted as a win.
“How are you feeling?” Joan asked.
The tiny woman just stared at them warily.
“Come on, please? If something’s wrong, maybe I can help.” Was she really okay after nearly drowning like that? After all, they had no idea how long she had been in that bucket before they found her. And had they hurt her when they did CPR? They’d bruised her, yes, but they hoped they had done nothing more serious. What if they’d broken one of her ribs or something? Could Joan even do anything about it if they had?
The woman scoffed.
Joan frowned, drawn from their worried thoughts. “What?”
She glanced at her clothes, her fingers tight around the blanket, then looked back up at them. Joan could clearly picture how, if she had had sunglasses, she would have lowered them to stare at them over their frames. “L-look, babes,  I don’t know what your deal is, but this ain’t cute. I know you’re not some sweet, kind guardian angel sent to like, save me or—or whatever. So you can just cut the sh*t.”
Joan opened their mouth and shut it again. The tiny woman glared at them as they tried to come up with a response.  
“There, uh… there is no deal,” they said. “I just found you, and I couldn’t leave you there to die. I don’t have a plan or anything. Honestly, I don’t know what the f*ck I’m doing.”
“Right,” she drawled, clearly trying to seem aloof and unfazed; but Joan could hear the fear in her voice. Great. “And was undressing me part of this totally non-existent plan of yours?”
Joan groaned internally and rubbed at their eyes. “You were soaked to the bone and freezing,” they said. “You already drowned, I didn’t want you dying from hypothermia.”
The tiny woman coughed, wincing, then continued to glare at them. “So, what, girl, I’m just supposed to believe you did all this to help me?”
“Why else would I do it?”
“Gurl, how should I know? For all I know you’re planning to like, kill me or whatever.”
Joan looked down with a slightly frustrated sigh. “Okay, well… uh…. Believe it or not, I guess, but I want you to get better. I’m sure as hell not going to hurt you. It’s… I don’t mean to be, like, harsh, but if I wanted to kill you, all I had to do was nothing. And… well, obviously I didn’t do that.”
She swallowed.
Joan glanced at the time on their phone. They should probably give Marco his dinner, or he’d start whining. “Look, um… I’ll be back in a second. Just, I don’t know, get dressed, try to relax. I’ll be back with some water for you.” They got to their feet, noticing how the girl’s eyes widened as she craned her neck back to see them.
Joan scrunched their eyes shut for a fraction of a second, then sighed, opened them again, and left the room.
This was going about as smoothly as they’d expected.
As soon as the human disappeared into the other room, Remy grabbed for her clothes and got dressed as fast as her tired and sore limbs would allow. She didn’t bother with the shirt, just pulling her jacket around herself. Her clumsy fingers fumbled to tie the belt at her waist. When she was done, she probably looked like a disaster. She was pretty sure she even had the wrong boots on each foot; but whatever, right? Why not let her outside reflect how she felt on the inside?
She didn’t see her backpack or her hook and rope anywhere, which in retrospect was probably too much to hope for. It was a waste of precious time to even consider trying to find them. Why would the human have brought home her stuff? It wasn’t like they could use them.
She staggered to her feet, nearly sending herself crashing back down as she tripped over the folds of the blanket. Away from its warmth, the cold air washed over her and made her shiver. She took a deep breath, swaying, and hurried to the edge of the table she was on. That’s right. Of course, she was on a table. She didn’t have a hook or rope, and she was a full foot and a half off the ground. It sure would have been nice of her “rescuer” to leave her on the floor where she had a better chance of getting away. But it couldn’t be that easy, could it?
She looked around, her head spinning at how fast she moved, and her eyes fell on the heating pad underneath the blanket she’d woken up in. It was electric, she realized. She could see the cord attached to it. Finally, something she could use.
Remy hurried over to where that cord reached over the edge of the table and down towards the floor, and she made quick work of shimmying down its length. Which had nothing to do with the fact that it was mostly a barely-controlled fall. Shut up. She was trying, here.
Regardless of her now splitting headache, the crushing pain in her chest, and the throbbing in her ankle and hip that she may or may not have hurt in that fall climb down from the table, she was on the floor. But Remy didn’t have time to feel triumphant. She had to find a way out. She was not waiting around to see what this human wanted with her. No, ma’am.
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feralquirks · 5 years
Date Time
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In Toshinori’s defense, he rolled a 1 on foresight and hindsight, but rolled a nat20 in lack of impulse control the day he was born. It was not his fault that his parents rolled the dice that day, alright?
Whatever, that was besides the point. The point was that they, ‘they’ being himself and Izuku, were royally screwed. And sitting in the hospital waiting for Izuku’s mother, AKA the harbinger of their inevitable death.
What were they doing there, one might wonder? 
Well, in Toshinori’s second defense, he thought their first attempt would be more of a success than the last. They had been working on a few techniques they could try before Izuku would try using One For All again, but alas—The Snappening Part 2 had occured on the poor boy’s arm, and since Korosensei wasn’t here to patch him up (and honestly, he was a little glad for it because he knew for sure the octopus would skin him alive if he knew Izuku had tried to use One For All without his supervision yet again), their only option was to call for an ambulance. So there they were. 
It was tense in Izuku’s room, just waiting for Midoriya-san to arrive so Izuku could be released. Soon enough, she had come in, almost blubbering as soon as she saw her son sitting on the bed with his arm held tightly against his chest. She cupped his cheeks, asking if he was okay, if nothing else was hurt, how did this happen? 
“Um—Uh, M-Mom, I—u-um,” her son stumbled, appearing flustered all of a sudden. Midoriya-san paused in her own fretting to let Izuku gather his words. She was very patient with him, always. 
“It’s okay, honey, take a deep breath and think about what you want to say,” Inko calmly encouraged, smiling at him. Izuku grinned back before nodding and swallowing, appearing to take his time. 
“...Um… We, er, me an’—an’ Y-Yagi-sensei were, um… u-um, pra- practi—um… train- trainin’... Y-Yagi, um, ss-sensei?”
Toshinori perked up then as the woman turned around to look at him, realizing there was another person in the room for the first time. The blond stood himself up and gave a nervous smile, hands together. “Hello, Midoriya-sa—”
Suddenly, a finger was thrusted into his face, Inko’s red cheeks puffed up just below his view—oh. Yeah, she was pissed. “ You ,” she hissed. “You allowed this to happen?! You’re supposed to be supervising him!” 
Toshinori raised his hands up in defense, face white in fear at the woman. She had tears streaming down her face, but the pro hero was certain it had to be because of pure rage and it honestly sent shivers down his spine and divolved the man into a puddle of stutters. “I— M-Midoriya-san, please, a-allow me to ex- allow me to explain—”
The woman took a step back, her stare ever strong and she took a deep breath to steady herself. Then, she crossed her arms and nodded for him to continue. “You better have a perfectly good explanation for this, Yagi-san, or so help me God.”  
Toshinori swallowed thickly, feeling as though he had only about five minutes left to live if she didn’t like his reasoning. His eyes flickered to Izuku, who looked so devastatingly dead inside. The boy shook his head and brought his hand to draw over his lips. Midoriya’s foot tapping on the floor sliced through his thoughts and he just let it out, “We were training Izuku’s quirk.”
Midoriya’s face turned white, tearing halted, another step back— “He- He doesn’t—”
“Please, allow me to explain.” 
The woman’s mouth slammed shut, and he heard the sound of Izuku’s undamaged hand slapping his own face. Blue eyes darted around the room, to the quiet hallway outside, then to the window. No, this was definitely not the place to be speaking about this… A deep breath in, and he looked back to meet Midoriya’s eyes. “This is… a sensitive topic to talk about in public. Please—allow me to make this up to you, both of you. I’m paying for Izuku’s hospital bill. Why don’t you come to my apartment for dinner? We’ll discuss it in full then.”
Midoriya was quiet for a moment just blinking, baffled by the offer. She shook her head quickly, trying to reorganize her thoughts, and her folded arms raised to her cheeks. “I- er- well, if- if it’s just to speak…” She turned to Izuku, sharing a look of confusion and concern. Slowly, the younger Midoriya nodded with a slant smile, as though to say sure? Midoriya looked back to Toshinori, then slowly nodded as well. “I… Well- fine. Thank you, Yagi-san. But this is strictly a formal dinner, and Izuku will be present as well.”
Toshinori cheered up a bit, bobbing his head up and down eagerly, happy she even agreed to it at all. “I wouldn’t expect anything less. Er, I’ll—I’ll give you my information, yes?”
Toshinori had his small dinner table set up perfectly, an extra chair set up in the middle for Izuku—he only had two chairs for his dinner table. He didn’t have many visitors, except for maybe Sir Nighteye, but that boat had stopped coming a long time ago. He was borrowing the third seat from his neighbor. 
Toshinori clapped his hands once excitedly, a small smile tugging his lips before he began to align the utensils with each other. There were dishes set aside for the meal, and empty cups piled in one another like russian dolls, should they want anything to drink as well. The spaghetti was almost done as well—it was such a simple dish he learned to make while in America. Little thought went into preparing it, only that the noodles had to be whole-grain for the sake of his missing stomach. Lord, he hoped Midoriya liked it… 
He wondered if he should have anything else out…? Music? Flowers? Oh, shoot, should he have gotten her flowers?! The hero bit his lip nervously, tapping against the kitchen counter. He looked at his watch—they should be here soon. Maybe it wasn’t too late to buy some for her? Antsy, the blond stood straight and made for the door, opening it to see—Midoriya Inko with her hand raised about to knock with Izuku behind her. He wore a semi-casual dress shirt while Midoriya-san wore her hair in a bun, elegant flower hair pins sticking out from it to keep it firmly in place. She wore a simple green sundress, one sunflower decorating the bottom of the dress hem. For a moment, Toshinori thought his heart had stopped.
“Oh,” Midoriya broke the teacher’s stupor, allowing him to blink away his surprise. 
Instantly, Toshinori straightened his back and began to drag his hands over his shirt as if to flatten any folds after clearing his throat. “Come- uh, C-come right in! I-I was just about to, er, I-I had forgotten to buy flowers, erm…”
“Flowers? That’s awfully sweet of you, Yagi-san,” Midoriya hummed with amusement, her hand over her chest before flowering the blond man’s gesture to come in. Izuku gave Toshinori an odd look, which the older man reflected, gesturing silently what?
Izuku leaned up and whispered, “She knows about it.”
Understanding dawned on his face before he wiped it off and feigned ignorance. Just follow the original plan, Toshi, she’s only here to discuss things about Izuku. Clearing his throat again, Toshinori lead the two further into his apartment and toward the dining room. “You- er, you must forgive the mess. I’m not quite used to company…”
Midoriya waved him off as she took a seat in one of Toshinori’s chairs. “Please, Yagi-san, you haven’t seen my apartment if you think this is a mess. Your home is very cute.”
Cute? Toshinori thought he was about to throw up blood for a second, he was so caught off guard by the comment. “Er… Thank- Thank you! Uh… Would you care for- for wine or a drink?”
“Wine would be lovely, Yagi-san. Izuku, do you want anything?”
Toshinori caught the boy’s gaze, so timid and reluctant to ask for anything. The blond smirked knowingly. “I have apple juice, if you’d like, Izuku-kun.”
The boy blushed and looked down before nodding and mumbling his shy thank you. Toshinori beamed. Victory. He poured the drinks and set it for them. He couldn’t have wine, but he had gone out to buy a bottle for Midoriya, unaware if she was the type for strong beverages or not—and just in case, he had also bought some other alcoholic drinks in case she wanted anything different too. Thankfully, she didn’t seem very picky with her liquor.
“I’m not usually the type to drink,” Midoriya then hummed, taking a small, dainty sip from her glass. “But every once in a while, wine is good.”
Toshinori let a quick sigh of relief escape him as he smiled, turning back around with Izuku and his own drink in his hands. He had poured himself some apple juice as well. Sitting across from Midoriya, Izuku sitting in the very different chair in between him, discreetly texting his friends under the table while sipping from his apple juice. The pro hero then folded his hands together. “So,” he began slowly. “His… quirk.”
“Izuku spoke to me about it on the ride over, Yagi-san.”
He didn’t feign surprise, only nodded in response. “Then, you must know who I truly am?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Are you… angry? At me?”
She was quiet, setting her drink down. Her green eyes looked down at the table, her finger rolling against the glass. “No. In fact, I’m grateful. I’m glad it was you—someone he can trust. Considering…”
Toshinori smiled, nodding in understanding. 
Midoriya then paused, and looked toward the kitchen. “Is… something burning?”
The spaghetti had burned, so Toshinori had opted to take them to a restaurant downtown—something fancy for Midoriya, and then they could have a normal dinner instead of discussing One For All (though Midoriya had said she still wanted a full explanation), but Midoriya and Izuku had declined, saying they weren’t fans of fancy things—why not something simpler? Like a cafe or something family-owned, or other. 
Toshinori relented and agreed to take them, just as long as they allowed him to pay for their meal since it was supposed to be him running the show. They sat in a ramen shop, mostly made for tourists, but they had good food anyway, and Mom could finish her wine without something trying to burn the house down. The two continued in friendly banter, each asking each other questions and seeming to enjoy the other’s company. 
Izuku, on the other hand, felt absolutely and thoroughly mortified by the concept of his mother and teacher being seen out in public. He was glad they were at least… being civil with each other. Namely, his mother. And Toshinori still carried an air of nervousness around him, like he was scared of saying the wrong thing. Meanwhile, Izuku ate slowly, having only one available hand at the moment, which shared the responsibility of texting with Karma, Maehara, and Nagisa the entire time.
One Punch Boy: srsly i feel like im gonna explode at literally any moemnt
Womanizing Scumbag: hey take solace that it’s not korosensei
One Punch Boy: i literally hate that image
Jersey Devil: is midoriya-san even his type?
One Punch Boy: i actualy hate this Never speak to me again ever at all
Gender Snek: ewwwww
Jersey Devil: it’s not ew, it’s for science, we have to know okay
Womanizing Scumbag: the public needs to know
One Punch Boy: i will literally vomit in public if u dont stop
Gender Snek: eeeewwwwwww guys stop
Jersey Devil: sorry, sorry, i know youre going through a tough time what with your mom and teacher dating and all
One Punch Boy: whoa whoa whoa whoahwowhao no one NO ONE said anything a out them DATING
Womanizing Scumbag: didn’t you say she’s been laughing at almost everything yagi-sensei’s been doing/saying?
Jersey Devil: and he even got her a wine bottle before? and was about to buy her flowers too?
Gender Snek: you said you guys stopped at a flower shop on the way to the ramen shop, right?
One Punch Boy: literally none of that means they’re DATING. like it’s only one time.
Izuku paused in his slow one-handed typing to take a bite from his ramen, glancing up just in time to catch the tail end of his mother and teacher’s conversation. 
“Er, well… did you, er, did you hear about the kidnapping at school?”
“What?! There was a kidnapping?!”
Toshinori waved his hands around quickly. “No, no, he’s alright! He woke up!”
Mom stopped, bug-eyed, and Izuku internally groaned at the poor joke, second-hand embarrassment flooding his system right before his mother burst into a tearful laughing fit—as though that was the world’s funniest joke ever. He resisted the urge to groan externally. He texted the group quickly with an update of what just happened before he reached for his soda on the table. Mid-sip, he glanced down grumpily at his phone—
Jersey Devil: dude that’s a date, like theyre dating, dude dude, theyre datting
Gender Snek: dude, you’re chaperoning their first date
—and spat out his drink in complete shock, then began to choke horrendously. 
Oh my god, All Might’s dating my mom.
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ellay-gee · 6 years
The Important Things
Ayy check it out, I’m figuring Tumblr out.  What a way to spend a sick day.  It was weirdly ominous that i got very ill the night I posted a sickfic. o.O
also, apologies to mobile readers, as the ‘keep reading’ thing apparently does not transfer over, and I just don’t have the energy to mess with it at this time.  damn fever.
Prompto should probably not be left on his own ever, but especially not when he's running a fever and can barely form coherent speech.
Ignis sighed in frustration as he pinched the bridge of his nose, nudging his glasses up a little as he did.  “Prompto, ginger ale is not medication.”
The voice on the other end of the line was closer to gravel than sunshine, and Ignis winced in sympathy for how painful it must’ve been for the blond to speak.  “Sure id is, Ig.  S’tha cure-all fer what ails you.”
Ignis tapped his foot on the marble floor as he checked his watch. It was difficult to tell if Prompto was just laying it on thick, or if he’d actually somehow gotten worse in the two hours since Ignis left that morning.  “I’ll be home in about six hours.  Do you think you’ll be alright till then?  I can probably send Gladio or Iris over—“
A harsh cough interrupted him before his boyfriend’s voice came back, weaker and a little wheezier.  “Dodo, s’ok.  I probbiss. I got…gidger ale. Add oj with the pulp, so, y’dow…healthy.  And that coddedsed soup; also healthy. I’m juss gonda sleep, Ig.  Just.  I’ll be ok, kay?”
“Condensed soup.” Ignis scoffed, but couldn’t keep the soft smile from his voice. “How you ever made it to nineteen is a mystery.”
“I’b tellig you, s’tha gidger ale. Goddds, Iggy. Feels like I’b swallowig glass.  This is not gonda be good for our sex life.”
Ignis clucked his tongue affectionately. “As if I’d touch you in your current state.”
Prompto let out something between a hack and a laugh.  “Y’dow you cad’t resist me. Lubb you, hab a good daaaay.”
Ignis returned the sentiment and hung up.  He had a feeling that he’d have his work cut out for him when he got home.
Somehow, he couldn’t bring himself to mind.
When Ignis next found himself with an extra moment, it was two hours and eleven texts later.
Prompto →  hey wheres canpoter?
Prompto →  canopner*
Prompto →  the thing that opens cans
Prompto →  im hungry and everything is working abaingst me.
Prompto →  nm its a poptop
Prompto →  stove hates me. Everything hates me. All but you ig. U r bust.
Prompto →  best*
Prompto →  fuck it going back to bed.
Prompto →  shit ur at ur meetings. Sorry.  Gods hope ur shit is on slient.
Prompto →  forvige me?
Prompto →  fuuuck. FORGIVE* me???
Me  → Always
Me  → Please do get some rest.  I will be home as soon as I am able
Me  → And the can opener is in the drawer to the left of the sink
Me  → Where it always is
Noctis groaned next to him, rolling his eyes as he read the messages over his adviser’s shoulder.  “Prom’s sick, huh? He’s the living worst when he’s sick.”
Ignis frowned down his charge. “Yes, he can be a bit much.”
Noctis laughed at that, “Yeah, that’s how you know he’s really ok.  It’s when he starts lying and getting quiet that you have to be worried.
“One time he got the flu and refused to admit he was feeling bad. Kept himself going with energy drinks and cough syrup.  He was loopy as hell and fucking bit it on the track during gym; completely blacked out while running pretty fast and basically ended up with road-rash and a concussion.”
Ignis winced in sympathy. “Hmm, yes. I thought I was successfully keeping him under wraps, but yesterday he slipped out before I woke and went to training.  Cor had to call me to come collect him from the men’s room floor.  Apparently he didn’t make formation and the marshal found him ‘vomiting up everything he’d ever eaten’.  He’s been mewling in bed ever since.”
Noctis gave Ignis a sympathetic expression.  “Poor dude.  Just make sure you don’t get it and give it to me.”
“Of course, Highness.  I wouldn’t dream of getting you ill.  You’re a thousand times worse than Prompto.”
The adviser chuckled as the prince seemed to consider this, finally nodding in agreement. “You’re right. I’m definitely worse.”
The second time Ignis was able to pull away from the meeting long enough to glance at his phone, another hour had gone by. In that time, Prompto had managed to send him seven links to songs he’d apparently listened to and wished to share, a rambling text about how much he ‘lurvd’ the adviser, and an article about how ginger ale could, in fact, settle one’s stomach.
Rolling his eyes, Ignis sent off a sweet text, wishing his boyfriend well and promising he’d be home as soon as possible. With real medicine.
By the time Ignis was finally able to go home, it was three hours and zero texts later.  This was a little disconcerting, so he placed a call to Prompto’s phone as he headed for the garage.  Receiving no answer, he waited for the cheery greeting to end and left a message.
“Darling, I am on my way home.  I need to stop by the pharmacy to collect your medications.  I’ll be there soon, though.  Love you.”
He slipped his phone back in his pocket and hurried his step. He didn’t like being away from Prompto for this long when the freckled youth was sick or otherwise incapacitated.  Ignis learned early on in their relationship that Prompto never wanted to ‘be a bother’, and would instead try to soldier on as if nothing were wrong. He could have a high fever and a sprained ankle, and he’d still insist on going on his morning run and completing his chores around their small house.
Ignis loved him endlessly, but there were times in which he would like to throttle the boy. Prompto’s self-deprecating/self-destructive streak could be rather irksome at times.
He stopped at the usual pharmacy and picked up cold medicine and a few other necessities, doing his best not to tap his foot impatiently as he stood in line. It would still be at least thirty minutes before he’d actually get home.
Though he’d been the one to insist that they get a place near the outskirts of the city, he did find himself regretting it from time to time, if only in instances such as this. But, he’d wanted to give Prompto something beautiful. The boy had been raised in the city, and though they could not move outside the Wall due to Ignis’ duties, the adviser could give him new scenery to explore. So, he’d found a small rental property situated on its own acre of land, nestled in among the rolling hills near the wall. Sure, it was a longer commute, but they spent it together most days which made it bearable.
He enjoyed their late afternoons in their little home; Prompto would wander the hills and the thicket of woods at the back of the property, taking photos while Ignis prepared dinner. They were even considering getting a dog, though Ignis himself would prefer a cat.
He was not going for Prompto’s ‘compromise’ of getting both.
As he turned onto the three mile stretch of gravel road that led to their little home, Ignis pressed the button on his dash to connect the Bluetooth, hoping Prompto would pick up this time. He had several bags and was hoping the other man could unlock the door for him.
He breathed a quiet relieved sigh when the phone was answered.  Prompto sounded awful, not even able to make intelligible sounds on his end.
“I’m almost home, darling.” He said when Prompto gave up talking in favor of hacking up a lung.  “I know you’re not feeling well, but could you—“
Prompto gasped into the phone, his voice ragged. “Iggy.  Ig. S’hot.  I dunno—“
Ignis swallowed hard. It sounded like Prompto had only gotten worse in their hours apart. “I know, darling, I know. It’s probably just because of your fever—“’
Prompto hissed through the line, whining little when he couldn’t stop another string of coughs.  “Nooo Iggyyy.  S’hot. I…the sto..the soup…” he trailed off as he wheezed desperately. “S..ss..smoke.”
With that last sibilant word, Ignis pressed his foot firmly on the gas pedal, his tires spinning in the gravel before gaining purchase, spitting rocks as he sped down the road. “Are you saying there’s a fire, Prompto?  Prom? Can you get out of the house?”
But there’s only coughing and a small thump quickly followed by a larger one from the other end, and Ignis’ stomach tightens considerably.  He brakes only slightly when their driveway comes into sight, the end of his town car fishtailing as he swerved into it. He shut the engine off and snatched the keys from the ignition before stumbling from the car and bounding up the porch stairs.
Smoke was indeed beginning to rise from the small building, and his hands shook as he shoved his key into the door, unlocking it and rushing inside.
Luckily for him, the living room was mostly clear of smoke, though it was heavy in the hall leading to the kitchen. Ignis called Prompto’s name before covering his mouth with his shirt and plunging into the haze.
He tried calling Prompto’s name, but quickly gave up as the smoke penetrated his lungs. His first stop was the kitchen, where he could barely make out the fire was licking up the cabinets above the stove and across the counter for all the smoke. Luckily he was able to spot a flash of Prompto’s bright blue pajama pants on the floor behind the dining table before he moved on in his search.  
Of course he would be as close to the fire as he could possibly get. He would not be Prompto, otherwise.
Ignis shoved this thought aside as he lept into action, kicking a flaming chair out of his way as he rushed towards Prompto. He crouched down, gripped Prompto under his arms and dragged him from the room.
Once far enough from the flames, Ignis scooped the boy up in his trembling arms and strode back out into the early evening air.  He laid Prompto in the grass and crouched down again, this time checking his breathing and pulse.
Thankfully, both were there and at near-normal levels, all things considered. He quickly checked the blond over for more injuries, finding some small burns on his arms and hands and a growing lump on his head where it had presumably struck the floor when he fell. The adviser fished his phone from his pocket and quickly dialed for emergency services before planting himself down on the ground next to his lover, pulling the other’s small frame into his lap.
His throat tightened as he gazed up at their perfect little house while it spat flames into the darkening sky. Ignis swallowed down his panic as he pressed gentle kisses to Prompto’s slack brow, running his free hand in circles on the smaller man’s chest as he rocked them both.
“Just stay out of the kitchen, Prompto.” Ignis said from the doorway as the freckled youth headed inside.  It had been three days since the fire, and they were just now being allowed to come back in and collect anything that may be salvageable.
“I know, I know.” Prompto’s voice was still rough; not only from the cold, but also from the smoke inhalation. He stepped lightly through the living room, heading for the hall.
Ignis followed, taking the same path; both men giving the kitchen a wide berth. Prompto was heading towards their bedroom, finding it mostly intact; just light soot stains covering everything. The adviser pulled out a notebook and began making a list of everything they would need to have packed up and delivered to their storage unit while Prompto began gathering the things they needed right then.
It was a short trip; they collected a few bags of clothing and some of Ignis’ important files. Most of the trunk was filled with Prompto’s camera equipment and various other electronics. While the blond carried the last of their things out to the car, Ignis found himself wandering towards the kitchen, though he was careful to remain outside the room.
He couldn’t help the sadness that swept over him. They’d spent so many mornings in this room, talking softly over breakfast. This was actually the first room they’d made love in when they had moved in. Now, the room was riddled with half-burnt debris and there was a clear spot outlined in soot where Prompto had been laying while fire raged all around him.
What remained of the interior was mostly black, but great chunks of the outside wall were missing and daylight shone through in cheerful juxtaposition to the destruction it illuminated. The fire had began due to a faulty light on the stove; it had not come on to indicate that it was heating when Prompto had put the soup on, and in his sickly stupor, he simply gave up--leaving it on as he went back to bed, believing the stove to be broken. After a few hours, the soup had cooked down and began to burn; the inspector reasoned that the curtains above the stove had probably been the first thing to actually catch fire and it had quickly spread from there.
He supposed he’d been lost in his melancholy longer than necessary, for he was startled out of his thoughts by a hesitant arm encircling his waist.
He wrapped his own arm around Prompto’s shoulders, pulling him closer, smiling a little at the warmth that rose in his chest when the smaller man leaned bodily into him.  
“I’m so sorry, Iggy.” Prompto ground out, rubbing his face into Ignis’ side. “Looks like all your stuff is ruined. Kinda unfair that my stuff’s ok, but you couldn’t save anything of yours.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that.” Ignis squeezed Prompto’s shoulder and dropped a kiss into his hair.  “I saved you, didn’t I? You’re all the ‘stuff’ I need.”
Prompto chuckled, poking Ignis in the side playfully. “The only kind of ‘stuff’ I am is hot stuff.” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively at the adviser, who groaned and rolled his eyes in response.
“I love you dearly, but please save the puns for me.” He laughed a little louder, a little more freely, as Prompto pulled him towards the door.
“Nuh-uh, you don’t own puns, Igs.” Prompto quelled any further argument by pulling Ignis down into a passionate kiss.
It was a cheap way to win the impending playful exchange, but Ignis couldn’t bring himself to mind.
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jujyfru1t · 6 years
hello my name is *yells about Furuba*
I dunno what I’m doing but I have Feelings so let me rant about them, by me.
Some of y'all may not know that Fruits Basket is my favorite series on the planet– well you do now. That comes with a caveat of favorite manga, not favorite anime (that honor goes to either Noragami or Chihayafuru, with Madoka Magica as an honorable mention). I do also love the anime dearly! But comparing them is like apples and oranges, horses of different colors, etc etc, not least because the anime was made before the manga was barely halfway through. futile hope springs eternal for a full remake. So most of my feels rant will be manga-centric although the general feels apply to the anime, and uh there may be spoilers idk it’s been out for a long time???
The first volume came out in the US five days after my *deep breath* 15th birthday. I got it for the next year’s bday present from my big sis, aaaand that was when the gates of otaku/manga hell swallowed me up (I was somehow unaware that Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh were also Japanese pop culture, go figure.) I have no memory of how I found the anime– my anime-bittorrent-whateverthefuck knowledge was nonexistent but I don’t think it was airing live. I got the box set for some Christmas but that would’ve been after I was a massive fan so *shrug*
Anyway I watched the dub first and holy hell if I wasn’t planning to marry Yuki Sohma before then I definitely was after that, thanks Eric Vale. (I still have huge love for the dub cast fight me). Yun-chan was my first 2D crush and tbqh I’m still in love with him. Also I stg he’s the whole reason why pretty boys are a Big Thing of mine. And wait omg Shigure’s first appearance?! Like, that’s probably why dudes with glasses are also My Thing wow I just blew my own mind but moving on
Fun fact I couldn’t choose between Kyoru or Yukiru bc they were both cute (present me@young me: u will realize eventually grasshopper) but I was 100% cool with Kyoru happening because of course then I could be with Yuki. Cue me dabbling in a few paragraphs of self-insert fic.
uh lemme cut this it’s becoming a novel
Random things (this whole thing is random wtf):
I was blessed enough to get my hands on the entire Tokyopop run, plus the fanbooks!!! before they shut down. I’ve been warring with myself for ages over whether to start collecting the Yen Press specials but. my resolve is weakening. I also have all of Takaya-sensei’s other stuff yeet (Phantom Dreams, Those with Wings, Songs to Make You Smile) except for Twinkle Stars which I’m def gonna get and OBVIOUSLY THE INSTANT FURUBA ANOTHER COMES OUT IM GRAB meanwhile if I remember to check out the scans
been a while since I reread it(it’ll be my third one~) but off the top of my head some favorite arcs etc are: obviously the major one at the end of vol 6. The Red Cap. Hatori and Kana (RIP ME) The Summerhouse (Jason the bear jfc). Akito’s reveal. Kyoko and Katsuya’s entire thing obviously (EXTRA RIP ME I’m crying just thinking about it). “The plum on your back” scenes. Kyo and Kyoko. THAT FIRST NEW YEAR’S WHEN YUKI AND KYO RACE BACK TO THE MAIN HOUSE BECAUSEtheir girlfriend MY DAUGHTER IS SAD AND LONELY AND THEY MAKE WISHES ON THE ROOF heck me upppp– also literally all roof scenes (karate kid Tohrutm) BUT THAT ONE HHGBNCCSV!!! Also my fav episode along with the AU-ish final 2.
Furuba fandom is my biggest fleet of ships by far which is hilarious bc I have a lot of fandoms and a lot of ships and you can see them bc i’m a derp but since nobody looks at that and nobody will read this (?) I’ma talk about them here. I DO WANT I WANT YO
but seriously I support
literally all the canon ships except HanaxShishou, pardon me Takaya-sensei but why. Wtaf.
a metric fuckton of non-canon ships bc of COURSE I DO
my low-key ships include
MomijixKagura. pairing the spares if you will XD
RinxTohru. yes I have bi Tohru headcanons mmkay
Future!Kisa/Tohru (blame this fic)
YukixHana. all symmetrical-like (but wow i forgot i highkey shipped it for a while until…)
GurexAaya. like, come on. Also poly Mabudachi Trio
MomijixTohru. they’re super hecking cute ok, edging into high-key
my high-key ships include
HanaxUo. ok this??? is a big OTP, and 99% why I’m hella salty over HanaxShishou (at least KurenoxUo had an actual subplot!!). They are Tohru’s adoptive moms and I will forever protec (and yet. HanaxTohru and girls OT3 are also Good Ships but tbh super low-key) also I MADE SOMEONE SHIP IT
YukixTohru. see the start of this post way up there somewhere
KyoxYuki. my first rivalshiptm
HaruxYuki. “He was my first love” one cannot simply– have a character say this and not expect fans to ship. Also bi Haru is canon. lotta bi folks up in here imo
But my flagship, my OTP to end all OTPs and my polyship to end all polyships in any fandom is the SS Yukyoru. KyoxTohruxYuki.
I’ve had polyship predilections for 6-7 years now, though it’s more recent I’ve started polyshipping every love triangle i encounter bc I‘m so done with them… there wasn’t really any lightning-bolt moment when I realized I shipped them much more together rather than apart. but like, I ship all three permutations so at some point my brain went HERE’S AN IDEA which tbh is how a lot of my polyships happen, i mainly have OT3s (if I ship 2 outta 3 there’s a good chance ima poly it)
but anyway! there’s absolutely no way to convey how much I adore this ship and IT’S A HUGE EMPTY YACHT I NEED CREW MEMBERS PLZ
I am building it up one fic at a time and if you’ve made it this far and have any interest at all plz read my shit and general Furuba screaming is appreciated as well of course!!! (also look at the most beautiful piece of fanart ever)
More fic! have my mixed bag of bookmarks (Sure For The Axis is my absolute fav, 2nd is Little Prayer) u can also find my Yukyoru stuff on AO3 ehehe~ and oh look HanaxUo!
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jujywrites · 6 years
the saga of JujY failing at titles continues Written as part of the Veterans Secret Santa headed up by @alemanriq, a fantasy-ish AU (as always I can’t do canon settings) for @ilunefulltsinn/@cactasi! Happy Vets SS yeeeee~ I hope you like it, and that I did your fav justice!! Something I cooked up super fast after going through my prompt-stash (a certain bit of dialogue~) PS belatedly cramming in refs from this fic, plz scuse
Hange had a problem she had no idea how to solve.
What spirit, deity or species of nymph was she supposed to give thanks to for such a momentous discovery?
She was trembling so fiercely the bush she was hiding in started to rustle loudly, and anyway she couldn���t quite see, and really she should confirm the truth of what she (thought she) was seeing–
With a deep breath, she eased out of the foliage and crept to the edge of the riverbank to better see the dragon on the other side.
The tree-filtered sunlight beaming down turned the dragon’s black scales partially iridescent. It wasn’t moving, though Hange could see it breathing shallowly. It wasn’t large; a foot long at most, maybe eight inches around.
She would have to get closer to be sure.
Straight across the river she went, sturdy knee-high boots keeping the water from swamping her legs. Then, carefully, she squatted to observe the creature at her feet.
A small pair of wings– no, only one, the right one was a nub– rested along the dragon’s body. She squinted, leaning closer, looking for… yes, and there was the gold band along its back, from just below its head down to its tail.
The Gilded Onyx. So rare it was thought to be extinct. And here was a living, breathing specimen in the woods so close to home. Hange clasped her hands and gazed up at the sky in silent gratitude, then knelt beside the dragon and touched a palm to its flank only to yank it back with a hiss. No wonder it hadn’t stirred from her approach; the poor thing was much too hot. She put her hand back, breathing slowly. Not to hot to carry, then, just a momentary shock.
Getting to her feet, she bent down and scooped up the dragon as gently as possible. Even though it was unconscious it could still wake enough to lash out, and it was definitely full-grown, though a bit small for its age if her estimate was correct.
“Let’s go home,” she murmured, speaking aloud to strengthen an already-firm resolve.
She eschewed the traditional “I’m home” she usually trilled out so as not to disturb the armful of dragon. Levi’s shoes weren’t by the door anyway, which was good because that meant she had a chance to figure things out before he got back.
True, he’d dealt just fine with the pixie infestation in the attic– no, fairy infestation (her cousin was perpetually annoyed by her inability to tell them apart). He didn’t have any problem helping her rehabilitate those kitsune cubs last fall, either, although that had been right after he’d moved in…
She ran through the multitude of creature-related incidents as she wandered through the house in search of a cool place to put the dragon. Her research had told her that Gilded Onyxes were for the most part docile, only aggressive when defending their offspring. Or when they felt threatened. This one had allowed her to pick it up, but then again it was in a poor state… It didn’t much matter, though; she wasn’t about to dump the dragon back in the woods.
There wasn’t enough ice to fill the tub with, and besides, that would probably send the dragon into shock. Besides that, it would take too long; the dragon’s heat had begun to make her sweat when she’d been barely halfway back home, and that was definitely a bad sign.
She groaned quietly, wanting badly to tug at her hair, which her cargo prevented her from doing. “What am I going to do with… you…?”
She’d looked down while she spoke, and now her heart thudded painfully. The dragon was looking at her.
Its eyes were an icy blue, cloudy but still sharp. It gazed without blinking, and Hange felt something blaze to life in her brain so viscerally she gasped, nearly stumbling.
Most Onyxes had green or gold eyes, sometimes even black. Never blue. That thought was distant, subsumed by the maelstrom of feelings without names whirling through as she stared back, incapable of movement.
tnhgK ouMh
thAk uouyh
“You’re welcome?” she squeaked to the faraway garbled voice in her ears.
The dragon’s eyes fell shut, and Hange jolted into movement like a switch had been flipped, the heavy emptiness of a lost connection notwithstanding. “What the hell was tha-aaat,” she singsonged under her breath before, “Don’t thank me yet, you aren’t well.”
Though she didn’t remember getting there, she found herself in the kitchen, in front of the fridge. Well.
“Well.” She opened the door and saw the bottom shelf was empty. That would do, as long as the dragon stayed coiled up. She gathered said creature up delicately and laid it on the shelf with the same care.
“It’ll be dark in here, but…” She chewed her lower lip, thinking. “You’re barely conscious right now.” With a heavy sigh she shut the door. “I’ll check on you later. Right now you’ve got to cool down.”
After a moment’s thought, she went about preparing a cup of tea.
The front door opened and shut when she was curled up in her favorite chair in the living room just off the kitchen, empty mug on the floor, sketchbook in her lap, pencil in hand. “Welcome back,“ she called, the twin thumps of his shoes punctuation.
“Hey,” he said when he walked in; she leaned to kiss him and he squeezed her free hand. His gaze dropped to her sketchbook and his eyebrows rose. “That’s pretty cool.”
“Huh?” She looked down too and saw a disembodied dragon head staring back. “Oh, yeah. Thanks.” Something gnawed at her, but her happiness at Levi’s presence covered the feeling over.
“Gonna get something to drink. You want anything?”
Her foot bumped into the mug, cutting off her automatic agreement. “No tha–” no no no wAIT She clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle the squawk threatening to come out. Panic glued her to the chair, and she could only sit and listen. To the fridge door opening, the clank of cans, the door closing.
Silence for several seconds. Then the fridge opened again. More silence. Fridge door shutting. Hange screaming internally all the while. With effort, she put on her best neutral face and stared down at her sketchbook.
“Hmm?” She glanced up, blinking nonchalantly for good measure.
Levi stood in the doorway, glass of lemonade in hand, face betraying nothing. “Question.” His free hand rose to his shoulder, thumb pointing back to the kitchen. “Why is there a dragon in our fridge?”
I can explain, her mind yelled. “…It was hot.” She honestly couldn’t tell if he was more concerned about the dragon or its location.
“Huh.” He sipped from his glass. “Why not the bathtub, then?”
Well, you see, the state it was in called for drastic measures; Onyxes really need to have a temperature of– “You’re not angry?” she blurted.
One side of his mouth twitched. “Perplexed, yes. Hoping you have a more long-term plan in place, yes. Angry, no.” A smile briefly curved his lips. “Really, Hange, you ought to know me better by now.”
God, she loved him. “W-Well–” She bolted up from the chair and tossed her sketchbook onto the seat. “I should get him out of there anyway, I didn’t set a timer to check on him again, so.” Him?
Levi stood aside as she hurried into the kitchen; she could feel him hovering behind her as she stared down the fridge door.
“It didn’t move when I saw it,” he said. “Just looked at me.”
“L-Looked…?” Hange pulled open the door. Sure enough, the dragon had moved so that its head faced outward. Its eyes were clear and bright now; the sensation from earlier settled in to fizz at the base of her spine. “Hello, beauty,” she said softly. “Feeling better?” She reached out, ignoring Levi’s warning inhale, and placed one hand along the dragon’s body. “You must be. That’s a much better temperature. Let’s get you out before you get too cold.”
She slid both hands under as much of its body as she could hold, a delighted gasp slipping out of her as the dragon moved up around her arms to coil once along her shoulders. “Well, hello,” she exclaimed, unable to keep back laughter. “Aren’t you friendly all of a sudden,” and, “ohmigod Levi lookatthis, look!” she screeched softly, turning to him with starbeams zooming through her stomach.
His eyes were wider than she’d ever seen them. “What the hell?” he breathed, then, “Can I touch it?”
“My partner here wants to say hello,” she said to the dragon, who was now resting its head in her palm and looking at her. “Is that okay?”
Something hummed in her mind, flavored with agreement. “He said yes,” she said finally, faintly, turning to face Levi.
“How do you know that?” he said, voice low, but he held out his hand. The dragon nudged it, blinked, then very slowly traveled up his arm, across his shoulders, and back around like it had done with Hange. She watched as their gazes met and Levi went pale, a choked-off noise escaping him. Was that what she had looked like when it happened to her? What had happened to her?
“Levi,” she said gently, and two pairs of eyes settled onto her. She scrunched one hand into her hair but didn’t pull. “You’re okay.” She’d meant to ask, not state, but…
“Um. Yeah.” He shook his head, lightly, and cleared his throat. “So,” he began after several moments’ silence, “Do you th–” He stopped, looking at the dragon. “Are you hungry?” He had the same tone he’d used with those cubs; Hange’s chest felt warm.
She waited. Pulled her hand out of her hair.
“I-I–” Her heart flipped; Levi never stuttered. “I think it… uh, he. Said yes.”
The dragon turned to her, and hunger twinged at her stomach. “Yeah, he’s hungry. Come to think of it, I might be too…”
Levi made an agreeing noise.
She grabbed an apple and handed it to Levi, who asked, “What do dragons eat, anyway?”
“Depends on the species,” she said as she looked through the fridge. “My research seems to indicate that… uh.” She turned, container of strawberries in hand. “Actually, I don’t rightly know. I mean, it’s a frigging Gilded Onyx, I thought that species was extinct, I mean it could be an omnivore or a carnivore or–”
She tried to reel herself back in at the same time Levi put a hand on her shoulder. “Good place to start,” he said, nodding at the strawberries.
“They’re soft, so…” She popped a small one into her mouth, then chose another one and held it out to the dragon. “Careful, it’s pretty juicy.”
Its teeth grazed her fingers as it took the whole strawberry with one chomp.
“Guess he is hungry,” Levi said over her tiny squee. The dragon nosed into the box, eating up more whole strawberries with abandon.
“Hold this while I get a towel, he’ll be all sticky,” Hange said, giggling uncontrollably as she shoved the container at Levi. “This is amazing. Absolutely amazing!” She grabbed the first towel she saw, bigger than necessary but–
She turned to see the dragon slither to the floor and curl up.
“I didn’t do it,” Levi said, hands up in defense. “Wait, is that… steam…?”
Squinting, she took a half step closer–
–and the room filled with a cloud of smoke, her mind rattled, the room tilted–
She sucked in great gulps of air from her spot on the floor, back against the cabinets. Her heart was racing, she couldn’t see Levi… but the smoke was fading and something made her scramble to her feet.
She rubbed at her eyes even though they didn’t sting, scraped a hand through her hair. She caught sight of Levi looking gobsmacked, on the other side of… of…
Her jaw dropped. The man in front of her was so tall she had to look up to meet his gaze, a task made all the more difficult by his broad chest, powerful shoulders (his right arm missing past the elbow, she noted, matching the missing wing), and long legs that all drew her eyes like a magnet.
He was also naked, she realized, face flushing. That made looking up easier. His eyes were the same icy blue, the gold band translating to blond hair.
“H-Huuagheee,” Hange managed. She pressed her knuckles to her teeth and inhaled, distantly registering Levi’s “What the fuck.”
The man blinked slowly, then inclined his head. “Excuse me for startling you,” he said, and his sonorous voice nearly sent her right back to the floor.
Get ahold of yourself, goddamnit, her mind screeched.
“I needed energy to transform,” he continued. Then he smiled; Hange’s knees trembled. “Those strawberries were just enough.” Juice stained around his mouth. Completely inappropriate thoughts bumped around her head.
Movement in her peripheral vision. Levi had reached her side, hand to his mouth and face bright red and that was interesting. (The last time he’d looked like that she’d been wearing a tuxedo for some dumb gala they had to go to for one of his old friends, and they almost didn’t leave the house, and why was her brain heading that way right now?)
“You’re a shifter,” she forced out, moving her hand from her mouth.
“Yes. As are others of my kind.”
“Dragons in general?” Levi ventured, and she looked at him in surprise. His voice was remarkably steady given his still-flushed face. “Or just your… species?”
She sensed Levi freeze as the man’s eyes fell on him. “I do not know other dragon shifters, but the Gilded Onyx clan is comprised of them.”
Her thought process began to rumble, putting words into her mouth faster than she could talk– almost. “Then… you’re not extinct. Not extinct, in hiding! There are others like you!? Most shifters are pariahs I think, oh, you must not be from here, you’ve come such a long way, also gosh we really need to find you some clothes–”
Levi’s hand on her arm quieted her to fast breaths.
The man’s eyes were warm with amusement, and her spine tingled. “Oh. Yes. Please forgive my impropriety; it has been some time since I’ve been among other humans.”
“Um.” She thrust out the forgotten towel in her hands. “For now,” she said, ignoring another choked noise from Levi and also how her stomach swooped as she realized the towel was basically a loincloth on this guy. “My name’s Hange and this is Levi,” she half-shouted, wincing internally, “and what may we call you?”
“In this form I go by Erwin.” The man– Erwin– bowed slightly. “It is a pleasure to meet you both.” Then he took her hand and kissed it, then took Levi’s hand and did the same thing, and she was pretty sure they both made identical noises.
Erwin straightened, eyes wide, and was that a blush on his cheekbones? Hell, she was in such trouble. “Goodness, forgive me again. Old customs are difficult to forget.”
“That’s fine!” she squeaked. “Not a problem! Please don’t apologize so much!”
“Then I will thank you instead. For saving my life.”
“Of, of, of course!!” She stood a bit taller, in more familiar territory. “I couldn’t have just left you like that.”
“You certainly ended up in the right place,” Levi said, and when she looked he had one of those half-smiles that showed up when he felt comfortable. “She’s well-acquainted with all sorts of creatures.”
“That is quite fortuitous. Ah–” He swayed slightly. Hange tensed. “I’m rather thirsty.”
Levi had a full glass in hand before she’d blinked, and she watched him watch Erwin drink it down. “Maybe you’d better sit,” he said.
“Perhaps so…”
Hange pulled a chair away from the dining table as Levi brought Erwin over, raising her eyebrows (he has no pants on); Levi gave her A Look, so she kept her mouth shut.
“Do you need anything to eat?” she asked, taking the water glass for a refill.
“No, thank you,” Erwin said as he took the glass back. “I am mainly fatigued. Perhaps later.”
“I’m–” Levi’s voice cracked. With a huff, he tried again. “I’m going to find you some clothes.”
oh no don’t leave me alone with him
“Feeling a bit better?” she asked Erwin, heart jittering.
He nodded. Then his eyes moved from hers (she could breathe slightly easier), and he sipped from the glass, and he said, “I have a request to make of you.”
“Uh?” One hand went back to her hair, digging into her scalp. “O-Okay…”
He shook his head. “Both of you, I suppose.”
A heavy sigh announced Levi’s return. He had some articles from one of Hange’s fieldwork getups: a pair of cloth breeches and a cloak. “This is the best I could do,” he said to her with a shrug. “We’ll have to go shopping, I guess.”
“Much appreciated,” Erwin said.
“I’ll show you to the bathroom so you can change,” Hange said, but Erwin held up a hand.
“I must make a request,” he gave a quick smile, “before I lose my nerve.”
Hange held her breath through the brief silence.
The words came out in a rush. “May I impose on your hospitality for some time longer? That is, if you have the room. I do not yet have my bearings, so–”
“Absolutely,” Hange exclaimed at the same time Levi said, “Wait a minute.”
“We can set up the couch,” she insisted, turning to Levi. “We can’t just kick him out!”
“There isn’t enough food,” Levi said, equally insistent. “What– what if word gets out we’re harboring a shifter?”
“First, we can buy more. You’re an omnivore, right?” She looked at Erwin long enough to catch his nod, then back to Levi. “Second of all, why do you care that he’s a shifter all of a sudden and third of all, there’s no one nearby for word to travel to!” She laughed, wildness skittering in her veins. “If that’s all you’ve got you’re grasping at straws, Levi.”
She turned back to Erwin before Levi’s reddening face could affect her. “You’re staying,” she said, managing to keep the smug tone from her voice.
“As long as you’re in agreement,” he said slowly, eyes landing on Levi.
“It appears we are,” Levi said, tightly. He pushed the clothes in his arms toward Hange. “You should get dressed. Such as it is.”
“Bathroom’s this way,” Hange chirped. She waited for Erwin to stand, then started walking.
“Are you sure this is acceptable?” Erwin asked once they were out of Levi’s earshot. “I believe I will only need a day or so.”
Hange shrugged. “It’ll be fine. Day’s been kind of weird. Anyway, here we are.” She turned to him, trying and failing not to look at his right arm. “D-D-Do you need–”
“No. Thank you.” Another brief smile as he took the clothes. “It is an old injury. I’m quite used to it.” And he entered the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
Levi was still in the kitchen, in the exact same position she’d left him. He spoke at the same time she opened her mouth. “Sorry. I freaked out.”
“S’okay,” she mumbled, reaching for his hand. A question jostled its way from her throat. “You feel– felt? That… the thing??”
“It’s like someone hot-wired my brain.”
“Oh thank god,“ she sighed, tilting her head back a moment. “I thought I was–”
“–going crazy. Do you think he–”
“I don’t know. But, but, you get why I wasn’t… I’m not. Ready.”
“To let him go.” Levi’s mouth twisted into a smirk. “We’re like a pair of stalkers or something.”
“Ohmigod shut up,” she hissed, slightly hysterical giggles slipping out.
“I know, I know, it’s nothing like that.”
Something flickered in the back of her head, and she turned just in time to see Erwin enter the kitchen. Heat crept up her neck at the sight of him in her cloak and breeches; he was a great deal less distracting now, and yet. He was wearing her clothes.
“Allow me to thank you for lending me your attire,” Erwin said. If she didn’t know any better she’d swear there was a slight tease in his voice. But there wasn’t. She was being ridiculous.
Still, she could only nod. And hide a wince at the sudden vice grip Levi had on her hand.
“We’ll have to expand your wardrobe soon, though,” he said, doing quite well at hiding the tremor in his voice. “Hange goes through those things like wildfire. Always getting into scrapes.”
She snorted. “He isn’t wrong.”
“Consider me intrigued,” Erwin said, and okay he was definitely smirking now; Levi’s hand went slack and she heard him inhale shakily. “I would enjoy hearing about your escapades, should you have time.”
“I’d be happy to,” and her voice was breathless and she wanted to slap herself.
She glanced at Levi and cracked a smile.
Whatever lay ahead of them, one thing was certain: she’d have to conduct some up-close and personal research.
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outofthewoods · 7 years
alright girlies here it is my first impressions (whatever I wrote down after the SS plus a few notes I made when it dropped) I AM LITERALLY....QUITE LITERALLY SHAKING....MY WIG: IS ON MARS 
READY FOR IT: At first I was kind of like…. :/ about this song but it’s actually a really good opener and a banger. Not sure I would’ve picked it as the second single but it goes all the way off. The bass has me shook Line: “he can be jailor burton to this taylor”
END GAME Very…..the weeknd vibes right ladies ?????????? this is like…..taylor’s Instagram baddie moment It is still SO WEIRD To me to hear rapping and Taylor swift in one song. Even tho we have the bad blood remix Im still….shook by Future and Taylor together ??????????? I really like this, it’s not one of my top 5 I don’t think but it’s so different from what I would've thought of for another ed/taylor collab Ed is giving me some don’t vibes..i’m into it…ed talking about the fourth of July is really iconic. Taylor telling the story of how this came about was really iconic too…I can literally picture her and ed getting drunk and being like HOWWWW COOL WOULD IT BE TO COLLAB WITH FUTURE????? LOL and then it actually happening I love her like. talk/shout/singing when she says “big reputation…” Line: “I swear I don’t love the drama, it loves me” Her runs in the last chorus THANK GOD…..I NEEDED THESE VOCALS…..
I DID SOMETHING BAD THIS SONG HAD ME FUCKING QUAKING IN THE SESSION…… “If a man talks shit then I owe him nothing” THE CHORUS BANGS…..IM LITERALLY……MOUTH OPEN SHOCKED I CANT BELIEVE THIS….THE M.I.A. PAPER PLANES MACHINE GUN SOUNDS…. This is so……blank space but……..fucking darker you SINNERS “If he drops my name I owe him nothing, if he spends my change then he had it coming…” The chorus is here again Im bopping so fucking HARD WOWWWWWWWWWWWWW I’M……….CRYING AT THE VOCALIZATIONS OF THE HOOK. I’m pretty sure she said this came to her the same way she came up with “STAY!” in AYHTDWS The bridge ladies LIGHT ME UP!!! GO AHEAD AND LIGHT ME UP YOU FUCKING HEATHENS!!!! THIS SONG MAKES THE WHOLE ALBUM WORTHY OF A GRAMMY Im literally shaking like my skin is quivering….that 2000’s fade out……Please kill me
DON’T BLAME ME This is the hozier…take me to church….taylor swift version The chords are her vocals and that. Is revolutionary, Einstein found dead in Miami Line: “I would fall from grace just to touch your face, if you walk away I’d beg you on my knees to stay” The like…..wopping of the chorus is really just…..gold Her falsetto at the end of the second verse. Wig on mars This is the stoner Taylor swift song we didn't know we needed but are so thankful we have VOCALS IN THE LAST CHORUS….I NEEDED SOME RUNS AND THE PRERELEASES DIDNT GIVE THEM TO ME BECAUSE SHE WAS SAVING HER DESTRUCTION OF EVERY OTHER PERSONS VOCALS FOR THE ALBUM
DELICATE This is very Imogen heap to me…… like the layered robotic vocals. It’s very interesting…..a really good segue from DBM It’s got like a deep house….tropical feel to it that I am really enjoying girlies “my reputation’s never been worse, so he must like me for me” why does that line have me crying Taylor swift you are literally sunshine THIS IS THE CHORUS I REMEMBERED….the is it cool is it chill etc…….that’s what I thought CIWYW was after the SS for some reason ???? “do the girls back home touch you do like I do?” SECOND VERSE LYRICS Got me feeling some wildest dreams type of way she looked at me so much during this song I’m emotional, I was bopping to the chorus and she was laughing at me and winking when the beat comes in during the chorus Not a standout from the album but very cool very different good vibes man
LWYMMD Obviously a bop. I see why it’s in the middle of the album and when Taylor explained the progression of the songs this really makes a lot of sense. I’m just feeling fragile bc Taylor swift grabbed me by my cheeks, pulled me towards her, grabbed my hands, and danced with me during this song. Wow BABY I GOT MINE BUT YOU’LL ALL GET YOURS!!! We literally screamed this in each other’s faces it was so……amazing I will NEVER FORGET The video…..do we even need to remind ourselves of how fucking iconic it was When I first heard this I was so confused I had just woken up in Ireland at 6am to listen and I was like . What is this But the chorus goes all the way off tbh This is like a parallel to shake it off….the themes and messages of……being yourself and rising above what other ppl think of you…..
SO IT GOES… Ok I literally blanked this song from my memory at the session, I think bc it was right after LWYMMD and me and Taylor having our first proper moment of the night “Back against the wall….tripping when you’re gone…” This album is so bass heavy. I’m loving the studio instruments, I thought I would miss the live guitars etc but I really don’t because it doesn’t fit with the album “I’m so chill but you make me jealous” Sis we have learned from 10 years of music from you that you aren't chill al;ksdfnjksdhifbknsdfdkjf I love you mom I love the way she says so it goes! In the chorus “You know I’m not a bad girl….but I do bad things with you…” WHOMST “SCRATCHES DOWN YOUR BACK NOW…. Taylor you've done several numbers on me I stopped counting 8 years ago the whispered 1..2….3……WOW VOCALS….AGAIN……….SCRATCHES DOWN YOUR BACK NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHES REALLY WILDIN OUT HUH
GORGEOUS This is such a cute song. For me it seems like one of the ones I like less, but at the session I remember being so happy listening to it because she pointed me out and called me by name when she was passing out the new merchandise….so I was chillin Also she kept winking at me during the DINGS!
GETAWAY CAR Queen of whisper singing I wanted to leave him….I needed a reason SUDDENLY I WILL ONLY EVER DRINK OLD FASHIONEDS. IVE NEVER HEARD OF ANY OTHER DRINK Okay in my mind I was like this song is :/ but it bangs to be honest! I love the chorus Should've known Id be the first to leave….this song is full of tea ladies This song to me seems like it’s about a rebound relationship that wasn’t so serious/was just a way to release pent up emotions from something awful “X marks the spot….where we fell apart…..” the pre chorus is really out here doing that sweeties The bridge has an interesting modulation that i don't know how to feel about….this whole album is like full of surprises/polarizing musical techniques so this is cool This is Taylor Swift fleshing out a metaphor/concept masterpiece to her full ability. Queen of literature who is Shakespeare I’ve never heard of him Said goodbye….in a getaway car……. The ends of the songs are so interesting on rep…….this one goes off
KING OF MY HEART “I’m better off being alone…” Miss Taylor I’m so glad that you’ve stopped thinking this because you are really….the most WORTHY person of love in the whole wide world… This is probably my least favorite song on the album. It has some remnants of getaway car in it I feel……she’s cute but getaway car is sexy and sexy destroys cute It’s a little repetitive but I appreciate it’s placement on the album………..you move to me like a Motown beat…..alright Miss king of my heart redeeming herself My broken bones are mending……….taylor I love u………why are u drinking beer when u could be having an old fashioned tho…..beer is gross
DANCING WITH OUR HANDS TIED Thank you piano I love a live instrument The story behind this song is so heartbreaking and knowing that makes….the song so much more impactful to me “You had turned my bed into a secret oasis, people started talking putting us through our paces” here’s a big fat FUCK YOU to the daily mail Again the chorus comes in and is so….huge and sprawling compared to the rest of the song…..shaking us to our very cores! I love that you can hear the frantic/anxiety she was feeling throughout the song….like the rushed vocals and drawn out lower notes…..then the chorus just coming in with GLORY I LOVE the instrumental of the chorus so much…..it’s so beautiful and a little 1989 to me. Like very eighties synth heavy We also have some VOCALS! In the bridge and last chorus! the runs are giving me life
DRESS This song is like a …… I’m kind of drunk in the meatpacking district running from bar to bar with someone I love in the cold with big coats on….tea to me The falsetto. Queen Taylor has really been expanding her vocal register and I’m FUCKING here for it “Everybody thinks they know us” circling back to the overall theme of the album. We know what she chooses to let us know and beyond that we’re just fucking guessing sinners This song is like a …… I don't really care what they think of us I just wanna really…………see your dick and I don't care what anyone thinks of that ! THE HAIR BLEACHED LINE……SHE IS LITERALLY THE QUEEN OF SELF DRAGS I CANT SHES SO SELF AWARE ITS UNBELIEVABLE…….she’s like being humorous but also referencing a time in her life that was really shitty for her so. Queen of duplicity “I woke up just in time…” this line says so much about where she was when she started seeing Joe
THIS IS WHY WE CAN’T HAVE NICE THINGS Oh girlies…..I have been so excited to hear this again since the session. She spilled some major fucking SCALDING tea before playing this so my ass was fully ready to be sloughed The alarms in the beginning…..a champagne sea…..my dream…… This is so fucking tongue in cheek about what everyone said about her #squad “I have to take them away” DEAD this is why she stopped having 4th of July parties klsadjidfnksdfd “Stabbed me in the back while shaking my hand….” Oh no…………WHO WOULD DO THIS TO MISS TAYLOR!!!!!!! “I took an axe to a mended fence….” The mhhhhhmmmmmm………. IF ONLY YOU WERENT SO SHADY SALKJFSDNKFJGM,DFLKNJGIDK WHY IS THIS SONG ABOUT ME SITTING ON TWITTER DRAGGING PEOPLE LEFT RIGHT AND CENTER Hard knock life………..TEA……during the fucking BANGER of a chorus….this is going to be so fun on tour…..SHE BETTER BE A SINGLE!!!!! hE sAiD shE saID!!!!! Here’s to mama…….yes miss Andrea here’s to u queen of the world THE BRIDGE…..SDFLSDMFJKNDNDSLJFKNFDJDSFNSD THIS IS WHY WE CANT HAVE!!!!! NICE!!!!! THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant even SAY IT WITH A STRAIGHT FACE Heres to my REAL FRIENDS! WOW….just wow ladies this is the future liberals want
CALL IT WHAT YOU WANT In my personal onion this is the most vulnerable song on the album. The first verse really has me out here crying in the club The chorus is so cute, this is a low-key banger and I wanna see her flying across the crowd during this song on tour
NEW YEARS DAY So here it is girlies….the most hyped song on the record…… Live piano. Minimal production. The concept behind this is so adorable “Candlewax and polaroids on the hard wood floor….” the most Taylor swift thing I have ever heard This relationship really seems like its forever my dudes she’s in it for the long run. She has never been so confident in a relationship that she’s CURRENTLY IN. She’s opening up DURING a relationship which is like……basically unheard of for her I love how subtle this is….the harmonies on the second chorus….crying in the club again “Hold on to the memories they will hold onto you…..” she said she's had that line ready to go for a while but couldn't find a place for it and here it is being adorable and wonderful also the line “Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I can recognize anywhere” Can I just speak on that line again….it is so beautiful and simple and shows how much she’s been through and the pain she has dealt with….and the sadness she KNOWS………..but she’s okay enough to talk about it. Im crying in the club 3.0
INITIAL RANKING: I Did Something Bad Don’t Blame Me Call It What You Want Dress Delicate Dancing With Our Hands Tied This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things Look What You Made Me Do Getaway Car …Ready For It? End Game New Year’s Day Gorgeous So It Goes King of my Heart
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silly-sketchy · 6 years
What are some of your favorite headcanons for Underfell? -SS ^u^
Oooooh headcanons, okay.
I’m not too big of a fan of the ones where Sans just takes abuse. In my headcanon Papyrus lost his confidence after getting that crack on his eye socket. Sans (being The Judge and having quite the status, and loving his brother very much) started training his brother himself and would sometimes pretend to lose against him. This boosted Papyrus’ confidence and made others think he was stronger than he looked. After a while though, Papyrus actually became abusive and Sans took it for a long time. When Paps became a Royal Guard though, Sans tried to put a stop to it (since Papyrus didn’t need the boost anymore and he should be more responsible for his new job). When he didn’t get the hint though, Sans beat him up and threw him out of the house. The two now go toe to toe (since Sans wouldn’t actually want to kill his brother), have a strict work relationship, and live apart. It’s only after Frisk comes that the two start to mend their relationship.
Doomfanger! I love that fan addition to the AU. It started my headcanon that every AU has a different animal depending on who created it. Like how Toby is the Annoying Dog, every AU has the creator in animal form.
I like to imagine that Papyrus got Doomfanger on the surface actually. He found him as a kitten in a bag on the river, trying to stay alive by crawling on top of his dead brothers and sisters. Papyrus took him home because he looked like he needed some TLC after such a rough start proved himself worthy by surviving such hardships and cruelty. Doomfanger is a long-haired tuxedo cat with a massive underbite that doesn’t like humans much and only allows Papyrus to pet him. He will crawl on your lap if he likes you though. He does so with Sans a lot when he wants to nap.
Undyne likes and respects Papyrus because he says what he thinks instead of groveling before her.
Sans doesn’t have many allies, but after a while, he comes to like Frisk because he doesn’t need to act cruel or apathetic to not be killed by them and trusts them not to turn on him. He’s actually pretty mild tempered (tough grumpy) and quit the cuddle bug.
Those are the ones I can think of right now. If you wanna know headcanons about anything specific you can ask me. I got a whole story how my version of Underfell would be like, but it’s a bit long to tell.
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chromeskullx13 · 4 years
Mr.Lovato 1st period Book Report: Fatherland by Robert Harris - Jason Aguirre
Personal Narrative
The historical fiction book, Fatherland, by Robert Harris was an interesting take on history creating a universe where what if the Nazis won WW2 and I believe it was a great book and would suggest it to other readers, here is why. The book follows our protagonist, Xavier March, also known as Zavi. who was a u-boat submarine pilot in WW2 for Germany. Now he works for the Kriminalpolizei as a detective who is a high ranking official in the SS. He had a son named Pili and got married with his nurse, Klara but they divorced and now he lives by himself. While investigating the murder of Josef Buhler, a high ranking Nazi. His body was found by the Havel river in Brandenburg. The only witness to it all Hermann Jost didn’t wanna reveal everything, but eventually he revealed everything that he saw. He claims to have seen Odilo Globocnik a high ranking SS member. The gestapo orders the krippo to shut down their investigation of the murders but March presses on. He meets with an American journalist named  Charlotte 'Charlie' Maguire. They work together and while investigating in Zurich they discover the head of the SS, Reinhard Heydrich,who has ordered the deaths of all the members who attended the Wannsee Conference in 1942 ordering the go of The Final Solution which killed all the Jews. The two head for neutral Switzerland to expose the Nazis as they are about to have peace conferences with the US and end the cold war, but this will cripple the Nazi faith and hopefully put an to their regime. Pili reports March to the gestapo which then apprehends him. A he is being tortured for Maguire’s location. The krippo chief stages a rescue hoping to get March to lead them to Maguire, but he figures it out and instead leads the authorities to Auschwitz. After knowing that charlie had enough time to cross the border he finds the remains of Auschwitz and satisfied he pulls out a gun. The book ends with the presumed death of Xavier March, but he succeeded in his goal at the end having Charlie be safe and the news breaking out to the rest of the world.
Plot Entry #1: Xavier is reported to investigate the murder of Josef Buhler as his body was found by the Havel river in Brandenburg. After further investigation he learns that a high ranking SS member was the one who murdered Buhler. The gestapo closes the investigation on Buhler’s death, but Xavier decides to press on
Plot Entry #2: Xavier comes across American journalist, Charlotte 'Charlie' Maguire, who accompanies him on his journey after being convinced of the murder plot. They head to Zurich where they discover that the murders were ordered by the head of the SS, Reinhard Heydrich,who has ordered the deaths of all the members who attended the Wannsee Conference in 1942 ordering the go of The Final Solution which killed all the Jews.
Plot Entry #3: Xavier and Charlie are heading out to Switzerland the neutral country not affected by Germany and are going to expose the Germans for the Holocaust as they are about to have a meeting with the US to have a peaceful end to the Cold War between them.
Plot Entry #4: Xavier gets apprehended by the gestapo and is now being tortured for information. The krippo chief stages a rescue on March to try to get him to reveal where Charlie is headed, but he catches on to this and leads them to Auschwitz where he finds evidence of the camp is satisfied as he knows Charlie made it to safety across the border. The book ends with his presumed death and the new information revealed to the public about the Holocaust.
Historical Entry #1: Xavier March was a U-boat submarine pilot for the German Navy in WW2 and he married his nurse, Klara and had a son with her named Pili. They eventually divorced and his son now lives with his ex wife and has joined the Jungvolk Youth training camp.
Historical Entry #2: Hitler is turning 75 in the book’s setting and is scheduled for a meeting with the US President, Joseph P. Kennedy to end on a peaceful end with their Cold War. Germany now controls all of Europe and has authority in every country except Switzerland who has stayed neutral throughout everything. Russia is no more either and all there is left is terrorist organization groups plotting against the Nazis.
Historical Entry #3: The Wannsee Conference in 1942 is a huge deal which kicks off the whole book as that conference decided the the Final Solution executing and murdering millions of Jews. Members are then being assassinated to be silenced and have no record of anything.
Historical Entry #4: Churchill and Princess Elizabeth have fled to Canada where they reside at the time of this book. Japan lost America due to the Atomic Bomb being dropped on them. The year is 1964, other important Nazi officials have died like Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Goring, etc.
Journal Entries
Journal Entry #1: I had been called to investigate a murder scene by the Havel river in Brandenburg. The only witness Hermann Jost is telling me he only saw the body, but I know he has more not willing to say just yet, but eventually I’ll get the information out of him. The body has been identified to be Josef Buhler a high ranking member in the Nazi Party. After further investigation and questioning the young 19 year old Jost, he told me he also saw Odilo Globocnik who is the right hand man of SS leader Reinhard Heydrich who took leadership over the SS after Heinrich Himmler’s death in 1962. Recently the gestapo swung over to the department and told us the case is under their control and we don’t have to proceed with anything else. Knowing how odd the gestapo are, I believe they’re trying to cover something up. I need to further investigate this on my own. The people over at the gestapo have never really liked me much as they know i’m not a big supporter of our government. I was disappointed to hear my son had joined the Jungvolk as I would rather have him get involved in other things than join the war machine. I never like donating to the winter relief drive they have going on. They’ve tried inviting me to the Nazi party, but I don’t want to get involved in all this political stuff as i’m happy where I am. I have also always been curious about what happened to the jewish family that lived in my apartment before me.
1. “So I have a choice: either I am an investigator in that uniform, and try to do a little good; or I am something else without that uniform, and do no good at all.” This quote has significant meaning to it because it’s when Xavier realizes that there is something amidst and he can either do his job to further investigate this conspiracy or just hushed about everything he learned. This is Xavier’s first step into his journey of investigating these assassinations on high ranking officials to cover up the Holocaust and his journey to expose the Nazi regime.
2. “What do you do,’ he said, ‘if you devote your life to discovering criminals, and it gradually occurs to you that the real criminals are the people you work for? What do you do when everyone tells you not to worry, you can’t do anything about it, it was a long time ago?’ She was looking at him in a different way. ‘I suppose you go crazy.’ ‘Or worse. Sane.” This is Xavier talking to Charlie about his plan to act on something about the Holocaust cover up since now he knows it’s by the higher ups which causes him to realize he needs to act on it and is telling Charlie about it. Charlie will then be his main partner and be the one to expose the Germans at the end of the book
3. “You can't build on a mass grave. Human beings are better than that - we have to be better than that - I do believe, don't you?" Charlie now believes everything Xavier was talking about and is determined to help aid him in his journey to expose the Nazis as she doesn’t believe it’s okay to cover up the events of the Holocaust
“4. A permanent state of war on the Eastern front will help to form a sound race of men,’ the Führer had once said, ‘and will prevent us relapsing into the softness of a Europe thrown back upon itself.’ But” This is Xavier explaining how the Nazi regime is operating now that WW2 has ended and to keep it’s citizens on the ready. This is also why Xavier's son, Pili, is in the Jungvolk training camp to turn them into soldiers which Xavier is against him being in.
Discussion Questions
1. Are our lives controlled by fate or free will? In other words, do the choices we make determine our futures, or is our life destined to be what it is? How does this perspective affect the way you interact with the world? Cite specific experiences or influences that have led you to your position.
I believe that our lives are shaped by our own decisions that we make and will shape our lives to what they become. This perspective makes me believe that through our own power we can make decisions that will further better our lives and help create an amazing environment for our younger generations. After WW2 and everything that coincided, we had the choice as people to shape our world and we ended shaping our world into a long time of death and grief, soon though we might be able to reshape it into a better world for the next generations.
2. How do you define success? Do you believe you’ve achieved success? If so, how do you know? If not, what has prevented you?
I define success by whether or not one achieves their goals that they want to reach in life and achieve happiness. I have achieved success as I have let the gestapo and SS away from Charlie and led them astray. I will die happily knowing the one I love will make it out alive and expose the the Nazi Regime for their war crimes, thus liberating the people’s mindsets to act on it and build a better world for the next generations.
3. Who are the most important people in your life? Why are they so meaningful to you?
The most important people in my life are my 10 year old son Pili and the new love of my life Charlie. Pili is my only son and I care for him so much and I only hope for him to live a good life, but I hope he doesn’t forget me after him now living with his mother and stepdad. Charlie means a lot to me because she is an amazing person that has entered my life and has helped me tremendously through this journey of unraveling this cover up by the Nazis. I will make sure nothing happens to her and succeeds in our mission as she is the new love of my life and only wish for the best for her.
4. If you change one thing in your life what would it be? How would this affect the circumstances of your story?
If I could change one thing in my life it would be to have the people not have created a Nazi Germany where now we’re almost back to the way of living as we were in the 1930’s. Then we wouldn’t have had such bad moments in our history and lived peaceful times.
Historical/Secondary Links
1. http://www.secretcitytravel.com/berlin-march-2014/albert-speer-nazi-architect-berlin.shtml
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ecmkIRpfJc&t=31s&has_verified=1
3. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/the-final-solution
4. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Gestapo
5. https://bookmarks.reviews/reviews/fatherland/
6. https://www.nytimes.com/1992/06/03/books/inventing-a-world-in-which-hitler-won.html
7. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2012/mar/30/guardian-bookclub-fatherland-robert-harris
8. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-07-05-bk-2491-story.html
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The New Berlin that Albert Speer had wanted to create with Hitler after WW2 that did end up being created in Fatherland
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The Wannsee House where the meeting to start the Final Solution was held being a main focus point in Fatherland as they discover evidence of the Holocaust
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the Havel River in Brandenberg, Germany where Josef Buhler died which triggered Xavier’s investigation
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Auschwitz where the book ends having Xavier discover ruins of the camp now satisfied pulls out a gun, where he has a presumed death 
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phantomrose96 · 7 years
yo i know that u used to be a spn heathen (me too until i stopped watchin at ss 6), could i ask why u liked the show ? was it the horror consuming the life of the bros or was it some other horrifyin/sad/angsty thing that i know u like
Supernatural seasons 1-5 were just...excellent, honestly. Season 1 was a little slow for me, the first half, but then I got hooked. And simply put I think it’s because it felt honest in its angst and horror.
The work was passionate. Horrible thing after horrible thing were falling on the Winchesters’ heads but it felt sensible, honest, like the people who devote their lives to chasing horrible monsters would encounter these things. Seasons 4 and 5 could easily have been cheesy with the “chosen vessel” business but by hell they sold it. The angels were horrifically intimidating. The disasters were hard-hitting. Cas’s and Lucifer’s performances were stellar. The story was gritty and angsty and heart-wrenching but importantly it was believable, well-presented, passionate.
{SPOILERS FOR SEASONS 1-5}Sam’s styrofoam coffee cup dropping and spilling in the season 1 finale when he finds his father dead on the hospital floor is imprinted in my mind, powerful and chilling and heavy. Dean grasping and rocking with Sam’s dying body in the season 2 finale, Dean watching his body laid out on the bed while Bobby tries to convince Dean to get food, Dean selling his soul for a single year--a single year!--to get Sam back. Bobby seeing Sam alive and every gear in his head clicking “I couldn’t let him die, Bobby.” Haunting, chilling, incredible. 
Season 3 just...the steady unraveling of hope, Sam growing more desperate to save Dean, and Dean growing more despondent. And their final efforts failing, and Sam being faced with the gored and torn apart body of the brother who died to save him. Brutal, horrific, powerful. Seasons 4 and 5 sell the apocalypse narrative so well because it feels like there’s so much more happening behind the scenes we cant begin to fathom. Cas’s performance is incredible. The desperation and fear that builds throughout the seasons, and the culmination of Sam dragging Lucifer down with him, to Chuck’s final narration. The words Swan Song still chill me. The last of Chuck’s narration are the words of a creator who’s been so passionately invested in these characters, this storyline, this message, and has accomplished what he wanted to do after 5 incredible seasons...{END SPOILERS FOR SEASONS 1-5}
Then the seasons afterward feel like...the work of people just trying to get through one more season, one more season, one more season... A lot of the quality is still there in season 6, in my opinion, but its a bit lost and directionless. They just stopped the apocalypse, now what...? The angels up in heaven in anarchy against Cas could have made for an excellent focus I think but, the angels lose a lot of their intimidation. 
Then seasons 7 onward are just like...filler. Like they’re waiting for the real storyline to come back. Sam and Dean’s sacrifices feel less genuine, more like theyre following an “i love my brother and will die for him” formula rather than real emotional drive. 
Seasons 1-5 were planned together, and the end of s5 is the culmination of everything that they built up for 5 seasons. The later seasons feel like they’re...trying to top that with their new villains, but each villain is concocted right at the start of the season, without a whisper of their existence beforehand. They feel stale and shoehorned and one-dimensional. They don’t have the weight of the villains in s1-5
this turned into a bit of a lengthy ramble but, hopefully there’s some substance to it
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