#lolol nagito leaving (2) is its own fic actually that shit is like 1k words
nagitolovebug · 3 years
How did hajime and nagito deal with Bebi losing their sight? How old was Bebi?
it’s....definitely hard for them. bebi was a little over 2 years old, they’ve all recently gone onto the island and nagito...he’s finally happy, he's got his baby back, hajime is helping him raise them, hajime is..being so kind and sweet to him and they're close friends (who just fuck and cuddle and kiss sometimes no biggie..) and he thinks this is it maybe he can finally have happiness but then bebi gets ill and they've never rly been the most well nourished (they're not mal nourished just yknow. circumstances left their immune system a little weaker) so they get sicker than they should and this is when the vision starts to go from their right eye.. their vision in their right eye was probably poor before getting ill but I think. the illness exacerbates and accelerates this process and by the time they recover they've more or less lost their vision in that eye for good. 
honestly other than his luck, I think nagito passing on his health problems would be his worst fear and it had (seemingly) just come true.
bebi murmurs, "papa...papa..can't see..?" and I think that'd just break him. but he doesn't leave their side for a second- he doesn't eat, he barely drinks anything unless hajime is shoving it down his throat bc he won't he won't leave his baby alone on a hospital bed like he was all those years.
while bebi is in the hospital, nagito finds out he's pregnant (again)...and his baby being so ill in combination with this news just...totally wrecks him. and he resigns himself to leaving hajime and bebi. he wants to be happy with them, but he's devastated by the thought of him ruining another life on top of hajime and bebi's. he knows his luck will leave no survivors, so he's leaving before any more damage is done.
when mikan inserts an IV into bebi and they yelp from the sting, nagito lurches forward and grabs a scalpel ready to do something, but izuru reacts faster than hajime and drags him out of the room.
"HAJIME LET ME GO, SHE’S HURTING THEM, SHE’S HURTING OUR BABY, MY BABY, I-" and then they're outside the room and izuru puts him down.
"oh. izuru. I should've known. you seem to always choose inaction when our child is in pain in the hands of another."
even izuru flinches at that
"she didn't hurt bebi. she's the nurse. the iv drip is a needle. it stings."
"then she should have been gentler. this scalpel will merely sting her as well."
"you are not mutilating our nurse because you cannot control your temper, nagito."
"well, one of us has to show emotion. has to be angry. has to feel anything at all because our baby is dying-"
"bebi is fine. you're being irrational. you need to calm down."
"don't tell me to calm down! they- they have cancer, my lymphoma, or..or some other incurable, wretched disease that'll destroy their body and make it filthy and broken like mine all because I destroy everything I touch..I was so stupid, so selfish, i should've left the moment hajime agreed to take care of them-"
"nagito. don't say that. come back inside with me. we will talk this out."
"is that an order?"
"do you need it to be?"
"after all this time you still-?"
"I will do whatever I need to keep you safe."
"give me the scalpel first."
bebi recovers within a week and they're confused why nagito is holding them so much and so tight and why the night they got back to their cabin nagito said "goodbye." instead of "goodnight."
well. if they had a nickel every time nagito had a breakdown and tried to leave....they'd have 2 nickels. which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice :)
as for their eyepatch, they initially didn’t wear one, until they heard nagito breaking down about "not wanting the twins to end up like [bebi]" and felt like there was smn wrong w them, so they started covering it up, interpreting it as "there's smn wrong with me" and not "I don't want more of my children to suffer in the manner that bebi has" :))
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