#bebi my baby.....
campanella · 1 year
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looking through the dilucs I've drawn since getting into genshin i couldn't help but think something mentally unwell was afoot
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airenyah · 5 months
i gotta say one of my fave things about language is when you add random syllables to words or add nonsense words that rhyme
like for example, our girl cat is called minou but sometimes i'll call her "minoutschi". and then instead of saying "minou, du" i'll say "minoutschi dutschi". and when i'm feeling extra silly or loving i'll add a nonsense word, so i'll sweep her off the ground and pet her and say "minoutschi dutschi wutschi"
or sometimes she'll meow outside in the hallway, then wander in my room and start purring loudly while rolling around the ground (she does that when she gets clingy and really wants affection). and so i'll start petting her and she'll be purring and i'll say "du schnurrli wurli" (schnurrli/schnurli is a very common cat name based on the word "schnurren" which means "to pur". which is why it's my affectionate nickname for her when she's purring lol)
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demonicfarmer69 · 2 years
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a LOTUS bun in the oven
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enspey · 1 year
I have not posted art in a hot minute. I am so sorry! I have been working, but not sharing. Here. Have some wips and sketches!
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alaskasmonsters · 1 year
i am sooo inclined to write for kaiser not just because he is hot but because he is german and i could easily integrate german phrases into the writing without having to use google translate
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kikorenart · 11 months
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“Poor, little Princess. Can’t even manage to keep her brother from going under. Tsk, tsk, tsk. I don’t know what you’re made of that lets you look through my mirage, but he’s never coming out of there. Not until he’s ripped himself apart!” The Priestess giggled as she spread her arms. “A fitting end for the one who stole my brother Enoch from me!”
Kiyo watched this woman laugh in the face of her precious brother’s demise as he screamed in agony of a torment that sent Orobashi no Mikoto writhing in the throes of wrath.
With a startling clarity that could be mistaken for calm for how her shoulders dropped and her expression flattened completely, Kiyo Amachidame’s countenance turned from still and serene waters into boiling, fervent, violent rage.
- Wayward Compass Pt. 4
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junjunjunko · 1 year
DIAAAAA MI AMORRR, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!! AAAAAAAAAA- I hope you get to cum all the times you want, get 10000000 bitches and all the choccy
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ur already my bitch so i don't need anyone else/j
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sparklingchim · 1 year
Baby Nabi?
UHM yes ????
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dayabot · 2 years
ash!! hi <3 i was just thinking about you this morning and i was gonna come say hi after my exams, so here i am :) i’m happy to see you on my dash!!!
here’s a daya picture i found that i think is really cool—i hadn’t seen it before, and i really tried to dig for one i wasn’t sure if you’d seen or not. either way, a gift 🎁 for you!!!
i hope you’re having a good day!!!! <3<3
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oh my gosh hiiiiiiiie gi hi hi hello 🥺 oh my gosh, manifesting fierce results for your ~total exam slayage ‍💫 i miss you and all my other normal daya betty likers, don't think just because i haven't been actively bombarding you with daya hot posts that i'm not still a total dayapraved braindead dayaslut, i'm just making an effort to not be such a public bettywhore 🤭 i love her, i love classic vintage bebty images like this one. daya could paint guernica but picasso couldn't paint bettys mug
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babybarbies · 9 days
they call me the baby fevered baby
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robotpanties · 11 months
Ok so this is coming from someone who hasn’t engaged with the fandom in a while so my memory might be a bit off.
there’s multiple ways for cybertronians to reproduce but I’ll focus on the pregnant one (mostly)
So every cybertronian has a spark, their life force, in a way a “soul” simply a big energy ball
and they also have protoform which is… their living metal, the groundwork of their body sorta thing. If a baby was gestating it would be the start of/most of the body being constructed.
tbh the fanon pregnancy is pretty much like human preggers with little to no difference, but I know some? fics have “keep fucking to grow that baby”, using transfluid (sperm) as a building block for babies?
There’s multiple ways more cybertronians come into existence, depending on the continuity. But to my knowledge the more human pregnancy one is purely fanon.
uhuhghuhu sorry if this incomprehensible…
(Also I get it, re: avoiding it. There’s so fucking much going on, and depending on which continuity you get into too! There’s 50 thousand different universes for this franchise!)
also if you don’t mind, what was the outcome for the baby swordsmachines? Like, how did they come about? (They sound adorable🥺)
oh dont worry anon this wasnt incomprehensible at all, you explained it pretty well i think i kinda get the idea. huh. neat! living metal.. the 'keep fucking to grow that baby' is kinda funny though. respect to the transformers fans for whatever that is
as for the baby swordsmachine thing it was a combination between agony and tundra :) which is why theyre pink n purple. it came abt from a conversation with my friend Dreamy who had the idea for beby swordsmachine. the concept strays much further from how it works in humans though... robot baby is kinda... either a copy of one or a combination of two or more machines and their functions n programs (however it gets a bit more confusing the more you add to the mix OR if the machines are so different that theyd seem almost incompatible).
baby starts out kind of less like a baby and more like a chip (probably wrong term but just roll with it man). its consciousness starts out there, and to actually give it a body machine parents will have to scrap together parts and pieces to build a body, usually based on its own blueprints and its partners blueprints. sometimes these dont mesh well, but other times it works out alright :) s2g though a good chunk of scrap baby construction is going against the blueprint so it just kind of Slightly resembles the parent.
similar to how humans grow, USUALLY once they get their first bodies its rather small. its a temporary body, and will be changed to suit the needs as time passes. until it does get a body though, typically the chip will be held onto, stored somewhere inside the body. it can really be stored anywhere but its easier to keep track of something if its attached to you.
there doesnt really have to be sex involved with it it can just. happen. its got a lot of potential for weirdness + slightly more in depth discussion abt why shit like this happens in the first place
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alhaith4ms · 1 year
i want to open my reqs but at the same time i dont hshshhshshsh😭😭
you could open your inbox for reqs but also inform the ppl that while you are taking requests they could be more for inspiration for your next works and that you'll credit them for the idea or or you can say that reqs are open and you're grateful for those who send some in but it doesnt mean you'll be able to get to them or be able to make all of them bc you have priorities + depende din sa inspo !!
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sunnitheapollokid · 15 days
hii!! could you write a small fic about Leo and reader (who are older and trying to start a family) and all the test have been negative for months now. reader has lost hope, until one day the test turned out positive!!!! and she surprises leo with the news since he wasn't there when she took the pregnancy test 😋 (you can choose how she surprises him and all that fun stuff!!)
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↳ older leo valdez x reader blurb!
☀️ sunni’s notes : this request 🥹🥹 thank you for requesting!! (and for taking FOREVER) HIIII IM (semi) BACK!! and i’ve been requested this since forever after,, so i decided to finish it today!! i’m SOOO SORRY i’ve been slacking with requests but i have a life yall trust. LMFAO anyway!! i’ve never written anything like this before so i had so much fun with it HEHE happy reading bebis!! 😚 sunkisses, — sunni!
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(NAME) COULDN’T believe it, it was positive. it was finally positive. a test that she thought would be the same like others, was POSITIVE. (name) could jump with joy, but afraid she’ll upset the neighbors downstairs of their apartment unit.
her jaw hanged as her hand slapped her lips. “no fucking way.” she breathed, and silently squealed in her bathroom, hugging the test in her hand. “oh my gods!!” she squealed again, hugging her stomach and the tears streaming her face.
she couldn’t wait to tell leo, as soon as he’d get home from the auto shop. she continued to hug her stomach. “wait till he hears about you.” she whispered.
LEO TOSSED his things on their shared bed, the grease and motoroil he was covered him fairly irritated him and he needed a shower, badly. he groaned out of wary, leaning his back on the desk his wife used for work.
speaking of his wife— she had walked in, (name) excitedly plastered a grin on her face. he chuckled to himself, “what’s with the smile, corazón?” he pulled the corners of his lips to mirror the smile he fell in love with.
“oh nothing.” she giggled, “it’s time for dinner though.” she walked ahead, stepping her bare feet pn the wooden floor as she got the table set up. the table was the same fanciful appearance. the flowers he’d gotten her for their wedding anniversary and the candles they both bought together last week.
leo followed after her, his fingers trailing on her sweat shorts band. “what’d you do all day muñeca?” he asked her as he sat beside her. “writing.. sleeping, mostly writing.” she mumbled the tiny bit of her sentance.
leo chuckled again, running his hands through her hair before tucking a lose strand. “oh um, honey, can you get the bun in the oven?” she took her utensils and ready to dig in. leo nodded, though confused, “bun?” he asked himself in a murmur.
he walked over to the oven, his eyes glazing over to the kitchen towel she bought for christmas— “the valdez’s.” it read. she had gotten it as a joke for him, he constantly smiled at the thought of it whenever his eyes made it’s way towards it.
he opened the oven, raising a brow at the empty furnace. “(nickname), there is no bun.” he spoke, his voice empty and confused. she giggled quietly to herself, beginning to eat. “sorry! wrong bun. wrong oven.” she replied, another less subtle giggle escaping her lips.
leo stood in the kitchen for a second, thinking of what that could possibly mean. wrong bun? wrong oven? did we have another bun? or maybe another ov—
then it hit him.
“no..” he mumbled, putting his hands on his hips as he narrowed his eyes at her. “you’re playing with me— stop playing with me (name)!” he pointed at her sassily. she let out a louder cackle, holding her stomach. the stomach their baby was in. “i sure hope they won’t get that attitude from you.” she sang.
leo gasped, running towards her without another word and lifting her up in his arms, twirling her around. “you’re not kidding!? tell me you’re not kidding!!” he shouted, his voice echoing in their small home. “i’m not!” she replied in a belly laugh.
leo had flash of light in his eye. “oh my GODS! THIS IS AMAZING!” he yelled again, keeping his hands on her waist. he put her down gently, rubbing her stomach with his warm palms. “oh my gods..” he repeated. he looked back up at her, planting a short peck on her nose. she snorted, cupping the side of his face with her hand.
“i hope they get your laugh.” he replied, a soft grin on his face, looking at her with all the adoration possible. she cocked her head to the side, she beamed. “how come?” she asked him.
“so i can hear it double the times i do now.”
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thegnomelord · 4 months
- 🦈
( i cant stop thinking about sulivan, your seahorse hybrid oc? I hope i spelt that name right. He's just so precious. Do you have any content about him? Interactions with the reader? Maybe the group? No preasure, i just lub the beby)
No prob sharky, I actually misspelled his name every time I wrote it lol
I've started thinking of including him in the fic I'm currently writing but right now just general headcannon is that he's a hippocampus and Sullivan is short, like barely got into the army 5 foot short and got babied a lot because of his height. And he's a sweetheart baby 99% of the time but that 1%
Watching Sullivan spar would make anyone wonder how he managed to get into the military, let alone on an accomplished military task force. He held back too much, hesitant to hurt Soap more than a few bruises, falling for rather obvious ploys.
Price smoked his cigar besides you, watching the ring with sharp eyes. "Your man's lagging behind."
"I'd say he's doing good." You said, taking the cigar from Price and taking a puff. "Bet you he could get Soap out of the ring in seconds."
"That so?" Price could never refuse a challenge, "You're buying me those good cigars if he loses."
You leaned in, your breath ghosting over Price's ear, "And you're wearing those nice panties if he wins."
A shiver raced down his spine, blue eyes glowing with heat. "Deal."
You smirked, teeth bared like he's a sheep you'd just tricked into the slaughterhouse. "Deal." You turned back to the ring. "Sullivan!"
They stopped, Sullivan's ears flicking in your direction before he turned his head. "Sir?" He asked softly.
"Gloves off." You said simply.
His dark eyes widened before his pupils narrowed into little pinpricks, the pretty scales on his cheeks turning to a deep blue. "Yes sir." His voice remained soft, but instead of caressing the ears it burrowed into the marrow.
Next time Soap tried to fake him out, he ended kicked in the ribs that sent him flying into the nearest wall. Hippocampi were part horse after all.
The second Soap crashed to the ground Sully was closing in to him, apologies spilling from his lips like water. "Oh god, I'm so sorry, please I didn't-"
Soap waved him off, werewolf regeneration already healing the cracked ribs. "Calm yer tits, m'fine." He said, but let Sully help him to his feet. "Got a kick like a bloody mule." He grumbled.
"Nice job Sully." You said as you and Price walked to them to make sure Soap was alright. "You did good kid." You hummed, ruffling his hair.
Sullivan preened under your words, happily leaning into your hand, cheek scales flickering to a vibrant red like a boiled lobster. "Thank- thank you sir." He swallowed thickly.
You chuckled, looking at Price as you leaned in to whisper into Sully's ear. "Meet me in my office after dark. Earned us both a reward." You chuckled when his scales deepened in color and he squirmed in place, attempting to hide the small tent in his pants, clearly remembering his time with you, Price and Gaz.
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pablitogavii · 6 months
Counting Blessings
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You practically ran to Mikky's apartment , and you needed to tell someone.
"He's so tiny..can't believe he was living inside my belly for nine months" she said playing with the little boy laid on the couch while you were sipping on some tea completely lost in thought.
"What's wrong girl??" she said and you finally snapped out of your dreamland. She could help you, but you had to tell her now.
"Umm..I..I..ne..ed..advice??" you say and she nods waiting for the question.
"Mikky..I'm..pregnant" you say touching your stomach not believing it until it finally left your lips. Now it was all true. And you were panicking more than ever!!
"Oh My God! Congratulations!! How's Pablo taking it??" she asked already knowing he doesn't know from the way my face looked. I was too scared to tell him.
"I was too scared to tell him with everything going on..I found out on the day of his injury" you explain
"And still you haven't told him?? When will you!?" she asked
"I don't know! Everything happened so fast with him..and..tomorrow is his surgery" you say
"You have to tell him tonight! It will help him tomorrow!" she said
"U sure? I don't know if it's good idea?" you say worried he might hate it deep down knowing he's not a man like that.
"He's not gonna hate it! He loves you! And this will help him overcome this tragedy that happened" she said and you smiled thinking the same thing. Maybe now he won't feel useless these eight months..
"You're right! I gotta go!" you say and she smiles as you rushed passed Frankie who yelled "say hey to Pablo for me!" before you left.
When you arrived home, Pablo was sitting at the sofa. You came in nervously playing with your sweater edges.
"Amor? You wanna sit or keep standing in front of a screen like that?" he mocked and you quickly moved sitting down in silence. Now he was intrigued.
"Que pasa? Everything ok with Mikky and the baby?" he asked and at the mention of beby your stomach literally flipped.
"Yeh..yeh..they're fine..but um P, I have something to tell you" you say and he nods waiting while lowering the volume on the tv.
"Just please don't talk to me about the surgery, I'm nervous enough.." he said with smile but you knew he was not in such a mood..at least not yet.
"No..umm..it's not about that..well it is about the next eight months..and I know it seems like the end of the world to you..but um..I..j..just..don't know how to tell you this..it's so hard" you said and Pablo started to have fear in his eyes.
"You don't love me anymore? Yeh, you love a footballer and i'm an invalid now.." he said and you shut him up with your hand as he stared at you with big eyes.
"Shut up P..I love you so much..and..I think these eight months don't have to be so horrible..b..because" you move your hand while he keeps quiet. This was it..
"I'm pregnant Pablo.." you say touching your belly and he just sits there frozen.
"I..will..be..dad?" he said and you smiled nod
"Yes, cariño..you will be papi in eight months" you moved closer kneeling in front of his legs holding his face that was covered in tears.
"You happy cariño??"you try nervously not knowing what type of tears these were.
"Of course I feel happy! You're the love of my life preciosa..now you have my baby..it's all perfect" he said as you hugged him tightly letting him cry into your shoulder.
"I'm blessed preciosa..so blessed" he said and you smiled nodding your head and kissing his the top of his.
"You shouldn't be on the floor! It's cold! Venga! Let me take you to bed preciosa.." he said and you chuckled reminding him he is the patient now but he refused to listen holding your hand and taking you to bed where he tucked you in before joining behind you to cuddle you.
"Um, preciosa..could..I?" he said referring to your belly and you smiled taking his arm and wrapping it so he touched your still invisible bump.
"It's your daddy mi amor..he's the one touching you now" you say he watched in utter love with blushed cheeks.
"What would you like to have amorcito??" he asked still touching gently and you smiled wide.
"Hm..it's a boy cariño..I know" you say to his confused face.
"Don't you find it out later??" he asked and you chuckled nodd
"Hm..it's mother's instinct..we will have little Pablito in eight months" you say looking at his brightened face. Then you turned around touching his face worried.
"Just..please..return to us P" you say to him before he kissed your lips lovingly with much force.
"I promise..there's nothing I wish more..just to keep counting blessings with you two.." he said into new kiss that gave you reassurance..<3
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strawmaerry · 8 months
heaven with you | g. satoru
the sun is smiling down at the earth and the bright atmosphere does not quell the feeling of emptiness you have.
the cemetery is quiet. although there are people visiting their loved ones, it is peaceful which you do not feel at all.
it has been months since that day and never once did you visit him. how could you? he was killed right in front of your eyes. no significant other could stomach the scenario happened.
your white maxi dress billows around you like butterfly wings as the breeze feel you up. you stand in front of his grave and just stare at his name.
when you look at his name before, you feel nothing but happiness because one day, you will bear his surname. as his partner, as his wife, as his girl.
but now, you feel nothing but heartache because you two will never achieve the dream you always talk about.
“you’re such a cheater…” your voice breaks as a sob comes out from your throat. you kneel in front of his grave as the baby breath flowers you bring slowly caresses his grave.
“you promised that we will always be together! you promised that you would never, ever leave me! you swore that you would always beby my side! that we would conquer everything that life throw upon us! you fucking promised…!”
you keel over his name as uncontrollable sob escape you. this is the first time you let out your feelings. you acted like you were in auto-pilot when you did your everyday work. you were like an empty shell of who you were before.
your friends advise you to move on. live for him. don’t be stuck on the past. accept the pain. he wouldn’t want that for you, they say. he doesn’t want you getting hurt by him, they say. we’re here for you, they smile.
“what’s the purpose of being alive if you’re not here? i will follow you through the depths of hell with a smile on my face if it means i get to be with you. in this world where i make friends with death all the time, i’m not certain when will be my last breath or when will be the last time i will be able to feel you…”
the world stops in its axis as you stare at the name of the love of your life. the name of the person you’re willing to risk the love for. the name of the person who brought nothing but joy in your life. the name of the person who completed your heart and soul. and the name of the person who brought peace of mind to you.
“heaven is a place on earth with you, satoru.”
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