#look at crystals comment section from 2016/2017
discalmnected · 11 months
As someone who’s been a fan since 2014 I can confidently say that what’s happening to Ashton’s gf is nothing new.
Here’s the cycle
1. People figure out that one of the guys is dating someone
2. Twitter stans with no life and an overinflated sense of self importance do some “digging” and either find something problematic about the gf or they make something up and straight up lie
3. People flood the gf’s social media with hate comments and demand they break up
4. The gf goes quiet on social media or ignore the situation until 5sos stans get bored
5. A couple months pass and the couple goes public which causes the hate the start again
6. More time passes and stans decide that they love her
I don’t know what Ashton’s gf said and honestly I don’t care, who they date is none of my concern and none of us have any right to make demands about their personal lives. You don’t have to like their partners but nothing is gained by posting about how much you hate them besides pushing the guys away from social media.
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My Sonic Game Story Ranking From Worst to Best
Greetings, mortals! Today, I will be ranking every Sonic game story I've seen from worst to best.
Disclaimer: I will be judging the following games by the plot and writing, not the gameplay. Also, I will only be including Sonic game stories from 1998 onwards (I don't know much about the Classic Era storylines), and I'll eventually need to make an updated version of this list that includes Sonic Frontiers when that game comes out, but for now, this is my current ranking.
Please keep in mind, this is MY OPINION! You don't need to agree with it, but please don't complain in the comments section if you disagree with this list.
Anyway, let us begin! ^^
22. Sonic Lost World (2013)
This is hands down, the worst Sonic game story ever. It has a painfully cringeworthy script that looks like it was written by a ten year old, along with it catering to completely different people who likely hate Sonic as a whole. And don't even get me started on the Deadly Six...
21. Sonic Boom Game Trilogy (2014-2016)
I'm just going to group the entire trilogy here because they're all equally boring and unimpressive in my opinion, with Rise of Lyric and Shattered Crystal being the absolute worst of the bunch. And while Fire and Ice was a slight improvement over its predecessors, it's still kind of bland.
20. Sonic Free Riders (2010)
This is what you get when you take everything good about the first two Sonic Riders games and throw all of it out the window. With its lazy PowerPoint style cutscenes, a boring plot and badly written characters, this game effectively killed the Sonic Riders series.
19. Sonic Forces (2017)
What can I say about this bland, disappointing disaster of a game that hasn't been said already? It promised us a more serious, high-stakes storyline reminiscent of the Adventure/Dark Era titles and a mysterious, threatening new villain to boot, but then somewhere along the line, SEGA just shrugged and said, "Eh, it's just a kids' game. Who cares?" The amount of wasted potential this game had is ASTONISHING. Let's hope that Sonic Frontiers will have a much better story than this, because trust me, WE DO NOT WANT A REPEAT OF FORCES.
18. Sonic Generations (2011)
Not the worst storyline that the Meta Era has to offer, but it is a bland and practically non-existent one.
17. Sonic Rivals Duology (2006-2008)
I have mixed feelings towards both these games' stories to be honest. Rivals 1 was forgettable, while Rivals 2 was a hot mess, but yet there's something oddly charming about it...
16. Team Sonic Racing (2019)
Yes, it's bland, it's forgettable, it makes a lot of questionable writing choices (i.e. Eggman and Zavok are working together even though they clearly hated each other in Lost World, Vector names himself leader of Silver and Blaze's team even though he wasn't even invited to the race to begin with, Dodon Pa is revealed to be the good guy all along, etc.), and it has PowerPoint style cutscenes similar to Free Riders, but it's still one of the more tolerable Meta Era stories in my opinion (at least compared to the likes of Lost World and Forces).
15. Sonic Colors (2010)
Honestly, if it wasn't for the Pontaff duo's writing, I would actually consider this to be a cute and relatively decent light-hearted Sonic story. The Wisps are a great addition to the franchise, as they're extremely adorable and without them, we wouldn't have Eclipse's sweet little Dark Arms from the Archie comics. The only thing that truly bothers me about this game is that it started the Meta Era, which I personally hate. If it was just a standalone spinoff title aimed at the younger demographic like what the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog TV show was to the Classic Era, I wouldn't be as harsh towards it. Also, the DS version has a much better script than the Wii version, and I highly recommend checking it out.
14. Sonic Rush Adventure (2007)
Not quite as good as the first Rush game's story, but it's still a decent story overall. It introduced Marine the Raccoon, who (in my opinion) is a very underrated character. Also, I like the idea of Sonic and Tails exploring the Sol Dimension, I just wish they could have done more with it.
13. Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (2008)
I don't really know that much about Chronicles to be honest, but from what I've seen, it looked pretty cool. I like that it used lore from the Adventure games in its story, and Shade the Echidna is an interesting character who had potential, but sadly, she can't be used in official Sonic media anymore... (Fuck Ken Penders and his BS legal drama 😡)
12. Sonic Shuffle (2000)
This game's story had a surreal, dreamlike atmosphere to it, which I really liked. I also find it interesting that Illumina is the literal precursor to Solaris in a sense, as both characters are godlike deities who were separated into two halves, and then there's the fact that Shuffle predated 06 by about seven years. I know most people remember this game as a Mario Party clone, but I think the story is perhaps the most interesting and overlooked aspect of Shuffle.
11. Sonic and the Secret Rings (2007)
Secret Rings may be the black sheep of the five main Dark Era games, but the story is still enjoyable in its own right. The idea of Sonic exploring the world of the Arabian Nights was an interesting concept, and Erazor Djinn, while underdeveloped, is a much better villain than the Deadly Six.
10. Sonic Adventure (1998)
This game officially started the transition from Classic to Modern, and what a transition it was! One of my favorite aspects of SA1's story (besides the world building and lore) is that each of the six main characters contribute something important to the plot: Sonic himself is given a decent story with a good personality, Tails got his own character arc that showed that he was more than just a sidekick, that he could stand up for himself (which the newer games seem to have forgotten, sadly), Knuckles' story gave us more of his perspective of his clan and his role as the Master Emerald guardian, Amy is given a cute, wholesome story in which she tries to protect a Flicky from one of Eggman's robots, Big's story involves him looking for his pet Froggy and Gamma's story had the most emotional depth out of all the characters' campaigns, and his death is easily one of the saddest moments in the entire Sonic franchise.
I just wish SEGA/Sonic Team could make the characters more involved in the story rather than it just being the "Sonic Only Show". Seeing other characters besides Sonic be important to the story really brought out more to his world and honestly, I think it's an nice change of pace from tradition and I can only hope the idea of multiple character stories can return one day.
9. Sonic Heroes (2003)
This is the textbook example of a light-hearted Sonic story done well. I love the dynamic between each of the four teams and the interactions between the characters. Yes, it can be very cheesy at times, but that's all part of its charm. Unlike the Meta Era games, there are no stupid jokes, the characters aren't butchered and the storyline took itself seriously enough to fit in with the shonen anime style of the 2000's Sonic games. Also, Neo Metal Sonic is an awesome villain and the best version of Metal Sonic in my opinion.
8. Sonic Rush (2005)
Out of all the handheld Sonic games, this one has the best storyline in my opinion. It introduced fan favorite Blaze the Cat, who many people (myself included) consider to be one of the best female Sonic characters, and it has a great theme/message about learning to open up to friends.
7. Sonic Riders (2006)
A fun story that tells the tale of an ancient society in a futuristic setting... what's not to love? Also, I liked the dynamic between Team Sonic and the Babylon Rogues, it was interesting and enjoyable to watch.
6. Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity (2008)
Easily the best installment of the Sonic Riders trilogy, Riders: Zero Gravity delves deeper into the Babylon lore that was introduced in the first Riders game while also telling a deep, meaningful story and further developing the relationship between Team Sonic and the Babylon Rogues.
5. Sonic Adventure 2 (2001)
One of the most widely acclaimed narratives in the Sonic franchise, SA2 is an engaging, high-stakes story jam packed with memorable moments and excellent characterization, with Shadow's character arc being the highlight.
4. Sonic Unleashed (2008)
This game represents everything the Sonic franchise should strive to be. Sonic and Chip's friendship throughout the story was definitely a highlight for me, and the final battle against Dark Gaia during the climax was EPIC. To me, this is what the Sonic franchise should be like, not like the dumb sitcom "storylines" of the Meta Era games. I truly hope there's still a chance for the writing quality of the Sonic series to get back on track and that future games will have more amazing and masterfully written storylines like this one.
3. Sonic and the Black Knight (2009)
This is honestly the best portrayal of Sonic in the Sonic franchise next to Unleashed and SA2. It gets Sonic's character right in so many ways. Being thrown into a world of chivalry and conduct, Sonic doesn't play by those rules and opts to be the free-spirited, nice guy he is. The plot twist was good and Sonic's message to Merlina about living life to the fullest is such a positive message a character like Sonic absolutely nails to deliver. This game, along with Unleashed, SA2 and Riders: Zero Gravity, is the pinnacle of Sonic game storytelling.
2. Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
Excluding Sonic and Elise's boring love story plot, 06's story is really good in my opinion. In fact, I personally think it has one of the best narratives in the entire franchise. Though that could be the nostalgia I have for 06... 😅
1. Shadow the Hedgehog (2005)
You already know I love this game too much. Sure, games like SA2, Unleashed and Black Knight are objectively better in terms of writing, but I have a lot of nostalgia for ShTH, as well as 06. It gives me all the warm, fuzzy serotonin and it's very nostalgic to me, so yea...
Another reason why I'm extremely biased for ShTH is because its main villain is hot (。💜‿💜。)
Thanks for reading! I hope you guys enjoyed this list and I'll see you next time!! ^^
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cilliansaccent · 4 years
The Peaky Designer - Cillian Fanfic, Chapter 24
Hello, welcome back. Below is the next instalment of my fanfiction!
Leave a like or a comment if you liked it, or if I can do anything better! Please, it would mean the world and to understand if anyone is enjoying my writing. Also, sharing/reblogging would be even better.
I will not be including Cillian’s family as it’s kinda weird since he has children lmao. Just a mention of his parents and a previous lover.
I will indicate in a chapter if there is smut in the beginning and before the actual scene!!
I will add trigger warnings if there is any!!
There is a variety of levels of swearing during a chapter, I will not hold back, everyone swears.
The timestamp for the Fic is now 2016 and onwards!!
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Background: Gabrijela Babic is a Croatian girl from Sydney, Australia. She is born in the year 1991 on the 24th of December. She studies a Fashion degree in a University with a major in Game Design as well. Her teacher in the fashion designer class managed to nail an Internship on the set of Peaky Blinders with the shows very own Costume Designer, Allison McCosh. There, she travels to London for under a year to learn how to be one, working alongside the actors as well the man she admires, Cillian Murphy. But, her platonic feelings for the man begins to grow into something more, and she wonders whether she should pursue them or let him go for fear of her strict parents and her three older brothers…
Swantje Paulina as Gabrijela Babic (swalina on Instagram)
Cillian Murphy
Word Count: 5,235
!!Warnings!!: Mention of abortion near the end
Date: February 2017
Chapter Name: Maya’s Wedding Day
Brief Chapter Outline: The pair attend’s Maya’s wedding, it’s all nice and happy until Lucia ruins the surprise for Gabrijela. It ends with the following day after-party at Maya’s parents house. 
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It was an early start for Gabrijela and Cillian. They took another shower, Gab going first since she had to be ready quicker and she took her time when it came to doing her hair and make-up.
"You look fine without all of that on." Cillian mused.
She huffed, "Yes. You've told me many times. But it's only for these special occasions I'll go full out. Or if I'm streaming a game." She was combing her wet hair once she was out of the shower.
"I have yet to see you do a stream," Cillian said.
"Well, I do plan on a stream next weekend. You can watch." She giggled.
"Sounds like a good idea." He nodded and went into the shower.
Gabrijela dried her hair and worked on it. It was a half up half down style with a braid, the loose ends were in soft waves as her hair was like that naturally. She cleaned up her jewellery next, she had found some earrings that could match her necklace, they were simple gold sunbursts with a little opal in the middle. She still had that Claddagh ring on and admired it. She truly loved it. She popped on their shared music playlist as she set on her make-up. She kept it quite natural, when she would come back she would add more to match her evening dress. Her dress for the church was an off the shoulder, white top section with the skirt a rose gold with four big white flowers. She wore flats with a small heel.
Cillian was ready in his suit, he was fixing up his collar as Gabrijela came over and did his tie, "You look dashing, babe." She adjusted his tie and collar and rubbed down his jacket.
"And you look stunning." He held her forearms gently.
"Thank you. Can I take a photo?" She grinned.
"Okay." He chuckled and they posed before the mirror as she snapped a pic. "Oh, we look good."
"We do. A perfect couple." She leaned up and kissed his cheek gently.
They pulled away and she grabbed her bag, checked for anything she was missing and off they went. Her family were finishing up and the kids mucked around near the parking lot. They all greeted each other before they all got into their own cars. Her parents would join in her car, she would lead her family to the church.
Once everyone got to the church, they mingled with the rest of the guests and Gabrijela found her group of friends. They all greeted each other.
"How was the drive?" Elijah asked.
"Good. I'm tired since we left right after I finished work." Gabrijela laughed. "Don't give me that look you kinky asshat. No. I'm not tired because of that." She punched his shoulder.
He grinned, "Sure thing. Hey, I gotta tell you something though."
"Oh? What is it?" Gab asked.
"Before we all knew what Lucia had done to you and the shit she caused us, she is still coming to the wedding. Maya wanted to tell her not to come but she felt way to bad. You know how she is." Elijah said.
Gab sighed heavily, "Thanks for telling me. I'll make sure I keep away from her."
"No problemo. I think she's just coming to the reception so you got time to get yourself ready if she ever tries to face off with you." Elijah patted her shoulder.
"Yeah. Again, thanks." She smiled.
It was time to head into the church and she took Cillian's hand. Together they sat near the front with her family and friends. Ben was standing up at the front with his mates, looking very nervous. Twenty minutes passed before the bride had arrived. The guests all stood as the little flower girls, both Maya's and Ben's, walked down the aisle, throwing flowers along the way but were giggling and kept getting distracted. Then it was the ring boys who were close to the girl's ages, followed by the three bridesmaids. The music began as Maya and her father walked together down the aisle. She had a beautiful lace dress which had a Queen Anne collar and short flowing sleeves. The bodice was hand made and had little crystals sewn in the middle of the flower designs. She looked absolutely stunning and very happy.
The ceremony continued on, it was seriously perfect. Their vows were their own and it brought tears to both their eyes. Gab felt Cillian slip his hand in hers and squeeze gently. She looked up and he smiled at her, she returned it. She looked back when they exchanged rings... She wondered if she was ever going to get married.
Once the ceremony ended, the Croatian band started and played music as they walked out followed by the bridal party then soon after the guests. Everyone gathered in front of the church and took a photo, then a big circle was formed and the bride and groom danced to the music. People clapped and cheered, more photos taken and people congratulated them. The bride and groom eventually left to go have their photos taken, some people headed back to their hotel rooms or straight to the reception that was being held at the Hunter Valley Gardens.
Gab and Cillian headed back to their hotel with her parents in tow. They all relaxed in the garden as it was cooler, Leo had brought drinks and they had some. Gab stuck with her lemon lime and bitters. Music played from the boom box she brought along, the kids asleep, the air warm but not to much to cause you to sweat. Then it was time to get ready, Gabrijela changing into her other dress, Cillian helping with the lace back. She laughed when he gripped her hips and pulled her close, kissing her shoulder then to her neck. She tangled her fingers in his hair, "Don't, babe. You know what will happen."
"Just don't think about it." He said, coming to her jaw.
"Bastard." She was turned around to face him and she planted her hands on his chest. "I. Love. You."
"And I. Love. You. Too." He leaned in and kissed her softly, "You look really beautiful."
"Thank you. You look really handsome." She smiled and fixed his hair.
He took her face in his hands gently and he smiled, "Shall we go?"
"We shall." They kissed and pulled away and headed out and soon left to go to the gardens. It was done outside with a huge marquis that was decked out in a very boho, natural theme. Pretty lightbulbs hung from the beams above (which looked like branches), the poles were designed to look like tree trunks with curling flowering vines. The tables had three types of designs, one had the red wattle, yellow kangaroo paws and the eucalyptus flower with leaves sprinkled on the tables. The bridal table was similar but much more extravagant with flowers draped at the front with fairy lights woven between them and as the backdrop to.
Gabrijela took the stem of rosemary from the basket, it had a red, blue and white ribbon at the end and she pinned it to Cillian's jacket lapel.
"What is this for?" Cillian asked.
"All Croatian weddings have this. Each guest gets it. Tradition says it wards off evil spirits and that guests then give money." She pointed to the box. "Though, you would give a card instead of just dumping it in." She held the card up and grinned before she put it in the box. "I already bought her a gift, a Smeg Toaster that will match her other Smeg items in their new house."
Cillian chuckled, "Nice." He took her hand as they walked to their table. They were seated with her friends, Elijah at her side.
"Please tell me she won't be on our table?" Gab asked Elijah.
"Sadly she will be, but don't you worry. We got you." He hugged her a little and squeezed her shoulder. "Also you look fantastic. You both do."
"Thanks, Eli." Gab smiled a little before she sighed. "Ah fuck." Gab cursed when she saw Lucia walk in what looked like a much older man.
"Now that is a first," Karsyn said with a raised brow, he was seated beside Cillian.
"What the hell." Gab groaned.
"It's going to be okay." Cillian gripped her hand, touching her face, "I love you."
Gab smiled and touched his hand as Lucia beamed, "Hi guys! Good to see you all." She exclaimed.
"Nice to see you too," Elijah said with a tight smile.
Karsyn only ignored her and talked to his fiancee.
"Well, this is David. My boyfriend." She introduced the sketchy looking dude. Lucia told him each of their names before they sat down. The vibe on the table was weird since no one was really talking to Lucia. Gab kept her attention on Cillian, showing him something on her phone.
"So! Gab-gab, how have you been?" Lucia chimed in, beaming.
Gab looked up, "It's Gabrijela. I've been fine." She leaned into Cillian's side, gripping his thigh.
David seemed intrigued but he didn't talk, keeping mostly to himself.
"That's good. You like my handsome boyfriend? He's super sweet. He's also from Ireland to. We both have guys who got in common. Should hang out." Lucia nodded.
Gabrijela bit her bottom lip and took a quick glance at her friends who also seemed like 'WTF'. "Uh, don't know. I'm quite busy."
"I'm sure we will find a day! I'll message you. Did you change your number? Been trying to get back to you." Lucia frowned.
"Uh. Yeah-"
"Oh then please, give it to me. I want to organise a day-" Lucia started.
"No. I will not. I'm busy, Lucia. I have no time to meet up with you." Gabrijela already felt annoyed and she felt embarrassed for her boyfriend who was trying to tell Lucia to stop.
"Why not? I want to see you again." She pouted, tears in her eyes. "I miss you!" She cried. David grabbed her and hushed her, whispering fast to her and she was whimpering.
"Jesus." Gabrijela turned away from her, shaking her head. "I'm already fucking sick of her." Gabrijela felt that second-hand embarrassment.
"It's okay. I'm here for you." Cillian rubbed her arms gently then took her hands and brought them to his lips. He looked at Lucia who was staring at him with clear vile anger. He only looked back to his love and kissed her forehead.
No one talked to Lucia despite she was trying to chat up the ladies on the table. Very light conversation before she finally got the gist of it.
Eventually, the bride and groom had arrived. The bridal party went first in, each couple had their own song they danced to as they entered followed by Ben and Maya. They picked a lovely Croatian song and they danced together in the middle of the dance floor. Then they parted after it was done and took their spots on the table.
Their MC, Maya's cousin, welcomed everyone and complimented the bridal party and the couple before he sneaked in some jokes before he departed. The first-course meal was then brought out soon after, people were chatting, music was playing. There was going to be a live band, she could see it. She loved live Croatian bands, and these guys were good.
Lucia got up to go talk to some people she saw, leaving poor David alone.
"Hey mate." Elijah spoke up, smiling at the man, "I gotta ask, what are you doing with her?"
"With Lucia? Like anyone else, dating her." David sat a little straighter.
"Right. Right." Elijah sat back.
"I'd like to ask why you all gave her such a cold greeting. Are you not her closest friends? Especially you?" David looked at Gab.
"Was. She's no longer our friend." Gabrijela said. She wondered if Lucia had even told David why they never spoke. It looked like he was quite confused.
"That doesn't mean you should give her the cold shoulder." David frowned, "She's proven to be an actual lovely girl."
"Oh? So you know what she did?" Gabrijela asked, tilting her head to the side.
"Yes. She told me she made a mistake with sleeping with your now ex. She truly wants to make it up to you." David replied.
"Yeah. No. She did not make that mistake. She wanted it." Gabrijela scoffed, shaking her head. Cillian gripped her thigh, squeezing to remind her to stay calm.
"Have you ever spoken to her about it? She said you just dropped her." David cocked an eyebrow.
"Of course. I won't be dealing with people who cheat. I've dealt with people like that, don't need it in my life." Gab replied smoothly.
"But you should-" David began.
"Listen, mate. She said she doesn't want to be friends with her. Drop it. Besides, how long have you been dating Lucia?" Elijah cut him off.
"Three months," David said.
"Right. And you understand that she was causing some shit with us, as well?"
"Yes but-"
"No buts here. Just understand that she's cut deep wounds with us all and we aren't the type to just happily oblige her just because she throws a tantrum. You just saw it yourself." Elijah said, his eyes hard.
David frowned and glanced at Gabrijela and her man then sighed and sat back, arms crossed.
Gabrijela looked away and saw Maya looking at them, she gave her a smile of reassurance and a promise they would talk later.
It wasn't long when it came to the first dance. Gabrijela explained to Cillian the meaning behind the song and how much it meant to Maya and Ben. He found it quite romantic as they watched the pair dance. The rest of the bridal party danced until anyone else may come up.
"Shall we?" Gabrijela turned to Cillian.
"Dance?" He asked.
"Yeah. Come on, my love." She said as she stood up and took his hands. They walked to the dance floor and he spun her before he pulled her close. They swayed to the music, her head resting on his chest. She imagined them on their wedding day like this.
"You make me so unbelievably happy, Cillian." She said, her eyes shut.
His lips brushed her forehead, his thumb ran over her knuckles slowly, "I can say the same for you. You are truly a woman I love."
She loved that word in his accent, it made her shiver, "My Cillian." She looked up at him and leaned up to kiss him softly.
He smiled and they pressed foreheads. Maya made an 'aw' sound as they came close.
"You two are so cute!" She beamed and broke away from Ben to hug Gabrijela.
Gab laughed as she hugged her friend back as Cillian shook hands with Ben, "Congrats. You look so good! Ugh!"
"Thanks. Oh my god. I love this dress. It suits you so well!" Maya beamed. The girls gushed over each other before they danced, their men stood off to the side to talk.
"I have something really important to tell you and the gang," Gab said to Maya as they twirled.
"Oh? How important?" Maya asked with a smile.
"Very. After all the formalities are done we all meet under the willow tree." Gab giggled.
"Oooh, secrets. I love secrets." Maya mused.
They parted as the dance ended and they all took their seats once more. It was time to do the speeches, which were very sweet, a lot of tears from both Maya, Ben and Maya's dad and Ben's best man. The speeches really tugged at the heartstrings. Even for Gabrijela. Then it was time to cut the cake, which of course almost turned out into a food fight but Maya wasn't having it. Once the cake was taken away and people calmed down it was time to throw the bouquet and Gabrijela was up on her feet.
"Hey! You aren't single!" Elijah shouted.
"Don't care!" Gab stuck her tongue out as all the girls gathered. Music played as Maya swayed and messed around... Then threw the flowers. The girls cried out and reached for it... Gab caught it as she tittered to the side and fell down as she laughed.
"Woo!" She yelled as Cillian rushed to her side.
"You okay my love?" He asked, eyes wide.
"I am. I am." She giggled and kissed him as he helped her to her feet. "Now it's your turn." She said as Maya came over.
"You good? Holy crap you were determined." Maya laughed.
"Yep! I was!" She nodded as they took a picture together.
"What do you mean it's my turn?" Cillian asked as they pulled away.
"You'll see." Gabbie pulled him back to the table as it was now Ben's turn.
Ben had done a whole 'Magic Mike' kinda dance for Maya who was red as a tomato. He stripped and paraded around her before he got to his knees and went under her skirts. She laughed and giggled as he finally took out the garter.
"Up you go, babe. Go catch it." Gab whispered to him.
"Oh, God." He laughed and stood to join the boys.
"Don't you hurt him!" Gab yelled, pointing at Ben's brothers and cousins.
Ben also did the teasing before he threw it. Gab gasped as the group surged forward... Cillian came out victorious! He laughed as he was bear-hugged by the group and Gabrijela was called up. They took photos together then with the bride and groom before Cillian and Gabrijela began to dance. It was an old tradition that they would do this. They did a bit of a jig together and laughed and mucked around, people cheering and clapping.
It was time to sit down as dessert came out, chocolate fudge cake. Gabrijela groaned as the dish was set before her, Cillian getting some type of ice-cream and some other cake. "Let's share," Gab said and they did, going half and half with their dishes.
Gab waited when Lucia decided to leave and she whispered to Elijah and Karsyn to follow her. They all got up, including the wives as they walked out to the willow tree. Gab waited back as her friends had all gathered there and looked up at Cillian, "You still okay with me telling them?" She asked him. They had discussed on the drive that Gabrijela would tell her friends about her being pregnant. They both agreed they would do it tonight.
"I'm perfectly fine with this. I swear it. Your friends deserve to know and I am more than happy to tell them." He squeezed her hands.
Gabbie beamed and together they went to their group of friends.
"Spill it, girlie." Maya grinned.
"Well..." Gabbie glanced at Cillian then back at her friends. "I'm pregnant!"
There was a moment and Maya was the one who gasped, "Really? Oh my god!"
"Yep! I am!" Gabrijela laughed as she was crushed against her friend's body in a tight hug.
"Congratulations!" Karsyn and Elijah said as they all hugged each other.
"When are you due?" Maya asked.
"Don't know. Maybe October or November if my calculations are right." Gabrijela giggled as Cillian pulled her close.
"Are you excited?" Ben asked Cillian.
"Oh very much so. I can't wait." Cillian grinned and looked down at Gabrijela.
There was excited chatter among her friends, and they eventually found out they were all first to know before her family. That was another obstacle to get across.
"What's all this excitement?" Lucia had wandered over and looked at everyone, "And why was I left out of it?"
Everyone turned to look at her, "None of your business." Elijah smiled.
"Is someone pregnant?" Lucia continued, "Who? C'mon, tell me." She crossed her arms.
"None. Of. Your. Business." Elijah said again, "No one needs to tell you anything."
"I wasn't asking you." She snapped at Elijah. "Ladies? Someone gonna tell me?"
"No." Gabrijela frowned, "Elijah is right. We don't need to tell you shit." She said, "Come on, let's go back inside." Gab said and walked with Cillian, holding his hand.
Everyone followed inside, leaving Lucia alone.
The night continued with more dancing and taking silly photos in the photo booth. Gabrijela and Cillian headed into the garden again where they kissed under a tree for some time where things began to grow hotter until Elijah, Karsyn and Ben ruined the fun. Gab was happy her friends were super supportive of their relationship, the boys loved Cillian, they acted mature but also had heaps of fun.
Gab couldn't get her eyes off Cillian the whole time, and Maya kept teasing her about it.
"Shut up." Gab rolled her eyes, shoving her friend a little.
"Nah. Not when you got googly eyes and drooling all over yourself." Maya laughed.
"Sorry, can't help that my boyfriend is a total snack." Gabbie mused.
"And cheers to that!" Maya beamed and they clinked glasses.
The girls chatted with each other before Gab spotted her parents looking around before their gazes fell on to Gab and wandered over.
"Gab, we need to chat." Her father said with a firm tone. "Alone."
Gabrijela frowned but her friends all got up and left, Maya mouthing 'Come to me if you need it' and turned to go.
"Okay... What's up?" Gab was confused as to why her father looked so grim. And angry.
"Well, is there something you'd like to tell us?" Her father stared at her, his scowl was clear.
"Tell you... What?" Gabrijela seemed more confused than anything.
"Gabrijela, don't play dumb. We know you are pregnant." Her father snapped.
Gab winced and her eyes widened, "What?" She had no words.
"Lucia told us. You told your friends first without consulting with us." Her father continued.
"You should have told us so we can discuss whether you will be keeping it or not." Her mother added.
"Well, I was planning to." Gab restrained her anger, "But I wasn't going to tell you yet. I wanted to make it a surprise. But it seems you both are not happy I am pregnant, am I correct?"
"Of course not. I've never been happy with this relationship either, I do not see a good future with this man at all. Why couldn't you be with someone closer to your age? Why must you waste away your life-"
"First of all," Gab cut her father off, glaring at him, "It is none of your damn business on who I date. I love Cillian, for who he is. Not because he is an older man. I never cared about it, I care about how he treats me and how we are together. You should be happy he makes me happy." She said with a clear, hard voice. No way would she let her parents trample over her like this.
"And does he know about you being pregnant?" Her mother scoffed a little.
"Of course. And we have a plan about when I am due, he will spend the few weeks here with me. Supporting me." Gab straightened her shoulders. She wouldn't let them shit on Cillian either.
Her parents let out a sigh, "And through it? How will he support you here when he isn't here?" Her father asked.
"Of course he can't come with me to the appointments so I have Maya to help me with it. Why does it matter? He is dedicated to me and with this baby, he will do whatever he can to help me." Gabrijela said.
But the next words that came from her mother hurt the most, "Darling, I do not think this is a good idea. How will your child grow up with an old man who won't be able to keep up? I know this is hard but we can talk to a doctor about-"
Gabrijela stood, tears forming in her eyes, "How dare you! Don't you talk to me about aborting my child! Of all the people, I thought you'd be happy or at least kind about this! I cannot believe you'd think I'd choose to rid my child."
"Baby, what's going on?" Cillian had rushed over when he heard her raised voice and had seen the trio interact.
"I just- God! You are unbelievably cruel!" She was crying now, tears streaming down her face.
"Damnit Gabrijela, you are ruining your life! This whole thing is a mistake, why couldn't you just behave yourself?" Her father stood, "I do not accept what you have with this man, or what you are carrying. You are no daughter to me."
The words speared her heart, "I HATE YOU! FUCK YOU!" Gabrijela screamed and turned and ran off.
Cillian turned to her father, having had enough of this, "How could you say that to your own daughter?" Fuck being nice. This was his love and future mother to his child. "What a terrible thing to say, you should be comforting her and aiding her. Not turn her away." He shook his head, "I love her, I love our child. There is nothing you can do about it. I'd like you to reconsider your words to her and make peace if you have the heart to do so." Cillian turned and ran after Gabrijela.
Her parents were in shock but had not said anything else after him.
Gabrijela was in the bathroom, crying in one of the stalls. Maya was there, trying to comfort her and hold her. Cillian didn't care and came in, "Gabbie? My love?" He came to the closed door, he could see Maya's white dress underneath it.
Maya opened the door and let Cillian in, who gathered Gab into his arms.
"I hate them," She cried into his chest, "I can't believe they even had the guts to say such cruel things."
"Shh, I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere." He stroked her hair gently, rocking her a little.
They spent like that for a bit before he managed to walk her out, they headed out of the venue where he cleaned her face up, Maya and the rest of her friends there with her.
Though, Elijah was inside with his fiancée who was trying to calm him down and not go after Lucia who was smirking like a cat. But he didn't need to as Maya came over with her husband and told Lucia to leave.
The girl made a huge deal and a tantrum, her boyfriend super embarrassed as he had to literally lift her and carry her out of the place.  
When Gab seemed to recover, Cillian held her hand as he sat beside her, his jacket around her shoulders. "I love you." He said softly, cupping her cheek and turning to face him.
She smiled a little, "I know. I love you too." She rested her head on his shoulder and he kissed her head.
"Nothing will stop me from loving you. Or our child." His hand slid over her stomach.
"You are perfect, Cillian. You really are." She looked up at him, "My handsome love." She kissed him deeply.
His arms slid around her and they kissed passionately, "When we head home, I'll make you a fantastic bath." He murmured against her lips.
"Yeah? Will you be in there, a bow on your head?" She giggled softly.
"Sure, if we have one." He pecked her lips.
She was feeling a little better but she was still hurting, "Well, long as you are there, that matters most."
"Mmm, yeah." He leaned back in and kissed her again.
"Hey, come on you two. We're going to say good-bye to Maya and Ben." Elijah broke them up.
The pair stood and walked back in, hand in hand. Everyone stood in a circle as the newlywed couple went around to each person to say good-bye. Her brothers had already left earlier because of the kids and they had a long drive home tomorrow.
Eventually, they had left after another dance and the party continued on.
Gab danced with Cillian and her other friends, not meeting her parent's eyes. By midnight the party finished and Maya's remaining family cleaned up, as well as Gab and Cillian and her parents. Once that was over they drove back to the motel in total silence. Cillian took to the wheel despite Gabrijela telling him not to.
Now at the motel, Gabrijela didn't say goodnight to her parents and simply went to her room with Cillian. She undressed as he prepared a bath, cleaned her face and combed her hair before tying it up in a bun.
Cillian had finished with the bath and she wandered over, he was undressing as well and she couldn't help but watch him. "Sexy." She purred.
He laughed, facing her full-on, "That's you. Come on, let's get in." He said and helped her in before he slid behind her. He set up some music for them to listen to as they relaxed in silence. Cillian could feel Gab falling asleep and woke her up before he washed her. He got out with her and dried her and dressed her in one of his shirts and boxers.
Together they slipped into bed, him being the big spoon.
"I love you." She murmured softly.
"I love you too." He replied gently, kissing the back of her neck.
They both eventually fell asleep.
 The Next Day...
 Gab was glad her parents weren't coming in the same car to Maya's after-party at her parent's house. Cillian had agreed as well as they packed the car. Soon they were on the road to the country house where they were able to stay the night as well.
The party was only close friends and family, it was a clear but hot day. It was all outside but undercover thankfully. A Croatian band was playing and a little dance floor was set out.
It was nice, Gab thought. She loved weddings and always dreamed of being married to someone she loved, and she gazed at Cillian once more with that cute, small smile.
"What?" He asked as he looked at her, they were dancing.
"Nothin'. Just admiring you." She said. She wore a short yellow summer dress with white polka dots. She still had his necklace he gave her all those months ago.
"Uh-huh." He said and kissed her softly as they swayed.
The afternoon continued on with plenty of laughter, food, dancing, singing and drinking. The majority had gone home by four, but the party kept going well into the night.
Gab had fallen asleep in the egg chair as her friends chatted around her, and Cillian had come over to pick her up and take her up to the spare bedroom. He undressed her and went back down to say goodnight to everyone before he joined his love in bed.
She had rolled and snuggled close to his side, mumbling something but kept on sleeping.
He stayed awake a little, watching her peaceful state. He let his mind think and wonder, feeling totally blessed to have her with him. Tomorrow, he thought, he needed to go out to the shops and buy a few things before they left to go to their camping trip on Wednesday.
He knew what he had to do and he was nervous about it.
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livingcorner · 3 years
How to Make a Crystal Garden for a Science Project@|how to grow your own crystal garden@|https://images.saymedia-content.com/.image/t_share/MTc0Mzk0MDExMTkxMDkyNTg0/how-to-make-a-crystal-garden.jpg@|0
Just a geeky mom who loves to share science with her kids. She teaches how to do simple science experiments that anyone can do from home.
Easy instructions to make a salt crystal garden
You're reading: How to Make a Crystal Garden for a Science Project@|how to grow your own crystal garden@|https://images.saymedia-content.com/.image/t_share/MTc0Mzk0MDExMTkxMDkyNTg0/how-to-make-a-crystal-garden.jpg@|0
I was recently introduced to growing a salt crystal garden by a friend of mine. She had beautiful cauliflower-like blooms growing in a dish on her countertop. Once I saw it, I decided that it was a must-do project for the kids and me. I had most of the items I needed to grow the garden lying around the house, and the time spent to make it was minimal. It is so easy, but yet so satisfying to watch the crystals in the garden grow.
This would be great for kids looking for a science fair project, but even without the science fair, it’s fun. My kids were mesmerized by the growing crystals and seeing how they changed each day. So without further ado, here are instructions on how to make your own salt crystal garden.
Mrs. Stewarts Bluing (find this in the laundry section of the store)
Warm Water
Container to grow crystals (glass or plastic work well)
Food Coloring (optional)
Day One
Wet the sponges and squeeze them out. Next, cut the sponge into small sections that are about an inch or two big. Then place the individual sponge pieces into the container you’ll use to grow your garden. It depends on the size of your container how many pieces you use. Our containers each had one sponge in them. We tried to get creative with the building the base of our garden, but to be honest, the gardens with sponges stacked on each other took longer for the crystals to form. Crystals still grew, but the results were a bit slower.
Sponges arranged in the plastic container.
Next, for each crystal garden take 2 tablespoons of salt, ammonia, liquid bluing, and warm water and combine them in a measuring cup. Stir until you can no longer get the salt to dissolve. All of the salt won’t dissolve, so don’t try. Just mix it until you feel it’s as dissolved as it’s going to get.
After the solution is combined, pour it over the sponges. When you get to the mucky blue salt at the bottom, drop it on top each of the sponges. Make sure to use all of the mixture.
Sponges waiting for crystals to form.
If you’d like to use food coloring, now is the time. A few drops here and there on top of the salt blobs will suffice. We found that blue worked best. Green turned teal blue, and red and yellow really didn’t leave a color at all. If you don’t use food coloring the crystals will be white which is quite stunning.
I’m not exaggerating when I say the crystals will begin blooming within the hour. The overnight results are amazing.
Crystals beginning to bloom after just a couple of hours.
Crystal Garden in the morning. Only 10 hours after starting.
Day Two
Add two more tablespoons of salt to the places on the sponges that crystals didn’t form. The crystals will continue to form throughout the day.
Day Three and Beyond
Prepare a half batch of the original mixture and pour it into the bottom of the container. This is the food that will keep the crystals blooming. You can continue to add the mixture every few days and your crystal garden will grow for in infinite amount of time. Ours grew for over 3 months until we decided we our needed the counter space back.
The crystal garden is growing up the sides of the container.
Crystal Garden Hints and Tips
The crystals are very fragile. They will collapse if you touch them. They may collapse when you move them. No worries though, they will grow back when you “feed” your garden.
You can add food coloring at any time, but it will dissolve your crystals. The good news is they will grow again each time you add more of the ammonia, salt, bluing mixture.
Ammonia is not needed to get the crystals to grow. It actually just aids in the evaporation process. Leave ammonia out if you wish, but realize it will take longer for the crystals to form.
After days of feeding your garden it may begin to try to escape your original container by growing up the sides. That’s ok, just put the container inside a larger container like a cake pan.
Don’t be afraid to experiment with the crystals. After months of feeding the crystals we tried to kill them off by just adding water, instead of the solution. Guess what, they still grew back for days.
Any porous substance can be used instead of sponges; charcoal or lava rock would make a good substitution.
Air needs to flow freely around the crystal garden for it to grow, so don’t cover it up.
Put food coloring in different places to have both white and blue flowering crystals.
The Science Behind the Crystal Garden
Read more: How to make a living wall – an easy step by step to DIY your own living wall system@|how to make a green wall garden@|https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/YZYpqoj72ggrEjU3MUf9p5-1200-80.jpg@|0
Soluble – easily dissolved, especially in water.
Crystalize – to change from a liquid to a solid form that is made up of crystals.
Evaporation – to change from a liquid state to a gaseous state.
Colloidal Suspension – A substance where the particles of the solution are mixed, but they are not dissolved.
Porous Substance – Any substance having small spaces or holes through which air or liquid may pass.
Capillary action – The ability for liquid to travel through small spaces without the help of forces like gravity.
A month later and this crystal garden is still blooming.
Now that you know the science terms here’s how they apply to the salt crystal garden. First off, salt is a soluble crystal, therefore, it’s a crystal that can be dissolved in water. In any salt and water solution when the liquid evaporates the salt will crystalize. Think of a saltwater fish tank, in all saltwater fish tanks a white powdery crystal substance can be found at the top. This is because water in the tank has dissolved leaving salt crystals at the top of tank. You can test this for yourself by dissolving 1 teaspoon of salt in one cup of hot water. After a few days, some of the water will evaporate and white crystals will form at the point where the water originally started.
Your crystal garden will start to look like cauliflower if you don’t feed it for a several days. It’s still pretty.
In the recipe for the crystal garden large amounts of salt are added in proportion to the amount of liquid. You can see this just from the fact that when mixed it is impossible to get all of the salt to dissolve.
Because there is so little liquid, the crystals will form quickly. The Mrs. Stewarts bluing acts as a colloidal suspension in the mixture. Since the bluing particles are not dissolved, they form the nucleus of the crystals and allow the salt garden to bloom around it rather than form chunky solid salt crystals.
As mentioned earlier, the ammonia aids in rapid evaporation. It not only evaporates quickly, but it also helps the water and liquid bluing to evaporate quickly.
On day three and beyond you should add the mixture to the bottom of the container. This helps keep the crystals from being disturbed. Because the sponges are porous, the mixture will be drawn up through the sponges by capillary action. This feeds the crystals, and keeps them growing for months as long as you remember to feed them. If you don’t feed them, the crystals stay for a while, but their appearance changes dramatically.
So whether you are planning your next science project, or just want to have fun growing a crystal garden this project is a must try.
What are you waiting for? Start your crystal garden today!
Shellie on July 27, 2020:
Can the crystals be preserved or “sealed” somehow without damage? Example: epoxy, laquer, glue, etc…
Jahra. on March 15, 2020:
Another set of questions:
Can I use some other blueing product other than Mrs Stewart’s ?
Does the blueing affect the coloring of the crystals ?
What’ll happen if I don’t put blueing in the solution ?
Is it possible to keep the crystals as they are without having to feed them over and over again ?
Can transparent liquid resin be poured on the garden to add a protective layer ?
Jahra on March 14, 2020:
Hi ! May I ask what salt have you used ? And which section of the grocery store do you find ammonia ?
grant on March 01, 2018:
so is there a different way to add, do you have to mix the salt together
Kathy Hull (author) from Bloomington, Illinois on May 04, 2016:
I got Mrs. Stewarts Blueing at my local grocery store, but they also sell it on Amazon.
Jeffery on May 03, 2016:
Agreed with Jeff .
jeff on May 03, 2016:
Read more: 6 things to think about before preparing a raised bed garden@|how to prepare a raised garden bed@|https://i0.wp.com/savvygardening.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/raised-bed.jpg?fit=657%2C360&ssl=1@|0
Glenn Stok from Long Island, NY on August 03, 2015:
This is great. I actually remember doing this when I was a kid. But then again, I always played around with experiments similar to this at that age.
I have a friend who has a nine year old daughter and I’m passing this hub on to her. I think her daughter will love it. And it’s a great learning process too.
Kathy Hull (author) from Bloomington, Illinois on June 27, 2015:
I don’t see why not, I actually think it would turn out pretty cool in an aquarium.
Susan Britton from Ontario, Canada on June 27, 2015:
Would this work in an empty aquarium. I have 2 that I dont want fish in anymore? I love this idea.
Liz Elias from Oakley, CA on June 25, 2015:
I vaguely recall doing something similar when I was a kid. I’m definitely passing this along for the grandkids to try.
But, I’ll have to wait until later; for some reason, all the various share buttons and not visible on this little notebook computer.
Voted up +++ Congrats on the EC
Vic Dillinger on June 25, 2015:
What a fun article!
Karen A Szklany from New England on June 25, 2015:
Thank you for reviving my interest in this project. I’ve known about it and haven’t done it with my daughter yet. Will try it today.
It was very useful to know that I could leave out the ammonia. Not a fan of the stuff, so we can be patient about the evaporation process. Can’t wait to do it….may wait for her friend to come and each of them can make one.
Venkatachari M from Hyderabad, India on June 24, 2015:
Awesome idea of growing artificial gardens in your home. It is very interesting and exciting too even for grown ups, not to mention children.
Thanks for sharing it. Voted up and awesome and sharing G+
Rota on June 24, 2015:
Love this! Something really different to do and watch grow
Factable News from Lagos on June 24, 2015:
Lovely and nice, maybe i should try it out .
FlourishAnyway from USA on June 16, 2015:
This seems like a cool summer science project to do with the kids. Graf hub! Voted up and more!
Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Blog
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bigyack-com · 4 years
FreshDirect, After Broken Eggs and Angry Customers, Stages a Comeback
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About a year and a half ago, longtime patrons of the pioneering grocery delivery service FreshDirect started complaining that orders were arriving hours late. There were broken eggs and spoiled fruit. One customer reported that she had paid $200 for groceries — only to receive nothing but seltzer and a loaf of bread.The source of the problems was FreshDirect’s multimillion-dollar headquarters in the Bronx, a sprawling distribution center with nine miles of conveyor belts that the company opened in the summer of 2018 after moving out of a smaller facility in the Long Island City section of Queens. A complex automated system was creating confusion on the floor of the new warehouse, resulting in canceled orders, missing items and long wait times.At the height of the crisis, FreshDirect’s chief executive, Jason Ackerman, stepped down and was replaced by David McInerney, who had helped run the company since the early 2000s. Over the following months, FreshDirect made logistical fixes that gradually eliminated the distribution problems. But plenty of damage had been done.“We had so much trust, we could’ve built a bank of trust,” Mr. McInerney said in a recent interview. “Over time, that trust was eroded.”Something else also eroded as FreshDirect struggled: its hold over the grocery delivery industry in New York. Over two decades, FreshDirect had accumulated a loyal following of well-to-do Manhattanites as one of the first companies in the country to execute a successful grocery delivery operation. Now, however, the company faces an increasingly wide array of rivals, including Amazon, which owns Whole Foods and won over a number of FreshDirect’s customers during the chaotic transition to the Bronx.“When FreshDirect first started, they didn’t have the competition that they have now,” said Phil Lempert, a retail and grocery analyst. “They have 100 things working against them.”While it remains the most popular online grocery service in New York, FreshDirect has seen its share of the market drop from roughly 66 percent in 2017 to 46 percent at the end of last year, according to the research firm Second Measure. Over the same period, Amazon’s share nearly tripled, from a little under 8 percent to around 22 percent. Rivals like Instacart and Stop & Shop’s Peapod brand also made up ground.“Amazon will take more and more of FreshDirect’s sales,” said Burt P. Flickinger III, a retail and supermarket consultant. “It’s the proverbial David versus Goliath story.”On some level, FreshDirect’s struggles are a normal evolution: A start-up pioneers a new business, before being gradually overtaken by well-funded imitators. But the company’s future also represents a test of whether Amazon, with its deep pockets and vast logistical infrastructure, can dominate fresh food, a market in which regional companies like FreshDirect have historically thrived.Last month, the supermarket chain Fairway, another New York institution, filed for bankruptcy for the second time in five years, blaming the increased competition from national retailers like Amazon and Trader Joe’s. In the fall, the asset-management arm of JPMorgan Chase, which led a $189 million investment in FreshDirect in 2016, discussed selling its stake with a handful of regional and national grocery chains, according to Mr. Flickinger, who said he had discussed the matter with some of the chains that JPMorgan approached. (He declined to name the chains; the talks were previously reported by The New York Post.)Still, Mr. McInerney insists he is not worried about FreshDirect’s competitors. The company has been profitable in the past, though a spokeswoman declined to reveal any details about its current financial performance, except to say that it is “showing double-digit revenue growth.” In 2017, FreshDirect generated $600 million to $700 million in sales, according to news reports.FreshDirect did not dispute that JPMorgan had discussed selling its stake, though Mr. McInerney said the company had no “immediate plans” to be acquired by a competitor. (JPMorgan’s asset-management branch declined to comment.) At the moment, FreshDirect delivers to New York, New Jersey and Washington, D.C., as well as some parts of Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Delaware. But Mr. McInerney, a loquacious and energetic former chef, has an expansive vision for the company’s future — a delivery empire stretching from Washington to Philadelphia to Boston.“Our goal is really to control the Northeast corridor,” he said. “If I were to look into the future, there could be a bifurcation of shopping, where people are buying packaged goods in one place and fresh food in another.”That’s an argument grocers across the United States make with increasing regularity, hoping that culinary expertise and locally sourced supply chains will allow them to compete with the logistical superiority of Amazon. In November, Kroger changed its slogan to “fresh for everyone” — a branding move that experts say was intended to emphasize its advantages over online rivals that have less experience supplying fresh food.“A lot of the big supermarkets are making sure that they have higher-quality fruits and vegetables, higher-quality prepared food, higher-quality deli counters,” said Judah Frommer, a grocery industry analyst at Credit Suisse. “That’s a lot of the way that local grocers are combating Amazon.”FreshDirect, of course, has no retail stores. Its carefully selected meats, cheeses and produce are delivered from distribution centers like the warehouse in the Bronx and a separate facility in Prince George’s County in Maryland.Over the last 18 months, the company has made a series of adjustments to regain the trust of customers who felt burned by the delivery issues in 2018. In the past, customers who reported missing items would receive store credit and an apology. Now, FreshDirect offers to deliver missing items immediately, at no extra cost. And first-time customers get their groceries in a different color bag than a regular delivery, so FreshDirect’s drivers know to be especially careful.But most of all, FreshDirect has staked its future on providing high-quality fresh food from around the world. On a recent afternoon, Mr. McInerney bounded through the Bronx warehouse, grabbing passing colleagues by the shoulders and enthusiastically shaking their hands. Then he stopped next to a box of unusually large blueberries.Before becoming chief executive, Mr. McInerney served as FreshDirect’s “chief food adventurer,” traveling widely with a team of food merchants to scout new products. On one trip, he said, he visited FreshDirect’s blueberry supplier, David Jackson, at his farm in California. In a shed where blueberries were being packed into boxes, Mr. McInerney noticed that some berries were larger than others.“I said, ‘Dave, could you sort out just the biggest ones for me?’” he recalled. And so FreshDirect’s signature “jumbo blueberries” were born.“It was only because we had boots on the ground that we saw that, something the farmer may not think of on their own,” Mr. McInerney said.Mr. McInerney tells a similar origin story about FreshDirect’s eggs — except, in that case, he picked out an unusually small, especially flavorful variety.But no matter how flavorful, eggs have to arrive intact for customers to continue ordering them. And after the switch to the Bronx, such basic requirements became challenging for FreshDirect. Food was out of stock. Orders arrived late or went missing. Customers were furious.The logistical chaos was largely the result of insufficient planning and a rushed transition to the new facility, which was much larger and more complex than the Long Island City headquarters, according to six people familiar with FreshDirect, including several current and former employees.It was also in line with a broader lack of organization across the company. For years, former employees said, FreshDirect’s website had been unwieldy, making it difficult and time-consuming to post updates.After the initial issues at the new headquarters, FreshDirect become better organized and more streamlined, with the help of a consultant at AlixPartners, Holly Etlin. For one thing, meetings became more efficient, according to a former employee. Ms. Etlin was a stickler for punctuality and banned employees from having laptops out during meetings where she was present. (Ms. Etlin declined to comment.)“Like many businesses facing a transition, we had enlisted internal and external expertise to make sure we emerged in an even better position to grow,” said Sabrina Strauss, a spokeswoman for FreshDirect. “They helped us on an interim basis to support our business and keep us on a positive trajectory.”Now FreshDirect is looking to move past its problems in the Bronx. For his part, Mr. McInerney professes to be more interested in fresh fish and poultry than potential acquisitions or competition from Amazon.“What we do is focus on what we do well,” Mr. McInerney said. “Which is fresh food.”In a storage room in the Bronx headquarters, he took out a box containing a large halibut, digging through a layer of ice crystals until the glistening scales emerged.“That’s a gorgeous fish,” he exclaimed, lifting it out of the box. “Look at how beautiful that is. This fish came out of the water yesterday.”He put it back down.“Pretty cool, right?” Read the full article
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aaafencemasterinfo · 7 years
Crystal Falls MI
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Crucial oversights that have to be stayed away from as soon as choosing a fence contractor Crystal Falls MI
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As soon as you are actually searching with regard to fence contractor Crystal Falls MI, your place need to have to be definitely really interested during the course of the method. Anyone are in need of to perform a lot regarding attributed persistance around purchase so as to get a professional in that will definitely offer individuals support services in that are really really worth the expenditure in order to nothing at all a lot less.
Through the choosing process, there are specific trouble areas that a whole lot of men and women spend for approved. These areas are really essential in order to anyone must avoid making mistakes in all of them. Listed below are actually the major errors the fact that one are in need of to avoid as soon as individuals wish to employ a professional.
The number one problem which you needs to stay away from is reviewing the suitableness of a personal established on a single high quality. When you would like to place upward a fence just as rapidly given that feasible, one will acquire tempted in order to pick a specific based on one of these premium. It could possibly be who the person deals a good rate to perform the job for our clients or several other good quality which conceals numerous poor 1. If our clients are interested on receiving your money’s really worth, one need to have to stay away from falling victim in order to this predisposition. You need to have to make certain which you get the complete image before you make a final decision regarding who will work on your property. In order to this ending, anyone want to overlook at the really good, the bad and the awful aspect from the professional. In case the very good surpass the poor, then go ahead and also employ these. There is absolutely no alternative in order to performing comprehensive due persistance.
Another mistake you should avoid when choosing a fencing contractor is purposefully hiring an untested folks throughout the market. These individuals get a tendency to provide attractive rates with regard to their companies this are actually simply too good to successfully pass up. The minute anyone are actually searching so become valuation when it comes to the loan one spend within a contractor, adventure issue a whole lot. That provides you assurance a certain whenever the fence contractor Crystal Falls MI launches operating regarding your property, the project will certainly handled rapidly but properly. Hence, when you are definitely looking so as to work with a person to operate about your fence, these people have to offer you references but proof of previous tasks dealt with. The minute one are actually pleased that these guys can supply, after that individuals need to proceed ahead as well as choose these guys.
Lastly, people must keep away from employing unlicensed professionals. There really no method regarding holding to record ought to they botch the work they are really selected to accomplish. It is critical that you ask regardless if these kinds of professional feature the correct written documents to carry out the work these people are expected to accomplish.
All of these are the some essential errors which one must prevent making the second you really want to select a fence contractor MI.
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vernicle · 7 years
<p>Romney's response to Trump's white supremacist comments is essential reading.</p>
"This is a defining moment for President Trump. But significantly extra than that, it is a moment that will outline The united states in the hearts of our children."
Mitt Romney and President Donald Trump have constantly experienced a to some degree peculiar marriage.
When Romney ran for president in 2012, Trump alternated concerning insulting the former Massachusetts governor and eventually presenting his endorsement. Equally, when Trump campaigned in 2016, Romney slammed Trump's guidelines and unwillingness to release his tax returns, but cozied up to him immediately after the election.
"Frenemies" is in all probability the most accurate way to describe their marriage.
Trump and Romney fulfilled for evening meal in November 2016. The awkward seem sums up the marriage pretty properly. Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images.
Just after managing to (typically) bite his tongue in excess of Trump's tumultuous to start with months in business, Romney laid into him with a fiery Facebook write-up.
At difficulty was Trump's moral character and the signal he sent to white supremacists and neo-Nazis in the wake of the Charlottesville protests.
I will dispense for now from dialogue of the moral character of the president's Charlottesville statements. No matter whether he...
Posted by Mitt Romney on Friday, August 18, 2017
There are some crucial takeaways from Romney's write-up.
1. "No matter whether he supposed to or not, what he communicated prompted racists to rejoice, minorities to weep, and the extensive heart of The united states to mourn."
Acquiring correct to the heart of the issue, Romney immediately termed out Trump on the concept sent to the white supremacist community. Groups picked up on Trump's canine-whistle signals and reacted appropriately.
"His apologists strain to demonstrate that he failed to suggest what we heard. But what we heard is now the reality, and except it is dealt with by the president as these kinds of, with unprecedented candor and strength, there could commence an unraveling of our national fabric."
Trump throughout his now-notorious press convention on Aug. fifteen. Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images.
two. "The leaders of our branches of armed service services have spoken straight away and forcefully, repudiating the implications of the president's text."
It really is not each individual day armed service management is forced to explain or rebuke something said by the commander in chief, but which is where by points stand these days. Whilst many of their opinions have been framed as becoming only about having zero tolerance for racism, it can be pretty crystal clear who they have been referencing.
"[T]he morale and dedication of our forces — created up and sustained by guys and girls of all races — could be in the balance. Our allies about the world are stunned and our enemies rejoice America's skill to help protected a tranquil and prosperous world is diminished."
A makeshift memorial to Heather Heyer, who died immediately after becoming struck by a motor vehicle driven by an alleged white supremacist on Aug. 12, 2017. Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images.
three. "In properties throughout the nation, children are asking their moms and dads what this indicates."
The president is supposed to be someone we can all seem up to, who we can rely on to characterize all Us residents. Trump's to start with two hundred days in business demonstrate that his loyalties lie with his core base of supporters and no 1 else. Romney's point touches on the reality that the divisiveness becoming forged by Trump's statements could do lasting damage to the region.
"Jews, blacks, Hispanics, Muslims are as significantly a section of The united states as whites and Protestants. But these days they speculate. In which may well this lead? To bitterness and tears, or maybe to anger and violence?"
White nationalist Richard Spencer is escorted by law enforcement out of the Aug. 12, 2017, rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images.
four. "He should really address the American persons, admit that he was incorrect, apologize."
If there is 1 factor Trump won't do properly, it can be apologize. In reality, he views apologies as a indicator of weakness, in its place choosing to double- and triple-down on his flubs. Romney is correct: Trump should really apologize he won't though.
"[T]listed here is no conceivable comparison or moral equivalency concerning the Nazis — who brutally murdered thousands and thousands of Jews and who hundreds of hundreds of Us residents gave their lives to defeat — and the counter-protestors who have been outraged to see fools parading the Nazi flag, Nazi armband and Nazi salute."
5. "This is a defining moment for President Trump. But significantly extra than that, it is a moment that will outline The united states in the hearts of our children."
It really is difficult to overstate the great importance of this predicament. Trump has in essence said there is some equivalency concerning white supremacists and persons who struggle versus racism. That's extra than just despicable, it can be hazardous. It really is on him to make this correct and not just for the sake of his have political job, but for the sake of the region he purports to lead.
"They are looking at, our soldiers are looking at, the world is looking at. Mr. President, act now for the fantastic of the region."
People maintain a vigil outside the house the White Home on Aug. thirteen, 2017. Photo by Zach Gibson/AFP/Getty Images.
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from Viral News Around The World - Feed http://ift.tt/2uYvfj9 via IFTTT
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surge42-blog · 7 years
Drop It Like It's Hot
Have you ever had a debate with some peeps about trappers and rappers? Well if you have then you know how ugly these kind of conversations become. I've noticed in a few Kendrick/Cole debates whenever someone provides a reason why they don't like one or the other someone always comments "You don't know hip-hop" or even "You probably listen to Lil Uzi Vert and Young Thug" and obviously the latter also carries negative connotations to it. It seems in this world where people are trying to "bring back real hip-hop" (as I sarcastically say) trap artists are correlated with stupidity along with the fans of their music. The stigma has long been prevalent. Many dare not touch an artist's musical catalog as soon as they find out they're trap artists. I agree that trap is not as intelligent as conscious rap but it is a necessity nonetheless. I've had talks with some friends about T.I, they enjoy his music, but once I revealed that he's a trap artist they'd glare at me with surprise. They still vibe to his music though, but in their heads they think trap is all about dread longs that have been dyed, mumbling (shout out to 21 Savage and Thugger), and prominent autotune. Listeners who view themselves as "real hip-hop heads" scorn the ever successful and mainstream trap music, and many have used the now outdated "it takes a certain level of intelligence" phrase. The year is 2017, Migos have released their "Culture" album,and Future has released "HNDRXX" and self titled album, these projects have performed quite well, but let's turn our direction elsewhere. Lupe Fiasco and Kendrick Lamar have just released "DROGAS Light" and "DAMN." respectively. Both of these conscious artists were digging into foreign ground...it came as a shock when I saw the Wikipedia page of Lupe's album have "trap" written in the genre section, boasting songs such as "Dopamine Lit", "Jump", and "Promise". On the other end Kendrick offers us "LOVE.", "ELEMENT." and "HUMBLE.". both artists have lost favor with a certain percentage of their fan base whilst gaining yet another. Personally both albums are not their best offerings but I found them as okay albums...yes even DROGAS Light. On K-Dot's side it came as a surprise to hear him sing and rap over a beat that was meant for Gucci Mane but people still ate it up as evident in the billboard charts. Kendrick worked hard to make a mainstream, trap infused album (maybe that's why he's been collaborating with a lot of trap musicians...was it for practice?). Wasalu on the other hand deliberately tried to make this album a mediocre effort as vengeance towards his former Atlantic Records (DL is Lupe's last album under the label just so you know). But he still gained fans from the album (shout out to Crystal Lynn out there). Lamar's label mate, Isaiah Rashad, even confessed to listening to Lil Yachty music on his "Tity & Dolla" gem from his 2016 "The Sun's Tirade". Trap is not that bad of a genre, people dance to it, people love it. One does not hang with their girl at the club and requests songs from "To Pimp A Butterfly" because nobody is in the mood to hear about the emancipation of the black man, or goes to a BBQ to play "Adoration Of The Maji". Trap is for the fun moments in life, for a more youthful feel, I mean don't we all need something we can listen to so we can "drop it like its hot" every now and then? Now if you'll excuse me I'll be in my bed bumping X's "Look At Me".
0 notes
williamgreen533 · 7 years
What’s Next for Twitter? Social Domination or Eminent Failure?
Despite recent improvements to user experience and platform flexibility, the struggle to retain and attract new users—and grow revenue—is still real for Twitter. And, unfortunately, these may be the least of the platform’s worries these days.
From widespread trolling and harassment to simply having a confusing interface, Twitter is drawing criticism for nearly every aspect of its operation. In addition, after shutting down Vine and cutting more than 300 jobs last fall, more fuel was added to the claims that Twitter was getting closer to death.
So … Is Twitter Dying?
As an eternal optimist, I’m not ready to say Twitter’s fate is doomed. As WIRED’s Davey Alba said earlier this year, while Twitter may be a bit of a mess—it still has some real potential and value to offer.
“The thing is, in spite of its mess, there’s still a lot to value in Twitter,” Alba wrote. “No other social network has built up quite the same kind of cultural currency—and for good reason. Unlike other networks, Twitter’s influence is decentralized; it lies in its power users, the ones who use it to give voice to people and movements that may not have risen otherwise. Just look at how Twitter both took and pushed the pulse of the 2016 elections. Or how crises unfold on the platform. Or how social movements take hold.”
But I’m also a realist, so I have to acknowledge that Twitter has some serious work to do to remain viable and competitive. Currently, Twitter reports around 313 million monthly active users, but Statista had that number around 319 million at the end of 2016 and is now reporting 317 million as of January 2017. However, Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook come in with 301 million, 600 million and 1.86 billion monthly active users, respectively.
Cheating Death
You’re probably thinking, how can Twitter avoid falling off a cliff? How can it quell discontent? How can it retain and attract new users? How does it breathe new life into its platform and business?
Well, I certainly don’t have all the answers here. I’m not an expert in business operations or product development—nor am I a clairvoyant with a crystal ball. However, as a confident marketer, I definitely see a couple opportunities.
Twitter is experiencing many of the same problems that other brands face in today’s digital world—increasing competition for audience attention, bad press and reviews, stagnant growth, and so on. Below are two opportunities I think Twitter, and any struggling brand, could take advantage.
#1 – Double-down on your core strengths.
For more than a decade, social media platforms have been looking for ways to set themselves apart from one another—something Twitter made clear right out of the gate. But as social media becomes increasingly ingrained in people’s daily lives, we’re now in a time where social platforms are balancing uniqueness with offering all the things. (Look no further than Facebook and Instagram’s new Snapchat-like features, or the rise of hashtags and mentioning capabilities across platforms.)
For Twitter to stay relevant, it’ll most certainly have to evolve its platform in some way to mimic the things that are working for the competition. But it shouldn’t lose sight of what sets it apart—nor its core strengths. And its core strength is the real-time format that allows users to be intimately engaged with what’s happening in the world and in their social circle.
The big takeaway for all: Define your core strengths, and use them to propel your business strategy and marketing efforts forward.
#2 – Embrace criticism—and address it in public.
Every company dreams of 100% customer or user satisfaction, but that’s rarely the case—even for the most successful and revered brands out there. And, these days, social media is often an easy place for people to air their grievances—an irony Twitter itself is intimately familiar with.
Generally speaking, Twitter is taking a pretty standard PR approach to addressing its shortcomings and user gripes, but it may not hurt to be a little more transparent about it all. Honesty and humility can go a long way.
The big takeaway for all: Use any negative feedback as an opportunity to show humility, understanding and your commitment to taking care of your users, customers and glaring issues.
Will Twitter Die or Find New Life?
As I said, I’m no psychic. But it appears that Twitter is making strides to address some nagging issues.
Last week, Twitter announced that usernames no longer count toward the 140-character limit in tweet replies—which allows users more room to say what they need to say, but still keeps its essence intact. In addition, in early February Twitter announced safety updates to address abusive accounts and content.
“We stand for freedom of expression and people being able to see all sides of any topic,” Twitter said in a release. “That’s put in jeopardy when abuse and harassment stifle and silence those voices. We won’t tolerate it and we’re launching new efforts to stop it.”
Twitter also retired its default profile image of an egg. The new default image is a human silhouette, which Recode said aims to encourage more people to upload pictures of themselves, and also move the brand away from an image that’s often associated with trolls.
Finally, news just broke there’s a campaign to turn Twitter into a user-owned cooperative. According to Business Insider, Twitter shareholders will vote on whether to investigate the proposal at its May 22 meeting. While Twitter is opposed to the plan, and it seems unlikely to move forward, it can’t be dismissed.
“It’s an interesting proposal—and underlines the discontent some shareholders feel with the ailing social network, which is struggling to grow or turn a profit,” the Business Insider article said.
The bottom line? Twitter is trying, but mostly treading water, and what its leaders do in the next year will likely determine whether the platform rises again or meets defeat.
What’s your take on Twitter’s future? Tell us in the comments section below.
Gain a competitive advantage by subscribing to the TopRank® Online Marketing Newsletter.
© Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®, 2017. | What’s Next for Twitter? Social Domination or Eminent Failure? | http://www.toprankblog.com
The post What’s Next for Twitter? Social Domination or Eminent Failure? appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
Caitlin Burgess http://www.toprankblog.com/wp-content/uploads/Whats-next-for-twitter.jpg
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groovyturtlepeach · 7 years
What’s Next for Twitter? Social Domination or Eminent Failure?
Despite recent improvements to user experience and platform flexibility, the struggle to retain and attract new users—and grow revenue—is still real for Twitter. And, unfortunately, these may be the least of the platform’s worries these days.
From widespread trolling and harassment to simply having a confusing interface, Twitter is drawing criticism for nearly every aspect of its operation. In addition, after shutting down Vine and cutting more than 300 jobs last fall, more fuel was added to the claims that Twitter was getting closer to death.
So … Is Twitter Dying?
As an eternal optimist, I’m not ready to say Twitter’s fate is doomed. As WIRED’s Davey Alba said earlier this year, while Twitter may be a bit of a mess—it still has some real potential and value to offer.
“The thing is, in spite of its mess, there’s still a lot to value in Twitter,” Alba wrote. “No other social network has built up quite the same kind of cultural currency—and for good reason. Unlike other networks, Twitter’s influence is decentralized; it lies in its power users, the ones who use it to give voice to people and movements that may not have risen otherwise. Just look at how Twitter both took and pushed the pulse of the 2016 elections. Or how crises unfold on the platform. Or how social movements take hold.”
But I’m also a realist, so I have to acknowledge that Twitter has some serious work to do to remain viable and competitive. Currently, Twitter reports around 313 million monthly active users, but Statista had that number around 319 million at the end of 2016 and is now reporting 317 million as of January 2017. However, Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook come in with 301 million, 600 million and 1.86 billion monthly active users, respectively.
Cheating Death
You’re probably thinking, how can Twitter avoid falling off a cliff? How can it quell discontent? How can it retain and attract new users? How does it breathe new life into its platform and business?
Well, I certainly don’t have all the answers here. I’m not an expert in business operations or product development—nor am I a clairvoyant with a crystal ball. However, as a confident marketer, I definitely see a couple opportunities.
Twitter is experiencing many of the same problems that other brands face in today’s digital world—increasing competition for audience attention, bad press and reviews, stagnant growth, and so on. Below are two opportunities I think Twitter, and any struggling brand, could take advantage.
#1 – Double-down on your core strengths.
For more than a decade, social media platforms have been looking for ways to set themselves apart from one another—something Twitter made clear right out of the gate. But as social media becomes increasingly ingrained in people’s daily lives, we’re now in a time where social platforms are balancing uniqueness with offering all the things. (Look no further than Facebook and Instagram’s new Snapchat-like features, or the rise of hashtags and mentioning capabilities across platforms.)
For Twitter to stay relevant, it’ll most certainly have to evolve its platform in some way to mimic the things that are working for the competition. But it shouldn’t lose sight of what sets it apart—nor its core strengths. And its core strength is the real-time format that allows users to be intimately engaged with what’s happening in the world and in their social circle.
The big takeaway for all: Define your core strengths, and use them to propel your business strategy and marketing efforts forward.
#2 – Embrace criticism—and address it in public.
Every company dreams of 100% customer or user satisfaction, but that’s rarely the case—even for the most successful and revered brands out there. And, these days, social media is often an easy place for people to air their grievances—an irony Twitter itself is intimately familiar with.
Generally speaking, Twitter is taking a pretty standard PR approach to addressing its shortcomings and user gripes, but it may not hurt to be a little more transparent about it all. Honesty and humility can go a long way.
The big takeaway for all: Use any negative feedback as an opportunity to show humility, understanding and your commitment to taking care of your users, customers and glaring issues.
Will Twitter Die or Find New Life?
As I said, I’m no psychic. But it appears that Twitter is making strides to address some nagging issues.
Last week, Twitter announced that usernames no longer count toward the 140-character limit in tweet replies—which allows users more room to say what they need to say, but still keeps its essence intact. In addition, in early February Twitter announced safety updates to address abusive accounts and content.
“We stand for freedom of expression and people being able to see all sides of any topic,” Twitter said in a release. “That’s put in jeopardy when abuse and harassment stifle and silence those voices. We won’t tolerate it and we’re launching new efforts to stop it.”
Twitter also retired its default profile image of an egg. The new default image is a human silhouette, which Recode said aims to encourage more people to upload pictures of themselves, and also move the brand away from an image that’s often associated with trolls.
Finally, news just broke there’s a campaign to turn Twitter into a user-owned cooperative. According to Business Insider, Twitter shareholders will vote on whether to investigate the proposal at its May 22 meeting. While Twitter is opposed to the plan, and it seems unlikely to move forward, it can’t be dismissed.
“It’s an interesting proposal—and underlines the discontent some shareholders feel with the ailing social network, which is struggling to grow or turn a profit,” the Business Insider article said.
The bottom line? Twitter is trying, but mostly treading water, and what its leaders do in the next year will likely determine whether the platform rises again or meets defeat.
What’s your take on Twitter’s future? Tell us in the comments section below.
Gain a competitive advantage by subscribing to the TopRank® Online Marketing Newsletter.
© Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®, 2017. | What’s Next for Twitter? Social Domination or Eminent Failure? | http://www.toprankblog.com
The post What’s Next for Twitter? Social Domination or Eminent Failure? appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
Caitlin Burgess http://www.toprankblog.com/wp-content/uploads/Whats-next-for-twitter.jpg
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christopheruearle · 7 years
What’s Next for Twitter? Social Domination or Eminent Failure?
Despite recent improvements to user experience and platform flexibility, the struggle to retain and attract new users—and grow revenue—is still real for Twitter. And, unfortunately, these may be the least of the platform’s worries these days.
From widespread trolling and harassment to simply having a confusing interface, Twitter is drawing criticism for nearly every aspect of its operation. In addition, after shutting down Vine and cutting more than 300 jobs last fall, more fuel was added to the claims that Twitter was getting closer to death.
So … Is Twitter Dying?
As an eternal optimist, I’m not ready to say Twitter’s fate is doomed. As WIRED’s Davey Alba said earlier this year, while Twitter may be a bit of a mess—it still has some real potential and value to offer.
“The thing is, in spite of its mess, there’s still a lot to value in Twitter,” Alba wrote. “No other social network has built up quite the same kind of cultural currency—and for good reason. Unlike other networks, Twitter’s influence is decentralized; it lies in its power users, the ones who use it to give voice to people and movements that may not have risen otherwise. Just look at how Twitter both took and pushed the pulse of the 2016 elections. Or how crises unfold on the platform. Or how social movements take hold.”
But I’m also a realist, so I have to acknowledge that Twitter has some serious work to do to remain viable and competitive. Currently, Twitter reports around 313 million monthly active users, but Statista had that number around 319 million at the end of 2016 and is now reporting 317 million as of January 2017. However, Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook come in with 301 million, 600 million and 1.86 billion monthly active users, respectively.
Cheating Death
You’re probably thinking, how can Twitter avoid falling off a cliff? How can it quell discontent? How can it retain and attract new users? How does it breathe new life into its platform and business?
Well, I certainly don’t have all the answers here. I’m not an expert in business operations or product development—nor am I a clairvoyant with a crystal ball. However, as a confident marketer, I definitely see a couple opportunities.
Twitter is experiencing many of the same problems that other brands face in today’s digital world—increasing competition for audience attention, bad press and reviews, stagnant growth, and so on. Below are two opportunities I think Twitter, and any struggling brand, could take advantage.
#1 – Double-down on your core strengths.
For more than a decade, social media platforms have been looking for ways to set themselves apart from one another—something Twitter made clear right out of the gate. But as social media becomes increasingly ingrained in people’s daily lives, we’re now in a time where social platforms are balancing uniqueness with offering all the things. (Look no further than Facebook and Instagram’s new Snapchat-like features, or the rise of hashtags and mentioning capabilities across platforms.)
For Twitter to stay relevant, it’ll most certainly have to evolve its platform in some way to mimic the things that are working for the competition. But it shouldn’t lose sight of what sets it apart—nor its core strengths. And its core strength is the real-time format that allows users to be intimately engaged with what’s happening in the world and in their social circle.
The big takeaway for all: Define your core strengths, and use them to propel your business strategy and marketing efforts forward.
#2 – Embrace criticism—and address it in public.
Every company dreams of 100% customer or user satisfaction, but that’s rarely the case—even for the most successful and revered brands out there. And, these days, social media is often an easy place for people to air their grievances—an irony Twitter itself is intimately familiar with.
Generally speaking, Twitter is taking a pretty standard PR approach to addressing its shortcomings and user gripes, but it may not hurt to be a little more transparent about it all. Honesty and humility can go a long way.
The big takeaway for all: Use any negative feedback as an opportunity to show humility, understanding and your commitment to taking care of your users, customers and glaring issues.
Will Twitter Die or Find New Life?
As I said, I’m no psychic. But it appears that Twitter is making strides to address some nagging issues.
Last week, Twitter announced that usernames no longer count toward the 140-character limit in tweet replies—which allows users more room to say what they need to say, but still keeps its essence intact. In addition, in early February Twitter announced safety updates to address abusive accounts and content.
“We stand for freedom of expression and people being able to see all sides of any topic,” Twitter said in a release. “That’s put in jeopardy when abuse and harassment stifle and silence those voices. We won’t tolerate it and we’re launching new efforts to stop it.”
Twitter also retired its default profile image of an egg. The new default image is a human silhouette, which Recode said aims to encourage more people to upload pictures of themselves, and also move the brand away from an image that’s often associated with trolls.
Finally, news just broke there’s a campaign to turn Twitter into a user-owned cooperative. According to Business Insider, Twitter shareholders will vote on whether to investigate the proposal at its May 22 meeting. While Twitter is opposed to the plan, and it seems unlikely to move forward, it can’t be dismissed.
“It’s an interesting proposal—and underlines the discontent some shareholders feel with the ailing social network, which is struggling to grow or turn a profit,” the Business Insider article said.
The bottom line? Twitter is trying, but mostly treading water, and what its leaders do in the next year will likely determine whether the platform rises again or meets defeat.
What’s your take on Twitter’s future? Tell us in the comments section below.
Gain a competitive advantage by subscribing to the TopRank® Online Marketing Newsletter.
© Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®, 2017. | What’s Next for Twitter? Social Domination or Eminent Failure? | http://www.toprankblog.com
The post What’s Next for Twitter? Social Domination or Eminent Failure? appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
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Lexus has made an art out of color.  Every Lexus color features stories and processes as unique as their hues.  As Lexus explains it, “one unexpected moment of inspiration, years of development and zero shortcuts” is the art of creating art.  The new Nightfall Mica, for example, creates the impression of sunlight refracting in deep ocean waters and it is this artful effect that makes each new Lexus in Nightfall Mica a moving installation of art that can be appreciated by anyone with a passion for design, (or anyone with a passion for good looking luxury cars for that matter).
The art of color can be a subjective experience and the stories behind each Lexus color describes both a symbolic and emotional understanding of something that is also objectively fundamental.  Since one person’s Nightfall Mica is at the same time another person’s dark blue; we wanted to try to define the colors of Lexus and objectively name some of the most beautifully symbolic colors seen throughout the Lexus model line-up.
Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed as an extrusive igneous rock. It is produced when felsic lava extruded from a volcano cools rapidly with minimal crystal growth. Wikipedia
Obsidian is also more commonly called “Black”.  Obsidian is a flat black which actually coincides with the above Wikipedia definition -“with minimal crystal growth” as it does not have a mica finish or flake in the paint seen on other “black” exterior color options.
Obsidian is available on most of the Lexus model line-up including the ES, RX and NX.  This flat-black called “Obsidian” is commonly seen on other Lexus models and throughout the different model years but with a different identifying name.  Can you guess which other Lexus color-names are a visual match to Obsidian?
Black Onyx GX460
Obsidian NX200t
One example is the 2017 GX460 in Black Onyx – often mistaken for Obsidian.
Caviar Mica
Caviar Mica is that “other” black that, as it’s name suggests, has a mica finish in the paint.  Caviar Mica is pretty much a direct descendant of Stargazer Pearl and could be seen as a distant cousin to Truffle Mica.  For anyone that’s been living the Lexus Life as long as we have, you’ll understand the reference.
So, if you’re looking for some sparkle in your black then Caviar Mica is the way to go.  The flake in the paint really shows up in the sun but can easily be mistaken for Obsidian or Black Onyx if viewed on a cloudy or overcast day.
Caviar Mica exterior on Lexus RX, Lexus GS and ES
Nightfall Mica
Nightfall Mica is a new arrival and is a dark blue color that recently replaced Deep Sea Mica and Black Sapphire Pearl before that.  Below you can see the slight differences of deep blue on different model year LS sedans and 2015 ES Hybrid.  Nightfall Mica is a brilliant deep blue whereas Deep Sea Mica is a little more of a muted blue and the original Black Sapphire Pearl is pretty similar to it’s 2017 variation.
Nightfall Mica on the 2017 LS 460 Special Edition
Deep Sea Mica on the 2015 Lexus ES300h
Black Sapphire Pearl on 2006 Lexus GS300
Eminent White Pearl vs. Starfire Pearl
Both are brilliant white pearl exteriors but one is on the way out and getting replaced with a new pearl-white by a different name.  Eminent White Pearl has arrived on most new Lexus models while Starfire Pearl remains on a select few 2017 models including the Lexus GX 460 and LX 570.  Can you tell the difference between Eminent White and Starfire Pearl on the 2017 and 2015 Lexus RX below?
Eminent White on 2017 Lexus RX 350
Starfire Pearl 2015 Lexus RX 350
The Evolution of Gray
Lexus makes a great gray and each time they replace one with another, we go into a tailspin asking ourselves what was Lexus thinking! – Quickly followed by our resolution that this is the one one only gray for us.  The Lexus Gray evolution is best illustrated by the RX which evolved alongside every change of Lexus gray.
2004 -2008 RX: Flint Mica – Classic
2009- 2011 RX 350: Smokey Granite – Bigger Engine + Bigger Color
2012 – 2017 RX 350: Nebula Gray Pearl – Sleek & Modern
Just Don’t Call it Stay Around Brown – The Lexus Brown
Brown car exteriors can sometimes gets a bad rap and we’d hardly call any of the Lexus brown exterior colors “stay around brown”, but it is one color that you either love or hate.  There have been several different “brown” Lexus exterior colors throughout the years – maybe Lexus is still searching for the perfect shade of brown?  From the classic Brairwood seen on the 2004 Lexus LS 430 to the polarizing Amber Pearl on the Lexus ES – there are quite a few Lexus Brown exteriors.  Let us know your favorite in the comments section below.
2004 LS in Briarwood
2007 ES in Amber Pearl
2016 GX 460 in Fire Agate 
2016 ES 350 in Autumn Shimmer
Hit or miss, the colors of Lexus are always memorable and tell an amazing story.  Check out the 2017 color options on your favorite Lexus online at lexusdominion.com or stop by our Lexus dealership in San Antonio, Texas and pick out your favorite from our huge on-site selection of both new and pre-owned Lexus.
Do you have a favorite Lexus color not mentioned here OR would you like some clarification on a specific Lexus color?  Let us know, we love hearing from our fellow Lexus drivers and enthusiasts!
Defining the Colors of Lexus Lexus has made an art out of color.  Every Lexus color features stories and processes as unique as their hues.  
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touristguidebuzz · 7 years
26 Epic Adventures by Travel Bloggers in 2016
26 Epic Adventures by Travel Bloggers in 2016
Well, it’s about that time again. Time to look back on the year that was and look forward to the year that has just begun. For the past 6 years we’ve put together a year end round-up that highlights some of the adventures fellow travel bloggers have experienced throughout the year. It’s so awesome to see so many people fulfilling their longtime dreams!
Looking for travel inspiration? Check out these epic adventures from years past.
25 Epic Adventures by bloggers in 2015 
40 Epic Adventures by bloggers in 2014
28 Epic Adventures by bloggers in 2013
25 Epic Adventures by bloggers in 2012
19 Epic Adventures by bloggers in 2011
There are literally hundreds of awesome travel blogs out there, so we couldn’t possibly include every one in our annual round-up. If you are a travel blogger that had a memorable adventure in 2016, please share your experience in the comments section below. I’m sure our readers will want to learn about your adventures just as much as we do!
Will one of these adventures inspire your travels in 2017?
Trekking to see wild Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda
Cailin O’Neil, the travel blogger and YouTuber behind Travel Yourself, fulfilled a longtime dream this year when she witnessed wild mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. Talk about a once-in-a-life experience! Check out the video in the link below for some video footage of these fascinating animals.
“Sadly there are less than 800 wild mountain gorillas remaining in the world, so when I was given the opportunity to see these adorable creatures for myself, I literally jumped at the chance.
There are only 80 trekking permits given out each day to see the gorillas, with those 80 people being divided into 10 groups of eight to visit 10 different gorilla families, one group per family.”
Read more – Trekking to see wild Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda
Hiking in Afghanistan’s remote Wakhan Corridor
In 2016, Matthew Karsten, the adventurous travel blogger and photographer behind Expert Vagabond, traveled to a place that many of us would have avoided – the mountains of Afghanistan. I remember doing a double take when he first announced his trip plans earlier in the year. As the photo above indicates, the mountain landscapes in that rarely visited part of the world are outstanding.
“When I told family & friends I was planning a trip to Afghanistan, they thought I’d lost my mind. Afghanistan, that war-torn middle eastern country full of terrorists, soldiers, car bombs, predator drones, and IEDs. Parts of Afghanistan can be dangerous, sure, but it’s also full of beauty, hospitality, and history too. 
I learned that the version of the country most of us see each night on the evening news is simply not the full story…This is the Afghanistan I was on a mission to seek out and share.”
Read more – How To Visit Afghanistan’s Wakhan Corridor
Exploring the Land of Fire and Ice
Iceland always seems to find its way on this annual compilation. It’s probably because we have Iceland on the brain and plan to visit later this year. Norbert, the long time globetrotter and man behind GloboTreks, visited the Land of Fire and Ice earlier this year and captured some wonderful images from his adventures.
“Iceland might be the most beautiful country I’ve visited so far and one of the few that has truly amazed me from start to finish. While the country might be relatively small, what it lacks in size it makes up with a variety of stunning scenery that ranges from crystal blue glacier lagoons to green moss volcanoes, red sand beaches, and black desert landscapes.
Read more – 20 Stunning Places you should visit in Iceland
Offbeat Trekking in Kyrgyzstan
It seems like every year we share an epic trekking adventure by Dan and Audrey, the couple behind Uncornered Market. That’s because every year they introduce us to a completely new corner of the world. This year was no different. If you like playing in the mountains, click on the link below to learn about their multi-day trek in the remote mountains of Kyrgyzstan.
“With over 90% of its territory covered in mountains, Kyrgyzstan has no shortage of treks filled with stunning landscapes, alpine lakes, shepherds, yurts and a feeling of being very far out, immersed in nature. It’s why we often recommend Kyrgyzstan to travelers interested in trekking with a taste of the offbeat.
Our recent trek of the newly developed Jyrgalan trail in the Tian Shan mountains above the towns of Karakol and Jyrgalan reminded us again why we make such recommendations.”
Read more – Offbeat Trekking in Kyrgyzstan: The Jyrgalan trail
Visiting the Moai Statues of Easter Island
Sam and Audrey, the Canadian travel bloggers and YouTubers behind Nomadic Samuel and That Backpacker, had an epic year of adventure in 2016. A clear highlight was their visit to Easter Island, arguably the most fascinating island on the planet.
“We hopped in the car and drove out to Rano Raraku, which is an extinct volcano that happens to be the quarry that supplied the stone from which the moai were carved. 
The quarry was used for roughly 500 years, until the early 1700s, and it supplied 95% of the statues that you see scattered across the island. It’s a pretty cool site to visit because you can see some moai that were left unfinished – some are still attached to the rock – and it helps you visualize what the whole process must have been like.”
Read more – One week travel itinerary to Easter Island
Hanging out with Polar Bears in Churchill, Manitoba
Fellow Canadian travel bloggers Pete and Dalene Heck, the couple behind one of our favorite blogs Hecktic Travels, traveled to the frigid coast of Hudson Bay in Northern Manitoba to witness polar bears roaming in their natural habitat. Check out Pete’s incredible polar bear photos in the link below. Reading their posts this year reminds us just how awesome Canada is.
“Despite knowing their grievous plight, in real life it is easy to believe that polar bears just want nothing more than snuggles. They aren’t aggressive or territorial like other bears. They make no sound except for slight gripes to each other, and several approached our buggy with what appeared to be only genuine curiosity.”
Read more – So Darling, So Deadly.
River Surfing in Calgary and Kananaskis, Alberta
Prior to reading Matt Gibson‘s article about surfing in Calgary, I had no idea river surfing was actually a thing. Add freezing cold glacier water to the mix and you’ve got yourself some serious adrenaline pumping adventure. It looks pretty hardcore!
“By the end of my hour-long surf session on the river wave they call ‘The Mountain’, I was so fatigued that after falling and being swept downstream, yet again, I didn’t even bother to try and paddle upstream. 
I was completely spent, not from exertion, but from the frigid water.
I had new respect for Calgary’s river surfers. Not because of the ease with which they caught and slashed back and forth across the touchy wave on their ultra-short surfboards, but because they would spend whole days in the depths of the Canadian winter in the river, which is fed by glaciers.”
Read more – River surfing in Calgary and Kananaskis 
The Mother of All Road Trips
Our friends Erin and Josh, the team behind the popular family travel blog ‘Travel with Bender‘, completed an adventure that is very high on our travel wish list – they did an epic one year road trip across Canada and the USA.
We met up with them during their visit to the Pacific Northwest and got the download on their crazy itinerary. They put together a detailed post that highlights their route(s) and best articles from the #motherofallroadtrips. Have a read, get inspired.  
Read more – 31 Weird Things About the US
Hiking to Angels Landing in Zion National Park, Utah
Amanda, the solo female travel blogger behind A Dangerous Business, put on her hiking shoes and tackled the infamous Angels Landing in Zion National Park. The national parks in the US Southwest have been high on our wish list for years. Reading Amanda’s adventures in Utah has reminded us that we need to get down there sooner than later. The landscapes are unbelievable!
“Angels Landing is one of the most iconic hikes in the national parks system (and certainly in Zion), and I knew I could do it if I prepared properly. 
Well, let me tell you that it’s difficult. And kind of terrifying.
Not only do you have to scramble up rough sandstone “steps,” but if you’re short like me you’ll also have to pull yourself up onto ledges using the fixed chain, and probably slide down some exposed sections on your butt. All with 1000+-foot dropoffs, sometimes on both sides of the narrow trail.”
Read more –  I hiked to Angels Landing and Didn’t Die!
Helicopter tour over Cape Town, South Africa
Our friend Keith Jenkins, the man behind the popular luxury travel blog Velvet Escape, took to the skies on his last trip to Cape Town in South Africa. There’s nothing quite like experiencing a new destination from a helicopter. And, judging by the photo he captured above, it looks like it was a epic place for a helicopter tour!
“We climbed into the helicopter, buckled up and put on our noise-cancelling headphones. I was so excited I could scream! The scenery was just mind-blowing!
I remarked how awesome it must be for the pilot to see this every day – during the whale season, you can also see whales (especially in Hout Bay and False Bay) and the odd Great White shark! Maurits, our pilot, laughed and said, “It’s the most beautiful office in the world!”
Read more – Helicopter tour of Cape Town, South Africa
Jungle surfing in the Daintree Rainforest, Australia
Caz and Craig Makepeace, the Australian family travel bloggers behind Y Travel Blog, had an epic family adventure in the Daintree Rainforest, located north of Port Douglas in Queensland, Australia. They took their girls high into the canopy to ‘jungle surf’ through the dense rain forest. It looks like tonnes of fun!
“There is no place like the Daintree in Australia, possibly the world. At an estimated 110 million years old, the Daintree Rainforest is the largest continuous area of tropical rainforest on the Australian continent and the oldest living rainforest on earth – even pre-dating the Amazon Rainforest.
Yes, you can drive through the Daintree Rainforest, walk through the forest, climb to the top of the tower at the Discovery Centre, but the most exhilarating experience is by jungle surfing (zip lining) high up amongst the canopy.”
Read more – Getaway to the Daintree Rainforest from Port Douglas
Scuba Diving at the Komodo Islands, Indonesia
Kiersten, the California native behind the popular female travel and lifestyle blog The Blonde Abroad, had another epic year of adventure in 2016. From the Galapagos Islands to China to Brazil, it was tough to pick just one adventure to share. Scuba diving in Indonesia has long been on our travel wish list, so I suppose that’s why it made the final cut.
“Komodo definitely ranks among the best spots in Indonesia to dive. You can pretty much dive off any beach in the area and find gorgeous coral and an impressive array of underwater life. 
Komodo National Park is made up of three large islands located in the heart of the Indonesian archipelago. The volcanic islands Komodo, Rinca, and Padar provide a dramatic landscape to this lush park. Full of sandy beaches and sparkling water, this is the perfect place to explore the natural beauty of the country.
Read more – Scuba Diving the Komodo Islands, Indonesia
Exploring the Canadian Rockies in Alberta
We love it when people visit our beautiful country and return with great things to say. Christy and Scott, the American travel bloggers behind Ordinary Traveler, visited two of Canada’s greatest treasures – Banff National Park and Jasper National Park.
“Alberta has been on our travel bucket list for many years and in early September we finally had the opportunity to visit this part of Canada.  
During this trip, we got see the infamous Lake Louise and Moraine Lake in Banff and experience some warm-weather hiking in Jasper. September turned out to be the perfect time to visit. We avoided the summer crowds and we were lucky enough to see the fall colors changing!
Read more – 15 Photos That Prove Alberta is Heaven on Earth
Experiencing Jordanian culture through its food
Mark Wiens, the hungry man behind the travel and food blog Migrationology, ate his way around Jordan earlier this year. He produced a fantastic Jordanian food guide that you should definitely check out. But be warned, it’s dangerous to read that post on an empty stomach.
“Food is such an integral part of Jordanian culture, and when you start eating, you’re almost certain to meet and mingle with some of the most hospitable and friendly people you’ve ever met.
The highlight of my trip was eating Maqluba at a local family home in a small village. The family prepared the dish, put it all onto the tray, and sprinkled on freshly oil fried peanuts and pine nuts on top. The food and the sharing of the meal with this family was an awesome experience.”
Read more – 25 of the Best Jordanian Dishes You Should Eat
Journey into the Heart of West Africa
Nellie Huang, the newbie mom and travel writer behind Wild Junket, had another epic year of adventure in 2016. We tip our hat, because we know firsthand that traveling with an infant/toddler is not easy. A highlight from her year was visiting West Africa, where she learned about the Cape Coast slave history in Ghana and met a voodoo expert in Benin.
“West Africa may not have major bucket-list attractions like the Big Five or Victoria Falls, but it is so under-explored that makes any trip there an adventure.
Far from the well-trodden tourist trails in East Africa and Southern Africa, West Africa is a wild, wild world chocked full of remote yet epic landscapes from the world-renown Timbuktu to the slave forts on the Atlantic coast.
I’m not going to lie; West Africa is probably the most challenging destination I’ve been (solo), but that’s exactly what makes it such a rewarding experience.”
Read more – My Journey into the Heart of West Africa
Endless adventures in Western Australia
Kate McCulley, the woman behind the solo female travel blog Adventurous Kate, traveled to the other side of the world to explore the vast and remote region of Western Australia. While there, she visited Rottnest Island, Ningaloo Reef, Karijini National Park, Nambung National Park, Hutt Lagoon and Broome, to name a few. Quite the adventure!
“I was so excited to take selfies with quokkas on Rottnest Island and it did not disappoint whatsoever! Quokkas are small marsupials endemic to a few regions in WA, including Rottnest (which means rat’s nest in Dutch — when they landed, they thought the quokkas were rats).
In the past few years, selfies with the adorable, friendly quokkas have become the ultimate WA souvenir. I was determined to get as many as possible.”
Read more – My Favorite Experiences in Western Australia
Rappelling down a crater in the Negev Desert, Israel
Hannah and Adam, the American travel bloggers behind the blog Getting Stamped, traveled to Middle East this year and spent time exploring the Negev Desert in Israel. Aside from hiking, biking, camping and wine tasting, they rappelled down the side of a steep rocky crater. How’s that for an epic adventure?!
“The adventurous can strap themselves in and rappel down a vertical wall of the Ramon Crater. From one of the main viewpoints around the crater you can make the 50-foot vertical journey down to a ledge in the rock wall.
For those with a fear of heights it may take some time to work up the courage, but the experience and the views of the Negev desert are worth it.”
Read more – Things to do in the Negev Desert in Israel 
Hot air balloon over the Serengeti in Tanzania
Matt Long, the man behind the luxury travel blog Landlopers, fulfilled a lifelong dream by going on a wildlife safari in Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park. On his final day, he woke before sunrise and boarded a hot air balloon to witness the magic of the Serengeti from above.
“Right below the balloon was a lone lion, eating a freshly caught wildebeest in a bloody show unlike anything I’d ever before witnessed. I couldn’t believe it. We spent a week touring Tanzania and saw any number of amazing wildlife experiences, but this was different.
As I soon realized, floating above the grasslands in a hot air balloon gave us unique access to the animals impossible to replicate in any other way.
The best moment occurred near the end of the hour-long flight when we were fortunate enough to find herds of zebra and wildebeest on the move, all part of the Great Migration that passes through every year.”
Read more – Serengeti Balloon Safari: Floating Above The Action
Fun in the Sun in the Maldives
Dave and Deb, the Canadian travel bloggers behind the award winning travel and photography blog The Planet D, visited the Maldives in 2016 and captured some beautiful images of the iconic over-water bungalows.
The Maldives are on a whole other level of awesome. Seriously, look at those bungalows! Beyond the dreamy, sun-drenched beaches, they were able to find plenty of adventure on their trip to this tropical nation.
“I must admit, we expected to do nothing more than bask in the sun, sip cocktails and watch the sunset over the Indian Ocean, but once we arrived at the islands, we found out that there are more things to do in Maldives than we originally thought.
It’s true, the over the water bungalows are a spectacular sight and those images are what drew us to the Maldives in the first place. But are there things to do in Maldives besides relax? Oh yeah! We actually ended up having an amazing adventure holiday!”
Read more – 10 of the best things to do in the Maldives
Hiking the West Highland Way in Scotland
Laurel Robbins, the woman behind the adventure travel blog Monkeys and Mountains, hiked the West Highland Way, Scotland’s first official long distance walking route that spans 150 km (95 mile). It’s a popular route that attracts over 15,000 hikers each year.
“It’s one of the most beautiful long distance hikes I’ve ever done, with its  dramatic changes in landscape, from walking along the shores of Loch Lomond, to hiking over mountain passes in the Highlands.
Scottish hospitality is also out of this world. I felt so welcome at each B&B. I’d highly recommend walking the West Highland Way to anyone even remotely considering it.”
Read more – Hiking the West Highland Way in Scotland
Hiking to Melatsunyane Falls in Lesotho
Not only did Brendan van Son introduce us to an incredible waterfall and canyon, he introduced us to a new country! Prior to reading about his trip and seeing his photos on Instagram, I could not point the country of Lesotho on the map. I have never heard of it before. Yet another reason to follow travel bloggers – you’ll learn something new every day!
“Melatsunyane Falls might actually be my favourite location for photography in 2016, it was that good. I’m not really sure how no one knows about these waterfalls, or how Lesotho in general is so under the radar as a tourism destination.”
Read more – Melatsunyane Falls is Crazy!
Hiking Spain’s Camino de Ronda Coastal Path
Sherry Ott, the long-term traveler behind the blog Ottsworld, returned to Spain in 2016 for some unfinished business. After completing the Camino de Santiago hike a few years ago, she knew she would return to the Costa Brava region to tackle the Camino de Ronda Coastal Path.
“Salty sea breezes, colorful flowers that reminded me of bowls of Easter eggs, skies that stretched forever and ever, burning calf muscles, salty sweat running down my forehead, and methodical crashing waves; this what I experienced my last two weeks in Costa Brava while hiking the Cami de Ronda coastal trails.
I finally accomplished my goal of hiking the Camino de Ronda from L’loret de Mar to Portbou at the border of France.  My father and I completed the nearly 100 miles of hiking and became entranced with the landscapes and culture.”
Read more – Finishing Business on the Camino de Ronda
Self drive safari in Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa
Erik van Erp, the man behind the travel community site Around the Globe, traveled to South Africa this year and went on an epic safari in Addo Elephant National Park. The park is located about 800 km from Cape Town. The content on his site is written in Dutch, but you can easily translate the content to English to read about his adventure.
“Addo Elephant National Park is one of the parks in South Africa where you can easily drive around and find elephants and many other wild animals, including the Big Five. 
You will see herds of elephants at Harpoor dam. Here, elephants come regularly go to cool down and drink. Sometimes they walk in a parade one meter of your car!”
Read more – Exploring Addo Elephant National Park
Attending the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta
Earlier this year, we added the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta to our travel wish list. When I was doing a little online research I stumbled on Laurence’s awesome photo collection from his time there early this year. Laurence is the award winning photographer behind the awesome travel blog Finding the Universe.
“This is the largest balloon event of its kind in the world, and it plays host to around 600 hot air balloons, who fill the skies over Albuquerque for almost two weeks. It’s billed as the most photographed event on earth, and the largest event in the USA. Obviously – we had to visit!
You don’t have to actually attend the festival fields (although we highly recommend you do!) in order to see the balloons. As soon as they launch, the skies over Albuquerque become filled with balloons, which you can see from all over the city!”
Read more – 26 Photos from the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta
Overland through the Kimberley in Western Australia
Becki Enright, the award winning travel writer behind the blog Borders of Adventure, went on an overland trip through the Outback of Western Australia. Often referred to as Australia’s Last Frontier, the remote and wild Kimberley is a place few travelers get to experience.
“From Broome to the Kimberley coastline, that jags along the northern stretches of Australia’s largest state, is a single road that journeys up to the tip of the Dampier Peninsula. It cuts through a stretch of land where the coastline to the west quickly starts transforming into desert to the east.
For hundreds of kilometres lay places where humans haven’t ever trodden. One of Earth’s last preserved wilderness areas, full of arid desert and Protected World heritage landmarks including craters and National Parks.”
Read more – The Indigenous Outback of Western Australia
Road tripping around Albania
Nick and Dariece, the Canadian travel bloggers behind the blog Goats on the Road, rented a car and took a 10 day road trip around Albania. They began their journey in Tirana and continued through Albania’s farmlands and countryside. They spent time in Berat, one of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited cities, and the coastal town of Saranda, located on the Albanian Riviera.
“Our final drive in Albania was the most beautiful one of the trip, and possibly the most scenic drive we’ve ever taken in our lives. We took the coastal road from Saranda to Tirana, which meandered along the coastline, up over a high mountain pass, and back down to sea level.
While winding our way along the Adriatic Sea, with the windows down and the warm breeze blowing in, we were able to reflect on our time in the country. Aside from a tumultuous recent history, Albania has everything a traveller could ask for – great food, friendly people and stunning scenery. 10 days just wasn’t enough!“
Read more – Acclimatizing to Albania: A 10 day road trip
Discovering Kashgar – China’s Silk Road City
Michael Turtle, the Australian travel writer behind Time Travel Turtle, explored the historic Old City of Kashgar in China. I must confess, I had never heard of Kashgar before reading Micheal’s story. A quick Google reveals that it’s located in China’s far west, bordering Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. It’s one of the oldest cities in central Asia, with its history stretching over 2,000 years!
“Kashgar was a key city along the Silk Road, the network of trading routes that connected Asia to Europe for centuries. What makes it so fascinating today is that the atmosphere has hardly changed.
Arriving in Kashgar is like emerging from a time machine. Nowhere do you get the sense of China’s Silk Road history more than in the historic Old City of Kashgar. The community was built here behind raised walls to provide protection and inside is a warren of more than two hundred streets and alleyways that bend their way through residential and market areas.”
Read more – China’s Silk Road City
Tracking leopards on a Wildlife Safari in Sri Lanka
Liz Carlson, the voice and photographer behind the travel blog Young Adventuress, went on a wildlife safari in Sri Lanka and was lucky enough to witness a leopard in its natural environment. Yes, you read that correctly. Wild leopards. In Sri Lanka! Who knew?
“Yala National Park has the highest leopard concentration in the world, and found all over the country. However, they  are also an apex predator in Sri Lanka, so they have little to fear which means that can be much easier to spot than in Africa.
I saw three when I was in Yala. One under a tree a million miles away, one on the infamous Leopard Rock at sunset my second night there, and finally a young leopard hiding behind the bushes near the jeep. Jackpot!
Read more – Wildlife in Sri Lanka: expect the unexpected
What was our most epic adventure in 2016?
When we reflect on 2016 the trip that stands out the most was our 2 week road trip around Ireland and Northern Ireland. We love a good road trip. And Ireland is the perfect country to take a young family on the road.
Highlights from our trip included drinking Guinness in Dublin, marveling at the Cathedral Church of St Colman in Cobh, witnessing the beauty of the Cliffs of Moher, driving the Wild Atlantic Way, exploring the coastal town of Portrush and walking on the Giant’s Causeway. We had great time.
Read more about our trip to Ireland:
Highlights from our 2 week Ireland road trip
Traveling to Ireland for the first time? Here’s what you need to know
The Blarney Castle in Ireland – is it worth visiting?
25 Photos that will make you want to visit Dublin, Ireland
And that’s a wrap! Phew, you made it to the end of this 4,600 word post. Some pretty epic adventures by travel bloggers this year! If you’re still searching for more adventure inspiration, make sure check out these posts from previous years:
25 Epic Adventures by bloggers in 2015 
40 Epic Adventures by bloggers in 2014
28 Epic Adventures by bloggers in 2013
25 Epic Adventures by bloggers in 2012
19 Epic Adventures by bloggers in 2011
Your turn! What was YOUR most Epic Adventure in 2016?
Share your experience in the comments section below. Feel free to leave links, we’d love to read about your epic adventure!
26 Epic Adventures by Travel Bloggers in 2016 is a post from: Traveling Canucks
Related posts:
10 Common Family Travel Mistakes (and how to avoid them)
Traveling to Ireland for the first time? Here’s what you need to know
Highlights from our 2 week Ireland road trip
It’s resolution time! Here’s how we’re going to make 2017 great.
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Incompetency is a task anyone get so as to be careful of, even more so whenever our clients select a person in order to bring services for a job when it comes to our clients. People have to be actually wary of employing someone who will not realize what these individuals are without a doubt doing considering that these experts may finish up taking your place much more in the way of overpriced services that our clients definitely will provide so as to accomplish. Therefore, the first object our clients really need in order to accomplish when our clients are actually searching for a fence contractor Crystal MI, you must choose a person along with the correct abilities so as to complete the perfect work. And so, you need to find in order to seek to get their credentials first off. Beginning with contentment together with their experiences, you should search here at their references. These customers definitely will enable reduce even more light about what it really is definitely like that one may get the job done along with a particular individual as well as whether or not they have the right skill set to get the fence installation performed in a timely and also timesaving method. Remember: competence is crucial when it comes to fences considering a fence needs to find to be really protected enough so as to try to keep the trespassers out of the way.
Insurance is a need to
Almost all individuals would definitely want to rescue a couple of bucks anytime these guys want that one may hire a fence contractor Crystal MI which they will never consult even if or not a workman is really covered. Insurance is vital as soon as you possess folks doing work on your real estate considering that factors happen; folks doing the job on your property might become injured or many parts of your property might acquire destroyed. When anyone consider so as to work together with a provider a certain will never get any kind of insurance, and then you might get taken legal action against as well as drop. Therefore, anyone really should be cautious concerning who people hire so as to prevent unnecessary liability concerns given that project carries on in your compound.
Area services shortly after the job is performed
When it comes to request to apply fences on your home, there certainly may be actually a great deal of unearthing and also other folks their jobs in buildup. It buys really messy. Thus, your place must inquire in case or not the organization uses landscape well-maintained up professional services unless you perform almost all the services for yourself.
Maintaining along with service warranty when it comes to tasks carried out
Whenever our clients desire to establish which an individual fence installer will perform a higher premium quality task, all people possess to perform is request in the event that they have a guarantee when it comes to the works these professionals undertake. You can be truly truly inquisitive when it comes to what is simply protected in the manufacturer’s warranty and also the period the manufacturer’s warranty lasts with respect to. The Devil is always with the information in this particular respect.
To know more details, Call us
Services Offered:
Aluminum Fence
Bamboo Fence
Chain Link Fence
Commercial Fencing
Picket Fences
Pool Fence
Residential Fencing
Stone Wall
Vinyl Fencing
Wood Fence
Wrought Iron Fence
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Important oversights which should be actually stayed away from the moment deciding on a fence contractor Crystal MI
Have you experienced a ‘contractor from hell ‘? An individual whose provider messed up the basic project people hired these to do? An individual which is unwilling so as to welcome responsibility to get their breakdown? Assuming that you didn’t, after that you are really really blessed. That it could obtain quite frustrating negotiating along with this type of others. The endure thing you would certainly really want the second people fork out money simply to end up with a rushed job.
The second you are actually looking when it comes to fence contractor Crystal MI, your place require to be really really keen during the process. People require to do a good deal of as a result of carefulness throughout purchase so as to acquire a person in that will definitely grant people solutions in order that are certainly truly worth the financial commitment as well as nothing a lot less.
When the choosing process, there are definitely a number of issue areas which a whole lot of men and women spend for provided. These types of areas are actually essential in order to individuals must keep away from producing errors in them. Below are really the key errors the fact that our clients need to prevent whenever individuals want to employ a contractor.
The first of all error that individuals should stay away from is sizing up the suitableness of a person located on one top-notch. When our clients wish to set up a fence as quickly given that possible, people will likely receive tempted to decide on a private based on a single superior. It really may be which the individual deals a really good charge to perform the work for anyone or even several other really good outstanding the fact that conceals numerous negative 1. In the event that anyone are definitely keen on acquiring your cash’s definitely worth, you need to have in order to prevent falling victim so that propensity. Anyone need to have to ensure in which you feature the whole picture before you make a final decision regarding who will work on your property. In order to this specific conclusion, you are in need of to look at the really good, the negative and even the awful part from the expert. If the good surpass the bad, after that proceed in advance as well as hire these guys. There is actually absolutely no substitute in order to carrying out extensive as a result of carefulness.
One more error anyone should avoid when choosing a fencing contractor is purposefully finding an undemonstrated person within the market. These types of consumers get a tendency to use attractive costs with regard to their companies that are really just too really good to successfully pass upward. When anyone are simply appearing in order to have value to get the money one devote inside a contractor, adventure issue a great deal. It gives individuals assurance in which the moment the fence contractor Crystal MI begins doing the job regarding your residential property, the job will took care of swiftly and also skillfully. Hence, the moment individuals are actually seeming so as to employ a private to work concerning your fence, these people need to give you endorsements and evidence from former ventures handled. Whenever anyone are actually contented that they can easily supply, after that anyone should move ahead of time and also hire these guys.
Last but not least, people should really stay clear of finding unlicensed individuals. Certainly there no technique of holding to account ought to these people mishandle the project these guys are actually assigned to work on. It is really crucial that you ask no matter if these types of professional have the good papers to perform the project these people are really meant in order to undertake.
These are definitely the some essential oversights that you need to avoid producing the second you desire to select a fence contractor MI.
To know more details, Call us
AAA Fence Master One Stop Fence 11011 Westbrae Parkway Suite D Houston, TX 77038
Locations We Service
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
from WordPress https://aaafencemasterinfo.wordpress.com/2017/11/24/crystal-mi/
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aaafencemasterinfo · 7 years
Lake Crystal MN
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A must use quick guide when you are selecting a fence contractor Lake Crystal MN when it comes to your house
Quality is actually vital whenever that it comes to everything in order to perform along with your house. In case you are simply keen on secure fencing your residential property, and then opportunities are actually in which our clients are going to be actually extremely bought in obtaining the most ideal building materials for the fence and the greatest installer to carry the visual sense you took when it comes to your real estate to lifestyle.
At that place are actually a whole lot of threats that happen having settling on an unqualified including unreliable fence contractor to do the job on your property. This short article uncovers the determinative actions which individuals need to abide by when ever you really want to contract a fence contractor MN to get your home that will likely bring people your money’s value.
Requirements also expertise
Incompetency is simply a thing you come with in order to be certainly wary of, particularly at the time anyone choose an expert so as to require services regarding a job for individuals. Our clients should be definitely wary of choosing a professional who may not recognize what these experts are creating by reason of these individuals will probably end up costing anyone more within the means of costly repair jobs that one people will definitely known in order to perform. In such a way, the first of all element our clients require in order to conduct as soon as your place are actually looking like with regard to a fence contractor Lake Crystal MN, you have to decide on an individual using the correct techniques so as to conduct the ideal role. Thereby, your place need to find so as to wonder with respect to their references to begin with. Upon satisfaction together with their credentials, anyone will need to looking during their testimonials. These kinds of folks will certainly really help reduce a lot more light on what this is definitely like in order to do the job having a particular folks and also no matter if they have the right skill set to get the fence installment performed in a timely and also instant method. Remember: competence is crucial when it comes to fences because a fence may need to be actually secure more than enough in order to always keep the intruders far away.
Insurance is a will need to
Some persons should choose to save a number of bucks when these individuals would like to select a fence contractor Lake Crystal MN that these individuals won’t ask whether or not a company is protected. Insurance policy is really fundamental as soon as individuals provide individuals doing work on your residential property simply because factors come about; people training on your house might just become injured as well as several sections of your residential or commercial property could have damaged. When you consider in order to operate along with a provider this not known any kind of insurance policy coverage, and then anyone could obtain sued in order to lose. Thus, your place really should be simply cautious about who people employ in order to avoid unnecessary obligation issues when task carries on within your substance.
Property services shortly after the project is carried out
With regard to purchase order to apply fences on your residence, there really may be actually a good deal of unearthing and other folks works with development. This becomes very messy. In such a way, you needs to talk to if or not the provider offers lawn well-maintained up services lest you perform all of the work your own self.
Upkeep as well as manufacturer’s warranty to get works carried out
When ever our clients desire to check that a distinct fence installer will certainly accomplish a higher premium quality project, all of your place get to carry out is consult in the event that these experts get a warranty with regards to the projects these individuals do. People should be simply really curious when it comes to what is truly addressed inside the service contract as well as the period of time the service warranty continue with regard to. The Adversary is constantly with the details in this particular respect.
To know more details, Call us
Services Offered:
Aluminum Fence
Bamboo Fence
Chain Link Fence
Commercial Fencing
Picket Fences
Pool Fence
Residential Fencing
Stone Wall
Vinyl Fencing
Wood Fence
Wrought Iron Fence
To know more details, Call us
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Crucial problems such should be prevented the moment choosing a fence contractor Lake Crystal MN
Retain your place experienced a ‘contractor from hell ‘? An unique whose provider botched the basic work you employed these people to do? A person who is resistant so as to admit task when it comes to their breakdown? In the case that one hadn’t, and then anyone are very blessed. It could acquire instead frustrating doing business having this type of fellows. The endure point people might prefer the second individuals fork out money simply so end up by using a rushed task.
When anyone are actually looking to get fence contractor Lake Crystal MN, your place need to be definitely really interested at the time of the experience. Anyone need to perform a bunch of attributed diligence inside request so as to get a professional this will definitely offer our clients programs so are certainly really worth the investment and nothing much less.
Through the finding process, there are really a number of problem areas which a lot of folks have when it comes to given. These types of places are definitely vital and also you have to stay away from developing mistakes in all of them. Listed here are definitely the essential mistakes the fact that people require to prevent when people prefer to choose a service provider.
The very first misstep that individuals really should keep away from is reviewing the suitability of a person located on just one high quality. The second anyone really want to add up a fence just as rapidly as possible, anyone will acquire induced so as to select a private derived about a single quality. This may be who the individual promotions a good price to do the task when it comes to anyone or even some many other excellent quality which conceals a number of poor just one. In the event that individuals are keen on acquiring your amount of money’s definitely worth, our clients require in order to stay away from slipping prey so that tendency. You need to make sure which individuals have the whole picture before you make a final decision regarding who will work on your property. In order to that conclusion, individuals really need to overlook with the really good, the negative as well as the ugly edge for the specialist. In the event that the good outweighs the negative, at that point go ahead but employ them. Certainly there is no replacement so as to performing thorough as a result of diligence.
One more oversight anyone should avoid when choosing a fencing contractor is knowingly choosing an untried individual throughout the local market. These kinds of individuals have a tendency to use attractive rates with regard to their services in which are actually just too excellent so as to elapsed upward. Whenever you are simply looking so as to acquire market value with regard to the amount of money anyone invest in a professional, knowledge matter most a lot. That it offers individuals assurance that when the fence contractor Lake Crystal MN begins functioning on your residential property, the work will definitely took care of promptly as well as expertly. Hence, the moment individuals are appearing in order to choose a specific to work on your fence, they must offer anyone referrals and verification of past jobs handled. The moment people are completely satisfied that these guys could provide, and then one should go ahead but choose them.
Lastly, you have to keep away from employing the services of unlicensed professionals. Certainly there no way from storing to profile should these people botch the task they are simply delegated to carry out. This is actually crucial that you ask whether these folks possess the good written documents to do the job they are actually expected that one may undertake.
All of these are normally the three important mistakes that one should stay clear of generating the second you prefer to work with a fence contractor MN.
To know more details, Call us
AAA Fence Master One Stop Fence 11011 Westbrae Parkway Suite D Houston, TX 77038
Locations We Service
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
from WordPress https://aaafencemasterinfo.wordpress.com/2017/11/14/lake-crystal-mn/
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