#look i literally just rewatched AoS s1 and I had FEELINGS
florchis · 4 years
Parting Shot
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Agents of SHIELD airs its finale tonight and I don’t feel like saying goodbye. Not that much because I feel too sad or something like that, but more because I feel... detached from it. As many of you know, I broke up with canon in S5- I felt betrayed by it in more ways than one and did not consume any new canon material until roughly one month ago. These last seasons weren’t, for me, the show I fell in love with, and I think I don’t feel that much at this turning point because I already made my peace with letting it go, in a way. 
But there are two important things I do want to talk about.
One is the fandom. I will be brief because I know that tomorrow we will all be here and I hope that in six months we will still be here. There are things about it that drive me insane, but I love it to its core too. I made friends here. I learned to make gifsets with this fandom’s help (and then promptly forgot). I started writing in English for the first time after 14 years of fandom because I wanted to connect with it better and more, and you were- still are- patient with my many mistakes along the way. I grew in this fandom and because of it and though I have hope in it perduring long after the show is done, I don’t want to miss the opportunity to say thank you.
Second, I loved this show a lot. It might not be the same show I fell in love with, but at the same time... it is. It hurt when it became something else and it hurts now that it’s ending. I want to make peace with that. I want to say goodbye to the show I love. So I am doing that now. Goodbye AOS, with all the bits I loved and the ones I didn’t love so much. Thank you for being such an important part of my life. 
Now, @loved-the-stars-too-fondly @bobbimorseisbisexual and @apathbacktoyou tagged me in this. Thank you friends ❤️
Where were you in life when you first started to watch AoS?
I was 25, just a little over a year out of my mom’s. Barely recovering for a death in the family that triggered a disease in me. I and the boyfriend were doing an MCU watch/rewatch in chronological order, and we decided to include both Agent Carter and AOS, that neither of us had seen up to that point. At that moment we were in the hiatus pre-S4 and I got obsessed and looked up the fandom and got immersed right away. My previous major fandom was Glee, and since it ended I had fallen in a literal pit, creativity-wise. If you check my AO3, you can see I stopped posting Glee stuff in January 2015 and picked up again in July 2016... with AOS. It was a whirlwind that got me into creating again and, like I said above, creating in new different ways and it was exactly what I needed.
Where are you now?
In those roughly 4 years, I started a new degree and finished it and I am now anxious over picking up the one I left on hold. I got two new cats, one of them named after an AOS character. I recovered from my grandma’s death to be thrown back again by another family death that I am still processing three years later. I traveled and made friends and luckily I didn’t lose that many. I got engaged and I was supposed to get married in less than two months, but pandemic. I am still learning to let go of too-high expectations, in myself and in others, but I will get there.    
What character development arc (or storyline in general) did you love the most?
It is no secret I love the Bus Kids, so I gotta say their Bildungsroman over S1 and S2. We watched them grow and learn and make mistakes, and I got attached. I felt represented and seen in them in many ways, even if I am not a supergenius nor I do have superpowers. But I feel they were the most human at that point in the story, their reactions to things where for me understandable and I felt for them. They were kind and scared and damaged and struggling, and that speaks to me because if they were that way and could rise up to things, so could I.  
What will you miss the most?
Probably the possibility of new things? As someone who has been in fandom for 18 years now, I know that canon is one big, fat lie. But canon being gone will feel like a good creator left the fandom and I tip my hat to that. Also, I will miss the people that will slowly drip out of fandom.  
Favorite quote?
I like to think about the first law of thermodynamics, that no energy in the universe is created and... none is destroyed. That means that every bit of energy inside us, every particle will go on to be a part of something else. Maybe live as a dragonfish, a microbe, maybe burn in a supernova ten billion years from now. And every part of us now was once a part of some other thing - a moon, a storm cloud, a mammoth. A monkey. Thousands and thousands of other beautiful things that were just as terrified to die as we are. We gave them new life. Good one, I hope.
I will tag @smallblueandloud @meanderings0ul @howtotrainyouragents​@theclaravoyant​ and @memorizingthedigitsofpi, if they want to do it. If not, just hi and I love you!
*(I want to mention that I started writing this many hours ago and now it’s afternoon and I am but a bundle of nerves. So much for being cool about this.)
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 years
July 16: Star Trek 1x06 Mudd’s Women
Mudd’s Women today. I don’t really think fondly of this ep when I’m not watching it, not because it’s not good, but because it’s less focused on the Enterprise, like the really important part of the story is about characters who only appear here, so it doesn’t stand out as much. Also Mudd is really annoying. Also almost every ep of S1 is a Classic so anything that isn’t, like 11/10 seems just “okay” by comparison.
So the Enterprise is just chasing a suspicious vessel because why not. Actually kind of speaks to that theory that esp. the pre-5 year mission purpose of the ship is to be like the Coast Guard, to patrol. I guess they still do that. Hey--that looks suspicious!
“No registration beams.” No license plate lol.
Kirk is so good-hearted. Doesn’t hesitate to put his own ship in potential danger to save some random people he doesn’t know, because of course, he can’t let this situation he exacerbated, as part of his job, become worse. Plus, like, curiosity I’m sure.
Uhura in gold today.
Always get a kick out of anyone on the bridge doing the job of anyone else on the bridge and Kirk just taking Spock’s station gives me Emotions.
Mudd like “I couldn’t be sure you were a friendly vessel, so I ran” like okay, the ship literally says “U.S.S. Enterprise” on it in big letters, it’s not ambiguous.
Early example of McCoy hating transporters.
Literally can’t believe this ship has batteries.
Honestly, they’re not that hot guys, keep it in your pants.
“How many did we get off?” / “Oh, two, maybe three depending on how Spock’s feeling rn.”
McCoy is such a slut omg.
The one in blue is literally just wearing a shirt.
“You’re part Vulcanian.” Honestly, Mudd seems to understand the whole concept of Vulcans better than McCoy does (”This type can turn himself off from any emotion.”).
“I apologize for what he said, Sir.” Oh, Evie, so empathetic. Spock’s not even upset. He’s having a grand time. Can’t wait to see what the Captain will think of the hot ladies! (Answer: he thinks they’re the crew.)
Honestly, I do think Spock was into them a little. It’s pretty ambiguous, Mudd’s comment aside, just how much of a kick he got out of them. He comes very close to smiling a lot, though.
“You’re a hard-nosed one, Captain.” Damn right.
Defense attorney Spock.
Man, I love Sulu.
I’m only noticing it on this rewatch but Spock has a lot of engineering knowledge, I feel? He’s the Science Officer but engineering is honestly the most specific skill set he exercises.
The way Kirk says, “Well, Mr. Spock?” is so flirty. They even give the dramatic, flirty lighting.
Honestly, I can’t believe the Enterprise canonically runs on crystals.
I love the computer. Nurse Chapel’s voice. The squiggly green line. Constantly irritating Mudd. Though also tbh very disturbing from a privacy point of view. I mean in a way it’s not, like, a lie detector, it’s not determining Mudd is lying by anything about him, it’s just comparing his words to public records, but still.
Convicted of driving without a license.
Computer: the male members of the crew are horny.
Kirk: strike the horniness from the record.
I really expected the computer to say “incorrect” when Mudd says, “Heaven’s honest truth.”
That look Kirk shares with Spock though. It’s not super obvious they’re looking at each other, but they are.
Spock with his hands on his hips. Underrated stance, should have had more of that in AOS.
Honestly, this plotline is yet another vehicle for the sort of story Beyond was allegedly interested in telling lol.
“Are you wearing something radioactive?”
This lady in green isn’t very smart but I love McCoy in this scene. His horniness fighting with his realization that uh this is weird?
“Don’t mind me, Captain, I was just lying on your bed for no reason.” “Uh, actually I do mind???”
Kirk is a paragon of virtue though!
I like Evie a lot. She’s the best part of this ep. Really going after Kirk in his vulnerable spot with that talk of loneliness. I do get the impression she legit liked him (as much as she could in uh 2 days) but I don’t think he had much of an interest in her, other than in the same way as everyone else reacting to the hotness drug. And even that he controlled pretty well.
Those original husbands are going to be pissed.
Good Kirk and McCoy scene. “They’re not smart enough to be aliens.” And Kirk doesn’t even pull the “I’m the Captain, answer my question” thing, he’s literally like, “I asked you first.”
I like that McCoy gets that they’re just “acting beautiful.” Actually in retrospect this is probably where Kirk get his placebo idea.
“Ships captains are already married--to their vessels.”
Lol they look exactly the same without the drugs, just with their hair disheveled and their makeup gone.
Love that the pill’s in the form of a sparkly heart.
Spock likes the look of the crystals. That decadent bitch. Idk if people generally thinkk of Vulcans as austere but they are not, like aesthetically--only emotionally. He just likes pretty things, and it’s canon.
Whereas Kirk’s like “I literally don’t give af that we made some crystals less sparkly, we saved some people’s lives.”
Mmmm, I enjoy negotiator!Kirk. Even though he’s in such a bad spot. That poor, sad little face.
Mudd’s earring loooool.
“Expect further difficulty from the miners.”
I love the mining aesthetic/world building/almost 50s sci fi feel.
I love that Kirk just went out into the storm after Eve. Even if he didn’t find her... but then this isn’t their love story, huh.
“I didn’t get any. I should have found a way!”
I’m too tired for real, like, analysis, but I like Evie and Ben.
She’s not even ugly, like........... I know I just have to take it as reality that the Venus drug makes them hot and I’m willing to just suspend disbelief that there’s some quality there that isn’t literal, that can’t be seen, but I cannot suspend disbelief that this very pretty woman is “homely” or “ugly” when she takes off her makeup.
Sub-space radio marriage.
Kirk is so smart with his placebo experiment.
I’m not like a super fan of the ultimate explanation of the Venus drug though--that it gives you “more of what you are.” Too... essentialist and playing into gender stereotypes personally. Like a lot of the Message of this ep I can get behind, but then it takes a few weird missteps that are almost certainly a product of the time in which it was made (like a less extreme version of The Enemy Within). Also, the little like shoehorned “You just gotta believe in yourself!” message was weird. It didn’t really seem to fit with the point.
The really interesting and thoughtful parts of this episode are smushed too much into the end. There’s just a lot going on: what is the nature of marriage, what are the confines of gender roles, what is the purpose of beauty, what are the intersections between gender and class, what are the larger economic realities at play here, how do human emotions like loneliness interplay with class and gender--and man the drug itself!! Is it manipulation? Is it lying? Are the real and/or biggest victims of the drug the women themselves--is it a danger to them? (I’d say yes, and, it appears to be.) And honestly nothing is really resolved?? Even Evie agreeing to stay with Ben apparently because she knows Kirk won’t have her (when they had one conversation and he didn’t really seem that into her anyway) is like... I get it because we always gotta shoehorn hints of romance with the lead because he’s the lead, and we have to bring everything back to the lead because he’s the lead, but I’m not interested in Evie’s thoughts on Kirk. I’m interested in her thoughts on Ben, marriage, partnership, gender roles, love.
I mean “You don’t want wives! This is what you want!” is so !!!!
Basically the ep is fine but it’s so weighted at the end, to a degree that everything that came before seems kinda... slow, in retrospect.
Honestly, Kirk’s even a little flirty with Mudd. (My mom: “The problem’s been solved, Kirk is happy and flirty.” I agree, happy and flirty is his default mode!)
"The fact that my internal arrangement differs from yours, Doctor, pleases me no end."
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Agent H’s AOS Rewatch
Season 3 Pro’s and Con’s 
We’re done with the season 4 rewatch, and I’m over here still trying to process season 3. First time watching, it was my least favorite season and I nearly stopped watching the show because of it. Second time watching…it’s still probably my least favorite just by comparison, but I have infinite more respect for it. Anyway, I needed to sort out my thoughts on this, so it’s all under “keep reading” and don’t get mad at me.
Cons (because let’s get the bad stuff out of the way)
-I really dislike revenge stories, so all the revenge stuff with Hunter and Coulson and Ward and all did not sit well with me and felt even OOC. 
-Speaking of, from the S2 finale through most of this season, there’s this theme of the men protecting and revenging their wounded or fridged girlfriends. It’s not super fun because this is a show where the women are clearly just as, if not more, competent than the men, but they’re not given the same opportunity to protect/revenge the men, much less given the same importance even in their own stories. I’m blanking on what MCU movies were going on around the time of this season, but I remember seeing this even in the movies. If I remember correctly there was a head of MCU who was later removed, but was apparently responsible. 
-The use of Ward is muddled. I’m cool with his takeover of HYDRA, that seemed natural. But you expect it to lead to a huge standoff with SHIELD because he, their worst enemy, is now head of their worst enemy organization. Instead, he gets converted to the HYDRA religion and literally becomes a vessel. Which is fine, but the transition was really hurriedly and poorly done. This is a man who has complex views of loyalty (Garrett not HYDRA. Skye and Coulson but not SHIELD), so I’m gonna need a lot more convincing that he’d believe Gideon’s HYDRA.
-This will be on both lists: I’m disappointed about how after three seasons HYDRA is taken out so quietly and quickly.
-I don’t know where to put this, but: I didn’t actually hate the space boyfriend arc as much the second time around, but the potential overall got squandered and I dislike that. 
-Rosalind’s death and possibly her whole arc was pointless. She was literally created and killed to serve Coulson’s character. Gross. And it’s a shame because it would have been really cool to use her as an actual foe-turned-friend for SHIELD throughout the season; she could have easily taken Mace’s place in S4 and that way at least would have been important for two seasons
-Okay, this is ABC’s fault not AOS’s. But like I remember how hard they advertised for Secret Warriors. Like that was the name of the arc. And. Then. They were a team FOR AN EPISODE.  Imagine my disappointment. Also, there really weren’t enough Inhumans this season to suit me.
-Bobbi and Hunter leave for a failed spinoff and I will never forgive Marvel for doing that.
-I mean…I appreciate that they give Andrew a noble death, but like…was it really necessary to have him turn and later die? Really? It gives Ming Na Wen and Blair Underwood opportunities to do extraordinary acting and they nail it, but like maybe don’t kill a guy to solve your inevitable ship? Don’t kill off your second black actor?
-The time jump in the season finale is too sudden. Like we barely get to grieve over Lincoln and they hit us with a time jump and Daisy on the run and new director in charge. Uncool. 
-This was the season I started to dislike Fitzsimmons. Don’t hate me. To me there’s an undercurrent in the writing that seems to favor Fitz over Simmons. FS’s subject to the same sexism that I mentioned in the first bullet. Like the story post-Simmons’ return focuses a lot more on Fitz’s feelings than on hers. He’s the one who has to stop her from getting tortured. He’s the one who saves Will, when it makes way more sense for her to go. He’s the one they all turn to for answers, when it should be both of them combined. And Simmons just gets a little pushed aside in her own story arc, but she just goes along with it anyway. 
-I had to write this last because this is the thing that hurts the season the most for me: Lincoln’s treatment. Okay, first, he’s a great character who got a major personality change between seasons. I don’t like the personality change, but I’d be okay with it if they didn’t do worse. For starters, we barely know him. His life and backstory are so vague, the guy he visits in 3x03 is just “a friend”, and like we get zero information on how they know each other. They spend the entire season having everyone in SHIELD (except Daisy) be against him, dislike him, belittle him, and mistrust him WHEN HE DESERVED NONE OF IT. Like they make it really obvious that Coulson dislikes him father-style because of his relationship with Daisy. They make him petulant and act out to prove that Mack and May are right to mistrust him when really given the fact that he was an Inhuman guide and a medical doctor and a recovered addict, he’d be a lot more under control. They make Fitzsimmons talk down to him just because no one can be smart except Fitzsimmons, when clearly he would know more about Inhuman biology and medicine in general THAN THE BIOCHEM PHD (sorry that one will always bug me). Like they make some work on him with Coulson and May, and that’s good, but overall he is not allowed to have a solid relationship with anyone but Daisy. I think the writers 1) knew he was gonna die and decided not to invest in him or his relationships. 2) were trying to get a moody bad boy in the cast, and decided to cast him as it when it didn’t really make sense. Also, while talking about Lincoln, I really wish they did some more interesting things with his powers than lightning blasts. He has electric powers!! There’s so much you can do!!
-Okay, this one is just real personal. LINCOLN IS A MEDICAL DOCTOR. Or at least a medical student or resident or fellow (I mean, he’s in the hospital doing rounds). TREAT HIM AS SUCH. HE WANTED TO HELP PEOPLE, LET HIM HELP PEOPLE. LET HIM DO THE SURGERIES AND KNOW THE STUFF ABOUT BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. LET HIM RETURN TO HIS OLD LIFE AS A DOCTOR. You had such a good character who turned himself around from addiction, dedicated his life to saving lives, got thrown multiple curve balls, and now has to decide how will he continue to serve others. Yes, he’s a hero in the end. But all that in between time, he could have been saving lives too.
Pros (because there is good stuff, I promise) 
-Someone mentioned that this is the first season to have a unified storyline throughout, and that’s so true and it’s so well done! 
-There’s a good natural continuation of the HYDRA and Inhuman storylines from S1 and S2. I think we can look at AOS as two large arcs: S1-S3 is about powered people and HYDRA. S4-S7 is about bending the limits of reality with Ghost Rider, LMDs, Framework, Space, and Time Travel,. S1 was about introducing us to powered people and HYDRA, S2 was about developing the history and politics of them respectively and how they relate to SHIELD. S3 is when Inhumans get involved with SHIELD and with the world directly and the fallout from that. For HYDRA it’s when we get the history and reasoning of the group, and even if it’s a retcon, I appreciate that it introduces the background of HYDRA as a way to end this arc
-Overall, I really do appreciate how this season fills out a lot of worldbuilding. We get a complete history on HYDRA, and we get way more info on Inhumans, but we also get to see how the human world is reacting to and divided on Inhumans, which carries over into the net season
-On both lists: It’s good that they take HYDRA out so quickly and quietly. That plotline had run its course, and it was so bittersweet because they finally had defeated their biggest enemy, but now they had even bigger problems to deal with it. That scene of Coulson and May watching HYDRA fall is one of my favorites because it mirrors that S1 scene of watching HYDRA takeover, but it’s so quiet and not celebratory like it should be.
-Like I said, I hate revenge arcs, but I do appreciate how it came full circle at the end with Coulson admitting his mistake and regret in seeking revenge. That’s much more on brand with Coulson and MCU even I had to sit through a painful arc just to get to that point. 
-Episode 1, Daisy’s entrance and, for that matter, Fitz’s entrance. HOT DAMN.
-One of my favorite things about AOS is the way that they mix up pairings and everyone feels like friends and family. This season did a fantastic job on that with like Fitz/Bobbi, Mack/Daisy, Hunter/May, and way more.
-I complain that there wasn’t enough Inhumans to suit me, but also I really enjoyed the ones we got. I expected them to do Inhumans with basic powers like water, fire, plants, shrinking. But AoS writers were like nah, how about a guy who melts metal?? How about Medusa eyes?? How about a guy who can predict deaths? Like they just went straight to the extremes and I respect that. And yes, we have our typical speedster and fire guy, but the sheer joy that comes from those characters makes up for the predictability of their powers.
-We get Joey and Yoyo who are the effin’ best and deserve the world. And with Lincoln and Daisy we got SECRET WARRIORS!!!!
-First time, we get introduced to Charles and Robin and manipulating time, which obviously becomes important later, so I like that they introduce it so early in the show.
-I also love the way things come full circle with Lash. I wish he didn’t die, but the reveal of his true purpose was amazing 
-THAT FITZ vs MONOLITH SCENE. That is top like five moments of the show for me, and I’m gonna need the Emmys to give Iain de Castecker his belated Best Actor award any day now.
-4722 Hours was a work of art, and Elizabeth Henstridge, I will be getting you that Best Actress Emmy one way or another. 
-Brett Dalton’s acting. This rewatch served to highlight how brilliantly he developed Ward’s evilness over the course of the three seasons and then the way he flipped the switch and played a completely different character as Hydra. You can feel it in his voice and mannerisms, it’s a totally different person even if it’s still technically Ward’s body. And to top it off, that finale where he pulls of a brilliant two-minute psychotic breakdown and a kickass fight scene. Standing ovation, good sir. I miss you.
-After S2 fridged three women of color, I do appreciate how this season chooses to take out four of its white characters even if I’m sad that they had to go.
-The Star Wars references were so effin’ funny
-Spy’s Goodbye. I will never be okay about this.
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 4 years
AOS Rewatch: S1E20 “Nothing Personal”
“We need to talk, Agent Hill.” Melinda May is done waiting around.
“He buried that intel when he decided not to bury Coulson.” Buried it, quite literally.
“Three minutes and 20 seconds. Really? If you were my agents, it wouldn’t be for long.” I love her.
“Play it again.” — “It’s the same every time, sir.” Lousiest Casablanca reenactment ever ;) 
“Is there anyone left to give orders? Aren’t we just improvising at this point?” Little Lion Cub has had enough.
“Then we don’t need her sorry ass.” You did not just say that about Melinda May, Antoine Triplett. **gasp**
“I’ll make us some food. We have to eat.” Jemma a) not comfortable with the conversation and b) always thinking practical thoughts.
I can’t tell if Fitz is so quick to jump up to help Simmons because he doesn’t want Trip to do it or because he really needs to be able to talk to the one person he can always talk to and trust. Maybe it’s a bit of both.
“We just have to stay positive.” My sweet queen, my role model.
“Coulson’s upset about pancakes now?” I find it adorable that he comes to that conclusion.
Fitzsimmons in action mode. Pancakes solve problems. Pancakes cheer people up. I know it would work on me!
That scene where you see Fitz and Simmons and you know they’re about to learn some rather unpleasant news and at the same time you hear Coulson’s analysis and he’s figured it out, too. “We’ve had a wolf in the herd the whole time.” EEEEEEKKKKKK
I’m convinced that Jemma is not screaming because she found a dead body. She’s used to that kind of thing. She’s screaming because she knows what that means. Immediately.
I wasn’t a huge fan of Skye in S1 (she grew on me slowly :) ), but I admire her in this episode.
“Figured if I ever got in trouble, I’d be safe there.”
That entire scene of Simmons examining Koenig, and all the arguing, and Fitz getting so upset. It’s so heart-breaking.
“I should have knocked on wood just then.” Hahaha
“Hangar door deactivated.” — “HOW? That’s impossible.” Not if you’re Maria Hill.
“There have to be better things for you to do than chase four S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.” — “I wasn’t a huge fan before chasing you to the damn tundra, Coulson.” Those two with their banter.
Melinda May digging a whole in a graveyard in the middle of the day without so much as batting an eye and then still having the manners to wish the poor man “My condolences.”
Jemma Anne Simmons was never one to be patient with Talbot’s crap attitude.
Tell Maria Hill she vetted the guy who turned out to be a Hydra infiltrator and BAHM, the woman’s pissed AF and willing to knock out Talbot and his men.
Skye disguising her speech about Ward as a speech about Garrett. **excited squealing**
I did NOT remember that Mike showed up. AHHHHH.
I love that she’s calling him a Nazi.
“I’m gonna throw up.” would be my reaction, too.
Plan B. Does. Not. Sound. Good.
Skye is a good person.
“And I hoped you weren’t the duplicitous lowlife you turned out to be, but here we are.” I love her.
They bought Coulson the time he needed. SQUEEE.
“But how did you get past Deathlok.” That *oh-oh* look on Coulson’s face. “New plan. Run!”
"I told you to buckle up.” What a good dad he is.
The “I can’t believe we survived that” look on their faces.
“Wasn’t personal. I was just following orders.” Hey, Ward, how does it feel when someone uses the same argument you used on Skye earlier.
“We’re not bringing the band back together again, Coulson. It’s over.” Oh, Maria, don’t say that. Have you MET Coulson?
“Say hello to Stark fr—Oh yeah, never mind. He thinks I’m dead.” Awwww. Poor Coulson.
The poolside scene. **ugly crying** Still one of my favorites.
If you need a fic in which the pool scene was the catalyst for Fitzsimmons getting together, look no further: “King and Queen Idiot”
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