nxrthmizu · 4 years
-Lordbug, Robin and Kitty Noir- Chapter Fifteen: In Which Operation Damian Wayne Is A GO!
/Part One//Part Fourteen/
Patrol was fairly uneventful. Kitty had come to enjoy the sheer thrill of practically flying through Paris’s night sky, watching the city light up in whites and yellows. Wind vibrated in her ears sonorously, a rhythm forming in the tap, tap, tap of her feet as she touched down on roofs and balconies to provide the momentum for her next jump. Her technique had improved vastly into a flawless dance that her brain could activate without thinking much: It was like her eyes just immediately saw a path on the roofs and her body just carried out the action. 
Music rumbled in her ears as she neared the docks, hearing the faint strum of Luka’s guitar. The teal-haired boy was lounging casually on the dock, guitar in his relaxed hand. Looking up, aqua eyes met bluebell ones, and he gave her a soft, kind smile, which she returned with a wave. In the next moment she was gone, soaring over rooftops and streets with the agility of a natural feline. 
“Goodnight, Paris.” She whispered, the quiet aura of the city surrounding her, comforting her, thanking the hero for protecting the city and everyone in it. Baton extending, she leapt off the Eiffel tower, making one quick route around the city for good measure. 
Adrien yawned, peering out of the giant window by the side of his room. It was getting late, he thought, and was about to head to bed just as he heard the familiar, clear, metallic note of a baton extending. His green eyes trailed up towards the window, aligning with the fates in a moment to catch the cat-hero leaping past his bedroom. His jaw dropped. Her dark blue hair was dancing behind her in a braid, her bluebell eyes refined and sharp in comparison to the dark sky. 
For a single moment, the blonde model could feel his heart stop. 
And the next, she was gone. 
The transformation wore off just in time, because Robin was knocking on her skylight in the next. Had he been a moment earlier, he would’ve caught Kitty Noir standing in Marinette’s room, and the bluenette would have to come up with the most convincing ‘correlation does not equal causation’ explanation ever, and she didn’t have that much confidence in her ability to convince him otherwise. 
“Evening.” He greeted politely, smiling at the beaming bluenette, who (Suspiciously) looked slightly breathless. 
“Evening!” She replied brightly, catching a little more of her breath. “I made some lime-flavoured pastries today. Would you like some?” 
Robin shrugged and smiled thankfully. “Yes, please.” 
Marinette beamed, pleased that he wanted to try the pastries she’d made. There was the same, warm, polite glow inside Robin’s eyes that made him, undoubtedly, Damian. The bluenette smiled with growing affection, leaving the vigilante in confusion as he stayed perched on the balcony. 
A few lime macarons later, they had fallen into a comfortable conversation, which consisted majorly of Marinette talking excitedly about the ideas she had for funding, and where she was hoping the whole club could go once they had gotten all their funds. Robin watched the bluenette fondly as she chattered on in excitement, the spark of passion in her eyes making him fall even more. 
Halfway through their conversation, Marinette’s phone dinged- Without a doubt, it was a text from Chloe regarding Operation Damian Wayne. She ignored the text, continuing to talk animatedly about her ideas and so. 
Glancing at his watch, Robin decided it was getting late. “Thank you for the pastries, angel.” He thanked softly, reaching for her hand so he could press a kiss on it. A pleased feeling spread through his body like heat as the bluenette blushed. “Goodnight, angel.” His grappling hook shot off into the sky, his eyes catching sight of the gleaming silver ring on her hand as she raised it to wave at him. 
“Night, Robin.” 
Queen Bee, clad in her superhero attire, wrapped in a dark jacket (Because was she that hard to spot in the dark if she was wearing bright yellow?), eyed Damian’s window with an amazing alertness. Marinette had shot her a text, saying that Robin had left her balcony minutes ago. Knowing the bird-themed vigilante, it wouldn’t take him more than two minutes to basically fly over half the city. 
Sure enough, the whizz of Robin’s grappling hook sounded a few moments later, followed by the vigilante himself. He glanced around, slipping into the window when he thought no one was looking. The window snapped shut after a few moments, Queen Bee smiling victoriously as she concluded that yes, Damian Wayne had to be at least Robin, if not Lordbug, too. 
[Queenie] 11.36pm
Operation Damian Wayne is a positive. 
[Minette] 11.37pm 
Drop by my place if you want some macarons~ 
[Queenie] 11.39pm 
As if I would stoop so low as to go to your balcony at 11pm just for pastries- 
[Minette] 11.40pm 
You’re on your way, aren’t you? 
[Queenie] 11.42pm 
... Just to discuss the results of Operation Damian Wayne. 
Queen Bee huffed, landing on Marinette’s balcony and wishing she would wipe that innocent smile off Marinette’s face. The bluenette knew that Chloe loved the newly-created lime-flavoured macarons, and just wouldn’t admit it. 
“Just to clarify,” Bee announced. “I’m just here to discuss the results of Operation Damian Wayne.” 
“Sure.” Marinette hummed in agreement, already pushing a macaron into Bee’s hand. 
A/N: Hello everyone! I know this hasn’t been updated for a long time but... I’m back! Comment if any mistakes were found~ 
Since quite a number of people commented on wanting to join the tag list, I’ve decided that I’ll add everyone that comments on this post (And this post only, if you commented that you want to be part of the tag list on other chapters I won’t be adding you as I can’t keep track of where the tag list requests are coming from). I’ll add everyone who comments for tag list on this post until 14th of August, 12.00am (Malaysian Time). 
On another note, requests are open! Check out the rules and specifications on my profile and request once you’ve decided on what you want! It might take me a while to get back to your request, but I’ll give all my effort into it when I do get to it. 
Tag list! @yin-390@mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog@constancetruggle@the-navistar-carol @never-neverland@rayray384 @mystery-5-5 @black-streak@bluerosette23 @seraphichana @you-will-never-know-how-i-think@mikantsume@graduatedmelon@thebookwormfairy@crazylittlemunchkin@shizukiryuu@screamingtofillthevoid@serenacross200@zestyzealot@redscarlet95@roseinbloom02 @beautym3@resignedcatservant@sizzling-fairy-oil@tinybrie @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry@lunar-wolf-warrior@northernbluetongue@dannyelric301 @daminett4life@loysydark@sparkle9510 @nataladriana9@maya-custodios-dionach @myazael @sassakitty @clumsy-owl-4178 @emootaku-666 @moonlightstar64 @r0sebutch @maggiecc12 @gaeasun @bluefyoto94 @sam-spectra @toodaloo-kangaroo @queenmj10 @animegirlweeb @saays-bitch @kaithehero @toodaloo-kangaroo @user00000003 @akkirasfics
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nxrthmizu · 4 years
-Lordbug, Robin and Kitty Noir- Chapter Twelve: In Which Lila Lies
/Part One//Part Eleven/
The school was abuzz with chatter. Students everywhere gossiped about MDC’s show, everyone sharing their opinions about the newly-debuted designer. Some people sharing their opinions more than others. 
“I knew her since we were four!” Lila declared. “When we were kids, I used to be her model.” 
The girls in the class fawned over the fact that Lila, yet again, knew another famous person. MDC had bloomed into an overnight sensation- ‘Majesty’ crowded over magazine covers, but the Lordbug and Kitty Noir outfits were not overshadowed. Many pages were dedicated to the fashion show that had taken place the previous day, each and every article complementing on the designer’s skill and talent- And she was so polite, too! (Not to mention she was really pretty~)
Aurore was smiling widely as students flocked her, asking how she’s managed to get an interview with MDC before MDC even debuted. She smiled and brushed people off politely, saying that she was just lucky. The sour look on Alya’s face was unmissable, so Lila quickly jumped to the chance. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Alya.” The Italian pouted as she apologised. “I did mention you to MDC, but she said she already found a blog to interview her. I’m sure she’ll ask you to do the next one, though! She was really sorry that you didn’t get your chance since she already asked Aurore.” 
The ombre-haired girl brightened up immediately. “Gosh, that’s so nice of you, Lila! And there’s no need to apologise.” She cast a dark look at Aurore. “She got in by luck, I’ll get in for talent.” 
Across the classroom, Chloe snorted. The trio had been lounging at the back, listening to the conversation with… Various feelings about it. Damian was downright furious. How dare Lila claim she knew MDC when MDC was bullied by her everyday? Chloe was rather amused- She couldn’t wait to see Lila’s face when Marinette revealed herself after their graduation. Marinette was rather… Unbothered. Karma would be back for the Italian girl when the right time came- There was no need to get her own hands dirty. 
“I still feel so sorry you didn’t get the chance, Alya.” Lila pouted and shedded a tear. “To make it up to you, I’ll ask MDC to do a commission for you. She always said that since I helped her to her success, she’d make a dress for me anytime.” 
Awe and jealousy glinted in every girls’ eyes. Alya beamed enthusiastically. “Lila! You’re always so kind, thank you! I’d love to get a dress from MDC!” 
“Too bad she’s not actually getting one.” Chloe glanced at her nails, a bored expression on her face. Marinette shot her a playful look, which the blonde shrugged off. 
Luckily, Chloe’s remark was unheard by the excited girls, who continued to crowd around Lila until Madame Mendeliev snapped her book on the table, yelling for everyone to get back to their seats. Still, the excitement lingered in the class, and the skip in Alya’s pace spoke enough of how disappointed she’d be on the next day.
“Alya, please forgive me.” Lila sniffed pitifully as she cried. “I asked MDC, but she said she was flocked with commissions overnight and she can’t get to yours until she’s finished all the rest!” 
Alya’s face fell as her eyes dulled in disappointment. She’d been looking forward to good news from Lila, but clearly, the only thing that the day had brought was bad luck. The ombre-girl tried to keep a straight face as she reassured her friend. “It’s alright, Lila. I’m pretty sure she was really busy anyway.” She chuckled and shrugged it off, but everyone could see the stiffness of her body, the slump of her shoulders, and the tears prickling on her eyelids. 
Damian let out a little chuckle, his green eyes twinkling in satisfaction. “What did I say?” 
“Pft.” Chloe laughed softly, her amusement clear in her eyes and her relaxed position. “Too bad, Cesaire.” 
Marinette glared at both of them. “Play nice!” She hissed. Her two friends took one look at each other and shrugged, uncaring of the disappointment and lies that constantly hovered over that class. 
It was no longer, their class, after all. 
The call was pretty much expected. 
“Damian.” The stern voice of his father made it clear that it was unarguable. “I demand to meet the girl.” 
Although it was already a made decision, it didn’t mean Damian had to be happy about it. “Fine.” He grumbled. “I’ll ask her. But no promises.” 
Bruce made a grunt in his throat, his excitement not showing through his facial expression but his eyes. Blue orbs sparkled in excitement as the papa bat waited patiently to meet his little robin’s newfound mate. 
“Um, Marinette…” Damian coughed awkwardly into the phone. “My… Um, father wants to meet you.” 
The bluenette blinked in confusion on the other side of the line. “Um… Why? Did I do something wrong?” Damian heard his heart crack a little at the concern in her voice. No, you didn’t do anything wrong, my dad just wants to see you. Because he’s a busy body who can’t keep his nose out of my business. 
“No, no it’s nothing like that.” Damian sighed, shooting a sharp glare at Tikki, who giggled as she munched on a sugar cube. “It’s just- Um- He kind of guessed that you’re MDC and he’s impressed.” 
Marinette sighed in relief. “Oh, then should I bring Chloe as well?” 
The green-eyed Gothamite wanted to groan. No, not Bourgeois. But on second thought, Marinette would be more comfortable and assured with the blonde there. “Ye- Yeah, actually, why not.” 
“Great! I’ll call her now. Do I have to dress formally? Where are we meeting your father? Should I bring any gifts? Macarons? There’s still time for me to bake a cake!” Marinette’s frantic rambling made a little smile creep up the emerald-eyed’s lips. Tikki giggled at how hopeless her miraculous holder was- And at how frantic Plagg’s holder was. 
“We’re meeting him at a restaurant, so maybe dress formally. And no, you don’t need to bring any gifts, ange-” Before he could finish, he was cut off by the bluenette’s insistent rambling.
“You know what, I’m going to bake a cake. I saw a really nice recipe online the other day and I think it would be a good idea! I’ll, um, get started now, does your dad like cheesecakes? What about peaches?” 
Damian wanted to laugh. Gosh, he loved the bluenette. “Yes, he likes cheesecakes, and yes, I’m pretty sure he’s fine with peaches as well.” 
“Alright then! I’ll get going now, I have a cake to bake! See ya in a bit, Dami!” 
And then the phone call ended. Damian laughed to himself, Tikki watching with a warm smile as the emerald-eyed boy fondly thought of his bluenette classmate. 
Chloe was leaning leisurely on her bed, flipping through a fashion magazine. And then her phone rang. 
She frowned, picking up her phone. The caller ID read ‘Bluenette’. The blonde sighed, clicking the answer button. “What is it, Dupain-Cheng? This better be important. You interrupted my magazine reading session.” The blonde grumbled. 
Chloe blinked. “Okay, go over that again, but slower.” 
Marinette took a deep breath. “Damian’s dad wants to meet us, apparently he knows I’m MDC and so you need to come too because you are one of the models and I’m baking a cake to bring and we have to dress formally because it’s going to be a formal dinner.” 
“Okay.” Chloe breathed. “And this has to do with me because I need to go?” 
“Yes, and I’m calling because do you want some peach cheesecake?” Marinette’s bright voice made a little grin dance across the mayor’s daughters lips. Really, it was impossible to not laugh when you were talking to the world’s brightest little bluenette. 
Chloe sighed as she got off her bed. “The cake better be good, Dupain-Cheng.” 
The bakery smelt of cream cheese and peach syrup; Chloe sighed as she breathed in the satisfying scents. “That isn’t actually half-bad, Dupain-Cheng.” 
Marinette giggled. “Well, the big cake will be for Damian’s father, you can have all the tarts if you want.” 
The bluenette baker had baked seven cakes- A giant cake, and six miniature versions of the cake- Tarts. The bottom of the cake was a strong layer of sponge cake, followed by a cream cheese mixture. Atop the cream cheese was a layer of raspberry jam. After that was a jelly made from peach syrup- And inside the translucent jelly was cut up pieces of peach. Marinette had garnished the cake with some decorative flowers, sprinkling some strawberry powder above everything for the final touch. The baker girl delicately slid the cake into a pretty, white box, tying a perfect ribbon to top everything. 
“That, is really not bad.” Chloe hummed. “I appreciate this, and much more, for my birthday.” 
The bluenette laughed. “Sure, Chloe.” She smiled warmly at her blonde friend, bluebell eyes twinkling in happiness. 
The front door of the bakery opened, and Sabine called out for the two girls at the back of the kitchen. “Marinette! Your friend’s here!” 
“Coming, mama!” Marinette replied, hastily (But carefully) lifting up the box, tugging the ribbon one last time to her satisfaction. 
“Marinette, that ribbon is the definition of perfection. Stop fidgeting with it.” Chloe rolled her eyes. “Let’s go!” 
The bluenette hummed, following after her blonde friend with a bright, happy smile on her face. 
Little did she know, she was about to meet her father-in-law. 
“You must be Marinette.” Bruce smiled warmly, holding a hand for Marinette to shake. The girl panicked, awkwardly trying to figure out which hand to use to shake Bruce’s hand as she held the cake box in her hands. Damian resisted the fond chuckle that was building up in his throat, reaching over to take the cake from Marinette as the bluenette shot him a grateful look. 
“You’re Bruce Wayne.” Chloe deadpanned, shooting glares at Damian. “Damian never said he was the Damian Wayne.” 
The boy shrugged. “I was going under Fu’s name since I was living with him.” 
Bruce nodded. “And you must be Ms. Bourgeois.” The blonde smiled, reaching over to shake the billionaire’s hand as well. 
“Um, I baked a little something for you.” Marinette smiled shyly. “I hope you like cheesecakes?” 
Bruce’s eyes conveyed nothing but surprise. “You can bake?” 
“Father, Marinette is a baker’s daughter. Her parents own the most popular bakery in all of Paris.” Damian cut in, his emerald eyes practically yelling threats at his father. 
“I see.” Bruce nodded approvingly. “Ms. Dupain-Cheng is truly a very talented individual.” 
The said girl blushed fiercely, spluttering out her thanks. Bruce smiled at how polite and awkward the girl was- Truly, his future daughter-in-law was one of a kind. 
/Part Thirteen/
A/N: Yes, I’ve been MIA for a very long time, sorry... Exams were clogging every part of my schedule. I’ll hopefully be getting back to writing so here’s an update for now! :) Have a nice day everyone, and thanks for putting up with my hectic update schedule... *Insert laughing face* 
My grandma’s birthday is today, so I rushed this before her birthday party! Once again, contact me if any mistakes are found. 
On another note, I’m sorry to announce that the taglist is closed.
Tag list! @yin-390@mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog@constancetruggle@the-navistar-carol@never-neverland@rayray384 @mystery-5-5 @black-streak@bluerosette23@seraphichana @you-will-never-know-how-i-think@mikantsume@graduatedmelon@thebookwormfairy@crazylittlemunchkin@shizukiryuu@screamingtofillthevoid@serenacross200@zestyzealot@redscarlet95@roseinbloom02 @beautym3@resignedcatservant@sizzling-fairy-oil@tinybrie @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry@lunar-wolf-warrior@northernbluetongue@dannyelric301 @daminett4life@loysydark@sparkle9510@erick-rose99-stuff@nataladriana9@maya-custodios-dionach ​@myazael ​@sassakitty ​@clumsy-owl-4178 ​@emootaku-666 @moonlightstar64 ​@r0sebutch ​@maggiecc12 @gaeasun@miss-mysterys-blog​@bluefyoto94 ​@sam-spectra ​@toodaloo-kangaroo ​@queenmj10 ​
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nxrthmizu · 5 years
-Lordbug, Robin and Kitty Noir- Chapter Three: In Which Damian Falls Off A Building
/Part One//Part Two//Part Three//Part Four//Part Five//Part Six//Part Seven//Part Eight//Part Nine//Part Ten//Part Eleven/
Description: FLUFF MORE FLUFF FLUFF ALL THE WAY LIKE IT’S CHRISTMAS (OOh maybe I’ll do a special Christmas chapter on Christmas week of DAMINETTE CHRISTMAS FLUFF YEA SOMEONE NEEDS TO DO THAT) also Damian falls off a building. 
Warnings: A little curses I guess, same as before 
Robin didn’t know where he was going but the final destination was totally not intended to be Dupain-Cheng’s balcony. He got... Lost. Admitting he was lost was better than to admit that he’d somehow strayed onto a girl’s balcony. 
“R- Um, who are you?” He nearly screeched, and the Robin does not screech. But when he turned around, he came face to face with the same black-clad girl who he’d fought with (As Lordbug) when the first akuma came around. 
“I’m Robin.” He had to remind himself not to tell her off for remembering his name. Afterall, it was her first time meeting him as Robin. 
“Oh. Hi, Robin, I’m Kitty Noir.” She smiled, and Damian couldn’t help but feel that the words were a little familiar. “So, you’re a superhero?” 
“Yeah.” Damian scoffed. Wasn’t it obvious? 
“Then...” She blushed, as if embarassed. “Could you teach me the ropes? I was only recently, um, pushed into this... Superhero business. Could you... Teach me?” 
Apparently, little angel wasn’t the only person Damian couldn’t say no to. 
“Be careful.” He warned as she prepared to leap off a building. Probably not what you encourage people to do, but hey. That was Damian. And he was teaching his... Superhero... Partner? Friend? Neighbor? how to successfully tap into her instincts. And if it wasn’t successful... Well, he hadn’t thought that far. Yet. He would think of it when the time came. If the time came. 
She nodded, taking a deep breath. Damian felt his chest constrict, as if he was worried. Scoffing to himself, he shook his head to clear out his mind. Why was he worried, anyway? She was the one who wanted to try it. He wasn’t responsible. 
“Here I go.” She breathed, extending her baton before she leaped off. Damian sucked in a breath. Was she alright- 
“Woo!” She swung right back up, triumphant. Landing a little clumsily on the next building, she sent Damian a bright grin. “I did it! Did you see?” 
Rolling his eyes and letting go of a breath he was for some reason holding, he nodded. “Yeah, I saw it. It wasn’t bad for a beginner like you.” He had intended the remark to be cutting, but the girl only beamed at him.
“Thanks so much, Robin.” 
And for some reason, Tikki was giggling again. It was honestly annoying to have a tiny spotted fairy constantly giggling at your ear. What was she giggling about this time? 
“That was great!” He was breathless. This girl that probably just started superhero work- Was amazing. She had managed to achieve everything he’d shown her so far. 
Kitty Noir blushed, feeling her cheeks flush on the autumn air. “Thanks to you, birdy.” 
He frowned at the nickname, but if he liked it, he didn’t show it. As they were heading back (To no apparent destination) Kitty Noir- Marinette- Couldn’t help but stare, because damn. That was one fine ass. 
Robin stopped abrubtly, but not before he was knocked off balance by the girl who failed to stop behind him. This ended up with him on the rooftop, pinned down. 
It was really awkward, and he could hear Tikki giggling again. 
“Um, I- I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you stop, I um, sorry so I- No wait! I’m sorry so- I’m so- So I’m- I’m sORRY!” She didn’t see him stop- She was really too busy staring at his ass. It was one fine ass. 
“Uh. It’s fine. Can you get up, please?” His voice was constricted and awkward and he couldn’t wait to get home. She nodded clumsily, getting off him- Before slipping. 
“Kitty!” He called out, watching her squeal as she desperately tried to find something to cling onto before nearing the edge of the rooftop, onto a five-floor-drop. His blood ran cold. 
Shooting off the grappling hook, he jumped, catching her by her waist right before she fell over the edge. “I’ve got you.” He told her, his breath panting. He looked around, trying to find a way so that they could land properly, but his left hand was already starting to ache by supporting her, and his right was holding onto his grappling hook. There was no way he’d be able to get a safe landing for the both of them. 
He unlatched the grappling hook, holding her to his chest as they plummeted towards the ground. Flipping her upwards so he’d absorb the impact, he groaned, making contact to the ground. Yep, at least two broken ribs and a dislocated arm. At least he was still alive. That was a bright side. 
“I uh... Fell off the... Stairs?” Explaining himself to little angel was a little difficult. Marinette looked at him with extreme worry. Well, he wasn’t that good of a sight. Apparently, he’d bruised half of his face when he fell, too. 
“R-Right. I know you’re lying, you know.” She crossed her arms. Of course she knew what really happened to Robin. She was the one that caused him such injuries. After they got up, he’d checked that she was fine- (Even when he was the one that took the fall!) and said that he’d go find his... Friend, Marinette. Kitty Noir had panicked, of course, and made up a crappy excuse to rush home. Robin, who was probably too injured to protest, watched her go before he shot off his grappling hook, getting to little angel’s place. “Sit down, I’ll get you some hot chocolate and some bandages.” 
Robin nodded thankfully. He wasn’t sure how Fu would’ve dealt with him getting home with broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder- And he was quite sure he didn’t want to find out, as he suspected that the man was still angry at him. 
“Damian!” Tikki immediately fussed over him the moment Marinette was out of hearing. “Oh god, you’re so injured!” She squealed. Robin hissed at her. 
“Don’t use my name. Not here.” He told her sternly, but it seemed as if the Kwami had gotten completely used to him using harsh tones on her, and only proceeded to worry over him. 
“Let me help.” Tikki murmured, using her tiny flap-like hands to create a small glowing ball, pressing it into Damian’s chest. Immediately, he felt his ribs piece themselves back together, and his back’s soreness- Well, it got slightly better. 
When they heard Marinette coming up the stairs, though, Tikki quickly hid back inside his hood. 
“I got you some chocolate.” She smiled, handing him the cup. “It’s hot though, so be careful.” She begin to set down some of the other things she had brought- Bandages, disinfectant- The usual things that Alfred would have once the Bats returned from a hectic day of patrol. She dabbed gently at his wounds as he sipped on the hot chocolate, feeling the warm liquid dribble down his throat, providing more aid to soothing his extremely sore back that he’d fell on. Honestly, he could’ve died if he snapped his neck. However, probably thanks to Tikki’s luck- He didn’t. He knew it was the right choice to let the Kwami tag onto his patrol nights.
“You’re really battered up. It’s a miracle you even survived.” Marinette murmured under her breath. “Stupid selfless idiot.” 
“Stupid selfless what?” Robin raised an eyebrow. The girl only blushed more, not saying anything else. “Stupid selfless what?” He repeated. 
Marinette huffed at him. “Kitty Noir dropped over just now. She told me what happened and told me to prepare my first aid kit.” She could hear Plagg’s approval at the flawless spontaneous lie she’d come up with on the spot. 
Robin sighed. That explained it. There were already some bandages and bottles of medicine on the balcony when he dropped by. That explained why she was so ready for him. And also why she didn’t believe his ‘I fell off the stairs’ theory. 
“You stupid selfless idiot.” Marinette repeated, agitating herself as she said the same phrase again, dabbing on his wounds a little harder as he winced. As soon as she noticed this movement, she apologized hastily. “Sorry.” She sighed. “I’m just worried about you.” 
“I’m fine, angel.” Robin smiled, carressing her face gently. “I’m fine.” 
“A-Angel?” She stuttered, blushing wildly. “W-What’s with the nickname?” 
Robin shrugged. “You’re just an angel. You’re not as insufferable as everyone else, you’re kind, generous, and you mind space. That makes you already better than fifty percent of the population. And it makes you my personal angel.” 
Maybe... That glint was already in him.
(Tag List: @yin-390 @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog @constancetruggle @the-navistar-carol @never-neverland @rayray384 @mystery-5-5 @black-streak @bluerosette23 )
There we go! Another chapter! This one is slightly shorter because of the time constraint :( sowy (AUTHOR CAN’T SPELL SORRY RIGHT)
I’m really sorry if I miss your name in the tag list because my laptop’s tumblr is real messy and laggy so I’m trying to get a hang of everything. 
On the other hand I got 12 followers in one day
It’s a miracle 
Thank you guys so much I can’t express how much I love you all right now 
So right now Marinette’s kind of how Marinette normally is for Adrien but for Robin, Damian’s a bro-friend sort of thing, and to Damian/Lordbug/Robin Marinette is a little angel and a gift to the world. Later we’re going to have Kitty Noir head-over-heels for Robin the way Chat is head-over-heels for ladybug. No more spoilers though!
Again, before this author’s note gets too long, message me if any mistakes were spotten (See what I did there?) because I didn’t proof-read the chapter really well. 
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nxrthmizu · 5 years
-Lordbug, Robin and Kitty Noir- Chapter Four: In Which They Did Some Ass Kicking
/Part One//Part Two//Part Three//Part Four//Part Five//Part Six//Part Seven//Part Eight//Part Nine//Part Ten//Part Eleven/
Description: Akuma, then Robin-Lordbug change, argument between Kitty and Lordbug, Lila drama
Warnings: Little curses, like in the chapter title
An akuma was raging downtown. It was the teacher instead of the student that time, Damian thought dryly as he rushed to the toilet with his Robin uniform in hand. 
“Damian, you need to go as Lordbug!” Tikki told him worriedly. “Or else you can’t purify-”
Slamming the toilet door close, Damian refused. “I’m not going as Lordbug. I’ll change to Lordbug later if necessary.” 
“Robin!” Kitty Noir breathes a sigh of relief- And tries to dissipate a faint blush- When she sees the familiar boy swoop over, dodging an attack from the akuma, a teacher fed up with Chloe’s antics. “Great to see you. Um, did you see...” Ducking another blow, Kitty Noir searched for the spotted superhero’s name in her mind. “Lordbug?” 
Robin grunted, biting his lip as the akuma barely scratched him, just nearly missing his eye, leaving a clear, red, gash down next to his mask. “No, I’m here to help you, though. He’ll swoop by later to purify the akuma.” 
Kitty Noir was obviously slightly annoyed by this, and Robin felt a pang of guiltiness at the fact that his partner didn’t like his alter ego. Well, who could, with a name as ridiculous as Lordbug (He knew that the name was a ridiculous decision)?! 
“That drat bug.” She muttered angrily under her breath as she whacked the teacher in the head, apologizing as she did. “Sorry!” Robin shot her a weird expression. 
“Why’d you apologize?” He asked, scrunching up his face in confusion as he threw another Batarang in the direction of the akuma. 
Kitty only shrugged. “Habit. I don’t hit people very often, you know.” With a laugh, she asked: “Do you?” 
Robin scoffed. “Hey, I’m not a bad guy, okay?” 
Together, they took down the akuma, with Robin distracting it while Kitty jumped in and ran off with the item- A lipstick. When she turned back, Robin was gone, and the akuma had just spotted her. 
“Ah, crap.” Kitty murmured under her breath before taking off, running away from the growling akuma. 
She was dead cornered. 
The akuma stepped forward menacingly, a wicked grin splattered over her dark, black lips as she crept towards Kitty Noir- Exactly like a predator would corner a prey. 
I’m not a prey. She told herself, Think. There must be a way. 
She was running out of time. If she was poisoned by the akuma, Lordbug would go help Robin, right? Robin wouldn’t be alone? 
No, Lordbug didn’t show up. He wouldn’t be reliable enough. With a determined grit, Kitty swung herself towards the akuma, kicking her in the face, extending her baton as the akuma groaned in pain, clutching at their face (Where there was a mark of her foot), getting away from her dead end. 
Robin needs me. She panted in her head, repeating the phrase. Well, he doesn’t, but he would be better off with a little help. I won’t let him fight alone. Repeating the phrase again once more for effect, she tried to ignore the gradually crescending volume of the akuma’s footsteps and cackles from behind her. Keep running. Robin. Robin.  
“Get away from her!” A familiar voice- 
She turned around to see someone kick the akuma in the face (Again, the poor thing), growling in anger. A yoyo whizzed past her, and she realized that no, it wasn’t Robin she was looking at, feeling a pang of disappointment hit her in the gut. 
It was Lordbug. 
“About time you showed up.” She grumbled, refusing to meet him in the face, and then she remembered. How could she forget? “Where's Robin?” She asked frantically. Was he okay? Was he injured? 
Lordbug coughed suspiciously before he scoffed. "I came all the way here to catch your akuma, and the first thing you say to me is 'Where's Robin?'"
Kitty Noir huffed. "Right. We could've handled everything just fine without you." The only thing he even did was kick the akuma (Once) and demanded her to Cataclysm the object before simply swinging that dratted yoyo that made that annoying noise to catch the black butterfly. "In fact, why don't you just give that... Yoyo to Robin? Then we could both handle everything, and you don't have to come all the way here to catch our akuma.”
He seemed to momentarily choke on some non-existent object, and if it was a normal person (As in, someone who wasn't Lordbug), she would show a little worry, but with Lordbug, she only scrutinized him, scoffing dryly. 
"You don't have to come next time.” She spat at him, angry. He lifted a hand to wipe a scratch off his dotted mask (When did he even get hurt, anyway? He literally just appeared two seconds ago), and if she paid attention to the act, she would've noticed that 1, there was a little faded scar of a gash- Right next to his mask, where Robin had gotten scratched- and 2, that his mask had changed from the first time they met- It had developed sharpened, curving-downwards pointers- Just like how Robin's was. 
He watched her go, turning down an alley to detransform back into his Robin uniform. "Back to school. Hopefully, angel's okay.”
"Dupain-Cheng!” Damian called out, catching the dark-haired girl exit the toilet. "What were you doing in the toilet! There was an akuma attack! You should've evacuated with everyone else!”
Marinette laughed nervously. "Sorry, I... Got stuck.”
"For thirty minutes?”
"And what about you? I saw you go into the toilet, too." She replied with a cocky grin. Damian blushed, unable to come up with a refutation. 
"Angel?” Robin knocked softly on the trapdoor leading into her room. "Angel?” He repeated a little louder this time, hoping she was in her room. When he gained no reply, he swung down to one of her windows, sighing fondly (And in relief) when he saw her engrossed in her work by her desk, earplugs stuck firmly as she nodded along to the beat. "How cute.” He murmured, Tikki nodding in agreement. 
"She is cute!” She chirped, nudging him. "Why don't you knock on the other window? It might gain her attention.” 
Robin was going to ignore the Kwami, but the urge of seeing his angel was too large. 
Tap. Tap. Tap tap. 
Marinette looked up, glancing around in confusion before she saw emerald eyes, looking straight at hers- From outside the window. Bluebell orbs brightening, she hurried over to the window, grinning as she let him in. 
"Patrol?" She asked, humming as she continued to do the work, watching him sink down next to her lounge chair out of the corner of her eye. 
"Yeah. Kitty Noir was supposed to join me tonight, but she didn't show up. Guess she was busy.” Robin shrugged. Marinette jolted, remembering with a start. Right, she had scheduled patrols with Robin!
"S-Sorry-" Wait, why was she saying sorry? He wasn't supposed to know that she was- 
Robin had caught her mistake, narrowing his eyes as he sat up, looking at her. "Why are you sorry?" 
Damian pondered the question circulating around his head. Why was she sorry? Tikki- Well, Tikki was frustrating herself out. Damian was in love with Marinette. Marinette was Kitty Noir, who- Obviously- Liked Damian- Robin- But Damian didn't like Kitty Noir. Not really. 
Tikki sighed. As always, there was always some sort of romantic love-square trouble between the Cat and and the Ladybug. Always. Except now, one of them had an alter, alter ego. That throws in another one to the mix. Well, she was the Kwami of luck, after all. Maybe with her around, and if she crossed her paws- Flippers- Whatever those things are, really- Maybe, the two would start unravelling their love story. 
"Um... Why're you here?” Marinette asked awkwardly, feeling no sort of feelings whatsoever for the boy standing in front of her. 
"To make sure you aren't late.” Damian scoffed, running through the various ways the scenario could go in his mind, frantically panicking inside as he did so. 
Marinette giggled. "Okay, let's go!” 
She was alone. Now was the chance, Lila thought. 
"Marinette. Can I talk to you?" She asked sweetly, smiling for effect. The girl looked at her confusedly, tucking her bag into her locker. 
"Um, yes, sure?" She smiled tightly. 
"Stay away from Alya. And Adrien. And practically everyone, if you don't want me to destroy your life.” The girl told her simply. Marinette narrowed her eyes, not quite understanding. 
"Stay away?" She questioned. 
"Is that a challenge? I'll show you just what I can do.” Before the dark-haired girl could make another comment, the lying fox and fled the room, crying. 
"It-It-It was Marinette!” Lila sobbed, clinging onto Alya for support as the classmates gathered sympathetically around her. "She- She- She threatened saying that if I didn't- B- B- Back off, she'd make all my friends turn against me!" 
"What?" Alya was appalled. "When?" 
"J-Just now, in the locker room.” Lila hiccupped, wiping some of her 'tears’ away. 
"That's not possible.” Damian cut in, entering the room, having overhead the conversation as he was walking in. "I just saw Marinette.” Yes, and he also just saw Lila randomly and spontaneously start crying straight after running from the room. But he couldn't just say that- He had no proof. But he would be more careful next time, and he would get proof to clear his angel innocent. 
"Y-You're saying that just to c-c-cover for her.” Lila whimpered, beginning to sniffle again. 
"What's going on?" Marinette asked, breathless as she entered the classroom. Could it be that Lila already carried out her threat...? 
"Marinette! How could you say such things to Lila!" 
"Marinette! How could you?" 
"You're too much!" 
"D-Don't blame her, guys. She-She's just jealous of me." Lila sniffled. "Marinette, if you want, you can have your seat back." 
The round of protests and harsh comments at Marinette from the class arose again, and Marinette felt claustrophobic. They were being too loud. There were too many things being said at once. She could hear bits and pieces of everything that everyone was saying, and it was killing her inside. Then she heard his voice, flowing smoothly through every other single noise in the room. 
"I've got you, angel." 
"Are you okay?" He asked her softly after escorting her out of the class. Seconds after the words left his mouth, he wanted to smack his head onto a wall. What a stupid question! Of course she wasn't!
"Y-Yeah. I'm fine." She hiccupped, trying to control her breaths, embarrassed about crying in front of someone as regal as Damian. Damian, who was always composed and cool- And she'd tried to get to his level, too. She wanted to be a cool friend who wouldn't embarrass him- Because she knew he wouldn't want that. 
"No, you're not. Cry it out." 
And she did. 
If Damian was born with a certain objective- Purpose- (Besides killing people, and he wasn't allowed to do that anymore)- Then he believed that he had fulfilled it, right then and there, with her, softly crying in his arms- Because he had never felt any less out of place than right then.
(Tag list! @yin-390 @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog @constancetruggle @the-navistar-carol @never-neverland @rayray384 @mystery-5-5 @black-streak @bluerosette23 @seraphichan @you-will-never-know-how-i-think @mikantsume @graduatedmelon @thebookwormfairy @crazylittlemunchkin @shizukiryuu @screamingtofillthevoid @serenacross200 @zestyzealot @redscarlet95 @roseinbloom02 @beautym3 @resignedcatservant @sizzling-fairy-oil @tinybrie @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry )
So this one’s a little bit short, but Chapter six is going to be a wilddddd ride, so hang on. 
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