#damian wayne mlbdc
nxrthmizu · 4 years
| the detective and the blue-eyed fox | ch.2
prompt | ‘Detective and Criminal AU’ 
pairing | Damian Wayne x Marinette Dupain-Cheng
words | 1.5k
author’s note | A lot of people asked for a second part, so here it is! 
| Previous Part | 
Plagg watched the emerald-eyed man from behind the glass. Intelligence shone behind the young detective’s cold exterior, the emerald-eyed man’s curiosity overwriting his tiredness as the man continued scouring the internet for more information, stopping once in a while to download a document or copy an article for future reference. 
“Where am I supposed to start looking for this ring?” Damian grunted in frustration, the god of chaos wanting to laugh dryly at the sheer coincidence that the world had aligned them to. “There’s no records of how or when it disappeared, or what happened to Chat Noir...” 
The words brought back bad memories, the god of destruction clenching his paws in anger as he remembered what happened to his last kitten, what Chat Noir’s last act had been in an effort to keep the miraculous of destruction out of the wrong hands... 
“Plagg, claws out!” Chat Noir whispered, grunting in pain as he clutched his stomach, blood dripping down his fingers in a delicate, maroon painting that would’ve beautiful if not for what the ‘paint’ actually was. 
“Do you have a death wish, kid?” Plagg yelled, glancing around the dark alley they were in worriedly. “You still have time before the transformation wears off! Without the transformation, you can’t run, and you’ll bleed even faster...” The kwami’s words trailed off as Adrien collapsed onto the stone-cold pavement, blood dripping out from his lips, his complexion becoming paler and paler. 
It had been three months after Hawkmoth’s defeat. Paris was in peace- Or so everyone thought. Ladybug, plagued with endless memories of numerous deaths and times when she was too late, too slow, made the decision to leave Paris behind. 
The scarlet-clad superheroine dropped off the edge of the world. Two weeks after her disappearance, a new villain arose- Except this one kept his attacks secret and concentrated on one, sole person: Chat Noir. 
Chat came to know his nemesis by the name Vengeur, a man more familiar than he expected. Eventually, his identity was compromised and Adrien Agreste could do nothing more than run. 
And even when he ran, he couldn’t run far. 
“I can’t go on, Plagg.” Adrien rasped, his voice getting fainter as Paris’s skies darkened. “Take the ring,” He said shakily, slipping the metal off his finger. They could both sense the man drawing closer, bidding his time because they were cornered and they all knew that. “Take the ring and go.” 
“I command you to leave. I, Adrien Agreste, denounce the miraculous of destruction. Go find m’Lady, Plagg,” The blonde’s voice slowly got weaker. “And tell her I love her. 
Plagg found himself being whisked away against his wishes, the law of the miraculous stating that he must obey his holder’s final wishes. It was in that way that the god of destruction eventually, by fate or by coincidence, found himself inside Damian Wayne’s katana display case. 
Damian called in sick for the next day, because 1) he was too tired from the all-nighter he pulled in an attempt for any information on the ring and 2) he didn’t know how to face Marinette Dupain-Cheng. 
Dragging himself out of bed, a quick glance outside the window told him that it was nearly noon. Damian yawned, stretching a little as he scrolled through Dick’s bombardment of ‘Are you okay?’ messages and Marinette’s single ‘Are you sick?’ message. Ruffling his dark hair, the emerald-eyed detective got through his morning routine (Despite the fact his bedside alarm said that it was nearly 11.50am), changing out of his crumpled dress shirt into a comfortable sweater. 
Plopping himself down on his desk, he pressed the start-up button of his laptop, deciding to go through some of Lan’s evidence on Harold before diving back into the mystery of the ring of destruction. 
Before he could get started, however, a loud shattering noise shook his apartment. He was up instantly, staring at his katana display case across the living room. Glass coated the floor around it, shattered into fine, sparkling specks. 
He blinked. 
The glass of his display case just... Shattered? Into powder? 
“Sorry about that.” A dry voice told him, the detective turning instantly, his eyes sharp until he caught the tiny, black creature hovering right above his desk. “I think you can guess who I am.” 
Damian blinked. Was it possible to attack a creature smaller than his palm? His katana was just across the room... 
“I can turn your sword into dust with a single touch.” The small creature deadpanned. “My name is Plagg, and I am the kwami of destruction.” 
Plagg always knew he could leave. Damian wasn’t in the apartment for nine hours a day, sometimes more; He could’ve just pushed (Or cataclysmed) the katana’s display case and leave, leaving no evidence that he was every there- Besides the mess, that was. 
But something made him stay. 
Adrien’s last wish had brought him to Detective Damian Wayne, son of Bruce Wayne, the richest man in Gotham. Was it a coincidence that Damian Wayne had all the traits of a potential black cat? Perhaps, but Plagg would be an idiot not to stick around and find out. 
“So you’re telling me that just when I was looking for the ring of destruction, you just... Appear, and tell me you’ve been here for two weeks.” Damian clarified. “Amazing.” 
Plagg shrugged. “I don’t control what happens, kid. Not this time, at least.” 
Damian was quiet for a moment. “What happened to him?” Silence ensued in the apartment, the kwami of destruction looking away instantly, the pain of losing another cat- Especially one so young- Still strong and ebbing away in the little heart he had in his kwami body. 
“I don’t think you need to know that.” Plagg said at last. 
“Don’t you think I deserve an explanation?” 
The kwami hissed. “You’re a detective, kid. Isn’t it your job to find your own explanation?” 
“Well, you just shattered my display case. Maybe you could at least explain why you had to break it.” Damian snapped back, emerald eyes burning into cat-like slits. “There’s no records about what happened after Hawkmoth was captured.” 
The god of destruction stared at the detective for a moment more, finally relenting. Damian didn’t know where the ring was, Plagg reassured himself, if it ever came down to it, he could retreat back inside the ring and track down Ladybug himself- Now that he knew that Ladybug was in the same city as he was. 
“Three months ago, Hawkmoth was captured. After he was arrested, Ladybug dropped out of radar and moved out of Paris.” Plagg explained, his tone icy. 
“Three months ago, Marinette Dupain-Cheng transferred to GPD.” Damian noted in realisation. 
Plagg nodded. “Ladybug- As you guessed, Marinette Dupain-Cheng- Left Paris to keep the Ladybug miraculous safe. Chat Noir remained in Paris to defend it. A new... Enemy started attacking Chat Noir aggressively, keeping the attacks out of public eye. Chat Noir was being hunted down and... Eventually, he got caught. Two weeks ago.” The kwami’s voice got softer towards the end as images of a bleeding Adrien flashed past Plagg’s mind. 
Damian was silent for a moment, sensing that the kwami was still sensitive about his previous holder’s death. “Two weeks ago, Adrien Agreste was brutally murdered in Paris.” He whispered. Of course he’d seen the news- After Gabriel Agreste mysteriously ‘disappeared’, Adrien Agreste took over the Gabriel brnad, renaming it the Agreste Brand. Three months later, the new CEO of the Agreste Brand was found bleeding out, dead in a dark alley of Paris. That day, the city of love mourned a kind-hearted citizen who had poured his entire soul into his city. 
“Ladybug’s kwami probably told her the identity of Chat Noir when the news was released.” Plagg continued, softer this time. “That’s probably when she started hunting down the ring.” 
“Wait. Lan- Ladybug didn’t know who Chat Noir was?” Damian furrowed his eyebrows. 
Plagg nodded. “It was to protect themselves and their families. If one was ever captured, the other’s identity would never have the risk of being exposed, even if it was by accident.” The kwami squeezed his eyes shut, trying not to think of Adrien being tortured even in his dying moments for Ladybug’s identity. 
“Hang on for a moment.” Damian took a deep breath. “You were with Chat Noir when he was... Caught, correct? So that means you must know who the man behind the attacks is?” 
The emerald-eyed man had developed a thirst for unravelling mysteries, and now he was really getting invested in the case. His eyes burned with curiosity as he waited for Plagg’s answer. 
“Yes.” Plagg took a deep breath. 
“His name is Luka Couffaine.” 
taglist: @demonicbusiness @animegirlweeb @roselynfey @2confused-2doanything  @insane-fangirl-of-everything​ @promiswords​  @galaxylightmoon​ @fusser90​ @ira-sairain
| Next Part | ao3 | 
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ava-oddity · 5 years
Y'all are really messing me up with daminette/maribat
I was perfectly fine shipping the Love Square™ and then y'all hit me with that 'angry one is soft for the sweet one' trope. Now I'm obsessed with a ship that could literally never be canon in any sense of the word.
Welcome to crackship hell I guess.
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bluerosette23 · 5 years
Maribat MASTERLIST ~ Pg1
Maribat Masterlist. (Updated: Feb 22, 2019) 
Page1 >     [Daminette December Masterlist]
by @ozmav​ Damian Wayne  ~  AO3  Damian Always Answers The Phone When Marinette Calls Damian Wayne:Most Overprotective Spouse/Father in BatFam HC  Daminette HC Finding Out  ~  AO3 Heroes and Villains  ~  AO3  Jason VS Adrien  ~  AO3  JL Reaction to Daminette  Lucky Bug & The Rogues  ~  AO3 Kagami Meets Damian  ~  AO3 MariDami Pitch  Of Sleepy Bugs & Worried Birds  ~  AO3  Phone Calls  ~  AO3 Puzzles & Luck  ~  AO3 Quality Time/Moments  ~  AO3 Question Of A Lifetime  ~  AO3 Teen Titans HC Wine Aunts AU/HC
by @18-fandoms-unite-08​ I Didn’t Know I Needed You When You Needed Me Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3  Prompts [Masterlist]  Decision ~ The Demonic Duo ~ Myself, I Will Focus On ~ A Sign ~ I’ve Missed You ~ Wounds ~ It’s Not Your Fault ~ Blood ~ Please Tell Me ~ It’s Been A While, Hasn’t It? ~ Friend Zoned, Hard Zoned ~ I’m Not The One To Blame ~ I Don’t Care, Not Anymore 
by @2sunchild2 A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into A Pen Pal’s Advice in Butt Kicking Betrothed AU [Prompt] Bird Watching  Daminette AU:Slow Burn Daminette AU: The Disneyland Tragedy Daminette God AU  Genderbend!Daminette  Facetime Failure Happy Birthday Disaster  Hostage [Prompt] I Can Get You A Date With One of Them [Prompt] Just Watch:Daminette AU Male!MarixDamian [Prompt] Retro was Always in Style  They Just Don’t Know You Songfic Totally A Duo [Jasonette] Treasure When Karma Bites Back  
by @7701deathlyhalfbloodprincess Miracles In Gotham  ~  AO3 Prologue ~ CH1
by @a-la-la-llama​  Daminette Song Fic ~ The One Where Marinette Steals The Batmobile Aged Up Daminette Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3  Blueberry Maribat Pt1 ~ Pt2 
by @a-marlene-s​  BioDad!Bruce + Male!Mari  Jason Is Very Picky With Who’s He’s Soft For [Jasonette] Tall!Mari/Short!Damian  Futuristic Miraculous [TerRi] Pt1 ~ Pt2  Gotham Nine-Nine [Timari] (collab with ladylucina28)  Background ~ Ranks ~ Preferred Drink of Choice ~ Mari’s Thoughts on G99 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3  Lady Noir And Red Robin [Timari]  Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3   I Nearly Got Ran Over By The Batmobile: Twitter AU Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 Unknown Reality [Jasonette] Preface ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 
by @akalei Ladybug Young Justice Masterpost ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 
by @alexiessan  Never Alone  ~  AO3 Masterlist ~ CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 
by @ali-kitkat Audacity  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4  Fear Toxin  ~  AO3 Hisses & Scratches CH1  Summer Gardenia (Valentine’s Special)  Pt1  The Bat’s and Bug’s Prank War Series  ~  AO3 The Beginning Of The End ~ The Plot of Revenge ~ Marinette’s Revenge  What’s A Sham? Our Childhood  ~  AO3  CH1 ~ CH2 
by @alycesaysno Beyond Miraculous  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 
by @amlesi Don’t Lie ~ Trust Me
by AnonymousWriter15 Birds And Butterflies  ~  AO3 
by @aquariusrunes BatFam Meets MLB Meets Edna Mode The Superfriends AU Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt2.5 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 
by @arsaem Marinette’s Balcony Club OG Post ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 
by @artxyra​  [MASTERLIST] Daminette AU Idea TA Marinette - DC Version  The Robin’s Angel  Thief!Marinette  Untitled Piece #1 Another DC TA Marinette Story Pt1 ~ Pt2 Daminette Twins AU Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5  ML X DCs Titans AU  Timeline ~ Prologue ~ Pt1  Lost In Paris  Pt1  Psychologist Marinette AU Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 
by @aserniccatnip Lady Light  Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3
by @autumnray Swapped Lives Pt1 ~ Pt2 
by @bannananorie  Marinette Todd AU  1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 9 
by @bb-basbusa  BioDad!Bruce Wayne  I Want You Back (Based on miraculous-of-salt story) Pt1 ~ Pt2 
by @black-streak  Little Pistol Prologue ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4  Saturday Night’s Alright For Fighting [Timari] Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 ~ Pt12 ~ Pt13 ~ Pt14  Waiting For The Worms [Jasonette] Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 ~ Pt12 ~ Pt13 ~ Pt14 ~ Pt15 ~ Pt16 ~ Pt17 ~ Pt18 ~ Pt19 ~ Pt20 ~ Pt21 ~ Pt22  Prompts A Challenge for Batman ~ Animalistic Tenencies ~ Babe’s First Murder [Jasonette] ~ Birthday Worth Remembering ~ Breathe ~ Coffee Themed Akuma ~ Employee!Mari ~ Espresso ~ Guardian!Mari ~ Lasso Of Truth [Dickinette] ~ Multimouse!Mari ~ Perfectly Planned ~ Pick-up Line ~ Pregnant!Mari [Jasonette] ~ Revenge ~ Syren Incident (1 ~ 2 ~ 3) ~ Timari Proposal (1 ~ 2) ~ WalMart Shopping [Pre-Dickinette] Maribat March D1 ~ D2 ~ D3 ~ D4 ~ D5 ~ D6 ~ D7 ~ D8 ~ D9 ~ D10 ~ D11 ~ D12 ~ D13 ~ D14 ~ D15 ~ D16 ~ D17 ~ D18 ~ D19 ~ D20 ~ D21 ~ D22 ~ D23 ~ D24 ~ D25 ~ D26 ~ D27 ~ D28 ~ D29 ~ D30 ~ D31 
by @blooming-rose-writings MLB X DC Spiderverse AU Info ~ Pt1 
by @bonbonbun-luna​  Youtuber AU Alone In Paris  CH1 ~ CH2 
by @bravescribbles Power Couple Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 
by @cadenceh2o Broken Hearts And Empty Ones  Love Story Daminette  Hogwart Daminette AU CH1~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10  Lordbug, Robin and Kitty Noir CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ CH11  MLBDC AU Pt1 ~ Pt2
by @caffeinetheory  Steph And Mari Meet [SpoilBug] Investigation Games [Timari]  CH1  Safe House AU [LadyArrow] Ideas ~ CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4  Jasonette Prompts Everything Stays(1) ~ There’s Gotta Be A Reason(2) ~ Flower Shop AU ~ Nighttime Cuddles LadyArrow Prompts I Can’t Do This Anymore ~ Wayne Gala Timari Prompts School AU ~ Coffee Shop AU ~ Soulmate AU Timari Week  D1 ~ D2 ~ D3 ~ D4 ~ D5 ~ D6 ~ D7  Maribat Monday  1 ~ 2-Promises ~ 3-Blackout ~ 4-Celebration ~ 5-Under The Sea ~ 6-Heartfelt ~ 7-Protection 
by @calliopeia  Love Alarm Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9  On The Other Side Of The Mirror  ~  AO3   Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5  Next Time You Ask A Favor, Make Sure It Won’t Kill Me [Timari]  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 
by @carrisarune Fairy Wings AU The Beginning ~ What Happens Next
by @cassiopeiathequeen A Different Kind Of Green  Frayed Edges And Forgotten Love   Girlfriend Troubles [Marijon]  I’ll Start Now [TimxChloe] If I Could Tell Her [Jasonette] Maritime Madness [Jasonette] My Secret Santa [Roy/Mari/Jay] Please Don’t Take My Sunshine Away [Wallynette]  ~  AO3  Rewrite The Stars Songfic [Jasonette] Wait, Wait, You’re My Kid? [Timari]  ~  AO3 A Pocket Knife and A Gun [Jasonette]  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 Birthday Shenanigans (Pt1 ~ Pt2  ~ AO3)   Can We Keep Him? [Jasonette]  ~  AO3  CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6  Let Me Hold Your Heart [Dickinette] Pt1  Ocean Eyes And Saltwater Tears [Timari]  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 The Friendship of a Ladybug and a Zombie Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7(1 ~ 2) ~ Pt8  The Thread We Share  ~  AO3  CH1(Pt1 ~ Pt2) ~ CH2 ~ CH3 
by @chocolate1721 Bunny Mobile ~ Dick Stuck In A Banana ~ Gala ~ Marinette’s Revenge 
by @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay Chlo’s Maribat One-Shots  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 Paris is Overrated Anyway  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 
Page1 >     [Daminette December Masterlist]
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strawberry-lemonade · 4 years
guys on pc you can literally copy entire posts that are side by side, look
Daminette Day 15: ‘If Only’
This one’s going to be a little sad. Be mentally prepared!
Damian rarely hesitated.
But because he did, he was going to regret it for the rest of his life.
And overtime he gazed wistfully into the distance, a single thought crossed his mind.
If only he had said something.
24 December,
One day before Christmas. Christmas Eve. Yes, the time of the year where snow was everywhere and Gotham became black to white. Well, maybe grey. Okay. Irrelevant.
“When’s Marinette arriving?” Jason whined, leaning against the chair. “I can already barely taste her macarons on the tip of my tongue.”
“Oh shush, Jason. Damian’s nervous enough. Be quiet.” Dick chastised, sending a worried look in the green-eyed boy’s direction, to which the boy ignored. He didn’t need pity. He wasn’t nervous.
Okay, maybe he was a little nervous.
Maybe very nervous.
But Grayson didn’t need to know that.
“Guys!” The bright voice of the bluenette shot through the sitting room, and she beamed at all of them, her arms full off bags filled with presents.
“Mari!” “Cupcake!” “Nette!” His brothers greeted her happily, immediately getting up to hug her or kiss her cheek.
“Hey.” He murmured. “Happy Christmas Eve.”
She smiled brightly at him- If only that smile was reserved just for him. Perhaps.
“Could I talk to you for a moment?” He asked, scratching his head.
“Of course!”
He lead her out of the sitting room, into the hallway. She looked patiently at him, waiting for him to speak.
I like you. He wanted to blurt out. But he just… Couldn’t.
“Your scarf… Looks weird with your coat.” He ended up saying. He wanted to kill himself when he saw her face drop. Was she expecting something else?
“Um… Damian? I…” She looked like she wanted to say something, but-
“You should take your scarf off.” He interrupted, immediately seeing the effect his words had on her. No, no, no! He wanted to cry. That wasn’t what he meant.
Her face fell, and he suddenly felt like he had crushed her heart. She headed to the front to set down her scarf, and when her back was turned, he mouthed to himself, I love you.
He was a mess. He had returned to the sitting room after, only to find that Mari had went out for a quick walk.
“I’m thirsty.” He announced, ignoring the weird looks Tim and Dick were giving him.
How was he going to tell her? Just- I like you? Love? No, would that be too… Sudden? But would she think that he was insincere? God, he had never been this nervous in his entire life.
“Need water for nerves, master Damian?” Alfred asked coolly, already handing him a glass, to which he took gratefully. Once he’d finished, Alfred took the glass from him, washing it up quickly before gesturing to a beautiful bouquet of flowers sitting on the counter. “I had that prepared, just in case you forgot.”
Of course! How could he be so stupid? Flowers were essential. Yes, he could give them to her, explain what he actually wanted to say, and then… He nodded gratefully at Alfred, thanking god that the great man named Alfred Pennyworth was the Wayne’s butler.
“Thank you, Pennyworth.” He smiled softly, caressing the roses. The silence fell in the kitchen, and then Alfred gave him an encouraging look before turning back to the dishes.
“Now get going. I don’t want you breaking any of my dishes before Christmas dinner.”
Damian took the flowers out, avoiding the sitting room where his brothers were, and headed out to the front door. Slowly trudging towards the gates, he caught sight of a particular bluenette and… Was that Couffaine?
He was holding a small rose, ten times smaller than the bouquet he had in hand. The turquoise eyes of the boy were shining with affection as he spoke to the bluenette, who blushed more and more by the second, and Damian was confident that it wasn’t the cold causing it. While he was far away, Damian could distinctly lip read the words that Couffaine spoke.
‘Will you be my girlfriend?’
He was supposed to be the one saying those words.
Not Couffaine.
He was supposed to be the one giving her flowers.
Supposed to be the one who blushed as he took her hand in his.
Supposed to be the one who kissed her softly as the first snow of Christmas Eve fell.
Supposed to be the one who flicked a snowflake off her nose as she giggled with a smile only for him.
He dropped the bouquet in the garden, letting snow collect on it, the roses’ bright red slowly giving in to white.
If only he had made a move sooner.
Sitting in the fairy-tale like setting, he felt a pang of guilt shoot through him.
He watched as his own father lead the bluenette down the aisle.
He watched Couffaine standing on the podium, eyes softening at the sight of the beautiful girl walking towards him, the white dress draping against her skin perfectly.
He watched them hold hands, both answering an eager ‘Yes!’ before dipping in for a passionate kiss.
Would he have been the one marrying her, if he had made a move sooner?
Would he have been the father of their two kids?
Would he have been the love of her life, if he had been the one to ask her out that Christmas Eve?
If only.
really sad
I'm sorry damian
Damian wayne mlbdc
marinette duping cheng mlbdc
luka couffaine mlbdc
in this one
but it was so sad for damian
oh my precious child
97 notes  
Daminette December Day Ten
Marinette was used to people being fascinated by her baking technique. She herself remembered the childhood wonder at how her parents were able to turn eggs and flour into ornate cakes and delicate pastries. It was a thing of beauty to watch, after all. She just wasn’t used to this level of enthusiasm from a grown man.
Marinette had first noticed him because of his dominating presence– when he walked into a room, everyone noticed. He was massive, almost as tall as Papa, and intimidatingly buff with black hair and a single white streak. But his eyes fixated on her baking, and they hadn’t strayed from her once. It would have been intimidating if it hadn’t been for the sheer childlike wonder in his eyes.
The man had been in there for at least an hour when the door crashed open to a boy around her age cursing in a variety of languages before spitting, “Todd! We’ve been looking for you for hours! What the–”
“Hush, your foul language will ruin the fluff,” the large one said, putting a hand over the boy’s mouth.
“I-is everything okay over there?” Marinette asked hesitantly.
“Fine, just keep doing what you’re doing,” the big one said, despite the squirming boy in his arms.
Keep reading
87 notes  
Teen Titans AU Part 6
Hi! I’m so excited I was able to update at the end of the day today (phew barely made it). Hopefully you like this chapter, it’s mostly setting up for the plot (and climax soon) but I also added some Daminette fluff. Here you go!
“Are you kidding me Kori?!” Asked Damian, “We’re not going back to the tower! We have to find Deathstroke!” Starfire shook her head at Damian, internally she was freaking out, she even wished Dick was here to help her lead this. “Damian, if we go now we’ll be underprepared and Slade is aware of your rashness, he’ll be expecting us. We’ll be pummeled and Marinette will go back with that psycho.” Kori responded. Jamie nodded at Starfire’s statement and sat down on the couch with Garfield. Team meetings normally weren’t so tense and they probably wouldn’t have been if Marinette was there to keep the peace, but Kori sent her to her room. The poor girl had gone through enough and she needed sleep. Damian and Jon were understandably furious but Jon saw Kori’s point, “She’s right you know.” He turned to his friend, who had his normal annoyed expression. Jon continued, “If we try to find them now we’ll be going in blind. I don’t want to send Mari away, but they know she’s here. What should we do Starfire?” Kori thought about it, “I-“ she was interrupted by a scream, Marinette’s scream. “I’ve got it.” Damian said running as fast as he could to her room after checking the camera they put in her room just in case. Nobody was in her room, she was just having a nightmare. Damian understood, sometimes he’d have nightmares about his grandfather. But Ra’s wasn’t coming back unlike Marinette’s tormentor. He quickly opened her door and tapped her until she woke up. “Did-did I do it again Damian?” She said with tears in her eyes. “Don’t worry Marinette, he’s not coming back. And if he does I’ll kick his ass, I’d die before I let anything happen to you.” He whispered into her ear. He felt relieved that the other Titans were in a meeting and couldn’t hear him talk to Marinette. He squeezed her tightly as she sobbed into his arms. “Dam-Damian?” She said looking up at him staring at him with her wide blue eyes. He couldn’t do anything when he looked into her eyes, he was intoxicated. Bluebell eyes continued to stare at him and he looked back at her with his piercing emerald ones. “Yes malak*?” She breathed deeply before asking, “Could-could you stay with me tonight? I feel safer with you.” Damian couldn’t say no to her, he already knew that, “Yes, I will.” He remembered he was a gentleman though and added, “Where would you like me to sleep?” Marinette paused and gathered up some courage, “could you stay here?” She said motioning to the bed she was on. “Are you s-sure?” Damian asked. He didn’t know what to make of it, he knew he would never take advantage of her, but he was surprised that after the Agreste kid she wasn’t afraid of sleeping in the same bed as a boy. Marinette nodded, “I-I am. I trust you Damian.” Damian nodded back to her and laid down. He didn’t mention that she had also trusted that idiot cat partner of hers, but he knew he would never hurt her and if he did, even just emotionally, he would never forgive himself. Damian held marinette as she slowly drifted off to sleep, he ruffled her hair soothingly, “I swear nothing will ever happen to you as long as I’m alive.” He whispered and he too, fell asleep.
The morning sun peeked through the windows of Titans tower. The team, aside from Damian and Marinette were awake for most of the night. Garfield turned on the TV to see if there was any news about the whereabouts of their blonde model. If this kid was really as famous as Kori had mentioned he knew there’d be news about him, and sure enough an anchor with dark hair and chocolate skin was talking about it, with a picture of the smiling blonde model on the TV.
“If you have any tips about where Mr. Agreste might be, call this hotline right now. Now to Mindy with an interview with one of Adrien Agreste’s classmates.” Lila and the interviewer panned onto the screen as Jon walked in. Lila spoke in perfect but choppy English,
“Oh I just hope he’s found soon! I don’t know what Id do without him, we’re such great friends, unlike some people…” The interviewer took Lila’s bait, “Who would be ‘some people’?” Lila put a hand to her head dramatically, “Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She’s been obsessed with Adrien since day one, she probably kidnapped him, or worse. She was always so jealous that he’d rather spend time with me instead of-“ Jon growled at the liar on TV, “Turn it off.” He told Gar. “But-“ “Turn it OFF!” Jon yelled. Garfield obliged and the other Titans trickled into the room, except for Marinette and Damian, they were still fast asleep. “Should we wake them?” Tara asked, motioning towards the camera that was taping Marinette’s room. It showed the bluenette and Damian sleeping side by side, with Marinette’s arms placed on Damian’s chest. “No.” Kori said, if the stakes weren’t so high she would even call the display cute, “They deserve a little rest.” Tara nodded and sat next to Gar on the couch. The two had gotten much closer since Marinette arrived, Gar had even told Jamie that Tara and he had kissed. Jamie wasn’t sure what to make of it, but he was happy for his friend. The team sat on the furniture as Starfire got up to make breakfast.
Damian was awoken by the ringing of a cell phone in his pocket. “Just five more minutes.” He heard Marinette mumble. Adorable, he thought. He slowly got up from the bed and answered the phone. “Yes Alfred?” He said in a hushed whisper, as to not wake up Marinette. She sat up anyway watching Damian speak. “No? Is anyone hurt? That’s good. Yes, I think that would be a good idea… today? In TWO HOURS?! Yes, yes sorry Alfred. I’ll be there, do you mind if I bring a friend? Good. We’ll be there.” After hanging up Damian sat on the bed stroking Marinette’s soft, beautiful hair, “My family has offered us their house in Gotham for the time being until we have a good plan to find Deathstroke and Agreste. They could use a little help with Gotham villains, and I think a change of scenery might be good for you anyway…We’d leave in two hours, on a plane. Is that ok?” Marinette nodded, she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t a little happy about going with Damian to another place, far away from Adrien. She thought it would be a good distraction to meet his family. “Ok, malak. Unfortunately you’ll have to get changed and we’ll have to leave almost right away.” Marinette looked puzzled, “Damian? What does ma-malak mean? I heard you say it last night too but…” Damian chuckled a little, “It means angel in Arabic. (*courtesy of google translate) You don’t mind me calling you that do you?” He asked, suddenly self conicous. He only called her that because he thought it described her perfectly. Marinette blushed, “I don’t mind, not at all! I-I-I ummm. CHANGE! I should change!” Damian held in a smile as the bluenette sprung out of bed and ran to her bathroom.
When Marinette was safely in her bathroom, she pulled out clothes from her closet (don’t question it) and woke Tikki up from her makeshift bed in the closet (Tikki wanted to let Mari have some space). “Oh my gosh Tikki, I’m hopeless.” Tikki giggled, “Is this about Damian?” “What how’d you know?!” “It’s obvious, you look at him lovingly, he actually smiles around you…” Marinette turned fifty shades of red, “I- uhhhh. I’m going to change now!” She shut the closet again and changed quickly into some warm clothes, she didn’t know a lot about Gotham except that the weather was generally colder there. She opened her closet once more and pulled out some luggage and packed as fast as she could. She took her purse and motioned Tikki inside. She grabbed her luggage and walked out of the bathroom. She didn’t see Damian, so she assumed he went back to the main room. She headed there too. The Titans had congregated in the main room when they got wind that Damian and Marinette would be in Gotham for a while. Jon didn’t want her to leave but he knew it was safer since only the team and the batfamily knew about them leaving. He wanted Marinette to be safe above all else.
Damian had packed and gathered in the room at record speed, Marinette was close behind. “So I guess you heard…” she said. The team nodded. Marinette was never any good at goodbyes, even temporary ones. Damian looked at his watch, they would have to leave soon if they wanted to get to the airport on time. “I wish you all the best in Gotham, you two.” Kori said. “You’re going to love Gotham,” Garfield jumped in, “Very inspirational.” Marinette nodded, it was awkward, these people had seen her at her worst and seen her laugh so hard she cried. She took a deep breath, “I know it’s only temporary but I’m going to miss all of you so much.” Jon sighed, it was going to be even harder to let her leave. “Don’t worry Mari, we’ll chat all the time. Maybe video calls?” Jon looked at Damian for his approval and he nodded. “I’m sorry Marinette, I know it’s not ideal but it’s the best temporary fix we have while we come up with a plan to beat Slade and Agreste. Plus, I’m sure my family could benefit from the help of a certain spotted heroine.” That made Marinette smile slightly just like Damian thought it would, nothing cheered her up like helping others. Jon pulled Mari in for a tight hug, Garfield, Jamie, Kori, and surprisingly Raven followed suit. Tara stood by Damian and when Marinette was released from the group hug she walked up to her and gave her a small farewell and good luck hug, nothing long but Marinette could tell she cared. Damian said a quick goodbye to his team and walked out of the tower, luggage in hand, with Marinette.
Damian took the Titans smaller car that was used for personal reasons, not Titans business and drove off as the two heroes waved goodbye to their friends. Marinette looked at him as he drove, she was content to let drive in silence, it felt like she didn’t need words at all with him but then she suddenly remembered, “Damian, what villain does your family need help with?” Damian sucked in a bit of air, “The Riddler and his son, normally they’re not much of a threat, but they’ve escalated and are appearantly planning something big. My ‘sisters’ are on a girls trip so my father asked for me to come back and help.” Marinette nodded, “it’ll certainly be a desired pace from Adrien.” She seemed to wince at his name, “and I can’t wait to meet your family, if they’re as g-g-great as you I’m sure I’ll love them.” She blushed. Damian blushed too, she thought he was great! He pulled himself out of his thoughts with a coughing fit, “We’re here.” Damian said pulling up at a small airport. Damian stepped out of the car and opened the door for Marinette, causing a whole new wave of blushes. They walked into the airport together and when they were cleared through security, traveled to the gate just in time for boarding. The Wayne’s had bought them tickets in first class that were next to each other. A TV and a small set of earphones were attached to the back of the seat in front of them. Marinette took the window seat and looked out the window as the plane started to take off, she looked slightly nervous. “Is this your first time flying malak?” Damian asked. “Y-yeah, at least for the first time when I was awake.” Marinette responded. Damian placed a hand over hers, “Is this ok?” He asked. Marinette smiled, “Thank you.” They sat in a comfortable silence for a while until they experienced turbulence. Marinette shut her eyes tightly and Damian came up with an idea. “How about we watch a Movie? It’ll get your mind off the flight.” Marinette nodded and reached for an earbud as Damian reached for the other, their hands touching briefly sending sparks and blushes through the teens’ bodies. They placed their respective earbud in and Damian searched for a movie. Marinette saw her favorite on the dashboard, “How about Enchanted?” Damian looked puzzled, “Sure. I’ve never seen it but-“ Marinette looked at him with wide eyes, “You’ve never seen Enchanted?! That’s it we’re watching it.” Marinette pressed a thumb to the movie and it started to play. Marinette seemed pretty engrossed as the movie went on and Damian found himself looking more at her than the movie. Soon it was over though, and they landed. “You were right Damian, that helped a lot.” She said looking gratefully at the dark haired boy. Damian gave her a slight smile, it was nearly impossible not to smile when she was around. Damian took her hand gently and led her off the airplane, she was awed by the sight of the city and thought of new sketch ideas right away. Gar was right, the city was inspirational. Damian looked at her and her dumbfounded expression and smiled a bit more, “Welcome to Gotham Marinette.”
Tag list:
@zebrabaker (sorry I don’t understand why it’s not working).
damian wayne
marinette dupen chang
teen titans au miraculous
117 notes  
A message to Anti’s
From your friendly Maribat server under the cut.
Fair warning, this is salt and while this may be fanning the flames a bit, I frankly have no sympathy for any anti browsing this tag that comes across this. So while I’m responsible for tagging this correctly and with only two tags and this warning I think I have, you’re responsible for curating your own online experience! If you’re old enough to be on Tumblr you’re old enough to take accountability for what you read.
This is meant to show you our prospective. It is not in any way a callout post directed at anyone in particular. DO NOT TAKE THIS AS A REASON TO HARASS ANYONE OVER THEIR OPINIONS. We can all stay happily in our own lanes.
Daminette shippers have been getting a lot of harassment lately, frankly the bullying is outrageous so while I myself have really outgrown the stage in my life where I give a fuck about anons who tell me to kick the bucket, several of the people in the fandom aren’t so for simplicities sake every name is blacked out save my own.
Keep reading
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anonymous  asked:
Are there any relationships in the pack besides Marinette/Damian?
Yessss! While PACK AU is not very focused on romantic relationships, there are still couples.
They are: Daminette, Chlogami, Kimdine and Lukadrien (which I am wondering if it turns into a poly with Jon later).
Max is Aromantic Ace!
pack au
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anonymous  asked:
Can you do Angst 11 with Daminette please?
Not gonna lie I’m reallllly proud of this, favorite one yet.
Marinette sat alone at the coffee shop. She stirred the coffee she bought and sipped it every so often. She noticed the pitying looks the baristas gave her, and even some customers. She didn’t care.
“You still waitin’ for him doll?” A caramel skinned beauty asked in a New York accent. Marinette smiled weakly, “Oui, I’m sure he’s just late.” The barista gave her a hopeful smile before going back to her station.
The bell jingled which caused Marinette to perk up. Instead of her Dove she saw a lanky teenage boy. She slumped in her seat and began to drink her coffee again. This time when the bell did it’s signature chime Marinette didn’t look up. She heard the scraping of a chair which caused her to stop drinking her coffee and look across from her.
Damian, her Dove, was finally there.
“Nobody’s seen you in days.” She stated dryly. Damian sighed, “I know Beloved. I’m sorry, I was just-“
“I’m your fucking wife Damian.” Marinette hissed. She took a long swig of her coffee, liquid courage if you will. “You didn’t even tell me you were leaving.”
“Angel I’m sorr-“ Damian softened when he saw the bags under his Beloved’s eyes.
“Godammit Damian,” she said as tears welled in her eyes, “You don’t know what it’s like wake up in an empty bed and be wondering what happened. You’re a son of a wealthy man, fuck you’re a vigilante!” Marinette whispered before returning to her normal volume level, “So many things ran though my mind, were you in danger, was somebody else, fuck, could you be dead?!” She choked up and rubbed her eyes with her sleeve before taking another sip of coffee. Damian reached out to Marinette.
“You know my life Angel. I should’ve told you, I’m not going to try to justify myself. I know you retired a long time ago, but for me, I don’t think I ever can. I know it’s not ideal, I know I’m not ideal, but I also know I love you. I love you more than words can express, and I can’t promise you much but I can promise I’ll never leave you.” Marinette started to cry as she stood up from the table and Damian wrapped her in a hug. “Oh Damian,��� she sobbed and embraced him, overwhelmed with love.
“You know, once you said you’d never leave me.” Marinette said plainly as she sat in the dewy morning grass picking at the flowers. “You told me you loved me, and then you said you’d never leave me.”
Marinette took a deep breath before facing Damian.
“You’re a fucking liar.”
Here lies Damian Wayne: Devoted husband and brother
101 notes  
some of y’all call yourselves daminette stans but do y’all wake up at 5:30 am everyday to catch up on daminette fics? YA I DIDNT THINK SO .
i am obsessed
im joking pls daminette stans
18 notes  
anonymous  asked:
why is Adrien an omega and Marinette an alpha?
Because I wanted something different from the traditional omega x alpha.
We have a “traditional” omega x alpha couple that is Lukadrien (who will probably become Jonlukadrien).
And we have a non-traditional alpha x alpha couple that is Daminette.
Chlogami are betas, Kim dates someone out of the pack and Max is not interested in dating/romance.
So besides all the “ABO it’s only for miraculous bearers” I also have a nontraditional abo.
Now other than that, I also believe that Adrien (if the abo were a reality on the show) would be an omega. An omega prime (maybe) but an omega. I can’t see Adrien as an alpha in any reality of the plot. It does not enter my head.
Marinette I can see it as omega, but she always gave me an alpha idea despite her anxiety and being clumsy.
pack au
95 notes  
Daminette December day 17 baking
@ozmav @maribat-archive @daminette-december2019 @ladysblackcat @thesunanditsangel @caffeinetheory @yamadochie @captainmac6 @theatreandcomicfreak @sonif50 @emjrabbitwolf @vixen-uchiha
Damian was brilliant at everything and anything he put his mind to.
He was an amazing swordsman, had excellent balance, a master with animals and professional with a paintbrush.
So it was not a surprise that he was also good at baking. You never knew what you would need as a cover.
However, when it came to decorating the cake, he was only good at basics.
The stuff Marinette was doing, he struggled with.
At least he was still doing better than Grayson.
His cake was at least still masterful if simplistic. Buttercream wrapping around the cake was smooth and bubble free, with sharp straight edges at the top to show his steady hands.
Damian was unsure who had more icing on them, Grayson’s cake, or Grayson himself. But if the bright smile on the eldest brother’s face was anything to go by, he didn’t care for how poorly his decorating and baking went, just that he did it. Drake’s cake was also simply decorated, though he attempted with brown edible paint to paint coffee beans onto the icing around and on the cake, and had actually come off really nicely. Marinette’s cake looked like it belonged in a cake shop with the icing on the sides, and the carefully iced flowers and all neat and pretty, Damian approved of her skills that come from being in a bakery her whole life.
Todd however, shocked Damain with his cake that looked as if it should stand alongside Marinette in the cake shop window! It had chocolate dripping down the sides, buttercream iced around on top in small decorative measures, fruit and cocoa powder. Todd had grinned at his look and spoke smugly,
“Alfred and I bond over cooking and baking. It’s a nice way to just get out stress or anger actually.” Damian proceeded to sulk until Marinette kissed his cheek.
“It’s okay dove. You’ll get better at it with practice. I’ll help you learn. And failing me, we’ll talk to my parents, the experts in creating eye pleasing goods for a living.” He gave a smirk as she soothed him and turned to Todd as if to challenge him.
“Decorations mean nothing if it tastes nasty. Let’s test that!” The boys happily dug into their cakes claiming their own to be best while Marinette rolled her eyes. Damn her boyfriend accepting nothing but being the best, even over matters that didn’t matter.
50 notes  
All I Want For Christmas is You
Day 3- Decorating.
Ahhhh sorry I haven’t done one yet, I’ve been a little busy! This is just a short little blurb today!
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nxrthmizu · 5 years
MLBDC AU! (Ladybug, Minuit, Monarch, Bumblebee, Viperion and Ryuko)
This is an AU I came up with about a week ago. Requests for anything that happens in this HC are welcome! Feel free to use this AU but please remember to tag me and give credit to me! Thanks and please enjoy this lil thing that I’ve imagined :P
- Marinette and Adrien become Ladybug and Chat Noir like how the original is.
- However, about six months after Lila drama starts, Ladybug is tired of Chat’s excessive flirting and his inability to take no for an answer. After he lashed out with his temper on her a couple times, she deems him unfit to be the black cat.
- She talks to Master Fu about it and he agrees, but suggests that she recruit a  small band of heroes to help out.
- At the same time, in school, Chloe and Mari have become allies. Sabrina has abandoned Chloe in favor of Lila’s lies, and she’s now a snobbish girl who hangs onto Lila’s every word.
- Mari and Chloe form a little resistance squad.
- Marc, who was like Mari, left school because Lila targeted him a lot. Nathaniel becomes very lonely because of this.
- Mari and Chloe then pull Nath into their little squad.
- Mari and Nath bond over art stuff. Chloe is a little hesitant towards Nath at first, but when she hears him sass Lila’s clothing choices under his breath, she laughs.
- One akuma attack, Chat refuses to help and even puts her in danger. She gets angry, dragging him off into a corner as they hide from an akuma. She takes away his ring, and realizes he’s Adrien- And feels disgusted.
- She then goes to recruit Luka as Viperion.
- After they finish off the akuma, Viperion confesses that he knows who she is, and he promises to keep it a secret. LB is touched by this and their friendship grows stronger. Eventually she lets him keep his miraculous permanently.
- Mari drags Chloe and Nath to meet Luka. On their way, Mari brings Kagami along too.
- Kagami has seen how passive Adrien is and starts to dislike him.
- During another akuma attack, Luka is outstation, so LB brings in Chloe, who changes her name to Bumblebee instead of Queen Bee because Chloe feels like she’s changed and become a better person, and uses a new name to signify her change.
- After he gets back, Luka suggests that they form a permanent miraculous team. Mari considers it and later brings in Kagami as Ryuko as well.
- Kagami and Chloe still don’t know Mari’s alter identity.
- In an akuma attack, Ladybug gets hurt and Chloe and Kagami see who she actually is when she force-detransforms. 
- They bring her to Luka’s boat, and Nath, who was there, happens to know first aid so he patches her up.
- So now the entire group knows. Luka-Viperion, Chloe-Bumblebee, Kagami-Ryuko, and Nath is the group’s medic.
- Ladybug still has the black cat miraculous. Plagg is having fun with Tikki, but he’s still lonely and needs a holder.
- Marinette, in the end, decides to let Plagg go and find his holder on his own, making him promise to be responsible about it.
- Dami goes to Paris because Bruce said “Damian you need to stop being so stiff about life and get a life”
- Dami’s around seventeen at that time
- Paris was Dick’s idea, because “Damian get a love life before you die alone” “Fuck you grayson” and “City of love it is”
- When Damian arrives in Paris’s airport, his presence is felt by Plagg.
- Plagg follows him discreetly.
- When Damian sees a rapist try to kidnap a girl, he punches said rapist in the face and helps the girl up, and then proceeds to drag the man to the nearest police station with a chaotic smile. In that moment Plagg knows he’s found his holder.
- Damian refuses at first.
- “But you’re really a black-”
- “no.”
- Eventually he has to agree because Plagg has glued the ring to his finger and now he’s the holder of the black cat miraculous. Great.
- He’s still reluctant, but when there’s an akuma that night, he transforms for the first time.
- To say the least, LB, V (Viperion), BBB (Bumblebee) and RK (Ryuko) are more than surprised to see him, but when he has LB’s back, and practically saves her from the akuma, none of the rest complained because the Mari-Protection-Squad just gained a new member.
- He introduces himself as Minuit and bows politely to all the heroes.
- LB returns to her balcony after the akuma, and she’s just watching the stars when Minuit drops by because boy she’s pretty.
- Minuit was going to just watch her at first because he felt a sort of weird presence radiating off her (Her creation miraculous), and he just felt attracted to her naturally (Being yin and yang).
- But Mari senses him, of course. There’s a sudden increase in chaos around the air.
- They make small talk and when Mari smiles at him, Damian is practically smitten.
(Time Skip~ Until Hawky is defeated and Nathaniel is given the butterfly miraculous) {note: In the time skip, Damian attends school with everyone else, but he doesn’t get to know Mari and the rest yet. He just occasionally meets Kagami during fencing practices)
- By that time, Master Fu has died and Mari’s parents are getting older. Since they were getting older, Sabine remembered some places she wanted to go to before she got too old to travel, so Tom decides to take her on a six month trip, knowing that Mari can handle herself just fine.
- Master Fu died so Mari becomes the new Miraculous Guardian. She turns a back room of the bakery into the Miraculous room, which is heavily guarded. 
- However, she quickly realizes that she can’t run the bakery on her own, so the gang comes over to help, of course. It’s a hilarious experience.
- Chloe has zero idea about how to bake, Luka is... A little confused, Kagami wants to get everything perfect, and Nathaniel is a natural with decorations. So, the five teens rotate with taking care of the bakery. Since Hawkmoth is defeated, the only villain left is actually White Peacock- Who is actually... Idk, Adrien? So they fight his sentimonsters.
- Mari and Nath create the superhero team cookies, which actually becomes really popular. Nath nearly cries when a kid comes running in for Monarch cookies. The kids normally want either the LB ones or the V ones, or the BBB or RK, or Minuit’s. It’s the first time someone wants a Monarch one and he breaks down into tears in the middle of the bakery.
- One night, when Mari is busy baking tomorrow’s goods, Minuit drops by her balcony, and when he can’t find her, he breaks into her house. (Way to go, Damian) 
- (So Damian has been in Paris for approximately 3/4 of a year and in the duration Jon has joined him, and he’s made friends with a senior named Felix Culpa and his very pipey girlfriend Bridgette.)
- He finally finds her in the bakery and he scares her, so she hits him in the face with a rolling pin.
- It hurts, of course, and Mari can’t stop apologizing, but then Minuit decides that he wants to learn baking, too.
- And so he does.
- Cue fluffy scene where Mari teaches Minuit how to bake cookies, and he just stops functioning when Mari hands him a Minuit cookie because it’s just too perfect and he can’t eat it.
Should I do a part two? Also you can request me to do any fluffs/AUs/HCs in the above AU. Any ideas for what to name it? Message me if any errors spotted, I was too lazy to proof read...
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nxrthmizu · 4 years
[Broken Hearts and Empty Ones]- Daminette Songfic: ‘The Only Exception’, ft. Paramore
When I was younger
I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind
Damian crouched outside the door of the office, hearing Bruce’s muffled sobs echoing softly in the secluded area of the manor. The fact that Bruce was crying was nerve-wracking enough- But crying over a woman? That was something else- Especially since that woman was his mother. 
He broke his own heart
And I watched
As he tried to reassemble it
Damian watched as his father kept a straight face at breakfast the next morning, the cries and tears of last night only a distant memory- Perhaps even a dream. He watched the way Bruce looked at Tim and Stephanie with that wistful spark in his eyes. He watched the way tears- Not happy tears, but broken-hearted tears- Gathered in his father’s eyes when Dick and Barbara got married.
And my momma swore
That she would never let herself forget
When Damian was still young, he remembered how his mother would put on the cold, uncaring expression on despite the fact she just caught the title of ‘Gotham Playboy Bruce Wayne Caught With (---)’ on the first page of the latest news. 
She raised him, telling him that no one was trustable, that giving out his heart would only result in it getting broken. 
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love
If it does not exist, 
She’d made him promise, she said: “Don’t you ever let love be your weakness.” and Damian had swore, Damian had squeezed every ounce of affection out of his system, had made sure he’d never develop a crush on anyone.
but darlin'
You are, the only exception
The first day he’d met her in college, he’d scoffed at the sight of a weak, frail girl- Clearly, this was someone who gave her heart away too easily- And got it returned, broken. 
You are, the only exception
But the next day, she’d brought him a paper bag of macarons and she’d told him to eat up. And then, out of sheer curiosity, he asked why she’d let her heart get broken. She took one look at him, and told him that his heart was as empty as hers was broken, and then pushed the paper bag closer to him. 
You are, the only exception
He’d been offended at first, and refused to talk to her. He’d given her the cold shoulder, telling himself it was better to have an empty heart than a broken one. But even though he’d ignored her, brushed her aside, and spat at her about keeping to her own business, without fail, everyday, he’d have a bag of fresh macarons on his table. 
There was even one day when he thought she’d stopped making macarons, but later, when he was at the library, studying, she’d dropped by, setting a bag of macarons on his table, walking away without another word. And although he didn’t want to admit it, he ate all of the macarons (Only because they were good and it was a pity to throw them away). 
You are, the only exception 
Then, after that, he’d find a bag of fresh, toasty macarons inside the mailbox of his hostel, everyday. But on a faithful Friday, two weeks after she’d told him his heart was empty- He found a sticky note on his bag of macarons. It read: Broken hearts take time to fix, but an empty heart takes affection to mend. 
One part of him scoffed at how cringey it was, how naive she was. But another part of him pocketed the note, another part of him held the note to his heart in the dark, and smiled like a teenager in love. 
Maybe I know, somewhere
Deep in my soul
That love never lasts 
If she was being honest, Marinette saw it coming. From the day she’d asked him out, to the day he broke it off, she’d always knew that he was too good for her, and that her love would never be enough to tie him down. 
And we've got to find other ways
To make it alone
But keep a straight face
She’d refused to be the girl who spent hours crying over her breakup, but that didn’t mean she didn’t shed a few tears while watching romantic movies, all alone in the apartment that she had spent so much time in with him. 
And I've always lived like this “You can keep it,” He said, tossing the keys of their apartment to her, his arm around his new, smirking girlfriend, who looked as proud as the cat who got the canary. 
She’d caught the keys with shaking hands, dripping tears, and a broken heart.  Keeping a comfortable, distance After one week of mourning the silence in the apartment, she got herself together. She made designs, she listened to breakup songs, she attended college while earning money off commissions. 
And up until now
Once in a while, she’d find something that was his, and then think: Wow, he’s been gone for three months now. 
I had sworn to myself 
“I’m happy,” She said, a sad smile on her face as her friends got engaged, one by one. 
that I'm content
“I’m happy,” She told her parents, a bright smile on her lips, a heavy weight jerking on her chest as she glanced at her mother’s wedding ring. 
With loneliness “I’m happy,” She whispered, sitting alone in a quiet apartment, knowing that the rest of her friends were shopping for wedding gowns. 
Because none of it was ever worth the risk
She cried and screamed when she found a framed photo of her and him, six months ago, his arm around her waist and matching, in-love smiles on their faces. 
But, you are, the only exception
When she looked at him, the new boy in her college class, she saw- Nothing. There was no love, no hate, no joy, no despair. And for some reason, a voice in her head told her that yes, she was going to help him. 
You are, the only exception
She picked up the spatula, hesitating, remembering all the times she baked home-made pastries for him until the day that she found the pastries she’d packed for him to eat at work in the trash can, all of them untouched. She shook her head, and told herself no, she would never again associate the thought of baking with him.
You are, the only exception
Everyday, without fail, she packed macarons for him, and everyday, she found her heart slowly, slowly piecing itself back together. And every morning, she found herself waking up with a smile, getting up to gather her ingredients and make more fresh macarons for him. 
You are, the only exception
It went to the point where she gained the courage to put a sticky note on his bag of macarons, and as she was writing, she glanced up, catching view of herself in the mirror. Her eyes had stopped being sunken; The dark circles beneath were gone; And most of all- A soft, genuine smile was stretched across her lips. 
I've got a tight grip on reality
Damian decided enough was enough. He asked around for her apartment address, and on a Saturday morning, he waited for her, right outside her door. 
But I can't let go of what's in front of me here
Oh, she’d been surprised, alright. Once the shock wore off, she’d smiled sweetly at him, and then Damian realised, as he looked at her, that she’d mended her heart. Sure, you could still see the little flaws and cracks in her once-full heart, but somehow, she’d gathered the million shatters of her heart and then stuck them back together. 
“Hey...?” She greeted unsurely, and he noted the recycled bags in her hand. “Good morning.” 
He nodded in response, his tongue absolutely tied. He fiddled with her sticky note inside his pocket, and gestured with his other hand for her to go on with her day. He was grateful that she didn’t ask any questions about why he was following her. The two walked to the subway, took three stops down, and emerged on a busy street. After another bit of a walk, they stopped at the grocery store. 
“So, why did you follow me to the grocery store?” She asked, arms crossed. 
He only shrugged and gestured for her to go on. He carried the basket as she picked up her usual ingredients, eyeing Damian with a wary glance. Flour, almond ground, meringue. When she was done, she went over to take the basket from him, but he held on firmly. She raised an eyebrow but never said anything as they made their way to the paying counter. When she was about to take out her purse to pay, he gave the cashier his credit card. 
When she protested, he had said: “The least I can do is pay for the ingredients.” She went quiet, and then everything made sense. 
On the way back to the subway station, he had insisted on carrying the bags like the gentleman he was. Sure- He might’ve never had a crush on a girl before, but Bruce and Alfred made sure he was raised right. 
I know you’re leaving in the morning, when you wake up
“You know, you’re really incredible.” He said, smiling at her. 
“Oh?” The corner of her mouth lifted. “How so?” 
Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream, oh
He took out the sticky note from his pocket, and the shock on her face was something he would never forget. “Remember this?” The note was wrinkled and stained- It was pretty obvious that he had opened it and re-folded it many, many times. “You said ‘A broken heart takes time to fix, but an empty heart takes affection to mend’.” 
She nodded, unsure of where the conversation was going. “You’re really incredible, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” He repeated. “In under two weeks, you managed to fix both a broken heart and an empty one.” 
They stopped walking, and she stared at him. 
You are, the only exception
”You actually listened to what I said.” She said, finally. “I didn’t think you would.”
You are, the only exception
He shrugged. “I thought I’d never fall in love, either, but look where I am now.” He smiled softly. “You really are something else.” 
You are, the only exception
She blushed. 
You are, the only exception
“You have to promise me something, though.” He put on a serious face. “Promise me you’ll never stop making macarons for me.” 
She hit him playfully, and then Damian knew in that instant, his empty heart had been mended. 
You are, the only exception
On a Friday evening, as she returned from the campus library, Marinette glimpsed something sticking out of her apartment mailbox. She opened it cautiously, afraid that it was a prank. A paper bag sat quietly inside, a little letter lying next to it. She peered into the paper bag, letting out a delighted squeal when she spied a container with disfigured-looking cream puffs. 
You are, the only exception
The letter, which she opened later in her apartment, read: This was my first attempt at making cream puffs. I know they probably aren’t the best payment to you, especially since your macarons always look perfect and let’s not mention you fixed my ‘empty heart’ (Your words, not mine). So... If the cream puffs aren’t good enough of a repayment, could I possibly make it up to you with a date? Tomorrow night, 6pm? Sincerely, your-once-empty-hearted-boy, Damian Wayne. 
You are, the only exception
Three months later, she’d decided that the apartment was still a little painful to live in, and after selling it off, both she and Damian had put together the money that they had from doing commissions and working at a cafe respectively, and they’d bought a little apartment not too far from the college. 
You are, the only exception
One evening, two years after they’d graduated- She’d dressed up nicely to go on a date- He’d said ‘dress extra nice’ in his text, then added: ‘don’t worry too much, you’d look good in whatever you pick’. Once the taxi had dropped her off, she looked around the lavender field that Damian had instructed her to go to- face brightening when she saw her beloved once-empty-hearted boy. 
It was difficult not to squeal as he got on one knee, taking a velvet box out of his back pocket. Both of them were shaking with emotions, and Damian hadn’t even gotten the first word out and he was already getting teary. Marinette was seconds from sobbing out of happiness. 
“Marinette,” He took her hand, his voice shaking. “When we first met, you told me I was as empty-hearted as your were broken.” Damian swallowed. “And even after I snapped at you, brushed you off, you still made those macarons for me.” Both of them shared a teary laugh. “And under two weeks, you fixed both your broken heart and my empty one. So,” He choked, his heart nearly bursting from the pressure. “Will you let me be your once-empty-hearted-boy forever, and let me marry you?” 
“Yes,” Marinette laughed, tears dripping down her cheeks. “A thousand times yes!” 
And I'm on my way to believing
Damian, standing at the altar with his father and brothers next to him, couldn’t believe how lucky he was. Just because this one girl in his college class had looked at him and decided that she was going to help fix his heart, he was getting married. Bruce, for once, didn’t look broken-hearted at a wedding as Selina smiled proudly from the front row seat. 
Oh, and I'm on my way to believing.
Marinette, in her beautiful, white ballgown, arm-in-arm with her father, bit her lip, trying not to cry and ruin her makeup. In their relationship, Damian was wrong about one thing- Marinette didn’t fix her broken heart on her own. Damian was the one who mended her broken heart- The thought of Damian eating her macarons- And when he told her to promise to make those macarons for him for the rest of their lives- That, was the very moment that Marinette’s heart blossomed again. 
They were each other’s exceptions. 
I am not kidding you I CRIED WHILE REREADING THIS that is how emotional i am people and whoop am i getting a hold of my procrastination! I wrote a chapter of lord bug robin and kitty noir- And it was a mighty long chapter, too, and then i wrote this. Whoaaaaa i did a lot of writing for one day~ I’ve been writing since like, after lunch, and now, it’s almost six (Where i’m from it’s almost six) and i’ve been writing for like... Six hours. *claps self on back and gives self reward sticker* and if i tagged you and you didn’t want to be tagged I'm sowy :( i just copied the tag lists from my lord bug and hogwarts au... Sowy if you didn’t want to be tagged... And I'm a hundred percent sure that some people were tagged twice... Anyways love y’all <3
(Tag list! @yin-390 @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog@constancetruggle@the-navistar-carol @never-neverland @rayray384@mystery-5-5 @black-streak@bluerosette23 @seraphichana @you-will-never-know-how-i-think@mikantsume @graduatedmelon@thebookwormfairy@crazylittlemunchkin@shizukiryuu @screamingtofillthevoid@serenacross200@zestyzealot@redscarlet95 @roseinbloom02 @beautym3@resignedcatservant@sizzling-fairy-oil @tinybrie @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry@lunar-wolf-warrior@northernbluetongue @dannyelric301 @daminett4life@loysydark @sparkle9510@erick-rose99-stuff @nataladriana9 @maya-custodios-dionach @myazael @sassakitty @clumsy-owl-4178 @emootaku-666)
Tag list: @kceedraws @constancetruggle  @ellerahs @2sunchild2 @mystery-5-5 @ki117h3dr4g0n @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @tbehartoo @resignedcatservant @im-here-for-the-content @mooshoon @darkened-flame @spicybelladonna @whomthefyck @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog @xxmadamjinxx @rhub4rb @a-marlene-s @mochinek0 @zalladane @t-nikki10 @angelicbookfangirl  @politelyvicious @mikantsume @iggy-of-fans @shizukiryuu @littleredrobinhoodlum @thebananathatwrites @my-name-is-michell @7-sage-7 @linnyalou @ladylb @particularlygeeky @vivilakitty @iglowinggemma28 @alexzandria-747 @luciferge @lunar-wolf-warrior @aurordraws @urbanpineapplefarmer @clumsy-owl-4178 @creator-josie @driftingmoonlitpetals @fiendsangelical @mjisntme @two-faced-biatch @thecatnipmademedoit @northernbluetongue
531 notes · View notes
nxrthmizu · 4 years
-Lordbug, Robin and Kitty Noir- Chapter Twelve: In Which Lila Lies
/Part One//Part Eleven/
The school was abuzz with chatter. Students everywhere gossiped about MDC’s show, everyone sharing their opinions about the newly-debuted designer. Some people sharing their opinions more than others. 
“I knew her since we were four!” Lila declared. “When we were kids, I used to be her model.” 
The girls in the class fawned over the fact that Lila, yet again, knew another famous person. MDC had bloomed into an overnight sensation- ‘Majesty’ crowded over magazine covers, but the Lordbug and Kitty Noir outfits were not overshadowed. Many pages were dedicated to the fashion show that had taken place the previous day, each and every article complementing on the designer’s skill and talent- And she was so polite, too! (Not to mention she was really pretty~)
Aurore was smiling widely as students flocked her, asking how she’s managed to get an interview with MDC before MDC even debuted. She smiled and brushed people off politely, saying that she was just lucky. The sour look on Alya’s face was unmissable, so Lila quickly jumped to the chance. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Alya.” The Italian pouted as she apologised. “I did mention you to MDC, but she said she already found a blog to interview her. I’m sure she’ll ask you to do the next one, though! She was really sorry that you didn’t get your chance since she already asked Aurore.” 
The ombre-haired girl brightened up immediately. “Gosh, that’s so nice of you, Lila! And there’s no need to apologise.” She cast a dark look at Aurore. “She got in by luck, I’ll get in for talent.” 
Across the classroom, Chloe snorted. The trio had been lounging at the back, listening to the conversation with… Various feelings about it. Damian was downright furious. How dare Lila claim she knew MDC when MDC was bullied by her everyday? Chloe was rather amused- She couldn’t wait to see Lila’s face when Marinette revealed herself after their graduation. Marinette was rather… Unbothered. Karma would be back for the Italian girl when the right time came- There was no need to get her own hands dirty. 
“I still feel so sorry you didn’t get the chance, Alya.” Lila pouted and shedded a tear. “To make it up to you, I’ll ask MDC to do a commission for you. She always said that since I helped her to her success, she’d make a dress for me anytime.” 
Awe and jealousy glinted in every girls’ eyes. Alya beamed enthusiastically. “Lila! You’re always so kind, thank you! I’d love to get a dress from MDC!” 
“Too bad she’s not actually getting one.” Chloe glanced at her nails, a bored expression on her face. Marinette shot her a playful look, which the blonde shrugged off. 
Luckily, Chloe’s remark was unheard by the excited girls, who continued to crowd around Lila until Madame Mendeliev snapped her book on the table, yelling for everyone to get back to their seats. Still, the excitement lingered in the class, and the skip in Alya’s pace spoke enough of how disappointed she’d be on the next day.
“Alya, please forgive me.” Lila sniffed pitifully as she cried. “I asked MDC, but she said she was flocked with commissions overnight and she can’t get to yours until she’s finished all the rest!” 
Alya’s face fell as her eyes dulled in disappointment. She’d been looking forward to good news from Lila, but clearly, the only thing that the day had brought was bad luck. The ombre-girl tried to keep a straight face as she reassured her friend. “It’s alright, Lila. I’m pretty sure she was really busy anyway.” She chuckled and shrugged it off, but everyone could see the stiffness of her body, the slump of her shoulders, and the tears prickling on her eyelids. 
Damian let out a little chuckle, his green eyes twinkling in satisfaction. “What did I say?” 
“Pft.” Chloe laughed softly, her amusement clear in her eyes and her relaxed position. “Too bad, Cesaire.” 
Marinette glared at both of them. “Play nice!” She hissed. Her two friends took one look at each other and shrugged, uncaring of the disappointment and lies that constantly hovered over that class. 
It was no longer, their class, after all. 
The call was pretty much expected. 
“Damian.” The stern voice of his father made it clear that it was unarguable. “I demand to meet the girl.” 
Although it was already a made decision, it didn’t mean Damian had to be happy about it. “Fine.” He grumbled. “I’ll ask her. But no promises.” 
Bruce made a grunt in his throat, his excitement not showing through his facial expression but his eyes. Blue orbs sparkled in excitement as the papa bat waited patiently to meet his little robin’s newfound mate. 
“Um, Marinette…” Damian coughed awkwardly into the phone. “My… Um, father wants to meet you.” 
The bluenette blinked in confusion on the other side of the line. “Um… Why? Did I do something wrong?” Damian heard his heart crack a little at the concern in her voice. No, you didn’t do anything wrong, my dad just wants to see you. Because he’s a busy body who can’t keep his nose out of my business. 
“No, no it’s nothing like that.” Damian sighed, shooting a sharp glare at Tikki, who giggled as she munched on a sugar cube. “It’s just- Um- He kind of guessed that you’re MDC and he’s impressed.” 
Marinette sighed in relief. “Oh, then should I bring Chloe as well?” 
The green-eyed Gothamite wanted to groan. No, not Bourgeois. But on second thought, Marinette would be more comfortable and assured with the blonde there. “Ye- Yeah, actually, why not.” 
“Great! I’ll call her now. Do I have to dress formally? Where are we meeting your father? Should I bring any gifts? Macarons? There’s still time for me to bake a cake!” Marinette’s frantic rambling made a little smile creep up the emerald-eyed’s lips. Tikki giggled at how hopeless her miraculous holder was- And at how frantic Plagg’s holder was. 
“We’re meeting him at a restaurant, so maybe dress formally. And no, you don’t need to bring any gifts, ange-” Before he could finish, he was cut off by the bluenette’s insistent rambling.
“You know what, I’m going to bake a cake. I saw a really nice recipe online the other day and I think it would be a good idea! I’ll, um, get started now, does your dad like cheesecakes? What about peaches?” 
Damian wanted to laugh. Gosh, he loved the bluenette. “Yes, he likes cheesecakes, and yes, I’m pretty sure he’s fine with peaches as well.” 
“Alright then! I’ll get going now, I have a cake to bake! See ya in a bit, Dami!” 
And then the phone call ended. Damian laughed to himself, Tikki watching with a warm smile as the emerald-eyed boy fondly thought of his bluenette classmate. 
Chloe was leaning leisurely on her bed, flipping through a fashion magazine. And then her phone rang. 
She frowned, picking up her phone. The caller ID read ‘Bluenette’. The blonde sighed, clicking the answer button. “What is it, Dupain-Cheng? This better be important. You interrupted my magazine reading session.” The blonde grumbled. 
Chloe blinked. “Okay, go over that again, but slower.” 
Marinette took a deep breath. “Damian’s dad wants to meet us, apparently he knows I’m MDC and so you need to come too because you are one of the models and I’m baking a cake to bring and we have to dress formally because it’s going to be a formal dinner.” 
“Okay.” Chloe breathed. “And this has to do with me because I need to go?” 
“Yes, and I’m calling because do you want some peach cheesecake?” Marinette’s bright voice made a little grin dance across the mayor’s daughters lips. Really, it was impossible to not laugh when you were talking to the world’s brightest little bluenette. 
Chloe sighed as she got off her bed. “The cake better be good, Dupain-Cheng.” 
The bakery smelt of cream cheese and peach syrup; Chloe sighed as she breathed in the satisfying scents. “That isn’t actually half-bad, Dupain-Cheng.” 
Marinette giggled. “Well, the big cake will be for Damian’s father, you can have all the tarts if you want.” 
The bluenette baker had baked seven cakes- A giant cake, and six miniature versions of the cake- Tarts. The bottom of the cake was a strong layer of sponge cake, followed by a cream cheese mixture. Atop the cream cheese was a layer of raspberry jam. After that was a jelly made from peach syrup- And inside the translucent jelly was cut up pieces of peach. Marinette had garnished the cake with some decorative flowers, sprinkling some strawberry powder above everything for the final touch. The baker girl delicately slid the cake into a pretty, white box, tying a perfect ribbon to top everything. 
“That, is really not bad.” Chloe hummed. “I appreciate this, and much more, for my birthday.” 
The bluenette laughed. “Sure, Chloe.” She smiled warmly at her blonde friend, bluebell eyes twinkling in happiness. 
The front door of the bakery opened, and Sabine called out for the two girls at the back of the kitchen. “Marinette! Your friend’s here!” 
“Coming, mama!” Marinette replied, hastily (But carefully) lifting up the box, tugging the ribbon one last time to her satisfaction. 
“Marinette, that ribbon is the definition of perfection. Stop fidgeting with it.” Chloe rolled her eyes. “Let’s go!” 
The bluenette hummed, following after her blonde friend with a bright, happy smile on her face. 
Little did she know, she was about to meet her father-in-law. 
“You must be Marinette.” Bruce smiled warmly, holding a hand for Marinette to shake. The girl panicked, awkwardly trying to figure out which hand to use to shake Bruce’s hand as she held the cake box in her hands. Damian resisted the fond chuckle that was building up in his throat, reaching over to take the cake from Marinette as the bluenette shot him a grateful look. 
“You’re Bruce Wayne.” Chloe deadpanned, shooting glares at Damian. “Damian never said he was the Damian Wayne.” 
The boy shrugged. “I was going under Fu’s name since I was living with him.” 
Bruce nodded. “And you must be Ms. Bourgeois.” The blonde smiled, reaching over to shake the billionaire’s hand as well. 
“Um, I baked a little something for you.” Marinette smiled shyly. “I hope you like cheesecakes?” 
Bruce’s eyes conveyed nothing but surprise. “You can bake?” 
“Father, Marinette is a baker’s daughter. Her parents own the most popular bakery in all of Paris.” Damian cut in, his emerald eyes practically yelling threats at his father. 
“I see.” Bruce nodded approvingly. “Ms. Dupain-Cheng is truly a very talented individual.” 
The said girl blushed fiercely, spluttering out her thanks. Bruce smiled at how polite and awkward the girl was- Truly, his future daughter-in-law was one of a kind. 
/Part Thirteen/
A/N: Yes, I’ve been MIA for a very long time, sorry... Exams were clogging every part of my schedule. I’ll hopefully be getting back to writing so here’s an update for now! :) Have a nice day everyone, and thanks for putting up with my hectic update schedule... *Insert laughing face* 
My grandma’s birthday is today, so I rushed this before her birthday party! Once again, contact me if any mistakes are found. 
On another note, I’m sorry to announce that the taglist is closed.
Tag list! @yin-390@mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog@constancetruggle@the-navistar-carol@never-neverland@rayray384 @mystery-5-5 @black-streak@bluerosette23@seraphichana @you-will-never-know-how-i-think@mikantsume@graduatedmelon@thebookwormfairy@crazylittlemunchkin@shizukiryuu@screamingtofillthevoid@serenacross200@zestyzealot@redscarlet95@roseinbloom02 @beautym3@resignedcatservant@sizzling-fairy-oil@tinybrie @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry@lunar-wolf-warrior@northernbluetongue@dannyelric301 @daminett4life@loysydark@sparkle9510@erick-rose99-stuff@nataladriana9@maya-custodios-dionach ​@myazael ​@sassakitty ​@clumsy-owl-4178 ​@emootaku-666 @moonlightstar64 ​@r0sebutch ​@maggiecc12 @gaeasun@miss-mysterys-blog​@bluefyoto94 ​@sam-spectra ​@toodaloo-kangaroo ​@queenmj10 ​
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nxrthmizu · 4 years
-Lordbug, Robin and Kitty Noir- Chapter Thirteen: In Which The Fun(d) Begins!
/Part One//Part Twelve/
A week after the initial MDC debut was the weeks in which a few things would take place. A few small tests that later contributed to the overall marks of their exams would be given, and there was going to be the school’s first fundraiser of the year. 
Each class or club would need to create a booth of some sort, selling whatever they wanted- And the money earned would contribute to whatever sort of trip they could afford from their earnings. 
Now, it was a common thing for Marinette to get extra commissions from the other classes during this time. Theatre club needed someone to do costumes, some other classes that were selling goods needed some posters, and the student council would sometimes ask for Marinette to help organise the event due to her great organisation skill. Numerous people needed things from her- And the great thing was, unlike her class, these people understood that her effort couldn’t just be brushed off as a mere ‘favour’. 
Due to this, Marinette felt really, really excited for the first fundraiser of that year. She was free! She no longer had to work her ass off for the fundraising of her class- Since they had personally told her so. This was how it went: 
“What are we going to do this year?” Rose asked curiously, her eyes beaming with excitement at the thought of the fundraiser- And more importantly, the trip it would later contribute to. 
“A bake sale, obviously.” Alya announced as a matter-of-factly. “That’s what we always do for the first fundraiser.” The girl turned to Lila with a bright grin. “You’ll see, Lila, this’ll be very fun! And by the end of the year, we can always go to great places- Last year we went to New York!” 
Lila’s eyes glimmered greedily as she listened to Alya’s wild recounts of the places they went before. Then she caught the eye of a particular bluenette who was sitting at the end of the class. Her heart darkened at the thought of the trio going to a trip with them- She wasn’t going to let them off that easily. 
“You know, Alya, I’m really excited for the first fundraiser.” Lila begin, pouting. “But I’m afraid the three of them really don’t like me and because of that they might not help during the bake sale, and they might mess everything up!” She whimpered sympathetically. “I really don’t want the whole class to lose their trip just because some people are uncooperative with me.” 
The class murmured in agreement, some of the students going to comfort Lila and some other students sending sharp glares at the three at the back of the classroom. Damian and Chloe both shrugged the glares off, being used to being disliked, while Marinette just pursed her lips and continued sketching in her sketchbook. The glares were plain out ignored. 
“You don’t have to help out for the fundraisers this year.” Alya spat out acidly. “But you won’t be coming for the yearly trip either.” 
Damian shared a look with Chloe as Marinette continued to ignore the class and sketch. “Sure.” He shrugged. “I don’t mind.” He really didn’t- Marinette had informed him that if the class kicked them out of the fundraiser, she had already secured a place for the three of them in the art-drama club alliance. They would be fundraising with another group of their own, and they would go on a separate trip.  
“Where should we go this year?” Rose asked dreamily, thinking of the magnificent trips they had in past years. 
Alya opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again as she searched for a cool place to go in her mind. “Um...” She fumbled with her words. “What about...” She looked around desperately, looking for any sort of idea. 
“You know, that looks like it was inspired by Gotham’s gargoyles.” Damian murmured at the back of the room, pointing at one of the sketches on the page. Marinette giggled. 
“That’s right! I based it off some pictures I found on the internet.” She told him, Chloe humming as she peered at the page. 
Alya snapped her fingers, grinning triumphantly like it was her own idea. “Let’s go to Gotham this year!” 
The class cheered in excitement, and of course Lila didn’t let the opportunity escape. 
“That’s great! We could go meet my childhood friend, Damian Wayne!” Lila smiled happily. “He used to like me, you know?” 
The class fawned the liar once again as the three at the back sighed and ignored the commotion. “Seriously, do any of them have brains?” Chloe scoffed, narrowing her eyes at the idiots that were their classmates. Damian Wayne was actually in their class- And the blonde had just met Bruce Wayne a week ago.  
Damian leaned back into his chair, snorting and feeling glad that he had been kicked out of the class fundraiser. “Obviously not.” 
A knock on the door interrupted the fawning session. Annoyance lined Lila’s eyes for whoever disrupted her moment. A brown-haired girl peered in, eyes brightening when she spotted the bluenette at the back. “Sorry, could I see Marinette please?” 
The bluenette looked up, smiling at the sight of her fellow student. “Tara!” She skipped down the steps of the classroom, avoiding her classmates gracefully, landing at the front of the door, where Tara was patiently waiting. The brown-haired girl gestured for Marinette to lean closer and whispered something in her ear- Something that made Marinette’s eyes light up. “Damian! Chloe!” She called her friends, her giddiness making fury boil in Lila’s heart. The two friends of the bluenette sighed tiredly at each other before joining their excited sunshine friend at the front of the room, both passing by their classmates with a cool aura. 
Tara eyed the two suspiciously. “You sure you trust them, Mari?” She whispered in the bluenette’s ear, making Damian growl defensively. 
Marinette nodded surely, grinning at her friends. “Positive.” 
And so the four students left the classroom, leaving the classmates in rumbling confusion and Lila in boiling anger. 
“So, what’s this all about?” Chloe raised an eyebrow, demanding an explanation from the bluenette. Damian hummed, already having guessed that it was about the art-drama club alliance. 
“Well, I sort of guessed that Lila would kick us out of the fundraiser, so I talked to the presidents of the art and drama clubs, and we decided to start out own fundraiser!” Marinette grinned. “We’ll get to go on our own trip during summer break, too.” 
“And with Mari planning, we’re going to have the best trip ever!” Tara exclaimed, grinning from ear-to-ear. “It’s going to be awesome!” 
The bluenette smiled. “Chloe’s a pretty good planner, too! She was class president before I was.” 
Tara made a face. “And now that Alya is class president, I hear? Well, I couldn’t care less- But the greatest thing is you finally left that class! Gosh, Mari, they were just taking advantage of you. This year’s trip is going to be so! Awesome!” The brown-haired girl jumped in excitement, pushing the door open to the art room, where a few other students had already gathered. “Alright, guys! I told you all that we’d have some good news to tell today- Marinette’s joining us!” Tara looked at the blonde and the green-eyed boy behind Marinette. “And her friends, too.”  
The students in the room cheered and clapped, delighted that the school’s best artist and planner had decided to join their little gang. 
“Introduce yourselves.” Marinette told her friends with a grin. “Come on!” 
Chloe rolled her eyes. “Chloe Bourgeois.” 
Damian sighed exasperatedly. “Damian Wa-Fu.” 
Tara furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. “Damian Wafu?” 
“Damian Fu.” He cleared his throat, ignoring the sniffled laughs of the two girls behind him. 
“RIght...” Tara nodded. “Anyway, I’m Tara, president of the art club, and here we have members of the drama club. Thanks to Marinette, we’ve called an alliance, and we’ll go on a trip together during summer holidays with our shared earnings.” 
“I’m Madeline, president of the drama club.” A blonde girl introduced, hopping down from one of the cardboard boxes that were piling at the back of the room. “Alright, since everyone’s here, we’re confirming that no one else will be joining or leaving this group until the fundraiser’s all over.” 
Tara nodded, looking at her art club members- The students all nodded and gave thumbs up. 
“Okay, so here’s the plan.” Marinette stepped forward, taking a deep breath. “We’re going to run the usual fundraising events- Bake sales, car wash, maybe a fun fair or two, and maybe, just maybe we might have a little fashion show, since your presidents both asked for it.” The bluenette grinned at the drama and art club presidents, both of which smiled sheepishly. 
“But while we run the usual funding events, we’ll also be preparing for the grand finale.” Tara paused for dramatic effect before announcing loudly: “A play!” 
Madeline nodded. “We’re still getting the script together,” She gestured at the two script writers belonging to the drama club. “And once that’s done, the art club will start putting together sets, backgrounds, costumes, props and all that sort. We’ll also have people from the art club running lighting and backstage stuff while the drama club performs onstage.” 
Damian hummed. “Sounds interesting.” 
Tara nodded her thanks at his interest, smiling at the fact the cold-looking boy had offered his opinion. “Does everyone understand?” 
The art and drama club chorused their ‘yeses’, excitement filling the air with the thought of the play at the end of the year. “That’s great! I’m going to need everyone to come up here and put their phone numbers on this paper, we’re going to create a group chat.” Marinette announced, borrowing a piece of paper and pen from a nearby art student. 
The club members swarmed forward, scrambling around to write their names and phone numbers. “Once you’re done, return to your classes. Tomorrow we’ll be meeting here again to discuss the audition dates for the drama club and the roles for the art club.” Madeline yelled over the noise. “Meeting dismissed!” 
Chloe crossed her arms angrily at the bluenette. “You planned this, and you didn’t tell me?” The girl basically screeched at her bluenette friend, who held her hands up in surrender sheepishly. 
“Sorry.” Marinette apologised. “It was kind of a we-planned-it-last-night thing.” 
“Then why does he know?” Chloe pointed an accusing finger at Damian, who shrugged. 
“I called her last night.” He said nonchalantly. 
After Chloe had calmed down, she talked to the script writers of the drama club, requesting for a copy of the script, which they happily gave. She made (surprisingly) little criticism, but she requested for them to make a few changes here and there. Damian hung around near Marinette, who was patiently telling everyone to write their phone numbers and names. When all the art and drama club members had filed out, both Damian and Chloe scribbled their phone numbers of the paper, which was then kept by Marinette. 
“Alright!” The bluenette smiled, patting the paper which was in her jeans pocket. “Shall we get back to class?” 
/Part Fourteen/
:D I updated! My online classes are killing me, tho. :( Anyway, here’s a chapter! Till next time! 
Tag list! @yin-390@mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog@constancetruggle@the-navistar-carol@never-neverland@rayray384 @mystery-5-5 @black-streak@bluerosette23@seraphichana @you-will-never-know-how-i-think@mikantsume@graduatedmelon@thebookwormfairy@crazylittlemunchkin@shizukiryuu@screamingtofillthevoid@serenacross200@zestyzealot@redscarlet95@roseinbloom02 @beautym3@resignedcatservant@sizzling-fairy-oil@tinybrie @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry@lunar-wolf-warrior@northernbluetongue@dannyelric301 @daminett4life@loysydark@sparkle9510@erick-rose99-stuff@nataladriana9@maya-custodios-dionach ​@myazael ​@sassakitty ​@clumsy-owl-4178 ​@emootaku-666 @moonlightstar64 ​@r0sebutch ​@maggiecc12 @gaeasun@miss-mysterys-blog​@bluefyoto94 ​@sam-spectra ​@toodaloo-kangaroo ​@queenmj10 ​
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nxrthmizu · 4 years
-Lordbug, Robin and Kitty Noir- Chapter Eleven: In Which Bruce Tries To Meet His Daughter-In-Law (But Fails)
/Part One//Part Ten/
Description: In which the fashion show finally takes place :D
Warnings: None
And I’m back with an update! :D Currently I’m in a small town in the middle of a mountains… Basically, the middle of nowhere in which you need to drive through three (If there isn’t traffic) hours of mountains to get to. But! I have Wi-Fi, so here I am, typing an update for you from the middle of nowhere :D
As always, this wasn’t proof-read, I didn’t have enough time, sorry :( so please contact me if any mistakes were found! :D Enjoy
Kitty dropped into her balcony seconds before her transformation dropped. She leaped off her bunk-bed-thingy into the middle of her bedroom, where the unfinished dress stood calmly. 
“Help yourself to the macarons.” Marinette told Plagg distractedly. “I need to finish the dress.” 
Marinette hummed, looking up to see Robin casually leaning against one of the pillars. She screeched, backtracking in surprise until her brain fully registered who it was. “Um, hey?” 
Robin blushed. “I know I shouldn’t be in your room unannounced but… I saw that you needed help.” He gestured to her dress. “And I thought if you needed a pair of extra hands, I could…?” 
Marinette bit her lip. “I suppose.” She smiled. “Alright, come here and I’ll run you through quickly.” She glanced at the clock, and quickly checked to make sure that Plagg was safely hidden in a little crevasse behind numerous fabrics and organisation shelves on her desk. “We have… Ten minutes until my friends get here. I need to have my dress done by then.” 
She quickly ran him through the process of sewing each pearl, and to no surprise, Robin was an attentive learner and was basically, the definition of delicate. His first pearl had been a little shaky, but the one after his first was near- If not- Perfect. He had even distributed the sparkles around the pearls proportionally- And that was something that took loads of practice. It had taken her weeks to perfect that skill, and he got the whole thing perfect after watching her just once. 
“There we go.” Marinette smiled, snapping off the thread as the last pearl went in securely. With the two of them working, fuelled by fiery determination- They’d finished the dress in no time. 
“I’ll be there.” He said, breaking the satisfying silence between the two of them. She looked up in surprise, the sheer happiness in her bluebell eyes making him blush excessively. “I’ll go there in my civilian identity, so you won’t see me- But I’ll be there.” He told her, smiling shyly. “Good luck.” 
Marinette coughed, her cheeks blossoming in scarlet, secretly really pleased that he had bothered to find out and to tell her. “Could I.. Get a good luck kiss?” 
He pulled her close, dipping her by the waist as he pressed a soft kiss to her lips, the little squeal escaping her throat almost making him growl possessively.
“Good luck, angel.” Robin whispered, shooting his grappling hook out before leaping from the balcony. 
Marinette watched, dazed as he left, her fingers rising to touch where he’d kissed her. 
“Marinette! I’m ready to rock that runway!” Chloe announced her arrival, slipping out of the trapdoor, snapping Marinette out of her daze. 
“R-Right.” The bluenette stuttered. “Right. The runway.” 
That was by far, Damian’s second kiss, and he couldn’t have been anymore flustered. It did bother him- He wanted her to love his civilian identity, too, so maybe one day he’d tell her- But as of then… He touched his lips, still slightly tainted with Marinette’s chapstick, and blushed. 
“Alright.” He dropped into a back alley, where he had stashed his extra clothes- He had, actually, stashed a lot of of his clothes everywhere in case he ever needed a quick change from being Robin. “I have a fashion show to attend.” 
“Perfect.” Marinette breathed as Chloe twirled once with her white-blue-and-yellow dress. The upper half of the dress was tailored to be skin-tight for Chloe while the lower half opened in a upside down tulip-shaped gown. White lined each fold of the gown, followed by a blue backdrop. The cute, rounded collar of the dress shone a pastel yellow, with the ends of the dress lined in yellow as well. 
“Now put this on.” Marinette ushered, handing Chloe another hanger, but this one had a white blazer on it. Yellow and black stripes alike to a bumblebee’s twirled along the white of the blazer, giving the whole piece a very striking feel. 
“Utterly gorgeous.” Chloe breathed, twirling around before flipping her hair. “Aren’t I gorgeous?” 
Marinette giggled. “Yes, yes you are.” The bluenette’s eyes twinkled. “Do you know what you’re missing?” 
The bluenette reached into Chloe’s purse, where Pollen was resting quietly. The bee brooch shone in the evening sun, and Marinette slipped in properly over Chloe’s silvery, blonde hair. “There.” She smiled. “You deserve it, Chloe.” 
The blonde’s lip trembled. She turned away, embarrassed. “I-I’m not crying, Dupain-Cheng.” 
Marinette pulled the blonde in for a hug, her arms looping around the dress to squeeze Chloe in for a hug that conveyed a thousand messages. 
Thank you. 
“Um… Hey.” Damian cleared his throat, an amused smile on his lips as the two girls turned to glare at him in unison. 
“We were having a moment!” Chloe snapped. “Be quiet. Get out!” 
Marinette sighed, letting go of Chloe. “Well, Damian, let’s get you changed, too.” She retrieved two articles of clothing from off the hanger, handing him a black button-up shirt, a pair of dark green jeans, and finally, a black-green vest to go on top of all of it. 
Damian took the hangers from Marinette, turning to go change. The bluenette stared as he left, the small pinch of green sparkles between his fingertips only adding more to her growing suspicion. 
“It’s the right size?” Marinette asked as she told Damian to move around and check if the blazer was just right for him. 
“Yes.” He nodded, a little worried. When he took to hanger from her, he’d used the hand with the sparkles on them- He didn’t have time to wash them off, and he only noticed when he went to change in the toilet. 
Shuffling over to her table, Marinette came back with a brush and and a bottle of hair spray. “Don’t move.” She instructed as she stood on her tip-toes, reaching up to tame his messy black bangs. 
Damian chuckled, kneeling down so she didn’t have to strain herself to reach up. The bluenette huffed, brushing his hair with more strength, making him wince in the process. 
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry.” Damian scowled. “Easy, an- Marinette.” He corrected. 
Chloe rolled her eyes at the two. “Hurry up! The show must go on, and it can’t go on without the main characters, okay?” 
Bruce sat in the front row of the fashion show, his finger lingering over Damian’s number. Before he could decide on whether to call is son, however,  the lights flicked on. 
Meanwhile, in the backstage, the designer was pepping up her models as she handed the both of them black masks that would help conceal their identities (Paris is blind, just a mask will make you unrecognisable). “You’ve got this!” Marinette grinned. “Fighting!” 
Chloe nodded confidently, tying the mask around her head, avoiding her hair, while Damian only smiled warmly to reassure the bluenette. “We’ll be fine.” He told her, putting on his own mask, knowing she was only trying to calm her own nerves. He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to her palm. 
Marinette made a purring noise in her throat softly before she caught herself. She cleared her throat, her own mask in hand. “Um, good luck?” 
“Let’s give it up for the MDC line!” The MC announced, and the two took that as their cue. 
“Presenting to you- Bumblebee in the Sky.” 
Chloe stepped out first, the white, blue and yellow dress catching the eyes of many in the crowd due to it’s striking palette. The white blazer flapped fiercely in the wind that was supplied by the large fans towards the side, and the blonde strutted on the walkway, flipping her hair, striking a pose on the end of the walkway. Cameras flashed at the unique design of the bumblebee stripes on the white blazer, and the audience clapped. Chloe turned back towards the entrance, and Damian was ushered out. 
“Nightingales in the Dark.” 
He was a little uncomfortable with the lights and cameras- But he was a Wayne. He was used to it. 
The audience murmured about the unique, shiny fabric that was the dark green base for the suit. The black button shirt, under the sight of the spotlights, revealed spiralling, silver designs that detailed of nightingales and ivies. It was only when the light shone down on it, it would reflect and glow against the dark fabric. 
Damian glowered fiercely at the cameras as he stood on the end of the walkway, catching sight of Marinette stuffing Chloe into the next design out of the corner of his eye. He had to take his time- So that Chloe had enough time to change. Changing his pose, Damian saw an ‘ok’ sign from Marinette, and headed back inside as Chloe emerged with her next ensemble. 
“May I present to you- Majesty.” 
The next dress was the pastel yellow masterpiece that was clearly inspired by Queen Bee. Chloe’s blonde hair danced in the wind gracefully, the brooch on her hair sparkling bright and golden.
The crowd awed at the pastel dress- Golden detailing lined the dress the same way they lined Damian’s shirt- They would only show under the light. Golden threads told of numerous, graceful bees that were waltzing in the wind, and colourful threads painted flowers and grasses along the edge of the dress, bringing out colours of red, dark blue, emerald and ivory white. 
Chloe posed more than multiple times for the camera, each camera fighting for cover-page photos of the gorgeous dress. 
Meanwhile, Damian was busy putting on his next set- The grey t-shirt with his Robin jacket. When he emerged from the changing room, Marinette had a knowing smile on her lips. 
“Ready?” She asked softly. He nodded, smiling in reply. 
When Bruce first saw Damian onstage, it was definitely not what he had been expecting. He had never thought Damian would be modelling- That said quite a lot about the girl, if she was able to convince Damian to model. 
He had taken more than one photo and maybe shed more than one (1) tear. 
After the spectacular piece that was Majesty, Bruce had been throughly awed by the aspiring designer. 
“Now, let’s give a round of applause for a piece that was inspired by one of Gotham’s superheroes- Robin!” 
Damian stepped into the light, feeling more than comfortable in the jacket that was made for him.
The jacket gleamed in Robin’s primary colors- Black, red, green and yellow. The R logo sat above his heart, the silver zip gleaming under the brightness of the spotlights. The hoodie had been pulled up, revealing white fur sewed into the lining of the hoodie, similar to how the actual Robin’s uniform was like. The grey t-shirt he wore under the jacket was fluid and soft, the black jeans perfect for active movement.
The click of cameras went of in what seemed like the distance as Damian sensed Marinette’s eyes on him, seemingly full of pride. 
He wondered if she was thinking about what Robin would think if he were in the crowd? 
“That was a success!” Marinette beamed. “Even though there were only four ensembles, it was really good!” 
Chloe and Damian felt their hearts warm at the sight of the bluenette jumping around in excitement. 
“Now, all that’s left is the closing act.” Marinette smiled. “I prepared two more ensembles for you two, we’re probably going to need to go out and take more pictures.” She shrugged.
Chloe groaned. “More?” 
A giggle escaped the bluenette’s lips. “Once we’re done, I’ll treat you both to coffee and some cake, okay?”
The cameras went wild as the two models finally walked out in the last piece they had to present. 
Damian wore a Lordbug-inspired piece. A white button-up shirt peaked out from below his black and red sweater, paired with a pair of black-and-white checkerboard loose slacks. A grey jacket was tied around his waist, and to top it off, a black cap with ‘Lordbug’ embroided on the front sat on his dark bangs. 
Chloe wore a Kitty-inspired outfit. A large, black sweater with the words ‘Meow’ stitched in bold white in the middle caught the hearts of many. Chloe had pulled up the hoodie of the sweater, revealing cat ears sewn on the hoodie itself. A dark blue, plaited skirt revealed a pair of long socks with the pattern of cat’s whiskers on Chloe’s legs, finished by a pair of green-black boots. 
The crowd lost it. The headlines the next day would read ‘Paris’s Superheroes Inspired MDC’s First Line’. 
“Now, let’s introduce MDC herself- Wearing her own original!” The audience sat on the edge of their seats, anticipating the great designer who had created all of the wonderful masterpieces that they just saw. 
The two models stood on both sides of the walkway, matching, proud smiles on their faces as the shy bluenette pushed past the curtain that blocked the view of the backstage. 
She was truly, the star of the show- Literally. 
Black netting- Tinged with silver threads- Formed the collar, dipping into a dark, velvety, black fabric. A heart neckline, perfectly shaped, showed just enough of Marinette’s collarbone. The top half of the dress hugged Marinette’s usually concealed curves while the bottom half blossomed into a floor-length ballgown. The folds in the ballgown were evenly distributed, the pearls among the fabric like shining stars in the sky. The sprinkled, emerald sparkles only emphasised on the concept of making the pearls alike to stars. 
Marinette blushed, brushing a strand of her dark blue hair behind her ear. 
“Let’s give a round of applause for MDC!” 
The hall exploded into thunderous applause, marvelling at the young designer standing on the stage. “Tell me, how do you feel?”
Marinette cleared her throat, her black mask only framing her bluebell eyes flawlessly. “Well, actually, I’m a little overwhelmed.” She laughed, immediately capturing the hearts of the Parisians on sight. Bruce’s heart warmed, like I’m going to adopt that kid. 
“It’s my first time publicly letting my works go out, so I was quite nervous.” MDC admitted. “But I’m really, really happy with how it turned out, and I have to thank my wonderful models for that.” 
The MC nodded approvingly. “Well, MDC, do you plan to start your own brand, seeing as how popular it’s going to be?” 
MDC nodded. “I’ve always wanted to start my own brand. Starting tomorrow, the MDC website will be open for commissions.” She smiled. 
The crowd chattered excitedly at the announcement, and Bruce nodded approvingly. The girl was confident, independent, and polite. Truly, this girl that Damian had found one-of-a-kind.  
“Will you be planning on revealing your identity one day?” The MC asked, holding the mic to Marinette’s lips. 
MDC hummed, contemplating on her answer. “Perhaps one day I will,” She said truthfully. “But as of currently, I’d rather keep it under wraps until I’m old enough to reveal it.” 
The crowd gasped in surprise. 
“Yes, I’m underage.” MDC revealed, “I’m still in school, and I’m still studying. Maybe after I graduate, I’ll announce my identity.” She bowed. “Thank you for coming to my fashion show today, everyone.” She smiled softly. “It makes me really happy. Thank you once again.” 
Cameras scrambled for pictures. 
“MDC, can we get a picture of you and your models, please?” They implored. 
Alya scrambled against the flow of the adults, jumping up and down excitedly. “MDC, can I get a picture with you, please?” She grinned. “I’m the Kittyblogger!” 
If it was six months ago, Marinette would’ve gladly gave Alya a photo, but now was different. 
“I’ve brought my own camera person.” She told the crowd politely. 
Aurore pushed her way through the crowd, an honoured smile on her lips. “MDC, can you and your models face my camera, please?” 
Chloe and Damian glanced at Marinette for confirmation, and she nodded. The three stood together, smiling as Aurore took pictures of them, the other cameras scrambling to stand behind Aurore to get photos as well. Once the girl was done, Marinette gestured for the two to go backstage. 
“Thank you so much, everyone.” She bowed politely, leaving to go backstage with the rest. 
Once backstage, they found Aurore waiting. 
“You ready for the interview?” She asked, a smile on her face. “Once again, I must thank you, MDC. It’s an honour.” 
Marinette brushed it off. “I need to thank you. Right, um, I think I’m ready.” 
Aurore begin recording, and gave Marinette the ‘ok’ sign. 
“Hello, everyone. My name is MDC, and I’m a designer.” She smiled. 
“MDC, what are your designs primarily inspired by?” Aurore asked from behind her camera. 
MDC tilted her head, making a thinking face. “Well, they’re mostly inspired by people around me. As you saw, some of the ensembles were inspired by the superheroes that have been protecting our city.” 
Aurore nodded, giving Marinette a thumbs up. “Just now, on stage, you announced that you would be setting up a website and that you would be accepting commissions. How much, on average, will the commissions be?” 
“That depends.” Marinette paused. “As you saw, the fabric I use for the ensembles are not ordinary fabrics- In fact, some of them I made myself. The embroidery on the fabrics take quite some time as well. I only use the best materials for my works, so it’ll depend on what materials I used and how much those were.” She gave an apologetic look. 
Aurore nodded in understanding. “I understand. Your art is a rather detailed art, after all, it takes up a lot of effort. How much time do you use to make one ensemble?” 
“That depends. Before, I used to be really busy as my ex-friends used to commission things out of me without paying, so my schedule was really packed up. However, I am pleased to announce that my schedule has been cleared up, so it should take an average of one week to two weeks for a commission, however, if it takes a lot of hand-work, it might stretch up maximum to two months.” 
Aurore nodded. “Thank you so much for interview, MDC. I wish you luck in your line of work, and I look forward in seeing more of your designs!” 
The camera clicked off, and Aurore squealed. “I cannot thank you enough, Mari!” 
Marinette sighed in relief, taking off her mask. “I’ll have to thank you, you’re helping me advertise.” 
Aurore paused, digesting the thought. “I suppose so, but you’re giving me my chance to be a famous blogger!” Aurore sighed dreamily. “I promise I’ll take this seriously.” 
“I’m sure you will,” Marinette groaned tiredly. “Right, who wants coffee and cake?” 
Bruce sat on his seat, not moving, still waiting for the three to come out from behind the curtains. He wanted to meet his future-daughter-in-law, after all.
Most of the crowd had dispersed- In fact, practically everyone had left. It was just Bruce, being a lonely old man by himself in the entire hall. 
At last, he decided to just call his son. 
“Where are you?” 
“I need to meet my daughter-in-law.” 
And then he hung up. 
Bruce looked up only to see three teens sneaking out from the side door. He shook his head, sighed, and went back to his hotel.  
/Part Twelve/
Poor Bruce :( Issok you’ll meet Mari sooner or later <3
Next chapter is probably going to be heavy salt about Lila knowing MDC 
(Tag list! @yin-390@mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog@constancetruggle@the-navistar-carol@never-neverland @rayray384 @mystery-5-5 @black-streak@bluerosette23@seraphichana @you-will-never-know-how-i-think@mikantsume@graduatedmelon@thebookwormfairy@crazylittlemunchkin@shizukiryuu @screamingtofillthevoid@serenacross200@zestyzealot@redscarlet95 @roseinbloom02 @beautym3@resignedcatservant@sizzling-fairy-oil@tinybrie @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry@lunar-wolf-warrior@northernbluetongue@dannyelric301 @daminett4life @loysydark@sparkle9510@erick-rose99-stuff @nataladriana9 @maya-custodios-dionach @myazael @sassakitty @clumsy-owl-4178 @emootaku-666 @moonlightstar64 @r0sebutch @maggiecc12 @gaeasun
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nxrthmizu · 4 years
-Lordbug, Robin, and Kitty Noir- Chapter Nine: In Which Mari Begins To Suspect
/Part One//Part Eight/
Description: Exactly what the title says my dudes
Warning: Cursing! Beware, children under 13 (But it’s not like you’re going to listen to me anyways so)
[As always message me if error spotted! Wasn’t sure if I missed something while proof reading once (1)]
“Hello, Damian.” Sabine greeted warmly as the boy strolled into the bakery, an exasperated expression on his face. “The girls are already upstairs.” 
Damian smiled politely and thanked the lady. “Thank you, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng.” He nodded, already making his way upstairs, remembering his way around from the last time he’d been inside. 
“Just Sabine will do, dear.” The short Chinese lady chastised, a smile on her lips. 
The youngest Wayne only nodded in response before he headed up, hearing the voices of the two girls before he actually saw them. 
“Try this one on!” Marinette’s excited tone caused a fond grin to flit over his lips, gone as he realised what he was doing. 
“This is utterly gorgeous!” Chloe gushed, and he could already feel his oncoming headache at her narrow range of vocabulary. 
Marinette squealed, footsteps sounding as the bluenette pushed her friend into the closet to change. Damian pushed open the trapdoor, looking around, wincing a little as he did so. Everything was just as... Pink as he remembered it. “Hurry up, Chloe! I want to see how it looks on you!” 
Resisting the urge to laugh, Damian made himself known in the room by vaguely clearing his throat, catching Marinette’s sensitive ears. “Damian!” She grinned. “I’ve got the perfect thing for you. I drew it based on Robin after he saved our city the last time.” He blushed, feeling awfully honoured that she had created something after him. 
“You created something inspired by Robin?” He inquired, his voice cracking with slight emotion. 
He could hear her beam even with her back facing him as she shuffled through the shelves of clothes she had hung on the side of her room. Her tongue stuck out of her mouth cutely as she fumbled with the hangers, handling him a red, black, and green jacket, followed by some dark green jeans and a grey t-shirt with yellow lines along the sides. 
“Try these on.” She murmured, half to herself as she nodded in approval about the combination. “Chloe’s using the closet, so maybe you could get changed downstairs?” She suggested. 
Damian groaned. “After this, I owe you nothing, An- Mari.” He stopped himself before he slipped, but he cursed when he noticed her eyeing him suspiciously, having caught the slip-up he nearly made a moment ago. 
“Yeah.” She mumbled, turning back to her table, where numerous sketchbooks lay open for her viewing. She twiddled a pencil between her fingers, biting her lip as she dug about with whatever she had. 
He laughed softly to himself, making his way downstairs to get dressed in his alter-ego inspired attire. 
“Chloe?” Marinette asked, needle and thread in hand as she flipped through her notebook furiously. “Would you prefer a running stitch or a slip stitch?” 
The blonde sighed, standing in a pastel yellow dress, rolled her eyes good-naturedly. “I’m honoured that you think so highly of me, Dupain-Cheng, but what on Earth makes you think I know what either of those are?” 
Marinette hummed appreciatively, observing the area she had to alter with a critical eye. “The running stitch it is.” She pursed her lips in concentration, threading in the black string she had in hand as Chloe made a confused noise in her throat. 
“Don’t question it, Bourgeois.” Damian commented, leaning against one of the columns in Marinette’s room. “You chose to be friends with her.” 
Chloe rolled her eyes. “As if you know what those jogging stitches are anyway.” 
Damian shrugged, entering the search on his phone. “As a matter of fact, i do. And it’s a running stitch by the way, not a jogging stitch. A running stitch is ‘a simple needlework stitch consisting of a line of small even stitches which run back and forth through the cloth without overlapping’.” He recited, a smug smirk on his lips. “Any words, Bourgeois?” 
Chloe fumed quietly. “Marinette!” She whined. “You can’t possible let him win. I don’t lose! That’s utterly ridiculous!”
“Damian, say sorry.” Marinette hummed, not even looking up from her work. Damian made a strangled noise in his throat, an offended glint coming into his eyes. 
“I didn’t even-!” He protested, his pose agitated as he stopped leaning against the column. 
The bluenette hummed, shushing the both of them. “Shh.” She continued stitching the alters on Chloe’s dress as the blonde stuck her tongue out childishly at the green-eyed boy, who only pointed his middle finger back in response. Marinette rolled her eyes at their antics, concentrating on the stitch. 
Damian, leaning leisurely against the pillar, fiddled with the clothing he had on, his original set of t-shirt and jeans stacked neatly, folded, in the corner of the room. The jacket fitted just nice- Slightly larger, the way he liked it. The jacket was primarily black, with red, green, and yellow linings striped against the ends and collars. The Robin logo was well-stitched onto the right side, concealing a zip along the circle, which revealed a cozy pocket. The inside of the jacket was a silky material, with plenty of little zips and pockets to store little tidbits. He noted a small embroidment of a robin on the left edge, next to a cursive Marinette DC. 
The t-shirt was simple and grey, the material soft and slippery in his fingers. The jeans were well-fit yet they didn't restrain his movements. Overall, he liked the clothes she gave him- He still had the simple shirt and slacks that she had given him that rainy day. They sat in a precious corner of his room, where he could see them every morning. 
After she finished fiddling with Chloe’s dress, she had the blonde try on another one- This one a beautiful pastel blue and white. The Mayor’s daughter was ushered into the closet as Marinette turned her attention to the dark-haired boy, who gulped at her critical gaze. 
“I’m surprised it fit this well.” Marinette murmured under her breath, not intending to let Damian hear her. “They were tailored for Robin’s size.” 
Damian glanced at her in surprise. He didn’t know that she’d taken his size on one of his nightly visits- She was slicker than he thought. Then again, it wasn’t the first time he had underestimated Marinette Dupain-Cheng. 
“So...” Marinette gestured at the things he was wearing. “How does it... Feel?” 
He paused before he answered. “Soft...? Comfortable.” He added. 
Marinette nodded in approval before she stepped back, scribbling some notes on her notebook. “They fit you well, but there still need to be some alterations.” After some thought, she added: “They were made for Robin, so I suppose the size doesn't exactly match up perfectly.” She pursed her lips, as if something confused her. “But overall I have a good idea of your measurements, so...” She flicked through her clothing rack. “Try these on.” She handed him a covered hanger of what he made out to be a dark green suit. “I’ll need to wash all these clothes before the show.” She said to herself, beaming as Chloe stepped out of the closet. 
As Damian stepped into the toilet to change again, he snapped out of his daze. He had felt so... Weird that Marinette had made clothes for his alter-ego without him knowing. Perhaps she was keeping them in case it rained and Robin dropped by for dry clothes? Whatever her reason was, he was going to find out that night. 
Marinette hummed, pleased, to herself as she set aside the four sets of clothing (Each) that she had finished altering for both Damian and Chloe. Plagg munched on a camembert macaron (He had insisted, she was disgusted), lounging in the little bean bag that Marinette had sewn for him. 
“I must say,” Plagg munched on his macaron. “I’m pretty proud of you, kid.” 
The bluenette smiled softly to herself. “I can’t wait. I feel a little nervous, and there’s a little of time constraint, but surprisingly I’m not that busy, and my homework was finished...” Marinette trailed off, it suddenly clicking to her why her schedule freed up. 
She looked behind her, where her classmates’ schedule used to be- Now it was replaced by a board filled with design ideas, with sticky notes of appointments and places she needed to be, things and events she wanted to attend. 
The moment her life started becoming about her, it was as if everything brightened. 
“That’s why.” She murmured, Plagg stopping as he looked up, confused. Then he saw what she was looking at. “I’m living for myself now.” She said, smiling brightly. 
“About time, kid!” Plagg grinned. “That’s the spirit! Now, can I get more of this delicious macarons?” (Way to ruin the moment, Plagg)
Marinette rolled her eyes, giggling. “I could go and bake another batch. You finished the last batch already, Plagg. What am I supposed to do with you?” She placed her hands on her hips, an exasperated sigh escaping her mouth as she dramatised her actions. “What shall I do with you?” 
“Angel?” A soft knock on her skylight-trapdoor thing informed her of Robin’s presence. “Who are you talking to?” 
Marinette swiftly grabbed a pastel pink sweater on her way climbing up to the trapdoor, Plagg quickly hiding in the hood, camembert macaron still in hand as he hid along the fur in the hood of the article. 
“Robin?” Marinette looked out, seeing the bird-named vigilante squatting next to the skylight. “You’re early.” She stated, remembering the time on the clock, which she had looked at moments before he knocked. He hadn't been due for at least another twenty minutes. 
Robin shrugged. “Bumblebee took over patrol.” He scrunched up his nose. “You smell like camembert.” 
The bluenette hesitated in answer. “Yeah.” She answered truthfully. “I was baking camembert macarons.” 
Robin looked at her weirdly. “Camembert macarons are a thing?” 
“Apparently, some people like it.” Marinette shrugged, chuckling as the chaos god in her hoodie scoffed, offended. 
Silence fell on the balcony as stars took their place in the skies, clouds clearing up to show the beautiful view. 
“Can I ask you a question, Robin?” Marinette asked softly, the breeze brushing against her dark blue locks. “You don’t have to answer, but... If you do, I want you to be honest with me.” 
Robin raised his eyebrows, but gestured for her to go on. 
“I... I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but...” Marinette hesitated. The question was just on the tip of her tongue: Do I know you as a civilian? “Do you want hot chocolate?” She said at the last second. Are you Damian Fu? “I’ve got some downstairs.” Or Damian Wayne? She had remembered his name from the first day- The one and only slip up he made before he carried on with ‘Damian Fu’. Who are you actually? 
Robin squinted at her. “Are you okay, angel? And yes, please. I’d like some hot chocolate.” Without thinking, he leaned forward, pressing a kiss to her temple. By the time he’d digested what he was doing, it’s already been done. Marinette stared at him, stunned as he fumbled for words. “Sorry- I just- Um- I- Sorry.” He sighed. “I don’t know what- What went over me. I shouldn’t have um- Sorry- I-” He groaned. Why did he have to suck with words?” 
She smiled softly. “It’s okay, Robin.” She leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his lips as he froze, staring blankly at her stunning, shy, bashful smile. “I’ll go get that hot chocolate.” 
What had she been thinking? Marinette groaned. Why on Earth did she kiss him back on the lips? Where was she hoping that would go, anyway? He was a vigilante- And while she was one, too, granted, still-! 
“Bold moves, kid.” Plagg complimented as they made their way to the kitchen. Marinette shot him a dirty look, groaning as she heated to chocolate on the counter. “I approve.” He supposed Tikki’s kid would do for his precious kitten. 
“What was I thinking?” She mumbled incoherent words following her rhetorical question, a palmful of her dark hair in her hands as she groaned. 
Robin, hanging from the ledge above using his grappling hook, watched his angel make hot chocolate for the both of them, smiled lightly to himself. 
Did he just fall in love? 
Oh yes. 
/Part Ten/
Hello! I’m not sure if this is progressing a little too fast but...? Aye amateur writer here (That doesn't do plot planning in case you were wondering). Any ideas on Chloe’s s/o? OC? Idk... :/ Anyways thanks for being so supportive, I love y’all <3 also Damian being a lovestruck little puppy just agrees with me a lot 
(Tag list! @yin-390 @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog @constancetruggle@the-navistar-carol @never-neverland @rayray384 @mystery-5-5 @black-streak@bluerosette23 @seraphichana @you-will-never-know-how-i-think@mikantsume @graduatedmelon @thebookwormfairy @crazylittlemunchkin@shizukiryuu @screamingtofillthevoid @serenacross200 @zestyzealot@redscarlet95 @roseinbloom02 @beautym3 @resignedcatservant @sizzling-fairy-oil @tinybrie @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @lunar-wolf-warrior @northernbluetongue @dannyelric301 @daminett4life @loysydark @sparkle9510 @erick-rose99-stuff @nataladriana9 @maya-custodios-dionach)
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nxrthmizu · 4 years
Daminette December Day 9: 'Soulmate AU'
(More of the Minuit AU, but now we're back in present time. Master Fu had given it to Damian before he moved to Paris, and Damian and Marinette / Minuit and Ladybug have never met)
Honestly, what did he expect. 
Paris. The City of Love. 
Damian had long given up on finding his soulmate. Ever since young, his mother had enforced the idea that soulmates were useless and only a liability- And he had grown to think that he didn’t have a soulmate. Even if he did have one, what kind of soulmate would want him back?
He’d always ignored his soul mark. In fact, he had been ashamed of it. He’d always hidden it from his mother, not wanting to know what she’d think of it. 
The print on his ankle, where his soulmate was supposed to touch him the first time. A hand mark, where her hand clamps around his ankle. He honestly can’t picture a scenario where his soulmate would just lie down and grasp his ankle, which just made the entire thing even more ridiculous. 
Even when he was living with Bruce, he didn’t care about his mark, and since none of his siblings ever asked, he never bothered to mention it. 
He’d given up on all hope of a soulmate- But who knew that she was waiting in the City of Love for him. 
It was Alfred’s idea. 
An old friend of Alfred, a man named Fu, had came to visit the Wayne manor, and the moment Fu’s eyes landed on him, he could feel the amount of chaos radiating off the boy. 
While Damian appeared calm and composed on the outside, in the inside... He wasn’t that much calm and composed. More chaotic. His thoughts, whenever he let them free- Would rocket off the walls of his mind, echoing in doubts and all the memories in which he wasn’t good enough. There was always the ‘What if’, and Damian tried his very best to restrain his inner chaos. 
The moment Plagg set eyes on him, the god of destruction claimed his new kitten. Agreste was deemed unfit by Plagg himself, and Ladybug had only aided in taking the cat miraculous away and setting the cat god free. 
And now Fu was looking for a new holder. 
And Damian just happened to be that holder. 
And so, thanks to Alfred’s wonderful suggestion, Damian was shipped off to Paris.
‘Annoying’ would be the one word that Damian would use to describe Plagg. 
First of all, the tiny black thing wouldn’t stop calling him ‘Kid’. 
Second, the thing kept insisting for cheese. And Damian had to explain that ‘No, there isn’t any camembert on the plane, you stupid little-’ 
And there was also the problem of the fact that no matter how hard he tried, Damian couldn't force the ring off his finger. In all the hurry of shipping him to Paris to aid Ladybug, no one paused to think about the fact that perhaps, Damian didn't want to be the next Chat Noir. 
The moment he landed in Paris, he had dragged himself to the toilet to begin an intense conversation with Plagg. 
“Take it back.” Damian hissed. “I’ve told you, I don’t want to be the cat holder.” 
Plagg hissed right back. “Ladybug needs a partner!” 
“And why must I be the candidate?” Damian was really fed up at this point. 
“Because Agreste was an abusive cat and he was unfit! He was putting the lady in danger! She needs a competent cat!” 
Damian paused at this, gritting his teeth. 
He had imagined that he would meet his spotted partner on a calm night where he would convince her to ask Plagg to unclaim him. He did not, absolutely did not imagine that it would be a life-or-death situation. 
The Akuma bell rang, and he ran out of the school, glancing at the sky where the victim was laughing maniacally. Running back in, against the outflow of frantic students, he darted into a toilet stall, hurrying the god to tell him the magic words. 
I’m going to regret this, he thought as he uttered the words: “Plagg, claws out!” 
He ran out into the open, catching the surprised and somewhat offended glare of a blonde. Anger flashed across his mind as it occurred to him that the certain blonde was Agreste- The abusive Chat who wouldn’t take no from the spotted lady. According to Plagg, even though the lady had told him multiple times, Chat kept insisting that they were soul mates even though they weren’t, and he even tried to force a soulmate bond in between them. He bit back a growl at the boy, but continued on his track to where he could already spot the lone red superhero fending off the akuma. 
Pulling out the baton from his back, he slashed the akuma in the stomach, jumping over two rooftops as he did so, landing on his feet lightly. Ladybug didn’t spare him a second glance and continued to push the akuma back with swinging her yoyo back and forth, stopping the victim’s advance. He could see her eyes calculating the entire fight, and she was- Oh. She was eyeing the pouch on the victim- Which must be where the akuma was, Damian figured. 
Jumping forward, he slashed at the belt holding the pouch, grabbing it as he darted away, an impressed glance shining from the bluebell eyes belonging to the superhero. 
“Catch!” He yelled, tossing it to her as the akuma chased him angrily, watching with a questioning expression as she broke the object and caught the butterfly with her yoyo. 
But before she could utter the magic words, the akuma swiped at his legs angrily, causing him to lose his balance as he cried out in pain, slipping down the roof as he began to fall towards the ground head-first.
“No!” He heard her scream just as a hand caught his left ankle- Right where his mark was. Even under the leather material, he could feel the colours bloom where she’d touched him. Grunting a little, she pulled him back up, purifying the akuma after she did so. 
“You okay?” She asked, panting a little. He was quite impressed- He wasn’t light, but she still managed to drag him up from the roof edge all on her own. She wasn’t a girl to be messed with. 
He was quiet for a bit, because after the initial shock faded, he suddenly realised OH she was his soulmate. 
“Thanks.” He said quietly, contemplating on what to say next. 
She shot him a friendly smile. 
She didn’t know that they were soulmates yet. She would only realise when he touched her mark- 
He panicked internally, because where was her mark? What if he touched the wrong part and missed her mark?
“Well, I’ll get going now. My transformation is almost over. I’ll meet you tonight for patrol?” She didn’t give him time to answer, and he supposed she was in quite a hurry as she was on her last spot on her earrings. 
Tonight, then. 
Plagg was feeling very triumphant. 
“Ha! Would you look at that! She’s your soulmate!” 
He rolled his eyes, swatting the god aside as he headed for his first class- Well, it wasn’t supposed to be his first class, but the actual first class had been taken up by akuma fighting time. 
The teacher had shot him a friendly smile and asked him to introduce himself. 
“I’m Damian Fu, nice to meet you.” They had agreed that he went as Fu’s adopted son. 
“Marinette, as the class president, could you please take care of our new student?” 
‘Marinette’ nodded and gave him a small smile as he headed to the empty seat next to her at the back of the class. 
“Hey, did you hear about that new Cat that fought with Ladybug today?” He heard one of the students say. Glancing at the first row, he noticed that the blonde flinched upon the question. 
“Yeah, I wonder what’s his name.” Another student added. Huh, he hadn’t thought of that yet. 
“My name’s Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” The dark-haired girl introduced herself. “It’s nice to meet you, Damian.” She smiled sweetly. 
“And you too.” He replied, already thinking about the night’s patrol. 
“Plagg, claws out!” 
Once he was on the rooftops, he realised there was a problem. Where would he find Ladybug? But it wouldn’t be that hard, right? She was running around in a red suit. Probably easy to spot. 
But the thing he never thought of was that she was sensible and she was wearing a black jacket and black tights above her suit. 
It took him more than an hour to find her. And when he did finally find her, she was resting at the top of the Eiffel Tower. 
“I looked for you for an hour.” He panted. 
“I waited for an hour.” She replied with a cocky smirk. “We’ll meet here everynight from now on?” 
“Sure.” He panted, still trying to catch his breath. 
“See you, then.” She smiled, already swinging off her yoyo to leave. 
He rushed towards her, touching the tip of one of her pigtails before it blossomed into a million colours. She swung off, because, well, physics- But he chuckled a little as she swung back, cheeks blushing and eyes shining. 
“I- Wha- I thought I didn’t have a soulmate.” She gasped, forcing the words out. “And all this time-” She stopped herself, flushed. “Well, I suppose since we’re soulmates- I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” 
He was surprised, honestly. The class president? 
“Damian Wayne.” 
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nxrthmizu · 5 years
MLBDC AU Part Two: Minuit, LB, Viperion, Monarch, and Bumblebee
 Part two since you guys asked :) BUT NOT PROOF READ 
- So Damian attends school, and yeah.
- He joins the school music band for some reason, and becomes one of the violinists, and this is when he first meets his senior Felix Culpa. 
- He lives in a small apartment above Master Fu’s old massage shop. The shop has been abandoned, so Damian just makes it his and no one questions him so... It’s his now. 
- He turns it into an animal shelter because it’s been two weeks and he’s already adopted a white kitten and he decides to name it Richie (Richard Grayson) after Dick. Richie really likes Plagg and Plagg likes to say that he tolerates the cat but really he adores the kitten 
- After one more month, he adopts an older, grumpy cat, an injured robin (the irony), a large grey stray dog, and an abandoned hedgehog he found in a box. The older, grumpier, cat is named Bruce Wayne, the injured robin is named Drake, the stray is Todd, and the hedgehog is Gordon. 
- He then calls Dick and Dick has Alfred Pennyworth the cat pass through immigration and Alfred Pennyworth the cat joins the Damian Wayne family in Paris. 
- Damian’s starting to love it in Paris because he adopted five pets and there’s no Bruce to stop him. 
- So, Damian lives in his tiny apartment with the formerly-massage-shop-turned-shelter downstairs. He takes out the divisions and gets some concrete walls in with the monthly pocket money Bruce mails him and transforms the massage shop. He sets up transparent pipes that run around the entire shop that Gordon can run around from, and he sets up multiple climbing stuff and shelves that Bruce, Richie and Alfred can enjoy climbing and jumping and doing whatever cats do. He redecorates the backyard and Todd the dog gets a little dog house- And he has a flap so that he can go back into the shop without Damian opening the door. 
- Drake the robin gets freedom to fly around, but Damian has a chip on him so that he can track the bird down because it’s still injured. Drake likes to sit on Damian’s shoulder and often accompanies him to school. 
- When Dick texts Damian to check how he’s doing, Damian sends a selfie of Drake the robin on his shoulder, Todd the dog hanging over his other shoulder, Dick and Alfred (Who are getting along very well) sitting on Bruce, who looks very grumpy. 
- Bruce gets a heart attack because ‘Oh that’s why he’s been using so much money recently’. 
- Back to topic, Drake refuses to leave Damian’s shoulder. And it becomes awkward because if he transforms into Minuit and people see him carrying a Robin on his shoulder it’s not going to be long before they link him to Damian. (He also forgets to tell his family that he’s Minuit)
- So when he goes for patrol or akuma fighting he makes Drake sit in it’s cage until he gets back. 
- Everything is going well for Damian. He’s got his pets, he’s got a house and plenty of space to train, he’s still got his nightly superhero duties, he’s in the school band- He’s comfortable in paris already. 
- But then the problem comes. 
- Marinette goes back to Fu’s shop- He left it for her in his will. 
- She arrives and wtf there’s two kittens one grumpy cat and a large ass dog. Wtf. 
- Then Damian comes back from school and Drake is all ‘Ooh there’s someone’ and he’s like why are you here 
- And Mari is all this is supposed to be my shop my grandad left it for me and Dami goes ‘fuck’
- Damian is like ah shit can I buy this from you then and she’s like ... Fine
- And that’s how Mari suddenly gets two thousand bucks transferred into her account. 
Here’s part two since you guys askeddddd 
Todd allows Drake to perch on his head when Damian isn’t around
Bruce the grumpy cat often gets whacked in the face by Alfred the kitten but Bruce the cat doesn’t say anything because Alfred is a kitten and Bruce can’t stand to scold the small kitten
Richie is sort of like the leader. When Damian isn’t around, Todd and Drake often follow Richie. Alfred doesn’t because the rules don’t apply to him. 
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nxrthmizu · 4 years
-Lordbug, Robin, and Kitty Noir- Chapter Eight: In Which A Lot Of Things Happen
/Part One//Part Seven/
Description: In which Chloe has some news, in which Damian is forced to do modelling, in which the beloved Mr. Pigeon finally appears. 
Warnings: A little cursing, I think. And a little tiny bit of self-harm but it’s mentioned because she’s starting to recover. Go Mari! :)
Anddd it’s been forever since I updated this one… Ahahaha. Okay. Let’s go on with it >>>
“Morning, Damian!” Marinette waved brightly. “I brought you a macaron.” She handed him a paper bag, which he supposed had the said macaron inside it. 
“Thank you.” He nodded at her, his sling bag around his shoulder as Tikki peered out of his hood. He hissed, tugging at his hood, ushering the Kwami to stay out of sight. Tikki dove into his bag in a huff, pouting. 
“Is there something stuck in your hood?” Marinette peered over his shoulder as he coughed awkwardly. 
Damian cleared his throat. “Yeah, a bee. It’s gone now.” 
Marinette nodded. “Oh, okay.” She shot him a sweet smile. “Shall we?” 
He glanced up at the steps leading into the school, turning to look at the girl beside him. “Another day to deal with Rossi.” He mumbled under his breath. 
Marinette rolled her eyes. “Come on, Damian. Let’s go.” 
“Mari!” Chloe, who had bonded tons with the bluenette after the akuma incident (They’d sat together during lunch, too) beamed as she bounded up towards Marinette’s seat, slamming her hand on the bluenette’s desk. “Guess what?” 
Marinette, who’d warmed up with the blonde, raised an eyebrow with an amused grin. “What?” 
“I’ve got news. Do you want to hear the good news, or the better news first?” Chloe grinned. 
Marinette pretended to deeply consider her options. “Um, good news first.” 
“First of all, my mom wants you to participate in one of her fashion shows. You’re allowed to bring a few of your own designs.” Chloe told the girl with a grin, waiting for the bluenette’s excited reaction, and she was not disappointed. 
Marinette’s eyes gleamed in excitement. “Really? That’s- That’s so amazing! Thank you so much, Chloe!”
Chloe waved it off like it was nothing. “You deserve it, ‘nette. Now, for the better news. Guess who’s coming to Paris!” Chloe squealed. 
Damian rolled his eyes at Chloe’s excitement. “Maybe keep it down, Bourgeois? This is a classroom.” 
The blonde scowled at Damian’s remark. “Oh, shut up, Fu, and let me finish. Who invited you into the conversation, anyway? Quiet.” Chloe turned away from the green-eyed boy towards a Marinette who was stifling her laughter. “Alright, guess who?” 
Marinette tapped her finger on her lips, humming thoughtfully. “Um… I don’t know, Rachel’s… Dad?” 
At the name of the girl, Chloe darkened. “Um… She left.” The blonde fidgeted. “Sabrina came into the hotel, and… Well,” Chloe coughed awkwardly. “Sabrina told R-Rachel that I was a bully, and that I was mean to Lila, and…” Chloe cleared her throat. “That’s unimportant. The important thing is that my mother met up with… A special someone in Gotham,” Chloe lowered her voice, a glint shining in her blue eyes, “And that someone wants to see your designs. My mom’s showed,” The blonde looked around, but no one was paying any attention to them, “Bruce Wayne your designs.” 
Marinette looked like she was ready to combust from sheer excitement. “Oh. My. God. Really?” Marinette beamed. “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!” 
“Apparently, once he heard your name, he demanded to see you. He’s booked a flight for tomorrow.” Chloe grinned. “I’m so proud! You’re going to be famous, Mari!” 
Damian was about to strangle his father. Dick must’ve mentioned his angel’s name to his father, and the moment Bruce caught sound of her name, he’d demanded to see her. Typical. 
Chloe turned to glare at Damian. “You’re proud of her, aren’t you?” 
Damian rolled his eyes, but mustered up a little smile. Marinette looked so hopeful, and there was that beautiful, beautiful light in her eyes- “Of course.” He scoffed. “Good job, Mari.” He smiled, green-eyes twinkling in approval. 
Marinette blushed. “I’ll have to see him tomorrow, then. The both of you have got to come with me.” 
Chloe nodded her head vigorously. “Duh, obviously I’m coming with you. He’s going to be around to see the fashion show, so you definitely need to get some people to model some of your designs. Think you got enough time?” 
Marinette bit her lip, slowly nodding. “The two of you would be perfect!” She exclaimed. Damian blinked in confusion. Surely she didn’t mean… 
“Oi, I didn’t agree to anything.” Damian defended himself. “I’m not modelling.” 
Marinette pouted. “But you would do such a good job at it! Besides, remember I gave you the clothes I made when you got soaked? You owe me one for that. Please, Damian?” 
Chloe smirked. “Oh yeah. I had my driver drive close so you’d get sprayed.” If glares could kill, Chloe would’ve been evaporated on the spot. 
“Fine.” Damian sighed. “I’ll do it. But after this, I don’t owe you.” He gave a pointed look at the bluenette, who was too excited to notice. 
“The two of you come to the bakery after school.” Marinette grinned. “I have so many ideas! We’ve got to finish it before tomorrow, so-”
All three teens simultaneously groaned. 
“Come on.” Chloe grumbled. “Not again.” 
“The two of you get to safety.” Damian instructed just as Ms. Bustier entered the classroom for first period, ushering the students out of the classroom, following akuma procedure. “I think… Um, Adrien went to the toilet just now. I’ll go get him.” 
Chloe and Marinette both nodded, hurrying off in the chaos to the girl’s toilet. 
“What is it this time?” Robin squinted at the akuma. “Is that a…” He blinked. “Is that a giant flock of pigeons?” 
Queen Bee rolled her eyes. “Your time has come, bird-boy! It’s your, uh, cousins, the pigeons.” Robin glared at the yellow-dressed superhero. 
“Alright, girls, you’re both pretty.” Kitty groaned. “How exactly do we defeat a giant flock of angry pigeons?” 
Robin sighed. “I have an idea.” 
“What happened?” Mr. Ramier rubbed his head, confused on a lawn outside a building. 
“You were akumatised.” Kitty explained with a  soft smile, reaching out a hand to help him get up. “But everything’s okay now.” 
He nodded as he patted himself down, still confused. “Are- Are my pigeons okay?” 
Robin interrupted. “Yes, yes they are.” He flicked a white spot off his uniform- One of the many pieces of pigeon faeces that landed on him. “They are fine, but I need to make a quick visit to the self-service laundry.” He glanced at the two girls giggling beside him. “Please tell me Paris has self-service laundries.” 
“You smell utterly horrible.” Chloe pointed out bluntly as the three sat down for lunch. 
Damian rolled his eyes. “Shut up, Bourgeois. I got caught in the akuma.” 
“If Lordbug showed up then his miraculous cure would’ve fixed it.” Marinette said thoughtfully. “Pity, he never shows up anymore.” 
Damian coughed, setting down his fork. “Excuse me for one moment.” As he walked away, he cursed. “Why didn’t I think of that?” 
Chloe tilted her head as Damian walked away. “Is it a coincidence, or…?” 
“Hmm?” Marinette swallowed. “Sorry, what was that, Chloe?” 
The blonde shook her head. “Nah, that would be ridiculous. Nothing.” 
“Hmm.” Marinette hummed, chewing on her food, frowning when her jacket sleeve slipped down, revealing a few faded scars. 
Chloe nodded in approval. “You haven’t been hurting yourself. Good.” She smiled. “That’s more like it.” 
Marinette blushed. “I have you to thank. It’s hard to believe we went from enemies to best friends in like, two days.” 
Chloe scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous, Dupin-Cheng.” She punched Mari playfully across the table. “We’re still enemies.” 
“You smell way better.” Chloe commented as she caught a whiff of Damian’s jacket as the three friends (Classmates, Chloe said. Just classmates and nothing more.) descended down the stairs towards the road. 
Damian rolled his eyes. “Did I ask you for an opinion, Bourgeois?” 
“She’s right, though.” Marinette interjected with a smile. “Did you put on some cologne or something?” She sniffed. “You smell like flowers and macarons.” 
Damian groaned internally as Tikki (The one who showered him with ‘cologne’) giggled within his hoodie. 
Chloe moved closer to get a whiff. “Ooh, she’s right. You’ve got to tell me what brand this is, it smells utterly wonderful.” 
“Is ‘utterly’ your favourite word, Bourgeois?” Damian snarked. 
Chloe shrugged as they reached her limo, parked neatly outside the school gates. “Well, guess who gets to walk to the bakery on his own. If you say sorry, maybe I’ll reconsider.” Marinette laughed in the background at her two friends. 
“As if I’d apologise for something that’s true.” Damian snorted. “See you in ten, Bourgeois. Bye, Mari.” 
The two girls laughed as Damian grumpily begun his walk to the bakery. 
“Since when did he start calling you Mari?” Chloe pondered, smirking at Mari after the car begun to drove off. 
Marinette paused, a confused look going over her face as she scrunched up her eyebrows. “I didn’t notice.” 
Chloe threw her hands up exasperatedly. “The two of you are so blind, I give up. It’s utterly ridiculous.” 
/Part Nine/
(Tag list! @yin-390 @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog @constancetruggle @the-navistar-carol @never-neverland @rayray384 @mystery-5-5 @black-streak @bluerosette23 @seraphichana @you-will-never-know-how-i-think @mikantsume @graduatedmelon @thebookwormfairy @crazylittlemunchkin @shizukiryuu @screamingtofillthevoid @serenacross200 @zestyzealot @redscarlet95 @roseinbloom02 @beautym3 @resignedcatservant @sizzling-fairy-oil @tinybrie @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @lunar-wolf-warrior @northernbluetongue )
Aye i haven’t updated this in forever (Sweats nervously ehehehehe) Sooo the thing is does anyone have an idea for Chloe’s s/o because I kind of felt like rachel wouldn’t work??? Was going to use felix, but then remembered I killed him. Sigh. Oh yeah and Happy New Year people, love you all~
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nxrthmizu · 4 years
Daminette December Day 16: ‘Hogwarts AU’ [Part Nine]
[Note: This will be a continuation of my Hogwarts AU series, if you haven’t read that yet, use the link >>
/Part One//Part Eight/
Enjoy!!! :D ]
“Todd, are you an idiot?” Damian scowled angrily, glaring daggers at his brother. Jason opened his mouth to snark back an retort, but not before Dick stopped him. 
“Come on, give the kid a break. He’s stressed out because his girlfriend is coming over for Christmas.” Dick whispered, nudging Jason as he did so. Tim nodded in agreement, giving the youngest son of the Wayne household an encouraging smile. 
“It’ll be fine, Damian.” Tim smiled warmly. “I’m sure she’ll love it.” 
Damian scoffed at his third brother. “I’m not nervous!” 
Alfred, bringing out a plate of cookies, raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure, Master Damian?” 
Damian blushed in embarrassment. “I’m not nervous.” He muttered, refusing to look any of his brothers in the eye. 
Jason, who was notorious for not caring, gave in. “Look, demon spawn, if there’s ever going to be a girl who’s going to love you, it’s her. I’m a 100% sure we could live in a dumpster and she’d be accepting with that.” 
Dick and Tim cast amazed glances at the second eldest of the family. And then that amazement was quickly ended with Jason’s need of adding a snarky remark. 
“Of course, if you screw up and she decides she hates you, maybe you might never get married.” Jason shrugged, trying to hide his embarrassment from having made such a cringe-y pep-talk with his youngest brother. 
Damian internally panicked at his brother’s words, his emerald eyes swarming with worry and anxiety. 
“I’m sure she’ll love our manor, Damian.” Dick soothed, using his wand to levitate a cookie from Alfred’s tray to hand to the green-eyed Slytherin. 
“But maybe she won’t love you.” Jason added, laughing playfully as Damian shot a quick jinx at him angrily. Tim hid a smile, glad to see Damian back in his usual hexing habits. 
“Get back here, Todd!” Damian screeched angrily, and Bruce was heard from his office above. 
“No hexing in the manor!” He hollered, reminding the boys of the no-hex rule. 
Damian growled angrily, chasing Jason into the kitchen. “Fuck that. Get back here, Todd!” 
Alfred watched him with a small smile, putting the next batch of Christmas cookies inside the oven. “Master Damian, please take your hexing out of the kitchen.” He then glared at Jason. “Master Jason, please keep your remarks to yourself or no cookies for Christmas.” 
Jason pouted at this, but not before he yelped, dodging another hex that a still-furious Damian had thrown at him. “Oi!” He yelled. “No hexes in the manor!” 
“Thank you so much, Madame Bustier.” Marinette thanked for the twentieth time, levitating her trunk by her side. 
The woman smiled warmly at her. “Just have fun, and come back in time for school to began.” 
Marinette nodded, taking a pinch of the Floo powder into her hands, stepping into the fireplace. 
“Calm down, Damian!” Tim yelled in exasperation. “Please! Enough!” 
Dick tried to say something in the defence of the emerald-eyed boy, but lost himself in getting interrupted by Damian’s agitated pacing of the living room. 
“Can you just stop pacing before I hex you?” Jason growled.
“I’m just-!” Damian threw his hands up in frustration. “Fine!” He plopped down on the chair, crossing his arms as he panicked in place. 
The fireplace suddenly flared green, and out stepped the bluenette that they all had been waiting for. 
“Marinette!” Damian greeted, getting up abruptly from his chair. He whipped out his wand, performing a quick non-verbal spell (Impressive for a first year, but hey, he grew up with three brothers) to levitate her trunk inside as she looked around in awe. 
“It’s so big!” She beamed. “Thanks for inviting me.” 
Damian smiled. “No problem.” He shot Jason a glare when the said boy cleared his throat, wishing to be noticed. “As you know, these are my brothers, and that’s Pennyworth, our butler.” 
Marinette bobbed her head up and down, nodding along with what he said. “You don’t have any house elves?” She asked in surprise. 
“Father doesn’t like them.” Tim informed her, pulling out his wand. “But since there are so many of us in the manor the chores are split between all four of us and Alfred.” 
Marinette oohed in understanding. Then she remembered something. “Damian, can we go see Titus? Please?” She asked, eyes wide and adorable. 
Damian blushed badly, and all his brothers resisted the urge to laugh and awe at the situation. “O-Of course.” He stuttered. “He's outside.” 
Once the two had left, Tim let out a loud wheeze from all the laughter he was penting up. “Did you see him blush?” 
“Damn, demon spawn has it for her bad,” Jason snickered. 
“He’s completely smitten.” Dick chuckled, shaking his head. “Well, who’s up for spying them in the garden?” 
Once they were in the garden, Damian let out a sharp whistle, and the pair stood in silence for a while before the black dane came running out, panting happily at the call of his owner. 
“He’s adorable!” Marinette smiled. 
Titus eyed the girl weirdly before looking back at his owner, only to see Damian gazing at her with fond eyes. 
Ah. This must be master’s mate. Titus thought. He woofed, nudging Marinette nearer towards Damian by pushing on her leg with his snout, wagging his tail proudly. His little master got a mate. About time, too. 
“Titus!” Damian scolded, but the dog only continued pushing them together playfully. 
“Seems like Titus ships them as much as we do.” Dick whispered from behind a bush. “Dang, we go loads of Daminette shippers in here.” 
“Indeed, Master Dick.” Alfred replied, wiping a tear from his face. “Master Damian is growing up so fast.” 
“Let’s hope she doesn’t ditch him.” Jason remarked off-handedly, only to be whacked on the head by multiple people at the same time. 
“Either join Daminette club or leave, Jason.” Tim scowled. 
Up above the garden, looking below from the window, was Bruce. He was very proud. His son had made a good choice, and he rather liked the bluenette. Using the muggle device called a ‘camera’ he snapped a photo, smiling. “For the Daminette club.” 
/Part Ten/
Aye it’s been a long time but I finally updated this :D 
Tag list: @kceedraws @constancetruggle  @ellerahs @2sunchild2 @mystery-5-5 @ki117h3dr4g0n @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @tbehartoo @resignedcatservant @im-here-for-the-content @mooshoon @darkened-flame @spicybelladonna @whomthefyck @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog @xxmadamjinxx @rhub4rb @a-marlene-s @mochinek0 @zalladane @t-nikki10 @angelicbookfangirl  @politelyvicious @mikantsume @iggy-of-fans @shizukiryuu @littleredrobinhoodlum @thebananathatwrites @my-name-is-michell @7-sage-7 @linnyalou @ladylb @particularlygeeky @vivilakitty @iglowinggemma28 @alexzandria-747 @luciferge @lunar-wolf-warrior @aurordraws @urbanpineapplefarmer @clumsy-owl-4178 @creator-josie @driftingmoonlitpetals @fiendsangelical @mjisntme @two-faced-biatch @thecatnipmademedoit @northernbluetongue
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nxrthmizu · 4 years
-Lordbug, Robin and Kitty Noir- Chapter Ten: In Which Three Superheroes Becomes Four
/Part One//Part Nine/
[I’m back! With an update1 :D]
Warnings: Cursing! Loads of it, actually. 
[As always message me if error spotted! Wasn’t sure if I missed something while proof reading once (1)]
Marinette was actually, very surprised. 
She wasn’t panicking at all. The Marinette of a year ago would’ve scrambled everywhere, screeching and breaking down at frightening degrees. Perhaps it was Plagg’s influence and the fact that the black cat miraculous rested on her ring finger. Perhaps that was what calmed her down. Or perhaps it was the knowledge that her two best friends of her life would be next to her no matter what. Or maybe... Just maybe, it was because she had a higher self-confidence. Her designs had been tailored and altered (Within 12 hours, mind you) to perfection and to her level of self-satisfaction, and she had hand-washed, blow-dried, and ironed then all, hanging them up in hangers, waiting for the great moment. 
“Did you hear? Bruce Wayne is coming to Paris!” A student chattered to his friend. “The billionaire, Bruce Wayne!” 
“Woah! I hope we’re lucky enough to catch a glimpse of him.” His friend replied wistfully. 
“He’s done so much charity work!” Rose exclaimed, a wide smile of her face. “I hope I get to meet him!” 
Lila gave Rose a bright grin. “What a coincidence! Bruce Wayne is my godfather- I could ask him to talk to you if you want!” 
Damian rolled his eyes. “I thought Tony Stark was your godfather.” He muttered under his breath. Using his father’s name like that- Honestly, at this point he was physically fighting the urge to prove her wrong. 
“Really? That’s so great!” Rose exclaimed, stars glinting in her eyes. “You really are the best, Lila!” 
The Italian girl brushed it off casually. “I was best friends with his son, David Wayne, in primary. Before I left Gotham, he confessed to me.” Lila sighed dreamily. “Unfortunately, I had to leave Gotham, but he promised that if we ever met again, he would date me. He said it was meant to be.” 
Damian was seconds from vomiting from sheer disgust. 
“Wow!” Alya grinned. “How old were you two when you met?” 
Lila flipped her bangs over her shoulder, a convincing, wistful smile on her lips. “We met when he was five.” She sighed, as if remembering a distant memory. “I used to play with his brothers, along with him. They were all so sweet and so nice to me.” 
Damian made a gagging noise in his throat, which did not go unnoticed by the bluenette next to him, who elbowed him playfully, gesturing for him to keep quiet. She pointed to her phone, which he was delighted to see, had the recording app on. Every word of Lila’s was being recorded, word for word, lie for lie. His lips lit up with a wide grin, a slightly (Only slightly) evil spark in his emerald eyes. Chloe resisted the urge to do her evil laugh. 
“What goes around, comes around.” Chloe sung in a sing-song voice, just loud enough for the three friends (Classmates, Chloe said) to hear. 
“Alright, we have everything!” Marinette breathed, checking over all her emergency materials and her backups of backup plans. Plagg hovered over her shoulder, a camembert macaron in his hand. The bluenette had rushed home as soon as school let out, taking the few hours she had before the show preciously. 
“Uh, kid, i think you’re forgetting something.” He said nervously. “Don’t you need a dress?” 
Marinette froze, the gears in her brain realising exactly how correct the chaos god was. “God, you’re right.” Her gaze was fearful as she begin to panic (Habits die hard). 
“Calm down, kid!” Plagg forced out as he swallowed a mouthful of camembert macaron. “Don’t you have that gown that you were working on for Clara Nightingale? You could use that.” 
Her blue hair in between her fingers, Marinette shook her head. “No, I can't do that. She’s my client, I can’t possibly-” The sentence was cut off with the bluenette’s continuous pacing. 
“What about the black dress you were working on a week ago?” Plagg reminded her. “You haven’t finished it yet, but there’s time.” 
Marinette’s eyes lit up. “Yes! I can finish that, yes, yes, yes.” She murmured to herself, shuffling over to her table where stacks of designs and fabrics lay in one giant mess. With a wave of his small paw, Plagg sorted out all the fabrics and made the workspace clear, which earned him an impressed look from his holder. 
“Hey, I can create chaos, but I can solve chaos too, kid. I’m more powerful than you think. And this batch of camembert macarons are really nice!” Plagg shrugged, taking another munch. 
Marinette giggled. “Thanks, kitty.” She kissed him lightly on the cheek, dashing into her closet to dig out her unfinished dress- She had a fashion show to be at, and she needed to look stunning. 
Moments later, Marinette emerged from her closet with a hanger- With a gorgeous- Even half-finished- Dress hanging from it. Black netting- Tinged with silver threads- Formed the collar, dipping into a dark, velvety, black fabric. A heart neckline, perfectly shaped, would show just the perfect amount of the wearer’s collarbone. The top half of the dress was made to hug Marinette’s curves just nicely while the bottom half blossomed into a full, perfect ballgown. The folds of the dress were all evenly distributed. The bluenette had spent hours after school hand-sewing sparkly pearls onto the dress to make it appear like a night sky- Unfortunately, half of dress was still without it’s pearls. 
Marinette bit her lip, looking over the gown. “Alright, I can finish this. I have...” She glanced over at her clock. “Two hours until we have to start preparing for the fashion show...” She nodded steadily to herself. “I got this.” 
“You got this, kid!” Plagg munched approvingly. “Also, I’m just going to discreetly go steal some more of your camembert macarons from downstairs.” This earned him a disapproving look from his holder, but the kwami teleported downstairs anyway. 
A dark-haired boy stepped into the bakery, the familiar, sweet smell of the shop wafting into his nose. He had become accustomed to the sweet scent that came with the Dupain-Cheng’s bakery. 
“Good afternoon, Mrs. Dupain- I mean, Sabine.” He smiled sheepishly as the shorter Chinese woman wagged her finger playfully at him, the playful grin on her lips identical to her daughter’s. 
“Good afternoon, Damian. Would you like some macarons? Recently, Marinette’s been baking a lot of camembert macarons.” Sabine laughed, and Damian, who had no time to protest, could only thank her. The Chinese woman disappeared behind the shop for a while, emerging with a tray of pastel yellow macarons. Damian eyed the tray warily, and in a second, after he blinked, one of the macarons disappeared. He reared back, alarmed, but Sabine, apparently, didn’t notice and only offered him one of the macarons. He took it, looking around carefully. A black blur slammed into the wall, disappearing after that. He could’ve sworn that the black blur held a macaron in it’s hands- Or paws, whatever. 
“Thank... Thank you, Sabine.” Damian said, swallowing the macaron. He coughed, trying to muster up his courage. “Since... Since Marinette’s got her fashion show tonight, I was... I was hoping you could show me how to bake something for her, so I can give it to her.” He was more than embarrassed about his request, and the short, dark-haired woman’s bright beam wasn’t helping the situation. 
The woman nodded. “Ooh, so it’s a surprise? Of course, then! We should make some strawberry cream-puffs- Those are her favourite!” Sabine kept talking animatedly, leading him into the bakery as he filed the new information about his angel in a safe place in his mind. Strawberry cream puffs. Strawberry cream puffs. Strawberry cream puffs. 
“Tom, guess who’s here!” Sabine lead the awkward boy into the bakery kitchen, where the large man Tom Dupain was retrieving a tray of freshly baked bahulu’s (I did my research on pastries okay) from the oven, with a dark blue mitten with a golden MDC embroidery on the side- The trademark of Marinette’s work. 
“Hi.” Damian waved awkwardly, wanting to melt into a puddle right there and then. Maybe he’d been hanging out with Marinette too much- Her habits were rubbing onto him. 
“Well look who it is!” Tom exclaimed with a bright smile, Damian backtracking with a horrified smile as the big man reached for a hug. Damian coughed, being nearly strangled to death as he got bear-hugged until Sabine tapped her husband on his shoulder, gesturing to the pale, oxygen-deprived boy. “Oops.” Tom chuckled, scratching his neck nervously. “Sorry about that.” 
Damian coughed, catching his breath. “It’s- it’s fine. Um, can I learn how to make that...” He waved his hands around awkwardly. “Strawberry cream puff?” 
Tom’s eyes lit up. “Of course! That’s our little Mari’s favourite since she was five.” Tom handed him an apron. “Let’s get started, then!” 
“Yum.” Plagg licked his... Lips? Whiskers?- Patting his little paws together to get rid of the flour on them. Marinette was blasting music through her phone as she concentrated on sewing each, individual pearl down onto the ballgown. Each pearl was accompanied by a little spray of luminescent green sequins around it, dusted faintly to give a sort of glow around each pearl. She was about a quarter of the way down through within forty-five minutes. Things weren’t looking that bad. 
But then Hawkmoth just had to be a bitch. 
“Akuma!” The screech of a citizen had Marinette snapping up from her work, wide blue eyes alight with panic. She glanced between her skylight and her ballgown, biting her lip. 
She groaned. “Fuck this, I hate Hawkmoth.” She grumbled, throwing down her needle, pearl, and string. “Plagg, claws out!” 
Damian, on the other hand... 
“Um, do you mind if I take this call for a sec...?” Damian coughed. 
Tom hummed, not having heard the scream of ‘Akuma!’ (Or maybe he just chose to ignore it, he was in his baking zone and nothing would interrupt him). When the big man didn’t reply, Damian just awkwardly shifted out of the backdoor, berating himself for not bringing his backpack with his Robin uniform. With no other choice, he held up the small, faintly spotted ring that he had stringed around his neck with a black chain. “Tikki,” The kwami giggled as her holder sighed in potential regret. “Spots on.” 
“Well look who showed up.” Kitty snorted as the spotted hero ran beside her. 
Lordbug didn’t reply but only dashed ahead. He was determined to bake that strawberry cream puff for Marinette- He was determined to finish the entire process by himself. And if he didn’t want his cream puff to burn to bits, he’d better hurry up. “Let’s just get this over with. I’m rushing.” He told her curtly. 
Kitty rolled her eyes. “Yeah, you’re always so busy.” Internally, she thanked him for not taking his own sweet time with the akuma. She needed to get to her dress. 
“Any idea what it is this time?” Queen Bee asked as she joined the other two, flying alongside them. “And where’s bird-boy?” 
Kitty shrugged and Lordbug only coughed. “Maybe he’s busy...?” Kitty said, an unsure tint to her voice. “Pity, kind of hoped to see him today.” 
Queen Bee patted her shoulder reassuringly. “I’m pretty sure he’ll show up to the show.” 
Lordbug’s ears perked up. The show? What show- Wait... The fashion show?
“Let’s just focus on the akuma first. Any plans, Mister Bug?” Kitty asked, and it didn't take a genius to sense how sarcastic she was being. “Since you show up for just about every akuma, you should have a plan, right?” 
He shot her a dirty look. Then, to be fair, he couldn’t blame her. But the only reason he never showed up was because he was busy showing up in his alter-ego! 
“LOLLIPOP!” Just ahead, a purple-green dressed infant stomped down the streets of Paris, causing destruction all around him. 
“Is... That a giant baby?” Queen Bee stuttered as she stopped short, flying in place. “I’m out, guys. I hate babies. They’re utterly horrible.” 
Lordbug squeezed his eyes shut. He wasn’t ready to deal with this shit- Heck, he’d fought so many Gotham villains, but none of them had the unpredictability of an infant! There wasn’t even any reasoning that could be done! 
“We’ll need more of us to bring him down.” Kitty pointed out. “No matter how clever we are, we need as many hands as we can get.” 
“Lucky Charm.” Lordbug murmured under his breath, blinking when a kettle dropped into his hands. 
“Of course! How smart. Let’s all have tea while a baby destroys the city.” The yellow-black dressed superhero said snakily, sarcasm dripping off like venom. “What a wonderful idea, Lord Buggy.” 
“Wait here.” He instructed. “Actually, don’t.” The baby was starting to approach them, if they stayed there they’d be smashed to pieces. “Try to keep him back, I have an idea.” 
Down below on the streets, one man wasn’t running, screaming in fear like everyone else. Bruce Wayne watched the spotted hero with curious eyes, a nagging feeling telling him it was someone familiar. 
“Have this.” Damian told Tikki distractedly, walking into Master Fu’s massage shop, handing her a sugar cube that he had bought from the grocery some time ago. They came in huge packs of 500 grams, and it was a great offer, so he had bought about ten packs. “What could possibly-” He caught sight of the large saxophone thing that Master Fu had in the middle of his massage room. “Could I... Recruit other holders?” 
Tikki nodded. “Why not.” She shrugged. 
“Chloe... Marinette.” He murmured. 
Tikki panicked. Not Marinette! “There’s also a miraculous that allows you to, um, multiply yourself. You can go as both Lordbug and Robin!” 
Damian grinned. “Good idea.” 
The kwami of creation gulped. Master Fu was going to kill them both. 
“How long do you think he’ll take?” Queen Bee asked, waving to the baby. “Here, you giant baby! C’mere!” 
“Are we assuming he’ll even come back at all?” Kitty Noir scoffed. “And come with me, baby! Here, August!” 
“No, look at me!” Queen Bee hissed. “I don’t know, I sure hope he comes back! Or else we’re going to die, and ‘Killed by giant emotional baby’ does not feel like a good way to die!” 
“Doesn’t look good on a grave, either!” Kitty groaned. “Here, baby! Do you want, um,” She looked around, picking up a large, donut sign that had been hit down by the akuma. “Giant donut?” 
The baby squinted at the black figure, but then concentrated at the giant, pink, circular thing she was holding. 
“LOLLIPOP?” The baby grinned, reaching for it, crashing onto the building that Kitty was on.
“Shit!” Kitty cursed, but she was trapped. The baby’s arms were locked on both sides of her, and the baby’s face was less than three meters away. 
“Kitty!” Queen Bee shrieked, her wings batting quickly to get to her friend, but someone else did before her. 
Not the baby, of course. Thankfully. 
A blur of green, yellow, and red flashed across the baby, who whined as both the black blur and giant donut vanished. 
“I leave you alone for two minutes, and you nearly get yourself killed.” Robin commented, the girl safe in his arms. He set her down at a half-demolished building, Queen Bee buzzing over (See what I did there? hehe) to check on her friend. 
“Alright, here’s the plan.” Lordbug, who swung by after kicking the baby in the eye, instructed. “Kitty, Bee, distract the baby. Robin and I will get the item where the akuma is.” 
Both Kitty and Queen Bee looked a little skeptical of Lordbug’s plan, but neither of them said anything as they ran off to distract baby August. 
“Here, baby!” Kitty whistled. “Come here, sweetheart!” 
“Here, baby!” Queen Bee mimicked. “C’mere and let me sting you!” Kitty shot Queen Bee a dirty look, resulting in the latter to merely shrug. “What?” 
“What, actually, is the plan?” Robin asked, a skeptical eyebrow raised. He had not realised how difficult it would be to deal with another one of him.
“We’ll lead August to the Eiffel Tower, which I can use my yoyo thing to surround, and we’ll make a makeshift play... box? Play something.” Lordbug said, ready-ing his yoyo. “Playpen.” 
“I don’t like you.” Robin stated. “You’re... Weird. Not like me.” 
Lord bug only smirked at his statement. “That’s because I’m your inner voice. The one you never use out loud.” 
“Huh.” This had some raised eyebrows from Robin, but he continued with the plan. He let out a sharp whistle, catching the baby’s attention. “YOU WANT A LOLLIPOP?” He yelled. “Come here, then, you big idiot!” 
Lordbug zipped off the to Eiffel Tower, which was just ahead now. The baby lumbered over towards the two males, a large grin on his face as he reached out for the bright, red... Insect? Doll? 
“Almost there!” Robin ran along the roofs, seeing Bee and Kitty following after the baby, not far behind. “Come on!” He let out another piercing whistle, which the baby clearly did not like. “Shit!” Annoyed, baby August slammed his hand where Robin was, only for Kitty to swerve in, breaking the roof of the building with her cataclysm, causing both of the superheroes- One superhero, one vigilante, actually- To fall into the building. 
“How’s it feel to have a maiden in shining armour save you?” Kitty grinned, a little breathless. 
“Honoured.” Robin replied, picking himself up. “Thanks for the save, but,” He yelped, jumping aside as August’s hand came through the hole in the building, feeling around for the two. “We should probably get going.” 
Kitty smashed a window with her baton (That destructive side coming out), and the two jumped out, careful to avoid to shards. 
“Oh hey, you’re still alive, bird-boy!” Queen Bee grinned, flying quickly as she gestured to the baby with a mirror, which reflected the sun into the baby’s eyes. 
“Bee, I think you’re agitating it.” Robin raised his eyes as the baby squealed angrily, stomping closer and closer to the tower. 
The flying hero didn’t seem to care. “As long as it gets into that tower, it’s fine. Lord Buggy, you ready?” 
A thumbs up from Lordbug was all there was before August stumbled into the area under the tower, Bee still flashing the light from time to time with the mirror. Kitty and Robin kept August busy when Bee wasn’t using the mirror, making sure the baby didn’t get out of the playpen that Lordbug was creating. 
“Get the bracelet!” Lordbug hollered as the baby begin to screech angrily. August thrust his fists angrily at the ‘playpen’ a.k.a his prison, and with a heavy swat, the tower begin going down. 
“Abort, abort! Get out of there, everyone!” Robin yelled, grabbing Kitty as he shot his grappling hook to... There was no near buildings to attach to. 
“Shoot it to me!” Queen Bee yelled, catching the hook with an oomph. “Hold on, both of you!” Robin scooped Kitty up in his arms, the both of them flying just out of August’s reach. “I hate babies!” 
The four superheroes gathered on the roof of a building. “Plan C, anyone?” Lordbug said tiredly. “That cream puff is probably already burnt.” 
“Try your lucky charm one more time.” Kitty suggested. “Maybe-” 
A large wrapper fell from the sky. “Ideas?” Lord bug said dryly. 
Kitty’s eyes twinkled in mischief. “Yep. We’re going to need...” She looked around. “Robin, do you think you could distract August for a while? We’re going to do some wrapping.” Her ring beeped. “Aaaand we’ll have to do this fast. Buggy, help Robin. We’ve got this.” 
The two boys ran off, grumbling while Bee flew Kitty to a lamppost. “This will do.” Kitty grinned. The two women wrapped the paper around the huge round, light of the lamppost, and Queen Bee adjusted the wrapper to look like a little bow at the end. 
“Perfect.” Queen Bee grinned wickedly. “I think I know what you’re doing.” 
Kitty shrugged. “I would cataclysm the bracelet, but I already used it, so...” 
“I get to sting the baby! Utterly wonderful.” Bee clapped her hands in delight. “Boys! We’re ready!” 
Robin swung off, narrowly getting missed. 
Kitty whistled sharply. “LOLLIPOP!” 
August’s head snapped up at the mention of his favourite word. “LOLLIPOP?” 
“Yes, LOLLIPOP!” Queen Bee grinned from her hiding place behind the lamppost. 
The baby stumbled towards them, and Kitty rolled out of the way as Queen Bee yelled, “VENOM!”, stabbing the stinger into August’s arm. “Bug, get the bracelet!” 
Kitty pressed the button that held the bracelet in place with her baton, extending it to get momentum she needed. Robin smashed the bracelet with his bo-staff, and Lordbug caught the butterfly with his yoyo. 
“Miraculous ladybug.” He mumbled, the swarm of magical ladybugs flying through the city to clear the destruction. 
“August!” Kitty sighed, picking up the confused baby on the floor. 
“Lollipop!” August squirmed, and the other three superheroes stepped back in disgust. 
August’s mother ran towards the four, a relieved expression in her eyes. “August!” 
“Here you go.” Kitty sighed tiredly. Her ring beeped for the fifth time- She was seconds from transforming. “Got to go. See you!” 
She jumped off, using her baton to propel her into the air. “I should get going, too.” Robin and Lordbug said simultaneously, glaring at each other once they finished their sentences. 
“Why do the two of you have the same necklace on?” Queen Bee asked, squinting at the mouse miraculous around the two’s necks. 
Cue to the awkward laughter. 
Surprisingly, the strawberry cream puffs were not burnt. A little overcooked, sure, but not completely burnt. 
Damian wrapped them up delicately in a box before tying it up in a pink ribbon. 
“Were you wearing that necklace just now?” Sabine asked as she helped him put the finishing touches on the cream puffs. “That silver coin.” 
Damian glanced at his neck, cursing. He forgot to take it off! 
“Yeah.” He said with a forced smile. “It’s a family heirloom.” 
/Part Eleven/
I’m back with an update! It was super longggg 
Also, side note: If you want to be added to the tag list, please comment on the latest chapter, or else I might miss it due to my forgetful ass :) I’m glad so many of you guys enjoy it~ Love y’all <3
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nxrthmizu · 5 years
Daminette December Day 5: “Fire”
[I’m going to be honest, I have no idea what to do for this but hey] [Update: I went so out of topic for this one I don't even know anymore] [I wrote this one in a hurry and welp]
it consumed everything without a second thought, red and golden flames flickering against anything and everything.
Damian always thought fire was a wild thing. It could represent multiple things- Hatred, passion, love- It was quite an interesting thought for him. 
Up until that day, he believed fire was only an element. Fire. That was it. Something that occasionally provided warmth and sometimes destroyed everything within it’s grasp without mercy. 
And then it hit him. 
Something that provided warmth. 
Marinette provided warmth. 
Something that destroyed everything within it’s grasp without mercy?
Ah, that would be him. 
“You nervous?” He asked, grasping her hand in his as he drove towards the venue of the class reunion of his pretty bluenette wife. 
Marinette bit her lip. “A little.” 
Damian gave her a comforting smile. “It’s going to be alright. And if they’re all still the stupid idiots they were, we can leave. Besides, Tsurugi, Couffaine, and Bourgeois will be there.” He reminded. 
She mumbled. “I suppose so.” 
“It’s going to be fine, angel.” Damian sighed, a little exasperated. “Come on. If they don’t love you, well, good for me, more of your love for me.” 
She laughed a little at that, and his heart soared at the sound of her laughter. Finally. The weeks counting down to the reunion had been tough and tense for her, and she hadn’t stopped worrying once. 
“I think we’re here, angel.” Damian told her, parking their car. Glancing upward at the building, he wondered where he would hide a body if he had to. If he had to. Damian smirked to himself at the thought. 
“Alright. Let’s go, kitten.” She smiled, taking his had in hers. 
“Why don’t you go ahead?” Damian suggested. “I’m afraid it would take a conscious effort for me not to perform homicide and I think it would be safe for me to take a moment to calm myself before I join you.” 
The pretty bluenette giggled at his comment. “Alright, alright, you murderer.” She rolled her eyes playfully. “I’ll be heading in first. Come find me later once you’re done calming down.” 
Damian nodded. “Of course, angel. Be careful.” 
Once she was out of sight, he whipped out his phone, swiping up one of his messages. 
[Damian Wayne]
She has entered the building.
{Luka Couffaine]
Roger. I’m in place. Locating target. Target has spotted bluenette.
[Damian Wayne]
I’m on my way.
Damian growled angrily. He was really prepared to murder someone if that someone hurt his angel. 
“Marinette!” Alya screeched at the bluenette, seconds away from clawing the girl’s heart out. 
“Hi, Alya.” Marinette responded calmly, sipping on a glass of juice. “How have you been doing?” 
“You-” The auburn girl looked moments away from strangling the bluenette, if it wasn't Rose and Juleka holding her back, Alya would’ve already attempted murder. Not that she would succeed, of course, seeing as her target was Marinette (Come on, Mari could take Alya down within seconds). 
“Hey everyone!” A chirpy voice resounded, and everyone turned to see Lila Rossi approaching with a bright smile on her face, an uncomfortable-looking Adrien following behind. 
“Lila!” Alya practically squealed, jumping up to hug the liar. 
“I’m so sorry about what happened with Nino.” Lila said sympathetically. “He shouldn’t have just broke off your engagement like that.” She sighed sadly. “He doesn’t know what he’s missing out on.” 
Alya looked at the floor, sadness pouring all over her body language. 
“Yo! What’s up, dudes?” 
Alya immediately growled angrily, turning away, not wanting to face her ex-fiance. 
“Hey, Nino.” Adrien greeted passively, a soft smile appearing on his face. Marinette narrowed her eyes- What had Lila turned Adrien into? 
“Hey! Marinette!” Nino greeted brightly, jumping over to the bluenette. “It was so kind of you to offer to make Aurore’s dress for a cheaper price. I can’t thank you enough, dudette! She was ecstatic when she saw the draft you drew! We can’t wait to see the actual dress.” Nino beamed. “Thanks so much!” 
“Anything for a friend, Nino.” She replied warmly. “It was just a favour I owed Aurore, after all.” 
“What? You’re friends with that bitch?” Alya screeched angrily, eyes blazing. “You little-” 
“Alya, calm down.” Lila tried, grabbing onto her best friend’s arm. “Let’s- Let’s just talk about something else. Did you know, I met David Wayne and his brothers, Jimson Toadstool, Timlyer Dread, and Dichard Gerald last week?” 
Alya immediately gushed over the names her best friend mentioned as Marinette snorted loudly. “Omg! You’re so lucky, Lila.” Adrien shifted uncomfortably in the background, having to play along. 
“I have never heard such ridiculous things.” The cold tone of her fiancé made the bluenette perk up. What was Damian going to do?
“I have a question, Ms. Rossi.” Luka popped out, smiling icily. “Where did you meet David Wayne and.... What was it again?” 
“Jimson Toadstool, Timlyer Dread and Dichard Gerald.” Marinette perked up, reciting the ridiculous names. 
“Ah, yes.” Luka smiled coldly. “Where, exactly?”
“Hawaii, of course.” Lila lied smoothly. “They were there on a vacation, and Adrien and I just happened to meet them on the first class in the plane. We even stayed at the same hotel!” 
“That’s utterly ridiculous!” Chloe giggled, Kagami walking in with a sarcastic smile next to her. “Funnily enough, Damian Wayne- Oh sorry, what was it again?” 
“David Wayne.” Luka reminded her. 
“Ah yes. Your ‘David Wayne’ was in Gotham last week, sweetheart.” Chloe snorted. “Hawaii. Tsk, utterly ridiculous!” 
“As a matter of fact, we were spending the weekend with ‘David Wayne’s fiancee, and I can very much confirm that both ‘David Wayne’ and his fiancee were at Gotham.” Kagami informed them breezily. 
“Besides.” Damian finally spoke up. “You can be sued for identity theft.” 
Lila spluttered at this. “W-What?” 
“Nice to meet you, Rossi.” Damian smiled. “The name’s Damian Wayne, not David. Actually, it’s not nice to meet you at all. From what I’ve heard, you’re a manipulative liar who deserves to be brought to court.” 
“W-Why are you here?” Lila froze. 
“Why, to accompany my fiancee, of course.” Damian informed. 
Alya couldn’t help herself. “Who’s your fiancee?” 
Marinette stepped up, smiling brightly. “That’d be me, thank you.” She hopped off her chair, walking over to join her fiance. “You took long enough to calm down.” She giggled. 
Damian shrugged. “Just figuring out the quickest way to perform homicide. Now, hold on a second, angel.” He took out his phone, dialling a few numbers quickly. “Grayson, get me a lawyer. I’ve got a crazy lady claiming to know a ‘David Wayne’, ‘JImson Todd’, ‘Timlyer Dread’ and a ‘Dichard Gerald’.” 
Luka, Marinette, and Chloe all simultaneously burst into laughter at Dick’s voice blaring over the phone. Even Kagami managed a little snicker. 
“Well, Ms. Rossi.” Damian smiled darkly. “Please have a word with my lawyer. I’ll arrange a plane flight for you to Gotham. Your trial should be sometime next week. As for you, Ms. Cesaire, I think it would be wise for you to keep a distance from Ms. Rossi unless you intend on getting involved.” 
So, after long, he had finally had the honour of meeting the woman who had caused so much chaos in his angel’s life. 
His angel might’ve been the warmth in fire, but he was definitely the destruction. Whoever hurt his angel would suffer his wrath, and he was only just getting started. 
[@miraculous-simmer7 @bluerosette23 @ladysblackcat @18-fandoms-unite-08 @dast218 @kris-pines04 @shamefullove @thesunanditsangel]
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