#loremaker krizste
The final battle of Gauntlet Crystal has a lot of fun lore
[February 2, 2023, second part of this conversation]
I don't look back fondly on my GC fic
like, at all :Kappa: I was a shit writer back then
but I'm slightly entertained by how I handled the Mt. Silver confrontation
I think I remember it also being the most fun part of writing the fic for me
Aww but I enjoyed those :tppAYAYA:
like I still remember "how do I explain OG Red's party? well..... the Pal Park exists, doesn't it."
and then just came up with the idea of having it be bullshit summoning because leftover voice powers
which I think really added to the final boss feel lol
still looking back at anything before the final 2 chapters makes me instantly cringe
reading my own writing regardless of how good/ i genuinely like it/ etcit makes me uncomfort..
you can see that with many of my earlier comics, they have no dialogue
the idea of g.red being a red vessil or red reborn is cool as
like, in a way that it want like that
liek being just some kid baring vauge likedness to a Ledgend(tm) while growing up in a cult space. wit hnothing special about him
but then people make it happen
Found [the start of the second Red battle]
Also this conversation which is still hilarious 😂
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i remember reddo’s team wasn’t even healed for, like, the initial battle
I'm still so mad I missed this
the chat reaction was HYSTERICAL
everyone celebrating after a day of trying to beat Redo, and then M4 is just like OH YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE DONE :MingLee:
legit the fucking funniest shit
That reminds me of the exact moment in Anni Crystal when we witnessed Evan beating Lance for the first time... we were announced as the Champion... and then Lance threw us a curveball by saying that there's another Champion to fight... and then Azure appeared on the screen
I was literally dancing around my room
Later on I gave the devs a moderate chewing out for letting us believe Azure was dead, but that's another story
'no fucking way :Jebaited: '
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"why do i hear boss music still?"
why is the boss music getting more intense?
red’s gotta be on, like, the bottom 5 hosts i’d want to suddenly pop into existence behind me for a battle
tfw my 2nd phase is a downgrade in difficulty
like the final battle in sv?
host powercreep 😦
I just like how "only on TPP" the Mt. Silver twist was
Azure was neat but any hack could've pulled that stunt
Well, to be fair, it hit different for TPP because we were all experiencing the game at the same time and were all producing lore and headcanons and such, so we all got the reveal at the same time and it felt that much more special because we were NOT expecting that
yeah I know
what would [Red0′s] glitch possession look like? the vertical bars from supposed drowning?
were there more glitches?
i need to know for science :Kappa:
uhhh considering the MissingNo. in his party there was a lot of item duplication :Kappa:
:Kappa: wow bottomless goods, that sounds like a fun one
the joke of 'place all your stuff in the tray' and then he... places..... all the stuf...
the stuf...
the red thing was def something
(was not there, clealry )
but its easy to see,its ya ledgend man himself-
but also
ya just beat up ya previous hostman
no sprite changes, no cutsceane
ya accedentalyl talk to him again
get a rematch
but then its not a rematch
its an absulte fliparound gitpunch from the left
even tho u and him are standing right there
the relisation point is so late in it... the hostmans got the same name, only when the mon comes out its a big frikken woah
it's da redster
red: the redvenge, the.. redcoming...
The Reddening
The RetREDing
you think your red isnt red? think aga-
@Krizste Well one idea [about how Red0′s glitch possession would look] floating around at the time is... Complicated 😂
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armoured with//.... rhydons?
whatever it is
It's a pair of Rapidash heads
Lemme see...
the assmodeus armour, or somesuch. terderrer’s, i think.
So the concept started as this
Led to this
From this
And when Wikstrom had Red's team in GX and the other E4 got the teams of the Gauntlet kids we all knew it was just a model thing to get around host cameos
Which led to this
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Ah, tis the joys of creation
Development :VoHiYo:
the asmodius red is... shirtless? :
Rereading the passage in the fic, I think it's supposed to be Mewtwo so it looks bare
Mewtwo chest plate kind of thing
i thaught mewtwo jjust has its peccs out
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Oh yeah. Dippy is totally questioning his life choices right now after being forced to fight this thing. Sorry, I should say Dippy has long been questioning the Voices' choices and may not know if he can win, just hopefully not die 8D;;
Because seriously, this is what happened to the last host with our "help" 😂
And sifting through memories, came across this again. :tppAYAYA:
-snort- oh no, I just had the image of N introducing herself to the pair and RedO being a little leery of adults (because just about every adult he knows has been fairly shitty and wanting to befriend him is usually because they want something) and then she brings out Gavvy and RedO's like curious and creeps over to get a better look. See? Friendly. And Dippy explains how it's actually a relative of Vileplume so maybe RedO should let Blank out. 83
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wouldnt dippy get worried about himself when seeing this?
what if they fuck him up too?
I'd think so
Because he wins, and then what? What happens when they're through with him? Thankfully nothing.
He's kind of the same man of the group keeping the crazy of the other GKids in line
I have this adorable hc that after rescuing Red0, Dippy got him into garden therapy and in later years, Red0 runs a small farm with his Pokemon. :tppAYAYA:
oh sweet my gardener red pin fits!
Yes XD
gauntlet red is a gardener kid who never got to experience the voices like og red did and this is why he's mentally stable and not permanently nonverbal ;-;
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Time to meet the rest of the Gauntlet kids!
[February 3, 2023, third part of this conversation]
quick rapid fire me the other crazy kids
N / Nia I'd feel awkward doing a rapid fire for because I only really know my lore for them 😂
But a few things of note:
- She's sometimes called "The Wurm Queen" because early on we had like three notable Wurmple before settling on one that became a Dustox and made it to the Hall of Fame
- Her relationship with Norman is usually portrayed as pretty friendly. This incarnation of him is awkward and doesn't know how to dad, but that's okay because she's such a nature girl she doesn't come home often either. They care but... They're just friends.
- In BB2 because of the mod, all of the Hoenn leaders showed up like you guys saw in Volt White 2. There were jokes that as leader of the region, she probably brought them all with her to help with whatever is going on in BB2.
Some lore has her as literally N since it's her name so she's able to talk to Pokemon and is seriously a Disney princess but much like N, that doesn't mean she won't kick ass if she sees Pokemon being abused.
Her Aggron was named ATM and is sometimes portrayed as a literal machine 😂
Also like with N we seemed to change our team after every town but around Slateport is when we started to stabilize. Possibly because Team Aqua made it clear she needed a set team to take on these guys as her usual "whatever is in the area works" tactic wasn't good for dealing with serious criminals
This sometimes causes her to butt heads with Izzy.
Isabelle Bow aka Ice has a few interpretations for her
All of them have her being a studious and relatively serious young lady though. She's very no nonsense to a point where the main joke with her is her post game team had Giratina, Dialga and Arceus and she totally doesn't believe in gods (despite accidentally creating one in the form of God Fish)
So different lore branches
- The bow aspect made her a contest star and she'll be happy to show that frilly girly girls can still beat your ass.
- A big part of her skepticism is because she works as a paranormal investigator and is out to prove none of this hocus pocus actually exists
- A member of the Interpol on Galactic's trail. Undercover name is Ice while her rival Diamond is more of a friendly fellow agent keeping each other up to speed and up to snuff because these space men are no joke.
- .... Possibly all of the above are true with her being a paranormal investigator who does contests between projects and was recently enlisted by the Interpol to help due to her expertise on disbanding cults if she can just prove Cyrus and this whole 'new world order" is a fraud
The blonde hair in her design came up because the last Animal Crossing game had just been released and people made the connection to the adorable dog secretary Isabel. Combine that with the meme of Isabel and the Doom Guy are friends and she occasionally goes into the Doom world to hunt and stress relief and welp :tppWowee:
Didn't help that we had a Torterra named BFG
Which could be Big Friendly Giant, but also had some portrayals that the tree on its back is a BIG FREAKIN GUN 😂
yes, yes, i should be in bed. quick personal gauntlet kid characterisations:
red: obsessive antisocial glitchmancer/hacker who discovered his original timeline self started an apocalypse cult at age 10 and has never been quite the same since. is exactly as Like That as red and abe, but don’t tell him that
dipper: just wanted to look at plants and it all got a bit out of hand. token sane guy, probably the closest they have to a leader, poor kid
n: n. smiles serenely, befriends eldritch abominations, obeys no law of god or man, possibly immortal. extremely good at wrecking everything while remaining kind and enthusiastic throughout
izzy: discovered she lived in a lovecraft short story and immediately started investing in legendaries. won’t back down, won’t take no for an answer, won’t admit she might not actually be able to do something
reese: flamboyant dresses, acting stardom, and also maybe some plot if she absolutely has to. fought iris purely to steal her dress
esther: look she’s 9. likes hats and (association) football, is friends with an eldritch horror but that’s basically the most unusual thing about her. gonna grow up into an absolutely terrifying adult though, no question
team release the fossil gods: n, esther (kinda)
team do not release the impossibly ancient lovecraftian deities, they will literally destroy the world: red, izzy (when she doesn’t have more pressing things to worry about)
team please stop fighting: dipper
team you literally could not pay me to care about this: reese
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But yeah, so the longer version with Reese is Red0 is trying to be edgy and chaotic and darkness and stuff, Reese is literally a natural. Not even trying. S/he ignores the plot in favor of whatever has caught their interest at the time, which ended up being the first (?) Unova host to 100% the PokeStar Studios.
- Also the game did something weird where we got Darkrai to appear before the post game and it became our ace for that run.
- Reese loved fashion and bright lights, I think they'd get along with Yuu in the worst ways possible. Reese doesn't do explosions though, but would probably enjoy the flair if running the catwalk with pyrotechnics.
- There were questions about the relationship with Darkrai, whether Reese was being puppeted for dark purposes or if Reese was the bad influence and now Darkrai is a big name director making some of the worst movies but we love them anyway. Either way, we think the other hosts may have shown up in the post game because Reese was perceived as a threat whether they actually are or not.
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reese: a lot more collected than her gender presentation would imply, and if you did actually manage to piss her off her immediate recourse would be mean girls bullshit. if you do get into a pokemon battle with her, beware: her signature strategy is cheese
esther: her being friends with a fossil god comes up less often than you might think, she prefers to fight her own battles. if you do manage to hurt her badly enough though, there is that small omnipresent all-but-omnipotent sentient-piece-of-the-universe wrinkle to worry about
izzy: big jump here. izzy’s hobby is strat-o-matic-ing battles with universe-devouring lovecraftian monsters, cross her and you’re basically doomed. best you can hope for is register as an insignificant enough threat she’ll forget you exist after dealing with you
red: look the thing about glitchmancers is that they’re only moderately in control of their crazy powers at the best of times, and sometimes red will even admit that. he’ll either ignore you or make you wish you’d never been born, and you’ll probably not know which is which until all your insides have been swapped with chewing gum
n: oh god. n is even harder to piss off than reese but makes up for that by being (1) an ambiguously human unaging immortal of unclear origin and powers with friends in some very high places and (2) completely unpredictable in every possible way. n follows n rules, n does whatever they want, and n’s been known to bring regions to their knees. i’m honestly not sure what they’re capable of, but i’m sure it’s Bad
dipper: is he hiding some sort of secret rage mode superpower or angsty superpowered dark side? nah. dipper is exactly as kind-hearted and harmless as he appears, a true sunshine boy. you’d have to be a real tool to even think about hurting him
you know who agrees with me about this assessment?
the other gauntlet kids
The question seems to imply you've already pissed them off, so for me it goes Esther, N, Red0, Dippy, Reese, Izzy. But as you said, the problem with some of these is they aren't so quick to attack. Esther is more likely to get in a fight than Reese, but the image of Dippy being the worst one to upset is because the others will all jump you is amazing 😂
I still find it hilarious with Dippy too because I'm sure most Trainers would look at the squad and go "Go for the tree hugger! He's the weak link!" And then Dippy has a fucking bear and steel giant and other things they probably weren't expecting a simple botanist to have :OMEGALUL:
Oh and I will note in the branching lore for Reese to save on future confusion, some will say girl, some will say guy so decide your own pronouns. Reese may actually not have any
Or all
That's just a very Reese thing to do
reese pronown officially Thon
I think I actually remember us joking at one point about Reese trying to physically hold all the pronouns. 😂
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reese going to abooth with pronown stickers/badges and taking them all and decroating a hat wit hit like roark
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i was just thinking of reese as a drag queen but this interpretation is funny so i accept this :Keepo:
I have him as a drag queen in my head :tppPika:
when reese discovered the beautiful world of nounpronouns it was the time when darkrai actually tried to use dark void on its own owner to prevent world from a catastrophe
… i generally think of reese as a she/her gay man, but thinking about it yeah, she probably doesn’t give much of a shit
her gender is ✨gorgeous✨
her gender sparkles so much that lil'd is crying in his french corner
Oh! Actual last thing I'll say about Reese
The run kinda soured towards the end because in order to beat the game, we had to be the Gauntlet PWT where the devs brought the previous four kids back. ... In a gauntlet... With boosted levels and items... And some "interesting" abilities for the Red and Crystal mons since they didn't have them. And no healing in between. This went on for days(? Certainly felt like it) until we had run out of other stuff to do to cool off from the frustration of losing and most were ready for this to be over with. We even traded in for a Landurus grinded to 100 and still couldn't win. Finally chat got mad enough to go into democracy mode to use healing items and I think we stayed in demo to fight too. Because we knew it could be done but it was so precise that it seemed like one wrong input could cost the whole thing which couldn't be done with the crowd we had for this. And then when we FINALLY win, the devs had put in the original gauntlet with the S1 kids for us to fight as well. I like to think Reese was so pissed by this point they just steamrolled it.
Hilariously, I actually hc that after this experience at the PWT, Reese was so mad at the others after the GKids found out Reese wasn't the world ending threat they thought, (HE was trying to stop THEM), they weren't on speaking terms for years. Reese has been living in Kalos under the name Diantha for some time by the time Esther came around
D has been well acquainted with this sparkle bun for some time now
oh did we mention that reese is diantha? (in gauntlet y, anyway)
reese is diantha
That was coming up when we got to Esther stories XD
I mean, that's just my hc, but going back to earlier when I said Wikstrom had Red0's team, Diantha had Reese's. Drasna had Izzy, Seibold had Dippy's, and Malva had N's
Some say just go with the game explanation where the E4 got to borrow them, some say the GKids came in during the post game, but like I said, me and a few others like to think the Diantha we see throughout the game was Reese all along
I missed a lot of X so I'll let others explain. A few key points though
- Esther being into sports came up from the Amie mini games iirc. This was the first time we had enough control to legitimately play them.
- Had Sail, which even if some other others had fossils, this was a first for TPP so there's some depictions that Esther may be an Acolyte (like Red is to Helix). Sail is an interesting god because it's usually said to be in charge of relationships; friends, family, lovers, meetings and partings, it's no surprise given how many friends Esther has either. Between the in-game group you travel with and the GKids asking her to join, she's pretty popular.
- notably we have a Ducklet named Fucklet and some tease that Esther doesn't know what that means, others say she totally swears up a storm surprising people given her age.
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What Gauntlet Red looks like, and how the glitches kicked him in the face
[February 2, 2023]
anyone know of any arts/ visual design things for gauntlet red?
oh yeah theres that white hat i uded on the pin
From what I know, he just wears lots of white stuff. The sprite on Run Status got changed to something else a bit ago but it used to be exactly what I said.
yeaah i found a whit sprite of his
i def referenced that for his pin bc i gave him a white hat.
was confused where the hat came from since his current runbar sprite has a red hat, lol
I think we were gaslit by that sprite change.
white hat red doesnt exist. white hat red is a figment of your imagination
reds always have red hats, you fool
'what about ceecee?'
ceecee doesnt exist
'waht about-'
no reds have green hats, you fool, green hats are luigis
Oh no.
or pepes
I mean, I drew one for him but I think most have him in a white vest instead
like so
Okay I'm spamming at this point, but I forgot about this piece and it's cool
Also this may be hard to see but due to Kelcyus deleting their account, the bottom row has the gauntlet kids
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ehes worn both black and white! stunning lad
@Haji is yours meant to look like hes wearing lipstick? cus i dig it
Knowing him? Very well could be :tppWowee:
tis but the nature of nature!
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..i dont really like my pin of him..
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hes got the hairbanana before pk got the hair banana
got metal tiped workgloves or gardening gloves. he has gardener vibes
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his flat cap was a mistake, my brain was farting so bad when drawing his hat, i wrangled with it so much (within the speedy time i was trying to get though these)
but its cute
g.red if he wasnt in a cult right here
garnening boy
would b good friends with dippy
So one of the things about Gauntlet Red is there's two main branches of lore. 1) that this is a reset timeline and Red has a chance to change things. 2) The kid isn't even named "Red", he's grown up in the Cult of Helix and was told he was going to be the next Red and bring the second coming of Lord Helix and whatnot and somewhere along the line, he said fuck dat shit. He was one of those kids who went off the deep end into full rebel nature after getting away from the church to a dangerous point
in my lore the latter angle led to straight up possession :Keepo:
At the end, we were given free time to do Glitchmancy (there had been a patch in place before HoF) and we're told the game would either end when the timer ran out or we crashed the game.
.... We crashed the game :tppWowee:
I think this was inevitable for us
Just like it was inevitable that AshGrey was going to be massively derailed by chat
they gave chat a challenge. what did they expect to happen
And yeah, as Sol said, that was one idea to what happened after the crash. Red was checking out the glitches off the coast of Cinnabar, we ran into a wild Tentacool and I think the crash was caused by our Ditto, but I'm not sure. Either way, lore said he either lost out to the glitch and got possessed / corrupted or he drowned. Possession seemed WAY more likely when we did the Mt. Silver battle in Crystal where we fought Red0 and then suddenly he got replaced by original Red so Dippy had to take on both of them
Cooltrainer is one of the most volatile things in Gen 1
it was inevitable :Kappa:
corruption ehh?- wow it just went white huh
just frikkin caput
Yup! Just like that, he was gone :tppSpinarak:
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just leavbing screancap here bc boy does this come and go like capow
gen 1 ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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The rarely-sighted non-complete-disaster Red
[January 29, 2023]
anyway my current lore read on dolly and parker is that they’re yet another pair of cici/evan and xena/azure counterparts, but for once their life isn’t terrible
wholesome beans that finally get a happy ending
theyre just lil beans going around and probably selling choccies for charity or something without care.
a world where evan’s kindness finally, finally survived
Parker in the extremely small list of Reds that didn't have fucked up lives
(including official reds, even)
who else is even in that list
Kay turned out pretty alright despite the whole street rat thing
he's also like, the most competent Gen 1 host by far lmfao
what about the RGB race host?
Barry or somehting
Basil. Or Bee
that's it
given how he treats his competitors, maybe not
...i see
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Behind the scenes with The Calling
[January 14, 2023]
So I speedran through The Calling [Haji’s old Randomized Platinum fic] and lemme just say how I really love how the gym battle system worked, the dancing and literal physical combat between the Pokémon and the literal trainers themselves
Pepe’s adorable, but that scene in Floaroma when he stops the grunts from the stealing the man’s honey with his creepily calm assertiveness was pretty badass to me, ngl, considering his reluctance to confront and fight
Even though it is old, the mystery surrounding certain locations is pretty good (Old Chateau, the Ravaged Path, that weird pool thing in the Oreburgh Mines) it’s cool to see someone’s interpretation of events different from my own
Also Pepe and Pearl’s relationship was very fun to read! The mystery of Napoleon’s disappearance really piqued my interest, and I was not really sure if he was his older brother in this interpretation (idk if they got separated from birth or something, or just simply not brothers at all) but it’s nice to see that Pearl still cares for him
Another thing that interested me was Pepe’s religious upbringing, with the fossils and all and being raised in some church, before moving to Twinleaf Town- I think it really gave his character good background and depth, which also ties into his peacemaking pacifist-like mindset
But anyways that’s all I have to say about Haji’s The Calling series, hope you don’t mind my rambling review @Haji
I don't mind at all! You're making me blush :AYAYA:
I really enjoy the battle system. I've been trying to study different dance styles to make each one unique in how it functions.
I would normally be all like "shhh spoilers" but considering the story hasn't had an update in like five years, it seems silly to ask you to wait. It's a separated at birth situation. Why though is because I play a lot with destiny in the TPP universe especially having a single timeline in a seemingly cyclonic world
Timeline wise as you may have noticed while reading, this is actually before original Platinum
oooh! Did not know that! :Begwan:
So I was right with the separated at birth theory!
Yeeeaaah.... [Pepe’s religious background] was one of the factors in my nervousness. At the time I preceded every Author Note basically going "Look, my lore is weird. Don't eat me" or something because I knew even if that's how it played in my head, I was scared of "going against the grain" with what everyone else was doing. Which mostly was Pepe the Frog memes and artistic snob portrayal
Personally, I felt that the artistic snob sort of personality didn’t mesh well with his shyness (in my opinion, it’s just a matter of taste), but I imagine that if he did paint, it would be out of a sort of therapy for his trauma under the voices and the crazy things he experienced in his life… or he just wanted to paint a cute Skitty because he has a weakness for cute things :Begwan:
Could go both ways, imo
Also, who was the girl during the blackout at the Ravaged Path?
I can see that. In fact, after Ultra events, I like to imagine he does a lot of art for that reason. Still trying to remember things and drawing out memories to make sense of it. His friends can remind him of things they recognize or talk to him about some of the more disturbing images
[The girl in the Ravaged Path] would be Mindy! The Candice replacement in this world. She was a Psychic Trainer and portrayed as a showman, but Fossil wise, I had her with Cover
Napoleon is mentioned by Pearl in the story, so I’m assuming they must have met when they were very young- where did Napoleon end up? And did Pepe learn that Napoleon was his older brother in the end, maybe after-game?
What if Pepe uses art snobism to cover his shyness. Like he's trying to appear..... Whatever the word is.. not-shy, but It just looks like snobism
Yeah that word!
Tryna pull of confidence but just being really jank about it
Given what people probably expect of him as Napoleon's brother, I can imagine him putting on that kind of face  at parties :Jebaited:
Napoleon went to stay with Aunt Grace and Richard while all this was going on. Honestly never knew he had a brother until after Ultra events. Which finding out after that just made him worse about the whole... Trying to murder Pepe multiple times while not himself thing. Pepe woke up at the villa after they got back home only to learn it's been months he's been in a coma (time shenanigans. He made sure Leo was able to wake up in the "canon" timeline in order to stop Cyrus but it seems in a weird way, Pepe took his place. Missed everything during the Bill Overlord events and was too injured to do the Unova stuff with Cly, but Leo knew he was okay enough to go with the other S1 hosts)
Pepe on the other hand found out about Napoleon during his journey, so he knew  about it WAY ahead of Leo but they still didn't meet for.... Some time??? Again, Pepe becoming a time traveler at the end of his run makes his lore in my timeline hilariously screwy
Oh yeah who was it that lost his head again? Was that pepe
Ahh thanks for the answers!!
Napoleon completely in the dark about it, lol
Did their mother separate them at birth?
Sort of. With Forrest's [Gardenia] backstory I was going to get more into the pre-RPlat / pre-Red war stuff that was going on when he was a kid. Gravund [Roark] and the boys would have been too little to remember but Forrest was a little younger than Pepe is now so he's got some scars from it. Basically the family got split up when fleeing the violence so Johanna has Leo with her and thought her husband and other son didn't make it. Pepe was taken to Hearthome like many other war orphans but while it wasn't separated at birth they were both around maybe one or two years old at most
And before you ask about their father, I had an idea and then I wasn't sure but I've been on the fence about things so let's just leave him as a giant question mark
Aw, that’s sad for them :BibleThump: the Quinnels never really got to bond as bros
Yeah... But things are peaceful for next several decades (next Sinnoh run wasn't until Gauntlet), so they've got time. Help out with the others when duty calls, but even many of the other hosts know they can go to Napoleon's palace to get away from things for a while. Cly's mansion is often a nice hang out but it also happens to be the gang's base of operations in secret so there's always some level of alert since Unova isn't as stable as Sinnoh is. (And besides, for Aaaaaall the trauma of Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn seeming to be in a consistent state of peril, Sinnoh is lovingly close by for Leo and Pepe to give a sense of normalcy for the newbies)
Aww, a happy ending :Burrito2:
I love these two so much, but my gosh I feel bad for what I put them through. I feel bad for most of the hosts I wrote for, but good lord did these two need a happy ending
They def deserved it, they went through so much
[cough] can I tell you a secret? |D
yea sure
Even though I stopped writing it, this is the story that has never left my mind. I've actually continued working on it, but never posted and one of my goals is to continue at some point if I ever get my projects in order
Sometimes I'll just be watching a show or something and get reminders of the characters and how much I miss them
[Bonus: a mildly out-of-order side tangent from Haji’s comment about the TPP universe being cyclical]
In my headcanon, the TPP-verse is cyclical the same way the Zeldaverse is cyclical. All of this has happened before, and it will happen again.
Yup! Though why is always different in my books partially because the villains have different motives each time (and adds to why they think it would be any different this time because they're not like the last guy who did)
i vibe with the idea of the universe just breaking down and getting rebuilt over and over again, reality in smithereens and then being rebuilt from the ground up... or just completely coming up with entirely new plots while disregarding canon :Kappa:
my lore somehow manages to do both. frequently at the same time
you and i are like-minded :Keepo:
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