#lorecord archive
The fossil gods definitely don‘t actually look like pokemon
[26 June, 2018]
On another lore point.
I think we never really control the gods themselves when we have the Fossil Pokemon, but rather ASPECTS of them. As in Lard Helix and Lord Crust being the aspects of Consumption of Helix and Dome. Lady Helix in X being its femenine aspect. Lord Luvs, the loving aspect of Dome, etc.
{Romanoff Blitzer:}
As I see it, the Pokémon bodies are sock puppets that the gods use to interact with the world.
that's basically how i feel about it too actually, and is how i'm writing it in The Very Short Story That Still Takes Me Forever To Write
and even things like the canon legendaries i guess. it would be weird if i caught giratina and now it's in the pc and that's just it. like, How
See I've always felt that the Pokemon bodies are more like the projections that they feel most comfortable with
So Helix is definitely an eldritch being of chaos, but also is definitely most comfortable existing on our plane of existence as an omanyte
i feel like they theoretically COULD take different physical forms, it would just be weird
maybe the babiest fossil gods (like, sail/jaw) aren't as opinionated about it yet but the rest...
Mitz and I have a whole, 2 year-long backstory that we've been passing back and forth that's basically a fossil god origin story
I do feel that armor and skull probs fluctuate the most
Like, they were both huge birds for a while, and duking it out sky-wise
A couple hundred thousand years or so
i haven't decided what i think about armor/skull much yet
and i'd love to hear that origin story :o
i kinda feel like the sinnoh fossils get kinda outshone in their own domains because dialga/palkia take up all the attention. poor guys
Rip skull and armor :BibleThump:
I agree. I feel like the gods not only have a true form on the Higher Plane we never see, but can also be in multiple places at once by splitting their essences so only a fraction of their power will manifest.
I was going to explain / toy with the concept in my R.Plat series but it was one if the aspects I worried was a step too weird as it had little in-stream / in-canon events to support it.
it makes sense to me! gods are weird anyway and i like writing about that
oh thinking about it i'm also attached to rotom!giratina so giratina's one example of being more Flexible about things like physically existing
which is partly because a) rotom!giratina seems way more chill than vanilla giratina, what a cool dude and b) the distortion world is just kinda like that
one of the things i'm working on right now is basically "giratina writes a book explaining the lore for newcomers to the universe" and i...realize my giratina characterization is weird but it makes em so fun to write
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Wizards love the magikarp treatment
[June 28, 2018]
Also I'm having this thing that the Sorcerers have a strange predilection for Magikarp Transformations. Like Magikarp are the classic frogs.
Like Baba was transformed into a girl by Sho the Red, Cyan was transmutated into a Karp by that Old Green Wizard (Disguised Larry Time Travel?... Is there any lore on that guy?) and of course Edna was transformed into a Karp
if anyone's gonna time travel it's probably larry :Kappa:
that's strangely appropriate because i've been headcanoning that larry becomes sho, so maybe he thought it would be ironic? from what i remember the guy in prism seemed more helpful though (and severely overestimated the voices' ability to do precise mazes) but i need to go back to that part of the vods i guess :Kappa:
To be honest, the frogs of the Pokeverse are all badasses, so a carp seems like its be more of a logical punishment :MingLee:
aw i love karp
i can see why that might not be the default tho. i just love em
I personally still follow the hc of Sho being a corrupted Abe, but with him out of the way post-Baba there was a bit of a power vacuum which Larry, being quite adept himself, quickly took out the competition to take place as Sorcerer. Abe still has Glitchmancy, but its to a small degree compared to what he had under Olden
And Magicarp are luff, but I'd assume getting turned into something that has no limbs, no real attack moves, and a high enough durability that all you can do is endure the beatings, sounds like a pretty rough life. Which... Is kinda true considering Gyarados entries say how they pent up all the pain and rage and finally unleash it on the world after they evolved |D;
ooh i like the idea of sho as abe too
the messed up vermilion in bronze really woke up a couple plotbunnies for the idea of a messed up post-bad-end glitch!abe, although i don't think bronze is necessarily a post-bad-end scenario
it's just my aesthetic
and poor magikarp :( when team galactic drained that one lake i was so sad. I Want To Hold A Fish
I do toooo ;o;
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But, like, what *are* the glitches?
[February 1 2023]
time to talk about a recent revelation:
I Know What The Glitches Are
go on///
rubs hands together and chuckles evilly
like, i should have asked this question before, shouldn’t i. they’ve been a big part of tpp for almost as long as i’ve been into tpp, but i never really thought about, like, what they were
where they came from, why they exist, why they’re Like That
i think i just unconsciously assumed they were errors in the construction of reality or something, and never paid them much heed
but then haji said a thing, and i started connecting dots
some metaphysical background. every universe has its own rules, yeah? works in slightly different ways, has slightly different game mechanics physical laws
glitchiness - the effect the glitches have on the world, as distinct from the glitchstuff itself - is what happens when you try to run software from universe a on universe b’s system, and that might not even be a metaphor
things just… don’t work quite the same way, and the glitchy entity/effect is constantly bashing into the universe, trying to work through its rules and just failing. it can be as minor as a weirdly-coloured object, but if the contrast is bad enough, you get missingno
so like, whenever someone goes out wandering the multiverse and visits a reality other than their own… they’re a little glitchy. odd numbers of fingers, wrongly-pitched voices, things like that
but it’s never, like, too bad, at least around the pokemultiverse where realities tend to run on pretty similar lines. and it usually wears off, too, as the universe and its visitor get used to each other
or if you’re bullshit omnipotent like the voices you could just whack the universe until it works the way you want it to, but they’re an exception to literally everything
so long as you’re coming from a world of your own, you can usually reach an accord
s o l o n g a s y o u ‘ r e c o m i n g f r o m a w o r l d o f y o u r o w n
because, see, here’s the thing about the void between the universes. it devours
it eats away at everything that passes through it - it eats away at the voices, that’s how overpowering it is. spend enough time in the void, and you’ll gradually slip away
all the rules that used to define you just… disappear. it gets harder and harder to fit into - any reality, there’s so much less of you than the world expects
...i think i see where you're going with this 👀
sometimes you can claw your way up the table of pokenuclides into an acceptable self again, but more often than not you get swept away by the tides of dex number radioactivity
it’s fairly easy to ward off void decay if you spend enough time in - any world, but your homeworld is best. you were made according to the rules of your native reality, and you’ll always fit into those best
but what if your world
doesn’t exist anymore?
the glitches are shadows of dead realities
seeping into others, they try desperately to take form, but more often than not, they just bring the void in with them
put too many glitches in a reality and it’ll break from the strain. another world will fall into nothingness, and whatever survivors will start to lose themselves too
all they can do is try to latch onto another world - and it’ll all happen again
different clusters of glitches have different sources. the initial bout of glitches in the tppverse - associated with OLDEN, made the glitchhaze - are the last remnants of wing and thorax’s world
the reality might still exist, but - like, even the atmosphere’s chemistry is totally different. they try to push in, to bring the world back to what they knew - and the oxygenated blue-skied world will not let them, fuck yeah the wing-and-thorax stuff is now relevant to tpp
(as to how they came back into quote-unquote existence… look. amber would never accept a world where the fossil gods were trapped in the pc forever)
(they let a few things slip to cyrus in s1!platinum and are thus personally responsible for 90% of their own problems all the way up to omega ruby)
but the current crop of glitches… they’re not from that collective
the last few seasons, my lore has been full of universes blowing up and being rebooted, culminating in the big multiversal reset in pla
the new multiverse is a much less… troubled place, on the surface, so far. but despite the best efforts of the hosts…
there are still traces
And That’s Why Forrest Is Like That (angry)
...i see
for something i bashed together over the past couple of months this is fitting into my pre-existing lore surprisingly well
it’s tying things together. gives me a reason to still care about the glitches
thank you for bearing with me while i took over the channel
no problem :LUL:
this is... fascinating for me
I really like your theorem on what the glitches are and where they come from
but seriously this is giving me… ideas about certain non-voice legacy characters
feels like a way to bring in The Consequences Of The Hosts’ Actions, which is where my lore’s been trending lately anyway
turns out, you can’t just overwrite your problems
What did I say??? :OMEGALUL: I've been on a ramble most of the day, I honestly can't remember
i think you asked me something weeks ago about wing and thorax’s legendaries, and it set fireworks off in my brain
Ah :tppPika:
Oh my. Yeah I remember now
i think i went, like, ‘actually that connection does make sense’ and then ‘hey wait what if all the glitches are remnants of wing and thorax’s world’ and then ‘that would explain so much of why OLDEN is like that’ and then i kept going from there
evan mourns for the happiness he lost, the god bits of OLDEN mourn for the world they destroyed
… did i ever say that OLDEN is a fusion between evan, the bits of wing and thorax that didn’t end up in amber, and a whole lot of glitchstuff that might well be the same thing actually? well, IT is
Y'know? I don't think so
it’s a story but i need to go to bed
yeah this was secretly a section of mitzi won’t shut up about the fossil gods, part 5 the whole time
coupla endnotes!
- ultra space isn’t the void between universes. it’s… more like a corridor? a path between worlds, not void itself, which is why necrozma could use it to build an interdimensional empire
- the distortion world, on the other hand…
- phancero is… one of those glitches that decayed into a real pokemon, with a little help from the voices. the last remnant of the glitchhaze, finally made real
I've been playing with this…
"So let me get straight. The Glitches we've been facing were already a living, consistent problem we'll have to deal with in Abe's world?"
There were a few giggles at the Slowbro since they had left that subject a few subjects back. Still, Rhianna decided to indulge Rocket with an answer. "I actually don't know. Maybe? They seem to be related, but the Fae we dealt with were like a human catch-all term for anything they couldn't explain. Letter shaped creatures and stretches of number carvings you couldn't walk past, people getting trapped by sentient buildings, and that's not even getting into things like the walking skeletons. A lot of stuff was brushed off as hallucinations brought on by "Fae Magic" but I don't know much of anything about this "other world" business to know if any of this stuff happened in his world."
Gen I glitches are.... Fun
Somewhat related, I like to imagine Phancero came to Kay with intent (we faced it twice iirc?) that if he was brave and strong enough to master it, he's retained his powers over the Void to safely go wherever. He's the latest Glitch King because there must always be a Glitch King
Phancero itself is only a fraction of Olden's real power, but much like the Fossils often serves as a good consistent vessel
(because the gods aren't actually the Fossils we know, it's just how they most often appear)
… damn i’ve really been neglecting What’s Phanchy Up To These Days as a lore plot thread
[And what does this mean for Kahuna Moon?]
So... if Kahuna Moon lost her world... is she glitched?
that could explain a lot
Moon has Zygarde and Necrozma with her so i think she's protected... for now
personally i’m going with her starting to glitch and having a really anime plan to stop it from happening
‘i will resurrect my world!’ ‘doesn’t that literally always backfire’ ‘i’ll do it!’
so this goes from just manic grief to manic grief coupled with an underlaying self-preservation instinct 🤔
this probably explains the "shadow boys" we saw in Star
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Auguste is a good kid, kleptomania notwithstanding
[January 14-15, 2023]
So getting through the Cyrus fight and... These two [Cyrus and Auguste] really have a weird relationship
See, since we always played Platinum, the hosts usually run into Cyrus more frequently and with rising hostility. You know from his intro at the lake that he's up to something. It's great build up for a villain.
But in DP, the pair are... Curious about each other. Auguste didn't meet Cyrus until Mt. Coronet and even then the guy was just telling about the mountain, some of the legends even. Auguste may think he's a weirdo but not much different from anyone else he'd met by that point.
And since there's no fight in Celestic Town, it's funny that Auguste chased off the goon and Cyrus came over all like "What happened here?"
"Ah. This guy was causing trouble at the shrine here and..."
"I see. I sense a meaningless struggle happened here. Such things wouldn't happen if everyone could step back and look at the universe from a bigger perspective. Incidentally, have we met before?"
So while in Platinum reaching his office is like Hecks yeah! It's go time! With Cyrus taunting the protag and dragging his own lackeys through the mud, here Auguste has been running the maze and kicking tail and unlocks the door like he's done several times and then... Oh. It's Cyrus. Hello?
Like I'm sure the kid has figured out somewhere along the way Cyrus is with Galactic, but there's been little to tell him Cyrus is the one running the dang thing (then again, he's not the brightest host we've had).
And in turn, Cyrus looks at this little runt he's become acquainted with on the road and going "you? You're the one I keep hearing about???"
I mean, he doesn't lose his cool until the end of his pre-battle speech, but in this dialogue he makes it sound like he feels almost betrayed by the kid since it's like "I didn't expect it would be a child. My commanders have had a hard time with you... [Coldly] You're here for the Spirits, aren't you? Why? They have nothing to do with you." Like why should you care, sir? For uh... Someone who claims he doesn't care
And then after the battle, he shows the way to the warp panel in all cases but here he's like "You can take this panel to reach the Lake Pokemon, I'm going to Mt Coronet. Yes, the same place you and I first met. I will ascend the mountain and end everything. No, a new beginning for everything" and looking at the line in Platinum he's just like "I will climb the mountain where destiny awaits. I will create my new world" which just feels less poetic. XD
Also I'm not sure if we ever faced him at the Battle Tower in post game, but I find it funny on the quotes page he's all like "Hello again. It seems our fates have intertwined. But here I will break that bond!" Just admit something in you actually likes the kid XD
considering we only unlocked the battle tower in the BD revisit, probably not
Makes sense. So it wouldn't come up, just kind of funny to me
I think the other thing that makes their dynamic fascinating is Cyrus has probably never met someone like Auguste. Everyone he's met has either been like-minded or annoying in their differences from what he might think is ideal. In my head this often extends to the hosts too since he thinks he can reason with those like Izzy and Karma, in their focused and serious nature, heck initially he probably saw a lot of his younger self in Napoleon, and then there's Pepe at the opposite end of the spectrum who is SO different it's infuriating how this anxious, faith-driven, sentimental sap has caused them so much trouble when everything from the way he talks to the way he depends on those around him says he should be weak. He's exactly the kind of person Cyrus can't reason with and can't understand and can't seem to squash.
And then there's Auguste who Cyrus can't relate to, but is still intrigued by.
And I'm still not sure why myself, but I'm kiiinda curious to analyze it more now that I've had this scene come up in game. I've never played DP so I didn't know how different things were between versions
But part of me wants to say Cyrus is curious because of just how free Auguste seems to be. He's not burdened by his family, he's very much against society, he goes where he wants when he wants (despite the calls for urgency),  and despite how much he clearly loves to help people, he also doesn't seem toooo miffed when others get hurt. He's someone who doesn't suppress his emotions, he's very much in control of them which allows him to keep some distance when things go bad. He's upset but about things that have happened but he never became jaded about it. Take some time to recover, then get back to business. And sure, as he gets older some of that may fade but right now he's this equally weird kid who would honestly listen to Cyrus for a while and be like "I don't know about that but..." and not judge him just have them be equally confused and fascinated how the other functions. 😂
At least that's the current thought
(this doesn't help the ongoing joke in my head as he gets older that Auguste?? You're not a bad guy, why do you keep hanging out with "villains"?)
Ooh, I think the idea of Auguste being in complete control of his emotions around other people sorta meshes with my headcanon of him having fallen into a depression in the past, but now, since he has control of his life, he REALLY means it with his emotions- yes, he does have negative thoughts towards himself, but he can be totally calm around others and things that are not in his control 
Exactly. He has his regrets, but few would know it if they didn't already know what he's been through. But he's not stoic about either. He'll either change the subject or if it's something he's okay with, he'll retell the tale with excitement and flourish how it's just one of his many adventures. Or he might shrug it off. Depends on which incident they heard about
Auguste, I feel, is one of the most mentally strong of the group, imo
Probably. Which is also kind of impressive because of how young he is in my head.
Honestly, I didn’t really know what was the big thing that made him depressed in the past (probably because I didn’t know what to put, lol)
I headcanon him as like, 17-18
I have him around 11-14 somewhere in that range 😂
He's a little pickpocket working on up the ladder to conartist :LUL: they grow up so fast
But I guess one of the big events [that made him depressed] would be a public failure- I imagined him to be some sort of performer, and his mom put a lot of pressure on him for winning the big prize and being the best performer, but massively screwed up during the big finishing move that involved bird Pokémon, and broke his ankle in the process- not the greatest way to go out and quit Pokémon Contests :BibleThump:
Which could explain his hesitance for bird Pokémon and Pokémon contests
And one of the most saddest parts was that while he was performing that big move, he actually felt some happiness in the spotlight instead of sneaking around as usual like he does
My hc is he's got some mother issues. He and "Mom" (I don't think she got a name in DP?) don’t get along very much, and part of that is because of her first love being the spotlight, second on wistful memories of her time in it, and maybe him in third. She does care, but seeing how he's a troubled middle school dropout who gets his thrills from getting "free" stuff, she doesn't really talk about him much to her friends. She worries about him, they've had talks before, but she's kind of embarrassed by him
Worst trouble is, he knows it. He'd like to make her proud of him one of these days, but that's just not... Him? He could try to be what she wants and be miserable about it, or he can just do what he's good at, and let her have her spotlight without him. Part of the reason he even got into the business was to avoid going home. He still comes home though when he needs a place but Barry legit didn't know that often times when Auguste crashes at his place or they meet up at the lake and stuff, it's because he's not been home in like a week.
It's alright though. Odds are, mom isn't home anyway
I would say he cleans up eventually but PFFFFFFHAHAHA adult hcs aren't much better
It’s the “being a Pokémon trainer” business, right?
.... .... .... Sure. :Pika:
I honestly don’t know :BibleThump:
oh wait its gotta be the thieving biz
Yeah. XD
Which started in day 1 because DP differences had him steal a Pokemon from Rowan to defend himself and chat just ran with it throughout the rest of the run.
Including this even this late in the game made me laugh it's still going
[Screenshot of chat in which Twitch user Abstrection says ‘go pick pocket that guy’] 
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We got to our first door and found out we didn't have the key, so Chat was teasing about going to nearest Grunt we dodged earlier
The Voices: being a bad influence
Auguste: okay with it, but only for stealing
Only bad people, right?
Voices: ... Riiiighht. [Teaches Thief to Pika]
And yeah, Auguste is actually a good kid. I'd say he has ways of getting what he wants, but he's not manipulative or anything. Just a bit of a liar with sticky fingers.
gina aceattorney...
I'm not familiar with the name
she's from the great ace attorney games. she's also a pickpocket
Ah okay XD
But yeah, Rowan at first took the kid under his wing since he can see Auguste was in need of some guidance. Besides, school wasn't for him, maybe he's more of a hands-on learner. Put him to work in the fields and he may be able to turn his life around. :Burrito1:
But then game events happened
And it's not like Rowan has given up on him, quite the opposite I like to think Auguste does look up to him as a parental figure and has come to his and Dawn's rescue on more than one occasion. It's just Rowan that as things with Team Galactic has played out, poor Rowan doesn't want to encourage this, but they can all agree they may need to utilize Auguste's "skill set".
He still face palms at his student's shenanigans as Auguste gets older. He's not claiming him. Nope. Totally not calling on him for help with Kanto stuff pre- Gauntlet. Deeeefinitely didn't help this kid secure a place in Kalos. :Kappa:
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The final battle of Gauntlet Crystal has a lot of fun lore
[February 2, 2023, second part of this conversation]
I don't look back fondly on my GC fic
like, at all :Kappa: I was a shit writer back then
but I'm slightly entertained by how I handled the Mt. Silver confrontation
I think I remember it also being the most fun part of writing the fic for me
Aww but I enjoyed those :tppAYAYA:
like I still remember "how do I explain OG Red's party? well..... the Pal Park exists, doesn't it."
and then just came up with the idea of having it be bullshit summoning because leftover voice powers
which I think really added to the final boss feel lol
still looking back at anything before the final 2 chapters makes me instantly cringe
reading my own writing regardless of how good/ i genuinely like it/ etcit makes me uncomfort..
you can see that with many of my earlier comics, they have no dialogue
the idea of g.red being a red vessil or red reborn is cool as
like, in a way that it want like that
liek being just some kid baring vauge likedness to a Ledgend(tm) while growing up in a cult space. wit hnothing special about him
but then people make it happen
Found [the start of the second Red battle]
Also this conversation which is still hilarious 😂
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i remember reddo’s team wasn’t even healed for, like, the initial battle
I'm still so mad I missed this
the chat reaction was HYSTERICAL
everyone celebrating after a day of trying to beat Redo, and then M4 is just like OH YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE DONE :MingLee:
legit the fucking funniest shit
That reminds me of the exact moment in Anni Crystal when we witnessed Evan beating Lance for the first time... we were announced as the Champion... and then Lance threw us a curveball by saying that there's another Champion to fight... and then Azure appeared on the screen
I was literally dancing around my room
Later on I gave the devs a moderate chewing out for letting us believe Azure was dead, but that's another story
'no fucking way :Jebaited: '
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"why do i hear boss music still?"
why is the boss music getting more intense?
red’s gotta be on, like, the bottom 5 hosts i’d want to suddenly pop into existence behind me for a battle
tfw my 2nd phase is a downgrade in difficulty
like the final battle in sv?
host powercreep 😦
I just like how "only on TPP" the Mt. Silver twist was
Azure was neat but any hack could've pulled that stunt
Well, to be fair, it hit different for TPP because we were all experiencing the game at the same time and were all producing lore and headcanons and such, so we all got the reveal at the same time and it felt that much more special because we were NOT expecting that
yeah I know
what would [Red0′s] glitch possession look like? the vertical bars from supposed drowning?
were there more glitches?
i need to know for science :Kappa:
uhhh considering the MissingNo. in his party there was a lot of item duplication :Kappa:
:Kappa: wow bottomless goods, that sounds like a fun one
the joke of 'place all your stuff in the tray' and then he... places..... all the stuf...
the stuf...
the red thing was def something
(was not there, clealry )
but its easy to see,its ya ledgend man himself-
but also
ya just beat up ya previous hostman
no sprite changes, no cutsceane
ya accedentalyl talk to him again
get a rematch
but then its not a rematch
its an absulte fliparound gitpunch from the left
even tho u and him are standing right there
the relisation point is so late in it... the hostmans got the same name, only when the mon comes out its a big frikken woah
it's da redster
red: the redvenge, the.. redcoming...
The Reddening
The RetREDing
you think your red isnt red? think aga-
@Krizste Well one idea [about how Red0′s glitch possession would look] floating around at the time is... Complicated 😂
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armoured with//.... rhydons?
whatever it is
It's a pair of Rapidash heads
Lemme see...
the assmodeus armour, or somesuch. terderrer’s, i think.
So the concept started as this
Led to this
From this
And when Wikstrom had Red's team in GX and the other E4 got the teams of the Gauntlet kids we all knew it was just a model thing to get around host cameos
Which led to this
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Ah, tis the joys of creation
Development :VoHiYo:
the asmodius red is... shirtless? :
Rereading the passage in the fic, I think it's supposed to be Mewtwo so it looks bare
Mewtwo chest plate kind of thing
i thaught mewtwo jjust has its peccs out
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Oh yeah. Dippy is totally questioning his life choices right now after being forced to fight this thing. Sorry, I should say Dippy has long been questioning the Voices' choices and may not know if he can win, just hopefully not die 8D;;
Because seriously, this is what happened to the last host with our "help" 😂
And sifting through memories, came across this again. :tppAYAYA:
-snort- oh no, I just had the image of N introducing herself to the pair and RedO being a little leery of adults (because just about every adult he knows has been fairly shitty and wanting to befriend him is usually because they want something) and then she brings out Gavvy and RedO's like curious and creeps over to get a better look. See? Friendly. And Dippy explains how it's actually a relative of Vileplume so maybe RedO should let Blank out. 83
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wouldnt dippy get worried about himself when seeing this?
what if they fuck him up too?
I'd think so
Because he wins, and then what? What happens when they're through with him? Thankfully nothing.
He's kind of the same man of the group keeping the crazy of the other GKids in line
I have this adorable hc that after rescuing Red0, Dippy got him into garden therapy and in later years, Red0 runs a small farm with his Pokemon. :tppAYAYA:
oh sweet my gardener red pin fits!
Yes XD
gauntlet red is a gardener kid who never got to experience the voices like og red did and this is why he's mentally stable and not permanently nonverbal ;-;
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Server storytime: Memories of Bronze, and also boats
[February 13-14, 2023]
What's the Forbidden 9th badge in Bronze? :tppS:
yeah, what's this about dummied out kanto in bronze?
so i can't explain this very well because i wasn't uhhhh There for a lot of the run and i have very bad memory, but basically bronze was a gold hack and Pieces of kanto were still accessible which we abused to go fight sabrina
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i dont remember HOW we got into kanto but pieces of it got very fucked up
i believe you still could casually enter it but most gyms were purposefully blocked
and going in some areas would result in softlocks
saffron was pretty normal but here's vermilion for example. and we went on the anne Multiple times which was a softlock and made my glitch brain very happy. depicted: talking to our evil twin (?) and going to hell (??).
(disclaimer of Video Contains A Couple People Who Are Banned For Various Reasons lol. tpp)
...i see poor fifer was misgendered
also while this missingno is an official fakemon it was pretty cool that the kid with a glitch friend went spelunking in glitch worl
bronze was a short run (like, it could even keep up with modern standards) and i'm sad i missed lots of it but i loved this part it was so cool to me
enter the boat
die with the boat
this is where liji died the first time
i love that TPP's Very Bad Luck With Going To Hell On Boats was an established thing years before the meme. anicrys -> this -> trihard emerald -> THEN dewfon becomes a thing. ⛴
Yes :Jebaited:
Also looking at my poorly made summary we always had access to Kanto just not the full map
Had to go to Oak's lab to get the Pokedex because we're a new Trainer and that's just what Trainers do
I think legit we could go as far as Cerulean and then the game was supposed to block us off?? But tiles didn't line right so we slipped by anyway and got to explore wrecked Kanto iirc
Which of course is where we find hell ship
you can expand that list further actually
don't forget Burning Red
where we found the TM Case crash on the SS Anne
burning red 💖
TPP really just has a bad history with boats huh :Kappa:
when you think about it the fact the whole joke around Dewfon was the fact that nothing bad was ever going to happen
maybe Dewfon was the redemption arc :Kappa:
...when it's all laid out like this, why on earth didn't something like dewfon become a thing earlier
the thing with Dewfon is that it happened because of a very weird user who was only around for basically just Sirius
it wasn't actual wide-spread paranoia of a softlock, it was one continuous typo turned copypasta turned ascended meme
I think TPP's first boat incident was in FireRed where we joked about Alice going on the 'nice boat' with our at-the-time arch-nemesis Bill
Oh that's right!
So in Fire Red and Leaf Green, the early Sevii Islands are optional. Bill shows up at Cinnabar Island and asks for help, which you can no to. If you say yes though, I think you're stuck out there until you complete the first three island quest.
And iirc just like with elevators, chat kept A spamming the sailor at the dock so it was like "Now One Island, no Three Island, now Two Island, wait Three Island" without ever making it out of the port. :tppLUL:
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None of the XD boys are normal humans, and none of them are happy about it
[February 1, 2023]
ok so thanks to krizste i had some Ideas™️ last night for XG Remix
and now that i have had my mandatory... 6 hours of sleep? i'm ready to ramble
i've mentioned before the idea that Orremix, as i like to call it, is tucked into Ultra Space somewhere and is a mirror of GrandCol!Orre. Ultra Space explaining the weird-ass type-chart. i still think that’s true. however, i've recently come up with a new idea
the idea that glitches can devolve into Actual Pokemon... it was like, mentioned briefly as a possibility during Redux, and well. i think that's what happened in Orremix. part of the weird type-chart is Ultra Space, the other part is Glitch.
the Pokemon in Orremix are convergent species that mirror the Pokemon we know and love, but they have very, very different origins.
anyway. Shadows. Shadow-ification. and the “X-Factor”, as i like to call it.
Shadow-ification has always involved glitchstuff, to an extent. this much has always been true. it was true in GrandCol. the reason Quotes!Yuki gained the ability to see Shadow aura was because she had a NDE in RTHE of the glitch variety, and she was left far more sensitive to glitchstuff from then on as a result
but the X-Factor is Shadow-ification mixed with Nihilego toxin, because that's readily available in Ultra Space. and while toying around in Orremix, specifically, Cipher discovered something fascinating
they could tap into the previously-unknown glitchstuff origins of Orremix’s native populations
X-Pokemon... ex-Pokemon.
Pokemon that are not-quite glitches, but not-quite Pokemon anymore, either. toeing that borderline.
the Lugia we see in Orremix is probably(?) not native, however, and was shipped in from another dimension or something(?). and when they were toying around with the X-Factor on a non-Orremix Pokemon, it took a lot more dedication to get it to not only work, but get a relatively stable result that wouldn't devolve into glitchstuff and then have to be put back together
that poor lugia has probably “died” a few times, only to be reassembled... ahem. let's not worry about that right now
anyway. even though the result was still physically stable, they certainly couldn't control it. it communicates in garbled tongues and distorted cries. it doesn't understand human language. electric sonar and radio frequencies help to an extent, but it's still hit-or-miss, 7 times out of 10. it can’t be commanded, reliably.
this is where XG000 comes in.
they came up with a very special recipe of X-Factor to work on Lugia, different from the garden variety stuff they used on other Orremix Pokemon. so they take some of that special X-Factor and they tinker around with it a little more, until it's stable enough to slip into a human being. a child, which can be raised to be unquestioningly loyal to Cipher. and they go through some... er, trial and error, let's say... before the finally do it.
XG000 is a glitch-modified human. one that shares an instant, immediate connection to XG001 due to their being comprised of/corrupted by the same glitchstuff. it has a human's intelligence and a human's sentimentalities but there is a deep, intrinsic connection to the violent impulses that drive XG001.
Xavier is, of course, rescued from Cipher's clutches very soon after the modification process is finalized, and things settle down, and the glitchstuff is stabilized to go dormant without any kind of resonance to X-Factor. he's given a normal home, a normal family life, a relatively normal childhood...
he spends most of his life ignorant of what lays lurking, dormant, just beneath his skin
until Cipher shows up to kidnap Krane, and he sees an X-Pokemon for the first time. but the Voices are too loud in his head for him to notice the tingle in his fingertips until much, much later in the run
also the fact that Orremix is a glitch-infested dimension, in some way, shape, or form may explain the amnesia and power-entanglement/identity swap that happened to |root| and |CLAW|
Yeah explaining in text is hard. No matter how many ways I've tried, I think I'll need to make visuals of some kind at some point [whines] but that's slooooowww
Also this is cool! I don't have a lot of ideas for Grand Colo and XG yet mostly because of the chart stuff :Joy:
Kinda funny, we've been talking a lot about Stars and Xavier lately but I wake up this morning with Alpha brain rot 😂
i actually was kinda toying around with the idea that Orremix's origins are from Alpha's Orre when it was lost to glitches :Kappa:
then it was born somehow when the universe was rebuilt :Kappa:
For me that's XG :Jebaited:
well not being here for XG makes me kinda not know the lore there :Keepo:
Remix might be the same Orre as XG but later, but I'm still not solid on the more recent runs
And there's not a lot for XG, just my brain has a lot of connections between Stars and Michael / Alpha including I started a fic at the time with Alpha pleading with Stars not to end up like him in sort of a dream but was it a dream?
Said connection only got worse when Hacker Stars was introduced and it's like UHHHHHH well at least Host Stars had a wonderfully innocent go at Orre
the way I see things basically is: there's two possible paths from XD in a timeline
a timeline where Alpha succeeds and Orre goes onto the prosper, which is where XG happens
and a timeline where Alpha fails because of just how hard Orre is breaking down, and this is where XG Remix happens
it's possible that Orremix is also mirroring XG!Orre instead of Alpha's Orre. i just wanna do something with glitches :RaccAttack:
like i'm just... i'm set on that now that i've thought it up
in my head: it's entirely possible that Xavier is basically Copy Alpha???
created by a group of rogue Cipher scientists who are very much not a fan of the direction things are going, but XG000/Xavier ends in more cooperate hands, which then ends up putting XG000's existence on the radar of Krane's Lab, leading to the rescue op
No reason why you can't :tppPika:
Okay so trying to keep this simple but basically the Created World was built to contain Olden. Bill ended up using it for his own purposes by tricking people like Abe and Blue to go inside with sort of gladiatorial intent which was Abe is possessed by the Voices either he's going to be stuck with them forever as nothing escapes the Divine Prison or eventually "the beast within" will devour them which will destroy the Voices. Either way, they're out of the Real / Original World for a while. Replikanto, as it was designed for Olden, is stuck in a bit of loop with worsening conditions as we see RFireRed and Moemon before the Voices are able to escape thanks in part to Alice and Amber (being in an Ultra World but gets enough god power by the end of it to create an opening to rescue Athena from the hellscape she's in). The Kanto loop is broken and stuff happens before we return to the Created World for Viet Crystal. Baba and Bet Boy meetings play a role in her eventually attacking Orre. Alpha has several cybernetic implants meant to help counter Cipher's takeover, but there's not enough knowledge on the Glitches to understand that said cybernetics could leave him open to corruption. The Voices and Glitches both seem attracted to him and in part it's because he's unknowingly (sadly, the lab knows and purposefully took advantage of knowing their world is fake but this was a greater good situation) somewhat connected to the Created World itself. Which is where his grasp on reality really starts to get screwy and gaining time control powers makes him take a questionable deal to go back in time to stop Baba and hopefully stop Cipher much earlier than his region was in danger. This fails. Multiple times.
Eventually he hunts down Abe, Baba and Sev who help get him stabilized even if he's still a bit messed up and Abe tried to take the gang with him in his escape from the world (in his perspective it's been like a few centuries at this point. He's so tired, guys) but Olden showed up basically like they're not going unless it gets to go with them because fuck this place. Encounter leads to the fallen god doing a sort of hard reset on the console bringing them all back to step one with Abe confused to be starting over and the others scattered across RepliKanto and Johto but keeping tabs on this Evan kid who they all KNOW wasn't there before
Details details, things do work out eventually and the world goes on as it should be.
XG is quite a LOOOONG time later in both the Real World and the Created World but things are getting scary when we've a doomsday cult forming in Kalos and facing things like the events of RandY, Storm Silver, and Sword where the glitches are running en mass, the dead seem to be walking, the awakening of The Darkest Day??? Not a great place to be right now so the different regions start looking to where they can send their people/preserve their way of life by any means leading to a lot of bad decisions. Including people of Orre realizing there's another Orre inside the machine and somehow Hacker Stars gets roped into / is egotistical enough to volunteer to stay in the Real World and manage things to keep everyone else safe. Splitting off part of himself was to help monitor things from the inside but.... Something seems to have gone wrong.
This probably lines up with Colo / XD were originally in the timeline before Olden did the reset. So guess who else is back? Cipher.
To make matters worse, the part of Stars inside the world doesn't seem to have any connection with his other half, so he has NO IDEA what's going on but know what? That's good because he's got talent and friends and going after Cipher and living a pretty normal life. Hacker Stars is... Probably running on autopilot at this time to be honest. He's broken and practically hooked up to the machine, but he's still managing to keep things relatively stable, he's just unable to do anything to protect everyone as he said he would. But he can watch as Stars takes care of things and it seems seeing his other half in action awakens something in him.
No idea if / when / how the two get back together but at least after the mountain encounter they're aware of each other. I wanna say it's not until Xavier is able to defeat Hacker Stars though he can be free to get his life back together
So um, yeah. That's somehow the short version :tppPika:
The sad thing is, I'm not sure if Alpha tried to make contact with Hacker Stars or saw what Cipher was doing and reached out to Host Stars, because if it's the former, WELP! CAN'T SAY HE DIDN'T WARN HIM but if it's the latter, uh.... Too late
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Forrest’s jirachi has a history with the Voices
[February 4, 2023]
This post came across my dash, and remind me to ramble about Jirachi :HYPERRACC:
But the long of it is we have a history with Jirachi that makes me wonder what it even IS in the TPP verse
revo :WutFace:
Oh yeah, including Dev powers if we include Revo :Keepo:
So if Forrest was given form or freedom or whatever with Jirachi's help, it's... Possibly plotting something
See, in my hc, Jirachi really doesn't like us. And by Us, I mean Voices because it has worked with Hosts before, it's just that it seems 9/10 Jirachi only ever comes with us under weird circumstances so it's a matter of the host getting its trust.
Unfortunately, only one host I think has managed to not break that trust, which again is why this thing doesn't like us :tppWowee:
(that host being Petra btw. Still under weird circumstances, but Petra is a girl who gets it because Glitchmancy)
I'm not sure what the relationship is with Marina, but I'm not so familiar with later Metro Sapphire lore
The point is, in my lore Jirachi itself is The Wish Maker, a shapeshifting Glitch of the highest rank (because in my lore the Glitches have a hierarchy. This goes all the way back to S2 lore when someone coined the term for the level of glitch possessing XD was a Corporal) maybe even up there with Phancero, possibly just below it
...this gives me a new way of looking at the whole Forrest-Jirachi dynamic, ngl
Yeah which is why rereading that conversation on the archive post made me go "wait... AHHHHHH :HYPERRACC: "
The shapeshifting idea came up in RandY when we rescued "Yveltal" but it was randomized to Jirachi. We failed to catch it and when we tried again, the cutscene and battle apparently counted separately so it got re-randomized to Registeel. Most of us joked Jirachi was pissed and summoned a mech to come after Venus and she's just running around the corner chamber screaming while throwing Pokeballs behind her. Because it's a scripted battle, so if we ran away from it, the game was like "Yveltal wants you to fight!" And just starts the battle again so no escape, had to catch 😂
Then we had Wooper 1 where the lore was Santa's Delibird can make all your wishes come true because it's bag is apparently a void you can draw anything from. Then it turned out to be a glitch and we teased that's the source of Santa's magic because he glitched several times too like frozen flying animation, going invisible, opening holes in the wall ect. Rocket Boss Shawn said he wanted to use Delibird to summon endless Master Balls, which is more of a Missingno trait but whatever
And then Petra got her Jirachi through debug menu. Like I said, she kinda gets this thing in the way Santa did. Fun Glitchmancy to do (relative?) good in the world unlike what happened with Goomtha, Shawn, Lysander, and Venus shoved it in the box (because while Yveltal is scripted to join the party, somehow the randomizer broke that part I guess since we failed the cutscene battle. So there was no prompt to add it to the team). Auguste probably falls into that category too now since he was bffs with this thing and then it got killed and he got cursed so.... :KEKWhands:
And I laughed to imagine the Registeel Mars found when looking for Cobalion is actually Jirachi using it's mech again to tell the Voices to fuck off as the old man in the cave told us the legendary hiding there has a deep hatred of humans after all it's been through
Which... Not wrong. Even if the Voices would like to befriend it at some point this history cuts deep
i seem to recall reading about an encounter with jirachi in storm silver and how chat ended up choosing to wish for money instead of a battle to catch it :Kappa:
This would not surprise me 😅
So yeah, Jirachi trying to help Forrest is interesting to me. Whether as a fellow glitch and it feels pity for the little one facing the cruel reality of how humans treat Glitches or it's because it feels a deeper connection with him and genuinely grants him a wish because he's deserving of it, this is... Well... Interesting for me to analyze further
also I need to see the new Pinocchio since I hear the depiction of Blue Fairy has an interesting interpretation
But what are your thoughts? :BegWan:
i mean, i put a lot of my thoughts in the fic i wrote. Forrest -- before he's Forrest -- is the glitch that sprang out from Quotes's bag and nearly killed her in Hoenn, the Voices lash out and toss him into the sea, Jirachi finds this glitch with remnant Voice-energy clinging to it and is like... "if this is an ally, the last thing i want is to abandon it. but if this is an enemy, i should probably have a countermeasure in place". so they turn Forrest into a human (defenseless, powerless on its own, the alternative was a Pokemon that could possibly run amok) and are like "ok, if you can prove you aren't dangerous, i can make you not a glitch. you've got x amount of time until that new body falls apart" and then dumps him in Unova
I remember this :Burrito1:
jirachi shows up early in redux and replaces the bianca tutorial, so it like... seemed appropriate that it would be involved somehow
the fact that it took two separate attempts to catch jirachi gives me some Thoughts about forrest's whole potential-revenge arc. especially with the idea of glitches as corrupted casualties to destroyed worlds.
"you have too much anger in you," the wishmaker says, eyes critical.
forrest balls his fists. the Voices murmur uneasily in his head. "don't you think i have a right to be angry?"
"you do."
"then what's the issue?"
"i said you needed to prove yourself benign." jirachi coils its ribbons around its body, gaze still placid and bored. "you have yet to do that."
"you have three months left until that body gives out on you. it seems you have your work cut out for you, host. until then."
there is a brilliant flash of light, bright as burning stardust. when forrest blinks the dots from his eyes, jirachi is gone, and the dreamyard is nothing but mist and empty space and stone walls that echo with the aftermath of an unrealized miracle
something like that, is how i imagine it going :RaccAttack:
I have no idea why but I just had the random image of
~Three years earlier~
Hughr: [Making a wish on the wishing star. He's going through a bad time right now] Send me a friend who won't run away. Maybe you could send me an angel! The nicest angel you have...
~Cut to later with Quotes getting fucking murdered over here~
Uh.... He'll get there eventually :Keepo:
Tumblr media
the other idea i'm now having is that Jirachi actually encouraged this and is trying to stoke a conflict between the hosts or something. maybe it thinks the Voices and their allies are getting too much power or something 🤔
That I could definitely see
Like I said, this thing has NO reason to like us
oh shit, would that explain the PWT and why Forrest has to fight everyone?
jirachi teleports people who specifically have info on glitches and reality fuckery and drops them in forrest's path to stoke the fire
and then holds the whole "you're on a timer" thing over his head for even longer 🤔
Forrest befriends them all, both confusing Jirachi and making it go "Well I guess that works too" because of the benign thing :tppLUL:
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How old are these S9 kids anyway?
[January 31 - February 1, 2023]
@Krizste psst since Stars has kind of become your boy, how old would say he is / was during the run? :RaccAttack:
he was always my boy, who do you think gave him that goofy hair? :Kappa:
I currently have him at 17 just guessing his "real" counterpart to be at the older end of the host spectrum but Host Stars is usually so cute and nervous, I wondered if he's actually younger
i have no
i guess around 14-15?
Alrighty, that works too
hacker is def older in existence, but his appearance is a dice roll, lol
after having written for Hacker Stars a bit, i wanna place him as appearing in his early twenties at the oldest and being Frozen In Time thanks to hacker magic or whatever :Kappa:
That's kind of what I'm thinking too.
But I wasn't sure about the host version
he sure acts like a jaded old man :Kappa:
he's Seen Some Shit :Kappa:
i love stars :Kappa: its a combo deal of trauma and depression and its lovely
Okay, now for Quotes and Yuu
age? yus gotta be 17+
Yeah ages
I'm so close like down to the last 6 :BegWan:
I think Yuu is about 17. That's Wes's canonical age according to Word of God
pjixdhfc i was judt giving him joker p5 age
I mean, not wrong
Quotes has a flashback with her and Alex celebrating her 15th birthday in the past so she is at least 15 during RTHE
I personally place her at 16-17
Good to know :SeemsGood:
She and Alex are implied to be around the same age and by the run's end he was talking about college
I put RTHE like a year before GrandCol so that would make her either the same age as or a year older than Yuu in my timeline :RaccAttack:
Thanks :tppAYAYA:
haji making host dex?
Just using the tentative timeline to plot out ages for my current "arc"
There's smaller arcs within it, but damn I realized everything being interconnected means it's from Ultra Sun on down
If you need ages for the other season9 hosts, I can't sleep rn :Kappa:
So I'm like... open to distraction
alright, the charitydual two, go
my brain is saying ness age
whatever ness age is
Ehhhh I'm breaking from the mold and making them like... 18? They're med students that got roped into the charity fundraiser as part of their program
Maybe 16 at the youngest if we go child geniuses :Kappa:
That's me anyway
maybe they do assistant nursing / apprenticeing
Could be, yeah
not a med genious job
Then again this is pokemon world where 10-year-olds venture out into the world without adult supervision so like
I was about to say. Since when does Kanto seem to care about child labor? 😂
14 at the youngest, 18 at the oldest
Is my gut instinct
I feel like Barbie is older
speaking of that, i place forrest/hugh vw2r combo as some years older than 10 (dunno how many), as forrest specifically gets fucked over on the day of what was meant to be his pokemon journey starting
and spends an undefined ammount of time being hunted/etc in kanto, then moving, and then spening more time just being in school, then starting his poke journey
hugh would also be in the bucket of 'start poke journey late' due to fun family deaths and stolen pokemon! no wonder he was happy when startying with forrest
I think Forrest appears like 14 in human years. Glitch time? Heh. Glitches aren't bound by arbitrary laws of physics, much less temporality
I still go with the "he became a human" interpretation so age is uh. how does one track that exactly
When you are a pile of broken reality
ah cool cool
idk what im doin for forrest, he’s half half. his human side is whatever, 14? but glitch side is whatever. so- ohh ohh ohh.....
Oh really? TPP doesn't matter but I thought he'd be closer to 15/16 like they are in game
I don't think there's an official age for Rosa or Nate in-game. Hilda/Hilbert are implied to be 14 in BW1 according to Word of God but that's it
tempraraly, forrest is both, yet neither 'glitch become human' / 'human become glitch'. human forrest lived human like life, basic temperarily forward and aging, at pokemon journey age, he got capowed top half glitch. but glitch forrest always existed , bc as u did say glitches do b outside the scope of temporality. glitch mode forrest is both very very young in human forward years if we count from the capow event, from that event, but is also incredibly ancient, as the worlds code itself
so its like lil 
human>>> ya boi <<<glitch
glitch>> half glitch 
human>> half human, etc
So... fusion dance
a getting smooshed in a collapsement of plasmic spacetime
Steven Universe, glitch style
Two beings coalesce into one
reverse Stars, if you will
that actully feels like the most glitch thing to be
bc glitches need Stuff and Thinggs to make them be
they need Events, they need Items, they need Environment,
I still maintain Jirachi's involvement in Forrest's predicament... but you've given me a brain worm about Xavier now...
fuck! my xavier comic
Dammit I'm about to head back into XG Remix brainrot
As for the others... I peg Xavier at 13, Tulio at like 11, and Terra roughly at 15(?) maybe :RaccAttack:
I'm still undecided about Terra
Run was too recent
Timeline still settling
Haji you now have ages for the season9 kids
Oh shit I forgot gigi
...I wanna say like 12? 13?
She and Lillie are the same age and Star is one year after SM, during which Lillie is 11, so like
12-13 seems safe
tulio so tiny
what if this is homestuck scratch
scarlet tulio is 15
scratch happens
vio+ tulio is 10 and terra is 15
I personally subscribe to the idea that Tulio has graduated by now and is in another region. Maybe looking into how to help stop whatever the fuck is going wrong in Paldea
Or blissfully ignorant
Either works
All I'll say at the moment is some of these ages are going to be ~approximate~ because I rounded everything to years and half years and the 6 months may have thrown me off. Also some are just going to look weird because of character circumstances 🤣
So like Xavier being a machine doesn't really age??? So I laugh at the idea of just 13s across the board
Aaaaaaanyway. The X-Factor, the creation of the artificial Subject XG000... I have Thoughts™️ and I still need to go to bed
I view him less as a machine and more an artificially-created human
Technically organic in genetic makeup... origins, not so much
...and now I'm thinking along the lines of glitch-fusion enhancement
Gotta make this hard for me, huh? :Kappa:
Hey, my interpretation doesn't have to dictate your thingy
Whatever the word is
That's a word right
forrest is just a teen
his age is teen (not 10) :Kappa:
I guess with ScVi still fresh in my mind, I kind of thought he'd be more like the professor AI. A sort of animatronic made to fight but gained a level of sentience enough to say he doesn't want to do that. Really kind of funny because that's what I imagined in the first place, just now we might have some weird explanation to how such a machine could be made. He's much more primitive than the ScVi AI though, since they're made from technology not possible yet, but Cipher has always been super dubious in the TPP lore for pushing what's possible :HYPERRACC:
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The psychics of Kanto and the big bad Empire
[26th of June, 2018]
Well this one came up pretty recently, but Kelcyus mentioned that the Gold / Silver beta map showed that it was originally going to be ALL of Poke-Japan and not just regions of it, and in my timeline, all of the regions were once part of the greater (Ranseian?) Nation i.e. why they all have the National Dex, but after The Great War that predates TPP:Red, all the regions broke off and function as smaller independent countries even though they still call themselves "regions" since despite having all their independent governments, they still share a sort of cultural identity that hasn't gone away.
This new bit of info, if true (I need to look over a play session) would potentially place the G/S Beta BEFORE Red and take place during said war with our short-lived Hosts being part of the Empire's shady experimentation with Psychics and the potential of Psychic energy as a means to manipulate matter (Satoshi, I think that was his name? was prone to levitation iirc.)
Said experiments come up in canon what with the study of Mewtwo's creation being in the process before Giovanni would have taken over (if going by the movie canon, he still took advantage of the work later) and little things like with the Kadabra Boy (from it's dex entry) and Sabrina's Gen I outfits reflecting a sort of Rocket heritage even though she brings up she hates battling and is held in the center of a long maze, possibly because her powers were considered too dangerous but they did a "test run" with her utter annihilation of the former Saffron Gym.
{Jukebox108 | JukeBiscuit:}
hmmm, experimentation on hosts is an idea that i haven't gotten too into, but i like that it could be a distinction between hosts and lost hosts 😄
well it may have actually been the other way around, where the kids were experimented on and accidentally attracted the Voices. Which is when the researchers' hold on them went askew cause we took off with them for parts unknown MingLee
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Evan and OLDEN were always connected
[June 27, 2018]
{Romanoff Blitzer:}
One day, during one of OLDEN's many attempts to enter the world, the world suddenly absorbed a few bytes of OLDEN's soul: "ECBB9CBB1CBA9CB682807CB78200336F0231ACB37CD03391ACD03". OLDEN shook in pain and rage as the fragment was ripped from it, and it cursed the world for taking it from OLDEN.
This fragment found itself in the womb of a woman. The woman may or may not have already been pregnant. From this birth came Evan.
Evan has a special connection to OLDEN, being essentially a part of OLDEN itself. Evan has powerful latent glitch powers, and can occasionally hear OLDEN's thoughts. OLDEN exploited this connection to reveal itself to Evan.
Helix, seeing into the future, would make prophecies about Evan. These prophecies refer to him as the "Oldenborn," a trainer with the body of a mortal and a fragment of the soul of OLDEN, whose destiny it is to defeat the evil god and allow the glitches to be accepted by the world. These prophecies state that the Oldenborn would be constantly tempted by OLDEN to give in to it, allowing OLDEN to reabsorb the Oldenborn and regain the part of its soul that lied in them. 
-An excerpt from a document I have on my computer.
oooh anicrys
Oh hell yeah I'm into this
I like the implication that Evan was already previously disposed to glitchiness, and his journey aggravated that condition
Would it be a condition?
Something like that
ooh i'm a fan
Funny enough, I had a whole side-story for AnniCystal but hardly have any HCs for Evan himself so I am loving this train of thought he had a connection to Olden to begin with o3o
Oh I like that.
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Time to meet the rest of the Gauntlet kids!
[February 3, 2023, third part of this conversation]
quick rapid fire me the other crazy kids
N / Nia I'd feel awkward doing a rapid fire for because I only really know my lore for them 😂
But a few things of note:
- She's sometimes called "The Wurm Queen" because early on we had like three notable Wurmple before settling on one that became a Dustox and made it to the Hall of Fame
- Her relationship with Norman is usually portrayed as pretty friendly. This incarnation of him is awkward and doesn't know how to dad, but that's okay because she's such a nature girl she doesn't come home often either. They care but... They're just friends.
- In BB2 because of the mod, all of the Hoenn leaders showed up like you guys saw in Volt White 2. There were jokes that as leader of the region, she probably brought them all with her to help with whatever is going on in BB2.
Some lore has her as literally N since it's her name so she's able to talk to Pokemon and is seriously a Disney princess but much like N, that doesn't mean she won't kick ass if she sees Pokemon being abused.
Her Aggron was named ATM and is sometimes portrayed as a literal machine 😂
Also like with N we seemed to change our team after every town but around Slateport is when we started to stabilize. Possibly because Team Aqua made it clear she needed a set team to take on these guys as her usual "whatever is in the area works" tactic wasn't good for dealing with serious criminals
This sometimes causes her to butt heads with Izzy.
Isabelle Bow aka Ice has a few interpretations for her
All of them have her being a studious and relatively serious young lady though. She's very no nonsense to a point where the main joke with her is her post game team had Giratina, Dialga and Arceus and she totally doesn't believe in gods (despite accidentally creating one in the form of God Fish)
So different lore branches
- The bow aspect made her a contest star and she'll be happy to show that frilly girly girls can still beat your ass.
- A big part of her skepticism is because she works as a paranormal investigator and is out to prove none of this hocus pocus actually exists
- A member of the Interpol on Galactic's trail. Undercover name is Ice while her rival Diamond is more of a friendly fellow agent keeping each other up to speed and up to snuff because these space men are no joke.
- .... Possibly all of the above are true with her being a paranormal investigator who does contests between projects and was recently enlisted by the Interpol to help due to her expertise on disbanding cults if she can just prove Cyrus and this whole 'new world order" is a fraud
The blonde hair in her design came up because the last Animal Crossing game had just been released and people made the connection to the adorable dog secretary Isabel. Combine that with the meme of Isabel and the Doom Guy are friends and she occasionally goes into the Doom world to hunt and stress relief and welp :tppWowee:
Didn't help that we had a Torterra named BFG
Which could be Big Friendly Giant, but also had some portrayals that the tree on its back is a BIG FREAKIN GUN 😂
yes, yes, i should be in bed. quick personal gauntlet kid characterisations:
red: obsessive antisocial glitchmancer/hacker who discovered his original timeline self started an apocalypse cult at age 10 and has never been quite the same since. is exactly as Like That as red and abe, but don’t tell him that
dipper: just wanted to look at plants and it all got a bit out of hand. token sane guy, probably the closest they have to a leader, poor kid
n: n. smiles serenely, befriends eldritch abominations, obeys no law of god or man, possibly immortal. extremely good at wrecking everything while remaining kind and enthusiastic throughout
izzy: discovered she lived in a lovecraft short story and immediately started investing in legendaries. won’t back down, won’t take no for an answer, won’t admit she might not actually be able to do something
reese: flamboyant dresses, acting stardom, and also maybe some plot if she absolutely has to. fought iris purely to steal her dress
esther: look she’s 9. likes hats and (association) football, is friends with an eldritch horror but that’s basically the most unusual thing about her. gonna grow up into an absolutely terrifying adult though, no question
team release the fossil gods: n, esther (kinda)
team do not release the impossibly ancient lovecraftian deities, they will literally destroy the world: red, izzy (when she doesn’t have more pressing things to worry about)
team please stop fighting: dipper
team you literally could not pay me to care about this: reese
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But yeah, so the longer version with Reese is Red0 is trying to be edgy and chaotic and darkness and stuff, Reese is literally a natural. Not even trying. S/he ignores the plot in favor of whatever has caught their interest at the time, which ended up being the first (?) Unova host to 100% the PokeStar Studios.
- Also the game did something weird where we got Darkrai to appear before the post game and it became our ace for that run.
- Reese loved fashion and bright lights, I think they'd get along with Yuu in the worst ways possible. Reese doesn't do explosions though, but would probably enjoy the flair if running the catwalk with pyrotechnics.
- There were questions about the relationship with Darkrai, whether Reese was being puppeted for dark purposes or if Reese was the bad influence and now Darkrai is a big name director making some of the worst movies but we love them anyway. Either way, we think the other hosts may have shown up in the post game because Reese was perceived as a threat whether they actually are or not.
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reese: a lot more collected than her gender presentation would imply, and if you did actually manage to piss her off her immediate recourse would be mean girls bullshit. if you do get into a pokemon battle with her, beware: her signature strategy is cheese
esther: her being friends with a fossil god comes up less often than you might think, she prefers to fight her own battles. if you do manage to hurt her badly enough though, there is that small omnipresent all-but-omnipotent sentient-piece-of-the-universe wrinkle to worry about
izzy: big jump here. izzy’s hobby is strat-o-matic-ing battles with universe-devouring lovecraftian monsters, cross her and you’re basically doomed. best you can hope for is register as an insignificant enough threat she’ll forget you exist after dealing with you
red: look the thing about glitchmancers is that they’re only moderately in control of their crazy powers at the best of times, and sometimes red will even admit that. he’ll either ignore you or make you wish you’d never been born, and you’ll probably not know which is which until all your insides have been swapped with chewing gum
n: oh god. n is even harder to piss off than reese but makes up for that by being (1) an ambiguously human unaging immortal of unclear origin and powers with friends in some very high places and (2) completely unpredictable in every possible way. n follows n rules, n does whatever they want, and n’s been known to bring regions to their knees. i’m honestly not sure what they’re capable of, but i’m sure it’s Bad
dipper: is he hiding some sort of secret rage mode superpower or angsty superpowered dark side? nah. dipper is exactly as kind-hearted and harmless as he appears, a true sunshine boy. you’d have to be a real tool to even think about hurting him
you know who agrees with me about this assessment?
the other gauntlet kids
The question seems to imply you've already pissed them off, so for me it goes Esther, N, Red0, Dippy, Reese, Izzy. But as you said, the problem with some of these is they aren't so quick to attack. Esther is more likely to get in a fight than Reese, but the image of Dippy being the worst one to upset is because the others will all jump you is amazing 😂
I still find it hilarious with Dippy too because I'm sure most Trainers would look at the squad and go "Go for the tree hugger! He's the weak link!" And then Dippy has a fucking bear and steel giant and other things they probably weren't expecting a simple botanist to have :OMEGALUL:
Oh and I will note in the branching lore for Reese to save on future confusion, some will say girl, some will say guy so decide your own pronouns. Reese may actually not have any
Or all
That's just a very Reese thing to do
reese pronown officially Thon
I think I actually remember us joking at one point about Reese trying to physically hold all the pronouns. 😂
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reese going to abooth with pronown stickers/badges and taking them all and decroating a hat wit hit like roark
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i was just thinking of reese as a drag queen but this interpretation is funny so i accept this :Keepo:
I have him as a drag queen in my head :tppPika:
when reese discovered the beautiful world of nounpronouns it was the time when darkrai actually tried to use dark void on its own owner to prevent world from a catastrophe
… i generally think of reese as a she/her gay man, but thinking about it yeah, she probably doesn’t give much of a shit
her gender is ✨gorgeous✨
her gender sparkles so much that lil'd is crying in his french corner
Oh! Actual last thing I'll say about Reese
The run kinda soured towards the end because in order to beat the game, we had to be the Gauntlet PWT where the devs brought the previous four kids back. ... In a gauntlet... With boosted levels and items... And some "interesting" abilities for the Red and Crystal mons since they didn't have them. And no healing in between. This went on for days(? Certainly felt like it) until we had run out of other stuff to do to cool off from the frustration of losing and most were ready for this to be over with. We even traded in for a Landurus grinded to 100 and still couldn't win. Finally chat got mad enough to go into democracy mode to use healing items and I think we stayed in demo to fight too. Because we knew it could be done but it was so precise that it seemed like one wrong input could cost the whole thing which couldn't be done with the crowd we had for this. And then when we FINALLY win, the devs had put in the original gauntlet with the S1 kids for us to fight as well. I like to think Reese was so pissed by this point they just steamrolled it.
Hilariously, I actually hc that after this experience at the PWT, Reese was so mad at the others after the GKids found out Reese wasn't the world ending threat they thought, (HE was trying to stop THEM), they weren't on speaking terms for years. Reese has been living in Kalos under the name Diantha for some time by the time Esther came around
D has been well acquainted with this sparkle bun for some time now
oh did we mention that reese is diantha? (in gauntlet y, anyway)
reese is diantha
That was coming up when we got to Esther stories XD
I mean, that's just my hc, but going back to earlier when I said Wikstrom had Red0's team, Diantha had Reese's. Drasna had Izzy, Seibold had Dippy's, and Malva had N's
Some say just go with the game explanation where the E4 got to borrow them, some say the GKids came in during the post game, but like I said, me and a few others like to think the Diantha we see throughout the game was Reese all along
I missed a lot of X so I'll let others explain. A few key points though
- Esther being into sports came up from the Amie mini games iirc. This was the first time we had enough control to legitimately play them.
- Had Sail, which even if some other others had fossils, this was a first for TPP so there's some depictions that Esther may be an Acolyte (like Red is to Helix). Sail is an interesting god because it's usually said to be in charge of relationships; friends, family, lovers, meetings and partings, it's no surprise given how many friends Esther has either. Between the in-game group you travel with and the GKids asking her to join, she's pretty popular.
- notably we have a Ducklet named Fucklet and some tease that Esther doesn't know what that means, others say she totally swears up a storm surprising people given her age.
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Rivals? Rivals! (Plus some stuff about Vu)
[February 3, 2023]
Who are all the prominent Rivals you can think of?
Do Parker and Dolly/Barbara count since they were each other's rivals?
But also Blue in the original run was seen as a follower of Dome, making him an indirect ally of Bill
I personally am not counting rival hosts because they have their own long storyline
I know of
- Blue (the last obstacle for Red. Staunch Domeist. May be the same one with Abe.)
- Brendan T. Birch (the survivor / keeps an eye on A-Chan)
- Pearl (Fellow gambler and on the run with Napoleon. May be the same one from R.Plat)
- 4 (The Glitch Hunter after Aoooo)
- N (Gazillion crowns and often shipped with Jimmy)
- Shauna (often shipped with D)
- Wally (some lore about being a Bill clone)
- Greens (Both Moemon and Touhoumon had a Green but Touhoumon's was a girl. Moemon Green was a huge jerk calling Athena rat face and was part of the problem in a system that had Moemon as second-class citizens)
- Raijin (Brendan of Alpha Sapphire. Real music snob who liked classical and dismissive of Nina's DJ-ing. / Possibly onto her about being an Aqua and ready to get her deported if he can catch proof)
- Azure (oh Azure where to begin?)
- Mura (Wizard angry that Paul is a natural talent at magic when he's been studying and Paul would rather go into business)
- Hau (I don't know if Sun got any but Waning Moon had lost host lore as Quips)
- R. Hurt (Fellow doctor with Alek. May or may not be corrupt)
- Trevor (Team Flare Admin), Tierno (Team Flare Grunt) Shauna (Heir to Mega Evolution Guru) Calem (Trying to find who he wants to be, I think he ended up as a Punk)
- Rocket (Still mostly Silver but his ties to Team Rocket are more obvious. Tends to be more ruthless as well)
- Blue (Red0 was always told to keep away from him by the Cult, but he's honestly just worried about him)
- Alaija (baby... Reluctantly ends up helping Dippy and more open about his family issues)
- Cedric Diamond (Glitch on the reader gave us his name, close friend of Izzy / may be a fellow paranormal agent)
- Yang (Reese is ignoring the plot, sees himself as the hero)
- May (Yandere for Ebnert, nearly destroys the world when he rejects her)
- ChereN and Chili (Mars' rivals. Both are concerned about Cilan being head of Plasma)
- Hugh (Glitch Hunter having conflict about hurting Forrest)
Okay, well you already covered the rivals in way more detail, so I might not be much help here, lol
There's also Logan from RTHE, who is the "hero" of the story yet killed one of Quotes's pokemon with self-destruct :Kappa:
I'm not sure if there's any prominent lore surrounding Logan in the original TriHard Emerald
Oh that's right! He hates her for being a gang member, right ?
Super self-righteous
Had some pretty smothering parents, got the old gym leader before Norman fired when his parents sued the guy for child endangerment. And also Quotes stole his college fund
I had fun with Rocket in my summary having 🎵 Rocket Man 🎵 come up whenever he showed up but that's just me 😂
How could I forget Quotes robbing Logan's house, I had a headcanon that Vu didn't approve, but Quotes stole a bottle of milk from the fridge to bribe the cat
bribe the cat
i remember doing abhiwg (burning red) as kinda a goof. get all up in ya space for the giggles.
worlds makin no sence but the mans just livin wimsy. maybe he keeps bugging kay bc kay is clealy investigating it
That would make sense ☺️
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What Gauntlet Red looks like, and how the glitches kicked him in the face
[February 2, 2023]
anyone know of any arts/ visual design things for gauntlet red?
oh yeah theres that white hat i uded on the pin
From what I know, he just wears lots of white stuff. The sprite on Run Status got changed to something else a bit ago but it used to be exactly what I said.
yeaah i found a whit sprite of his
i def referenced that for his pin bc i gave him a white hat.
was confused where the hat came from since his current runbar sprite has a red hat, lol
I think we were gaslit by that sprite change.
white hat red doesnt exist. white hat red is a figment of your imagination
reds always have red hats, you fool
'what about ceecee?'
ceecee doesnt exist
'waht about-'
no reds have green hats, you fool, green hats are luigis
Oh no.
or pepes
I mean, I drew one for him but I think most have him in a white vest instead
like so
Okay I'm spamming at this point, but I forgot about this piece and it's cool
Also this may be hard to see but due to Kelcyus deleting their account, the bottom row has the gauntlet kids
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ehes worn both black and white! stunning lad
@Haji is yours meant to look like hes wearing lipstick? cus i dig it
Knowing him? Very well could be :tppWowee:
tis but the nature of nature!
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..i dont really like my pin of him..
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hes got the hairbanana before pk got the hair banana
got metal tiped workgloves or gardening gloves. he has gardener vibes
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his flat cap was a mistake, my brain was farting so bad when drawing his hat, i wrangled with it so much (within the speedy time i was trying to get though these)
but its cute
g.red if he wasnt in a cult right here
garnening boy
would b good friends with dippy
So one of the things about Gauntlet Red is there's two main branches of lore. 1) that this is a reset timeline and Red has a chance to change things. 2) The kid isn't even named "Red", he's grown up in the Cult of Helix and was told he was going to be the next Red and bring the second coming of Lord Helix and whatnot and somewhere along the line, he said fuck dat shit. He was one of those kids who went off the deep end into full rebel nature after getting away from the church to a dangerous point
in my lore the latter angle led to straight up possession :Keepo:
At the end, we were given free time to do Glitchmancy (there had been a patch in place before HoF) and we're told the game would either end when the timer ran out or we crashed the game.
.... We crashed the game :tppWowee:
I think this was inevitable for us
Just like it was inevitable that AshGrey was going to be massively derailed by chat
they gave chat a challenge. what did they expect to happen
And yeah, as Sol said, that was one idea to what happened after the crash. Red was checking out the glitches off the coast of Cinnabar, we ran into a wild Tentacool and I think the crash was caused by our Ditto, but I'm not sure. Either way, lore said he either lost out to the glitch and got possessed / corrupted or he drowned. Possession seemed WAY more likely when we did the Mt. Silver battle in Crystal where we fought Red0 and then suddenly he got replaced by original Red so Dippy had to take on both of them
Cooltrainer is one of the most volatile things in Gen 1
it was inevitable :Kappa:
corruption ehh?- wow it just went white huh
just frikkin caput
Yup! Just like that, he was gone :tppSpinarak:
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just leavbing screancap here bc boy does this come and go like capow
gen 1 ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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Who’s Kahuna Moon’s dad?
[February 7, 2023]
So I forgot that since I don't have Anabel Lillie as part of Aether, that makes the tree relatively easy due to the break.
But then part of me is like "should I be mean?"
@Newbie do you have an idea for who Moon's father is?
Because I like the idea these two are half sibs unknowingly
i wish tbh
Trendyverse is like... gone from the internet so like
i just barely scrounged up the info about Anabel being her mom in the first place
Makes sense.
I kinda wondered if it was Looker given the shared lore in Stars. Would be tragic if it was Phyco considering he's the one who got rid of her in the first place :AceScum:
But that's actually not important right now, just curious :tppLUL:
i have a crack theory that Phyco is actually Dulse's dad based on some of the flavor text from Star :Keepo:
I have that too :tppPika:
So the tentative thought, which again seems terrible and I know sets me up for a whole can of worms with the tree is if Chief Anabel was Lillie and Nigel's daughter since her memory loss wasn't from falling through gateways in Stars, it's because the URS mind wiped her (as they tend to do apparently)
...But then that connects to Faba line, connects to Lillie line, connects to Flordelis line :NotLikeRowlet:
Which is what I was afraid of originally before I realized the change with Anabel Lillie saved all that
Otherwise here's this so far? (Hope I did the link right)
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