#love my dad hes a great guy
egophiliac · 7 days
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queen of diamonds, upright + reversed 💎
I've redone this like eighty times, I have to just be done with it now and stop staring at all my mistakes oh no 🫠
#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 part 8 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 part 8 spoilers#coming in well after the fact but that's what happens when the art doesn't cooperate#and i just HAD to draw something for vil's ob (re-ob?) because i loved it so much#legit put my hand over my mouth and went “oh!” when i realized what was happening#i thought it was just going to be an idia thing because. y'know. closing out his character arc from episode 6 and all#so this was like. oh! oh we're going to get ALL the inky boys!!!!!#i wonder if this is why we got a malleus flashback so early...#not to mention everyone's dreams?!#i am braced for 90% of the dreams to be kind of jokey/inconsequential because we have SO many characters to get through#and most of the time will probably be spent on our lads (literally) dropkicking their emotional problems#but i am excited to see everyone regardless!#and also kind of terrified! what on EARTH will floyd be dreaming about. do i want to know.#i do but do i want to.#man. they're probably not going to get back to it but i do wonder what silver's dream was#what was he doing when he was like 'wait a minute' and noped right out of there#lilia: here silver i made dinner :)#silver: oh boy this looks great! ...YOU'RE NOT MY REAL DAD#ouuuagh i'm still deep in the blotsauce guys and i'm loving it#come make snowangels in the ink with me it's great
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darth-does-stuff · 9 months
ok everybody saying dan fucks is conrad’s dad you do you but for ME personally the fix will always be conrad’s dad because dan gives cool uncle vibes 1000000% percent more than the fix ever will. but we will both live our truth and we will both be happy 🤝
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smilesrobotlover · 4 months
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Gosh I LOVE how soft Linebeck gets towards the end he’s so sweet
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vaggieslefteye · 29 days
HELL'S GREATEST DAD ↳ from Hazbin Hotel Season One (2024): 1x05 - "Dad Beat Dad"
#hazbin hotel#lucifer morningstar#hazbin lucifer#alastor#hazbin alastor#music vids: s1#dad beat dad#my videos#anyone else think the way he was holding alastor's head twice is foreshadowing? served it to her on a plate then had it as a pic on the cak#i hope it's foreshadowing lol#he was also feeding her his eyes and shadow tentacles as spaghetti and meatballs askjdfakjshdfjkls#bro was SO MAD LMFAO#song: hell's greatest dad#charlie#charlie morningstar#mimzy#hazbin mimzy#hey hey pssst... you know those 3 cards that swing by before the slot machine?#the middle one is lucifer as the king of spades - the same card alastor was in husk's overlord flashback.#DETAILS!! I LOVE THE DETAILS IN THIS SHOW!#RIP VID QUALITY BTW#tumblr really axed this one huh#also don't get me started on the symbolism behind alastor's whole deal in this song there is SO MUCH GOING ON#lucifer is overbearing yes but all his lyrics are ''im gonna help you cuz i love you'' meanwhile alastor's are ''IM SO GREAT AND COOL''#easy. but look at the doorway behind them when he dances with her on the stairs. it looks like spidery fingers reaching out from behind#to grasp/trap her in a dark place. THE ENTIRE ''ASSISTANCE'' PART#LITERALLY PUTTING ALL THAT STRESS ON HER THEN ''SAVES HER'' AFTER#THE ''IM YOUR GUY YOUR DAY TO DAY'' HE'S LITERALLY BOXING HER IN/TRAPPING HER WHILE PLAYING FRIENDLY#and do i even have to point out the obvious ''separating you from your blood family'' thing he has going on and the whole time#WATCH IT ELKMAN I WILL KILL YOU. YOU ARE LUCKY YOU'RE MODERATELY/MOSTLY ENTIRELY LIKEABLE AND FUNNY.
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yardsards · 4 months
going to other people's houses for dinner is wild because it's such a crapshoot on what kind of culinary experience you're about to have. some places it's just delightful and you feel like you're in that one scene in ratatouille where it's all colourful when he tastes the ingredients. other places it feels like whatever the fuck is on your plate is a close cousin of the pulp they use in paper manufacturing and you wish you had pulled a hillary clinton and smuggled some hot sauce in your bag
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scribefindegil · 4 months
I'm not big into de-aging plotlines generally but the TNG episode was unparalleled. It's got everything. Ferengi. Heists straight out of a children's chapter book. Weaponized technobabble. The single most excruciatingly awkward hug ever committed to film.
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skyblueartt · 13 days
“I don’t like fanon interpretations of Henry Emily” why do you hate fun and whimsy :’(
(don’t know anything about the books and I don’t count them as canon girl idk 😭😭😭😭 to me he’s like the contrast to William bc I love that trope in fiction. Also, super nice and genuine guy to the most depressed mfer you’ve ever seen after his daughter dies is like. Oh I live for that)
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brainyrot · 2 months
Just a few things my dad has said (to me) that I wanna share with you guys, feeling like some of you need 'em
- everyone is mad. Every single human is mad, some people are so mad that they create beautiful things. cars, videogames, stories, books, were all created by mad people who just had the thought of it and made it reality. Even art is made by crazy people, it's their way of showing their madness through beautiful canvas and a few lines, just like you do. We are a bunch of weirdos, so don't ever think bad of yourself for being weird or different because everybody is, most just hide their insanity or differences even if little, but you should never hide yours, not worth it, just enjoy life.
- the world's a mad place, sometimes you find the craziest of people that will end up being your friend, your girlfriend, your boyfriend, whatever the hell you want, sometimes you find people who just have their brain fused. Who just wanna annoy the shit out of people, some are even worse and end up hurting people. Watch out for the world out there, okay? Don't give up, always get up and show the world that you're not messing around. You wanna draw? Draw. You wanna make music? Make music. It doesn't matter how many people say it's useless or any of that shit, just convince yourself that it's possible, so it becomes possible.
- okay, so you're most likely neurodivergent. We just need some doctor tests to confirm it on paper, so what? We'll do the tests. But don't think it makes you any less smarter, any less likeable, creative or any less of a person for that. Being neurodivergent only means your brain works differently than others, not less than others. You're not dumb, you just work in a way most people don't understand, and that's okay. Any important people you know were neurodivergent, and they created a shit load of things that we still use and study today. Einstein for example. it doesn't matter what shit you got going on, doesn't matter, you're still the same anyway.
- you should stop being so anxious about everything, it's just a way to stress yourself out and get sick. Not worth it. Just live it easy, it's more relaxing and fun. Don't worry if you're gonna get late one time at school, don't worry if the train doesn't work or anything, don't worry. stuff happens, and most of the time it's not because of you. just relax, just stop caring about all that crap, you gotta just let it go and have fun regardless
- listen,nobody should tell you what to do, how to do, or anything. People shouldn't let you take stupid ass choices and make you have a job you don't like for the rest of your life. I let you choose to go to an art school because I know it's what you're passionate about. You wanna draw, and that's okay, you like doing that, not stopping you there. Even if you suddenly change, maybe you wanna, I don't know, do math or something, that's fine, we'll work with it. It's only about what you like to do. What you enjoy, not what others want. Who gives a shit if someone says you should be a medic because it'll get you success in life, they're wrong anyway. You'll get success in your own way anyway, you shouldn't waste your time in pleasing someone else if what you're doing is just annoying the shit out of you. Wanna go grab the garbage each morning at 6am? Do that. Wanna go and teach some kids stuff? Do that, who gives a shit, it's your life anyway. Just remember that you are your own first priority.
- just love whoever the hell you like, as long as you're happy. And safe.
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lesbiansanemi · 2 months
I am so fucking sick of living with my roommate and his fuck ass boyfriend. Also watching my roommate burn every single one of his (already rather minimal, I might add) bridges for this guy is also kind of painful but also his relationship with me is one of said bridges so I'm almost past the point of even feeling bad for him lmao
#i have had to piss for probably the better part of an hour now#because they decided to take a shower together and have been in there for well OVER an hour now#and this is a nightly occurence atp sometimes MULTIPLE times a day#we have one bathroom.... can yall not be considerate enough to not be in there for up to TWO HOURS AT A TIME???#also it's such a waste of fucking water....#idk we've hit a point where i literally hear the bf doing anything and i get pissed off#but also tell me why i'm sitting in my room (which shares a wall with the bathroom) and i can hear this man hacking and spitting shit up#and this is also something that happens multiple times a day#like.... dude.... why are you spitting up toothpaste so fucking loudly oh my fucking god#but yeah no i'm like my roommate's only friend atp and he's about to not have me lmao like we're about to reach#'i'm cutting you off when i move out' levels of me being pissed off with this whole situation type shit#and apparently the bf convinced him to come out to his family which his mom was chill which is good#his dad's side of the family though....? not great. and my roommate KNEW that would be the case cuz we'd talked about it before#also love that my roommate has constantly talked about moving out of the city we live in because he hates and also there's no good career#opportunities for him here (which is true)#and now. MAGICALLY. he's like 'idk i think it'd be best for me to stay here'#like oh my GOD???? are you hearing yourself???? are you fucking stupid???? you fucking hate it here???#but sure throw your life away and ruin all your meaningful relationships for a guy you met six months ago jfc#and the thing is i *know* my roommate we've been close CLOSE friends for nearly a decade now#i know he is not like this.... like yeah he's being insane by allowing this but also i know these aren't the kinds of decisions he would ma#and also i know he wouldn't treat me like this all on his own#it's the deranged fucking control freak of a guy he decided to date and my roommate has too many of his own issues to put his foot down#about certain things and tell the guy no so he's just allowing him to completely take over his life#and fuck everything up until the bf is the only thing he has left once it's all said and done#and yeah. it's painful to watch. but also wtf am i supposed to do because obviously my opinion is not respected nor wanted regarding this#that has been made PAINFULLY clear#ugh this is so fucking horrendous#what is it with ppl who start to date someone and then go clinically fucking insane and destroy their lives all for this one person#who. realistically. they barely know in comparison to all the other ppl in their life#like explain it to me jfc
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
it’s a problem that hawkeye looks like this: 
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while talking about this: 
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sir I know this is an entire scene’s worth of “pretending to be a homosexual who’s in love with frank” but you make it come out so sincerely that I have to overanalyse it just because and headcanon you’re talking about trapper by proxy (and you get away with it, because it’s a “joke” and juuust removed enough to be taken as such)
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Oughhh, Takaaki was never seen as good enough by his dad and he tried SO FUCKING HARD to prove he was the best. Better than everyone else. His genius of a father would see that his son was just as smart. Not a genius, but worked for his smarts. Yet he wasn't good enough. His father never turned his way or ever uttered "Good job" when he'd show his grades. How...amazing he was. Yet he still tried. He wanted love. He wanted attention from his terrible father who only looked his way to either beat him or yell at him.
He wanted father to see how good he was. That he was perfect. He was perfect. Why wouldn't he look at him?! Why?! Why wouldn't the smart, amazing Toranosuke Ishimaru FUCKING LOOK AT HIM FOR ONCE?! WHY WON'T HE SAY THAT HE LOVES HIM???
Even with the achievements Takaaki got at school. All the hard work. The good enough deeds he did...
He still wasn't perfect.
But Taka was. Taka...Taka was more perfect than he ever was. His father gave Taka more love than Takaaki himself ever got. He didn't even remember the last time his father looked at him with such a bright smile...
Why wasn't he ever perfect?
This is one of the few things Takaaki thinks about. One of the many things that he resented about his father. He was jealous of his own son! But he could never hate Taka. He hated Toranosuke. He resented him. After all the pain and sorrow he endured, all the hardwork he did. He still was never good enough.
Because Takaaki wasn't perfect.
But Kiyotaka was. He always would...perfect.
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hazardsoflove · 6 months
thinking about social worker percy again
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gentaroukisaragi · 9 months
Gento is so funny, he loves lying so much
his team doesnt know that he's blazar
his wife and child don't know that he's part of the GGF (and captain of the SKaRD team and literally goes out and fights kaiju and ALSO that he's blazar)
and his team also doesn't know about his weird lie to his family that he works in 'engineering'
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abandonedelves · 8 months
Chekhov’s Orgasm vs the fact I watch this show with my dad FIGHT
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stargoyle · 24 days
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[[vent in tags]]
#heard a guy on a podcast i listen to talk about being a father and it really hit me hard#he was talking about teaching his son how to brush his teeth when he was two (the son is an adult now)#but he handed the kid the tooth paste and his son took the tube and squeezed it so hard it exploded all over the bathroom#and he was angry but he just said ''well now we need a new tube of toothpaste buddy'' and laughed about it#he was talking about how wonderful it is to be able to teach a tiny human about the world and how rewarding it was to be a father#and i nearly started bawling#theres a lot pf things about my childhood ive convinced myself were normal and i mean i guess they were#trauma is common#but sometimes i still grieve the childhood i could have had and the father my bio dad could have been#if i had squeezed the toothpaste too hard as a kid my bio dad would probably start screaming at me or hitting me#he would always do that shit over small stuff#he did other things too like embarass me or leave me by myself in public places or forget to feed and bathe me#and for the longest time i convinced myself that was normal. or that other people had it worse and i should be greatful he wasnt worse#but stories like that really put things into perspective#i wish i could've grown up in a household where both of my parents loved me amd loved raising me#i wish my bio dad had been a decent person who treated me and my mom better#i wish i had squeezed the toothpaste too hard and he had laughed
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