#love you Jiji ♡
tiny-tigers · 2 years
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♡ Happy Birthday @dilfaz ♡🍰🎂
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okwons · 4 months
♡ sunghoon ﹒ female reader genre office au soft thought fluff word count 300 warnings petnames — bookshelf
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thinking about ceo sunghoon who secretly loves to keep you overtime. he would eye you carefully, his thin brimmed specs glinting through his office windows. he’s well aware you dread staying for more than what you signed up for, but how can one resist? it’s undeniable that you leave him utterly smitten; his cheeks reddening at even the tiniest details he takes note of.
if he could name a few, it would be the way your hair neatly falls over your sleek blazer, or how your eyebrows furrow in concentration whenever you’re typing something .. the list could go on.
“here’s the report you asked for..” your arm outstreches in sunghoon’s direction, handing him the papers you worked ridiculously long on. he would teasingly flip through each page; scrutinizing it.
“mm 3 pages? that’s not going to cut it, love.” LOVE ??? that couldn’t be right. your gaze was solely fixated on the ground; far too embarrassed to meet his eyes. you could already depict the sly look plastered on his face.
“what?” you’d finally ask in response, your heart suddenly palpitating. you tried convincing yourself that you might’ve just mistaken the words that slipped through sunghoon’s mouth. but for some odd reason, you yearned to hear those same words again.
“nothing, get back to work.” he’d softly mumble, suppressing a subtle smirk while pretending to be engrossed in his computer. he was hoping you didn’t notice the tips of his ears becoming a light shade of red.
maybe staying overtime isn’t as bad as you thought ..
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© okwons inspired by this look .. ty to jiji for helping me w the title ♡
@aoyaji @beomgyu-stan-present @okwonyo @byhees @dearise
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astraysimp · 6 months
┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °Hi Besties! I am so so so excited to be bringing you this piece. As you know, @straykeedz and I am collabing and writing 9 Months In the Making, a short novel of dad!skz fics. This is chapter 1 part 2– Han’s fluff– and part 1 is essentially the conception of baby Han. I really hope you enjoy this, as well of my bestie’s smut piece and will continue to look forward to our other works! ┆Grab a box of tissues and maybe a snack, she’s a long one  ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Summary: You and Han hadn’t been married for long, still in your newlywed phase and well……you had wanted to enjoy the married life for a little while. But… a surprise changed those plans….and turns out Hanji loves his new role as a dad….surprise?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Warnings: married!Han au, unplanned pregnancy, baby Han– has boba eyes and the jeekies(duh) –, fluff, pet names,  new dad!han, talk of delivering a baby ,domestic family life, mentions of–unprotected sex ( and Han always being horny) →don’t be silly wrap your willy 
You and Han hadn’t been married for that long, only around three months, and you had been loving the married life. In fact, the pair of you had talked about waiting to have a baby for maybe a year, so you could soak up married life before having a baby. But, if there's one thing to know about Han Jisung is that he is always horny, he always has been. So, you had always known there was a chance of getting pregnant– even if it was unplanned. One night, you had gone on a date and one thing led to another and you ended up having sex, which was nothing new. However what was new was missing your period the following week.
You period had been 15 days late, you knew because you checked, and you were nervous. There was something in your gut telling you something was wrong….it felt off. So, you brought it up to your loving husband, Han. “Hanji, yeobo. Can you come here a sec,” you called out to him from the kitchen where you were preparing lunch. Hearing you call for him, he quickly made his way to you, pressing a kiss to your temple.”What’s up, jagi? Everything okay?” He asked, pulling you to sit on his lap. As he sat at the dining table. Taking a deep breath, you looked into his eyes. “I’m late. My period is late….15 days.” You said, drawing in a shaky breath. He could sense your nervousness and pulled you into his embrace, “Hey, hey hey. Deep breaths, my love. We get you some tests, and if they’re positive, we get to have a baby. It’ll all be okay, though. We’re in this together, jagiya,”he smiled and kissed your temple. Nodding, you cuddled into his chest, “okay, okay.It’ll be okay. I love you, hanji.” You smiled, kissing under his jaw. “I love you too, honey. Forever and ever.” He smiled, kissing your hairline.
A week later, you and Han found yourself sitting in your master bathroom, 3 pregnancy tests on the countertop. Grabbing his hand, you pushed your face into his neck. “I’m nervous,JiJi. I don’t wanna look.” You mumbled, shielding your face from the sink, where the tests were sitting. Sighing, Han rubbed your back and kissed your temple. “Hey,it’s okay. We’ve always wanted babies, yeah? We’ll be okay,jagiya.” He crooned, gently pulling you to look at him. Shakily taking a breath in you nodded, “I know I know. But, what about enjoying being married before the baby?” You pouted, trying not to tear up. Shaking his head, he pulled you in for a kiss,”Yeobo, a baby is an amazing surprise and gift. We’ll still get to enjoy married life, before the baby is born,” he smiled , his thumbs rubbing over your cheeks. Softly smiling, you glanced at the tests. “Can you check them?,” and he did
POSITIVE. POSITIVE. POSITIVE 2-3 WEEKS. Looking at him, you squeezed his hand. “Well, babe? What do they say?” “Positive, all three, jagiya,” He said, feeling a smile grow on his face and tears well in his eyes. “Wait, really? I’m pregnant?” You whispered, looking at the tests. And there were 3 positives staring you in the face. Crying, you pulled Han in for a hug and a kiss. “Hanji, we’re gonna have a baby,” You cried, holding him tightly. “Our own little baby, jagiya. I’m so excited,” he whispered against your hair, feeling his tears wet your hair. Your own baby, made from your love. Pulling back from you, he kneeled and lifted your shirt to expose your stomach. Pressing a kiss to your belly, he whispered, “Hi, bean.It’s your daddy. I can’t wait to meet you.”
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Time skip 8months ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
By now, you were 9 months pregnant and ready to pop, any day now .  So far, your pregnancy had been going well. You and the baby were healthy and the baby was very active. You and Han found out you were having a boy, and decided to name him Jae Seong, which means to exist or rule or finish, sincere or honest. Han was excited to have a boy, and so were  you. The thought of having a mini Jisung, made your hearts so full and happy. Not only were you excited, his family was also excited. His parents were going to be grandparents and his brothers would be uncles. Your family was also excited, loving you and Jisung together, and it excited them that you were going to be starting your family. Both of your families had even gone so far as to plan your baby shower, color themes of pale blue and a light gray. Those two colors are already adorning the walls of the nursery, where a crib, wardrobe,changing table, rocking chair and bookshelf were already waiting  . The baby shower was amazing, being given such amazing gifts from your family and friends. Jisung’s mom knitted a baby blanket, his brother gifting a bottle warmer,etc. You had also received a plethora of clothes, diapers, wet wipes, pacifiers and other necessities. So, you and Jisung were extremely grateful.
It had been a few days since your baby shower, when you and Jisung were relaxing on your couch, as he rubbed your belly., “Are you ready to come meet momma and daddy, babe bean? We want to meet you, Jae Seung-ie.” He smiled, places kisses to your belly. You smiled and winced, feeling a braxton hicks contraction hit you. You had been having them for the past month, your doula telling you that it was your body preparing for labor, but these were a lot stronger. Groaning, you whined and squeezed Jisung’s hand. “Ji , it hurts, so bad,” You cried, burying your face in his chest. Pouting, he rubbed your back and gently guided you to stand. “Oh, my sweet jagi. Let’s walk a little, see if that helps.” And then he was gently leading you to walk laps of your living room, your head still buried in his chest. Crying you clutched your belly, feeling a stronger contraction course through you. “Ji, Ji I can’t. Hurts too much,” you whined, stalling your walking. Hearing and seeing your pain broke him, and he cupped his hands over yours, where they rested on your bump. “Want to try the labor ball? Maybe getting to rock your hips will ease it, my love–” he started, before ….bam… your water broke. “Ji, Ji it’s time, you cried, another contraction ripping through you.
Then you were off to the hospital. Panicking, he rushed there –running 3 red lights– and parked by the maternity ward and rushed you inside. “Help! My wife is having a baby!” He yelled, still holding you, as a nurse rushed over, seating you in a wheelchair. At this point, your contractions were less than a minute apart and you were in severe pain. “Ow ow ow Ji. Huuuurrtttssss,” you cried, gripping his hand. “I know baby, I know. We’re meeting Jae Seong soon, though.”He cooed, pushing  wheelchair to your room. Once in your room, you got changed into a gown and your doula rushed in, along with doctors and nurses. It felt like time was going so fast yet so slow, at the same time. You had been in your room for about 4 hours  and you were 5cm dilated, got an epidural, Han had brought your baby bag and carrier, and now it was a waiting game. Thanks to your epidural, you were practically numb from the waist down and fell asleep. Another 3 and a half hours had passed, and Jisung was soothing you, feeding you ice chips,placing cool washcloths to your forehead  and occasionally napping with you. During your latest check in, the nurse told you that you were fully dilated and helped to situate onto your back. Jisung was sitting behind you, holding both of your legs up, as you were told to push. “Deep breath in y/n okay? Then push push push. Whenever your body feels the need to push, you push. Okay mama?,” Your nurse told you as you nodded, , and so you did. Crying loudly, you bore your head into your chest and pushed down. “Aaaahhh! Jiiiiii! “ You cried, before throwing your head back against his bare chest. “I know, honey. I know. You’re so strong. You’re doing so well,honey.” He cooed, kissing your temple. Feeling the need to push, you groaned, with your chin tucked to your chest and pushed again. “Ugggghhhhhh! Oh my god! JiJi , I can’t do it!” You cried, panting. “You can do it, my love. You’re so strong. We get to meet our boy soon.” He whispered, still holding your legs. 
An hour and a half and 5 pushes later, you heard shrill cries blaze through your room. Crying you looked down at your chest, feeling the nurse set your baby down on you. “Congratulations, mama and papa. You have a healthy baby boy.” She smiled, as you and Jisung cried. “Oh my god, we did it. He’s here, our baby is here,Ji.” You cried, as the nurse took your baby to do the necessary newborn health checks. Nodding, he pressed a kiss to your lips and smiled. “We did. You did. We’re parents,” he smiled, tears freely falling. About 10 minutes later, the nurse walked back in with your baby swaddled in a blanket and a hat on his head. Setting the baby in your arms, she smiled. “He weighs 8.10 pounds, measuring in at 20 inches long. What’s his name?” You smiled, cooing down at him, as Jisung smiled. “Jae Seong, his name is Jae Seong.” You smiled and cried, running your finger over his nose,”Hi baby, I’m momma. It’s so nice to meet you.” You whispered, as his eyes opened, revealing ones matching your Jisung’s, cheeks as puffy as his. “Oh you’re so cute. My sweet boy,” You cooed, seeing him blink and let a yawn out. “Look at you, so tired huh?” You smiled, handing him to Han, carefully. Tearing up, he took Jae Seong into his arms. “Hi, little man, I’m your daddy.” He smiled, as Jae Seong looked up at him, gripping one of Han’s fingers in his hands. Oh, you and Han were completely 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Time skip: 4 months˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Parenthood was an adjustment, but you and Han loved it. Jae Seong was 4 months old now and was a complete ball of sunshine. But, boy did he love to sleep, just like his daddy. So, it wasn’t uncommon to find Jisung and Jae Seong napping together, at random times of the day. 
That was what you found, one cozy Wednesday afternoon. You, Jisung and Jae Seong had just gotten home from a picnic at the park. It was during Jae Seong’s tummy time that you told Jisung you wanted to take a shower. Simply smiling and nodding from his spot on the floor in front of the baby, you took that as your cue to go. All the while, Jisung and Jae Seong were still playing–Jisung showing your baby different animals.”This is a kitty, bubba. Kitties go nyang. Nyang nyang.” He smiled, as jae Seong kicked his feet. “This is a puppy, like uncle Seungmin. He goes mong mong.” He laughed, pointing at the picture of a dog in the baby book.that went on for about 15 minutes, showing him colors, animals, shapes,music notes, etc.  Yes, you took long showers, but you didn’t think that much could happen in 20 minutes. However, you were wrong. Stepping out of the bathroom, dressed in fluffy pajamas, you were met with silence. You had an inkling that you’d be met with two sleeping puffy cheeked boys. And your inkling proved you correct. Walking down the stairs and into your living room , you saw an array of baby books on the floor, surrounding a sleeping Jisung with baby Jae Seong asleep on his chest. Smiling to yourself, you walked over and sat next to his sleeping form. Gently running a hand through his hair, you whispered. “Hanji, my love. You gotta get up. Your back will hurt if you sleep like this.” You cooed, moving his bangs to kiss his forehead. At that, he blearily blinked his eyes open, looking at you. “Huh? Oh , did I fall asleep?” He giggled, cradling Jae Seong to his chest. Nodding your head, you smiled and kissed his cheek. “Mhm, you did, honey. Let’s get you and peanut to bed though.” You smiled, as Jisung carefully stood up , groaning as his back ached. “I was showing him animals and colors, jagiya.” He smiled at you, watching as you collected the books, putting them on the coffee table. “I’m sure he loved them all, yeobo. But, now it’s bed time for you and our peanut,” You giggled, as he nodded. “Mmmm, could go for a nap.” He mumbled, still sleepy and went to the nursery to settle Jae Seong in his crib.
Oh what a beautiful life you had. You and your boys–big boba eyes and round puffy cheeks. You were over the moon –even if ,maybe, your baby was a surprise 
┏━•❃°•°❀°•°❃•━┓Please don’t steal,copy,modify,repost,claim or translate my works┏━•❃°•°❀°•°❃•━┓AStraySimp2023┏━•❃°•°❀°•°❃•━┓
tags: @straykeedz-recs 𓆩♡𓆪 @straykeedz𓆩♡𓆪 @hyunsvngs𓆩♡𓆪 @jinnie-ret𓆩♡𓆪 as well as everyone on the 9 months in the making taglist
🏷️: @mellhwang ; @autumn583 ; @hyunsvngs ; @hotchnrz ; @galamxy ; @ebbaskz ; @turtledove824 ; @galaxycatdrawz ; @fawnpeaks ; @bigsobs4skz ; @143lix ; @bangchans-babygirl ; @aaasia111 ; @reid-deiri ; @tenshimara ; @dancerachaslut ; @peachygirlsthings ; @saturnandgold ; @justscrollinthrough ; @jesuisstay ; @shinywolfbears ; @lewoh-ot8-wh0re ; @alnex05 ; ♡
9 Months in the Making
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izuhan · 1 year
random i love you︱stray kids
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pairing: boyfried!skz x gn!reader ︱ genre: fluff, love love︱warning: grammar mistakes, not proofread, i love jeongin
a/n: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡ i have no lover but i have skz so for this day, I put their (title?)names as how I call them usually. if u have no one today too, pls consider my hug and love (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ~♡
a/n: hello again, i kind of want to keep the names like these for future posts too so tell me if you like them(♡˙︶˙♡)
— dysfunctions
— you can say bang_chan.exe has stopped working
— he told you to stay behind while he finishes work, and listening to his songs on your phone with headphones, watching clips of him—there would slip a “pfft—chan, i love you.”
— will not move until all is well processed in his head, or you gave up on being embarrassed alone and shared it with him by planting your head on his shoulder or you would curl behind him like a ball as he approaches you, wrapping himself around you with such a smug teasing grin
— “again?” but you wouldn’t be able to, because you know he's teasing you. “heheh, i love you too!”
⸝⸝lino♡ᵎ (i also call him mimo)
— (almost) breaks neck
— both of you had decided to work on things (read: separation to control urges) in different rooms on the couches with open doors. scrolling through your work and suddenly, you decide to turn your head for a quick glance which he did the same, you chuckled, whispering “i love you” because you thought he saw you already, why back down now?
— but upon him being aware of what you just said, silence ensues, you’re doing your thing on your device now, completely embarrassed, while he, staring at you with eyes blown wide waiting and waiting
— until he decided to take matters into his own hands
— wraps arms around your neck, whispering “i love you too,”
— now you’re both flustered idiots and abandoned work
— (kind of) chokes but pulled it off nicely by giggling (read: coughing)
— it was after his workout routine, only left was chugging water and some shake. you came to the room unannounced and saw him as surprised as you are. “oh—i love you,”
— he could be a cute red on the face since although you two had confessed your love a lot to each other, random ones like this do hit him harder than a dump truck specifically it came out of your mouth as though that is what you only say when you see him.
— whines and pull you close, giggling adorably now and still whining
— “why would you say that so suddenly? i’m not prepared!” and whispers it back lovingly, with you in his arms.
— he wouldn’t try to break his neck, but he will most likely hit himself on something, but with your great reflex it could be prevented
— you were helping him arrange his books on his newly bought bookshelf for his art room. seeing the effort he put into the room, the arts, the many romance novels and just so many books, you’ve found yourself falling in love once again. “ah… i love you, hyunjin.”
— both of you were blushing like crazy 
— hyunjin almost ran directly to the bookshelf, thankfully you were there by the time you realized what you have done and stopped him with your hand 
— would press your hand against his cheek, then gazing at your stunned face and kissing your hand before both of them were on his face
— thin width close to your face, “i love you too, my love.” and a kiss.
— trips by himself
— turns out, hiring you as his cameraperson would result in something dangerous.
— he's fully aware of your fond eyes watching over him. he gets shy of course, but the abrupt - “i love you” and a thumbs up has got him fighting demons,  his legs twisting, and he’s met with the waxed floor.
— he would obviously, howl in pain, reaching for your trembling hands, so worried about him, and, leaving the phone wherever it was.
— jisung sighs heavily, leaning against the mirror “gosh! you're going to be the death of me, baby!” and draw close to your face as you’re massaging his legs
— he kisses your forehead, “i love you too,” your eyes would widen and your face flushes red- “b-but you're also fired as my cameraperson.”
— destroys stress balls (many, if they can fit in his hands-)
— he invited you to watch a tournament of a game because your favorite show comes right after and felix, a gamer that he is-- was entirely focused and squeezing his poor stress balls
— you, who loves him dearly, would press your lips thin, looking the other way because he looks adorable when focused
— felix, who’s y/n senses tingles, asks if you were bored -- “no, im not... i love you though,”
— and, rest in peace for the stress balls flying out of his hands everywhere
— he wouldn’t be able to hold them anymore, squealing and promptly hugging you “y/n!! don't just say things like that!” and buries himself on your back, “i love you too...”
— stares
— you’ve gone to shower, and he's off in his room writing in his diary journal, currently blushing over
writing about you and everything else, when his door was suddenly opened, his night cream stolen, “i love you,” and gone.
— not really, because he made haste, stopping you by grabbing your wrist and stares.
— “p-pardon?”
     “o-oh... night cream... i-mine ran out, sorry.” 
— both of your lips were sealed shut, his grip loosen but his face drew closer and a sweet tender kiss left you in daze, “thief, that doesn’t cut it though?” you open your mouth to speak but too late - “sleep here today, I'll put the night cream for you.” (translation: i love you too, stay with me now,)
⸝⸝immie♡ᵎ(shush its cute, i call him jeonginie too but,,,,)
— curls to a ball (kirby)
— aside from seungmin, you too are included in his army of photographers and you do your job so well, you get a kiss right after
— he was posing naturally and cutely, when your giggles were all he could focus on and your mouth --“so cute, i love you.”
— he would feel his legs weakening, and he would descend to the ground and curls to a ball, his knees covering his flushed face
— worried about him, you would ask repeatedly if he was well but all he did was pull you towards him
— he’s pouting, face adorably red - “i love you too,” and he would kiss you after, huffing and puffing cutely as he drags you home, demanding you take responsibility for his state of being.
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fuckingshutup · 3 months
helloooo my lovely mutuals in my phone.. mutuals, my beloveds... i don't know how to do this kind of thing but i'll do my best. i need to take my cat, jiji, to the vet for her general shots and also Concern abt a Shiny Bald Patch in a non-lickable spot. and the job market is mean to me... last time i got her antibiotics and her shots, i know it was over 200 dollars but i cant remember how much- so to play it safe, i'm looking to raise at least 300. look at this baby.
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so! i have my general post for commissions floating around, but im also offering a flat 15 dollar doodle commission for your character or whatever! if you just want to help, i also have my kofi (it does take taxes out bc i have a "business" paypal connected to it so the tax man cant kill me, so technically im aiming for a little Above 300 but you know)
some doodle examples! they can be digital or physical, depends on what flavour you want i guess.
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please help me pass this around or whatever even if you cant help monetarily! thank you ♡
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byhees · 4 months
i’ve been informed that user archlstarvlle on tiktok has plagiarised me once more— it’s been about three times in the past week or two . . . i can’t comprehend just how a person can do so without any conscience or shame— plagiarising is never okay.. it’s plainly demotivating and discouraging; i was just about to make an update on how i’d be posting my writings sometime soon— due to all this plagiarism, i’ve been delaying the upload process, to the point where i don’t feel like it’s fair to my loving followers— to the people who have been supporting me— and hence, i’ll continue with my intent to post tomorrow
to user archlstarvlle; i don’t get how you feel any satisfaction from plainly copying others’ works— it’s not your effort, neither is it your words; it strips the original author of the credit that they deserve. i get infuriated at the idea that you’re plagiarising off of my works, and i feel an equal amount of anger from the fact that you copy off other writers— some, my mutuals even— and not feel a hint of guilt. most of my feed has been of you plagiarising works left-and-right; some even dating back to months ago. i’m well aware that you’re reading this— you may even be following me; so please, stop. i hope that this’ll be my last notice about you
i’d be eternally grateful if you were to boost this post, or any of the other plagiarism notices other writers have made, and report the account; i find it unbelievable how they’ve been able to rob writers of their joy and love for writing, for that long … thank you so, so much ♡
lastly, thank you to everyone who has been supporting me through all this; reading all your messages and reblogs makes me feel a billion times better— i may not be the best at english, but i hope that each and every one of you knows that i love you, so so much. also, thank uu to jiji and the anon in my inbox, for letting me know about this <3 you’re amazing
link to the original post !
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tagging . . . some mutuals @okwonyo @okwons @wvnrqs @isoobie @yenqa . . . thank you! ♡
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rzyraffek · 1 year
hello again jiji (walks on all fours and leaves his order) a reaction from the slashers (the ones you want) to a y/n that draws nsfw of them (again, I love the other one) KISSES AND THANK YOU SO MUCH♡
Omg its u again🙄/j As always thanks for reuqest!! Sorry it took few days to write I was sick😔pronouns she/her Requests open
Slashers reacting to y/n nsfw drawings of them
Asa emory
He just came back, he is rarley home so he assumed she will be out or sleeping
He went into house and streight into bedroom(bug men needs sleep too😴)
He saw the drawing just vibing on desk near bed, he really looks at Her stuff but he choose violence today
"Uhhhhh🧍‍♂️" "wha, oh ur home😊 nice to-Asa what are you looking at?😨" "Uhhhhhh🧍"
Asa did expect her to miss him (due to him being all busy and away from home most of time) but like?? Gurl? U down bad pls??? She could say so? "Aww poor loney thing, you know you could just text me~" "🤯NO😳Asa its 4am😩🤨"
I mean Asa is very very creative men im sure He will figure something out, how to make it up to her.
"I always thought you prefered bugs tbh" "I- You mean like in bed??🤨" "yea😔" "wtf🧍"
Man just came back from lovley killing spree he had, he was ready to tell her all about stupid people he encoutered today
"Im back honey! Ooh- she left little gift for me awww*sees the drawing* 😳😍oh myy i didint know you had those ideas"
Btw she in fact did not leave it there on purpose and she did not want him to see it
"What what u screaming about *sees it* ohgodno i can explain really I-"
If he will try to tease her, she should just shmack him really🔨, he stops or gets bullied by his gf
Once per few weeks he will radomly remind her of sins that she commited, she will exprience flashbacks
Heelshie Brahms
Man was watching her draw for good 30minutes, of course she had no clue, he was in walls
He didnt really know what she was drawing but she seemed really blushy and into it. And we all know that Brahms is curious creature ofcourse he will look at stuff she drew
Bro got into the room while she was out doing chores. He took the paper, and looked at it for good few mintues until "oh I forgot my towel-BRAHMS WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN- NNOO DONT LOOK" "Bloody hell what am I looking at🤨"
He wasnt flustered or anything He just kinda 🤨💀
"I mean if you have any Dreams you could ju-" "NO NO I DONT IM GOING BACK TO AMERCIA"
She in fact didnt go back to amercia, and he stole the drawing btw
Ah😍 he came back from hunt, ready to give y/n a lovley gift!
Oh mate im back from hunt! I- what- what is that- what is the meaning! I- Mate explain!!"
Alien man got confused
He will carry it all the way to place where shes vibing rn (bonus points if they leave with other humans/yautjas cuz He wasnt covering any of it) "WHAT what, what you mean mate??? I- I do not understand :( "
Guys pls be patient the big guy does not understand :(
Its even worse because not only she has to wittnes her lover being all 😨😔😍 but in addition she has to explain it to him?? Duble boom
"If you crave anything mate, you could just tell me🙄"
This is post made by asexual gang. Shout out to all asexual gang members. Remeber to like and subscibe to join asexual gang
Not the best fics, i would rate it 6/10 in funny scale.
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jaquemuses · 4 months
holis ♡
recien termino de escribir uno de enzo y arranque con una request en ingles !! muchas gracias a las que me mandaron reqs las amo en estos dias voy a estar subiendo sus pedidos jiji ♡ Stay tuned
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hi ♡
i just finished writing something about enzo, and i started with an english request! thank you so much to those who sent requests; I love yall, in the next few days, I'll be uploading some of the reqs ♡ Stay tuned
— Kara
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okwonyo · 3 months
HIHI JIJI!! i just got out of a test so that’s why i’m sending the message late</3 LOVE THE NEW THEME BTW!! but already? rip wony black outfit u will be missed
(also can u tell me some idols to make mbs? i rlly need to post TT)
- kisses from kimi ♡
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HI KIMI! ^^ how did your test go? THANK YOU SO MUCH! yeah, already ... i get bored of my themes really quickly ㅠㅠ true true :-0 she will always be iconic! can you do a nayeon or sana mb? they are my twice biases >< lot of love ♡
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Hi all!
Okay, so I just wanted to post a general note to thank everyone for all the sweet and supportive comments/messages that I've received about the upcoming SEVENTEEN World series. Because there are so many, I can't respond to all of them but I hear you all and appreciate it so much ♡ THANK YOUU!!
Regarding the first chapter — Don't Tell The Boss — it's almost ready to drop. I'm aiming for tomorrow (or Monday) if everything works out the way I want it to🤞. Also, in the initial announcement I said 10k+ words, but PREPARE YOURSELVES for about 30k for SEVENTEEN Gaming CEO Jeon Wonwoo!!!!
Lots of love,
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shemybitchhh · 3 months
i loved little talks so much!! such a cute and heartwarming story 🥹
Ily! And thank you all for all the support! It was my first story and, honestly, I feel happy and proud of it. I've noticed that most of the one-shots, ~not just Ellie's~, include only sexual themes. And I'm not saying this like I don't read them like bitch in heat ~jiji~, but we deserve fluffy content too. I think it's a great way to find comfort and a safe space ♡.
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hanakohanabe · 1 year
My Ocs and Fandoms
Thank you for the tag!
Tagged by @taintedevesayori @yuriko-tsukino-rp
First and foremost let's introduce them all shall we?~
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Drawn By bokubunbun
Name: Skully
Fandom: From a comic book I made when I was in middle school? Its called Messorem.
Age: Unknown (but looks to be around his mid-20s)
Race: Zombie- Reaper
Orientation : Bisexual
He has two different colored eyes, one green one blue. He is a super flirtatious as well.
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Art by me
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Name Top
Age: Unknown ( Though he appears to be in his late 20s)
Fandom: Messorem
Race: Warlock?
Orientation: Unknown
He is a mad scientist ( running gag for me ik I love my apathetic science ) He is the creator of dolly who resembles his late wife.
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Name: Dolly
Race: doll
Fandom: Messorem
Orientation: Asexual (but she's not aromantic!)
Born to be a carbon copy of a mad scientists lover, she is anything but her, yet she possess the same voice. Her voice box is similar to that of a Siren.
IKABURU (video game im creating)
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Art by Naty
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He is also ♡ past lover of Hanako
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Concept art by Bokubunbun
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piccrew (amtiel)
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Twins! One always tells the truth one always lies.
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Art by bokubunbun
My OC melody the main protagonist, she is blind and deaf but when she goes to Ikaburu she is not anymore.
Diabolik Lovers Oc
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Mr. Ito Hanako's father art by me.
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Hanako unfinished comission by Ahren the puppeteer.
Honorable mentiones
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Sayuri he is the prince of the forrest domain
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KING of the swamp domain (Krone)
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Noire King of the Arachnid domain (his eyes change color every time he blinks)
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His sister Jiji
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Hanabelle protector and advisor of Sayuri she is a FurFur demon.
//Please do not use any if my ocs personal art or comissuons for personal use!
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illussy · 2 years
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hello♡ im anshu💜 im from argentina 🇦🇷, english is not my first language, so my grammar can be a little shitty sometimes jiji. im here to write about whatever that comes to my mind, specially about my faves♡
this is a self-ship blog dedicated to illuso💗 my request are always open, i might take awhile though👉👈
and since this blog is mostly NSFW and touches dark themes, is +18 ONLY. have your age in bio otherwise i will block you!!!!!
my masterlist here ♡♡♡
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taking request for part 5 only for now!!! these are some things that i will write:
- sfw
- fluff
- angst
- nsfw (smut)
and these are things that i don't have much practice on but don't mind writting:
- yandere*
- noncon/dubcon
- gore, violence
- and probably almost any kink/fetish
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💜some things to take in mind before you request:
- i write afab and gender neutral reader by default, so make sure to specify sex and gender
- *please remember to specify if you want soft yandere or a more perverse/wicked one. I can get carried away really easily with dark themes
- my headcanons are usually long just because i love writting them like that!!!
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snailslunchpail · 1 year
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jiji offers bery !! 🍓
RAHHH!!!! OK ILY SM JEEMERS!!! youre so funny and silly and i always look forward to interacting with you !!!! oAUSGHSD i feel like i say the same things everytime SORRY AGSHSJD BUT I ALWAYS GET SO EXCITED WHEN TALKING TO U you're really sweet and u have the best images/gifs EVER !! AND UR ALSO ALSO LIKE SUCH A GOOD CODER ??? ur website amazes me so much omg.. 😦🫶🫶🧙🏻‍♂️🧙🏻‍♂️ BUT YA I JUST REALLY LOVE UR ENERGY and i like singing songs with u over tumblr xD OH AND ALSO it makes me feel so special that u have a silly little tag for me !!!! ITS ALWAYS SUCH A JOY TO LOOK THROUGH AND MAKES ME VERY HAPPY :D
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tiny-tigers · 2 years
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Been hunting for you Jiji ♡ @dilfaz that's how much I love you
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imagines-ahs · 1 year
this chapter was so good, so much angst jajajsks
I just want to Wilhemina and Emma to be friends and stop bonding with her in a romantic way they are not for each other u.u
and pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee I need intimacy between Billie and Mina, any kind, not necessary smut
just they being close and tension jeje
just love a good slow burn jiji
just love this story, thank you so much for gifting us this♡
🥺🥺 thank yoooouuu!! I’m glad I’m being able to keep things exciting!! I promise everything you guys want is coming 💗💜
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