#lucas thompscie
yua-nism · 7 months
I saw your tags and I’m now very intrigued like what do you mean yuhan has the SHORTEST TRAGIC BACKSTORY?!?! JUST WHAT IS GOING ON?? like granted I should have known a game about devil cat butlers would have some angst and tragic backstories but god damn 😭😭
there was a miscalculation on my part and yuuhan's is in fact, not the one with the shortest backstory! however that's only because the others have yet to have their backstories be revealed. sorry for the late answer btw, exams have made me pretty tired.
ok so ill briefly explain a bit. this ties in to the requirement to become a devil butler that is, having felt so much despair that one feels like dying. normal people will be swallowed up by the devils they contract with. the despair essentially acts like chains for the devil. so to talk about their pasts in the Briefest Way Possible (lie):
miyaji has beef with lucas on the surface but really it's because he still can't get over the fact that lucas decided to save him from the verge of death instead of someone else he thought was more capable than him while lucas simply chose to save miyaji because he had higher chances of living.
lucas was basically a child prodigy/genius. since young, he's always loved reading books, and even read thick books that even adults struggled to understand. even though he was lonely and had no one to talk to, he still endured it, skipped grades, and became a doctor at the age of 10+. at first he was looked down on for being young, but an older doctor stood up for him. eventually he became the leader of the doctors, but due to his lack of social skills, he struggled to communicate well, which resulted in the doctors hating him. in the end, all the doctors except lucas quit their job. and the group collapsed. (tbf id quit too... imagine being said you didn't work as hard as him and don't have as much brainpower compared to him as well)
ammon has only had his mom since birth and lived with her, selling flowers for a living. ammon would always make sure the flowers would be sold out at the end of the day for his sickly mother, but if he doesn't manage to sell all of them it's heavily implied his mom whips him like he does to himself even now. they were like super poor but ammon still loved his mom because he only had her
berrien has like this super mysterious past but rn it's starting to unravel in chapter 4. he's an orphan and got adopted into a church backed by the grovanas or whatever nobel family to nurture warriors who could fight angels, but surprisingly the church is actually full of love and was ran by someone who fighted angels named Goetia. berrien also met his soon-to-be older brother figure named Beren/Belen. btw all of the kids go by the last name Cliane because goetia wants everyone to become true family.
when berrien was 26 (Beren 29), goetia died from a chronic disease and Beren had to take on goetia's responsibilities. berrien became the one running the church, however shit happened, Beren got demonized, and berrien used his powers to keep Beren alive after forming a contract with his current devil. he's still residing in berrien's basement as of current, but in a coma. berrien still thinks he himself has no rights to be a butler and really does not believe that he's the one keeping the damn thing running
also the church got destroyed like 2400 years ago and yes berrien is 2000+ years old
haures was born into some wack ass family, his dad ran away with some other woman and his mom projected her rage and stuff like that onto haures, and his newborn younger sister Tricia. haures is 10 years older than Tricia. when he was that age, he ran away from home with Tricia (literal baby) because he no longer trusted his mom to take good care of them. after that, when haures was 18, he trained hard to become a soldier under the grovanas nobles so he could afford to let Tricia get treatment for her worsening vision. one heartbreaking scene was when haures showed off his red uniform to Tricia and she said the blue uniform looked good on him... but 5 years later, haures managed to get Tricia's eyes healed!!! surely nothing bad could happen!!!!
sike. haures caught one of the grovanas nobles illegally trafficking humans with some dealer, and arrested him. however that led to the seller getting revenge, and he decided to capture tricia. he stabbed her and threw her into the woods. when haures found her, she only managed to call out to haures before she died after a few breaths. haures was really really really devastated. he sought revenge on the noble, and while the noble didn't die, he was jailed 5 years for harming the noble (not death sentence because he was determined mentally unstable after losing Tricia.). after he got out of jail, he found the noble again and wanted to kill him, but he was reminded of how Tricia admired him for protecting the people and helping those in need, which stopped him. after that, he became a devil butler because of his proficient fighting skills.
lamli was forced to work at a circus by his mom at the age of 10, while starting up with simple duties, he decided to train to become a circus troupe performer so he'd earn more money for his complaining mother. its heavily implied he's abandoned by her and becomes a devil butler because of his nimble body. btw his mom said she never wanted to have lamli right in front of him. jesus.
fennesz was born into a wealthy happy family, and had an older sister. however his war general father lost a war against nobles, and the economy went into shambles. his mom remarried but even though their stepdad was nice, fennesz and his sister ended up strays on the street due to some reasons i forgot of. fennesz would get bullied by kids on the street because of his father's loss in the war, but his sister would always protect him, and they relied on each other for survival. she's very smart, as shown in the story. she also loves history, as she said, it can help people learn from the past. its heavily implied she is dead.
ok flure! flure grew up with his older sister and mother who both did ballet (can one of you have an actual dad for once?), and he also followed in their footsteps. however when he was a child he was bullied for liking stereotypical girly things, like playing with his sister's dolls, doing ballet and having long hair. even though he was laughed at for doing it, he still underwent strict training guided bg his sister and mother. he never found the courage to tell his sister or mom even though his sister could tell something was wrong (heard him crying at night). he still thinks he should be more courageous to this day and thinks he's pathetic. we don't know what happened to his family but they probably died.
i wanted to talk about boschi but i realized idk much about him apart from the fact that he only had his grandmother (who's actually a great caretaker for once!) and he was bullied for being a bookworm/nerd at school and had no friends. though he did actually beat those bullies up later for mocking his grandma when she wanted to take him back home. she didn't want boschi to fight but she said herself she was actually rooting for him when he was fighting LMAOOO love her for that
lono. ok so lono was really poor and had no parents, and he acted as the older brother for the younger kids living on the streets with him. he'd work as someone who'd clean up rubble from battling angels, which was a job that had unstable income since no one knows when angels are gonna appear. they were family basically. lono would rather starve than let his siblings eat less, and his love of cooking originated here because he loved seeing them happy from his cooking. we don't know what happened to them, but they're probably dead
nac was born into a rich family, and has a father, not sure if he has a mother, never mentioned at least. apparently the stein family was great at sales or trading or smth??? they're just some very rich and well-known name. however on his 12th birthday, his butler led him to the forest near the stein mansion, and revealed himself to be someone the stein family harmed. just as he was about to kill lil nac in shock, nac retaliated in defense. and when he realized, he already stabbed the man at his vital point. his dad appears out of nowhere and reveals that he knew this all along, and that the stein family is actually a long line of assassins with sales as their front personas. nac was trained to kill since then, and thought he'd never feel positive emotions again before he became a devil butler. he also has scars all around his body, probably from the assassin work he did.
lato and his non-blood related brother, Aleks I think? were kidnapped by people who wanted to train people to become angel fighters. however unlike berrien, this time it's just pure cruelness and literal torture. they were 8 when this experiment started. not only that, all the children were sold by their caretakers to this place, including lato and aleks' "mother", the head of their orphanage, who they deeply loved and believed in. when lato finally found a way to escape, almost half the children were dead.
and when he told the others, they told lato that they already gave up on escaping, including aleks. from, i suppose, all the suppressed anger and trauma, he burned the experiment facility down, leaving the other kids to die because he hallucinated that they wanted them to be burned so they could be free. after that, lato returned to the orphanage even though he knew the "mother" sold him in the first place. guess what the mother did! that's right she ran back into the orphanage when she saw him, locked the fucking door and told him to get the fuck away from her. and lato burned the orphanage down.
now onto the new butler trio!
teddy is the one with the most details in his backstory so far. when he was young, he Had a twin brother, and teddy was a far cry from who he is now. he was negative and gloomy compared to his brother, who was positive and talented, and people always favored teddy's brother more. but one day, his brother died protecting him from an angel, but since they were so alike people didn't know whether the one that died was teddy or his brother. and after grieving his brother, teddy decided to become him, and used his brother's name to live on as him so people wouldn't be sad, because "teddy" was the one that died. and that led to teddy forming his personality today. teddy is his actual name though, he started using it after he became a knight. he became a knight because he wanted to protect people from angels.
but during an attack by an intelligent angel, namely seraphim, one of the angels that appeared at the end of chapter 1 and also the major antagonist of the story, teddy's entire unit got killed. at the start of chapter 2.5, he recuperated in a hospital, however he kept terrible nightmares (reliving the massacre, and hearing the voices of his comrades asking him why he abandoned them and why he got to survive) and so didn't sleep at all. he eventually snuck out of the hospital to visit their graves, and then started wondering what the point of him still being alive is. he almost threw himself off a cliff before haures and aruji reached him.
hanamaru. ten years before the story, hanamaru was fleeing from something- he walked all the way from the east to the central, and collapsed in a forest. a nun found him and took him back to a church that doubled as an orphanage. however the nun soon fell ill and died, so hanamaru began taking care of the kids in the church after he was saved by her.
but 5 years later, the church was attacked by angels. he was away from the church when the attack happened, and when he came back, all he saw were angels flying away from the ruined church. only 4 kids survived. hanamaru had a breakdown, and kept kneeling and pressing his head against the ground, saying things like "i couldn't protect them", "i swear ill keep them safe next time", implying this is not the first time something like this has happened. he swore vengeance against the angels that day, that he would never forgive them, and himself. so berrien suspects that the 4 kids that survived were the people that kept hanamaru around. who knows what could've happened if they passed as well...
lastly (finally), yuuhan. at the age of 9, he trained to become a soldier of the sardeis family so he could protect his hometown, and made it after 3 years. he quickly rose up in the ranks, being a prodigy. in the main story, he started doubting his loyalty to the family after they attempted an assassination on the devil butlers. and he betrayed the sardeis family and fell into their trap when investigating forbidden records. he got thrown into jail by the head, and the head decided for his punishment, yuuhan's whole village and everyone he knew there will be burned and killed. he could only despair in jail. in the story, after his prison guard left after serving him food, yuuhan started crying. he called out to his father, his mother, everyone from his hometown, apologizing again and again, believing that it's his fault that they died.
after that, the head, fubuki, paid him a visit. fubuki beat yuuhan up, pushed him to the verge of death, but not grave enough injuries to die. yuuhan asked fubuki to kill him, but fubuki refused. he even says he'll force feed yuuhan till the day of his death execution if necessary. however, yuuhan was rescued by the butlers during his execution. (it took place in a forest with tigers. basically the death penalty is getting eaten by tigers) he became a devil butler after that.
holy shit. also im not typing Bastien's since you can read his backstory from the tls available here.
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kokokonoekonoe · 1 year
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in33d4n4me · 11 months
How they sleep
Characters: all the butlers except the newest 3 bcs I don't know them that well sorry
A/n: keep in mind that these are my personal headcanons so don't be suprised If something doesn't line up with the story lol
Berrien: probably on his back holding the covers aka one of the most basic poses. Wears a whole pajama outfit with a little nightcap
Lono: crazy as hell, has half the blanket on and half of it off. Wears a short sleeve shirt and shorts to bed. Also snores loud and Bastien smacks him whenever he hears lono snoring
Bastien: on his stomach holding the pillow to his head from underneath. Only wears shorts to bed but no shirt
Lucas: deadass sleeps in a chair with his head back💀 he has serious neck problems. Wears probably a shirt and pants to bed
Nac: on his side in the fetal position not facing the wall. Wears regular pajamas to bed but his pants are too long and needs to get new, shorter ones.
Lamli: on his stomach with his face in the pillow. No one knows how he breathed while sleeping like that, and it freaks nac out. Has cute ass pajamas with stars on them
Haures: He doesn't probably on his back holding a pillow on his stomach(don't ask me why I think that idk) he probably wears the same kind of pajamas berrien does. He also puts his pajamas on at a certain time but most of the time doesn't even sleep in his bed😭
Fennesz(I probably messed up his name): on his side holding his pillow. Wears a short sleeve shirt and fluffy pajama pants. Sleeps incredibly quiet, haures occasionally makes sure he's still breathing
Boschi: anytime, anywhere. Sleeps on his stomach with his arms and head on top of the pillow. Just wears pajama pants to bed and it pisses haures off because he refuses to wear a shirt to bed. Also snores rlly loud
Ammon: curled up on his side in a blanket burrito with like 3 pillows. Wears thick long sleeve pajamas to bed. Sometimes can't get out of the blanket burrito in the morning and jas to ask boschi to help
Basement butlers: THEY ALL SLEEP IN A CUDDLE PILE IDC. It's the only way lato sleeps peacefully. Miyaji sleeps on his back. Lato sleeps to the right of Miyaji facing away from him on his side. Flure sleeps half on and half off miyaji. They all have matching pajamas flure made. Lato's has softer fabric to help him sleep better . Lato sleeps dead quiet so miyaji checks his pulse to make sure he's still alive. Lato once gave miyaji a heart attack because he couldn't feel his pulse immediately when he checked, but realized he was checking the wrong spot on lato's neck💀 flure also snores. Not loud like boschi and lono, but loud enough for lato to tease him about it.
A/n: guess whos back from the dead lol
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okamihanchoi · 7 months
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Lucas Thompscie🩺
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rose0725 · 9 months
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Butler's wine festival
Episode 2
[To the city of Tobiris ]
⚠️ The translation can be wrong
Mu:Mgh.... I still feel sleepy...
You:Good morning, Mu
Mu:Ah. Good morning, Lord.Sorry….
I ate too much food last night.
My stomach is bloated... I had a hard time falling asleep.
You:a-are you okay?
Mu:Ah, yes. I'm a little sleepy, but other than that I'm fine!
Once I eat breakfast, I'll be back to normal in no time!
You:(Great appetite...)
Mu:Ah, now Is everyone else awake yet? Last night... It seems like they are still drinking even after the master took their leave.
*I typed 'their' because the master can be both men and women/Boys and girls
You:by the way…
Lono aside...., I feel like Lucas, Boschi, and Hanamaru weren't good at getting up early.
They said they were leaving for the city of Tbilis in the morning...
Was everyone able to wake up properly?
I'm starting to get a little worried.
For now…,
Shall we go to the entrance hall?
You:I agree
When Mu and I got ready... For now, I decided to go down to the entrance.
Lono:Ah! Good morning, Lord.
You:Good morning,Lono
Mu:Mr. Lono!
You were already awake.
Lono:No wonder. I wonder if I'll be able to sleep through my important trip with my master.
I'm sorry, Lord. I thought I'd go pick you up to your room, but... Preparing breakfast and arranging the carriage...
I haven't been able to do it until now. Good grief…. Those three people really have a weakness for mornings~
Those 3 people including Lucas, Boschi, and Hanamaru
Mu:Ah, now that I think about it...
What happened to Lucas and the others?
Maybe... Are they still sleeping in their room?
Lono:No. It's already happening./They already woke up
It's just...,After all its in the morning.
It seems that it takes time to get ready
That's it./That's all
Lono:Oops. If you make rumors ...
Lamli:Look, Lucas -sama!
I arrived at the entrance hall.
Oh, there is also the Lord.
Good morning, Lord 🎶
Lono:Lucas ... Are you still sleeping?
I managed to finish the clothes and hair set.
It seems like I was drinking late yesterday ... Is it like this for about 10 minutes?
Lono:T-that's right ... Doing something is hard.
Well, I can make it alone while sleeping ...
It's an important trip from today. Just in case, I was asked to take care of myself!
If I didn't have a wine cellar cleaning work ... I'm going on a trip together. If you skip, you'll be disgusted by the Nac all year round. This time I will put up with it.
Lono:Ah ... You said, by the way.
You:(It's an experience ...)
By the way, what are the other two?
Ammon:Good morning! Now, I'm waking up Boschi.
I think he will come down soon ... Can you wait a little longer?
Teddy:Good morning! Are you all together?
Hanamaru is coming here now ...
Please wait a little longer!
Mu:Oh! Amon, Teddy ...
Did they ask you guys to wake them up in the morning?
Ammon:That's right. In the unlikely event that you don't sleep.
Teddy:I'm always early in the morning. This is very cheap to use. Hanamaru's clothes and preparation have been completed. You don't have to sleep!
Ammon:That's right. Then wait for them to come ...
........The are not coming
Teddy:Oh, it's funny/This is wierd...
I will see a little.
*door sound*
Ammon:I also ... . I'll go back to the second floor.
Hanamaru-san, that's not tatami!
Well, it's cobblestone, so it's tatami... Anyway, it's no good if you sleep on the road!
Ammon:Boschi-san...! It's no good if you sleep leaning against the wall. Mo~, isn't your forehead turning red?
Lono:One thing...
Everyone seems to be having a hard time...
Teddy:Hey, wake up! Delicious wine is waiting for you!
Lucas:eh?Delicious wine?
Mu:Ah. Looks like you've woken up now.
Lamli:Good morning, Mr. Lucas🎶
Lono:......Do I have to wake these three up during the trip......?
Lamli:Hehe. Looks like you had a pretty fun party last night~
Ammon:That's right. I was carefully asked to wake up earlier than usual.I'm sure you were looking forward to the trip with the lord.
Boschi:Shut up. Don't say too much, Amon.
Hanamaru:Hehe. Anyway, thank you for waking me up. Thank you, Teddy. I'll buy some delicious wine as a souvenir.
Teddy:Yes! Please give me something that I can drink with Mr. Yuhan!
Lucas:Well.Then, I'm ready to leave ... As scheduled…. Let's go to the city of Tobilis.
Lamli:Welcome!Please be careful on the way! Please buy a lot of delicious wine~
You:Yeah, I'm going
Mu:Hehe ... I'm looking forward to what kind of festival it is!
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sugar-glaze-donut · 1 year
(Why did I think about this during my Japanese lesson I’m miserably failing at 😭)
You know those stories where:
MC is a demon/ angel
2. You isekai to to your favourite show/ game
Why don’t we combine those? Put it together with a pinch of Akuneko and what do we get?
「Isekai Aruji-sama but they're actually a demon/ angel in their world」
(mhm yes cringe I know, but please this is the only way for me to rant my thoughts)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
So you know how the names of the demons the butlers contracted with and the high-ranking angels’ names are names of actual demons and angel rankings, right?
I could imagine demon Aruji-sama going: ...why do the butler’s demons have the same name as my friends?? cause demon! Aruji-sama might be friends with the demons in their world.
lmao, shenanigans and drama 👀
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My headcanon of Demon!Aruji-sama:
- They’re not the “evil” and “destroy humanity” kind of demon (so basically they're not the “stereotypical demon”)
- You’re interested in human customs
- You consider the demons (the ones in your world) as colleagues/ friends
- You do know some angels, some try to be friends with you, but others, you’re not on the best of terms with them
- You don’t get the “Angels are bad they kill people” thing in the butlers’ world
- You told Berrien, Fennesz, or any butler who’s interested in your world, EVERY detail and history of demons and angels in your world (they were quite stunned to know that angels were the “good” entities
- (more headcanons coming soon 🙃)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Episode 1 - Part 3
Lono: Aruji-sama, I need you to summon my powers! *passes Demon! Aruji-sama the ritual lookin ass book*
Demon!Aruji-sama: ok let’s see here... wait you have a contract with a demon? What’s their name?
Lono: *confused* um it’s (insert Lono’s contracted demon name)
Lono: *even more confused*
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Episode 1 Part - 11
Berrien: We were able to capture this angel. Now we have it trapped in resin.
Demon!Aruji-sama: ...wow they look more lifeless than those flying white-winged chickens in my world
Berrien: ...Aruji-sama pardon me, but what!?
Berrien: ...so Aruji-sama you’re a demon in your world!?
Demon!Aruji-sama: I mean I’m not an impressive one, but yeah. Also, why do angels in this world kill humans? I thought they “protect humanity” and “serve justice” and all that sappy shit.
Berrien: *curious and shocked* Oh my! That is very fascinating! How about demons? Are they the opposite of angels in your world?
Demon!Aruji-sama: Some are some aren’t. Mostly depends on what their ranks and roles are in the Netherworld.
Berrien and Demon!Aruji-sama: *continues to talk about demons and angels in their world*
Muu in the background: Zzzz...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The next day
Lucas: Berrien, are you alright? You seem tired.
Berrien: *sleepily* oh sorry! I was talking with Aruji-sama last night about her world’s demons and angels.
Lucas: fufu, must’ve been an interesting topic for it to keep you up all night
Berrien: *his voice filled with a lot of enthusiasm compared to his usual calm tone* Oh yes it was!
Demon!Aruji-sama: *comes out of nowhere* would you like to know about my world Lucas?
Berrien and Demon!Aruji-sama: *stares at Lucas with sparkling eyes*
Lucas: *flinches a bit* a-ah maybe later. Also, good morning Aruji-sama. How are you not sleepy? Let alone, you went to bed late like Berrien, right?
Demon!Aruji-sama: I’m a demon so... I don’t need to sleep.
Lucas: That isn’t an excuse to… wait Aruji-sama you’re a WHAT??
~𝓉 𝒽 𝑒 𝑒 𝓃 𝒹~
(oops, I made them OOC 😅. This was pretty fun to write though. The next part will be about Angel! Aruji-sama)
Last edited: March 6th Will I update/ edit this soon?: Yes (but not now cause it's 12:28 a.m when I finished this 😪)
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aknunek0writer · 1 year
Hello, this is the first time I leave a request, so if it's not difficult for you, then what about the headcanons about the reaction of the butlers to aruji-sama nervous breakdown? You can go with whoever you like! Thank you anyway! (I also apologize for my terrible English)
Of course ^•^ you have very amazing English!
# □■–'Nervous breakdown'–■□
- ♡ characters: Lucas Thompscie.
- ⚠ warning: breakdown - angst - comfort/hurt - this could Trigger past trauma memory or memory,
- ☆ gn reader
- ✎ Please do not Reupload on anything other than Tumblr!
- ♤ Author note: I did the only one character since the first one that came to mind sorry if it's not what you might!
- ◇ enjoy <3
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-◇ Lucas Thompscie,,ルカス・トンプシー◆
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You have been withdrawing from them the other butlers are concerned Luca was thinking maybe a Nervous breakdown was the reason but he wasn't too sure about it.
You have been just scared of everything or too stressed and Luca was sure that this was a Nervous breakdown he was thinking why did a Nervous breakdown trigger could be..?
Family problems or Overwork or maybe school or stress or mental health? Physical...so many this could make this happen
Luca took you to his room he just stared at you with his usual closed eyes smile but something felt different about..it
Luca would get scold by the others later from doing this but "aruji-sama..."
He said everything that made the problems you had been dealing with as you stared at him tears coming from your eyes as Luca just stared at you...
Luca has been taking you with him to meetings to socialize or getting you to do more physical exercise or practice relaxation techniques like meditation or breathing exercises. or Journaling eating a bit more healthily making sure you get enough sleep doing some of your favorite activities and giving you some alone time when you needed.
He smiled at you talking to the other butlers after all it seems you Nervous breakdown calm down
"Aruji-sama how do you feel. That's good after all your well-being seems fine for now but If you feel like anything else or Nervous breakdown please do come to me after all I want to be there when my Aruji-sama needs help you've been there for me and everyone else when we need the most so please do rely on me.. ♡"
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kamidukki · 1 year
AKNK 1st Anniversary SSR Cards SNEAK PEEK Translation – 3rd Floor Butlers
Warning: SPOILERS. Exactly what it says in the title. This post contains part of SSR cards available for free reading, be it TRANSLATION of the dialogues or PICTURES of the butlers when they were children/in the past.
Just in case, please remember that the free reading trial in AKNK isn’t always continuous. They can jump from one scene to another, sometimes seamlessly, with the background as the only indicator of change.
Nac's full translation can be read here. In exchange, I put Ammon in this post.
*FB = flashback
M = Master/us players
Muu: Owe…?
Ammon: But well… I owe Boschi-san a lot of things.
M: The person who saved you?
Ammon: That’s right. Boschi-san is the person who saved me.
Ammon: Ah, right… I haven’t told you about this, Master.
That time when Boschi-san and I first met…
M: I’m curious what kind of meeting it was.
-??? years ago-
Boschi: Good grief, sleeping in a place like this… I was looking for you.
Boschi: Talk later. You’re hungry, right.
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Ammon: Eh…? W-who…
Here, a sandwich. Eat.
Ammon: Sand…wich…?
I don’t want it…
I’m not… hungry or anything…
/sounds of gurgling stomach
Boschi: Ha… Just like Berrien-san said.
Not the honest type, aren’t you.
Here, open your mouth.
Ammon: Ch… S-stop it…!
It's got poison or something in it anyway, right?
I said I didn’t want it!
Who wants to eat a meal prepared by you lots…!
-end of free trial-
Lucas: I don’t want to frighten you too much but, I used to hunt angels a lot in the past.
Right now, I’m using a scythe as a weapon, however…
Even with it, I’m still learning a bit of martial arts and swordsmanship.
If you like, Master, I can even teach you the art of self-defense, you know?
Muu: Eh…! That’s unexpected somehow…
Lucas-san… even though you’re a doctor, you’re able to do martial arts?
M: Since when did you learn it?
Let’s see…
Lucas: Fu fu…
The first time I got to learn is when… I was 10.
M: Since that early…
Lucas: I may have talked about this to you before.
The younger me is a child who was always thirsting for knowledge. (*)
/sounds trashing
Older kids: Hah… Hh… the hell, what a stubborn jerk you are!
Child Lucas: Kh…!
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You’re younger than us so listen to what we say!
If you dare to disobey us again… you’ll get more than this.
/sounds of footsteps walking away
Child Lucas: Ha… Hh…
It’s no good…
What am I supposed to do… even though I already know how in my head…
It’s useless if my body doesn’t move.
Knowledge alone is not enough when it comes to fighting…
-end of free trial-
M: Is that so?
Lamli: The truth is… I was working in a circus a long time ago.
Lamli: Y-yes… This this the first time I told you though, Master.
Well, it’s not a big deal of a story~
M: I’d like to hear more.
Hmm~ If that’s so, then…
Lamli: Eh? Y-you do?
Understood. I’ll tell you.
At that time, I was just turned 10…
I lived with my mother when I was young. My father… he wasn’t there for as long as I can remember.
Whenever I asked about him to my mother, she always turned sour.
“That guy, he’s a scum who abandoned us,” she would say.
My mother worked at a night-shift job, during midnight till morning.
Once she came home drunk… and I happened to hear her talk to herself like this.
“I didn’t even want a child…”
M: Lamli…/No way…
Child Lamli: W-wait a moment, mom.
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Joining a circus trope… I don’t have any artistic talent…
It doesn't matter, errand boy or whatever, just ask them to hire you.
Lamli’s mother: That’s fine. If you’re at least get hired, it’s enough.
Do you understand?
Until you get hired, don’t dare come back home!
Child Lamli: No way… Why so sudden, such thing…
Lamli’s mother: What? Are you talking back to me, your parent?
Do you even understand how much hard work I’m doing just to feed you?
It was a lot of work just to raise you up to this point, you know.
Get a grip and work for yourself.
If you don’t like that, get out of here.
Child Lamli: W-wait! Anything but that…
… I get it…
I’ll ask to get hired in the circus troupe… any job.
-end of free trial-
* = Lucas talks about his past in his initial story.
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m4yun0meme1ng · 2 years
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Lucas Popsicle
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herri-writes · 2 years
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moonvityy · 2 years
lucas loves wine so i thought why not edit him inside a wine glass for the shits and giggles
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invui · 2 years
what kind of kisses do they give?
this is probably going to be another series headcannon type of thing again so i decided to do the characters that i can actually write for (also out of spite for one of them)
this is based on the kissing headcannons that i did with the others in the aknk discord server! (way back actually lol)
characters: fennesz, haures, and lucas
tagging: @moonvityy @imnotmarianne @l1qiaruru
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fennesz is the type of person who would do gentle kisses
mainly soft butterfly kisses, forehead kisses, and even light pecks on the lips
being kissed by fennesz is something that the two of you would do when the others aren’t looking or just by being alone together
however, he could get a bit cheeky when it comes to kissing you
he would just give a very quick peck on the cheek or lips just to save time for the others to not see when their backs are turned away
also the type to say sweet nothings before, between, and probably after the kisses
will not hesitate to say “i love you” after the both of you kiss, maybe even a more serious and sincere one if you ever share a nice bonding moment
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haures is shy when it comes to kissing so he just ends up doing kisses that are a bit beginner level
they’re mainly pecks on the cheeks and forehead kisses
every time he tries to kiss you it would end up to haures hesitating to even do the action himself
so in order for him to actually gain confidence into doing affectionate things such as kissing, please be patient! time will do the work for you!
there will be instances where haures would kiss your hand but that’s usually for when special occasions are being held (parties, weddings, or even small celebrations spent with the other butlers)
and of course, he will spring right back up out of embarrassment after doing something so romantic
he prefers initiating kisses when the both of you are in private and private alone
there were times where the butlers would witness haures kissing you
some butlers will keep it a secret while the other use it as blackmail material (and it’s pretty obvious it would boschi)
whenever you are stumped by work or studying, one of haures’s ways to get you up and working is to kiss you on the forehead or cheek and get flustered himself because that’s just how it is
when it comes to sincere and genuine kisses on the lips however, i would like to think that haures tends to do those types of things subconsciously
ever got yourself into danger without haures’s knowledge? he might kiss you as if to say he was really worried and that he’s relieved that you’re alive and well
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lucas is the type to give sweet and mostly sincere kisses
he would mainly do literally what fennesz and haures does but add a bit more confidence into his actions
he would also include kisses on your forehead and probably hands if possible when he tends to your injuries or wounds if you’re around the mansion
definitely would do kisses out of nowhere just to surprise you even in public which would make you worry about him
but whenever you come to him complaining about these type of stuff he would just brush it off while just saying something along the lines of “i know”
i think he would be the type of guy to do the kiss to make sure you stfu but in a cheeky way
he’s also the type of person who won’t hesitate to say i love you
i can see lucas as one of those people who would use kisses and affection as a prize/bait in order for you to finish your work
he’s basically the person who would just be a little ass and just use kisses as a way for him to do the stuff you want him to do
“i might be able to do it only if you kiss me”
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these headcannons might be shorter than usual but that’s usually because i was stumped (dw there’s a high chance that i’m going to be writing a full blown fic for one of these hcs)
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rose0725 · 7 months
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aknunek0writer · 1 year
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"Master just reset. Don't worry everything will be taken care of." Luca signed at you but a chuckle.
You just closed your eyes and fell asleep after trying to leave Luca's room for a whole hour- (why it's this me-)
Luca looked at your sleeping figure you looked so peaceful and smiled you reminded him of someone (spoiled?)
"Master...I will keep safe you as long I am alive I promise you.." Luca felt a tear run down his cheek ...
.BOO! :D some angst since it's yummy! Have you guys read chapter 4 of the first year Anniversary?
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It seems that you can definitely prepare the goods [until today] that are being developed by Movic by making a reservation 🦋 .
There is also a key chain that matches the mysterious emblem engraved on the butler's body 🔑 .
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There is a mysterious emblem on the butler's body 🌹
Each has a slightly different shape, but ...
What the hell is this?
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https-immotmari · 2 years
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Found a future wedding picture of Mrs. and Mr. Thompscie. love ya, Yin. have a happy married life🥰✨💖
Tagging: @l1qiaruru, @herrianne, @amethystrosea, @kazune-nene, @m4yun0meme1ng, @fwoomiufy
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