#nac stein
yua-nism · 7 months
I saw your tags and I’m now very intrigued like what do you mean yuhan has the SHORTEST TRAGIC BACKSTORY?!?! JUST WHAT IS GOING ON?? like granted I should have known a game about devil cat butlers would have some angst and tragic backstories but god damn 😭😭
there was a miscalculation on my part and yuuhan's is in fact, not the one with the shortest backstory! however that's only because the others have yet to have their backstories be revealed. sorry for the late answer btw, exams have made me pretty tired.
ok so ill briefly explain a bit. this ties in to the requirement to become a devil butler that is, having felt so much despair that one feels like dying. normal people will be swallowed up by the devils they contract with. the despair essentially acts like chains for the devil. so to talk about their pasts in the Briefest Way Possible (lie):
miyaji has beef with lucas on the surface but really it's because he still can't get over the fact that lucas decided to save him from the verge of death instead of someone else he thought was more capable than him while lucas simply chose to save miyaji because he had higher chances of living.
lucas was basically a child prodigy/genius. since young, he's always loved reading books, and even read thick books that even adults struggled to understand. even though he was lonely and had no one to talk to, he still endured it, skipped grades, and became a doctor at the age of 10+. at first he was looked down on for being young, but an older doctor stood up for him. eventually he became the leader of the doctors, but due to his lack of social skills, he struggled to communicate well, which resulted in the doctors hating him. in the end, all the doctors except lucas quit their job. and the group collapsed. (tbf id quit too... imagine being said you didn't work as hard as him and don't have as much brainpower compared to him as well)
ammon has only had his mom since birth and lived with her, selling flowers for a living. ammon would always make sure the flowers would be sold out at the end of the day for his sickly mother, but if he doesn't manage to sell all of them it's heavily implied his mom whips him like he does to himself even now. they were like super poor but ammon still loved his mom because he only had her
berrien has like this super mysterious past but rn it's starting to unravel in chapter 4. he's an orphan and got adopted into a church backed by the grovanas or whatever nobel family to nurture warriors who could fight angels, but surprisingly the church is actually full of love and was ran by someone who fighted angels named Goetia. berrien also met his soon-to-be older brother figure named Beren/Belen. btw all of the kids go by the last name Cliane because goetia wants everyone to become true family.
when berrien was 26 (Beren 29), goetia died from a chronic disease and Beren had to take on goetia's responsibilities. berrien became the one running the church, however shit happened, Beren got demonized, and berrien used his powers to keep Beren alive after forming a contract with his current devil. he's still residing in berrien's basement as of current, but in a coma. berrien still thinks he himself has no rights to be a butler and really does not believe that he's the one keeping the damn thing running
also the church got destroyed like 2400 years ago and yes berrien is 2000+ years old
haures was born into some wack ass family, his dad ran away with some other woman and his mom projected her rage and stuff like that onto haures, and his newborn younger sister Tricia. haures is 10 years older than Tricia. when he was that age, he ran away from home with Tricia (literal baby) because he no longer trusted his mom to take good care of them. after that, when haures was 18, he trained hard to become a soldier under the grovanas nobles so he could afford to let Tricia get treatment for her worsening vision. one heartbreaking scene was when haures showed off his red uniform to Tricia and she said the blue uniform looked good on him... but 5 years later, haures managed to get Tricia's eyes healed!!! surely nothing bad could happen!!!!
sike. haures caught one of the grovanas nobles illegally trafficking humans with some dealer, and arrested him. however that led to the seller getting revenge, and he decided to capture tricia. he stabbed her and threw her into the woods. when haures found her, she only managed to call out to haures before she died after a few breaths. haures was really really really devastated. he sought revenge on the noble, and while the noble didn't die, he was jailed 5 years for harming the noble (not death sentence because he was determined mentally unstable after losing Tricia.). after he got out of jail, he found the noble again and wanted to kill him, but he was reminded of how Tricia admired him for protecting the people and helping those in need, which stopped him. after that, he became a devil butler because of his proficient fighting skills.
lamli was forced to work at a circus by his mom at the age of 10, while starting up with simple duties, he decided to train to become a circus troupe performer so he'd earn more money for his complaining mother. its heavily implied he's abandoned by her and becomes a devil butler because of his nimble body. btw his mom said she never wanted to have lamli right in front of him. jesus.
fennesz was born into a wealthy happy family, and had an older sister. however his war general father lost a war against nobles, and the economy went into shambles. his mom remarried but even though their stepdad was nice, fennesz and his sister ended up strays on the street due to some reasons i forgot of. fennesz would get bullied by kids on the street because of his father's loss in the war, but his sister would always protect him, and they relied on each other for survival. she's very smart, as shown in the story. she also loves history, as she said, it can help people learn from the past. its heavily implied she is dead.
ok flure! flure grew up with his older sister and mother who both did ballet (can one of you have an actual dad for once?), and he also followed in their footsteps. however when he was a child he was bullied for liking stereotypical girly things, like playing with his sister's dolls, doing ballet and having long hair. even though he was laughed at for doing it, he still underwent strict training guided bg his sister and mother. he never found the courage to tell his sister or mom even though his sister could tell something was wrong (heard him crying at night). he still thinks he should be more courageous to this day and thinks he's pathetic. we don't know what happened to his family but they probably died.
i wanted to talk about boschi but i realized idk much about him apart from the fact that he only had his grandmother (who's actually a great caretaker for once!) and he was bullied for being a bookworm/nerd at school and had no friends. though he did actually beat those bullies up later for mocking his grandma when she wanted to take him back home. she didn't want boschi to fight but she said herself she was actually rooting for him when he was fighting LMAOOO love her for that
lono. ok so lono was really poor and had no parents, and he acted as the older brother for the younger kids living on the streets with him. he'd work as someone who'd clean up rubble from battling angels, which was a job that had unstable income since no one knows when angels are gonna appear. they were family basically. lono would rather starve than let his siblings eat less, and his love of cooking originated here because he loved seeing them happy from his cooking. we don't know what happened to them, but they're probably dead
nac was born into a rich family, and has a father, not sure if he has a mother, never mentioned at least. apparently the stein family was great at sales or trading or smth??? they're just some very rich and well-known name. however on his 12th birthday, his butler led him to the forest near the stein mansion, and revealed himself to be someone the stein family harmed. just as he was about to kill lil nac in shock, nac retaliated in defense. and when he realized, he already stabbed the man at his vital point. his dad appears out of nowhere and reveals that he knew this all along, and that the stein family is actually a long line of assassins with sales as their front personas. nac was trained to kill since then, and thought he'd never feel positive emotions again before he became a devil butler. he also has scars all around his body, probably from the assassin work he did.
lato and his non-blood related brother, Aleks I think? were kidnapped by people who wanted to train people to become angel fighters. however unlike berrien, this time it's just pure cruelness and literal torture. they were 8 when this experiment started. not only that, all the children were sold by their caretakers to this place, including lato and aleks' "mother", the head of their orphanage, who they deeply loved and believed in. when lato finally found a way to escape, almost half the children were dead.
and when he told the others, they told lato that they already gave up on escaping, including aleks. from, i suppose, all the suppressed anger and trauma, he burned the experiment facility down, leaving the other kids to die because he hallucinated that they wanted them to be burned so they could be free. after that, lato returned to the orphanage even though he knew the "mother" sold him in the first place. guess what the mother did! that's right she ran back into the orphanage when she saw him, locked the fucking door and told him to get the fuck away from her. and lato burned the orphanage down.
now onto the new butler trio!
teddy is the one with the most details in his backstory so far. when he was young, he Had a twin brother, and teddy was a far cry from who he is now. he was negative and gloomy compared to his brother, who was positive and talented, and people always favored teddy's brother more. but one day, his brother died protecting him from an angel, but since they were so alike people didn't know whether the one that died was teddy or his brother. and after grieving his brother, teddy decided to become him, and used his brother's name to live on as him so people wouldn't be sad, because "teddy" was the one that died. and that led to teddy forming his personality today. teddy is his actual name though, he started using it after he became a knight. he became a knight because he wanted to protect people from angels.
but during an attack by an intelligent angel, namely seraphim, one of the angels that appeared at the end of chapter 1 and also the major antagonist of the story, teddy's entire unit got killed. at the start of chapter 2.5, he recuperated in a hospital, however he kept terrible nightmares (reliving the massacre, and hearing the voices of his comrades asking him why he abandoned them and why he got to survive) and so didn't sleep at all. he eventually snuck out of the hospital to visit their graves, and then started wondering what the point of him still being alive is. he almost threw himself off a cliff before haures and aruji reached him.
hanamaru. ten years before the story, hanamaru was fleeing from something- he walked all the way from the east to the central, and collapsed in a forest. a nun found him and took him back to a church that doubled as an orphanage. however the nun soon fell ill and died, so hanamaru began taking care of the kids in the church after he was saved by her.
but 5 years later, the church was attacked by angels. he was away from the church when the attack happened, and when he came back, all he saw were angels flying away from the ruined church. only 4 kids survived. hanamaru had a breakdown, and kept kneeling and pressing his head against the ground, saying things like "i couldn't protect them", "i swear ill keep them safe next time", implying this is not the first time something like this has happened. he swore vengeance against the angels that day, that he would never forgive them, and himself. so berrien suspects that the 4 kids that survived were the people that kept hanamaru around. who knows what could've happened if they passed as well...
lastly (finally), yuuhan. at the age of 9, he trained to become a soldier of the sardeis family so he could protect his hometown, and made it after 3 years. he quickly rose up in the ranks, being a prodigy. in the main story, he started doubting his loyalty to the family after they attempted an assassination on the devil butlers. and he betrayed the sardeis family and fell into their trap when investigating forbidden records. he got thrown into jail by the head, and the head decided for his punishment, yuuhan's whole village and everyone he knew there will be burned and killed. he could only despair in jail. in the story, after his prison guard left after serving him food, yuuhan started crying. he called out to his father, his mother, everyone from his hometown, apologizing again and again, believing that it's his fault that they died.
after that, the head, fubuki, paid him a visit. fubuki beat yuuhan up, pushed him to the verge of death, but not grave enough injuries to die. yuuhan asked fubuki to kill him, but fubuki refused. he even says he'll force feed yuuhan till the day of his death execution if necessary. however, yuuhan was rescued by the butlers during his execution. (it took place in a forest with tigers. basically the death penalty is getting eaten by tigers) he became a devil butler after that.
holy shit. also im not typing Bastien's since you can read his backstory from the tls available here.
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kokokonoekonoe · 1 year
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doesnot-really-exist · 5 months
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in33d4n4me · 11 months
How they sleep
Characters: all the butlers except the newest 3 bcs I don't know them that well sorry
A/n: keep in mind that these are my personal headcanons so don't be suprised If something doesn't line up with the story lol
Berrien: probably on his back holding the covers aka one of the most basic poses. Wears a whole pajama outfit with a little nightcap
Lono: crazy as hell, has half the blanket on and half of it off. Wears a short sleeve shirt and shorts to bed. Also snores loud and Bastien smacks him whenever he hears lono snoring
Bastien: on his stomach holding the pillow to his head from underneath. Only wears shorts to bed but no shirt
Lucas: deadass sleeps in a chair with his head back💀 he has serious neck problems. Wears probably a shirt and pants to bed
Nac: on his side in the fetal position not facing the wall. Wears regular pajamas to bed but his pants are too long and needs to get new, shorter ones.
Lamli: on his stomach with his face in the pillow. No one knows how he breathed while sleeping like that, and it freaks nac out. Has cute ass pajamas with stars on them
Haures: He doesn't probably on his back holding a pillow on his stomach(don't ask me why I think that idk) he probably wears the same kind of pajamas berrien does. He also puts his pajamas on at a certain time but most of the time doesn't even sleep in his bed😭
Fennesz(I probably messed up his name): on his side holding his pillow. Wears a short sleeve shirt and fluffy pajama pants. Sleeps incredibly quiet, haures occasionally makes sure he's still breathing
Boschi: anytime, anywhere. Sleeps on his stomach with his arms and head on top of the pillow. Just wears pajama pants to bed and it pisses haures off because he refuses to wear a shirt to bed. Also snores rlly loud
Ammon: curled up on his side in a blanket burrito with like 3 pillows. Wears thick long sleeve pajamas to bed. Sometimes can't get out of the blanket burrito in the morning and jas to ask boschi to help
Basement butlers: THEY ALL SLEEP IN A CUDDLE PILE IDC. It's the only way lato sleeps peacefully. Miyaji sleeps on his back. Lato sleeps to the right of Miyaji facing away from him on his side. Flure sleeps half on and half off miyaji. They all have matching pajamas flure made. Lato's has softer fabric to help him sleep better . Lato sleeps dead quiet so miyaji checks his pulse to make sure he's still alive. Lato once gave miyaji a heart attack because he couldn't feel his pulse immediately when he checked, but realized he was checking the wrong spot on lato's neck💀 flure also snores. Not loud like boschi and lono, but loud enough for lato to tease him about it.
A/n: guess whos back from the dead lol
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popstarqueen · 1 month
"NacRook isn't real. He can't hurt you...."
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chanothy · 1 year
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“some prince nac headcannons”
Prince Nac who has been engaged to you since you were both young and cherishes you more than his title as crown prince.
Prince Nac who finds you the most talent designer so no matter what ball you go to you’ll be the most beautiful lady there (you are in his eyes but nobles are hard to sway >:()
Prince Nac who has affectionately called you “my queen” from a young age
Prince Nac who assures that you are given all the things you deserve as his fiancé. (Gorgeous dresses, the finest jewelry, and trinkets from foreign lands)
Prince Nac who helped you practice dancing just so he could hold you close. (Even if you step on his toes)
Prince Nac who loves the fleeting nights you spend together after a long day. Letting you run your hands over his exhausted features and admire his eyes.
Prince Nac who admires your sleep face when you curl up on him late at night.
Prince Nac who kisses your with such purpose it almost makes you dizzy.
Prince Nac who let’s no one speak ill of you and had used unethical ways to ensure you remain untouched by the dirty nobles around you.
Prince Nac who feels overwhelming guilt for the life you were forced into by his father. Crown princess lessons filled the days you should have spent enjoying your youth, and being forced to deal with the hostile gaze of other nobles.
Prince Nac who believed from a young age he was undeserving of your gentle touch. And your unwavering love
Prince Nac who asks for an annulment late into the night in hopes of freeing you from the title of crown princess.
Prince Nac who is too in love with you to imagine his life without you
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m4yun0meme1ng · 2 years
Come back with Nacku memes
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If you're in discord server, you know.
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kamidukki · 1 year
Nac’s 1st Anniversary Card Story – The Young Boy’s Another Face (少年の裏の顔) [1]
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[The following is an in-game warning ⬇]
※ A warning before you read
This story contains spoilers from recent event story [1st Anniversary – The Butlers’ Prayer]. It is recommended to read after you finish reading chapter 12.
For the players who wish to avoid spoilers, press the button on the upper left corner to go back.
Chapter 1
-Southern Church-
On a certain day in December…
The three of us, Muu, Nac, and I…
Were in the Southern Church, sorting out the deceased butlers’ keepsakes that were placed there.
Nac: Hmm… Looking closely at each of the keepsakes like this, it is as if you can see the personality of the owner, isn’t it.
Just what kind of life they’ve lived… what kind of thoughts these keepsakes hold…
When you close your eyes, it’s as if you can glean at that person’s past.
M: What various lives, right.
Muu: Talking about the past… Yours is quite a mystery too, Nac-san.
M: Now that you mention it…
Nac: Eh…? My past… is it?
Muu: Right.
Though you’re a very kind person under normal circumstances, you have scars all over your body… And when you wake up, you’re so scary that I thought you’re a different person…
Just what kind of past you’ve lived… The truth is, I’m always curious about it.
M: Actually, me too…
Nac: Even Master…?
Well, how do I put this… In my case, it’s not the kind of past where I can proudly brag to other people…
M: You don’t need to force yourself if it’s impossible
Nac: No, it’s quite alright, Master.
That you have an interest in my past, is an honor in itself.
Well then, I’ll tell you.
Just a little, the tale of me when I was a child.
M: Little Nac?
Nac: Yes. It was when I was living as a normal human.
That was around…. just right before my 12th birthday.
-At the Stein Family’s Manor-
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Nac: Stein family, a prominent family that made its fortune in the financial business… I was born into such a family as the heir.
As the next head of the family, I received special education from early age…
At the same time, as a son from a distinguished household, I was living a life without any inconvenience.
Nac: *yawns
Old Butler: Good morning, Young Master.
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Nac: Jiiya, good morning.
Old Butler: Were you able to sleep soundly last night?
Nac: Abou that… Actually, Father came back in the dead of the night yesterday. Then out of nowhere, he made me do work-related study.
Uhh… it’s always so sudden every time.
Old Butler: Oh my, that sounds rough.
That being said… I’m surprised that the Lord is teaching the Young Master directly at such an hour. Is it a money-related study, after all?
Nac: No… I’m sorry, Jiiya. I can’t talk about the details.
It is about… the Stein ‘family business’.
‘Don’t tell anyone else about this,’ Father strictly told me that.
Old Butler: Ho ho ho. It’s quite alright, I don’t mind.
As expected of the world-renowned Stein family… Having to learn how to handle money from such a young age… It's tough to fulfill the responsibility when it comes to being the heir to a prestigious family.
Nac: Truly, I felt that.
Old Butler: However, Young Master… Again and again, I’ll ask you, please take good care of your body.
If you don’t rest properly, you’ll going to collapse you know?
Nac: Yes, I understand.
You’re really a worrywart, Jiiya.
Old Butler: Fu fu, I beg your pardon. It’s only natural for me to be this worried about you.
After all, I’m a butler that exists to serve the Young Master.
Nac: Yes… Thank you, Jiiya.
Old Butler: Now then, it will soon be breakfast time, right?
Nac: I wonder if I’ll be able to eat with Father today…
Old Butler: Ah, Young Master. Actually… the Lord has left the manor since early in the morning.
Nac: Eh? He left…?
No way… Even though he just came back last night.
Old Butler: It seems that there was a sudden business negotiation. . .
Being the head of the Stein family keeps one extremely busy after all.
I do wonder where he fits his sleeping schedule though…
Nac: I see…
Then, did Father say when he’ll be back?
Old Butler: Fu fu, rest assured, Young Master.
I’m sure he’ll be back for your birthday tomorrow.
Because for the Stein family, the 12th birthday is an special moment.
Nac: Hm? What do you mean special?
Old Butler: Ah, no… I mean, the Lord must be looking forward to your special day.
Please fret not. There���s no way the Lord will forget about it.
Nac: Yes… You’re right, Jiiya.
Thank you. I feel relieved.
-Southern Church-
Muu: Heee! So you were super rich, Nac-san! I wasn’t aware…
Nac: Yes… It was a long time ago, but the Stein family had been adept at handling money for generations.
The reason why I am currently in charge of accounting at the mansion is thanks to the special education I received when I was a child.
Muu: But still, that ‘Young Master’… What a blessed life you’ve lived! I’m totally jealous!
Nac: Ha ha… is that so.
Indeed it sounds like a life anyone would die for from the outside…
Nac is saying it with a laugh, but I saw the dark expression clouding his face for a split second before the words came out of his mouth.
Which has me wonder… if Nac was truly happy.
The old scars all over his body, when did he get them?
I felt like asking it would only reopen old wounds…
I couldn’t dare to ask him.
Muu: Ehm… Well, Nac-san. What happened after that?
Nac: Hm? After that?
Muu: Your 12th birthday was the day after, right?
I bet you celebrated it grandly with your father and the butler!
Nac: That is…
(No… What happened after that day… Isn’t something I should be talking about, right…
It’s painful to look back on, even for myself…)
CH. 2
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4ltrd · 2 years
lol these two always fucking get me
Lamli: "I'm a 1000x more grateful for you than Nac!"
Nac: "Lamli. That's rude." (i.e., I'm standing right here.)
Lamli: "Thank you, Master! I love you so much!"
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signorass · 1 year
Just finished reading Nac’s anniversary story and was hit by an angsty thought. These poems by Tite Kubo really fit Nac and Aruji’s dynamic “You, without sin, are like the sun” “Even with your sins, you are like the sun”. I’m just gonna crawl into a hole and sob for awhile.
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moonvityy · 2 years
nacbook pro
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herri-writes · 1 year
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꧁Devil Butler with Black Cat Masterlist꧂
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Devil's Palace Butlers
My Nocturnal Serenade - Devil Butler x Reader
Whispers In Your Sleep - Devil Butler x Reader
Bakla Sa Starbucks - Devil Butler x Reader Modern AU (Crack)
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Master's Diary
Drunk French Lucas - Akuneko incorrect quotes
More Akuneko Incorrect Quotes With Kiit's Fic - Akuneko incorrect quotes
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First Floor Butlers
Berrien Cliane
How To Apply Lip Balm With Berrien Cliane - Berrien Cliane x Reader
Nightglow - Berrien Cliane x Reader
Found You~ -  Berrien Cliane x Reader
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Second Floor Butlers
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Third Floor Butlers
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Basement Floor Butlers
What A Small Mess + Extra - Basement Butlers x Reader (F)
Lato's Gift - Basement Butlers x Reader (F)
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Villa Butlers
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akuneko-tls · 4 months
Main Story Ep. 2 / Part 3 / Chapter 2 - Archery Team Training
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[Devil's Palace, Backyard]
~ The next day ~
The butlers were immediately divided into teams and began their training. Muu and I decided to observe each group.
Muu: "Ah! My lord! The Archery Team is training over there!
> "Really? Let's go take a look"
Trudge… trudge…
Nac: "Oh? Good afternoon, my lord. I see, you've come."
Ammon: "Hello, my lord."
Flure: "Good afternoon, my lord."
> “May I watch?"
Nac: "Yes. Of course, please do. Now then...! Since my lord is here, shall we start the training? The Archery Team consists of these three members. I, Nac Stein, have been entrusted with the leadership of the Archery Team. The members are Ammon and Flure. Let's work together."
Ammon: “Sigh... Why are you the only one you refer to with a full name?"
Flure: "Mr. Ammon, There's no end if you start nitpicking with Mr. Nac."
Ammon: "True…”
Nac: "Well then... Let's get started, shall we? Have both of you ever handled bows and arrows before?"
Ammon: "Nope..."
Flure: "I haven't either."
Nac: "I see... I see... Understood. I don't mean to brag, but I have experience with various kind of weapons. And of course! I'm also familiar with handling bows and arrows! So... first, let me explain the basics of handling a bow and arrow to both of you. Since Ammon and Flure are both very dexterous, I'm sure you'll master it in no time!"
Ammon: "Thank you, please guide us!"
Flure: "C-can I… do it…"
~ After a while ~.
Nac: "Now then... That's all for the method of shooting an arrow. Let's try aiming at that target 30 meters away!"
Ammon: "Hmm... aim carefully... ...Hup!"
Swoosh... thunk!
Ammon: "Tch, it was a bit to the right... Missed."
Nac: "No, no! For a first attempt, it's remarkably skillful! As expected! Ammon! You catch on quickly!”
Ammon: "Hehe... It feels great to be praised so much by Mr. Nac. I'm not usually praised like this, so it's a nice change!"
Nac: "I'm one to praise and help you improve!”
Ammon: "But usually, you're scolding Lamli a lot…”
Nac: "A-ahem...! That one is a special case. Now then...! Next is Flure!"
Flure: "U-Understood... Phew… (I-I feel somewhat nervous.) Aim carefully... Hup!"
Swoosh... thunk!
Flure: "Woah!"
Flure: "Ouch... I fell over from the impact of releasing the arrow." (Sigh... I'm so clumsy...)
Nac: "Amazing! A direct hit on the target!”
Flure: "Eh? No way?”
Ammon: "Impressive. Almost dead center."
Flure: “M-Must be a coincidence.”
Nac: "Well, may I have you shoot a second arrow just in case?"
Flure: "Y-Yes... Aim carefully... Hup!"
Swoosh... thunk!
Ammon: "Amazing...! It hits the center again.”
Nac: “L-let's have it one more time.”
Flure: “Y-yes…”
~ A few minutes later~
Ammon: "Amazing…! Out of 10 shots, 9 hit the target."
Nac: "Oh my... Flure seems to have a talent for archery."
Ammon: "Right… Great job, Flure~"
> "Truly impressive, Flure!"
Flure: "T-Thank you... very much.” (This is my first time to be told that I have talent in something related to battle... And the lord praised me too… Yes…! I'm so happy!)
Nac: "Ammon, you also seem to have quite a bit of talent... The Archery Team seems to be able to carry out their mission without any problems, my lord."
Muu: "It looks like the Archery Team is doing well! My lord, shall we go check on another team soon?"
> "Yes, let's do that."
Trudge... Trudge…
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invui · 2 years
when shy/introvert aruji-sama kabedons them
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had this in my inbox for quite a while and i believe that this is going to be the very last written work i will be posting before opening requests again after like 4 months, this was also two separate requests but i decided to combine them together so i could finish them quickly
the introverted aruji-sama isn’t majorly discussed in the headcannons but it is implied (im just saying this if you don’t rlly find it involved when you read it)
characters: lato, nac, bastien, and lono
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Lato Bacca
despite the very flattering gesture, lato is going to be quite calm
like he’s going to tilt his head while smiling and ask you a very polite question
“oh? you aren’t really the type of person to do such heartfelt actions, are you finally opening up to me?”
you blinked twice, looking at lato who seemed to be unaffected by the very unexpected kabedon. which in return, did take quite a toll on you in making you flustered
the both of you look into each other’s eyes for a solid 5 minutes before lato slithered away from your hands and stood up with a smile on his face
lato is definitely the type of person to literally reciprocate almost every affectionate action you do since you don’t really tend to say a lot about yourself so he might as well savor every moment he gets to spend with you before chaos ensues
so even after getting kabedoned out of nowhere doesn’t really give out much of a reaction from lato
he’s going to consider you as a little sibling just like flure
and when he establishes the fact that your his temporary sibling, bet he’s going to pat your head after he stands up
which would obviously (or maybe) leave you standing there at the same spot and touching the top of your head where lato patted
think of it as like that one qiqi idle animation in genshin impact if you play the game
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Nac Stein
not going to lie here, you got some balls kabedoning nac imo (unless if you actually love him)
the moment you kabedon him he is going immediately in character as if he’s in romeo & juliet or something out of a teleserye
would definitely spout out william shakespeare shit
“I-i don’t think i can move on but i have one last thing to say..”
the first thing that went into my mind is that after nac says that line, he’s going to like caress your face or cup it with one hand
and as your introverted ass realize what he is doing, you’re probably going to flinch and bring your head backward
honestly, nac wouldn’t necessarily find it weird that you don’t really engage in social activities but he does try his best to probably bring out the words you try to say
and that also means that his flirty ass is still present in every way possible
kabedons don’t affect him as he is the peter to your wendy/j
when you do flinch he’s probably going to go quiet and mutter an apology if things get a bit/too awkward
if things are not however, he’s going to apologize with his flirty attitude
nac is just nac you supposed
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Bastien Kelly
he’s the type of person who would show an empty expression but would gradually get flustered
in my opinion, he might’ve thought that it was an accident and quietly apologized
two introverts involved with a kabedon, i bet that it’s going to get awkward as hell
probably the type to look away any second after realizing what had happened
and that’s absolutely relatable
the both of you might have spaced out for a few minutes before bastien spoke up
“aruji-sama…can you get up?”
bastien wouldn’t find you awkward since the both of you rarely speak at all, it’s just that the air was the one that spoke in awkwardness
he’s happy to know that he has an aruji-sama who’s just like him
although i believe that you’re the one who speaks the most between the both of you
he would probably be more flustered if you were a very happy-go-lucky type of person (and that’s cute imo)
so even after the kabedon, he’s most likely going to walk away flustered and hope that you wouldn’t mention it in the near future so he wouldn’t get embarrassed
but it is also likely that lono saw what had happened and planned to use it as blackmail material against bastien sooner or later
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Lono Fontaine
himbo with a little more sense of justice (probably deuce but make him a little smarter)
definitely the type of person who would just laugh his ass off thinking that you had accidentally fallen or something
for some reason, it is probably easy to make him laugh even without trying
if he’s very fond of you that is
after he’s done lmao’fing, it’s probably going to get awkward (like the others)
but don’t you worry! lono won’t leave the situation quiet for too long so he’s going to ask you to get up
“can you like, get up…?”
lono of course wouldn’t mine it if you were shy or introverted
if you are reluctant to do something, lono’s got your back
he’s your gun bear basically, a personal cheerleader
he doesn’t care if you thank him or not, what he cares about is how you’re happy
so of course, affection is greatly appreciated
after asking you that question, he’s going throw the situation around just be getting up while carrying you in his arms — bridal style, if you may
definitely going to catch you off guard which makes lono laugh out loud
“i’m strong! see?”
in summary, he’s just the typical lmao type of guy who would probably ask what the meaning of himbo is
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requests are officially open for the first time in forever yay
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m4yun0meme1ng · 1 year
Akuneko 1st Anniversary Nac card translation Part 2
Part 1 | Part 2
The Back of the Boy's Face
I will never forget my 12th birthday.
Part 2
Jiiya told me that "Master is waiting for me.", I was taken to a forest near the mansion.
*walk* *walk*
Child Nac: Hey Jiiya, is father really here?
Jiiya: ...............
Child Nac: And those clouds, isn't it going to rain soon? I hear thunder in the distance. We should go back to the mansion soon.
Um, Jiiya-
Jiiya: Hahaha... Finally... The day has finally come. The day when I can take revenge on the hateful Stein family.
Child Nac: Eh...? Jiiya...? H-hey, What are you talking about? What revenge?
T-that knife...
Jiiya: Bocchan... I deeply apologize, but I want you to die here.
Child Nac: Jiiya...? What are you talking about? You are joking, right?
A-hah! I get it! This has to be birthday surprise or something, right? I'm already surprised enough! So put that knife down...
Jiiya: No, I am not joking. You probably don't know, but... When a member of the Stein family turns 12... Training as an assassin will begins.
In short, The boy who is the heir to the Stein family... From now on, will be raised as a "killer".
Child Nac: ...! Killer...
Jiiya: Hahaha, There's nothing to be afraid of. Because Bocchan... because you will die here.
Child Nac: J-Jiiya!? Why... Something like this...
Jiiya: An important trace of that man. On the day you turn 12, I will kill you with these hands. That is my revenge for having my son killed by that man. All these times, I've been waiting for this day.
Child Nac: Please stop... Jiiya... Please...
Go back to being the kind Jiiya you used to be...!
Jiiya: Don't be afraid, Bocchan... I'll take care of you. I will set you free from the cursed fate of the Stein family.
Before those innocent hands...
Before it gets dirty with blood...
Child Nac: No Please stop this... !!! S-stay away from me....!
Child Nac: Hah... Haa... Haa...
Child Nac: Eh...? Jii...ya...?
! ?
T-this knife...
Before I knew it...
in my hand...
What have I done...
Jiiya: Gugh....... Impossible.... YOu damn Stein...!! No way... Even... child is no....
Child Nac: Jiiya...? J-Jiiya! No! Please don't close your eyes! Please...!
Nac's father: It's no use, Nac. It slice through the spot. He can't be help anymore and he doesn't have to live anymore.
Child Nac: ......! F-father...
Nac's father: Hm. In this state, it seems that your body moved unconsciously. Nac, as I expected, you have talent.
It was worth training from an early age, inherits the customs of the Stein family for generations. Of course, this man didn't realize that.
Child Nac: Father, why... no way... You know that Jiiya was trying to kill me...?
Nac's father: Of course. That's why I hired him. I thought he would be perfect as your first prey.
He seemed to hold a grudge against me. Foolish man.
Unbeknownst that he would lose his life for the son of such a villain.
Child Naca: Villain...?
Nac's father: That's right, it's natural to die.
Listen, Nac.
As you already know, the Stein family has a hidden side as a assassin.
However, it is not just an assassination business.
What we are aiming for is a villain who disturbs the world.
Those who lurk in the depths of darkness and drink the blood of innocents.
To fight against them, we have to use ruthless means. That is the Stein family. You understand, right?
Child Nac: ...
Nac's father: You killed someone with your own hands today. It must be tough. There's only one way to forget the pain.
Child Nac: w-What should I do...?
Nac's father: It's a matter of getting used to it. First life is no different from the second. You will soon forget the pain. That's how the heir of the Stein family gets over it.
All right, start with the first job. The end of the man in front of me,
What would you do?
Child Nac: Jiiya... ...No. The target is an elderly man with no relatives. Let's assume that he died from an illness... it's safe to dispose the corpses privately?
Nac's father: Hm. That's fine. As expected from my son, Nac.
Child Nac:
My past...
The day I became an assassin.
From that day on,
I lost my sense of humanity.
But now,
I'm laughing from the bottom of my heart...
I thought I would never feel joy in my life.
I thought I have no qualification for myself who killed someone...
Long time after that, I was working hard... Live an inorganic life like chewing sand.
If the past me sees the now me...
You won't believe it.
I feel joy in being with the people I care about.
Nac: Fufu..
Lord: Nac?
Nac:  Nothing. It's just... I hope you are having a wonderful day today, Lord.
Lord: Oh, thank you...
Mu: Um Mr. Nac! Instead, tell us about your birthday!
Nac: Yes.. Of course, it was a special day. About that day... I can never forget it.
Mu: He~ It must have been a wonderful birthday!
*Church Bell ringing*
Nac: Oh my, it seems that the noon bell has rung. Shall we have lunch soon, Lord?
Lord: Yes, I agree.
Nac: Fufu.... Spend peaceful moments with your loved ones.
For me now... I'm happy enough with this.
Part 1 | Part 2
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kamidukki · 1 year
Nac’s 1st Anniversary Card Story – The Young Boy’s Another Face (少年の裏の顔) [2]
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CH. 1
Chapter 2
Nac: I could never forget… The day of my 12th birthday.
Jiiya told me, ‘Your father is waiting’… and brought me to the forest near the manor.
-Forest near the Stein family manor-
*sounds of footsteps
Nac: Hey, Jiiya… is Father really here? There doesn’t seem to be anyone here…
Old Butler: ….
Nac: Moreover, those clouds… Doesn’t it look like it’ll be raining soon?
I can hear the sounds of lightning too from afar. We should come back to the manor soon…
Jiiya, are you listening?
Old Butler: Fu fu fu…
Finally, this day has come.
The day I’ll be able to exact revenge on the detested Stein family…
Nac: Eh…? Jiiya?
W-what in the world are you saying?
What is this about revenge…?
T-that knife…
Old Butler: Young Master. I beg your pardon.
But you… are going to die here.
Nac: Ji-jiiya…?
W-what are you doing?
This is… a joke, right?
Ah, I know!
Surely this is to surprise me on my birthday…?
I’m surprised enough already!
So put that knife down…
Jiiya: Not really… This isn’t a joke, I’m afraid.
Young Master might not know, but…
In the Stein family, the day you turn 12 is the day when your training as an assassin begins.
In other words…
As a successor of the Stein family, from here on, you’ll be trained as an assassin.
Nac: …! A-assassin…
Old Butler: Fu fu fu… There’s no need to be that scared.
Why you might ask, it is because you’ll die here.
Nac: Ji, jiiya…!?
Why are you… Such a thing…
Old Butler: That man’s precious successor… With my own hand, I will kill him by the time he reaches 12 years of age.
In exchange of my son who was killed by that man… I had always been waiting for this day to come…
Nac: S-stop it… Jiiya…
I beg you… Please return to your usual, kind self…!
Old Butler: Don’t fret, Young Master… For I will set you free from the cursed fate Stein family.
Those sinless hands… before it gets dirtied by blood…
Nac: Stop it…
No… Don’t come any closer!
*sound of thunder
Nac: Ha…! Hh…! Ha….!
Th-this knife…
When did it… in my hand…
What on earth… have I done…?
Old Butler: Kh… How… foolish… You wretched… Stein’s…
To think that… even to a child…
Nac: Jiiya…?
Ji-jiiya! No way…
Hurry… I must help…!
*sounds of footsteps
Nac’s Father: It’s pointless, Nac.
Pierced right at his vitals. There’s no helping him now.
Besides, we don’t need him anymore. There’s no more information to be extracted from him.
Nac: …!
Nac’s Father: Hmm… Judging from your condition, it looks like you moved your body on instinct.
Nac, as I thought, you’re a genius.
It was worth practicing from an early age, against the Stein family’s long-standing tradition.
Needless to say, this man didn’t seem to be aware of that.
Nac: Father… Why…
Don’t tell me… You’ve known all along…?
That Jiiya intended to kill me...?
Nac’s Father: Naturally. He was employed for that reason. Just the right man to be your first prey, wasn’t he?
I took his son out before when I was working. He seemed to have a problem with that.
What a foolish man, to lose his own life over a scoundrel of a son.
Nac: Scoundrel?
Nac’s Father: That’s right. The kind that deserved to die.
Listen well, Nac. As you’ve come to know, the Stein family has a second face as professional killers.
However, it’s not a simple killing business.
Our targets are the villains that cause the world disturbance… Those who lurk in the depths of darkness and feed on the innocents.
For the sake of fighting them, we too will also use ruthless means.
That’s what being a Stein means. Do you understand?
Nac: Yes…
Nac’s Father: Nac… Today, you have killed someone with your own hand.
I know it must be painful. Therefore, to erase that pain, there’s only one thing you can do.
Nac: W-what should I do…?
Nac’s Father: Get used to it. The more you kill, the more painless it gets.
That is what it takes to be the heir of the Stein family.
Nac, from today onwards, say goodbye to your ordinary life.
While you may proceed as usual outwardly, you’ll not only have a training but also help me with my underworld jobs.
You understand, don’t you.
Nac: …
Nac’s father: Answer me, Nac.
Nac: Yes, Father.
Nac’s Father: Good. Now then, let’s begin with your first job.
How would you deal with the disposal of the man in front of you?
Nac: …
The target is a male of old age with no relatives… Under the pretense of dying from an illness… It is safe to dispose of the body privately…
Nac’s Father: Hm, that will do.
As expected of my son.
Nac: …
Nac: My past… is where I became an assassin on a certain day.
From that day on, I lost the emotions that make me human.
After that, to be laughing from the bottom of my heart, to be feeling joy… I don’t think I’d be able to in my life.
Because I have killed people… I don’t deserve such feelings.
The truth is, I continued to work single-mindedly for a long time afterward…
Like chewing on the sand, I was living a life of emptiness.
Looking at me now, I’m sure you wouldn’t believe that version of me that lived in the past.
To be living together with whom I treasure, to have joy sparked inside me…
-Southern Church-
Nac: Fu fu…
M: Nac, what’s wrong?
Nac: Oh, no… It’s nothing.
It’s just… I’m thinking that Master looks lovely today too.
M: T-Thank you…
Muu: Excuse me, Nac-san! Rather than that, let me hear the story about your birthday!
Nac: Right… Of course, it was such a special day.
That day… I will always remember it for as long as I live.
Muu: He~! Then, it was surely a blast, right!
*sounds of bell
Nac: Oh? It is the sound of the afternoon bell.
Shall we have a lunch after this, Master?
M: Agreed.
Nac: Fu fu… To spend my time in peace with the people who are important to me…
For me right now, it is enough of a happiness, isn’t it.
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