#luke hughes x ovechkin
equallyshaw · 5 months
little lion | Luke hughes au! ↠ when luke and liona meet. - fic. ↠ au Masterlist!
warning: underage drinking. word count: 1.4k+
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if her father knew whose highrise she was at, and what she was doing- he'd kill her. no, scratch that. he'd ship her to russia, have her grandmother lock her in the basement and never see the light of day ever again. to be frank, liona didn't even know how she ended up here to be quite honest. her and her group of friends since highschool had been invited to a party in newark at an off campus house and then the next thing she knew they were here, after getting a 'better invite'. her and her best friend rain, stood in the corner waiting for gavin and chris to come back with drinks for them. they saw them emerging from the kitchen, and liona sighed. "i cant believe chris scored an invite to a new jersey devils place!" rain whispered yelled and liona smirked. chris handed her a red solo cup, and gavin gave rain one. chris wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulder, and sipped some of his liquid.
gavin and rain began to talk about whatever was happening at law school, while chris and liona just listened. they had no knowledge or the logistics of their degrees, so they just took in all of it as well as the drama. the two ended up rambling on their own while chris and liona looked at one another, before laughing. "you going to see andrei soon?" chris questioned, and kailey shrugged. "i don't know, my dad wants me to come home to visit and offered the Carolina game but i don't know." she said finishing her cup. "im getting another one." she said raising it a bit, and chris nodded. "if you're not back in 5 minutes, im coming and finding you!" he announced and she nodded with a small smile. she weaved in and out of some people, finding her way to the kitchen. she set her sights on a seltzer that was in the open bowl of ice, and snatched it quickly. "is that the last cherry?" she heard to her right, and she looked through the other ones before turning to the person.
she turned to the right seeing a tall boy, brunette curly hair and hazel eyes. she swallowed before speaking, "uh there's no-no more." she stuttered pulling some hair behind her ear. he nodded, "can you hand me a random one then?" he questioned and she nodded enthusiastically and grabbed him a random one. "thanks-" he waited for her to fill in, "uh liona." she responded holding her hand out, he took it softly "luke." he responded, and they let go of eachother's hand. "do you know dawson?" he questioned and her eyebrows crinkling gave him her answer. "who?" she questioned and he chuckled softly. "my teammate, who are you here with?" he questioned. "you play hockey?" she asked softly and he nodded. oh fuck, she thought. "um im best friends with chris." she said and luke made a face of recognition. "i know who that is, he's pretty cool." he said and she smiled widely. "oh yeah definitely wouldn't have kept him around all these years if he wasn't." she tried to joke but it fell flat. she looked at the ground before both of them tried to speak at the same time, "do you wanna-?" and "im gonna go." the two of them blushed and chuckled softly. "would you wanna go somewhere and talk?" he questioned, and she looked back towards her friend group. "ummm.." she trailed off turning back to look at luke. "we don't have to, was just curious!" he said and she shook her head. "id like that, i just need to go tell my friends." she said pointing behind her. he nodded and followed her back into the living room. "hey guys im gonna go -" chris cut her off by greeting luke, and doing a bro hug with each other. gavin also bro hugged him, with rain and luke getting introduced to one another. "were gonna go talk for a bit, ill let you know when im ready to go?" kailey confirmed, and gavin pushed her playfully while chris just nodded. the two walked off towards the small movie room that dawson had.
next thing they knew, it was 2 in the morning and the two of them had been talking for a few hours at this point. then she dropped a bomb on him, "you're dad is the alex ovechkin?" he asked eyes wide and wonder lighting up his face. she nodded softly, "ye-yeah." she said shrugging while looking down at her converse. "oh well, that's really neat! you said your parents are not together right? was the schedule too much and stuff?" he asked and she shook her head, "no uh, once she found out she was pregnant with me..they had already broken up and he ended up fleeing back to europe before getting some sense knocked into him. but they used to fight like cats and dogs, some of my earliest memories typically ended up in a fight. so yeah, they couldn't get along longer than a few hours." she hummed, biting her lip nervously. he nodded, "im sorry kai- i mean liona." he stuttered and the way he said her middle name, was heaven. "y'know nobody has ever called me just kai before...but i liked it." she hummed while her cheeks became even rosier. "kai, huh?" he questioned with a glint in his eye, as he grinned. she nodded, "liona kai ovechkin...a mouthful." she hummed shrugging. "its perfect." he responded. "my dad though just says lion or little lion, because apparently im the forthcoming of him or i guess the second coming..." she trailed off with her eyebrows creasing in deep thought. luke found it all quite adorable.
"lion..lioness... definitely suits you." he mused and she snickered. "well if you'd like i can give you permission to call me kai." she teased and his head cocked to the side a tad bit. the two were sitting next to each other on the couch, knees only a mere inch apart. both of them looked over at one another, and luke was debating if he should do what he wanted to do. and that was kissing her. while liona was telling herself he did not like her, he was just being nice.
luke began to lean in and a his left hand quickly found her chin, pulling her softly closer as he stopped a few inches from it. his gaze had been focused on her pink lips, and now they were gazing in to her brown eyes. almost as if to ask if it was ok. she nodded softly once, and his lips were on hers. his right hand came up to her cheek, as she pulled him in a bit by the neck. but luke being the gentleman that he was (because queen ellen raised him right) he did not go any further. they pulled apart, chests heaving a bit as their foreheads rested against each other's. liona was about to lean in again but he pulled his face away by a few inches, and he could see how much that hurt the girl. she stood up, pulled down her shirt a bit by smoothing it and cleared her throat.
"kai-" he said but she put her hand up, not meeting his gaze yet. she shook her head, "its fine. i totally get it, i don't know what i was thinking there for a second." she paused ruffling up her hair a bit, and looked up at him. "its fine, im not sure any guys would want to be with me anyways. so its fine, luke." she rambled before spinning on her heel, and heading out to find her friends. the group had dissipated just a bit. chris was the first one to recognize her from the small group he was in, and quickly made his way over. once he reached her, he saw tear in her eyes. his face and tone in full protection mode, "what happened?" he asked checking her body for any brusies or cuts. she shook her head, "id just like to leave." she said as her voice cracked. he nodded profusely, wrapping an arm around her back and leading her out of the highrise.
not without luke seeing the whole scene play out, and his heart breaking just a bit as they left with his arm around her.
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oh lukey... will be doing a follow up to this (:
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tags: @cuttergauthier
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equallyshaw · 5 months
little lion | Luke hughes au!
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↠ liona ovechkin oc ! x luke hughes
↠ as if 05/11/24
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when luke and liona meet. pt 2. lioa visits luke in michigan. when luke meets her dad. the debutante ball. - throwback. thanksgiving in the Hamptons! the summer from hell. luke's birthday. the hughes visit the oveckhins in dc. liona's debut in hadestown! london bridge is falling down.
blurbs: luke's nickname for liona. only child syndrome. uncle malkin. the fake id debacle. say yes to heaven. let's talk about exes, baby! v day in nyc. Christmas with the hughes. luke confronts chris. pt II,
s.media: spring in the city. 1,000 games of ovi the great. one year anniversary.
other thoughts:
about liona kai o. liona and jacks relationship. liona and alex's relationship. (plus mom!) liona's childhood. the friendgroup. about luke and liona!
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equallyshaw · 4 months
little lion | Luke hughes au! ↠ v day in nyc. - blurb. ↠ au Masterlist! ↠ warnings: none! just very cheesy in the beginning lol. ↠ word count: 1.2k.
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lion woke up on the 11th of feburary with kisses to her cheeks and giggling, as she peeked one eye open. her mouth turned upward as she realized that it was luke leaning over as he said next to her, with his face only mere inches away from the girl's. "goomorning." he mumbled placing a kiss on the tip of her stubby nose, causing her to blush profusely as she rolled over onto her side. luke chucked softly, setting the flowers on the ground next to the bed before dramatically plopping his hands on both sides of her, and began to tickle her. which, were the absolute death of her.
"luuuuuuuuke!" she screamed through fits of her's and his laughter. "stop stop stop!" she screamed squirming to get away from him, which resulted in her falling off the other side of her full bed. "don't touch no!" she said as he leaned over to check on her, and she quickly shot up into a fake dramatic fighting stance. she raised her fists near her face, squinting as she did. luke sat on his knees with an amused look on his face, "gonna throw a couple?" he teased and then she threw a fake punch. he dodged it, and she tried again and he took the 'blow' to the chest. "oh! my heart!" he said dramatically before pulling her into his chest and plopping her back down on the bed. he hovered over her, and pulled some stray hair that fell out of her loose braid, behind her ears. "you look beautiful, as always." he smiled staring into her eyes and she blushed. "thankyou lukey. also, thankyou for the 7:30 wake-up call." she teased, groaning playfully. "we've got things to do, places to go, and people to see." he said getting off of her and pulling her out of bed. "oh god, if i have to see jack this morning im gonna riot." she teased heading to her ensemble washroom. luke stayed silent, but followed her to the washroom. she began to brush her teeth and stared at luke, with a death glare. "he's actually waiting downstairs." luke finally responded, and lion smiled.
"well ill be sure to take my sweet time getting ready." she grinned before starting her skincare.
the couple and jack walked into a small cafe in chinatown, as kailey was craving a matcha that morning. the three quickly ordered before sitting down, at a small table in the back. "so! hows the girlfriend prospect's coming along?" kailey blurted and luke froze, as he waited for jack's response. jack's mouth twitched into a sly grin, before shaking his head. "still no luck on that." jack answered honestly, and kaiely nodded. "but happy valentines day to you too, little ovi." jack said mockingly. kailey rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms, "you should be grateful i didn't kick you out of the drivers seat earlier. you should be grateful i let you in on our little vday, j.j." she taunted and luke felt himself stifle a laugh. jack gawked "thought we said no j.j." he mumbled. "all bets are off today, j.j" she shrugged as they set down the matcha's for jack and her, and a coffee for luke.
"i dont know how you guys can drink grass, pure grass." luke said sippig his iced americano. jack laughed as kailey glared at him, "this grass you happen to dislike is good! so hush." she teased. "anywho, im getting sick and tired of this pity party." she paused returning her attention to jack, and motioned with her hands over him, "that im taking it upon myself to set you up little boy." she announced. jack went to dispute while luke chuckled. "unless you consider nico your partner, then i guess were good." kailey added for an extra push. jack rolled his eyes looking up at the ceiling while luke snickered. "shutup before i dump my matcha on you." jack taunted and kailey brought up her's to her lips before winking at him, "whatever you say lil jizzy."
luke and lion walked into her apartment building, after spending the morning and early afternoon frolicking around manhattan after jack dropped them off. they walked from upper manhattan down to greenwhich that late afternoon, stopped at a small supermarket, brought frozen pizza, and supplies for cupcakes. and luke ofcourse, had to get her another set of flowers- roses this time because her face lit up as they walked through the front doors of the store. she told luke no, but he got them anyways for her.
the two headed up the two flights to her and her roommates - rain - apartment, and saw that the lights were off - indicating that nobody was home. she flicked on the living room light's and then towards her bedroom for her side table lamps. luke in the meantime, went to go light two candles that they had in the living room - one in peonie scented and the other that was musky. lion smiled as she walked back out, as luke finished lighting the room nearest to her. "thankyou luke." she hummed leaning up a bit on her tippy toes and giving him a quick peck.
"can you set the oven to 350 while I wash my hands and get these flowers in some water?" she questioned and he nodded, turning around to do it.
the two found themselves in a comfortable silence as the two began to prepare the cupcake batter about 20 minutes later. luke connected his phone to the Bluetooth, and the first song that played was say yes to heaven, which was their song. "were you listening to it?" she teased and he blushed while nodding. she came up and wrapped her arms around his neck, "well i love it lukey...i do it quite a lot actually." she said looking at his chest. "oh?" he questioned, pulling her in closer by the hips. she nodded looking up at his face as the next song played, you make me feel so young by sinatra. as soon as the first words played out, he began to twirl her around the small kitchen. she threw her head back giggling, as he did so. he softly began to sing the lyrics to her, as he pulled away to twirl her into his chest. she pressed her head into his chest, giggling like a fool.
"something amusing?" he teased as he continued to twirl the two around, and she shook her head, swaying from side to side now.
"no, its just youre dancing!" she exclaimed and that made him nod while placing his nose in the crook of her neck from behind. "i can be romantic when i choose too." he teased, and that made her playfully sigh. she turned around in his arms, "choose too, huh?" she smiled gleefully, before taking some of the cupcake batter and plopping some of it on his nose. his mouth grew agape, as he looked down at her in shock. he grinned, taking an egg from the carton and plopping it down on her head. "oh no you didn't!" she shouted before taking two eggs in both of her hands and plopping them on his head.
the two didn't stop there, taking other ingredients and then the frosting and throwing it at one another.
"oh my god!" the two of them heard from the living room, to the side of them. lion looked first seeing rain, who had an amused looked on her face. "hi rain." luke said politely, and she could only roll her eyes. "yall better clean up tonight." she said turning around and walking into her bedroom. luke and lion looked at one another, and then down at her phone which began to ring with her dad's contact.
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hope you guys enjoyed! please like and reblog if you did!
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equallyshaw · 5 months
little lion | Luke hughes au! ↠ all about luke and liona. ↠ au Masterlist! ↠ also not in order, these are random thoughts!
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met in october 2023
they do not officially date until 11/04/2023
split time back and fourth between newark and greenwich village
the type of couple to wake up at sunrise, get a coffee and bagel from the corner truck and walk through central park
luke is for sure the one that runs into pigeons and acting like a fool
only to get kailey to laugh
life's mission of luke is to make kailey happy and laugh at all times
intimate touching instead of kissing in public, always having to hold hands or have a hand on a thigh, of their lower back. especially if they go out at night, luke makes sure they are glued to each other at all times
the most competitive board gamers (monoply- absolute feral and scene it harry potter- she will kill whoever- including luke to win. so will luke.)
kailey got luke into harry potter and made him read the books early on in their relationship
actually, she got him onto reading in general. will read anything now.
luke demands one broadway show a month from kailey, meaning they put on the cast album and she belts out the songs with him.
luke absolutely adores kaileys mom, helen. will constantly ask about her and shamelessly asks for home cooked meals from her.
kailey adores it and whenever he gets homesick, she brings him over to her mom's or invites her to hang out and he's grateful for the relationship
luke does not meet alex until July when she invites him out to Washington dc for a visit
one of their favorite dates is to go to painting or paint pottery
they also like to go to watch movies, because she is a movie fanatic and it's something simple to do
her first game that she goes to is the last home game before christmas break, with a win over detroit
nicknames for kailey: pretty girl, calls her by her middle name 'kai', my romashka - meaning my cammie or chamomile, and my lioness
nicknames for luke: pookie, lukey, my love, darling, and Mashunechka (an generic intimate nickname)
huge fans of ice cream and ice cream dates
huge sweettoothes in general
when summer comes around, kailey visits michigan as much as she can between working her nannying job and working at the local bookstore in georgtown.
once her dad finds out about him, kailey and him go to cape cod
around their 6 month mark, kailey see's something on social media and quickly feels like luke might be cheating on her based on the limited space between the two. she even calls her dad about it, but does not mention specifics.
their song is: say yes to heaven, by lana del ray
just like how people belt out to taylor swift and are obsessed with her? that's them with olivia rodrigo and tate mcrae. no hesitation.
when kailey's in a particular mood or stressed with school, luke will come over to her apartment or she will come to his and jacks and they will have a star wars marathon.
as a fashion major, she feels entitled to update his fashion. as well as jacks, because they both need it.
she researches curly hair routines, and the both of them continuously try new things to find out the perfect routine, for him.
she teaches him russian, dubbed "little lion lessons". she teaches him the basics and simple greetings and conversation words. he surprises her though about six months in when she is having a harder time with her mental health, and gives her a whole ass talk in russian and like she thought that she knew he was the one she wanted to marry. but she REALLY knew he was the one.
luke learns enough russian to have a basic conversation with kailey and alex. alex is pretty stunned to say the least. he goes, "you mean he didn't flunk out of highschool?" in old slavic to which luke didnt understand.
uncle geno is the BIGGEST fan of the two
she tells him before she tells her dad
when pittsburgh visits new jersey, he invites her out to dinner along with luke.
in summer of 2024, she joins the cast of hadestown at the off broadway theater for a limited time run as eurydice, for the month of august. luke comes to her first week of shows before heading to michigan to get some things settled, before pulling quinn, jack and his parents for the finale on the 29th. after a two-day staycation, her and luke head back up to nyc and jersey for the year.
cape cod is their place - they get a offseason house in 2028.
luke and kailey ended up going 4 times during their first summer being together
they have a very important talk one morning over coffee and croissants and just know that that is where they are meant to visit at least once an offseason.
some angsty thoughts:
once she graduates in 2026, she has a hard time figuring out what she wants to do. her dream is to open a boutique clothing store in manhattan somewhere or on the cape or georgetown, but doesn't know short term.
ends up going to Washington for about two months, and it just so happened to be when alex was moving from Washington to new york to get back together with kaileys mom once he retires at the age of 41, a year after kailey graduates, he and her mom decide to give things a go again after some really good years the past few.
but she's in Washington while he is back in michigan, and even though luke is trying his hardest to give her the space she needs and craves, its difficult. he is moody af and at times does NOT train.
kailey calls sent a text over in july, stating she needed a break for a bit and that she would reconnect with him once the season begins.
luke has such a shit show of a summer after that + the beginning of season.
kailey spends july through September in the hamptoms with her parents, after alex helping fulfill her mom's dream. summer in the hamptons. (for longer than a week)
luke gets hella jealous because andrei visits for a week in august before heading back to carolinas. he hates how close the two are now that they are on a break.
OH and he also does not like her bestie chris, and thinks he still is in love with her but we'll get a blurb for that at some point hehe
when kailey returns to nyc with her parents she does not expect to see luke in the city.
he always used to say he hated the city when he was not with her
that the reason he loved the city with her, was because she gave it life and energy. he loved seeing it through her eyes.
she was very shocked to see him and he was stunned too. he didn't expect to see her the first time he headed into the city.
but nico being the swiss princess that he is, has to come up and greet her when she goes to dinner with her parents at Soho house
and then the rest of the group comes up, and alex is NOT happy
he doesn't care for any of them, she whispers in russian "be nice dad."
but he see's luke and relaxes a bit.
he really likes luke and began to feel like maybe they could be the real deal before their break.
but anywho
alex talks some sense into his daughter (calls her a dummy) and literally drops her off at the train station to head down to jersey to talk to him. (will get blurb at some point!)
and she does
and yknow, they get back together and what not.
and ofcourse, not without luke promising that he's gonna marry her one day. even though they had talked about it many times, and their future together- she knew it to be soon.
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hope you all enjoyed!
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equallyshaw · 22 days
thanksgiving in the hamptons | little lion au! ↠ luke hughes x ovechkin oc au! ↠ au masterlist! ↠ also idk why i never mentioned it earlier, but lions mom is lily lin. italics is russian. warnings: drama + fighting, kinda all over the place + rusty writing. word count: 4.4k
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the season was well underway for her dad and the hughes brothers, as well as liona's junior year at nyu for fashion and marketing. it also marked a year since liona and luke had met for the first time at the party that dawson mercer had thrown, and a year since the two officially got together. this would mark the first time that luke had gone to something that was thrown by her family. though, thanksgiving was a relatively small occasion for the part russian and part britian, her small family and extended family always came together. this getaway had been happening for 12 years at this point, before sasha was born. her friends and her mom had been coming up with their parents to the hamptons during the summer for years and always ended up spending the most time at this one in particular.
when liona's mom heard about ellen and jim coming from michigan to celebrate the holiday- she offered luke and his family to come join them, and the hughes accepted without a second thought. her mother and ellen were excited to get to meet one another and hopefully get to know one another over the few days. they both knew how important it was to liona, for them to get along. when liona came up to michigan during the summer time, her and ellen spent ample time together and she absolutely adored the blonde woman.
liona, her mom, rainn, chris and sasha made their way up in her mom's suv towards the hamptons after leaving Thursday evening for the house they had been renting for 12 years at this point. her father and the rest of them would be arriving by plane tomorrow from dc and new jersey. sasha sat in front next to her mom, while rainn took the front row seat and then it was chris and liona in the back, like old times. they were an hour in to the drive, and still had an hour and a half left until they arrived. rainn and sasha were fast asleep by the time chris and liona began to speak softly in the back, "has luke met your dad yet?" chris asked as she pulled out her ear buds after dying and dug through her bag for her chord headphones, she nodded as she looked towards him. "yeah...why?" she questioned once she saw her nod register within him. he cleared his throat, "uh nothing nothing." he said looking out of the car window. her eyebrows creased before placing a soft hand on his that rested between them. he looked down at it, and then back towards her. "whats up?" she questioned now pulling her's back and shutting her book, the fourth wing. he shook his head looking up front and then back at her, the music her mom was playing was loud enough for her not to hear much while driving. "nothing i promise, i was just curious. but what does he think of luke?" he questioned with a slight grin, and she cracked a bit. "good! i mean for the most part...he definitely is a little closed off just because of - of how we ended but i think they're good for the most part. i also think that because of uncle geno being in love with luke, gives him some ease, but i don't know. i guess we'll find out this weekend." she said shrugging and chris nodded. they had had a somewhat hard breakup before freshman year of college. chris had been slated to head to Harvard for four years (before transferring to columbia for his sophomore year, for the spring semester), the two had broken up because of the distance, but chris just wanted her to be free to explore and have fun, while not feeling like she had to hold herself back because of being in a relationship and it hurt him beyond belief, to let her go. he thought they were high school sweethearts and would have been together for years to come. after an extremely difficult year away from his friends, he transferred. and had hoped the two would have found one another again, but as luck would have it- she met luke.
chris nodded softly, "you know i'll never forgive myself for how i ended things and how abrupt it was." chris explained and liona nodded, "i know, and yknow i forgive you for it. i know you had the best intentions for it." she said giving him a close-lipped smile. "besides, i wouldn't have met luke if we had been together still. for whatever reason it was meant to happen." she said before putting in her headphones and returning to her book.
the five of them made it to the lakehouse, and as soon as liona made it to her designated room, she texted luke that they had made it. the two of them hopped on facetime five minutes later, and she made her way outside towards the pool out back, that overlooked the private beach. "good evening kai." luke said adjusting his pillow and she smiled, "evening pookie." she grinned before flipping the camera around so he could see the waves coming in on the shore. "i can only imagine the view during the day he said, as she turned the camera back around towards her. "its to die for. have some of my fondest childhood memories up here." she hummed before yawning. "long day at work?" he questioned and she nodded, "the kids i nanny were giving me the hardest time this morning and they just drained me." she said rubbing her eye. "well, i wont keep you my kai..." he paused to yawn himself, "i cant wait to see you tomorrow." he said with a smile. the two hadn't seen one another in two weeks due to his very early road trip, which made this weekend even sweeter since they'd actually be together and spend some quality time with one another. "i know me too...you sure you don't want me to pick you guys up?" she questioned and he shook his head profously, "no. don't worry about it, spend time with your family. i promise we are good." he said and she nodded before they hung up. -
the following morning her father flew in, and liona was there to pick him up with sasha. despite sasha not being blood related to him, he had always treated her like his own and they absolutely adored one another. a few summers ago, liona took the time to really teach her russian and sasha loved to converse with him while they were around their mom since their mom knew little to no russian. thick as thieves, those three were. "alex!" sasha screamed in russian, as he walked up to the curve in the small airport near the hamptons. he held his arms open as sasha ran up to him and he lifted her up. "you keep growing young one." he laughed in russian, to which sasha rolled her eyes and the two of them began to walk back to the car. alex ruffled her hair and she swatted his hand away. "hey dad." liona smiled as he pulled her in for a hug as well, and he kissed the top of her head. liona took the flowers from him as he spoke, "hi lioness." he responded as he pulled his suitcase into the trunk. alex hopped in the back seat as sasha and liona took the front, and the three of them settled on a coffee shop to stop before driving back to the house. "so you excited to see luke?" sasha quipped and liona was quick to give her a 'warning' look but sasha only giggled. "see how things go." he said in broken english and liona only rolled her eyes. "alright." she hummed before pulling up to the drive through. "get coffee for mama." alex said from the back seat and liona added the last order.
a little while later, they pulled up to the house and chris was outside waiting to help with alex's luggage. alex hopped out and quickly shook chris's hand, which led to a bro hug. "hows columbia?" he asked chris as the two of them headed towards the trunk, "good! glad to be in the city again and finishing this year. for good" chris explained, and alex smiled widely. "year early?" alex clarified and chris nodded, before alex laughed. "always knew lion could have learned a thing or two from you." he said loud enough for liona to hear it as she entered the house. great, she thought. back to comparing the two, she grimaced thinking of how he'd always compared the two, and always thought chris was the guy to know and be with. "coffee for me?" her and sasha's mom smiled as sasha handed her her's and liona set chris' down on the counter. "ofcourse!" sasha smiled.
"what are you baking?" sasha questioned as the two males walked in, and alex and their mom made eye contact. "hey alex." she said giving him a quick hug, "hi lily." he smiled and she took the flowers from him with a smile. "very kind of you." she said quickly going to find a vase. "pumpkin pie." chris explained and liona nodded looking at the directions. sasha headed off to do some reading while alex went to wash his hands to start the second dessert, medovik which lily had been making since liona was a young girl. it was one way she would help honor her daughters heritage, even if she couldn't stand alex. "need help?" chris questioned as liona had began to wash her own hands to help, and she nodded. "the more the merrier." she hummed before pressing play on her mom's phone for music.
etta james filled the first floor as 'fool that i am' began to play. liona swayed to the jazzy music, as chris took his spot next to her's. the two worked in silence and tandem. lily walked back in and began to help alex, and soon enough they were in the process of cleaning dishes. chris found liona's gaze, as 'sunday kind of love' began to play from the speakers and liona giggled. the two of them had loved to play this song and dance to it, when they were together. chris held out his hand, and liona grinned taking it. his hands found her hand and her lower back, as the two sang the song whilst swaying. alex and lily smiled to one another, as rainn walked into the kitchen. "pops!" she said clasping her hands on alex's shoulder before moving over to the fridge.
chris and liona sang the words to one another, like old times, and during the music break, he spun her around which caused her to giggle. the song ended and dancing in the moonlight now came on. unbeknownst to them, gavin and sean walked through the front door along with the hughes after taking flights and trains to get here. "your faves are here!" sean announced as he entered the kitchen. he froze and gavin walked into him, as he spoke to the hughes family. "man-" gavin began but froze himself as he saw lily and alex conversing at the sink, and then his eyes landed on chris and liona who were still dancing with one another. along with rain who was eating a snack. "is that medovik?!" gavin questioned loudly, and all eyes found him. liona quickly stepped away from chris, and turned right as luke stepped into the kitchen beside sean and gavin. a huge smile erupted on her face, and made her way over to greet him and his family. "hi!" she said to all of them as her mom shut off the music. "welcome to the hamptons!" she added, looking at all of them and then back at luke. "hi guys! would you like a tour?" her mom swooped in and all of them nodded. "cmon ill show you around!" lily said beginning to walk off towards the other end of the house, as luke and liona stayed put. "let's head to my room." she said softly, pulling her with him towards the stairs.
they made their way up the stairs and headed down to her room, and she let him walk in first. "how was the flight?" she questioned and he shrugged setting down his bag near the door. "not bad, jack just got on my nerves this morning." he chuckled laying down on his back. she laid down next to him on her side, propping her head on her hand. "well im glad yall made it in one piece." she hummed pushing a long lock from his face. his gaze shifted towards her, and she leaned in to give him a quick peck. "im glad you made it." she whispered before kissing him once more.
it was now thanksgiving and the families sat down at the long, wooden table. the two families had gotten along rather well so far into the trip, and that made liona's heart soar. knowing they got along well, was a very big thing for her. she sat down next to luke and across from chris and rainn. luke and her hand found one another's under that table quickly, before helping pass the food around. comfortable conversation washed over the table, and the conversation turned towards discussing school and how the group of friends were doing with their studies. "im good! im going to be starting my year long internship with conde nast this janurary." liona said with a small smile on her face, "are you excited for it?" ellen asked and liona nodded. "yes! id always hope to work there in some sort of fashion and interning there is a dream come true." she gushed, and ellen smiled widely. "oh! chris is it true your graduating this spring? alex mentioned that you were fast-tracking your under grad?" her mother questioned chris as gavin asked something about columbia. "yes! ill be done this may and then hope to travel around europe for a bit." he said shocking the friend group, as they had no idea. "wait what?" liona questioned softly, referring to the europe part. "ever the smart one." alex remarked tilting his drink towards the boy who smiled. "that's so cool bro, i think gavin and i were heading to Britain for a study abroad. we have to get together!" sean exclaimed and the three boys made commitments to meet up. liona sat there looking at chris, feeling somewhat pissed. he'd never said anything, and he always told her everything. even despite the breakup.
"what? trying to find a way to one up him?" sean joked causing the friend group to laugh, as they thought of how the two of them always went head to head with academics and other competitive things. liona's jaw tightened as she bit back her sarcastic remark, "the two of them used to be each other's competition in everything. growing up next to one another always brought out the worst in them, always having to be on top of it all." alex joked filling in the hughes family, "which is always how their relationship worked." alex added before realizing what he had said, out loud for that fact. sasha choked on her lemonade, as liona stood up abruptly and pushed her chair back, so she could walk out of the room. "lion!" her mother called for her, but rainn was already on her way after her.
liona walked out the back door and towards the private beach, with rainn on her tail. liona felt tears prick her brown eyes as she crossed her arms. her father always found a way to jibe at their relationship and how it ended, and that he always thought that they should of gotten back together. it seemed as if he never gave luke a 'proper' chance, even after a year.
"hey-" rainn said putting a hand on her friends shoulder, but she pushed it off. "you okay?" she asked softly and liona made a tsk noise. "okay? okay? you think id be okay with my idiot of a father bringing up my relationship with my ex who he has always thought of as the superior one and would always be the superior guy to anyone else i date? he embarrassed me in front of everybody!" she screamed at rainn. rainn didn't take offense, because she'd be just as pissed if her dad did that. "i don't understand how he shoots himself in the foot after making so much progress with me! and my mom!" she yelled at no one in particular, before screaming out to the sea. rainn frowned before looking back at the house, where she knew they were all watching. liona sat before wrapping her hands around her knees and perched her head watching the waves. rainn began to walk off to give her space, and back up to the house. she walked inside facing the friend group, hearing lily and alex yelling at one another up stairs. "ahh who'd a thought?" she said sarcastically referring to them upstairs as she noticed the hughes family standing in the kitchen, and smiled softly at them. "her dad is an ass." she exclaimed and they all hummed in agreement. rainn walked over towards the hughes and they all turned towards her, "hey...im sorry to bother but i think you should go see lion." she said looking at luke who nodded and immediately began his way towards the back door. "good luck." sean remarked as luke opened the door, and he paused looking at him. "she's sour when her dad pisses her off." gavin explained, and he nodded before walking out.
liona had been crying since the moment rainn walked back towards the house and as soon as luke heard her sobs, he jogged towards her. he sat down without a word and pulled her into his chest, trying to comfort her. "im sorry." she sobbed and luke shook his head, pressing soft kisses to the top of her head. "he does this every time...one step forward and then takes three steps back." she said frustratedly, as luke pulled her in tighter and she curled up to him. "he always feels the need to somehow make jabs or comments at me about chris because he feels as though i was wrong for breaking up with him." she remarked and luke's eyebrows furrowed. "i thought he broke up with you." he said peering down at her. she nodded, "no he did, but chris never had the heart to tell my dad that, that first christmas back from school." she remarked and that made luke angry. "sometimes i feel as though he never wanted me as his child, but chris." she said barely above a whisper and luke's heart broke. "there's no way in hell that is true." luke said softly pulling her chin, so she could see his face. "he would be an absolute fool, kai. an absolute fool if he ever thought that. but he loves you kai, even if none of us understand or always believe it, but he does." he said with a soft smile. "but you're not wrong, he is an ass but he's a stubborn one that i know you absolutely adore and cherish." he said tracing her chin softly. she nodded, knowing he was right but she was beyond angry with her father at the moment.
"you are the strongest person i know, cammie." he began with his nickname that meant strength and resilient - honoring the russian chamomile flower that was her favorite. "you bloom in the midst of trying times despite it all. you bloom despite hardship, and that in itself is beautiful. this is just another one of those times, i know you'll come out on the other side." he said slowly in russian. the way the words flowed and rolled off his tongue, brought warmth to the girl's heart. "i see my little lion lessons have paid off immensely." she softly remarked causing him to chuckle. "that and the pretty penny duolingo charges me monthly." he added, and now she laughed. "you don't know how much that means to me, your effort does not and will never go unnoticed." she began looking up at him as her hand found his cheek, "means the absolute world to me." she smiled before pulling him in for a deep kiss. his hands found her back, bringing comfort to her.
they pulled away after a bit, resting their foreheads against each other. "just forewarning, when we go back in there i may rip my dad's head off....in russian." she warned and luke nodded. "your mom and him were already going at it upstairs when i walked out." and that made liona sigh. she could already see them fighting in her mind, and that made her shift in his arms. "where was sasha?" she asked and luke looked back down at her, "she was on the other side of the house with her airpods in." he said and that made her frown. sasha had rarely seen her mother yell, and fight with her dad. so on the off chance that they did, liona always made sure she was out of the house or doing something to distract her.
"we should head in." liona said standing up and looking back at the house, and luke nodded. liona held out a hand for luke to help him up and then headed back up the path, still holding each other's hand.
luke opened the door for liona, and she stepped inside. she smiled softly at the hughes that stood in the kitchen still as ellen made her way over to her. "im so sorry you had to hear all of that." liona apologized and ellen waved her off, before pulling her in for a hug. "you ok?" she questioned softly and liona nodded. "yeah..this happens sometimes i suppose." liona said shrugging and ellen gave her a small frown. "were going to be heading into town to get some dessert, and i think were staying at a hotel too before flying out tomorrow. you are more than welcome to join us." and liona smiled. "thankyou...i might join you guys for some dessert in a bit. i have to speak to my dad first but i have a feeling my mom is gonna want to leave tonight with sasha and i." she explained and ellen nodded. "well let us know and we'll be there anyway we can." ellen comforted. "i appreciate that very much, sincerely. ill let you guys know." liona smiled before heading towards the dining room, and saw her friends conversing.
they all looked back at her, with long faces. "im fine. i promise. about to go rip my dad a new one." she remarked heading past them, "hey were gonna leave tonight. were gonna get a rental car and go, if you want to join." sean explained and liona nodded, "thankyou. im gonna see what my mom wants to do." liona said and the group nodded.
she took a deep breath as she stood in front of the stairs, and once she exhaled, she walked up.
her parents weren't fighting anymore, and liona began to search the rooms to see where they were. she opened up her mom's room, nobody. she opened up the extra bedroom, nope. next, she began her way toward the room her dad always got. without thinking anything of it, she opened it without knocking and she froze looking at the scene. no wonder they had grown silent.
her parents heads whipped towards her in shock, as she took in the scene before her. she couldn't wrap her head around them being close to each other, let alone being in each other's arms and looking as if her dad was comforting her mom in some way. and once she looked at her mothers face, she saw that it was puffy. "oh my god." liona breathed, and took a step backward. "liona-" her mother called right as she sped off to her room. "oh my god- oh my GOD!" liona screamed as she began to push her clothes and beauty bag into her weekend tote. "lion-" she cut off her dad, "don't you dare speak to me - either of you!" she said zipping her bag. "please sweetie-" her mother said taking a step forward, to which liona squawked at. "to think i was coming up here to give you an earful...and to see that?! what the fuck are you thinking!" she cried, bringing the back of her hand to her mouth. she shook her head as alex took a step forward, "no. you have told me over the years how much you have hated him and how much you can't stand her. and now this? no. i wont be apart of this, whatever this is because the two of you have never gotten your shit together for me, for the sake of your child." liona exclaimed.
"darlin-" she cut off her dad, "no! its my turn to speak." she remarked as she threw her bag over her shoulder, "my whole life has been at the expense of your relationship and your incapability of getting along. so apologies for me being uncomfortable seeing you two close like that. my sincere apologies for reacting a certain way to this shit show." liona spat with anger seething from her body. "cancel my flights for christmas to dc." liona breathed before walking past the two.
she made her way down the stairs, and her friends were waiting for her at the bottom. "ill explain later." she said as she locked eyes with luke who had let his family go ahead in the uber they called. luke took her bags and they made their way out to the rental car, his family had rented for the weekend. liona settled into the front seat, bringing her knees to her chest and looking out the door window.
"im here, always. if you want to talk." he offered as soon as she turned on the car. she peered over with a small smile.
her insta:
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i hope you all enjoyed! pls like and reblog if u did (:
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equallyshaw · 4 months
little lion au | luke hughes ↠ when liona and luke meet, pt 2. pt 1. ↠ au masterlist.
warnings: underage drinking, before her fake id is taken away lol. there's a blurb on that too, here. word count: 1.5K.
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luke was beside himself, he was upset and absolutely livid with himself. he should have never let liona leave, he shouldn't have done what he did - well he regrets not saying anything to her. he also hated that he didn't have her number, to at least attempt to explain himself. liona was too upset, with herself more than anything. she was upset at the fact that she allowed herself to be as vulnerable as she was. she suffered from either explaining and oversharing too much or being quiet, and having nobody hear from her. no in-between. she felt guilt that she allowed him to kiss her, only to reject her right after. and then a part of her felt bad, because of the look that grazed his pale and strong features, once he saw that she was leaving and leaving with chris.
once the two of them left, he dropped her off at her mom's greenwich village and then didn't hear from her that weekend, nor any of their friends. she had shut everybody off and felt as if she had embarrassed herself. yet, her mom would disagree. after 2 am dip sum, coco, and a homemade charlotte pie (russian apple pie) she was somewhat cured and opened up to her mom. she went back to her apartment in west village, which she shared with sean and rain her best friends from highschool. the two were up and eating a late breakfast when she walked through the squeaky front door, and it was hard to not hear that she had entered. "good morning lioness." sean said as she came to sit down on the barstool, and she smiled softly. he wrapped an arm around her, and she leaned into him. "hows mama?" he questioned and liona smiled. "she's good, made me some charlotte pie and got dip sum for me." she hummed making the two smile. "wanna talk about what happened?" rain asked, treading lightly. liona shook her head, taking the mug of coffee from her. "ill talk about it later." she said shrugging, before heading off to her bedroom.
liona and the group found themselves out a week and a half later in lower manhattan, which took about 20 minutes to talk to as a group. chris and liona were the first ones to walk up to the bar, while the rest of them found a booth in the corner; opposite side of the bar which had a very loud group. chris wrapped an arm around liona, meeting the other side of bar next to her, leaning in to hear her talk about her classes that week. they ordered a round of shots for the group, a long island ice tea for her and an expresso martini for himself. he paid for the group, flashing his id for the bartender. she scurried back toward the group, and plopped down in the booth next to gavin. "they are so fucking loud, oh my god." rain complained about the group opposite side of the bar from them, and when she looked over she felt her body flood with dread. and anxiety. there was the very boy who rejected her. she turned back towards gavin who was trying to get her attention, then chris showed up with the drinks. she thanked him and passed around the shots. they clunk them on the table lightly, and took them at the same time. she quickly grabbed the lime and sucked on it, to get rid of the burn that was burning her throat. she then sipped on her long island ice tea, and leaned back into the booth as chris sat across from her.
"you see him?" chris whispered to the girl, and she nodded softly flicking her gaze over towards them again. which proved to be the wrong answer, because luke was already looking over. she swallowed softly, before gazing at chris and then back towards the group. luke grew annoyed or angry, he could not quite decipher but was agitated that chris and her were sitting closely together. he watched as she laughed at what somebody said, and he wished that the reason she was smiling was because of him. as cheesy as that sounds, but she smiled so wide and brightly that he thought she was an angel.
about 35 minutes later, she was on her way back to the bar with her fake id in hand and ready for a vodka cran. she strummed her fingers on the wooden bar and then felt somebody step up next to her. "just a coke, please." she heard the familiar voice of the curly haired boy. "hi kai." he started and she turned towards him, hating how quickly she looked over. "hi luke." she said softly, meeting his eye too quickly to her liking. his hazel eyes pierced her brown ones, as they looked at one another. "how have you been, kai?" he questioned and she shrugged, "classes are rotten but what's new?" she quipped, thanking the bartender before taking a sip of the spirited drink. luke got his coke and turned back towards her. "hows your astronomy elective?" he questioned, thinking back to the night that they had met. she shrugged, "harder than it looks that is for sure." she said giggling, before shaking her head. "apparently trevor one of my brothers best friends was an astronomy major back at boston, he said its hard but interesting." and she agreed to that. "no for sure. im just glad that's not my major, but im glad i took it." she said smiling softly. she looked back over towards her friend group, and luke took the opportunity. "do you wanna get out of here? i know a pizza place right up the street." she looked back at luke, and giggled. she was quite surprised that he offered up pizza, but she would not pass up the opportunity. "are you gonna embarrass me again?" she quizzed, an eyebrow arching. he shook his head profusely, "and if i did embarrass you in any way that was never my intention last time. i apologize truly for that." he said as anxiety pulsed through his body. she nodded softly, "well alright then, lets go get a slice." she said setting her drink back on the bar and taking ahold of his hand before walking towards the entrance. the weather for october was still quite warm, with a slight humidity to the 62 degree weather. the two of them headed towards the pizza place, down the block weaving in and out of people, yet never letting eachothers hand go.
the two ordered some cheese pizza slices, sitting in a booth furthest from the door. liona smiled widely and shut her eyes savoring the fresh pizza. "i wish they had this back home, or well this good of pizza. which yknow might be a good thing because id be there everyday." she joked, as luke laughed. "you go home a lot?" he questioned and she nodded. "pretty much every month or two or sometimes more depending my work load, if i can get work off and what my dad home games look like. he typically gets me home once a month with home tickets, usually ill see a friend of my dads or family friend depending on the team." she explained before taking another bite. "anybody i know?" he questioned, and she nodded. "yeah evegeni malkin is an uncle to me, i see him a lot too, and then andrei svechnikov who's like a brother to me, i call him my russian brat which translates to russian brother or something similar." she said before finishing the slice. luke nodded, "how long have you known him?" he asked somewhat jealous, and she grinned at him. "since he was drafted so 2018 i think. my dad had him come train in the summer with him right before he reported to carolina. he stayed with us in dc and yeah." she said sipping some of her lemonade. luke nodded, "there are a couple others, around the league but im not friends with them, i just know them through my dad." she said shrugging and luke nodded.
"do you wanna tell me why you rejected me that night?" she questioned a few minutes later and luke looked up from a text his brother had send. he set down his phone before responding, "truthfully, i didn't want you to think i wanted more than that. i mean i do but i didn't want it that night, i didn't want you to think i was taking advantage of you or anything." he confessed and she nodded softly. maybe she had judged him too quickly. "well thankyou, i appreciate that but im not a child luke. im older than you." she said half teasing, half serious. "i know, but we had just met and i wasn't comfortable doing anything more than getting to know you that night. im sorta..im sorta shy." he said honestly. she smiled, "i don't think I've ever heard a guy say that, let alone out loud." she said, "but i appreciate it. im glad that you felt comfortable enough to say it out loud and to me." she mused reaching over and taking ahold of his left hand. he smiled while blushing. he looked down at their hands, brushing his thumb with hers.
"wanna meet my roommates cat?" she questioned cheekily and luke chuckled, "id love to meet them." he grinned.
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hope you all enjoyed!!
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equallyshaw · 5 months
little lion | Luke hughes au! ↠ the fake i'd debacle. - blurb
↠ au Masterlist!
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↠ warnings: angsty and swearing! ↠ word count: 1.1k ↠ italicized is russian. ↠ takes place in june 2024!
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liona's mom found her daughter's fake id lying on her daughter's nightstand and now, here her daughter was passed out on her bed, after a late night out with her friends. hurrying out of the room, she quickly texted alex who quickly rang her, and the two quickly came to a solution. alex would be arriving at his ex's townhouse where liona stayed from from time to time. they were going to have a sit-down conversation and a very serious conversation at that.
it was three hours later when alex arrived, her mom quickly went to go grab him. liona had only been awake for about 25 minutes when he showed up and she was trying to nurse a heavy hangover with coffee and left over pizza. "where is she?" she heard the unmistakable deep russian voice, and her mom telling her where she was. her eyes went wide for a brief second. she looked up as soon as alex walked through the hallway, and he shook his head. "are you dumb? are you stupid, liona tell me please!" he yelled at her in russian. she clasped her eyes shut, and covered her hands over her ears. "no! you are not doing that!" alex screamed, ripping her hands away from her ears. "NO!" she screamed at him and stood up. "don't you dare touch me!" she screamed in disbelief, as tears formed in her eyes. her right hand found her left wrist and rubbed it trying to soothe the sting. alexs' eyes quickly went to her wrist. liona licked her lips before speaking again, "don't you ever touch me again." she said through tears and pointed at her dad. she quickly went back to her bedroom and slammed it shut before locking it. she sat down on her tub in her connected washroom and began to sob.
liona's mom quickly walked over to her ex and shoved him, "are you the one that is stupid alex? what the fuck was that?" she questioned softly, "do you not realize what happens when you yell at her, huh?" and alex sighed, "she's showing you right now. i did not have you come here to yell at her. i asked you to come for a civil conversation and have her understand the legalities of having a fake id. not for you to scream at her in russian and think that is gonna get you or us anywhere." she said heatedly. "you wonder why we left, huh? you wonder why i left. there's your answer." she said pointing behind her, and then turned around to go coax her daughter out.
"baby please let me in." liona heard her mom from outside, and that only made her sob. liona sunk down to a seated position and brought her knees up to her chest. "baby girl please, i promise i wont yell." her mom said trying again, and then glared at alex who walked up beside her. there was barely a few inches between them with alex trying to make him small as possible. "little lion, please." alex begged, and liona lifted her head. she sniffled, "my lioness, i did not mean to yell at you i promise. i did not mean to grab you, i swear. i wish i could take it all back, i promise! please let us in, we want to make sure you're ok." he pleaded and liona hated how she could cower to him so quickly. "please sweetie." her mom added, and liona sighed. she stood up and walked into her bedroom and towards the door, unlocking it. she then turned around and sat down on her white bed pretzel styled. as soon as she sat down, her mom and dad opened up the door staying in their spot for a few seconds, before walking over. the two sat down on either side of her in the direction of the girl. "i want you to know that i did not invite your father here to yell at you, i asked him to come to have a civil conversation with you and for you to understand why it is dangerous to have a fake id." her mom began and alex snickered, "thanks helen." he said sarcastically, causing helen to smack him in the arm. liona giggled whilst shaking her head. "we know we can't get you to stop drinking in public or in private, especially if somebody offers to buy it but we need you to know the consequences of your actions if you were to get caught." alex said softly, and liona nodded.
liona pulled some hair behind her ears, "i know its stupid and naive of me to have. I've only used it three times since i got it. it definitely is not worth the price i paid for it because somebody always offers to buy us drinks anyways." she huffed, and helen rolled her eyes. "and might these be the same people who you went to highschool with? the ones that made sure you all followed one another, here?" she questioned and liona looked down. "i don't even wanna know how much you paid for it because it'll cost me more to bail you out of jail - IF i decide to bail you out." alex said and helen rolled her eyes again. "i may just let you rot in there, yknow? teach you a lesson, whole hell of a lot better than in russia-" and helen cut him off, "shutup alex, stop it." and alex shrugged in confusion. "what?" he questioned - mocking her. liona held back a grin and stifled a laugh. "can we not right now? i get that you want to teach her a lesson but can you not -" and then alex cut her off, " i get that you are ashamed that im russian but your daughter is part russian and holds citizenship if you cared to remember-" and now it was helen's turn to cut him off again, "oh yes don't remind me! have to hear you two spout russian all the damn time." helen said tensely.
"can we NOT?" liona said a bit jumpy, and the two whipped their heads towards her. "like i get you two arent particularly fond of each other, but can you give me my punishment so i can leave? like i'd like to not witness this- whatever this is!" she said crossing her arms. "oh! there's no punishment." her mom responded, and alex threw his hands up in shock. "no punishment? oh my god helen! what the hell am i doing here then!" alex now stood up and then the two started bickering with each other. liona laid down on her back and pulled out her phone, texing luke who right now should be lounging at his lake house in michigan.
liona laid there watching her parents bicker back and fourth, them both becoming amused with one another.
it was endearing, liona thought.
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equallyshaw · 5 months
little lion | luke hughes au!
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↠ liona and jacks relationship. ↠ au masterlist!
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sassy queen and sassy king 🤝🏻
has no problem putting each other in their respective places
liona looks up to jack like an older brother and jack looks to her like a little sister
they live to annoy one another
most conversations end up with bickering
when her and luke began to date and when luke introduced liona officially, the first comment out of her mouth made luke realize that she was the one
at first jack is nervous because she is ovi the great's daughter .. like luke messes things up? him and luke and quinn will have to answer to alex
jack and liona's relationship is truly like brother and sister, constantly there for one another. especially if her and luke are fighting- she can always depend on luke.
because lets be real, luky can be a dummy and jack has no issue calling him out on it
jack goes to her for girl advice
somehow gets jack into reading (even if it is sport memoirs)
in return, he makes her watch ted lasso and other tv shows he likes
just like luke, she also adjusts his style that he thinks looks good
avid imessage games opponents
even after a year of dating, he still gets starstruck when she talks about her dad
also, he about dies when she does introduce them the second time they play each other
he becomes an emergency contact behind luke (and her parents), because it feels right. (she knows one of them will always answer and trusts them wholeheartedly)
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and there you go !
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equallyshaw · 5 months
little lion au! | luke hughes au! ↠ luke's nickname for liona, blurb! ↠ au masterlist!
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↠ warnings: none! ↠ word count: 873. ↠ at this point, they have been dating about 6 months. its may 2024. ↠ italicized is russian.
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liona and luke had spent the previous evening together, after an impromptu and last minute dinner in east village. after a win against the NY islanders, luke reached out to liona to go grab some food. she brought him to her favorite russian place, and absolutely adored that luke decided to show off the russian he'd been picking up from her (and duolingo). it made her heart swell, that he had taken the time to learn on his own and how much he paid attention to her 'little lion lessons' from time to time, and ofcourse the conversations she had with her dad over the phone. it meant the world to her that he cared enough.
the next morning to the two were cuddling with each other at her west village apartment that she shared with her two best friends from highschool. her phone had been blaring for a few minutes, but she ignored it - trying to savor this morning. "kai..." luke mumbled, her middle name- that he called her by. she groaned, pushing a hand to his face to shut him up. "kai..." he mumbled a bit more, opening his eyes and took in her morning hair. it was a bad bed head morning he thought, and he pushed some hair out of her face. "kai, you're phone." he whispered before pressing a kiss to her forehead. she pushed him away a bit too hard, because she ended up falling on the wood floor. he quickly looked over and relaxed, once she saw her sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "morning kai." he said with a cheeky grin, and she flipped him off as she heard her phone ring for the 5th time. "what dad?!" she demanded, as she picked up. luke watched as she and her dad conversed with each other in russian, and the annoyance that dripped from every word. "wait what?" she spoke aloud in english, and luke looked up at her from where he was ndext to her. "wait what?" she repeated, hopping out of bed and jogging over towards her front door. "oh dad....you didn't have to." she gushed, bending down to grab the marble glass vase that held her favorite flowers, chamomiles. "i love you dad, thankyou. ill call you tomorrow." she said before hanging up. luke walked into the kitchen where she was, and he leaned onto the counter next to her. "chamomiles!" she said giving him a wide smile, before turning back to them and looking on with marvel. "i cant believe he got them for me." she mused, sending a picture to her uncle malkin who knew how much she loved this flower.
"are they daisies?" he questioned, and she shook her head with a giggle. "no, they're russian chamomile's. russia's national flower, and somehow he got some to me. he knows they are my absolute favorite!" she said bringing her hands to her cheeks. "i thought tiger lily's were? hence his one nickname?" luke questioned, and liona shook her head. "well yes and now. while i do love tiger lily, i love chamomile's. the first time i went to russia, apparently i just flocked to the flower garden my babushka (grandma) had in her backyard, and these are what i began to pull out to smell. and ever since then, they've been kinda my thing." she said leaning into luke, as he pulled her into his side. "they used to say back in russia, 'liona's or lion's flowers.' and my dedushka (grandpa) put a sign next to them, and yeah. my dad gets them every year for my birthday, or whenever i need a pick me up." she said with a small smile. "how do you say it in russian?" he questioned, "romashka. and it means joy, calmness, poise, and its resilient i like to say, because they have the ability to bloom amidst times of stress, and adversity. and they still blooming, no matter what." she said leaning her head on his shoulder. luke's heart warmed because she just described herself. described herself through her childhood.
"y'know that you are just that?" he began, looking down at her. she looked up at him with creased eyebrows. "you bloomed when the world believed that you shouldn't have. it would have been expected for you to hate or curse the world. but you still held and hold deep love for it. you bloomed when you were going through the hardest times of you life with your parents. you've stayed blooming despite it all. despite your rocky relationships with your parents, despite you shutting out your dad last year, despite whatever the world throws at you." he said as his hazel eyes found her brown.
"my romashka." he repeated, and she nodded. "you are my joy and my calm in the storm. you are my chamomille- despite that being the cheesiest thing I've ever said out loud before, but its true. you are my chamomile, my cammie." he said with a smile on his face. tears pricked her eyes, and she leaned up with kiss him. her arms wrapped around his neck, as he pulled her in closer by the waist. "my romashka." he whispered once more, before the two headed back into her bedroom.
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equallyshaw · 5 months
spring in the city. | little lion au! ↠ luke hughes x ovechkin oc ! ↠ this is posted on the 6 month anniversary. (in may of '24) ↠ au masterlist!
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@lionaovi: spring in the city was special this year☺️🌸 2.3k likes & 102 comments. tags: chrisbriney, tjoshie, seank & rainspencerrrr _
@/Lauren.oshie: I love the jersey! ↳ @lionaovi: the best one! ↳ @/tjoshie: i agree little ovi
@/chrisbriney: another day i hate u ↳ @lionaovi: and ur a little bitch
@alexoveckhin: looks fun now come home ↳ @lionovi: no.
@/e.malkin71geno: 4th pic...peak comedy ↳ @lionaovi: omg go away ↳ @lionaovi: also bring nikita by soon .. im having withdrawals ↳ @anna_kasterova: i got u! ↳ lionaovi ahs liked this comment.
@/tomwilson: nice jersey, can you spare some room for mine? ↳ @lionaovi: not too sure! tell alex to get me a bigger closet
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@littleovio: this spring 🫶🏻 tag: lhughes_06 77 likes & 12 comments. _
@lhughes_06: did you have to do me dirty with the 2nd ↳ @littleovio: yes yes
@/jackhughes: ew ↳ @littleovio: yur ew
@Lauren.oshie: Sasha is getting too big 🥲 ↳ @littleovio: no i know its not fair ): ↳ @lauren.oshie: also we need to catch up soon! ↳ @littleovio: ill be back in Georgetown soon (:
@91dawson: keep forgetting ur ovis kid ↳ @/jackhughes: we literally tell u every time we hang out ↳ @/nicohischier: do i have to remind you what would happen if you said something? ↳ @91dawson: no cap ↳ @littleovio: and you better remember it ! 🙅🏻‍♀️
@rainspencerrrr: stop this is so cute @/chrisbriney cant believe you ditched us for Miami @gavincasalengo: happy looks good on u 🥺 ↳ @rainspencerrrr: no i know
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equallyshaw · 5 months
liona and alex's relationship. (plus mom!) | little lion au!
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↠ luke hughes x ovechkin oc au! ↠ au masterlist!
↠ she does musicals and plays too! (Forgot to add to about her post.)
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that's his girl
he's given up a lot to be in her life (foregoing trips home to russia when she was a child, dropping out of some important games to be there for her for whatever, and not dating after him and her mom broke up)
the two have not had the best relationship, especially growing up. because of how much her mom and him used to fight and argue, and him threatening to take her to russia at times- jr high and highschool is what brought them together
when she got to 7th grade, her mom moved on with her ex fiance, and had a child with him. thus, leaving washington to nyc to be with him. it it really hard for the girl, and in a way she felt abandoned by her. so alex stepped up big time, and let the organization know that his daughter came before hockey, every. single. time.
though her relationship with her mom is much better, after she came back home before they both moved to nyc for different reasons, she still has some obvious resentment over how her mom up and left her
he was there for almost all of her volleyball games up until her jr year of highschool, and would travel the states and europe during the summertime for her equestrian competitions. Always front row to her opening night, and gave the biggest bouquet.
despite her and her dad having a rocky relationship, they call each other every day.
he's also one of the first people she texts or calls when something funny happens, or something she experiences.
used to joke that the only reason she comes home from college, is to brush up her russian and get some homemade family recipes. that's it. (which malkin always responds with, "isn't that what i do?")
ALSO, malkin is old friends with her mom as well so she is extra close with him, and considers him an extension of her home/family.
alex calls her lily tiger, after the meaning. ( courage, strength, and confidence.)
calls her little lion, because of her spunky and sassy side. she is the second coming of alex
he also got her obsessed with flowers, especially tiger lilies and chamomile (which ties into luke's nickname for her.)
despite her dad being from russia, she has only been to russia three times. once when she was a toddler and she went with her mom, the second time being for the 2014 Olympics (with her mom again) and lastly, her summer between freshman year and 8th grade.
oh yeah, one of the main points of alexs argument with her mom when she was a kid, was that he he used to threaten to take her to russia (which her mom didn't want, and has since been retired)
alex has kept her away from the media and public as well, sending her to ultra private schools and limiting the exposure she had at games. she had a full time nanny when he was on the road, who would also take her to home games. and when national televised games happened, he made sure to hide her as much as possible. everybody wanted to know about the little girl that people rarely saw. (that was one of the first times luke saw her, when she was shown during his cup run in 2019)
yin and yang
cant go more than a month or two without seeing eachother
alex will fly her anywhere that he is, but she usually just flies to dc unless he is coming to new york for a game
last year they had a horrible fight, in which alex said some horrible things about her mom and she cut him off for a few months. she had just moved to nyc and that was the last thing she wanted to happen
she missed her birthday, christmas and new years with him because of it.
her mom and her became much, much closer during that time too
because of that fight, she sometimes has anxiety telling her dad about some things, because she doesn't want him to get mad
she can never get the version of him she saw during her childhood out of her mind, just because of how much he and her mom fought. (and when jack asked about her childhood, she just said 'russian anger' and that was that.)
and because of that, she didn't tell her dad for months until there 6 month mark, because he had always said no hockey guys
she ends up calling her dad in a panic, after something that involved luke and even though she didn't say or confirm it, he knew it was about a boy. and had a feeling it was about a certain devil.
the two of them have a love for old russian and british literature
alex for sure has regrets of what he did during her childhood
had wished him and her mom had worked things out, and stayed together and built a family around liona
but only having liona is what was meant to happen, and he wouldn't change it for anything in the world
after her mom breaks off her engagement with her ex fiance, her and alex have a truce. and get along well with one another now
at times, liona wishes that the two of them would get together, and has made it known to both of them.
they always brush it off though, and don't want the past to repeat itself
a running joke for liona, is that shes gonna go gray at 28 just because he did (which malkin about dies every time he hears it)
despite her hard childhood, she'd never change it. because it shaped who she was and loves where her relationships are at with her parents. (most of the time)
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equallyshaw · 20 days
luke's sos signal | little lion au! ↠ luke hughes x ovechkin oc au! ↠ au masterlist! ↠ part one. warnings: swearing! word count: 1.8k
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luke had left the paying it forward gala, which was being held in the queens right next to the bronx. he couldn't deal with the anxiety that had been eating at him all night. no amount of reassurance from his brother or mom had helped. he felt so out of himself, and as of lately- he hadn't felt like himself. after confronting chris at the hamptons, he hadn't been able to properly deal with his emotions, thoughts and feelings as the season was underway. nor was he able to speak to liona, and work through whatever was left of their relationship. if there was one still there, to begin with.
after the fight at the hamptons house, luke immediately left in an uber to the train station to head back to jersey, while liona stayed and attended to chris. he didn't even attempt or try to speak to liona or check to see how she was doing. and he hadn't in two months. he was beside himself and hated how he had reacted and the quick escalation. not to mention the talking that ellen did once she heard what had happened, and the unannounced trip she took from ann arbor to knock some sense into him. he had already felt guilty about the whole thing and his mom has taken it to another level, rightfully so. but what irritate him the most, was that he hadn't reached out to her. he just let his guilt fester and eat himself in the meantime.
as soon as he left the gala, he quickly began his was towards the beach that was about a 15 minute walk from the gala, which he knew of because liona had shown him it when they were taking the ferry from jersey to manhattan. he pulled the tie loose from his neck, ripped the white shirt untucked it, and moved onto his cuffs. he felt as if he couldn't breathe. and for the first time in a while, he was scared. tears flooded his vision once he reached the shoreline and felt himself beginning to cry. he squatted as his hands found his curly hair, running them through it before standing up and leaning his head back to look at the sky. he cried for some time, before sitting down. guilt ate away at him, his thoughts turning volatile on himself. his worth. self esteem. everything that made him who he was. he felt like a failure. a pathetic and small man.
back at the gala, jack was outside pacing in attempting to get ahold of liona. ellen was with him as well, trying to get ahold of her son but his phone was on dnd. jack on the 15th try was able to get ahold liona and she hadn't been able to get a word in with jack rambling. "please tell me you know where he is?!" he said in a panic, which confused liona. she shushed her friends as she tried to get clarification on what jack was talking about, "what do you mean? who?" she questioned as rainn turned to look up at her friend on the couch. "don't play games liona, please tell me you know where he is? is he with you?!" jack panicked in a shakey breath. liona felt her heart beat begin to rise, as she stood up to head to her room. she shut the door behind her, and sat down on her bed. "what do you mean jack? is he missing? how long has he been missing?" she questioned, and he shook his head. "he just left this gala we were at for the charity and he didn't tell us where he was going, he just texted my mom and i and then that was it. we thought he was going to see you since were in queens." jack explained as ellen shook her head, she still hadn't been able to get ahold of him. and his location was off.
liona racked her mind, trying to think of where he might be if they were in queens. her face lit up as soon as she thought of where. "i know where he's at, ill let you know once i get to him." she said before hanging up the phone. she grabbed her purse and a knit sweater before slipping on her birkenstocks. she headed out towards the group without a word, and slipped out the door. she hurried down the apartment stairs and out towards the street, and headed towards her car. her prius sprung to life and she was off.
on the drive from greenwich village to the bronx, she thought of what she might say to him. would she be confrontational? would she be truthful in how much he's hurt her over the past two months? confront him on where they stood as a couple. her mind kept replaying the fight between chris and luke over and over, like a movie. a slow, painful and tragic black-and-white movie. one where her heart broke, watching the two people she loved most- fight - over her. pathetic little boys, she had thought after her crying session ended. after the sadness washed away, she turned angry and sour. how could the summer of her life, turn for the worst? she bit back a sob as she turned off the parkway and headed towards the beach. this was one of her favorite beaches in the tristate area, and he knew that. if not, she knew he would have taken an uber to get to jersey city. or any other beach in the area. it would have been his sos.
she pulled up the curb in front of the beach and quickly got out, locking her car behind her as she stepped onto the sidewalk. she looked in both directions as she feet hit the sand, and saw a black figure near the shoreline. she threw off her sandals, picking them up and headed in that direction. as she got closer, she breathed a sigh of relief once she confirmed it was luke.
she stood behind him, feeling herself beginning to cry. the emotions - pent up - washed over her like a hurricane staring at the boy she loved dearly, still. "is this your sos signal?" she questioned and luke quickly looked around at her, his eyebrows wrinkling in confusion. was that really her? had she really come? found him? "is this your grand plan to get me to come seek you out?" she followed up, as her and luke stared at one another. he looked down at the sand, trying to find the right words. "why didn't you come after me? why didn't you seek me out and try to talk to me?" she questioned as tears began to pour out, and he hadn't looked back at her yet. "because i knew-" she cut him off, "don't give me bullshit luke. tell me the truth! why did you flee as if you were a criminal, huh?!" she screamed at him now.
he looked back up and then stood up. "you think i wanted to leave, huh?!" he questioned. "you think i wanted to leave you and especially leave you with him?" he asked and was met with silence, "you think i wanted to leave everything of us behind in the Hamptons kai? you think i wanted all of this in the first place?" he questioned, his hands finding his hips as he looked out at the sea. "i messed up, no, i fucked up kai. i fucked up and my actions can never be taken back, i did that. i hit him, im the one who took my anger with him out on him and that - that wasn't me - and never will be. but i did it, and i couldn't dare see your face of shame, guilt, or betrayal. i couldn't do it. i knew if i had, i would have known it was over in that moment, and there was no future for us...so i fled, i fled so i wouldn't have to hear those words come from your mouth." he paused to turn around to face her. " i left so i could make that decision for you and hoped to god i would never see you again, so i wouldn't be reminded of what happened but lets be honest, i haven't stopped thinking about it for a fucking second since then. shame of myself has been eating at me since the moment i left, and i don't know how to stop it. i don't know how to make it all stop, and stop the constant feeling of dying that sits in my chest, every. single. day." he breathed with tears threatening to spill. his breath shakey.
liona gazed up at him, with remorse. hearing those words absolutely broke her heart. he had been feeling the same things she had been feeling. shame for that she didn't run after him.
"i made that decision for you, for the both of us. i made the decision for him to be in your life and not me." luke added, and liona shook her head.
"you made my greatest fear come true, i lost you when i didn't want to. i wanted you and wanted to be with you luke..whatever he feels for me is not how i feel about him. i love you. i love you luke, and i never will stop." she paused to shake her head, "i thought my life was over three years ago when he broke up with me. i was so deep in my feelings that i had believed that no life or future with him was a tragedy. but then..i met you. i met a boy that cared about what i had to say, and what i thought. i met a boy who was respectful of me when we first met and made me realize he didn't want me for one thing only. i met the boy Im madly in love with, one i never want to stop." she paused, placing her hands on his cheeks, "i want you in my life, luke. not him. or at least in that way. him lying to my father was the nail in the coffin for us, and which- im forever grateful for because then i wouldn't be here with you. i wouldn't be with the boy i love and adore. who keeps me on my toes, has me questioning my thoughts in the best way, and has given me a home. you're my home luke. and i never want to give you up." she finished before closing the space between them. his hands found their way to her cheeks and then to her neck, tilting her face even more.
they parted and rested their foreheads against one another's, basking in this moment. the weight and importance of it. "i never want to lose you luke, i never want to feel the way i felt when i realized you weren't coming back." she said softly and luke nodded. "i promise kai, i promise." he responded truthfully, "never again will i leave you." he added before kissing her again.
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hehe - pls like and reblog if you liked!
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equallyshaw · 5 months
little lion | Luke hughes au! ↠ liona ovechkin oc ! x luke hughes
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↠ about liona! ↠ au masterlist.
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full name: liona kai oveckin
she is alex oveckhin's only child
birthdate: 10/29/2003
born in Washington, dc.
lives in green which village with her best friend's and roommate, rain, and parttime- sean.
works part time on the upper east side, as a nanny to a small family. works part time at a historic bookstore/coffee shop in west village.
graduated from georgetown prep (smart girlie)
currently a sophomore at nyu majoring in fashion, and minoring in marketing
holds american, united kingdom and russian citizenship
nickname is 'little lion' by alex, because she is a sassy and sarcastic firecracker
has a big friend group from highschool and they all follow each other to new york (summer i turned pretty cast lmao)
her mom and dad are not together, and never have been since his rookie season (in this au its 2002-2003)
alex and evgeni malkin are besties, and therefore liona looks up to evegeni as an uncle
fluent in russian and mandarin
alex and liona are each others best friend, that's his girl
used to participate in equestrian because of the schools she went to and played volleyball up until jr year of highschool
other nickames: my lioness, lili and pearl
lukes nickname is my lioness and another that will be revealed (:
huge book reader
writes poetry on the down low
only child syndrome (she hates it)
also! jack and she tolerate each other, because lets be real. they give all their sass to each other which usually ends in some sort of bickering match
HUGE olivia rodrigo fan, like diehard bazaardvark era fan
Also performed in musicals and plays throughout her childhood and highschool
her dad introduced her to andrei svechnikov after his draft, and she calls him her eastern brother (russian brat) (which jack was hella skeptical about at first, and then soon realized they just saw each other as siblings
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equallyshaw · 22 days
when luke confronts chris | little lion au! ↠ luke hughes x ovechkin oc au! ↠ au masterlist! ↠ part ii. warnings: swearing and a physical altercation word count: 1.1k
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luke had had it, once august of 2025 rolled around and liona had just gotten back from europe for her internship. she had spent the better part of her summer exploring paris, milan, london and other places with her internship through conde nast for her internship for school. she had come back different, but a good different. her red hair topping it all off. he had no issue with the things she'd done or who she had met, he was more than thrilled and excited to hear all about it. but what he was not happy about, was the fact that chris had made a move on her after a night out in paris.
chris had gone to europe after he graduated in may, while steven and gavin had gone to europe for a study abroad - and they had all met up in paris to spend some time together. the four of them had just left a night club and chris and liona had decided to go on a walk around the district before calling it a night, and after securing some ice cream he decided he would try to kiss her. it took a few seconds to recognize what was happening, before pushing him off and immediately beginning to scream at him. she pulled her hair, shed some tears and told him she never wanted to see him again, to which she regretted the last part. she had said it in the heat of the moment, but luke was more than willing to never see him again. but he knew he had to confront the one guy he was most unsure of, and the most insecure with. him and liona had two decades of history that he couldn't ever attain or amount to or better yet, he could never fill. he respected their friendship because it would have been wrong of him to tell her no, he could never dictate what she did or who she talked to. ellen had raised him and his brothers, better than that. but this, this deserved to be spoken.
luke pushed open the back door of the hamptons house, and made his way down to the private beach where chris was currently getting ready to surf. it was just before sunrise and after a night of tossing and turning, he had to get up. he watched as chris picked up the board and glanced back towards the house before setting his gaze on luke. luke was halfway across the beach front before he pulled his right knuckle back, and swung at chris. his pale hand connected with chris' nose who instantly swore and grabbed ahold of his nose, dropping the board. "what the hell dude?" chris screamed, his gaze deadly as he looked back at luke whose gaze was just as much. "you know why." luke stated, and he watched the realization trickle down chris' face. chris licked his lips, his gaze falling towards the sand and then out to sea. heavy breathing was the only thing you could hear besides the waves rushing in. luke could feel his heart beating in his ears as he tried to calm himself down, but it was no use. "do you still love her?" luke questioned after a few minutes, and chris chuckled while still holding his nose. he turned to face luke and gave him an amused look, "why would you ask me that, knowing it wouldn't change how she feels about you?" he questioned and that made luke's anger and annoyance soar. luke's hands found his hips, turning to look back at the house once more. trying to find some clarity in his buzzing thoughts.
"why would you ask me if you already know the answer?" chris questioned and luke turned to look at him again. "you know how she is, you know how good of a human being she is, how she pushes you and surprises you at every turn and how she keeps you on your toes and in the next moment, it feels as if you're home. she has become your home. or how her nose crinkles when she lies or that she licks her lips when she is nervous. you think its easy for me forget all of that? especially since I've known her since we've been toddlers, you think i can fall out of love when I've been in love with her for years? years before she realized it?" chris paused to wipe his nose, and laugh. "you wouldn't realize how hard it is to fall out of love with somebody like her." he finished before beginning to walk up back towards the house. luke stood there, letting him walk up the path. unknown to them, liona had seen everything. growing curious on why luke had left without warning, she went to explore.
as luke walked behind him he boldy spoke, "that doesn't change the fact that you haven't apologized to her...or me." luke boldy stated. chris paused as he reached the pool area and turned around to face luke. "who said i was sorry or remorseful? i definitely don't regret it." chris said with his chest, confidently and boldly. liona hadn't reacted in time, and was not sure if she could regardless. luke had pushed chris into the pool and the two of them hit the water with great force. "no!" she screamed at the top of her lungs before flinging the back door open and screaming. "luke!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, hoping to coax him out of the pool. tears flooded her vision as shock and anxiety coursed through her veins, and did not realize arms had wrapped around her from behind trying to pull her away from the scene. nor had she realized that gavin and sean had jumped in after the two and pulled them apart.
liona fell back a bit as rainn made her take a few steps back, and rain grabbed her to keep her from falling over completely. "lets go." rainn whispered and honestly, dragged her towards the back door and into the house. sasha, their mom, and alex had rushed outside as well, as soon as they heard screams coming from the backyard. rainn pulled her back upstairs to her room and sat her down on her bed after locking the door. liona sobbed as her chest rose too quickly for rainns liking. she wrapped her arms around her best friend, taking her sobs and her heaps of sniffles. "im gonna lose him." liona whispered and rainns ears perked. "what do you mean?" she questioned peering at her best friend, and she met her sad gaze. "im gonna lose him." she said before curling into her best friend leaving a confused rainn in her wake.
who was she referring to?
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hehehe- who was she referring to? part two coming up soon! pls like and reblog if u enjoyed (:
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equallyshaw · 8 months
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒽𝓊𝑔𝒽𝑒𝓈 𝒷𝓇𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝓈 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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ᴀᴜ'ꜱ !
star crossed lovers | connor bedard x oc hughes au!
little lion | Luke hughes x oc ovechkin au!
rutger mcgroarty x rose hughes !
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12 notes · View notes