dourpeep · 3 years
congrats on 700!
For the event.... how about xiao + kazuha (idk if this is allowed but if not choose one lol) + splashing water + romantic + sfw
Summer Beach Bonanza Milestone Event!
Hehe KazuXiaoReader coming right up, you know I'm weak for them-
Anyway, this is such a cute idea (':
Contains: Kazuha x Xiao x gn!Reader, fluff, summer shenanigans, smooches
“Hey wait—that’s not fair!”
Your arms fly up to protect your face, a laugh bubbling from your lips as the water harmlessly flies towards you. Kazuha’s not giving up, though, and sends another wave. On shore, still dry, Xiao watches while the two of you splash around and play.
But his moment of silent observation is interrupted when the two of you suddenly turn towards him.
No—no no absolutely not.
When your combined efforts finally reach him in a cascading arc of glittering water, he just barely escapes in a flash of green light.
Now you’re in trouble.
Golden eyes meet, drifting between yours and Kazuha’s and you laugh and scream, running towards the ronin for protection. Oh…but he can’t protect you, not when he’s also being targeted. So, instead, you’re both soaked entirely when a big splash comes from the adeptus.
You try to dodge, leaping out of the way, but collide into a solid chest.
“You should take responsibility for your actions.”
The threat is empty, however, and with wide eyes you see the devious smirk on his face.
“No---Xiao wait lets be civil—”
He mutters a small warning to hold your breath before dunking you both in the water. Once under, he laughs, bubbles floating to the surface, and presses his lips to yours in half-hearted apology.
Another splash brings a certain cream-haired man to appear besides you.
In a fit of giggles, you push away from Xiao and pop back up to the shallow waters, wiping the excess moisture and stray hairs from your face. Your boyfriends are quick to join you above the surface.
“You win, I give!”
With Kazuha’s arms wrapping around your shoulders, and Xiao delivering a playful flick to your forehead, it’s safe to say that this unplanned vacation wasn’t so bad after all.
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
to the person who sent all of those cursed memes, thank you i shall use them on my friend. as a gift, here are a few memes that ive gotten. they're mostly random pics but eh
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not french thoma 😭🥖 🇫🇷
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beidousbunny · 3 years
send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. keep the game going 💕✨💫
🥺🥺🥺 thank you so much baby!!! ily!!
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pockydays · 3 years
silla! congrats on 200 followers!! you deserve all of them ehehe also sorry if this is a bit late i havent been on tumblr all that recent because of how stressfull things have been with the covid cases rising (we have like 13-14k daily) execpt for my daily fic reading which isnt that long but a rest is a rest indeed. again congrats on 200! hopefully ill notice once you put out ur event and not miss it lol
luna, my fellow tsukishima enjoyer!! please don't apologize for being inactive, your health is a priority so please please please take care of yourself and drink lots of water <3 thank you so much for your kind words and i'll make sure to let everyone know once i've posted my event :))
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starglitterz · 3 years
send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. keep the game going 💕✨💫
AHHH tysm !!! <3
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make mistakes: who’s we
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- sigh. oh tsukki tsukki tsukki
-tsukki u think every song sucks ass damn
-i feel like oikawa brings nothing to the table in friendships except his presence /j
-i believe in tobio n tsukki telling eachother to die supremacy
-why does this ch seem so short wtf
-i got my dog a spider-man harness yesterday she looks dumb in it i love it 😁😁
@iamapotat @ohworm-writes @theoriginaleclipse @lavedi @captaincyberqueen @jiminslajibolala @kirislilrock @mxlosa @lmaowif3swapbinge @afairywithacrown @lalalemon101 @artchaik @myfavoriteficsandsuch @faewraithsworld @stuckinanewyear @ade-exl @salt-and-fossils @beebee-0 @cvlliesstuff @tsukishimarawr @fandomsgotmefucked @not-another-ackerman @naviation-xx @squiddlie @tatiquichi @todorokiskitten @wockybee @lorelexi-main @kurisuaru @vicolangelo @kuroaka @atzuums @namyari @iamnotmebruh @lunachelly @definitely-yours @reeseyspieces @batxsignalsx @its-the-aerieljeane @kaleidoscopekai @joyhdh @ashwontcare
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lumineskies · 3 years
Lunch Boxes
Author: @lunachelly
Pairing: Tsukishima kei x Chubby!reader
Summary: Cooking was one of your specialties and gift giving was your love language. Mixing the both of these couldn’t hurt, right? 
This post is based on this request! Hope you enjoy this anon <3. Also i changed how they found her so I hope u don’t mind.
Peeking in from behind the one of the windows at the gym, you observed each and one of the boys playing volleyball with passion. Immediately, you eyes caught sight of a particular blonde, Tsukishima kei. 
Sweat adorning his face and glasses placed perfectly on the top of his nose, he took it off to wipe away the remnant sweat of his face. Laughter and taunts could be heard from inside the gym but since you were on the other side, you could only hear the voices of the loudest. Tanaka & Nishinoya. 
“Do you think we can catch Tsukishima’s secret admirer today?’” Noya said. The both of them have been trying to catch you using every method in the book. Waiting, scaring you, even going as much as too take a day off only to appear at the gym when you were supposed to put the lunch box. Thank god you were feeling a bit sick so you left the box on the steps and immediately left to go home. 
“Nah, they’ve been so slick with it lately. Our master plan didn’t even manage to capture them.” Tanaka replied. Master plan? Which one?
"Yeah that's true." Noya solemnly answered.
"20 bucks they're gonna appear today?"
"Make that 40 and we'll catch them"
"Ohhhh, you sure about that?" Tanaka teased the shorter male. "Why? Scared you'll lose to me?" Noya countered.
"Tanaka! Nishinoya! C'mon we're all doing to the canteen to buy drinks! You coming?" Daichi shouted from the other side of the court. This was your chance. Wait for all of them to head to the canteen, set the lunch box on the bench their coach usually sits on, then wait and see if Kei likes it.
Voices could be heard near the gym entrance. You waited until one by one of the boys of them had left. Peeking a glance inside through the window, the darkness of the gym assured you that no one was inside. Your eyes scanned the whole area in front of the gym. No one was coming back, it was safe.
You hurriedly walked towards the gym door. It wasn't locked thankfully, just closed. Hands gripping the handle of the door, you pulled it. The loud squeak the door emmitted made you stop. Eyes wide and heart beating fast, you immediately looked around.
The boys haven't gone that far, you were afraid they would hear the door creak and came back to check. Eyes watching your surrounding intently, you let go of the handle. Ready to flee if necessary.
A minute passed and you sighed. Seemed like no one was coming. You set your hands on the door and pulled. The continues squeaking made you wince. The gap between the door was just big enough for you to slide in. You just needed to place the lunchbox on the bench then you can slip out and leave.
Sitting on the said bench, you opened the lunch box the check the contents. You've been working your ass off to make this strawberry shortcake from scratch and to say that you were proud of it would be an understatement.
From searching recipes online, going around blog to blog to find what was the needed ingredients to experimenting around, you finally found the right recipe. All of the past cakes that didn't make the cut either was eaten by yours truly or given to your neighbours as a gift. No one complained on that.
The cake was sliced into a perfect triangle, with whipped cream and an uncut strawberry on top. To say that the cutlery you prepared were cute would be an understatement. You spent around 20 dollars on the box and forks alone but it was so worth it.
Humming happily, you closed the box and pulled out a sticky note. Writing the words 'For Kei' on the paper, you let it stick on the said box. Adjusting it to make it look a bit more presentable, you were ready to slip out unnoticed when you see a person. Not just any person, it was the said middle blocker.
Since the gym was dark, you weren't certaintly sure it was Kei. But the blonde hair, long legs and glasses made you sure. You're screwed. So goddamn screwed. He's going to find out how you look in a second or so depending on how good his eyesight is. Cmon Y/n! Think! How to get away eithout him seeing you? or well reconizing you.
You racked your brain, the only thought floating around was cover your face and run. So that's what you did. Covering your face awkardly, you tried to walk confidently but faltered when the blonde spoke up.
"Oh? Leaving so soon?" You felt your face heat up as soon you heard that. Kei turned thr lights on, making you wince. Your eyes closed on instinct from the sudden burst of light.
Opening your eyes little by little, what you saw made you drop your gaze to the ground. Tsukishima Kei, the blonde middle blocker, was walking towards you.
When his feet enter your field of vision, you cursed yourself. This was it. He'd find out what you look like and confront you and reject you and throw away the cake and-
But none of those things happened. He walked passed you, as if you didn't exist. You turned your head around only to find him smiling awestruck at the lunch box. Picking it up gently, he opened it to be greeted with the aroma of cake and fresh strawberries. He looked at you, and you turned away.
"Do you like me?"
Did you like him? What kind of question was that. Obviously you liked him. Who in their right mind stays up until 3 am just to find the perfect amount of sugar to make it as sweet as the bakery's down the road?
The sound of footsteps getting closer made you freeze up. Head looking back down, you prayed to god that he would just continue on walking and just leave you alone.
The sounds of footsteps stopped right beside you and his foot enetered your field of view. Your face heat up at the sudden closeness. What you didn't expect was Kei pushing your chin upwards and squishing your chubby cheeks in between his long fingers. You looked up to him confusion and embarassment. What was he doing?
"You didn't answer my question baby, do you like me?" If your cheeks wasn't hot then, it definetely was now. Baby? Did he just call you baby? Eyes boring into yours, he looked at you with a knowing smile on his face.
You nodded slowly as you avoided eyecontact. He let go of your cheeks and began to walk away to the door. You, in confusion, just looked at him walking away.
"Oh yeah, Y/n was it? Keep sending these to me. The others wish they were me." He said as he looked back at you. "And, your cooking taste great, if you wanted feedback." With that, he walked off to who knows where.
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bunnypansy · 3 years
Sickly Sweet
I promise this is almost done, I'll get it out on the 10th at the latest
Tw: blood, unbetaed we die like men
You were a bit concerned to say the least, Lucifer didn't call you to his office unless something was afoot. You couldn't recall doing anything wrong, but Lucifer could always find something to pester you about. 
You tapped your knuckles against the door of his study door, slipping into the room.
"Ah, come in," Lucifer gestured for you to sit in the chair positioned in front of his desk. You folded your hands in your lap preparing a suitable apology for whatever you'd done.
"It's about Asmodeus, don't fret, he'll be staying in the attic for the next two weeks and you are not to visit him under any circumstance," You stood up in surprise.
"What! Why?!" Lucifer stood as well, towering over you.
"It's a matter of safety, you will not approach the attic or the third floor, at all, or you will be relocated to Purgatory Hall. Understand?" You pouted, giving Lucifer an even glare in the futile attempt to get him to back down. He leaned closer. "Understand?" 
"Yes, Lucifer." You huffed out, turning away from him. 
"Good. Tonight we'll be relocating Asmodeus, stay in your room. No matter what you may hear." You nodded, still grumpy about your lack of agency in this event.
Later in the night, the brothers had begun their attempt at relocating Asmodeus, it was quite easy to tell because-
"Beel! Now!" Lucifer shouted, his words followed by a heavy thump.
You startled from your studying at the commotion in the hall outside. Loud hissing erupted outside your room, Beel grunted in pain, then footsteps scampered up to your door.
"Help, please help me!" Asmo yelped, only to be muted.
"NO, whatever you do, DON'T COME OUT!" Levi warned, his tone was panicked, frantic even.
The commotion managed to migrate upstairs, Asmodeus screeching and crying the whole way.
Restless could not begin to describe the night, Asmo somehow screamed and wailed for the entire night, then the next day, and the day after that. However much the brothers tried to discourage you, hearing Asmodeus cry out to you was beginning to bother you. The boys all assured you that Asmodeus was manipulating you, and not to listen, but they wouldn't even tell you what was happening, not easing your suspicions any further. So, of course, you needed to know what was going on and Asmo seemed like the only way to get a straight answer.
In the dead of night, on the third day of Asmo's imprisonment, you crept up the staircase, still in your pajamas. Halfway up the stairway, a thick scent nearly bowled you over; it was strong and sickly sweet, like rotting flowers and sugar, something tangy hiding beneath it. Tiny spots of red on the stairs defined that tangy metallic scent; blood.
Taglist! (Sorry if I missed anyone, in not very good at this!)
@lunachelly @lonely-hearts-hiraeth @shirowaskilled
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dourpeep · 3 years
its probably late rn butttt the scara x reader idol au ooooo lord i just opened tumblr after a few days of distancing myself from the internet and i was blessed. thank you basil for this idea i will think abt this concept till 3 am and day (night?) dream abt this for a while 🛐
Back when I was still lurking around as an anon, I remember talking about idol!Scara x reader stuff where they're rival idols
...though more recently I've been thinking about the lipsync battle stuff and the idea of them doing a blind collab where you go on stage to perform and--lo and behold, there's Scaramouche with a mirrored expression of bewilderment to see you there- oooo steamy
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dourpeep · 3 years
i crowned xiangling :D i haven't tested out her dmg properly but the last time i checked (lvl 9) 18k with no setup, first hit. ngl it's kinda nostalgic remembering that when i got her from the spiral, i was so excited cause i finally had a pyro character to replace amber (sorry amber i just sucked at using u to ur full potential) and to think she was there from ar 20 and now im ar 54. damn, time really flies doesn't it? sorry for being all sappy lol my emotions have been all over the place recently. how's ur genshin journey going?
Ahhhh yes! Xiangling is fantastic!
Amber definitely does have some getting used to if you're not really used to aiming while doging mmhm
But hey! Just like Xiangling, you've grown in your adventures across Teyvat. Before we all know it, we'll already be heading off to Snezhnaya...
I've also been getting emotional lately- like I was thinking about my Xiao build and realized that it's already been almost six months since he first came out. And to think that he's become a vital part to my team?? (':
And also Kazuha is the newest addition...but I can't imagine my team without him!
Or like...I think about my starting team that I played with for the first four months of the game--so up until Xiao banner?? Amber, Qiqi, Beidou, Kaeya- They're still one of my 'backup' teams that I'm most comfortable with! I like to think that they're waiting for the next time we go out and fight :DD
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dourpeep · 3 years
basil look at this x 😭 i found this on my tl and had trouble breathing for five minutes 🚶‍♀
Everywhere I go...I see it's face—
At this point it's not the content of the fact I'm haunted by, it's the fact itself-
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dourpeep · 3 years
HIHI I JUST WANTED TO SHARE I GOT KAZUHA ON MY 30TH pull well technically it was 80 considering pity BUT WHO CARES.
also the gacha gods decided to bless me with a xiangling con (shes my main) and an extra sword for kazuha, the skyward one, 4 pulls after diluc on the standard banner aaaaa but thankfully i didnt have to spend that much primos on him.
i still have around 5k + to save up for xiao rerun ehe also vv sorry if im ranting or ur annoyed i just wanted to share aha
I've never met a Xiangling main, so I guess I can cross that off now ehe and hoo that's some nice luck you're getting today :DD
No worries, I love casual chats! I'm touch starved and also only have been socializing with a small handful of friends + my family for the past year due to COVID :DD so chat and rant as you please :>
I'm debating on if I will roll when Xiao banner comes back around...it'd be nice to get that third charge of his e-
This is a cry for help
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dourpeep · 3 years
ive been so inactive here on tumblr its insane but i just want to share something with you :) I GOT C1 KAZUHA SKVSBDSJ i didnt even try now im scared for future banners cause ive won how many 50/50s in a row now? T - T im scared but excited at the same time aaaaaa
CONGRATS!! No worries about losing the 50/50 b/c that just guarantees the next 5* hehee
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dourpeep · 3 years
send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. keep the game going 💕✨💫
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dourpeep · 3 years
oooo yes do share the results of ur nails when you do! i wanna see how close we match ehe. T - T im on the asia server aaaaaaa pain. i wish mihoyo would remove the data deleted when you change server thing. i want to change servers to match my friends or them changing to match mine.new thing to update, my parents came back from my grandma's house and they bought home tons of food. apparently she all of them cooked for us which is vv sweet aa. she even gave us fruit man grandparents deserve the world. have you eaten lunch yet? or whatever time of day its there
Will do! Or at least I'll try to remember haha
And ahhh yeah. It'd be nice if they could do that but idk how it works so I won't complain.
Ooooo grandparent's cooking...always so good. My ahma ends up giving us bags of persimmons because she has a tree in the backyard. Persimmons and oranges ehe
I haven't eaten any meals since dinner! It is 2 am here--- I sleep rather late. It's a problem. I have been drinking water and taking stretch breaks, though!
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dourpeep · 3 years
poor albedo being left in the dark. that being said.....my albedo wip still hasn't moved for a while now aaaaa . BUT YES SAGE GREEN SUPREMACY ehe. also, what server are you on? i need new friends to play genshin with me T - T
Dw he's not in the dark just--hanging out on the right side of my screen waiting for me to continue typing. Ehe.
I'm on the NA server! But hdfiahe I'm also notorious for not realizing people are asking to join me on coop I get so absorbed in the gameplay and fighting-
It's a struggle-
BUT ALSO SECONDED SAGE GREEN SUPREMACY I should paint my nails soon.
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