#made a new sona thats kinda like a second personality of me thats more on the softer side! and of things that i like!
corgifruityart · 7 months
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meet hazel !! 🍂🌻
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soupwillsaveyou · 7 years
all of them for the dream daddy asks
of fucking course
1: Which dad did you romance first? If you have not romanced a dad yet, which one would you want to romance? i ended up finishing craig's route first because im weak for the old friends trope
2: Favorite dad? damien
3: Least favorite dad? joseph i think. The cult thing has nothing to do with it and neither does the actual ending (which i think works well) he’s just. not my type i guess
4: Dad that surprised you the most? DEFINITELY DAMIEN i first thought i’d like him the least but WOW did he turn out different then expected but in a good way
5: Dad that grew on you the most? i mean all of them tbh but.. damien my man
6: Any dad(s) that is (are) your type? honestly dorks are just my type which means. pretty much all of them
7: Any dad that you aspire to be more like? craig hugo and damien 
8: Favorite date? ooohhh thats a hard one uuhhh i really like Mat’s first date and brian’s second date. all of hugos dates. damiens dates are gr8 too especially his third. 
9: Favorite series of dates? Either hugo or Damien. Brian too but dadsona is just really annoying at some point so uuhhh
10: Any date(s) that you completely messed up? the date alltogether or the minigame? cause i totally fucked the minigolf game that was HARD AF also josephs last date is difficult idk? but theres no dates i ruined completely like all bad choices
11: Any date(s) that you completely aced? Without cheating i don’t think there’s any dates i did perfect. Might’ve aced some of craig’s but im not sure
12: Any date in the game that you would want to go on? listen if you ask me to drive around town to chase after a huge dog. im in. all of brian’s dates were cute too and damien’s second date, it’s a pretty classic date scenario so duh. robert’s second date too. l iSTEN A LOT OF DATES WERE RLY CUTE OKAY
13: Favorite child? d ONT MAKE ME  CH OOSE i love all of my new children theyre all gr8
14: Favorite side character? im not counting the kids in this one, which really only leaves pablo and quinn and theyre both great in their own way (also, no. mary is not a side character)
15: Favorite minigame? brian’s minigames are fun, although the minigolf is. fucking impossible. the quiz and like, detective games are fun too. 
16: Least favorite minigame? either the one in mat’s 3rd date or the one in hugo’s first date. probably mat’s because what the fuck?
17: Favorite dad pun? if you think i can recall any of that just like that youre dead wrong my brain is a wreck. but i liked how they ALL joined in in dad punfest at the bbq so. that one?
18: Name of your Dad-sona(s)? Lance van Bro. Because haha wow yall making all these cool random characters but this is an actual dadsona okay bye. also the last name is a pun that. kind of backfired when i played craig’s route HAH
19: Did you make your Dad-sona a physical reflection of yourself? i sure did dhfdsjkhgf
20: Did you see any of yourself in the personality of your Dad-sona? SO MUCH i mean not the competetive bs with brian but wow dadsona is fucking relatable also he’s literally me confirmed? I mean. that whole shoving raisins up his nose thing??? w OW
21: Would you actually parent like your Dad-sona? I’d like to, amanda and dadsona have such a good relationship its gr8
22: Would you consider your Dad-sona a "good dad"? I... guess that kinda depends on what choices you made in game huh. but yeah i do. 
23: How much time have you logged into the game? haha uhm. 36 hours. TO BE FAIR i played half of that with you @lumenh because you didnt have the game yet. so yeah i played it twice but. yeah.
24: Any particular moment(s) that resonated with,impacted, or affected you? fuck dude so many where do i start
25: Did the game live up to, transcend, or fall short of your expectations? okay so i knew pretty much nothing about the game before i bought it. i’d seen like. those pictures with their likes and dislikes and thats pretty much it so there wasnt? much to expect? it was fucking awesome though
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