#made this today out of boredom i wasnt going to post but might as well
darcyolsson · 2 years
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it’s the mortal cup, jace, not the mortal toilet bowl
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cherri-cherri · 3 years
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× Little moments ×
Pairings - Sukuna x Dying!Reader
Synopsis - Even with you gone, Sukuna remembers all of the memories of you.
Warnings - Story contains Character Death, possible misspelled words, cursing, and triggers to those who have encountered someone dying from a diseases such as cancer.
A/N: There was a headcanon that I just thought was too juicy to not try out where Sukuna had a lover but they were unfortunately lost to an sickness. So here we go, I hope you all enjoy it.
It was always the little moments that counted when with the one you loved the most...
"Why do you not run, Woman?", a rough voice said behind her with a slight chuckle following in suit. Before the woman was the vision of death that would no doubt be burned into her mind for the rest of her life. Houses burning down into ashen shambles as the smell of burning flesh lingered in the air. Bodies littered the streets with crows hovering over the corpses for their next meal while screams and shouting could be heard from various survivors and victims caught in the destruction.
Yet as much as the sight of her village horrified her, nothing frightened the woman most than that of the sharp claws hovering over her throat, threatening to pierce into her flesh any moment now. "I said," she felt a small prick as the nail of the stranger's index finger slowly scratched the surface of her skin, "Why do you not run? Why do you not beg..?"
Her breath hitched in her throat, gasping a little but she did her best to not flinch in the man's grasp. "I-I'm doomed to die either way, dying here by your hand would mean no differently..so I am prepared to die", she said, closing her eyes as she braced herself for her untimely end. Hearing a guttural sound coming from the man, the woman was spun around to face him and her fears only grew worse.
Yes, the attack on the village could have possibly be that of bandits or a lone man causing chaos but this was no man. No..it was a monster. Four muscular arms, two faces attached to his head, a second mouth on his lower abdomen...This man was a beast, no..he was a curse. The king of curses, the terror of the land, Ryomen Sukuna.
Seeing the dread on her face, Sukuna let out a satisfied chuckle as he roughly gripped onto her chin. "You mean to tell me you don't fear death, woman?"
"No, no I fear it. I'm frightened of the thought— but I'm dying anyway. I have only a year's worse of time left before this sickness claims me, so what's the difference if it's by your hand or not.." she spoke honestly from the heart, surprising the man before her only a tad bit as she looked down to the gravel below. No one had a cure for her illness, there was no hope at all for it, even a few doctors had told her to prepare a grave in advance just in case her death came sooner than expected. It would be unfortunate but she had made peace with knowing the end was near. And so, she waited once more for whatever gruesome fate Sukuna had for her...only to hear,
"What?" She questioned, looking back up at the man who towered over her. "This will not be the day you die."
That was the first moment she had encountered the king of curses, the moment he had spared her life. Why he did, she never understood, yet after that faithful encounter, Sukuna always found her. Perhaps he visited her only out of boredom and figured today would be the day he would kill the woman, but no, he never did.
To Sukuna, Y/N was a curious case. At first, she was a mere game to him to keep him entertained for a bit or to gain a meal or two but the more he visited her, the closer he grew to the woman. She would always ask the same question whenever she saw him,
"Is today the day, Sukuna-Sama?" And she would always ask it with such a calm smile on her lips. It irritated him—no, annoyed him that she didn't fear the looming threat of death with each visit he made. What made it worse was how welcoming the girl was to him.
He came to learn things about Y/N. The first was that she was a firm believer in her worship. Even with the motor functions of her legs growing weaker and weaker by the day, the girl would try to make a daily trip to the local temple for prayer. Once, he caught her passed out on the steps to the temple and when questioning her on why she was so desperate to prey, the only answer he received was "It may seem stupid to you but I'm grateful for the life I have, even if it's so short. They've allowed air and life to see and hear and to be here with you..so paying my respects every day is just hope that maybe tomorrow, I get to see you again." And then she smiled to him. That same irritating damning smile...
It strung a place in his chest that he had not felt in a long time. A place he thought was long shriveled up and killed, yet she brought it out. He learned that she loved flowers. Coming to her home once to find her tending to her garden, looking surprised to see him only to greet him like always, cheerful dirt covered smile and all..."Welcome back, Sukuna-Sama. Is today the day?"
Eventually the garden withered away when Y/N couldn't even step through the front door. He saw how almost every day, she grew weaker and steadily weaker. Her beautiful skin slowly dulling away into a pale color, her hair once lush and fine as silk now fallen out and gone, her breaths slow and timid. But she always greeted him with that same way as always..
"Is today the day?"
"Is today the day, Sukuna-Sama"
He hated it. He hated that some frail woman was able to make him feel such pathetic feelings. He hated the fact that he grew attached to her and now seeing her slowly become nothing but a husk as every sun sets was growing unbearable.
There were days to where Y/N's condition grew worse, to where when Sukuna arrived to see her, she couldn't remember who he was. Her coughing fits had her spew blood onto her hands and her body ached in pain so much. She was not long for this world and he knew it...he knew it.
"Sukuna-Sama...please, please..." He was above her as she laid in her bed, his hand cover her left one as her right palm caressed his cheek gently "is today..t-the day..?"
His heart felt like it was slowly being grounded up into bits as he started into her eyes. He wanted to say no, he wanted for her to stay just a bit longer in his embrace and yet that wasn't possible. Not in her state. Lifting her hand up to his lips, Sukuna stood up from her knee as a sigh escaped his lips.
"Yes..Today is the day, Y/N."
And there was that same smile as always. Weakly stretching across her cheeks with no malice or anger, not even a single trace of regret. "Oh good...Finally...." closing her eyes, Y/N prepared herself for the end yet again but now knowing this time it would surely come. As Sukuna's nails extended a bit, preparing to end the woman, he heard her last words and froze.
"Thank you, Sukuna-Sama...thank you for these little moments..."
He sat there for God knows how long, staring at her corpse laying there peacefully on the bed with a gaping hole in her chest. Blood dribbled down Y/N's now cold and chapped lips, the warmth in her body now gone as well as the life that once flowed through the empty shell of a body. Resting below his feet was a heart, her heart, no longer pumping fresh blood through her body but instead laying motionless on the wooden floor. She was gone.
She was finally gone and yet this feeling remained. This horrible feeling in his own heart. Those memories of her were constantly playing on loop, over and over again with the same words in his mind.
'Is today the day, Sukuna-Sama'.
He screamed out her name. He yelled it for all to hear, anguish filling his soul entirely as he uttered her name. He cursed her. He screamed out her name so many times and cursed her for placing him through such hell. He cursed her..for being the woman he loved. The woman he grew to love and yet she would never know. Perhaps he truly didnt mean those words, but hoped by cursing her, Y/N would return.
That she would awaken in his arms and give him that same smile he came to love. But no, it wouldn't have been that simple. She wasn't coming back..she wasn't coming back....
A thousand years have gone by and yet those little moments echoed in his mind. As he stood before the grave of his true love in the body of his vessel, he remember those words he said to him before she gave her last breath–
'Thank you..'
"No. I should've thanked you, Y/N. Rest well..."
[A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this. This is my first fanfic here on tumblr and well, I like it but I want more. I might make more following this concept of a lover of Sukuna, maybe even do little scenes that I wasnt able to add here in the fic.
I'm open for asks and requests of Characters from jjk like Sukuna, Gojou or Megumi to which I'll make a post about later. Feel free to Message me with any questions on it if you like or follow for an update down the line. Thank you guys and again and please like/reblog this. See you in the next fic -🍒]
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ayzashl · 4 years
Pairing: Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Crack (i think)
Also um, im new to these so sorry for possible gramatical errors or typos (i dont double check bc I literally was bored doing this and just, decided to share it on tumblr lmao)
Disclaimer, I made this out of boredom because I was thinking about exams and stuff and was wondering about how my husbando would react about my situation, having placed on high ranks barely putting efforts towards studying lmao (Not rlly bragging im sorry if it came out as bragging :((, i jusy rlly be curious and hopefully I portrayed it like how I expected for him to react, sorry im new to writing bc I mainly draw🌚👉👈)
It was already sunset. The hues of yellow, orange and red envelops the dorms of U.A high school, its gradient tinting the windows of the students occupying the rooms shine bright, displaying its vibrant colors on the inside of each dorms facing the sunset.
You, who were sitting on your knees, switching positions time to time, searching for a particular pose to get comfortable while drawing on your boyfriend's kotatsu in his dorm, door leading into the balcony open, making the cold breeze of late October allow itself to enter the room.
Autumn has already arrived, and that also means midterm exams. It had just finished today. After a almost whole month of preparing for the exams, and the 3 days of taking it, the students of 1-A was relieved and relaxing in their rooms as the days of hardhips were finally over, plus its a Friday so the students were scattered on each others dorms due to the upcoming weekend.
You were taking a sip of your juicebox, almost emptying it now out of frustration for having a hard time drawing a hand. In your opinion, the struggle was equal or actually a lot harder than your midterms. Art frustrates you a lot and your boyfriend wonders why you still do it, yet never really ask you since he can also tell you're really passionate about it than your other hobbies.
He was sitting on his futon, leaning againts the wall as he stare at your back figure, watching you scribble something on your sketchpad and aggressively erasing it afterwards, making the papers crumble into the direction on where you rub it, making you groan in annoyance even more.
As he observes your actions, a thought runs up his mind, asking himself the same particular questions over and over again.
He asks himself. Why were you putting most of your effort into this drawing? Why were you more irritated in this than the midterm exams?
"Just..... why?"
Shoto had noticed you since the start of your so-called-library-dates, although its mostly just you accompanying him to gather resources for the upcoming exams while you just scan your notes or draw, or read a completely different book whose topic is not related to your exams.
Its always been like that everyday, he never really saw you offer a lot of your energy in terms of studying, like most of the students does, as he noticed the library being almost full as soon as October started.
He saw you scan your notes time to time, yes. But full on concentration on studies? no, never seen you. The most of what he saw were you fixate immensely on your math notebook before exams started, and that was it.
The exams ended abruptly on the second day but there was extra curricular on the Hero's Course on the third day before their final grade were posted. And yes, both of you did well. After the announcement, Shoto (and you) were shocked to find out that you were in 6th place and he placed in 5th. You both exchanged congratulations, you mostly squealing out of joy to actually achieve this particular rank.
Shoto on the other hand was, doubting?. Of course he feels happy for you, but at the back of his mind, he was a little agitated. You both got the exam results at the end of the third day and to his surprise (and also yours, but internally) your scores were high, almost having the amount of same mistakes as him, except your math which you devastatingly, almost failed (lmao), which merely affected your overall result since your scores were high anyways.
Your boyfriend wasnt the type to get irritated over these things, heck yeah he feels ecstatic over your accomplishment, signal the kiss he gave you on your forehead plus the soft look he gave you with a slight smile displayed on his face. But there was a faint thought of doubt running through the back of his head, how did you get such results when you were barely even studying? There was no way you would cheat right? He didnt want to accept it, he didnt want to doubt you, but it was the one of the highest possibilities that was mostly that likely happened, as he could think of right now.
He couldnt let go of this thought unless he confronts you about it right now, so he decided to ask you, waiting for a few moments, observing you, waiting for you to calm down a little from your work.
"Hmm?" you hum, not turning yout back at him, eyes and most of your attention fixated on the paper.
"How did you manage to get a high rank even though I barely saw you studying?" he finally asks, hoping you wont get offended by it, but this thought had been bothering him a little, and he wouldnt be satisfied until he gets his answer, as the stubborn man that he is.
"Are you doubting me?" you say in an offended tone, although you meant it sarcastically, turning your back, giving Shoto your full attention now as you crawl towards him, pencil dropping in the background as you make your way towards your boyfriend, offering him to lay down as you pat his futon. He complies so, already knowing you wanted to cuddle whenever you do that certain action.
You cuddle next to him, facing him as you give him a smile to reassure him that you werent offended by him back then. "Did you notice that in class, I always, almost bury my head on my notebook, writing on it almost 24/7 whenever lecture starts?" you ask him, as you start to fidget his hair on the sides which you and him really enjoy, making its way up to his bangs, and back and fort.
"You were.... writing?" Shoto asks, raising an eyebrow with the same stoic face who seemed not to show a lot of emotions, a little dumbfounded. "I thought you were doodling". You burst out in laughter from the small misunderstanding of your boyfriend.
"Of course I was. You see, whatever the teacher blurts about that sounds important to me, I write it down because, you know, its usually what appears in exams" you explain to him, closing your eyes time to time as if you were a philosopher, passionately explaining your beliefs, only with an added self-sense of humor. As he was on the other had was, fascinated.
I mean, who knew?
"Also just to clarify things, I do put some extra effort on, some of my studies"
"By some you mean just the science topic you reported you keep rereading everyday"
Shoto lighlty chuckles as he moves your head to his chest, placing an arm on your head, planting a kiss on your forehead, as a sign of affection like he always does. He feels a little guilty, assuming you were cheating but in the end, you were just and always has been the genius that you were. Heck if you actually put a lot of effort in your study, you might actually come out at the top in the class, but he's aware you have other things to focus and worry about as his eyes gaze at the table with a slightly crumpled juice box standing out.
"Were you mad?" you ask, out of curiousity. You had assumed he was maybe upset about the results because he gets a little too competitive or has the sentiment that he has to prove that he only isnt good with his powers, but in academics as well, considering his situation.
He lightly shook his head as he fully encloses you to his grasp, leg placed on your sides, locking you in as he settles his face on your hair, inhaling the sweet scent of your lavender shampoo in which he always adores.
You on the other hand, was relieved now that the matter was somehow resolved? Putting those thoughts at the back of your head, your perception of relief was shortly replaced by a wave of worry as you lightly chuckle of uneasiness.
"Shoto?" you tap his sides, body tightly secured onto his. This was the one that made worry. His hands tightly clutching you, but not too much, leg on your sides, locking you in so that you wont get away easily, to him it made him feel happy, knowing that you werent going away and draw for a while. You've had situations like these already and all you ever do is give up and shower him with affection, already knowing he was slightly, probably getting a little touch starved, craving for your attention and affection. But in your situation right now, it was, unpleasant, so to say.
Not after you just finished your juicebox.
-Disclaimer, uh, I made this from
He hums in response, head tilted a little more into your head's direction. He was sure you would have given up already, knowing that he will never let you go.
"I need to pee"
"All I can say is good luck getting out"
"Noooooooohohohoooo!!!" you exclaim, with a sarcastic crying in your tone. This was gonna be one hell of a struggle.
Im bad at explaining things, hope you did enjoy reading this as much as I did though :))
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mrmichaelchadler · 5 years
I Was Ghosting Jobs Back When Ghosting Wasn’t Cool
Who says there’s no such thing as “fake” news?
This goes through my head whenever I read about how the “ghosting” trend (people skipping job interviews, failing to show up when they get hired, or bailing from a new job with no warning) is disrupting recruiting and hiring, because the more I hear about it, the more I’m convinced that ghosting is nothing more than overblown media BS.
I’m not denying that it’s happening, a little, but there have been people ghosting jobs and job interviews for as long as I can remember.
How do I know this? Well, if confession is good for the soul, mine will be better off fessing up to the fact that I ghosted at least three jobs way back in my early college days.
Yes, I was ghosting jobs back when ghosting wasn’t cool.
Does anybody have any hard evidence?
This all came back to me as I read this LinkedIn post that seemed to just discover the ghosting trend (see Candidates Are Ghosting New Employers — Here’s How You Can Avoid This). It grabbed my attention because I found it had the same problem I seem to find in just about EVERY story or blog post trumpeting ghosting as some terrible new workplace trend.
The problem is this: None of these stories seem to have any hard evidence — no data or research or hard numbers — to support the notion that ghosting is causing extreme havoc for recruiters and hiring managers in the American workplace.
What all these stories seem to have in common is that they’re built on anecdotal evidence, second-hand observations, rumor, and hearsay.
For example, the LinkedIn article cites The Washington Post as the source of their information, writing that, “The Washington Post reports a 10% to 20% increase in candidate and employee ghosting over the past year. ‘Applicants blow off interviews,’ the Post reports. ‘New hires turn into no-shows. Workers leave one evening and never return.’”
Ok, that sounds pretty credible … until you dig into The Washington Post story and find that The Post doesn’t cite any hard numbers or data either. Their only evidence to support the notion of increased workplace ghosting comes from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago’s December Beige Book — and it’s anecdotal too..
A long time “trend”
To its credit, The Washington Post goes on say that:
National data on economic “ghosting” is lacking. The term, which usually applies to dating, first surfaced in 2016 on Dictionary.com. But companies across the country say silent exits are on the rise.”
This is what I find in every story I read about ghosting — the people mentioned in the media say it’s a big problem, you get a few examples of it happening here and there, but there’s no data to support the contention that ghosting is a big, bad workplace problem.
A USA Today article I wrote about last summer (see Candidates “Ghosting” Job Interviews?Just More Proof of a Bad Candidate Experience) was the first that really tried to dig into the workplace ghosting trend. But even that story merely cited what happened at a few companies and then used that to support their contention that ghosting was a big trend and workplace problem despite having no real data or broader evidence to support the claim.
Some might call this fake news, but I call it sloppy journalism based on thin evidence — and that has been going on for a very long time.
I know this because I ghosted three jobs while in college, although nobody called it ghosting then. We called it “ditching” a job, a term The Washington Post has resurrected in it’s ghosting coverage.
I ghosted before I even knew what it was
This was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. I was 18, had moved out of my parents’ house and into an apartment with a friend, and I found myself struggling to pay the rent. So, I churned through three jobs that I “ghosted” in less than a year.
Here are the ugly details:
Job No. 1 was as an overnight cook at a Sambo’s Restaurant. There’s a whole story around what happened to Sambo’s, a 24-hour diner that once rivaled Denny’s. It had more than 1100 units in 47 states before its name became a huge problem in the 1970s. There is a single Sambo’s left today — in Santa Barbara, California.
I had never, ever been a cook when I was hired, and the manager promised me that I would get great on-the-job training and catch on in no time. So, I started on a Friday night and worked the 10 pm to 6 am shift.
Big mistake. I was overwhelmed by the crowds after 2 am when the bars closed, and I simply couldn’t learn fast enough to handle the load. I survived for three nights and never returned when I walked out at the end of my shift on Monday morning. I never got paid, but I didn’t care. And, I had “ghosted” my first employer and didn’t even know it.
Job No. 2 was working in the paint department at The Treasury, a discount chain store owned by JCPenney. I had previously worked in the paint department at a Sears store, so I knew my way around a paint mixer. But, Sears was always pretty busy; The Treasury never seemed to have anybody shopping there.
One week in, I was dying of boredom and the pay wasn’t all that good. I made it through my first shift of Week 2 and decided I just couldn’t take it anymore. I left after that shift and never came back. They mailed me my first, last, and only paycheck a month later. I had ghosted again.
Job No. 3 was short and sweet. I was hired at a Carl’s Jr. franchise in California to train as an assistant manager. I had previously worked as an assistant manager at a McDonald’s, so how much different could this be?
It was another big mistake on my part, because while the McDonald’s I managed always had enough staff, this Carl’s Jr. didn’t. It became clear on Day 1 that this was a job where managers ended up having to do a lot of non-managerial duties because the place was chronically shorthanded. That wasn’t what I had signed up for, so I left after my first shift and never came back. Like with Sambo’s, I never got paid, but again, I didn’t care.
I had “ghosted” all three new jobs, quitting without any notice and without telling anyone. Who knew I was a trendsetter and more than 30 years ahead of the curve? Yes, I was ghosting jobs before anyone knew that ghosting was trendy and cool.
That was my “young and dumb” period, and I got past it pretty quickly. I moved back home, went back to college, and got my life together. An MBA, a long career as an editor, and married life have all followed.
A quirk in a candidate-friendly job market
But here’s my point: I haven’t found anyone who keeps statistics on “ghosting” jobs or job interviews. They didn’t way back in my ghosting days and they don’t seem to now.
Ghosting isn’t a new trend. I’m living proof of that. But until somebody starts tracking the numbers and shows that it’s more than just bad behavior by dumb people like I was way back when, consider it just an odd quirk that gets attention when you have more of a candidate-friendly job market.
It’s happening, but until there’s more hard evidence to prove that the number of people ghosting jobs and job interviews has dramatically increased, consider the big ghosting trend to be nothing more than overblown media BS.
As a veteran ghoster, I ought to know.
The post I Was Ghosting Jobs Back When Ghosting Wasn’t Cool appeared first on Fistful of Talent.
from Fistful of Talent http://bit.ly/2FRETwm
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