#making only one idelogy with in its entirely would have been too idealistic
justkillthetitan · 7 months
I feel like I should start this post by saying that I greatly enjoyed the final episode. I love all the improvements made from the manga and that Eren/Armin specifically, I did not expected it to hit me so hard (the new dialogue is amazing and there's so much to unpack there. Armin's voice actor delivered like she had never before. I could feel all the disbelief and pain).
With that being said, I do undertand why many people don't like or feel satisfaction with the ending. AOT really brought in three different ideologies for solutions to a world conflict that is too complex. At the end, all of those ideologies won some but not all.
The Rumbling (Eren) did succeeded. Maybe it didn't kill all humanity outside the walls, but it did kill 80% which is HUGE. Paradis island survived for many decades but it ultimately fell due to human conflict (this conflict is very vague. Was it the world taking revenge on them, or was it a war caused by anyother conflict, maybe due to resources?). Eren won in a way, yet lost the freedom he craved the most.
Then we have the Euthanasia plan (Zeke). Eldians did continued to reproduced but the problem of the titans was eradicated. Eldians are now humans with no special powers to either oppress or defend themselves. Now, this is not exactly what Zeke wanted to do but it is as close as it gets to his wish of eradicate Eldians. He kinda won but not really. And in his final moments, he found the relief he thought about.
Then we have the Peace Talks (Armin). Althought we don't know with persuasion what happened after the Rumbling, the anime as left us with a hopeful (if not canon by the last images) end where Historia and the Alliance are on the same page of seeking out peace withouth murdering each other. Absolute peace will never be accomplished but that idea shouldn't undermine doing their best to keep peace for as long as possible. Armin won in a way too.
And maybe this was the best way to end the series. The conflict is too big and too complex and one absolute solution would never be accomplished because there are so many opinions in the world we can't all be on the same page. Just like the fandom with the ending.
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