#malcolm stolberg-burke
catohphm · 6 months
Weekend With The Grays 2023 Day 2 Prompt - Welcome Ball III
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Once again, thanks, @endlessly-cursed for a fantastic event! Prim belongs to her. I also have mentions of Malcolm by @gaygryffindorgal and Roxie by @mjs-oc-corner, who also owns Bella, Danny's ship partner. This short piece of content reveals a brief fashion emergency the couple has before the third Welcome Ball that becomes a funny story for later.
On the day before the Welcome Ball, Danny and Bella spent the hour before the 6 PM deadline re-exploring the spacious expanse of Winbourne. They found their usual guest room in the course of that. An attendant had been there to receive Danny's broom and the couple's rucksacks when they first landed down near the gates. Their belongings were left where they'd be staying during the solstice celebrations. 
Warm laughter and mingling took place that night and the morning before the ball. Friends took the time to catch up with each other and reminisce about the passing year. One friend in particular Danny and Bella hung out with was Roxie, a fellow auror-in-training of his. It was in part due to Roxie’s camaraderie and friendship that made the intense regimen a small part easier for her and Danny. She was best friends with him and even helped foster his romantic relationship with Bella. The former Ravenclaws were like siblings and were inseparable in their bond.
However, a small rush of panic took place for Danny and Bella before the ball. The necklace for her dress was missing before Lady Primrose and Lord Malcolm were to assemble everyone together in the hall.
She realized she had forgotten her necklace. Bella felt around for it and wasn't wearing it.
“Where did my necklace go, love? I had it when I showed it to Prim a few minutes ago.”
“I mean, we can wait until after the ball to find it.” offered Danny.
Bella immediately started for the small seating area where they chatted with Prim. It was adjacent to the dance floor. “Not that, I'd rather have it now so I don't have to worry later.”
He caught up to her. “Relax.” He checked his pocket watch. “Still five minutes until the ball starts. Let's relax, not get hasty. Can you remember where we sat.”
Bella took a deep breath. Alright, okay. Prim… was in the armchair there. We were on the sofa to the left.” Danny pointed to it. “So that's where you think the necklace should be?”
“Yes.” confirmed Bella. “I know Prim couldn’t have saw it because she left right after giving it back to me.”
They approached their sofa. There was no necklace, but Danny had a hunch.
“This is silly, but I think it sunk into the sofa. We should look between the cushions.”
“It's on me, Danny. I heard the announcement for everyone to gather on the dance floor and got up right away without a second. I never thought to look. 
He sent her a reassuring smile before they started digging in the couch. “All's well once we find it.”
Within a few seconds, Danny felt the neck loop and Bella’s hand! They looked up at each other with wide eyes. Both uttered “wa-lah!” They pulled it up together. It flew out of their grip into the hair and into her cupped hands. 
She looked at her love and giggled. “Now that's a new meaning to we found it together.”
Danny grinned. “Bravo, Bella. I'm glad for two, that's us.”
She was adamant now to get back to the dance floor. “That’s enough, silly Danny.” she joked as she ran her arm through his and motioned forward with him. “We got a short window, Let’s leg it back now, love.
After the Welcome Ball commenced, the couple expressed relief at their quick save.
“I dunno,  I would've probably ransacked the chairs and sofa if you hadn't helped me, Danny. Prim wouldn't-
“Worry not.” he finished. “I'm just happy we got your necklace back. You're splendid with it.”
Bella put her hand on her partner’s shoulder and remarked “Thank you, Danny. It's a special one-of-a-kind. Honestly I wouldn't know I'd react if it was truly lost.”
“You're quite welcome. Of course, you got to think differently when the belonging can't exactly be replaced.” he replied.
“I'm glad you understand. Now enough worrying about the past. Let's see what you got this great night.”
Danny reached his hand to Bella’s shoulder, and they began their dance moves. With nothing else clouding their thoughts, they took in the sight of seeing each other's beautiful face. No matter where and how fast they twirled, the blur was at bay, and the sights between them were clear. In a grand collage of music, sweet swaying souls in the arms of the festive hearth, Danny and Bella were at peace.
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cursedvaultss · 6 months
Weekend With the Grays, The Winter Solstice
event hosted by @endlessly-cursed
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4th of December- Back at Winbourne
Primrose Gray belongs to @endlessly-cursed
Malcolm Stolberg-Burke belongs to @gaygryffindorgal
(Note: I decided to make Cordelia the same age as Primrose for this, since I think it's easier for me to work with!)
Cordelia had never been to a grander house than Winbourne. She took in the beautiful gardens and ornate architecture as she joined the queue to greet the host and hostess. She felt rather overwhelmed, as she came face to face with Primrose Gray. Sure, she had gone to Hogwarts with her, but they hadn't been all that close, being in different houses and running in different circles, too. The company Cordelia usually kept was not made of lords and ladies, but she couldn't deny that that was exactly what she had been aiming towards all her life.
"Lady Gray," she greeted the lady of the house when her turn came and then: "Lord Stolberg-Burke. Thank you for your kind invitation."
"Miss Duncan, welcome to Winbourne," Primrose said with a beautiful and dazzling smile. To Cordelia, she felt regal, as did her tall, handsome husband Lord Malcolm Stolberg-Burke.
"Welcome," said Lord Stolberg-Burke, echoing Primrose's words.
Greetings exchanged, it was time to move along, and Cordelia was searching the crowd for familiar faces...
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hphmmatthewluther · 6 months
Weekend With the Grays - Day 2: The Welcome Ball III
It's time for the next part! Once again thank you to @endlessly-cursed for organising this event and for Prim! This story also features @camillejeaneshphm 's Helen, mentions of their Lillian, and belonging to @gaygryffindorgal, Malcolm!
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Time passed, and soon the ball was in full swing, with couples dancing to and fro through the large room. This included Fred and Helen, who were thoroughly enjoying the experience. The taller of the two looked around the two as they moved in rhythm with each other. "It's nothing like what we have back home, but...it's pretty damn good either way."
Fred simply smiled up at her as they span across the floor. In spite of the relative height difference, he had learnt to get pretty good at dancing with someone taller than him. Though, it must be said that his ability to pause time to briefly reorient himself helped a lot. "Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it, at least..."
Helen clicked her tongue. "Don't tell me you're still worried about Atticus. He got here, didn't he?" she pointed out. "You got a bad feeling about him being left on his own?"
Fred shrugged as they span across the floor. "Something like that. I dunno, see, I think his family might be pressuring him to move on a lot quicker than he's able to."
Helen rolled her eyes. "Y'know, that'd explain it. His family have never exactly been...understanding of him. Or his sister, either."
"He always was rather vocal about how much his family irritated and tried to control him, minus Josephine of course. It was..."
Fred's hair fluttered between colours for a moment, settling on a darker red. "It was one of the things he and Lilly bonded over."
Through the crowd, Fred made out Atticus standing in the corner, his shadow stretching out above him a little, fluttering as if in the cold wind that howled outside. His eyes were fixated upon the floor, as if unable to look at the ongoing ball. He wanted to go over, but Helen proceeded to twirl him before he could do anything. She stopped him and from this position he watched as Prim and Malcolm walked over to Atticus. "He may be your best mate, Fred, but they're the hosts. They'll handle it."
Atticus didn't move his head as Prim approached, Malcolm behind her. His head felt strange, overloaded, as it normally did these days. That was how he viewed it now, the time after. These days.
In spite of his admittedly defeatist view, it was clear that Prim was not going to let him into her estate just to sulk in the corner. Thinking this through, he finally looked up before bowing his head a little. "Lady Primrose...Malcolm...apologies. I was just...thinking."
"You always are," Malcolm said, trying to help. Atticus shrugged at the words. He couldn't exactly argue against that.
"Atticus," Prim began, studying his expression, "It is wonderful to see you. I wish for you to truly enjoy your time here at Winbourne, and I think you will enjoy yourself even further if you were to join in the dancing."
Atticus straightened his back a little, the fluttery shadow behind him shrinking in response. "...I fear I am out of practice. It has been a while since I last danced." His stomach twisted in upon itself as he trailed off, neither him nor Primrose having to say aloud who the last person he'd dance with was.
"I understand your trepidation, Atticus. But believe me when I say you are not betraying yourself or anyone else by dancing once more. And don't start about how nobody would want to dance with you." she said pointedly. Atticus' words dried up in his mouth, Malcolm looking on with an amused expression as this avatar of ancient shadow magic stood powerless before the Viscountess of Winbourne.
"...Ok." He said finally. "...I will try."
"Good!" Prim said, bringing her hands together. "What's more, I'm not opposed to dancing with you, and perhaps Mrs Graham would be too?" she said as they passed Helen and Fred, the former smirking and rolling her eyes.
"That's her way of saying "maybe"." Atticus said, unable to stop himself from smirking too.
"Splendid. Though she seems rather preoccupied with her husband at the moment, as I will be with mine for a while. Still, I am quite sure there will be partner here willing to dance with...what was it they called you in France...Le Phantome?"
Atticus couldn't help it. He laughed, and a bit of that light returned to his eyes. "Perhaps. Honestly, though, you cause one international incident trying to rescue your sister and people never let it go..."
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potionboy3 · 1 year
I’ve wanted to make one of these forever and it’s finally here!! It was a big big big project. 
In the video: Julian Flamel feat. Anthony Hawthorne @gaygryffindorgal & Danica Killingbeck @cursebreakerfarrier  Richard Beck feat. River St. James & Baby Quinn  @gaygryffindorgal Ezra Greenaway feat. Charles Hartford, Agata della Rovere & Olyvar Yaxley @gaygryffindorgal Elian Goldcrest feat. Cassia Malfoy, Malcolm Stolberg-Burke, (Theo Goldcrest), Gabriel Grimm, Henry of Alderly @gaygryffindorgal,  Primrose Gray @endlessly-cursed & John Arthur Dawn Harvelle feat. Jimmy Crouch, Pandora Lovelace @gcldensnitch, Quincey Alderly @gaygryffindorgal
Declan Rovere feat. Roe Malinda @gaygryffindorgal Cassandra Vole & Daniel Page Kit Enfield feat. Ares Gaunt @gaygryffindorgal & Odessa Avery @cursed-herbalist
John Arthur feat. Theo Goldcrest @gaygryffindorgal
Jimmy Crouch feat. Jupiter Durand @cursed-herbalist , Dawn Harvelle, Rocky Weasley, @magicallymalted Rosa Yaxley feat. Rocky Weasley @magicallymalted , Mary Ann Von Deyne @endlessly-cursed, (Jimmy Crouch) Valentin Hartford feat. Juno Creed @gaygryffindorgal & Clea Malfoy
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endlessly-cursed · 11 months
Primrose Gray’s Legacy, Act One, The Younger Years, Chapter Six: One Last Name
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A/N: After a long block, I finally came around and finished this!! This chapter is as hilarious as it is angsty and cute. Enjoy!! 
Summary: Primrose’s mother summons her on a weekend to Winbourne, and when she finds out the reasin why, she cannot just accept it. But she can get rid of it with womanly wits. 
OCs featured: Henry of Alderly, Malcolm & Estelle Stolberg-Burke ( @gaygryffindorgal​ ) William Devlin ( @unfortunate-arrow​ ) 
OCs mentioned: William Devlin (more mentioned than featured tbh) Siobhan Llewellyn ( @kc-and-co​ ) (briefly) 
Warnings: Angst, mentions of inbreeding and being part of the nobility
Word Count: 3.0k 
Taglist: @gaygryffindorgal​ @nicos-oc-hell​ @camillejeaneshphm​ @hphmmatthewluther​ @catohphm​ @thatravenpuffwitch​ @magicallymalted​ 
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Easter had fallen upon the castle, and many spoke of how excited they were for seeing their families for two weeks before coming back for their exams. Primrose had been among them when she rose, but the moment her mother sent her the awaited letter, everything changed.
To my dearest daughter,
Easter is almost upon us, and having you back home is a joy that no words in any language could my heart express.
This Easter is special, for these holidays we have an important guest: your dear cousin, George Barton, who just turned ten and five and has been looking forward meeting you. He is the son of my beloved aunt and godmother, and a gentleman whose reputation is beyond reproach.
I have sent you a dress in which I want you to dress in during your journey back home. I expect you to be on your best behaviour, for impressing this man is capital for us. I’m afraid we’ll have to postpone your friends coming over for another time. This is family business.
I also advise that we hush about Hogwarts. During his stance here, you are studying in Switzerland and just came back.
Your most loving and affectionate,
Primrose moaned as a complain of having to impress a toot. Henry noticed and looked at her, questioning what had happened. Not hungry anymore, they headed towards the gardens. Malcolm noticed them and waved them.
“Come join us, Prim!” Estelle cried.
They obliged and Primrose barely touched her toast. Estelle raised an eyebrow “You seem preoccupied.”
“Yeah,” Henry followed “what is it?”
“Your secret’s safe with us.” Malcolm assured.
Primrose sighed and handed them the letter. Malcolm read it aloud and Henry squeezed her hand. “That sounds suspicious. Why so keen on impressing a cousin?”
“Estelle,” Malcolm warned his sister.
“I’m with Estelle,” Henry concluded “your mother’s matchmaking campaign isn’t over.”
Primrose’s eyes widened and felt a lump on her throat “But… he is my cousin!” She cried, horrified by the idea.
“You wouldn’t be the first one to marry her cousin.”
“I’m afraid that’s true. For what I’ve seen in History of Magic, it is a common practise still.”
“Not only in history, but here. The Gaunts have inbreeding practises still. And they’re not the only ones.” Estelle added.
Primrose cringed at the idea and fanned herself, trying not to throw up out of disgust. Estelle and Henry quickly fanned her as well as Malcolm waved his wand and his cup of water was now cold enough. Primrose gulped it all rather unladylike and sighed “Thank you, Mal.”
“No problem. Cold water is good for cooling off disgust. You were starting to turn green.”
Henry and Estelle giggled and Primrose covered her face in her hands, moaning again in despair “Maybe I can say that I am bedridden because of Flying class?”
They all laughed as Primrose whined, knowing that this dinner had no escape.
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Saturday had come, and Vincent Gray was on his way to pick up his daughter. If he wasn’t thrilled at all, he didn’t show it. Instead, he kissed his daughter’s forehead and smiled at her “Look on the positive side: if you get bored, you can fake food poisoning and retreat earlier.”
Primrose looked at her father curiously “And how does one do it?”
Vincent smirked “Get into the carriage and I’ll happily teach you.”
William was there to bid her goodbye, and he had to kiss her hand “I hope you have a pleasant holiday and that we can see each other soon,” he said, as it had been requested by the viscounts and rehearsed.
Primrose, with an equally rehearsed smile, inclined her head towards him in thank you and turned to get into the carriage with his help.
“Take care of yourself, William, and remember my advice.”
He only nodded before drifting off to his dorm. He’d be picked by the viscountess later.
As the carriage passed the magical barriers, Primrose, with her blue navy riding habit, looked at her father “I believe that you were about to tell me how I could fake food poisoning. I hope it does not require actual poison.”
Vincent smiled knowingly “Leave that to your dear father.”
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As they arrived, Primrose had been asleep after a thorough class on food poisoning and was clueless of the receiving she was about to get. Vincent had an eagle’s eyes and soon woke up his daughter and applied the water spell to wash off the sleep off her face and straightened out her dress.
The door opened and all of her servants curtsied to her in line as her mother, the Dowager Duchess Olympia and a tall, blonde boy around her age stood there, arrogance in his eyes. Beatrice soon put an apron on the muddy floor as Vincent helped his daughter off the carriage and Beatrice cried out “Lady Primrose Sabrina Gray, Heiress of Winbourne!”
The boy in question didn’t wait for her to come to him and kissed her hand. He was around fifteen or seventeen and had a sneer on his face “My lady. Your generosity knows no bounds, though I expected you to be taller.”
Primrose, having been in her friend Siobhan’s influence, had to bite off a sarcastic comeback and simply smiled as she curtsied “My lord. You honour me with your presence.”
“Indeed.” Vincent said, a sarcastic tone on his face “We are much obliged to host you here.”
“Of course you are.” He smirked.
Primrose was not a violent woman, but a slap for his arrogance would’ve been gratifying. She simply greeted her mother and great-aunt. The old Olympia squeezed her cheek and smiled “What a handsome young girl you are! You shall be the bane of many men’s existences.”
“You honour me, Your Grace.”
“Oh, dearest, call me aunt!”
She nodded as they went to take tea and Primrose went to change her riding habit to a baby blue dress and her hair in semi-collected hairdo and applied eau de cologne with the smell of primroses. She went down the stairs and Beatrice mouthed good luck before she entered the room. There, Olympia smiled “My grandson George is just a jewel of a boy, is he not?”
“Indeed. A man of respectable wealth, looks, lands and reputation.”
“How do you like your tea, dear cousin?”
Primrose almost spilled out her cup of water “Pardon?”
Olympia cried “Hasn’t your mother told you? I was the sister of your late grandfather, and godmother of your mother! Oh, Vicky, you and your secrets…”
Primrose’s heartbeat dropped as she looked at her mother in despair. Her mother smiled “Surprise, dear!”
She stood up to leave and lock herself in a room, but the moment her feet touched the ground, she fainted. She could only hear her mother crying out for a doctor before she gave into the darkness.
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Three hours later, she woke up, and Vincent covered her in kisses, trying to supress tears falling from his eyes. Beatrice started fanning her and Primrose thanked her before throwing a pillow to her father.
“Primrose! To what do I owe this behaviour?!” He cried, equally surprised and hurt by the hatred in his daughter’s eyes.
“Did you know?! That we are cousins?!”
“I’m afraid so, dearest.”
“And you’re alright with it?! Does Viscount Carlisle know that you’re trying to throw him under the train?!” She demanded, in a higher voice than it was proper.
“He does not, and neither did I till I came to fetch you at Hogwarts. Beatrice told me—,”
She turned around violently towards her lady’s maid and cried out “You knew?!”
Beatrice turned red in shame and bit her lip, nodding “Your mother’s maid told me via letter and I…”
“You what?! Kept quiet without telling me?!”
“Get out! All of you!” She screamed, her cheeks burning hot, her heart going fast and breathing hard, trembling with rage. They all obliged and left, and Primrose hid her face in a pillow as she cried and screamed into it. She yelled many times that she would not go to the dinner, and stayed that way during all Friday night.
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On Saturday morning, Primrose had woken up from the third time, and the day was about to begin. Putting on some petticoats and boots, she used the vines from her window to sneak out and ran towards the stables and soon picked her beloved horse, Ledger, and soon set off to the forest, riding for a long time. The wind in her hair, in the early morning, where the birds had woken with her and not even the milkman was to be heard with his cries, Primrose soon stopped her horse when she saw that she had reached the limits of her estate.
Spotting a tree with many fresh apples, she saddled her horse and climbed the tree, picking several apples. She bit into the red one and sighed, trying to get off her image the nightmares of waking up in a wedding dress and, when she went downstairs to fetch her mother, found herself in a church where everyone looked at her as George laughed at her. The third time she had that nightmare and woke up panting and barely breathing, she took off then.
Having eaten something, she closed her eyes as she enjoyed the early morning’s breeze and the chirping of the birds, the sound of being the first person to wake up in the morning.
She almost forgot about George and her mother’s attempts to replace poor William with her first cousin. Almost. When a baritone voice woke her from her inner peace “Excuse me, miss?”
She opened her eyes to find a man, about twenty, squinting his eyes as he asked “May I know why are you in my dominion? Are you lost? Where are your parents?”
She started stammering as she got down from the tree, some apples falling off her nightgown. She had never felt to bare and vulnerable. She started to clean off the crust and stepping back from the gentleman “I was—I was just leaving.”
“It’s alright, just tell me your name.”
“G-good day, sir!” She cried before mounting Ledger again and storming off the fields. She rode and rode as fast as she could, praying that she would not be followed. Suddenly, another neigh called her attention and she stopped in short, finding her own father in a full riding habit and with a worried expression. Primrose now felt truly doomed.
“Primrose Sabrina Gray!” He cried “Where on earth have you been! You left in the morning, no note, escaping from the window like a bandit, undressed and without an escort!” He had never raised his voice at her until now. Primrose’s eyes glassed, trying to collect herself “What if a bandit found you? He would’ve kidnapped you! He would’ve killed you, or—or… Godric, just why! What if I didn’t find you?! How could you be so—so reckless and stupid?!”
He finally his daughter’s silent weeping as she dismounted her horse, trembling of pure sadness and guilt, the hem of her nightgown full of detritus from trees and the horse grunting, feeling her owner’s pain. Vincent finally mellowed at such sight and dismounted his loyal horse as he dropped to his knees, hugging his daughter. She was quick to squeeze him in the hug and she muttered “I am sorry, Papa. I—I couldn’t sleep—and I had—I had nightmares and—and then—I rode off and—and and—,”
He covered the crown of her head in kisses “It’s alright, darling girl. You’re here, in my arms and safe, that’s all that matters.” He kissed her again and wiped her tears “Forgive me. I shouldn’t have raised my voice at you—,”
“You were not. I deserved it.”
“Hey, hey! Look at me.” He cupped her small face into his hands “Never once think that you deserve to be disrespected or disregarded in any form by a man. Much less me. You’re a lady, and what’s more, you’re a human being, worthy of respect. Never tell me that you deserve to be yelled at or any sort of disrespect again. Alright? Now, come here, I’ll sneak you into the house and give you a bath before your mother realizes you’re not sleeping.”
“Will you ever forgive me?” She asked in a raspy voice.
He kissed her nose “I already had. The moment I saw you safe, I forgave you. And you? Do you forgive the poor sod of your father?
She hugged him tightly, and he allowed himself to be in his little girl’s arms for a while before going back to the estate.
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After such a morning, Primrose dressed in beautiful violet tulle and brushed her hair, glad to have put all that behind. Of all the options she had been given, marrying someday William wasn’t as bad as her own cousin or a stuffy duke who’d be older than her. She was going to reject him in such a kind way, he couldn’t possibly be mad.
As lunch approached, the knock on her door let her know that the battle had begun, and she’d win it at any cost. She had learned from her aunt Alina that in the high society’s game, when you were a woman in power, it was either winning or winning. An example of it was the queen herself. She had won by being visible, quiet, patient and wise. And she would be no less. In these less bloodthirsty times, the cunning and intelligence was of great importance when it came to power, no matter how small it was.
Going down, she bowed to the respective guests and family members and sat down, wanting to look as innocent as ever, though, despite her tender age, she did catch up on some things quickly.
“Tell me, my little peony, do you enjoy poetry?” Dowager Duchess Olympia asked.
“Oh, very much! At my school, dearest Willie reads me some of it.”
George cleared his throat “Who?”
She looked at him with a clueless and innocent semblance “Why, my betrothed! Such a lovely boy, he is!”
Primrose didn’t care whether he was jealous or just pissed off that someone beat him at the game. He could choke on that feeling, whatever it was.
Vincent, catching up on what his daughter was doing, smiled “Oh, yes, little Will! Our little blossom just adores her future husband. William this, William that, he is just the perfect match for me, she says!”
Victoria’s eyes twitched with a fake smile “Ah, yes, a girl’s infatuation. Priceless feeling.”
“What infatuation, Mama? I already love him! You two picked the best man for me, honestly.”
Victoria hissed in her ear “Stop that now!”
She just smiled innocently at her guests. Olympia was uncomfortable, for she considered that a promise was a promise “And how long have you been promised to him?”
“Oh, a few months—,”
“Since she was but eight years old. She adored him already when they met, and he is very much charmed with her!” Vincent smiled proudly.
“That is rather a long time,” George observed. How Primrose wished she could photograph that moment.
“He is the love of my life, I can tell!” She smiled. Best to serve the cake now “How I wish to be Mrs. Devlin and give him dark-haired babies!”
Her father had to drink wine to hide his laughter “It shall pass, my girl.”
George was fuming, having got the hint that were he to propose, she’d say no, and Olympia was convinced that she loved that boy. Beatrice had to go to a servant’s hall to laugh in muffles.
It seemed like the Barton’s visit would be over in a few hours.
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When saying goodbye to their visitors, she whispered to George when he wished her well “We may share one last name and family, but that will never be enough for me to ever become your wife.” She smirked and said in high voice “Thank you for your visit. You shall be missed!”
Some servants snickered and her father bit his lip. Victoria was displeased.
When they left, she said “To my office, Primrose. Now.”
With her head high, she followed her mother and sat with ladylike manner. She turned around “Since when do you have affections for that boy, hm?”
“He is a good boy and he treats me well.”
She scoffed “I am trying to rid you off a loveless engagement and you just hijack it!”
“And trapping me in another will make me happy by marrying my cousin?” She asked.
Victoria massaged her temple “I am buying you time. Engagements can be broken!”
“I am quite satisfied with my own.”
“That,” Victoria cried “is a farce! Everybody whispers how the Carlisle’s have tricked us into his little bastard marrying into the family!”
“Let them whisper. I’d rather be engaged to a good man than my blood cousin who happens to be a git.”
“Primrose,” Victoria warned.
“You talk of love, of how I will love the husband you choose for me. What about me? Can you not trust my decision? Or my criteria, just because I am young? Have you ever thought whether I want to begin my adult life married and carrying numerous children? No! You don’t, and never have. You just want me to follow your path, don’t you?”
Victoria raised her hand, but stopped in short when Primrose ducked in advance. A sepulchral silence haunted the room before Primrose left, not wanting to be in the same room as the woman who had wanted to slap her.
Hours later, she asked her father to take her back to Hogwarts. He agreed upon hearing why. And when she arrived in the dorm, she laid in her bed, trying not to cry before her classmates until it was very late. It’d be one of the few times Primrose ever stayed late.
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gaygryffindorgal · 1 year
Weekend with The Grays 2022: Day 02
6th of December: The Welcome Ball 2.0
Gryff’s Winbourne Christmas Chronicles: Part 1
Malcolm Stolberg-Burke has a little problem: he’s not a very good dancer.
Words: 1.1k
A/N: This may or may not be canon, lmao
MCs included:
Elian Goldcrest by @potionboy3​
Primrose Gray by @endlessly-cursed​
MCs mentioned:
Cecilia Balinor by @endlessly-cursed​
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The ball had barely begun, and Malcolm watched as Primrose and Elian spun on the dancefloor with growing anxiety. He had always been a dreadful dancer, a fact his sister never let him forget. In theory, he knew all of the popular dances but when he attempted them, it usually ended in disaster. It had given him quite a lot of grief during his year as an earl and he couldn’t very well ask Prim to dance if he was only going to step on her dress or toes. As the orchestra began winding down, Malcolm made his way into the field of Elian’s view. He was trying very subtly to get his attention. Prim and Elian exchanged a few words and all the proper pleasantries, then went their separate ways. Elian had noticed him hovering, because of course he had.
“Malcolm,” he said as he approached. “Why do you look like an overgrown, lost child?”
“I need your help,” Malcolm told him. He really, really needed help.
“Of course you do,” Elian said. “Wait, with what? I’m not going to ask Primrose to dance with you on your behalf.”
“No, I can’t ask her to dance at all, because I’m a terrible dancer!” he explained, rather too frantically to his own taste. This was ridiculous.
“You’re an earl? How have you survived up to this point?”
“By being unapproachable and generally unpleasant to be around.”
Elian let out a heavy sigh. “Alright, come with me.”
“Thank you!”
“Don’t thank me yet.”
Malcolm and Elian snuck into one of the empty rooms on the second floor. It was quite a bit smaller than the ballroom but still sizable.
“This will do,” said Elian appraisingly. “Now, pretend I’m Primrose.”
Malcolm gaped at him. “You’re… I’m not sure I can do that.”
Elian rolled his eyes with a lot of drama. “Do you want my help or not?”
“Fine, fine, alright,” Malcolm relented. “Lady Gray, will you do me the honour of dancing with me?”
Elian, being the little shit that he was, put on his worst Prim-imitation. “Oh, I would love to!”
“She doesn’t sound like that,” Malcolm said grumpily.
“Play along now, Burke.”
Malcolm gave up, extended a hand and Elian took it.
“Do you like my dress?” asked Elian, batting his eyelashes comically, still continuing his terrible Primrose-impression. “I had it specially made for this occasion.”
“Elian—,” Malcolm started firmly.
“Do you think it matches my eyes?” Elian continued.
“Yes,” Malcolm muttered in his most passive-aggressive tone. “It’s lovely.”
“Now, remember, I’m the girl, so you’re supposed to lead.”
“I know how it works, theoretically,” Malcolm defended himself. “It’s just that my feet don’t seem to do what I tell them to do.”
“It’s because you’re too tall for a human-being.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be pretending to be Primrose?”
Elian snickered. “I have no idea what you two talk about when you’re alone, the weather? The consistency of pastries? Or wait, is that too titillating?”
“Now you’re just teasing me.”
“Of course I am,” said Elian. “Here, try being a little less stiff, you’re moving like a scarecrow.”
Malcolm tried and stepped on Elian’s toe. “Sorry.”
“I’m sturdy, but you might want to try avoiding that with Prim, she’s a bit more delicate than me.”
“Ha, ha,” was all Malcolm said. He was beginning to think this was not going to be helpful at all. They danced for a while longer, mostly with Elian leading, because Malcolm was truly hopeless. Eventually, Elian took a step back and said: “My deepest apologies, but I don’t think even I can help you.”
“Am I really that bad?”
“Yes, but I have another idea.”
“What is it?”
“Just tell Prim that you’re a terrible dancer and let her handle the rest.”
“I can’t very well do that!”
“Yes, you can,” Elian insisted. “Honesty is the best policy!”
“Says you.”
Elian shrugged. “The point is, you are friends, you can just tell her.”
“This is different.”
“Then just don’t ask her and sulk in the corner all evening, watching her dance with all the other eligible bachelors who are not unapproachable and unpleasant to be around,” Elian said, helpfully.
“You’re no help at all.”
“We best head back, I don’t want to start any scandalous rumours.”
“Don’t you have at least five of those circulating about you at any given time, anyway?” asked Malcolm.
“A lady never tells,” Elian said and headed out.
“I hate you.”
“I know!”
Malcolm followed him down the hall, feeling not at all better about his fortunes.
Malcolm grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter. Elian had already gone off to somewhere, probably to find Henry. He hadn’t been this nervous since giving his first speech as earl of Harrendale. Truth be told, this was probably worse. Not because it was more formal, because really, it wasn’t. The room was filled with people he knew from school, and it wasn’t as if Primrose and he hadn’t danced before, but it was very different to share a dance at a school event than this. He wanted to make an impression. It was perfectly possible, in fact, that Primrose knew he was a terrible dancer but had been too polite to say. He wasn’t sure if that was supposed to make him feel better or worse. He took a sip of the champagne and placed it on a table. The night was not getting any younger.
He found Prim talking with some of her friends. She looked beautiful, but then again, she always looked beautiful. He pretended to be extremely interested in a landscape painting of Winbournshire when he noticed Cecilia Balinor, one of the ladies Prim was talking to glance his way suspiciously. Merlin, why was he being so fussy about this? He mildly regretted leaving his champagne behind but couldn’t go back for it now. He straightened his back and headed toward the ladies.
“Evening, ladies,” he said as he reached them.
“My lord,” said Primrose. “Have you enjoyed the evening so far?”
“Yes, Winbourne is quite lovely this time of year,” replied Malcolm. “Or any time of year, I imagine.”
“It is,” said Primrose. “You should see the village in spring, when the first leaves come out.”
“I would like that very much.”
“Perhaps it can be arranged,” Primrose said with a smile.
Malcolm cleared his throat. “Lady Gray,” he started. He really was so incredibly bad at this. “Would you do me the honour of sharing the next dance with me?”
Primrose, to his relief, looked delighted. “Yes, I’d love to,” she said, but not in the exaggerated tone Elian had used. Still, he had to give it to the man that he knew Primrose quite well, even if he was unable to take anything seriously.
Malcolm and Primrose left her friends to head towards the dance floor.
“I have a confession to make,” said Malcolm.
Primrose looked at him in surprise. “Oh?”
“I’m not much of a dancer.”
She let out a quiet laugh. “Oh, I know, Malcolm.”
“Well, that’s a relief.”
“And I don’t mind,” Primrose continued. “I’d still rather dance with you than anyone else here.”
That made Malcolm blush. Primrose held his arm tighter.
“Don’t worry, I’m a good enough dancer for the both of us,” she whispered, as the first notes of the waltz began to play.
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slytherindisaster · 2 years
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Prim & Malcolm as my part of an aesthetic trade with @endlessly-cursed!
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unfortunate-arrow · 6 months
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Weekend with the Grays: Cocktail Party in the Gazebo (December 6, 2023)
Simon loitered in the corner of the gazebo, nursing a glass of Scottish whiskey as he watched the crowd. He recognized a handful of familiar faces. Adonis Demiurgos, also loitering in a corner. Vinnie Wakefield, his fellow former Hufflepuff, cheerfully engaging with numerous guests. He couldn’t quite place the other guests, which might have been due to the generous amount of whiskey that he’d indulged in that afternoon. It wasn’t enough to impair his judgment (at least, that’s how Simon felt), just enough to dull the sharp edges that had been haunting him since his emancipation from Horace Dormer’s guardianship.
“Has Prim told you the legend surrounding the upcoming solstice, Wexford?” Malcolm Stolberg-Burke’s voice startled Simon out of his daze.
“Ah, yes, I believe so. It’s odd to me. Celtic legend says the winter solstice was a battle between the Holly King of darkness and the Oak King of light. The Oak King won each winter and brought back light to the days,” Simon replied, his mind wandering back to the day that his father had told him and his brothers the story. 
“Interesting. That must be quite the rivalry that a battle occurs each year.”
“I imagine so. It appears to be more hopeful than Primrose’s interpretation.”
“Yes, but Prim is mostly worried due to an ancestor that met an untimely end after witnessing such a solstice that is foretold this year.”
“I cannot imagine that the universe could be much crueler to me than it already has.”
A silence fell after that, an uncomfortable reminder that Simon was never supposed to bear the title of Wexford. 
“How’s the whiskey?” Malcolm asked, after the beat.
“Good. I much prefer a good peat whiskey this time of year. It does taste like dirt more often than not, but it’s still damn good.”
event, prim, and adonis belong to @endlessly-cursed while malcolm & vinnie belong to @gaygryffindorgal
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catohphm · 6 months
Weekend with the Grays 2023 Day 1 Prompt - Back at Winbourne
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I'm still on hiatus, however I have energy to make some content for my friend @endlessly-cursed's annual Hogwarts Legacy Weekend with the Grays event this year. The character Bella belongs to @mjs-oc-corner. She's shipped with my OC, Danny and their ship is featured here. Thanks Mo for letting me include her in my WWTG content. Prim belongs to Noe, and the viscountess' husband Malcolm belongs to @gaygryffindorgal. Prim belongs to Noe. Hope you all enjoy, and thanks goes to Noe for hosting a wonderful event!
Dashing through the winter clouds on a sleek broom was a young, dashing couple. The lad Danny piloted on the front. Leaning over his shoulder was a young woman, Bella. They knew each other well from their Hogwarts days and kept their romance strong after leaving school. The pair always cherished seeing each other even though they trained for different career paths. Curse-breakers and aurors were emotionally fulfilling, yet demanding work. They had this chance to break from their routines and have some leisure over at another place that felt like home. Winbourne.
Bella joined Danny midway or so through his journey to Lady Primrose’s estate. They were returning visitors there. It always seemed to get more and more cozy and inviting the more times they came there.
Over the course of their flight, the pair talked excitedly about old memories and the upcoming festivities. Bella was curious about Danny’s history with Winbourne.
“So, love, when did you start coming over to her place?”
“Good question, Bella. I was a younger kid at Hogwarts when Prim began inviting me over.”
She was impressed. “You must be quite lucky to have been a guest there for a long while.”
“Well, sure, yes. I was like that when I was younger. Now, Winbourne has dawned on me as a nice place to gather with friends and enjoy our own little slice of nature. It’s like coming over to a friend’s house.”
Nodding in agreement, Bella remarked “It’s good to not take it for granted. Winbourne is a magnificent estate and deserves a lot of respect. But there’s something humble about it.”
Danny smiled and looked at his girlfriend for a second. “You got that right, love.”
They approached a break in the clouds. “Looks like Winbourne’s coming up.”
Now Danny and Bella were standing in front of Winbourne’s gates. It feeled to them as if they still had a commanding presence, but the blue sky, snow patches and illuminated bare trees added to humble it. Like a butler coming to open the door and standing aside to let the guests in. The pair were wearing clothing for the weather and rucksacks bewitched with enough space to hold supplies for their stay.
Danny pulled out his pocket watch and noted the minute hand on the 30 as the hour hand approached closer to 5. 
“Nothing wrong with being a tad early.” Bella giggled and remarked “Don’t be a show-off now, Danny.” as she reached her arm around his.
“Not at all. We ought to find Lady Primrose and let her know we’re here.”
They proceeded through the open gates and headed toward the main building. As they approached, one of the doors opened. The newly-wed viscountess and her husband Malcolm stepped out. She saw Danny and Bella as she opened the door and smiled at them warmly as she came to greet them.
“Greetings, welcome back to Winbourne, Danny, Bella.”
“It’s great to see you again, my lady.” Danny replied as he did the formal hand-kiss with Prim.
“Same to you.” then said Bella. “I’m glad to be here again with my Danny.”
“I’m delighted to hear you two are getting along well. It’s always a welcome sight to have people happy together here.”
Malcolm chimed in. “Indeed, once again welcome back to our place. Make yourself at home. Hope you two have been well.” 
“We also wish for the well-being of you and Lady Primrose. Life after Hogwarts is not easy, yet we’re meant to make it together.” stated Bella.
“I’m glad to have time off from my auror training. We do a lot of drills and exercises. The training scenarios are fun. They’re demanding and I’m exhausted after a long time, though. I can’t imagine life without my Bella.”
She returned his sentiment. “It ain’t the same without Danny.”
“I congratulate you both on the achievement of marriage, my lady. Hopefully the coming child will be a healthy birth.” 
“Why, thank you Danny. The encouragement and support from you has always been appreciated. Though my husband and I have to be at the gate now to welcome the other guests. Enjoy your stay and we’ll talk more soon.”
“Alright, my lady. Talk to you later.” Danny farewelled. “See you soon, my lady.” Bella said.
Malcolm then closed “Again, as my wife said, thank you very much. Be good, you both.” The viscountess and her husband then departed for the gate.
Now having the moment together, Danny and Bella were looking fondly toward celebrating Christmas at Winbourne.
“Can’t imagine anything better than being in cozy Winbourne together with you, Bella.”
“This is our place, it's special to us, my Danny.” she told her love as she pecked him on the cheek. “Let’s take it in while we can now, while there’s not many around.”
He happily returned “No more ado then, let’s carry on.” Bella gleefully smiled at Danny and they proceeded to walk through Winbourne and refresh their past memories of bliss.
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endlessly-cursed · 1 year
Primrose’s Legacy, Book One, Chapter Three: The First of September
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A/N: After months without writing a word, and with the new format, here’s a new chapter of PGL! 
OCs featured: Henry of Alderly, Malcolm Stolberg-Burke & Estelle Stolberg-Burke ( @gaygryffindorgal ) William Devlin very briefly ( @unfortunate-arrow ) Gwen Archeron ( @thatravenpuffwitch ) 
OCs mentioned: Lillian Brokenshire ( @cursebreakerfarrier​) Ophelia Burke ( @the-al-chemist​ ) Simon Battersea ( @unfortunate-arrow​ ) 
Warnings: Prejudice of the time towards magic 
Word Count: 2.4k 
Taglist: @gaygryffindorgal​ @nicos-oc-hell​ @slytherindisaster​ @camillejeaneshphm​ @catohphm​ @hphmmatthewluther​ @thatravenpuffwitch​ let me know if you want me to add you or remove you from it! 
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20th of July, 1892
Primrose was laughing, riding her horse, Lionheart, as her jet black hair sprawled wildly free, her curls giving in to the wind. She had escaped yet another boring class, and was happy to learn how to be a fast rider. She had a feeling that it’d be a very valuable asset.
She came off her horse to one of the fields that her mother owned, and strutted happily, munching over berries and apples, clueless of her future for a few more minutes. Looking around, she took off her shoes and stockings and dipped her feet into the fresh grass, looking up and smiling, the wind stroking her face. She minded little of it, for it was a hot wind against her pale skin. She was a twenty-five-minute ride away from home, yet it felt like a whole day.
How little would she realise that she’d rarely have time to ride away every time she wished. She was to be viscountess, and her training of now four years had been thorough. She loved it at some extent, and was allowed to learn fencing alongside Henry, whom she loved dearly. She was also clueless that it wouldn’t be him whom she’d be betrothed, as her mother had promised when she thought her asleep. It wasn’t her fate to be a duchess, no, but something greater. And so, the sun set, as well as her fate, as her dear and most loyal servant, Miss Gwyn, came running with all her speed. She was red and sweating, panting and placing her calloused hands on her knees “Viscountess… Victoria… letter… urgent… must…come…now.”
Primrose was quick to gather her small water flask and handed it to Beatrice, who smiled and drank almost all of it, coughing at the speed in which she drank it “Your lady mother. She says… that you got a letter and it says that only you can read it.”
Primrose nodded, fully aware of what that meant. It was either revealing her future posh school, or her choice of groom. She quickly rode Lionheart and Beatrice with her, and rode as fast as she could, for she was still very much an amateur. As she dismounted, she could spot Henry’s horse, Bucephalus, and frowned. But her mother took priority.
She was quick to rush to her office. She was wearing a mauve dress, her hair up and her gaze cold, her eyes on her two icicles who mellowed at the sight of her still very much innocent daughter. Victoria sat down on the ottoman and invited her daughter to do the same.
“My sweet girl, you are no longer a baby, and I thought I had accepted it… until this letter came.”
“Is it… a letter confirming my betrothal to Henry, mother? His horse is here…”
Victoria frowned, and was quick to tell the servant to attend His Highness as she talked to her daughter.
“No, I haven’t heard from Duchess Louise yet, but trust that I will. No. You remember my school, yes?”
“Yes. It was a secret place that I’d know about soon. Why?”
Victoria then handed her the fateful letter.
Dear Lady Gray,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Students will be required to report to the Chamber of Reception upon arrival. Please find an enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment. Ter5m begins on September 1st, 1892. We await your owl by no later than August 28th. To avoid detention by Muggles, please use the entrance located at King’s Cross Station Downtown London, on platform 9 %34. We look forward having you at our school.
Yours sincerely,
Phineas Black, Headmaster.
Primrose stood in silence as she held the parchment for what felt like a thousand years. Witchcraft? Chambers of Reception? And owl before August 28th? Platform 9 34? Muggles?!
“I... I do not understand. You’re a witch!”
Victoria frowned “I believe I told you.”
“I thought it was a tale to make me fall asleep and foul gossip!” She cried “Am I a witch as well?”
“According to that letter, you are. Do not worry, my sweet flower, they no longer burn or hang them.”
Primrose was speechless. She got up and ran to her father’s own study, and, with letter in hand, thrust the door open… to find her father and a confused Henry there.
“Is it true, father? Am I? A witch?”
Henry looked back at her and his eyes shone with hope “You got that odd letter too, Prim?”
Primrose’s eyes darted towards her father. He nodded and beckoned to come here “Come, my love. You two need to hear it.” He stood in silence before he admitted “I am a wizard as well. I was born into them, actually.”
“You what?!” They both said at the same time.
“It’s true. All the tales we told of you of Hogwarts, magic, monsters, wands and all… it’s real, and they’re claiming you now.”
“Why me? No one in my family has ever been a wizard!” Henry cried.
“Because magic chose you, my boy. Some inherit it, and some are chosen by a force bigger than anything else.”
Primrose bit her lip “About riding brooms… wouldn’t that… fuel the negative propaganda against it?”
Vincent smiled “When did you become wise enough to learn that big word, my sweet flower?” He cleared his throat “Yes, you shall ride brooms, learn to use cauldrons, but worry not, most of the things said like that we eat children and torment the regular people, known as Muggles in that world, is just nonsense by the Roman Catholic Church. There were some cruel wizards and witches, but not to that extent.”
“Not especially encouraging…”
Vincent looked at Henry with a teasing gleam “And we have known kings to behead their own wives and yet, many princesses were encouraged to marry them.”
Primrose looked apologetically at her friend “He has a point there.”
“My point is, I know that it is scary for both of you, but you will be alright, because we’ll be there for you along the way. I have received word from your father to take care of this matter myself, dear boy. Until you graduate, you are under my protection.”
Henry thanked him and he smiled “My family is rather famous. Especially on my mother’s side. They’re wealthy purebloods, called the Fawleys, which makes me a pureblood myself. Once you’ve settled with this matter, come to me. I shall be happy to provide information about our ancestors.”
He kissed Primrose’s head and ruffled Henry’s golden hair. Then, he called for his own servant, who had loyally served him since he was a boy to prepare the children’s things for Hogwarts and spare no expense on either of them. Henry and Primrose looked at one another. Would they go as bride and groom? Only time would tell…
Three weeks later
“I can’t believe we’re getting our own owls to carry messages!” Primrose smiled. They were in what they called Diagon Alley, buying their own supplies. Henry and Primrose marvelled at everything, though they could see some sneers from people, but paid no mind.
“Look! There they are!” Henry pointed.
“Race you there!” Primrose giggled before darting off. They both laughed before arriving at the shop, where they were greeted by a kind face. “How can I be of help, dear?”
“We would like our own owls!” Henry demanded.
“Please,” Primrose mellowed it, nudging Henry. She gave the owner her puppy eyes, which nobody has yet resisted. Vincent had appeared alongside Victoria, who examined something Primrose couldn’t see.
Primrose saw a barn owl, with brown feathers and a kind face, and looked at her father, who was yet to deny her something from the alley. Henry chose a white owl, and both baptised them. Primrose called her Ravenna. The shopkeeper smiled “One of the founders of the school was named Rowena, and founded the House of Ravenclaw. Your mother was sorted there, you know.”
“Then a Ravenclaw I shall be as well!”
“Or a Slytherin, like myself.” Vincent taunted.
Happy, and with their own supplies and fishing chocolate frogs, which fascinated Primrose, both crossed the path back to London, where their respective carriages awaited them.
They only had to wait until it was time to travel to King’s Cross. Primrose could hardly wait.
1st of September, 1892
Primrose was styled in a simple, yet comfortable sitting dress with no corset, for she was still young for it, and a stylish hat. She and Henry would meet at the station. She was nervous to say the least. She had her wand, of Acacia wood, which effect when elected had lightened the whole room and a blue light surrounded her figure.
She took a deep breath and went into the carriage. At King’s Cross, Henry and a trusted servant were there, and they both greeted one another. As they walked, they ran into Lord Stolberg-Burke, who chatted animatedly with his sister. He spotted the rather lost lady and prince and quickly greeted them. He had become taller since she had last seen him, and could tell he was soon to become a man. With a bow to his sister, the Lady Estelle, she asked him “I take you’re attending our same school?”
“It is my third year, actually.”
“And you never told us?”
Malcolm shrugged “The subject never came.”
“It does now, though. We’d be thankful if you told us what to expect.”
Malcolm nodded “Of course. I actually have two left seats on the train. Feel free to join.”
“But the arrangements—,”
Vincent smiled at Earl Stolberg “I am sure Earl Alexander and I can fix that, right, my good friend?”
Alexander shrugged “I won’t refuse a fellow friend in need of aid, certainly.”
Victoria nodded thank you as she continued talking to Countess Celestia. As they reached the point of meeting, Primrose and Henry stared blankly at it. They looked at Malcolm, who shared a knowing stare with his sister “Estelle, do us the honour.”
Estelle smirked and ran towards it, being swallowed by that wall! Henry stared in bewilderment and Primrose nearly screamed, her eyes and mouth in big O’s. Malcolm seemed amused “Ladies first.”
“But what if I fall?”
“The cart is heavy enough to hold you, trust me.”
I must not be afraid, she thought, I am a Somerset, and Somersets fear no one save God and the king.
With her head high, she gripped the cart and started running, coming close to the walls. She closed her eyes and… felt like she was being swallowed by a godly force, and then, as soon as it was over, she reappeared on another station that looked like King’s Cross, but wasn’t quite King’s Cross. An enormous red and black train stood out, and many students of all ages were there, saying goodbye to their parents. Estelle poked her and smiled “It wasn’t so bad, now, was it?”
“It was… interesting.”
She chuckled before her brother, Henry and Primrose’s parents appeared. She quickly hugged her mother, and she kissed her head. She kissed Henry’s as well and lifted his chin “Head held high, my darlings, and don’t let them see you’re afraid. You can’t be afraid or weak here. They eat them for breakfast, so…be strong every day, alright?”
They both nodded, and Vincent exchanged some words with the earl, who told Mal to have an eye on these two. Primrose took Henry’s hand and the group came into the train. Many huffed that they had the privilege to sit with the elders. It seemed that by no means first years could be there. Primrose protested, but was sent instead with her actual fiancé, Mr. Devlin. He greeted her and Henry, and the three sat there awkwardly.
“That is, in my defence, I couldn’t have told that you’d be there.”
Primrose nodded “I understand.”
William kept on sketching, and Henry gave her a look she could not decipher. She leaned her head against the window and sighed.
As they arrived, Primrose took a good look at the castle. It was gigantic and majestic, taller than many, and full with something she started to become acquainted with: magic. With her head high, she embarked on the small boat, shared with Henry and William. Malcolm was gone, but Estelle was in a nearby one. They smiled encouragingly to one another. This was her first year as well.
As she arrived at the castle, the man before them explained to them how things would work “Before we come in there, you must be sorted into your houses. There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Your house will be like your home for the next months, and everything you do will affect the house as a whole. House points will be given and removed, so beware of what you do. Shall we?”
The Great Hall was built in a medieval setting, and it was full of students eating and chatting animatedly. Primrose observed Malcolm chatting with a fellow student of the red house, Gryffindor, she supposed. As they started naming the students…
“…Archeron, Gwendolyn! Ravenclaw!”
“…Alderly, Henry! Hufflepuff!”
“…Brokenshire, Lillian! Hufflepuff!”
“…Burke, Ophelia! Slytherin!”
“…Battersea, Simon! Hufflepuff!”
“…Devlin, William! Ravenclaw!”
Soon, it was Primrose’s turn. With her head held high, she marched towards the seat and the talking hat, known as the Sorting Hat. She closed her eyes and allowed the hat to do the job “Ah, what do we see here! Victoria Somerset’s offspring! You are the spitting image of her as well. Hmm, I see several loses, blood has been spilled for you to have your position… I sense a certain sense of duty and wisdom, as well as individuality and determination… very well… let it be… RAVENCLAW!”
Primrose opened her eyes. She was in the same house her mother had been�� as well as her fiancé’s. She had hoped to have some distance, or to be sorted into Hufflepuff with her friends…
As she took a seat beside William, a welcoming voice greeted her. It had dark hair and blue eyes, and a kind smile “Hello! My name is Gwendolyn, but you can call me Gwen. Lady Gray, is it?”
“Yes, but I see no need to call me ‘lady’. I am Primrose, Prim to friends.”
They shook hands and Gwen “Very well, Prim. Are you looking forward Hogwarts?”
She looked around, and saw a veiled woman be sorted.
“…Sultana Nilufer… Hufflepuff!”
An Ottoman sultana? This was going to be certainly an interesting year to say the least.
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
𝙅𝙤𝙘𝙚𝙡𝙮𝙣 𝙎𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙩
"𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙗𝙚𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙬𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙢𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙙𝙤𝙚𝙨𝙣'𝙩 𝙢𝙚𝙖𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙢𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨."
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Full Name: Jocelyn Cassandra Somerset 
Age: 20 in 1925 
Birthday: 4th of July, 1907
Weight: 56kg 
Height: 1.54m 
Faceclaim: Alexia Giordano 
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House: Hufflepuff 
Wand: Dogwood, unicorn hair, 12 inches, flexible 
Dogwood is one of my own personal favourites, and I have found that matching a dogwood wand with its ideal owner is always entertaining. Dogwood wands are quirky and mischievous; they have playful natures and insist upon partners who can provide them with scope for excitement and fun. It would be quite wrong, however, to deduce from this that dogwood wands are not capable of serious magic when called upon to do so; they have been known to perform outstanding spells under difficult conditions, and when paired with a suitably clever and ingenious witch or wizard, can produce dazzling enchantments. An interesting foible of many dogwood wands is that they refuse to perform non-verbal spells and they are often rather noisy.
Amortentia (what they smell like): Rosewater, eau de cologne, primroses, expensive soap and freshly washed satin sheets 
Best class: Recess (jk) Astronomy 
Worst class: Transfiguration 
Wanted career: NA, ends up engaged before deciding a career, would pick one after marriage 
Quidditch: Doesn’t play 
Extracurriculars: Frog Choir 
Mother: Primrose Sabrina Gray
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Jocelyn admires greatly her mother: she’s strong, heroic, magnificient and admired wherever she goes. Despite being a busy woman, she always found time for Joce and the two bonded, and she was responsible for her engagement and eventual marriage into the Alderly family. 
Father: Malcolm Stolberg-Burke ( @gaygryffindorgal ​ )
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Jocelyn and her father don’t talk much, but he always reminds her how much he adores her and is protective of her and makes sure that she always has a hug and a kiss from him. Overall, she loved him dearly 
Sibling(s): Vincent Castor Somerset
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The only son and heir of Winbourne, Joce admired him greatly and could always count on him and loved him dearly. 
Alexandra Victoria Somerset 
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Joce and Alix had an interesting relationship. She loved and admired her, but saw their mother in them, and fought ofttimes, but always came back for one another. 
Lenore Callista Somerset
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Lenore was her father’s daughter through and through, and she and Joce had little in common and fought very often, for Lenore was tomboy-ish meanwhile Joce was very feminine and considered the most beautiful of the sisters, which grew into envy. 
Morwenna Beatrix Somerset @gaygryffindorgal​ 
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The second youngest, she was wild and rebellious, always questioning everything and up to something, she was the last planned daughter of Primrose and Malcolm and the one Joce was closer in age 
Youngest Sister: Gia Estelle Somerset
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The youngest, she was a surprise baby and no one expected her, but was welcomed anyway with much love. She was soft, but had her strenght and was in Hufflepuff as well, and Joce adored her and was protective of her. 
Uncle(s): William Berkeley @beloved-bucky​ Henry of Alderly @gaygryffindorgal​ Danny Gibson @catohphm​ Abraham Alden ( @cursed-herbalist​ ) 
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Her surrogate uncles (for her mother had no surviving brothers, hence all of them were considered her brothers) were very important in her life, though whom she shared a closer bond was her future father-in-law, Henry of Alderly. 
Aunt(s): Estelle Stolberg-Burke ( @gaygryffindorgal​ ) Nadia Erbland ( @gcldensnitch​ ), Niamh Kelly ( @unfortunate-arrow​ ), Siobhan Llewellyn ( @kc-and-co​ ), Roxanne Haley ( @beloved-bucky​ ) Georgia Coventry and Cora Hastings ( @camillejeaneshphm​ with Cora being her future mother-in-law) 
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Cora and Jocelyn bonded very quickly from a young age to the point where she was made her godmother, and she considered her a second mother, and was delighted when she became her daughter-in-law. The two of them had an amazing mother-daughter like duo for the rest of their lives 
Friends: TBD 
Significant Other: Edward of Alderly @gaygryffindorgal​ @camillejeaneshphm​ 
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Both grew up together and were aware that Edward would marry the Somerset sister he liked best, and Jocelyn had always had a crush on him. The two of them would eventually fall in love in their late teens/early twenties and get engaged, with Jocelyn becoming the next Princess/Duchess of Alderly. Together they had a few children, among them the next Prince/Duke of Alderly
Three Qualities: Fashionable, kind, free-spirited 
Three faults: Quite vain, God complex and jealous (in a good way) 
Guilty pleasure: Spicy food 
Writing hand: Left 
Zodiac sign/other personality trait: Cancer 
Colour: Gold 
Composer/singer: NA 
Food: Lemon cake 
Family member: Her surrogate aunt Georgia 
Location in the world: Venice, Italy 
Holiday: Summer (cause she’s a summer child lolololol) 
Hobbies: Sew, dance, sing and fashion 
She’s deemed the most beautiful of the sisters by English beauty standards 
She’s the best dancer of her sisters and another favourite of Queen Mary of Teck, consort of George V 
She also has the most beautiful voice and many rumours were spread that she was a mermaid and not Primrose’s daughter 
She’s the one who got a job later, after the duties of Alderly Hall became too much 
She’s the one who travels less and her wedding dress was one of the most beautiful ones 
She’s not very academic, but did like Astronomy well enough to pay attention 
Her favourite instrument is the violin and always played for her family during dinner 
She was also the accomplished lady of 1925 
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potionboy3 · 1 year
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elian goldcrest | henry of alderly | primrose gray | malcolm stolberg-burke
"in that moment, she was a little in love with all of them. their magic. their quest. their awfulness and strangeness. her boys." -maggie stiefwater
something for my ot4 💖
@gaygryffindorgal & @endlessly-cursed
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endlessly-cursed · 1 year
WWTG22: The Welcome Ball 2.0; Prim’s version
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“Don’t worry, I’m a good enough dancer for the both of us,” she whispered, as the first notes of the waltz began to play. 
Primrose started to dance, and Malcolm was still nervous and tense. She whispered “Breathe. Right now, the only thing that matters is us.” She gently squeezed her hand into his shoulder as a reassurance, and kept guiding him, their eyes never parting from the other. a sky blue meeting the blue sea, like Gaia and Uranus found one another again. 
Though her heart was racing, she told herself that she’d be the one who was calm and collected. She whispered him to follow her lead and think of nothing else but the dance. He spun her around, and Primrose’s breath caught in her lungs, but said nothing of it. His rather big shoe nearly stopped on her, but Primrose’s quick feet prevented it, and Malcolm nodded her thank you. 
The next step was for Malcolm to pick her up and he did, and was surprised of how light she was. He easily spun her around, and slowly put her on the floor, their noses nearly touching. She prayed that Elian was far enough not to hear her heartbeat, that was as quick as a hummingbird. His hand moved to her lower back and dipped her, and she took a deep breath, collecting her thoughts. When she came back to him, they were close again-- too close. She could hear him gulp, and she was glad that she was not the only one. 
With one last spin, the song stopped and everyone clapped. Malcolm gently kissed her hand and she curtsied to him, her cheeks warm from the activity “I look forward our next dance.” 
“As do I. You’re an excellent teacher, Lady Gray.” 
She smiled and he left, probably to drink champagne. She could notice a presence behind her, and she quickly spun around to find Henry, and she sighed of relief. He was quick to ask her to dance, as they had done every Christmas. Primrose smiled “Thought you’d never ask.” 
The minuet started, and they went to the dancefloor, and the guests clapped, glad to see the iconic couple back into the dancefloor. Henry politely bowed, and so did Primrose, and soon began dancing, imitating the other’s gestures and talking back-and-forth, teasing one another “It’s a crying same you can’t dance with Elian, truly.” 
“It’s fine. Last thing we want is to cause you another scandal. You’ve got enough in your plate with Lord Archibald and your dissolved engagement to Mr. Devlin.” 
She nodded, and enjoyed the last minutes of the minuet, bowing again and everyone clapped. When everyone started talking to one another and Henry was gone, she beckoned her trusted valet, Ms. Barry, to come to her, “Aye, my lady?” 
“When everyone goes to bed, please ask Mr. Goldcrest and His Highness to come here. Lit a few candles as well.” 
“Of course, ma’am. Anything else?” 
“Yes. Do keep this to yourself.” 
“As you wish, my lady.” 
She smiled and turned around to find a nervous William Devlin waiting for her conversation to end. He bowed politely and asked “May I have this next dance?” 
She nodded, now a bit nervous-- she had done many events with Mr. Devlin, but this time, all eyes would be on them. This had been agreed between Lord Carlisle and her father to show everyone there was no bad blood between the families and that all was well. 
The moment the country dance started, Prim sighed relieved. Though very jumpy and with far more movement, it was lighthearted and fun to do. The jolly song started, and William and Primrose started to dance and spin, and soon the majority of guests joined, forgetting for a moment their troubles. William and Primrose spun around, and she couldn’t help but laugh, and so did he. Soon, the dance ended and they bowed to one another, breathless and smiling. The applause was sound and everyone whispered about how good they got along. 
When she went for a small bottle of champagne, she spotted the Earl of Wexford holding a scented handkerchief. It had the initials N.S embroidered beautifully and whispered “Missing a certain sultana, are you?” 
He gasped, waking from his trance and nodded, fully knowing he couldn’t fool the lady “I was wondering if she would’ve accepted to be here, should she had remained in England. She’s probably to marry a Pasa of the empire.” 
“What if she isn’t? If I’ve learnt something this past year, is that true love finds its way back where they belong.” 
“And where is that, my lady?” 
Primrose smiled “Where they are loved.” 
She curstied and left, sipping her champagne and spotting her father talking to Jesse Seymour. A wave of feelings came over her. She still loved her father, but was hurt and betrayed of his role in her engagement and his true intentions. He looked over his shoulder and spotted her. He grinned at her, but she just couldn’t. His confession still hurt. 
She emptied the glass and went over to talk to Miss Fawley, who was trying to keep track of a conversation between her fiancé and a guest she was yet to recognize. 
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Midnight fell upon Winbourne, and Elian was looking for Primrose. When he saw candlelight in the hall, he went there... to find an equally confused Henry, who was looking for her as well. They both were surprised and delighted to find one another there “Elian. Primrose summoned you here as well?” 
“Yes. I wonder where that girl is.” 
Henry was about to propose to look for her when another candle was lit and a beautifully romantic sonata started playing... with Primrose there, sitting in front of the gigantic piano. Elian chuckled and Henry smiled. 
Elian offered his hand “May I have this dance, Your Royal Highness?” 
Henry beamed, playing alone “You may, Mr. Goldcrest.” 
Primrose kept playing as both men danced in the small but intimate candlelight. focused on no one but them. Henry was smiling wide, and Elian had a small smile on his lips, clearly glad he got to dance with Henry in the end, with no scrutiny. Impossible to miss the sparks between them, who put to shame electricity itself. 
At one point, Henry rested his head on Elian’s shoulder and Elian rested his on Henry’s head, both savouring this rare moment. Primrose gave them one more minute, making the song a bit longer. Then, she got up and told them to enjoy a few minutes more and they promised not to leave evidence. 
Content to have helped the lovers, she headed upstairs to her room, but not without glancing at Malcolm’s. 
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Malcolm Stolberg-Burke and Henry of Alderly belongs to @gaygryffindorgal​ 
Elian Goldcrest belongs to @potionboy3​ 
Selina Fawley belongs to @gcldensnitch​ 
Simon Battersea belongs to @unfortunate-arrow​ 
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endlessly-cursed · 1 year
WWTG22, Sleigh, Skate, Go!! - The Winter Hostess
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When Nadia woke up, she found her dear Jesse sleeping cutely on the small armchair, probably provided by Primrose so they wouldn’t sleep in the same bed, thus causing an scandal. She smiled and stroke his blonde hair, a complete mess and not combed. He hummed and murmured her name, and my, what a delicious sound was! 
“Jesse,” she whispered “wake up.” 
Then, she groaned when the wave of pain in her head came again and just then, her Jesse bolted uptight, clearing his throat and looking everywhere, looking for her until his blue eyes met her brown ones. He gasped and quickly wringed out the piece of cloth with mild temperature water and gently pressed it on her forehead. Nadia couldn’t help but giggle at such a cute gesture. He checked the warmth of her cheeks and massaged with the back of his hands her throat and checked her pulse “Your temperature’s quite high. Is your throat sore? I told you to be careful with the champagne...” He made a face and Nadia kissed his hand. 
“You know me well enough. I don’t tend to obey men.” 
Jesse shook his head, a small smile on his face “Those weren’t orders, my dear. They were suggestions. Look at yourself now. It wouldn’t hurt to heed advice every often.”
Nadia chuckled, then pouted “Would you come cuddle me?” 
“Only if you eat all the soup and take your medicine.” He smiled teasingly. 
Nadia chuckled “I don’t have any option, do I?” 
He laughed and so did she, ordering the servant to bring it to her. 
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Primrose surveilled the activities with a close eye, hands behind her back and with an impassive expression... even though she couldn’t stop thinking about Lord Stolberg-Burke and his strong, warm hands on her, or his icy blue eyes, or-- she shook her head and respectfully curtsied to her aunt when she came, and everyone who wasn’t ice-skating followed suit. If they had announced her entrance, she did not know. A few grays had taken over her blonde hair, but she was still the beauty she always saw in the portraits. “Auntie, you look beautiful today. I hope the ball was as mother would’ve liked?” 
Alina nodded, pride on her expression “You did well, my dear. Your mother’s looking down on you, proud of your achievements. If you continue like this, you will be the best viscountess Winbourne ever had.” 
She sighed “I hope so. I--I don’t want to overshadow mother, but... I have this need to be great. Remembered. That her death was not in vain.” 
Alina placed a hand on her cheek and smiled “My dear, you are doing more than enough for her death not to be in vain. I can’t remember someone who faced a royal duke so bravely and won before you, and trust me, there have been chances.” 
They both chuckled, and Alina analysed her niece’s expression and smirked. She could fool anybody, but not her “Tell me, my dear, who is that man who has you so silent?” 
“I-- That is to say...” she sighed “I can’t hide anything from you, can I?” 
“Experience, my dear. I have been young and in love as well.” 
Primrose bit her lip and discreetly signalled to Lord Stolberg-Burke, who elegantly skated through the lake while chatting with Elian Goldcrest, who longingly looked at Henry talk with Georgia’s cousin, the Lady Hastings. She could see a little hint of jealousy in Elian’s eyes, and Malcolm did his best to interest him in another subject. 
“The Earl of Harrendale, hm? He’s handsome, a gentleman to the bone and from the peerage. Your mother would approve, and it’s certainly an improvement since--” 
“Auntie Alina.” Primrose said firmly without raising her voice “I know that he is not to your liking, but we discussed this before. Mr. Devlin won’t be slandered any further in my household.” 
Alina nodded, for one moment seeing her dear friend Victoria, whom she resembled greatly “Of course, dear. Do forgive me. With the age, your tongue becomes looser.” A minute of silence passed until she smiled “I can command Ms. Barry to sit him next to you tomorrow. That way, he’ll have to talk to you.” 
They both giggled before she directed a charming smile towards Malcolm, who flushed bright pink and nodded at her, and Primrose did her best not to giggle like a schoolgirl. Those days would soon be behind her. It was time to mature... and prove that she was a woman of age by wooing Lord Stolberg-Burke to be her husband. 
She was determined. He was the best candidate of all, and she was ready to face anything for his hand. And deep down, something told her that he felt the same feeling as her. 
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“Min, I’m not here to argue.” 
He sighed. He needed to let her know, at least, that on his part, it made no sense to continue this rivarly that started on a mistake “In fact, I daresay that I am done arguing with you. I... need to get it off my chest.” 
Minerva frowned “You have been odd since yesterday.” 
He took a deep breath “Minerva, I...” I can’t stop thinking about you. You fuddle me like no other, yet I cannot have enough. I wish to stop pretending I don’t want you close to me or talking to me. I am done being your rival. I want to be yours, and nothing else than yours. Please let us bury the hatchet before I turn mad “I will not continue with this rivalry any longer. It makes no sense to me, and... it’s been a long time since I’ve been irritated by you. You do what you will, but I am done fighting.” He nodded goodbye and left, leaving a shocked Minerva. 
All she had known of Adonis was the version she antagonized, and she asked herself what it’d be of them now. What was she even thinking? Adonis was an idiot, and she didn’t need him. She had plenty of rivals to replace himm right? 
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Henry and Malcolm belongs to @gaygryffindorgal​ 
Elian Goldcrest belongs to @potionboy3​ 
Nadia Erbland belongs to @gcldensnitch​ 
Minerva Kennedy belongs to @unfortunate-arrow​ 
Cora Hastings and Georgia Coventry belongs to @camillejeaneshphm​ 
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endlessly-cursed · 1 year
WWTG22, Supper Time at Winbourne
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The moment Primrose entered the room, all of her guests had been seated: her aunt, the Dowager Viscountess Alina, presided the south part of the large table, her father the Lord Gray beside her as the second most senior member, meanwhile Primrose led the northern side, Lord Stolberg-Burke with her beside her and Henry to the other as the highest-ranking man of the event. The moment she picked the spoon for the soup, everyone else followed suit, eating and starting to chat to the people assigned to their left and right. To the other side of Alina, the Earl of Wexford chatted with her. Primrose squared her shoulders and gave Malcolm a well-rehearsed smile, a charming and alluring one “I hope the event has been to your tastes so far, my lord?” 
He nodded “It has indeed. You are a most curteous and charming hostess, my lady.” 
Henry added “Indeed. The Somersets outdo themselves each year, do they not?” 
Malcolm nodded in agreement and chatted back-and-forth chatting about trivial things, though his sister, the Lady Estelle, did not look pleased. Meanwhile, to the other side of Henry, the Lady Hastings decided to start speaking to him, and Elian watched on the other side curiously, next to Malcolm. He was well-aware of his high eligibility, and the fact that she was one kind of woman his parents would adore. Lady Cora then asked Henry if Primrose had been afraid when facing the Duke of Buckingham “If she did, she hid it well. I like to believe her duty to protect her family and birthright overcame that fear.” 
She smiled at him and Primrose watched closely how they conversed. She had done her best to seat men with a woman and a man to their left so they could switch from court intrigues to politics while the women gossiped and shared secrets, so no one would be out of place. 
The moment it came for the women to go to the drawing room, she bowed to her male guests and discreetly looked at Malcolm, who chatted with Elian. She then led the ladies through and took out her most favourite champagne “Ladies, this one is for you alone.” 
She watched as Miss Wakefield and Miss Balinor chatted in an intimate way. Curious to see how they had fared since last year, she positioned herself with Miss Fawley as both observed closely how they spoke. 
“You look wonderful tonight, Cecy. You do, truly.” Miss Wakefield commented. 
“And you look great too. I’m pleased you liked the dress I sent for you.” She stroke with her fingers discreetly the fabric and noticed Miss Wakefield’s flush. 
“I--I did. My mother thought it was a suitor...” 
“Am I not a suitor, Miss Wakefield?” Lavinia blushed and Cecilia giggled, pinching her nose “I am teasing you, dearest. Now, I believe that Lady Gray has a fine winery down there... I’ve been meaning to show you something in private. Follow me.” She passed past the hostess and smiled charmingly “Do excuse us, my lady, but my corset is unadjusted and Miss Wakefield will help me.” 
Lady Gray nodded and both went their ways. She turned to Miss Fawley “They make an adorable couple, do they not?” 
Selina nodded “They do. It’s heartbreaking that they can’t show it in public.” 
“One day, Miss Fawley, someone like them will break the mold and society will be more tolerant and accepting. I only hope my descendants can contribute to it.” 
Selina raised her glass and excused herself. The moment the men joined them, Lady Gray scanned through to find Lord Stolberg-Burke, wrapping up a conversation with Henry. She cleared her throat and bowed to the men who outranked her “Do forgive me, gentlemen, but I was wondering if I could have a word with Lord Stolberg-Burke?” 
Henry smiled and conceded, and soon dragged Elian with him. Primrose led Malcolm to the hallway and fidgeted with her fingers before clearing her throat “My lord, I hope that you have been enjoying yourself in these events despite not being your strong suit.” 
“They were exquisite, my lady, thank you again for inviting us this year.” 
Primrose smiled and cleared her throat “I do hope your guardian is in good health, alongside your family. You see, after these events I would like to ask your permission to visit your estate for business.” 
Malcolm frowned “May I know the reason, my lady?” 
“...To propose an alliance between our great houses.” 
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Adonis tried his best to play it cool with Minerva beside him. She, though, seemed annoyed at the fact that some force was making them find each other. Perhaps that force was on his side “How is your mother? I hope she’s in good health.” 
“She is. Thank you.” She responded flatly. 
“You may not believe me but... I like your dress today. Blue suits you to perfection.” I daresay you’re a vision tonight. 
Minerva frowned “Thank you... I suppose. How is your family? All in good health?” 
“Yes. Thank you, Mimi.” 
Minerva blinked “Mimi?” 
“Forgive me if I was too untoward.” 
“No, but... it is not terrible, I suppose.” He was serious when he said that he no longer wanted to fight. 
“Ahem. Eddie wrote to me yesterday. He has invited us to Christmas year. I hope you’re alright with that. Irene has been dying to ask you for more book reccomendations.” 
A small smile came to Minerva’s mouth “I’m pleased she liked my reccomendations. She has taste, unlike you.” 
He chuckled, fondness in his eyes “Perhaps. I took the liberty to read Wuthering Heights. Truly a remarkable read.” 
Minerva frowned “Do you think so? I thought those were not to your taste.” 
Adonis smirked “If I read any other theory of Machiavelly, Ovid or any other poem of Shakesperare, I shall start climbing my bedroom’s walls out of madness.” 
Minerva bit the inside of her cheek, trying not to giggle, but something told her she could no longer fool Adonis of all people. Not anymore. What else didn’t she know about him because she was too busy antagonizing him in her head? 
“What do you read when you’re tired of classic poetry or dead politician’s theories, then?” 
“I quite like Ancient Roman comedy. Though I warn you, it is quite... a crude humour. Not suitable for ladies.” His blue eyes twinkled. 
She raised her chin “I can handle crude humour.” 
He got a bit too close to her and, still smirking, murmured “Oh, I know.” He winked at her and she flushed, glaring at him. 
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Emmeline waited in a secluded hallway as Abe instructed her, asking her to wait there, for he had something important to say to her. She looked around cautiously, to see if any member of the staff were over there. She didn’t notice her fiancé sneakinh up on her, only when he grabbed her waist and surprised her with a cheerful and passionate kiss. At first she was shocked, then proceeded to return it, and he soon backed her against the wall. Emmeline broke the kiss and whispered “This is the important thing you wanted to tell me? Sneaking up and kissing like we’re some sort of criminals?” 
He chuckled “I’ll let you know that, despite being engaged, we are still under scrutiny. And I promised Primrose no scandals on her events, and I also promised your father not to tarnish your reputation.” 
Emmeline smirked “I’m sure it won’t be the end of the world if we share a little and sweet kiss.” 
“I wouldn’t be surprised if there was people here who believed that you should kiss me for the first time on our wedding day.” 
Emmeline did her best not to giggle “Oh, good heavens. Do you aristocrats have so many rules for love?” 
“Our marriages had never been about love. I think I disappointed some daughter of a marquis by not looking at her or considering her proposal.” 
Emmeline pecked him on the lips “She can stay mad. She should’ve been quicker with conquering your heart.” 
Abe smiled and tried to kiss her again, but her nose scrunched “Abe, I love you, but you stink of smoke and ale.” 
He pouted and started to give her ticklish kisses on her face and shoulders, making her wringle and giggle, trying to take him off her “Stop! Someone will hear us!” She teasingly punched his shoulder “Off without you before they send someone to look for you!” 
“Hmm, it seems that I already tired my fianceé of my company. Very well, I’ll go and will hope to steal you another kiss, my dearest fianceé.” 
Emmeline giggled, getting back to the drawing room. She was looking forward to never dismiss his company and hide gestures of affection with him. She knew she had promised herself to have an average engagement, but the romantic in her wanted to follow her mother’s footsteps. 
Shaking off the urge to ask him to elope, she gave her female friends a smile as she joined the conversations again, hoping her lips weren’t too swollen. 
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Malcolm Stolberg-Burke belongs to @gaygryffindorgal​ 
Elian Goldcrest belongs to @potionboy3​ 
Cora Hastings belongs to @camillejeaneshphm​ 
Simon Battersea and Minerva Kennedy belongs to @unfortunate-arrow​ 
Abraham Alden belongs to @cursed-herbalist​ 
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
Carrying On the Legacy (BTS Challenge)
A/N: After days being stuck in this, I have finally completed it!! This is my entry for the day one (even though it’s long gone, rip) for @cursebreakerfarrier ‘s challenge. The Sapiehas belong to both @slytherindisaster and @mjs-oc-corner tagging @gaygryffindorgal​ since Malcolm also makes an appearance 
Summary: Vincent Somerset starts his Hogwarts years 
Word Count: 1.2k words 
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1st of September, 1912
As the carriage drove towards King’s Cross, Vincent Somerset looked through the window as his sisters wreaked havoc, giggling and fussing with each other’s dresses. One of them --he couldn’t tell if it was Jocelyn or Lenore-- slammed her elbow in his ribs and he cried out “Ow! That is enough, girls! We are in a carriage and Mother and Father expect us to be in our best behaviour! Can we please not do this now? Mayhaps when I’m gone? I’m representing Winbourne here.”
Alexandra nodded “He is right. Let’s give it a rest, shall we? Let us play a game! I spy with my little eye…” Vincent squeezed his sister’s hand and she gave him a knowing smile.
Minutes passed when the children’s carriage door opened and Vincent, as rehearsed, got out of it gracefully and with poise, a stoic face and his chin up and shoulders square, meanwhile the youngest giggled and messed with each other’s ribbons. Many of her mother’s former classmates greeted her and he walked beside her as his father took care of his sisters, scolding them with kindness. They were now under scrutiny and needed to be on their best behaviour, though he doubted either Lena or Jo knew what ‘scrutiny’ meant. He politely smiled at his parents’ friends as Jocelyn went to see her future in-laws, Prince Henry and his wife, the Duchess-Princess Cora and their son. He gave him a brief nod and continued listening to the Sapiehas, and chatted with the three children; Joseph, Elisabeth and Winifred.
“Joseph, ladies. I trust this summer treated you well?”
Elisabeth laughed “There is no need for politeness, Vince. We are old friends here.”
“Yeah, there’s no need. Maybe we’ll share a room, Vince!”
“If the Sorting Hat decides to place us in the same house, I’ll look forward to it.”
He offered his arm for one of the girls to be escorted and Elisabeth placed her small hand on the crook of his arm while Winifred chatted with Joseph. He greeted other fellow future classmates on the way as they neared their first stop: that goddamned wall. He looked at Joseph and smirked “Race you there?”
“Last one will buy three chocolate frogs!” He cried and he followed, giggling as the girls followed them behind. Vincent sprinted and closed his eyes… before feeling a whoosh all over his body and then finding himself in the station. His sisters emerged from the wall one by one, and he noticed Joseph was a few seconds late. He smirked and he sighed, defeated “Alright, I know when I've lost.”
They waited for their parents and his mother, even the picture of poise and elegance, seemed emotional about this. She hugged him rather tightly “My boy. My son and heir. It seems like yesterday when I held your tiny frame in my arms and here you are, about to embark to Hogwarts.” She hugged him again and he kissed her cheek and she kissed his forehead “Remember, my boy, though you are for now Winbourne’s representative at Hogwarts, you are also eleven. Do remember to have fun and rest, alright?”
He nodded and his father hugged him tightly “Good luck, my boy, and remember who you are and where you come from, and to be kind to others.”
He nodded “I will make you both proud of me. I promise.”
Then he turned to his sisters and smiled fondly, opening his arms as they all went to hug him and kissed each of their foreheads “... and remember not to give Mama too much of a headache. Yes, I am looking at you, Lena.”
Lenore pouted but nodded “Alright, but you better send me sweets from Honeydukes!”
“Hey, me too!”
“And me!”
He laughed, “Worry not, girls, all of you shall have your monthly gifts.” He looked back and saw that the train would leave at any time now. His mother drew him closer and kissed his forehead and whispered “I love you, my boy. Go before I come to my senses.”
He nodded and went up with Joseph, both chatting as the train took off. Lenore chased it for a while, waving goodbye and yelling something he couldn’t understand. He waved back and hoped for the best.
Hours later…
At long last, he was getting in the boat that would take him to Hogwarts. He was nervous, but thrilled, looking forward to living amazing adventures like his parents did. Maybe he’d meet his future wife there, his aunt teasingly told him, hing that disgusted. Sure, girls were cute, but he didn’t want to think of that now.
He looked down on his Hogwarts robes. His heart beat incredibly fast. The place where his parents fell in love… He squared up his shoulders and, alongside Joseph, followed their guide towards the castle; it was certainly bigger than Winbourne, and with magical properties, but it also had things in common: history of it within the walls, a safe haven, a safe home… a refuge for those who sought it.
They went upstairs and the teacher started to explain “You must be sorted into your houses. There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slyherin. Each house will be like your home. Your triumphs will be celebrated with house points… and your failings will be punished with its revoking. At the end of the year, the house with more points will win. Now, let us get inside.”
Vincent held his tiny head high and followed along, not at the head of the group, but neither at the back. The descriptions of his parents made no justice to what it truly looked like. Ghosts roaming the walls, students laughing and eating, Professors chatting and analysing their new students. It was like a book had been made real.
He waited patiently until the teacher cried “Somerset, Alexander Vincent!” And whispers began to run as he approached the seat and the Sorting Hat.
“...That’s Lady Gray’s son! I’d recognize those eyes and hair anywhere!”
“Do you remember when she sneaked out of Hogwarts to duel that duke?”
“To think that she sat here and chatted with her friends!”
He took a deep breath as the Sorting Hat was placed on his head “Hmm, what do we have here? It is Primrose Gray’s firstborn! I’d recognize you anywhere. Indeed, you have her intellect as well as your father’s bravery… Hmm, I see… Let it be… Slytherin!” He cried.
The table cheered, proud to have the son of one of the most famous and heroic women to have ever passed Hogwarts in their house. The Head Boy greeted him and granted him a neat seat, and as the others were sorted, he took in where he was now: Hogwarts, the place where the greatest wizards and the deadliest ones had studied here once. Where his mother had shaped herself as a woman.
As the dinner came to an end and the head boys and girls led the new students towards its dorms, he took a deep breath. A long time ago, his late grandmother Victoria had come here so she could escape a dangerous marriage and with no other place to run from it, and came out as a loved and feared woman. His mother Primrose came to prove herself and find a meaning to this newfound power, and now he had a different purpose: carry on the Somerset legacy and show that the Somersets remained as strong and powerful. With his shoulders square and looking at this new challenge in the eye, he entered the dorm, ready to prove that he was his mother’s son.
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