#manu raju
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Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) condemned what he described as “revenge politics” as many Republicans have resisted his efforts to speed up the approval process for energy projects.
“It’s like the revenge politics, basically revenge towards one person: me. And I’m thinking, ‘this is not about me,’ ” he told reporters on Tuesday.
“I’m hearing that the Republican leadership is upset and they’re saying ‘we’re not going to give a victory to Joe Manchin’ — Joe Manchin’s not looking for a victory,” he added. “We’ve got a good piece of legislation that’s extremely balanced and I think it’ll prove itself in time. The bottom line is, how much suffering and how much pain do you want to inflict on the American people for the time.”
Republicans, along with Manchin, have long complained that the approval process for energy and infrastructure projects — known as permitting — has been too lengthy and stalled important projects.
When he agreed to pass the Democrats’ climate and tax bill, Manchin struck a deal with Democratic leadership to also pass permitting reforms.
But, as he has tried to push a package of changes through, Manchin has met Republican obstacles, as some members feel slighted over the West Virginia Democrat’s passage of the climate bill.
Republicans have felt spurned after Manchin announced his support for the Democratic bill hours after a bipartisan chips and science bill passed the Senate. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) had previously threatened that bill’s passage if Democrats pursued their bill.
The GOP has also complained that Manchin’s changes may not go far enough.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the aisle, a coalition of liberal Democrats has also come together to resist the effort, arguing that it will undercut the environmental inspections that often draw out the permitting process.
But Manchin said on Tuesday that “we do not bypass any of the environmental reviews,” which he said was the main difference between his package and a separate proposal from Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.).
The Senator also told reporters that the text of his proposal would be released on Wednesday, and that it would explicitly speed up the approval process for the Mountain Valley Pipeline.
The Mountain Valley Pipeline is a controversial proposed project that would carry natural gas from West Virginia to Virginia.
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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vbartilucci · 1 year
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livelaughlovechai · 5 months
Watched dunki and my mom now has depression thanks raju hirani
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sada-siva-sanyaasi · 1 year
ok but rana's character in nene raju nene mantri and fraser's character in the mummy movie series have the same "kill me but don't you dare touch my wife" energy (we're not going to talk about the second half of nene raju nene mantri)
absolutely, which is why they're my banner now (Rana and Kajal, who are also BHALLA AND AARYA YOU SEE WHAT I DID THERE-)
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liberalsarecool · 4 months
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Saying the premise is absurd does not make it untrue.
Speaker Mike Johnson is a weasel. He did not deny the accusation. He just tried to belittle Manu Raju.
One thing you can count on, Mike Johnson will speak the truth about Trump/Trump influence.
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“In an exclusive interview with CNN’s Manu Raju, Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said there are "quite a few" lawmakers supporting her motion to vacate House Speaker Mike Johnson, though she did not specify exactly how many members are backing her.
“I have a number that have committed, but there’s also a large number that have already expressed to me a huge sigh of relief," she added.
She said she hasn’t talked to Johnson yet, but said the speaker is “negotiating from weakness” and that she doesn’t see a scenario where she will back off raising the motion to vacate. Still, she argued she is “being very respectful to the members of our conference,” and won’t disrupt investigations or other committee work.
Greene reiterated that she does not have a timeline for when she will bring the motion up, but said she hopes to use the House’s two-week break.
“What I'm hoping for is for all of our Republican members to be able to have time to think and reflect over this break, for us to be able to come back together and start the conversation of who is capable and willing to lead this Republican majority," she said.
Greene said that the government funding bill that passed in the House on Friday was a “complete departure” of “everything we stand for,” referring to the Republican party.
"We cannot move forward having a Republican speaker of the House that is doing the bidding of Democrats, that is allowing Chuck Schumer to drive our legislation, bringing bills to the floor that the White House cannot wait to sign into law, and doesn't stop the border crisis and the invasion that's happening every single day to our country," Greene said.”
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cmesinic · 2 months
A moment of clarity.
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progressivepower · 7 months
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Critics Aren't Buying George Santos' New Massive Excuse For Not Showing Receipts. The serial liar Republican told CNN's Manu Raju that he's "working on finishing the last pieces" of documentation to prove his claim. http://ow.ly/ysIU1050kTs
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Republican Sen. Mitt Romney has spoken out in defense of President Joe Biden’s handling of the Chinese spy balloon, saying Biden was right to wait to order it shot it down over the ocean.
The Senator from Utah spoke Thursday as he was leaving a classified briefing on the balloon that flew over the U.S. for four days before it was shot down Saturday off the coast of South Carolina.
“I believe that the administration, the President, our military and intelligence agencies acted skillfully and with care,” said Romney, according to CNN’s Manu Raju. “At the same time, their capabilities are extraordinarily impressive,” the Senator added.
“Was everything done 100% correctly? I can’t imagine that would be the case of almost anything we do. But I came away [from the briefing] more confident,” Romney told reporters.
Asked if he agreed with the decision to wait to shoot down the balloon until it was over the ocean, where it was less likely to pose a risk to people, he responded: “Yes,” Raju reported.
Romney’s position was a departure from other Republicans who have spoken out about the spy balloon and who believed the balloon should have been blown out of the sky as soon as it was spotted.
GOP criticism of Biden’s approach, however, became more muted last weekend after the Defense Department reported that three previous suspected Chinese spy balloons had crossed in the U.S. while Donald Trump was President.
Republican Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.) and Jim Jordan (Ohio) had falsely claimed earlier that Trump would never have allowed a Chinese spy balloon to reach the U.S.
Romney was also pressed Thursday for his reaction to criticism by serial fabulist Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) that the Senator’s attacks on him at the State of the Union address were “not very Mormon,” referring to Romney’s religion.
“I don’t have any comment on that,” Romney told Raju. “I’ve said all I’m going to say on the topic.”
Romney and Santos had a heated conversation in the House ahead of Biden’s speech on Tuesday. Romney reportedly told Santos, who’s under investigation for a long string of lies, that he shouldn’t be there. Santos had arrived early to get a coveted center aisle seat, where lawmakers often stand at the event to have the opportunity to shake hands with the President.
“Look, he’s a sick puppy. He shouldn’t have been there,” Romney told reporters after Biden’s speech.
“Given the fact that he’s under an ethics investigation, he should be sitting in the back row and being quiet instead of parading in front of the President. You certainly shouldn’t be in the aisle trying to shake the hand of the President of the United States and dignitaries coming in,” he added. “It’s an embarrassment.”
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reynard61 · 4 months
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Michael de Adder
* * * *
January 30, 2024
JAN 31, 2024
Today, according to Clare Foran, Manu Raju, and Morgan Rimmer of CNN, House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) told his Republican colleagues that he will not bring forward the bipartisan immigration bill senators have been working on for months, calling it “absolutely dead.” 
Although Johnson insisted in November that border security was so crucial that he wouldn’t bring up aid to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and Gaza until such legislation was attached to it, Trump has made it clear he wants immigration and border security left on the table for him to use as an issue in his run for the presidency.
Instead of addressing border security through legislation, House Republicans instead are moving forward with their plan to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. They wrote articles of impeachment even before holding hearings. Today, members of the House Homeland Security Committee held a hearing to mark up those articles, which claim that Mayorkas committed high crimes and misdemeanors because he allegedly breached the public trust and refused to enforce immigration law. 
In all our history, only one cabinet officer has been impeached. William Belknap, whose eight years as secretary of war under President U. S. Grant had been marked by ostentatious displays of wealth and apparent kickbacks from army contracts, was charged with corruption in March 1876 just hours after he tearfully handed Grant his resignation. 
The House charged Belknap with “criminally disregarding his duty as Secretary of War and basely prostituting his high office to his lust for private gain.” The Senate agreed that it had jurisdiction to hold an impeachment trial even for a former government official, for an officer should not be able to escape justice simply by resigning. After hearing more than 40 witnesses, a majority of senators voted to convict Belknap on each of five charges, but no vote reached the necessary two-thirds threshold for conviction, and he was therefore acquitted. 
Almost 150 years later, the impeachment of Mayorkas would be the second effort to impeach a cabinet member. Yet there is no suggestion that Mayorkas has done anything but try to implement the law, even as the administration has repeatedly asked for more funding to make it possible for him to do his job.
In the hearing today, Representative Seth Magaziner (D-RI) noted that “across the system, we are at and above capacity, and so, what should the secretary do? The secretary, because he has not received the funding to provide adequate detention capacity, has to use his judgment for who to detain and who to release. That is not illegal. It is certainly not impeachable. And it is the exact same kind of discretion that every other director before him has used. In the last two years of the Trump administration, 52% of migrants apprehended at the southern border were released, not detained…. Nearly a million people. I did not hear my Republican colleagues trying to impeach the secretary or acting secretary under the Trump administration during those years. But here they are, trying to impeach Secretary Mayorkas for doing the exact same thing.”
Rather than passing the laws the country needs, the extremist Republicans appear to be determined to tee up an issue on which Trump can run for president in 2024. House speaker Johnson has demanded “ZERO” illegal crossings into the U.S., but this is a standard that no previous homeland security secretary has met because it is impossible to wall off every single means of entering this country by water, air, or land. And—despite Republicans’ false claims that Biden has established “open borders”—immigrants were more likely to be released into the country during Trump's term than during Biden’s. 
What is going on here is an attempt of the extremist Republicans to undercut the administration by attacking a key cabinet officer not for actual misbehavior but on policy grounds.  
There is no chance the Senate, dominated by Democrats, will convict Mayorkas even if the House, with its razor-thin Republican majority, impeaches him, but the extremist minority in the House that is going after him is attempting to set a precedent that a minority can stop the government from functioning. 
The cost of that obstruction has been clear in domestic politics over government funding, but it has now become a global issue over the question of U.S. support for Ukraine. Johnson had said he would not bring forward a bill to provide supplemental funding for Ukraine unless it included measures for increased border security; now his rejection of a bill to provide that border security threatens Ukraine aid. 
Ukraine is defending itself against an invasion by Russia, but the struggle there is larger than one between two countries: it is the question of whether the rules-based international order put in place after World War II will survive, or whether the world will go back to a system in which stronger countries can gobble up less powerful ones. 
Military aid for Ukraine is widely popular among Americans and among American lawmakers, who recognize the larger questions at stake. But extremist Republicans are siding with Trump, who has made his preference for Russia and its autocratic leader over Ukraine clear. The realization that a few extremist Republicans are scuttling Ukraine aid has prompted officials from both parties to warn of the consequences if the U.S. stops providing support to Ukraine.
In Foreign Affairs today, Central Intelligence Agency director Wililam Burns noted that the war has weakened Putin’s Russia significantly. Aid to Ukraine has amounted to less than 5% of the U.S. defense budget, “a relatively modest investment with significant geopolitical returns for the United States and notable returns for American industry,” he wrote.
“For the United States to walk away from the conflict at this crucial moment and cut off support to Ukraine would be an own goal of historic proportions,” Burns said. The secretary general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Jens Stoltenberg, has been in Washington, D.C., this week, urging Republicans to back the aid, if only on the grounds that most of the money appropriated goes to support jobs in the U.S. 
The man behind the extremists, Trump, was in the news today for the fact that the political action committees that back him spent about $50 million covering his legal bills in 2023. That money came from donors and arrived primarily in the months after the 2020 presidential election, when Trump lied that he had actually won the election and needed financial support to challenge the results.
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foreverlogical · 15 days
Top Republican lawmakers last week made their way to New York to show their support for Donald Trump during his ongoing hush money criminal trial.
US Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) — who has said that he will not run for reelection — on the other hand, is embarrassed by his colleagues' expression of loyalty to the MAGA hopeful.
In an interview with CNN's Manu Raju earlier this week, the Utah congressman "spoke candidly about his fellow Republicans, which included House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum and some of his colleagues like Sens. Tim Scott (R-SC) and Tommy Tuberville (R-AL)."
Romney emphasized that their unabashed fealty to the former president — mainly by those vying to be Trump's 2024 running mate— was "really very difficult to watch."
Senator JD Vance (R-OH) replied to Romney's comments, saying, "Mitt has been on three sides of every issue in public policy in this country in the last 20 years."
"I think that he should stick to be a legislator and try to do a good job for the people of Utah," Vance added. " When he attacks his colleagues, I think it's counterproductive.
Romney told Raju, "There is a level of dignity and decorum that you expect from people who are running for the highest station in the land, and going out and prostrating themselves in front of the public to try and apparently curry favor with the person whose our nominee, it's a little embarrassing," Romney said.
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voidsteffy · 1 year
Hi! I usually never send these but I’ve been following you for a while and love your desi content! I just saw your new pfp and I had to tell you because I used to be OBSESSED with Anand. Like I watched it so many times when I was a kid that 1. our disc stopped working😭 and 2. when I rewatched it last week I could quote the whole movie by heart😅. And now I’ve been listening to the soundtrack on repeat. Anyways I just wanted to say how nice it is to see desi content on main and that I am also obsessed with Sita Ramam❤️
*poking @budugu* LOOK LOOK ANOTHER ONE!
baby boo I feel this fluttery feeling whenever a person comes up to my ask box like "WE HAVE AWESOME TASTE MANU WE BOTH LOVE ANAND AND WE BOTH EXIST ON THIS SITE"
this moment reads like an 'if i had a nickel' joke and im loving it!
I USED TO WATCH IT ON DVD TOO! my dad made three copies just for me and i used to like, listen to those songs five hundred times every day to choreograph steps (Anand and Bommarillu and Godavari because i am a person of exquisite taste like that)
and then my stereo player broke and dvds went out of existence (I know why my dad cries about the floppies now) and I was taken from one of my true loves. Godavari and BOmmarillu still play on the tv but they don't roll Anand if their kidney was stolen.
Whenever I manage to see it now, I know the script by heart and the different expressions, and how the songs are so neat and tied up, and how Anand and Roopa was my first boy next door + grumpy - sunshine himbo trope... Set my standards high like you wouldn't believe. Even Anita and Raju, who weren't even together, were couple goals and I will die on this hill
(also, am I the only one who notices new hidden meanings with every rewatch... cz THERE ARE SO MANYYYY!)
thanks a lot for this ask darling, made my day right in the morning... and it's wonderful to see people responding to the desi content and rambles I post on main
this is my way of saying you look amazing today kanna
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The football coach just compared himself to military leaders. The stakes are much higher for them you ignorant MAGAt klansman. Clearly Tuberville is working not only for Trump but our foreign adversaries as well.
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cmesinic · 3 months
We have these four facts from a form that we know is false. But that’s the FBI‘s fault. WTF?
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