hatherletes · 4 years
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Mission Impossible... Not with this lot! Rest week done! #marathontraining #halfmarathontraining #marathon #marathoncoach #marathonclub #runningintherain #runnersofcheltenham (at Cheltenham, Gloucestershire) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9KoiiHJZfu/?igshid=1416qj1cdjd14
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ericklee1973 · 6 years
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Serving another term on the CityU Marathon Club committee / 繼續出力弘揚馬拉松精神 #cityuniversity #cityu #alumni #marathonclub #marathon #positiveenergy #馬拉松精神 #正能量 (at City University of Hong Kong)
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bluefirststar · 6 years
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昨日の勝者組(笑) #那覇マラソン #完走 #沖縄 #42195km #ブルーファーストスター #BFSファミリー #marathonCLUB #この2人には #絶対勝てん (O_O) #奥武山公園 #naha #フルマラソン (奥武山公園)
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thatsassyblonde67 · 6 years
When I skip a run, it’s like an itch I can’t scratch. There’s something in my bones, set deep inside of me, that desires movement. That desires the sweat pouring from my body, feeling my muscles stretch and work. My joints feel better, my body feels right. For even just the briefest moment in time, it feels like I am alive.
It doesn’t matter how far I go, I have to scratch that itch. If I don’t, I find myself pacing back and forth in my apartment, trying to drain myself of the energy, trying to feel whole.
It seems silly, that my identity, my body craves the pain of the run.
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hatherletes · 4 years
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Marathon club 2020 officially kicks off with an icy 4mi for the half-marathoners and 7mi for the full marathoners. Around 30 of the 36 clubbers turned up in good spirits and made the morning most excellent! #marathontraining #marathoncoach #marathonclub #londonmarathon #brightonmarathon #newportmarathon #londonlandmarks #runninglife #runningclub (at Hatherley, Cheltenham) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7dPFXTJzI9/?igshid=898ga7v8pyuc
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bluefirststar · 6 years
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#那覇マラソン 今年も無事終わり 去年の次にきつかった😱😱😱 参加のランナーの皆様 お疲れ様でした😴😴😴😴 #沖縄 #マラソン #アメカジランナー #BFSマラソン部 #marathonCLUB #okinawa #marathon #run #nahamarathon #training (奥武山公園)
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bluefirststar · 7 years
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年末の一大イベントな、 那覇マラソン2017が今週日曜に 迫る!てことで毎年恒例の その前にメンバーで栄養会🏃 嘉手納のリパロでモツ鍋😍 #嘉手納 #riparo #モツ鍋 #みんなで完走 #42195km #フルマラソン #沖縄 #マラソン #那覇マラソンに向けて #練習 #地元 #いい汗 #BFSマラソン部 #marathonCLUB #okinawa #marathon #run #nahamarathon #training (ripalo)
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bluefirststar · 7 years
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3日連続練習でとりあえず締め💦💦 はー疲れた😅😅😅ぐったりだ 今日もさらにナイスペース🏃🏃🏃 #沖縄 #マラソン #那覇マラソンに向けて #練習 #地元 #いい汗 #BFSマラソン部 #marathonCLUB #okinawa #marathon #run #nahamarathon #training
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bluefirststar · 7 years
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今日も頑張った🏃🏃🏃🏃 いつものトリオ練習。 本番まで1週間くらい #寒い #お疲れさまです #沖縄 #マラソン #那覇マラソンに向けて #練習 #地元 #いい汗 #BFSマラソン部 #marathonCLUB #okinawa #marathon #run #nahamarathon #training
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bluefirststar · 7 years
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いつものゴリ&タカシと マラソン練習🏃🏃🏃🏃 さすがに今日は長袖半パンにしたら 半袖短パンがきた😂😂😂 #寒い #沖縄も冬 那覇マラソンまで後10日🏃🏃 #沖縄 #マラソン #那覇マラソンに向けて #練習 #地元 #いい汗 #BFSマラソン部 #marathonCLUB #okinawa #marathon #run #nahamarathon #training
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bluefirststar · 7 years
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半袖半ぱん、寒さよ😨💦💦 ゴリと5km走ってきました。 #冬 #半袖半ズボン #ひーさがたがた #沖縄 #マラソン #那覇マラソンに向けて #練習 #地元 #いい汗 #BFSマラソン部 #marathonCLUB #okinawa #marathon #run #nahamarathon #training
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hatherletes · 4 years
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Half marathon clubbers out an hour earlier this morning in anticipation of avoiding a pending storm... Meanwhile our full marathoners are still out and running strong having opted to start at regular time and brave the weather, go Hatherletes go! #hatherletes #running #cheltenhamrunninggroup #runninggirl #thisgirlcan #cheltenhamfitness #womensrunninggroup #ladiesrunninggroup #instarunners #runninglife #cheltenhamrunning #letsmove #personaltrainer #cheltenhampersonaltrainer #thisgirlcanrun #runnersofinstagram #womenrunners #runningclub #cheltenhamrunningclub #womensrunningclub #ladiesrunningclub #marathoncoach #marathontraining #marathonclub #marathon #halfmarathontraining #halfmarathontraining (at Cheltenham, Gloucestershire) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8lOZYgJJNX/?igshid=arr7xill82n6
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thatsassyblonde67 · 6 years
New Series!
Alright so I don’t think many other follow me/read what I write. That’s totally okay with me - I write for myself, not for an audience. I’m sure that anyone who may stumble upon this post would have no idea that I am a runner!
And I’m signed up for the Philadelphia Marathon in November 2018....
Yes, I am absolutely nuts. But I LOVE the rush. I love the adrenaline, the feeling of accomplishment.....
But marathon training is not glamorous. So I wanted to start a whole new writing series that details my marathon training. It’s also something I can go back and look at after my marathon and laugh at myself for thinking that 6-7 miles is FAR right now.
Marathon training is not easy and it’s already begun! Today was my first day of training - I know it sounds crazy, starting running on a Tuesday, but Mondays and Fridays are my off days for running.
As for today, it’s a maintenance run of 3.25 miles with an hour long weight lift after (gotta LOVE leg day!). Now I can hardly move after my lift and I’ve got another run tomorrow...
Wish me luck!
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