#mark tuan imaginea
chicken-fifi · 4 months
Forgive and Forget | Mark Tuan (MafiaAU!) Imagine
Pairing: Mafia!Mark Tuan x Wife!Reader; Mafia Boss!Lim Jaebeom X Sister!Reader
Requested by anon: haii, i saw that your request is open!! i want a request with mafia!mark tuan x wife!reader. mark and your jayb are known have died being killed by the other group. unknownly you're having a child years later, and when the other group saw you both, they wanted to kill both of you. suprisingly, you were saving by got7. you were mad at them being shadows and hide themselves from you for years especially mark and your brother. so, (especially) mark and the others regaining your trust back and want to be a dad in your child live, you're slowly trust him and got7 again (maybe there's an incident or something that mark almost being killed cause he saved you and/or child(?)). thank you^^
Genre: angst
Word Count: 2,960 words
Warnings: violence, mafia, kidnapping, death threats, implied torture, blood, bruises, etc.
A/n: the urge to turn this into a miniseries was deep, but i couldn't do that given i'm already in the midst of attempting to plan one and putting the Ghost!YoungK on the backburner for a bit. hopefully you like this! for the record, yes, i got the child's name from pachinko by minjin lee. please go read that masterpiece.
Tunes: [Playlist] Life is a Book by ethereal
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“Isak!” you called out, setting down a plate on the dining table. “Dinner’s ready!”
Still in your work clothes, you sat down at the dining table, watching as your six year old son slid into his chair happily digging into his meal. His dark locks bounced as he danced as he ate. He looked identical to his father - a father he would only ever meet through the few photographs you had managed to keep from the early years of your relationship…before everything went to shit.
You felt an irrational amount of anger towards your brother as you recalled how he had been the one to offer the job to Mark under the promise that it would help him provide for the two of you. After all, “nothing bad will come out of it when it’s all of us together.”
God you wished you could puns your brother in the face for the boldfaced lie he’d told.
Not that it would make any difference. Both Jaebeom and Mark were dead. The consequence of their growing greed and name having put them on top of just about every other mob’s hitlist. Bring them down and they get the monopoly back. Simple as that. 
Even it meant the other mobs had an excessive number of lives on their hands. It wouldn’t be something new to them either way. Not even with the knowledge that they were taking away a brother and husband of a woman who was unknowingly pregnant with her and her husband’s first child. None of that would matter to any crime organization’s decision to make someone ‘disappear.’
“Mom?” you heard Isak call out, halting all of your thoughts.
“Yes Baby?”
“Can I sleep with you tonight?”
Your brows furrowed at his question - especially after he’d been so happy eating his meal.
( Not to mention that it was out of the ordinary for him to ask to sleep with you. He hadn’t asked to sleep with you in nearly three years. )
A soft smile made its way onto your face and you reached out rubbing his cheek gently. “Of course, Darling.”
He smiled at you and continued eating quietly, although no longer dancing. The two of you finished dinner not long after and cleared up. Isak lingered by your side the entire time you washed the dishes. You weren’t entirely sure what had transpired in his little mind during the short time from when he start eating to when he asked you the question, and you certainly weren’t aware of what was going on in his little head at the moment as he clung to your side as if you would leave him and never come back.
“Is something wrong Isak?” you asked, setting the final dish aside to dry. 
Isak looked up at you with his big, round eyes. You could tell there was something he wanted to say but didn’t actually  want to say for whatever reason.
“Do you not want to talk about it?”
He shook his head, looking down at the floor. Without saying a word, you took your hand and ruffled his hair lovingly, hoping it would provide some silent comfort. Clearly Isak didn’t want to talk about it and you didn’t want to force him to talk. So you’d wait it out for a bit.
“Whenever you’re ready you can tell me okay?”
You got a small nod before he hugged your waist as best as he could. Hugging him back, you crouched down and picked him up with a huff, holding him as tightly as you could for a few minutes before setting him back down. When did your little boy get so big?
“Why don’t we watch a movie before going to bed?”
You sat up in your bed with a start hearing rustling down the hall in the living room of your home. Isak was still sound asleep beside you, cuddled closely into your side. Moving as quiet as you could, you got out of bed, inching towards the bedroom door avoiding the creaky floorboards you could remember in your sleepy state. As you reached the door, you heard a floorboard creek on the other side of the door. Panic and fear filled you as you pressed your body forcefully against the door, just as whoever was on the other side attempted to open it.
“They’re in here!” a man’s voice yelled, waking Isak with a start who instantly looked in your direction eyes wide.
Hide. you mouthed, pushing all of your weight against the door, jolting as the men pushed against the door. HIDE!
Isak’s eyes filled with tears as he slid out of the bed and walked in your direction initially before you shooed him away motioning to the closet. You knew that he knew about the crawl space that was pretty hard to find if you didn’t know it was there - it was his favorite hiding space after all. He didn’t get a chance to get to the closet before the door burst open, your frame practically going flying from the force used to break it open.
Frozen in fear, his little eyes widened as he saw the four burly looking men enter the room. Two immediately went to grab you, covering your mouth preventing you from screaming. A third went to him, reaching to grab him a sickly sweet tone being used as he spoke. Running past the man, Isak made a break for the master bathroom, only to be grabbed by the fourth man, a scream echoing throughout the room as the man’s hands gripped him tightly. You pulled and flailed from the two men holding you, instinct telling you to get to your son - all to no avail.
“So our intel was right,” another voice spoke from behind you before another man entered the room crouching down in front of you. “The son of bitch does have a little sister.”
“And a nephew,” the fourth man added, covering Isak’s mouth before yelping as he bit the man’s fingers.
In his captor’s distraction, Isak ran to you not paying any mind to the two men holding you.
“And a nephew…” the fifth man repeated, eyes trained on the little boy. “This will certainly make things interesting.”
Mark lunged himself at the man tied in the chair before him, “You pathetic piece of shit! How could you?!”
Jaebeom pinched the bridge of his nose, “What exactly did you tell them?” he asked the man as calmly as he could, not paying Mark any mind.
The man gulped, looking at Mark before flicking his gaze to his boss, “They threatened me.”
“SO YOU DRAG INNOCENT PEOPLE INTO IT?!” Mark yelled, landing a punch on the man’s face, the force alone knocking the chair to the ground, the man along with it.
Yugyeom and Youngjae watched, unsure of whether or not to intervene. Jinyoung sat at a chair looking at the photographs they’d been mailed. The dirtied and bruised figures of your son and you making him sick. How had they let it go this far?
“Mark,” Jaebeom barked. “That’s enough.”
Mark turned, rage alight in his eyes, “Enough? I don’t think so. Your sister, my wife, and our child have been kidnapped and are about to be killed because of this…pathetic,” a kick to the man’s side, “piece,” another kick, “of shit.”
A door opened and in came Jackson and BamBam, their faces void of any emotion. Jaebeom looked away from Mark momentarily.
“Anyone else working with him?”
Jackson shook his head, “He went rogue on this one. Bold move if you ask me.”
“Any idea on where they could be being held?”
Bambam shook his head, “Not yet. My squad’s still looking.”
Jaebeom turned back to his brother-in-law, walking up to where the man was still kicking the mole. Placing a hand on his shoulder, he pulled him back, crouching down before the battered man.
“You have three tries to tell me where they are,” Jaebeom spoke, far too calm for someone who had just been betrayed by one of his men. “If you even think about lying to me, I’ll riddle your body with so many bullets that no one will recognize your body once it’s found - if it’s ever found.” Without even waiting for a response, Jaebeom grabbed his handgun, placing it on the man’s thigh and firing it, “Better start talking.”
Your hands held Isak close to your bruised and bloodied body. One thing you were thankful for was the lack of light in the room as it provided you a way to hide the many injuries that had been inflicted onto you from your son, even if the groans and radiating pain intensified whenever he cuddled you. Little whimpers fell from his lips as he cried into your dirtied shirt.
Your heart broke as you shushed him, rubbing your hands along his back and hair, attempting to comfort him as best as you could in your state. Tears filled your own eyes as you took in the reality of the situation you were in - along with all the information you’d found out during the many hours of ‘interrogations’ you were put through by whoever this group was.
Jaebeom, your brother -whom you swore you saw gunned down right before your eyes - was alive.
Mark was alive.
Those two lying sons of bitches were alive and had let you live the past six, seven years of your life believing they had been killed.
And here you were being questioned about their location.
How the fuck would you, of all people, know?
Isak’s soft cries turned into sniffles as he fell asleep, your own eyes growing tired, both from the torture you’d endured and the past few… How long has it been? Hours? Days? Weeks? No. Not weeks. You’d be dead if it had been weeks.
Letting your mind rest, you fell into a light sleep, unsure of what your and Isak’s futures held.
Much like the night of your abductions, you awoke with a start - so did Isak - as the sound of gunfire and shouts rang out throughout the building you were in. Isak clung to you whimpering as he hid his face in your shirt. You did your best to wrap your body around him - a weak attempt at shielding his small body, giving him even the tiniest sliver of a chance a t surviving whatever it was that was going on out there. You shook as you tried to get him to quiet as his whimpers grew louder as the gunfire drew nearer.
All too soon, the gunfire stopped just as footsteps were barely heard stopping in front of the door to the room you were in. Thuds followed which you could only assume was someone making an attempt at breaking down the door, something you weren’t really you wanted to happen. It could be the police finally having been notified of you and your son’s sudden disappearance - but no one in this world was stupid enough to leave traces of that - or it could be yet another mob wanting their final taste of revenge on GOT7.
Either way, you were scared shitless for you and your son.
Then you heard him. The sound of his voice calling your name over and over again from the other side of the door.
“Mark,” you whispered. “Mark!”
Isak stopped crying looking at you strangely, before calling out the name you had just said realizing that you were far too quiet to be heard - genuinely afraid that whoever was there would leave if either of you didn’t respond, clearly they were there to help you if they sounded worried, right?
“Mark!” he shouted, his tiny voice still rough from the tears he’d shed. “Mark!”
The thudding got more and more frantic and frequent before a few more names were said, presumably more help - and the thudding was stronger until the door finally caved and in rushed one man before anyone else falling beside you.
“My love,” he whispered, taking you into his arms, choking up at the sight of you. He turned his attention to the little boy who was clearly trying to decide whether or not this ‘Mark’ was actually safe. It didn’t take long as he soon recognized the man’s face from the many pictures you’d shown him.
Mark let out a breath between a laugh and sob, as he cradled your body reaching out to touch his son’s face.
“Yeah, I’m your Dad.”
As you sat on the bed in the infirmity you avoided all eye contact with Mark and Jaebeom. Having saved you or not, they were not in your graces.
“We know it wasn’t right, but we had no other choice but to disappear in order to-”
“You didn’t disappear,” you snapped. “You faked your deaths and left me with six, almost seven years of grief. Not to mention having to raise our child by myself thinking you were dead and he was never going to know who you were.”
The last part was clearly directed at Mark, who winced at your words.
“I know it wasn’t right,” Jaebeom continued crouching down before you. “And I’m sorry that my decision brought so much pain and agony to you. But at the end of the day, I made the decision that would give me and my men the best chance at survival. The choice that would allow you to stay out of all of this mess. Clearly that wasn’t the case, but I don’t regret it.”
You looked away, tears welling in your eyes. You wanted to be selfish and hate both of them, hate your brother for everything, but you couldn’t. You knew he was capable of making the most gut wrenching decisions if it meant keeping the people he cared about safe and out of harm’s way, even if it brought pain in the process - at least they would be alive.
Jaebeom rose to his feet, “I think the two of you need to talk some more, I’ll go check on…Isak?”
He was clearly unsure of the way the name rolled off his tongue but smiled as he remembered the little mannerisms that the small boy had shown as he was treated by the mob’s doctors.
As soon as Jaebeom left the room, Mark took a step closer to the bed before sitting down after you didn’t move away.
“He looks a lot like me,” he commented, figuring you might be more willing to talk if it started off with your son.
“Acts like you sometimes too,” you add, cracking a tiny smile. “You have no idea how difficult it is to see him everyday. It’s like being haunted by your ghost.”
Mark nodded, in understanding. He couldn’t take away or undo anything that had happened. But he knew he could maybe change things for the better now…if you let him that is. Seven years was a long time.
“Listen,” he began, turning to face you. “I’m not going to ask you to forgive. What I did and went along with is not forgivable. I have hurt the two of you in ways I can’t even begin to imagine. But I need you to know that I’m extremely sorry for that. That, if given the chance, I would take it all back and rewind the clock.”
“Let me be in his life. I don’t care if you want a divorce after all of this. If you don’t want to ever see my face again. But please, please, let me in my - our - son’s life.”
You looked at him for a few minutes, not saying a single word. Despite not allowing them to fall, tears were welling on his eyes, threatening to spill over his waterline.
“I think he’d like that a lot,” you finally said, looking away. “Just, keep him out of all of this.”
“I promise!” he said without a single ounce of hesitation. “I swear I won’t allow anyone to rub a single hair on his head in the wrong direction.”
You smiled weakly, biting your lip, “As for me, just…just give me some time. It’s a lot.”
Mark cocked his head to the side. He couldn’t imagine what you were going through right now, all because of him. The very man who had vowed to never hurt you all those years ago.
“Of course.”
You went to say something when the sound of Isak’s voice filled your ears as he called for you rushing towards where you were on the bed, Jaebeom right behind him.
“Mommy, he said he’s your big brother!” he giggled, bouncing up and down his hands on your knees, as he pointed at Jaebeom. “He’s my uncle right?”
You smiled, running your hand over his reddened cheek - he must’ve been having fun with Jackson who had been tasked with distracting him while you were being examined - and nodded.
“Yeah. He’s your uncle. My big brother.”
Jaebeom smiled slightly at you as you finally looked him in the eye, “Do you want to go see your room?”
Your brows furrowed at his words before Isak pushed away from you and ran after Jaebeom who was already out the door.
“His room?” you asked, looking at Mark.
Mark scratched the back of his neck, “Yeah…Jaebeom and I think it’s best if you live here for a while. With him. Just until things settle down. I personally don’t want you going back to the house alone after what happened.”
You nodded, it would take some getting used to that’s for sure, but maybe you’d be able to move past it all quickly. Forgive and forget everything as best as you could. After all, you had them back. You finally had your family back.
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chicken-fifi · 3 months
Forgive and Forget (pt 2) | Mark Tuan (Mafia AU!) Imagine
Pairing: Mafia!Mark Tuan x Wife!Reader; Mafia Boss!Lim Jaebeom x Sister!Reader
Requested by anon: can i have mark tuan!mafia part 2 please?? his wife accept him back, thank youu
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 879 words
A/n: not quite how i feel about my portrayal of mafia aus but i would love to hear what you all think! happy that at least this one get an immediate happy ending....unlike babel...that book is destroying me and i love it. you can find part 1 right here!
Tunes: black clover :):)
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It had only been mere weeks since the whole kidnapping ordeal and it genuinely scared you how quickly you were adjusting to your new living situation. While you hadn’t been entirely closed off from the works of the underground world prior to Mark and Jaebeom faking their deaths, it was terrifying being around and exposed to just about everything that was going on behind the scenes. As much as Jaebeom did his best to keep things out of the home, both your and your son’s sake, it wasn’t any feat, with some of the violent aftermath making its presence known more oftentime than not.
Bloodied shirts, bruised skin, tattered jackets, the smell of gunpowder - inadvertently reminding you of the smell of violence - it all seemed to seep into your current life more than you would’ve preferred.
“Mom?” Isak called out, poking his head into your room where you were currently putting away some laundry. “When’s Dad coming home?”
Ah. Then there was Mark. 
While he didn’t live at the house with you guys, he was almost always there, driving Jaebeom up a wall. You had to give it to him though. Mark was trying his hardest to be a present father, and husband, never failing to spend time with the two of you to the best of his ability. It was truly moving to see him putting in as much effort as he was. 
Although that shouldn’t have been surprising to you in the slightest. Even when you were just dating years back and during the first few years of your marriage, he had been like this. Maybe it was the fact that he had so gracefully slipped back into his role as your man and didn’t so much as falter filling his role as a dad. It was hard to hold a grudge when you still loved the man as much as you did, and when he was so clearly doing his best to show you that his feelings for you hadn’t changed, only multiplied tenfold during your time apart. 
“Soon,” you responded softly, looking over at him as you folded a shirt. You hoped at least.
Isak went to say something when he heard the front door open and ran towards it giggling the entire way. As much as you figured it would be fine to allow him to wander to the front door to greet whoever had just arrived, you had absolutely no idea what condition they were in. Tossing aside the jeans you were now holding, you rushed out of the room, just barely managing to catch up to Isak and grab his arm just before he could reach the foyer.
And thank the heavens you made the choice you did because there stood a battered Mark being held up by a nearly unscathed Jaebeom. Your eyes widened taking in your struggling husband but pulled yourself together enough to address Isak, managing to convince him to go play in his room ( bribes were a parents best friend after all in time of great need ). With him gone, you rushed the two of them further into the living room, trying your best to find where Mark hurt the most to begin treating him as best as you could.
“I’m fine,” Mark groaned as your hands danced over his body. “Really, I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine!” you scolded. “Jaebeom, bring me the first aid kit.”
Not questioning you, Jaebeom rushed off to get the kit. You helped Mark get out of his shirt, wincing as you saw the number of bruises that were starting to bloom on his skin. And…were those burns?
“What happened?” you asked, pulling away slightly, taking the kit as Jaebeom offered it to you. “Go keep Isak distracted while I patch him up.”
With Jaebeom gone, Mark relaxed a bit only wincing when the alcohol stung a bit too hard in particular scrapes. “We were supposed to only do a routine weapons trade with a gang not far from here. They thought they could get away with more than they bargained for. Tried to blow up the whole pier.”
“You covered Jaebeom, didn't you,” you interrupted. Mark looked away from you. “You can’t make stupid decisions like that anymore, Mark! You have a son who practically idolizes you now that you’re in his life. And if you were to actually die this time…I don’t know what I would do with myself.”
Mark’s hands cupped your face, lifting it to look at his own. The pads of his thumbs wiped away the tears that you hadn’t realized had even fallen.
“Don’t cry,” Mark begged. “Don’t cry. Not for me. I can’t stand to see you cry.”
“How can I not? You mean too much for me to lose, again.”
Mark swore he felt his heart shatter at your words. Instead of saying anything he ignored the pain as he pulled you up and into his arms, holding you close to him. Neither of you said another word, there wasn’t any need to. Your actions alone spoke volumes all on their own. It was clear that you’d made your decision on taking him back. Taking your whole life back, even if it was no longer the same as before. You’d already forgiven and forgotten everything.
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chicken-fifi · 24 days
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KEY: Smut🌶️, Fluff 🥰, Angst 🥺, Violent 🔪, Ships 🚢, Suggestive 😏
Photograph 🥰 Forgive and Forget (Mafia AU!) 🔪🥺 | pt 2 🥺🥰
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