#maxattack powell orignal
maxattack-powell · 4 years
How do you think Chris and MC handle being quarantined?
MC snuggles into her favorite reading chair, flipping to her last read page of a classic favorite, looking forward to knocking out a few chapters before she has to get back to work around the house. Scanning the pages at rapid speed, she doesn't really seem to notice the first time Chris passes through the room.
She turns a page.
Her legs are curled under her, and at least two, if not three soft blankets are draped across and around her as she nestles further into the chair. It’s not cold, in fact, it's relatively warm outside this time of year, but when she becomes sedentary for a while as she reads, the air-conditioning can create a fairly strong artificial chill.
She turns a page.
She hears some activity in the kitchen for a few minutes before Chris passes back through the open living space. Her eyes lift briefly as she watches him return to wherever he came from just a short time before at a somewhat hurried pace. As he goes out of view and into another part of the house, her eyes fall back to the printed words in her hand, leaving her in relative silence once again.
She turns a page.
The silence doesn't last long though as the dogs come racing into the room. They cut towards the kitchen and breakfast area as they chase one another before they make a big loop and take off with lightning speed towards the last place she saw Chris. She shakes her head and turns her attention back towards the story.
She turns a page.
A muffled scolding breaks her concentration once more, the distinct sound pricking her ears as she realizes the dogs have now interrupted whatever Chris was doing as well. A small smile appears on her lips as she focuses back onto the written events in her hand, noting that this is where things start getting good.
She turns a page.
Chris enters the living space once again, this time heading towards the laundry room, possibly the garage. She can't tell, mostly because she doesn't really look up this time because the book's plot has taken a dramatic turn.
She turns a page.
He crosses the space again, this time mumbling something to himself as he goes into their office. She can't help but be curious this time, lifting her gaze from the pages as she wonders what he’s up to now. When he doesn't emerge immediately, she shrugs and dives back into her book.
She turns a page.
MC almost forgets he's in the office as she reads the last of a chapter. Almost. When Chris appears in the doorway, she can't help but look up and appreciate the view. Well, most of it. The frustrated look on his face almost takes away from his striking form, making her take mental note of the shorts he's wearing and how they are now a new favorite. His lip curls in an annoyed pout and she does her best to not smile. Before their eyes have a chance to meet, she turns hers back to the worn book in her hand.
She turns a page.
Chris is gone before she gets two sentences into the next chapter, making her even more curious about his activity. He stays gone for a while this time, letting her get through many pages before she has to look up again. It’s the way he sits on the couch nearby with a huff that permanently breaks her focus. When she does look up, she finds him staring up at the ceiling, a blank look on his face as his long body melts into the furniture.
She closes the book.
He doesn't respond at first, and she shifts, about to speak again when he sighs. “...ayuh?”
Her eyebrow arches as she waits for him to look at her, and she does wait. After a longer than necessary pause he finally rolls his head up, turning his attention to her. She presses her lips together, forcing her amusement at his annoyed expression to vanish.
“You okay?”
He looks at her for a moment, then sniffs a little as he rubs the ball of his foot on the floor. “I’m fine.”
MC can't help but smile then, his frustration evident. “Feeling cooped up?”
His nose scrunches up and he scoffs. “No. I enjoy our home.”
“You liar.” She laughs softly and sets her book down on the side table.
Chris shakes his head. “No, I really do. Especially when you're in it... I love that.” A small, cocky smirk appears on his lips and she chews on the inside of her cheek, very aware of what he was referring to.
“Uh huh…” Her eyebrow arches again and he shrugs, so she lets out a breath. “Okay, you're fine.”
He nods once and taps the balls of both feet on the ground. “Yeeeep.”
She pushes the blankets aside and stands, holding his gaze as she moves towards their bedroom. “So you wouldn't want to go for a hike or anything then… because you're fi-”
He bolts up and out of the chair before she can finish, making her squeal as he scoops her up and rushes to their room with a huge grin on his face. “I was thinking we could drive over to the Blue Hills Res… the dogs always like the Skyline Trail and most people don't go on that one.”
MC laughs as she wraps her arms around his neck. “The dogs huh?”
I have fun answering questions about my OTP in story form if possible lol... so I hope you enjoyed it. 
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maxattack-powell · 4 years
~Blog Reference Guide~
Sure. Let’s call it that.
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Fan Fiction
Chemical Reaction (A Nanny Affair Story)
The Freshman Chronicles - prequel stuffs!
The Morning After - Professor Kingsley *NEW*
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Twitch was on while I was working... does that count?
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maxattack-powell · 4 years
Beach time in Italy anyone?
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maxattack-powell · 4 years
Are we going to see some more of Peter in the near future of tfc? Don’t get me wrong I love Chris but I mean Henry Cavill🤤 And I’d love to see more of the relationship between Peter and MC. Have a great day❤️
Um... YES.
I’ll be honest... I picked Henry Cavill as a FC for selfish reasons. 😆 The more I include Peter in the story... the more I get to see this lovely specimen of a man:
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*happy sigh*
So yeah... there will be more Peter Randall. Heh...
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maxattack-powell · 4 years
Pick your poison...
Christian (Noah) Harris... and Mason Jennings
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The “bad boy” and the “childhood crush”... or are they?
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maxattack-powell · 4 years
So I was wondering if you were going to do more chapters from beccas prospective? Maybe one where Becca sees Chris and Mc from the practice makes perfect chapter 😏 *hint hint* p.s love this series!!
Hey @ pinkflamingo12123-blog!
I’ve thought about a few moments being told or well, revisited, from a handful of other characters... like Peter, Zig, or James, and of course... Nicole. 
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But now I’m curious what you think - how many other moments should be “seen” by others like Becca? What other than Practice Makes Perfect would be interesting to see?
Thanks for the ask! Can’t wait to see what you think. 😁
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maxattack-powell · 4 years
Happy birthday!
Hey @quiero-mas-bean-yo-te-quiero, I ran into Thomas earlier today, and he was on his way to give you something... I assured him you would like it. 😉
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Sorry it’s a little late - our time difference throws me off sometimes lol. 😅
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maxattack-powell · 4 years
Hi there! I am so excited for the next chapter of TFC!! 😊 Will you be posting it soon?💕
Hey Nonny!
I hope it’s soon...?! 
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I’m working on something from TFC... but it might not be what you think... 🤔😁
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